Category Archives: Nick Griffin

Mark Collett – Is the Electoral Route a Dead End? – May 10, 2024 – Transcript

  Mark Collett   Is the Electoral Route a Dead End?     Fri, May 10, 2024   [In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says: “An in-depth explanation of why UK electoral … Continue reading

Posted in Activism -White, anti-White, Bread and Circuses, BREXIT, Britain, Britain - NHS, Civic Nationalism, Conservative Party, Covid-19, Deception, Democracy, Democracy - Fake, Ethno-nationalism, George Galloway, Globalism, Hate Speech, Holocaust, Holohoax, Immigration, Iraq, Israel, Jeremy Corbyn, Jews - Hostile Elite, Keir Starmer, Labour Party - UK, Mark Collett, Media - BBC, Media - jewish domination, Nationalism, NHS - Britain, Nick Griffin, Nigel Farage, Patriotic Alternative, Plutocracy, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Rishi Sunak, Third World Invasion, Tony Blair, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK, UKIP, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Joe Marsh – British People Views on Immigration 50 Years Ago – Feb 15, 2024 – Transcript

  Joe Marsh   British People Views on Immigration 50 Years Ago   Pretty Much the Same as Today   Thu, Feb 15, 2024   [British people being interviewed, circa 1974, on their neighbourhoods being flooded with non-Whites against their … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Migrant Demo, anti-White, Britain, England, Enoch Powell, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, London, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Negros, New World Order, Nick Griffin, Race, Race Differences, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Mark Collett – Book Review – Hammer of the Patriot – Jun 27, 2022 – Transcript

  [Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, Deputy leader Laura Towler, Kenny Smith, Aunt Sally, and Natty review Charles Chapel’s book “Hammer of the Patriot”. The book, published by a new nationalist publisher, Claymore Books, is … Continue reading

Posted in Bk - Hammer of the Patriot, BNP, Book Review, Laura Towler, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Nick Griffin, Patriotic Alternative, Patriotic Weekly Review, Piers Morgan, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Thought Police, Transcript, Uncategorized, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism | Leave a comment

Mark Collett – Interview with a Times Journalist – Oct 15, 2021 — Transcript

[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, and Laura Towler, deputy leader,  are interviewed (on Sep 23, 2021) by Dominic Kennedy, a investigative reporter for The Times, about Patriotic Alternative. — KATANA] NOTE: A copy of the … Continue reading

Posted in Bk - The Fall of Western Man, Britain, Democracy, Europe, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech, Laura Towler, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim, Muslim "Grooming" Gangs, National Action, Nationalism, Nick Griffin, Odysee, Patriotic Alternative, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thought Crime, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK, White genocide, White Nationalism | 8 Comments

Revision Media – Andrew Joyce – Infiltrators of Western Civilization – Mar 14, 2021 — Transcript

  [The Occidental Observer (TOO) contributor and scholar Andrew Joyce on the “jewish problem/question“, has a wide-ranging discussion with Revision Media’s Paul Stevenson, including the recent US elections; Joyce’s upcoming two books; Nick Griffin; Christianity – all within the context … Continue reading

Posted in Andrew Joyce, Christainity, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Nick Griffin, Transcript, Uncategorized, Western Civilization, Zionism | 3 Comments

Simon Harris – EF 23 – Is Populism and Patriotism Enough? with Paul Rimmer – May 5, 2020 — Transcript

[Simon Harris and Horus talk with long-time political activist Paul Rimmer about the state of nationalism in Britain. Paul talks about his political journey, his involvement with the BNP and what needs to be done to save Britain from the … Continue reading

Posted in Anne Marie Waters, BREXIT, Britain, British Empire, Christainity, Civid Nationalism, Counter Jihad, Enoch Powell, Europe, European Freedom, For Britain Movement, Freedom of Speech, Globalism, Hate Speech, Homosexuality, Horus, Jewish Bolsheviks, Johnathan Bowden, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nick Griffin, Patriotic Alternative, Race, Simon Harris, Spain, Third World Immigration, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript | 1 Comment

Simon Harris – EF 19 – A Conversation with Nick Griffin – Apr 14, 2020 — Transcript

[Simon Harris and Horus talk with the former leader of the BNP, Nick Griffin, about whether there is any prospect of nationalists taking back Britain through the electoral process, or not. Griffin believes that there is no electoral route, and … Continue reading

Posted in BNP, Britain, England, Europe, Europe - Eastern, Globalism, IQ, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews - Hostile Elite, John Tyndall, Karlergi Plan, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nationalism, New World Order, Nick Griffin, Patriotic Alternative, Race - Mixing, Russian Revolution 1917, Simon Harris, Spain, Spain - Moorish, Third World Immigration, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Western Civilization | 5 Comments

White Genocide Explained By Its Architects — TRANSCRIPT

[This twelve-minute video gives an overview of the statements of various front-men, overwhelmingly jewish, that publicly promote the “unconventional” genocide of Whites. The ongoing genocide is “unconventional” in the sense that it is not being carried out, yet, by outright … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Alex Jones, Anetta Kahane, Banksters, Barbara Spectre, BNP, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Christian - anti, David Duke, Deception, Europe, George Soros, Germany, International Finance, ISIS, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jews - Tool of, Media - BBC, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Muammar Gaddafi, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, New World Order, Nick Griffin, Nicolas Sarkozy, Noel Ignatiev, Nuremberg Trials, Pat Condell, Paul J Watson, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race - Mixing, Rothschild, Stefan Molyneux, Third World Immigration, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists | 3 Comments

Nick Griffin and Jack Sen: The Battle for the Future of Europe — TRANSCRIPT

  [Red Ice Radio interviews the well known, in British politics, Nick Griffin and also a relative new-comer to British politics, Jack Sen. Both these men are in some circles controversial, for their own reasons, but nevertheless this interview is quite … Continue reading

Posted in America, Banksters, Black Crime, BNP, Britain, British Renaissance, Christainity, Europe, Europe - Central, Europe - Eastern, Family - Anti, Fascism, Feminism, France, Gun Control, Homosexuality, Hungary, International Finance, Ireland, ISIS, Jack Sen, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Media - BBC, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nick Griffin, Plutocracy, Poland, Race, Race - Mixing, Red Ice Radio, Religion, Suicide, Sweden, Talmud, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, UKIP, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism | 21 Comments