Category Archives: Admin

A Public Service Announcement -TRANSCRIPTS

Please let me know of any podcast, video, etc., that you feel would benefit White nationalism by having a transcript made.

Posted in Admin, Transcript, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Lives Matter, White Nationalism | Leave a comment Now Up and Running!

After having this blog unceremoniously closed down by I have finally relocated it here at So, all references to “” are no longer valid. Also, I need to re-upload all the images, so although all the text of … Continue reading

Posted in Admin | 6 Comments

Updates — Plain List

Posts that have been updated are listed here, with the latest at the top. _____________________   Adolf Hitler — A Short Sketch of His Life – Part 1 Version 5: Apr 20, 2023 — Re-uploaded images and PDF. Improved formatting. … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Updates to Posts | 15 Comments

All Posts — Plain List

Posted in Admin | 6 Comments

Note: New Posts are below the Thies Christophersen Post

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