Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Mass Deportations Enthusiasm


Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution


Thu, Jun 6, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss in particular Tom’s harassment from the police, Xtwitter issues, and:

1. Police officers visit Tom Sewell to investigate an allegation of offensive public conduct.

2. Tom refuses to be interviewed without a lawyer present.

3. Tom records his interactions with the police officers.

4. The incident relates to a protest Tom attended in Ballarat in December, 2023.

5. Tom questions the legal basis requiring him to be interviewed without being charged.

6. The officers threaten to arrest Tom but cannot provide a legal reason.

7. Tom insists the officers provide a reason for wanting to interview him.

8. The officers are unable to give a satisfactory answer for the interview request.

9. Tom later learns a community member filed the complaint against him.

10. Tom tells the officers they are following orders from Jewish and homosexual people in power.

11. The officers cannot rebut Tom’s accusation.

12. The discussion goes nowhere and the officers eventually leave without interviewing Tom.

13. Tom expects the police may try to arrest him again in the future.

14. The police would need a warrant from a judge to arrest Tom.

15. Tom and others discuss the “Dick Pusey incident” in Melbourne where several police were killed.

16. A man named Dick Pusey filmed dead police officers killed by a drugged driver.

17. The media focused more on Dick Pusey’s actions than the killer.

18. Dick Pussy was jailed for 18 months due to new laws, i.e., “grossly offensive” passed after the incident.

19. Tom has had bank accounts closed due to his political views.

20. They have faced police harassment for their nationalist activism.

21. They encourage avoiding illegal activities to prevent legal troubles.

22. A Muslim man stabbed an anti-Islam activist in Germany.

23. Joel saw a news article that misreported the attack.

24. Blair criticizes portrayals of far-right groups as terrorists over Islamists.

25. They analyze video showing police helping subdue the attacker before being killed.

26. Joel debated Drew Pavlou about the threat of Islam in Australia.

27. Tom does not speculate on current threats due to his legal status.

28. Blair acknowledges recent attacks showing the threat of Islamic terrorism.

29. They discuss threats like Chinese influence and population growth.

30. Blair ranks threats as White traitors, Jews, Chinese, Indians, and Muslims.

31. These are seen as demographic and infiltration dangers if unchecked.

32. A questioner asks about the level of threat from Islam in Australia.

33. Blair says Islam remains a major threat based on global attacks.

34. Joel agrees that growing Muslim populations are a significant security threat.

And more, …






Published on Thu, Jun 6, 2024




Mass deportations enthusiasm, twitter politics & activist persecution
June 6, 2024
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(Words: 25,460 – 2:13:37 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live for another episode of the show. It is the 6th of June 2024, another show for you guys this evening. And we’ll do a little bit about current events.


But as usual, usually in current events, the only ones that are actually interesting are things that are involving us in some way, our community, our people. And it’s been our people, as in like, literally like the nationalist scene. There’s quite a few interesting stories actually to cover this evening from our scene. So we’ll actually go through those because, yeah, conventional politics as engaging in Canberra is, as usual, quite boring and slow grind and same old, same old.


So again, not too much to discuss around that subject. But just before we get into it, how you feeling, Blair? I saw you last night. You’re in pretty good spirits. It seems like you’ve been putting out a lot of new videos.


By the way, people can subscribe to you. You have a Rumble now, right?


Blair Cottrell: I do, yeah. Yeah. There’s no space between my name, so it just is BlairCottrell. One word, because I just start loading videos. But apparently you have to make a channel in order to upload videos to that channel.


But if you don’t, it still uploads videos to your username. Not really sure why it does that, but I’ll figure it out, guys. For now, it’s just my full name without spaces. I’ll be commenting, joining you with the contributions and the comments on this particular stream, so be able to find my link there. But I’ve also just posted some reaction videos to YouTube this past week. I’ve had a bit of fun making those, actually. I think our guys need a bit of content that’s not so serious, doom and gloom all the time. Stuff that we can kind of relax to and enjoy.


So I’m gonna put a bit of energy into making content like that just to keep us all sane, keep us all within the realm of normal. We need to have a bit fun. We don’t have as much fun as we should have sometimes, in fringe politics, in nationalism.


So that’s the goal. What do you reckon?




Joel Davis: Yeah, but everyone go and subscribe. Well, if you subscribe to Blair on Telegram, then you’ll be able to see the links to the videos. But he is just doing a lot more shorter content on Rumble. So go subscribe to his Rumble.


If you want to send a Superchat, send Superchats on Rumble or Odysee. By the way, I will keep an eye on it through the stream. So I’ll read them out as they come in when I catch them.



But the first story that we want to cover tonight is from. Well, actually, pull it up. Blair wrote a opinion piece in The Noticer. Everyone go and read Blair. I think Blair posted on Telegram:


“Blair Cottrell still banned from X despite Elon Musk’s free speech declaration.”


I’ve been trying to hound Elon Musk and I encourage everyone at home, particularly if you have a Twitter account. If you have a Twitter account, make one!


But if you have a Twitter account, get in the replies of Elon Musk tweets and demand that Blair’s account is restored. I think his original handle was at Blair Cottrell 89, I believe.


If you put at Blair Cottrell 89 to refer to his account, that’s great, because people can then click on that and then see that it’s suspended. I’ve been trying to hound this, but we need everyone to chip in. We need a campaign, because what we noticed with Nick Fuentes was that the groypers constantly harassing Elon Musk over and over again, relentlessly, for months, ultimately paid off.


We want to try and replicate that for Blair. And Elon Musk periodically posts, and he always gloats, actually, about how:


“The Australian government has sent us all these notices and demanded that we take down certain tweets and we refuse to comply because we believe in free speech!”


And all of this.


But if you believe in free speech, why hasn’t Blair got his account back?


Tom actually had his account suspended. I don’t know the full details about that. I don’t know if he’s going to be able to jump on with us this evening, but the next time that he’s on the show, we’ll get his takes on exactly what went down there. I believe his account, it seemed, was mass reported, maybe by communists or some other, maybe jews, I don’t know, like our political enemy, one way or another. They mass reported all of his tweets, and some of the tweets that were getting taken down were just really banal.


Like, they didn’t seem like they were really saying anything of much substance. How they could be construed as “hate speech”, you know, doesn’t even make any sense, even within the ridiculous ideological paradigm of so-called “hate speech”. But even putting that to one side, it wasn’t like there were particularly spicy tweets.


So I don’t know exactly what was going on there. We’ll try and get to the bottom of that. Maybe his appeal will be successful. He’s had his account suspended before and come back.


So I don’t know. But Blair has tried to appeal this account ban over and over again since Elon Musk bought Twitter, to no avail.


So I was able to appeal my account ban and get mine back. Many others could. The fact that he couldn’t shows that it was a conscious decision by someone to not allow his account to be restored for reasons I’m not so sure of if it’s because of government pressure or if it’s just for ideological reasons.


But the point is that they’re saying one thing and doing another. Elon Musk wants to get all the adulation from the public about how he champions free speech, not just in the United States, but also in Australia. And he will post about this over and over again, but then he won’t restore Blair’s account. So we need to hold him to account for this.




Blair Cottrell: I think it comes down to the fact that it’s being absorbed by some algorithm, or my appeals, as I stated in the opinion piece.


By the way, guys, go and support Noticer News on Twitter, on Telegram, wherever they are, because I was approached by Noticer News. They asked me to write an opinion piece, for which I’m really grateful. They’ve been pumping out some great articles, straight to the point, very articulate articles, and getting some great reach. So to be approached by them and given the opportunity to write an opinion piece, that’s great!


But as I was saying, my appeals are probably just being received by some algorithm.


And I think we need to see, or we need my appeals to be seen by a common sense employee of X. Someone close to Musk would be great! Someone who’s actually believing in Musk’s principle of free speech. Because I do believe that that’s what Musk wants. Because X has completely transformed the political culture or climate, you might say.


People are calling X now a Right-wing cesspit, but it’s really not. There’s just a lot more people than any of the academia or government class in the West want to admit, that have Right-wing or nationalist perspectives. It’s only up until recently that they were just loosed onto the Internet, because before that, they were censored efficiently by various government interventions. Right? So I do believe Musk wants a fairer and more open discussion. I believe that.


And so I don’t know why I’m still censored. I don’t get it, because I was never, as you were saying, Joel, I never really said anything that extreme. There were a couple of spicy tweets. Like there was something about a rape, but it was kind of contextual and ironic. I wasn’t actually threatening to rape anybody, just for the record.


And then there was a couple of other things about taking over the country. But it was all just contextual. It was all tongue in cheek stuff, the sort of stuff that wasn’t directed at anyone specifically and was certainly not literal. Right?


So anyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty articulate, pretty fair, pretty clear in the way that I explain what I’m trying to explain or hit the point that I’m trying to hit. I do it well enough. I do it skillfully. Right? I’m skillful enough with the language to know what I’m doing. So it doesn’t really make any sense that I’m still banned. It just doesn’t make any sense. We need to turn that over somehow.




And I think if we’re going to get a chance to do it. This article or this opinion piece that I wrote for Noticer News just this afternoon, I don’t know if that doesn’t work, I don’t know what will because it really just demonstrates or lays out on the table the situation in pure black and white.


Anyone who reads that and understands my situation couldn’t., … Any sensible person, any reasonable person wouldn’t agree to keep me censored, to keep me banned. Because those times have passed now, right? The political landscape is changing and it’s time to join the conversation again. So time to come out of exile and a little bit excited about it.


But I’m going to take my time with it. One way or another, I will be back on X.


And when I do get back on there, I’m definitely going to be pacing myself. You know, [chuckling] I don’t want to be spending 4 hours a day scrolling and posting, scrolling and posting.


So like I said:


“I’m having fun making some more casual content, I might call it.”


I’ll stick to that for the next few weeks and we’ll see what comes of this opinion piece.


But yeah, just to repeat myself very quickly, show some support to Noticer News. Great journalists, great coverage!


Joel Davis: Yeah, everyone. So Noticer dot News. Just go to the site, you’ll see the opinion piece about Blair that Blair wrote, I should say, immediately come up. Share that everywhere, spread it around.



Also, there’s a piece in Noticer dot News which the editor wrote about just the story:


“Elon Musk celebrates free speech, win over Australia’s censorship commas are, but won’t unban high profile nationalists. Elon Musk has celebrated a win for X over Australia’s online censorship chief as a victory for free speech. Yet some of Australia’s highest profile nationalists remain banned from the platform for unknown reasons. Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant announced on Wednesday that she had decided to discontinue a case against X Corp in the Federal court demanding the removal of videos of the alleged Muslim terrorist stabbing of Bishop Mari Emanuel in Sydney in April.”




“After weighing multiple considerations, including litigation across multiple cases, I have considered this option likely to achieve the most positive outcome, the online safety of all Australians, especially children, she said. Our sole goal and focus in issuing our removal notice was to prevent this extremely violent footage from going viral, potentially inciting further violence and inflicting more harm on the Australian community. And I stand by my investigators in the decisions eSafety made.”


Musk responded to the news with a post on X saying:


“Freedom of speech is worth fighting for.”




“But users pointed out that many Australians remain banned from the platform, including nationalist activist Blair Cultural, who was first platformed from social media and de-banked for his political views in 2018, while European Australian movement leader Thomas Sewell had his accounts suspended hours before Ms Inman Grant’s decision.”


It does raise a little suspicion, you know, was these things connected? Was there a deal? They’ll drop the case if Tom’s banned? I mean maybe it isn’t that simple. Maybe if they were going to make a deal like that, I’d get banned too, or something. So maybe that isn’t.


But anyway, it’s kind of interesting timing:


“Mr Cottrell told Noticer News there was no specific tweet that got him banned and said that his requests asking what tweet violated the Twitter rules had been ignored for the past six years. Mr Sewell shared a post that got his account banned on late Tuesday night. Tuesday night it read 100%B. But X told him that it, quote, ‘violated our rules against hate speech’. Noticer News understands that Mr Sewell is in the process of appealing the suspension.”


It also talks here about British nationalist Mark Collett, Sam Melia, who’s in jail. We want to talk about him a little bit later, actually. And Laura Towler, his wife of activist group:


“Patriotic Alternative also remain banned.”


Anyway, actually quoted my tweet. I replied to Musk’s post with, quote:


“Then why haven’t you restored Blair cultural, Australia’s most well known nationalist commentator? Honour your principles!”


“Elon, are you all talk or will you restore Blair’s freedom of speech?”


Blair Cottrell: Also the article written by The Noticer, the most recent one, I forgot to mention. Share that around, guys. I’ve sent it to a few colleagues of mine, people that I know in the community. They’ve shared it around. Share it around. Let’s make sure it reaches as many people as possible.


Joel Davis: If you just go to Noticer dot News, all their most recent articles come up on the front of their site.


So you’ll be able to see both Blair’s opinion piece and this article immediately going on the site. Says here:


“Since buying the platform, Musk has unbanned tens of thousands of users and last month lifted the suspension of controversial American Right-wing media personality Nick Fuentes, saying at the time, ‘Fuentes will be reinstated, provided does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and community notes. It is better to have anti-whatever out in the open, to be rebutted, than to grow simmering in the darkness’.”


Well, I agree, Elon. So in that case, why has Blair not been restored?




Anyway, very important that you guys help with this, because we need to create a public pressure campaign. He needs to be hounded over and over again! Particularly whenever Elon Musk’s tweets anything to do with Australia, whenever he discusses Australia, refers to Australia in any way, hound him on this, but also whenever he discusses freedom of speech, anything relevant to the subject matter, get in those replies and say something. And like all the other tweets that are saying the same things and work together. It’s important to create a pressure campaign, because on Twitter, pressure campaigns can affect how Twitter operates.


So anyway, what else have we got? We got no other option, really. But if we can build up this momentum, it also has an added benefit. Like, we build this Free Blair campaign and spread it into maybe more conservative circles or less radical, less nationalist circles. And they’re sympathetic because they’re pro-free speech and they’re patriotic. That might be a conduit to them watching our show or them becoming more aware of Blair and what he does. So it has other benefits than just trying to get him restored. So really important that you guys help with that.


We’ve seen over the last year or so the model that online activism can really pay dividends in how, particularly the anti-ADL campaign that was started by Keith Woods. The groypers pushing for Nick Fuentes reinstatement. We’ve seen a model that if you push hard enough online you know, it does end up having an impact.


So, yeah, it’s not just about Blair, it’s about the principle.


Blair Cottrell: Obviously, if we can set a precedent here where a little bit of pressure, a little bit of foot stamping can overturn a ban that’s been in place for about six years. I’ve been banned from Twitter for about six years as of this year, I believe. Well, that sets a precedent for unbanning people who were significantly or seriously targeted with government intervention in the past. And I’m one of those people. I was seriously targeted by government intervention.


I don’t have any proof of that though, right? I don’t have any data which leads back to any certain government agency, because that’s not how things operate in Australia. I can’t just go and find this stuff out. But why would I be deleted off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, have my bank account deleted, be charged with “hate speech” all at the same time, like all within the period of six months, obviously there’s a concerted effort there. A series of agencies, or a couple of agencies with a lot of influence were told to target, were told to shut me up, right?


So if we can overturn that and bounce back, even if it was five or is five or six years later after the facts, it still sets an important precedent. Just like the legal system. If the government wants to get some new laws through, it can make the new laws, but then it has to set a precedent as to how it’s going to use and find excuses to use those laws in the future.


We need to set a precedent here in the realm of censorship, for speakers, for activists, for people who just want to voice opinions. It shouldn’t be illegal to have certain opinions! They’re not hurting anyone. If your opinion’s not directly contributing to any violence, then what’s the problem?


The problem is I think, well, we all know what the problem is, right? This whole government is built on this house of cards. It’s built on sand! It believes in things that aren’t true, that aren’t logical, like world equality, human equality. I don’t want to get into it.


All I’m saying is you should be able to criticize the foundation of the government, certain policies of the government, without being deemed a criminal, without having to be dragged to court to explain yourself. It’s common sense stuff, guys. But I suppose we’ll move on from this particular subject.


And what have we got next, Mr Davis? What’s next on the agenda?




Joel Davis: Yes, so I thought I’d pull this video up because Tom. I don’t think he can make the show tonight. He’s got a lot going on. He was originally going to jump on with us, but yeah, some things have come up this evening. But this happened to him this morning. He got an audio recording. He posted this on Telegram. He couldn’t get a video recording.


But basically this morning at 06:00 am. Four police officers are bashing on his door. Two of them drove all the way there from Ballarat. So from Ballarat to Tom’s house, it’s about, it’s an almost two hour drive.


Blair Cottrell: Is this to serve him charge sheets? Have they come to serve him charges at six in the morning? That’s unusual.


Joel Davis: No, no, they weren’t even serving him charge sheets. They didn’t even have charges. They just came to interview him as part of an investigation. So he hasn’t even been charged.


Blair Cottrell: At six in the morning?


Joel Davis: Yeah, at 06:00 in the morning and with two of these police officers, because the alleged offense occurred in Ballarat, which, as I said, is 2 hours drive from his house.


So these police officers must have left 04:00 in the morning. They’re getting up, they’re setting up their alarm for 03:30 in the morning to get up and go to Tom Sewell’s house.


Blair Cottrell: They wouldn’t have been happy about that either. Someone told them to do that, those cops, and they wouldn’t have been happy about it. But they did it, so they made their choice. But that’s the kind of job they have, right? It would be really, before you move on, before you continue, it would be really shit to be a police officer, specifically in the state of Victoria, Australia, right now, I don’t envy you if you’re a cop in this state, let me just say that.




Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s pretty crazy!


But also, I’m not sure if the police were necessarily put up to that or if they’re just being cunts! I don’t know.


Blair Cottrell: No, no. No regular constables would decide to do that. Like, they’re being directed by someone. A bunch of constables aren’t just going to get together and go:


“Let’s go harass this guy because we don’t like him.”


Like this has come from., …


Joel Davis: Of course they’re being put up. They’re being put up to harass him and pressure him for sure. Because the thing is, they don’t even have a charge. Like, why is their investigation not complete? Allegedly, what happened was. Okay, so in November, there was a march. Everyone else at the march was wearing balaclavas except Tom. They marched around Ballarat. I think we covered it on the show at the time.


Yeah, basically they had a huge banner that said “Australia for the Whiteman”. And they were just marching around the town chanting. Tom gave a speech. They marched around chanting some more. That was it! It didn’t get into any physical altercations with anyone.


Blair Cottrell: At this stage when this march took place was the Roman salute illegal at that stage? Had that law being put into place?


Joel Davis: I believe. So but that’s why there was no Roman salutes performed.


But what they’re investigating is an alleged crime in the state of Victoria, “grossly offensive behavior”, whatever the hell that means. Apparently it’s a crime. It’s the same crime that they are trying to trial Nathan Ball and Michael Nelson, two other members of Tom’s organization. They’re trying to put them on trial for that. For when they threw a Roman. They performed a Roman salute while wearing funny T-shirts. We covered this on the show before a few times as well.


Now, the Roman salute hadn’t been criminalized yet, so they’re just saying that it was grossly offensive behavior, because they can’t use the specific laws they have against the Roman salute because they weren’t in effect yet. That same law that they’re trying to use against them, they’re trying to use against Tom, allegedly.


But again, they haven’t charged him with anything.


So I don’t know exactly how if they’re going to be able to get the charge if they don’t have enough evidence to put the charge forward yet, because, I mean, this is all on video. If they can’t find anything in the video, they need to interview him. Doesn’t really make a lot of sense. And obviously, Tom refused to comply with the interview. Like, why would you go and tell the police anything without a lawyer present? That’s just insane!


So anyway, …




Blair Cottrell: Have we got footage of this interaction with the police? Is that what you’re about to play?


Joel Davis: Yeah, we got audio. We got audio.


Blair Cottrell: Great!


Joel Davis: Here’s the audio.




[Images: Ballarat Police Station, Victoria, Australia.]


Thomas Sewell: Matt Hayes from Ballarat police, …


Joel Davis: By the way, you can hear the baby crying. So they’ve bashed on the door and waking the baby up. Anyway.


Thomas Sewell: What’s your rank?


Blair Cottrell: That’s rough. That’s really rough.


Thomas Sewell: And who are your friends? Are they also from Ballarat? And where’s the other one from.


Police: I can’t hear properly, …


Thomas Sewell: Where’s the other one from?


Police: There’s two local members from here.


Thomas Sewell: Locals? Knox police? Cool. What are the charges?


Police: There’s no charges. We’re investigating the offense, grossly offensive public conduct in Ballarat, the 3rd December last year.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Okay. And what was the grossly offensive behavior?


Police: It was in regards to the marching and your protest at that day.


At this point, it just needs to be an interview. And then you’d be right to come back home again.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So protesting is illegal? Is that what you’re saying?


Police: No.


Thomas Sewell: Protesting is grossly offensive?


Police: It was the content of what you were saying on the day.


Thomas Sewell: Were we naked dancing in front of children, like at Mardi Gras? Were we exposing our genitals in front of children, like at Mardi Gras? Is that what was grossly offensive?


Police: No.


Thomas Sewell: So which part of it was grossly offensive?


Police: We can talk about it when we get to the police station.


Thomas Sewell: White Australians having their own political views is grossly offensive to you, or to your jewish masters? Which one is it?


Police: We’re just investigating the matter Tom.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Are you proud of your investigation?


Police: At this stage, I’ve only just taken it on, so, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And you’re proud to do this?


Police: … investigate [words unclear]


Thomas Sewell: Do you serve proudly your jewish masters? To come after and stand outside the homes of White Australians?


Police: Thomas, are you willing to come out and speak to us, or not?


Thomas Sewell: I’m speaking to you right now.


Police: We need to go back to the police station. You willing to come with us, or not?


Thomas Sewell: We need to come back to the police station?


Police: Yep. Because any questions I ask need to be recorded.


Thomas Sewell: They are being recorded. I’m recording them right now.


Police: You’re recording it, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. You come to my house at 06:00 in the morning, you bang on my door. You don’t announce that you’re police. There’s been two break-ins in the street this week.


Police: I did announce I was police.


Thomas Sewell: No, you didn’t! No, you didn’t. Well, you did it quieter than a mouse, rather than talking to me now. Yeah.


So you drove all the way from Ballarat?


Police: I did!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. To what? To try to intimidate me into coming into a voluntary interview?


Police: It’s not voluntary. There is a power of arrest. I’d rather just do it more diplomatic than that.


Police: What?


Thomas Sewell: What’s the legislation that says that I have to come and do an interview with you?


Police: We’re investigating an indictable offense. … There’s the power of arrest.


Thomas Sewell: But you haven’t. But you’re not charging me with anything.


Police: I didn’t say that. I said we’re investigating. Investigating and charging are two separate things.


Thomas Sewell: Okay. You know, the last time you came to my house, you used a SWAT team. This time, …


Police: [word unclear] come to your house. It’s the first time I’ve come here. So, I’d rather do it like this. We’ll go to the police station, do an interview. Bring you back home. That’ll be it for today.


Thomas Sewell: Well, I have to see some paperwork from the court.


Police: There is no paperwork in regards to an investigation.


Thomas Sewell: Okay, well, I’m not complying with your investigation.


Police: So you’re not going to come out?


Thomas Sewell: I will at some point. Yeah.


Police: All right.


Thomas Sewell: I got to go to work, because I actually have a job. I’m not just a piece of shit that harasses White Australians. Yeah. I’m not a little attack dog for the state. I actually go to work. Do, you know what that feels like? Did you used to have a job and now you just serve the jews?


Police: I’m not going to stand here and argue with you, Thomas. It’s pretty simple.







Blair Cottrell: Well, okay. A few thoughts are running through my head here, and someone’s asked me in the comments, Nathan here asks:


“Do I know anything about police being able to arrest someone in order to investigate them for an indictable offense, or force them into an interview?”


No, I don’t. I’ve never heard of that before. It’s my understanding that if you don’t want to go sees.


Joel Davis: It’s just straight up bullshit!


Blair Cottrell: It’s been my understanding they would need a warrant for your arrests to force you to go to the police station. Right? They can’t just make you go. That’s my understanding of how the law works.


So this is interesting. I’ve never had this kind of treatment from police before, personally. I’ve never seen or heard of this happen before. So, yeah, it’s interesting.


But I think Tom did well remaining calm, especially because that’s his family home. That’s where his partner is. That’s where his child is. His partner’s. I won’t give any personal information away or watch what I say. But he stayed calm. That’s impressive! Did he end up actually going, do you know, if he went outside and went with them or not? Or did he stay inside?


Joel Davis: My understanding is that basically told him to go fuck themselves and went to work. I think he’s on site by 07:00 am.


So, I mean, he’s probably having to go to his work.




Blair Cottrell: He’s in construction. They start at 07:00, like they start a quarter to seven. That’s when they start unpacking the tools.


But it felt like to me he was being threatened. That’s what it sounded like. It sounded like when he opened the door, they wanted him to open the door so they could jump on him! Even though they don’t have a warrants. But I don’t know. He was faced with two possible choices there. He could do what he did, which I don’t think was a bad thing, but he could have gone with them and just given a “no comment” interview.


Maybe they feel, I don’t know, there must be some box ticking they have to do in order to successfully charge him for something that they don’t have a lot of evidence for. And that’s really arbitrary. Which is “grossly offensive conduct” during a political protest because of something he said. Right?


So maybe they have to say they’ve interviewed him and that’s going to contribute to their investigation somehow. I don’t know, they seem really keen on getting this interview with him and I’m not really sure why.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it is bizarre! Unless it was just a pretext to harass him and that this is what this is all about, just maximizing his harassment.


But, yeah, it doesn’t seem to make any sense.


But, yeah, you can see that they were basically threatening, they said:


“We have power of arrest.”


So basically threatening him with arrest, but couldn’t actually explain how it would be legal to arrest him. They’re not charging him with a crime. So what, police can just go around and arrest people because they feel like it? Like that’s not really how it works, is it? So.


Blair Cottrell: No, it’s definitely. I don’t know. I just don’t know why getting an interview with Sewell about a pending investigation is so important. Is it that important to try?


Joel Davis: You can’t be compelled to say anything to a police interview. You can say:


“Give me the charge, I’ll say nothing to you, and then I’ll see you in court.”


That’s how it works. You don’t have to say shit to the police! Under any circumstances. You can get legal representation and the police can put the evidence that you’ve committed a crime before a judge, and then you can make representations in your defense. You don’t have to say anything to the police.




Blair Cottrell: Do you think it’s possible, … That’s true, but do you think it’s possible, it’s a long shot, but are they trying to provoke a response from him that they might be able to use against him by banging on his door that early in the morning and trying to intimidate him into giving an interview that he doesn’t want to give, to go to the police station. Are they trying to get him angry? Maybe. I don’t know.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Thinking like, maybe you’re in the morning, when you wake up, that’s when you’re maybe cold.


Blair Cottrell: Everyone’s colder in the morning. If you go to bed with a particular, you go to bed with heartache [headache], for example, you sleep on it, you wake up, you’ll notice you’re colder in the morning. Everyone feels less in the morning.


So I don’t know whether that’s going to make him more rash or less, but it’s just strange. It’s very strange behavior from Victoria police. But after those lockdowns, man, after that pandemic nonsense, nothing surprises me anymore.


Joel Davis: So some dumbass in the Rumble live chat saying:


“Oh, we should support police officers. Police officers are our guys, and we don’t want to alienate them.”


You’re a fucking retard! The state, the security arm of the state! And I posted about this on Telegram. I talk about this over and over again, this concept of anarcho-tyranny. The security arm of the state enforces anarcho-tyranny. Meaning they don’t actually enforce the law competently when it comes to actually keeping White people safe, keeping communities safe. But they overextend the law tyrannically against patriotic activist elements in society that are trying to organize some kind of political resistance to the multiracial anarchic conditions that they’ve created.


You know I remember Tom saying, actually, the last time that he went to court, that there was a bunch of hearings before his hearing where they were like, black rapists and grievous bodily harm, assault. Tom actually is here now, so he can actually discuss it himself. But people get away with murder in the court system in this country. Like pedophiles, rapists, gangbangers. They’re in and out of jail.


Blair Cottrell: Gang bangers! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s true. They’re in and out of jail. They give really weak sentences. Particularly they:


“Oh, I’m a refugee. And I came to Australia and I couldn’t get a very good education because I’m a refugee. And so that’s why I started selling drugs. That’s why I went down this dark path, and that’s why I committed this crime!”


And then they go:


“Oh, we’ll take that into consideration.”


And then, you know, they’re back out on the street. That happens. The legal system has been totally neutered as an effective way of keeping normal White people safe in their own country from these elements, while at the same time they break their own rules and extend their own rules in order to tyrannize those of us that try to provide any kind of resistance to this, any kind of common sense alternative, any kind of patriotic resistance. That’s what anarcho-tyranny is, and we can see that very clearly.


So insofar as the police, particularly after what happened during Covid as you said, Blair, if you are a police officer in 2024, that means you saw how they treated your fellow citizens during Covid. That means you’ve seen how there’s been a total breakdown in law and order. You’ve seen the total double standard in political policing in this country, and you’ve decided:


“I’m going to go and earn a paycheck working for the state that is conducting itself in this manner.”




Thomas Sewell: Piece of shit!


Joel Davis: That means you’re a piece of shit! Fuck you! We have no, no respect for the fucking police!


Blair Cottrell: It’s not necessarily about how the state treated the fellow citizens of the police. It’s how they treated the police as well. You had to get vaccinated to keep your job, and you’re being suspended and laid off if you didn’t do it, or if you didn’t follow their directives about bullying people and moving people on and shooting people in the face with rubber projectiles for protesting, which is their right.


Anyway, what happened after that, Tom? Now that you’re here, I’m really interested. What happened after that recording stopped? Did you go out to speak with them? Did you just wait until they left? What happened?


Joel Davis: We listened to the recording, by the way, that you just posted. We just played it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Okay.


Joel Davis: Just so you know.


Thomas Sewell: So after that I got my clothes on. Like, I got “arrest clothes” on, you know what I mean? Comfy clothes in case I was put in a cell for 24 hours.


Blair Cottrell: Stuff that you might be wearing for a few weeks while you’re in the police cells waiting for a cell to be free. Yeah, I get it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Like, put, like, trackies on and nice winter socks and, like, two Hoodies and got ready for it. You got to get ready for it, and kiss the baby and had a coffee with Beck. I kind of just made him wait out the front for a bit. Because I noticed there wasn’t a SWAT team.


So I was like, if they are going to arrest me, they’re going to either have to call for backup or wait for me to come out. So I’ve got time to just burn, just have a coffee, just chill, because you just don’t know. Because last time this happened, they just refused me bail. So what should have been like maybe two days or at most two weeks in the cells to be able to go in front of a magistrate, turned into seven months?


And then the judge was like:


“Wait, why is this person still in the cells after seven months?”


So when you kind of got the experience I have with the anarcho-tyranny. Well, the tyranny side of things. Well, actually the anarchy side of things as well, because they fired on Tim’s home, I remember, and they did absolutely fucking nothing about that!




So it’s anarchy when it suits them and tyranny when it suits them. After that, yeah, I had a coffee and then I went back to the window next to the door to talk to them and they had a little team meeting. I was kind of listening in on them and they weren’t sure what to do. And the guys, they were just lying through their teeth. So they were banging on the door really loud but not saying anything.


So when he said:


“Oh, we did identify as police.”


They didn’t. And we have had two break ins on that street this week. So they were banging on the door pretty loud and then they kept saying:


“Thomas, come to the door.”


Which doesn’t identify yourself as police. Just because the home invader knows my name doesn’t mean it’s police. But they didn’t say:


“Thomas, come to the door.”


Until after, like the third or fourth time banging on the door.


And then at one point they threatened that they were going to bash the door in. Again, not identifying as police. Just if you don’t answer the door, we’re going to bash the door in. So that could be anybody.


So that’s a very dangerous game that the police play.


But, yeah, after that video, after the coffee, I went back to the window and I just simply said to them:


“Can you give me one good reason why I should come to the police station with you now?”


I want to tell all the viewers at home, I highly recommend that you don’t engage with the police. I highly recommend that you just, “No comment” everything. You don’t engage with them, you don’t talk to them, you don’t answer the door. If they’ve got a warrant for your arrest, they’ll say it. They’ll have a warrant for your arrest. If they’ve got a search warrant for the property. They’ll say it. They’ll say:


“We have a search warrant for the property.”


If you have a camera set up or you have a peep hole or something, you’ll be able to see that they’ve got the paperwork. And they’re just like:


“Yep, answer, open the door. We’ve got the paperwork. We’ve got a search warrant. We have to come inside.”


Whereas what this cop was saying was like:


“You need to come down to the station to talk to us. It’s not voluntary. We have powers of arrest.”


These are all manipulation methods. The police are professional liars! The things they said, like:


“You need to, or you must, or, we have powers of arrest.”




Blair Cottrell: I’ve always said the cops, the best cops, are actually just criminals wearing a uniform. How do you catch a criminal? With criminals! They need to be able to think like a criminal. Right?


But a thought occurred to me while you were speaking, and I just wrote it down here. I think maybe the reason they’re so desperate to do this interview with you, why they go into such lengths, they could be confident that they can get you to admit to something by asking you questions in a certain way in relation to your protests in Ballarat. They’re confident that if they can interview you, they can get you to admit something that will secure their best chance for prosecution. That must be why they’re so keen on getting this interview. And you still haven’t given it, right. Have you actually interviewed, been to the interview?


Thomas Sewell: Correct. I haven’t done an interview.


So what I said to them was, in summary, I said to them that they’re getting a “no comment” interview. If they do arrest me when I leave the house, they’re getting a no comment interview, and they need to be aware of that.


And as my disclaimer says, I highly recommend that you don’t even do what I did to all the viewers at home. You don’t engage with the police the way I did. I kind of have to for propaganda efforts, but I highly recommend that you don’t.


And if you do get arrested, if they are being serious, and it isn’t just lies and threats, you need to give a no comment interview. So although I might engage with the police, I can play every interview that I’ve ever had with them and it’s no comment to everything. When you’re in that-cell and they’re recording you, just no comment, everything. And people need to understand that obviously, the police aren’t our friends, and I see comments in the chat, like:


“Oh, but the police are mostly Right-wing.”


Yes, yes, yes! And I did a video answering this. They might be sympathetic to us as individuals, but ultimately they’re mercenaries and they’ll still do their job. Their sympathy won’t stop them from doing their job, which is to harm you, to harm your family! They took my car off me for three years for, basically a brawl, for self defense. So they will do everything they can to imprison and entrap. I mean, you got to think about all.


Blair Cottrell: You just got your car back recently, right? The one they were holding?


Thomas Sewell: I think, two weeks ago, yeah.


Blair Cottrell: And they took that car in relation to an investigation. Was it out in Cathedral Ranges?


Thomas Sewell: Correct, correct.




Blair Cottrell: And how long ago did you get cleared of those charges?


Thomas Sewell: Well, we were originally cleared of them about, I think, seven or eight months ago.


But then they did the appeal to the Supreme Court which gave them the ability to hold it for longer.


Blair Cottrell: Right, but was there any real reason to keep holding the car up to the date of the appeal? Probably not.


Thomas Sewell: So when my lawyer asked:


“Why do the police still have my car?”


The police said that:


“We found his DNA in the car.”


Blair Cottrell: Well, if that’s on file, why do they need to keep the car?


Thomas Sewell: Because it’s part of the investigation. That’s what they said. They said:


“It’s part of the investigation because we found his DNA in his car.”


That’s right. My DNA was in my own car!


Blair Cottrell: It’s a good car too. So it’s sad that it was out of action for so long.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I really want that retard who left the Rumble comment about how we need to support the cops, not alienate the cops, to just step outside, turn the stream off, step outside and just spend five minutes thinking about how much of a fucking retard you are!


And then when you realize that you’re a retard, then you’re permitted to turn the stream back on.


And if you don’t realize, I don’t want you turning the stream back on. I want you just to stay out there in the freezing cold all night. Because these people are fucking scum! And you can say whatever private beliefs they have is, as Tom said, is totally irrelevant! They have chosen to earn a paycheck working for the enemy, working for ZOG. And so therefore they are fucking scum! They don’t have to do that. And they can quit anytime they want and go and get a regular job like the rest of us. They choose not to.


So they can go fuck themselves! We should not offer them or they shouldn’t offer them any respect. I understand with the military, it’s a bit different. You might want to offer them some more respect. You know, thing is, they don’t really fight real wars, so why are we respecting them either? But they’re not brutalizing Australian citizens, right? They’re not tyrannizing Australian citizens. The police are! The police are worthy of zero respect!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


So the other conversation that I had with them, because I could tell he didn’t really want to talk to me because it was obvious I was recording. So I said to him:


“Look, as a gesture of good faith, I’ll Chuck my phone in the other room. And I need you to tell me why you’re actually here. You need to tell me why you’re actually here.”


And he was like:


“How do I know you’re not recording?”


I was like:


“I threw my phone in the other room.”




Blair Cottrell: Like, what would it even matter? What would matter if you were recording? If it’s all legal and it’s part of due process, why would it matter if you were recording?


Thomas Sewell: Exactly! Of course. Because it’s not.


And so I said:


“Just man to man, give me one good reason. Explain to me what law I’ve broken. Explain to me what I’ve done that’s grossly offensive. That deserves you to drive all the way from Ballarat to my house and bring me down to the police station against my will. Cause apparently it’s not voluntary. Give me one good reason why I should come out of the house and engage in that process with you.”


And he said:


“I’m not gonna give you a reason because it’s not gonna be good enough for you anyway. And so I’m not gonna argue with you.”


And I said:


“No, no. Entertain me. Entertain me! Give me just one good reason.”


And he said:


“Well, it was, you know what you did was one of your slogans was grossly offensive, and a member of the community complained.”


And I said:


“So is that how that works? So I’m grossly offended by your behavior right now. Do I come to your house? Do we send men to your house and stand out the front of your house at 06:00 in the morning? Is that how it works?”


He goes:


“No, no, no. That’s not how it works.”


I said:


“No, no, no, you tell me because I’m naive. I’m politically naive. I’m an idiot! I think we live in a democracy!”


And then they all laughed and they went:


“Oh, you’re not naive, Tom. Come on! You’re not naive. You know!”


And I was like:


“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. We don’t live in a democracy. So how it works is some faggot complained and you want to take me down to the station because you do the marching orders for faggots. That’s it! What else is there to it? What have I missed? You know, explain to me.”


And when I got their names off them, something that I don’t think I said it on camera, but after I turned off the camera, after I turned off the recording, I said to them, I read out their names back to them and they said:


“Yep, that’s correct.”


And I said:


“Those are all good Aussie names. You’re all good Aussie blokes. It’s great to see that Victoria police is in good hands. These good Aussie White men still in the Victorian police force. And it takes good, strong Aussie blokes to come to houses of good, strong Aussie blokes that upset faggots and brown people. How great it is!”




And they all laughed. They all thought that that was quite hilarious! And I said:


“But the problem is that it’s not good Aussie blokes that are in charge of Victoria police. You might be good Aussie blokes. Good, solid Aussie blokes. You know, fair dinkum Aussie blokes love your country, but you’re licking the boots of faggots! Faggot jews are telling you what to do and giving you your marching orders. And so it doesn’t matter how good quality you guys are, ultimately you’re going to do the bidding of these people, aren’t you?”


And they didn’t want a bar of that. And they put their head back in the sand, like looked back at their shoes.


And then the last thing he said was:


“So are you coming out for an interview or not?”


And I said:


“No, fuck off!”


And then the sun started coming up and they just turned and looked at each other. They had a little group meeting and then they fucked off!


Now, that doesn’t mean it’s over. There’s still a strong chance that they’ll come to arrest me on another date, but they’ll need a warrant. They’ll need to go to a judge. And that’s the argument that I was having with them. I was like:


“Where’s the paperwork? Show me the paperwork from the judge.”


And this is what people that are watching need to know. For them to arrest you, they need a warrant. Unless they catch you in the commission of a crime. If you’re committing a crime, they don’t need a warrant. If you’re in the commission of a crime, they can catch you on the spot and arrest you. They can say you’re fleeing the scene or whatever. Right. But they need to get a warrant for your arrest from a judge.


Blair Cottrell: I wouldn’t think that’d be so difficult for them either. Maybe some judges are giving them grief and not signing off on some warrants. Like, it was my understanding that it was easy for police to get a warrant for pretty much whatever they wanted. But that might be wrong. Like, that might be totally wrong. Maybe they get trouble.


Joel Davis: Would this be the first time in Australian history where someone is getting arrested for conducting a peaceful political rally?


Blair Cottrell: No, that happens. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Maybe during Covid, but that was different because they were saying:


“Oh, they were violating the Covid rules.”


But this is straight up for the political rally itself.


Thomas Sewell: It’s closer to what Blair got charged with. It’s closer. What Neil Erickson sent to me was he sent me the law. These laws, this “grossly offensive” law was passed. Did you guys already cover this on stream? They were passed by the Andrews government because of the Dick Pusey incident. Does everyone remember the Dick Pusey incident?




Blair Cottrell: Do we have to call it that? [chuckling] Is there a different way we can phrase it or do we have to call it that?


Thomas Sewell: The Richard Pusey incident. The Dick Pusey incident? Isn’t that what it’s called?


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know, man. Well, is his name actually Richard Pusey?


Thomas Sewell: His name is Richard Pusey.


Blair Cottrell: Okay, well, we have to call it that. I suppose.


Thomas Sewell: We have to call it the Dick Pusey incident.


Blair Cottrell: So take us from the top. What is that incident? Take it from the top.


Thomas Sewell: The incident is there was some, like, he was a loan shark. Not a loan shark. He was a mortgage broker. Rich, wealthy guy with an Asian wife.


Blair Cottrell: In Melbourne. Right? This happened in Melbourne?


Thomas Sewell: In Melbourne. And he was high on coke, driving down the freeway. He got pulled over by cops on the Eastern freeway near the Chandler highway exit. And four cops got out of their car to surround his, like, BMW.


And then a fucking methed out of his head Iranian, like, killed all four police officers.


Blair Cottrell: Well, like, drove into them. I remember this, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. Like, this meth head, Iranian killed four cops. And then Dick Pusey got out of his car high on coke and filmed the dead police officers and said:


“You pieces of shit have ruined my day. Fuck you!”


And then he got back in his car and drove off.


Blair Cottrell: Brutal! That’s brutal!


Thomas Sewell: And the media gave more attention to Dick Pusey than they did the methed out Iranian that actually killed the cops. No one knew, I don’t even know the name of the meth head that killed the cops. We don’t know how much jail time he got sentenced to. Probably still in jail. He probably got ten years or 20 years or something. He probably got a long time for dangerous driving and driving under the influence and culable manslaughter and all those fucking charges.


But Dick Pusey, they locked him up, I’m pretty sure, without trial for 18 months. He ended up in a mental Institute.


And then he started claiming he was a tranny and started trying to play the system. He was like a lobitarian type character, kind of funny, but also not based.


Blair Cottrell: The point is they brought in a new law specifically because of what he did.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: What I want to know about the parents. Yeah, I want to know about the parents, though. Imagine, like, your last name is Pusey, and you’re like:


“Yes, his name is Richard!”


Thomas Sewell: Like, yes!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yes!




Joel Davis: That’s a fucked up genetic line this guy’s coming from!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And he had an Asian wife anyway, and she probably left him when he got put in jail.


So the media were like:


“Oh, my God! Dead police officers mocked! This is the most horrible crime to ever happen!”


Not the killing of the police officers. They didn’t really care too much about that they cared that the police were mocked when they were dead.


And so they passed. They made a new law. Andrew’s government drafted up a new law about this “grossly offensive” behavior and that it was contemptible to society or something like that, and that any reasonable person would consider it disgusting, and therefore that there must be jail time for this. And to my understanding. Excuse me, to my understanding, he was the first and only person charged with this law, convicted of this law.


Blair Cottrell: And that’s interesting that they’re choosing that charge, because that’s not political.


Thomas Sewell: It’s not. No, it’s not political. It’s not racial vilification.


Blair Cottrell: Correct me if I’m wrong, shouldn’t there be some part of the legislation that kind of protects political discourse in grossly offensive behavior? I don’t know. I have to read the law, I suppose.


Thomas Sewell: There is.


Joel Davis: If it goes to court I guess we’re gonna see, these arguments get played out.


Thomas Sewell: Section 195K of the Act says that political speech is exempt from the law. So genuine political speech is exempt from the law. I can’t give you the exact wording. I have to pull up. I think I sent it to you.


Joel Davis: Well, boom! Investigation over. Not guilty.


Blair Cottrell: Like, that’s why I think they’re so keen on the interview, because I think through some skillful questioning, they want to get Tom to say something that they believe will secure their prosecution or give them the best chance at getting a conviction. They know that Tom believes in what he believes. They know that Tom is passionate about what he believes, and they know that if they ask a loaded question, they may get the answer that will give them the conviction. That’s what I think.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. So they hope to trip you up.


So that’s why they’d only ever get, … Even though I might banter with the cops at the front of my house, and they scurry away as the light comes up, as the sun comes up, I want everyone to, … I highly recommend that everyone understand to always give a “no comment” interview. And I forgot to finish this phase, and I’ll try to do it quickly.


What everyone needs to realize is that the police aren’t neutral, and the courts convict you. And so you’re the defendant. The police are neutral, just doing their job, investigating, and the courts are the bad guys. It’s the other way around. The police are the bad guys. The courts are neutral.


So the police are out there no matter what. The police, once you’re noted, once you’re on the radar of the police, they’re trying to get you. They’re not trying to be friendly to you. They’re not like:


“Oh, look, we’re just doing our job. We’ve got this investigation. Let’s just get through the, through this process, and then you go home.”


No, no! That’s just a lying tactic to trip you up, so that they can get you in jail.




Blair Cottrell: Sometimes. Like, just to play contrarian. Sometimes there’s some bad guys out there that the cops arrest. You know, sometimes there’s some sex offenders sometimes, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, of course!


But I meant it from the point that they’re the antagonist, they’re the prosecutor. Most people don’t realize that. The average person on the street thinks that the police are neutral, and in the court, supply the prosecutor, and that the courts are trying to get you. That there’s someone in the court. No, no, no! It’s the other way around. The courts are meant to be neutral, at least. It’s the police that are the prosecutor. It’s the police that are trying to get you. It’s the police that are trying to get a conviction. The courts are trying to mediate. Even if they’re not about justice. The magistrates is not about justice. It’s not about the law.


Magistrates is like an arbitrary arbitration process. It’s more about mediation than is about the law. You can be correct and on the side of the law at magistrates and you’ll still get fucked over! Like the Family Court. Doesn’t matter how correct you are, you go to the Family Court. It’s not about the law. What it’s about is “harm minimization”.


It’s like this very feminine mindset, where it’s like:


“How do we make both parties happy? If one party is really unhappy and one party is only slightly unhappy, we need to meet in the middle somewhere.”


And it’s like, so your daughter gets raped by a nigger, and you’re just sitting there and you’re a good Anglo Saxon citizen and you’re just sitting there for due process and you’re just like:


“Hmm. I’m hoping that this person, you know, goes to jail for a really long time.”


But you’re just quiet and you’re silent. Maybe you’re sobbing because your daughter just got raped.


And then the nigger comes to court with a nice jewish lawyer. And the jewish lawyer says:


“He’s so horribly affected by this experience! He’s a victim of circumstance and he’s got schizophrenia and mental illness and all these bad things! And he’s a refugee and he fled war and his life is horrible! And he’s in poverty and he’s got mental health and it’s so horrible. It’s so bad!”


The judge, the magistrates, they’re a joke. So they sit there and go:


“Well, one side doesn’t seem that upset and the other side seems really upset. So we’ll give them six months. We’ll meet at halfway.”




Blair Cottrell: Is that why you think everyone should go to county? They should always try to commit to county to get like an actual hearing.


Thomas Sewell: If you’re in the right. If you’re in the right you should go to county, …


Blair Cottrell: We just got a Superchat here. And it’s a question for you, Tom. White Power donated $1. Thanks, mate:


“How would the police force work in a future state run by you?”


Thomas Sewell: I don’t really like talking in hypotheticals, because, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s a big question. There’s a lot to unpack there too.


Thomas Sewell: The short answer is it wouldn’t work much differently to the current one. The difference is the fish stinks from the head down. It’s not the police as an institution that are wrong. It’s the people that are in charge of the police have been subverted, and they’re communists and they’re trying to destroy our society, and they hate White men.


So the police would function more or less the same, but they would just have a different ideological function. So right now, the police are doing diversity and inclusion courses, and they’re learning about the values of gay sex, and they’re learning about how gay people and jews are protected species, and we have to protect them at all costs. And that’s what they’re learning about as police officers on top of their general policing.


What that would look like in our system is it would instead of being brainwashed with gay propaganda, they would be getting educated on our worldview, on natural law. They would be educated on these timeless, traditional principles, and that their duty is, …


I saw someone comment something recently, the Peelian principle police. It says here, the Peelian principle summarized the ideas by Sir Robert Peel, developed to define the ethical police laws. The approach expressed in these principles is commonly known as policing by consent.


So the idea is the model of policing. Police officers are regarded as citizens in uniform. They exercise their powers of police to their fellow citizens with the implicit consent. It’s policing by consent.


So it’s this general idea that there’s a respect within the community. These are respected men.


And I think that’s how police used to be. There was nowhere near as many. We didn’t live in a Police State. It was like you’d have a town and there’d be a sheriff. There would be someone that was genuinely respected by the people, regardless of whether he wore a badge. And the sheriff did his duty to the town to keep law and order.


But the general rule is that the men of the town kept law and order. The sheriff might only be given that badge in the instance that there was some problem that couldn’t be resolved naturally through the system, through the organic state, through the organic people.


I don’t like laws, and not because I’m an anarchist. I don’t like laws because I think we need good breeding and good ethics. And when you have good breeding and good habits and good ethics, you don’t really need a piece of paper telling you what to do. A truly organic state, a truly functioning society, doesn’t need many police. And if it does, …




Blair Cottrell: Well said. Deranged people need more laws. A deranged society needs more laws, right?


So the more deranged, the more police, the more control. Not to overlook our first Superchat, though, which I accidentally did by Smarty 98, who donated $10. Thanks very much, mate. He said:


“I thought I’d watch the state of origin circus last night. I was treated with a five minute long ‘Welcome to Country’ and the guy who sung the Australian anthem was 100% not straight.”


Yeah that seems to be the norm these days, unfortunately. But sorry you had to endure that, mate.


Joel Davis: This is why I don’t watch the NigRL. This is the term you guys need to use at home. We’ve got GayFL. We need NigRL to get popularized instead of NRL, NigRL. Because that’s basically what happens when you watch. It’s just a bunch of FOBs [Fresh Off the Boat]. Someone asked me:


“Oh, Joel, did you watch the State of Origin last night?”


I said:


“No. Why would I want to watch a bunch of FOBs tackling each other claiming to be in Queensland and New South Wales?”


Like, it’s not what it used to be.


So, yeah, I have no interest in that. But it doesn’t surprise me that they shove the football.


Blair Cottrell: It’s kind of like, I’ve written before. It’s like cringe coliseum. We’re like, this weird cringe modern Rome where like, we have this coliseum, but there’s no one actually fighting or winning. It’s just men crawling each other, trying to get a ball. Crawling over each other. Rather. Sorry. Crawling over each other.


But yeah, like, I’ve written about it before and it’s a little bit strange, but sorry you have to go through.


Joel Davis: On Odysee as well. JQR code said:


“This is an incredible new level of harassment. They wanted to get Tom in the car and waste his day.”


Yeah, thanks. Thanks for your comment. I think goes without saying. But also when Tom, when you said instead of teaching them diversity and inclusion, I think if we were in charge, we would be teaching the police unity and exclusion, which would be the principle of any good social order. And in such a social order, if you had unity and exclusion, you wouldn’t have too many criminals.


Because, I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m around a bunch of White people, I’m not on edge. I’m not really afraid that they’re going to, … I mean, Blair, I was at your house last night. You were telling me about how, like, even White junkies are kind of pleasant, how, like, what was the story about the Whites, the heroin addicts?




Blair Cottrell: I bought a new TV when I was young. I was telling Joel this story last night. And it was a big TV, and I was only 16, so I had to carry it from Meyer. It used to be a Meyer in Frankston. It’s been replaced now by some, I think it’s like a Chinese store, ironically.


But anyways, carrying this TV over to the taxi rank to get the taxi back home, and I couldn’t see what I was doing.


And to my surprise, two heroin addicts that were just laying on the street prior to this, got up, sprung to their feet. I thought, what are these guys going to do? Are they going to rob me? No! They actually ran out onto the road and stopped traffic for me so I could walk this huge TV across the road, put it in the back of the taxi and get home. I said:


“Thanks, lads!”


They’re like:


“Yeah, no worries, buddy!”


So I’m thinking:


“Wow, that’s some friendly neighborhood drug addicts sort of social behavior there.”


I liked that. I appreciated that. I never really forgot that. And I started noticing that, yeah, like, your sort of White Australian people who are disadvantaged down and out homeless on the street, these are some of the kindest people if you just talk to them. Like they’ve had some rough experiences. There’s some rough upbringings. A lot of it stems from family and decisions they’ve made, et cetera, et cetera.


But, yeah, they’re not the sort of people that’s, uh. Like, look, if it was anybody else, if it was a member of a different ethnic clan, a couple of guys on drugs laying on the street that day, I was only a teenage kid. Would they have, like, beat me and stolen the TV? Maybe. It was an experience that kind of stuck with me. I was like:


“Wow, that was unusually kind!”


Not what I expected from a couple of guys that were down and out struggling on the street.


But just got a Superchat while I was talking there from Andrew. He sent us $5. Thanks for that, mate. He said:


“Here’s $5 just to say F you to the cops that harassed Tom.”


Next question on that Sewell. What do you expect next? Are you expecting to be arrested at home? You preparing for that? Do you think that’s going to be it? They’re just going to give up on this now with the interview thing? Where to from here? What’s next?




Thomas Sewell: I think there’s a small chance that it’ll be a proper police raid that they will come in with the battering ram and take everything with a circuit board just to piss me off. They probably won’t take my car because even that is a massive stretch. They probably won’t take my car this time. But they’ll take as many thousands of dollars of electronics as they can. So I’ll probably get rid of my laptop and stuff like that. And I’ve got a cheap burner phone anyway that I’m prepared to lose. So I’m not too worried about that.


Yeah, I think there’s a small chance of that. Not a massive chance, but that’s always on the cards. I just think in general they’re just ramping up their political policing, …


Blair Cottrell: . If they do come back to your house. Let’s say they come back to the house at 06:00 with a warrant. They’ve got the warrant. They’re showing you the warrant. In that case, what do you do? You go with them, right?


Thomas Sewell: You answer the door. Yeah. You open the door. I tried once not opening the door to see what would happen, and they just smashed the door. And that cost me like a bit of money to like, replace the door. [chuckling] So just if they’ve got the warrant, just answer the door. Unless you’re like flushing the fucking SD cards or something, in which case just. It’ll buy you some time. Flush the SD cards! That’s always worth doing. If you got anything dumb or stupid in your house, just get rid of it. You know? Don’t answer the door. Just get rid of it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. My policy’s always been, don’t do, … Doesn’t matter if you’re being watched, surveyed, whatever. Just if you’re not doing anything illegal, don’t have anything illegal in your house. If you don’t have anything illegal on any of your devices, then you don’t actually have anything to worry about. So that’s the clean rule.


Thomas Sewell: I can’t believe that bikies store guns in their houses. Like, illegal guns. That’s crazy! They are insane! Like motorcycle bikie people are insane! Like, I could not imagine doing that because you’re openly advertising that you’re committing a crime and then they’re illegally holding guns. And then if they’re caught with those guns, they get like basically five years now, like minimum. The police are just biding their time, building Intel and they’re just coming for you eventually. It’s just crazy to think about that. These, like, organized criminals do that.


I mean, sometimes people in our movement get paranoid about police harassment. And then I realized that there is bikies. And it’s like, we’re not doing even 1% of the bad shit that bikies’ doing. Like, the worst shit we’ve done is what you beheaded a dummy and, like, food dye went on concrete outside a building. Like, I’ve defended myself twice. I haven’t started any fights. Like, who else has gone to jail? Like, the South Australian guys owned books. They owned the wrong books. They owned books you weren’t allowed to own.


There was a guy in New South Wales that had a PDF. He had a PDF of something that you’re not meant to 3D print on his computer. He didn’t even own a 3D printer.


And I think he did, jail.


Then there’s like, what was that guy? He threatened to, like, firebomb Mel Gregson.




Blair Cottrell: It might have been, … I can’t remember his name.


Thomas Sewell: Phil Galea [sp]. Yeah, and Mel Gregson.


Blair Cottrell: That guy just wasn’t really all there, was he?


Thomas Sewell: No, no, he was a retard! No, no, he wasn’t all there. I think he was in the Supermax [jail] when I was in there, but he didn’t say anything. But I’m pretty sure his name get called out once.


Blair Cottrell: But anyway, once at some random event, …


Thomas Sewell: He threatened to fireball Mel Gregson and The Anarchist Bookstore, and he got years in jail. But anarchists firebombed Tim Lutz [sp], and none of them go to jail. Like, actually firebombed, whereas Galea just threatened to firebomb. It’s pretty crazy how that works.


Anyway, obviously there’s more pressure. I don’t want this to be like a black pill ever. So, like:


“Oh, my God, look how much pressure there is on us!”


Just keep your nose clean. Just don’t have illegal shit! If you have our views, don’t have illegal shit! Don’t do dumb shit! Don’t have illegal shit! And just maintain a low profile, but be involved in your community.


I mean, I think about this all the time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, don’t make it easy for them to get to you. But while you’re speaking to them, we got a Superchat. Probably the biggest one we’ve ever had. $100 from Top Three Martin Gale. He says:


“Greetings from America. There are more of us than they want to admit. Keep up the good fight, boys!”


Thanks very much, bro. Appreciate it!


Joel Davis: Yeah.


But I think kind of the shittest thing about being a public political dissident is that I have to be very squeaky clean and not commit any crimes, because you’re not getting away with anything! If you’re a regular member of the public, you can bend rules here and there. You can have a little fun. I’m on no fun. I’m on no fun!


But, you know, ASIO’s watching and good luck trying to pin a crime on me, because I’m not going to commit one. That’s just the price that we got to pay to stand up for White Australians and not go to jail almost immediately. And it’s actually quite incredible how rarely crimes. It’s kind of funny how rarely anyone does really get in trouble for anything, for real.


Like, obviously they constantly dragging members of our community through the courts for whatever BS reason, but generally, it’s things to do with activism. Like you’re engaged in the public in some way, and then it’s in response to that. But it’s not generally anything that they’re doing on the side.


So that shows that we’re all pretty disciplined. We’re not these evil, lunatic, criminal elements. We’re just normal people that are focused upon what’s important, which is securing a future for our people.


There’s also another activist I wanted to mention from the community, Michael Nelson, because, …




Blair Cottrell: Just before you open up on it, can I mention this one. A Fellow Comrade just gave us a Superchat for $10. Thanks, Fellow Comrade. He says:


“$2 for Tom’s, …”.


He’s created like a tier list of donation priorities here. Starts off with:


“$2 for Tom’s door fund, $3 for Blair, because he’s cool.”


Thanks, man. And:


“$5 for Joel to get more cholo clothing.”


What’s “cholo” mean? What’s that? That’s our most pressing issue is for Joel to get cholol clothing. Right?


Thomas Sewell: Mexican gangster! Like the flannel, …


Joel Davis: I’m claiming it back for the Whiteman.


Thomas Sewell: And then why more bucks for Tom’s door?


Joel Davis: [chuckling] So this is from The Noticer as well. Everyone, as we said at the beginning, Noticer dot News. Get on there, read Blair’s opinion piece.



Anyway, this is Michael Nelson:


“Australian nationalist has his bank account shut down for his political views.”


And this is basically just a basic exposition of the fact that, yeah, his account got closed down. We see this quite frequently with members of our community. What did he do? He threw a Roman salute in a funny T-shirt and he’s being dragged through courts for, quote, unquote, “grossly offensive behavior”.


And now he can’t use his bank account because this is the priority. It says here. I like the ending of this article. It says here. Where is it?:


“Noticer News asked Bendigo bank on what specific grounds Mr Nelson’s account was closed? Who made the final decision? How many debankings were done each year, and how many pedophiles, serious criminals, non-citizens and illegal immigrants, still had accounts with the bank, but did not receive a response.”


And I would anticipate they probably do have many, like convicted pedophile sex offenders and other criminals, and so on, that can bank with this bank just fine.


But, you know, Michael Nelson stands up for White Australians, so he can’t apparently. We’ve seen this over and over again! I know you two have had many accounts shut down, but it was interesting. I saw that story really go viral on Twitter.




Thomas Sewell: It did. It did do very well.


I had my first account shut down around the same time as Blair. I had a West Bank account when we first started the UPF stuff. And that was the account I made as a teenager, my first ever bank account. And it was made with a family friend that was, at the time a branch manager. He ran the branch off the local Westpac bank near my house. And he was actually my dad’s best friend. They actually had known each other since high school. They’d known each other like 40 years or something.


And so we had a meeting with him. We had dinner. Nigel, his name is. I’m kind of doxxing him, but fuck him! He did nothing! And he’s a senior something. A senior executive or something within Westpac. And very senior, very high up there. And he said:


“This is totally unacceptable. I can’t believe it.”


You know, I think he’s not my godfather, but he’s like, basically my godfather. And he’s:


“I can’t believe Thomas’s bank accounts got shut down. This is completely unacceptable. I’m going right up to the top with this. You know, this is not what we do at Westpac. This is not our values!”


And he did this big spiel about how, like we don’t do that. And then, I don’t know, a couple weeks went by and I asked my dad:


“Hey, what’s the update on with Nige? What’s the update with the Westpac?”


You know, he personally set up this account when I was a teenager. And the account he personally set up got closed. And he, as a senior executive within Westpac, couldn’t get to the bottom of it, of who closed the account. He couldn’t! He asked around. He asked the department. There’s a department called. It’s now called “Know Your Customer”, but it used to be called something else.


But it’s like the Political Commissars at the bank, and they define a Politically Exposed Persons, the PEPs, which is what we are. We’re the dissidents. We’re PEPs. We’re worse than pedophiles, we’re worse than criminals, we’re worse than illegal immigrants, we’re worse than any, fraud, anything!


And originally, there was something called the Counter-Terrorism and Money Laundering list, CTML. And they used to use that as their pretense that people were sending money to ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria/or more correctly Israeli Secret Intelligence Service]. They were sending their money to, … Yeah, it was just basically ISIS. And there’s a few Islamic terror groups in the Middle East. And there were Muslims here in Australia doing that.


And then there were obviously people just defrauding money.


And so the Know Your Customer division was meant to just shut down those things. But they obviously started getting a little bit greedy when they had these powers. And they would get told by ASIO [Australian Security Intelligence Organization] who to do it to, and they would do it to us. And, yeah, they don’t sign the letter. The letters are never signed.


When you call up the complaints department, they’ll never give you any information or help you. It’s all done anonymously through the bureaucracy. And this is just how these people operate.


And as I said, I followed the whole procedure. I had family attempt to go through the banking ombudsman. You just never get a response.


So I suggest that people, I think one of our members, I think one of the older guys, Michael Edwards, DNA Nationalism, I think he’s also tried to go through the banking ombudsman when they shut down his account.


And also, I don’t think he’s had any success with that.


So, yes, that’s my story.




Blair Cottrell: Yeah. The experience I had, when I inquired with Westpac Banking Corporation it was who closed my first account. The first time it happened, I went into the bank because I wasn’t sure whether because, look, when they said they were going to close it, they sent me a letter saying:


“We’re closing your account in like, 29 days or something.”


I was like, all right. But I just kept using it and didn’t really think about it. And it was still open for like 18 months or something. Right.


But then they just closed it suddenly, like right before the lockdowns. And I went into the bank because I didn’t know whether the account had been garnished by debt collectors or whether the government had closed it because of my politics. And I didn’t know which one it was.


So I went into the bank and I’m like:


“Look, I’m not really complaining or anything. I just want to know why the account’s being closed. Am I being garnished because I owe money to debt collectors or something? Or has it been shut down because of who I am for political reasons? Can you at least just tell me that?”


And the woman at the teller, some woman working at the computer, she just goes:


“I think it’s the second one.”


And I’m like:


“All right, thank you. I just wanted to know that.”




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, but what I want everyone to know at home, just quickly. What I want everyone to know at home, when we say we get our bank account shut down, that doesn’t mean they stole our money. I know there’s a lot of people on the Internet that say:


“I don’t want to join the because I don’t want my accounts getting shut down.”


Because they think their account, your account getting shut down equals the government now steals your money or the bank steals your money.


They send you a check and you just open a bank account up with a different bank, ideally outside the big five. And that’s what the rest of us have just done. Everyone in nationalism has a bank account.




Joel Davis: It’s just a silly waste of time.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. It’s just every year or every six months.


Blair Cottrell: $10 donation from Big Tati. He says:


“I work for a bank, and if someone is told, they say someone is a commercial risk, they are de-banked. Even the general staff don’t know.”


I think what he’s trying to say is they highlight certain individuals as “commercial risks” and then they just delete the accounts. And the general staff don’t even know how it’s happening or why.


So if you go and inquire to the general staff, they don’t even know what to tell you. So it happens at a higher sort of corporate level.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, I went directly. What I’m talking about is not just the general staff. I went directly to the Know Your Customer department, which is like their political department, their complaints department. You know, I went straight to that. And they wouldn’t even tell me. The person that answered the phone wouldn’t even tell me their name. They were like, their name was Andy. They were like an Asian guy. They were like:


“Yeah, I’m Andy.”


I was like:


“What’s your name? What’s your full name?”


And they’re like:


“Oh, I can’t tell you.”


I’m like:


“You can’t tell me your full name? Why not? I’m Thomas Sewell. You know my name.”


And whenever the bank called me or the ATO [Australian Tax Office], whoever, and they always ask me for my name, I ask them for their full name and their address and their date of birth and shit! They never give it. [chuckling]


So I just hang up! Anyway.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. You got anything to say, Davis? Or we move on?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I want to discuss this story. There’s a couple other stories I wanted to discuss. One of them, we’re gonna pump through some Noticer. We’re really promoting the Noticer in this episode.



Yeah, I saw this article the other day. It was crazy!:


“Home sale sums up Sydney in 2024. Aging house and suburb where Aussies are a minority goes for $3.28 million.”


Blair Cottrell: Crazy!


Joel Davis: Look at this bang average house, 3.28 million. This is in Eastwood. Tom and I were actually in Eastwood a couple of weekends ago when we were up in Sydney.



And remember we were going to training, and I realized I left my mouth guard in Melbourne. So and we’re going to spar, obviously. So we stopped in at this chemist so I could get a mouth guard. And it was in Eastwood. And I got out of the car, and from the car to the chemist and then through the chemist or the pharmacy, for those American viewers, it’s what we call pharmacy, chemists. Same thing. Walking through it, I didn’t see one White person. Every single face I saw. And the street was covered in people. And it was one of those really big. It’s a Chemist Warehouse, which is like the biggest, like a superstore with multiple aisles. It’s full of all these little Asians scurrying around, and I’ve got to, like, wade through them to get to the mouth guard section. Everyone was Asian!




Thomas Sewell: I saw two White guys.


Joel Davis: You did? Oh, they had Asian, with Asian wife?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. I was in the car and I was like:


“Holy shit, this is the worst spot, the Aussie spot I’ve ever seen!”


And then two White guys about five minutes apart walked past, both of them with Asian missuses. And then I saw two Indian Uber Eats drivers. And everyone else was like, Chinese or Korean! Everyone else! Like, I’m talking, thousands of people walked past me in that, like, 10, 15 minutes period and there was only two Indians and two Whites.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s fucked! It’s just completely fucked! I don’t know what else to say. And the houses are now worth over $3 million. Shit-hole houses.


Blair Cottrell: Where’s Eastwood? Where’s Eastwood in relation to Sydney CBD?




Joel Davis: It’s on about half an hour. Yeah, about half an hour drive.


Thomas Sewell: Northwest.


Blair Cottrell: Northwest, okay.


Thomas Sewell: It’s above the bay. It’s above the river or whatever, isn’t it?


Blair Cottrell: I have heard that house prices in Sydney are, like, significantly worse than Melbourne. Is that true?


Thomas Sewell: And Melbourne’s worse than the rest of Australia, … Melbourne and Sydney are the two worst in Australia, by far.


Blair Cottrell: Rent is really high in Sydney. I’ve heard that, like. But it depends on where you go. Rents still pretty bad down here in Melbourne as well. But there are still some good areas, but they’re pretty far out from the city. Like, if you want an affordable rent, you’ve got to travel a fair way. So you end up, you know, everything’s time and money, sort of there’s this Crossover. Like, if you want more money, you can have less time. If you want more time, you can have less money. It’s like, what do you choose? Obviously I choose time. I’d rather time than money. With money, I’m actually always trying to gain more time. That’s what I want to do the things I want to do.


That’s kind of the point in making money, in my opinion. Like, obviously you got a family and that. So you need to. You need to support your family.


But I think once you get like an hour or more out of the city, the average rent prices improve. But anywhere, like within 40 minutes of the city, it’s pretty crazy! Like the rent prices are, .. And they’re only set to increase as well. Like the inflation, …




Joel Davis: To the point now. Sorry, finish what you’re saying.


Blair Cottrell: No, it’s all right. I’m just saying that the inflation, the value of the dollar down here in Australia, is this a result of the value of the dollar crashing or is it just like an inflation of a certain market?


Thomas Sewell: They’re printing too much money. They’re just printing. Selling loans. Printing money. Selling loans, printing money. It’s just never ending.


Joel Davis: I mean, inflation that’s got somewhat under control now. But the issue is, I mean, obviously the housing market is inflated because of just the immigrants, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, they don’t count the housing market. When they count inflation they say:


“Oh, it’s like 2.3% this year.”


It’s like, well, how did property go up 9%? How did the price of cheese go up 10%? And they said:


“Yeah, the way that., …”.


Joel Davis: They get inflation down is by, …


Blair Cottrell: I signed a contract, like, only about six months ago for a Wi-Fi service. And they’re like, all right, it’s gonna be like $70 or $69 a month. I’m like:


“Yeah, that’s a good deal. It’s part of a bundle deal.”


And every three months, I get an email saying it’s going up $15. I just got a new one the other day saying it’s going up another $15. And I’m like, what? It was the best deal at the time, but six months later, I’m paying more than the competitors now. So is your Internet increasing as well? Is that happening across the board? Is it just me? I don’t know.


Thomas Sewell: I don’t know, Beck pays the bills. I think it has gone up.


Blair Cottrell: Gas too. Gas is really expensive all of a sudden, because I think the government’s trying to phase it out.


So they’re trying to make everyone go electrical.


Thomas Sewell: They are trying to phase it out.


Blair Cottrell: Even though gas provides some of the most natural heating. If you’ve got a gas heater, if you’ve got gas stove, like, that’s the natural way to cook. It’s the natural way to warm your home. Have you ever actually gone to sleep or tried to relax in a room that’s got an electric heater? It just saps all the moisture out of the air, and it just makes me feel like shit! I hate it!


But in order to run gas appliances now I’m paying out of the ass for it. And whose decision was that? Because gas used to be really affordable ten years ago. This country is transforming in a way that’s just depressing, man. I don’t want to black pill anyone, but I’m feeling it too. You know that. You’re not alone if you’re pissed off with the economy in Australia.




Joel Davis: Yeah, everyone can feel it. That’s why I encourage everyone at home. Steal as much as you can from these corporations, whether you work for them, whether you’re a customer. These large corporations owned by jewish bankers, like we’ve talked about Woolworths on the show before. Woolworths is 90% foreign owned. Its largest investor is Blackrock, the jewish investment firm from New York. Steal as much as you can from these people.


Blair Cottrell: That’s just disclaimer. We’re not encouraging anyone to actually steal anything. We’re talking about maybe stealing the confidence of the corporation spiritually. Don’t actually steal anything.


Another $5 from [word unclear] He says:


“To add to inflation, they printed too much money during Covid to have people stay home and watch Netflix.”


That’s true. I believe that’s true:


“Where did all that money come from to just pay people for sitting at home doing nothing?”


They can’t just magic money like that they try to magic it out of thin air. But money that they make that is not based or backed up by labor or something tangible just devalues the currency generally throughout the entire country, and everyone is worth less.


Joel Davis: We talked about this on the show at the time. During Covid, yes, because they shut down large portions of the economy. They had to basically expand the money supply in order for the government to cover it.


And then in order to get it back under control, they need to then destroy that money, because when they expand the money supply, they need to find a way to then destroy it to get it back under control. And the way they do that is by jacking up interest rates.


So they needed to inflate. They needed to jack up interest rates. Obviously, we’ve had interest rate rises for years. It’s only just starting to gradually ease off. But they’re still very high interest rates. Anyone with a mortgage will be able to tell you that. So how do they deal with that?


Thomas Sewell: I don’t know if they’re going to ease off.


Joel Davis: Well, anyway, whether it eases off or not, the point is that interest rates are high.


Now, this causes a problem for the financial sector. If interest rates go too high, people aren’t going to take out loans because they’re prohibitive. People are less likely to sell houses, buy houses. They’re just going to sit with what they have.


And this kind of slows everything down.


But of course, the financial sector wants to keep making money. So then how do they keep making money? Well, bring in fuckloads of immigrants! The fuckloads of immigrants keeps the house prices going up even though there’s reduced demand because they’re bringing in money from the outside, or Indians will give like twelve people to a room, or whatever. Chinese investors come in, rent houses out to buy houses, and then rent them out to Chinese students, etcetera.




And so this then basically juices the housing market so that they can get away with rising interest rates and still making record profits.


So it all comes back to immigration, everything that sucks about the economy, it’s all a way for, … It’s a conspiracy, basically, between the elite interests in the property developer industry and the financial industry, the large corporations that want to keep your wages down so that your wages rise slower than inflation.


How do they do that? Bring immigrants in! Immigrants compete for labor, therefore this keeps the cost of labor down. This makes labor less competitive. So everything comes down to immigration to fuck you over! More or less. Like 90% of what’s happening in society is basically immigration fucking you over!


And, yeah, I think Australia it went from being, when I was a kid, it seemed like:


“Fuck, I’m so lucky to have been born in this country. This feels like we’re in a paradise. This is probably one of the best countries in the world to live in!”


To now, I don’t feel that. I don’t think anyone feels like that anymore. No longer feels like that. People used to say:


“Oh, we’re the lucky country and all the Australian dream.”


When was the last time you ever heard that phrase?


Blair Cottrell: It feels like the country’s turned into a breeding ground for scammers, too. I mean, when ten or 15 years ago, I don’t remember getting all these scam texts and emails all the time. It’s like everyone’s trying to scam everyone in Australia now, too. There’s no morality, there’s no honesty, there’s no integrity. Everyone’s just trying to rip each other off or scam people any way that you can get money, even if it’s through the most unethical, dirty way possible. It’s apparently great. Like, that’s what you should just do in this country. That’s what that’s kind of the attitude everyone’s got in business.


There’s still a few good businessmen out there, but they only operate within their own niche communities, with clientele that trusts them and that know that they’re honest, so willing to pay them well, but they’re so difficult to find.


It’s what’s so hard just to find an honest tradesman to come to your house and repair something. You’re probably more likely going to get someone who’s masquerading as a tradesman, who’s not even from this country and who’s just going to cause your home more damage. And then, you know, walk away and just still demand to be paid without having actually done anything. And that happens to people all the time.


Look at that guy. He’s called Building Inspector or something. He goes and inspects new homes where families have contacted a builder and probably naively, they’ve gone for the lowest possible quote on a home that they want to build. The builders massively underquote the other builders.


And then they employ all these people who aren’t real tradesmen or who don’t know what they’re doing. They throw this cheap shit home together with the cheapest materials possible, all the lowest tier Chinese grade stuff that doesn’t even operate properly, doesn’t hold up to standard.


And then these families that have paid $400,000, 500, $600,000 to build a new home, they’re walking into the home, the home’s unfinished and falling apart! The doors don’t work, the windows don’t work, everything’s non-complex, compliant with Australian building standards. And the builders just ignore them. They’d have to take the builders to court.


But then the builders just liquidate and disappear.


And then they’re stuck with this home, …




Thomas Sewell: Back to Lebanon! Back to Turkey! As you get back to Turkey. Back to Lebanon, yeah.


Blair Cottrell: So if you’re going to build a home in Australia, if you’re going to build a home in Australia, let me tell you want to know the builder, you want to know and trust the builder. Don’t just pick the builder that puts through the lowest possible quote. Right? You need to do your homework, ask around, network and find a legitimate builder.


We know some, actually, if you’re going to build a house or looking to do any renovation, we’ve got some great builders in our community, a couple of them that have got a great reputation. But that’s what you need. You need to know someone. Don’t get fooled by dodgy tradesmen and like, all these, you know, fake builders out there these days. They’re just rampant in Australia.


Joel Davis: Speaking of our community a lot of people are watching the streams and then they see, like, NSN activism and they think:


“Oh, that’s a bit crazy! I don’t think I’d want to get involved with these guys.”


Well, the European-Australian movement isn’t something, is something that you can join without necessarily, it goes to you donning the balaclava and march around in the streets, if that’s not what you’re into.


So if you want to come train with good White men who share your values, join!


I mean, I went to Sydney a couple weeks ago. I went to Brisbane last week with Tom. And I was in Brisbane because I was on Elijah Schaeffer’s show. He lives up that way, or he did. I think he’s moving soon, last weekend. And great communities both in Sydney and in Brisbane. Plenty of guys there at training on the weekend. A good group of guys, obviously.


We have a big group down here in Melbourne. We were just putting the call out last night.


Thomas Sewell: You’ve been in Adelaide as well?


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Been over to Adelaide for Hitler’s birthday. Great crew over in Adelaide. And I haven’t been over to the to Perth, but I’ve seen them post. They’ve got a good crew set up in Perth again, training, like 12, 13 guys in their group photo after training the other week.


And obviously we got the Tassie boys, so no matter where you are, if you’re in any, … And we’ve also got some regional group crews in some parts, I think Wagga, Albury area. They’ve got a crew together in Canberra and, like, northern, the kind of like Coffs Harbor area and up, like, beyond that, northern rivers, whatever you want to call it, that area.


So there’s crews everywhere. So pretty much almost everyone watching this in Australia, there’s a crew near you. And some people are sitting at home and you’re like:


“Well I’m a fat piece of shit! I’m not very fit!”


Well, that’s the point, like, come join.




Blair Cottrell: That’s why you join!


Joel Davis: And stop being a fat piece of shit! Yeah, exactly! We’re not fat pieces of shit! We can help you to become not fat pieces of shit as well.


Thomas Sewell: So that’s another thing I want to clarify is I’ve had quite a few recruits over the years that have reached out and they haven’t reached actually to join. They’ve reached out just to talk to me and kind of waste my time. And then I said:


“Oh, are you interested in joining?”


And their response is:


“Oh, I can’t join. I don’t meet the fitness requirements. I know you guys have fitness requirements.”


And what I want to clarify to everyone that’s thinking about joining that is nowhere near our fitness requirements. I want you to understand that that’s not the requirement to associate with us. That’s not the requirement to come down and hang out with us. That’s not the requirement to come down and train with us. That’s the requirement to be initiated as a member.


You don’t have to be a member. There’s a lot of people in the community that just come down once a month and they just hang out with us. And if they’re rural, sometimes we only see them once every two or three months, and that’s fine. That’s within our standards. We don’t have an issue with that you can keep associating with us, you can keep coming to training. We’ll keep inviting you to family functions or community functions or hikes or whatever it is.


You don’t have to reach this on the beep test and do this many push ups. That’s just if you want to become a member, if you want that, I guess, that role or that responsibility, that position within our community, you can just stay as an associate.


But ideally, you get involved as an associate. You don’t pass any of the fitness tests, but you just keep coming and training and hanging out.




And as time goes on, you start passing those tests, and we trust you, and we know who you are, and we make you a member. And it’s just a process that we have. We believe in a kind of natural hierarchy should form with all arborist structures, with all organizations. And that people should be recognized for their commitment to an organization.


And as Joel articulated, NSN and EAM are different organizations. I know a lot of the time people think they’re the same thing, and that one’s just a front of the other or one’s the back end of the other. The community is like a Venn diagram. That’s how I want to explain it to people. Where you’ve got activists in one circle and you’ve got people that want to train and build community, and they want the mums and bubs club, and all our wives know each other and stuff in the other circle. So you kind of got two different models, but it is a Venn diagram.


So there’s a big chunk that’s just overlap where there’s a lot of people that do activism and physically train. But joining EAM doesn’t mean you have to wear a ballot club, or if that’s not your style, you don’t have to do it.


And likewise, joining NSN doesn’t mean you have to come and train. Or you don’t have to introduce your wife or girlfriend to everyone else. You can just come to the activism. You can just do that half of the thing. Most people do both, but again, it’s two separate organizations, and we’re trying to cater for different styles of people and what they want to gain and what input they can give to help nationalism succeed here in Australia.


Joel Davis: Yeah, and I’ve seen people in the comments section, they want to talk shit! Why don’t you come down and fight me? You want to talk shit about me? Want to say

Joel Davis:


“I didn’t agree with your take on this, and I don’t like that!”


Come fight me!


Blair Cottrell: What do you mean? The comment section on the show. People are saying that? Where?


Joel Davis: Oh, I just see. No, I see it on Telegram. I see it on Twitter. People talk shit, and, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I know. Everyone thinks Joel’s a nerd in some way, but you’d be surprised. Joel’s level of physical ability is above average. I’ve seen it in the gym. I’ve seen him fight.


So, yeah, don’t take. Don’t take Joel for granted, man. Don’t underestimate the Davis’.




Joel Davis: Just come fight. I want blood! Come fight me!


Thomas Sewell: We’ve got nerds, chads, and we’ve got chad nerds. So you won’t be able to out sperg our chads, and you won’t be able to out nerd our chads.


Blair Cottrell: We’re all “cherds”.


Thomas Sewell: [chuckling] We got tough nerds, and we got smart chads. We are actually the epitome of the warrior scholar. You see, the warrior athlete. I’m sorry, the athlete scholar. In the true Platonic principle. We’re recreating the Overman. Yeah. What’s that quote? I think Socrates, he says. What does he say? He has a society ruled by. What is it? Warriors? Is, …


Blair Cottrell: He said also, I think the same character quoted that:


“A society that separates.”


Thomas Sewell: It’s warriors.


Blair Cottrell: What is it? Thinkers and warriors? Or something like that you probably know that quite better than I do.


Thomas Sewell: Like, yeah, there’s two quotes.


Joel Davis: I think it’s a misattributed quote.


Blair Cottrell: Most quotes are these days. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: It’s two of us. Someone will put it in the chat.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I know which quote you’re talking about. I’ll pull it up.


Thomas Sewell: Society, I think society ruled by scholars and the wise is weak. You know, you can have all the ideas, but if you can’t back it up with force, you’re just going to become a pussified, …


Joel Davis: I’ve got the quote. It’s usually attributed to Thucydides, but that’s incorrect. But the quote is:


“A nation that makes a distinction between its scholars and its warriors, will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.”


Blair Cottrell: Yes, that’s the one. And we’ve got another $5 donation, demanding a physique reveal, Joel. Post physique, bro!


Joel Davis: No, I think the misses will be upset if I whip out, like, my gun. All the honnies will be DMing me, and


Blair Cottrell: No-one posted. That post physique thing died quick, man. Like, I was into it for a while, and, yeah, I’m not doing that again.


So, yeah, it’s still kind of a good principle. I understand it, but there’s only a certain amount of time you can spend looking at guys with their shirts off before you just like:


“Yeah, this is a bit gay!”


Joel Davis: I want to pull up another Noticer article, get off the subject of how ripped we are. And wait, I’m gonna pull it up on that.





Blair Cottrell: On that subject, actually, on how ripped we are. I’ll just close off. I get blood work done on occasion just to see where my health’s at. And, well, I actually had, like, this growth on my finger. I thought it was a growth, and I’m like:




It’s like, right in the middle here. You can’t see it, but I can feel it. I don’t know how I came across it.


And I’m like:


“What’s that? I haven’t got tumours growing all through me? Am I going to die?”


I’m thinking. So I booked an appointment with a doctor. I got a scan. Luckily, there was a cancellation, so I could get in straight away and get the scan. Thought, I’ll do some blood work while I’m there. Bloods came back, and interestingly, my liver’s unhappy. Not extremely, but, like, slightly unhappy. My liver enzymes are a bit elevated, and the doctor explained that it’s probably from over consumption of carbs. He said:


“You’ve gained a lot of weight since you were here last year.”


I said:


“Yeah, I got injured, so I gained some weight just to sort of accumulate fluid around the tendon that I ripped off.”


He said:


“Yeah, when you eat carbs all the time, your body doesn’t get a chance to burn through excess fat for energy, obviously. So all those carbs are sort of still sitting in your liver, and now there’s always fat forming around your liver.”


He goes:


“Just give the carbs a break.”


And for the last three days, I just cut out carbs altogether, because, you know, one extreme or the other, that’s the way I do things.


So I just stopped eating carbs and man, I feel great. I feel great. I’ve, like, dropped heaps of water weight, and I can think clearly.


So you might want to give this a crack at home. If you are experiencing kind of lethargy and mind fog, which I was, and you’re kind of waterlogged, just lower your carbs. Just cut your carbs right down to, like, 50 grams a day for a few days, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. Excess carb consumption is just inflammatory to the body. It’s bad for the liver. I thought I’d just throw that out there. It’s good advice, I think.


Thomas Sewell: Can I just chuck in a quote before we move on to the subject? I saw one recently on Telegram, I think, and it said that:


“The best gauge for your health is how much energy you have for life, and that if you’re depressed or upset or anxious, it’s probably to do with your diet and exercise. It’s probably to do with a bad diet and exercise.”


So if you don’t feel great, if you don’t actually wake up in the morning with a spirit and an energy to live, if you wake up, you’re like:


“Oh, another day!”


You know, everyone’s got shit on. Like, there are people that run, you know, $10 million companies, and there are people that work as a labourer, and there are people that work, $10 million companies, and they feel great. And there are ones that are really fat and stressed out, and they have to punch, like, a pack of darts a day to, like, cope with the stress.


And then likewise, there’s labourers that, like, are just full of energy, and they’re full of beans, and they’re happy go go lucky guys, and then there’s guys that, like, have to smash, and oh, I’m going to attack Joel here on accident, but they have to smash, like, three energy drinks in the morning or something. You just see them. You see the labourers, and they’re on the vape and on the energy drink, and they’re like:


“Oh, fucking hate my life!”


And you’re like:


“Man, that’s oh!”


You know what I mean?




Joel Davis: I love my life. I just love it even more with caffeine.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Before I forget. The lump in my finger. I forgot to explain. What, the lump in my finger was. No! Luckily, I don’t have cancer. There’s no real cancer in my family. It’s a little bit far off, but it’s a ganglion cyst. You ever heard of that?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I had one on the wrist. The Bible bump!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. There’s, like, basically something around the joint just gets a little bit damaged and fluid from the joint leaks out and just collects into a little area. They’re completely harmless as long as they’re not bothering you just leave them.


So that’s what that was.


Joel Davis: I see in the chat, I’m Reflex says:


“White Monsters give me White power!”


You must become the White monster. And I see Skinhead Friend also standing the White Monsters!


So if you don’t take the White Monster, you don’t want to reach that next level.


Blair Cottrell: Be a couple more Superchats. Big Tati, $5. Asking me for thoughts on animal based carnivore diet. There’s a bit to unpack there, so maybe we’ll hit that up next time. Or I’ll do a separate video on what I think.


The short answer is. It’s probably great for a detox, purely because you’re actually cutting out anything that could possibly be toxic to the body. You’re just eating meat. So it’s not really that the meats that good for you. It is, but what’s beneficial about the carnivore diet is mostly what you’re not eating. Suddenly you’re cutting out everything that’s causing inflammatory damage to the body. And that’s the greatest benefit to the carnivore diet.


If you can sustain it for your lifestyle, great! But personally, I find I need a bit of glucose energy, a bit of carb energy to really satisfy my training style, which is heavy, intense weightlifting. And that’s where you use carbs. I’ll get a bit more into that later, obviously.


And $1 is also donated from White Power. Says:


“Blair should be Minister for Health.”


We already have a Minister for Health. [word unclear] as a Minister for Health, and I don’t want to step on any toes, but everything I’ve learned, I’m not really that learned. I’ve just learned everything I know from trying stuff and putting myself through hell and just taking random stuff to see what would happen. And I’ve, like, figured things out through trial and error.


But it’s about what works for my body, you know what I mean?


So I don’t really know what’s going to happen to anybody else. I’ve got these weird borderline redhead genes that kind of react differently to everything.


So I don’t know if I’d be a good Minister for Health, but thanks for the suggestion.




Thomas Sewell: I remember Jimbo was cut. He wanted to be Minister for Health, because Jimbo is always experimenting with different diets.


And I said to him, Jimbo, you should be, …


Blair Cottrell: Jimbo could be Minister for Believing What Good Health is.


Thomas Sewell: No, no, Jimbo should be Minister for Experiments. Because every two weeks he, like, makes a new experiment with his diet.


And then when you were talking about it and he said:


“The White Power said you should be Minister for Health.”


I’m thinking you’re pretty experimental as well. You like changing up your diet and shifting things. But there has to be something. There’s like a team. There’s like a health team with the health minister. With you and Jimbo.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but new rule, guys. If you donate less than $10, no less than $5, I’m not reading out your Superchat because you can’t just keep donating $1 and trying to, like jump into the conversation all the time. Minimum $5. Stopping being a tight ass!


Joel Davis: Yeah, stop being a cheap cunt! Oh, by the way, got Entropy Superchat.


Thomas Sewell: I appreciate whatever sent to Joel Davis so that he can maintain his stream.


Joel Davis: Gaped Alaska said:


“Joel or Tom, would you be willing to debate Catboy Cammy on National Socialism or have him on as a podcast guest?”


Thomas Sewell: No.


Joel Davis: Also:


“Nice hair Blair. And I fully support stealing electricity from jews.”


Pogchamp, he sent, another Superchat.


Thomas Sewell: You do have nice hair.


Blair Cottrell: All right, Superchat. And someone’s obeyed my new rule. $10 from Alts Cuparian. I hope I’m saying that correctly:


“A lot of guys I talked to in America share Aussie clips. Where’s all the American nationalists at? Nick Fuentes, Thomas Rossell. What’s up with that?”


Joel Davis: Rousseau.


Blair Cottrell: Sorry, I should know how to say that. I’m classic. Don’t be offended. I always pronounce things wrong. I’m self educated, so I didn’t listen to anything in school. You always know when someone’s been reading and trying to educate themselves when they pronounce words wrong, even names and stuff. But I think there’s plenty of influences in America, like. But I know that Fuentes is a big one. I suppose there’s no. Is there any shows like this in America? Joel? Like collaborative efforts.




Joel Davis: Red Ice, I guess. I mean, Henrik is Swedish, but actually supposed to collaborate with Red Ice very shortly. So we’ll keep an eye out for social media. I think this weekend we’re supposed to do something. So that should be good. Lana has an American accent, but she says that she’s Russ on Twitter, so I don’t know if that means she was born in Russia, but I don’t know.


Anyway, they’re pretty huge. Who else? I mean, Devon Stack is a pretty big. He’s like the biggest streamer on Odysee. There’s a lot of streamers, but I guess we’re unique the way that we go about things.


Blair Cottrell: We’re Aussies, mate. We’re Aussies. There’s no one like us! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, but yeah, I think it makes sense that Australians. Oh, sorry. That Americans resonate with us. Because obviously there’s a lot of similarities in the cultural experience, being that we’re kind of these, like, colonial, White nationalist constructions.


The same with Canadians. I mean, when I’ve spoken to Canadian nationalists, like Ferryman’s Toll and his whole scene, the Diagolon guys or whatever, they have very similar perspective to us because the Canadian situation politically is really similar to the Australian situation, which makes sense when you realize the similarity in the kind of historical context of both countries as part of the empire.


So yeah. Also shout out to our friends over in Britain. I wanted to talk about another Noticer article because we talked about, …


Blair Cottrell: We’re noticing a lot.


Joel Davis: We’re noticing a lot this evening. We talked about Sam Melia. Sorry, this is a different one. This is something to do with Rumble. I saw the Rumble CEO retweet this Noticer article, by the way.


But anyway, we’ll go here:


“British nationalist who has been jailed for two years.”


We talked about him, that’s Sam:


“For putting up stickers, is denied access to his own children due to his political views.”


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I heard about that.


Joel Davis:


“According to a statement by his wife, Laura Towler, prison officials have classified her nonviolent husband as a so-called ‘person posing a risk to children’ due to his perceived racist and offensive attitudes. Therefore, she’s not allowed to mention her children when she visits her or show him pictures.”


So they’re not letting this guy’s wife tell him how the kids are going or even show him a picture of his own kids!




Blair Cottrell: So when he asks:


“Hey, darling, how are our kids going?”


She has to say:


“Sorry, no comment!”


Joel Davis: Yeah, and there’s like, someone, like, watching and listening and, like, enforcing that, I guess, which is fucking crazy!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s probably a lot of female bureaucrats in, English government, they’re going to love listening into a conversation like that, and telling him what you can’t say.


Joel Davis: The kids are two years old and one month old.


Blair Cottrell: That’s really bad, man. What kind of powers would, why would they have laws like that in the first place? Obviously, probably to protect children from people who are actually dangerous to children, like sex offenders. It’s not for Sam Melia! It’s not for a guy who was putting up stickers and who had certain nationalist beliefs. A guy who loves his country. Yeah. He’s not allowed to ask about his own kids? That’s insane!


Joel Davis: She can’t bring, like, she can’t bring the two year old in and be like:


“Oh, say hi to Daddy.”


Blair Cottrell: That’s crazy, man!


Obviously they’re trying to set an example. They’re trying to say:


“Hey, this is what’s going to happen to you if you get into this activism. You start getting nationalistic, you start recognizing what’s happening to your country, we’re going to put you in jail and not even let you communicate with your own children!”


I think they’re using him as an example, man. It’s like a test case.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, absolutely! They’re pushing it to the extreme! And there’s been a lot of backlash. And there’s an update from Laura Towler from 20 minutes ago, basically saying due to the pressure of the prison or the Corrections being inundated with letters and emails to complain, they’ve actually reneged that decision, as of today.


Blair Cottrell: Good! That’s great! A massive win!


Thomas Sewell:


“Receive photos of his children. Receive letters from his children. Talk to his children on the phone. Talk about his children. He is still unable to receive visits from his children. However, HMP Hull, (which is obviously the name of the prison) have advised they only haven’t removed this because they legally aren’t allowed to as an assessment has already started to take place. This means the assessment is already moving forward. So hopefully the final restriction will be lifted very soon. This goes to show a public pressure does work be they didn’t actually have to put those restrictions on Sam in the first place. They just chose to. Thanks everyone.”




Joel Davis: He’s lucky that he’s got a wife out there fighting for him. She’s doing a great job putting the message out.


So, yeah, keep them in your thoughts. I mean, it’s fucked up! I mean, all he did was literally make stickers saying things like, “love your nation” and, yeah, some where a little spicy. He’s a legitimate political prisoner. I met this guy before. He’s a great guy! Horrible.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. It’s not like he was making stickers saying:


“Legalize the execution of jews.”


He was saying like:


“Whites will be a minority by 2066.”


Like, he played the optics game and they fucking put him in prison for two years! I’m not saying don’t play the optics game. That’s not what I’m saying here. I’m just saying, like, this is how fucking evil the enemy is! And it should be treated as the enemy. They are the enemy!


And there’s no way of we can’t repair this relationship.


I want everyone to consider that as a guiding principle of their life. What the people in power are doing to our nations cannot be repaired. The way they’re treating us cannot be repaired. We can’t just win some political representation back and then the playing field levels out and then we have as many seats in Parliament as they have, and we just forgive and forget. We move forward and be like:


“Hey, remember how you treated us when we, when nationalists didn’t have political representation? Oh, that was so 2024, when you put dads in prison for printing stickers out or owning stickers in their house. Oh, that was, that was in the past. We’ve forgotten that!”


No, we’re never going to forget this. And we have to go all the way! We have to, as nationalists now, go all the way, take state power and punish these people for what they’ve done to us.


You know, and anyone that’s suggesting anything other than that’s maybe suggesting there’s some easy way, some simple way, some, you know:


“We just make our views more pedestrian and then, just nature just fixes the problem. We don’t even have to do that much. Just normalize things to the Right extent and then, you know, we’ll be, be back to normal. We’ll be back to 1992 where things were normal again.”


No! Don’t listen to these people. What we need to do is we need to completely change the entire system, the entire fabric of democracy, the entire fabric of society back to a pro-White position. And we need to punish the people that have done this stuff to us.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah, there’s a lot of people that need to be punished.


And also another dimension of this as well is that as we ascend, like, as the movement ascends and becomes more powerful and grows larger, it’s only going to get worse! Like, they’re going to hang on to their power with everything that they’ve got, and they’re going to, they’re only going to play dirtier and dirtier and dirtier! And so by the time we do get a hold of any power, it’s going to be over the top of our enemies in a pretty forceful way at the end of the day.


So the idea that this is going to happen clean, or peacefully, or civically, ultimately, in the fight in the final phase is just ridiculous! It’s us or them! Like, either they jail us, they shut us down, they genocide our race, or we mobilize our people, fight back, take power, and then the bell tolls!





Blair Cottrell: Got a couple of Superchats, guys. First $10. Bad Egg 07:


“Thoughts on the Mexican election. Jewish candidate wins by 37 assassinations. Wild stuff.”


There’s another one after that, too, but, yeah. Thoughts on that? What do you reckon? I know that Joe Rogan, you posted a video, Joel, on your Telegram that Joe Rogan basically summed this up as Mexico being, what do you say:


“A crack house on fire run by a jewish woman!”


I suppose that pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it? [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, Mexico is. Has always been an insane place because obviously the organized crime there, the incentive for organized crime is just so high as, like, a conduit for drugs and other things to get smuggled into the United States, like the largest black market in the world. So we know that it’s a very dirty system in Mexico. And for this jewish woman to Waltz into the presidency and she said 37 assassinations of other candidates, …


Thomas Sewell: And it’s more than that as well, because there was something like 100 kidnappings. So those were just the assassinations. There was like a whole bunch of attempted assassinations, and I think, like, almost 100 kidnappings. I think there’s 168 accounts of candidates being interfered with in some way, killed, kidnapped, or intimidated. I think it was 168 candidates.


Blair Cottrell: That’s hectic. Spaniard needs to go over there and do a walkthrough of the streets where, …


Thomas Sewell: They’ll probably die! They’ll probably kill, kill them.


Blair Cottrell: Next up, Superchat is $20. $20 donated by a Castrated Bob. Thanks, mate. I hope you’re not really castrated. That’d be rough:


“In your opinion, he asks, in your opinion, what is the level of threat posed by the death cult, as he puts it, of Islam going into the future in Australia? They’re everywhere. Loved your debate with that Drew Pavlou, Joel.”


What do you think about that?


Joel Davis: He said:


“That Drew Pavlova, fuckwit!”


He said actually.


Blair Cottrell: I’m just trying to clean it up because I like a nice, happy stream.


Joel Davis: He paid his $20. He should be able to say fuckwit, if he wants to!


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got to keep it clean, man. Someone’s got to do it. But yeah. Okay.


Thomas Sewell: I admire that. I like your Virgo and Mercury placement, Blair. You know, whatever it is. [chuckling]




Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. It’s not Virgo. What’s my Mercury? Scorpio Cazini.


But I think it’s just the way I was raised, right? My mother was a Virgo, a Virgo Cancerian mix.


Joel Davis: So was mine.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: Anyway, I was raised not, …


Thomas Sewell: That should explain a lot.


Joel Davis: Don’t swear.


Blair Cottrell: Oh, wow! Okay.


Joel Davis: I just didn’t listen.


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got a soft spot for the Cap girls, man. That’s my Venus. Venus is in Capricorn in the 12th.


Joel Davis: But anyway, what’s, …


Thomas Sewell: Let’s go on to the death cult of Islam.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


So this guy wants to know, … This guy wants to know level of threat posed by Islam in Australia, boys. To be honest, I don’t really know.


Thomas Sewell: You ran an anti-Islam movement Blair, you have to answer this.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but I’ve been in exile, man. I’ve been in exile. I’ve been forced into exile. I don’t know what’s going on out there now.


Look, I just think we need to focus on our own community. I think the ground that we’ve lost, whether it’s mosques or certain regions, to immigrants, I don’t think we’re going to get that back anytime soon. What we need to do is focus on collaborating with each other and sort of crewing up in our own areas, maybe. But I don’t really know what level of threat is posed there.


I know that a strong effort was made by the government and the institutions to shift the public perception of what terrorism was. Because after 9/11, for quite a while, they needed to justify their War on Terror so they can invade those Middle Eastern countries and get the oil, whatever it is that Joel probably knows a lot more about that than I do. But after that, it was everyone’s understanding in the West that if a terror attack was going to happen and what terrorism basically was, was Islamic terrorism.


However, after about 2015, 2016, there was a strong effort by the press and the government, specifically in Australia, to start trying to make Right-wing terrorism a thing. Far-Right, White supremacist terrorism. They really wanted that to be a thing.


And right now, they’ve done their best to try to make that seem like a thing.


So I can say that it doesn’t really answer the question directly, but it’s almost like the far-Right activists. The position that I occupy, has taken the place of the Islamic terrorists. At least that’s what the government wants people to believe. It’s what the media has pushed people to believe. They at least want people to believe that we are on par, like, on the same level.


Like the media reports after that recent Islamic terror attack in Germany, were basically blaming the people, blaming the victims. They were basically saying:


“Oh, stabbing happened at a far-Right event.”


What they were saying. No, no, no! An Islamic terrorist tried to kill far-Right activists who were completely unarmed and not attacking anybody. Like, it wasn’t a stabbing happening at a Right-wing events. It was a terror attack. But it wasn’t framed that way by a lot of the press.


That’s because the press wants people to think that the Right-wing, the far-Right are the ones that are posing the threat to the community. What kind of sense does that make? The far-Right are patriotic! The far-Right love their country! They want to see their community protected from this kind of thing.


So it’s like a complete inversion of reality and the truth that they’re trying to project out there onto us.




Joel Davis: Yeah, I saw that article. I think I mentioned it to you last night, actually. Paul Joseph Watson shared the screenshot, and it was Sky News, and it said:


“Police officer dies after fatal stabbing at far-Right event!”


When we analyzed that, we analyzed this video on the show with Elijah Schaefer on the weekend, where it shows the clip, and maybe many of you have seen this. I think I shared it on Telegram, and I think Blair might have commented on this on Telegram as well.


Basically, what happens is this crazy Muslim comes in trying to stab this anti-Islam activist guy in, I can’t remember his name, in Germany. His boys do pretty good to try and defend themselves. They do get hit. They do get stabbed, but I think they all survived.


But one of the boys gets the guy with the knife down, and then this police officer just comes in and tackles the guy, defending himself against the guy with the knife. He had this big hunting knife, and he’s going for the jugular. He’s trying to kill people.


And then the terrorist gets up and just slashes down the side of the neck of this police officer from behind who’s just tackled they say far-Right activists, but he’s actually. But from our position, he’s a cuck. He’s a pro-Israel, anti-Islam, kind of Tommy Robinson type. Nowhere near as radical as is necessary. So we in the real far-Right probably would say:


“No, he’s more center-Right.”


But anyway, the point is that this police officer died. It was obviously kind of dumb that he tackled this guy, but I mean, maybe he assessed the situation wrong. I don’t know what it was like from his perspective, but this guy died because of a crazy Islamic terrorist attack.




So, yeah, that was really interesting, that whole clip. Because the clip, it really showed, it was almost like a microcosm of like German politics, how the police attacked the Whiteman for trying to defend themselves against the Islamic invader and then the Islamic invader kills the police officer for his trouble.


But also, Blair, I have to correct you as well because you said that we were in Iraq for the oil or in the Middle East for the oil. No, that’s something that Leftists put forward. We were there for Israel! The oil companies actually didn’t want the invasion to happen because it would be bad for business. They were already doing business there. They didn’t need America to invade. They were already happily doing business there. It actually disrupted business. So the oil companies weren’t happy about the invasion.


Israel wanted the invasion. [And Orgjew carried out the false flag event of 9/11 to launch the War OF Terror – K] Israel had pushed and plotted and infiltrated the US government over basically a decade long process to go ahead and take out Saddam Hussein. And they wanted to go further, take out Syria or the Assad regime in Syria, and even move against the Iranians because they perceived them as geopolitical enemies of the state of Israel. And obviously, as we know, the jews controlled the American government, so it was entirely about Israel.


And then the Left, you know, now the Left are willing to criticize zionism more, but they stopped short. They always frame zionism as:


“Zionism is bad because it’s an extension of White supremacy. And the evil Anglo-American global empire just wants to oppress brown people because it’s racist. And that’s why the state of Israel exists and that’s why it treats the Palestinians badly and so on.”


No jews have infiltrated our governments, control our governments, and use the governments of the Anglo-American and entire western world to do their bidding and to pursue the interests of Israeli foreign policy.


But the Leftists don’t want to go as far as to say that. Some of them are saying that now, actually, but all of them don’t want to go as far as to say that because that’s apparently an anti-semitic conspiracy theory which people on the far-Right say. So they have this kind of alternative illogical explanation that it’s this capitalist imperialism to get the oil and hurt brown people for no reason.




Blair Cottrell: They sometimes insinuate kind of an anti-semitic comment, but then they say no to anti-semitism, also in the same sentence, just to try to, like, protect themselves.


But I probably should mention in respect to that last question, that we just had a registered Islamic terror attack in Sydney with the stabbing of Bishop Mari, the Assyrian Orthodox Bishop.


And so keeping that in mind, and also this most recent stabbing in Germany as well, it seems like there is a significant threat posed there. It seems like the threat is real. It’s still a threat. It’s going to continue to be a threat. And we need to understand that. We need to know that. And you need to understand that when you’re walking down the street and you might be approaching people who aren’t like you, they might be a member of a particular, different faith. You need to be aware that they don’t like! You need to just not put yourself in situations where you could potentially be in danger, I think. Like, stick with your own. Stick with what you know. It’s the best advice I could give.


But, yeah, to answer the question simply, I think that’s your White brother. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: If I was to answer the question, looking at things at a more geopolitical scale, Australia. Well, the globalists that are in charge of Australia, have done a very good job at successfully balancing the slave farm.


So if you were in Germany, for example, or Britain or France, there’s a very heavily weighted fifth column of Muslims.


Whereas if you’re in the United States, Muslims really don’t have any power. There’s not many of them. I think there’s some Somalis in Detroit or Minneapolis or something.


But in most of Europe, the primary threat is Turks and Arabs coming in, same thing, sort of, but Muslims.


Whereas in Australia, obviously, the biggest threat we have, other than jewish subversion and our own White traitors, the biggest threat that we have is the Chinese. And what the government’s doing at the moment as they prepare for war with China, is they’re just flooding us with Indians because they want to use Indians to occupy our armed forces, to fight against the Chinese if they ever have to intern a bunch of Chinese and deport a bunch.


Now, Islam is kind of like a spanner in the works because no one knows what Islam is going to do if we go to war with China. And if we never go to war with China, then Islam is still certainly a major threat. They’re not as big a population as the Chinese and Indians, but they might have a much higher birth rate. Not much, because they do calm down after a generation.


But I think the real terrorism of Islam is not in random stabbings. I think that only emboldens resistance to them, because it’s so in your face that these people are stabbing you!


Whereas the demographic threat of Islam, the mass birth rate that they generally have in their own countries and their ability to come over here and leech off us and bleed our nation dry, they are a growing percentage of the population, and they will continue to grow until they’re deported. So is Islam, the death cult of Islam going to be a serious threat in the future? Absolutely!


We’ve got some major fifth columns in this country, and if I was to rate them, I would say the biggest issue is the White traitors. The second biggest issue, because nothing can exist without White traitors. The second biggest issue are the jews, as they simply allow the White traitors to do even more damage to society, and they work in symbiosis. Jews kind of are just like a spiritual traitor. Like, if they didn’t have a word for jew, you would just call them traitor. But they’re obviously not us. They’re just like a kind of creature that hive minds into dismantling us.




But then I would say the Chinese. And then it’s tough to say whether Indians or Islam are a bigger threat. I would probably say Islam because Indians are pretty weak as a population.


But then there’s more Indians than there is Islamists. And then there’s Pakistanis, which are Islamic Indians. So it gets a bit of a gray area.


And then you put coconuts and Africans down the bottom because they can’t really organize properly. They can’t really form large gangs, bigger than, say, 50 people, you know, until they go full chimp up mode where they’re just in like an autonomous state. They can’t organize past 50 people, but they can just form like, chaotic, anarchistic mobs of thousands. But there’s no real structure and leadership. It is just the nature reclaiming land that can’t be properly controlled.


End quote.


Joel Davis: I think the Indians are a massive threat because it’s not just the raw biomass, like they are just like so many of them. But under peaceful conditions they’re very good at infiltrating hierarchies, they’re very good at getting themselves into big corporations, into government, into all of these different elements, and then they engage in very intense nepotism and, like, drag in more Indians.


So, like, once, … We see this in the United States, where they’ve taken over, like, tech companies, they’ve just because of all the H-1B visa. They bring over all the high IQ Indians into California. They set up shop in these big tech companies and then just like surge up the hierarchy.


Have you noticed how there’s been all this stagnation in all these big tech companies from the United States, how like every iPhone is the same, and Google interface doesn’t really change and everything’s just been the same for like five years. It’s because Indians have just the biomass Indians have just like, consumed their way up, and so there’s no more Germanic ingenuity in these things anymore.


And we’re going to see that happening on a large scale across so many different institutions in society, because they are scam artists, they’re nepotists, they’re very status conscious. They’re programmed to ascend hierarchies and be incompetent at the same time.


So we’re going to see them being very effective, I think, at infiltrating. And they’re very good at being friendly, professionally friendly. They’re very good at that.




Whereas the Chinese engage in a lot of these behaviors, but they’re more head down kind of workers, and they aren’t as nepotistic as the Indians. They do engage in some nepotism, obviously, but it isn’t to the same degree.


So the Chinese are obviously a massive threat and they’re a hierarchy population. And then really the reason why they’re a threat is because they function in conjunction with the incredibly powerful Chinese government, as, basically a vehicle for the influence of the Chinese government in Australia.


So anyway, but I think Islam isn’t as big a threat as either of these diasporas because Islam isn’t as unified, because there’s so many different ethnic groups that are Islamic, and they don’t necessarily all get along super well. I mean Islam does help them get along to an extent, but it’s not perfect.


And then in addition to that, they just don’t have the same numbers, like in European countries like Germany or the Netherlands or Sweden, like Islam is the primary immigrant demographic.


So the anti-Islam thing is massive there in their political systems, necessarily, because that’s the kind of face of their immigration waves. Whereas here it’s a very, I don’t know what the exact demographics are, but it’s a pretty small size of the population. I think mainly in Sydney, there’s a big kind of Islamic community in the inner west around Auburn, Lidcombe, and then down to Liverpool, Fairfield, that whole area. But outside of that kind of corridor where there’s quite a few mosques, and so on by the way, a lot of Australia doesn’t really have a very significant Islamic population.


And it also seems like that the recent ways of immigrants, that Islam isn’t really making up as large of the numbers as it was maybe 20 years ago. It seems as though there’s been maybe a conscious effort to bring in Indians as opposed to these other groups. They also bring in a lot of Filipinos and so on.


They’re trying to bring in safer demographics because they, I guess, perceived the threat of the Chinese and Islam to the political cohesion of the country.


So they’re trying to bring in non-Whites that are maybe going to play ball more with this kind of liberal, democratic paradigm.


Blair Cottrell: So basically what you’re saying is its just all orcs versus humans? It’s all orcs versus humans. [chuckling] Like Blizzard. When they released the first ever warm Warcraft game, they were onto something. It was called Orcs versus Humans. They knew, bro! They fucking, the White nerds with the birth of the Internet, they knew!




Joel Davis: Andrew11 said, by the way, :


“The Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of our border is also jewish.”


Obviously. He’s an American:


“Now Mexico has a jewish president. It sounds like we may have a Gates of Toledo vibe going on.”


Well, I mean, the Gates of Toledo have been open for, I mean, how many illegal immigrants in America? Like, I’ve seen estimates that there’s like 30 million.


So the Gates are well and truly open and have been for some time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: It is insane when you think about the scale of the amount of illegal immigrants in the United States.


Blair Cottrell: We’re up against some big numbers, but how you guys feeling? Do you want to keep going? Do you want to start wrapping it up? I noticed the chat on Rumble starting to get a bit of spam degrading into a bit of cesspit. Hey, there we go. We just got, I think the main culprit was just removed. Good.


Joel Davis: Castrated Bob sent another Superchat. No, wait, sorry. That’s the same one. My bad. Yeah, I guess. So we could probably end it there.


Is there anything else you guys want to discuss?


Blair Cottrell: How about you, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: Can we talk more about astrology? Nah, just kidding! [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: I’m tired and I’ve been trying to get 10 hours sleep a night. I’ve been trying to make that a good habit, but I thought, …


Blair Cottrell: Oh man, I’m getting like six.


Thomas Sewell: I’ve ruined that just for the boys. Just to spend time with you guys.


Joel Davis: Yeah, you better watch out. The jews better watch out!


Thomas Sewell: I’d be going to bed real early, and I don’t know, the mornings just hit different. It feels like two coffees. Just that extra, like 2 hours. That extra two or 3 hours.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, we got a final Superchat here from Castrated Bob again. He says:


“Somali Muslims, terrible software on garbage hardware. Good answer, fellas.”


That’s okay. Thanks very much.


Anyway to wrap it all up, I’m getting a little bit tired myself. You always know I’m getting tired when I start slurring my words. And I want to remind everyone to support The Noticer, Noticer news.


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely!


Blair Cottrell: And to share around that article that I published on my my public Telegram channel, the one that’s my opinion piece published by the notice of news. We’re basically just trying to put a bit of pressure on Musk and X to get me back on time to get me back on X, the old Twitter platform.


Joel Davis: Noticer News has been going crazy! They made an article the other day about Rumble, about how Rumble streaming was outperforming YouTube streaming, and it even mentioned Elijah Schaefer and my show on the weekend, and the CEO of Rumble retweeted it. The article that they made about Michael Nelson talking about that we mentioned earlier in the show that was all over Twitter. So, juice, the article, the article about Blair and Blair’s opinion piece, get that spread far and wide. Try and spread it to conservatives. Try and spread it in different, … Go on, post it on Reddit, post it all over Twitter.


Because Noticer has got great, great presentation. It’s a really professional outfit. We want it grow its influence because clearly you can see the editorial angle that it has is way more reasonable than any other media publication, to put it mildly. And they’ll publish opinion pieces by people like Blair and myself.


So yeah, shill’em, because propaganda is everything. That’s the only way in which we’re going to get out of this is by getting a good quality nationalist message to more White Australians. And getting the Noticer pumping is a key part of that, and getting Blair back on Twitter is another key part of that. So you guys got to chip in and help.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, sounds good. Well, thanks, everyone, for joining us, and we’ll see you next week. Stay safe!


Thomas Sewell: Study esoteric Hitlerism!












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 6/7/2024 = 207)

1 minute ago
“TasiBoy’s” lol that’s an epic name 👌🏻

46 minutes ago(edited)
I think it’s great how Thomas handled himself going from this audio clip. Now it’s on the record, no duh, but this places all the animus back onto the state apparatchiks directly while calling them out as such. As a big fan of truth and beauty and directness this pleases me. *Oh, and cheers from America Australia, we just love these guys. Something to keep in mind. We are not alone.

1 hour ago
Thomas made me day how he embarrassed those pig’s 👌🏻 Thx 🙏🏻

3 hours ago
Great stream as always. Australia for the White Man! o/

Seth Apex
4 hours ago
i would actually say jews are the bigger threat than “white traitors”. most of the white traitors are useful idiots who will just go along with those who actually have power. if we get rid of jewish control. the traitors will fall apart and then fall in line.

6 hours ago
Really good point. The police in White countries are not politically neutral, they are anti-White commissars and they look for any possible way to arrest you if you are pro-White.

7 hours ago
Eightieth anniversary of D-Day Normandy invasion today.

Hide replies
White Power Ranger
5 hours ago
When traitors defeated the last true European dynasty.

Vol Tare
7 hours ago
solid show o/

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
🏆Joel🏆Blair🏆Tom🏆Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH Spring in your step tomorrow, knowing you belong


8 hours ago
thanks guys o/


8 hours ago

Yeah women shouldn’t be cops, That was a good example of that


8 hours ago

I didn’t either until a few days ago, Not sure if you watch randbot or not but he covered it, Both camera angles were on twitter


8 hours ago
the rising jeet tide coats all ships in shit


8 hours ago
I’d say regression in technology, rather than stagnation.

Cannibal Humanoid Underground Dweller
8 hours ago
It’s for this reason that Indians are used by globalists as middle managers. The global coolie class (in fact the word “coolie” comes from the Indian Koli caste, who btw were classed as “habitual criminals and Other Backward Peoples”

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

yup. Heartbreaking

8 hours ago
They form a hive mind


8 hours ago

The guy the cop tackled wasn’t a victim, He attacked the first guy that got stabbed, this was caught on a different camera

8 hours ago
fear of ostracisation, retribution, responsibility.

8 hours ago

The type that would be just as happy working in the cheka

8 hours ago
massive guilt trip. my friends dad was a reporter at that event in germany. he says germans are too afraid to speak out and only immigrants that have been settled longer are “allowed” to speak about fresher immigrants causing issues.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

What type of psyche do you reckon gets employed in Germany?

8 hours ago

The German cop died later yes

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Like that’s not going to happen

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Cops get killed?

8 hours ago
causing the police to target the whie man instead of the armed migrant

8 hours ago
I watch these fellas and handsome truth… thats about it dont trust much else!

8 hours ago
That has to be police training


8 hours ago
The cop died

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

I hear you. He’s not even worth my attention anymore.

8 hours ago
Everything on the stickers were deemed lawful by the court

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago


8 hours ago
[Mark Collett – Sam Melia – Banned from Seeing His Children – with Laura Towler – May 31, 2024 – Transcript]

Mark Collett – Sam Melia – Banned from Seeing His Children – with Laura Towler – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Sam Melia can’t even have photos of his girls


8 hours ago
Very Orwellian

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
The Ayatollah is also nuts guts

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Stacksie is A1

8 hours ago
Devon Stack always delivering the rage porn

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Diet, planning, balance.


8 hours ago
[Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT]

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

8 hours ago

I didn’t watch his last rally (the tranny and israel video was a reference to one he did years ago), but seen some images going around. At least it’s very patriotic, just a shame they’re following a pied piper.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

Hopefully they’ll take the pathway

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
I heard it was 33 assassinations…. lots of kidnappings


8 hours ago

Unfortunately most Brits are too busy at a Tommy Robinson show in London where he has a tranny singing and a pro-israel video being played on a big LED outdoor screen.

8 hours ago
oy vey

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Keep tbe pressure on re Sam Melia, please


8 hours ago

8 hours ago
Your governments are at war with you.


8 hours ago
They certainly have brought that title upon themselves.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
Show us your belly Joel 🤣

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
cultured thug

Zyklon B Peterson
8 hours ago
the spergiest

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


9 hours ago
15 million in two provinces 12 million in the rest

9 hours ago
Most Aussies live in New South Wales and Victoria

9 hours ago
The middle of Australia is desert

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
That is South Australia

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Omg – I used do Builder’s Cleans up to 2013… I had to buy so much blue tape

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
They do that in america as well

9 hours ago
Thats the Indians lol

9 hours ago
57% White now

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
in Canada they said that theyd have ways to track the fraud, advanced methods they claimed, then when it came to light they acted as though it never happened

9 hours ago

9 hours ago

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
there was a ton of fraud with the covid dollars as well

9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Schwarze Stein

9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Blair’s mic shits all over Joel & Toms.

9 hours ago
well wood is

9 hours ago
Also Venezuela problems

9 hours ago
They always do that, you have to keep changing internet provider

9 hours ago
War with Russia also

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago

goyim die

9 hours ago
jews lie

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
The Jews lie about the white demographics being more than it actually is

9 hours ago
more people means you need more money

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago


9 hours ago
Wikipedia says USA is 41% White

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Who wants to be in our cities anymore anyway?

9 hours ago
so much of sydney is now indian or chinese

9 hours ago
USA is like 50% white

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
I’m sure we can vote our way out of this, especially when whites are no longer more than 50% of the population.

9 hours ago

9 hours ago

Yeah theg count jews as white

9 hours ago
eastwood is pretty much 100% chinese

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago

Im sure its less they probably count certain demographics of non-whites as white

9 hours ago
Australia 57% White according to Wikipedia

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
lol Joel. Insects

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago

that would sort out supply and demand

9 hours ago
Housing is more affordable in regional QLD

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
housing is out of reach for a lot of our people

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Eughhhhhh re house

9 hours ago

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
good Lord

9 hours ago
You only have an account outside the big 4 until one of the big 4 buys them out

9 hours ago
The noseticer

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
The best advice I’ve had is to have 3 bank accounts.

9 hours ago
Andy Ching Chong

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Al Qaeda

9 hours ago
Know Your Customer is the AIDS Dept

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Bendigo is one of the ‘small’ banks too

9 hours ago
BENDIGO BANK lead by women

9 hours ago
Mexican gangster lol

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
cholo lol

9 hours ago
If it’s not white its not right

9 hours ago


Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
“No Fun Joel” New nik landed

9 hours ago
Tom can you do a solo stream soon?

9 hours ago

Feels nice to have a clean aryan spirit 0/

9 hours ago

cant say i was ever corrupted or retarded enough to do such a thing.. even before I was aware of the deper truths

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
gotta love the broship where Cottrell addresses Tom as “Sewell” and there’s no biteback. You can’t beat that mateship.

9 hours ago
this was a time before our white criminals were really dangerous. Pigs got nothing

9 hours ago
The Turner Diaries I think

Sheeple being led to slaughter
9 hours ago
shoot back at that point

9 hours ago
Cops can always plant kiddie porn on your computer even if you have nothing illegal on there

9 hours ago

Well it looks like he has changed his ways

9 hours ago

9 hours ago

blair takes offense

9 hours ago
white people who racemix are no longer spiritually white

9 hours ago
if they had confidence in their case, they wouldn’t need to ask questions

9 hours ago
A lot of the are ex forces as well

9 hours ago
Lot of niggers here

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
replace White man ball

9 hours ago
I am american

9 hours ago
nah aussie

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
miscegenation ball

9 hours ago
real cringe

9 hours ago

Oh okay

9 hours ago
men groping and slapping eachotehr on the butts ..

9 hours ago

Fresh off boat

9 hours ago
What is a fob?

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
NFL is all niggers

9 hours ago
Lol sportsball is a joke

9 hours ago
We had a cop that lived in a house in the village. I think it had one cell in it.

9 hours ago

most people online are not IRL activists so its irrelevant who is leading who, NOTHING IRL is happening

9 hours ago
During my AnCap phase I would argue that policing should be outsourced to insurance companies.

9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
and we all cry grrrrrrrr

9 hours ago
According to Google, Richard Pusey uses they/them pronouns, fitting.

9 hours ago
jew process

9 hours ago

Wouldn’t you be with a name like that

9 hours ago
Wayne Kerr is a name I have come across, doesn’t quite top Dick Pussey imo

9 hours ago
his parents hated him lol

9 hours ago
likey a juw

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

In hindsight…. I get it. Who else is he fishing?

9 hours ago
I thought he was Paki

9 hours ago
DP is based!

9 hours ago
That’s his literal name

9 hours ago
the DP Incident

9 hours ago
Wasn’t he a trucker?

9 hours ago
Trucker right?

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Anti war protesters in World War One were arrested without trial

9 hours ago
courts are in the pocket of ther goverment.. cant be too hard

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
lol, that’s where my head went 1st. Do it in their neighbourhood

9 hours ago
National Socialism is when democracy is stopped

9 hours ago
Democracy is when niggers kill White people while jews rape children

9 hours ago
the primary purpose of police is social terrorism

9 hours ago

Elijah? Its just a platform to use. Hes not leading anyone

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Car’s worth more, all in all

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
You also been talking to Elijah, Tom? I’m not fully trusting.

9 hours ago
on the bright side Tom saved 3 years of wear and tear…

9 hours ago
Do they read the chat?

9 hours ago
They rely on you not knowing your rights

9 hours ago
wyh does tom not have security surveillance ?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
6 pairs of jocks

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
ZOGbots are soulless

9 hours ago
Hi Tom I am a big fan

Patton Was Right
9 hours ago
the state enforcers are treated like shit by the state as well which I find ironic

9 hours ago
no one cares how the polcie got treated

9 hours ago
Didn’t they got forced to take the vax as well

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Didn’t someone get car bombed early hours? Keep your wits and don’t immediately react

9 hours ago
that is a good point, give them nothing

10 hours ago
you shouldn’t say anything.. theres no outcome where talkign puts you in a better position

10 hours ago
This is an incredible new level of harassment. They wanted to get Tom in the car and waste his day

10 hours ago
Tom handled this situation very well in my opinion. Great questioning “are you proud of your investigation” elicited such a weak response.. tough times wishing Tom the strength to endure

10 hours ago
typical scumbag behavior

10 hours ago
If they aren’t charging him then he doesn’t need to comply with anything they say

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
It doesn’t get light until

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

10 hours ago
did blair not once get caught with a phone that was being tapped by the police

10 hours ago
Hey, it’s the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. 10 months later Western civilisation’s fate was sealed. If only the boys storming the beaches could see what would ultimately become of their efforts.

10 hours ago
good stuff. good evening all I hope everyone has had a happy and productive week

10 hours ago
Last week’s video is missing from Odysee. Can you upload it Joel?

10 hours ago
[Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript]

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

10 hours ago
[Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

10 hours ago
[Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

10 hours ago
[Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

10 hours ago
[Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript]

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

10 hours ago
Here are transcripts of Joel’s videos that I’ve done so far..
[Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Archipelago Woes
11 hours ago
early work stream.I hope Thomas Sewell is doing okay.




1 hour ago

New follower of Joel’s here. Happy to see someone saying the things that need saying, without being “nice ” about it. Putting things to your enemies and supporters alike, in a straight forward and stern manner has always been more effective for me personally than trying to be gentle with them. All people tend to pay more attention and really take you seriously if you speak to them in a no nonsense, no bullshit tone. It’s way past time to make people understand WE MEAN BUSINESS. Things need to change and it starts NOW.


9 hours ago

Blair talking about gas prices. In Australia, we have overtaken Qatar as the 2nd highest gas producers in the world behind the USA who is the number one gas producer. In the USA they are paying $2.50 dollars a kilojoule and here in Australia they are paying $11.50 a kilojoule. Those masters you take about get their foreign interests to ship the gas offshore and then import it back to Australia. Everything is done by design…


22 hours ago

[Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript]


1 day ago

imagine no Jews no white race traitors all European and Western European countries would be living in peace and flourishing but nope we need to wake tf up take are nations back from the cowards traitors and non White’s


1 day ago

maybe i’m being naive but don’t we want as many good cops in the force as possible? If they all quit, won’t they just be replaced with bad cops who’ll do anything for their masters? At least once you’re there, and you’ve got some years behind you, you at least have a better chance of being a positive influence. Otherwise, you quit the force, become jaded, discouraged, demoralized that now you really can’t do anything, and you detach yourself completely from the political sphere and you essentially become a useless normie.

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1 day ago

More than likely you’ll get shot in the back by a bad cop or they’ll set you up Good cops get set up all the time My dad used to be a deputy sheriff and he was going to go to LAPD but dude said he’s too good of a man and that they would probably kill him


1 day ago

They did all of this in all of our countries when it came to covid. I’m in the states. It amazes me we are all going through the exact same thing. Down to flooding our countries with shitty and mentally unhinged brownies


1 day ago



1 day ago

When are gays going to be charged when they march in the nude flashing there genitals?????
O this only applies to Aussies who love Australia,. Victorian police are a F joke. Absolute disgrace.


1 day ago

It’s not about abolishing HATE SPEECH, it’s all about CENSORING TRUTH SPEECH.

1 like 

1 day ago


1 like 

1 day ago


1 like 

1 day ago

Builder standard in Australia have hit the skids as the free trade agreement between the pajeets and Australia, made it possible to use pajeet ‘qualifications’ in building in Australia. No certification required. Any shit stain can now call themselves a builder!


1 day ago

Tech companies and English cafe/restaurants. This has been my experience with 4/5 Indian tech workers, “Can you do *complicated thing*”, “yes, yes, very experienced at *complicated thing*”… can’t do complicated thing AT ALL and they only hire other Indians.

It’s disheartening watching all these struggling cafes getting purchased by Indians. They pack the staff with other dubiously hired Indians serving up curried Omelette, Fritata with Kasundi, turmeric in everything… It’s the Indian equivalent of the Chinese ‘french’ bakery (yellow pastry, meatless pies full of jelly). The arrogance of assuming our food/tech requires zero effort.

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1 day ago

They will always fail. They are scammers at heart and that won’t hold.

1 like 

1 day ago

Blaire has you ALL beat on physique… haha he’s an Aryan prince. I can appreciate the physique of a strong and disciplined gentleman. Nothing wrong with taking motivation from a well balanced man.


1 day ago

Cops uphold orders, not laws. That’s how its been since the 80s when bureaucrats took over.

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1 day ago
Replace bureaucrats with JEWS


2 days ago

Police officer’s are pussies, they hide behind a badge and a gun. They wouldn’t confront anyone without those 2 object’s protecting them. We the people should have the right to defend ourselves against police officer’s without facing any legal consequences. Obviously that’ll never happen!


2 days ago

Make a telegram group and organise the campaign. Nick probably has his groypers in a large group chat strategising.

1 like 

2 days ago

My guess is that Blair remains banned because he has a well known criminal record. That was always Elon’s get out clause, that people who break the law would remain banned. Blair should just make a new account. Blair isn’t Fuentes.


2 days ago

Thomas Sewage is finally paying the price. love it.

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2 days ago



2 days ago

“the dick pussy incident” LMAO


2 days ago

the point made about the homeless is so well spoken. these are our people, and if we want to change the society we must take of our own and do what we can to change policies to lift our people out of poverty. Poverty is one of the weapons they use, immigration and immigrants are tools and implements used against us. the homeless and disaffected whites are the result.


2 days ago

This is my favorite morning show. 0/


2 days ago

Joel- you know nothing about technology and innovation. or Indians’ contribution in the field of sciences. so, STFU and blow Tom!

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2 days ago

indians are the new globalist slave, the jews transplant you into fake CEO roles all over the world to shit it up. whenever i see an indian in a leadership role i know that company is controlled.

Also you are seriously trying to argue that you pajeets contribute to the field of science? get your people to start washing their hands and not shit in the street THEN i might consider it.

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2 days ago

They should also stop eating poop. It’s a good first step.

2 days ago
So Microsoft and Google have arbitrarily chosen Indians as their CEOs ?. no wonder why the whites are being replaced.

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2 days ago

Yes and yes we are. Moron just proved what I said.


2 days ago

you retarded piece of bogan shit. look up Sundar Pichai and Satya Ndaella on the net. read up on their background. maybe then you will understand their pedigree.


2 days ago

Whites invented science. We do not want your garbage genetics in our gene pool. We see what happened to the Aryans that conquered India.

You should respect that we do not want to be crap colored.

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2 days ago

sure. you invented everything. you ignorant buffoon.

1 like 
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2 days ago

Seethe Sandeep


2 days ago

Crazy that a country of a billion people only sometimes produces someone over 100 IQ


2 days ago

Hi lads, the only question I have about Nazism is if the west never declared war on Germany, what would Europe look like realistically? Nazis would beat the commies yes but do you all genuinely think they wouldn’t have ever invaded the west?

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2 days ago
I would much rather be subject to their control than to suffer through what we’re going through right now. They would not be mutilating our children’s genitals, allowing rampant crime, forcing us to desegregate, etc.

And we’d be speaking German! How awesome!

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2 days ago

Fair point and I absolutely agree. Tbh, so many Americans were ethnic Germans and even spoke the language… an 1940s change to German-led regime wouldn’t be all that unthinkable. Soooo many of our roads and towns are Dutch and German names. And to state the obvious… our grandparents or great grandparents from that era shared ideals more with Nazi germany than todays state of affairs.


2 days ago

No more brother’s wars. No more White oligarchs sending Whites to die for profit. That cannot be tolerated.

Yes I know about jews, but they couldn’t have done it without White oligarchs who are treasonous to Whites.


2 days

Invaded and done what? Made us all speak German? Preferable to what we have now. In fact, desirable. They deserved the fruits of Europe through their efforts. If they took our nations and instituted a new hegemony, that would have been their right. Yet look what ((we)) have done to them. Look how they are subjected to demoralisations in every walk of life, in every communal place of interest. Look at our nations and theirs since we “won”. Through the decay of our societies, we will be brought no other option than to admit we were wrong. It’s impossible to ignore, and will be.


2 days ago

AH loved Brittain and refused to go to war with them for as long as he could


2 days ago

Are you not familiar with Hitler’s feelings towards the English people and his affection for the British empire and feelings of Anglo-Aryan kinship? His many appeals to peace? The mercy shown at Dunkirk?

The corrupt, bloodthirsty drunkard slob Churchill forced AH’s hand to even return fire on British soil. He didn’t want it. So yes, in your hypothetical, I’d put all my chips on the outcome being: once the war in Europe ended & restitution is settled, etc., Hitler would have no interest in declaring war further Westward.

The only possible scenario I could imagine would be if Bolshevism overran the (largely ethically German) United States & a Nazi-sympathetic American wing developed… in this case id grant that Nazi German would support a revolution.



See Also




Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5:

Version 4: Mon, Jun 10, 2024 — Fully proofed transcript. Added SEE ALSO Covers image.

Version 3: Sun, Jun 9, 2024 — Fully proofed transcript to 95/133. Added images. Added Rumble comments. Added See Also links for Joel Davis.

Version 2: Sat, Jun 8, 2024 — Improved formatting. Fully proofed transcript to 60/133 mins.

Version 1: Fri, Jun 7, 2024 — Published post. Transcript quality = 3.5. Includes Odysee comments (207).

This entry was posted in Australia, Banksters, Blair Cotterell, Coronavirus, Covid - Lockdowns, Covid-19, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Police - Harassment, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race - Mixing, Race Differences, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, X (xTwitter), Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Mark Collett – Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy – Jun 21, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: FOX 4 – RFK Jr. Drops Out, Endorses Trump – Full Speech – Aug 23, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Show 36 – Frank Salter – Oct 18, 2023 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  11. Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17

  12. Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  13. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  15. Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  16. Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  17. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  18. Pingback: Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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