Uncovering The Forces For War – Part 6 – Appendices VIII to XI; Bibliography; Books For Collateral Reading

Cover - Uncovering the Forces for War






The Forces For War



Conrad K. Grieb


[Part 6]



P. O. Box 144-Station Y

NEW YORK 21, N. Y.

Copyright. 1947



So you see, my dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” — Coningsby (page 233, Century Edition, 1903) by Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield.


(First published in 1844)











1. British-American Rapprochement  1

2. British-German Cleavage 7

3. “Roping in America” — 1917  15

4. Twenty Years Armistice  27

5. “Roping in America” — 1941  49

6. Other Influences  73

7. Conclusions  89



No. I President Lincoln and the International Bankers of His Day  91

No. II British Concentration Camps In the Boer War  93

No. III The War in South Africa, by J. A. Hobson  95

No. IV Democracy and Social Instability, by J. Middleton Murry  99

No. V Winston Churchill in India 101

No. VI Winston Churchill on War  101

No VII  Walter Rathenau Predicted Germany Today  103

No. VIII  Austria Before Hitler, by Dr. Joseph Eberle  104

No. IX  Danzig and The Corridor, by W. H. Dawson  106

No. X Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith  107

No. XI  Theodore Herzl Confutes Nathan Ohrbach  108

Bibliography  110

Index  112

Books For Collateral Reading  117






One does not need to be endowed with an abnormally vivid imagination in order to foresee that for us to guarantee Germany’s Eastern frontier would be an act of sheer criminal lunacy.” — R. W. Walmsley, London Economist, 14th Nov. 1931 (p. 914).


Sir Walter Layton, M.A., C.B.E., Editor of The Economist, commented on the letter above as follows:


We are apt to judge, when we look into the East Europe settlement, that its terms are inequitable and they ought not to be perpetuated even if they could be.” (Page 899.)







Austria Before Hitler



The Schnere Zukunft, Catholic Weekly of Vienna, edited by Dr. Joseph Eberle, enjoying a standing in journalism in Austria similar to that enjoyed by the London Tablet in England, printed the following article by Dr. Eberle, on November 13, 1932:


[Page 104]


Today Catholics are almost completely silent about the question of Judaism, though Jewish influence not only in Russia, Hungary, Poland, France, Engiand, America and Austria but also in Germany has attained a degree of power and might altogether out of proportion to the number of Jews in the total population of these countries. Three-fourths of the large banking concerns, at the head of which we must place the four big D-Banks-Deutsche Bank, Darmstadter Bank, Diskonto Gesellschaft and Dresdener Bank-three-fourths of the big exchanges, including those of Berlin, Frankfort, and Hamburg, three-fourths of the principal commercial enterprises, including those of Karstadt, Tietz and Wertheim, three-fourths of the leading newspapers, of the publishing firms, of the telegraphic and advertising agencies, of groups controlling theatres and cinemas, are Jewish In Austria, matters are still worse. Of course, there are still many non-Jewish industrial magnates, but they are becoming more and more subservient to banks directed by Jews. There are certainly still to be found rich landed proprietors and wealthy financiers who are Christians, but so far as the direction of economic affairs is concerned, they are without influence, in comparison with Jewish financial magnates, such as Charles Furstenberg, Dr. Solmssen, Mammroth, Bleichroder, Speyer-Ellissen, Soberheim, Landau, Arnhold, Dr. Solamonsohn, Eugen, Gutman, von Straus, Kempner, Freiherr von Oppenheim, Warburg, etc. There are still influential Catholic publishing firms, but even firms like those of Herder and Kosel-Pustet are much inferior to the Jewish publishing firms of Ullstein, Mosse, Cassirer, E. Goldschmidt, etc. There are certainly many non-Jewish writers, nevertheless we learn from statistics of the publishing business that, in Germany, foreign and Jewish authors are more widely read than German and Christian authors, so that Borries von Munchhausen speaks of the passing of the German soul. It can be established also that the best known non-Jewish men of letters, as for example, Gerhart Hauptmann and Sudermann, owe their literary success to their friendliness toward Judaism. Such are the intellectual and economic power and influence of the Jews in Germany today. And yet Catholics in great measure keep silence about the matter. The silence is, in part, due to ignorance, especially in the provinces. But it is also due to an already existing dependence on Jews. Three-fourths of the Christian newspapers would be reduced to two-thirds or even one half their present size, if they were compelled to give up the advertisements of Jewish shops and banks, and Jewish advertisements would not be forthcoming if the Jewish question were treated of.” (MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST IN THE MODERN WORLD, by Rev. Denis Fahey, page 310.)


[Page 105]




Danzig And The Corridor



GERMANY UNDER THE TREATY, William Harbut Dawson (English authority on Germany):


. . . No factor in the life of Europe today offers so grave and certain a menace to peace than the Corridor, which cuts Germany into two parts, and severs Danzig, one of the most German of cities, from the Fatherland. Can Europe afford to ignore this menace and allow matters to drift? So to do would be tantamount to inviting and hastening catastrophe, for instead of improving, the conditions in the Corridor, after and because of over twelve years of Polish occupation, are steadily growing worse.

Because it is now abundantly clear that all the needs of Polish trade, present and future, can be satisfied without the Corridor, and because good relations between Germany and Poland, which are so essential to the settlement and peace of Europe, will be impossible so long as that political montrosity continues, the greater part of the territory should go back to the country to which it owes its civilization.” (Pages 169-170.)





Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith



Maximillian J. St. George and Lawrence Dennis, authors of a TRIAL ON TRIAL, write of the Anti-Defamation League as follows (pages 62-63):


The Anti-Defamation League increased their expenditures from $125,000.00 a year for three preceding years to $800,000.00 for the year 1941.


This minority pressure group to get America into the war and to persecute those who opposed such a policy for this country described its activities in the following terms:


We commend the work of the League in furnishing information to newspapers, magazines, and other agencies concerning our problems, and we urge the continuance of this project. We also look with favor on the work of the League in indexing, tabulating, and getting biographical data on individuals and organizations carrying on subversive activities in this country. Such information has been of great value, not only to the League but likewise to the constituted authorities in carrying on their work. It seems almost incredible that an organization the size of the League could have tabulated, indexed and obtained information on the 50,000 persons and organizations which are now catalogued in its files.

This minority pressure group not only maintained its own secret police and spy service, to aid the authorities, of course, in suppressing subversive elements, that is to say, those who opposed American entry into the war and who criticized Jews, but it went in heavily for propaganda.


[Page 107]





Theodor Herzl Confutes Nathan Ohrbach



Theodor Herzl, the great protagonist of Zionism, differing with Nathan Ohrbach, states that the problem has little to do with religion. It is economic. Herzl writes in his book, THE JEWISH STATE, as follows:


We shall not again touch on those causes which are the result of temperament, prejudice and narrow views, but shall restrict ‘Ourselves to political and economic causes alone. Modern Anti-Semitism. is not to be confounded with religious persecution of the Jews of former times. It does occasionally take a religious bias in some countries, but the main current of the aggressive movement has now changed. In the principal countries where Anti-Semitism prevails, it does so as a result of the emancipation of the Jews. When civilized nations awoke to the inhumanity of discriminatory legislation and enfranchised us, our enfranchisement came too late. It was no longer possible legally to remove our disabilities in our old homes. For we had, curiously enough, developed while in the Ghetto into a bourgeois people, and we stepped out of it only to enter into the fierce competition with the middle class circle, where we have a double pressure to sustain, from within and from without. The Christian bourgeois would not be willing to cast us as a sacrifice to Socialism, though that would not greatly improve matters. . . . The very impossibility of getting at the Jews nourishes and embitters hatred of them. Anti-Semitism increases day by day and hour by hour among the nations; indeed, it is bound to increase, because the causes of its growth continue to exist and cannot be removed. Its remote cause is our loss of power of assimilation during the Middle Ages; its immediate cause is our excessive production of mediocre intellects, who cannot find an outlet downwards or upwards — that is to say, no wholesome outlet in either direction. When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; at the same time, when we rise, there also rises our terrible power of the purse.” (Pages 25-26.)


[Page 108]







Bartlett, Ellis Ashmead — Tragedy of Central Europe, Thorton Butterworth, 1923.

Belloc, Hilaire — Monarchy, A Study of Louis XIV, Constable London 1939.

Can We Rope In America? Weekly Review, Jan. 8, 1938

Bemis, Samuel Flagg — Diplomatic History of the United States, H. Holt, 1936.

Brandeis, Justice Louis D. — The Jewish Problem — How to Solve It, Federation of American Zionists, 1917.

Broad, Lewis — The Way of The Dictators, Hutchinson, 1935.

Brooks, Collin — Can Chamberlain Save Great Britain, Eyre and Spoth swoode, 1938.

Bryant, Arthur — Unfinished Victory, Macmillan, London, 1940.


Carnegie, Andrew — Triumphant Democracy, Scribner’s (1893 edition).

Carrere, Jean — L’Imperialism Brittainque, Perrin & Cie, 1917.

Carter, Boake — Why Meddle in the Orient, Dodge, 1938.

Chamberlain, Sir Austin, — Down The Years, Cassell, 1935.

Churchill, Winston — A Roving Commission, Thornton Butterworth, 1930.

The Great War, Newness, 1933.

Conklin, Viola — American Political History, H. Holt, 1901.

Coogan, Gertrude — Money Creators, Sound Money Press, Chicago.



Dawson, W. H. — Germany Under the Treaty, Allen & Unwin, 1933.

Dennis, Lawrence — A Trial on Trial, with Maximiliam J. St. George, National Civil Rights Committee.

Denny, Ludwell — America Conquers Britain, Knopf, 1930.

Dillon, Dr. Edward J. — Inside Story of the Peace Conference , Harpers, 1920. ‘

Disraeli, Benjamin — Coningsby, 1844.

Dos Passos, John R. — The Anglo-American Century, Putnam, 1903. Economist (London)



Forrestor, Izola — This One Mad Act, Cushman & Flint, 1937.

Fullerton, J. Morton — Problems of Power, Constable, London, 1913.



Gaffney, T. St. John — Breaking The Silence, Horace Liveright, 1931.

Garrett, Garet — The Bubble That Broke The World, Bobbs-Merrill, 1933.

The Revolution Was, Caxton Press, 1945.


Hendrick, Burton J. — Statesmen of a Lost Cause, Little Brown, 1939.

Herring, Hubert — And So to War, Yale University Press, 1938.

Herzl, Theodore — Jewish State 1896.

Hobson, J. A. — The War In South Africa, Macmillan, London, 1900.

Holt, John B. — Under The Swastika, University of N. C. Press, 1936.

House, Col. E. M. — Intimate Papers of Col. House, Houghton Mifflin, 1926.

Howe, Quincy — England Expects Every American to Do His Duty, Simon & Schuster, 1937.

Huddleston, Sisley — War Unless, Lippincott, 1934. 109


[Page 109]


Johnson, Walter — Battle Against Isolation, Univ. Chicago Press, 1944.


Kessler, Count — Walter Rathenau, Gerald Howe, London, 1929.

Kimmel, Stanley — The Mad Booths of Maryland, Bobbs-Merrill, 1940.

Korostovetz, Vladimir — Europe in the Melting Pot, Hutchinson, London, 1938.


Landman, Samuel — Great Britain, The Jews and Palestine, New Zionist Publications, London, 1936.

Lansing, Robert — Peace Negotiations, Houghton-Mifflin, 1921.

Lloyd-George, David — Memoirs of The Peace Conference, Yale Univ. Press, 1938.

The Truth About The Peace Treaties.


Mark, Geoffrey — Modern Idolatry, Chatto Windus, 1934.

Miller, Charles Grant — Poisoned Loving Cup, Natl Hist. Society, 1938.

Morel, E. D. — The Secret History of a Great Betrayal Foreign Affairs, London.

Murry, J. Middleton — Betrayal of Christ by the Churches, Andrew Dakers, London, 1940.


Nevins, Allen — Henry White, Thirty Years of American Diplomacy, Harpers, 1930.

Nichols, Beverly — News of England, Jonathon Cape, 1938.

Nicholson, Harold — Portrait of a Diplomatist, Houghton-Mifflin, 1930.


Orton, William — Twenty Years’ Armistice, 1918-1938, Farrar & Rhinehart, 1938.


Page, Kirby — National Defense, Farrar & Rhinehart, 1938.

Playne, C. E. — Neurosis of Nations, Seltzer, 1925.

Potocki, Jerzy — Polish Documents

Pratt, Fletcher — U. S. A.: The Aggressor Nation, Amer. Mercury, Dec., 1938.


Radziwill, Princess — Quarante-cinq de Ma Vie, 1770-1815.

Reed, Douglas — Disgrace Abounding, Jonathon Cape, London, 1938.

Rogerson, Sidney — Propaganda In the Next War, Bles, 1939.

Russell, Leonard — The Way of the Dictators, 1935.


St. George, Maximilian J A — Trial on Trial, Natl. Civil Rights Com.

Sarpedon — England’s Service, Macmillan, 1940.

Schoonmaker, Edwin D. — Democracy and World Dominion, Richard Smith, 1939.

Scrutton, Robert J. — A People’s Runnymede, Andrew Dakers London, London, 1939.

De Siebert — Entente Diplomacy, Scribner’s, 1923.

Snow, John Howland — America, Which Way?; The Case of Tyler Kent, Domestic and Foreign Affairs.

Sombart, Werner — A New Social Philosophy, Princeton Univ. Press, 1937.


Tansill, Charles C. — America Goes To War, Little, Brown, 1938.


Utley, Freda — The Dream We Lost, John Day, 1940.


Wheeler-Bennet, J. W. — Information on Reduction of Armaments.

William, Basil — Cecil Rhodes, Constable, 1921.

Wise, Jennings C. — Woodrow Wilson, Disciple of Revolution, Paisley, 1937.




[Page 110]









America and World War II:

Churchill Indicts America …………………… 16

Entry Decisive …………………… 17

See Jewish Influences

Balfour Declaration

Anglo-American League …………………… 2

Anglo-Saxon People

Jewish influence …………………… 25, 26

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith activities

Opposed U. S. Neutrality …………………… 68

Secret police and spy service …………………… 107

Anti-Semitism and American Neutrality …………………… 68

Theodore Herzl…………………… 108

World War II …………………… 73

Armistice 1918 …………………… 28

Ashmead-Barlett, Ellis …………………… 36

Atlantic Charter …………………… 69

Austria Before Hitler …………………… 104

Austria Wanted Hitler …………………… 40

Austria and the Jews …………………… 36




Balfour Declaration …………………… 20

Balance of Power Policy …………………… 8, 76

Balfour, Arthur

War Against Germany …………………… 12

Barnes, Harry Elmer

British starvation blockade …………………… 29

Baruch, Bernard,

and Americanism …………………… 55

Hitler and war with Germany …………………… 74

Supported Woodrow Wilson ……………………18

Belloe, Hilaire “Roping in America” …………………… 58

The Money Powers …………………… 2

Bemis, Samuel F.

Greatest Mistake of American diplomacy …………………… 5

Benckendorff …………………… 8, 11

Ben-Gurion, David Britain’s war Zionists’ war …………………… 73

Bismarck …………………… 9, 91

B’nai B’rith

See Anti-Defamation League

Bonaparte, Napoleon …………………… 8, 35

Boston and Danzig …………………… 45

Brandeis, Justice Louis D.

Influenced Woodrow Wilson …………………… 19

Jewish organization …………………… 84

British-American Union

Andrew Carnegie …………………… 1

Cecil Rhodes …………………… 6

British Propaganda

World War I …………………… 15

British Starvation Blockade of Germany (1919) …………………… 29, 31

Broad, Lewis …………………… 30

Brooks, Collin …………………… 30

Broun, Heywood …………………… 52

Bryan, William Jennings …………………… 18

Bryant, Arthur Peace Treaty (1919) …………………… 35, 36

Bullitt, Wm. Christian, and Robt. Lansing on the Treaty ………… 22

Polish documents …………………… 50

War In Europe Decided Upon …………………… 57




Cambon …………………… 11

Carnegie, Andrew …………………… 6

Carnock, Lord, and the treaty of Versailles …………………… 33

Carrere, Jean; Boer War …………………… 4

Carter, Boake …………………… 5

Catholic Church, and Jewish influence …………………… 63, 104

Chamberlain, Sir Austin: Polish Corridor …………………… 46

Chamberlain, Joseph …………………… 57

Chamberlain, Neville …………………… 51

Churchill, Winston

Atlantic Charter …………………… 69

Cables to Roosevelt …………………… 57

Smash Germany …………………… 67

Step by Step Speech …………………… 46

Worked to Involve U. S. …………………… 72

Zurich Speech …………………… 67

Clemenceau …………………… 33

Cless. Geo., Jr., Wm. Allen

White Reign of Terror …………………… 49

Close, Upton, on Anti-Defamation League’s propaganda ………… 88

Commintern propaganda,

Nation and New Republic …………………… 51-2

American Press …………………… 52



Danzig…………………… 45, 106

Democracy, Peace …………………… 24

Wealth …………………… 27

Social Instability …………………… 99

Dillon, Dr. Edward J …………………… 24

Dos Passos, John R. …………………… 3


[Page 111]




Eastlund, Sen. James O.

Stuttgart rapings …………………… 10

Eden, Anthony

Barter and Money

Payments …………………… 77

Elkis, Abram and Wilson …………………… 18

English speaking peoples,

alliance of, leads to war …………………… 2, 4

Jewish influence …………………… 26




Fight For Freedom. …………………… 66

Fischer., Louis …………………… 52

Fish, Hamilton, on Pearl Harbor, and Henry L. Stimson ………… 70

Frankfurter, Felix …………………… 55

Fullerton, Wm. Morton …………………… 2, 27

Funk, Walter …………………… 56




Gaffney, T. St. John …………………… 13, 15, 95

Garrett, Garet …………………… 17


Aggression against by Great Powers …………………… 3, 11

Reaction against …………………… 34-5

Antagonistic public opinion in America …………………… 52, 54

Armistice (1918) …………………… 29, 30

Army, for protection …………………… 10

Compared with British Navy by Lloyd George …………………… 9

Barter trade …………………… 41, 44, 79, 80

British Starvation blockade …………………… 29, 31

Czecho-Slovakia. center of anti-German agitation ………… 40

Encirclement …………………… 9

Great Britain, see

Jews, 37, 38, 40, 48, 52, 62, 68, 73, 74

League of Nations …………………… 4

Money Powers …………………… 63, 64, 78

Philippines …………………… 5

Potsdam …………………… 83

Pres. Roosevelt’s War Plans …………………… 68

Versailles Treaty …………………… 32-6, 44

War against decided upon …………………… 57

War guilt …………………… 33-4

Zionism …………………… 21

Gahier, Urbain: La Vielle France …………………… 91-3

Great Britain

Aggression against the world …………………… 35

Aggression against the Boers …………………… 3, 93

Antagonism against America (Civil War) …………………… 1

Antagonism against Germany …………………… 5, 11, 13, 41, 43, 80

Balance of power policy …………………… 14, 43, 76

Foreign armies conscripted (foot note) …………………… 43

Japan and U. S …………………… 59, 60, 63, 71

Jewry …………………… 19, 20, 26, 61, 73

Pre-World War I diplomacy …………………… 8

Sought to get U. S. into war against Germany by provoking Japan ………… 63, 71

Trade war against Germany …………………… 41, 78

War and 19th century money …………………… 73, 78

Griffin, William, conversation with Churchill on American entry into World War I …………………… 16




Hague Conference …………………… 12

Henning, Arthur Scars …………………… 57

Herring, Huben …………………… 49, 50

Herzl, Theodore …………………… 108

Von Hindenburg, President …………………… 38


And Austria …………………… 40

And Chamberlian …………………… 54

Appointed Chancellor …………………… 38

Background of rise to power …………………… 31

Defied world financial monopoly …………………… 79

Hatred of, in America …………………… 52-3

Refugees allowed to leave …………………… 48

Restrictions on Jews brought war …………………… 74-5

Compared with British starvation blockade …………………… 29

Hobson, J. A.

British aggression against the Boer people …………………… 95

Holmes, John Haynes: Jews clamor for war …………………… 74

Holt, John B: Jewish restrictions in Germany compared with Negro lynchings in U. S. ………… 48

House, Col. Edw. Mandell …………………… 8

Howe, Quincy …………………… 49

Huddleston, Sisley …………………… 38

Hudson, R. S. …………………… 41-2, 44, 56

Huxley, Jullan: Hoped for U. S. War with Japan …………………… 9


[Page 112]




Internationalists elect Woodrow Wilson …………………… 18





England and Far East …………………… 59

England seeks to involve in war with U, S …………………… 63

Pearl Harbor …………………… 69-70, 71

Jewish authorship, control of press and public opinion

Austria …………………… 105-6

England …………………… 98

Germany …………………… 37

South Africa …………………… 97

United States …………………… 40, 41, 52, 87

Jewish financiers and American Civil War …………………… 92

Jewish financiers in Germany and Austria …………………… 105

Jewish financiers and Woodrow Wilson…………………… 18

Jewish protective associations …………………… 84

Jewish revolutionaries …………………… 108

Jewish vote and Woodrow Wilson …………………… 18

Jewry influences Anglo Saxon people…………………… 25, 26

Jewry declares war on Germany (1938) …………………… 39

Jewry for war against Germany (Potocki) …………………… 56

Jewry influences intimidates honest scholarship …………………… 47

Jewry influences Peace Conference (1919) …………………… 25, 26

Jewry and White Slave Traffic …………………… 37

Jews in American life …………………… 84

In England…………………… 61, 62

In Germany …………………… 29, 37, 39, 54, 62, 68

And Holy War …………………… 37, 47, 74

In Prague …………………… 40

South Africa …………………… 96-8

World War I …………………… 20, 21, 62

World War II …………………… 73

Johannesburg, New Jerusalem …………………… 96




Kent, Tyler …………………… 57

Keynes, J. M. …………………… 17

Korostovetz, Vladimir …………………… 37




Landman, SamueL …………………… 21

Great Britain, the Jews policy …………………… 14, 43,

Langer, Senator Wm., on General Patton …………………… 89

Lansing, Robert: Peace Conference …………………… 22

Law, Bonar …………………… 17

Lazaron, Rabbi Morris. …………………… 85

League of Nations …………………… 22, 23, 24

Lehman, Herbert …………………… 55

Lincoln, Abraham Assassination. …………………… 1, 7 6

International financiers …………………… 91

Livingston, Sigmund …………………… 67

Lloyd-George, David

On German Army …………………… 9, 10

Peace Treaty …………………… 2-3

Polish corridor …………………… 32

Louis XIV …………………… 35

Lyttleton, Oliver

Japan provoked into attacking Pearl Harbor …………………… 70




Marburg, Theodore …………………… 18

Mark, Jeffrey: World finance and war …………………… 75

MarshalI, Gen. Geo. C.,

Bernard Baruch …………………… 74

War with Germany (1939) …………………… 74

Marx, Karl …………………… 26

McKinley, William …………………… 2

Montelre, Manual de Goes

Gen. Marshall, Brazil and war with Germany (1939) ………… 74

Morel, E. D. …………………… 9

Betrayal of Britain …………………… 13

Morgenthau, Henry, Sr. …………………… 18

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. …………………… 55

Morgenthau Plan …………………… 18, C3

Morocco dispute …………………… 3

Munich Pact …………………… 54

Murry, J . Middleton

Social Instability …………………… 99

Treaty of Versailles …………………… 24





Circulation press …………………… 89

Debauching people …………………… 100

Misrepresentations …………………… 97

World War I …………………… 15

Nlchols, Beverly: British Empire and the Jews …………………… 61

Nicholson, Sir Arthur …………………… 33

Nicholson, Harold …………………… 33


[Page 113]




Ohrbach, Nathan: Fund to preserve Jewish community ………… 87

Orton, William: Twenty years armistice …………………… 27




Page, Kirby …………………… 9, 10. 15, 16, 17, 33, 44

Paish, Sir George: To Get U. S. into war …………………… 50

Pan-Slavism …………………… 9

Patton, Gen. George …………………… 89

Peace Conference (1919) …………………… 22·25

Pearl Harbor …………………… 70, 71, 96

Pershing, Gen. John J. …………………… 7

Philippines …………………… 4, 5

Playne, C. E. …………………… 10

Polish Corridor, War Hazard

Austin Chamberlain …………………… 47

W. H. Dawson. …………………… 106

Kirby Page …………………… 45

Polish Documents …………………… 50-57

Potocki, Jerrzy …………………… 50, 52, 55

Prague, and Jewish Refugees …………………… 40

Pratt, Fletcher …………………… 45

Polish Documents …………………… 50

Public Opinion …………………… V, 27, 52, 63




Radziwill, Princess …………………… 8

Rathenau, Walter …………………… 103

Jews in German Life …………………… 39

Reed Douglas …………………… 40-44

Rhodes, Cccil …………………… 6

Rhodes Scholarship Fund …………………… 6

Rogerson, Sidney …………………… 49, 62

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Atlantic Charter …………………… 69

Frontier on Rhine …………………… 40

War plans …………………… 50-55, 68

Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D.

Pearl Harbor …………………… 71

Roosevelt, Theodore …………………… 2

Morocco arbitration …………………… 3

Rothschilds …………………… 91


Pre-World War I diplomacy …………………… 8, 11




Sargent, Porter …………………… 49

Saturday Review: Germania delenda est …………………… 11

Sazanov …………………… 8, 11, 14

Schoonmakcr, Edwin D …………………… 12

Scrutton. Robert J.

Peace We Lost …………………… 77

Sheean, Vincent …………………… 52

dc Siebert Collection …………………… 11

Smuts. Gen. Jan C.

British atrocities and the Boer people …………………… 93.5

Snow, John Howland …………………… 6, 27

Sombart, Werner: Jewish spirit …………………… 26

Stalin and,

Liberal democracies …………………… S2

Liquidation of refugees …………………… 48

Starvation blockade of Germany (1918) …………………… 29, 31

Stimson, Henry L ………………….. 69, 70

Stuttgart rapings …………………… 11

Swinton, John: American press …………………… 89

Sykes, Sir Mark …………………… 19, 20




Tedder, Sir Arthur: On total war …………………… 34

Thompson, Dorothy …………………… 52

Tilsit …………………… 8

Tirpitz Admiral …………………… 11




Under Cover Forces For War …………………… V, 90, 92, 95

United States: War with Spain …………………… 3, 4, 5

Untermeyer, Samuel: Holy War against Germany ………… 38, 47, 74




Versailles Treaty

British Starvation Blockade …………………… 29

Iniquities of …………………… 44

Lord Carnock …………………… 33

No treaty …………………… 30

Results of …………………… 16

Voigt, F, A.

England and the Continent …………………… 76


[Page 114]




Warburg, Paul

Federal Reserve System …………………… 76

War in Europe decided upon …………………… 57

Webbs …………………… 52

Wheeler-Bennett, J. W. …………………… 10

Wheeler, Senator Burton K …………………… 50

White, Henry …………………… 12-

White, William Allen

Reign of Terror …………………… 49

Von Wiegand, Karl

Bullitt and war in Europe …………………… 57

Potsdam declaration …………………… 82

Wllson, Woodrow

Justice Brandeis and the Zionists …………………… 19-21

Fourteen points …………………… 29

Col. House reports on war in Europe (1914) …………………… 8

Jewish financiers …………………… 18

Peace Conference …………………… 25

Wise, Jennings C …………………… 18, 20, 21

Wise, Rabbi Stephen S.

Woodrow Wilson …………………… 18

Rabbi Lazaron incident …………………… 85

Wood, Gen. Robert

Churchill-smash Germany …………………… 67

Von Wrochem

Colored occupation troops …………………… 10




Zionists …………………… 19, 20, 21



[Page 115]




Books For Collateral Reading



The Revolution Was, Garet Garrett (1944), 51 pages ……….. $0.25*

Former Saturday Evening Post feature writer tells how the American government was captured from within.


Government By Treason, John Howland Snow (1946) 79 pages .. 1.00*

Exposes the treachery of Bretton Woods, the fraud of of the British “loan” and the give-away of countless billions of the Nation’s wealth.


The Case of Tyler Kent, John Howland Snow (1946) 59 pages … 0.50*

A detailed account of the pre-war cable exchange between Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt.


The Empire of “The City,” E. C. Knuth (1946) 111 pages ……….. 1.00*

Traces the history of the imperialistic dictatorship which controls the foreign affairs of the United States, and the commerce, finances and politics of the world. (cloth $2.)


Democracy and World Dominion, Edwin D. Schoonmaker (1939), 331 pages ……….. 2.75

A survey of war fomenting world imperialism masked in the false front of “democracy.


Pearl Harbor, The Story of The Secret War, George Morgenstern (1947), 425 pages ……….. 3.00

This is a documented record of secret diplomacy and military intrigue which resulted in the catastrophe of December 7, 1941. Charles A. Beard calls Mr. Morgenstern’s book a permanent contribution to the quest for an understanding of the tragedy at Pearl Harbor.


American Foreign Policy In Post-War Years (1935) Frank Simonds, 155 pages ……….. 2.00

A little known review of the interventionist American foreign policy by a well known author of realistic books on world affairs. This policy led to war as predicted. Should be in every library as ready reference to understand how the U. S. got where it is today.


American Foreign Policy In the Making, 1932-1940 (1946). A Study in Responsibilities, Charles A. Beard. 338 pages ……….. 4.00

A leading American historian surveys a foreign policy designed not to avoid war but covertly to get into it. Invaluable documentation.


[Page 116]


America Goes To War, Charles C. Tansill (1938) 731 pages ……….. 5.00

Far and away the best analysis of American Neutrality and the road to war that has ever been written . . . and will necessitate a thorough rewriting of the history of the pre-war period-says Henry Steele Commager, commenting on this scholarly interpretation of the Neutrality policy of the American Government during the years 1914-1917.


Law of Civilization and Decay, Brooks Adams (1896), 1943 edition ……….. 3.50

With a long introduction by Charles A. Beard. Brooks Adams was one of the few scholarly Americans who threw off the fetters of liberal hypocritical idealism to show the real influences shaping the destiny of the world. (330 pages.)


Dynamics of War and Revolution, Lawrence Dennis (1941) 250 pages ……….. 3.00

As Brooks Adams was, Dennis is a present day realist who shuns hypocritical moralizing. A brilliant survey of political dynamics.


Trial On Trial, Maximilian St. George and Lawrence Dennis, 463 pages ……….. 5.00

A provocative analysis of the Second World War’s most sensational political trial and exposure of the sinister Internationalist forces behind it. (1946).


History’s Most Terrifying Peace, Austin J. App (1947) 107 pages 1.00*

Describes what “liberation” by the “Christian” Democracies has meant to Central Europe. All Americans should read this shameful record of betrayal by their elected government of the ideals for which they fought and ponder what they can do to restore American honor.


Gruesome Harvest, Ralph F. Keeling (1947), 140 pages ……….. 1.50*

An extensively documented survey of the costly attempt to exterminate the people of Germany


Planned Famine, A. O. Tittmann (1947), 24 pages ……….. 0.20*

A brief survey of the Pan-British program to decimate the Teutonic peoples.


[Page 117]


A New Social Philoaophy, Werner Sombart (1934) 295 pages ……….. 3.50

The English translation of the book of this eminent German scholar enables Americans to understand a culture developed from an entirely different spirit than that from which their own commercial civilization has sprung.


Two new books by Jennings C. Wise, author of Woodrow Wilson, Disciple of Revolution:


America: The Background of Columbus ……….. 5.00

Traces the evolution of civilization down to the Christian era.


The Mystery of Columbus ……….. 5.00

Deals with the economic, political, social and religious forces influencing the discovery of the New World. These two books have been hailed as: “A triumph of humanist culture over utilitarian erudition,” by Baron Claude de Heeckeren D’Anthes, eminent elve of the Sorbonne.


The Servile State, Hilaire Belloc, 189 pages ……….. 2.50

First published in 1912, Belloc outlines the progressive economic enslavement of man by the destruction of private property through monopoly,


The Right to Work Versus Slavery, M. B. Pinkerton (1945), 110 pages ……….. 50*

A survey of the theories of Turgot and the Internationalist influences barring men and nations from the right to enjoy the fruits of their own toil.


An Exposition On the Secret Origins of Bolsevism, by Salluste .. 0.60*

First American printing of this French scholar’s revealing analysis of an influence disturbing world peace. A translation from the Revue de Paris.


The Anti-Defamation League And Its Use In The World Communist Offensive, by Robert H. Williams, 44 pages ……….. 35 *

A picture of what more and more Americans regard with alarm, to be a secret police among us; and its relation to the world movement which threatens our civilization, reported by an Army Reserve Intelligence officer.


[Page 118]


Medical Mussolini, Morris A. Bealle, 243 pages ……….. 3.00*

How Dr. Morris Fishbein, Director of the American Medical Association, has perverted the original intent of the founders and is helping to bring socialized medicine to the United States.


Washington Squirrel Cage, Morris A. Bealle (1946) 80 pages … 2.00*

A factual story of the Washington Scene from 1933 to 1946 in breezy satire.


Take Your Choice — Separation or Mongrelization, Senator Theodore G. Bilbo (3 30 pages) ……….. 3.00

The most thorough discussion of the race problem ever written. A plea for racial purity. A denunciation of miscegenation and mongrelization and a startling revelation about the equality campaign to integrate the negro into the social life of white America.


America — Which Way? John Howland Snow ……….. 1.00*

The authoritative source material packed into its 144 pages shows the way to clear thinking about the Communist menace to America. The first book to link imperialism with the Communist assault upon the world. An invaluable reference book.




* These books paper covered.






P.O. Box 144 Station Y

New York 21, N. Y.




PDF of Part 6. Click to view or download (0.5 MB). >> UNCOVERING THE FORCES FOR WAR – Part 6


Uncovering the Forces for War by Conrad K. Grieb (1947)

PDF of cpmplete book. Click to view or download (0.8 MB). >> UNCOVERING THE FORCES FOR WAR


Version History
Version 2: Added PDF of complete book here and also in DOWNLOADS page — Jul 11, 2014
Version 1: Published Jul 10, 2014
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