Barbara Lerner Spectre
In the linked video Barbara Lerner Spectre, the jewish founding director of Paideia Stockholm, effectively calls for the destruction of White European ethnic societies through multiculturalism. She mendaciously justifies her organization’s evil efforts with Orwellian doublethink talk by saying that without multiculturalism Europe, “will not survive”. Europe will certainly NOT survive if it is flooded with the unlimited numbers of Third Worlders.
To view the above video click this link (if it doesn’t work copy the title and do a search in YouTube):
Barbara Lerner Spectre Calls for Destruction of Christian European Ethnic Societies
Transcript of video
NARRATOR: There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation. It is these people who give hope to those who do believe that things will get better here. One of them is Barbara Spectre, a former American who made Aliya* and then ten years ago, with the help of the government of Sweden set up a non-denominational institute of jewish learning with the Greek name of Paideia, here in Stockholm. She believes that the current wave if anti-semitism in Sweden will pass. And that jews have an important role to play in a country undergoing profound change.
SPECTRE: “I think there’s a resurgence of anti-semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”
— END —
Here’s a response from a commenter, Zundel&Irving over at the OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER* for your enjoyment
I think there is an ongoing surge of Cuckservatism beacause at this time Europe & North America have not yet learned how to be homogenously Anti-semitic ( which really just means “Jew Aware” ).
However, while at the moment we are making slow progress against Cuckservativism , with steady effort the pace will quicken, and I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe and North America are not going to be societies of monolithic philo-semitism (eg. C.U.F.I. Christians United For Insanity ).
Antisemites are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe and North America to make. We are now going into an Anti-cuckservative Renaissance mode and Jews will resent the “Jew Awares” because of our leading role in this Noble Effort. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe & North America will not survive.
Jews can always remind themselves from whence so called anti-semitism came from by looking in the mirror, (jews doing to Nations and Societies what jews do).
* Aliyah (aliyah, “ascent”) is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael). Also defined as “the act of going up” or as in progressing towards Jerusalem. It is one of the most basic tenets of Zionist ideology. The opposite action, emigration from Israel, is referred to as yerida (“descent”). The concept of Aliyah (return) to the Holy Land was first developed in Jewish history during the Babylonian exile. During the Jewish diaspora, Aliyah was developed as a national aspiration for the Jewish people, although it was not usually fulfilled until the development of the Zionist movement in the late nineteenth century. Large-scale immigration to Palestine began in 1882. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, more than 3 million Jews from over 90 countries have ‘made Aliyah’ and arrived in Israel.
From Metapedia
Barbara Spectre
[Image] A cartoon of Barbara Lerner Spectre by David Dees of Deesillustration.
Barbara Lerner Spectre (born ca. 1942) is a US-born Jewess who is most noted for waging a racial campaign against Swedish people in particular and European people in general through the promotion of Cultural Marxism and demographic genocide. She is a hardline Zionist and supports Jewish-racial chauvinism in occupied-Palestine, and is head of Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, an organisation funded by the Swedish government and the Wallenberg Foundation to promote Jewish ideology. Through an organisation called One Sweden, which she heads, she promotes multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) against Europeans in their own homeland. Although born in the United States, Spectre colonised Palestine (“Israel”) in 1967 where she worked at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, though she decided to invade Sweden in 1999, which she has been occupying ever since. Spectre is married to rabbi Philip Spectre, who was the official rabbi at the Great Synagogue in Stockholm and the Chief Rabbi in Sweden during the early 2000s.[1] Paideia itself has religious aspects and promotes Holocaustianity (literally “Holocaust theology”) into heresies targeted at infiltrating institutional Christianity.
Lerner was born to Samuel “Sam” Lerner and Ida H Hoffman, both Jews, in either 1941 or 1942 at Wisconsin, United States. Her mother was born in 1907 at Kolorin, Poland and died in Jerusalem during 1998. [2] Both parents were “longtime residents of Milwaukee and Madison”. [3] Barbara Lerner was one of four children, including her brother Alan and sisters Joyce and Anne.[2] She attended Camp Ramah in Wisconsin during 1955, where she met future husband Philip P Spectre and his sister. Lerner married Spectre in 1962. She is known to have had three offspring with her husband; Levi “Galia” Spectre, Michal Lieberman and David Spectre. [2] Her offspring, along with her six grand-children (one of which is named Omni) all live under the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine. [4]
Spectre gained infamy amongst European resistance activists across the world, [5] after she was exposed promoting cultural and demographic genocide against Europe in an interview with IBA-News, a Zionist media outlet in occupied Palestine. The interview was widely dispersed through YouTube and other social-media. The Zionists launched a campaign of damage limitation after the scandal went viral and many goyim began to awaken; the Israeli Broadcasting Authority have removed several popular videos from YouTube. The parody video “Anti-Racist Hitler” even quoted her showing what would happen if this was done to the Zionist regime.
“I think there’s a resurgence of anti-semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive. ”
— Barbara Lerner Spectre, IBA-News, 2010.[6]
[Images] Various related screenshots including that the Israeli Broadcast Company sends DMCAs to Youtube to silence people posting the video.
Zionist hyper-ethnocentrism
Spectre is an open supporter of the Zionist State in Palestine and has made comments stating that some Jews need to live in diaspora in countries across the world, so they can act as an interconnected web, forming a fifth column to manipulate political and economic policy so these governments can be forced to follow Jewish racial interests and the foreign policy goals of Zionism. “We need a Jewish community in Europe. Israel needs a Jewish community in Europe. Israel cannot exist, both economically and politically, without Europe. They are necessary advocates for Jewish issues.” —Barbara Lerner Spectre, Jewish Peoplehood and Identity, 2007. [7] [8]
See also
Diane Abbott Anetta Kahane — a Jewish conspirator plotting European genocide in Germany. Marian Radetzki — a Jew who advocates abolishing the Swedish language. He is working to abolish the Swedish language. He also wants to abolish the Polish language of his birth as well as every other world language but two. He believes only two languages should exist: English and the revived dead language of Hebrew.
“It would take a couple of generations. We would certainly lose a large part of our Swedish culture.”
He forces his economics students to only speak and write in English.
[1] My Jewish Learning (1 June 2011). “Jewish Sweden, The Radical Jewish Traveler celebrates secularism at the 60th parallel”. [2] Chicago Sun Times (1998). “‘L’ Surnames-Illinois Obit Extractions”. [3] Jewish Chronicle (28 July 2006). “Mother would be amazed at Jewish rebirth in Europe”. (Jewish) [4] Limmud (1 June 2011). “Philip Spectre”. [5] Occidental Observer (23 December 2010). “Kevin MacDonald: Jews play a ‘leading role’ in promoting multiculturalism in Europe”. [6] EU Times (23 December 2010). “Swedish organization: Europe should become Multicultural if it wants to survive”. [7] United Jewish Communities (23 December 2010). “Jewish Peoplehood and Identity”. [8] Destroy Zionism! (23 December 2010). “Barbara Lerner Spectre”. External links Email: Staff at (Jewish): Two Jewish shills are interviewed on Spectre at Spingola Speaks: —————————– spectre /ˈspɛktə/ noun 1. a ghost; phantom; apparition 2. a mental image of something unpleasant or menacing: the spectre of redundancy Word Origin C17: from Latin spectrum, from specere to look at.
What the heck is Barbara Spectre’s motivation
By Kyle Rogers
To view the above video copy this link into your browser address bar:
Published on May 11, 2013 What the heck is Barbara Spectre’s motivation? The is the expanded Barbara Spectre section from my previous video about mass Muslim immigration into Sweden. Spectre, an American Jewish studies professor, says the demographic transformation of Sweden “must take place.”
PDF of this post. Click to view or download (1.0 MB) >> barbara-lerner-spectre
Version History
Version 3: Sep 8, 2019 —Re-uploaded images and PDF for version.
Version 2: Aug 31, 2015 — added a parody response from a commenter, Zundel&Irving over at the OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER
Version 1: Published Dec 3, 2014
Reblogged this on ElderofZyklon's Blog!.
Barbara Lerner Spectre, just one of many subversive Jewish supremacist demons that form a collective international Jewish spectre, in our midst working overtime to demonize, disenfranchise with the ultimate goal of wiping White humanity off the face of the earth.
“I think there’s a resurgence of anti-semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural,”
The resurgence of so-called “anti-semitism” (resistance to Jewish tyranny, one definition) is always, I repeat always, due to antagonistic, hostile Jewish behavior against the host nation’s people. No other reason. The more so-called “progressive” and “activist” Jews work to subvert our nation, culture, and imperil our peoples’ and children’s future, the more “anti-semitism” they will get in return. It is only natural, normal and a justified reaction, same as when I hit my finger by accident with a hammer, swelling results. In this case, Jewry is swinging a figurative hammer and constantly bashing White European peoples on the head with it, “anti-semitism is the only response and result.
“and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation,”
Jews are always spearheading or “part of the “throes” of “transformation(s)” hostile to White European peoples’ interests. ALWAYS.
“which must take place”
No, it must NOT “take place.” Jewry along with deluded, self-hating, white liberals (deceived by Jewish lies) are forcing it down our throats, against our wishes. Let a multicultural “transformation” take place in the Zionist state!
“Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century.”
Is that the White European peoples’ consensus or international Jewry’s will being forced on us? The answer is painfully obvious.
“Jews are going to be at the center of that.”
Jews ALWAYS are at the center at “that”, i.e., movements, organizations, legislation, etc. hostile to White peoples’ interests. ALWAYS.
“It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make”
NO, it must NOT “make.” Let Israel “make” that “huge transformation.” Let’s see how it ‘works’ out there, first (impossible), then maybe we’ll think about it.
“They are now going into a multicultural mode,”
White people the world over didn’t ask to go into a “multicultural mode”–International Jewry is FORCING it on us! Let China, India, all-black African countries and, especially Israel, go into a “multicultural mode.” They are so devoid of the ‘blessings’ and ‘wonders’ of “diversity”.
“and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”
Naturally. How else to respond? Thanks for admitting it. Resented indeed, very much so, with a burning passion.
“But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”
“The Jews are the scum of the earth, but they are also great masters in lying.”(1) Barbara Spectre is a perfect example.
Contrary to the lies and deception from this She Demon, what will happen is the exact opposite, “Europe will not survive”” with a mass influx of incompatible, unassimilable, unwanted non-white peoples. That is as honest and true as is the law of gravity. Take a look at formerly white Detroit, Camden, Los Angeles, etc., or better yet, former Rhodesia and South Africa. All multicultural ‘paradises’ that ‘survived’ former White majority rule and demographics.
P.S. Keep up the great educational work, Katana. All the best in 2016.
(1) Arthur Schopenhauer, 19th century German philosopher.
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