Onward Christian Soldiers – Part 3: Why I did not go Home; The U.S.


Onward Christian Soldiers 

[Part 3]





This new version of Onward Christian Soldiers that I’ve compiled consists of the original contents published by Noontide Press in 1982 plus the “missing” text that, for reasons explained below, was in the Swedish version published in 1942.

I’ve also included some supplementary texts here giving the history of the missing parts of Day’s book. Also book reviews by Revilo Oliver and Amazon readers (see Part 1).







Maps of Northern Europe & the Baltic States

THE REST OF DONALD DAY by Paul Knutson — 1984

EDITORIAL NOTE by Liberty Bell

The Resurrection of Donald Day — A review by Revilo P. Oliver. The Liberty Bell — January 1983

TWO KINDS OF COURAGE by Revilo P. Oliver. The Liberty Bell — October 1986






Permit Me To Introduce Myself * (all new)

1 Why I did not go Home *………………………………. 1

2 The United States  *………………………………………. 7

3 Latvia  ………………………………………………………… 21

4 Meet the Bolsheviks  *………………………………….. 41

5 Alliance with the Bear  *……………………………….. 53

6 Poland  ……………………………………………………….. 63

7 Trips  ………………………………………………………….. 85

8 The Downfall of Democracy * ………………………. 93

9 Jews  …………………………………………………………… 101

10 Russia  *………………………………………………………. 115

11 Lithuania * ………………………………………………….. 131

12 Danzig  ……………………………………………………….. 145

13 Estonia  ……………………………………………………….. 151

14 Sweden  ………………………………………………………. 159

15 Norway  ………………………………………………………. 169

16 Finland  ………………………………………………………. 183

17 England  *……………………………………………………. 197

18 Europe  *…………………………………………………….. 201

19 Epilogue  *…………………………………………………… 204

Index of Names  ………………………………………………….. 205

* Contains new material (dark blue text) missing from original Noontide edition.


of Northern Europe 1920s (click to enlarge in new window)


of Baltic States 1920s (click to enlarge in new window)





June 1984




Paul Knutson

Donald Day, who had been for many years the foreign correspondent of the Chicago Tribune in northern Europe, wrote a record of his observations, Onward, Christian Soldiers, in 1942. His English text was first published as a book in 1982. It was printed by William Morrison and appeared under the imprint of the Noontide Press of Torrance, California, As Professor Oliver pointed out in his review of that book in Liberty Bell for January, 1983, the text had been copied, with some omissions and minor changes, from an anonymously issued mimeographed transcription of a defective carbon copy of the author’s manuscript, which had been brought to the United States in someway, despite the vigilance of Franklin Roosevelt’s surreptitious thought-police.

That was not the first publication of Day’s book. A Swedish translation, Framat Krististridsman, was published by Europa Edition in Stockholm in 1944. (That paper cover, printed in red, green, and black, is reproduced in black-and-white on the following page.)



Copies of this book still survive in Sweden and are even found in some public libraries. There may still be a copy in the Library of Congress, where, however, it was catalogued and buried among the very numerous books of a different Donald Day, a very prolific writer who midwifed the autobiography of Will Rogers and produced book after book on such various subjects as American humorists, the folk-lore of the Southwest, the tourist-attractions of Texas, and probably anything for which he saw a market, including a mendacious screed entitled Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Own Story. By a supreme irony, the Library concealed Framat Kristi stridsman in its catalogue by placing it between the other Day’s Evolution of Love and his propaganda piece for the unspeakably vile monster whose millions of victims included one of the last honest journalists.

The Swedish translation contains some long and important passages that do not appear in the book published in California and are not found in the mimeographed copy. By translating these back into English, I can restore Donald Day’s meaning, but, of course, I cannot hope to reproduce exactly the words and style of his original manuscript. I can also restore from the Swedish the deficiencies of the mimeographed transcript.

It seems impossible to determine now whether the parts of Day’s work that are preserved only in the Swedish were deleted by him to shorten his text when he sent a typewritten copy to the United States or were added by him before he turned his manuscript over to the Swedish translator at about the same time. At all events, the Swedish now alone provides us with some significant parts of bay‘s book and many Americans will want to have Day’s Work complete and entire.

For the convenience of the reader, I have, by arrangement with the publisher of Liberty Bell, included corrections of the printed English text where it departs, through negligence or misunderstanding, from the mimeographed text from which it was copied. I have passed over obvious typographical errors in the printed book, and omitted small and relatively unimportant corrections. For example, near the end of p. 44 of the printed book, the sentence should read, “All reported that the officials of the Cheka, later known as the GPU and NKVD, were Jews.

Day did not use footnotes, so the reader will understand what all the footnotes [indicated by the symbol *] on the following pages are my own explanations of the text.

The supplements below are arranged in the order of pages of the printed book, as shown by the note in the small type that precedes each section, The three sources are discriminated typographically thus; Italics show what is copied from the printed text to give continuity.

Ordinary Roman type is used for what is in the mimeographed copy but was omitted from the printed version. This, of course, is precisely what Day wrote in English.

What I have translated back from the Swedish appears in this style of type. These passages, as I have said, convey Day’s meaning without necessarily restoring exactly the words he used in his English original, from which the Swedish version was made.




Editorial Note


Liberty Bell

With the foregoing supplements, we have at last as accurate a text of Donald Day’s Onward, Christian Soldiers as we are likely to have, barring the remote possibility that the manuscript Day gave to his Swedish translator may yet be discovered.

The Swedish translation is pedestrian, as indeed is Day’s English style, but a comparison of the Swedish with the extant parts of the English assures me of the translator’s general competence. In one passage, which we have only in the Swedish, in which Day reports his refusal to become a well-paid and dignified member of our Diplomatic Service with a “little Morgenthau” as an “adviser” to tell him what to do, the translator was evidently confused by the irony of some English phrase such as “executive for a Jew” and reversed Day’s obvious meaning;, this was corrected in the foregoing text.

The mimeographed version is evidently a transcription from Day’s carbon copy, with only such errors as only the most expert typists can entirely avoid. There is, however, one very odd error in the mimeographed version corresponding to our printed page 4 above; it reads “the Great Rocky mountains of the border of Tennessee and North Carolina.” That is geographically absurd, of course, and the Swedish (stora Rijkiga Bergen) shows that Day wrote “Great Smoky mountains,” as we have, printed above. It is probably only a coincidence that the Swedish word for “Smoky” could have suggested, to a person who knew no Swedish, the error made by the typist in California who copied Day’s carbon copy.

When Day relies on his recollection of what he was told years before, his memory is sometimes faulty, and we have naturally made no changes in what he wrote. He makes an obvious error on our page 4, where he says that the Cherokees were driven from their lands and moved to Indian Territory “toward the end of the last century.” Actually, the expulsion of the Cherokee Nation by an American army took place in 1838. The Cherokees, by the way, were the most nearly civilized of all the Indian tribes in the territory that is now the United States and Canada, and it is true that their expulsion from the lands that had been guaranteed to them by treaty inflicted great hardships on them: they lost most of their property, including their negro slaves, and large numbers of them perished as they were quite brutally herded from the Appalachians almost half way across the continent to what is now the southern border of Arkansas.

Ethnologists who have made intensive studies of the Indians of North America (e.g., Peter Farb) regard Sequoyah (Sequoia) as perhaps “the greatest intellect the Indians produced.” He was the son of a Cherokee woman by an unidentified white trader, and, growing up with the mother’s people, regarded himself as a Cherokee. He, however, was an exception to what Day says about half-breeds. Day may have been confused about the date of the expulsion because a few of the Cherokees succeeded in hiding from the perquisition in the wilds of the Great Smokies and were eventually given the small reservation they now occupy east of Bryson City in the toe of North Carolina. There was some agitation about them “near the end of the last century.

The circumstances in which Day’s carbon copy was smuggled into the United States remain obscure. When the mimeographed transcription was made and first issued, it contained a prefatory page on which an anonymous writer said,

It is my understanding that this book was published in; 1942, and then merely made an appearance at the book-sellers, when all copies were immediately withdrawn and destroyed without a single copy escaping the book-burners, I was also told that Mr. Day died shortly after this incident.

The page was presumably withdrawn when its author learned that Day was still alive at that time and an exile in Helsinki, since the Jews who rule the United States would not permit him to return to his native land.

It is curious that the man who made the transcription, which did effectively preserve Day’s work for the future, and who was evidently a resident of California, had heard a somewhat less plausible version of the rumor that was current in Washington in 1943. (See the review by Professor Oliver in Liberty Bell, January 1983, p. 27). It is quite possible that the source of both rumors was an effort by the apparatus of the great War Criminal in the White House to prevent the publication of the Swedish translation, which, as Day tells us in the last item in our supplements, was delayed in the press for two years by a “paper shortage” and it is noteworthy that the paper for it was finally obtained in Finland, not Sweden,* Until the book was finally published in 1944, the enemies of mankind could have imagined that their pressures on Sweden had effectively prevented Day’s exposure of one phase of their activity from ever appearing in print.

[* Day’s book was published by Europa Edition in Stockholm, which, however, had to have the printing done by Mercators Tryckeri in Helsinki. Although copies of the Swedish book have been preserved, Day’s work would not now be generally known — and would be supposed lost by Americans who heard of it — if the anonymous gentleman in California had not issued his mimeographed transcription.]



KATANA — The Liberty Bell article continues with a list of text to be added or amended to the Noontide edition. All these changes (indicated by the dark blue text) have been entered in this expanded version of Onward Christian Soldiers.



Word Totals for the Additional Text

Introduction – –

Permit Me To Introduce Myself – 5,738 (all new)

Chapter 1 – 23

Chapter 2 – 307

Chapter 3 – –

Chapter 4 – 653

Chapter 5 – 1,225

Chapter 6 – –

Chapter 7 – –

Chapter 8 – 408

Chapter 9 – –

Chapter 10 – 907

Chapter 11 – 6

Chapter 12 – –

Chapter 13 – –

Chapter 14 – –

Chapter 15 – –

Chapter 16 – –

Chapter 17 – 2,167

Chapter 18 – 1,179

Chapter 19 – 89

Total words in original = 85,311

Total additional words = 12,702


Total words in expanded version = 98,013










1920-1942: Propaganda, Censorship

and One Man’s Struggle to Herald the Truth

Suppressed reports of a 20-year Chicago Tribune

correspondent in eastern Europe from 1921

Donald Day

With an introduction by Walter Trohan,

former chief of the Tribune’s Washington bureau





Chapter 1


Why I did not go Home



The American consul in Stockholm telephoned ordering me to appear at his office with my passport. It was a summons I had been awaiting ever since Litvinov arrived in Washington as Soviet ambassador. I obeyed but without my passport. It had been handed to the hotel porter several days previously to obtain new ration cards as I had just returned from a visit to my home in Helsinki. I asked the consul why he wanted my passport. He said the American State Department had ordered that it be taken from me. I was to be sent home immediately. There were no reasons given for this action. When I said I did not have my passport with me the consul said he had already sent messengers to the police and the ration card office looking for it. It appeared as though they wanted my passport very badly. He said this was correct and refused to give me permission to return to Helsinki to close the bureau of The Chicago Tribune and my apartment and settle my personal affairs. I said this matter required some consideration and left.

I decided to return to Helsinki and cabled this decision to Colonel McCormick, publisher of The Chicago Tribune, informing him how the state department was trying to force me to return to the United States. I told him I could remain in Europe if he wished and could continue to forward news to The Tribune through Switzerland. It was not until five days later that I received the reply which ordered me home.

[Page 2]

In the meantime things had occurred which compelled me to disobey the orders of my newspaper for the first time since I had entered its employ in 1916. Herschel Johnson, the American minister to Sweden, had asked the assistance of the Swedish authorities to prevent me from leaving for Finland. In explaining this unusual action of the American government he said that Washington charged me with being;

anti-Bolshevik, anti-British and anti-Roosevelt.

This confirmed my suspicions; that the Soviet government had requested the American government to have me recalled from Europe where I had been stationed since 1921.

If there had been a real charge against me it would have been a simple matter for the state department to complain to Colonel McCormick and request that I be recalled. But this high-handed action had been taken without the knowledge of my newspaper. Visiting the legation, I asked to see the minister. He was busy and sent word I should see Mr. Green, the counsellor. He refused to give me an explanation merely stating, “Day, if we don’t win this war we are finished.” I told him I was returning to Helsinki.

During the previous ten months I had not received a single letter from my home office. So far as I know, none of my letters to my editor had been delivered. As for the charges the American minister preferred against me, they also apply to The Chicago Tribune which stationed me in Riga for more than 20 years reporting developments in Russia and Northern Europe. I happened to be the only American staff correspondent stationed in this part of Europe. The Chicago Tribune editorially opposed the Bolshevik regime. It had always warned our government of the machinations of the British government against the United States; among other acts, London had successfully organized the debtor nations of Europe to default together with Great Britain in paying their war and post-war debts to America. It had also unsuccessfully warned the American people against the intrigues and propaganda of the British government to involve us in a European war, our involvement converting it into a new world war, more dangerous and horrible than the last. It had unsuccessfully campaigned against Franklin Roosevelt, and the international forces behind him, who for years maneuvered to bring America into the war and who finally succeeded.

I was even more involved than The Tribune. For more than 20 years my name had been signed to my dispatches. I had been under constant attack by Soviet, Jewish, Polish and Lithuanian newspapers in the United States. On a number of occasions, through denunciations and provocations these forces attempted to have me either recalled or discharged. Although I had made applications over a period of years for a Soviet visa, I had never been granted permission to visit Russia. 

[Page 3]

In 1939 the Polish government annulled my visa and refused to permit me to make further trips to Poland where I had visited three and sometimes four times a year since 1922. In 1939 the Lithuanian government, after refusing to censor my cables, ordered me expelled from the country. The Soviets, Jews, Poles and Lithuanians all maintain powerful agencies in Washington to pressurize the American government. So unfortunately I found myself in the position of having far more enemies than friends in Washington where the government is now making extraordinary efforts to comply with the demands and requests of the Soviet government.

But the chief reason for my unwillingness to obey the order of Washington and return home at the present time dates back to June, 1921 when Maxim Litvinov was Soviet minister in Tallin, Estonia. The Soviet legation was then occupying Hotel Petersburg (now Bristol). Litvinov’s office was in the same comer room which I was occupying two years later when the communists staged their unsuccessful putsch in the Estonian capital.

At that time no reputable firm or banking concern abroad would have anything to do with the Soviet government. The great famine of 1921-22 had begun in Russia. Litvinov had succeeded in breaking through the boycott of the great foreign banks who refused to purchase the confiscated Bolshevik gold. Olaf Aschberg, a Jewish banker in Stockholm, together with Scholl, an Estonian banker, handled the first Soviet gold shipments abroad. Litvinov and his aides had closed a contract with a firm of Holland Jews for two and a half million dollars worth of old German uniforms salvaged from the world war. I was on the quayside when the first shipment arrived. The cases were opened by Soviet officials. The uniforms and shoes were torn, bloodstained and filthy beyond description. The Soviet government had been duped and swindled in one of its first foreign business transactions. This story was widely published abroad and Litvinov was recalled to Moscow. I called on him twice the afternoon of his departure. He was walking up and down the room nervously twitching his hands. His wife sat by the window crotcheting.

The first meeting was short. When I asked him to arrange a Soviet visa for me to visit Leningrad and watch the arrival of the first American shipments carrying food for the starving Russians, he said he would consider it and asked me to call later. The second meeting was even shorter for he hysterically ordered me to leave the room. Litvinov acted like a badly frightened man.

[Page 4]

That night the Soviet minister left for Moscow to explain who was responsible for the purchase of three shiploads of unusable clothing. Two days later Litvinov’s secretary came to visit me. He was a Jewish youth named Guy, one of three brothers who left New York to enter Soviet service. He told me his fear that Litvinov might place the blame for this shady business transaction upon his shoulders. He was even more frightened than Litvinov had appeared to be and showed me a curtly worded telegram ordering him to come to Moscow immediately. Guy wanted to desert the Bolshevik diplomatic service and return to New York. As he had surrendered his rights to American citizenship when he migrated to Russia, there was no hope of obtaining an American visa on his Soviet diplomatic passport. He said he would write me from Moscow and also communicate with me through another employee of the Soviet legation if he arrived there safely and was not arrested.

Nothing more was ever heard of him and a fortnight later stories were current in Moscow that Litvinov had succeeded in convincing the Checka that he was not to blame for the corrupt clothing purchase.

I have occasion to know that Litvinov has long memory and, as I cabled to Colonel McCormick, so long as he is persona grata in Washington I will be non grata.

I had already purchased tickets for my wife and myself to leave Stockholm on the Saturday boat for Turku (Abo). When I learned on Friday of the American minister’s efforts to detain me in Sweden I boarded a train for Haparanda and entered Finland at Tornio. Arriving at the Helsinki station I was met on the platform by Lewis Gieck, legation secretary, who said Arthur Svhoenfeldt, the American minister, wanted to see me.

Two days later I called at the legation and was informed he also had orders to take my passport. I repeated my request for an explanation of this action. He said this would only make matters worse for me in Washington and advised me to obey the orders of the government, and, since the country was at war, I no longer had any individual or personal rights and had to do what I was told. I told the Minister of my suspicion of a Soviet intrigue against me in Washington and of my previous relations with Litvinov, explaining this was why I wanted to know the reason I was being treated like a criminal. I further said that I would much rather help Finland in her war against Bolshevik Russia than to return home under a cloud, and I had already applied to enlist in the Finnish army as a volunteer. I refused to surrender my passport until informed why I had to do so.

I informed The Tribune of this step and requested that I be granted indefinite leave without pay, or be placed on pension. The Tribune replied that my refusal to return home automatically severed my connections with the paper whereupon I sent my last cable. It read as follows:

Colonel McCormick

Chicago Tribune

via Presswireless Beme

I have been loyal to my newspaper and my country and have obeyed your instructions twenty two years, and would certainly follow them now if I had not been treated like a criminal in Stockholm and had our authorities not refused to give me an explanation of their actions. I deeply regret your decision but under present circumstances think it best that I remain here. As they have been holding up Tribune remittances to me for some months as a last request will you please see that money due me is paid into my account. Goodbye Colonel. You have been a boss I have always been proud to serve. Thank you.

Donald Day

[Page 5]

There are naturally other reasons why Washington wanted to remove me from my post in Northern Europe. Washington does not want to have any independent American correspondents in Europe. Formerly a correspondent’s first loyalty was to his newspaper. Today it must be to the Roosevelt Trust in Washington. Today instead of reporting news, correspondents are expected to report propaganda. They are expected to help the government delude newspaper readers. War is supposed to justify many things incompatible with peacetime standards of honor. Patriotism is very often a shroud concealing a cadaver wasted with pain and wracked with torture. Perhaps it is unfortunate for myself that I cannot adapt myself to the Roosevelt Trust’s perversion of patriotism. If, after thirty years of newspaper work I am suddenly treated as a criminal, then something has radically changed.

The war into which the Roosevelt Trust plunged without adequately preparing the nation either morally or spiritually or even taking proper military precautions, is not a popular war in the United States. In order to strengthen its position, the Roosevelt Trust is attempting to convert all news emanating from Europe into propaganda against Europe. An attempt is being made to build up a picture of a plague-ridden, starving, oppressed and poverty-stricken Europe enslaved by the Axis powers. At first Roosevelt made a pretense of desiring to save Europe. But no sooner than the Atlantic Charter had been signed it was cast overboard. There has never been a word said in the official propaganda about rescuing.

Europe from the danger and threat of Bolshevism. The Roosevelt Trust has been the supporter of Bolshevism and it was Roosevelt who brought about official recognition of the infamous regime of Moscow against the expressed wishes of the greater majority of the American people. The Roosevelt government, just like the Churchill government, is willing to turn Europe over to the tender mercies of the Jewish terrorists who have enforced the red terror in Russia for the past 25 years. That is why I preferred to join the Finnish army.

[Page 6]

And by the way, the reason I am not now wearing the Finnish uniform is because the American legation informed the Finnish foreign office that if Finland accepted my services it would be considered “an unfriendly act.” As I told the American minister, the fuss the American government was making about me might lead me to believe I was an important personage. In any case it was all the more reason why I should not comply with Washington’s instructions.

At present (January, 1943) it is a disgrace to the American press and the American people that there is not one native born American correspondent stationed in Stockholm. In January, 1942, the American minister asked me if it would not be in American interests to have a number of American correspondents in Stockholm to report available news. I replied there are a number of reliable newspapermen in America who had been previously stationed in Berlin and who would be glad to work on an assignment in Stockholm. I said the foreigners then sending news to the United States were no more trustworthy than the self-styled journalists I had known in Warsaw, Prague and Vienna. Later the minister told me he had recommended Washington to permit some correspondents to be sent to Stockholm. (Since writing the above, two Americans have arrived in Stockholm. However their assignment does not mean that the American government has changed its policy of boycotting and distorting news from Europe.)

There is really only one way to handle news. It is to present it accurately and fairly as possible, or not to publish it at all. Lying is dangerous and reacts against the liar. This was once a platitude in America, but that was before the Jews crossed the Potomac and ensconced Roosevelt in the White House.

A few generations ago a different type of man was living in the White House. He was Abraham Lincoln. He and George Washington are our greatest American patriots and they have become heroes of the real American nation. It was Abraham Lincoln who said:

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right; stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.






Chapter 2


The United States



Before I begin to write more about my own country let me present a few letters from Americans published in The Chicago Tribune. Even though these letters appeared in 1940-41 they are still interesting and timely.

Tens of thousands of letters were published in the American press and mailed to the American president and members of Congress. Besides revealing that a very great majority of Americans did not want to become involved in a-world war, they further reveal America was not spiritually, morally or materially prepared for war.

The Tribune published the following letter under the caption:


Newport, Rhode Island

1 June 1941

It would be one of the world’s tragedies to have Britain fall — but this possibility must be faced and we must recognize it courageously and not indulge in wishful thinking.

The propaganda of intimidation, which has confused and in some instances convinced Americans that if Britain falls it means the annihilation of our republic, is based solely on the determination of some of our politicians to involve us in active hostilities. If our 130,000,000 citizens cannot maintain our American system without the protection of the British Empire, then the blood of our forefathers was shed in vain.

We established “our way of life” in spite of the British Empire and if we must depend upon it, or any other foreign power, for its continuance, it is a confession that either our citizens have degenerated or that our “way of life” is. not strong or practical enough to be sustained even by 130,000,000 people.

[Page 7]

Those of us who have not been so self-centered that we ignored the “handwriting on the wall” have long recognized the insidiousness of the propaganda upon which our country has been fed; cautiously at first; but increasing in its alarming prophesies of woe unless we should fling our nation into the European maelstrom.

Ever since the development of the German Empire there has been a struggle between it and the British Empire for supremacy. Although Europe has been a cockpit for nearly 2,000 years, its wars were comparatively minor affairs until Britain felt her supremacy endangered first by Napoleon and then by Germany. Today both Britain and Germany are determined to control Europe and world trade-and their rival ambitions can only result in the most destructive and cruel war the world has ever experienced.

It is not our war-or was not until the New Deal was wooed by a mirage of world domination and shamelessly violated every shadow of neutrality, becoming nothing but the pawn of Britain. Our experiences of the past should have proved to us that Europe only wishes our financing and our materials, war, and otherwise. No European nation would come to our aid, even diplomatically — unless it favored their own personal objectives. Americans, by and large, paid no attention to the fact that Britain “let the United States down” shamelessly in the Manchukuo affair only a few years ago. She ignores her debt, which the United States citizens are still in the process of paying.

Are we so gullible that we think the British king and queen came to Washington in July, 1939 merely as a friendly gesture? The heads of great nations, mature in diplomacy and international intrigue do not make such “gestures” unless they expect as a result something of material value to their own country. No one knows what promises and agreements were made over the hot dogs and beer enjoyed at Hyde Park, N.Y., and many thoughtful citizens are convinced today that the village on the Hudson witnessed one of the most world shattering agreements. The politician’s problem was how to create the United States national enthusiasm for war, which was so plainly not our affair.

Up to the present Germany has not made one hostile gesture toward the United States, although she has been verbally castigated, insulted, and incited unceasingly by the New Dealers, and even the President himself.

It is inconceivable that a nation can be so deluded as to believe that it is America’s part to reform the whole world; and in view of the disgraceful conditions in our country today, which is an Augean stable of crime, strikes, violence, class hatred, graft and corruption, it is somewhat audacious for us to adopt a “holier than thou” attitude. The government turns a deaf ear to those conditions, wagging tongues in Congress being the only effort to remedy a situation which is a disgrace in the eyes of the world.

The objective of the administration’s gleeful enthusiasm for the war is partly revealed by a speech of the United States Attorney General in Havana on 27 March 1941. If it is the ambition of the administration (Roosevelt) to be the dominating power in a world federation of nations, it will have a rude awakening. The elder nations would never consent to that. To them the United States of America is only a nation to be milked for financing and supplying them with their necessities in time of emergency, but when the necessity ceases, we immediately become Uncle Shylock — and our citizens meekly pay the bills.

Mature nations with experienced statesmen at their head do not sacrifice their countries for sentimental causes, and only indulge in the slaughter and devastation of war if it is to be ultimately — if victorious to their definite advantage. Real statesmen (differentiated from politicians inexperienced in world affairs and with limited horizons such as we are afflicted with here, where they gauge Europe’s problems, jealousies, and antagonisms by their own state) do not jeopardize their nations unless some very material benefit is to ensue. You may say we are guarding our own safety by being un-neutral and depleting our own defenses to help Britain — that is the propaganda of the administration (Roosevelt). Had we maintained neutrality, had we not egged on European nations with promises of aid, especially England and France before the war began, Europe would have found a way to settle her problems; neither of those nations was adequately prepared for war and from the first they have relied on us to supply everything they found themselves deficient in. There is no “sentimentality” — and should not be-in international relations, except in our own United States where we are too young as a world power and too emotional to use ordinary common sense.

Today we are facing national bankruptcy, confiscatory taxation, and slaughter of our citizens-for what? Because two great European nations, bitter rivals, are fighting for supremacy. We talk about this war being again one “to save democracy” — just as dictated by the so-called democracies, which through its vindictiveness and harshness brought about the most rigid forms of government since the days of ancient Rome. We ourselves have set up a dictator in violation of our Constitution and the ideal of government upon which our nation was founded.

It is useless to talk about our keeping out of this war, now we are already in it, except it has not reached the point of a “shooting war” as General Hugh Johnson calls it. Mr. Stimson and Colonel Knox openly told our citizens on 24 April that we had gone so far in aid to Britain we could not now retreat. This is the position our warmongers have been intriguing for-a position insidiously reached, where Congress and the citizens have no honorable alternative but to a declaration or definite act of war. War has not come to us from Germany, not through any of the “window dressing” reasons dinned in our ears by the administration, but solely through the ruthless ambition for world domination which has eaten away the souls of our officials. If Britain falls, we will have to fight with both Europe and Asia, due to our belligerent attitude toward both continents-and we will have the undying hatred of England, which will feel the defeat was due to our tardiness in fulfilling our promises.

[Page 8]

[Page 9]

My blood boils to know that any group of unscrupulous politicians can so delude and deceive millions of our people. Is this the way the 20th Century “democracy” works?

Through the apathy and gullibility of our citizens, our elected representatives have become our masters instead of our servants. Only a handful of courageous senators and congressmen oppose the sacrifice of our nation and its citizens, and they, as well as any citizen who dares voice a warning to the country of the true situation, are insulted and defamed from high places, proving a desire to intimidate and censor free speech.

As far back as 1936 we civilians knew that war in Europe was inevitable. The President had, of course, inside information regarding the situation. What did he do to increase our utterly inadequate defenses? Nothing, except talk, until the “conversations” with the British rulers-when at last steps were taken to remedy the situation. If you feel I am unduly prejudiced, look at the statistics.

Look back at history. Every great empire has fallen sooner or later.

We do not want Britain to fall-but she herself did not prepare for what many of her statesmen foresaw and warned against. Let us face the facts as they are and the possibilities which exist-let us save America first and not betray our heritage through unreasoning sentimentalism.

Now you can understand why I and millions of others in this land of ours look upon the future with foreboding and apprehension.

Ellen F. Fitzsimons

Here is another poignant letter published in The Chicago Tribune under the caption:

Youngstown, Ohio

26 February


I should like to compliment your paper on being the last stand of the few remaining on earth. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are scraps of paper. The radio, the press, most of our ministers and educators proudly proclaim themselves “internationalists,” most, if not all of them, have not the slightest notion of the issues involved in this or any European war.

I think this will be recorded as the saddest period in American history. In these days we are deliberately turning our backs on every one of our country’s ideals and launching out on the unknown sea of internationalism, where we have made only one disastrous foray before. The saddest thing about the whole tragedy is the deliberate way we are betraying our boys. Since the other futile fiasco in Europe, we have taught in our colleges the futility, the waste, the propaganda, the high sounding lies that belong to war and the war spirit. Now we ask these boys, sufferers already from the war-made depression, to stick their necks out. This time we do not even give a reason.

At a recent meeting of deans of various schools, one dean said we had debunked war too much and that now our young men were not willing to come to the defense of their country. It is our generation God help us — which is not intelligent enough or Christian enough or patriotic enough to save our country from dictatorship and disaster.

When I contemplate what we are planning to do with these young lives for no reason under the sun, I cannot look them in the face for the very shame.

I try to follow Christ, and need the spiritual leadership of the church in this dark hour of my life. Most ministers are so busy stirring up bate for Hitler and sympathy for Churchill that they have no time for heartbroken mothers. Strange that Christ did not stir up a revolution against Caesar or establish the “four freedoms.” Strange that he taught the narrow doctrine of peace and appeasement. Most ministers are now internationalists and tell us we must make the world safe for Christ by killing off all who disagree with King George, except the Russians.

Sir, this is not a Christian nation, it is no longer an American nation, it is not civilized. We will soon be pouring out our wealth and our boys’ blood for no reason at all. The only realistic advice I can give to youth is not to bring defenseless children into this world to be slaughtered until we become civilized, which will not be in our generation. We are on the “wave of the future” and a very menacing wave it is and a very dark future. In the name of the finest and bravest youths in the world about to be slaughtered, we American parents thank you for your old fashioned stand of America First.

Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Glasgow

And here is another striking letter published under the caption:


Rockford, Illinois

11 February

Democracy, as we have known it, is definitely on the way out. Let us not kid ourselves on this score. It is on the way out because it cannot endure unless the majority of citizens are intelligent and have a sense of responsibility; unless they are willing to give as well as take; unless they consider the common welfare as well as their own. They must have patriotism. They must understand the fundamentals of economics. They must insist on office-holders who have intelligence, character and human sympathy.

We have such citizens but they are not in the majority. Most people, belonging to some pressure group, want all for themselves without regard for others. For instance, the only “sacrifice” that labor is willing to make is “more money for less work.” Some other groups are in the same class.

We are being eased into fascism fast. The pressure groups led by Franklin D. Roosevelt, are the ones leading us into it. Roosevelt will go down in history as the great destroyer of American democracy.

J.P. Grip

[Page 11]

[Page 12]

•  •  •

There is little need to either argue or elucidate the various points of those letters, although I think if Mr. Grip were better acquainted with the “-isms” of Europe he would remark that America is swinging more towards bolshevism than fascism. All three letters reveal a widespread demoralization in the United States and very many people recognize the fact that President Roosevelt has played a major role in both the outbreak and development of the present war. Roosevelt more or less acknowledged his parentage when, not long ago, he suggested that a name be found for the war. Perhaps he should like history to call it the Roosevelt World War although the KOSHER WORLD REVOLUTION would be a better title for the conflict.

American imperialism is something new, even for Americans. One of the chief aims of the Roosevelt Trust was to restore equality for the Jews in Europe. But equality is hardly the proper word to use. What is really intended is, the domination of Jews over Europe.

American imperialism is something new, even for Americans. The two chief aims of the Roosevelt Trust are; 1. To reimpose the gold standard on world economy.* 2. To restore equality for the Jews in Europe. But equality is hardly the proper word to use. What, is intended is the domination of Jews over Europe.

A few weeks before I became the first American political refugee in Sweden, one of my colleagues gave vie some unsolicited advice. He suggested I should return to America and begin to pull strings to obtain an appointment as American Commissar to the Baltic States when America had won the war. He said that the American government would be glad to be represented by a Nordic American experienced in East European affairs, as I am, and that I should not anticipate any difficulties in that desirable position, inasmuch as I would have with me a little Morgenthau as coadjutor. I replied that I had no wish to be an executive for a Jew and that I hoped that some day the Americans would gain control over their own government in Washington. Many people in Stockholm believed that the war would end in chaos throughout Europe and that Europe would be dominated by the Jews for many years. Since that time, that opinion has undergone some change. American Jews are now showing restraint, so that the Russian Jews may press their own demands.

[* On the significance of this statement at the time Day wrote, see the review in Liberty Bell, January 1983, pp. 30-31.]

Those Americans who recognized the imminent peril to their country, who warned their fellow citizens of the immigration of Jews and other alien elements, who lectured about American imperialism, were either frightened into silence or shut up in prison. Hypnotized by the Jew-controlled radio and press, the American people sat idly by while their sovereignty was being stolen from under their noses. The Americans have only now begun to suffer. And for that we have only ourselves to thank.

A singular characteristic of the internal life of the United States has been the disinclination of the older types of Americans to take an active part in the governing of their country. Between the American Civil War and the world war the United States passed through a period of tremendous economic expansion.

Older types of Americans were more attracted to participate in the development of industry and business or to follow one of the professions than to enter government service.

Low pay and slow advancement made government posts unpopular.

For the same reasons Americans were not interested in a military career.

After an education at West Point, the government military academy, an officer might serve his entire life in the American army without advancing beyond the rank of major. In government service higher posts depended more upon political protection and connections than upon ability.

At the outbreak of this war the American government had only 3,000 officers capable of giving military instruction to candidates for commissions. The United States has no military caste as is to be found in European nations. This does not mean there is a lack of patriotism among the older type Americans but only indicates how far the Americans have always considered themselves from the possibility of being engaged in any war except of their own choosing, i.e., a war in which American interests were threatened. The possibility that an American president should take upon himself to extend the American sphere of interests to include those of the British Empire, of the Communist International in Moscow, and to take China and the Far East under American protection was never dreamed of. It seemed too fantastic.

[Page 13]

Something strange has happened to America. This development began many years ago when emigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe began to pour into the United States. Until that time American immigration had come from nations related in race. They were chiefly Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic nations. All of these are Nordic with a common cultural heritage.

Many Germans cannot understand how it was possible for the extremely large German element among our immigrants to become assimilated into American life so thoroughly and so quickly. As a boy I recall how in Chicago the city was proud it had almost a half million Germans among its inhabitants. They were certainly by far the most cultured element among our foreign born population excepting of course, their blood brothers, the Scandinavians who also lived with them on the North side of the city. They had pleasant homes and lived in clean surroundings.

They had beer gardens and turnvereins. They had two well printed, largely circulated newspapers. But this German element, like the Scandinavian element, did not organize its own schools. As other American cities with similar settlements such as Milwaukee, St. Louis and Indianapolis, the Germans and Scandinavians sent their children to American schools. And within two generations the German newspapers, turnvereins [1] and other social organizations disappeared completely. It was a remarkable development. The Germans have intermarried with the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian elements of our population and are now part of Nordic America.

Among the elements which have resisted assimilation in America the Jews and Slavs have been most successful. Both these racial groups are much faster breeders than the Nordic element. They settled in the larger cities in compact masses. Now it is one of the peculiarities of the Slavs that their churches have always utilized patriotism to strengthen their hold upon their followers. The first thing a Slavic community did in America was to build a church. This was followed by a school. Then came newspapers, theaters and other social organizations.

It was the same with the Jews. The synagogues organized their cheders where rabbis teach children the Jewish spiritual, ethical and moral code laid down in the Talmud which prescribes the actions of the Jews in their intercourse with Christians. However these cheders supplemented the American public schools which are attended by Jewish children. The Jews, Poles, Czechs, Lithuanians, Italians, etc., succeeded in their purpose, which was to remain foreigners in the country which offered them hospitality. There is no fundamental difference between a Communist Jew, a Zionist Jew, an American, British, Polish, Lithuanian or any other variety of Jew. They may quarrel furiously among themselves, as they do, but when they turn to face the Christian there is the united front.

[1] turnverein: (from German turnen, “to practice gymnastics,” and Verein, “club, union”), association of gymnasts founded by the German teacher and patriot Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in Berlin in 1811. The term now also denotes a place for physical exercise. The early turnvereins were centres for the cultivation of health and vigour through gymnastic exercise, including the use of such modern gymnastic equipment as the horizontal bar, parallel bars, side horse, and vaulting horse. The organizations were also intended to prepare German youth to defend their country against Napoleonic France, and gymnasts were encouraged to develop a spirit of patriotism and Deutschheit.

[Page 14]

After the world war when a great mass migration movement began from eastern Europe to America, a bitter fight began in the United States to control immigration. The Nordic American realized the danger of being overwhelmed by inferior races. The Jews led the fight against the passage of the immigration law. They organized the other unassimilated minority groups, especially the Slavs, to bring all possible pressure to bear upon the American Congress to defeat the passage of the law.

When I arrived in Europe in January 1921, public opinion in America was just beginning to realize that if America was to remain Nordic, with a Nordic civilization and Nordic ideals, then immigration must be controlled. I began to forward articles and telegrams about the immigration problem immediately to my newspaper. Tens of thousands of applications for American visas were being made every month at the American consulates in eastern Europe. By far the largest percentage of the would-be migrants were Jews.

Unknown to the Americans the Jews in the United States had collected huge funds to assist the Jews of eastern Europe to reach America. In Riga for the first time I came into contact with Jewish journalists. They forwarded news to Jewish newspapers in Germany, France, England, the United States and many other countries. Most of their stories concerned pogroms. They obtained them from Jews who had succeeded in bribing their way out of Russia and who were attempting to bribe their way into other countries. I was approached on many occasions and asked to forward pogrom stories. I investigated and found them untrue. The Jewish refugees were seeking sympathy and assistance. With their oriental imagination and disrespect for the truth, they embellished rumors they had heard in the course of their pilgrimage until they became a real slaughter or a pitiless massacre. These stories were eagerly published by the Jewish press all over the world who were supporting the collection of funds to enable more and more Jews to reach the United States.

I discovered that the two largest American-Jewish so-called relief organizations were acting contrary to the law of the United States. They were not so much interested in relief which was a screen for their illegal activity of actively supporting and financing this mass immigration. They had power and influence enough in Moscow to insert advertisements in the soviet press which carried the message:

Have you a long lost relative in the United States? Would you not like to go to that country of unlimited opportunities? Then give us the last address you have of your relatives and we will find them for you and arrange for your passage and your visa.

[Page 15]

In the United States the Hebrew Immigrant’s Aid Society (HIAS) and the American Joint Distribution Committee (JOINT) collected many millions of dollars, not only from Jews but also from Christian societies and individuals, ostensibly to aid Jewish war sufferers in Europe. Part of this money was used in actual relief work but a large amount was placed in a revolving fund from which sums were loaned to emigrants to pay their visas and traveling expenses to America. These loans were repayable over a term of years with a low rate of interest. If the law restricting migration had not been introduced within a short period, the great majority of Jews living in eastern Europe and Russia would have succeeded in entering America. But this law, which was designed to preserve America as a Nordic country, failed in its purpose. The Jews found means of evading the law. They migrated to the United States in hundreds of thousands. And within the short space of 15 years, the United States, like the Jewish controlled Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics, has become an instrument of Jewish imperialistic ambitions.

JOINT expended tens of millions of dollars to finance Jews starting in business in eastern Europe after the world war. It assisted in the organization of Jewish banks, cooperatives, factories and workshops.

This flood of American dollars, controlled and directed by JOINT, resulted in the Jews obtaining a throttle hold on most branches of trade and industry in Poland, Rumania, Lithuania, Latvia and in other countries. With this financial help the Jews obtained an advantage over Christian war sufferers who did not receive such assistance from abroad.

They forged ahead in business, trade and industry and between the years 1920 and 1933, the Jews achieved a dominating economic position in Europe.

The activities of these two great international Jewish relief organizations in promoting emigration from Europe to America was illegal according to American law. I kept reporting about this development until the American government was forced to take action. However, Jewish influence at Washington was sufficiently powerful to delay the adoption of counter-measures. It was not until the country at last awoke to the terrible danger embodied in this immigration that an overwhelming wave of public sentiment forced Congress to pass the Johnson Immigration Law.

The fight against the passage of the immigration law marked the first appearance of the Jews acting as a national minority in American domestic politics. It was interesting to follow the political activities of the Jews which were revealed by Jewish newspaper correspondents in New York and Washington whose articles were published in many Jewish newspapers in Europe. They were also especially active in the campaign to promote mass Jewish migration to America. They reported how Jewish organizations had succeeded in uniting other national groups, including the Poles, Lithuanians, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Greeks, Armenians, Ukrainians and Russians in pressurizing Congress to vote against the law.

[Page 16]

Jewish newspapers in Eastern Europe proudly reported the growing number of Jews in the United States and their rapidly increasing influence and importance in American political, economic, cultural and social life. Only a few years after the passage of the immigration law the Baint of Warsaw boasted that the Jewish residents of Washington outnumbered the Negroes living there. I translated many of these articles and telegraphed them back to America.

Immediately following the world war the millions of Jews living in Soviet Russia began to flow across the frontiers. Some remained in the Baltic States and Poland. Others settled in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, France, Rumania and other countries. The great majority attempted to reach America. Rabbis played an important role in this migration of the Jewish people. They provided false documents, such as birth certificates and other identification papers, to Jews born in White Russia and the Ukraine, testifying these people had been born in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and other cities. With these false papers the Jews, sometimes legally, but very frequently with the aid of bribes, obtained visas to enter these countries and obtained passports.

In 1923 the American consulate in Riga had accepted some 80,000 applications from Jews for American visas. Our consulate in Warsaw had more than 350,000 applications. In Europe more than a million Jews had applied for American visas. Every passenger steamer leaving Europe for the United States was crowded, largely with Jewish refugees.

Shortly before the Johnson Immigration Law to limit the number of immigrants came up for vote in Congress, I wrote a letter to Colonel McCormick, publisher of The Tribune, pointing out the grave danger to America embodied in this Jewish migration. I had already written many articles about the undesirability of these immigrants. I suggested that all correspondents of The Tribune concentrate on writing a series of articles about the immigration problem in an effort to arouse American public sentiment so this law would be passed. My suggestion was adopted and these articles, published by The Tribune and the 80 other American newspapers subscribing to our service, helped to counteract the pressure and propaganda the Jews had concentrated upon Washington to defeat the law.

[Page 17]

My series of articles covered the immigration situation in Russia and northeastern Europe. After reporting from Riga and Kovno (Kaunas) I visited Duneberg (Daugavpils), Wilna, Grodno, Bialostok and Warsaw. In an interview the Polish minister of interior told me he had granted permission to 350,000 Jews to leave Poland and had withheld exit visas from some 180,000 Poles who also wanted to migrate.

Explaining his action he said America was a great country and could assimilate the Polish Jews, and if America would only accept Poland’s Jews as immigrants it would solve one of Poland’s most pressing problems. When I asked why exit visas had been refused to so many Poles he said Poland had such large minority groups the government had decided to prevent Polish emigration to swell the Polish majority within the country. In my report I pointed out that if Poland had been unable to assimilate her Jewish population over a period of 500 years there was little possibility of the United States being able to perform this task.

This story, which was also published in a Washington newspaper, caused a sensation and the very next day the same Polish minister issued a statement denying that he had ever met Die or granted me such an interview. His action did not prevent a protest from being lodged with the Polish government from the American government against Poland’s efforts to unload her unwanted Jewish minority in the United States.

But the passage of the immigration law which sought to favor the admittance of the Anglo-Saxon-Germanic-Scandinavian nations did not solve America’s immigration problem. The Jews and other unassimilated minority groups in America continued their efforts to annul or amend the law to permit their nationals to enter the United States. My articles assisted in the defeat of the Perlman Amendment which aimed to grant visas to relatives of families already living in America. I pointed out how the Jews made a speciality of falsifying immigration documents and if this amendment were passed it would be discovered that every Jew in Europe had near relatives in America. American immigration restrictions exempt religious leaders. I discovered in the Lithuanian capital, Kaunas, three special rabbi schools. The average person doesn’t know there are two kinds of rabbis, one a religious leader and the other a butcher. These schools were graduating rabbi-butchers by the hundreds. Any young Jew could enter and graduate after he had grown his picic (little curls which dangle before the ears of Orthodox Hebrews) and garbed himself in the long black kaftan. Naturally all rabbi-butchers claimed to be religious leaders in their application for an American visa.

[Page 18]

A young American vice-consul assisted me in bringing this to the attention of the Lithuanian authorities who closed these schools. The vice-consul was transferred to South America as a result of Jewish pressure in Washington and more attacks were made against me by the Jews in the United States.

One of the things I noticed traveling about in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and other eastern European countries was that the Jews seem to completely lack any sense of patriotism or civic spirit. Take an automobile and travel to any one of a half-dozen small towns in a radius of fifty miles of Warsaw. These towns, with between twenty and fifty thousand inhabitants, present a terrible picture of poverty, depravity and squalor. Most of the houses have thatched roofs. If you found one with a tin roof and made inquiries you would discover that a tin roof had been erected by a Pole who had either returned from America or who had relatives there. In any of these towns it would be difficult to discover a new building, one erected during the last twenty years. Parks, children’s playgrounds, an attractive movie house, a modem store or an up-to-date business establishment simply did not exist.

The point is that the majority of the inhabitants of these towns are Jews. They are all engaged in business. They bought the produce of the surrounding countryside inhabited by Poles, and sold to them the goods they consumed. They had been doing this for three or four hundred years.

They had made money. But where did this money go to? It did not remain in these towns to contribute to their development through erection of new buildings, paved streets, canalization, waterworks or any of the institutions which mark an improvement in the standard of living of the inhabitants. No, the people still drew their water from the town pump. The most modem thing visible in the market place is the gasoline pump which would be tended by a swarthy bearded Jew in his kaftan, dressed like his ancestors of centuries ago.

These sloven miserable towns portray a poverty as black as the Jew’s beard. They do not recommend the Jew as a desirable citizen for any country. Some of the money these Jews acquire, and have acquired in past generations, disappears in emigration. Young Jews have always attempted to avoid military service. Bribes and money were needed to enable them to flee abroad. Some of the money, of course, is hoarded.

Some of it goes to pay taxes. But where is the remainder?

A day spent in such a town, whether it be in eastern Latvia, Lithuania, Poland or Rumania, develops a better understanding of the Jew. Why he will engage in any dirty business, pander to any vice, commit crimes, in fact, will do almost anything to keep from returning to such a village and to such a life. A life of cheating and swindling the peasants, dodging payment of taxes, bribing and corrupting his contemptible paltry way through a depraved and dirty life, a life ordered in this way by his religion, a creed of hate and fear, a belief so hopeless that he is more afraid of death than a believer in any Christian sect however perverted and fantastic it may be.

[Page 19]

Perhaps I had better offer some proof for the statement the Jews are afraid of death.

During the world war one of my sisters became a nurse in the great King’s County Hospital in New York City. One of her assignments there was to care for a ward of one hundred beds which contained old people on the verge of death. The average number of deaths was six each day. My sister noticed that whereas Christians faced death calmly and confidently, the Jews struggle against it and passed from life choking and moaning with terror. She could not understand why the Jews are so afraid to die.

Later, when she became better acquainted with their religion she comprehended. I have also seen Jewish gangsters electrocuted for murder. They do not die like men. They have to be doped before they can be dragged, stumbling with fear, to the little room containing the electric chair.









* Images (maps, photos, etc.) have also been added that were not part of the original Noontide edition.



Knowledge is Power in Our Struggle for Racial Survival


(Information that should be shared with as many of our people as possible — do your part to counter Jewish control of the mainstream media — pass it on and spread the word) … Val Koinen at KOINEN’S CORNER



Click to go to >> OCS – Part 1: Reviews; Background Information

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 2: Introduction; Permit Me to Introduce Myself

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 3: Why I Did Not Go Home; The U.S.

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 4: Lativa

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 5: Meet the Bolsheviks

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 6: Alliance With the Bear

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 7: Poland

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 8: Trips; The Downfall of Democracy

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 9: Jews

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 10: Russia

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 11: Lithuania

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 12: Danzig; Lithuania

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 13: Sweden; Norway

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 14: Finland

Click to go to >> OCS – Part 15 (last) : England; Europe; Epilogue; Index of Names




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>> Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day – Part 03




Version History

Version 2: Dec 8, 2019 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for katana17.com/wp/ version

Version 1: Published Mar 9, 2015

This entry was posted in Baltic States, Bk - Onward Christian Soldiers, Communism, Donald Day, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, International Finance, Jews, National Socialism, Norway, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race Differences, Revisionism, Sweden, The "City of London", The International Jew, Treaty of Versailles, White Nationalism, WW I. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Onward Christian Soldiers – Part 3: Why I did not go Home; The U.S.

  1. gigi says:


    • katana17 says:

      Hi gigi

      Thanks for your positive feedback. Please spread the word by downloading the pdf and sending it on to others. Also sharing the link to this site and other such sites all helps to get the word out.

  2. gigi says:

    I would love to pass it around to everybody! But there’s only a few I know that may read it! You know how that goes..

  3. Pingback: Onward Christian Soldiers - Part 1: Reviews, Background Information - katana17katana17

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