Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2021 – 08 – Charles Robertson – Dec 14, 2021 — Transcript

[Millennial Woes continues his tradition of a yearly Millenniyule series of interviews that started in Dec, 2016.

Here, in his 8th Millenniyule interview for 2021, Woes chats (86 mins) with Charles Robertson, an American YouTuber.

They discuss his experience of being at university on two separate occasions, the insane Left; his viral video on the Great Replacement, his Covid experience, how to talk about controversial topics with strangers, and more.







Millenniyule 2021 – 08


Charles Robertson


Dec 14, 2021




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Published on Dec 14, 2021


Millenniyule 2021: Charles Robertson

December 14th, 2021


Millennial Woes




Charles Robertson”s YouTube channel:

His Irreplaceable video:




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Woes: Hello. And welcome back to Millenniyule 2021. I’m now here with Charles Robertson, who is an American YouTuber. Would that be fair to say?


Charles Robertson: Yeah. I think that’s fair.


Woes: Yeah, okay. Now I discovered Charles a couple of months ago now from a video that was shared around of him giving a presentation at college. So Charles would you like to introduce yourself? And I guess we can get to that presentation later on in the narrative. But just briefly introduce yourself for now.


Charles Robertson: My name is Charles Robertson. I used to be an anonymous frog account. And now, I’m not.


Woes: Okay! [chuckling]. All right and you’re an American identitarian, or how do you?


Charles Robertson: Yes. I would say tribalist. I don’t really care about ideologies. I care about people. Like I’m not married to any economic system, or political structure. I’m concerned with my people I want what’s best for them. And if what’s best for them today is capitalism, then today I’m a capitalist. But if tomorrow it’s not, then tomorrow I’m not.


Woes: Okay. I think a lot of people could sympathize with that position. Okay. So we’re going to talk about the American college experience, because you are in a fairly unusual position in that you went to college in 2007 originally. And then again, ten years later, in 2018. So I think this enables you to talk about both the college experience today, but also as it was in the late 2000s.


So that’s quite interesting. Because as you said, there was a notable difference. I don’t know how notable it was, but we you can go into that.


So ostensibly college is about preparing a young person for the world, academically, or in terms of practical skills, and also socially. Giving them a taste of adulthood within a controlled environment. So that they can learn about the birds and the bees, and have some fun. And maybe even meet their future spouse. But primarily the purpose is to prepare you for the world of work.


So if that’s what it’s supposed to do, now give me your impressions of college in 2007 cin America.


Charles Robertson: Well, in 2007… I’d say that was a pretty accurate summation. Like you go, you sign up for classes, they taught you the classes. There was structures on like:


“Oh if you’re on this degree track you need to take these prerequisites. And then these core classes.”


You know, there were guidelines like that. But they didn’t have these like mandatory propaganda classes like they do now.


The other thing is that I remember the English composition class that I took in 2000, like early 2008, before the school I was going to, dropped the course I was taking. The composition class was almost entirely focused on like how to fill out a resume. Like how to fill out a resume. How to fill out like legal documents. They were teaching you like English composition. And they were using that as like the format for teaching you how to structure things.


Whereas when I started going in 2018, I can’t remember what they called it. But it’s where they cross curriculums, …


Woes: Multidisciplinary.


Charles Robertson: Yes! Thank you. It’s like you’ll go to an English composition class. And what they’re doing in the composition classes they’re teaching you how to structure your writing, right? And so it doesn’t really matter what their example material is, so long as it’s properly structured. And because of that they’ll slip in like, whatever Left-wing propaganda they want. And they’ll present that to you to read. And they’ll say:


“Oh this is just the format exemplar. And we’ll give a brief talk about why this piece of writing was so important for it’s time in 1964, or whatever.”


Woes: Right. So there’s slipping an ideology even in texts that should be fairly banal?


Charles Robertson: Right. One of my fellow students who is taking a math class that I was not taking showed me some of his work, and like the word problems. You know, where they’ll like tell you a little story. And you’ve got to solve the math problem within the story. Are rooted around things like how black people are discriminated against by police. And that’s why there’s disproportionate arrests. And things like that. Worked into the word problems for math homework.


And the thing is that all the students are just like they’re looking at this stuff. And we all get the vibe that they’re just trying too hard with this! You know what I mean?




Woes: Yeah.


Charles Robertson: Like I didn’t see any students who were just like:


“It’s good that they’re like shoehorning this into math, for no reason!”


Like nobody was saying that! It was just, like could they be more obvious? And another thing is that like, and maybe this is just because they were different schools. Like, I’m not 100% sure as to why this is. This is just anecdotal. But in 2007, and 2008, it felt like the students in the classroom were there because they wanted to be. Whereas in 2018, and 2019, it felt like they were there, because they thought they had to be!


Woes: I suppose we should say what were the subjects. I mean, what were you at college for in 2007?


Charles Robertson: In 2007 I was on track to be, I was in going for a nursing degree. I wanted to be a surgical technician. Because like I had I just gotten, I ditched high school. Like I was kicked out for never showing up to class, and being a general prankster, and miscreant. And I was kind of a scumbag when I was a teenager, not gonna lie! Got my GED, got enrolled, started going like immediately.


The school that I was going to dropped their surgical tech course like from the school altogether, because only me and like six other people signed up for it. And so from there I transferred to a different school, Savannah Technical College.


And Savannah Technical College, through a bureaucratic process that to this day I don’t even fully understand, found a way in which they got to keep my financial aid money. But I didn’t get to go to class. And they did this to me two semesters in a row.


And I was just like okay this is a scam. I’m not messing with you guys. And I just joined the workforce and worked for years. Until eventually like I found myself working for a construction company.


And some political things happened involving hired Labour. And I was like:


“You know what? I’m going back to school.”


Because I had been watching all of this stuff unfold. And I’d seen all of these Right-wing commentators saying like college is just a cesspit of liberal like, blah, blah, blah! And communism, …


Woes: Yeah, I think that really took hold. I mean, it was always there from the 70s, 80s, 90s. And in the 2000s. And I was at Art college in the 2000s. And it was subtle. But it was definitely there. I mean, you would never say there was a Right-wing bias. You’d have to be insane to say that! It was obviously a Left-wing bias.


But it was even at Art college in the early in the first half of the 2000s, it was fairly subtle. I mean, it wasn’t overbearing. Whereas I think it from the like 2010 onwards, it must have just transformed very rapidly. And yeah, people were saying that in 2018. Absolutely people were saying college today is an indoctrination centre. It’s nothing but a process of indoctrination. So yeah, take it away.


Charles Robertson: Oh well yeah. Like that’s the general vibe that everybody had. But I’ve always had like, and I recognize that. And that’s not wrong. Like, one of my professors had autographed communist propaganda flyers from Asia on the wall of his classroom! Right? So they’re not wrong when they say that.


But I am the kind, I don’t really listen to a whole lot of Right-wing content. I mostly listen to Left-wing content, because I want to hear what they’re saying. I like the argument, right.


So I went into university. Like all, right shields up, let’s see what kind of a fight these guys can are putting forward. Because there’s always the possibility that I’m just wrong! And they are, in fact, the smart boys! And they know something I don’t.


So I’m gonna walk into their house and see what they have to say. And they’ve got nothing to say! Like they’re entirely unprepared for us! Like you guys have no idea! If it wasn’t for Covid happening right now, I would still be in college right now, I don’t want to spend 14 grand to get kicked out for not being vaccinated. But the professors, they think they’re not in an echo chamber dude!


They are in an echo chamber at the top of an ivory tower, at the top of the mountains of delusion! All right? They have no connection to reality at all! They think that their straw men of our arguments, are our legitimate arguments! And they’re sitting around straw manning those straw men.


So when you sit in their classroom and they make some ludicrous claim. Like there’s no biological basis for the distinction between human races. And you just throw up your hand and go:


“Yeah, I just emailed you a list of five different sources showing why that’s not true. And I can go through them right. Now, if you’d like.”




Woes: Yeah.


Charles Robertson: When you do, they have they don’t know how to respond to stuff like that. They are not prepared at all.


Woes: There’s an interesting parallel here with Covid. I don’t want to get on to the Covid thing now. But we’ll get into that later. But I’ll just mention a parallel here where people used to think that their doctor, their local doctor, their GP, knew about basically everything. Like all of medicine. And, because medicine even 50 years ago wasn’t nearly as vast as it is today. The body of medical knowledge and the knowledge of medicines. And so on. And, you know, common conditions was fairly limited compared to today.


And so your average GP could know a great percentage of what there was to know. And I think people still have that conception in their heads. The GP knows what he’s talking about. And he knows everything.


But actually with Covid what we find out is that the GP is just repeating what he’s been told from on high. And I think in the same way we used to have. Well a lot of people still do have this conception if the college lecturer, or the university lecturer, as a highly learnt man! A very educated man.


And, in fact, in this age, the truth is that they are just repeating stuff that they have been told. And they really don’t understand it in fully, at all! Even their own side of it, let alone our side of things. Their understanding is extremely limited. Not only do they not understand the concepts, they don’t even know the concept!


And it’s something like that there’s no biological basis for distinguishing between different races. Well, first of all, obvious answer to that is:


“Well then, what is White privilege? What is White supremacy? What is racism? How can you be racist if there are no races?”


Yeah, that kind of stuff. But then also biologically. So there’s more diversity within racism between them. But that doesn’t matter, because it’s inconsequential genes, where the variances within a race. Whereas the genes which vary between races are much more consequential! And this kind of stuff, they don’t know that! All they know is, they’ve heard some clever guy saying:


“There’s no biological basis for different races.”


And then they think that’s it! They think that’s all there is to it.


Charles Robertson: Yeah.


Woes: So they just need to repeat that, and it works. When they come up against someone who actually knows about the topic it’s very easy for them to be completely at sea.


Charles Robertson: Oh. I have a great story to like perfectly exemplify what you’re talking about. When I was in my Composition to class, which is the class that I made the presentation for. The assignment was we had to make an argumentative presentation and essay, on any existing policy, or law. And I asked my professor:


“Can I do a united [word unclear] policy?”


She said:




I asked my professor:


“Can I record it and post it to the internet?”


And she said:


“Yes. But as long as you don’t record any of your fellow students without their permission.”


I said:




But while I was doing research for my essay, I went to my anthropology professor, because I wanted to get her take on Replacement Migration. And I scheduled time to meet with her in her office. And I emailed her a link to the UN’s website about Replacement Migration. Because she had never heard of it!


Woes: Can you just describe what you’re talking about. So that people know. Is this the UN’s definition, or policy.


Charles Robertson: Oh no, If you go to and just search “replacement migration”. It’s a policy proposal. It doesn’t have any kind of enforcement arm. But I don’t know of any UN policies that do. It’s something that member states are just kind of politely expected to participate in like most other UN policies. It’s right there clearly stated on the UN’s own website.


And I sent her the link to it. And I met with her in her office. And I sat down at the desk. And it was great, because she gave me this look right here. [hand clashed together with fingers interlocked] And she said:


“So I looked up, like I Googled your replacement migration thing and every article that I found was saying that. This was a racist, neo-Nazi, White supremacist, conspiracy theory. And then I followed the link in your email to the UN’s own website, where they outlined this plan. And this seems like it was deliberately designed to cause as many cultural problems as conceivably possible!”


[Laughter from Woes] I was shocked! I thought that I was walking in there expecting some kind of like really elaborate mental gymnastics routine as to why this was good. And she’s just like:


“No! This is obviously stupid!”


I was floored! But she had just no familiarity! She had never heard of this. She hadn’t even heard about the conspiracy theory. Like she hadn’t even caught the false framing of it. It was totally off her radar. And when I presented it, she started drawing parallels to all of the conflicts that cropped up in Africa when White people just kind of started drawing arbitrary lines on a map, and kind of shoehorning tribes into like warring factions of tribes into the same jurisdictions. She started drawing parallels to that. And I was just like:


“I never thought about it that way. But yeah, that’s a good example as to why this is awful!”


It was really interesting, especially considering I had been butting heads with her like all semester about the race issue.




Woes: Did she become a sort of ally at that point?


Charles Robertson: Kind of!


Woes: I don’t want to endanger her career!


Charles Robertson: Like, yeah, I’m not going to like dox her, or anything. Like fortunately for her, I’m terrible with names, and I can’t remember her name. I would have to look it up. And so I couldn’t dox her, if I wanted to.


But yeah, I know like that was an interesting one. I had so much fun in college! I had so much fun in college! I strongly encourage, if you’re like a hardcore Right-winger who knows the sources. You’ve got source material, the facts, the arguments, you’ve got the stuff to back it up, go there! Go to college! Major in the humanities. Walk right into their classroom. Sit there and just go:


“That’s wrong! I just posted sources to how it’s wrong in the group chat, for the class!”


That every class sets up to help each other with homework and stuff. You just shatter it!


Woes: Obviously people will hear that. And they’ll think:


“Ah! But there must be dangers.”


So I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Could you get expelled?


Charles Robertson: You at a private university, absolutely! If you go to a private university you can totally get expelled. Go to state schools! Just go to state schools.


In the United States, anyway, they’re like held under the auspices of the First Amendment. They can’t expel you for your political beliefs and stuff like that. Like actually, I didn’t even know that this had happened.


But after my presentation went viral, the Hispanic students union held a walkout protest demanding that I’d be kicked out of school. I had no idea that this even happened, until like two weeks later.


Woes: So that is something that could happen, but it presumably it didn’t work, because this has no effect.


Charles Robertson: Yeah. Every semester they would host these talks called “Courageous Conversations”, where the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion would bring students and faculty together to have courageous conversations about the contentious issues of our day, right.


So obviously I went to this. And I’m sitting there and they give this brief presentation about equity. And one of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ladies takes the microphone and says:


“Okay. Last time we held this talk a lot of students complained that we did too much of the talking. And they didn’t get to talk enough. So this time we’re just going to pass the microphone around the room.”


And then some dude takes the microphone and he talks about, like I don’t know, something, or other. It could have been anything. I have no memory. Because the person who took the phone after him was this young Hispanic woman. She was really nice. And she got up and she explained that last semester a student gave a presentation about a White replacement conspiracy theory. And I just shot up my hand and said:


“Yeah! That was me!”




Woes: [laughing] What was she expecting? That you would be nervous and scared?


Charles Robertson: I don’t think she was expecting me to be there at all! [chuckling] she shot me a look, like the look she gave me could have killed! Like it was amazing! I will remember that look for the rest of my life.


Woes: [chuckling] I mean, did you get a chance to defend your right.


Charles Robertson: Oh yeah! Because like after she got done talking, all of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion officers, quite to my surprise, looked dead at the microphone guy and pointed at me like I was on fire! And he ran the microphone over to me. And I was just like:


“Hi! I’m Charles! I did the Powerpoint presentation. I didn’t think it was gonna be a big deal!”


Like obviously, you know, it was the very first video I had ever posted to the internet. It was the very first thing I had ever posted to the internet under my name, all right. And when I posted it. I thought to myself:


“Wouldn’t it be cool if this like went viral, and everybody saw this, and it caused a huge stink! That would be pretty neat! Definitely not going to happen. But that would be pretty neat.”


And then it did! I didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal!


Woes: It is cool. Do you want to talk about that presentation now, because we’ve introduced it. So let’s talk about the the content of it. And I’ll link to it in the comments.


Charles Robertson: So basically like I said the assignment was to create a presentation and an essay on any existing policy, or law. I chose replacement migration. Some of my fellow students also had some based presentations as well like one guy did a presentation on how we need to end birthright citizenship. Somebody else gave a presentation about gun rights it was college. So like I think half the class gave a presentation on how marijuana should be legal. And it’s just like okay. Well no, it was like half it was either marijuana should be legal, or college student athletes should be paid it was. One of those two things. And then other people had like actual things to say.


There was one young lady gave a presentation on like nuclear power and the policies centreed around how like political policies are really impeding that. And that actually persuaded me I became like a supporter of nuclear power, because of her.


But anyway so the general argument of my presentation is that the just like the UN says, the population of these countries is decreasing and needs to be that can cause economic problems for the future of the country. So we just need to move these booming populations into the shrinking populations. Now, in the United Nations policy it doesn’t just single out White countries. It actually includes in the list Korea and Japan. Like South Korea and Japan are included on the list, because they’re also experiencing population decline. And because the UN cites them in addition to all of the White countries, like all of them.


That gave me an in. Where I knew that if I talked about if I just went straight into White people. The audience would just shut down, because they’re programmed to shut down when you start talking about White people being people.


So I just kind of defaulted over to talking about Japan. And then I use Japan to segue into Britain. And then I use Britain to segue into America. And because like you get your foot in the door by talking about the Japanese, because nobody in the class has anything against Japanese. At least a third of the class is anime nerds. They’re going to sympathize with this position all right.


And then you just segue over, because like we’re all equal, right? So like the rules that apply to Japanese people those rules apply to British people too. And you get to segue that over to America.


And now you’ve gotten them into having a, you know, politely listening about something that they otherwise, if you just dove straight into White people in America they would have shut down immediately.




Woes: It’s amazing that we’re at this position where to talk about protecting your own population will get your own population to rebel. And they’ll be repulsed by the idea. So you’ve got to actually trick them into caring about their own existence.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, it’s bizarre, amazing! I don’t.


Woes: I mean, it really is a testament to how clever the programming has been to get to that point I don’t know what to say.


Charles Robertson: Yeah when the average person considers like the idea that we should preserve our own existence to be a radical position. Like that’s its so bizarre! And like when you point out the absurdity of that to them. It’s like something amazing happens, because I was the last presenter, right dude. I wish the last minute had recorded if the last minute had recorded if the last minute of my presentation had recorded it would have got a million views, not a hundred thousand!


Woes: What happened in that last minute?


Charles Robertson: Yeah I told the class at the end of the presentation on the video I give the list of like what we can do as a society to help offset this demographic decline that we’re in. But then I end it with like what you can do personally. And I told them study immigration policies. Not just of the United States, but also other countries.


So, because you don’t want to think that the immigration policy of the United States is the norm. You need something to compare and contrast it to. So like study immigration policies broadly. And come to your own conclusions. And I told them:


“I don’t expect you to believe anything that I’ve told you all right. I do my best to make it interesting so that you’ll look it up, because I’m just some guy. And I’m confident that if you actually like do the homework you’ll come to similar conclusions as me.”


Woes: Yeah. I mean, I thought it was a very well done presentation. I thought it was cleverly structured and, you know, fluid delivery. And all this it was very good. One of the things that impressed me was as we’ve just said how you made things palatable that that should be palatable. And there is perfectly reasonable stuff to talk about. But you made stuff palatable that would otherwise be very controversial.


One of them was at one point you actually alluded to racial IQ differences I can’t remember how you said it exactly, but you talked about popular less capable.


Charles Robertson: What I did was I talked about the cultural differences. And how Robert Putnam did the largest sociological study ever conducted in American history. And I actually have this quote memorized:


“The greater the diversity in a community the fewer people vote, and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity, and work on community projects. In the most diverse settings neighbours trust in one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study the largest ever on civic engagement in America found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.”


All right. So I like touched on the issue of how like racial diversity is like corrosive to society. But I used their words. I cited the New York Times as a source. I took all of these like protective measures. And I did a kind of psychological trick on them. Where before I said any of that, I said:


“This is the part where you guys are going to hate me!”


All, right? And so when someone is like building up a kind of like anti-position to you where they’re starting to think:


“Oh wait. This is the bad guy. And I’m the good guy. So I need to be opposed to the bad guy.”


When you then say to them:


“All right, this is where you start to hate me!”


They don’t know what to do now. Like part they want you to be wrong, but also like they are starting to hate you. So they have to sit there and act like they don’t, and listen, and wait for. They’re looking for that chink in your armour they can go for it. But there isn’t any. So you’ve got them.


There’s all kinds of, … It sucks! It really sucks that you have to do this. But you have to play all of these stupid little mental chess games with these people! Just to get them to have the capacity to listen to you! Because they’re programmed with so many key words where, like, you can literally like watch their eyes glaze over. And then just stop listening to you.


The moment that you say things like White Identity. Like those two words right next to each other. It’s like when women talk about shoe shopping [chuckling]. It’s like you’re there. But you’re not!


Woes: Yeah. I think is a major problem for people who want to push these issues. I do think that most White people and just are not interested in racial issues. Their racial identity, and their racial group, ethnic group. I think and it might be that it’s artificial.


That 100 years ago they were completely different, or it might be that even then they were your average White person was just more concerned with his own life. I think that this is the thing that I think White people admire someone who makes his own way in life. And the idea of someone placing a lot of importance on his group identity therefore strikes them as a kind of cop out, or a way out of being a successful individual is to just identify as that with this group. So then you can be a loser. But at least you’re a White loser. But you’re still a loser to me, kind of thing.


Charles Robertson: So this is something we’re gonna get around.


Woes: Yeah, exactly.


Charles Robertson: The whole like rugged individualism thing. And like I’ve made a couple Youtube, I think I’ve made a couple I know I’ve definitely made one YouTube videos about talking about individualism. And it’s like kind of just obvious failings. But when confronted with people making that argument. Like the individualist argument is like, have you ever played monopoly?


Woes: Yeah, but a long time ago no not for ages.


Charles Robertson: Okay I want you to imagine a scenario where you’re playing monopoly all, right? And so are eight other people. So it’s a nine person game of monopoly. And everyone else is teaming up.


Woes: Yeah. This is they’re colluding.


Charles Robertson: Yeah.


Woes: There was a fantastic quote from Greg Johnson about this. He gave a speech called The Refutation of Libertarianism. And he said:


“Individualism blinds it’s players to the collectivist cheats.”


So as if you’re playing as an individual you assume that everyone else is as well. And therefore they can get away with actually teaming up into cartels. And so on, because you will assume that they’re not doing that. So you’re sort of red meat to them. And this is what we see.


I mean, you see this all over Europe and America Canada, that ethnic groups do behave ethnocentrically. And White people are just left they’re just screwed. I mean, they’re just left baffled as to how they’ve lost that neighbourhood and that company and that school. And so on. Sorry I interrupted you. But yeah.


Charles Robertson: I understood where you were, you’re exactly right. Another good one that I’ve heard. And this one’s more boomer tiered, but I’ve heard this one a lot is that like:


“Well I never thought of myself as White! I always thought of myself as an American!”


Woes: Yeah that would have worked in the 80s. That’s a great idea, nice idea.


Charles Robertson: Doesn’t work now! Doesn’t work now! The George Floyd riots did a masterpiece of getting rid of that, because now whenever, like I’ve heard that three times since the George Floyd riots. And every time somebody says that to me I respond with:


“I’m sure if you just politely explain that to the BLM rioters, as they’re ripping you, kicking, and screaming, out of your car, they won’t stomp your head into the pavement! I’m sure that they’ll be just very reasonable. And they’ll understand perfectly that you’re not a White person, you’re just a person who happens to be White!”




Woes: Yeah. I mean, there was like a meme a few weeks ago, or I can’t remember it wasn’t an expression.:


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t hate them, they will still hate you!”


And this is to do with obviously BLM, and racial activists, who are absolutely motivated by anti-White hatred. I mean, there’s no question of it. All this bollocks about equality, and more money for them programs, and all that stuff. It really ultimately is that they are motivated by anti-White racism. There is no need for another word.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, it’s unquestionable! Like to look at the behaviour of like BLM and antifa and to even try to make the argument that they’re not motivated by at least some level of anti-White like bigotry is just ridiculous. It’s like staring you in the face.




And it’s like this recently the kind of normie-tier liberals conservatives were kind of forced to start acknowledging the racial root of the matter with all of the CRT in schools. Like that finally coming to light after we evil conspiracy theorists have been screaming about it for years.


Suddenly Covid happens all the kids have to start taking school online. Mom sees what the kid’s actually learning in school, and goes:


“Wait a minute! And there’s like this new stuff they’re putting in schools!”


Like yo! Folks this ain’t new! Like this has been going on for a while!


I read the diary of Anne Frank four times in public school! I read it in fourth grade. I read it in fifth grade. I read it in seventh grade. And I read it in 9th grade! This has been going on for a while.


Woes: The thing about CRT that’s amazing with the Left, is that they’ll say:


“It’s not education, it’s not propaganda, it’s not indoctrination, it’s really a legal thing.”


But then they’ll insist that they be allowed to teach it in schools. So then it’s obviously not still just a legal thing. It might have originated in that. But it’s now so, because it’s now obviously propaganda indoctrination. And it’s an educational thing. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for, demanding the right to teach it in schools. I mean, the obvious lie there, is amazing!


Charles Robertson: This is the kind of like sophistry of our modern discourse that drives me completely insane! It’s that like people, they form these attachments to these words. And I’ve heard you, and some of your other guests talking about:


“Well, what even is the Left?”


Like, because If you go back to its like etymological origins with the French Revolution, you get into all this like wordy word word stuff. About like what this means. No! No! Words are just symbols. Symbols that represent real things in the real world. A word is just a symbol that represents a real thing that actually exists out there.


And so when I say “the Left”, you know, who I’m talking about, right? And when I say like the “woke mob”, you know, who I’m talking about. When I say “Right-wing”, you know, who I’m talking about.


But what the Left will do, is they know that like midwits are not capable of distinguishing between the word and the concept that the word represents. Because it’s just a limitation of their thinking. And so they’ll just sit there, and bend, and twist, and do whatever they have to make the word what they need it to mean right now, in order to win the conversation. And it’s so frustrating! And like really stupid!


Woes: It’s one of those things that infuriates me when they’re openly lying. And they’re lying. They know they’re lying. But they also know that it will work for them. So you have to really hold them, like hold it. And get it very clarified. Get them to admit certain things. Because otherwise they’ll just twist it.


Charles Robertson: Mm-hmm.


Woes: And, as you say, they won’t know the difference. That’s the trouble.


Charles Robertson: Right! And it’s like that video I sent you where I was talking about the debate between Destiny and Martinez. Where they’re debating the Great Replacement.


Woes: Oh well, Destiny is expert at pretending to misunderstand things. And needing them to be defined. And it’s just so incredibly tedious!


Charles Robertson: Yeah, that’s the exact word I was going to use, “tedious”. It’s just like:


“I’m going to sit here and pretend to not understand what you’re talking about, for the sake of like trying to pick apart your definition.”


Because you just want to say the thing, and then move on to the point. But no, he wants to sit there and if I just get you to keep defining things, eventually you’re going to define something in a kind of lazy way. And then I’m going to be able to play with that and twist it around and form a linguistic solution! That’s something that my contemporary philosophy professor talked about a lot was “linguistic solutions” to problems.


Woes: Right.


Charles Robertson: Like it means that like if there’s some kind of like cultural problem with a society, or maybe like any group of people right has a kind of culture laden within it. From a sports team all the way up to like the human race, at large. And if you’ve got some kind of like cultural problem within that system you can change the language that they use to describe their problems, and their solutions.




So that cultural problem just kind of falls out of existence. Maybe, because you don’t have a word for it anymore. Maybe, because you changed the definitions of a few things so that we can discuss topics in this field without ever landing on that problem. But it’s literally just verbal gymnastics, to avoid reality! And I said to him in class. I was just:


“Listen! There’s no linguistic solution to being at the top of a tree waiting for the pack of wolves at the bottom of the tree to go away, right. There’s no linguistic solution to that. Because that’s a real problem.”


Woes: Exactly. And with Destiny I wish that he would be forced into a situation where he just had to be a realist. Where he just hadn’t faced reality. So that he couldn’t go for this endless sophistry, and point missing, and obfuscation. And if you just had to deal with reality, I’d love to watch that. Because it would be satisfying to see him finally having to be honest!


Charles Robertson: I would love! I would love to debate Destiny. But I got locked out of my Twitter account for defending Kyle Rittenhouse. And now all I have is Gab. And I don’t know how to get a hold of him. So if any of, you know how to get a hold of him, let him know I want to debate him on the Great Replacement.


And my argument is essentially that he has already conceded. And that I have won. That’s my argument. Because at the start of the debate with Martinez, he conceded that the White population is in decline, and the non-White population is at an increase. And this effectively amounts to the White population being replaced by the non-White population. Right. Yeah, that’s the thing! Okay. We acknowledge that the problem is there. We need to now move on to a discussion about how to solve the problem.


Woes: See I would also say that that problem is being artificially induced, you know, by discouraging child birth in White countries and all that. But then he would say:


“But that also affects the non-Whites in those countries.”


Charles Robertson: Here’s the thing. Here’s the real rub there, all right. Whether, or not, whether, or not, it’s being deliberately induced doesn’t matter.


Woes: That’s true! That’s a good point.


Charles Robertson: Like it is irrelevant to the conversation. And I mean, like I said this exact same thing in my YouTube video. Like when I’m driving my car and I discover that my brakes are not working, it does not matter if someone cut them, or not. What matters is getting the car safely to a stop and not dying in a crash.


Okay, once I’ve gotten the car safely to a stop, then we can investigate. Now finding out why the brakes doesn’t work. But it matters now! But while I’m in the car, it doesn’t matter if I ran over something and the brake lines got snagged. Or if one of my countless evil, psychotic exes, decided to cut my brake lines. Like none of that matters. What matters is I need to get this car safely to a stop.


Woes: Exactly. The reality remains the same. The current situation remains the same regardless of its origins.


Charles Robertson: Yeah. And then from there the only thing that they can argue is they can just fall into the nonsense nihilism argument of:


“Why does it even matter?”


And then you just reply that back to them. Like:


“Why does anything matter?”


Like, why does anything matter? Why does this conversation matter? Why does this planet matter? Why does the sun matter? Like what this is nonsense! Like existence is preferable to non-existence! This fact is self-evident! To argue that this is not self-evident is an argument from absurdity.


I do not have any obligations, moral, or otherwise to justify the existence of my people to you, or anyone else! I can see that my people are facing an existential threat. That is a problem. I want that problem addressed! This problem is not unique to my people.


The Tibetan people are also facing an existential threat of a similar makeup. They’re facing demographic replacement and extinction as a consequence of it. Theirs is obviously deliberate and concern for that issue was considered a Left-wing issue in the 1990s.


But then, when people started making parallels between the Tibetan issue and the California issue, which is when like Whites were being demographically replaced by Hispanics, or I’m sorry Mestizos. I can’t remember what the correct term for those people is. But I learnt recently that Hispanic is just a word to describe Spanish speakers and it is not actually applicable to the people south of the Mexican border.




Woes: I think it is Mestizos.


Charles Robertson: Yeah yeah, you know what I’m talking about like the real thing that I’m representing with.


Woes: This Mestizo Americans.


Charles Robertson: Yeah whatever But yeah, those guys. People started drawing parallels between the Tibetan issue and the California issue. And then the Left just stopped talking about it and no one ever brought it up again


And then the Dalai Lama had our back like back in I think it was 2017. The Dalai Lama said Europe was for Europeans. And I was just like:


“Dude! Every chance I get I’m gonna bring up the Tibet issue, because you’ve got my back. I’ve got yours!”


Woes: Yeah, I think that was when he basically got de-platformed. You never hear about him now.


Charles Robertson: Oh yeah no.


Woes: He’s sort of been unpersoned, because clearly he hasn’t been to Davos enough. So he’s still got, you know, sane ideas about these things.


Charles Robertson: Did you hear about what China did in that what was it Doctor Strange, that Marvel movie Doctor Strange? About the sword.


Woes: No no.


Charles Robertson: Okay so part of the back story for Doctor Strange is that he goes to the Tibetan mountains and learns sorcery there from this like ancient Tibetan monk right. Well China doesn’t like acknowledge the existence of the Tibetan people as a distinct people.


So they put pressure on Marvel Studios, through like their connections at Disney and they made marvel cast a White woman to play the ancient Tibetan monk! That freaking strange learnt sorcery film.


Woes: So then Disney would have that problem to deal with. That they’ve cast a White actor, you know,


Charles Robertson: But like dealing with Whitewashing the character was less blowback than dealing with acknowledging the existence of the Tibetan people. Because if they had acknowledged the existence of the Tibetan people they wouldn’t have been able to sell the movie in China.


Woes: See, this is the first example I’ve heard of Hollywood actually bending the knee to China. I’m sure there are other examples.


Charles Robertson: The Red Dawn remake. Don’t watch the remake, it’s terrible! China was supposed to be the villain of the Red Dawn remake. But they literally said:


“We will not print your DVDs if you make us the villain.”


So they did this last minute like convoluted, cockamamie, nonsense, scheme to say that North Korea basically like rose up took over all of Asia and then invaded the United States!


Woes: [Laughter] Well that’s preposterous! But I is this, because China is now such a massive market for, because for films, because this is something I’ve noted recently the last couple of years. That Hollywood just doesn’t seem to be as big a thing in our culture, as it used to be. I mean, 20 years ago it was a massive part of daily life. Now it doesn’t seem to be seems to be falling away.


Charles Robertson: I’m sorry first I just remembered two things. First of all, I wanted to apologize to you that you are a Scottish person and the politics in my country affects your country! I think that’s kind of messed up! I’m sorry about that! Also a very dear friend of mine insisted that I ask you this. And you’re such a charismatic person that I almost forgot.


Woes: Is that about fried Mars bars?


Charles Robertson: No it’s I need you to say the words “purple burglar alarm”.


Woes: [laughing] Yeah this came up a few months ago. Yeah, okay I’ll do it, “purple burglar alarm”, all right?


Charles Robertson: You succeeded, all right. I’m sorry I got ADHD out there. But I had to get that out before I forgot it again.


Woes: That’s fine! That’s fine. Where was I? Forgot what I was saying.


Charles Robertson: China and they’re an economic powerhouse, because they’re such a huge market.


Woes: Oh yeah, whereas Hollywood’s cinema it just doesn’t seem to be as big a thing now as it was to like 20, 30 years ago. And I think that. Yeah, there are multiple reasons for this. But I think that I can understand why Hollywood would now feel an economic imperative to placate China. But I don’t know, I don’t believe that they the Chinese own Hollywood studios, or whatever.


Charles Robertson: This is actually kind of a built-in shortfall of capitalism, because like the American economy was growing, it was growing really strong. It was growing for a really long time.


But it’s kind of like the United States and China, it’s kind of like Bitcoin and some other crypto-currency, right? Like everybody made a lot of money off of Bitcoin who got into it in the early days. Like their investment grew it climbed to the top. It’s raining supreme. It’s a strong currency, right.


But there are these other coins out there that have the potential to explode to just as high of a level as Bitcoin did. And so if you want a stable investment you put your money in Bitcoin right now. But if you want to potentially like yield high rewards, yield high returns, off of that investment you’ve got to invest in something that hasn’t exploded yet.


And our ruling class not just in America but in like the West at large, has invested a lot of money in China, because they’re expecting to see a lot of industrial and economic growth coming out of China. All right? That’s where the numbers are small, but the numbers are going to be big later. And so like that’s what it is.


So when you take capitalism and apply it on a global stage there is an obvious incentive for your aristocracy, your noble class, your ruling class, to just straight up abandon the country economically!


Because if I can take my million dollars and go to some Third World bitch country and invest it in some Third World bitch company and buy all the stock for a penny. And then the stock goes up by two pennies, I just tripled my money!




Woes: Yeah indeed. I don’t know about this stuff. So I’m not qualified to comment on it. But it does seem like it’s speculators, capitalists, financiers, and all this are obviously making a killing in different ways. And I know that China, there are high hopes for. It does seem like it’s going to be the superpower in the near future. I mean, that has very interesting implications for America.


Charles Robertson: If it survives. I don’t know. Like I used to be the guy who could tell you what was gonna happen like two years out, but ever since Covid I have no idea what’s going on.


They got me so bad with Covid dude. They got me bad! When this all first came out, I literally like, called my job. Said I wasn’t going in. I immediately switched over to online classes as soon as it was an option. I locked myself in my room. Not in my house. In my room! For like two months. Because the stuff I was reading. I thought that this was like some kind of leaked bio-weapon that was like gonna sterilize the population, or something.


And I was like nope! I bought the mask, I bought the gloves. I think I spent like $300 on lysol. And I was already a kind of paranoid guy. So I had like food and stuff stocked up. And I just lived off that. They got me bad man! I bought it hook line and sinker!


But then like as more, and more, like information started coming to light out of all these other countries they were like:


“Oh wait a minute! I was played! Like this is a bad cough!”


It’s a really bad cough. Like I know a lot of people who have gotten it. Interestingly, I don’t know anyone who smokes cigarettes who has caught this virus! Like other people have also made this observation. I don’t know if this is just a fluke of where I’m at in the world, or if there’s something to that. But I do not know a single person who smokes cigarettes regularly, who has had any problems with the virus at all.


Woes: Well. I mean, I don’t know anyone who’s had serious problems with the virus, smokers, or otherwise. It’s I certainly don’t know anyone who’s died from. It’s clearly been massively overhyped, …


I mean, this is something I want, because we were going to talk about Covid. I think the American experience of Covid has been quite different from the British, the European, and the Australian, and the Canadian experience.


Would you like to summarize what the last two years have been like? Sort of from March 2020. I know that it’ll differ by State as well.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, and I left one State and moved to another one during that time. So when this all started I was still in Georgia. I was still going to Georgia Southern University. During the lockdowns I posted two YouTube videos. One what I called “Trouble Breathing” and it was basically a very a way to long book review. About the book “Breathing” by Franco Berardi which is the communist propaganda book that we were assigned for my contemporary philosophy class. He actually explicitly says in the book:


“He doesn’t understand why procreating is considered preferable to not procreating.”


Like that’s a quote. But anyway, I also did a YouTube video about my final paper for that class. Which I titled “Reconstructing Whiteness”. Which I think that you’ll love if you watch it. You definitely should. But yeah, I spent that time like locked in my house just watching everything through Twitter and like social media feeds. And everybody just kind of went in their house and stayed there. Except for the people who thought that it was all nonsense. But like all of the people that I knew who thought it was nonsense, were kind of crazy! Anyway, as I’m seeing all this happen I was like:


“Okay, so I know riots are coming. I just don’t know when and I don’t know what’s going to spark them. And I know that I don’t want to be living in Savannah, Georgia, when they start.”


So I ran off to the old hometown. I’m in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. And it’s like living in a snow globe here. Like most people have like barely any internet connection, because it’s so rural. And this stuff just kind of didn’t exist to them. Like the people who watched CNN were taking it seriously. But everybody else was just like:


“Meh! Whatever!”


Because this is a part of the country where like men in their 70s will drive out into the freaking forest to chop down trees by themselves, with no cell phone reception. And like they don’t even consider this a risky endeavour. So they didn’t really care much here.




Woes: Right yeah.


Charles Robertson: But by the time that it did sweep through people were shocked! A lot of people didn’t think it was real. But it swept through. Like my grandparents got it, and they’re fine. Lost sense of smell for a while. And they had like really bad aches. Like it’s a bad cough! Like it’s not just a cough. Like it’s a bad cough! But is it like shut down the world supply line, bad? No! No, this was massively overhyped.


Woes: Yeah, I agree.


Charles Robertson: But China had dudes in storm trooper apparel marching down the street with flamethrowers shooting lysol! Like they were bolting people in their apartments and stuff. So like when I saw all that stuff I was like:


“Oh no! This is serious!”


And then, I was kind of disappointed actually. Like this is the plague?


Woes: Yeah. Is this going to be the apocalypse? I think there were some people who were sort of gearing up for that almost, you know, sort of yeah, desperado fantasy. This is going to be like the video games where you’ve got to explore a devastated post-apocalyptic landscape and find supplies and all that. And that actually it really didn’t turn out that way at all.


Charles Robertson: No! It’s the lamest like authoritarian power grab I think in political history. It’s so like, …


Woes: But it’s been very effective, though?


Charles Robertson: It has. And that’s the thing. I think the reason it’s been so effective is, because of how boring it is.


Woes: Right.


Charles Robertson: And it’s full of, like it gives all of the lazy people all of the cop-outs that they need. It’s just like:


“Oh! I actually don’t want to go to work, because I hate my job. And my life. And I just kind of want to sit at the house playing video games. So I’m quarantined guys! I’m just being responsible! As I turn up my Xbox again!”


Like I think that there’s a lot more of that than anyone’s willing to admit.


Woes: Oh yeah that’s a part of that. I think that it does appeal to a Leftist, a certain type of Leftist, who’s just a layabout, parasite, lazy. Yeah sure. But I think that it also appeals to the type of Leftist who’s much more engaged and well, ideological and really engaged into the world.




Charles Robertson: It gave them a whole new set of virtue signaling tools. Because like all of the old virtue signals that they had in their like tool box were getting kind of played out. They needed something new. And this was a great, …


And like I don’t think that it was some kind of like elaborate plot. I think that it was really just a kind of attack of opportunity. Because if you look at how when it was first going down, the Left kind of tried to pretend it wasn’t happening. Like, I don’t know about in your country.


But in my country like Nancy Pelosi and some others like literally went to Chinatown and told you to hug Chinese people! To prove that you weren’t racist for believing in the Wu Flu. And then, like within a month of that they just tried to act like that never happened. And they were taking it seriously the whole time.


Woes: There was a complete sea change over the course of March, late February, first half of March. And it’s quite incredible.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, it was this like perfect 180. And I think that I this might be a little bit like tinfoil hat. But I think that what happened there was the lobbyists, or shills, who are representing like the, CCP in Washington DC, were telling they’re like sympathetic Democrats and Republicans alike, like this is the narrative. This is not a real virus. And when the, CCP realized that they had absolutely no way of getting a handle on this, they said:


“All right, that old narrative that’s not gonna work! Nobody’s gonna buy that! We gotta flip it now!”


And they just did. And they flipped it. And they found a way to make it work for them, because it gave them all of the power grab opportunities they were looking for I don’t think that this was some kind of like well-crafted plot. I think that it was really more of a:


“Oh no! No! Oh! Wait! Hey, this crisis is actually an opportunity.”


Woes: Yeah, I don’t know. I really don’t know what I think about that, because it could be either. I think that the national governments in in, you know, Europe Britain were clearly not in the loop, in February. But by the end of March they were all on board. So where that narrative came from, I don’t know. I really don’t know.


Charles Robertson: Yeah. And that’s actually something that like I don’t know if we talk about it too much, or we don’t talk about it enough. The fact that the politicians in Europe, the politicians in America, and the politicians in Australia, are all kind of singing off the same song sheet.


Woes: Oh, that’s something that we talk about on my weekly show. Yeah, I’ve gone on to this in great length [chuckling]


Charles Robertson: That that needs to be addressed, okay! Because how can you reasonably expect people to not spread conspiracy theories when three different continents, the leaders are chanting, the same slogans.


Woes: Absolutely:


“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated!”


And that’s probably the ones. The most recent one.


Charles Robertson: :


“Build back better!”


Woes: :


“Build back better.”


Absolutely. Which came from nowhere. And suddenly we’ve got to change all of society. And that impetus to transform society, there was no need for that. But it came. And it was artificial. And then it was enforced. And everyone agrees, we’ve got to transform society.


Charles Robertson: And that transformation of society is like all of the freaks are coming out of the woodwork for this! Because they want the transformation of society to like kind of fall in line with what they want, whatever weird, freaky utopia they’ve got. Like the transhumanists, who want to like turn us into the Borg, or upload us into The Matrix, or whatever stupid thing they want to do! Like no! Like, where is the like Inquisition when you need them?


Woes: Yeah [chuckling], I know. And it’s also another group that really wants radical changes. The people who want what they call luxury space communism. Which is post scarcity, nanotechnology, …


Charles Robertson: Star Trek, …


Woes: That kind of stuff exactly. And the thing is that the oligarchs, seem to be, at least Klaus Schwab, seem to be up for that, as well. So there are very interesting things going on here.




Charles Robertson: Post scarcity is actually like, realistically achievable, if you have a population of like 5,000 people.


Woes: Well, yeah. And if you’ve got the resources and they’re, you know, high IQ.


Charles Robertson: No, I mean. Even if you had access to the entire solar system, resource wise. If you wanted to give seven billion people access, frivolous access, to that much mass and energy, for you to call it like Star Trek level post scarcity. No! No! Like what’s the thing in Star Trek called where they just print whatever matter they want? Like they can just convert anything.


Woes: Yes, the replicator.


Charles Robertson: Right! The replicator. Do, you know how much energy that thing would consume?


Woes: I don’t know. But I realize what you’re saying. I mean, look, the point that I was making was that they people like Klaus Schwab, and Elon Musk, and all that. They’re talking about, they’re alluding to future technologies. And I’m not saying replicators. But they are alluding to a future society not very far away, in which welfare, want, poverty, will have been eliminated.


And I really don’t know what to say about it. This is something that I want to learn more about. And there were people that I invited onto Millennial this year who I really wish had come on, but for whatever reason they didn’t, who would have been able to talk about this at length.


Charles Robertson: One of the most important lessons of the 20th century is that whenever people start talking about eliminating poverty, that’s usually the like prologue to a book about a shitload of people dying.


Woes: Yeah, absolutely! There is a utopianism about it. And I do wonder what this drive now is going to lead to, in that regard.


Charles Robertson: I have no idea. I have no idea what this is going to lead to. But I don’t see it leading to anything good. I think America is a dead meme now. And I hate to say that, I do. But I think it’s a dead meme. Because everybody that I talk to like in my normie-tiered everyday life, all of them either want to separate from other parts of the country. Or they want to go to war with other parts of the country! Because like, how are you supposed to find middle ground with people who think that paedophilia, is a sexuality?


Woes: Oh yeah. I mean, the difference now between the Left and the Right is just so profound! But I do think that the only future for America is probably secession. And it’s really just a matter of whether that will be allowed to happen, …


Charles Robertson: I was trying to not. But [lighting a cigarette] I’ve got to have a cigarette.


Woes: That’s fine. That’s fine! Okay. Well, we’ll move on. I mean, obviously this is a huge topic. But I don’t think either you, or I are qualified to talk about it. But I do think that secession is probably is probably going to happen at some point in this century.


Charles Robertson: The kind of polite framing of it is “peaceful divorce”.


Woes: Yeah.


Charles Robertson: Let’s just let the States separate. Because I don’t want the people in California telling me how to live my life. The people in California certainly don’t want me telling them how to live their life [Woes laughing]. I’ve got nothing in common with you, you’ve got nothing in common with me. You hate me for no reason! I can’t imagine what it’s like to care about you! Let’s just not be the same country anymore!


Woes: Yeah. It should just become that. And it’s become that very rapidly. I mean, even just 20 years ago, it wasn’t like this.


Charles Robertson: So many Americans were just trapped on the hamster wheel of wage slavery, right. And then all of a sudden out of nowhere! They all got locked in their house for like two weeks to two months. And they had nothing to do but dick around on the internet. And these people like, do not underestimate the degree to which someone who runs a small business is shut off from the world!


So much of their life is consumed in keeping that business running. And then, like what little time they do have they try to spend that with whatever family they’ve got left, because they’ve ignored everyone else to get this business going.


And so when they had no choice but to just sit there, and scroll through Facebook. And actually read what these people are saying they went:


“Wait a minute! I hate all of you!”


And it just burst out from there!




Woes: Yeah. I do think that the lockdown exacerbated these tensions. Because, as you say, people had a lot of time to just go online and get angry about things. But I also think it predates Covid.


I mean, in from 2015 onwards there was a clear, it’s very clear, I mean, by 2019 you couldn’t miss it. That this sense of there’s going to need to be radical change. I remember saying that in 2019, that one way, or another our societies are going to develop new subcultures. That’s how I thought it was going to take shape, in order to deal with the issues of today. Because our present cultures and our present politics don’t address the issues today. Covid has usurped all of that.


Charles Robertson: We’re debating the same things that, I don’t know how it is over in your country, but here in America, we’re debating the same things today that we’ve been debating literally the entire time, I’ve been alive right! It’s immigration, illegal immigration, abortion. Like we’ve been debating all this stuff the entire time that I’ve been alive.


And the thing about like the Left is that when they win, they don’t win. They pick up the ball and they keep going. Like they got gay marriage! They got the LGBT rights and stuff. And then they just kept going! They’re just like:


“Okay, well now like gender is not even a thing anymore! And there are 72 genders!”


And all this other stuff. And all of their like rhetoric behind that is just circular nonsense that defeats itself. Because it’s like, okay gender is a social construct right?


Woes: Yes.


Charles Robertson: Which means, it’s just a social, it’s just arbitrary from culture right? Yeah. Okay. So that would mean that like different cultures can have different interpretations of gender. And none of them are more, or less, right than any of the others.


There’s like yeah like okay. So your 72 gender spectrum is just as much of a social construct as the gender binary is. So it’s not more, or less, correct. But we already have the infrastructure for this one.


Woes: So yeah, [laughing] yeah, exactly! This is where relativism gets you. Well then anything can be true, as well.


Charles Robertson: Right!


Woes: It’s a self-defeating thing in the end. Yeah there have been some questions posted. So I’m going to put them to you. This refers to what we were saying earlier about people deliberately missing the point and not grasping argumentation. And so on:


“Crime stop means crime stop. Means the faculty of stopping short as though by instinct at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It’s included, …”


I think this might be a direct quote from 1984:


“It includes the power of not grasping analogies, or failing to perceive logical errors. Crime stop in short means protective stupidity!”


Yeah. And this is what we see now, in the fashionably minded, in politicians. Someone like Jacinda Adern in New Zealand. You could name any leader. Justin Trudeau. Joe Biden is obviously an exception, because of his mental state. But someone like Kamala Harris. These people are almost incapable of, or seem to have been trained to become incapable of unorthodox thought.


And I think that that goes from the level of politicians, it’s also down to the level of managers, and increasingly celebrities, and increasingly even to ordinary people. Which is a scary thing. It’s part of how our culture has more from the 90s when things were kind of a free-for-all. It’s morphed to a very doctrinaire culture today. It’s very interesting.


Charles Robertson: Yeah. If you had told me in 2005, if you had told me that the internet would eventually be a tool of suppression of ideas, I would have thought that was just ridiculous! Like do you remember the wild west of the internet, man? Like, …


Woes: Yeah, I do!


Charles Robertson: You could say anything.


Woes: Yeah. It just didn’t matter. It’s unthinkable now. And it’s actually very easy to forget how free it used to be. Even just on YouTube. But if you look at just forums, message boards, and whatever, everywhere, and home pages. People’s own websites. Yeah it used to be a completely different thing, the internet. And now it’s all centralized into very, very powerful, very dense concentrations, you know, platforms, which can then be strictly controlled.


Okay. Another one:


“Linguistic solutions, is the 2020 version of Orwell’s newspeak. The limitations of newspeak’s vocabulary enabled the party to effectively control the population’s minds by allowing the user only a very narrow range of spoken and written thought.”


Now this did occur to me while you were talking about, … I’ve forgotten what it was that we were talking about this occurred. But if you don’t have the words for something, then it’s difficult to conceive of the thing. At least it’s difficult to grapple with it in your mind if there is no name to call it by. No way to refer to it.




Charles Robertson: And it makes it like as difficult as it is to grapple with the idea in your mind when you don’t have a word for, it makes it almost impossible to communicate the idea.


Woes: Absolutely! Yeah, for sure. Okay. This is a question:


“Your approach to engaging with an otherwise hostile, or apathetic audience reminded me of the groypers. How did you develop your ideas of engagement to the polished performance of your famous lecture?”


How did you develop your ideas of engagement?


Charles Robertson: So, I can’t not talk to people! Like I just I can’t not do it! I’m that irritating guy who stands behind you in line at the bank and nudges you, and shows you something on his phone and says:


“Can you believe this?”


I’m that dude! And I’ve worked a lot of different jobs in sales, in retail. I’ve been a waiter. And so I just experimented! And I’ve tried to figure out like:


“All right, who can I say this to without them reacting harshly?”


And I don’t know how to explain it like technique-wise. I just kind of have a natural ability to just talk to anybody. I work a normie retail job right now. And my co-workers have said that it’s like I have a super power! Because I can talk to anybody, about anything, and somehow I just never get in trouble for this.


Woes: I wanted to ask you about that. After you gave that lecture did you not get into trouble? I mean, with the college hierarchy, nothing?


Charles Robertson: No. No. There were a couple of things. There were a couple things. I told you about the student union protest, the Hispanic student union protest. A lot of professors after my presentation altered their syllabi for their classes to include the line:


“You cannot share classroom presentations, or classroom material online, without express permission from your professor.”


So there was that. But nothing that affected me directly. There were some antifa guys that, … All right, so on Georgia Southern University campus you’re not allowed to smoke cigarettes. You’re not allowed to imbibe tobacco products on campus. So there’s this one spot that a lot of smokers hide, to sneak in a smoke break. And there were a bunch of anti-fagoons that hung out there.


And I was just sitting amongst them, chatting them up, sharing ideas. And they never really had a problem with me until that presentation happened, and they learnt who I was. And they learnt that antifa had actually already doxed me at that point. And if they had been a good antifa member would have known who I was and wouldn’t have been talking to me. And so like they didn’t want to talk to me anymore after that.


But other than that like no no real no real consequences. It’s just like how, like dude, some of the things that I say to people even I don’t know how I get away with this stuff. [Woes laughs] I think it’s just because I have this like boyish charm about me. And I have this like:


“Oh Charles! He’s just this nice, skinny, little White boy. He’s harmless! You don’t got to worry about him!”


I think it might be like some of that. But, man I have gone on like full-on black-pilled rants!


Woes: And got away with it!


Charles Robertson: And gotten away with it. Like in front of co-workers, in front of like customers, [chuckling] I’ve gotten customers to participate in my black pill rants! They’ll like pick up one of my points and go further with it!


I’ve had conversations with like upper management, and corporate reps, about how anti-discrimination laws are thought crimes, and shouldn’t be allowed. I don’t know how, … Like I keep trying to find the line. Like where’s the part where I get in trouble?


Like I’ve talked about David Cole to people! [Woes bursts out laughing] like I just skate! I just skate, every time! I’m wondering when my luck’s gonna run out. I really am.




Woes: You need to teach people these techniques that you’re using. You need to analyze what how you do it.


Charles Robertson: There are subtle things where it’s like, … And I made a YouTube video about this. Where it’s like, the first thing you have to do is learn how to size people up. You can learn a lot about people by what they’re wearing, right. You can also use what they’re wearing as a way to get your foot in the door.


Like if someone’s wearing Nike apparel, you can ask them if they heard about how Nike announced that they are a Chinese company for China, by China. Or you can something that I like to do is ask them if they know what the word “Nike” means. And it’s Greek. It means “victory”. And that allows you to segue into just this random single serving friend you have. Have you ever seen, or read Fight Club?


Woes: Yes, yes. I’ve seen the film. I haven’t read the book.


Charles Robertson: Okay, so in Fight Club one of the things that he talks about is “single serving friends”. How like the person sitting next to you on the aeroplane. Like they’re your single-serving friend. And, you know, those kinds of people. I realized that you actually have, you spend more time interacting with these single serving friends than you do with your actual friends, if you work one of these like retail, or service jobs. You spend a lot more time talking to them.


And everybody knows something that you don’t. And everybody has something that they could learn from you. And if you want to optimize the utility of that single serving friend. If you want to get the most out of this tiny little relationship that you have you. You need to be willing to like push those boundaries and talk about things. Because otherwise, it’s just a wasted 20 minutes.


And if somebody’s wearing a MAGA hat, then you have an obvious in with them. But there are other things too where it’s like if somebody’s wearing a piece of sports ball memorabilia. You can complain about how sports today has just gotten too political. And that opens them up to complain. And then you take their complaint, and you just kind of roll with it.


Because everybody has complaints. But nobody wants to hear your complaints, because they have their own complaints.


Woes: Yeah.


Charles Robertson: So if you can find a way to just complain with them, about something, you’ll quickly form a camaraderie with them. And you’ll be able to talk about things that you otherwise couldn’t have. You just have to find that thing they want to complain about.


And something that people in our spheres are really good at doing is connecting pretty much every complaint that someone has about modern society, back to some small faction that has heavily influenced that thing you’re complaining about.


Woes: Yeah.


Charles Robertson: And from there, you can just go wherever you want.


Woes: Oh yeah. Yeah, absolutely! That’s useful advice about engaging people. Someone’s commenting when you said that America is a dead meme, at this point, someone said:


“America is like a chicken running around with its head cut off. It’s losing it’s mind and doesn’t know it’s dead yet!”


That’s pretty disturbing and depressing.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, that’s a harsh way to phrase it bro! Ow! But I can’t argue with you.


Woes: It’s not just America, if that’s any consolation to you. I think all of our countries are in a transformative period.


Okay. Finally somebody asks:


“Charles! Show your shirt, please. I want to see if it’s Tales from the Thousand Lakes.”


Hold on a minute I’ll get rid of this overlay. There you go.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, it’s Amorphis. It’s a metal band. It’s a very like kind of, I guess, hipster metal band. I actually wore this shirt as a shout out to a very old friend of mine that I haven’t spoken to in a long time, who I doubt will see this. But if he does it’s kind of a nod to him. He got me into this band. This is from, … Oh! What’s the album called? Oh no what’s the album called? Oh it’s right on the tip of my tongue! The Four Wise Ones.


Yeah apparently like this metal band all of their lyrics are written by this like Finnish hermit, who has been living in the wilderness in Norway for like 30 years and uses a bear’s skull as a pillow [Woes chukles]. And he like he like writes these epic poems. And they like translate the poems into English and then make metal songs out of them. It’s super awesome! You’ve got to check it out.




Woes: I’ll bear it in mind. All right then. Well, we’ll end this one there, because it’s been an hour and a half. It’s been longer than most of them. I see I intended them to be like 45 to 60 minutes. But they seem to be going a bit longer this year.


Charles Robertson: Yeah, well you’ve got there’s a lot of things to talk about. And I’ve been listening all day basically. And you’ve got guests with a lot of interesting things to say. And yeah, like I told you, I felt kind of under qualified [chuckling]! Some of your other guests.


Woes: Well don’t worry about that. I mean, you’re the guy who gave that presentation. So you’ve obviously got skills. And you’ve obviously got a perspective to convey.


Charles Robertson: Thank you.


Woes: So, I hope you’ve done that. All right! So we’ll end it there! This has been the second night of Millenniyule 2021. Tomorrow, I’ll be back with. Okay, it’s John Waters, then Faust, from the Netherlands. John Waters is from Ireland, of course. Then Snorkelblog. I think is Swedish. And then Radical Liberation, who is an American recovering libertarian. I think he wouldn’t mind that. I’ll put that to him tomorrow night, and see how he reacts. Okay. So that’ll be tomorrow night.


In the meantime Charles Robertson. Thank you for appearing on Millennial!


Charles Robertson: Well thank you for having me.


Woes: Okay. Excellent. And I hope you’ve all enjoyed this second night. And I will see you again tomorrow.


Charles Robertson: Good Yule everybody!


Woes: Good Yule.





Millennial Woes has created many things. And this is your chance to own one of them! A unique piece of work hand crafted by the vile vlogger, to commemorate Millennial 2021.


Millenniyule 2021 commemoration


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In the iconic Millennial Woes font, it glistens and responds to your touch. And at the centre of it all, a figure representative of 2021, the White Stag!

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5 days ago
I like this guy.
Show 2 replies

6 days ago
This was a great conversation, a can do guy who actually comes up with solutions and walks the walk.
Blackpilled he is not.
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5 days ago
i don’t realy get how he can be this upright and balanced might be that joining and exiting the workforce in the us is much easier than in germany so one isn’t as reliant on university etc, may that i am just not that flexible.
he is correct libtards are unprepared for any kind of factual counter.
but it is soulcrushing being at a humanitys department and university for so long, and it got even longer bc of the covid shit.
Hide replies

4 days ago
He said he works a retail job and depending on what level he’s at it can be fairly easy to move around. I admire his ability to deal with the depressing nature of universities. He seems like one of those guys who is empowered by social interactions whereas I become quickly drained by them.

5 days ago
Based Charles was a good guest. Eloquent and bright, a whitepill for our age.

6 days ago
Fantastic guest

6 days ago
How would we get through the year without Milleniyule?
Hide replies

5 days ago
Its my favorite holiday.

6 days ago
best guest yet
Hide replies

5 days ago
He’s great, but I think Marc’s the best so far.
Show 2 replies

5 days ago
Marc Malone was superb.

6 days ago
great guest

5 days ago
This was so refreshing and optimistic, really enjoyed it. Thx Woes.

6 days ago

6 days ago
Cool, it’s posted. I am missing most of these due to work.

6 days ago
a small faction of small hats

5 days ago
This was better than expected.

6 days ago
He’s cool. Screw the papers.

6 days ago
Good guest,, thanks Charles.

6 days ago
reference to how the papers doxxed him.

6 days ago
Great guest, cheers!

6 days ago
The first Japanese leader of a Communist party was almost immediately assissinated on live television by a young man with a katana. Communism never really got a foothold there afterwards. Otoya Yamaguchi: Hero of the Empire.

6 days ago
Agenda 21 Replacement Migration Document from 2000. That’s the end of the argument whether it’s being done deliberately. If someone sees that and denies it, they’re of bad faith and not wasting your time on, imo.

5 days ago
EASILY THE BEST GUEST SO FAR, finally old school topics not just covid

5 days ago
Great guest, excellent convo.

5 days ago
Woes has shown real discernment in his selection of guests for Millenniyule 2021. Charles Robertson has been a fantastic guest. I’m certainly subbing to his channel and hope others will do likewise.

5 days ago
Regarding whether or not the Fauci Flu was planned- I think it was. It just had the veneer of surprise because the lower level politicians weren’t in on the insiders loop. This includes the Presidents and heads of state. But looked at as a whole, and with clear documented deep state and oligarch messages foreshadowing such an event, it was carefully planned.

5 days ago
What a high energy guest! I like him.

5 days ago
Jealousy is the most underrated force in society.

5 days ago
Anybody know Charles’ Gab account link? He said he’s locked out of his Twitter account. Doing a couple clips of this stream today, so want the link next to his name.
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4 days ago
I’m @IrreplaceableCharles on gab
Show reply

5 days ago
Good guest. Glad you had him on. I love how Milleniyule always introduces us to new and interesting folks.

5 days ago
i actualy remember when seeing dr. strange back then, that i was very confused why this ancient monk should be a white femoid?

6 days ago
what’s his gab though?
Hide replies

5 days ago

6 days ago
Do I need to tip a higher amount to have it read …?

6 days ago
inb4 pandemic of the unboosted

6 days ago
Savannah is such a beautful city. Shame.

6 days ago
Destiny isn’t worth debating.

6 days ago
You have to catch Destiny between bad meth benders.

6 days ago
this kid is very smart and pragmatic.

6 days ago
Based and Charles-Robertson~Pilled

6 days ago
universities are a joke.

6 days ago
my professors always said race is a social construct, but they only pushed that concept on Whites.

5 days ago
Awesome guest. Like the way he’s not afraid to get out and talk to people. A doer.

5 days ago
Good lad.

5 days ago
Are races are more ethnocentric becuase they have a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality while Christianity is kaput.

6 days ago
See ya

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.

6 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.

6 days ago
Cheers to both C. Robertsons!

6 days ago
Loved Star Trek for its utopianism. Never wanted it in real life

6 days ago
BBB isn’t even a good slogan. It’s alliterative, but that’s about all.

6 days ago
You never see any Free Tibet stickers anymore.

6 days ago
They dropped the Tibetan issue.

6 days ago
@tszymk77: I think they’re on their radar. My son is fluent in Japanese and he said the Jews are working to change them, become ‘diverse’, etc. He knows of some Japanese nationalists who are online almost screaming at their countrymen to keep out the Jews!
Show reply

6 days ago
Jamal has 3 apples, if Tyrone takes one apple how many bullets does Jamal shoot?

3 days ago
Joseph Cotto was saying that the Chinese economy just officially surpassed the American one— and that this happened sooner than expected.

3 days ago
Looking forward to pt. 2 of this in 2022.

5 days ago
just had to explain to my childrens school why i would not fill put “federal impact aid” forms.
with Federal & State governments plan of diversity, equity & inclusion proven to be the shaming of white children for the ineptitude/advancement of others.
Get busy folks because the enemy is working to transform YOUR community

5 days ago
You are a hero Charles.

5 days ago
Great guest. Very switched on

5 days ago
post-scarcity is not possible, time will always be finite.

6 days ago
when he got doxxed

6 days ago
Pretty funny, isn’t it? 🙂

6 days ago
That’s what the scottish newspaper called him

6 days ago
Oh, okay.

6 days ago
My apologies. 🙁

6 days ago

6 days ago
… I wanted my superchat to be read … T_T

6 days ago

6 days ago
Well done woes!

6 days ago

6 days ago
night night

6 days ago

6 days ago
I don’t think they see the chat.

6 days ago
I think he was in a camper.

6 days ago
Good Yule!

6 days ago
My superchat …

6 days ago
this was fun and interesting

6 days ago
Excellent talk!

6 days ago
Definitely not underqualified imo

6 days ago

6 days ago
I love Young Charles

6 days ago
grimm & tr0000

6 days ago
Oh my

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
find shared complaints. smart

6 days ago

6 days ago
suss out what a given generation’s (i.e. millennial) woes are, say?

6 days ago
find shared complains. smart

6 days ago
Latenight Wisdom

6 days ago
you need Jesus

6 days ago
oy vey

6 days ago
I like this

6 days ago
i love listening to other people’s complaints

6 days ago
I need to use his powers to acquire waifu, lol … 😄

6 days ago
single serving aquaintance better fit

6 days ago
nibba talking about fight club, what about night club? asking the real questions

6 days ago
that is one of the best lines

6 days ago
imagine wanting to talk to someone wearing Nike clothes

6 days ago
if they’re wearing Nike, instantly dismiss as normie

6 days ago

6 days ago
It’s not running out, ever.

6 days ago
Adhd-Superpowers :sunny_day:

6 days ago

6 days ago
he’s irreplaceable

6 days ago
good lad

6 days ago
Charles is an invincible hero.

6 days ago
I want to be him!

6 days ago
keep talking young man, the world needs it

6 days ago
last time I went into the bank was with that fat similis check

6 days ago
WOW … are you good at hitting on women? :thinking:

6 days ago
dude actually goes into the bank. that’s impressive.

6 days ago

6 days ago
we mostly think in terms of language.

6 days ago
Like tears in rain

6 days ago
children have no clue whats gone

6 days ago
Sapir–Whorf hypothesis

6 days ago
all that freedom, lost….

6 days ago
This guy could have been a character in Dazed & Confused

6 days ago
yahoo chat in early noughties was wild west

6 days ago
anything can be true in the state’s never ending quest for “human rights” :alien:

6 days ago
No uprighteous man can ignore the disproportionate ethnic crime statistics

6 days ago

6 days ago
it showed up this time

6 days ago
Maybe this site is a bit buggy …?

6 days ago
WOES, did you see my superchat this time? It says I donated it 3 times this time … should I choose a different amount …?

6 days ago

6 days ago
We must be sure that our part controls the areas with the Asian hotties :thinking: … 😆 😃

6 days ago
Five years? Bowie predicted it

6 days ago
20 years, this century… how about FIVE YEARS

6 days ago
ivy league liberalism grooms ALL participants in state/federal government- both DNC &RNC ensures no separation ever occures

6 days ago
Why aren’t you calling out Charles’ camera asymmetry? It’s so much more extreme than the other guy’s.

6 days ago
spittin straight fax nibba

6 days ago
Nibba talking about divorce, noone talking about the prenup #knowledge

6 days ago
No fiery divorces allowed

6 days ago
People would only secede on dumb terms like by state and not by ethnicity.

6 days ago
You aint’ alt right unless you got the chemical drug addictions. Hahaha.

6 days ago
Balkanization is coming for the US

6 days ago
America will be fine … once we kick out the ✡️ and 🐵 🔥 …

6 days ago
no middle ground, no rape that kid but only half way

6 days ago
See Alison McDowell’s YouTube talks, she’s connected the dots better than anyone online. zero fear porn and zero grift.

6 days ago
Ideological separation is the only solution.

6 days ago
liberal democracy is leading an onslaught- working to transfer white dignity, safety & prosperity onto non whites

6 days ago
it is dead

6 days ago
poverty will be illuminated because everyone will be poor

6 days ago
Do replicators create matter out of energy or do they assemble products out of existing materials using transporter 3D printer magic?

6 days ago
1.21 nibbawatts

6 days ago
They’re utopian bllshtters

6 days ago

6 days ago
exactly 1.21 gigawatts

6 days ago
Lol yep.

6 days ago
Legit one of the best scenes of all time. 👌

6 days ago

6 days ago
You’d need dylithium crystals.

6 days ago
Most have no idea what’s coming, #IoBNT – internet of bodies, impact investing, blockchain digital twinning, ai run smart cities and data harvesting etc. #metavers Welcome to the virtual gulag’s. they’re already implementing it all.

6 days ago
Georgia Guidestones

6 days ago
Haha that’s right Kirin

6 days ago
One of those 5000 people will still be responsible for maintaining the machines. Someone will always be the prole.

6 days ago

6 days ago
there is enough in the solar system, Jupiter is very large

6 days ago
scarcity? nibba look at my tinder matches aint nothing scarce about that

6 days ago
Tim Curry pilled 😃

6 days ago
They are the Inquisition.

6 days ago
The only place where you can escape capitalism… SPACE!!

6 days ago
I just hear Trudeau say it in my head every time…he’s repulsive

6 days ago
Lolicon for everyone 😆 ! I proclaim Louis le Vau king 😆 !

6 days ago
it already exists in DC, the yiddish utopia is complete ✅

6 days ago
All the kooks come out to play

6 days ago
the freaks help break down what’s left of society

6 days ago
BBB is a WEF slogan

6 days ago
well groomed ivy leavue pets

6 days ago
literally “universal”

6 days ago
(((liberal democracy))) worldwide

6 days ago
So that means there are stil 17 peope sitting there with no chat.

6 days ago
(((song sheet)))

6 days ago
(((psalm sheet)))

6 days ago
Whoah. I just came from the last chat. Livesteam is going but chat is just 18 people. I wondered why no one was there.

6 days ago
razor fences & armed troops for inauguration ✅

6 days ago
oh yeah

6 days ago
dude I live with has the virus right now so the boss doesn’t want me there. very small village, she (boss) knows him as well

6 days ago
Hot 🤤

6 days ago

6 days ago
remember when anarchists ran the streets for 4+ years of trump, Ahmazn

6 days ago
I sitll have the videos of Chinese women licking park benches, door handles, items at the grocery store in January 2020

6 days ago

6 days ago
Any chance you could ask Robertson to turn down the input gain on his mic? He’s clipping a bit

6 days ago
Hi, everyone!

6 days ago
maybe they first wanted it to spread more

6 days ago
#blue collars only

6 days ago
same Squid, building engineer ✅

6 days ago
2+ years

6 days ago
Haha I’m in DC too – been going in, it’s me and the guards

6 days ago
and today?

6 days ago
Federal workers still aren’t back to work here in DC

6 days ago
lol that was kinda me yesterday

6 days ago
yep, easy to slip into that mindset

6 days ago
he’s spot on. they want their netflix and chill.

6 days ago

6 days ago
good point

6 days ago
the dead bodies on the subway and welding people into their apartments propraganda form China still hasn’t been answered for it was clearly staged

6 days ago
gigavaxxed = horse levels of ivermectin

6 days ago

6 days ago
I seriously wonder if any of that chinese storm trooper crap was even real

6 days ago
gigavaxxed = smoke tobacco & munch vitamin D

6 days ago
its science nibba go to school

6 days ago

6 days ago
is gigavaxed like being a vax maxed mutant?

6 days ago
What is gigavaxed? lol

6 days ago

6 days ago
heyyy I’m from the foothills of the Ozark mountains

6 days ago
vaxxed? i’m gigavaxxed

6 days ago
playboi Plato

6 days ago
did you get vaxxed?

6 days ago
favourite philosopher? Ari Stottel

6 days ago
99.6% from day 1, nobody read the fine print- just believed the hype

6 days ago
in some states it has been back to normal since July 2020

6 days ago
hardcore nihilist

6 days ago
nibba talking bout COVID i’m talking about OVID nibba read your classics

6 days ago

6 days ago
Ì never wore their stupid badge of submission 😷 Ever!

6 days ago
ppl still believe government, oof

6 days ago
What state is this guy from?

6 days ago
good point though on the smokers, worth investigating

6 days ago
That was noted even pretty early on, that smokers aren’t effected so much

6 days ago
For me it was when the blm riots started then I knew for sure it was bs

6 days ago
Damn Ìm a street thug & didn’t believe any of the Chy-na 🇨🇳 virus bullshit.

6 days ago
The wheels are turning in Woes’ head right now.

6 days ago
I was pretty lackadaisical TBH, I don’t do panic

6 days ago
LoL, It’s a really bad COOF

6 days ago
Charles is serious.

6 days ago
Mr Clean-you-out

6 days ago
The first clue that covid was bullshit was when China released the videos of people dropping dead in the streets. Never believe anything they say.

6 days ago

6 days ago
Lysol wipes and t-paper

6 days ago
$300 on Lysol. lmao

6 days ago

6 days ago
Maybe it is that…

6 days ago
the guy was wearing a soviet style gas mask

6 days ago
The pivot from nations to global corporations.

6 days ago

6 days ago
nibba talking about 3rd world bitch countries, I’m talking about 3rd world bitch honies. we are not the same.

6 days ago

6 days ago
no loyalty no allegiance to nation

6 days ago
@tszymk77: I just thought of it after what you said about Free Tibet stickers. lol

6 days ago
I used to trade crypto, this kid is making a great analogy.

6 days ago
Not really. China’s got some of the most stable borders on Earth. To the best of my knowledge, they didn’t fight lebensraum wars in history. Instead they fought civil wars to kill off their own citizens and reduce the population back to sustainable levels.

6 days ago
dis nibba nibba

6 days ago
nibba using investment and cryto in the same sentence

6 days ago
just like panning for gold

6 days ago
White SupREEEEEEEmes

6 days ago
& west

6 days ago
chinese are the land vulture weasels of East

6 days ago
Han Chinese.

6 days ago
which tibet getting flooded with?

6 days ago

6 days ago
the most important question

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
nailed it

6 days ago

6 days ago
They only like our special effects and good looking people flying around with superpowers.

6 days ago
i work around voa- tibets are only people i notice to not 100% adopt American degen culture

6 days ago
tis just business

6 days ago
?? Woes hasn’t been paying attention, clearly. My favouriteis the Star Wars poster where they removed the black guy for the Chinese market.

6 days ago
Dalai Lama

6 days ago
Tilda Swinton : The Ancient One.

6 days ago

6 days ago
Love the Lama

6 days ago
I was planning to travel that way before the world went to shit

6 days ago
not his

6 days ago
Ancient Tibetan British woman…

6 days ago

6 days ago
Is this hia Gab?

6 days ago
dahli llhama is a realist

6 days ago
Dali Lama is based. Never give any support for free. Dali Lama deserves our support.

6 days ago
good call man

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
proud to have suggested him

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
this kid keeps it real. my favorite guest so far.

6 days ago
tell Charles to contact Brittany @PoliticalIncorect to debate Dez tiny

6 days ago
@tszymk77: Yes, fair enough.

6 days ago
@tszymk77: Yes, to an extent, but never as much as white nations. Japan is far more nationalistic, but now the globalist types want them to open their borders, which they’ve never really done before (very limited, but nothing like most Western nations – and they really don’t want blacks).

6 days ago
I was talking strictly in America itself, there isn’t that much overt anti-Asian jewish activity yet.

6 days ago
they take anyone haha

6 days ago
yeah they’ll have him for sure

6 days ago
fuck twitter, we have to move beyond that cesspit

6 days ago
great replacement? bro the only thing I’m replacing is this drink sips

6 days ago
Oh yeah, Japan is getting jewed and has been for a long time – since WW2.

6 days ago
go on politicaly provoked they will have that debate

6 days ago
Debate me Bro !! lol

6 days ago
tell him to get on Telegram

6 days ago
this kid is smart and also keeps it real, that’s such a rare combo.

6 days ago
True, I forgot about that.

6 days ago
@tszymk77: Except at Ivy League schools. lol

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
True, but that’s organic from the negroes. General society is not roused up against asians by jews.

6 days ago
Waste of time to watch that crap

6 days ago

6 days ago
A great guest!

6 days ago
The left are highly adept in doublespeak

6 days ago
Asian do from the blacks

6 days ago
It should be seen as Pro-White vs Anti-White at this point. Anti-Whites are on both sides of the mainstream Left/Right spectrum.

6 days ago
Because asians haven’t felt any anti-asian pressure yet.

6 days ago

6 days ago
I met Ann Frank

6 days ago

6 days ago
Strange Asians (typically assimilate well in Western countries, at least in wider society, while they’re highly ethno-centric) have no interest overall to have a voting coalition with Conservative Whites

6 days ago
Elements of CRT and other left leaning ideology has been filtering into the school system for many decades. People went to sleep and thought it was still like the 1920s or something.

6 days ago
Ann Frank’s Ballpoint Pen Adventures

6 days ago
They should call it The Diary of Ann Frank’s Communist Father

6 days ago
I refused to read it and read The Hobbit instead

6 days ago
I can confirm that what they are teaching in school (CRT) really isn’t that new. I remember similar thing in college 10+ years ago.

6 days ago
She’s still in the attic.

6 days ago
St. Floyd of Fentanyl

6 days ago
I like to think of myself as cream colored, personally. French vanilla even.

6 days ago
ah caint breev

6 days ago
“I’m not White, I just happen to be White.” Lol

6 days ago
BLM loves white allies, it’s your ticket out.

6 days ago
The white guilt runs deep.

6 days ago
@hapaperspective: Oh, I know, I doubt you’d find any Chinese or any other Asian person say they were, but that’s what is happening. You’re the other white meat. lol Why? Because East Asians, really Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans (and not South Asians) are doing too well. They’re too intelligent.

6 days ago
They gave Whites a rulebook nobody else played by

6 days ago
, I wouldn’t put it that, but Whites are eugenic 🙂

6 days ago
hell yeah!

6 days ago
you’re a white supremacist

6 days ago
bro u play monopoly i play risk we are not the same

6 days ago
yep, real analytical thinker

6 days ago
Chinese are white in color, at least the northern ones.

6 days ago
, that’s wild! I don’t think the Chinese are White, I don’t even say I’m White.

6 days ago
Definitely! fully agree

6 days ago
Full disclosure, I’m an older aged Gen Xer. My eldest witnessed a black woman in his Master’s program go up to a Chinese girl and say, you’re white. The Chinese girl was like, no I’m not, I’m Chinese! Nope, said the African, you’re white. That is what this happening now.

6 days ago
“What do you think of this bag”: me, “…………..”

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago
The other white meat

6 days ago
you’re on the same side of the fence

6 days ago
@hapaperspective: Yes lol

6 days ago
, are you saying I’m honorary now?

6 days ago
Bowling Alone

6 days ago
The problem now is, they’re redefining East Asians as white. This is especially the case for the Japanese and Koreans.

6 days ago
We have a lot of traitors within our ranks

6 days ago
yeah because they’re racist af

6 days ago
Pretty cool perspectives tbh.

6 days ago
“No one in the class has a problem with the Japanese” yeah… try asking the Koreans about that.

6 days ago

6 days ago
For superchats, crypto and otherwise:

6 days ago
this kid is smart

6 days ago
Duke Nukem 3D

6 days ago
No one took up the Abortionist vs Abolitionist argument?

6 days ago

6 days ago
Unlike the typical 18 year old, a mature student has life experience and very likely to have read more, so they are more likely to question the ivory tower crap the prof is spewing.

6 days ago
After you’ve got 10 years gainfully employed life-experience, you don’t need balls of steel anymore. You don’t really care about the opinions of 19yo undergrads anymore.

6 days ago
Being a mature student really helps. I was one and any other mature student I knew wasn’t in awe of the profs. They tended not to care what they said and were more prone to debate (I know I often did, which sometimes upset things a bit in the classroom).

6 days ago

6 days ago
this kid has balls of steel

6 days ago
u in college u already lost nibba

6 days ago
wonder how that affected his social life

6 days ago

6 days ago
Correct. You’re in an undergrad program, just feed the professors bullshit back to them and collect the credits.

6 days ago
Uni’s are obsolete, we don’t need to go in debt.

6 days ago
Based prof.

6 days ago
Nibba u taking anthropology and arguing with the professor just take the L

6 days ago
wow hahaha

6 days ago
In university

6 days ago
UN Policies roll downhill and are enforced by nations. UNDRIP: the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is the language framework that Canada, Australia, NZ, USA all are moving in lock-step to.

6 days ago
It’s been there since about 2012

6 days ago
anthropolgy? that’s where the marxist came from

6 days ago
Wait are they brothers???

6 days ago
Who get paid large sums of money by Big Pharma to push the latest drug.

6 days ago
I am racist. AMA

6 days ago
GPs are basically mechanics for the human body.

6 days ago
hello folks 🙂

6 days ago
GP’s used to blow smoke up people’s arses to cure constipation…

6 days ago

6 days ago
like the SOLID principal, gotta have a factory of interfaces for that pojo

6 days ago
Today the public knows that the GP is giving you this particular prescription because a pretty lady with a rolling suitcase gave him a free pen.

6 days ago
Good evening kings

6 days ago
College is there to flatter women and to cuck men, and generate debt for the debt based economy in the process. The modern workplace is far too feminised for normal men. There is literally no place for men (black OR white) in Western liberal democracies. This is what must be understood.

6 days ago
I doubt you could find a high school graduate in North America who could/would work through the proofs in Elements today.

6 days ago
I had a good political theory professor and then he died because he was like 80 years old

6 days ago
In 1100AD, Euclid’s ‘Elements’ was translated into Latin and introduced to the European audience. It was a popular phenomenon; the intelligencia of the day ate it up.

6 days ago
if it wasn’t for their complete control and power, we’d win

6 days ago
Shlomo has all of the shekels. That is the end of the lesson

6 days ago
They are, and starting in 2014 or so it got way worse

6 days ago

6 days ago
Heh, was just imagining decolonized math

6 days ago
unfortunately they all miss and harm bystanders…

6 days ago
It’s just to let you know the party line, not convince you of it

6 days ago

6 days ago
word problems have no place in a university-level math course.

6 days ago

6 days ago
Nice guest I remember this guy



See Also:


Millenniyule 2021 – The Golden One

Millenniyule 2021 – 02 – PhilosophiCat

Millenniyule 2021 – 03 – Marc Malone

Millenniyule 2021 – 04 – Auron Macintyre

Millenniyule 2021 – 05 – UK Column

Millenniyule 2021 – 06 – Survive the Jive

Millenniyule 2021 – 07 – Mark Gullick

Millenniyule 2021 – 08 – Charles Robertson

Millenniyule 2021 – 09 – John Waters

Millenniyule 2021 – 10 – Faust

Millenniyule 2021 – 11 – Snorkelblog

Millenniyule 2021 – 12 – Radical Liberation

Millenniyule 2021 – 13 – The Jolly Heretic


Millennial Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — Jul 2, 2016 — TRANSCRIPT

A Woes By Any Other Name — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes – To Be a Man in 2017 – Speech at Erkenbrand dinner — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes – One Hour from Now – Speech to Erkenbrand — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes – The Passion of Jordan Peterson – Speech to Blue Awakening — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes at the Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2019 – Daughter of Albion – Dec 28, 2019 — Transcript

Millennial Woes – The Strife of Tongues – Nov 30, 2020 — Transcript


Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2020 – John Waters – Dec 22, 2020 — Transcript

Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2020 – On the Offensive – Dec 15, 2020 — Transcript

Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2020 – Dangerfield – Dec 21, 2020 — Transcript<

Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2020 – The Jolly Heretic – Dec 29, 2020 — Transcript




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Version 1: Dec 20, 2021 — Published post. Added Odysee comments (411).

This entry was posted in Charles Robertson, Coronavirus, Covid - Lockdowns, Covid-19, Covid-19 - Vaccination, Democracy, Hate Speech, Homosexuality, Millennial Woes, Millenniyule 2021, Political Correctness, Race, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Uncategorized, United Nations, Western Civilization, White genocide. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2021 – 08 – Charles Robertson – Dec 14, 2021 — Transcript

  1. Pingback: Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2021 – 12 – Radical Liberation – Dec 15, 2021 — Transcript | katana17

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