The American Jew – An Expose of His Career – Part 4 – The Criminal Jew

Part 4








Telemachus Thomas Timayenis




Foul deeds will rise, 

Though earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes














Introduction.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 His Arrival in America  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter II The New-York Ghetto  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter III The Jew at the Summer Hotel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter IV The Jew in Wall Street  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter V The Jew in the Tobacco Trade  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Chapter VI The Jew in Politics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Chapter VII The Jew in Journalism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Chapter VIII “The Great American Journalist.”   . . . . 77

Chapter IX The Jew Lecher  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Chapter X The Criminal Jew  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Chapter XI The Jew in Petroleum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Chapter XII The Jew in His Relation to the Law  . . . . 135

Chapter XIII Customs and Habits of the Jews

— Religious Doctrines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Chapter XIV The Jew Summarized  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197









To assassinate, ruin, despoil the Christian, constitutes for the Jew an act authorized by his religion, acceptable to his God. It is what the Jews call to commit a Korban.” — EISENMENGER.



THE Jews have for many years past figured largely and prominently in the criminal annals of the United States. The criminal records abound with the names of Jew murderers, bank-burglars, store and safe robbers, forgers, shoplifters, coiners and utterers of “the queer, blackmailers, pickpockets, confidence operators, building-burners and insurance swindlers, adventurers, and, last but not least, of Jew sneak-thieves, and receivers of stolen goods. This last occupation in particular, is one in especial favor with the Jew. There is little physical risk, which just suits his cowardly temperament; the profit is large, which exactly accords with his greed for gain. Therefore it is that the Jew delights in the occupation of a “fence,” and thus it is that fully ninety per cent of the professional “fences” are Jews; and very faithful counterparts of Dickens’s Fagan they are.


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Regarding this latter class of offenders, Inspector Byrnes very truly says,

Without a safe market for the disposal of his ill-gotten property, the rogue would find his vocation unprofitable. The buying of stolen goods is therefore not a crime of recent origin, but dates back to the very origin of thievery. It is really the root of the evil.


The Jews furnish a greater number of criminals than any other foreign element in the United States. Examine the criminal statistics, examine the police records, in all the great cities of this country, and the truth of this statement will be substantiated.


Statistics show that there are five Jew criminals in every one thousand Hebrews, while there is only one criminal in everyone thousand Gentiles. There are thus five thousand Jew criminals in the United States at the present time.


Among the criminal fraternity, the Jew criminal is recognized as a shrewd, cunning operator, but one who is not to be trusted. For it is clearly realized by criminals generally, that the Jew, to whom the maxim of “honor among thieves” means nothing, will at any and all times betray his confederates without hesitation and without remorse, for personal safety, personal profit, or personal gain of any kind. As a sneak, a coward, and a traitor, the Jew is known throughout the thieves’ fraternity.


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Certainly the most despised position under the city government is that of hangman. In New York, in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, the public executioner has always been a Jew. The present incumbent of the position is a Mr. Isaacs. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of hangman, there is invariably a long list of Jew applicants; and, as before stated, it has always been a Jew who has secured the place.


And now to instance a few of the abominable crimes committed by the Jew, and briefly to sketch a few of the most notorious among the Jew criminals.


Some fourteen years ago, there lived in Ludlow Street a Jew peddler named Pesach Rubenstein. He was so ill-shapen, dirty, and uncouth, and his general appearance was so productive of ridicule and disgust, that the boys were wont to hoot after him in the street. But in spite of the misery of his mien, he had by dint of Jewish miserliness, cupidity, and rascality, continued to amass money; and in spite of his physical repulsiveness and dirt, he was possessed of that characteristic Jewish passion, lechery.


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He conceived an unholy lust for a young girl named Sarah Alexander; and by dint of perfidious promises, and the employment of money, he succeeded in betraying her. As a result, the poor girl eventually found herself in a compromising condition. She turned to her repulsive betrayer for assistance; but he by this time, having satiated his foul lusts, had grown tired of her, and was already bewailing, with niggard regrets, the money his victim was costing him. The more he counted up his expenditures on her account, the more he writhed with miserly qualms. One day she disappeared.


The police were notified, detectives got to work, and instantly Rubenstein found himself under suspicion. Afflicted with neurosis, that peculiarly Jewish disease, overcome with abject fears and ominous dreads, his actions were absolutely pitiable to behold. The detectives had little difficulty in making up their minds who was responsible for the girl’s disappearance: who was the guilty one. “Murderer” seemed stamped on his forehead: the brand of Cain seemed literally to stand out on his brow.


Cornered and cross-questioned by the detectives, Rubenstein completely broke down. With great beads of perspiration standing out upon his forehead, and trembling like an aspen, Rubenstein told how he had dreamed a dream. He had dreamed, he said, that on the other side of the East River he had seen a cornfield, and in the midst of this cornfield lay the body of a young woman. He had approached this body, and gazed upon the face. It was that of Sarah Alexander!


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This story of the dream was told with many faltering stops, with many weird gestures, with many abject yet damaging protestations of innocence.


The detectives seized the trembling Jew, and sternly commanded him to lead the way over the road indicated in his dream. He led the searchers across the East River, far out along the Newtown road, and turned into a cornfield stretching along the river’s bank. Then he fainted away.


The detectives searched the cornfield; and in it, concealed under the golden grain, they found the body of Sarah Alexander, brutally butchered.


Her murderer, the assassin who had slaughtered her with so much cruelty, had been led by abject fright, by the sheer force of fear, into betraying himself into the hands of the law. And this brutal murderer, this coward assassin, was Pessch Rubenstein, the Jew.


Arrested, imprisoned, tried, convicted, and sentenced to the gallows, Rubenstein finally broke down utterly, and confessed his crime. He pleaded piteously that his miserable neck might be saved from the extreme penalty of the halter, and much Jewish influence was secretly brought to bear upon the governor to secure a commutation of the sentence to imprisonment for life. To these appeals, the executive very firmly and very properly refused to give ear.


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As the day of execution drew nearer, the terror of Rubenstein the Jew was simply terrible to behold. In his despair, he writhed up and down his cell, beating his breast, tearing his hair, and shrieking that he could not, he could not die on the gallows. Finally his terror drove him to the dreadful expedient of starving himself to death.


But vitality was strong in this mis-shapen, repulsive Jew wretch; and the end was slow in coming. For days and days he lingered, cowering in his cell, with bloodless face, and lips parched and cracked from long abstinence, glaring with the eyes of a wild beast at the food with which he was tempted, but ever obstinately refusing it, and ever shrieking hysterically the one despairing cry, “I cannot, I cannot die on the gallows!” At last death put an end to this weird spectacle; and when the coroner came officially to view the body, it was found to be so covered with lice, that it had to be sprinkled with a powerful solution before it could be safely approached.


For weeks after these events, the boys in the streets would shout after passing Jews, “Rubenstein! Ah there, Rubenstein!


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On the early morning of July 28, 1870, Benjamin Nathan, millionnaire banker, was found murdered in his mansion, No. 12 West Twenty-third Street, New York City. The house had the appearance of having been plundered, and a small safe which was known to have contained the banker’s will had been broken into. At first blush, the detectives were of the opinion that it was a case of robbery and murder by professional thieves; but upon more extended investigation this theory was abandoned. No one was ever brought to justice for the crime; but there is a strong suspicion that the murder was perpetrated, not for the purposes of robbery, but by a certain Jew who had an object in tampering with the banker’s will, and putting him out of the way of ever making another one.


Mrs. Frances Mandelbaum, better known as “Mother Baum, Queen of Knaves,” was for many years a receiver of stolen goods in Clinton Place, New York. “Old Mammy Baum was known to all the first-class thieves in the United States and Canada; and in addition to buying stolen goods in enormous quantities, she made a specialty of advancing money for the carrying-out of robberies and other crimes. For many years she contrived to “stand in” with the police, dividing a percentage of her profits with some of the old-time chiefs of detectives. Her business was maintained on a most comprehensive scale; and she was ever ready, at all times, to buy any thing stolen, from a needle to a sheet-anchor. She had a penchant, however, for diamonds and silks.


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For year after year this gross, beetle-browed Jewess went on trading in thievery, and amassing wealth by crime, the criminal adeptness and cunning of her race enabling her to escape conviction and the prison-cell. But at last the Pinkertons succeeded in getting her within the meshes of the law.


And how was this brought about?


Through the treachery of a confidential employee; and this traitor was Michael Kurtz, alias Sheeny Mike,” — a Jew!


Betrayed by Judas Iscariot Kurtz, “Mammy Baum” found herself at last in danger of paying a compulsory and extended visit to Sing Sing. But even then the law was outwitted by Jew cunning and rascality. Securing bail from bondsmen of her own race, she disappeared over the Canadian border, leaving justice and the District Attorney to mourn her loss.


Her bail was estreated, of course?


Not a bit of it! When the myrmidons of the law came to levy upon the bondsmen, they found them to be men of straw, that their property had vanished into thin air, and not a dollar was ever confiscated to the State. Jew duplicity had won the day; and the law, as is so often the case when dealing with a Jew criminal, had been effectually baffled and set at naught.


The same Judas Iscariot Kurtz, alias, Sheeny Mile,” the betrayer of “Mammy Baum,” is himself a notorious Jew criminal. He has been. operating as a “crook” for the past twenty years. His boon companions have been murderers as well as thieves.


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Kurtz was first heard of as a burglar in Philadelphia, where he robbed several jewellery-stores. He has the reputation of being quick to observe the peculiar construction of buildings about to be plundered, and to discover the best point of attack. He is an expert safe blower and breaker, and his specialty in plunder is jewellery and silk. Kurtz has been arrested so many times that it would be tedious to enumerate them all.


He was arrested in New-York City in February, 1877, for a burglary at the cloth-house of Hahn Benjamin & Co., Nos. 313 and 315 Broadway. The Jew thief managed to escape punishment for this crime; but the Gentile confederate, one “Dutch Chris,” was of course convicted and sent to jail. In the very same year, Kurtz was again in the clutches of the law, this time in Baltimore, Md., on the charge of robbing the silk house of Scott & Co., of that city. Upon this occasion there was no opportunity of giving State’s evidence, turning traitor, betraying a confederate; and the Jew thief found himself under a righteous sentence of twelve years imprisonment.


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But his Jew cunning, the natural Jew aptitude for duplicity, was still left him in this dire emergency. He had not been long behind the jail-house bars, when he hit upon a happy plan. Purloining all the prison soap upon which he could lay his square-nailed Jewish claws, he ate it in quantities which had the effect of making him extremely pale and wan-looking. He assumed sanctimonious airs, sighed and groaned a good deal, and posed generally as a moribund. So skilfully did he carry out his role of dissimulation, that he was pardoned by Gov. Butler in 1880, upon the strength of a report by the over-credulous prison-physician that Kurtz was dying.


Having regained his liberty, Kurtz gave up the soap habit, and was promptly restored to robust health; so that early in the first month of the ensuing year — 1881 — he felt strong enough to break into a silk-warehouse at Washington, D.C., and carry off five thousand dollars’ worth of silks. He continued in an active and highly remunerative career of crime until July, 1882, when he broke into the safes of the Italian-American Bank, in New-York City, for, which crime he was arrested. The witnesses were, however, bought off; and the lucky Jew thief again escaped. A couple of vagrants, who had been lounging in City Hall Park, had seen Kurtz break into the bank, and had furnished a description of him to the detectives, which had led to his arrest. At the trial these vagrants were utterly unable to identify him!


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Kurtz was arrested in August, 1883, on a warrant, issued by United-States Commissioner Osborn, charging him with the larceny of jewellery from Charles F. Wood of Washington, D.C. The prisoner was liberated upon bail; and while awaiting trial, the jewellery store of Marks & Son, at Troy, N.Y., was broken into, and robbed of stock worth fourteen thousand dollars. Suspicion pointed to “Sheeny Mike,” and he was hunted for. Kurtz fled to England and France, where he committed a series of burglaries which netted him nearly one hundred thousand dollars. Returning to the United States, Kurtz, with one of his brothers, who for a long time kept a cigar-store in Eighth Avenue, near Thirtieth Street, bought out a tobacco factory at Jacksonville, Fla., in November, 1885. Two months later the building was burned, and the publication of the fire led to the discovery of the fugitive “crook’s” whereabouts. He was arrested for the Troy burglary, and, after a bitter legal contest in the Florida courts, was taken to Troy for trial. He was convicted of the Marks robbery, and sentenced to eighteen years and six months imprisonment; but since then the Jews have contrived to secure for him a new trial.


Solomon Stern, confidence operator, and speculator in bogus checks, before he was run to earth by detectives, in June, 1883, had succeeded in swindling a large number of merchants of New-York City, of large quantities of jewellery and other valuables, by means of bogus checks. He began his operations while a salesman in his father’s store, and started in by robbing the “old man.” The bogus-check operator had a Jewish mistress, whom he decorated with stolen diamonds, and also lived with for a while at fashionable seaside hotels. Before his arrest, Stern stole over five thousand dollars’ worth of goods from his father’s store.


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To a check which the robber and swindler passed upon C W. Shuman, diamond-dealer, at No. 24 John Street, New York, Stern forged his mother’s name. The check on the Germania Bank was accepted; and, after getting the diamonds and change to the full amount, Stern and his female companion fled to Baltimore, Md.: but as soon as the money was spent, the pair returned to New-York City. On other bogus checks he purchased a sealskin sack worth $250 from Henry Propach, furrier, of No. 819 Broadway, and a precious stone worth $525 from A. R. Picare, a jeweller in Fifteenth Street. Then, having grown tired of his mistress, he betrayed her into the hands of the police, and fled to parts unknown.


He was next heard of in January, 1883, when he swindled Joseph Michal, of No. 150 Ewen Street, Brooklyn, out of eight hundred dollars, by giving a worthless check in payment for jewellery. In the latter part of that year, the crafty rascal was finally trapped in New-York City. There were a dozen or more indictments on file against him at the time of arrest. When brought up for trial, he pleaded guilty to the charge on which he was arraigned, and was sentenced to five years in State prison by Judge Gildersleeve, in the Court of General Sessions. Stern is now at large.


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Rogue, swindler, thief; plunderer of his father; forger of his mother’s name; betrayer of his female companion in crime, of the woman who had nursed him in sickness, and who served him with the unquestioning and uncalculating fidelity of a dumb beast, what Gentile criminal, no matter how lost, how debased, how vile, can show such a record as this scoundrel Jew?


Frank Loewenthal, alias Sheeny Irving,alias August W. Erwin, shoplifter, receiver of stolen goods, desperado and adventurer, is a graduate of the University of Heidelberg. He was for some time connected with a St. Louis newspaper under Jew management. He was first arrested in New-York City in September, 1882, for the larceny of opera-glasses from a jewellery store in Maiden Lane. Julius Klein, alias Sheeny Julius,” another notorious Hebrew thief, was arrested with Loewenthal for the same offence, but was not held. “Sheeny Irving” was let out upon five hundred dollars bail, and no effort was made to prosecute him for the robbery. He next became a receiver of stolen goods.


Loewenthal fell in with a Gentile young woman, the daughter of the millionnaire proprietor of the Washington laundry in the Ninth Ward of New-York City. Against the wishes of her parents, the young girl married “Sheeny Irving.” Her father, when he found that Loewenthal was a thief, was anxious to separate the couple. The Jew son-in-law demanded a sum of money, which was refused, and it was arranged to take the girl to Europe. Loewenthal became aware of the scheme; and at the Allman House, in East Tenth Street, he made a desperate attempt to murder his young wife. The girl, however, recovered; and on Sept. 21, 1885, Loewenthal was sentenced to five years in State prison by Recorder Smyth.


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David Goldstein, alias Sheeny Dave,alias Lewis, alias Levitt, sneak-thief and shop-lifter, is well known to the authorities of New-York State. He was arrested in Buffalo, N.Y., in January, 1878, for pilfering various small articles from jewellery-stores. For that offence he was sent to Auburn Prison for one year. Upon his release he was taken to Baltimore, Md., to stand trial for a similar crime which he was suspected of having committed there prior to his capture in Buffalo. He was not convicted of the latter charge. Under the alias of James Lewis, Goldstein was arrested in New-York City, in January, 1881, for the larceny of silk from the store of Edward Freitman & Co., No. 473 Spring Street. He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by Judge Cowing to two years and six months’ imprisonment in Sing Sing. Goldstein was arrested again in New-York City, in December, 1883, for stealing diamonds from Kirkpatrick’s jewellery-store in Broadway. The prisoner then gave the name of Samuel Newman. He “jumped” his bail; and in September, 1884, he was caught picking pockets in York County, Maine, and was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, under the name of Herman Lewis. Goldstein is now a fugitive from justice in New-York City.


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George Levy, alias Lee, shop-lifter and sneak-thief. has carried on operations in the Eastern cities, and passed some of his time behind the bars of Sing-Sing Prison and the penitentiary on Blackwell’s Island. A quantity of Japanese goods was stolen from the store of Charles W. Fuller, at No. 15 East Nineteenth Street, on June 7, 1882. Levy was arrested for the robbery; and when brought up for trial before Police Justice Murray, at the Tombs Police Court, the latter, ignorant of the character of the glib-tongued prisoner, discharged him from custody. He was next arrested in September, 1885, in the fur-store of Solomon Kutner, at No. 492 Broome Street. The wife of the proprietor of the place noticed that Levy carried a light overcoat over his arm, and that it was much larger than when the supposed customer entered. The woman stopped the rogue at the door, and stood before him.


Interposed between him and the carrying-off of his plunder was a woman. What a frail barrier to interpose against Jew avarice and lust of possession! Without an instant’s hesitation, the Jew thief attacked the woman with the utmost savagery, beating her, gouging her eyes, and even attempting to tear them out with the claw-like fingers of his race. In his madness at being baffled in the bearing-off of his plunder, he would probably have forgotten his Jew caution, and would have murdered her, had not the woman’s husband, attracted by the noise of the struggle, come to her assistance, seized the thief, and held him until the arrival of the police. It was then found that he had a valuable seal sack concealed in the overcoat. He was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.


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As a blackmailer the Hebrew can also be particularly adept, as is shown by the career of the Jewess Sophia Levy, alias Louise Sylvan, a notorious shop-lifter, pickpocket, and blackmailer. She has two sons who are thieves. Sophia was arrested for grand larceny in October, 1871, and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. She escaped from Sing-Sing Prison in December, 1872. Four years later she was caught picking pockets at the Suffolk County, L.I., fair. In Boston, Mass., a few years afterward, under the alias of Louise Sylvan, she gained considerable notoriety as a blackmailer. She lured a wealthy merchant of that city to her room in a hotel. She hid his clothing, and to secure his release Sophia Levy made her dupe fill out a check for $10,000. The merchant was kept prisoner until the check, which had been handed to a confederate, had been presented at the bank. The check called for more money than the merchant had on deposit at the time. This led to the exposure of the blackmailing plot, and the woman was arrested. The merchant, doubtless owing to fear of publicity, refused to prosecute. She was next arrested at Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1883, for attempting to blackmail a prominent citizen of that place.


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Sophia Levy was convicted of this charge, and sentenced to three years imprisonment in the Detroit House of Correction. In 1886 she was convicted of stealing silk from the store of Koch & Sons, in Sixth. Avenue, New York, and sentenced to six months in the penitentiary on Blackwell’s Island. She is an opium-eater, and her mother was a shop-lifter.


Bertha Schlesinger, nee Karko, alias Bertha Heyman, alias Big Bertha,alias the “Confidence Queen,” has operated all over the United States, and is well known to the New-York detectives as a very shrewd Jewish criminal. She first became notorious about ten years ago, and in 1880 she was sued in the Superior Court of New York for obtaining $1,035 by false pretences from E. T. Perrin, a palace-car conductor, whom she met while travelling from Chicago. At London, Ont., she was arrested in February, 1881, for defrauding a Montreal commercial man out of $500 by the confidence game. Since then she has been arrested for swindling Pauline Schlarbaum of Southfield, L.I., out of $400; Charles Brandt, a liquor-merchant, at No. 19 Bowery, out of $960; Theodore W. Morris, glass-importer, out of $500; and Edward Saunders of the firm of Saunders & Hoffman, brokers, Broadway and Fulton Street, out of $450 in money and a diamond pin.


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Such is her cunning and adeptness in crime, that even when a prisoner in the penitentiary on Blackwell’s Island, serving out a term of imprisonment, she swindled a man named Charles Karpe out of $900. After committing a number of mean robberies she eloped with another Jewess’s husband, and went to San Francisco, Cal., where she victimized a number of persons. She escaped from there, but was subsequently captured at San Antonio, Tex., and is at present under arrest. While in New-York City she had rooms at the Hoffman House, and represented that she was worth $8,000,000.


Emanuel Marks, alias Mike Marks, alias the “red-headed Jew,” is a bank sneak-thief, confidence operator, and skin gambler. He is from Chicago; and on March 12, 1882, escaped from jail at Detroit, Mich. He was last heard of in Canada.


Charles Woodward, alias Williams, alias Hoyt, alias Anderson, alias Henderson, is known to detectives as a Jew “diamond-swallower,” sneak-thief, and “pennyweight” (gold-thief). He became notorious in January, 1879, when he was arrested for stealing a trunk containing $15,000 worth of jewellery from a travelling salesman, at the Palmer House, Chicago. He has since-been arrested several times in New-York State.


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William Hague, alias James Martin, alias Curly Harris,” is a Jew murderer, burglar, and hotel sneak thief. He is known to the police as one of the most desperate thieves and ruffians in America. He shot Policeman Murphy in Philadelphia some years ago, and escaped to Pittsburg, Penn., where he was captured. On his way back to the scene of his crime, he jumped out of the window of a train, and got away. Hague, on Aug. 25, 1879, at Eighth and Sansom Streets, Philadelphia, murdered James Reilly, alias John Davis, another thief. He was captured and sent to prison; and his sentence of ten years expired June 3, 1888.


The list of Jews who have been sent to prison during the last twenty years, for setting fire to buildings so as to fraudulently collect the insurance-money, is a startlingly long one. The records of the New-York fire-marshal’s office show that a large percentage of the persons arrested for arson are Hebrews, and that two-thirds of the fires yearly occurring in the city of New York are in buildings occupied by Jews. Many of the insurance-companies arbitrarily and systematically refuse to issue policies to Jews. This is a statement which is readily susceptible of verification.


The Jew “fire-bug” is a very hard bug to convict.* Long before he applies the lurid torch, or sprinkles his premises with inflammable oil, he has plenty of “witnesses” of his accursed race, all primed and fixed to prove an alibi, to swear that the “fire-bug” was out of the city, or mayhap prostrating himself before the tables of the law in the synagogue, at the time the fire broke out in his place.



* “Jewish lightning” is a well-known term used to describe deliberate acts of arson by jews for insurance collection purposes.


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It is a matter of much difficulty legally to prove a case of arson, under the existing condition of the law; and a large percentage of Jew incendiaries. who are brought to trial manage to escape conviction. The law should promptly be changed, with a view to specially meeting the case of the Jew incendiary, the criminal who does not hesitate to consign the sleeping inmates of a household, men, women, and little children, to a horrible death, for the sake of fraudulently collecting a few hundred or a few thousand dollars of insurance-money. What form of crime can be conceived more monstrous than that of the Jew incendiary?


In spite of the difficulty there is under the existing condition of the law in most of the States of the Union, in satisfactorily establishing a case of arson, a large number of Jews have in recent years been convicted of this heinous crime, and suitably punished. In the various States-prisons throughout the country, there are numbers of Jews serving out life sentences or long terms of imprisonment for this offence. To enumerate any thing like all the cases of this character for which Jew criminals have been responsible in, let us say, the last ten years, would make a tediously long list. Let it suffice to detail a comparatively few cases, occurring within the period named in New-York City, and let these instances serve as a sample of the whole.


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A most fiendish case of arson was the attempt, made one stormy night in November, 1878, by three Jew “fire-bugs,” to burn the tall, double tenement-house at No. 11 Ludlow Street, in order to fraudulently collect the insurance-money. In the carrying-out of this attempt, these Jew devils endangered. no less than one hundred and twelve human lives. The fire was very similar to others which had occurred shortly before on the East Side of the city, some of which had been attended by fatal consequences; and the Police had come to the conclusion that these fires were of incendiary origin.


The persons suspected were three Jews, named Isaac Perlstein, Charles Bernstein, and Abraham Freeman. The footsteps of the trio were dogged night and day by a young fireman named Perley, who had been assigned to the detective work by the commissioners, at the request of the fire-marshal. Perley was eminently successful. He discovered that these men made their headquarters in an East-Broadway saloon. They held long conferences together, and also with strangers. The latter, as was proved later, were a clique of Jew fire-speculators, who pointed out to Perlstein, Bernstein, and Freeman, the premises on which they held large insurances, and which they desired to have burned up.


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On the night of the Ludlow-street fire, these three men were tracked to the rooms of a Jewish confederate, named Joseph Levy, in the big Ludlow-street tenement. The occupant was, of course, absent while the “fire-bugs” were at work in his place. They scattered oil over the floor and furniture; and very soon after they had quitted the building, the flames broke out. It was lucky, indeed, for the inmates of this great human hive, that two firemen were at the heels of these Jew fiends. The two fire-laddies burst into the rooms, and held the flames in check until the steamers and hook-and-ladder companies, which had been called by telegraph, arrived. After the fire had been extinguished, the four confederates, Perlstein, Bernstein, Freeman, and Levy, met at the appointed rendezvous in the East Broadway beer-saloon, and were overheard cursing the activity of the firemen, whose prompt action had defeated the hellish work, and prevented the total destruction of the building. These Jew “fire-bugs,” who were responsible for over a dozen incendiary fires in the densely populated Tenth Ward, were arrested together with Joseph Levy.


Perlstein, Bernstein, and Freeman were indicted for setting fire to the Ludlow-street tenement, and Levy as an accessory before and after the fact. The four men were tried before Judges Cowing and Barrett, and convicted. They were sentenced to State’s prison for life. A Jew named Cohen Davis, who swore to an alibi for Freeman, was arrested on a charge of perjury. He was tried before Judge Gildersleeve, found guilty,. and sentenced to seven years imprisonment.


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The cap manufactory of Julius Samer, at No. 68 Greene Street, was mysteriously and suspiciously destroyed by fire one windy December night. The Jew proprietor was down in the fire-marshal’s books as a “suspect,” and a searching investigation was instituted. As a result, Sarner was indicted for perjury in swearing falsely as to the quantity of stock he had on hand at the time of the fire. Samer’s trial, which lasted fifteen days, terminated in a verdict of guilty. He was remanded to the Tombs prison to await his sentence; but before the judgment of the court was pronounced, this Jewish “fire-bug” and perjurer had gone to a higher tribunal to receive the punishment of his crimes. Seeing a long term of imprisonment looming up before him, Samer swallowed a dose of Paris green, and died in his cell.


In the cellar under the barber’s shop at No. 2349 Third Avenue, a fire broke out one night in July, 1879. The place was occupied at the time by Rudolph Levi and Fritz Levi, who lived on the premises in the back of the shop. The flames spread so rapidly that a servant-girl in the house nearly lost her life. She was found hanging from a window-sill when the firemen arrived, and they with great difficulty rescued her. The fire, investigation developed, had been started in several places in the kitchen; and next day the Levi brothers, who passed under the name of Andre, were arrested.


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They gave bail; but when the trial was called, it was found that they had fled the city. Rewards were offered for their capture, and the fugitives were ultimately arrested by the criminal authorities of Berlin. The state department ascertained that these Hebrew “fire-bug” barbers were Prussian subjects, and could not be extradited; but that they were amenable, under German law, for offences committed beyond Prussian territory. A certified copy of the evidence in the case, together with diagrams of the premises that had been fired, the oil-cans, and other evidences of arson, were submitted before the German consul. The two Jews were tried in the city court of Berlin; and Fritz Levi was convicted, and sent to prison for two years. His brother was ordered to be placed under police surveillance. After his sentence, Fritz confessed that he had committed the crime in order to obtain the insurance-money.


A month after the Levi fire, a Jewess named Emma Orlok scattered oil about the premises No. 1142 Second Avenue. The fire was attended with fatal results; and as there were strong proofs of incendiarism, the woman was arrested. She was tried, convicted, and sentenced to imprisonment for life.


A fire broke out in the cigar-factory at No. 10 Hester Street a few weeks later. Suspicion pointed to Israel Rosenbaum and Lewis Harris as the fire-bugs who had set fire to the premises, and they were arrested. The authorities were unable, however, to procure sufficient evidence to secure a conviction, and the prisoners were released; but Aaron Harris, a lying Jew witness in the case, was indicted for perjury, and was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.


[Page 112]


An incendiary fire took place at 253 Stanton Street, in September, 1884. Bernard Goetz, a Jew, who occupied the premises, was arrested as being the author of the fire. The crime was clearly proved, and he was sentenced to ten years in State prison.


Another Jew, a tailor, named Morris Goldstein, was sentenced some time before to four years imprisonment, by Judge Sutherland, for setting fire to the building No. 15 Varick Street.


Yet another Jew, one Morris Heyman, was found guilty of having set fire to the premises No. 11 Thompson Street, and was sent to prison for three years by Recorder Hackett.


A fire broke out on the premises No. 256 Bowery in August, 1878. The occupant, David Goldberg, with an eye to the favorite Jewish alibi, went to Troy, N.Y.; and on the day of the fire he called at the telegraph office, and inquired whether any message had come for him. None had been received up to that time; but soon after he had left the office, a telegram addressed to David Goldberg arrived. It contained the information that his store had been burned. Later on, Goldberg called again at the office; and when he was told that a message had come for him, he remarked that he knew what it contained, that it was the news of his store having been destroyed by fire. Goldberg and his wife Lena were arrested. They got out on bail, where upon they fled the city. They are still fugitives from justice.


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Before Judge Sutherland, in the court of general sessions, a Jew named Louis Roseman confessed to setting fire to the building at No. 126 Bowery, at the instigation of a Jew named Josephs, who was the proprietor of the place. Roseman, as a reward for the betrayal of his confederate in giving State’s evidence, escaped with one year imprisonment; but his testimony did little good to the cause of justice, for Josephs fled the country to escape imprisonment, and is unfortunately still outside the jail-bars.


Louis Werbin, yet another Jew, set fire to his rooms in the tenement-house at No. 51 Ludlow Street, in December, 1880. The evidence against the Jew scoundrel was conclusive, and he was sentenced to four years imprisonment.


Leo Gertig and Albert Rudrick, both Jews, were arrested in October, 1884, on suspicion of having kindled an incendiary fire at No. 234 Rivington Street, which resulted in loss of life. Owing to certain flaws in the evidence, however, they were, not prosecuted, and are to-day at large.


[Page 114]


It was Max Goldberg, a small Polish Jew, with a forehead about an inch high, who on April 12, 1888, set fire to his shop at No. 706 South Street, Philadelphia, in order to collect the insurance-money. In this fire Mrs. Anne Schuberg, who lived next door, lost her life. In the course of the testimony adduced at the coroner’s inquest, it was shown that the Queen and the Royal Insurance Companies had each refused to issue a policy to Goldberg, but that after repeated efforts he had succeeded in securing a policy in the German-American Fire Insurance Company for $1, 500, although he had at the time less than $250 worth of goods in his possession. It was further shown that Goldberg had saturated all his store and stock with kerosene which he had bought on the day before the fire.


Again, it was Moses Zygus, a Polish Jew, who set fire to No. 210 Delancey Street, in the city of New York. Twenty families at the time occupied the building: a large proportion of the people were children of tender age. The firemen who first broke into Zygus’s room were struck by the fact that the man’s family was entirely dressed, ready to escape, while two boarders in one of the rooms were yet asleep in ignorance of their danger. Varnish was found spilled on the windows and door-sills and in the halls. In the Essex Market Police Court, Zygus admitted that he had policies amounting to $500 on his furniture, which was probably not worth, all told, $50.


[Page 115]


After looking over even this partial list of the incendiarisms committed in the recent past by Jews, and considering the facts therein set forth, can it be wondered at that fire-insurance companies hesitate, and think twice, before issuing a policy to a Jew applicant, and that many of these companies make a rule of never issuing, under any circumstances, a policy to a Jew?


Wise companies, who adopt this course! They will save many dollars unto themselves in the long-run.


As a receiver of stolen goods, as before stated, the Jew figures with aggressive prominence. The famous colony of “old-clo’” men in Baxter Street, New York, is nearly entirely composed of receivers of stolen goods. They buy the plunder of low-class burglars and sneak-thieves. Many of the latter haye been caught going into the Baxter-street shops with plunder in their possession. The “old-clo’” men avoid arrest by betraying small criminals to the detectives, thus carrying out the role originally created by that perfect Jew prototype, Judas Iscariot.


But to instance a few more crimes perpetrated by the Jews.


In 1860 a young German, a remarkably good linguist, held a position of trust and responsibility in one of the wholesale clothing-houses in the city of Cincinnati. A rival Jew firm induced him, by means of generous promises, to give up his place, and accept one in their employ.


[Page 116]


At first he was treated with kindness and consideration, as the young German was a favorite with all who knew him; and several large customers from the old firm patronized him in his new quarters.


But a few years afterward his Jew employers, unwilling to abide by their contract, and yet fearing to let him go, as they well knew there were competing firms ready to employ him, decided to “unfit him for business.


One Sunday he was asked to do certain work; and as the unfortunate man stepped into the store (it being dark), he fell through a hatch-way into the cellar. Of course nobody knew, nobody could explain, how it was that the hatch-way was left open. The members of the firm were very, very sorry. The poor German was picked up mangled and bleeding; but the doctor after two weeks reported to the firm, that their trusted employee was out of danger, and would likely recover.


Thereupon the Jews were unremitting in their attentions upon the poor sufferer. They sent him from time to time little delicacies, and occasionally soup, which one of the firm, in person, brought to the patient.


The sympathetic dodge” was well calculated to conceal the designs of the Jews.


The soup contained arsenic, from the effects of which the poor fellow died.


[Page 117]


How was this proven? Several years after, the German’s laughter died, and was buried beside him. While digging her grave, it was noticed that the man’s body was not yet thoroughly decomposed, and it is well known that arsenic retards decomposition.


An analysis instituted by one of the relatives of the murdered man proved the existence of the deadly poison beyond any doubt.


It was through the crime of a man with Jewish blood in his veins, that Nast, the great caricaturist, first attracted public attention to his wonderful ability in catching the expression of the human face. Nast was originally a paying teller in a bank. One day a check was presented by a man who was a stranger to him. He, however, produced what appeared to be satisfactory proof as to his identity, and Nast paid over the money for the check. It turned out to be a forgery; and so skilfully had the operation been conducted, that no clew to the perpetrator of the crime was discoverable. At this juncture Nast brought his wonderful powers into play, and from memory drew a sketch of the face of the man who had stood facing him at the little window, and to whom he had paid out the money. So graphic and true to life was this sketch, that it led to the capture of the forger, who had Jewish blood in his veins; and it was one of the important features of the evidence at the trial.


[Page 118]


In 1880 a Jew named Rothschild had a mistress known as “Diamond Bessie,” a name given to her on account of the large number of diamonds she possessed. Rothschild persuaded Bessie to accompany him on a trip through the South; and, reaching Texas, he inveigled her into a lonesome place, and murdered her and robbed her of her diamonds.


His crime was soon afterward found out, but Rothschild in the mean time had made his escape. A year elapsed before he was captured. He was speedily tried, and found guilty.


Did he hang?


No. The Supreme Court of Texas set the verdict aside, and after a new trial he was acquitted.


This man Rothschild to-day walks the streets of Cincinnati, but at a cost of $150,000 to the Jews.


How, and to whom, this money went, the Jews best know.


Here is an interesting item taken from the New-York “Times” of April 18, 1888: —

The case of Isaac Simon, the senior partner of the cloak-making firm of Simon & Burger of 402 Broadway, whose failure a few weeks ago was followed by the flight of Burger and the arrest of Simon on a charge of attempting to defraud his creditors, came up in the Tombs Police Court yesterday, and was laid over until Friday by agreement.


[Page 119]


Simon is at liberty under $2, 500 bail; and the general opinion in court was that the legal part of the case had been heard of for the last time, as the creditors, whose lawyers had been clever enough to capture enough of the firm’s goods to save their clients from loss, had shown no disposition to harass the cloak-maker, while the other lawyers, it was said, had managed to secure a statement from Simon which placed him at their mercy, and made it certain that he would disgorge and be set free after the manner sometimes in vogue in the dry-goods district. It was stated that the day before Simon was induced to repair to the office of Blumenstiel & Hirsch, and while there to make a full confession of the commercial wickedness of himself and his fugitive partner. The confession set forth, that, at the suggestion of Burger, Simon entered into a conspiracy to purchase goods on credit, right and left, send them abroad and sell them, and make an assignment when the game had gone so far that it could go no farther without detection.

The confession was taken down in short-hand by Mr. Blumenstiel’s typewriter; but when it was written out and presented to the author for signature, he declined to sign it, not having been aware (some claim) that when he was making oral revelation of his misdeeds, the glib pencil of the amanuensis was recording every word. Mr. Blumenstiel threatened to have the unsigned, but duly-attested, confession produced at the Tombs; but as this was not done, and the case was allowed to go over, it seemed clear that a spirit of compromise was beginning to assert itself.


[Page 120]


Mr. Blumenstiel was seen at his office yesterday, and acknowledged that Simon was not to be pushed to the wall immediately. He declined to show the confession, or tell exactly its contents, but said that in a couple of days they might possibly be made known. That depended upon what Simon managed to accomplish in the way of substantial restitution in the mean time. Several of Simon & Burger’s creditors, who include Converse, Stanton & Cullen, F. D. Blake.& Co., Bacon, Baldwin & Co., Kell & Co., and Bates, Reed & Cooley, were also seen, and showed great unanimity in the opinion that the disrupted firm would have made a seventy-five-thousand-dollar instead of about a twenty-thousand-dollar strike, had they carried their operations to a ripe and successful conclusion.


Their scheme was an old one, which had been successfully ‘worked’ on many previous occasions; but they were in too much of a hurry, and acted in a way which aroused suspicion. Gruber & Ward, a legal firm which makes a specialty of looking into dry-goods transactions of the kind which the firm was carrying on, found that Troy, N.Y., was the principal centre of the out-of-town operations, and discovered there a quantity of goods which had been shipped to confederates, who had already received other consignments, and re-shipped them to this city. In this way almost all of the creditors had managed to partially secure themselves, and the balance believe that the confession held by their lawyers is good for an early settlement, not in full, perhaps, but still a great improvement over what the bankrupt estate would pay if wound up in the usual way.


[Page 121]


Isaac Simon lives with his wife and family at 1970 Third Avenue, over a handsome retail dry-goods store kept by E. Simon. This is the name of the cloakmaker’s wife, and the lady’s store contains a stock of goods which ought to be able to fully cover any indebtedness incurred by I. Simon in his recent failure. All attempts to see Mr. Simon, either at the store below or the residence above, were futile.


Examine the Jewish history from its earliest days to the present, and one will not fail to find that the only motive, the only mainspring, of the Jew’s action, has been money, money, nothing but money.


An Aryan may, and does, in a moment of passion. frenzy, or jealousy, kill: the Jew, never!


The Jew acts with deliberation, coolly, and calculatingly, and only when there is money to be gained.


He will sell his honor, his most sacred ties, for money.


He will overlook every stigma, every injury that may have been done to him, for money.


He will betray his employer, lie, cheat, steal, bear false witness, kill, commit the most atrocious acts of incendiarism, for money.


Examine all the crimes that have been committed by the Jews during the last fifty years, and it will be shown that each and everyone of these crimes has been committed for the sake of money.


[Page 122]


It was the Jew, George Benson, who in December, 1886, uttered $26,000 worth of forged tickets in the City of Mexico, and who killed himself in Ludlow Street Jail, New York, rather than suffer extradition and confinement in a Mexican prison.


Benson was one of the most noted criminals of the nineteenth century. He operated in. every city throughout Europe. He was a typical Jew; and in studying his career we find one cause, one motive, one mainspring to all his crimes.


Money! Money, the Jew’s goal of happiness! The most desperate criminals to-day in Russia are the Jews. The real cause of the persecution of the Hebrew race in Russia is found in the fact that almost the whole of the peasants’ holdings, and the most considerable portion of the landed estates throughout the country, are heavily mortgaged to Jewish bankers and Jewish money-lenders. In many cases the peasants are forced to pledge, as security for their debts, the crops before they are even ripe. The result is that the misery throughout the country has become something incredible.


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Taxes remain unpaid, and the starving peasantry and desperate land-owners constitute a ready and willing prey to the professional agitator and revolutionist. The Russian Government, through Count Tolstoi, Minister of the Interior, determined to relieve the country from this heavy burden of debt, and to free the land from its mortgages, by driving the Jews out of the country. The Jews, in turn, murder, assassinate, poison, and bring about the internal chaotic state to which the country of the Czar is today reduced. The same state of things will in the near future be effected in America, unless the people of this country become at once aroused, and eradicate, exterminate, and drive off the sickening disease, the Jew, who secretly but surely acquires the wealth of the country. It is not yet too late to rid ourselves of this vermin, if we adopt at once energetic measures. If we continue in our apathy, it will be too late some time hence. The true science of history is to study the causes that have brought about the great events narrated therein. Ever since the Jew has been admitted into the great family of nations, — ever since, the nations of Europe, one after another, have been steadily on the down track. The Jew of to-day has absolutely done nothing to benefit mankind. He has eaten into the vitals of France, Austria, Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Russia. Germany and England have not escaped him. America will also be affected by his cancerous influence unless heed be taken in time. Strict laws must be enacted prohibiting Jews from lauding on our shores, and severe regulations passed against the Jew, already with us. Let not the high-sounding names of Jew financiers gull anyone into the belief that honesty and respectability are theirs.


[Page 124]


The Jew is a born malefactor!.


The Jew betrays alike employer, confederate, and friend!


The Jew is a falsifier and a cheat! The Jew is congenitally corrupt! Shun the Jew!


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* The cover, the ‘Le Happy Merchant’ image and Table of Contents are not part of the original book.

  • Notes enclosed in [square brackets] and marked with an asterisk (*) symbol are not in the original text.

  • On page 55 on the original scan half the text is missing. If anyone has the complete text please paste it in the comment section of my blog. Thanks.

  • Page numbers in this document are the page numbers in the original book.




Click to go to >>

The American Jew – Part 1: His Arrival in America — The New-York Ghetto — The Jew at the Summer Hotel

The American Jew – Part 2: The Jew in Wall Street — The Jew in the Tobacco Trade

The American Jew – Part 3: The Jew in Politics — The Jew in Journalism — “The Great American Journalist.” — The Jew Lecher

The American Jew – Part 4: The Criminal Jew

The American Jew – Part 5: The Jew in Petroleum — The Jew in His Relation to the Law

The American Jew – Part 6: Customs and Habits of the Jews — Religious Doctrines

The American Jew – Part 7: The Jew Summarized




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The American Jew — An Expose of His Career (1888) – Part 4


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Version 4: Jun 6, 2020 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for version.


Version 3: Dec 4, 2016 — improved formatting.


Version 2: Jun 18, 2015 — improved formatting.


Version 1: Published Feb 21, 2015
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2 Responses to The American Jew – An Expose of His Career – Part 4 – The Criminal Jew

  1. katana17 says:

    Fixed the link to Part 5.

  2. Pingback: The American Jew - An Expose of His Career - Part 5 - The Jew in Petroleum; The Jew in His Relation to the Law - katana17katana17

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