[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Over two years since Britain first entered the damaging Covid lockdowns, the truth is now plain to be seen: the effects of the lockdown were far worse than the effects of Covid – and the establishment are finally admitting as such. But as the death toll continues to rise, the plan to push the Covid jabs upon babies has been given the green light.”
Mark Collett
Lockdown Deaths Continue to Rise
Dec 9, 2022
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Lockdown Deaths Continue to Rise
December 9th, 2022
Mark Collett
Over two years since Britain first entered the damaging Covid lockdowns, the truth is now plain to be seen: the effects of the lockdown were far worse than the effects of Covid – and the establishment are finally admitting as such. But as the death toll continues to rise, the plan to push the Covid jabs upon babies has been given the green light.
Lockdowns Kill MORE People than Covid
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
chris witty; covid; excess deaths; lockdown; pfizer
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(12:12 mins)
So quite some time ago now, in fact, over two years ago, Britain and most of the world were plunged in a series of damaging lockdowns, lockdowns that wrecked businesses, lockdowns that led to a rise in domestic abuse and child abuse, lockdowns that killed more children than the disease they were intended to prevent, and lockdowns that impacted the health of the nation in a range of ways that were far more serious, and long lasting than Covid ever was.
Now at one point, all of what I have just said would have been waved away by the media and the establishment as a mixture of conspiracy theories and paranoid conjecture. Yet on the 1st of December this year a news article quietly slipped out. I’ll read you the headline from the Daily Mail. This article was covered elsewhere, but I saw it in the Daily Mail first.
Anyway, here goes, and I quote:
“Chris Whitty warns Britain faces ‘prolonged period’ of excess deaths NOT caused by Covid, but due to the collateral effects of lockdown”
End quote. This is the same Chris Witty who plunged Britain into these disastrous lockdowns. The same Chris Witty who appeared on television every week, telling us to stay home and stay safe. And the same Chris Witty that endlessly shilled for absolutely pointless and highly damaging Covid jabs. Chris Witty was, and still is, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer.
But Chris Witty isn’t just Chris Witty anymore. He is “Sir Chris Witty”.
That’s right, in the 2022 New Year’s Honours List he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath! That’s right, for his disastrous reign as Chief Medical Officer, for the botched lockdowns and for his shilling of a deadly jab, that didn’t even provide immunity the disease that it was supposedly deployed to prevent, Witty was knighted by the Queen!
I’ll read a little more from the Daily Mail article. And I quote:
“Britain will face a ‘prolonged period’ of excess deaths due to the pandemic — but not from coronavirus itself, Sir Chris Whitty and the Government’s top virus advisers said today. England’s chief medical officer has claimed the nation faces a rising death toll from heart disease and cancer cases due to pleas to protect the NHS. Knock-on effects of dealing with Covid, which saw thousands of routine treatments and appointments delayed, will also fuel a surge in excess deaths.”
End quote. And this is amazing! Because he is saying all of this without a hint of shame, without any apologies, and still as Sir Chris Witty, he will be keeping his knighthood, despite the fact that his policies have killed and still are killing countless people.
But who could have known this would happen I hear the media shills cry!
Well, actually, we knew!
On the 2nd of March 2021, over 18 months ago, I released a video titled: “Lockdowns Killed More People than Covid”. You can still watch this video; it’s linked in the description below.
In this video, I laid out clearly why the lockdowns were terrible, and how actually more people would end up dying as a result of those lockdowns than they would of Covid. At the time this was branded a “conspiracy theory”. It is of course now a verified fact.
And I wasn’t the only one saying these things, many others came to the same conclusion. I’m certainly not trying to take all the credit, or claim I was some lone prophet.
The reason I’m pointing out that I said these things is for two reasons:
The first, is it is important to remind people that these things were said, and on what date.
The second reason is slightly more complex, and arguably more important.
I made that video detailing the effects of the lockdown more than 18 months ago, and I made it as I do all my videos – on my own, using my own research, collecting facts from a variety of sources. And I do all this from my spare room. I don’t get massive amounts of funding, I don’t have a team of researchers, and I don’t get vast amounts of data collated and passed to me in simplified forms.
I do it all myself, on my PC, alone, in my house.
Yet despite that, I managed, like many others, to work out that this would happen, more than 18 months before it did happen, or before Witty and his friends admitted it was happening.
Now Witty and his friends are in a very different position to me. They are extremely well funded, they receive millions, maybe billions in funding each year. They operate from a range of well-funded, well equipped and well-staffed institutions. And these institutions have teams of people collating all the data they need on a daily basis and feeding that data back in a simplified and readable forms.
It’s fair to say that these people are much better informed than I am. And much better informed than anyone who came to the same conclusions that I did.
Yet Witty and co, despite all their money, all their data and all their resources want you to believe that none of them realised that this would happen! None of them could foresee or predict, that the lockdowns would end up killing more people than Covid, as well as destroying the economy, people’s relationships and families.
Well, to that, I say BULLSHIT!
These people knew exactly what they were doing!
If I can work out what was going on, then they, one hundred percent, knew what they were doing and what the results would be. But they did it anyway.
Was this a quest for power? Was this a quest for money? Were they the slaves of Big Pharma? Were they just horrid, cruel, people who liked the suffering they caused? I don’t know. Maybe it’s one of those things, maybe it’s a combination of them all.
Anyway, here’s some facts, and if you’re watching this, and not just listening, these facts are accompanied with little info graphics for your viewing pleasure.
Just 290,000 people in England were told they had cancer in 2020, down by a tenth on one year earlier — the biggest drop logged since records began 50 years ago — and the lowest number logged in a decade. Cancer care plummeted in September.
Just 60.5 per cent of patients started cancer treatment within two months of being referred for chemotherapy or radiotherapy (red line). The figure is down from 61.9 per cent one month earlier and is the lowest ever recorded in records going back to October 2009. The NHS states 85 per cent of patients should start treatment within this timeframe
Some 30,000 people have died needlessly from heart problems since the start of the pandemic, the British Heart Foundation estimates.
Official figures show 7.1 million people in England were in the queue for routine hospital treatment, such as hip and knee operations, by the end of September — the equivalent of one in eight people (red line). The figure includes more than 400,000 people who have been waiting, often in pain, for over one year (yellow bars).
NHS England data shows just over 275,000 inpatients were given an operation or were treated in hospitals in August this year. It was down 6 per cent on the 293,000 average treated in the three months up to August in 2019.
But there is some good news — there may have only been a few people that sounded the alarm on this scam as it was taking place. But now a lot more people are starting to see the truth.
The public’s judgement may have been clouded with fear a few years ago, but that fear is giving way to a very justified anger as the fog of fear begins to dissipate and the truth is laid bare.
Here are the top rated comments from the Daily Mail, each one with thousands of up votes:
Sue2175 stated:
“I hate this man. This was known from the very beginning. Lockdowns should NEVER have happened!”
Juanos Deago said:
“Weird. Almost like the rest of us were saying this as soon as the first lockdowns went in place.”
Not Katie Lee or Ed stated:
“For which he was responsible. Happy to sit there with his knighthood and gifted shares. The man is evil.”
Josh Ripley said:
“It was you that locked us down, Whitty.”
Cooke stated:
“Lockdown was the worst and most destructive decision ever taken. We are governed by morons.”
And finally, John Savage asked:
“Why is this man not under arrest for his (and others’) crimes against humanity?”
There is only one part of those comments that I disagree with. And that is the part that states that we are governed by “morons”. We are not! We are governed by very intelligent, very manipulative, and very evil people who are trying to do us harm.
Now bear in mind that this article about Witty admitting to the lockdown deaths was published on 1st of December,. Well, just 5 days later, on the 6th of December, the following headline was published in the Daily Mirror. And I quote:
“UK approves Covid vaccines for babies, as young as six months, could soon get Pfizer jab. Britain’s health regulator has today authorised the Pfizer vaccine for infants as young as six months, as the decision opens the door for advisers to choose whether the jab should be given to under-fives.”
End quote. We know that hundreds of thousands died because of the lockdowns. And we know that the establishment knows this, because they are admitting to it. We also know that hundreds of thousands people have been injured, or even died because of the Covid jabs.
But the same evil people who pushed the lockdowns upon us and profited from them as we suffered, are now pushing these poisonous jabs upon babies! Despite the mounting evidence that the harm these jabs caused. These evil people still aren’t stopping! Even after the admission that they have killed and harmed countless people through their lockdowns, they are still forging ahead with the jabs, and are clearly willing to harm even babies for profit and power!
And I will just remind you of this. A very important point from my video that was published in March, 2021. It’s from the Daily Telegraph, and I quote:
“More children died after failing to get timely medical treatment during lockdown than lost their lives because of coronavirus, new research by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) suggests, …”
End quote. The establishment and those in the media and social media, who colluded with them, don’t care about us, or our children! They were happy to see children die during the lockdown, and they will be equally happy to see children die, or suffer medical injuries from taking their jabs.
And for their evil, they will be rewarded, with money, power and social status.
We are ruled by people who at best have contempt for us and disregard for our well-being. At worst, these people despise us, and are actively trying to do us harm!
It’s high time that we took the power back in our own hands in order to ensure a safe and prosperous future for both us, and our children!
Odysee Comments
(As of Dec 24, 2022)
12 days ago
Kill of the natives while importing a motley crew to replace them. Rinse and repeat.
12 days ago
Keep growing PA!
12 days ago
How the hell anyone can take health advice from someone who looks like he belongs in the Mars scenes, in Total Recall, is beyond me.
I’ve seen healthier-looking people in palliative care. Fucking mutant.
12 days ago
For sure, Whitty and the Tory regime knew how many deaths the lockdowns would cause right from the start, but went ahead anyway!
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13 days ago
And Labour would’ve done it all much, much better?! Talk about typical false dialectic. Two wings of the same bird!
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13 days ago
I agree. Not much difference between the main stream parties. They are all anti-White globalists.
12 days ago
A pig of a man.
12 days ago
The face of evil greed, killing for profit is his motives.
12 days ago
When the plan is to reduce the human population these evil creatures will adopt any policies and go to any lengths to achieve it. Crimes against humanity and genocide for all to see.
12 days ago
well one thing I believe here. thx to conflict in jewkraine, many ppl will die but from freezing and not lockdowns.
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14 days ago
lol Jewkraine. I’m going to start using that.
12 days ago
What in the FUCK is that creature?
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12 days ago
Farmers gunna farm
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11 days ago
Never forget, NEVER forgive!
12 days ago
He’s got the flat eyed stare of a psychopath. What a monster.
12 days ago
No Mark, they are not morons at all , but they assume we the public are.
Show reply
12 days ago
so, now we know without a shadow of a doubt, what , and more importantly, when do we hang these kikes?
12 days ago
A video called Died Suddenly on Rumble is worth a watch if you’re interested in vaccine deaths.
12 days ago
Clearly the title of the show is misleading. The excess deaths are being caused by the injections. Lockdowns will undoubtedly have had some effect but this number is almost certainly negligible. How do I know this? Simple. Any time in history when hospitals and doctors have gone on strike the mortality rate has dropped. In other words allopathic medicine kills more people than it saves, which shouldn’t suprise anyone as that is its raison d’etre.
On July 26, 2000, the US medical community received a titanic shock, when one of its most respected public-health experts, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revealed her findings on healthcare in America. Starfield was associated with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Yes that Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, so not some small, conspiracy nut in a basement came to this conclusion.
The Starfield study, “Is US health really the best in the world?”, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:
Every year in the US there are:
12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;
7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;
20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;
80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;
106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.
The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000.
When can extrapolate this to the UK this is about 45,000 deaths a year. That’s how many people they kill. So first of us all we need to offset this number against the people they would have saved and I guarantee you it would be nowhere near 45,000 per year.
12 days ago
But but but, and it’s a big but! We were going at the speed of science!
10 days ago
let’s not be naive. people are a bit thick still after an obvious depopulation plan with a lethal injection scam. please lets stop this stupidity now. is why these people care less how many die because they really think most people are stupid and lets be honest…lockdowns were planned and they knew all – it’s called simulation scenario done on a mother computer this is no secret – if you think social media was for your enter-tame- mente well…it’s to collect date in fact and if you never heard of Event 201 you are late to the party very very late if you fell for the injection scam as well…look up Dr Stefan Lanka and his colleagues about 1000 doctors if not more are collecting evidence of a deliberate murder by injection.
if you want to see more
Agenda 21 anyone?
11 days ago
So what is to be done?
12 days ago
Hi Mark, could you tell David Duke, that Rense Radio is leaking his private conversations with you. Listen here to the last 2 minutes:
Audio Player
FYI, this was also done to Slattery’s show when you and he were done. They played 10mins additional of your private conversation with Slattery discussing David Duke after French Fry gate. I believe there is a sabotage unless you can fill me in otherwise.
14 days ago
It’s them or us…
14 days ago
Hey I figured you guys would know.
What’s that British woman with black hair name? I’ve seen some videos of her advocating for whites on telegram, but I don’t know her name.
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14 days ago
Do you mean
14 days ago
If so, Katie Fanning.
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14 days ago
Kate has dark brown hair, I am not sure if it qualifies as white. i wish that OP was more specific.
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13 days ago
thank brother . I looked it up. That’s the woman I saw in the videos thanks.
See Also
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT