How Jewry Turned England into a Plutocratic State – Part 1


[Image – click to enlarge] Cover of World-Service 12.6.1940 edition







I. Introduction


II. Outline of the Three Stages of Jewry’s Rise to Power in England


III. Jewish Bribery and Corruption in Promoting the Naturalisation Bill of 1753


IV. Opposition in the House of Commons to the Naturalisation Bill


V. The Passing of the Naturalisation Bill Causes Anger in the People, Resulting in Petitions and Demonstrations in the Streets of London.


VI. Arguments Against the Naturalisation Law Continue in Pamphlets Throughout the Country and in the House of Commons.


How the English Nation Foresaw Jewish Domination — The Bitter Struggle of the English Nation Against the Ever-growing Penetration of the Jews into England Continues.


VII. The True “English People” Succeed in Having the Naturalisation Law Repealed.


VIII. Jews “Convert” to Christianity and Continue Their Infiltration, Seeking Greater Dominance over England.


IX. The Jews Succeed in Conquering England and Creating a Jewish-English Plutocracy that Declares War on Germany.







The Jew uses the lie as his most effective weapon to attain his goal and to conquer the world. Truth is his worst enemy


WORLD SERVICES has taken upon itself the task of enlightening all non-Jewish peoples and of revealing to them Jewry’s sinister intentions and its criminal methods. Recognition of this danger is the first step towards elimination. “WORLD SERVICES” has dedicated itself to truthfully reporting news-items pertaining to Jews and Jewry and thereby safeguarding the liberties of all nations.


Whoever is cognisant of this Jewish danger is requested to communicate with “WORLD SERVICES”, Frankfurt/M P.O.B. 600.


Only through co-operation it is possible to avert the threatening danger.


How Jewry Turned England


into a Plutocratic State


An Historical Survey

[This was taken from an article published in Frankfurt Germany, 1940]




HUME, the classic among England’s historian in his fundamental work. “The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1668”, Vol. II, Ch. X., P 130, (London 1803) writes:


“The greater part of that kind of dealing (usury) fell every where into the hands of the Jews; who, being already infamous on account of their religion, had no honour to lose, and were apt to exercise a profession, odious in itself, by every kind of rigour, and even sometimes by rapine and extortion.”



How Jewry Turned England


into a Plutocratic State




An Historical Survey







In “World Services” we have often proved that Jewish and British Imperialism both have the same aims. For these reasons absolute solidarity exists between World-Jewry and the ruling classes of Great Britain. World-Jewry, and the representatives of big Jewish Capital in Great Britain, her Dominions and Colonies, consider the British Empire only as a stepping stone towards a coming World-Empire.


For this reason it is no wonder that recognized Jewish and liberal historians and national economists, in writing the history of British Imperialism and Capitalism, confine themselves almost entirely to recording the history of the rise of the Jew in England and how the British finance came to be Jew-controlled. [1] [2] [3]


In the course of the last three hundred years Jewry has understood how to expand its financial position and its power-politics in England to the fullest extent and to anchor it down so firmly that England has become a plutocratic instead of a national state.


By plutocracy one understands a form of government in which the election of its members rest upon their possessing wealth. The word plutocracy is derived from the Greek roots = riches and kratein = to rule. Plutocracy therefore means: the rule of money-power, or more freely expressed: the government of Jewish gold.


The historical example of a state ruled by riches and possession is Carthage, in which the Jewish element was also represented. It was governed by the rich merchants, who were represented by a kind of “lower house” named “the Council of the Three Hundred” and a “upper house” named “the Council of the Thirty”. The people were barred from exercising any influence on the government.


For Jewry plutocracy is the most suitable form of government. Through plutocracy the immense Jewish capitalism, without respect to the number of Jews represented, of necessity procures a governing, political position, for a plutocratic state, as history teaches us, a small Jewish clique can dictate to a great state, if it is in possession of the necessary amount of capital.


The statesmen of the English plutocracy are therefore no more than the deputies and the trustees of the ruling class consisting of Jews and a strongly judaised aristocracy, who are in possession of the enormous wealth of the British Empire. They are furthermore, nothing else but the general directors of an immense high-finance concern, with only one object in view, that of increasing the wealth of this concern within the shortest time-limit and to save as great an extent as possible. Therefore the English statesmen are either themselves big capitalists, greatly interested in numerous industrial undertakings, or they are bought by Jewish-English finance-capitalism and must, for reason, blindly obey the dictates of the Jewish-English plutocratic clique.


[1] Hertz: “The British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”.

[2] John Francis: “History of the Bank of England”.

[3] Werner Sombart: “Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben”. Leipzig 1911.


The English government is only the British façade for the Jew in the background. The English statesmen are the well-paid dummies of the Jewish-English finance-capitalism. The British Empire is the highest capitalistic concern, which exists. It is an enormous corporation, whose principle shareholders are Jews. The aim of this company is the exploitation of the people who live within the British Empire and in the states under British hegemony, and the ever-increasing accumulation of untold wealth, which only benefits, and is enjoyed by, the ruling Jewish-English plutocratic clique.



In England we therefore find on the one hand excessive riches and on the other hand dire poverty and destitution of millions of the English people. The Jewish-English capitalism, the Jewish-English plutocracy is not satisfied with merely exploiting the inhabitants of the colonies in the most shameless way; in its insatiable greed it in no way shows a sense of responsibility towards its own nation. Because the British government is only the deputy of Jewish-English finance-capital, therefore British interest and the interest of the English ruling classes to-day in England are identical; but neither of them in any way is identical with the interest of the English nation. On the contrary: their interest is directly against those of the English nation. Great Britain, the richest country in the world, presents a picture of the greatest and most powerful poverty on the midst of enormous wealth. A state, whose government tests every matter from the standpoint. “Is it advantageous for finance, or not?” has therefore brought a sixth of its population so low that they live in hovels unfit for human habitation. After thorough investigation the prominent medical specialists, John MacConigle and Saint John Orr, have recorded that in England 13 million people, that means a quarter of the total population, suffer from malnutrition. Before the outbreak of the present war England had 2 million unemployed. At present there are still one million unemployed.


Tens of thousands of people yearly migrate from the country to the towns, there to eke out a meager proletarian life or go under. Yearly thousands of acres of farmland are withdrawn from cultivation.


Yearly increasing numbers of cotton mills close down and throw their workers on the streets.


All this happens because it is in the interest of finance, for the enormous profits of the Jewish-English plutocratic clique are only to a limited degree the results of the productive powers of the English worker. The profits result principally from the sweat of the poorly paid natives of the Far East; they result from the continual stream of imported Argentine meat and foreign foodstuffs, while every English farmer must battle to save his farm from bankruptcy. While British workers from the shoe and leather factories are walking the streets of Northampton and Leicester in search of employment, millions of pairs of shoes are being imported from overseas. While in Yorkshire and Lancaster the factories are being closed down, millions of yards of cotton goods and material are being imported from the far east and the enormous shortage of material for export is made up by the creation of similar industries in the colonies and by the rigorous exploitation of natives in the Far East, to the detriment of the mother-industry and thereby to the detriment of the English nation, which becomes more and more improvised and is more and more thrown into unemployment.


While the farmer is faced with absolute ruin, millions of tons of foreign meat, vegetables, and fruit are thrown on the English market and all this only because the Jewish-English plutocratic clique receives bigger profits. In this way international “robber” economics is carried out at the expense of the English nation. This is the curse of plutocracy.


In this Jewish-English plutocratic swamp all manner of corruption naturally flourishes.


One asks oneself:


How was it possible for England ever to come to such a pass?


How was it possible for Jewish finance-capital to conquer England?


How and when did the Jews indeed first come to live in England?


How did they manage to get so much power into their hands?


How and when did Jewish blood penetrate into the ruling class of England?


How did they manage to corrupt the blood of the English aristocracy?


What did the English nation say to the Jewish penetration?


Did the people take these things calmly or did they, through their natural national Instinct, protest against this increasing judaising?


We will try to follow the penetration of the Jew into England and show the means the Jews used to conquer England and to turn it into a plutocratic state. Above all we wish to describe the rise of the Jews to power in England in the 18th century because in this period they laid the foundation of their present powerful position. We have based our historical survey only on the works of recognized historians and on Jewish material from Jewish sources. Our survey therefore bears a strong historical character. The sources from which we have our wealth of information are at all times open for inspection.






Outline of the Three Stages of Jewry’s Rise to Power in England



Jewry’s rise to power in England took place in three sharply defined stages, which are separated by intervals of about 100 years.


Under Cromwell’s rule and during the first half of the Revolution period, under Charles II, the Jews, after having been banned from England for a period of more than 350 years, again swarmed into England.


Cromwell’s rule is characterized by an outspoken British imperial policy. With regard to his financial as well as his political policy Cromwell depended upon the Jews to be the backbone of his colonial expansion. Jewish agents carried on economic and political espionage for Cromwell, availing themselves of the Jewish business houses in foreign countries. In Cromwell’s time, exactly as 100 and 200 years later, a small ruling Jewish clique was formed, at whose head one Jew appeared as the backbone of the new colonial economic policy. In Cromwell’s time it was the enormously rich Sephardic Jew Antony Fernandez Carvajal who occupied this position. [4] [5]


[4] John Thurloe: “State Papers”;

Vol. I pp. 386/387.

Vol. II pp. 27/28, 399/400, 651/652.

Vol. IV pp. 61/62/63, 308, 321/322, 333, 343, 771/772.

Vol. V pp. 572, 388, 645/646, 665, 709/710, 722/723.

State Papers, Domestic Interregnum.

Parliamentary Diary of Burton.

[5] Guizot: “Histoire de la République d’Angleterre”.

Raguenet: “Histoire d’Oliver Cromwell”.

Francis: “History of the Bank of England”.

Lucien Wolf:

a) “Menasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell”.

b) “The Jewish Intelligencers” pp. 88—108 from “The Jewish Literary Annual” 1904.


c) “The Crypto-Jews Under The Commonwealth”, pp. 55—88. from “The Jewish Historical Society of England”, Vol. I, 1893—94.

d) “American Elements In The Re-Settlement”, pp. 76—99 from “The Jewish Historical Society of England”, Vol. Ill, 1896—98. Bishop Barnet: “History of his own time”,


A hundreds years later the second stage of the Jew’s rise to power in England commences. The Jewish clique in England was then led by the exceedingly rich Sephardic Jew, Sampson Gideon, who also greatly influenced the English cabinet ministers. At that time the influence of the Jews on finance-capital in England was already so great, that without exaggeration one may say, that English Jews were controlling the English money market. [6]


Together with Sampson Gideon the following Jews took a leading part in English finance administration: The Jew Alvaro Lopez Suasso, Francis and Joseph Salvador, known as Jessurun Alvarez in the Jewish community, and Anthony da Costa.


Francis Salvador was the director of the Dutch East Indian Company.


The banking-house of Francis and Joseph Salvador was for some time the leading banking house of England.


As early as the middle of the 18th Century, for the first time a Jew, Anthony da Costa, was elected director of the Bank of England. [7]


Under the leading of Sampson Gideon the Jews sought to break down the barrier-erected by the time-approved laws against the influx of foreign Jews. The English nation, aroused to anger, strenuously opposed this Jewish effort. The Jews therefore could accomplish nothing by constitutional means, but already their power was so great, and by working from behind the scenes the influential English Jews saw to it, that these time-approved laws were evaded and set at nought.


Again, a hundred years later, in the 19th Century, we encountered the last and most decisive period, during which the Jews attempted their emancipation. Jewish personalities such as Rothschild, Montefiore, Bernal, Montagu, Ricardo and Disraeli at the beginning of the Victorian age, fought for and gained equal rights for Jewry within English law.


To prove the assimilation between Jews and Britons which has taken place within the last hundred years, and which establishes the fact that the English plutocracy is thoroughly intermixed with Jews, it is necessary to give an account of the fight for their emancipation in which the Jews, in conjunction with a corrupt clique of aristocrats, in the middle of the 18th Century engaged, against the English Parliament and the English nation.

[6] Francis: “History of the Bank of England”, Vol. I, p. 169.

[7] Hyamson: “The Jews in England”, pp. 264/65.


In the middle of the 18th Century the English Jews taking advantage of their then already extensive connections and intermarriage with the English aristocracy and the ruling classes of England, though to obtain permission for their co-religionist to enter England and tried to make it easy for them to obtain citizenship. As early as the year 1740, during the reign of George II, the old English law regarding citizenship were violated. Both English Houses of Parliament passed a law: that Jews, who had lived in one of the English colonies in America for seven years, could obtain naturalization, without taking Holy Communion or without carrying out other religious ceremonies.


Under the protection of these Naturalization laws of 1740, round about 200 Jews entered into England in the period between 1740-1753. They came from the English colonies in America and obtained citizenship in England, having made use of the furtive roundabout way of obtaining naturalization, namely, having lived in an English colony in America for seven years. [8]


At the end of the 16th Century, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, about a hundred Jews lived in England. [9] In Cromwell’s time about 30 – 40 Jewish families were living in England. [10] The majority of these were Crypto-Jews or New Christians, [11] that is Jews baptized into the Roman Catholic faith.


Twelve un-baptized Jews, those Jews who practiced their religious rites, are said to have lived in London round about the year 1663, that is, shortly after the English Revolution. [12] In 1737 there were about 6,000 Jews living in England. In 1753 about 8,000. [13] And in 1787 about 12,000. [14] The rich Jews of this time had influential friends among the English Statesmen and nobility. The best known politician and statesman of the last half of the 18th Century, Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Oxford, was on friendly terms with the clique of London Jews. Even his private life was not free of Jewish influence. Robert Walpole had a Jewish mistress, the influential actress Hannah Norsa, [15] the daughter of a Sephardic Jew, Norsa. The famous English historian, Smollet, made the following statement regarding Walpole and his corrupt administration, in which English politicians were conclusively implicated:


“Not withstanding this great obstruction of justice, purposely thrown in the way of the inquiry, the secret committee discovered many flagrant instances of fraud and corruption in which the Earl of Oxford had been concerned. It appeared that he had granted fraudulent contracts for paying the troops in the West Indies: that he had employed iniquitous arts to influence elections: that for secret service, during the last ten years, he had touched one million four hundred fifty-three thousand four hundred pounds of the public money: that above fifty thousand pounds of this sum had been paid to authors and printers of newspapers and political tracts written in defense of the ministry: that on the very day which preceded his resignation he had signed orders on the civil list revenues for above thirty thousand pounds: but as the cash remaining in the Exchequer did not much exceed fourteen thousand pounds, he had raised the remaining part of the fifty thousand, by pawning the orders to a banker”. [16]



a) “Jewish Quarterly Review”, 1907, XIX, 316.

b) “Oxford Memoirs”: (ed. 1852), I, 317.


[9] Cecil Roth: “A History of the Marranos”, p. 296.


[10] Dr. Chamberlain: “Anglia Notizia”.


[11] Lucien Wolf: “The Crypto Jews Under The Commonwealth” from “The Jewish Historical Society of England” Vol. I, 1893—94.



a) “Ellis: Original Letters, illustrative of English History”, pp. 7—21, London. Harding and Lepard 1827.

b) Tovey: “Anglia Judaica”, p. 279.


[13] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, London Archibald Constable and Co., pp. 62/63.


[14] Graf Mirabeau: “Sur Moses Mendelssohn, sur la Réforme politique des Juifs”, 1787, p. 129.



a) Lecky : “Geschichte Englands im 18. Jahrhundert”, I, 581.

b) “B’nai B’rith National Jewish Monthly”, Juni 1934.

c) “World-Service” VII/5/6 of 1st —15th March 1940, Article 14


[16] Smollet: “The History of England”, vol. IV, J. J. Tourneisen. Basil, 1743, p. 174.


No wonder that it was easy for the richest leading Jew of that time, Sampson de Rehuel Abudiente, called Sampson Gideon, to serve Jewish interest by making use of a man like Robert Walpole, who seemed to be born for corruption. The Jewish historian, James Picciotto writes concerning the dependence of both Robert Walpole, as a private individual. And the English Parliament upon Sampson Gideon, as follows:


“One of the most important Jews in London in the middle of the 18th Century was Sampson Gideon. He was a friend of the English Prime Minister Walpole and supplied the state finances. His financial operation was carried out on what was at that time considered a gigantic scale. During the crisis that followed the bursting of the ‘South Sea Bubble’, the general public more than once looked askance at Gideon. He, however, stood firm as a rock and as impenetrable as a sphinx. It was said that at this time he rendered Sir Robert Walpole considerable service, not only with respect to his private concerns, but also by materially supporting the Prime minister and helping him to restore the public calmness and confidence”. [17]


When in the year 1745, under the leadership of the “Pretender”, Bonny Prince Charlie, the Stuarts rebelled and the “Pretender’s” troops were nearing London, a panic was created and large stocks of merchandise were sold, of which Sampson Gideon bought the biggest share. [18] The English government bonds were thrown upon the market and a considerable amount of them were bought up by Gideon. The well-known, Jew-friendly historian John Francis, writes concerning this. [19]


“It is not unnoteworthy of notice that a Hebrew has generally presided over the money market. At the period of the rebellion in 1715, there was a Sir Manasseh Lopez. During the South Sea Bubble, Mr. Guy dealt largely in seaman’s tickets and other securities. He founded Guy’s Hospital, considering, that ‘charity covereth a multitude of sins’. The goldsmiths, with the Rothschild’s and Ricardos, have since occupied the same important position. About 1745 it was Sir Sampson Gideon.

The following is a remarkable feature in the life of the founder of the house of Eardley.”

“In the great rebellion just described, the funds vacillated in proportion to the Pretender’s success. At one period they were very low, and Mr. Gideon bought every species of public security, which he could possibly procure. In vain his friends looked grave, remonstrated, and kindly predicted his ruin. The sagacious Hebrew replied, ‘If the Pretender should come to London, he will settle my account. If not, I shall be a very rich man.’”

“The event is known. Gideon amassed a large fortune; was made a baronet; and his family eventually became ennobled.” [20]

[NOTE: This text is reproduced below as a page image.]


From the writings of John Francis we take cognizance of the fact, that the Jews, since the beginning of the 18th Century, have ruled the English money market, and that the Jew Sampson Gideon in the middle of the 18th Century played a similar role to that played by the Goldsmiths, the Rothschild’s and Ricardos about a hundred years later. The government crisis of 1745 was a lucrative business for the Jewish clique. Gideon was in a position to double his resources during 1745. [21]



a) “The Jewish Encyclopaedia”, Vol. V, p. 662.

b) Picciotto: “Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History”, p. 60.


[18] “The Jewish Encyclopaedia”, Vol. V. pp. 662, 663.


[19] John Francis: “History of the Bank of England. Its Times and Traditions”, p. 169.


[20] John Francis: “History of the Bank of England. Its Times and Traditions”, Vol. 1 p.169.



a) “The Jewish Encyclopaedia”, 1903, Vol. V, p. 662.

b) John Francis: “Chronicles of the Stock Exchange”.

c) “Jewish World”, February 1878.



A page from the original text of a book by John Francis, (Willoughby & Co., London, 1848): “The History of the Bank of England, Its Times and Traditions”, in which the control of the English money market by the Jews is described.




To obtain power in England the Jews carried out the following tactics:


* After being banished from England for a period of more than 350 years they managed to gain a firm footing in Cromwell’s time.

* Within a short time a very small Jewish clique managed to amass a great fortune.

* By means of their wealth the Jews secured connections with the English ruling class and the nobility.

* Even at that time the Jews wormed their way into the aristocracy by marriage.

* And now they sought to increase Jewry’s power in England by inducing swarms of Jews into the country.


The English nation had however through existing immigration and naturalization laws built up a strong bulwark against these Jewish endeavors. Therefore a small but powerful Jewish clique made the first attack upon these naturalization laws. Even in 1740 they managed to violate these existing laws and to secure the immigration of further Jews into England. In 1753 there were round about 8,000 Jews in England. In 1787 the number was 12,000. To increase Jewry’s influence in England, the Jews made certain that they had a friend in the person of the then most important statesman, Sir Robert Walpole. Through his Jewish mistress, Hanna Norsa, through bribery and all manner of shady financial deals and corruption, Jewry chained this disloyal English statesman ever closer to itself, and made him the willing tool of Jewish finance and power politics. It is quite clear that in England Jew-control and corruption of the government is an old tradition.


But there is something else that is of interest regarding those times. We find the Jews as absolute masters of the money market. We see further, that they acquired their enormous wealth by dishonest means, be it by shady, financials deals and transactions, made possible only by bribery of cabinet ministers or by unsavory speculations. During the rebellion, led by Bonny Prince Charlie in 1745, the Jews Sampson Gideon seized the opportunity of making an immense fortune, which he played on both sides. He took advantage of the first stages of panic created by the rebellion to buy up enormous quantities of stocks of merchandise and government bonds for a song, venturing his all on the government being victorious. On the other hand he kept in the good graces of the rebel Prince, hoping, that in the case of an eventual victory, the Prince out of gratitude would redeem at a good price, the English State Papers, which he, the Jews, had acquired at such a cheap rate. The Jew, Sampson Gideon, had therefore paid the expense of the English nation, landed a successful coup.


But there is something else of importance. We see that even then the ruling aristocratic clique was in every respect corrupt, for only under those circumstances was it possible that such an unscrupulous speculator as Sampson Gideon, who had robbed the English nation of millions of its money, could have become the founder of a “noble” family. Here we see the first sign of the assimilation of the Jew with the English nobility, an assimilation which was very soon to lead to an intermixing of the blood and eventually to the disintegration of the nobility altogether.


How strongly this infiltration of Jewish blood affected the English noble families is described by the English author, Hilaire Belloc [22] in the following words:


“Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes.

After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of a purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they traveled to countries where the gentry had not yet suffered or enjoyed this admixture.”


[22] Hilaire Belloc: “The Jews”, p. 223.

Other Sources: “World-Service”, VII/5/6 of 1st — 15th March 1940, Article 14.





Version History & Notes


Version 2: Jun 13, 2015 — updated cover image; converted “The History of the Bank of England, Its Times and Traditions” text to an image.


Version 1: Published Jun 11, 2015






* Cover image is a faithful reproduction of the original, except for the use of colour.




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Version 6: Jun 8, 2022 — Re-uploaded images and PDF. Improved formatting.


Version 5: Sep 22, 2018 — Added “See Also”.


Version 4: Jun 15, 2015 — Added Contents page.


Version 3: Jun 14, 2015 — corrected some minor errors; improved formatting.


Version 2: Jun 13, 2015 — updated cover image; converted “The History of the Bank of England, Its Times and Traditions” text to an image.


Version 1: Published Jun 11, 2015.

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