Mark Collett – Jewish Professor Calls Whiteness Parasitic – Jun 18, 2021 — Transcript


[Mark Collett discusses a jewish professor’s call that “Whitness” is parasitic, in a case of the kettle calling the pot black.




Mark Collett


Jewish Professor Calls


Whiteness Parasitic


Jun 18, 2021



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Published on Jun 18, 2021


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First published at 12:00 UTC on June 18th, 2021.

Mark Collett

 21212 subscribers


Donald Moss, a Jewish Professor, wrote a paper in which he called whiteness ‘parasitic’, this was published by the American Psychoanalytic Association. But what motivates Donald Moss and others like him?

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(09:17 mins)






On May the 27th, 2021, the American Psychoanalytic Association published a paper written by Donald Moss. That paper was titled “On Having Whiteness”. The abstract taken from the paper reads as follows, and I quote:


“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has – a malignant parasitic-like condition to which White people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target non-White peoples. Once established these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate!

Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim to only reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites – to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented the ravages reeked by the chronic condition can function either as a warning ‘never again’, or as a temptation ‘great again’. Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure.”


End quote.



This astonishing attack which labels Whiteness as a “malignant and parasitic condition” is just the latest in the long line of vicious attacks on White people and their culture, their history, and their traditions.

However where others have attacked Whiteness, Moss goes further, claiming that Whiteness is actually a parasitic condition! A mental illness that is overwhelmingly present within White people.



And just stop for one moment to imagine the outrage if a professor wrote a paper calling blackness, or jewishness, a parasitic condition! In many countries that person would be arrested. And it is a certainty that the American Psychoanalytic Association would not have published that paper.



Donald Moss goes on to suggest that certain “interventions” can reduce the problem of Whiteness, but ultimately concludes that there is not yet a permanent cure to Whiteness. Which is something we will come back to later.



Moss has had numerous other writings published by The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. And he has also written several books. One of these books titled “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man” may shed some light on Moss’s motivations for his unprecedented attack on White people and Whiteness.



On page 69 of Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man, the following paragraph can be found, and I quote:


“My grandmother reminded me of my obligation as a jew. She said I was twice indebted to her for the blood she had once given to me, and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored she said, dying was not within my rights. She said:

‘You are our only revenge! You are our Hitler! Promises have been made! The dead are watching, and must not be disappointed!’

She said the machine will work forever. In America every part can be replaced, every vital fluid can be found, everything kept clean. What has been done once can be done again! What has been achieved can be repeated. She said:

“You will die only by an act of will. As long as you are alive, Hitler has lost!’”


End quote.



In this disturbing excerpt, Moss talks of his obligation as a jew and his need to carry out some form of revenge. Curiously this act of revenge is aimed at America, and presumably White America.


But what revenge could Moss possibly seek against America? After all, over 400,000 Americans, the vast majority of them White, died fighting in World War II against the Axis forces. Why would anyone seek revenge against a nation and a people who liberated their ancestors?



But what kind of revenge does Moss seek? Well I don’t know exactly. But I would wager the following. As Moss claims there is no cure for Whiteness, but that White people have a particular susceptibility to Whiteness, and that this Whiteness presents such a threat to everyone else on the planet, it wouldn’t be a massive leap to suggest that Moss believes that the world would be better off without White people, or at least better off with fewer White people!



And that he definitely believes that the world would be a better place if White people did not hold positions of authority, or power.


Maybe the revenge that Moss’s grandmother talked of, a revenge that involved replacing every part of America, included not only replacing the dominant European culture, traditions, and ways of life, but also replacing the dominant people.



People of European descent. And that not only means replacing White people in positions of power and replacing White history and traditions, something liberals call “decolonization”. But it also means replacing White people as the majority population.



And what better way to replace a people than to convince those people to hate themselves, their culture, their traditions, their history, and their ancestors? To convince those people that everything that defined them as a people was some kind of “parasitic condition”.


And what would become of those people? A people who despised themselves so much that they not only decided to discard everything that made them who they once were. But they also decided that they should stop breeding and accept their replacement!



Cheering as waves of immigrants flood into their country, pushing the White population ever closer to being – as Moss’s grandmother once said – replaced!


But Moss’s grandmother did not simply state that it was her grandson’s job alone to do this. She stated it was his obligation as a jew! How many other jews feel this way?


Do the jews who are over-represented in the media feel this way? What about those who control Hollywood? Do they seek revenge against White people?



Do those disproportionately represented in the banking sector also wish to see White people and their culture replaced? Do those working in pornography, who push interracial sex, wish to see a change in demographics in America and the West?


What about jewish feminists? Who tell White women to leave their men and go it alone in order to focus on their careers?



What about the jews in academia who push Critical Race Theory upon White children, and tell those children to be ashamed of their White privilege? What about those in the Frankfurt School who pushed Cultural Marxism on the West? What were their motivations?


And finally, what about the jews in the legal system, the ones who campaign for laws that restrict freedom of speech and criminalize White people who dare to speak out against their own replacement. What is their motivation?



Yet some will call all of this a “conspiracy theory”.


But when you look at every Western nation, their White populations are all set to share the same fate! To become a minority by the end of the century! Yes, there is a conspiracy afoot. But that conspiracy is not just a theory, it is very real! And the effects of this conspiracy are plain to see in every Western city and town.



Demographics are destiny! And if things do not change, Moss’s dream may well come into fruition. A world where Whiteness is no longer a “problem”. And the reason for this lack of Whiteness will be, because White people have been reduced to a scattered, atomized, and hated minority!














14 hours ago
itchy titty bang bang
bahahahaha! hate the satan-worshipping kykes right back. there is absolutely nothing alright about them.

11 hours ago
Of course he does…… that’s what JOOZE do, they project their own crimes and sickness onto the innocent. No surprise, What IS a surprise is that these creatures are still ….uh…. around?
Edited 11 hours ago

14 hours ago
Jews truly are masters of projection, vile creatures

11 hours ago
Literally the pot calling the kettle black.

14 hours ago
jews don’t help themselves do they? Even if you really try to like them, they make it impossible.

13 hours ago
It’s just tiresome. 109 times.

14 hours ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⢔⢒⡿⠯⠥⢦⣦⣾⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣾⢮⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠛⠳⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣧⣿⣝⡴⡔⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣦⣶⣿⣿⣯⣿⢽⠁⢰⣢⣶⣦⣌⠠⠴⠆⠘⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠔⠁⠀⢂⠘⢻⢛⣛⠿⣝⠁⠀⠼⣁⡴⣖⣫⠙⠙⠿⡳⡅⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⠂⠰⠀⠀⠈⡄⢠⢓⣺⢇⡇⣊⠐⠀⠉⠁⠲⠒⠀⠀⠀⠑⠅⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣨⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠰⢸⠄⠄⣸⣷⡦⣄⢤⠄⢄⡀⣀⠤⠠⡀⠀⠈⡄⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢠⠁⠙⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⢾⠘⢠⣿⣟⣿⣿⣪⣮⣶⣸⣮⣖⣢⣌⠁⠀⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⢹⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⠀⢝⣻⣯⣿⢿⡫⢺⡩⠍⣉⣉⣨⡗⠉⠂⠊⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⡈⠂⠀⣾⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠆⡸⣹⡿⣿⣯⣷⣱⣙⠫⠧⠷⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢠⠇⠀⠀⢉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠕⣻⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⡷⣶⣾⠿⠒⡁⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢇⠻⠽⣿⡿⢟⣿⣻⡟⠁⠰⣯⡕⡰⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢩⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠬⣍⠱⠨⠯⠛⠙⢏⠀⢀⡀⣨⡀⠤⢚⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠄⠰⡶⠲⢦⠓⠍⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠡⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡄⠀⢀⠄⠊⠉⠙⠑⠒⠊⠉⠀⠀ [show less]

14 hours ago
Jesus exposed the Juice ways of commerce…. They killed him for that. Hitler and J.F.K. would be next.

14 hours ago
Holocaust Lies Exposed
Emanuel Celler…the Jew that opened US borders

14 hours ago
A good jew is a dead one.

13 hours ago
Lol at how they put buff gay guys as the image for that article. Anyone who has seen real pics of gay parades knows it’s mostly fat, naked, wrinkly noncey old men and complete dysgenic freaks.

14 hours ago
Thank the gods, for abrahamic religion aye? 🤷‍♂️ cause its clearly western …

13 hours ago
Abrahamic semitic filth all need to be eradicated. Christianity is and was always a trojan horse of semitic mind poison against the European Mind. Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax Why people of European descent must reject christianity. White guilt only exists because of the poisonous doctrine of christianity and the negative effects cultural christianity has had on our people. hopefully more people are re-discovering the truth about cultural christianity. -> universalism -> egalitarianism -> sin -> white guilt Christianity was forced upon the White masses by traitor monarchs and elites as the first step towards compromising White civilization and eroding its values. Look at this list. All these crusades were either against White people or to pave a highway to the middle east so Jews and Christians could go to Palestine and worship their sand barbarian religion. Some things never change. Jews controlled the Church and used it to beat down Whites and interfere with issues on their behalf in the Middle East, and Jews controll the West and use it to persecute White people and meddle in the affairs of Israel. [show less]

13 hours ago
Lol you know me by now Dissident.

13 hours ago

13 hours ago
I did my research he’s not Jewish. Irrelevant really coz hes still a genocidal psychopath who should be locked up.

13 hours ago
No, he’s a jew, as he describes in his book ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man’, which Mark reads from at the 3 minute mark. Those websites saying he’s not jewish are about another Dr. Donald Moss who isn’t a psychoanalyst, that he was initially confused with. Here’s a tweet by the gentile Moss about [show more]

13 hours ago
Why do they hate us so?

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13 hours ago
Its all due to their grudge against us ever since the Romans wiped off Judea.
Edited 13 hours ago

13 hours ago
We are the only race with the IQ and means to oppose their world dominance

13 hours ago
read up on – the Visigoth and the jew – or go watch american krogan’s subject on it
Edited 13 hours ago

13 hours ago
I was speaking from the perspective of the jews. It’s from an old poster about bolshevism.

13 hours ago
Because they want to be us but can’t.

13 hours ago
Judea and Carthage were what people today would call satanic, they sacrificed children etc and Rome took offence. And so decided to stop it but they refused to surrender and thus were fucked rightly Rome then decided to use this power that had driven them to fight so hard. So they adopted the jewish [show more]

13 hours ago
The new church of tech and SCIENCE! The vaccine will be the new eucharist and the microchip the mark of the beast. If you think about it the whole covid/climate change thing is a cult.

12 hours ago
Loss of control needs replacing, the ones walking into the cult easiest are those just swapping cults. Medical and safety are buzzwords used to get the control measures in place for when we finally see WTF just happened… We lost WW2 and our communist jewish masters are still fitting our shackles.

12 hours ago
Give us this day our daily microchip and forgive us our social credit scores as we forgive those with low social credit scores

10 hours ago

13 hours ago
I knew it…I knew the ‘white’ man who produced this was of the tribe and projecting, as usual. They don’t say ‘every single time’ for nothing do they?

13 hours ago
The Earth was Blue but there was no god – VW

13 hours ago
truth about jews —-> search “joy of satan forum”

13 hours ago
These creatures are mentally ill! This “Jewish Professor” is white himself; what is his problem? Did he get the “Covid Jab”?
Edited 13 hours ago

13 hours ago
I’m no longer thunderstruck and I am long past gradual hatred of them.

13 hours ago
There’s a saying in my country. In the hanged man’s home were are not talking about rope… The ultimate parasites are calling others “parasites”, it’s hilarious.

13 hours ago
Marcus Celt

12 hours ago
Is that Fauci’s brother?

13 hours ago
It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that while individual members of the tribe are promoting this (and profiteering from this) that “institutional J3wery” appears to be making a concerted push to the goal line — just recently a letter co-signed by dozens of J3wish organizations was sent to the Biden administration advocating effectively for the naturalization of millions of immigrants. Less interesting than their advocacy, which should come as a surprise to no one, is the fact that they are advocating publicly for mass immigration into the US. They didn’t have to do that, they didn’t have to add their seal of approval putatively speaking on behalf of American J3ws this way — this is something that the administration is actively pursuing anyway and it’s not like the ADL’s stance on this is any secret. No, this is a power play, this is a challenge, a shot across the bow, a throwing down of the gauntlet. They are here to show you who is boss. And it seems highly likely that they are about to raise the stakes even more, and soon. You know, you watch the likes of Jonathan Greenblatt, and you think who does this entitled, arrogant POS think he is? He thinks he’s winning, at least that’s the impression he’s seeking to make (which is not unfounded either). Bottom line: there is an institutional J3wish agenda and the organizations promoting it are no longer trying to hide the fact at all. From the audacity of the demands being made, it looks like the desire of these organizations is to push things to a crisis, what form that might take is anyone’s guess. But if the “collective white guilt” narrative is any indication, the next level will transcend specific political issues such as immigration or Israel’s “right to defend itself.” After years of guerilla warfare in the classrooms and state assemblies, we are about to see an all-out concerted assault on European culture and European civilizations. We are about to see something on the grand scale. Expect to see the Noahide Laws pushed more aggressively, since these will form the spurious moral and ethical basis for what is to come. [show less]

11 hours ago
They are still pushing for civil unrest primarily in the countries in which Soros has vested interest. Despite the Soros funded terrorist cell [Anti-fa, BLM] protests [riots] last year, it did not escalate to the degree required; with the recent ‘struggles’ of greed & in-fighting within BLM [co-founder buying million dollar houses, UK leader being shot in the head by other BLM members] the only people really keeping up the facade are the sponsors of popular sports and the forever wokists. Myanmar nipped the Soros operation in the bud, despite operatives still organising protests. Their next move, is obviously the planned cyber attacks conducted by the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab … I feel this may back-fire, spectacularly. You simply do not tell the world you are going to attack, seemingly anything with an IP; companies rely on online services to sell their products, I don’t feel they will be quite so forgiving to lose profit as a result of some psycho believing he is god. Instead, some companies may opt to use counter-attack measures or defensive measures that leave hackers stuck in a honey pot. They need a civil war in order to fulfill their end desire, this is how it has always happened. War repeats. The 18th & 19th centuries had countless wars, then along comes the 20th century and the frequency of war is dialled back significantly … that was the predominant measure for population control. The 20th century brought the central banks and a means to control populations without firing a single shot, however, when the end-game is total dominance they will divide before recombining to be left with a control group. [show less]

8 hours ago
Hey man, that’s too difficult to read. Use paragraphs please.

13 hours ago
Women are baby-making machines
No Jason? Good, I can finally watch.

13 hours ago
the movement is real ! 😆

13 hours ago
Insulting and assaulting whites is not just tolerated, it’s expected and pushed. But if you make a remark against nonwhites that can be interpreted as a slight, no matter how minor, you can lose your job, be pushed into “sensitivity training”, be jailed, fined, or ostracized. Call someone a nigger or paki under your breath, and say goodbye to your life. But be prepared to be insulted and assaulted daily and to hear the jew/left media defend the insult/assault when you expect the opposite in this “battle against hate”. [show less]
Edited 13 hours ago

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13 hours ago
A long-time radio hosted in Toronto (very pc pos) was fired for saying “Paki” in a Teams work meeting. He was referring to the Ontario premier referring to the “pakis variant” wrt covid. (The premier apparently always referred to the Indian variant. The premier and the host always hated each other.) And for this, he’s labeled a hater and racist. I’d call him a lot of things, but racist is not one. He had an Indian co-host for a decade who left the station after “listeners were threateing her and the station wasn’t doing enough”. Who says this isn’t a war against whites. And just like WW1 and WW2, it’s because of the Jews. [show less]
Edited 11 hours ago

13 hours ago
Why say nigger under your breath i just call them straight out a bunch of nigger apes who belong in the jungle. Fighting niggers is not scary at all they are nothing but a bunch of pussies.

12 hours ago
I just call them Homo-Erectus, they get a confused look. You know their natural state!

12 hours ago
John Michael
Truth! We need to grow a DICK and fight back against the Jews and their penis-cutting emasculation Hate-Cult.

10 hours ago
Yup that’s the idea. It’s really what racism is. Most things are counter intuitive in life. If the MSM and establishment say something the opposite is usually true. I binned my TV 18 years ago.

9 hours ago
I’m not against saying ‘nigger’ out loud. I wouldn’t do it it in mixed company. But I’m referring to the woman who said ‘nigger’ very quietly and the black ass asking, “What, What.. ” FFS just roll your eyes or mouth ‘for fuck sakes’ (just expressing exhasperation on the street, and fucks will take issue.
Edited 9 hours ago

13 hours ago
Moss is not a Jew by race. He’s 60% Ashkenazi 40% European (Dutton, Making Sense of Race). And of that 60% one wonders what fraction of it is Jewish? Moss’s problem is that he’s highly aware of the fact that he’s mixed race and can’t deal with it so he pretends to be Jewish in order to alleviate some of his self hate by hating Whites. These psychotic people really should be kept at arm’s length.

13 hours ago
His yenta grandmother brainwashed him into thinking he is a full jew and that all goyim are literally Hitler. He is infected with toxic Judaism.

13 hours ago
I don’t want to watch the video. But just off the title. The lies they say of others is the truth about themselves.

13 hours ago
Projection – their best spell.

13 hours ago
This entire plan is orchestrated by the Rothschilds / Rockefellers to take down the only enemy that threatens their power over the world. WHITE PEOPLE

13 hours ago
Texas Based Social Media Platform: Join Today! No censorship of protected free speech, No advertising, No user information collected or sold, no manipulation of feeds or timelines.

13 hours ago
If that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black When a flucking JOOO refers to White Europeans as parasites! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

13 hours ago
Confession by projection. Satan’s chosen psychopaths.

13 hours ago
The host accused of being parasitic by the parasites.

13 hours ago
Mark Collett… it’s alright. The jews… there’s plenty of us whites who will take the jews out along with their depopulation FAUCI… FAUCI…COVID jabs. YOU THOUGH!!!! We’ll leave you till last you POS. Thought you were on our side!!!!! Enjoy 🤮

3 hours ago
White traitors to their own race are a SPECIAL kind of evil that deserve specialized punishment…

13 hours ago
Wrong again jews are the parasites

13 hours ago
Jew in White country calls “whiteness” parasitic. That’s rich, Schlomo!

13 hours ago
you are parasitic because you fck children. and most of all fck you.

13 hours ago
“Whiteness” (White people) builds civilisation; Judaism (Jews) degrade it!

13 hours ago
“If you really want to know what is wrong with the world, go into the bathroom and look in the mirror.” – William (Bill) Cooper.

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12 hours ago
Yep we are our own worst enemies, we openned our borders up to jews, muslims and other non-Europeans, biggest mistake we ever made.
Edited 12 hours ago

9 hours ago
Saxon Warriorbeatoffboy
Our country has been thoroughly in the grasp of the jew since the Civil War and getting worse every year. The real and only choice is going to be violent they haven’t given us any other option. PS Bill Cooper was anti-White and a race mixing race traitor so I don’t put much stock in what he has to say. Plus I believe he was controlled opposition, research how he came into the “truth” community. [show less]
Edited 9 hours ago

3 hours ago
We didn’t open up jack shit. This was heavily subverted, primarily by Jews.

3 hours ago
Nothing wrong with Aryans except our pathological altruism and trusting me nature but the Jewish propaganda has instilled decades long guilt and fear into us.

12 hours ago
A people that parasite off western nations, essentilly are completely reliant on them for the existence of their homeland, mooches at least 37 million a day (that’s what is admitted) just off the U.S alone calling whitiey parasitic, that’s rich. Gee, a jew projecting, that never happens.

12 hours ago
This smug-smiling kike professor has a face fit for human oven.

12 hours ago
Jews do not create, they only parasitize on their host nations. They admit this themselves, but claim they are transforming their host for the betterment of all, that they are the magic ingredient making it happen. We all know what they mean by this and what happens if the parasite is not removed.

12 hours ago
“Please, don’t convert to Whiteness.”We’re BORN White! To act against it is betrayal of our people and heritage. I will not take the side of my people’s enemies. Hitler was right bout the Jews! As long as I live, the Jews will always be in danger, and I am willing to put you under grass.
Edited 12 hours ago

12 hours ago
Hopefully he develops a severe case of lead poisoning asap.

12 hours ago
Before the Civil War 92% of Jewish households in the US owned slaves. Only 3% of white households owned slave. It was Jewish merchants that bought them from black tribes in Africa. The republican party was formed to stop the spread of slavery to the north. It was white republicans that freed the slaves in the US and it was white as you get bits that put an end to it world wide. Yet whitey is always blamed for it. [show less]

10 hours ago
Saxon Warrior
Books to read: 1) To Hell Or Barbados 2) Wh ite Sla very in the Barbary States by Charles Sumner 3) Wh ite Cargo by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh 4) Proclamation 1625: America’s En sla vement of the Irish by Herbert L. Byrd, Jr 5) They Were Wh ite And They Were Sla ves by Michael A. Hoffman [show more]

12 hours ago
People always accuse others of what they are guilty of doing.

10 hours ago
Saxon Warrior
No, jews do!!

3 hours ago

12 hours ago
The world would be better-off without Jews and Jewish ideas.

View all 4 replies
11 hours ago

6 hours ago
ALL JEWS, to be accurate.

12 hours ago
School curriculums need to be “decolonised” of black and brown minds who could never measure up. Just send them back to their native countries, and they can learn to weave baskets or something.

12 hours ago
Why does this professor not move? After all, white people are a tiny portion of the world’s population. He has most of the world to chose from. I think he is jealous and mentally ill. He needs to relocate ASAP.

12 hours ago
“Refugees always welcome [heart]!” Shoot this insipid fool between the eyes.

12 hours ago
But is it enough. I think a harsher punishment is needed

12 hours ago
Weak minded liars use such rhetoric. Honest people do not hide behind such filthy verbal assaults.

12 hours ago
Says the parasitic J

12 hours ago
(((they))) truly are the masters of projection

12 hours ago
None whites can insult white people as much as they want but if whites say anything they can be cancelled and lose everything,that’s not privilege.Everybody seems to hate everyone in this World,every Countries neighbor seem to hate the other neighbor in the World,yet whites have self banned themselves [show more]

10 hours ago
I think the word youre looking for is ‘commies’.

12 hours ago
110 and never again

12 hours ago
Bottom line: If one is white, he should be killed. That is the only logical conclusion to “whiteness.”

12 hours ago
Ah, he wrote that so he could make up with his Black Boyfriend after a little spat. Wouldn’t want to lose that big ole Tarpaper Roll to suck on, eh Professor.

12 hours ago
White-ness > “a state of being clear, radiant, bright or fair” Parasitic, in the way he used it, means “one who lives at the expense of another” … it is fairly clear to see with your eyes open who the parasites are. Having subverted many groups, over centuries, and now manipulate & control [show more]

12 hours ago
Frankford school cuck professor! “Whiteness bad”, yet lives in a majority white country! Just another parasite trying to demonize it’s host!!

12 hours ago
Bloke looks like Jewish gammon

12 hours ago
We have gone full circle. Now we are the parasite in our own countries (according to the parasite)

12 hours ago
they’re trying to swap the descriptions so they can claim our civilization as their legacy once they’ve killed us all

12 hours ago
Being called a parasite from a Leech is laughable

12 hours ago
Why is his Jewishness relevant? He’s a neoliberal commie, attack the ideology not his race you unhelpful twat.

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11 hours ago
Its relevant because, in case you didn’t know ………. THEY ARE ONES promoting this stupid thinking/idea. I hope you aren’t one of the severely affected.

11 hours ago
John Michael
Jews were never a race until Trump signed a law making them a race, which ironically makes it legal and possible to be racist against the Jews for the first time in history, because legally the Jews were never a race before Trump signed the law. You can’t possibly be racist against that which is not a race. [show less]

11 hours ago
MelGibsmedatJohn Michael
lol, so Blacks were never a race too because Trump didn’t sign a piece of paper?! Fuck Trump, he is a sellout and a traitor.

11 hours ago
Saxon WarriorJohn Michael
Nonsense, you’re undermining our ability to defend ourselves, grow a brain!!

10 hours ago
Ah here you are again BassReeves.

10 hours ago
Most neoliberal commies are not Jews. Oh the irony of thinking someone else is affected when you’re so steeped in your brainwashing yourself. Now go read Mein Kamph like the edgy sheep you are.

9 hours ago
ac242BassReeves > 307 Jews, 239 nonjews ~ 56% of feminists listed on wiki are Jewish How many Jews are there in total? 56%? 25%? 2.5%? 0.25%? target=”_blank”> [show less] says 14.7 million out of how many? 7.89 billion, that makes them 0.2%. That would mean 28000 % of overrepresentation. Care to comment on this, bubalah?

6 hours ago
What sort of bullshit interpretation is that? Cherry picking feminism, do you think readers are thick? In any event, most feminist CAMPAIGNERS are Westerners (which Jews are), middle to upper class (which Jews are), academics (which Jews are). And that still leaves nearly half of everybody else who aren’t even Jews, and that’s just feminism. So why not just focus on the ideology of liberal communism (black people far as proponents far outnumber the Jews) instead of the Jewish race? [show less]

6 hours ago
Art the Plant still subverting conservative communities on the internet, I see.

5 hours ago
CON servative communities.

5 hours ago
Besides, where you see 56% Jews, others see 100% whites. So take your Jew blinkers off.

5 hours ago
That’s what you are.

4 hours ago
Not a CON servative or a kumbayya socialist. Keep on denying the reality of race all you want. You are just naive.The multicult project is falling apart at the seams and nothing you can do or hope for will keep it together. Are you white?
Edited 4 hours ago

2 hours ago
Well, they can hang too along with the satanic Jews that have a stranglehold and have subverted our republic.

12 hours ago
I’m a proud “parasite”, Generations of my “parasitic” ancesors helped build hospitals, education centres, housing, medical treatments and the list goes on and on. I give thanks to the good Lord for having been born a “parasite”.

11 hours ago
Sounds like we have a second Noel Ignatiev here.

11 hours ago
Texas Based Social Media Platform: Join Today! No censorship of protected free speech, No advertising, No user information collected or sold, no manipulation of feeds or timelines. Be part of a new online community founded on the principle of “If its legal to say in the USA, we won’t censor it or try to hide it” Help decentralize communications on the internet and take power away from the Silicon Valley “Wokesters” who want to control your speech, and steer the national conversation on behalf of their Globalist Elite masters. [show less]

11 hours ago
Naming the Jew… Based!

11 hours ago
John Michael
ATTENTION EVERYONE: I just had a Divine Inspiration. The best solution is to support Israel 1000%, as Trump said. Let’s give them their just desserts. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want Israel? Fine! Let’s give them Israel! Let’s build a Great Wall of Israel, to keep the Israelis in, and ruin Israel for them by forcing all the Jews to be there on our terms. May symbolism be their downfall. May the Jews be re-enslaved under the Egyptian pyramid on the back of the dollar bill, as they were under the Egyptians. Deport all Jews to Israel and make them knit mittens for socialists like Bernie Sanders for slave wages, among other menial and humiliating tasks of manual labor. Build three walls around Israel so Jews can get in but can’t get out. Name the walls after the Three Patriarchs. Put all the Jews in one basket. May the Lord save and keep the Jews…. FAR AWAY FROM US!!! May the Black African Jews be the upper class elite overlords of the Ashke-Nazi. The Black African Jews can come and go as they please. The Ashke-Nazi shall require strict permission from their overlords and whatever host country the Ashke-Nazi Jew wishes to visit. SPREAD THE WORD!!! MAKE THIS A MEME!!! [show less]
Edited 11 hours ago

11 hours ago
Saxon Warrior
Jews are not the Israelite people Einstein they were”never in bondage”, try actually reading the bible it is the history of the White race, NOT THE JEWS!!

5 hours ago
John MichaelSaxon Warrior
Jews were enslaved by the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Greeks bragged about it, and I don’t blame them. Fuck the Jews. Egyptians taught the Jews how to rape and torture baby boy’s penises and drink the adrenochrome straight from the source. I’m sure the Jews make the best slaves in the world. Every [show more]

11 hours ago
I reckon this one must be overcompensating for something if you know what I mean.

11 hours ago
John Michael
WE need to FIGHT for our DICKS!!!

11 hours ago
beefcakesimulatorJohn Michael
Well yeah, you’re not wrong.

11 hours ago
HS the NS
“Jews are antisocial, destructive, intolerant, mean-spirited, deceitful, et cetera. They wish to destroy, rule and kill, rob whoever gets in their way. To facilitate them getting what they want, they have developed a perverted, unnatural, destructive, evil lifestyle. Even though they live off the non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and wish to destroy them. Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it’s pure and beautiful, and also because it’s bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they cannot fully control it. Nature’s beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. -Bobby Fischer. [show less]

2 hours ago
That’s a keeper 👍

11 hours ago
We all know who the real Parasites are…

11 hours ago
“What has been done once can be done again.” One can dream…

3 hours ago
It never happened, the next one will be real though, and it will have my full support.

11 hours ago
They suffer from schizophrenia from all the inbreeding hence making them paranoid about white nationalism so they desperately got together out of fear from our numbers and maliciously planned our extinction because they know how to control black emotions through consumer goods trainers fast food and TV and know that a low IQ mutt race prefers short time pleasures and impulses and wouldnt consider becoming extinct and losing so much of the traditional values Europeans have maintained for centuries as a race as the cultures will be mixed up and lossed while the jews will enjoy thier homogeneous ethnostate if you know what i mean [show less]
Edited 11 hours ago

11 hours ago
Saxon Warrior

11 hours ago
And I suppose this jew is black then? No,didn’t think so. What a fucking idiot.

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11 hours ago
Saxon Warrior
Jews actually have negroid blood hence their frizzy hair, lips, ears, etc they are a race mixed people, they are Edomites and Canaanites!!

8 hours ago
Jews are not white and they do not have the DNA of white people.

6 hours ago
They’re not black, theyre Middle Eastern Semites. They’re not our people, period!

11 hours ago
HS the NS
gradually i began to hate (((them))) -Adolf Hitler It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will risefrom the grave and the whole world will know I was right. -Adolf Hitler.

10 hours ago
He doesn’t need to rise to convince me

11 hours ago
John Michael
Jews are mostly white people, pretending to be some ancient African cult, and in fact they’re the most inbred manipulative lying white supremacists on the planet. Jews were never a race until Trump signed a law making them a race, which ironically makes it legal and possible to be racist against the Jews for the first time in history, because legally the Jews were never a race before Trump signed the law. You can’t possibly be racist against that which is not a race. The media spins it as a triumph, but fails to see the irony of the admission that if Jews are suddenly a race now, then that means they weren’t legally a race before, so all the accusations of racism against Jew-haters was slander and libel and defamation before Trump signed this law. [show less]
Edited 11 hours ago

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11 hours ago
Saxon Warrior
Of course they’re a race that’s why Israel can require DNA testing for citizenship. You should spend a little more time learning before spouting bullshit causing even more confusion and obfuscation as if there isn’t enough of that already!! Jews are the descendants of Edomites and Canaanites, they ARE NOT WHITE!! White people are the Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, Saxon, etc people who are the direct descendants of the Israelite people !! Edomites have been attacking the Israelite people on and off throughout history, this is just another attempt at genociding our people and if you want to effectively combat this you need to understand history and what has been done in they past. The J e ws Admit That They Are NOT The Israelites The real Israelite people formed the European nations, they are the Wh ite race alive today as most every other family of Adamic peoples aka European people, have been miscegenated out of existence!! Here’s proof!! Heirs To The Covenant 100 PROOFS THE ISRAELITES ARE WH ITE!! This is a set of podcasts with historical, archaeological, linguistical, biblical, cultural, etc proof that the Israelites without doubt migrated west and formed the European nations, they are called Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Germanic, etc peoples today. The Israelites are not arabs, jews, or negroids they are the White race!! Your Heritage(Europeans are the Israelite people) [show less]

11 hours ago
Jewish people are not white.

10 hours ago
PAUL_USASaxon Warrior
he’s saying the ZIONISTS that hide behind the claim of “Jew”

10 hours ago
Jews have always been a distinct Race, Jewn Michael. Jews are Asiatic mongrels; they’ve picked up a lot of Human DNA on their gypy’s tour of the world. And non-Human; most jews possess 2-3% of Negro DNA. Negroes are infinitely more related to an extinct species of ape – 19%. Negroes should be classified [show more]

10 hours ago
JEWS are white. If anyone thinks otherwise then they probably think the sun is square FFS people get a grip. Brainwashing and social conditioning is SUPER effective. But you can break free. I did 35 years ago. BTW Jews want to rule the planet and are very close to pulling it off. Take more action to fight it…….

8 hours ago
Jewish people are not white.Jews themselves admit they are not white.
Edited 8 hours ago

6 hours ago
“JEWS are white. If anyone thinks otherwise then they probably think the sun is square FFS people get a grip.” Jews are from the Middle East; they’re NOT White. You are the one who needs to get a grip.

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home Front
Jews are obviously many things – and one of them is a race. Look at pure Jewish features – which exist – and you can see they look completely different from Germanic peoples. They look different from Sub-Saharan Africans. Different from the Japanese and Koreans and Han. They are absolutely a race. They even look different than other Semites.

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home FrontAB
do a search for “Revenge of the Neanderthal” which I think is actually a very, very interesting hypothesis — look at those more ‘pure’ features of Jews. They’re definitely unique.

5 hours ago
John MichaelArt
“Jews admit they are not white.” Okay fine. Don’t believe your eyes. Believe everything the Jews tell you. Don’t believe the science which says Jews are mostly Caucasians from Eastern Europe, and they’re mostly inbred, among the most inbred group of white supremacists on the planet, white people who gaslight you by telling you they’re not white so they can justify stealing land from brown people and claiming brown oppression. [show less]

5 hours ago
John MichaelSaxon Warrior
Some Jews tried to prevent DNA testing because it lets the cat out of the bag and proves they’re mostly Caucasians. DNA testing makes no sense because you can’t test geography in your DNA. Who are you gonna compare it to? Palestinians who’ve been there for 2000 years? DNA testing basically admits Palestinians are the original people of Israel, because there’s no way to do a DNA test for that, unless you dig up a 5000 year old Israeli mummy and test its DNA to see who was really there 5000 years ago, as the Ashke-Nazi claim to have been there 5000 years ago. It’s absurd. We should just let them have the rotten land of Israel, and convince all the Muslims and Christians it’s worthless dirt and there’s better dirt anywhere else, so Israel can become a prison state for the Ashke-Nazi, since they want it so badly. [show less]

5 hours ago
John MichaelAngharadKeltik
Jewish families are mostly rich white families who are under the delusion that they’re brown and oppressed, because they perpetuate the myth so they can claim the benefits of being brown victims, while also enjoying the benefits of being rich white supremacists who are financially above the law. I’m a Russian Imperialist from a Russian Imperial bloodline. I have good grievance against the Jews, and I’ve thought about Zionism very deeply. I rejected Zionism for many years, and now I ironically accept it as an ironic punishment for the Jews. Ashke-Nazi Jews don’t really want to live in Israel. It’s hot and dry and miserable and made for brown and black people. I knew a B’nai B’rith Jew. We were best friends. He went there. He hated it. He never wants to go back. Ashke-Nazi Jews are power hungry and merely want to take Israel away from everyone else as a power grab because they want it, and they’re mostly spoiled brats who come from rich white families. They want it so badly, Christians and Muslims should conspire to give it to them, HARD!!! [show less]

5 hours ago
ArtJohn Michael
You dont know what you are talking about.Jews are not Germanic.They are not Celts.They are not from Gallic stock and they have distinct DNA. They are NOT white. They have a different phenotype.You CAN test geography in DNA – its called population drift and it can be ascertained from bone samples to map population movements. the genetic composition of Ashkenazi Sephardi and Mizrahiewish populations show significant amounts of shared Middle Eastern Ancestry. I presume you know where the middle east is? [show less]
Edited 5 hours ago

5 hours ago
ArtJohn Michael
Who would use a term like ‘white supreeeeeemacist’ ? LOL Get lost troll.

2 hours ago
Agreed, sounds like a schizophrenic Jew off its meds. Major word salad

11 hours ago
War is the necessary outcome. War for our very survival. It’s unfortunate that we’ve allowed these doppelgangers into our education, corporate, financial and political systems yet again, but perhaps we will get it right after this horrific chapter.

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11 hours ago
Reject Jewism in all its forms.

11 hours ago
John Michael
Peaceful solution: Deport all Jews to Israel. Build three walls around Israel, name them after the Three Patriarchs, and put the Black African Jews in charge of Israel. MEME THIS IDEA. Problem solved.

10 hours ago
Repudiate dual citizenship for residents in the USA

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home FrontJohn Michael
ship to space. Israel is too close – and the Palestinians deserve their land back.

4 hours ago
The war has been on for 2000 years. Unfortunately our side isnt fighting.

11 hours ago
[ ZOMBIE PHARMACEUTICALS INC. – One Hundred Years Later and there are STILL NO VIABLE Psychopharmacological Test Kits for Germ Theoretical Psychosis Evaluation Available ]

11 hours ago
Jews are exposing themselves as satanic monsters everyday. I don’t feel sorry for their outcome.

11 hours ago
Amazing work Mark!

10 hours ago
Overton Window Escapee
Someone needs to explain to me what this “whiteness” is so that I can avoid it.

10 hours ago
Heads up! If you need to post images on the internet to get the good word out and big brother / big tech is censoring your free speech, use

10 hours ago
Fuck u

10 hours ago
Of course it is, time to stand up and admit you’re not a Jew.

10 hours ago
It’s a fact. Deal with it, sheepo.

10 hours ago
Excellent! Just a pity it’s too long to be put on a sticker. lol I’m quite encouraged by the anti-govt stickers I’m seeing in my town’s parks, and by the fact that they don’t seem to be getting peeled off as quickly as they used to be. I believe more people are waking up.

10 hours ago
This is a problem. Michael Gove MP is a Scottish Jew. He is trying to stop English votes on English only matters whilst Scots have their own parliament. Just how thick are we English for putting enemies like this in government.

View all 4 replies
6 hours ago
It’s the same in America

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home FrontDaleTyke
If he’s Semitic, he’s neither. Britons are European natives through and through

10 hours ago
New World Ebola
projection is what jews do best

10 hours ago
Mark collett you are the sage and Nostradamus of your time. You always paint a graphically illustrated picture of what is unequivocally happening right in front of our eyes to the White Anglo European Christian heteronormative peoples throughout the entire Western world meaning America Australia Europe and maybe New Zealand. What is most astounding is how any group tribe or collection of the same type of people could be actually indoctrinated inculcated and brainwashed into hating their White Anglo European Christian heteronormative people. This type of indoctrination and inculcation is the cause and effect and or impetus behind the self-loathing self flagellation white guilt white privilege cultural suicide we are engaging in as a white Anglo European American Christian people. It is absolutely astounding and sickening how many White Anglo European peoples are a bunch of feckless quislings and cowards. Where are all the white people that should be speaking up one another loud and proud with temerity mendacity intestinal fortitude and hubris standing up for our rights [show less]

10 hours ago
Where Howard can be found posssibly: Jew York Psychoanalytic institute 247 E 82nd St, New York, NY 10028His home address needs to be posted as well…

2 hours ago
I was always adamantly opposed to doxxing until, ya know…jews

10 hours ago

9 hours ago
Well said Mark but most whites whether they agree with you or not are terrified of taking the necessary steps. At one time their vote would have put it right but patriotic parties are infiltrated and destroyed.

9 hours ago
That’s because you still have too much comfort and don’t want to lose it. Don’t worry…Other Whites with the stomach for what’s necessary will do it when they have no other choice…

9 hours ago
Ironic the parasites of society calling the people doing all the work parasites.

9 hours ago
Esau generations married into the (serpent) poop eater generations long ago, that’s why Esau generations acts like a devil, and why they continue to reject Y’shua. All their corrupt statements profit nothing in the things of God.

9 hours ago
This will fuel Tin Foil Hat Freaks as the Jew Hating Cult. Yes, there’s some evil Jews by making their race look bad. But every race is evil like this Jew.. Right Now, the British politicians are treating their people as dog shit, and Inbred Muslims get treated as first class…

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8 hours ago
Go fuck yourself jewboy, all Jews are evil and so are you for being a Jew.

8 hours ago
Aww I exposed the truth about you Tin Foil Hat Freaks. It’s a Bitch. Isn’t it? Goat Humper…😎😎😎

8 hours ago
you exposed nothing, kike parasite. britain is run by the jew since cromwells times by the way.

8 hours ago
Last time I watch Britain First on youtube.? The Muslim said we are own the UK now and you dumb azz Brits don’t own it anymore. What a Dumb Azz You Are! Truth Burns….😂😂😂
Edited 8 hours ago

7 hours ago
..and jewtube is where you belong. listen, i just gave you a hint but i dont do beginner curses explaing the evil of world jewry for retards. if you are, by any chance not a jew, i suggest you spend some time learning about the throughout history, bloody past of this tribe of foreskin munching psychopaths who are nowadays, chasing their goal to annihilate the aryan race once and for all like never before. start with researching who brought non-whites into europe in the first place and learn about the kalergi/hooton plan. [show less]

6 hours ago
Your Dumb Azz Tin Foil Hat is coming into focus now as Fake Azz. Jewtube? Britain First is a group by standing against the invaders as Inbred Muslims. I would never believe your horse shit as your Tin Foil Hat for Retards…
Edited 6 hours ago

2 hours ago
Don’t feed the troll. Each time you do they earn a shekel. It’s dispensed down a chute into their rat infested cages.

9 hours ago
Damn shame they didn’t do Gain Of Function work to make this disease a little more contagious….

9 hours ago
That’s like the Pot calling the Ivory black…..

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home Front
? Look at him. He is not Native European. His skin is light – sure – because his people have obviously mixed with Whites. But his bone structure shows that he is Semitic – and that is more than just skin deep. Obviously. *He’s stated so out of his own mouth.

9 hours ago
Keeping score since 1656.

9 hours ago
The jew cries out as he strikes you.

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
That nosferatu looking M.Fker looks like a straight up blood drinking ghoul .

8 hours ago
Moss’s grandmother abused him psychologically. If he is circumcised his parents abused him physically.

6 hours ago
John Michael
Men who think circumcision is medically necessary are complete victims of Jewish mind control, and all their lives are built on quicksand and they don’t realize why everything they do fails; I’ve seen all my circumcised friend’s lives ruined by drug abuse and low confidence, or over-confidence, and repeated [show more]

2 hours ago
We’ve all got our troubles yet most of us aren’t malignant narcissists and psychopaths

7 hours ago
An epstien projecting its parasitism. Hilarious!

7 hours ago
Paradise Lost
Unfortunately, Whites epitomize the terms: * cuckoldry * contemptible weakness * useful idiots * shabbos goy prostitutes * dumbed-down * a defeated, dispersed enemy with no real power * dupes * rubes * gullible assclowns * castrated, sterile animals * decadent degenerates * a weak, controlled opposition spirituality * spiteful mutants * traitorous pieces of shit * beasts of burden/wage slave cogs that benefit the welfare machine which subsidizes their replacements These are the stereotypes they’ve built up for themselves. It’s no wonder nobody respects them. If you’re not respected, you are apt to get punched in the face and your teeth knocked down your throat. Conversely, what did the Los Angeles Times say about Americans believing Hollywood was controlled by Jews? About 50% believed so in 1964, a year before the nonselective, mass immigration law called the Hart-Celler Act was passed, but in 2008 that percentage declined to 22%. If you direct mass public opinion, the sheeple will follow. [show less]

6 hours ago
John Michael
That’s mainly the result of Jewish influence, though, and also adequately describes most Jewish men, who are circumcised and therefore semi-castrated usually homosexuals. Judaism is secretly a Matriarchy, where women call all the shots.

7 hours ago
“Whiteness” is as parasitic as “Jewishness,” take that anyway you want it.

7 hours ago
Hatred of whiteness is code for Jewish hatred of Christ, Christianity or their secular European offspring..
Edited 7 hours ago

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6 hours ago
No, hatred of “whiteness?” is hatred of White people. Jesus was a Jew and has nothing to do with us.

6 hours ago
John Michael
Jews invented Jesus in order to fool the Greeks and Egyptians into worshipping a Jew and serving the Jews. That’s the Jewish idea of revenge against their ancient slave-masters. History is a dialectic where the Jews are free, they try to enslave humanity, humanity gets wise, then enslaves the Jews, during [show more]

4 hours ago
Christianity is just Judaism for Gentiles. Return to the Allfather.

7 hours ago
I can’t even listen to this trash that professer should kill himself.

6 hours ago
He got it backwards…..whites are the host….jews are the parasite.

2 hours ago
Ohh (((it))) knows

6 hours ago
He has to go back.

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home Front
I love my people. If you are Native European, you are my people. Much love to you — and hatred, venomous intent, and vengeance from us to be visited upon our eternal enemy.

6 hours ago
LOL at the (((professor)) calling for a -Final Solution- permanent cure.

6 hours ago
A Jew calling others parasitic. That what’s called accusing others of something to disguise your own guilt. Jews have been thrown out of some 180 countries for attempting to corrupt the culture and take over the banks, the media and then the government. Now they have Israel. How did they get that land? By conducting backroom deals with British officials and then breaking the deal by taking more land than was originally offered and conducting genocide on the rightful owners.Sure, it’s the white people that are the real problem. He’s fooling no one. [show less]

6 hours ago
Radio Perfect Day, Home Front
Globalism = Jewish Nationalism and Jewish Supremacy

6 hours ago
Anti semitism should spread all over Western countries and wake our people to action….NOW!

2 hours ago
I prefer to call it Jewish Awareness

6 hours ago
John Michael
Jews invented Jesus in order to fool the Greeks and Egyptians into worshipping a Jew and serving the Jews. That’s the Jewish idea of revenge against their ancient slave-masters. History is a dialectic where the Jews are free, they try to enslave humanity, humanity gets wise, then enslaves the Jews, during which there’s a Golden Age of Enlightenment, before people forget why they enslaved the Jews and let the Jews go free, upon which the Jews plot to enslave humanity again, before the Jews are re-enslaved again, etc… [show less]

3 hours ago
Wake up; Jesus Christ is not a Jew, He is the Son of God.

6 hours ago
John Michael
Men who think circumcision is medically necessary are complete victims of Jewish mind control, and all their lives are built on quicksand and they don’t realize why everything they do fails; I’ve seen all my circumcised friend’s lives ruined by drug abuse and low confidence, or over-confidence, and repeated failure, or simply shunning anything which disagrees with them, like the Jews refuse to listen to anything which challenges their blind faith. It doesn’t seem to matter how “smart” you are in other ways. If you’re circumcised, and you don’t think it’s a problem, and you’re not working to spiritually and physically repair yourself, then you have serious problems and you may not even realize you have problems. Ask yourself if you feel fucked up and why you feel fucked up and angry all the time. It’s probably because you were raped-with-a-knife. [show less]

5 hours ago
‘I’ve seen all my circumcised friend’s lives ruined by drug abuse’ LOL

6 hours ago
Well, he should know. Jews are the biggest parasites on the planet.

5 hours ago
Mourning Star
Yes, his projection is obvious. Funny how Freud’s perverse views seem mostly to apply to his own tribe

5 hours ago
… and him whiter than Doris fucking Day

5 hours ago
Mourning Star
Don’t be fooled by the snake’s clever guise. He, and all of his ilk, is a fork-tongued shapeshifter

5 hours ago
John Michael
Jews were enslaved by the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Greeks bragged about it, and I don’t blame them. Fuck the Jews. Egyptians taught the Jews how to rape and torture baby boy’s penises and drink the adrenochrome straight from the source. I’m sure the Jews make the best slaves in the world. Every civilization in which the Jews were the slaves, Ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, all those societies enjoyed a great Age of Enlightenment. Make Jews Slaves Again. The way to destroy your enemies is by giving them exactly what they want, no more no less. They want Israel. It’s worthless dust and rocks anyway with no real value except the sentimental. Both Muslims and Christians have good reason to hate the Jews. May the Christians and Muslims unite against the Jews. Convince all the Christians and Muslims to back the fuck off of Israel, deport all Jews to Israel, build three giant walls around Israel, make the Black African Jews the Kings and Queens of Israel, with a Black African Jewish dynasty so the white Ashke-Nazi can’t cause a coup and steal back the power over Israel. Problem fucking solved for at least 500 years. You’re fucking welcome, humans… [show less]

5 hours ago
John Michael
Jewish families are mostly rich white families who are under the delusion that they’re brown and oppressed, because they perpetuate the myth so they can claim the benefits of being brown victims, while also enjoying the benefits of being rich white supremacists who are financially above the law. I’m a Russian Imperialist from a Russian Imperial bloodline. I have good grievance against the Jews, and I’ve thought about Zionism very deeply. I rejected Zionism for many years, and now I ironically accept it as an ironic punishment for the Jews. Ashke-Nazi Jews don’t really want to live in Israel. It’s hot and dry and miserable and made for brown and black people. I knew a B’nai B’rith Jew. We were best friends. He went there. He hated it. He never wants to go back. Ashke-Nazi Jews are power hungry and merely want to take Israel away from everyone else as a power grab because they want it, and they’re mostly spoiled brats who come from rich white families. They want it so badly, Christians and Muslims should conspire to give it to them, HARD!!! [show less]

5 hours ago
You need your head tested.Russian imperial family LOL. Just shows how inefficient the Bolsheviks were.

5 hours ago
John Michael
Let’s all agree to turn Israel into a giant concentration camp for the Jews. Jews don’t really want to live in Israel, because their paper-white-skin burns in the hot desert Sun. These White-Supremacist Ashke-Nazi Jews get skin cancer very easily. Let’s conspire to give Zionists exactly what they want, a Jewish state, and deport all the Ashke-Nazi Zionist Jews to Israel. Their just desserts is Hell on Earth for them. Nothing would make them more miserable than to be all deported to Israel, and be forced to live in Israel against their will. [show less]

5 hours ago
Feminism is blatantly divisive and men understandably resent it! It doesn’t even make economical sense to be single and I’m not a traditionalist and I think the idea of traditionalism is stupid! I think women should work and I think they should be normal and date men but if they did that it would go against their feminist philosophy of men should be forced to be equal to women although that is impossible and it is impossible to give women their way or they will achieve more then men if women are free to do whatever they want and it will harm society at large and men will simply go for more conservative women in the “Philippines” rather then date women who make 100,000 dollars a year as “escorts” or more and this is exactly how the family will be abolished through women or at least liberal white women and I think that is what “the communist manifesto” alludes to and if you talk to a ordinary western man who is with a Asian he will probably tell you that he doesn’t like western women and I’ve heard it before and I understand why they would say that! [show less]

4 hours ago
Go for a woman in the Phillipines? Are you mad altogether ?

5 hours ago
John Michael
Self-hating White-Supremacist Jews are trying to make all other white people hate themselves by calling them “White-Supremacists.” Everything they say is projection and inversion.

5 hours ago
Youre obviously confused.Jews are not white, whites are not jews.

4 hours ago
Jews are not White. I don’t acknowledge these subhuman Middle Easterners as European Whites. Stop spreading lies!

4 hours ago
believing a Jew is a form of suicide.

4 hours ago
Jews are not content with being wealthy in a white mans country they want to control it , likely the reason they have been kicked from so many places, they do seem to be complete control freaks and don’t understand just because your wealthy does not make you my Boss, cause fk your wealth, character matters more to Europeans.
Edited 4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Jews sure do love to invert things now don’t they

2 hours ago
They are Satanists.

4 hours ago
Lo he is very white, himself.

3 hours ago
He’s Jewish. Or do you not understand what you have written?

an hour ago
do you not understand what you have written?

3 hours ago
What planet am I on?

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Telling his own kind’s story. He’d be much happier with his brown semitic brothers in the Middle East. Lichen.
Edited 3 hours ago

3 hours ago
My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognised these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilisation of the ancient world some two thousand years ago—a civilisation which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people. Then indeed when Rome collapsed there were endless streams of new German bands flowing into the Empire from the North; but, if Germany collapses today, who is there to come after us? German blood upon this earth is on the way to gradual exhaustion unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free! And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labour, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exploited. Speech delivered at Munich 12 April 1922; from Norman H. Baynes, ed. (1942). The Speeches of Adolf Hitler: April 1922-August 1939. 1. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 19-20. [show less]

3 hours ago
Let all of us “parasites” make sure to boycott every single “Jew” anything in our white countries. Doctors, dentists, small, medium large companies, sports, Hollywood entertainment, media, porn, charities, all money laundering or child trafficking rings. Many have holding companies (((they))) hide under. Every, single one. Boycott them. FUCK THE JEWS.

3 hours ago
MILO Is a Really Good Cocksucker

3 hours ago
The feeling is mutual.

3 hours ago
Jared Taylor exposes the Anti-White.

3 hours ago
Anti Semetism should be more accurately called Anti Jew. They bring it on themselves as they cry out as they strike you. Academia is a sad sorry joke.

2 hours ago

an hour ago

13 minutes ago
To use a Jungian term (not a Freudian) its another classic case of shadow projection.It’s like the pot calling the kettle black… uhh white in this case.
Edited 12 minutes ago



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