Holo-Heretic Hunters: The Faurisson File

Holo-Heretic Hunters:



The Faurisson File


Video published on Feb 14, 2015


CLICK TO VIEW >>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZRsOYPXilI


Inspector Marlon Branleux of the French police battles the relentless Professor Faurisson and the insidious power of revisionist doubt in this hilarious satire by Bernamej.

Original title: SOS Quenelle (Premier épisode, “Le Doute”)


In two parts (You Tube):



Visit the pages and give Bernamej an upvote there!

As a single file:


And check out Bernamej’s personal site: http://bernamej.com/




The following is from the Age of Treason website:

Holo-Heretic Hunters: The Faurisson File (press CC for English subtitles), a video by Bernamej, via The CODOH Revisionist Forum.

This is a brilliant short video, its wry satire all the more disturbing because it only slightly exaggerates the jew-dominated zeitgeist. The story is set in France, where even the slightest whiff of a challenge to the supposed moral superiority of the jews and their ridiculously one-sided historic narrative is met with swift state-backed force. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. The truth is that in France truth seekers such as Robert Faurisson are demonized, and mere gestures of defiance, such as the quenelle, are criminalized.

From Meet Robert Faurisson:

During an interview in December 1980 with the French radio network “Europe 1,” Faurisson summarized the result of his historical research in one sentence of 60 French words. Here is that sentence, in English:

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the State of Israel and international Zionism, and whose principal victims are the German people — but not their leaders — and the entire Palestinian people.”

That sentence, he declared 23 years later, “requires no changes.”


Continued at the excellent Age of Treason blog … Holo-Heretic Hunters: The Faurisson File







Version History


Version 2: Jan 18, 2020 — Re-uploaded image for katana17.com/wp/ version.


Version 1: Published Feb 17, 2015

This entry was posted in Auschwitz, France, Germany, Holocaust, Israel, Jews, Jews - Naming, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, WW II. Bookmark the permalink.

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