Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript


Red Ice TV


Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia


Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell


Sat, Jun 15, 2024


[Red Ice TV host Lana Lokteff talks with Aussie nationalists Joel Davis and Thomas Sewell, and discuss:

“How Australia opened the doors to mass immigration and their journey into racial awareness. We’ll cover demographics, political persecution of nationalists and mainstreaming mass deportations and nationalism for White people.”

Topics include:

1. Thomas’ father influenced his racial views growing up in New Zealand.

2. A conversation about living away from black people with guns impacted Thomas at a young age.

3. Thomas became interested in history in high school.

4. He noticed changing racial demographics in his area.

5. He saw collusion between his school and developers bringing in Chinese immigrants.

6. Studying WWII, Thomas didn’t understand why Hitler was seen as the villain.

7. Thomas started drawing swastikas in school.

8. He explored nationalist videos online.

9. Thomas joined the army but later focused more on anti-Islam content.

10. He realized the lies about the Holocaust after watching historian interviews.

11. Thomas dedicated himself to Hitler’s vision for Europe after reading Mein Kampf.

12. Joel found racist jokes and banter funny as a teen.

13. How at school he shaved his head for charity and intimidated non-White students.

14. Joel was exposed to race realist arguments debating gun rights.

15. He noticed crime rates correlated with black populations.

16. Joel started believing White countries should stay majority White.

17. He became a Holocaust denier and white nationalist.

18. Tom and others discuss political issues in Australia.

19. They talk about the illegal Roman salute resulting in jail time.

20. Tom provoked students with Roman salutes at a bus stop.

21. Tom was arrested and held without bail for 7 months.

22. He describes harsh solitary confinement conditions.

23. Tom’s group was ambushed while hiking by infiltrators.

24. A fight broke out and Tom’s friend Jacob was assaulted.

25. Tom was also charged over the incident.

26. Tom shares his experience with violence and self-defense.

27. He discusses strategizing when to confront threats vs withdraw.

28. Tom says he’ll always defend himself if attacked.

29. The group touches on related incidents against them, i.e., a car bombing.

30. Tom expresses views about inspiring strength through defiance.

31. They believe mainstream views now incorporate their old talking points.

32. They think they should keep pushing the conversation further Right.

33. Joel advocates normalizing mass deportation ideas.

34. Thomas says politics is moved by extremes, not the center.

35. They discuss strategies for gaining influence and shifting the Overton window.







Published on Sat, Jun 15, 2024




Nationalism For White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell
June 15, 2024
22 Dislikes
Red Ice TV
Activists Joel Davis and Thomas Sewell join Lana to discuss how Australia opened the doors to mass immigration and their journey into racial awareness. We’ll cover demographics, political persecution of nationalists and mainstreaming mass deportations and nationalism for White people.
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(Words: 25,654 – 2:15:02 mins)



Lana Lokteff: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Lana. Joining me from down under is Joel Davis and Tom Sewell, who are mass deportation enthusiasts. We’ll discuss how mass immigration is transforming Australia and really, the entire West. How did we get here? And what can be done about it? Welcome, Joel.


Joel Davis: Great to be here.


Thomas Sewell: I finally got an invite to the Cool Kids Club, so it’s a pleasure to be here.


Lana Lokteff: Let’s get into. There’s so much I want to get into, including the outrageous activist persecution that’s happening in Australia. Thomas, I know you went to jail for some bogus charges.


We’ll also get into that.


But I think a great place to begin is really to tell us how you both became a nationalist. What made you first start thinking about being White and realizing how race mattered? Everyone has a story, so let’s start with you, Thomas.


Thomas Sewell: I was born in New Zealand, to the dismay of all my Australian friends and colleagues in this struggle and my family, I’d say my father was a big influence on me. He wasn’t openly or outwardly fascistic or National Socialist, but he certainly understood the concept of race. He used to always complain about from a liberal, always from a liberal perspective, he used to complain about how you know why don’t the Whites get treated equally? Isn’t the whole point equality and egalitarianism? And he would always complain that Maori’s got special treatment in New Zealand or in the UK where he was born and where our family’s from, how all these Pakistanis and Africans moved into their areas and got assistance and help and felt like the White people were sort of pushed out.


And so I did have a basic understanding of race. Certainly the most radical conversation I ever had with my father was he explained when they had their honeymoon in South Africa and we had family in Rhodesia and in South Africa, and he caught up with some family and family friends.


And basically they were just describing why genocide. They were describing what was going on in South Africa, what happened in Rhodesia, and why they had to flee. And talking about living in these compounds away from the blacks, but having to keep guns on them at all times because there was instances where the black security guards would turn on the Whites. And at ten years old, that’s a pretty heavy conversation to be privy to.


And so that definitely helped shape a worldview of, okay, like, I’m starting to notice this. The next step from there was early high school and late primary school. I became pretty obsessed with history.


And as Hitler said:


“You know, first I came to love history, then I became a nationalist.”


So having a deep understanding of ancient Greek, ancient Roman and ancient German history or Germanic history, I just love studying that. So having that wealth of knowledge. These books are probably still in most school libraries, if you can find them. I don’t think they were overly political, but just having a base knowledge of these people, of our people, and what we’ve achieved over thousands of years, to me, helped build a sense of self identity, of self pride. And I felt an attachment to this history. I didn’t feel like it was some foreign concept. I read it as these are our ancestors. And I had that knowledge even back then. From there, certainly, I noticed the racial demographics change in my high school, and I lived in a very multicultural area that was slowly going from maybe ten to 20% non-European to about ten to 20% European. And this happened in about a decade.


So very quickly I noticed the collusion between the people that ran my high school, the principal, and all the sort of hierarchy of the high school. They were having business relationships with real estate agents and they were having relationships with Chinese developers. So they were the people that were running my high school were going over to China and having business meetings with Chinese people. And simultaneously, the property prices in my area were going from about 500,000. It was a pretty middle class area, upper middle class area, to about $2 million in a very short period of space. So I could see this collusion. And I was still only probably 15 at this point. And I started studying World War Two in history, and I didn’t understand why Hitler was the bad guy. I certainly didn’t understand that. I didn’t see or hear anything that he had said that was bad. After that, I was always drawing swastikas on the desk for some reason at school. I’m not sure why at the time.


Lana Lokteff: Your dad didn’t teach you that?


Thomas Sewell: No, no, my dad is a like, my dad thinks Churchill was the good guy. My dad thinks that the Anglo Saxons fought the Germans, you know, for good reason, and we’re not speaking. He sort of believes that Boomer lie. My dad’s a boomer. He was born in 1951, and his dad fought in World War Two against the Germans. And my mum’s grandfather fought as a Lancaster bomber pilot as well, against the Germans and bombed German cities.


So there’s a lot of bad harming, a lot of bad karma in my family that we’ve done a lot to hurt the Germans and hurt our brothers in these brothers wars.


And for me, that was always I want to side with my father and my grandfather, my great grandfather.




But then I’m reading this history of World War Two, and I’m reading about Hitler, and I’m learning about Hitler, and it was just always in the back of my mind. And then I kind of fell down. I joined the army, and I fell down. More of a focus on the anti-Islam stuff, for sure. And I started watching Tommy Robinson, and I was always confused as to why he was waving Israeli flags. This is sort of going back to 2013 and stuff. And there was a lot of terror attacks and then on YouTube. Back then, YouTube was amazing! And I watched all these different sort of Hitler videos and Hitler Hyde videos. My favorite was probably one called the floodkams or Deyflutt Kampt. I can’t speak German, but that’s my memory of it. And I just thought, this is magical. This is mystical. This is something I’ve always been drawn to, the swastika. And this is just drawing me in even further.


And then there were some breaking points where I watched the [Ernst] Zundel interviews, I watched videos on the Holocaust, or the “Holocaust” hoax, however you want to put it, and Irving videos, Zundel interviews. And I just thought, this is all a lie. We’ve been lied to the whole time. And my instinct to always be fascinated with the Third Reich, always be fascinated with Hitler, was right. And then I read Mein Kampf properly for the first time because I had a really crappy copy. Someone bought me Mein Kampf in high school, but it was like a jewish version of it was only, like, 180 pages, and it wasn’t correct. I read it, and I didn’t really like it at all! I thought it was boring. And then I met Blair Cottrell.


And I believe Blair actually bought me my first copy of Mein Kampf. And I read that, and from that moment, I was just actually, I think it was just before I met Blair. It must have been a girlfriend at the time, or someone definitely bought me Minecarth. I didn’t buy it myself, and it was the Ralph Mannheim edition with the crappy footnotes. But I still.


Joel Davis: I just loved it!


Thomas Sewell: I just loved it so much.


And from that moment on, I engaged full-time. I’ve been full-time since about 2014 in White nationalist politics, in different versions, different variations.


And from that moment, I’ve just dedicated myself entirely to Adolf Hitler’s vision of Europe, of the Aryan ideal, the overman, the coming man.


However, you want to put it? I’ve just worked towards that ideal as best as I can with what I’ve been with the clay that God has made me.


Lana Lokteff: And you’re only 30, so you’ve been at this for a while at a pretty young age, right?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think I just turned 31, but, yeah, I’ve been doing this since publicly. Since 21. Yeah, publicly since 21.


Lana Lokteff: Joel, how about you?


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, when I was a teenager, I, um. There were many, like, obvious signs that I would become what I’ve become, but I didn’t really put it all together yet. Like, I’ve really found racist banter and jokes hilarious and would often engage in that. And I remember. I can remember how old I was, but when I was a teenager, there was a there was a Mountain Dew pole, and they said:


“We got a new Mountain Dew flavor, and we’re going to basically let the people vote on what we’re going to call it.”


And 4chan hijacked the poll and voted “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” as the flavor of the new Mountain Dew.


And I thought that was the most fucking hilarious thing ever! I was like, what is this site? 4chan?


So that was how I became aware of 4chan. I saw that in the news, and I thought the reaction to it was quite hilarious, and I was really disappointed that Mountain Dew didn’t go through with it. I really wanted them to make the Hitler did nothing wrong cans, and I wanted to buy one, and I was like, why wouldn’t they make that? That’s hilarious! Hilarious.


Anyway, so there was echoes of things I became kind of fascinated with, almost, like, pretending to be a Nazi for comedic value. Like, I was an ironic. I was an irony bro Nazi in our conversation. And, yeah, I used to have really long blonde hair. My hair’s gotten darker as I got older, but I had. I was a metalhead teenager and had long hair down to, like down to my chest. And we have this thing in Australia. I don’t know if they have it in other countries called the world’s greatest shave. It’s like, basically, you get people to sponsor you to shave your head, and then you give the money to, like, cancer research or something.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah.


Joel Davis: So I did that, and I shaved my head full skinhead.


And then and then people at school, I was about 15 or 16, and the people at school started saying:


“Oh, you’re a skinhead.”


And I was like:


“Yeah, heil Hitler, motherfucker! I’m a skinhead!”


And I realized the non-White kids at school, they didn’t realize I was joking. They, like, literally thought I was a skinhead. And they acted completely differently. They were all intimidated. And that made me feel pretty cool! So, like, I kind of felt this kind of pull towards Nazism of sorts, but it didn’t ideologically form my politics was more. I was more of just like a libertarian, anti-establishment. I knew that the people who ran the world were the bankers. I knew that politics was fraudulent. I knew that there was malevolent forces in control. I knew that a lot of those bankers were jewish. But I didn’t connect all the dots on the significance of race necessarily, although I was open minded, I just wasn’t really exposed.


And then as I got into my late teens. I started becoming exposed largely through libertarian Internet communities.


So this is in the early to mid 2010s.


So I probably became an ideological White nationalist around, 2014, 2015, because that was a time at which there was this really strong libertarian to nationalist or libertarian to fascist pipeline on the Internet. I remember basically, race got brought into a lot of libertarian arguments. Like, I remember arguing about gun rights, for example. You know, in Australia, we don’t have gun rights, and a lot of Australians have this kind of perverse pseudo patriotism about how we don’t have gun rights and how this makes us better than the Americans for some reason, because America is always having mass shootings, and look at all the shootings that are happening in America.


Lana Lokteff: We don’t have a lot more. Honestly, now it’s all the trannies shooting everyone. So.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, yeah, of course. But I always thought guns were cool, so I was like:


“No, I want to have a gun. It’s bullshit that I don’t have a gun. I want to have one. I want to be out of if anyone else has a gun, I want to have a gun so that I can defend myself.”


And it just always seemed logical to me, I guess. I’m an Anglo Saxon. I believe in my ancient rights instinctively.


And so I was against that position. And I would argue, but then often, even when arguing with Australians, we’d have to argue about America, because America is the test case for a country that actually has gun rights. So when arguing about the United States, when you look at it, when you break it down state by state, I remember, like, there was this Stefan Molyneux video I watched back in 2014, the truth about gun crime or something.


Lana Lokteff: I remember that one, actually. Yes.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And he just went through how it doesn’t matter how liberal or conservative, each state is how. Because obviously in Blue states, they’ve got a lot of restrictions on guns, almost to the point that you don’t actually have gun rights in states like Illinois or New York. It’s almost like a European country or Australia with the way that the gun laws are.


Whereas, obviously, in the Red states or even Blue states that are quite homogenous, like, I believe in Vermont or something I don’t think they have that many restrictions on guns, even though it’s a Democrat state, because, well, they don’t have any blacks.


Anyway, the point is that that’s the conclusion. The conclusion is, doesn’t matter what your gun laws are the States that have a lot of blacks have more gun crime. The states that don’t have a lot of blacks have almost no gun crime. It doesn’t matter how liberal or conservative they are. It doesn’t matter what their restrictions are.


And obviously, we know that the crime rate is way higher with blacks. So whereas if you look at, like, White Americans with gun rights, their murder rate is the same as White Australians, even though we don’t have gun rights.


So if you want to kill someone, you figure it out whether guns are legal or illegal.


So, anyway, the point is that forced me to make a race realist argument, basically to defend a component of libertarianism.


And then I started developing race realist arguments from the libertarian discourse at the time about how you know why are they importing Mexicans into the United States? Well, because they’re going to vote for socialism, all these kinds of things.


So I started to become more racially conscious that if I wanted to have the my ancient Anglo Saxon rights, I needed to be in a country full of Anglo Saxons, or at the very least, White people who agreed that we should have those rights because that’s our culture.


And so that led me down a pipeline, and then I was already kind of aware of 4chan and so on, and that just led me down a pipeline where, after thinking those thoughts, it takes, like, three months, and ’m a “Holocaust”.


Lana Lokteff: Then you’re a Nazi.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah, exactly! So then I became. That’s what I became.


And then I had this trajectory to become an intellectual that I wanted to walk down the path of and so basically, I was reading books and so on, and I thought, if I kind of work through the system, eventually I can occupy a position in academia and then become, like, a based academic or something. Well, that ship is sailing. Yeah. I was walking down I was trying to go down that path for a couple of years there, and then ultimately I just came to the realization that that doesn’t make any sense. Like, as soon as I reveal my power level, I’m going to get removed from these institutions. Why am I trying to build a career in this trajectory? And around that time, I became friends with another Australian youtuber, dissident Right, youtuber at the time, who went by the moniker True Dill Tom. People might remember him. He deleted his account years ago, but he was kind of like Keith Woods before Keith Woods. He kind of had this youthful exuberance and intellectual bent and so on.


We became personal friends and he was like:


“Oh, can you do a podcast with me on some Julius Evola book?”


I can’t remember which one it was. I think it was the metaphysics of war or something. I said:


“Yeah, sure, that sounds fun.”


So we did a podcast and he’s like:


“Can we do another podcast? Let’s do one on, …”


Like, we did, like, Spanglers, Prussianism and Socialism or something. We just started doing all these intellectual podcasts, and I started to get a kind of a vibe for it. I kind of quite enjoyed the he had a big audience, so it felt good to be able to kind of engage with academic literature in a public way. So that kind of drew me into starting my own YouTube channel and doing my own podcasts and so on.




And at first, it was a very intellectual thing. Like, a lot of my content was really based around academic subjects with an obvious political bent.


But then over time, I just kind of got, like, sucked more and more into actual activism.


So that’s kind of probably been my transformation is kind of trying to be a racist intellectual commentator, to just try to fuse that with walking the path of the activist, which is kind of where I am now.


Lana Lokteff: And the big issue we’re all dealing with is mass immigration, right? That is the big thing. Now I want to find out how Australia, like, what was their Hart-Celler Act? This is a question for both of you, because in America, we can look at the Hart-Celler Act. 1965, Gates of immigration just started opening. The floodgates were wide open. People started coming in.


Now, how did Australia in particular open the doors to mass immigration?


Because I remember hearing stories where they used to blow up invader boats, and now you’re welcoming them with open arms.


Joel Davis: You mean through legislation? It wasn’t really done through legislation here because the White Australia Policy was largely implemented bureaucratically when Australia was founded in 1901. The founders wanted to put the White Australia Policy in our constitution. The British, however, did not approve of that because they were trying to build an alliance with the Japanese at the time. They thought it would be offensive to them and potentially other non-White international partners.


And so they said:


“You can have your White Australia Policy, but just don’t be so explicit about it.”


So the way that it was implemented. Yeah, like, there were immigration and restriction powers given to the immigration bureaucracy, but then they just filled the bureaucracy with racists.


And so then there was literally people in the Australian immigration bureaucracy in the 1930s who, if someone wanted to immigrate here from Europe, they would send a picture of themselves and then analyze it, like, does this guy look jewish? And if they look jewish, they’d, like, reject the application. That would have been the coolest job!


But, yeah, but they also had dictation tests.


So basically, if anyone came, and the dictation test could be not just given in English, but they could just choose any language, basically, that they wanted to. They had, like, this list of languages. So someone could be non-White but could speak English, and so they just make them sit the test in French, knowing that they couldn’t speak French. They could just fail them.


So it was done in this indirect way. Then, basically, the bureaucracy got taken over by jews through the 1960s.


And basically the jewish community in Australia subverted the institution, got themselves in charge of it, and at the same time, political currents were changing. This is the 1960s. The rest of the world, Britain, the United States, ripping up., … Well, they’re completely changing their immigration policies, obviously, around this time.


And at the end of World War Two, we were kind of stuck with the Americans. We were in the British Empire. Obviously, the empire collapsed in World War Two because we won that war against the Germans. That’s why our empire collapsed.


And so we were kind of stuck now with the Americans as the British basically abandoned us in the region and the Americans stepped in and we fought the Japanese together. And then now the threat of communism was directly in our region, with, obviously, China and various other Asian states falling to communism. We were really involved in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and so on.


And we were all the way with the Americans in the Cold War.


And so we were like, yes, we have to maintain White power in the Asia Pacific region. It’s so good that we’ve got the Americans with us and the Americans, like:


“Whoa, whoa, whoa! We’re here to defend liberal democracy. Don’t be saying that White power stuff to the Australian diplomats in 1940s 1950s!”


So we used to have a strong White nationalist country up until that point, but we were kind of cucked by international trends and internal weakness. Like, we had a liberal democratic system that became progressively more tolerant through phases. After World War Two, we started accepting Mediterranean and Slavic immigrants where we didn’t even really accept those. Prior to the Second World War, we had pretty much a Nordicist immigration policy.


And then a lot of jews came in.


In fact, American jewry funded ships where we were like, well, open our doors to Italians, to Greeks. These countries have been destroyed by the Second World War.


A lot of people wanted to immigrate. And we realized in the Second World War, we only had like 4 million people on this entire continent. We faced an existential threat from the Japanese empire. We need to basically, the idea was populate or perish. We need more people, and we can’t just, the idea was that basically the amount of immigrants we were getting from Britain wasn’t going to be enough. So they said:


“We can bring in some Italians and some Greeks and so on.”


Lana Lokteff: Some criminals., … I’m teasing!


Joel Davis: But then as we open the door to the Italians and the Greeks, then American jewry starts basically hijacking the program and funding a bunch of jews from Europe to then immigrate to Australia. They get established in Australia, basically. Then American jewry sets them up with a series of loans. They take over the property developer industry in Australia. they become embedded in a lot of political institutions. And the jewish community, which wasn’t really that powerful at all or didn’t really have any real significant influence prior to the Second World War, became way more influential.


The only reason Australia developed ASIO, which is basically our primary intelligence agency, was because a bunch of jews came from Europe after the Second World War.


And then they immediately infiltrated the government and started giving state secrets away to the Soviet Union. And the Americans couldn’t even trust us with basically secure information, and so we had to basically reform our entire security state, because prior to the Second World War, we had such a high trust society. It was so homogenous, we didn’t even need to have a formal intelligence agency. We just didn’t have any fucking traitors in the country!


So that was a big shift.


And then, yeah, from the forties to the late sixties, you just see this gradual kind of erosion. You know, this kind of globalist culture gets projected in, the television is invented.


Lana Lokteff: It’s like the same story in every White country, basically. That’s the same model at that point, right? Starts seeping in. Thomas, anything you wanted to add?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Joel’s got a very good understanding, very strong understanding of the history.


The only thing that I would add to it is all of the prime ministers at the time that threw us under the bus and sided with world jewry. Their push politically to transform Australia from a White nation into a multicultural nation or multiracial nation came. The crucial years were between 1966 and 1975. So you hear this everywhere. This is the same crucial years as America, same crucial years as Britain. And in that period of time, the jews had been in Australia in significant numbers, in enough numbers to properly, politically, mobilize for at least, 200 years. And that gave them the time to start building these lobby groups, these ethnic lobby groups, and they disguised all these lobby groups with all these different names. So they were called strange names, like Community Affairs or Lobby for a Future Australia, or they had all these, like, very almost meaningless names, but some of them were actually, like, organized lobbies for world jewry or international jewry or whatever, Zionist federations. And they had so many of these lobbies, and they just put a front man, like a rabbi in charge of each one.


And then they put all this sort of like the jews are very good at just mounting paperwork on top of a politician. You know, they just love coming to court. They don’t need the truth! They don’t need the jewish legal system is like, kind of the opposite of like a, what is it? Laconic or Spartan kind of legal system. It’s not really about who’s correct, it’s not about who’s right. It’s not about who’s thorough. And ten words can beat a thousand lies. They’re more about the thousand lies.


And so they just mounted all this paperwork on the government to say that all these different communities would benefit if we didn’t have such strict immigration laws. And there was a test case maybe ten years earlier where there was an Australian soldier, I believe, that came back from the Korean war with a Korean war bride. And it was national news. It was like the biggest travesty at the time. It was like everyone was gossiping about it. All the sort of low end newspapers were all having a go at this guy, basically for picking up an Asian. Like, one Asian war bride was national news back in the fifties, the good old age. It was like a test case, and I can’t remember the exact details of it. I’m sure someone in the chat will know. But the test case was, I’m pretty sure the whole country wanted him deported to Korea. They were just like, and I think there was a quote from one of the most senior politicians of the day that said something like:


“Two wongs don’t make a White!”


There’s just all this hilarious, like, memeology, like, racist banter is just at the core of Australian spiritual and political discourse.


And anyway, the real power that the jews had wasn’t in these fake lobbies. That was just all this mounting pressure is just so that the traitor in government, when he’s explaining to all the people that aren’t necessarily on board with his treason, he can say:


“Oh, but look at all this expert witness and expert advice and all these lobbies!”


And they’ve got this kind of like intellectual and legal backing behind them.


But really what caused the shift was all of these prime ministers during this time period and after are all multi, multi millionaires. If they’re still alive.


I mean, we’re talking in the hundreds of millions of dollars. And they own property. They own property.


So the jews took control of the property development and they let in these prime ministers on their boards as directors. When these prime ministers left office, they became property developers and most of them became real estate agents to China. Most of them would travel over regularly to China and they basically became prostitutes. Prostitutes of the property market. So they got paid more than 30 pieces of silver, they got paid in the hundreds of millions of dollars to change these legislations in the sixties and seventies to destroy our nation.


So that’s all I want.


Lana Lokteff: And now Australia is full of Chinese. I remember even when I was there in 2008, I would say that was the largest demographic that I saw, like:


“Oh, wow, there’s lots of Chinese people in Australia!”


I didn’t expect that.


Now, what is the situation like today? Because I saw this clip that was going around on time. you know, Melbourne 2024. We can queue that up. Plate. What does it look like when you walk around Australia now, demographics wise? I mean, are there areas where White people are a minority now?




Joel Davis: Now there’s yellow flight to get away from all the Indians and blacks. So.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, because it’s not a Kumbaya fest with White people out of the picture either.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but that’s the scale now, like the major, like when you. Sydney and Melbourne are our two largest cities. About half the population of Australia live in either Sydney or Melbourne. And both of those cities, I would say a majority non-White. Sydney, definitely. Melbourne may be 50 50 at best.


Lana Lokteff: I mean, this has happened fast too. I mean, quick.


Joel Davis: Yeah. When I was.


When I was a kid, the country was well over 90% White.


And I remember areas Where I lived and grew up in, and I remember, you know, my first memories is like six, seven, eight years old. And just like, I would see one Asian and it would be kind of strange.


And now you go to the same area and there isn’t one White person there! Just total transformation at a very rapid speed. The last ten to 20 years in particular, the accelerator pedal is just a brick has been thrown on it. When the White Australia Policy was first deconstructed in the seventies, we fought this war against the Vietnamese, and we probably shouldn’t have done that. We brutalized them. All of the anti-Vietnam war propaganda was quite strong at the time.


So we should take some refugees from Vietnam because we displaced them with our imperialism or whatever.


And so they brought them in and then they started opening to the Chinese.


And, I mean, obviously I’m no fan of yellow immigration, but the yellow races maybe a little bit more agreeable than some of the other ones. I think if they opened the Gates and said:


“Hey, let’s take a bunch of immigrants from Nigeria!”


I don’t think that people would have been as permissive. Right?


So they started bringing them in first, and then when you get to the nineties, then maybe some Middle Easterners start coming in and then, yeah, that created a reaction, the anti-Islam reaction.


And now lately, it’s like, I’m going to say majority Indian, but it’s definitely the largest demographic. Like, statistically, Indians are the largest non-White demographic in Australia. They’re the fastest growing demographic in Australia. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them come in every year.


Our prime minister prostitutes himself to the Indian government. Every time he meets with the Indian prime minister, he has to sign a new agreement. That makes it even easier for Indians to immigrate here.


And, yeah, they’re just basically flooding the country in such a rapid way now.


Lana Lokteff: Are they telling you guys, just like in America and everywhere else:


“You need to celebrate becoming a minority? You stole the land from the Aboriginals!”


You know, we get that all the time:


“You don’t own the land, you stole it!”


You know, racism, colonialism, slavery.


“Therefore we get to flood you with the entire third world and you have to celebrate it. And it’s so wonderful to become a minority!”


Are you guys are getting the same kind of arguments thrown at you, right?


Joel Davis: Yeah, more or less.


But also, they don’t even have that argument a lot of the time. They just talk about how great it is for the economy, basically. Now all the media reports are actually:


“This is really bad! It’s causing a housing crisis. We’re taking too many immigrants. Isn’t that kind of a shame?”


And then we have, like a fake debate about how should we reduce immigration by 20% or 30%. And this is all framed in economic language to make it as boring as possible.


And so the question of identity isn’t even raised in the positive or the negative. That’s basically the strategy of mainstream politics, because they know that immigration is wildly unpopular!


So they don’t actually want the debate to go where we want the debate to go, because as soon as it goes there, it gets polarized, inflammatory in a way that makes their position untenable.


So generally, that’s how Australian politics functions. They try to make Australian politics as boring, non-ideological, pragmatic and economistic as possible so that they can try and get the population to check out and not pay attention and not identify with any particular side of any issue and just keep basically narrow mindedly focusing on entertainment and their personal lives.


Australia is one of the most apolitical societies probably in the world. That’s a real big contrast between us and, I think, the United States. In America, whether you’re a Democrat, or a Republican, this is really, socially, important. In Australia, most people don’t even discuss politics insofar as they do they don’t really have very robust political identities. They don’t have, like, there isn’t very strong party loyalty in the average person or anything like that, or ideological identity.


So that’s more the strategy, I think. Yeah, like, obviously Leftists say that:


“Yeah, we stole the land off the Aboriginals. What right do we have?”


And there’s often, like, historical revisionism where they pretend like, as if., … Because it is true that in the 19th century there were non-White immigration. There was non-White immigration into Australia. It wasn’t actually Australia yet. It was still a series of British colonies.


But that’s the whole reason, actually, why Australia was created, because basically that caused White nationalism to grow in Australia. And the White nationalist movement basically demanded that Australia be formed, demanded this from the Crown, so that we could basically deport all the non-Whites and keep them out of the country.




And the first thing that the Australian government ever did once it was formed was literally passed the White Australia Policy, literally pass Immigration Restriction Act. And they basically mass deported the non-Whites that were here almost entirely as the first act of the Australian government.


So they don’t actually mention any of that they just say:


“Oh, there’s always been Chinese people here and there’s always been non-Whites here, and they’ve always contributed to the country. And don’t they work so hard?”


And that’s typical kind of everything is reduced to economics.


Lana Lokteff: Now, you were saying that your average person there doesn’t really talk about politics. I remember that, too, when I was there, although I wasn’t very political. Yeah, maybe they don’t get involved in political discussion until, let’s say, you’re a White nationalist, right? Then it becomes an issue. I mean, what are the views on White supremacy with your average Australian?


Thomas Sewell: I would say the discourse has changed massively in the last five years.


And as Joel mentioned earlier, we have had such a surge in Indians in the last five years.


And I think this is strategic from the Australian government, and I think it’s also why the Canadian government is doing it as well. There is potentially war with China on the cards, and we have a fifth column of somewhere between one in 3 million Chinese people in this country, depending on whether you count citizens, permanent residents, students, or all the various different types of visas where they can teach yoga or paint nails or something, as a skilled worker, of course.


And so the government is really trying to. They’ve realized they’re unbalanced. When Canada and Australia talk about we’re the most successful, you know, multicultural societies. What they’re talking about is they’re gloating. They’re saying:


“We have most successfully worked out how to balance all the fifth columns so no one fifth column stands out.”


So we’ve got a series of fifth columns, so many of them that we can keep the table up. It doesn’t displace the table.


So what they’re doing is they’re pumping the country full of Indians to try to restabilize their fifth columns so that China doesn’t have this over. They need at least as many Indians security guards to lock as many Chinese people in the camps as they can, if we did actually go to war and to negate their influence.


But at the same time, they are flooding the country with a lot of Arabs. They are flooding the country with way more Africans than there’s ever been and that’s another factor. We never had Africans. We had, when I was in high school, I only knew of one African family in ten grid squares, and they were the child of some African warlord where we gave some African country $20 million, and the guy just took all the money and then fled to Australia and that was the only African in the entire Eastern suburbs that I grew up in.


Obviously, some of the other areas had been hit by Africans, the bioweapon, a little earlier, maybe five years earlier, but there were no Africans in Australia. It was like not even 0.001% of the population. And now they’re starting to get, I think, over 0.5% of the population. And obviously, you know, this sounds really small, but they breed at a very high rate, and certain suburbs, they’ve completely taken over.


So what White people are seeing, in my opinion, is they’ve seen a relatively “successful multiculturalism”. And I don’t like to use that term, that’s their term.


But what they’ve seen is a multiculturalism where it’s sort of Kumbaya. It’s kind of Kumbaya. It’s kind of all worked out. We’ve just got the boomers will say:


“But how good’s the food?”


And now our generation specifically can’t get a rental. As you put up, the mortgages are through the roof because the demand on housing is so high. Suburbs have been completely either Chinesified if you grew up in a kind of upper class area, or they’ve been Indianified if you’re in a kind of lower middle class area, or they’ve been Africanized if you’re in a really lower class, working class area. So this, every demographic, or in some instances, it’s been sort of like Arabs can kind of blend through the three.


Joel Davis: There’s rich Arabs.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Pacific Islanders as well, if you’re in a poor area. So every White person in Australia has experienced the negatives of diversity by one or multiple ethnic groups. And they’ve watched these fifth columns take over suburbs. So especially in the last five years, it’s been so rapid! I think up until a couple years ago, the majority of our immigrants, even though we were immigrating a lot of Chinese, the majority of our immigration was still European. We were still getting, like about 40% from England alone. I think like 10, 15 percent from New Zealand, which again, was mostly White flight people running away from the sort of high taxation and “Maori love” that New Zealand’s obsessed with, my family and, yeah, so it was still majority White. Now it’s not majority White. And the area that I live in, outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, when I just moved here about three or four years ago, or actually it was before prison, probably four years ago, it was probably 10% Indian.


And now it’s probably like 50 or 60% Indian, and it’s just rapid.


And also, there’s been a completely complete different change in the type of Indian as well.


So when we grew up, I lived in a multicultural area, went to a multicultural school, and there were people in my friendship group that were Chinese or Sri Lankan or Indian. Their fathers were all highly educated. They were very anglicized. They spoke very properly with a very proper, so English or American accent. They went to international schools. They were kind of the upper class of China, Korea, India, Sri Lanka. They were almost always Christians as well. So that almost all of them actually got their visas through the Church.




So that’s something that’s not mentioned much, but I mention it because I allowed to be critical, but that was the kind of Indians and Chinese that we were getting. We weren’t getting these kind of really low caste, fake educated. Like, they’ve got the piece of paper saying they’re an engineer, but it’s obviously a fraud piece of paper. They’re very low IQ. They don’t speak English, most of them, and if they do, it’s very poor.


And so people are no longer interacting with a Chinese person or an Indian person that is putting on the White flesh. You know, these Chinese and Indians that moved here 20 years ago, they had the White flesh on. They were skin-walkers.


Lana Lokteff: So they can kind of make it work.


Thomas Sewell: They could walk and talk and act.


And I remember going, I had a Sri Lankan friend in primary school, and I would go to his house and his father was a banker and actually worked with one of my family, friends who was also a banker. Like a branch branch banker and like your local banker, not like fucking some big jew and, you know what I mean? Like, anyway, not a tower, but like a branch manager.


Anyway. So and he would talk with this proper English accent and you know, he talk about all the things that we did in school, and it was like a skin-walker. It was like the Sri Lankan guy just acting and walking and talking exactly like us. And it was fascinating!


But now it’s just everywhere you go, everywhere you go now it’s just like you’re surrounded by thousands of Indians, and they’re all speaking Punjabi or Hindi or whatever, and they’re all on the phone constantly. So you go into a 711, and then you’re like:


“Yeah, pump six.”


You go into a gas station, you go into servo, and the guy’s like, you go up to the Indian, you’re like:


“Yeah, pump six.”


And the guy’s like:


“Ding, ding, ding, ding!”


And then he’s like:


“Sorry, what? Sorry, what?”


And you’re like. And you’re like:


“Pump six!”


And he’s like, dingling. Ding, ding, ding!


Lana Lokteff: God, that’s annoying.


Thomas Sewell: Day in day 8.98, 08.98, $9.89. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. And you’re like:


“What the!”


Lana Lokteff: It’s almost, like, tricked you guys. Like, okay, we’ll have the best of these races come in and show you how awesome multiculturalism and diversity can be.


And then eventually, well, just let in the scum of the world. Right, and flood you until you’re a minority. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Lana Lokteff: But that’s not also an argument saying:


“Oh, we want merit based mass immigration population.”




Joel Davis: We’ve just been a great argument against it, actually. It shows the pitfalls. I’d much rather have the terrible immigrants so that people become more racist and realize what we’re dealing with here.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah.


So let’s talk about activist persecution in Australia. I mean, and how bad is it? I saw Elijah Schaffer put up this tweet getting into a little bit about what’s happening there, and it’s like, America, you know, we’ve been de-banked, we’ve been banned from all kinds of platforms written about by the journalists and called all kinds of things.


But this is happening in Australia to de-banked. You’re getting banned. Federal police is calling. Was it gyms? And pressuring to cancel your memberships, even stopping by houses for basically wellness checks. Right? So how bad is it? I know they were doing some of this stuff during Covid too. It is insane!


But now they’re really focusing on nationalists again. Right? Have you seen this list, Thomas, you’re reading?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we, …


Lana Lokteff: We gave him this list.


Thomas Sewell: I’ll let Joel answer this one to start with, because I’m not sure exactly how much we can say on this.


On the Schaffer question, because we did an interview with Schaffer. I’m sure you all can start off with and, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, yeah, well, I mean, as for the persecution of nationalist activists in Australia, it’s not as bad as in Britain. I would say the UK probably is the worst country in the world for persecuting White nationalists, other than, I guess, maybe the Russian Federation and Germany. Yeah, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Russia and Germany would be the two worst.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But the Germans have kind of adapted because they’ve been under occupation for so long.


So they’ve adapted more to that environment where, like, I think in Britain, people thought that we had rights, and then they tried to exercise their rights. And people like Sam Melia are now in jail, and they’re banned from even, like, seeing pictures of their own, you know, children, babies, because they made stickers that were too nationalistic or something.


So obviously, we’re not at that level yet.


But in Australia, the basically the state has admitted the security services have admitted that between about a half and a third of their resources go on White nationalism.


Lana Lokteff: Jeez.


Joel Davis: And the rest goes on, I guess, like, Islamic terrorism and maybe, like, Chinese subversion or something.


Anyway, so, yeah, they’ve got however many thousands of agents listening to every single one of Tom and I’s phone calls and so on.


I guess I don’t know what they do. We’re law abiding citizens, so they probably. They have to waste a lot of their time surveilling us and realizing that we’re law abiding citizens.




But basically, yeah, any little thing that they can do to drag one of our guys before the courts on some ridiculous charge. We’ve seen a lot of that lately. Tom is getting harassed by police who are trying to, right now, actually trying to put charges on him for leading a peaceful political rally down a street where no violent altercations occurred.


No one got hurt, no projectiles were thrown. Literally just marched down the street chanting, marched back, went home. Apparently, this is. They’re investigating him for the crime of, quote, “grossly offensive behavior”. So apparently, there’s a law now in the state of Victoria that grossly offensive behavior is a crime, whatever that means. So, apparently, if you’re in public and you have a political slogan that offends somebody that’s a crime.


But it’s not a crime if you’re a gay Mardi Gras and you’re dancing naked in front of children.


Lana Lokteff: That’s right.


Joel Davis: I might find that grossly offensive, but I’m a Nazi, so therefore doesn’t count for some reason.


So, yeah, it is pretty crazy! Like, the level of absurdity that they’re taking things. We have other associates who are also being dragged before the courts for, quote, unquote, “grossly offensive behavior”. I think in their instance, what happened was they had T-shirts on. The shirt was a chudjack*. If people don’t know what a chudjack is, I guess Google it. And it said “6 million. That’s a bit much, mate”, underneath the chudjack. And they were throwing Roman salutes.


[* Chudjack often represents people who are deemed “chuds.” What is a Chud? “Chud” is a slang term used online that generally refers to a dislikeable person. A chud is also someone who exists far outside social norms, and not in a good way.]


Now, Roman salutes are now illegal in Australia. You can go to jail for doing a Roman salute in public. That was laws that the jews really pushed for in response to us, basically, because previously, Tom in particular, was a very big fan of the Roman salute. Now we can’t do it. But unfortunately, Tom, do you do them?


Lana Lokteff: At home when you make coffee in the morning?


Thomas Sewell: I know that Jacob, her son, does them at home all the time. I’ve kind of got my technique down pat.


Lana Lokteff: Come on, we gotta have fun with this. My God! Can’t even have fun.


Thomas Sewell: I talk. Yeah, it’s spiritual. The reason why I was saying before, I’m not sure how deep we can go into this subject was very recently, Joel and I did interviews with Elijah Schaeffer, and I think that’s what stimulated him to make that post about police persecution, not just because of what happened to Michael Nelson, but also the largest chunk of the interview that I did with him was on police persecution.


So I don’t want to double up the subject too much because that will be released in the future. But I wasn’t sure if we could talk about it yet, because Elijah was trying to get out of Australia without being hassled by ASIO.


Because just talking to me in this country can cause you some issues. And the police do that on purpose. They can see that what we’re doing is working, that our meta-political strategy is effective, and that we are changing public discourse through inspiration, through passion, through courage, and just being able to go against the grain, to go against the flow of this communist aversion, and to just be a symbol of standing up to that and not bowing down to that.


And as you put in these photos up, these young guys here are in our organization.


Lana Lokteff: And he just had his bank account banned, too, right? The guy on the left?


Thomas Sewell: Yes, he did. The guy on the left. Yep.


And those two young guys, they came to me. They’ve been involved for over two years now, and about twelve months of them being involved in the organization, they actually came to me.


And one of them tried to fly somewhere, or he tried to go somewhere.


I can’t remember what the exact circumstance was, but he was told by someone within the bureaucracy of the government that he was a national security threat, that he was defined as an., … One of his brothers is in the army, one of them, their brother is in the army, and their brother had to basically disassociate from them because they’re a national security threat. And these were just guys that were coming down to the park, and we were just training. We were doing push ups at the park. We were going for a run.


Lana Lokteff: That’s right. Didn’t you have a boxing fitness club, too? And they were worried about it because they’re okay, because you could start a military with that, right? Guys, White guys working out and being able to defend themselves.


I mean, they’re freaking out about the caveat.


Joel Davis: We would never try.


Thomas Sewell: They’re freaking out for many reasons. But to clarify, that list of Schaffer’s things, that list is basically all the things that I covered in that interview.


So, yeah, that I think it’s very important for people to realize that strength creates strength in others. And when there’s a symbol of a man, it’s not even the man himself, but when a symbol of a man stands up.


And that’s why the Roman salute was so significant.


And that’s why I love the Roman salute so much. Because every time I went to court and they were trying to make me out like I was evil and horrible because I defended myself or defended those that I cared about, they always try to make it out like I was a shameful, horrible character. And they would always take photos of me when I was walking out of the corridor. They would wait for me to start talking, and then they would get, like, managed to get a screen grab. They would even use photos that they took. They would use screen grabs from the videos of me, like, mid sentence going, like, classic.




Lana Lokteff: Yeah. You know they want to make you look bad. That’s their joke.


Thomas Sewell: The most kind of disgusting form of journalism. Yeah, I love that image. That’s a great painting. And then I realized, like, you can’t just be reasonable and rational with these people. You can sit there and have the most articulate and intellectual and polite conversation about why you believe what you believe, and they’ll just screen grab your face in a contorted manner, put that up, and then put this, like, doom and gloom caption over who you are. And I was just like, fuck it. It’s mask off. Every time I go to court, I’m just throwing a Roman!


I’m just going to stand there and then, and I’ll take a photo of that. And I worked out that that will be what the photo they’ll use. They’ll use that because that’s so horrible from their perspective. But what I believe that it did to the discourse was, so many people are afraid of journalists. They’re afraid of the confrontation. They’re afraid of being shamed.


And I see the media and its smear campaign similar to, you’re in a village. I like to condense everything down to 100 people and think of a village mindset and understand what dynamic is going on in that tribe or that village, and how is that affecting the village. And then can you expand that philosophy or that microcosm into the macrocosm of 100 million people, or a billion people? And I saw this smear campaign, this doxxing from journalists and online Antifa and stuff, as just, they want to parade you through the town and throw rotten vegetables at you.


And if you kind of cower and hide your face, no, you don’t want to do that you know, if you do stuff like that, then, then you deserve the tomatoes. You deserve the rotten tomatoes. And the public:


“Yeah, look at this coward. Look at this shameful character. Let’s throw the cabbages at his head!”




“Oh, that hurt him. That affected him.”


But if you just stand there and throw a Roman salute, they can throw as many tomatoes as they want, eventually going to stop throwing tomatoes. You’re like, these tomatoes aren’t working. This guy, you can’t shame this guy, no matter how much you throw your crap at him. It’s just like, you’re just a crap thrower. You’re just a craft throw. And all these doxes and Antifas and stuff. When we just say:


“Yes, okay, yes, I’m a Nazi. Yes, I’m a supremacist. Yes, I’m a whatever it is you think I’m sure, yes, absolutely!”


And you stand there and you’re fit and healthy, and you throw the Roman. It’s just, it just emanates. It’s a spiritual war.


And that’s why the jews had to ban it. The jews saw my strategy, like, inspired all these young kids started throwing out. I was, after I was taking photos, after I had the photo taken of the Roman salute like that, and after we had a few rallies and were throwing the Roman salute at the rally, I would just drive past on my way home from work, and there would be like, year twelve kids in their blazes at the bus stop waiting for a bus, and I’ll be at the lights and I just throw a Roman at them. I would just throw a Roman at them because it wasn’t illegal at that point.


So I would just be like, as just a social experiment, I’d throw a Roman at them. Just healthy White footy boys, you know, footy boys in their school uniforms and sometimes girls as well with them. And I would throw a Roman and they would almost always throw it back and the girls would all giggle. And I’m just thinking of the, …


Lana Lokteff: Cause it’s fun because you’re not supposed to do it, right?


Joel Davis: Exactly!


Lana Lokteff: Come on! It’s the cookie jar syndrome.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And I would drive off at the lights. I would drive off and I look in the rearview mirror and there’d just be 18 year olds just throwing romans back at me.


And I was like:


“This is winning! This is what winning feels like! This is a Cultural Revolution!”


They’ve demonized it so much, but young kids, they’re just like:


“What’s wrong with it? Why can’t I do it? It feels good. It feels powerful to do it. You know, we’re not getting in our hands and knees and praying. We’re standing upright and throwing it!”


And so powerful.


Joel Davis: And so now in Australia, they blur out the arms like, as if, like it’s like genitals or something. So, like today you see arms, like, they’ll get this picture, they’ll put it up on the news and they’ll blur every single.


Lana Lokteff: We all know what it is. I mean, come on!


Joel Davis: Yeah, I know. It’s crazy! Crazy! Like, as if there’s going to be jews at home. If they see those arms, they’re going to be like:


“Oh, God! And we have to protect them from that horrible experience and, like, blur it out!”


It’s insane!


Thomas Sewell: So now it’s twelve months in jail. Twelve months!


Lana Lokteff: Holy crap!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And $20,000 fine.


Lana Lokteff: I mean, migrant rapists don’t even get that, you know?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, exactly! Well, when I was at court last, there was an African that had raped sexually, seriously, sexually assaulted five women while on bail. And he had run through people’s homes with machetes. And he was sentenced to twelve months and he was released early at six months.


I mean, this happens every day. And he wasn’t on the news, but I was on the news.




Lana Lokteff: Yeah. And didn’t you get into some confrontation with a guy who happened to be black?


And then what was he got six months of jail time and like a hardcore prison, is that correct?


Thomas Sewell: That’s close to correct.


Lana Lokteff: Okay.


Thomas Sewell: There was two. There was two incidences within a period of about a month of each other, and one of them was Channel Nine, which is like the main.


Lana Lokteff: Oh, yes, I remember.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. They put up a video. They put up on a current affair episode, which is kind of like a real crappy version of 60 minutes.


And they also run 60 minutes here in Australia.


So whatever the channel is in America that runs 60 minutes, Channel Nine is the equivalent of that channel. And they ran a segment basically saying that we were terrorists next door because we were training and because we were hiking and we were basically like the White Taliban and we were about to commit a terror attack.


So I went down to Channel nine to just confront them and say, this is like, interview me, have a conversation, and I’ll tell the Australian public what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.


Lana Lokteff: There’s the blur! There’s the blur! Yeah, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: And so instead of doing that, they just ignored me. They just said:


“No, we’re not interested in talking to you. Go away.”


And so I started making a speech at the front, and then they moved us on. So we walked outside and I started making a speech out the front of the building in the public.


And then the security guard, the African security guard who was looking for a fight, he was very, very jarred up, very jacked up because he could hear what I was talking about.


And so when these people are confronted in this state, they become immediately aggressive. You know how Africans are. You guys live in America.


Lana Lokteff: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: So.


And then he moved us on again. So we complied and moved on again.


And as we’re moving to this, like, arbitrary line, the Drano line is what it’s called, the Drano line. Wherever the Drano line is, we’re moving to the Drain O line, which is like 30 or 40 meters away from the building, the African starts dancing kind of like the George Floyd dance. Have you seen the video of George Floyd with the banana before he got killed?


Lana Lokteff: Yes. Yes, I did.


Thomas Sewell: Where he’s like.


Lana Lokteff: That was like.


Thomas Sewell: He’s like, in the supermarket and he’s like doing this monkey dance.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, he really.


Thomas Sewell: Well, it’s like cosmic and spiritual because this guy started doing the same dance. It was like he was cosmically attuned with the George Floyd.


And so he started doing the monkey dance in front of Jacob. And Jacob, being the shit stirrer that he is, said:


“All right, dance monkey!”


Which is a famous song by a chick called Tones. She’s like a fat dyke.


But anyway, that was like one of those popular songs of that month, I think. It was like, dance with me, dance with me. Dance for me. And that was playing, like, constantly. It was like, just cosmic. It was just in the was in the ether, you see. And this guy starts doing the George Floyd monkey dance. And then it’s like, dance for me. Dance for me. And then Jacob just said:


“Yeah, all right. Dance for me. Like, dance monkey!”


And then he got all aggressive and he was like:


“I’m not your dance monkey!”


And then he throat punched Jacob. Just full, just left hand stretched out, throat punched him. And I’m standing like maybe 2 meters away.


And you can see the CCTV footage. I don’t know if you’ve got a copy of it, but you might want to play it for you, for your guys, but for me, sort of, …


Joel Davis: Have the negro get bashed for everyone to see. It’s good. It’s good viewing.


Thomas Sewell: It is good viewing. It’s very good viewing because I copped a lot of flack from it, from the kind of softer types that are like:


“Oh, my God, Tom is a maniac! He’s a barbarian. Tom, he’s not fit for leadership because look at how he reacted and look at how he behaved in this instance.”


And it’s like, yeah, yeah, I’m a defender of the folk. I’m a fighter. I’m a defender. People like:


“I’m polite, I’m respectful, I’m peaceful, I’m lawful.”


But if you put your hands on us, if you put your hands on me, if you put your hands on people that I care about, I’m putting you down. I’m going to put you down or I’m going to die. It’s just one or the other. I’m going to assert dominance, I’m going to be over the top of you, or I’m going to die in the process. But there’s no in between. For me, it’s zero or 100! I’ll be polite, I’ll be respectful, I’ll be lawful.


But this is how I feel about the government. They’re trying to hurt us. They’re terrorizing us, they’re attacking us. They’re allowing us to be firebombed. They’re hurting us.


So it’s like, they’re not taking down the government. Absolutely not! The government’s working to destroy us. They want to silence.




Joel Davis: That’s another story that we should probably mention, by the way, with another associate of ours. His name’s Tim Lutz. He actually ran a boxing gym and had us all training there until they basically took his boxing gym away from him for his association with us.


But anyway, he had been harassed by Antifa many times due to his, well, he’s part of the organization. He’s one of the leaders of the organization.


And anyway, the end of last year, he wakes up to an explosion. Him, in bed next to his pregnant wife, goes outside.


And basically his car had been blown up in the driveway by communist terrorists. Naturally. Yeah. Thankfully, they didn’t, … They were trying to blow up the other car, I believe, as well.


And basically the Molotov cocktail didn’t function correctly, it could have been far worse. They could have potentially set fire to the house with his children and his pregnant wife.


Lana Lokteff: Let me guess, there was no terrorist investigationx Police did.


Joel Davis: There was absolutely no investigation whatsoever for an act of terror! But apparently we’re terrorists and 50% of the anti-terrorism police budget has to go on surveilling us!


But then when actual terrorists attack us, somehow they don’t have any resources to investigate that.


Lana Lokteff: Well, that’s their whole plan in this anti-White establishment. Yeah. We have zero protections. Yeah. Here’s this in the video. Right, of Thomas there. So you went to jail, Thomas, for., … Was it for this?


Thomas Sewell: So what they did was they raided our house, they stole all our electronics, and they bailed me because I have no criminal history. And because the way the Australian bail laws work is if you have very little or no criminal history and it’s a first offense, you’re basically guaranteed bail. Unless it’s like a murder, or a terror attack, you’re basically guaranteed bail. So I got bailed for that.


And then about a month later, while I was on bail, we were out in the bush. We were doing one of our hikes. We do hikes almost every month, at least every second month. And we’re on a hike and we were ambushed by. There was a conspiracy by Channel Nine.


So the same people that were calling us terrorists had actually paid a private contractor to infiltrate our group to pretend to be a racist. Well, he didn’t have to pretend he was a racist. He was kind of old truckie guy, and he actually worked as a trucker. So we did vet this guy. There was really not much we could do about someone at this level of professionality. We ticked every box that we could and he was exactly who we said he was. But what we didn’t know was on the side.


He actually worked as a subcontractor and was hired by Channel Nine to disrupt our group. And he was organizing with Antifa and with ASIO. So he was meeting with journalists, he was meeting with Antifa and he was meeting with ASIO to disrupt our organization. And they had ASIO in the bushes waiting for us. They had counter terrorism follow us up there. There was a whole bunch of Antifa that knew we were at that, where we parked our cars. And they have a habit of attacking our cars. About two weeks earlier, they damaged Jacob’s car, my car, at our address.


So obviously they got that from this informant. He had passed on that information as to where our address was and where our cars were so that they could continue their pressure on us.


And then there was an incident in this park. These people followed us. They were filming us when someone confronted them and asked them to just leave us alone. They then got in their vehicle and actually ran over some of these young guys.


And then a whole discourse erupted after they ran over a bunch of guys and crashed into a rock. And they almost killed me or potentially put me in like a wheelchair because I almost got crushed between the car and the rock, only to jump out of the way.


And so this is like, I was looking at this and I was like, this is like an inverse version of, who’s the guy? Charlottesville. The guy doing like 190 years for like, trying to get his car out of there when he got mobbed by like 50 people. It’s kind of like an opposite version of that, where the roles are half reversed.


And anyway, that’s what these people did to us. My car was damaged in the process, so obviously things were going on there. The address that we were at, the exact car park, was leaked online.


So all the Antifa organizers were posting online and in the comments section of these leaks. Not leaks, but these posts were just all these Antifa activists saying:


“Oh, you know, it’d be ashamed if someone went down there and fired bombed these cars or slashed their tires.”


We had our tires slashed and I had a, like an impact driver, like a drill put through my tire, which is a common tactic of theirs. We have them on CCTV doing that.


Anyway, that all happened. And in that process, a couple of us were pretty badly injured. And about two days later, we got back to the house and we just said that was fucking out of control. You know, this is obviously escalating what the system is doing to us. We had a big meeting about it.


And anyway, about two days later, they sent the helicopter, the SWAT team, the Bearcat. They sent like the big armored vehicles and came in and kicked our doors in and pointed the machine guns at our families as you do.


And then they held me without bail for seven months.


The reason why they said that I couldn’t get bail even though I had been convicted of no crimes, was that they said I was making threats to the victims over the prison phones, and they never played those recordings in court. And it was a lie. The Counter Terrorism police are a political police, and they lied to the courts, openly lied to the courts to say that I was doing that they never provided the evidence that I was doing that.




And what I was doing over the phone was the guys back at the headquarters were calling me.


So I was calling them and they were saying that we’ve found these social media of the Antifa guys that were at the park, and they’re all friends with these other main culprit people, and they’re friends on Facebook with the people that firebombed the informant’s car because they damaged the informant’s car and trailer about a week earlier. And we had that on CCTV. We hadn’t gone to the police because we didn’t operate like that. But we were building an information picture on these people, who they were, you know what schools they went to, what universities they went to, and their associates and their friends.


So we’re building an information picture on these people. And I was just saying over the phone, I said:


“Okay, like, screenshot everything and send it to my lawyer. Screenshot everything, send it to my lawyer, because we’ll expose all of this in court.”


And they said that that was threatening witnesses to screenshot the people that had firebombed our vehicles, to screenshot their Facebooks and to send those photos to my lawyer to expose this whole thing for what it was in court, in open court, that was threatening the witnesses. So they did everything they could to prevent us building a defense. They did everything they could to keep me in jail for seven months in solitary confinement. I was put in the Supermax.


So I was put in a punishment ward of Port Phillip prison, which is probably the worst prison in Australia. And I was put in the punishment, solitary confinement. The first six weeks I was in prison, I was basically in 24 hours lockdown. And in the remaining five months, I was in 23 hours lockdown, about five days a week, four days a week, 24 hours lockdown.


And they refused books and mail for several months. So I got no mail for about two and a half months, and I got no books for about five months. So they did everything they could to try to break me, and it didn’t work.


So here we are.


Lana Lokteff: It reminds me of the J six prisoners [Jan 6th], also in America. Same thing, guys that showed up to protest, right?


And then they get locked up in solitary confinement and tortured and starved and, like, yes, this is happening in our free societies, our democracy.


And then also what they did to.


Thomas Sewell: Me at nighttime was they wouldn’t let me sleep.


So when I was the first sort of six weeks I was in there, the Indian and African security guards would come in, and they would flip the lights on and off through the night. So they would do everything.


And then the White guards would come in the morning, I’d tell the White guards what had happened, and they’re just like:


“Oh, sorry, man. Oh and it’s like, this is unacceptable.”


Joel Davis: This is all for the crime of getting attacked by literal jewish communists. They were all jews. They were all gay jews.


Thomas Sewell: They were all gay jews.


Joel Davis: Gay jewish communists attacked him violently. Uh, you somewhat defended yourself, but, like, ultimately none of them were injured. Yeah, exactly! It wasn’t like no one got hurt. Like, they almost killed you or turned into a paraplegic, and then you get thrown in jail for eight months with a bunch of literal murderers. Everyone else around you, or all murderers, basically, right?


Thomas Sewell: I was the only one in the unit that wasn’t a murderer, or a terrorist.


Lana Lokteff: Oh, my God!


Thomas Sewell: See, that’s what I think is the funniest part. Here’s the funniest part is that they refused my run outs. They refused my run outs because you have to fill out a form to be able to run out and be in a cage. If you’ve seen that movie Shock Caller with that Jaime Lannister character from Game of Thrones, I can’t remember. He’s got, like, a Nordic name, or a Danish name or something. There’s that scene where he gets put in the Supermax, and then he’s locked in his cell the whole time, and then he gets, like, these, the run out yard. He’s like, putting a cage out in the open. It was actually worse than that. So imagine those cages, but then there’s concrete walls between them about 4 meters high, so barely any sun even comes in either. So at least they got, like, fresh open air. We were just kind of in the, it was like, just pigeonville. There was just pigeon shit everywhere. There was just hundreds of pigeons.


And it was dark and moldy, and the concrete walls were, like, 4 meters high. So even worse than if you watch Shock Caller. You know what I’m talking about?


And so you had to fill out a piece of paper to do run outs with other prisoners. And there was two White power gangs that were in that unit with me, and they were murderers. They were White guys that had just killed counts. And I was trying to run out with them so that I could have a social interaction because I hadn’t had an actual conversation in five months. And I got two run outs with these guys from the sort of skinhead gangs.


And then they removed my run outs off me because they were concerned for the good order of the prison. They were saying that if Tom runs out with these murderers, he’s going to radicalize them.


And so we can’t have these murderers running out with Tom. We have to keep Tom isolated. He’s not allowed.




Lana Lokteff: So it’s not the murderers they’re worried about.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, there were terrorists, murderers, child rapists. And they can run out with each other. There was a run out where the child rapists would be out there, and all the prisoners would be screaming at them, just abusing them constantly.


And that’s how I know there were child rapists.


The child rapists were allowed to have friends. They were allowed to run out with each other. But a Whiteman that had two incidences of defending himself. Yeah, you got to segregate him from the yeah, you’ve got the you guys are great. You guys are so professional. Yeah, imagine that. But the cages that you can see. Imagine there’s like four meter concrete walls between them.


Lana Lokteff: It tells you what they view as their biggest threat. And it’s people that think like us and talk like us. That’s why they have no problem importing in murderers and rapists and thieves and all that. Right? Because they’re not really a threat to the system at the end of the day.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: What I said in the, … I’ll be very quick so we can change the topic. But what I said in the first podcast when I came out was I noticed that in the mainstream units, there was a lot of violence, a lot of ethnic violence, racial violence.


And a lot of the time it was White people that were the victims of this violence. And when White people were the victims, they were then segregated. So if the islanders controlled a unit, a mainstream unit like the Pacific Islanders, and they attacked, like, a group of White guys, and they won that fight, the White guys were then separated and segregated, so they were put in protection or isolation or moved to another unit, another mainstream unit. And this happened over and over again!


I heard stories of these things and then over the concrete wall and then when there was an incident where the opposite happened where a group of Islanders and Africans attacked a White kid and then a more powerful gang of White guys got “retribution”, we’ll call it, I won’t say exactly what happened, but they did what they needed to do and fucked some people up, allegedly.


And then what corrections did then was for the good order of the prison. They then segregated all the White guys in this group. So they didn’t know who did it. They didn’t know which one did it or which group of the group did it. But the whole group, the whole gang, they split up. So that painted a really clear picture to me that when Whites are the victims, they get double victimized. When Whites are the victims, the government will stomp you, the government will segregate you, the government will disempower you. But when Whites are the aggressor or when Whites are the victors, when we are winning, the government will stomp you, the government will segregate you. Like big daddy government comes in and it’s just like:


“No, you can’t do that. You’re not allowed to do that.”


So it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, the government’s going to come in and treat you as horrible.


So if I had lost that fight against the African, I still would have been charged with assault and I would have been made out to be a loser on the television.


So what I tell people in our scene is if God puts you, if the universe or God, whatever you believe, puts you in a situation where you’re fighting for your life or you’re fighting for your honor, you’re fighting. If a sit like don’t look for these situations, but if you’re put in that situation, win, don’t lose! Win because you’re going to go to jail anyway, you’re going to get smeared anyway, you may as well look cool and tough, and the victor. And White people are so afraid of physical confrontation because they see on the media all these three guys in the US, they were, they confronted a robber in their house and they shot, killed them with a shotgun and now they’re in jail for life. And even the guy that filmed it. And there’s always like black pill stories like:


“Oh, look at what happened!”


And it’s like, but how many thousands of incidences have happened where the black robber kills the White person? You know?


So it’s like if God puts you in that situation, you’re fucked! You know? If God puts you in that situation, you’ll go into jail! Or you’re dying.


So it’s like you’re gonna lose in some way regardless. You may as well lose in style. You may as well lose on your own terms. Like, if you’re doing seven months in solitary, honestly, solitude is a blessing. In the chaos of the society that we live in, solitude is a blessing. You know, you get the noises of the jungle, but if you can tune out the noises of the jungle, it’s honestly a blessing. And it was the best seven months of my life. It sucked! But struggle is the father of all things, and I can’t wait to do it again. Not because I’m a Martyr, or a psychopath or, …


But it’s just like, if God puts me in this position again I’m going to do the exact same thing. And people are like:


“Tom, you don’t learn your lesson. You keep using your fists!”


Lana Lokteff: And it’s like, yeah, don’t put yourself in that situation where violence is going to rise, right? Don’t show up at some of these places, but eventually.


But eventually it might find you anyway, because that’s the world that we live in.




Thomas Sewell: We can’t run away forever. And I’ve never looked for violence. I’ve never seeked violence, and but violence confronts you. And you have to make a decision sometimes between, do you live to fight another day? And I’m sure one day there will be a circumstance where I’m going to have to walk away from something. I’ll be like, hmm. Tactically, strategically and I can play the game. All right?


There’s been times we’ve been 40, 50 guys deep on the march, you know, we’re doing an activism, and the police have got the pepper spray out and they got the battons out, and it’s like, but there’s only ten police and there’s 50 of us. And I’m like:


“We could thump these cops right now. We could absolutely thump them. We could smash these cops. So easy right now. This is going to be awesome!”


And then I’ve made the call. Instead of smashing the cops, I’ve been like:


“Let’s live to fight another day!”


It will demoralize everyone a little bit. Everyone will be upset that we didn’t get to bash the police, but we’ll just walk away. We’ll just walk away. We’ll just move on. We know it’s unlawful, we know it’s against our rights and everything, but we’ll just walk away and we’ll get a bit bigger and we’ll come back again. They’ll do the same thing. We’ll walk away, we’ll come back again, and one day we’re going to be bigger than the state. And when we are, then we’re not walking away. But until then, we’ll play the game.


So I can play the game. I’m not a strategic idiot, but when I’m faced with violence, when someone physically attacks me, I’m going to defend myself.


Lana Lokteff: So do you think some of that is also an Australian, like a cultural thing? Because when I was down there, it seemed like, no. Are they pretty neutered down there now? They’re not their rough and tough criminal elements anymore.


Thomas Sewell: I don’t believe in the stereotyping. I think that I have more in common with a man of hot blood, a Whiteman of hot blood. In America or in Sweden, everyone goes:


“Oh, Sweden’s cucked or England’s cucked or America’s cucked!”


Or it’s like there’s just a lot of cucks everywhere.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: And there’s only a few fighters. And I identify with the White fighters!


Lana Lokteff: Well, and they want men to be cucked. I mean, isn’t Australia. They’re creating a bureau of men’s behavior, right, to target guys to not become far-Right nationalists, right, to not become real men.


Joel Davis: They had a whole controversy here because there were these kids in high school who had a Discord server, like a private, which is a for those who don’t know what, Discord server is, basically a private chat app.


The other people that can see it are people that you invite in.


And so it’s basically their private chat. And they had a rating system for the other girls of their high school. You know, they had, like, “wifeys” at the top, then they had “cuties”, they had “mids”, and they had “objects”. And then I think the bottom was “unrapable”.


So I think I’m missing one.


But anyway, it was just this goofy., … They’re like 14 year old boys, some goofy thing that they’re doing. Somehow it got leaked, it got exposed, and it became a national news story that this is an “epidemic of misogyny”. We talked about it on our show, actually, and I said:


“Well, they’re clearly not misogynist. They’ve got people and they got wifeys, they got cuties, they’ve got all these positive, you know, female ratings. So, I mean, they clearly like some women.”


But anyway the point is that it’s just so ridiculous! Like, why is this news? And all these kids got expelled from the school and the principals getting interviewed on national news?:


“Oh, stamping out misogyny! We’ve got to address the culture and all this!”


I mean, it’s just absurd!


Meanwhile, you’ve got an epidemic of violence against women perpetrated by black women. Multiple in that same week, there was multiple instances of black women gang bashing young White girls. You have a month before that, you had a White grandma getting stabbed to death in front of her six year old granddaughter by a bunch of African criminals who then stole her car. You’ve got, obviously, we know that the non-White Africans and Arabs and so on way disproportionately guilty of rape.


So if you want to talk about violence against women or something that actually matters, not like some stupid rating system about which girls they like or don’t like at high school, but something that actually matters.


No, the news suppresses these stories! The news won’t report on them on the evening news properly. They’ll cover up. The same way that they blur out the Roman salute, they’ll blur out the criminal so that you can’t see what race they are.


Because they know that if they put that story front and center to the Australian people, everyone is obviously going to think racist thoughts. White people are going to see. Look at what these blacks have done:


“Look at what these Arabs have done to this defenseless White girl or White grandma. That’s horrifying! We need to get these people out of our country!”


So, yeah, they’re just total frauds! I mean, obviously, everyone watching this understands that, but it’s just fucking disgusting how fraudulent these people are!


And meanwhile, you’ve got the state., … Like, we were talking about Elijah Shaffer before he interviewed me on his show. The media does hit pieces against him about how racist he is and how horrible he is because he interviewed a neo-Nazi. Then apparently, he’s married to an Australian woman. So he was getting his Visa approved as a man who’s married to an Australian citizen to live here.


Now, his lawyers getting:


“ASIO are looking into your application now.”


So now his son is born in Australia. His wife is Australian. Now they’re trying to think about maybe deporting him, and freaking him.


Lana Lokteff: It’s amazing how quick they can deport a White guy when they’re a nationalist.


Joel Davis: Right, exactly!


Lana Lokteff: Amazing how quick they can mobilize for that.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


So this is what the state and the media are prioritizing. You know Tom gets dragged before the court and they’ve got to get the snapshot of neo-Nazi and so on.


These are the stories, but why aren’t they sticking the camera in the face of Arab rapists or Pacific Islander murderers?


Thomas Sewell: Indian sex pests. Every time I go to court, half of one of the floors, it’s obviously the sex pest level. There’s like six layers to the court.


And one of the layers, one of the floors is obviously sex pestery. They keep them isolated and they’re all Indians. They’re like all Indians. Like, it’ll be minimum 50%.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, well, I’ve been to India as a teenager. I know how they treat White girls over there!


Thomas Sewell: And you will see maybe once a year, you will see once a year there’ll be some heinous crime against a White girl that’s put on television. But, like, cockroaches for everyone, you see, there’s like hundreds of thousands you don’t see. And these happen daily. Like, every White girl that I’ve ever met in Australia has a story about an Indian attempt at the rape or Indian attempt sex pestery. You know they’re just fucking disgusting!


Lana Lokteff: Well, hopefully this is sinking in that some of these girls are thinking racially, like, hey:


“It’s not these White Aussie guys!”


Right? And that brings me to. Yeah, go on.


Thomas Sewell: Sorry to interrupt, but you asked me a question quite earlier in the show about the general attitude of Australians, and that’s what I was trying to get to.


In conclusion, they’re seeing such a huge increase in being negatively affected themselves. They personally are suffering now. And now that they’re personally on the receiving end, whether it be through social and cultural factors like sex pestery, whether it be through seeing just the amount of home invasions and being personally affected by the amount of home invasions, whether it be not being able to afford a home or be involved in a home, seeing this stuff is radicalizing the average White Australian that’s not a communist freak.


To believing the following statement:


“I don’t necessarily agree with the Hitler stuff, but I support everything that you say.”


And every White person I’ve met that’s not a communist freak, in the last couple years, every single one has said to me, if they’re in the movement, then obviously they like the Hitler stuff. But every other White person I’ve met says:


“Tom, I agree with everything that you say. I’ve noticed everything that you say. I don’t disagree with any of it. I just don’t understand the Hitler stuff.”


Lana Lokteff: So is it doing a disservice? Okay. No? What’s your response?


Thomas Sewell: No, no, it’s not.


No, my response is always:


“You will understand. In time, you’ll understand that all of this ends from World War Two. Our nations have been subverted and destroyed!”


Obviously there’s a general decline prior to World War Two. I won’t get too esoteric and go too deep with the average person, but obviously there’s a general cyclical history and stuff. And people, like, their eyes start to wander off when you bring up, like, a 2,000 year civilizational cycle. Rah, rah, rah. But you can. But everyone knows Hitler. Everyone knows World War Two. And you can put that as the apex of our civilization or our society starting to collapse, the beginning of the end.


And so what I tell people is what Hitler was dealing with and what the Germans were dealing with in the thirties was what we call the Weimar Republic in the twenties and early thirties. And they came to power because Germany was so corrupted and destroyed and subverted by jews, and they made a humiliation and mockery of their people and they, …


Lana Lokteff: Impoverished them, introduced transsexualism and sex change operations. That’s the books they were burning, right?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And then I say, that is exactly what we’re going through now. We’re going through “Global Weimar”.


And so we need a 1933 style solution to the 1933 problem, you know.


Lana Lokteff: And updated versus worse, actually.


Thomas Sewell: So it is worse because we need, …


Joel Davis: We need to become like, we need to go beyond the 1933 solution, in my view. I don’t think the 1933 solution is even enough. That’s the thing. That’s also why it’s important, I think, to not back down on. It’s not about ideologically dotting all your P’s and Q’s, about being a perfect National Socialist, in my view.


What matters, though, is the fighting spirit. What Hitler and the Nazis represent in the mass consciousness ultimately is the Whiteman having enough and just fighting back, taking control and reasserting himself. That’s basically what it means in the mass consciousness.


The mass consciousness doesn’t know all the nuances about this or that policy that the Third Reich may have had. And those things, we should study them, but they aren’t of central importance. What is of central importance is the idea that we’re not taking this shit anymore. It’s not enough to agree that, oh, yes, you know, Tom’s experience is like my experience. So many people I talked to are like:


“Yes, you know, Joel, what you say is true when you talk about the problems of immigration and non-Whites and rants about Indians and rants about blacks and so on, even about the jews.”


But then they just go on living a normal life. They don’t have a fire lit within them, like, is lit within me or within Tom or within other people that are actually committed to the movement, where they’re willing to actually put their life on the line to fight. And that’s the difference.




It’s not just about intellectually agreeing that there’s an anti-White agenda and knowing all the talking points and knowing how it’s. That the news is lying to you or whatever it’s about, what are you going to fucking do about it?


And what Hitler and the swastika and so on represents is doing something about it. That’s what it represents. And when they attack the militancy of the movement, when they attack the optics of the movement and so on, what people are basically attacking is the energy.


We want to keep the mass marketable talking points, the agreeable aspects of the movement. We want to make it seem less scary. We want to make it seem like no one’s going to actually have to do anything except vote harder and have polite discussions, and we’re going to have this safe and optical version of addressing White genocide and defeating global jury and reasserting White power. And that just isn’t realistic.


Lana Lokteff: It’s not that easy.


Joel Davis: It isn’t how.


Lana Lokteff: I mean, that’s not how it’s going.


Joel Davis: To fight for it.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, I mean, I get the idea of I mean, I look at nationalism, the strides that we have made even over the last five years. We’ve been covering these topics for ten years, and things we were talking about ten years ago now are trending on X, you know, about banned ADL, jewish supremacy, all the anti-White talking points. It’s essentially going mainstream. And there’s a broader range of Right-wing folks, including normie conservatives, who are coming onto our page about some of these things. I know, Joel, you’ve been making the rounds, talking and debating with different people.


So, you know, we have to stay on these people. But, and I know it’s important to mainstream for broad appeal, which is necessary. It’s already happening. But simultaneously, you need that kind of edgy undercurrent that’s pushing the discussion further because we were the edgy undercurrent that was pushing the mainstream into this discussion. Right?


So I think it takes all personalities in different facets to strike at different times. Maybe a little ruthless and crazy is good, but so is class and self control at different times. You need a bit of it, I think, at all different levels of the war.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, right.


Joel Davis: The Whiteman is demoralized. We need to moralize the Whiteman in the sense that, like, there’s a lot of “learned helplessness”. There’s a lot of black pilling. There’s a lot of people that know what the problem is, and it doesn’t inspire them to act. It doesn’t inspire them to wake up every morning. It has the opposite effect. It makes them depressed. It makes them want to turn away from politics. It makes them into a bitter human being.


And so the problem is spiritual. The problem isn’t about what facts they understand. The problem isn’t intellectual. It isn’t ideological. The problem is a lack of willpower, fortitude, courage, sacrifice, honor. And so reawakening these values is a kind of spiritual operation that is entirely distinct from spreading political talking points. That is something that I’ve come to terms with over the last few years and probably explains for those people who have seen me around.


Maybe the difference is me recognizing that I was kind of drawing certain conclusions from information, but that everyone doesn’t draw the same conclusions. And that you actually have to address the process by which you draw conclusions, not just the conclusions themselves or the basis of conclusions themselves.


In other words, the overarching view of the average person is the system is run by politicians that don’t give a fuck about us! They’re all corrupt. They’re all pieces of shit! I hate the political class. They’re screwing us over. Immigration is bad and so on.


What can you do about it? There’s nothing I can do about it. There’s nothing anyone can do about it. I guess we’ll just try and make money and have a family and do our best. That’s basically the average view. Those people don’t need to really have it explained to them much further about how bad the political class is and, you know how anti-White the system is and so on.


A lot of them pretty much agree. Obviously we need that.


But what they need is someone to give them. Someone needs to make them believe that we can do something about it.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah. They need to be inspired.


Joel Davis: Yeah. That actually has the willpower to generate a reaction that is powerful enough to do something.


Lana Lokteff: Well, that’s why I like this trend of repatriation. They have to go back. Massive deportation like this is the only solution. So while the mainstream is picking up a lot of our talking points, even from ten years ago, now we need to push it even, you know, further to the Right of:


“No, we can’t tolerate all these people. They need to go back. If they came between this and this period, that’s it! Repatriation!”


So do you guys think that normalizing the idea of mass deportations is probably one of the most important things that we can do right now?


Thomas Sewell: Don’t you think?


Lana Lokteff: I mean, we need our demographics and check number one, right? Everything else was second.




Joel Davis: In political discourse. It is the number one issue. I actually got into some debates. Obviously, I’m an anti -semite, but I got into some debates with people who I’m friends with, who think that we need to focus entirely upon anti-semitism as like the first principle of politics you mentioned before, people talking about jewish supremacy. The problem that I have with this is they talk about jewish supremacy like, as if the problem with jewish supremacy is supremacy rather than that it’s jewish. Like, as if White supremacy would be a problem, like supremacy itself is the problem. There’s this kind of residual egalitarianism that is implicit in that kind of discourse.


This idea that all jews think that they’re better than everybody else and that they should have their own state where they are their own ethno-state where they’re in control, and they think that they should run the banks and the media. And who the hell do they think they are? No one should be in charge. No, we should be running the banks and the media and have our own state and be ethnically cleansing people who want to live in our territory, actually.


And then I got called a White Zionist by some of these people, as if that’s supposed to be an insult. Like, what movement are we in? I’m a White supremacist.


The idea that you want White people.


Lana Lokteff: To be supreme in their countries. Yes, yes, of course.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s as supreme as possible. That’s what I want. The idea of supremacy is fundamentally good and noble. It’s the idea that some people are better than others, and that therefore, people who are better than others should have a requisite status conferred upon them for that superiority. Egalitarianism is the idea that everyone should have the same status, no matter how much better they are than others. And often it goes even further than that and says:


“Well, the only reason why some people can be seen to be better than others. Is because of unfair distributions of status.”


It completely reverses the relationship between nature and society.


The idea that society determines nature, other than nature determining society. I believe in the natural, organic society. I believe in the organic state, a natural way of life. That’s why I’m a supremacist. And everyone is a micro supremacist in the entire world. Like, if you need to get surgery, you need to get, like, your kidney removed or something, or kidney surgery. You’re a surgeon supremacist. You want the best possible surgeon who’s got all this experience and has a degree. You don’t want some guy who would like to be a surgeon really bad! And it’s not fair that you’re discriminating against him because he sucks at surgery and has no idea what he’s doing. Or when you want to marry someone, you become a supremacist. You’re not going to marry a fat chick just because it wouldn’t be fair that she doesn’t get to marry you because she’s fat. That would be absurd, right? Sorry to all the guys at home that are married to fat chicks.


But the point is that everyone’s a micro supremacist.


But then when we expand out to the political level, apparently now it’s totally ridiculous to say that supremacy should be the organizing principle for society. Even though egalitarianism is retarded on every other level. All of a sudden, at the largest and most important level, now, all of a sudden, all the values get reversed. And people say:


“Well, Joel, you know, you’re right. >But the thing is that that’s not very optical. People aren’t going to want to hear that message because it’s kind of extreme.”


And so we have to basically argue that the pro-White position is actually the real form of egalitarianism. Like, as if egalitarianism isn’t. The very core of the reason why the White race is in the position that it’s in is because we have degraded ourselves. We stop seeing ourselves as superior, and therefore we stop Guarding ourselves against the inferior. Like, as Nietzsche said:


“The strong must be protected from the weak.”


If you’re if you’re a gardener, you’re growing and you’ve got beautiful flowers or you’re growing vegetables or whatever, the number one priority that you have, other than making sure that it gets all the nutrients and water and so on, sunlight that it needs is getting, keeping the weeds out.


If you just allow all the weeds to fester and to fill up and take from the space and resources that enables your garden to grow, your plants won’t reach their full potential and on a long enough timeline they will die. And that’s the White race is like a garden and we’re not weeding it. And we stopped weeding it because we came to say:


“Oh, there’s no difference between a weed and a flower.”


That’s at the core of the problem. Until we can actually talk about that in a direct way, we will not address it.


So to me that’s why I think we need a more muscular rhetoric. We need people with a kind of romanticism, a kind of type of mindset to go:


“I’m going to basically stake my claim on the full truth and put it, basically be willing to die on that hill. I’m not going to have a marketing strategy where I try and adapt my worldview into a kind of a neat set of like rhetorical points that comport well with what people already believe.”


No, the problem is that what people already believe is wrong. It needs to be totally destroyed.




The problem is that the average White person is weak, lazy, unspirited. They don’t believe in themselves and they’re nowhere near racist enough and they’re nowhere near supremacist enough. And that’s what we have to address. We have to make them believe in themselves and believe in these ideas. Otherwise we won’t win. No one’s going to fight for the White race unless they truly, no non-White supremacist is going to do what needs to be done. You have to be a White supremacist to go:


“Hey, look at all these millions of people, and many of them are families and some of them are nice people and they quite like it here, actually. We’re going to kick them all out, we’re going to round them up and we’re going to remove them forcefully, which will probably be necessary from our country.”


And by the way, we’re going to have a lot of Leftists, a lot of traitors and so on to round up as well. There’s going to be a lot of brutality necessary to fix the absolutely decrepit situation our civilization is in. And you’re not going to have the wherewithal to support and act out what needs to be done unless you have that level of conviction.


So to me, we have to go all the way. That’s why I’m going to defend Hitler. That’s why I call myself a White supremacist.


And that’s why I think it’s actually good optics. I think Hitler’s actually really cool. I think supremacy is actually more like. The most famous philosopher in the modern world is Friedrich Nietzsche. He’s, like the only philosopher everyone knows what his name is and what is his philosophy. It’s basically supremacism.


So this idea that supremacism isn’t cool or interesting and people don’t want to hear about it, or that no one wants to hear about Hitler, it’s just wrong. It’s actually really interesting.


Lana Lokteff: I think it’s inching in that direction. I think, again, you’re young, you got that fresh energy, you’re cutting edge, and I think its heading more in that direction where things are going to be opening up. You just got to keep on it. That’s what I mean. Topics that we know are mainstreaming, we have to get them to go even farther to the Right. Thomas, what do you think?


Thomas Sewell: I like the term that’s been popularized recently about “ratchet theory”. And I don’t believe that any metaphor is perfect. There’s no metaphor that’s perfect. We all just use different terms to try to create a picture in people’s mind as to how were behaving in different planes. And I like the fact that what we were saying in the movement ten years ago is now the mainstream discourse of anyone right of center and Joel and myself and other people that are leading factors within the movement here in Australia and I hope globally as well.


What we’re looking at is everyone’s playing catch up to us. Politics is ruled by the minority or by the extreme, if you want to call it that. We’re the extreme Right. We’re the far-Right, if that’s how they want to put it. You know, ten years ago, 15 years ago, the whole tranny agenda, the whole transsexual freak show, was in these tiny little subReddits and tumblr and stuff. And it was just like these radical communists in these little echo chambers talking about how to get estrogen and how to cut their dicks off. And now the federal government in your country and mine are protecting the rights of jewish doctors to cut dicks off children and to prescribe hormones.


So politics is always moved by the extremes.


This idea that just hug the center and shift the center over a bit. We know that that’s not how politics works.


And anyone that’s still trying to do that, they’re kind of wasting their energy, because why would you sit on the fulcrum if you are a polit, if you have political agency and there’s a seesaw of politics, and we can see there’s a seesaw, even though a lot of people say it’s not Left and Right, it’s pro-White and anti-White. Yeah, okay, okay, whatever. Right? Let’s say you’re right. There’s a seesaw. There’s a fulcrum in the middle where all the White is all of society. 98% of society is in the middle. That’s a fact. 1% are these freaks, and 1% are Nazis. So Adolf Hitler says, in mein Kampf, I think, chapter two, he says, all my life, I have only come across three types of people, the fighters, the lukewarm, and the traitors.


So what he’s saying is the Nazis, the normies, or whatever your term, you want to call it, and the jew communist transsexual freaks.


So all of the weight is already in the middle. And the way we move the fulcrum or the Overton Window, or however you want to look at it from a political strategy, is from the extreme.


And so if the majority of the population that’s on the right-hand side of the fulcrum are already starting to lean towards our energy, now, ultimately, we’re not trying to shift the fulcrum. We’re trying to split the thing in half. We don’t want to live with transsexuals. We don’t want to live with traitors. We don’t want to live with freaks.


And that’s another important discourse that people need to understand in the Right-wing, if we’re going to call it that we’re not looking to live in a happy, harmonious society with people that think it’s normal to cut the genitals of children. We want to prosecute these people, and we want to legalize the execution of them. That’s what we want to do. Because they shouldn’t exist. They shouldn’t breathe oxygen in the same space that we live in. And worst case scenario, we just live in two different societies.


But ideally, we prosecute these people and we send them to hell because they’re disgusting, evil, like, they’re the most evil, immoral freaks that have ever existed in the existence of any life form. What kind of disgusting creature wants to mutilate the genitals of their own children like that? That’s just demonic. That’s just anti-nature, anti-natural law, anti-God. anti-harmony, anti-peace. And there’s no moral or physical or philosophical justification for this behavior. They’re just demons. And this is obvious. So ultimately, we’re trying to create the split.




Now, the way we snap the fulcrum, that snap the board over the fulcrum, is by putting as much weight on our end as we can, because only two things can happen. There’s only two possibilities. Either we snap the board in half because it’s very fragile, and that’s what the Liberal democracy is really worried about. We need to reinforce our democracy. You know, we need to keep everyone in the center. We need to basically make it illegal for these people on the right to do what they’re doing. But the Right, if you want to call it that, will continue to gain strength and weight, momentum and mass, because they’re continuing to allow the extreme Left to build its momentum and its mass.


So there’s always going to be a natural reaction where people see this demonic shit going on and they go one way or the other. And the longer people stay in the middle, the more likely they’re going to fall by the wayside. They’re going to fall onto one side. It’s like the Titanic is snapping in half. Western civilization is the Titan, it’s the Titanic, and it’s now happening in half, and they’re going to go to one side or the other.


Now, if we can get all the mass on our side, if we can shift the whole center across, then the thing won’t snap. It won’t snap. Society won’t snap. What will happen is we’ll have kind of a semi-peaceful situation, a semi-peaceful Democratic sort of situation, where we can shift all the way over to the Right quite rapidly.


And then the fulcrum just, it just, it flips on that point, and all the Lefties and freaks basically fly off the seesaw. And that all happens quite nicely. It doesn’t end up with this kind of balkanization and this civil war and racial conflict, like armed conflict. It doesn’t go hot. It kind of resolves in a kind of Parliamentarian manner where we can then ratchet things back to how they were. And then maybe if we’ve got enough momentum, we can keep pushing and keep reminding people.


But that can only occur with a radical and extreme minority of leaders of thought, leaders that can charge in a new spiritual and almost mystical way, a new ethos, a new spirit of living. It’s even beyond political. We’ve got all the economic arguments right? We’re better off without this situation. We were better off before all this fucking diversity, multiculturalism, transgender shit! Better off economically. We’re better off culturally. We’re better off socially. We’re better off politically because we have political rights when it’s a White majority country. We’re way freer in that sense when it’s a White majority country.


So we’ve got all these arguments, we’ve got all these positions as to how it personally is going to benefit us, yet we still don’t have power. We don’t have power. We’re not in charge yet. I believe, and I think Joel agrees with me here, that the reason why we don’t have power is because we don’t have a fire and an essence and a spirit. And Joel uses the term “romanticism”, which I appreciate as well, because I think there’s two components to it. I think there’s a feminine and a masculine. It’s got to be muscular and romantic. It’s got to be. You know, our term in our organization is, we say “blood and honor”. You know, it’s got to be material and spiritual, but there’s got to be an ethos. There’s got to be a something. Men are guided much more when things. When society gets this broken, whatever, these demons, these freaks, whatever is motivating them, it’s not necessarily coming from a rational position.


And I think we should avoid our leadership restricting itself and restraining itself to purely philosophical and rational arguments. We should allow feeling, emotion, and energy.


And I’ll finish with this last point, an anecdotal point. We have the organization that I run, and Jacob Hussain, who’s one of my offsiders, runs the activist side of things, the National Socialist Network. Horrible optics. Balaclavas and black block. And it’s so evil and scary, and we shouldn’t have this going on. It’s a bad look for the movement. And everyone hates us in the Right-wing. We’re like, we’re agent provocateurs and we’re getting paid by the Left to do it and all this sort of nonsense!


And then a White girl gets bashed by a bunch of Africans. And I look through the comments section and the boomers in the comments section saying:


“Well if those balaclava bandits were on that train, that wouldn’t have happened. You know, I’d much rather get on a train with the balaclava bandits than a bunch of Africans.”


And so everyone hates us until the violence starts. Yes, everyone hates us until it’s their daughter getting raped and when it’s their daughter that’s raped, they’re going to knock on my door and say:


“Tom, what are we going to do about this?”


And I say:


“I’ve been preparing this for some time. This is what we can do about this.”


I’ve actually got a solution to the problem. I’m going to do everything I can to help these people, even though right now they’re either apathetic or they hate us.


So we’re fighting for our race because we have something that’s so much, even deeper than just a material love for our people.


And to me, that that’s the future of the movement, and that’s what, that’s where the next ten and, 200 years of energy is going to come from. It has to be spiritual, it has to be religious, it has to be ritual, routine. It has to be bigger than just party politics. It has to be a new religion. Yeah.




Lana Lokteff: The religion of your folk, too. I don’t like all this infighting too, of like pagan and Christian and all that. We just have to put folk first. And the spiritual condition is such a huge part of this as all the old philosophers, I mean, we’re Westerners. Western civilization was built on philosophizing and romanticism and thinking of all these things. We need to bring that energy back. It’s been squashed out of us. You know, it’s been beaten out of me.


Joel Davis: From a Jungian perspective, like, because so many of your ancestors, you have blood. It’s actually like a scientific fact. We know ancestral memory is just programed into, like, pretty much all mammals, not just humans. But because you have so many Christian ancestors and then so many more pagan ancestors, all of those archetypes are literally within your unconscious. Like, you carry within you the belief systems and the worldview of so many generations of your ancestors, and you can go back further. And at one point, maybe there were Aryans writing the Vaders and inventing Hinduism. Maybe there were ancient Egyptians. We know the pharaohs were all basically Europeans, or who knows what they were up to if you go back far enough generations.


But ultimately, all of that is within us. Yeah, like, I agree. Like, the pagan verse Christian thing, it’s kind of unavoidable when people are dogmatic about a subject, but from a perspective of an identitarian perspective of who are we putting aside those debates philosophically, theologically, like, we are all of these things, actually. And the I take the view that spirit blood isn’t a dichotomy, that it’s all interconnected, like the life force is the blood, like the force which generated you, is the same force which drove your parents and your grandparents and your great grandparents and so on, intergenerationally, to strive to create our civilization, to create and to embody certain values that are befitting a Whiteman, or a woman. We carry ourselves differently when we’re truly honoring our blood, when we’re living up to our potential. There isn’t no other people carry themselves with the kind of dignity and morality and all the virtues that are kind of innate in us are so much higher and more admirable.


And so when you’re trying to honor that tradition and when you’re thinking about the fact that you’re going to die, but then you’re going to have children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on down to eons, ideally, if we get genocided, if we win, that will be carrying that legacy forward and hopefully evolving, hopefully building upon it and going to. That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about you. It’s about this great chain of being, these thousands of thousands of years of Aryans behind you and extending out in front of you, trying to ascend and become a higher and more noble form of life. We already are the greatest form of life on this planet. And we want to become, can always be better.


Lana Lokteff: Ubermensch.


Joel Davis: And that isn’t just like getting taller and stronger and higher IQ. That’s part of it.


But it’s spiritually evolving. It’s recognizing the crisis around us as a test that is basically will determine the next phase of our evolution. Like, what do we have to become in order to confront this and overcome this? What kind of new culture do we have to create? What new mentality, what set of virtues do we have to honor and revere in order to become a people capable of taking back our nations, taking back our countries, taking back. We were running the whole planet a very short time ago. We should be running the planet. How do we take it all back? Who do we have to become to take it all back? That’s the question. It’s not just as simple as:


“Oh, if we just teach people that the system is anti-White. Look at this double standard.”




Lana Lokteff: We have to think holistically. We have to think holistically.


Joel Davis: Much, much deeper. Yeah, it’s much deeper to be.


Lana Lokteff: Like a naturopath for a race. So, last question for you guys, what? So what can the little guys do right now to make a difference? I mean, in my view, I think starting families, building community, becoming the best White person that you can become, and holding the line that way. I mean, spiritually, mentally, and on a psychic level, I mean, that’s very important because things, trends are going to, eventually, it’s going to go there where things are going to pop off in ways that we don’t even expect yet.


So it’s like Thomas was saying, I’ll be here. I’ll be ready when that time comes. So, Thomas, what do you think thinking in terms of the little guys? What are things that they can do right now if they feel powerless?


Thomas Sewell: There’s two sides of it. Absolutely!


And so we have with our organization a two pronged attack. We have this idea that there’s a need for search parties, there’s a need for people to go out and look for survivors. We’re in a spiritual zombie apocalypse. I like watching zombie movies. I don’t know why, I just always like watching them, but I’ve always had an essence when I’m watching them. This is, I’m looking at it as a metaphor for real life that are, people are infected with a virus, a mind virus.


Lana Lokteff: Come to Philadelphia, Thomas. You’ll see plenty of zombies.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, that’s obviously the full fruition of the zombie is by the time it gets to that point, they’re so drug effect that they actually look like a zombie. But we’re fighting a demonic mind virus or spiritual virus.


And so the two essences of what we’re doing as an organization to help the individual is you have to have the search party. You have to have the search party.


So you have to have guys that are willing to go out and risk danger to recruit and attract other people. And that’s a huge amount of risk and reward, and people burn out from that process. And activism plays a huge toll on people’s lives. And it’s really only suited for young guys, guys in their thirties and forties, they don’t do it for long. They usually get really burnt out unless there’s different kinds of activism. What, like what you and your husband are doing, where there’s this idea that when you watch I am legend and the character goes to Will Smith, goes under the pier, and he has the radio, and he’s like:


“Is there anyone out there? Can anyone hear me? You can hear me under the pier.”


That’s kind of what you guys are doing. You’re like a radio broadcaster, so you’re looking for survivors in it in a different method. And I really appreciate all the podcasters and all the content creators. And that’s actually how I came across Joel. Joel wasn’t involved in any sort of specific direct organization, but just as an individual. He was just talking out into the ether. Is anyone listening? Can anyone hear me? Does anyone understand what’s going on? This is what I think is going on. This is what I can see. Can anyone else see this virus that’s killing us? We need to work out how to fight back from this virus and let me compartmentalize all the different components of the virus and let me explain what the cure to the virus is.


And so there’s all these different strategies, but ultimately, we’re looking for survivors, we’re looking for community.


So it’s great as an individual to do whatever it is that you’re doing, but the other side of it is okay, now you’ve got survivors and you’ve built more activists. Now you’ve got this search party that’s found more search party people. What do you ultimately do with them when they burn out? When they ultimately, they’ve tried for so long, and everyone’s got a different fuse.


Some people have got a fire under them where they can do it for their whole life. You guys have been doing this for over a decade, and you’re just still there. You can only see slight return on investment every year. You’re dedicating your whole lives to it, but you’re moving things so slowly, and it can be black billing as a content creator. It’s like I’m giving my everything into this, and it’s only moving things these micro degrees, but ultimately, it’s like the fact that it’s moving is proof that we need to keep going.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, you need people in the trenches, you know, digging in the trenches.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly! And so to me, it’s so important to have a backup strategy. Not a backup strategy. It’s not necessarily. I call it plan A and plan B, but it’s from a zombie apocalypse scenario, a spiritual zombie apocalypse. It’s like you have search parties and you have survivors colonies.


So I think the other half of our program isn’t necessarily going out and trying to find survivors. It’s just building a survivors colony, and it’s just building parallel community, building a network of people that know what’s going on and are willing to just put in the work. They don’t necessarily need to do activism. They’re not necessarily going out and looking for other people, but those that will find us will find us. There’s a law of attraction. Even without activism, people will find you. That background work, that kind of, I call it the broad head strategy in the sense that’s appealing to people that maybe aren’t hardcore core ideologues or really spiritually motivated, but it appeals to building more of a Noah’s ark. You know, not that I’m a Christian, but this idea that you’re going to save more of the folk, you’re going to save more of the people, and you’re creating a better alternative to people.


So at an individual level, sure. Be the be the Ubermensch, be the coming man, you know, develop yourselves as best as you can display. Put your jeans on, the best display that you can put them on. Don’t be brought down by society. Society is decaying and crumbling around you. And to be able to insulate and isolate yourselves from that decay and to actually go the other way is what it means to be a good National Socialist, or a good area, or however you want to put it, a good Whiteman and have as big a family as you can manage, and marry a woman that has the same values as you and wants to be on the same path with you and build up your resources as an individual. Sure, but we won’t win this as a collection of individuals.


Lana Lokteff: You know, eventually you have to bring our talents together. Right? That’s what has to happen.


Thomas Sewell: We need to mobilize, we need to tribe up. And I will finish on this point. Politics is ultimately power, and the government has all the power. The government and its institutions are completely taken over, and you can try to subvert them from within, re-unsubvert them.


However, the mental gymnastics of that works and the people doing that, good on them, and keep going, it’s better than nothing. Absolutely!


But I believe that the most important thing is to build a new government. I believe that when we have built enough of our own manpower, enough of our own resources, enough of our own skills, and built them into a network, a tribal network together, and as we network with these other groups, eventually we become a replacement, a parallel government to the government.




And then, and only then, is there going to be any sort of solution, whether that solution be political, cultural, economic, whatever, it doesn’t matter. Only then is there going to be a solution, and not a millisecond before. You’re not going to win! Nationalists aren’t going to win! Without a prototype to display nationalists aren’t going to win over the majority of the population by saying:


“Hey, we’re White nationalists and we want mass deportations and we want what’s best for you should vote for us.”


The average White person is like:


“Hmm, things are bad, but they kind of stable. These guys will probably create a race war, so I’m not going to vote for them.”


So there’s no solution to the problem that doesn’t include actually building a prototype society that you rule over already. And then you’re saying to the rest of the White people that don’t live in your society:


“Hey, look at what we’ve built under our leadership. We want to do this for the whole country. This is what we’re doing. This is how it’s going to look. This is how it’s going to be!”


“And in the meantime, while the majority aren’t supporting of us to put us in power, come join us. Come live with us. Come see what life is like with other White races.”


And when White racism is cooler and better and has all the benefits, then and only then will you win over the neutrals. But whether we win over the neutrals or not, we will have our pocket of light. And that pocket of light will develop. And if it holds on to its strength and its truth and its honor and its blood, most importantly, then we will prevail. Blood and honor.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but what I always say in regards to this as well is that, but one of the most important things you can do as a nationalist or White nationalist or Nazi or whatever is to be as cool and interesting and attractive as possible, and then try and get together with as many other cool, interesting and attractive fellow Nazis and create cool, interesting, attractive scenes where you’re doing all this cool, interesting and attractive stuff to the point where you’re not trying to convince, like:


“Please, please listen to my podcast. Please, like, listen to me spurge out about how the holocaust was fake for 10 hours!”


And the guys like:


“I just want to. I just want to talk about the football or something.”


It’s like you become so cool! They want to come and be a part of what you’re doing because they look around at society and culture is so dead and so boring and so uninspiring, and then there’s something inspiring and fun that you’re doing that they want to be a part of you attract people in. It’s way more effective than trying to plead or trying to push something upon when you can attract them, when you can attract.


So that’s what we need to develop more as a movement is just more. Doing more cool shit, basically.


Lana Lokteff: Just so you know, Joel, I don’t have any fat, ugly friends.


Actually, the other day, I was getting together with all my girlfriends, and I’m like:


“Oh, my God, they all look like models!”


You know, when other girls come around, they all get, like, intimidated.


But I see how effective even that is, the way we talk, like, our lingo and stuff.


And then when they say, like:


“Oh, another, there’s a beautiful woman and she’s talking like that, then, oh, I guess it must be okay, and then, okay, I’m gonna let my hair down and, like, talk about these things.”


Now I see how that works. It seems, it seems shallow, but that’s just human nature.


Joel Davis: It’s true.


I mean, I was out drinking the other night in Melbourne, which is a few months ago. I think this, the Roman salute had already been banned. It already been made illegal. But I was drunk, and it was 03:00 in the morning, and so I was just trying to get as many people to do it as possible on the street. And I was going up to girls, and the pretty girls would do it, and then their ugly friends would get really upset, and it was this constant iterative pattern.


So I definitely believe in yeah, you want hot chicks. You want guys that you know, that have a martial quality. You want guys that women are. If you have hot Nazi guys, then women are like:


“Damn! I want to become a Nazi! Look at the quality. Like, look at the Leftist bros over here with their soy milkshakes. I don’t really agree about the whole Hitler thing, but those guys are., ..!”


Lana Lokteff: Kind of so hot.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! It makes, that actually makes more of a difference than you’re explaining about how if but race and IQ and, like, read this book called the Bell Curve or something, immediately it’s just crickets, you know, for a lot of people.


So that’s something that we need to, we’re working on. It’s something that we need to keep developing because we have to show people why the White race is worth fighting for in the first place, like, why you should actually love your people. You have to become lovable.


So that’s also also, I think, online activism, a lot of people a lot of people just stay online, and so often Tom has to come on and be like, you can’t just be on the computer or on your phone. You have to actually meet people and form communities. And that’s an important message. But the reverse message is also important.




There’s a lot of people I notice on Twitter, for example, who they’ll like all my tweets. And then I click on their profile and their profile is just retweeting things and liking things. They never actually say anything that’s not actually helpful. You’re basically just a consumer. You’re a passive consumer.


Like, it isn’t actually that difficult to join cacophonies in replies, in comment sections to amplify certain forms of messaging. We’re creating a discourse with the system, like the online discourse does actually create a discourse with powerful elements constantly harassing conservatives, calling them traitors, calling them cucks and so on, because they’re too weak on immigration or constantly talking about the jewish question or whatever, like whatever hot button issue generating controversy, amplifying certain messaging, causes these people to respond.


Maybe the conservatives start having a little bit more edgy messaging and trying to include the talking points. Or maybe there’s just people that are reading the replies and you’re delegitimizing these. They thought that these guys were really based in Right-wing, and then they see all the replies telling them off for being way insufficiently Right-wing.


And that kind of expands their consciousness on what’s possible to think politically. And the same with Leftists.


Like if you can get, if we can get the system to what Tom’s organization, our organization has done very effectively is we’ve forced the system and the media and so on to constantly talk about us to the point now where it’s like a brand, like in Australia, millions of people know who we are. If we show up in uniform on a street with the banner out, they know who we are when we walk past. And that’s potent. That creates an actual personalized expression of the idea. It isn’t just like an abstract idea. It becomes a group of people. And that changes how people interpret things psychologically. And I’ve been out with the boys on marches and the majority of the public saying things that are supportive as opposed.


And it’s like everyone knows it’s neo-Nazis walking in balaclavas down a street. This is pretty radical stuff, even by the standards of the dissident Right? It’s one of the most radical organizations, most radical optics in the world.


Yet a bunch of normal people are like:


“Fuck, yeah!”


Because they can see that there’s nothing else that has got the balls to really provide a public, demonstrable, serious opposition to what is happening. And they know that the average person knows that things are seriously fucked up! And if the only people standing up against it are Nazis, they’ll clap and cheer for the Nazis. So.


Lana Lokteff: All right, we’ll have to keep an eye on Australia and what you guys are doing, you have to tell us about. I know you guys have a show that you do together. Let us know all that information. People want to go check you guys out.


Joel Davis: Yeah, just follow me. On Rumble, my channel is Joel Davis, Joel Davis and I stream. We stream every week on Australian politics, but we talk. We don’t always just talk about Australian politics. We talk about general ideas. The show generally was originally myself and Blair Cottrell, who’s another prominent Australian nationalist, but Tom comes on almost every week, so it’s kind of like the Joel, Blair and Tom show, but sometimes one of them can’t make it, and so it’s just me and one of them as opposed to both of them.


Lana Lokteff: I see Blair is still banned from Twitter, as well from X. I saw you guys were hammering.


Joel Davis: A week ago.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, look at that. Yeah. Elon Musk celebrated X’s win over Australia’s censorship. Today is a victory for free speech. But many Aussie nationalists, including Blair Cottrell, remain banned. Right. And he was never told what, why he got suspended.


Joel Davis: So well, he’s been banned since 2018. Since the Musk takeover, he hasn’t, … He’s appealed.


Lana Lokteff: Never been reinstated.


Joel Davis: Over and over again! They won’t reinstate him. They won’t say why. They won’t even identify what the original tweet was. It was probably because the government asked for him to be banned! That’s probably why.


But, yeah, he wants to go on Twitter and be like:


“Oh, X is the only free speech platform, and we’re standing up to the Australian government!”


But Blair’s banned, Tom’s banned now as well.


Lana Lokteff: Jared Taylor. American Renaissance hasn’t brought him back. David Duke, he’s not brought back. Yeah, there’s a list.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Mark Collett and the other Patriotic Alternative people, they’re all banned. Elon Musk was like:


“Oh, it’s horrible that Sam Melia has gone to jail for stickers. That’s abhorrent.”


But he won’t unban his Twitter account. What is going on? He’s a hypocrite.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah. Geez.


All right, Thomas, anything else you want to say before we let you guys go? Because I know we could talk for hours.


Thomas Sewell: We could talk for hours. So I’ll let you guys go. But on the Twitter, subject. I think the last video I did, I put up a post talking about how I can’t fight in the shadows, just not how I’m built. I have to fight in the light.


And it’s interesting because Musk put up something about how these neo-Nazis and these radical elements:


“We shouldn’t have them in the shadows. We should have them in the light. We should give them free speech, because, it’s important for society to be able to see what they have to say and then ridicule them for how crazy and insane they are!”




And then they say these, you know, these centered people trying to keep the ship together or keep the fulcrum together. They say these things, but they don’t deliver because they’re actually very afraid of the public hearing what we have to say. Because when the public hear what we have to say, even though there are some pretty full on outcomes from what we have to say, they inherently recognize its sensibility. We are just a return of common sense. The way the conservatives talk about it, we’re the actual version of common sense. Like, the common sense is we don’t want Australia to turn into India. So, obviously, how we go about that is pretty full on. But the common sense is we don’t want Australia to turn into India. And everyone’s on board with that except the 1% communist jew freaks.


So, yeah, I want to be in the light. I want to be in the light. I want to because I want the spotlight on me. But I think there’s something important that some of us have to say, and I have the energy, and I have the fire.


So I want to be in the light. And they’re keeping a lot of us in the shadows, like Blair and myself. And maybe Joel might suffer in the future. I want you all to be very careful. He’s surfing a Kali Yuga, like me, and you say the wrong thing or you draw the wrong attention, and they’ll strike you down.


But, yeah, at the moment, I’m operating in the shadows, and I don’t mind that in the sense that maybe I need to take a break from social media and work on the organization more and build its strength in other ways rather than just the spotlight.


So, yeah, certainly. I just trust I don’t want to sound like a qanon, but I just trust the plan. I trust God. I believe that all of this is just unlocking and unfolding our future. And if that’s you just got to roll with the punches. That’s what I said when we came on the show. Seven months in jail. It is what it is. Censored on Telegram. It is what it is. Bank account shutdown. It is what it is so many people are paralyzed by fear. They’re like:


“Oh, but if I get involved. Oh, but if I do this. Oh, but then this will happen!”


It’s like, yeah, and then this will happen. And then it’s overcome or die. It’s just overcome or die. And that’s all I have to say. Overcome or die! Like, so we just die. When all these people put up all these roadblocks for me, like:


“Oh, I’d like to get involved or I’d like to do something, but I’m worried about this.”


It’s like, so just die. Just, why don’t you just kill yourself? Why don’t you just die? Because what, you’re just living for hedonism now? You’re just like:


“Oh, I like my comforts. I’ll just stay alive for my comforts. I don’t care that society’s going down the drain. I don’t care that my grandsons won’t actually be able to have the comforts I have. I’ll get the comforts.”


And I’m just, I just think myself, that’s so philosophically. And it’s usually older men that say this up, not younger men. Most young guys I meet, most young men that I meet, they haven’t had a spirit crushed yet. They haven’t had mean, demoralized by the forces of the modern world. And they’re still true to their nature. Like society’s effed up. My teachers are all wrong. You know, I’m gonna say faggot because I hate faggots. You know, whatever it is they’ve still got some spirit left in them.


And I think we should, it’s like an Aryan barbarian, and we should cultivate that. I don’t think we should neuter the barbarian nature of the Whiteman.


Lana Lokteff: Oh, absolutely!


Joel Davis: It has been neutered.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: We need to reawaken.


Lana Lokteff: Yes.


And part of that is the key.


Joel Davis: Much too many White bitches. We’ve got so many White bitches. That’s why we’re in the position we’re in right now.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah.


Joel Davis: If even 10% of the White race had my mentality would be running the fucking world!


Lana Lokteff: I think there are a lot of guys that do have your mentality. They just have it quietly. But when they get together with other bros, you know, they talk that way.


Thomas Sewell: I mean, we have to summon the strength. We have to summon the strength.


Lana Lokteff: And that’s why children is important. Guys, you got to raise those kids to have that fire, to know these things, to combat these things and not crush their soul so that they’re future warriors.


I mean, we’re raising the next generations. This is probably going to be a, …


Thomas Sewell: Long war, you know, we need to be warriors ourselves.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Our children look up to us. Yeah, our children look at us. And if we’re a coward, there’s a strong chance that our sons are going to be cowards.


Lana Lokteff: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: We don’t need our sons, … I’ll leave it there because we’ll talk all day.


Lana Lokteff: Yeah, we need some vikings and shield maidens. But thank you guys so much. Appreciate you taking your time. We’ll have to do it again in the future. Thanks so much.


Joel Davis: Thank you.


Lana Lokteff: Well, I think this is the most controversial thing you can talk about these days still for now, but things are opening up.


The point is we can and should explore all forbidden topics. Nothing should be off limits, including a hand gesture.


I mean, I may not salute while making my morning coffee or going on Marches, but if others feel good doing it, its their business. Making a hand gesture illegal is desperate and hilarious and begs for people to do it more often just because its so ridiculous!




A big thanks to our executive producers who made this show possible. Lothrop Stoddard have. Miller Resin revolts good luck LA.


Jake Red Pill rundown French 47 Mark Smith no one jeebs president of Boonga Mongoose William Fox Angry White Soccer mom the second wanderer Operation werewolf the ride never ends Dil Bob last place Simp Joseph Hart Purple Hayes Rex Bollington Commie Combo deal the Dearborn Toxic event Brendan Anthony Penelope seven USA Bertrand Comparet Dixie Drone Force Arctic Wolf awake and teutonic werebear and thanks to our producers, Mr Walker 696 Johansen Leroy demonde snark pup eyes open Mr Lemry Yuri Nu Obadiah Hakeswill perfect brute single action army lord HP Lovecraft Traebor der Schwab sonata for violin exposed flyers Whitewater rafting family. Jetfire and Shane B.


If you’re watching and want to help support us because we do need it, head over to and become a member. You can always find all we We love you all. See you on the next one.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 6/19/2024 = 151)

HyperChat min: 1
Earthling Carl
3 days ago
Eventually you have to accept the race realist argument and JQ stuff or you cease to operate in the real world.


3 days ago
Judeo-tyranny is here and now. It is escalating.

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3 days ago
Carl Sagan

3 days ago
“Jews are continuing to push for laws against what they call “hate speech” — which means any speech which contradicts their lies.”
–Dr. William Pierce

Dawn Browning
3 days ago
Genetic memory is defo A Thing, no matter where you’re “from”. Blood & Soil.

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2 days ago
I’ve always been drawn to the swastika. in elementary school, i remember seeing the propaganda posters showing different races all holding hands in a circle and knew it didn’t reflect reality. my school was diverse and it became clear to me at a young age that blacks were nothing like us.


3 days ago
Sewall and Joel are The Total White Chads we All aspire to be \0 \0/ 0/

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3 days ago
I admire them both. I’ve been following Tom for a few years now. as a woman, I view these men as heroes.

3 days ago
if the movement that these guests and host say we need is spiritual, and of the people… how does taking the spiritual forms designed by our would be destructors (forsaking this world as sin) and anti-race (the universalism of the abrahamic religions) forward into that discussion, even a point of contention?!
this is what destroyed nearly every great nation in europe by subjugating it to the authors of these religions. All 3 here are smoking crack that they think we can move forward with mental children who need to be selected out if they cant see that glaring obviousness of the problem.

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3 days ago
Sewell has a video were he talks about this. It might be the Christian morality vid but i can’t remember exactly. I wouldn’t want to speak for him but i don’t believe he’s a christian, he takes the Third Reich stance on it i’m pretty sure, but you would have to find the vid.

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2 days ago
I don’t know why you were downvoted? This reddit system should be deleted

3 days ago
Agreed, Christianity and Islam are both the offshoots of Judaism, both were deliberately designed and promoted by jews to weaken the ethnic identity and ethnocentrism of non-jews… I’ve made videos about that:


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3 days ago
Was Buddhism also created by Jews?

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3 days ago
Not as far as I’m aware but Buddhism is largely a pacifist religion with no racial exclusivity therefore it’s not in direct opposition to the globalist agenda of international jewry.

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
3 days ago(edited)
No, but it isn’t White, so who cares?
We already have our own indigenous ethnic religions that predate it anyway.

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3 days ago
This “Eurocism” guy is repeating statements only found within modern judaism. Listen to “Euroicism: Religion of the European Race” at
min where he repeats modern rabbi-jewish nonsense.

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
3 days ago
Frankly, I don’t give a damn about his videos. What he said about Buddhism in his comment above is true.
Buddhism isn’t jewish, but it also isn’t White. From a racial standpoint, following it is stupid, unless you’re Asian.

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3 days ago
Be careful.
You said, with great care, that “his comment on Buddhism is true”.
But it is false.
He said “Buddhism is largely a pacifist religion with no racial exclusivity therefore it’s not in direct opposition to the globalist agenda of international jewry.”
I responded to him with this: “Racial exclusivity in religion is judaism. Of course it has no relationship with any direct opposition against the globalist agenda”
Do you understand?

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
1 day ago(edited)
“Racial exclusivity in religion” is natural, you absolute brainlet.
Nearly ALL religions originated as their respective tribe’s interpretation of the world around them and the experiences of them and their ancestors, expressed through artwork, song, and storytelling.
Germanic, Celtic, Slavic… There’s a reason they’re typically referred to by their parent tribe.
Pagan religions are entirely racial, as when you stupidly adhere to another tribe’s religion, you are worshiping those people through their ancestors. In other words, you become a race cuck.
It’s almost exclusively the Abrahamic (read: jewish) religions that aren’t racially exclusive because they were weapons designed to be spread as much and as widely as possible; to overwrite everyone’s indigenous pagan faiths and cultural identity, thus dismantling their nations from within.
They’re also monotheistic, which is entirely alien to us. The “god” isn’t a relatable pantheon of your ancestors, but instead a shapeless, androgynous nothing that is reminiscent of communism the jews would later create for the same purpose.
Buddhism isn’t jewish and it isn’t White. It is ultimately irrelevant. Your reading comprehension is garbage.
Do you understand?

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1 day ago
“It’s almost exclusively the Abrahamic (read: jewish) religions that aren’t racially exclusive”
Jews exists… and are exclusive to the old testament. Most of them do everything except religion, so that makes you wrong. Look at Carl Sagan as the perfect example of a Jew who poisons society.
What is your goal? You just rant and give no coherent direction. White people practicing pagan ideas won’t change anything of a political reality. Maybe you’re just that stupid to believe so?

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
1 day ago
You type like an actual retarded AI. You’ve already been downvoted, called out and corrected numerous times by multiple people in this comment section, yet you still haven’t learned your lesson.
All the information debunking your little mindless ‘argument’ is detailed in my previous comments. You’ve already lost and can’t accept it. I’ve seen that behavior before.
It’s obvious now that you’re a crypto-jew, incoherently peddling desert myths in broken English to my people.
You’re not going to waste my time any longer. I recommend you fuck off.


1 day ago(edited)
You have no idea what you talk about, (you’re probably multitasking between euroicism and this account since you blocked me from both) but only like to express popular opinions in a reddit setting where people are downvoted for explaining things more thoroughly. Or censored just like the popular American negro cancel-culture.
“In broken english”… you’re the leading spirit charging the uneducated American front line, happily slaughtering German Christians for following Hitler


3 days ago
Love these guys


3 days ago
i know exactly what Tom’s talking about with the Indian gas station employee. every saturday i stop at the same gas station and the indian guy is ALWAYS on his phone. he rings me up but doesnt tell me the cost. he doesnt acknowledge me at all.

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2 days ago
In England, supermarket jobs that used to be for white teenagers to earn a little money, now seem to be dominated by 50 year-old plus indian or pakistani men stacking the shelves etc. Why is a 50 year old man arriving into a country and doing a supermarket job that teenagers used to do?
I asked one once whether the store sold any tin openers? He just looked at me, muttered something in a non-English language. He then walked off and brought what was a manager (another asian) who answered the question in another strong asian accent. And this was a large UK supermarket chain – the old shelf-stacker couldn’t even speak English – yet he had a job, whereas I know many young white English out of work. It’s ridiculous.

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2 days ago
to disenfranchise whites, of course.

The worst
1 day ago
it’s so ridiculous we have to put up with these indian turds. they are the most miserable people to be around. I can’t stand them

The worst
1 day ago
the funny thing is I knew a cafe that was all run by white women. the place was always busy and people loved going there. well at one point the owners replaced all the women with Indian men. place was a ghost town after

3 days ago
WW2 was the defeat of political White power.

Silence Dogood 1722
3 days ago
I really hate the anti-White bigots and communist terrorists that are fighting against our people.

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3 days ago
Careful you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater with good ideas like bigotry;) Walls make good neighbors


3 days ago


3 days ago
Joel says that we should be White supremacists rather than merely anti-Jewish supremacists. I agree. White people being supreme in our own nations is what makes them our nations. We need to set things up for the benefit of our race so that our nations are once again our homelands, i.e. lands where White people may feel at home. This is the essential goal. Defeating Jewish supremacism is necessary to save ourselves.
I am opposed to Zionism because the Jews are too formidably dangerous a people to be allowed to have their own homeland. They already possess nuclear ballistic missiles. They must not be allowed to become global leaders in technology such as AI-guided advanced military robots and drone swarms and bioweapons, The existence of Israel is a threat to world peace and a standing danger to the White race (as well as the other races). Jewish power needs to be ended worldwide. Full stop.
I am not in favor of White imperial expansion so that Whites conquer and rule non-White lands. The main reason I oppose this is that there is a tendency for conquerors, in the fullness of time, to mix with those they conquer. The White phenotype is recessive. Any mixture with Brown or Black peoples produces non-White offspring. Mixture with Asians is not quite so bad, but still tends to our disappearance.

Zed Dez
3 days ago
Being that most of the dissident right men think Islam is their friend… well, it’s over. Kiss your ass goodbye.

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3 days ago
Yep Mark Collett and Warren Balogh etc simping for Palestinians and mudslimes is sickening

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3 days ago
Are you an Israeli or just stupid?

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3 days ago
Jews and Muslims work together at the higher levels. Muslims are the enemy and should never be an ally. EVER! Fucking Jihad never stopped you muppet

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3 days ago
Modern jihad is a US-Israeli invention that originated in Saudi Arabia. I don’t want these people in Europe any more than most people here do. Nevertheless, we should not forget who we have to thank for this! Surprisingly, the Jihadis work in the same way as the Irgun Zwai Leumi, the Zionist terrorist organization in Mandate Palestine from 1931 to 1948. They are all the same cancer at the higher levels.

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3 days ago
I dont see you going to criticize either of the two i mentioned and pressure them to work with other WHITES FIRST. You just slurp up their bullshit like a good subject then go around calling everyone a jew that doesnt agree with your stupidity.

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3 days ago
Filthy rich Jews turn white countries into shitholes. This 3rd world trash is just the tool. But I make a distinction with the Palestinians for good reason. Apart from what is being done to them, they have been able to expose Israel more in the last three quarters of a year than anyone else since 1948 before the eyes of the Normies and deserve support for that reason alone. And they are paying a terrible price for it. Besides, what do you think the port is being built for? They want to deport them to the US and Europe. I don’t need any more people with severe war neuroses in my country.

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
3 days ago
Capitalizing jew but not White? That’s a tell.


3 days ago
Exactly, and if our enemies are presently destroying each other shouldnt we be celebrating it instead of trying to stop it. There are so many WNs that are just cattle that blindly follow the takes of streamers that clearly have ulterior motives.

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3 days ago(edited)
Of cause they battle each other at the lower levels, Otherwise they would never have got to this point were at has people would have noticed. They sacrifice their babies, do you think they care about some of their own for bigger gains? Like access to the EU that our ancestors fought off!
They are NOT destroying each other in these little battles lol. They always gain from them (sending whites into doing their battles for them for example). Thats why jews are in the Palestine protest’s has well has the Israel protests. Controlling both sides. It’s just a distraction has they fill ALL white countries with N*ggers, Pajeets, Spics and mix breed Kalerghi kids at extreme rates since 2020 and nothing is done about it.
And don’t think the chinese are not working with the jews, They litterally put the CCP into power over there lol
EDIT – Why block the word n*gger red-ice, thats weak ass shit!

3 days ago
What have the Palestinians done other than fight your enemies?

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
3 days ago
They’re in our countries, mooching.

3 days ago
That was a long way of saying ‘i stand with Israel’.

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3 days ago
It’s crazy how many people fall for mark when all he has on is people who sold out to the jews and everyone around him goes to jail, but not him! Nothing to see here, Move along goy!
0/ brother

3 days ago
Do most of the Dissident Right think Islam is their friend ?
Personally I don’t support jews or muslims, I hope they destroy each other.

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3 days ago
But you do support jews. When you repeat that jewish nonsense you say about some weird person only found in judaism you then support jews

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2 days ago
Firstly, no, I do not support jews. I despise them, they are overwhelmingly responsible for the global demographic holocaust against people of European descent.
Secondly, what jewish nonsense about a weird person only found in judaism?
I have no idea who or what you are talking about.

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2 days ago
If you use their view you support them.
And you do use their view since you say that Christ was “yeshua ben yosef”, something found only in judaism which then supports the jewish view.
Therefore you support jews.

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2 days ago
There was no such fucking person as “Christ”. What the fuck do you think his real name was?… Mr. Jesus Christ, son of Mary and Joseph Christ?… Are you really that retarded you actually think Jesus was his first name and Christ was his last name?
If he even existed as a real historical figure (which is highly debatable) his real name was Yeshua ben Yosef, which means Yeshua son of Yosef.
Most Christcucks today don’t even realise the name “Jesus” was simply the Greek translation of the jewish name “Yeshua”… That disgusting dirty schizophrenic jewish fictional hippy you christcucks all worship was not Greek, he never even went to Greece in his entire pathetic life. He was entirely jewish. And you cannot be a true White Nationalist if you worship a jew, even a fictional jew like Jesus. H. Christ.


2 days ago
Eurocism blocked me but I will respond anyway:
Read what Tacitus said instead of citing your rabbi.
[ 44 ] But it was not by human aid, nor by the bounty of the prince, nor by appeasement of the gods, that the infamy passed away, without the order of burning being believed. therefore, suppressing the rumour, Nero subdued the guilty, and inflicted the most exacting punishments on those whom the common people called Christians, who were hated for their crimes. The author of his name, Christ, was put to death by the impetuous execution of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate; and the deadly superstition, suppressed for the time being, broke out again, not only through Judea, the origin of its evil, but also through the city, where all things atrocious or shameful from every quarter congregate and are celebrated. therefore, those who confessed were first arrested, and then a great number of them were convicted, not so much of the crime of arson as of hatred of the human race. and to those who succeeded, games were added, that they killed dogs covered with wool on the backs of beasts, or that they were fastened to crosses [or flaming and], where the day had failed, they were burned in the use of night light. Nero had presented him with a show in his gardens, and he entertained at the circus, mingling with the crowd in the habit of a driver, or stopping at the race. whence, although against the sonnets and the latest examples, pity arose for the meritorious, as if they were consumed not in the public interest, but in the cruelty of one.
“you cannot be a true White Nationalist if you worship a jew, even a fictional jew like Jesus. H. Christ.”
“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian.”
You don’t get it.
Remove that cross from your thumbnail since you do not deserve it.
You would side with the American who hated Hitler, and your imbecile intellectual farts proves that.

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1 day ago
Hitler despised christianity and saw it as weak. Peddle your lies somewhere else, Jew (?)

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1 day ago
That spirit of yours would be amongst the people in the American front line to charge against those filthy Christian Germans in WW2. Your stupidity is the reason to why Hitler lost the war.

3 days ago
I don’t know any serious person who believes that, or would ever say that.

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3 days ago
These idiots have been repeating it for months. They’re either bad actors or completely fucking retarded.


2 days ago
Well…you’re a man-hating cunt, though. So who cares what you think?


2 days ago


1 day ago
Are you Russian?

11 hours ago
That’s blackpill garbage. I despise both, but I admit I like to see Muslims attacking the tiny hats. Simply because they’re the underdog and I despise semites so much more. Without “gods chosen” there’d be no Muslims in the west.


3 days ago
Joel says “People who are better than others should have a requisite status.”
It is not enough to say that status should be given to people who are better than others without specifying that they must also be White if they are to have status and power in White nations.. Do we want to be ruled by non-Whites with superior abilities? Talking only about unqualified “superiority” is universalistic. Multiracialist Globalists could embrace elitism. In fact, Jews have such an elitist mentality. Jews are NOT egalitarians.
What we should want is to have White nations with leadership selected from among our best specimens. We want White leaders of excellence, not merely leaders of excellence.
Furthermore, values are relative. What makes individuals of other races excellent is not necessarily what makes White individuals excellent. Part of what constitutes excellence depends on the particular needs and wants of the individuals doing the evaluating. These needs and wants vary somewhat between different racial phenotypes. This diversity of natural values is part of why ethnonations are necessary.

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3 days ago(edited)
Joel specifically stated many times to have an explicitly White nation, but the same would apply for all races in their own nations.
I don’t think he could have driven that point home any further without becoming overly redundant. o/

3 days ago
I learned a few things watching this.

Thankyou from Tasmania!
3 days ago
I was living in New Zealand when I entered “mass immigration is destroying the environment” into YouTube & found Red Ice, around 2016! Don’t even talk to me about what has happened to NZ, it’s too sad!

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3 days ago
Yes it sadens me so, New Zealand is Probably one of the most enslaved , I’m not from there BUT Every time That MARXIST BITCH Jacenda Spewed, The Communist JEW Crap comming out of her mouth..I Visually wanted to stick my foot right up her JEW-TOOL ASS!!

Dissident Farmer
2 days ago
Tom is awesome. He’s the closest thing we have to “the coming man”

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2 days ago
I agree. This was a great conversation. Hail Red Ice.


3 days ago
What an excellent interview. Intelligent and well articulated guests and host, interesting and relevant topics, no self-censorship, timely and well placed use of B-roll in the background, good audio, and they even handled well the delay you get when communicating with “Down Under”. The production quality of Red Ice is next level.
Also very interesting and inspiring to hear about what nationalists in other white countries are up to, so I hope we well see even more content like this.

3 days ago
Super duper important discussion! Many need to to sort these things out within their personal intellectual discourse.


2 days ago
the majority of whites haven’t figured out yet they’re under attack.

The worst
2 days ago
Thomas Sewell has balls! he is dead on right 👍 we all need to stand up


3 days ago
Population wise Australia is small but man, they have very high quality leadership in their white nationalist circles


3 days ago
Best regards from Berlin.

Cone of Silence
3 days ago
Most of Australia’s uni’s are privately owned, the Chancellor are remunerated by profit, it’s literally spot the Aussie in these institutions.
They, like the business lobby, are on the front foot with mass migration.
Kevin Rudd opened the foreign investment juggernaut, my best mate’s brother in law was selling blue chip property in Melbourne, the Chinese would turn up the a suitcase of cash and dump it on the kitchen table.

3 days ago
I have complete 100% faith in Thomas & Joel.
I can envision a better future with those two men.
Hail our people! o/

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3 days ago
Would these people obey Hitler?

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2 days ago
-you might want to ask them.
I believe they probably would because Hitler always explained the reasoning behind any of his actions and viewpoints.

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2 days ago
Yes, they have based their whole theoretical framework around Hitler, but would they be able to submit themselves in real life is my question or could their ego not stand him? I really do wonder.

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2 days ago
Where is your evidence that their whole world view is framed that way? Do they think Hitler was perfect? Only a fool would assume that. His underlying premise of race before all else, that has grounding in natural science.

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2 days ago
Q: “Where is your evidence that their whole world view is framed that way?”
A: Their Antisemitism comes from Hitler which is emphasised over and over. Nothing wrong with that, but Hitler were talking mainly to Christian Germans.

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2 days ago
If youre talking about Joel, I dont think his worldview is merely from Hitler. He comes from Western Sydney, if you know the area you know why he thinks the way he does.

Cone of Silence
3 days ago
The argument always was/is that we need immigration so they can pay for the ageing population, what I’ve noticed is that the children come here but then bring their aged clan in once they are anchored.
As discussed these communities are allowed to have in group preference and they do have it, that’s why the cluster and take over suburbs.
It stage 4 cancer now, I don’t think there much that can be done given the global lawfare system and white civilisation apathy and lack of collectivism.
Possible in the 60’s but not now. The cities will become hell zones once the gloss is gone.
It a travesty.

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
3 days ago
The solution to an aging population (short of reujuvenation) is to have more children.
Funny how they always conveniently forget this when spouting their bullshit arguments.

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3 days ago
Third Reich Germany had the perfect solution (i.e., incentive) to encourage Germans to reproduce. Do some research if you’re not aware of what I’m talking about.

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Bloodwyrm Wildheart
2 days ago
Preaching to the choir.

3 days ago
“The argument always was/is that we need immigration so they can pay for the ageing population”
A bullshit reason. The real reason is to brown our White homelands with fast breeding Turd Worlders and precipitate more race-mixing, producing mongrel, half-caste, raceless bastards.

2 days ago
Joel and Tom did Australia proud. Well done, lads. Great show.

3 days ago
Brilliant \\o


3 days ago
about time redice interviews real Australians..

2 days ago(edited)
Which is the best English translation of Mein Kampf to read (which English translation version is the closest to the actual German)?

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Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
Thomas Dalton

7 hours ago
I think Dalton has a dual book with both German and English.

White Dog’s House
3 days ago
I think the reason they are scared shitless of Sewell…why they have been sparing no energy trying to break and dominate him…it’s because he can see the structure and leadership of the web of Jewry. Where most “activists” speak in terms of big, ambiguous “they’s”, he explains who moves what in the power structure well.

Peak Aussieman
3 days ago
The idea of skilled migration, that the poms bleat on about has been bastardised to the point of being irreparable.

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3 days ago
The point is that a nation’s people don’t need any reason to deny immigration to everyone, invaders are invaders are invaders.


1 day ago
Imagination with a desire and focused will has an energy to it i.e. Magick. White people need to start practising it and throw the semitic christ-cuck turn-the-other-cheek BS out, OUT for good! 14/88 Heil !!

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1 day ago
Would you say this in front of Hitler and thinking he would agree with you?

2 days ago
Top interview!!

Abby Eagle
2 days ago
At every bus stop in Australia there is a sign with a roman salute and the words “Hail Bus” or “Hail Driver” I think everyone who catches a bus should salute the bus driver as the bus pulls up at the bus stop. The sign tells the passengers to do it so they should show their respect to the driver.

De Dubius Unum
3 days ago
Total amd Complete Hail! \O/!


3 days ago
Hey Joel, you feel you need a gun if someone else has a gun To protect yourself?
Excuse Me, But Its ok not to have a gun..For A few scumbags to break into your home and stab and beat your family with a baseball bat to death?
How about ..ITS YOUR RIGHT TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND FAMILY, BY ANY MEANS, i wish you luck With your bat If home invaders come in the night.
WAKE the fuck up..the same people who do not want you to be armed ARE the same people That are /Will KILL YOU
5 years now.. I NEVER go out my door without my concealed weapon…AND YOU SHOULD TOO!

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3 days ago
Im not sure why you got down votes for this, Guns should be legal everywhere. Criminals dont give 2 shits about legislation so i don’tknow how anyone fell for the removeal of them in the first place. Boomers really fucked up with been complacent

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3 days ago
Probably because Joel didn’t say that. He said he thought guns were cool and we should be able to have them, etc.

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3 days ago(edited)
Read his whole comment…. the end especially! – ‘I NEVER go out my door without my concealed weapon…AND YOU SHOULD TOO!’ He’s been sarcastic at the start. Im english so i spot it easy, or am i missing something \o/

3 days ago(edited)
DOLO”- You have a comprehension disability? Listen to his words carefully..All of them , Not just some

3 days ago
Thats Right, Espescially When your JEW GOV. ARE the Criminals

3 days ago
I hold a permit to carry, I carry NOT because i want to shoot someone, I carry NOT because I’m in FEAR,
I Carry simply because its my RIGHT to carry, I simply exersize my right as an American, Lots of so called rights have been lost or damaged because People do not exersize their rights,
I live in Florida, And just last year, Anyone except Felons can carry without a permit.
USMC…out in 73′

Show reply

3 days ago
That’s the thing about “LaW”, Joel said in this interview, “we’re law-abiding citizens”…until it is decided that he or anybody is not regardless of Truth. We only have the Rights we USE. “Law is often but the will of tyrants and always so when it violates the rights of the individual”. No matter the generation, Rights in USE now is the solution and person, property, borders and rights have to be defended lethally. Either ANY individual can defend these things or you get an unjust society. It is that simple, it HAS to be that simple or it won’t work. Kill invaders or get invaded, carry a gun or you don’t have/get one, define, spread and USE Rights or you have none:)
The best part is that individual rights in use perfectly separate good from bad.

16 hours ago(edited)
I’ve been booted off of jYoutube, Facebook, Twitter/X, even “free speech” Rumble. Was it something I said? lol
How Hitler and NS Germany became J Woke.. ✡

From Bust to Boom: Hitler’s NS economics. 卐

Renazification. 卐

2 days ago
Is homeschooling possible in Australia?


3 days ago
Seems courts, “LaW” and lawyers aren’t working? In fact, seems they are the favorite tools of evil?

Thankyou from Tasmania!
3 days ago(edited)
Always great to see fellow Aussies! Edited to.say I grew up in a conservative Christian home & both my parents would have been disgusted to hear my brothers degrade their fellow students like that! Expulsion seems a bit harsh but posh private schools need to keep their name clean.


3 days ago(edited)
Prominent among the reforms needed were Whites to be in power is economic reform to end plutocracy. The system we have in the West today is NOT democracy. It is plutocracy plus manipulated elections.
I have created a brief outline of such an anti-plutocratic overhaul.
It is not good for plutocrats to be making the decisions that matter. Political leaders who truly represent the nation should make the decisions that matter. There should indeed be some moderately democratic input in the process of selecting the leadership and choosing the broad lines of policy. Instead of plutocracy there should be a moderate ETHNODEMOCRACY. This means that only White people could vote, hold office or participate in politics. Moreover, there should be further restrictions on the franchise such as a knowledge test. One man, one vote is not a good idea. Whites would also dominate the media and the economy.

Native Ausnian
3 days ago
Why don’t you name the informant?


3 days ago
Remember, if it’s on the “news”, it has already served its purpose, they don’t have to report anything and they are only legally protected if they lie. With “immigration”/invasion, the news can report the idea of deportations because it obviously doesn’t work. We stop the flow or it gets worse.


3 days ago
How did the White Australians find about the continent?

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3 days ago
Read a history book.

Show reply

2 days ago
Your question doesnt make sense. How did they discover the continent you mean?

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2 days ago
By discovery. Are you happy with the cult narrative of “limited resources”?


3 days ago
Hey Joel Ever here the term, “POME” ? England ( Scumbag Politics / Gov )….Sent all their undesirables to Australia, Pome… ” Prisoners of Mother England ”
If you got it, Then Bobs your Uncle” LOL
Worked offshore Perth in the Late 70’s


3 days ago
Joel is a wild man, he’s dotting his p’s and q’s!


3 days ago


3 days ago
I swear Joel just falls asleep sometimes. That kid just checks out lol

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3 days ago
Might have something to do with the time zone difference on many streams. See you wake up at 4am and jump on a stream and not appear to be half asleep or checked out.


3 days ago
Its the drinking milk while being interviewed by Lana screams Larper

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3 days ago
-or this comment screaming “faggot.”

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1 day ago
You would know all about that wouldn’t you mate!

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21 hours ago
Yes. I have learned to recognize & stay away from subversive faggot behavior.
-3 (Incorrect grammar & punctuation.) 66%/Grade: D-

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14 hours ago
Your Hubris Blinds You.

Talmudvision Zogberg
2 days ago
Or maybe he just likes the taste of milk.

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21 hours ago
lol. – o/

7 hours ago
He needs som milk.

3 days ago
white nationalists persecuted in Russia??? What are you smoking guys? :)))))))))) Half the Wagner group were nationalists. Almost all Russians worship Russian empire etc.


3 days ago
LMFAOOO!! Ohhh i’m just sitting here…TREMBLING PROFUSELY!! IN ANTICIPATION…FOR SOME JEW-TOOL STUPID WOMAN..TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO, AND HOW I SHOULD BEHAVE, And if you dont? Fines you cant afford? Perhaps Jail time ?
Ughmm JOEL..still think You dont need a Firearm?? LOL


4 hours ago
No it is Jews that want to rule the whole world and make you their underlings. The fact you want whites to run their own country does not mean you want everyone else to be less and not prosper even in their own country.

4 hours ago
The Jews want their power and calling them out is their worst fear so he is worse than all of those criminals to them and they think it is funny to put someone in amongst them. They are disgusting, psychopathic racist sadists.

4 hours ago
The world is crazy because these special people are in power with lots of money and connections.

4 hours ago
You know the special people are behind your hounding

4 hours ago
They wanted to try and off you or maim you. Happens all the time with these mobster gatekeeper elites. They don’t want you to change their narrative.

1 day ago(edited)
You’re making an impact, contrary to all the folklore comedians and religious nuts.
It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.
I have seen too much of that kind of people not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State. And yet these comedians are extremely proud of themselves. Notwithstanding their complete fecklessness, which is an established fact, they pretend to know everything better than other people; so much so that they make themselves a veritable nuisance to all sincere and honest patriots, to whom not only the heroism of the past is worthy of honour but who also feel bound to leave examples of their own work for the inspiration of the coming generation.


See Also



Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Activism -White, Censorship, Globalism, Globo-homo, Homosexuality, Joel Davis, Lana Lokteff, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Negros, New Zealand, Patriotic Alternative, Police - Harassment, Political Correctness, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Race Differences, Red Ice Radio, Religion, Spiritualism, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, UK, Western Civilization, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Woke Agenda, WW II, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Mark Collett – How LGBT Pride Events Groom Children – Jul 5, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: Mark Collett – The Town That Chose to Commit Suicide – Jul 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Mark Collett – Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained – Aug 9, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  11. Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  12. Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  13. Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 15 with Jürgen Neumann on Ernst Zündel – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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