Mark Collett
Sam Melia Sentencing
with Laura Towler
Fri, Mar 1, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Join Laura Towler and I as we discuss Sam’s sentencing in Leeds Crown Court. Sam was sentenced to two years in prison. We will also answer questions from the audience and report what went on as well as discussing our feelings on the matter.”
Published on Fri, Mar 1, 2024
Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler
March 2, 2024
Mark Collett
Join Laura Towler and I as we discuss Sam’s sentencing in Leeds Crown Court. Sam was sentenced to two years in prison. We will also answer questions from the audience and report what went on as well as discussing our feelings on the matter.
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Laura Towler
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(Words: 13,348 – 1:18:21 mins)
Mark Collett: Good evening, everybody, and welcome to tonight’s rather somber stream. I’m here with the lovely Laura Towler. And this is one amazing woman. This is one amazing woman. And I’ve got some stuff I’m going to say about her later because I spent a large portion of the day with her. I drove her back home, and she’s still smiling, she’s still defiant.
And I’ve got to say, I don’t know how I would deal with this situation if I was Laura, but I don’t think I could fathom any way in which I could deal with it more professionally and with more dignity than she has. And we’ll talk a bit about that. We’re going to run you through. Obviously, you’re live now, and we’re live on Odysee. We’re live on Dlive, and we’re live on Rumble. And we’re live on Entropy.
Now, obviously, if one of the streams goes down, you can check another one. Please share it, because this is one of the most important streams we’ll probably ever do. We’re talking about one of the greatest miscarriages of justice to ever before anyone in this country. It’s a horrendous case, and I’ve laid out to you in great detail about this case.
So that’s what we’re going to be going over today. We’ll briefly recap on how we got here, and then we’ll go through exactly what happened in court today and how you can help Sam and Laura and what we’ll be doing moving forward.
Now, obviously, if you’d like to donate to the stream, that would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be made through Entropy or Odysee. If you attach a question or comment to the donation, we will read them out towards the end of the show. So stick around for that. And if you’d like, obviously, us, to read out your comment, we will. This is a chance for you to have a say, but it’s also a chance for any of you guys to give your opinion on this, to pass your good wishes to Laura or Sam or really just to have your voice heard or to ask a difficult. You know, these kind of judgements affect the movement, and they affect everybody in the movement.
So if you want to say something, this is a great time to say it, you know, if you want to give a small Superchat and have your voice heard, this is as good as time as any to do so.
Now, obviously, this isn’t a joyous stream. This isn’t a stream where we’re all cheering. This isn’t a stream where we feel in any way victorious. For me personally, today was an absolutely gutting day. And seeing Sam be led away heartbreaking because he’s genuinely one of the nicest, kindest, most decent, big hearted people I’ve ever met in my, you know, no one deserves this.
But I will say this before we get into the stream, and I’m going to pass it straight over to Laura when I’ve said this, I want to thank everyone who has come out in support of Sam over the last few hours. And we’ve seen loads of people, the guys at UNN, we’ve seen David Curtin, the GB News people have been, even they’ve said:
“This is ridiculous! This is insane that he’s been sent to jail for this!”
There seems to be an absolute outcry all over any sort of right of centre news outlet. I haven’t seen anyone attacking Sam either, which is a good thing. And if I do, I’d be disgusted! But everyone seems to be behind him and genuinely outraged at what’s happened.
And so they should be, because, as I said, this is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice this country’s ever seen!
Laura, hello. You’ve been amazing today. Obviously, I’ve been with you since this morning. We spent some time together this afternoon and we’ve spoken since then. But you’ve just been a pillar of strength through this. And I can’t believe you’re still smiling. You’re still here and you’re still a pillar of strength for everyone in this community. I mean, really, you are now a heavily pregnant mother of one, looking after your elderly grandma, looking after a toddler and a baby on the way in April, doing it all on your own. And amazingly, you’re still sat here looking wonderful and smiling! How do you do it?
Laura Towler: Well, [chuckling] first of all, sorry about the background and stuff. Usually Sam watches Catherine when I do the monthly update, but obviously he’s not here now. So Catherine’s sort of lying next to me watching some cartoons, and hopefully she’ll stay quite relaxed while we do this stream.
I think I’m still in shock! I haven’t really processed it. I feel angry and I’m still coming to terms with what happened because when the judge gave his sentencing remarks, he said lots of things which I know not to be true.
So he said things like:
“Sam had this campaign of hate and it was his intention to cause problems, potential offence to all these minority groups.”
And that isn’t Sam at all! Sam is driven by love and everything that he does is defensive. It’s highlighting bad things that are happening to us and then saying:
“We need to stop this so that we can be safe and we can be a prosperous people.”
So just to hear outright lies said about your husband when you know that they’re not true because you know him, you know what drives him and what his intentions were. It’s frustrating! I think it would have been easier to accept if Sam had, I don’t know, drink driving or stabbed someone or had burgled someone’s house or something, because then it would be like:
“Okay, you’ve done something, accept the punishment and we’ll move past it.”
But knowing that he is an innocent man, I think that’s the hardest thing to grasp about it.
So just to clarify, if anyone has been living under a rock over the last few hours, he’s been sentenced to two years in custody.
Now, the judge could have suspended that, but the judge said that he wanted it to be a deterrent to other people who have the same political beliefs as Sam.
So basically:
“I could let you go, but I want to send a message for other people not to do what you’ve done.”
Someone buying some tea [phone call]. He also said when you get involved in the kind of activity that Sam was involved in:
“You undermine the government’s attempts to stop immigration.”
The government’s attempts that don’t exist!
So he will serve at the most, twelve months in prison.
However, likely, if he keeps his head down and behaves himself, he will probably serve about eight months. And because he’s a nonviolent offender and he’s like the lowest category of his crime, he could be sent to a Category D prison, which will mean that he actually gets day release and like a key to his cell and everything. And he gets to come out through the day.
So hopefully that will happen. But we’ll see. Either way, when he got sent down, you can actually see the “fish bowl”, you know, where Sam sits, like behind this glass thing. But I stood up and made sure that I gave him eye contact before he got sent down. And he was fine. He wasn’t crying or he didn’t look distraught or anything. He looked strong and he mouthed, “I love you” to me. And I mouthed it back to him and then they took him down.
So I’m going to leave my phone on loud. I do apologise if it beeps, but I did say to him, can you phone me as soon as you can? And he’s wrote my phone number down. So I’m hoping that he will be able to phone me tonight, but if not, he’ll phone me tomorrow. And I’ll let you all know what’s going on. And obviously, as soon as we can send letters to him and that kind of thing, we’ll do that.
But, yeah, I just want to say thank you to everyone who supported us, not just today, because the court was actually packed of PA activists today. There wasn’t an empty seat.
But over the last three years. Sam was originally arrested for three things by Counter Terrorism three years ago, and they immediately dropped the terror things and just stuck with the stickers.
And then they didn’t charge for the stickers for two years because they were never really interested in the stickers.
And then they obviously just thought:
“We’ll give it a go.”
And the jury decided to say that Sam was guilty. So, speaking to Sam’s barrister today, he said:
“You were just so unlucky with that jury.”
He said:
“Four times out of five you would have got either a hung jury or not guilty, and you were just unlucky. You got the 20% likelihood of getting guilty.”
So all we can do is deal with it with dignity, and we can also do everything that we can to push back against it. We are looking at if there are any grounds to appeal the conviction. With regards to appealing the sentence, it takes about six months to get that started anyway, and Sam will be out in around maybe eight months, hopefully.
So I’ll speak to Sam and see if he wants to appeal the sentence, but ultimately that will be his decision. And we are looking at fighting back against the police anyway for wrongful arrest in the first place. I mean, you arrested him for three things, immediately dropped two when he got into the police station. What’s going on there? Did you have to have those two so that you could raid our home? It’s dodgy. So we are looking at fighting back, anyway.
I’ve just rambled on for ten minutes, so I’ll shut up now and pass it back to Mark.
Mark Collett: We have kind of thrown the schedule, …
Laura Towler: We’ve covered everything! [chuckling]
Mark Collett: If anyone’s got a right to go on one today, my dear, it’s you.
And before we go into some of the things that we want to discuss, I want to say this. When we came out of court, it was absolutely pelting it down with rain and PATV [Patriotic Alternative Television] were there. We had a film crew ready to record whatever was happening.
And I believe they recorded Sam going in with his final thoughts. So we are actually putting together a lovely video of me, Sam, Laura, talking, and Sam giving his thoughts before he goes down.
And when we came out, all the PA activists, and there were so many PA activists there, we actually filled the court so completely! So completely that they let us sit in the press section because there just weren’t any free spaces left in the actual public gallery.
So there was so much support for Sam. It was really heartening!
But not only that, when the case had concluded and we were going out, I walked down with Laura, and obviously Laura was walking down without Sam because Sam had been found guilty and Sam had know taken down. And that must have been awful for her. And we were at the back of everyone and we were talking because the PATV guys were like:
“Look, you guys come out last and walk down the stairs and we’ll film you. And then when it comes down to it, you guys say what you want.”
And usually when this happens, Laura always says:
“Look, Mark, you go first, you go first.”
And she likes it if I sort, know, go through things. And then she comments. And on this occasion, she was like:
“I want to go first today!”
And I was like:
“Good! This yours and Sam’s day, you do this.”
And Laura came out and she stood there in the pouring rain, … And I’ve got to say this, she gave one of the most moving sort of orations you could have in that situation. She didn’t crack, she didn’t well up, but she told people fairly and honestly what tyranny we live under!
And I hope when that video comes out, people will crop Laura speaking out of there and put it up all over Twitter! Because Twitter, … Absolute! Elon Musk’s Twitter is an absolute joke! We are the most persecuted people in Britain and he won’t let us on there. Absolutely ridiculous!
And let’s face it, when you’ve got people being jailed for putting up stickers and the so-called “free speech” bunch won’t let you talk about it, there’s a problem.
But Laura, there’s a lot to unpack from today.
Now, let’s go through things. You’ve given people an overview.
Now, I was quite hopeful before we went to court, because the judge seemed to be very even handed during the case, and he seemed to be sort of shocked to some degree when Sam was found guilty. And now a judge has in his powers a range of different options. And one of those options which the judge can explore at his discretion, is not immediately sentencing a defendant. The judge can say:
“I’m letting the defendant go free. The defendant will go free for another month. And in that time, I would like a pre-sentence report.”
And that pre-sentence report gives somebody who’s been found guilty a chance to speak to a probation officer who will note down everything that that person says, does a full analysis of them, and then gives their recommendations to the judge. And these aren’t just random recommendations. This isn’t somebody just writing to the judge urging them to make a decision. The judge is actually asked for this report to be professionally prepared so that he can take into account the probation officer’s recommendation for sentencing.
Now Laura, Sam worked with that probation officer for a number of days. I think it was a full day, but then had several calls and follow ups.
Now, obviously, you can go through this. Can you let everybody know what Sam went through with the probation officer?
And also, most crucially, what the probation officer recommended as a punishment for Sam.
Laura Towler: Yeah. So the probation officer is supposed to be an unbiased person, so she’s not part of the prosecution, and she’s also not part of the defense, but she puts forward a recommendation that then needs to be accepted by CPS [Crown Prosecution Service]. And she basically worked with Sam going over all his reasons for why he got involved with politics, went through his family situation and his work situation, and it’s her job to basically assess whether he’s a risk or not.
And she came back with the conclusion that Sam is no risk to the public at all, and that his likelihood of re-offending over the next few years is completely minimal because Sam is 34 years old and he has previous good character, so he has no criminal record at all! She did recommend that he is very sort of, like, adamant of his beliefs.
So one of the things that she recommended as a solution was for him to have a number of sessions where he would speak about his beliefs and be challenged on his beliefs. And she asked Sam if he would be okay with that, and he was like:
“Please challenge me. I’m more than happy to do that!”
But, yeah, I want to read you out what her recommendation was, which, obviously the judge completely ignored.
So here we go:
“Mr. Melia’s offending behaviour can be monitored by probation using GPS trail monitoring, and there are no barriers as to utilising electronic monitoring.”
So she’s basically saying there that she recommends he has a tag on:
“The behaviour itself could be punished by the imposition of unpaid work. Mr. Melia’s activities are, in part, motivated by a desire to improve his community, and therefore, I expect he would approach unpaid work with a sense of duty, care, and responsibility.”
So she’s recommending community service.
“In discussion Mr. Melia gave consent to engaging with probation and our partners in the Joint Extremism Unit to address the underlying motivations, thoughts, and feelings associated with his offending and with his agreement, the probation service, supported by the Counter-Terrorism Specialist Probation practitioner, could provide structured intervention to reflect on the risks taken when publishing or airing his views online or in public. If the court finds favour with this suggestion, my proposal would be a two year community order, or equivalent, during which Mr. Melia’s activities would be monitored by GPS and he would be required to complete a number of hours of unpaid work. The court considers commensurate with the seriousness of the offence, plus 25 rehabilitation activity requirements.”
So she’s recommended community service, a tag and, 205 sessions where he’ll be challenged on his views.
And then the judge just ignored it all and sent him to prison.
But that’s supposed to be an unbiased person who has assessed the likelihood of risk and re-offending from Sam. And she basically assessed that he was no risk.
Mark Collett: You see, the interesting thing about this, and I want to make this clear. I want to make this very clear! The judge gets a recommendation from the probation officer and the judge doesn’t have to follow it. It’s just a recommendation. He gets a report with a recommendation, but it’s not unsolicited advice. The judge asked for that.
The judge said he did not want to sentence Sam until he had read a probation officer’s report so that he could consider that for sentencing. And the judge had also intimated that during the case, he didn’t seem to think this offence was the be all and end all, the end of the world, which made it very interesting when it came to the actual sentencing. Because he was very harsh and seemed to be very different during sentencing to what he was during the trial.
Now, there was a couple of things that stuck out to me.
Now, the first thing was the use of the word “deterrent”. At one point, the judge said that he would be mindful of basically giving a suspended sentence and it was within his power to do. So but it seemed to me as if he was saying, and I’d have to go back and read the actual sentencing because I don’t have sort of a, … I’ve not got like some photographic memory where I can just play it back like a robot.
But I believe the judge said something like, the Crown basically urges for custodial sentences in this case to act as a deterrent.
So what this was about, it wasn’t about punishing Sam, it wasn’t about Sam being a criminal, because he’s not. It was about scaring the crap out of normal people! And normal people are going to be scared about this. Normal people who’ve got a stake in life, who’ve got a normie job, who’ve got a family, they are going to be terrified that if they use normal statements like White Lives Matter, Immigration has Become an Invasion – some of the things on those stickers were things that Conservative Party ministers have said, but people will be terrified!
And the first thing I’m going to say to you, Laura. I felt today that Sam was made an example of, not because of the “heinous” nature of his crime, but because the government intends to terrify every last one of us! So that people all over the country sit down, bury their head in TVs, takeaway, football, gambling, video games, comics, and don’t dare speak out against mass immigration. Is that what you read from the judge’s summation? Because this didn’t seem like punishment. This seemed like scare tactics.
Laura Towler: Yeah, it was interesting because obviously, if you read the articles about it when he was found guilty, the judge said to Sam:
“Work very closely with your probation officer and don’t give me a reason to send you to prison.”
So the probation officer came back saying:
“Yeah, don’t send him to prison.”
But then the judge was like:
“I’m going to give you two years because it’s the bottom of the two to six year category. And I could suspend it, but I’m not going to suspend it because we need to give a deterrent.”
And it was just like, what?
But it was interesting because a lot of what he said during the sentencing remarks at the end were not really things that came up during the trial.
So I just want to read out something that he said. He said:
“For the first time since the 1930s, a real risk of gross, potentially violent anti-semitism is becoming normalised on our streets.”
And it was like, well, Sam’s trial wasn’t really about anti-semitism. It was more about demographics and grooming gangs.
So it’s like, … We were supposed to be in at 10:00 this morning, and last night, late on, we heard that it had been moved back an hour and a half. And I don’t know why that happened because the judge had said that he was free and the prosecutor and the defense said that they were free.
And then all of a sudden something happened and it got moved back.
And then the judge just seemed to be really different and talking about anti-semitism and deterrent. And I don’t know what happened. We can only speculate, just like we can only speculate what happened with the jury. But I just think our response needs to be to this:
“Don’t let it be a deterrent. Let it be the absolute opposite!”
So if they’re trying to stop people from being nationalists, be a nationalist! Be a public nationalist! What’s the saying about cutting one head off and ten more come up in its spot? That’s what we need to do.
Mark Collett: You mean like the Hydra? When they chop the head off the Hydra, two more grow back.
Laura Towler: Yeah. Anyone who’s saying like:
“Oh, whatsoever, people can get into trouble, like Sam!”
Look, Sam was arrested for something that predates Patriotic Alternative; stickers. We don’t do stickers at Patriotic Alternative.
Some of the things that were on his stickers we might word a little bit differently now because we know that they can be misinterpreted. And we have three people associated with Patriotic Alternative who were in prison. Sam, Sven [Longshanks] and James Costello. None of them are in prison for anything to do with Patriotic Alternative. It’s all stuff from before. And Patriotic Alternative and our activities were not brought up during the trial. Nothing! Not a single thing! Not a single line from a stream, or a demo, or a leaflet or anything, because they have nothing on us!
So this is an indication to me that we’re doing the right thing and they don’t have any material to attack us on. So that note that we’ve just made about a deterrent, don’t let it be a deterrent, let it be a reason that you get involved. And let’s show them that they’ve made the wrong decision.
They’re going to make a Martyr out of Sam. I’ve already seen that we’ve got a ton of interest at Patriotic Alternative. I’ve got a busy week next week processing everything. Let’s prove to them that they’ve done the wrong thing and they’ve made the wrong decision and it’s only going to impact them in a negative way and us in a positive way.
Mark Collett: Well, I agree. And there’s something else. I want to move on to this. The judge made a bizarre statement that I stayed very quiet throughout all this. But there was at one point where you just sort of let out a gasp of just complete dismay! And it was when the judge said that:
“People like Sam that use words and terminology like Sam did actually prevent the Conservatives who care about stopping immigration from getting the job done and basically stopping immigration.”
Now, I’ve never heard such nonsense in my life! And that almost seemed as if it was like a prepared political statement, because I read somewhere yesterday that the Conservatives have actually increased the amount of visas they’ve given and it was 1.2 million last time it was recorded, now it’s 1.4 million. So 1.2 million resulted in they’re claiming 1.47 5 million people actually arriving. So what’s 1.4 million? Is that going to be 1.8 million people actually came? The Tories are doing this.
And it very much seemed to me that the judge was labouring the point that basically, if you do things like this, if you’re guilty of “wrongthink” – and that’s what Sam was guilty of – the judge, the Crown Prosecution Service, everyone in the court, the police, acknowledged that the wording on the stickers was lawful, that the truth was no defense, because the stickers were also truthful.
And finally, they acknowledged that no crimes had been committed as a result of those leaflets.
Now, that’s incredible! And what message did they tack onto that? Well, basically that Sam was guilty not of doing anything that was unlawful, but that his motivation in doing certain lawful things was “hate filled”!
So basically that’s a thought crime. He was thinking “hate filled things” when he was doing something lawful.
But this isn’t something new, and I’m not taking anything away from Sam, but Sam’s not the only person who’s know a victim of this. A while back, and you can Google, if somebody could Google it now and send me the link. There was an old lady who was actually arrested and dragged into a police station because she beeped her car horn at a black man. And the police arrested her and said:
“Oh, no, this isn’t a crime, it’s a non-crime hate incident, because beeping your car horn isn’t criminal. But we believed that you beeped your car horn at that man because you were motivated by hate. You did it because he was black!”
This is actually a real thing that really happened. So now you can do something lawful, whether it’s put up lawful stickers, beat your car horn at somebody, and you can be arrested for this.
And this is happening more and more.
So we’re moving into the territory of “Thought Crime”. And this judge wanted to send a message. And the message was, number one:
“If you do something like this, you’re going to be punished. So keep your head down!”
And number two:
“Politics is for the elite! The Tories are politicians, Labour are politicians. If they want to reduce immigration, they can get on with it! It’s their choice. But you naughty boy, you self employed sign fitter, don’t think you’re getting involved in politics, boyo! Because if you print some stickers, you’re getting in the way of the elite, deciding whether more immigrants or fewer immigrants should come to Britain!”
This to me is an absolutely insane message! It basically tells normal people:
“Don’t have the wrong opinions. And if you are thinking something and you’re thinking of doing something about something you’re passionate with, or passionate about, be careful because you’re stepping on the politician’s toes and the state won’t allow that!”
And I’m going to just go off on a minor, minor tangent today.
George Galloway got elected yesterday or in the early hours of this morning. He was elected yesterday, but he found out about it in the early hours of this morning.
Now, whether you like or whether you loathe George Galloway is not the point. That’s not the point I’m making. I’m not asking you to love him, not asking you to loathe him. People might like him, people might not. But he’s an anti-establishment candidate.
And since he’s got elected, you’ve got the same narrative that the judge was peddling about. Sam, all these mainstream politicians are coming out:
“Oh, this is dangerous! This is dangerous! This man got elected. This man who’s not part of the club and did politics is a threat to our democracy!”
Well, no, people like George Galloway, people like Sam, they are being attacked in different ways because they’re not part of the club.
And what the precedent seems to be at the moment is if you’re not part of the club and you have the wrong thoughts and you want to be involved in politics, you’ve got to be punished!
And this is happening across the political spectrum. It’s happening to people who are pro-Palestine, it’s happening to people who are anti-immigration. It’s happening to people who want to challenge the political oligarchy. And this case with Sam is one of the biggest, most newsworthy and one of the most egregious cases of this happening.
And Laura, you said quite eloquently on the steps of that courthouse today that despite the fact that they want us out of politics, we’re going nowhere!
Laura Towler: Yeah, absolutely!
I mean, I’m more determined than ever.
The fact that they’ve done this to Sam is a reminder why we do what we do, because all Sam does is advocate for his people in a peaceful way None of those stickers advocated for violence. None of the stickers even used racial slurs. I think the worst sticker, according to people was something where it said, like “Second generation, third generation, you have to go back.” Now that was a sticker that came out after all the terror attacks that happened in 2017 where people were saying:
“Well, actually, that terrorist was born here. He’s British, so he has to stay.”
And it was created to get a conversation going about it doesn’t matter if you’re born here, some people shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t say you all have to go back. But none of the stickers were bad.
So what they did with Sam was create this profile of him based on some really stupid things.
And one thing I want to say, which I think is quite proactive and will hopefully be helpful to people, is that if you’re involved in politics, you have to be so careful with what you have in your house. Even things that you know are not serious, you have to be so careful.
I mean, Sam and his friends rented a garage that was on another street. Not even our garage, not even covered by the warrants. So I don’t know why they went in there. And in there there was a funny picture of Hitler. Not even a serious picture, not a shrine! A funny picture of Hitler that the judge has seen and the jury has seen. And that was brought up in the sentencing remarks today:
“You had a picture of Hitler in your garage!”
It was a funny picture of Hitler. Like, if you are involved in politics, please just clear your house, because they’re going to misrepresent you. We shouldn’t have to, but it’s a choice you make. If you’re going to stand up and do this job, if you’re going to be an activist, if you’re going to pick up the megaphone, if you’re going to go out leafleting, just don’t give them anything that they can use to misrepresent you.
Another thing as well was they said in the sentencing remarks that Sam had an obsession with Oswald Mosley. Sam’s not interested in Oswald Mosley! I don’t think he’s read a single book by him. I’m interested in Oswald Mosley, [chuckling] but because I had a book on my bedside table that I was currently reading, that means you’re a fascist and you’re an anti-semitic.
Now, I’m not saying get rid of your books, but I have all of Oswald Mosley’s books on my bookshelf. But they only mentioned the one that was on the bedside table for some reason.
So I’m not sure if they only mentioned that one, because it’s like you’re clearly reading that because it’s out. Maybe just keep your books on the bookshelf. That’s what I’d recommend about that.
And then another thing as know I’m not offended by it, but just don’t use racial slurs, even if it’s in private messages. Because another thing that was mentioned during the sentencing remarks today was that out of tens of thousands of private messages going back for five years, Sam used a racial slur four times! And none of them were said to somebody of another race.
So I’ll give you an example of those racial slurs. The P word, P-A-K-I. Somebody had said something about a Pakistani guy driving and hitting somebody and it being on purpose. And Sam responded saying:
“No, that’s just P drivers.”
That was one of the examples of racial slurs. Nothing offensive or nothing hateful, just using that word.
Another one was Sam called a White person the n-word, in a humourous manner.
So that’s another example of him using a racial slur. So you just have to be so careful! Just don’t give them anything that they can extract and misrepresent and use to say that you’re full of hate.
So I hope that this is a reminder to people to keep your house clean and keep your messages clean. And it’s bad that we do have to walk on eggshells, but unfortunately, that’s the country that we live in until we win. And then when we win, all these stupid hate crime laws will obviously be discarded.
But, yeah, I think maybe I’ll write up some guidance of the things that they got Sam on and just sort of like, say, do these few things just to cover your own back.
Mark Collett: I want to also add, we’re moving into an era where fundamentally, you could be attacked by somebody who isn’t White. You could come into your house and find your wife being attacked by somebody who isn’t White.
And if you said something to that attacker, if you said, get off her, you, … And then used a racial slur to describe the person attacking your wife, you could find that you were arrested, as well as the attacker, and that he was maybe even let off because of the mental strife or the mental hardship he’s faced because of you using that word. You would be the criminal!
And I find it very interesting that we’re moving to a position where using certain words, even if they’re just used in anger, is now enough to basically more or less ruin your life. And it seems very odd, because Sam had said maybe four or five things over a four or five year period. Does using one racial slur every year really make you a criminal, really make you that bad a person? I don’t think so!
Laura Towler: He said them at a rate of less than one racial slur per year. And Sam’s defense was like, obviously that’s the exception, then, not the rule. If he’s only talking like that once a year in a humourous manner. But this is what I’m saying. You just have to be so careful!
I mean, I was born on a council estate and I still live on a council estate and everybody on this street says P-A-K-I. Not in a hateful way, they just say P-shop. Or for a Chinese, we’ll say like, “chinky”, which is probably a racial slur as well. And I don’t use those words because I know that I’m held to a higher standard than everyone else because I work at Patriotic Alternative, so I have to be careful.
But this is just how people talk. It’s not hateful! But you have to be so careful. And it shouldn’t be like that. But you’ve got the choice between potentially losing your freedoms and then being out of the struggle for a while, or dropping something that you shouldn’t have to drop, but doing it so that you can be more committed, I guess. It’s just something we’ve got to weigh up.
Mark Collett: I agree.
Now, the other thing I’ve got to say is the judge really laboured some negative points about Sam and this deterrent issue, but he did sort of gloss over Sam’s good points, but he sort of put them to one side, Sam’s past record.
Now, Sam has obviously never committed a criminal act before. He’s a man who’s in good standing. He is a father. And looking at all of that, I was very disappointed that the judge didn’t suspend the sentence.
But something we have to say, and people have been sending me multiple messages about this. The very same judge has been handing out suspended sentences to people left, right and centre. Left, right and centre! People have sending me:
“Leeds student drug dealer was in possession of a smorgasbord of substances!”
So this is a black student drug dealer:
“At a raid at a student drug dealer’s Leeds flat and covered a smorgasbord of substances. A court heard.”
And this guy, he had everything, everything in his flat! Everything in his flat! And it was a suspended sentence from the same judge. 300 hours of a two year sentence, suspended for two years and 300 hours of unpaid work. But essentially let off.
And the same judge, and I think I’ve just posted this to my Telegram, so you can actually see this. This isn’t something where we’re just sort of smearing the guy:
“Man caught with sex images of children as young as three avoids jail term.”
Now, we keep seeing this again and again and again! Because on one hand we’re seeing the criminalisation of normal people. Normal people. But at the same time we’re seeing more and more of these child sex offenders walk free.
Now, you’re a mum, Sam’s a dad. How does that make you feel? Laura?
Laura Towler: Well, I think the one that gave James Costello five years was the worst, because he actually gave a suspended sentence to somebody who had multiple Category A images on their computer of children aged six months being., … How do I even word this?
Basically the worst type of thing that could happen to children of six months old. He gave that person a suspended sentence and James Costello five years in prison.
So it’s not a huge crime to be a paedophile in Britain today. You can do something horrific and then just walk out of prison!
I mean, if you’ve got these images on your computer, you’re as bad as the person doing the act, because the person is doing the act and filming it because there’s an appetite for it, i.e., you! And it’s just absolutely disgusting! Everything’s backwards. You know, it should be very long sentences for anybody that hurts a child.
And for people who just share their opinions, whether they’re like Hitler or Stalin or Mosley or Pol Pot or anyone, you’re just sharing your opinions. It shouldn’t even be a crime.
So I think a big focus of ours needs to be highlighting how bad these laws are and then putting forward sensible changes to them, and then trying to campaign for them and push back against them.
Sam wants to really push back against the police. I mentioned this at the start, just for his arrest in the first place, because it just seems so dodgy how they used the terrorism thing to get into our house and then dropped it. And it’s like:
“You’re allowed to do that?”
I think it just needs to be a big focus of nationalists and anybody who cares about freedom of speech to be fighting back against these laws that are written so flimsily and they’re so open to interpretation that the state is able to pick and choose who they prosecute.
Mark Collett: There is one final thing I want to say, and this is really important.
The other thing the judge said, which I found to be absolutely insane! And it’s difficult, really, to sort of articulate how insane it is! So I’m just going to tell you what the judge said. The judge said that an aggravating factor towards Sam’s criminality, i.e., something that would get him a longer sentence was the fact that:
“Sam said what he said at a sensitive time.”
So Sam did several stickers about grooming gangs. And he said:
“An aggravating factor was that these stickers were published at a sensitive time when grooming gangs were in the news, when they were operating, when they were being prosecuted.”
Now, this seems insane to me!
So another thing that the judge is saying is, if you speak about a pressing issue, and that issue is sensitive, that will be an aggravating factor in your sentencing.
So that means if grooming gangs begin operating more and more and more, you can speak about them less and less and less, because the issue is more sensitive!
So it’s basically like saying, as your headache gets worse, you can talk about it less. As a problem gets worse, you can go to the doctor less and talk about it less. That’s not how it works! As a problem gets worse, you talk about it more. It doesn’t serve you to talk about a worsening problem less and less! That’s insane!
Well, how can it be an aggravating factor? You wouldn’t even be talking about grooming gangs if they didn’t exist.
So what he’s saying is:
“You can talk about grooming gangs if they don’t exist and when they’re not operating, but the more they operate, the less you can talk about it, because it comes an aggravating factor!”
I mean, even just saying this doesn’t make sense! I’m hearing the words, but it’s mind boggling!
Laura Towler: If they’re happening, it’s a sensitive social climate, so you can’t talk about them.
Basically, you could only talk about grooming gangs when they’re not happening, because then it’s not a sensitive social climate. How do you even respond to that?
Mark Collett: But there’s nothing to, … And I’m going to say this to add insult to injury, on the day Sam was being sentenced and went down for two years for, in part, speaking about grooming gangs, who do you think was sat opposite us on the top floor of Leeds Crown Court on trial? Well, it was none other than a grooming gang from West Yorkshire! There was a group of groomers on the same floor as us, in the same courthouse going on trial. Maybe I’m not allowed to talk about that? Maybe I’ll be arrested tomorrow for saying that?
Laura Towler: I posted it on my channel.
But, I mean, it’s on the court listing, so you can see what’s happened.
But that was like such a, … I just remember saying to Sam, like:
“Just look at how disgusting some of these people are!”
These are people who are accused of raping children, forcing them into prostitution. And I think the other one was some sort of assault or something.
There were 42 people, three women who I think are all White, and 39 other people who are all Asian, south Asian, all just sat there smiling, shaking each other’s hands. It’s a difficult thing to look at because you want to say something and you can’t.
Mark Collett: Because if you do say something, you’ll be saying something about an issue which is ongoing and that makes it sensitive so you can’t talk about it.
So in other words, what have we learnt from today? Don’t have bad thoughts because you’ll be sentenced to time in jail as a deterrent for others to make sure they don’t have bad thoughts! If you’re a normal guy and not part of the political elite and you have ideas outside of the two party system, don’t do anything about it, guys, because if you do, you’re somehow impeding the real politicians from doing their job. Politics isn’t something for the man on the street. We learnt that as well today.
And finally we learnt that if there is a problem and if that problem is getting worse, you’re allowed to talk about it less, because talking about the issue only inflames it. Keep your mouth shut and let the multicultural system eat your family alive!
Those were the messages we learnt today. And I can tell you if you’re finding this enraging! Well, it was every bit as enraging, if not more so, when we had to sit in silence in that public gallery and listen to it being fed to us as if we were naughty schoolchildren.
We live in an anti-White, multicultural tyranny!
And that’s why I’m going to make a big pledge tonight about moving forward, because usually we go to the Superchats about now, but me and Laura wanted to talk about moving forward.
Myself and Laura are under great threat doing what we do. We go to every length that we can to act within the law, and we go to every length we can to find peaceful solutions to the problems we face.
And I’ve gone to great lengths to that recently, meeting people from other communities and trying to say:
“How could we solve this peacefully?”
We do everything within the law and we never advocate for any form of violence or criminality. But that doesn’t change the fact that myself and Laura are probably two of, if not the two most “at risk” people in the country when it comes to politics.
We’ve already lost Sam. Now it’s for something that was nothing to do with PA. And we’ve seen many other people, some of them PA people, some of them to do with other groups, some of them just people who happen to download the wrong book, go to jail. But we are certainly targets. And that is something that obviously would make anyone uncomfortable.
So how are we going to move forward? Well, none of these problems are going to be solved if we do what they want, which is give up.
And my pledge to you tonight is that I know many people will be scared. I’ve already had one person write to me today, say he doesn’t want to have anything to do with politics anymore. Well, that’s his choice.
But the fact of the matter is, that’s not the road for me. I am not giving in! I am not backing down! And anybody, White, black, Christian, pagan, Muslim, that wants me on their show to talk about this tyranny, I will travel anywhere in the country. I will let you book me in, and I will do any show that you want and talk about this! Because not only am I not giving up, despite the threat that we are under, we have to redouble our efforts.
And my plea to everyone watching this show is you might feel that you can’t do this. You might feel you don’t want to be at the front. You might feel that this is a scary time to be a political dissident.
Well, I’ve made this promise before I’m not asking you all to be face out. I’m not asking you all to do anything in your own name. I’m not asking anybody to do anything they’re uncomfortable with. But if you get behind me and you stand behind me and Laura, we will be the tip of the spear. We will take what comes our way. We will do it graciously and humbly, but we are not giving in!
And if you want to rage against this anti-White, multicultural tyranny, we will stand here and we will lead the protests. We will do the streams. We will design the leaflets. We will put them out. We will campaign in as many ways as we can. We will strive to become a political party as we have been doing. We will support other political organisations, but we will work with anybody that wants to dismantle this system. And that is a bold pledge! And trust me, it’s not an easy pledge to make because I have a wife. I have a beautiful four year old daughter who I love very much, and I don’t want to miss her growing up.
And the fact Sam is missing some of his daughter growing up is absolutely heartbreaking! It’s heartbreaking, and he will be on my mind tonight when I go to sleep. But we are not giving up. And I know Laura’s not giving up.
And I’ve got to say this because I want to get Laura’s say, but I’ve got to say this about Laura. When we came out of that court, Laura was strong, dignified, and defiant!
And I just wanted to get her away from it because I wanted to let her be herself. And we walked off in the rain. We walked off in the rain to my car, and I drove her home.
And as I drove her home, we talked, and I tried to just be my normal self, you know, daft jokes, talking to her about things, saying, Sam would be all right, it’s going to be fine. And Laura didn’t need that. She didn’t need me helping her through that. Because she was so strong, so positive!
And the only thing she kept talking about is:
“How can we fight on and keep doing this and raise more awareness?”
She came away from that courthouse not as a beaten, distraught, depressed woman ready to throw in the towel, crying for a husband. She walked away from that courthouse wanting to fight back and redouble her efforts. I’ve met a lot of people in my time in nationalism, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody who’s stronger or harder working!
And today I was so absolutely proud of her! It was unbelievable! Now she’s just muted at the worst possible time. But I assume that’s because Catherine needs something.
So I was going to, …
Laura Towler: Yes, sorry. Catherine has just come and stuck her head in front of the camera and told me she wants a lolly. [chuckling]
So I think I might give her a lolly just to sort of get to sit down for ten minutes or so.
But, yeah, I missed my compliments then, didn’t I? [chuckling] Because Catherine disturbed us.
Mark Collett: You can watch it on replay.
Laura Towler: Yeah. [chuckling] She wants a no no. A “no no” is a lolly. For some reason, she calls it a no no. Do you want a no no?
Mark Collett: Is that because mummy and daddy usually say no, no?
Laura Towler: Shall I go get you a lolly? Yeah. Okay. Can you talk for a minute?
Mark Collett: I can talk while you’re getting the no no. Well, as I’ve said, we are not giving in! We are not throwing in the towel. There will be more of that. We were going to do a PA update tonight, and obviously we don’t have time for that, and we’ll appreciate that. And there’s a lot of things to talk about.
There was an amazing Drag Queen Story Hour demo. There was a wonderful flash demo in Cannock with over 30 activists engaging with the public for nearly two hours. Hundreds and hundreds of leaflets handed out.
There’s activity almost every other day somewhere in the country. We’ve got people in London. We’ve got people in every part of the country. We’re back up and running in London now. Everywhere something is happening. And there’ll be camps, there’ll be conferences, there’ll be other events.
Last night we had a workshop on how to produce AI comics and artwork. This is a multifaceted approach to community based politics! This is the real deal! And there’s no other group that is suppressed and repressed like Patriotic Alternative.
We’re the only group that aren’t allowed to register as a political party even though other groups have used exactly the same constitution as we have and been registered. There’s no other group that has these big exposes on the television about us. There’s no other group that isn’t allowed on Twitter. We are the most persecuted and repressed group in the country! But that’s for a reason.
It’s because we’re the real deal! And with a real deal because of things like today, because of the way we handled it, the way we’re ready to fight back and the way we’re not cucking on anything. We’re not the group that’s going to stop using the word “White”. We’re not the group that’s going to stop doing the charity work on the streets or back down when we’re threatened. And that’s partially because of this woman’s strength. Laura, what do you have to say about all that?
Laura Towler: I only caught the end of it. [chuckling]
Mark Collett: In short, you haven’t cucked!
And basically on the car ride on the way home, your biggest thing wasn’t cry for me. It was how can we redouble our efforts and how are we going to, … Laura’s biggest concern is basically making sure people aren’t scared off by this and we keep fighting. That’s really her biggest thing. And that’s an amazing trait!
Laura Towler: The speech at the last PA Conference that I gave was called, “This is Not a Game”. And I meant it when I said that. We don’t do this for any other reason than to secure a safe future for future generations. And I have a two year old daughter and I’m eight months pregnant and I’m giving birth to my second daughter next month.
And I want the country that they grow up in to be safe for them. And I want them to be able to speak freely and be proud of who they are. And I want them to have a community around them and not feel like they’re a stranger, or a hated minority in the area where they live.
And if we do nothing and we continue down the path that we’re on, that is the future for them. And I can’t allow that to happen!
We’ve never promised that we’re going to win, and we’ve never promised that it’s going to be easy. But we have promised you that we will never, ever quit! And when we said that four years ago, when we launched PA, we meant it. And after everything we’ve been through over the last four and a bit years, we’re still here saying we will never ever quit. And anytime they attack us, it only grows our ranks. It only makes more people aware to how weak, but also anti-White the system is.
So, yeah, I’m still very much committed in the struggle. There’s a big event that’s going to be taking place in March. You’ll see me at that. Unless the baby comes early, then you might not, but hopefully you’ll see me at that. And I hope to see some of you guys there as well.
Mark Collett: Thank you so much, Laura.
Well, look, we’re going to do the Superchats now, and we will go through the questions, so hopefully they will load up on Odysee. Let’s go through those, first of all.
And remember, the Sam Melia Support Fund is still up. It’s still there. And the link for that is in the description below.
So if you want to donate, obviously, to that, that’s still.
Laura Towler: I just say something about the GiveSendGo. Sorry, because I know that you’ve set it up to send me and Mark, the rumours, me and Sam on holiday for a week before sentencing. And we did actually go to the Lake District for, I think it was four nights, was it five nights last week. And it was just so nice to spend that time together as a family. I’m really glad that we did that.
But obviously the GiveSendGo has reached levels that we never, ever expected that it would. So if people are wondering, are we going to spend all of that money on a holiday? The answer is no. I want to assure people that none of that money will be wasted.
And obviously now we’ve lost Sam’s sign making money, his trade. He works as a sign maker, so it will help to make up for that.
Also, there’s maybe potential legal fees if we push back against the police in somewhere. But what I really want to do with that money, and I need to speak to Sam about it because it’s not mine, it’s Sam’s. But I want that money to be able to help political prisoners, including Sam, but other political prisoners as well. And I want it to support them and their families.
So if anyone’s thinking:
“Oh, you’ve got all this extra money, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to spend it on designer clothes or holiday?”
No, we don’t want to do that anyway.
I want the money to be used on something useful.
So thank you to the people who have donated, because it does take the financial pressure off us a little bit with regards to me being able to stay in this house while I’ve lost Sam’s income. Obviously, we’ve still got Grandma Towler’s, but how I’m going to manage that with a toddler and a newborn? Sam’s dad might help me out a little bit, but the vast majority of this money is going to be used on supporting and helping political prisoners. That’s something that Sam has said he wants to do with it.
So, yeah, if anyone’s thinking that we’re going to waste it, please don’t think that we are.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much! We’re going to do the Superchats now. 14.88 from Beer Hall Pooch. Thank you so much!
“Another dono as thank you, because I know you’ll look after Laura and Mark. Thoughts on the libtarbs spurg out re Galloway winning great news. And an independent came second. LibLabCon destroyed. Please explain to some nationalists why this is good for us. Because I’m sick of doing it. Some nationalists will never see the bigger picture.”
Well, I’ll explain this very briefly. If we’re ever to set ourselves free, if we’re ever to be free, we need to break free from the two party oligarchy. That means both the Conservative Party, that’s 180 years old, and the Labour Party, which is 120 years old, need to be smashed. They need to be destroyed and our people need to be set free. That is a fact!
Now the Labour Party is going to be destroyed, most likely by people like George Galloway, who lead away their local Muslim support base, who will vote now en masse against Starmer* because he supports the Gaza genocide. That is a good thing. That will destroy that party.
[* Sir Keir Rodney Starmer is a British politician and barrister who has served as Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party since 2020. He has been Member of Parliament for Holborn and St Pancras since 2015. He was previously Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013. Wikipedia]
And if Richard Tice* and Reform, then destroy the Tory Party, again, as far as I’m concerned, this is a good thing!
[* Richard James Sunley Tice (born 13 September 1964) is an English businessman and politician who has been the leader of Reform UK (formerly the Brexit Party) since 2021. A multi-millionaire, Tice was CEO of the real estate group CLS Holdings from 2010 to 2014, after which he became CEO of the property asset management group Quidnet Capital LLP. He was a founder and co-chairman of the pro-Brexit campaign groups Leave.EU and Leave Means Leave. Wikipedia]
What we must do is focus on what we can do. But if other people and other groups dismantle the system in other ways as we are fighting, good! If we’re smashing down one wall and George Galloway’s smashing down another, good luck to him! The more of their corrupt anti-White citadel that we smash, the more of the foundations we tear down, the more it collapses it on them, and the quicker these age old anti-White parties die, the better for us all!
You might not agree with everything Galloway says, but if he is destroying the powers that oppress us, let him get on with it!
Pure nomad gave $10. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Love to Laura and Sam. Everyone on this corrupt island nation have a right to advocate for their own people’s right to exist, except those with ancestral heritage here. UK has become an utter laughingstock.”
Yeah, Laura, just a quick one for you get the feeling, don’t you, that if Sam had been black and said that Black Lives Matter and that White people 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation must pay for slavery reparations, none of this would be happening?
Laura Towler: Yeah, of course! We live in an anti-White state where the rules are completely different for us. And everyone can advocate for themselves apart from White people. Because if you advocate for yourself as a White person, that apparently means that you hate everyone else.
You know, when we were at Cannock last weekend and I gave my speech, I said:
“Why is it okay to say black lives Matter, but it’s not okay to say White Lives Matter? And why does everybody know who George Floyd is, but nobody knows who Chris Donald is? Or Ross Parker, or Richard Everett, or Lucy Lower?”
All these names that we could list, we’ve got them all up on the PA website, and it’s because some lives are worth more than others.
So, yeah, if Sam was a black person advocating for black people, he could literally call for violence and it would be absolutely fine!
Mark Collett: Indeed. White Zealot gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:
“All of the media in the education system is one big incitement of racial hatred against Whites. But of course that will never be prosecuted. We can only hope that the non-White races will use this law against each other and thereby cause it to be scrapped.”
I agree. Look, if Sam’s guilty, then every single educational institution is guilty of doing what you have just said to White people. Albion Forever said:
“Funny how while Sam is getting sent down, someone else who is prominent in another party is given a free pass on sharing terror documents.”
Well, thank you for that. Thin Red Line gave $5. Thank you so much! And he said:
“A few seconds ago Coronaville said, ‘what was the makeup of the jury?’”
The jury, if I remember correctly, was nine White people, three non-Whites, and was it three women?
Laura Towler: Yeah.
So there were six White men. Three White women and three foreigners, a Pakistani, a black person, and I think the other one might have been Egyptian or something.
So, yeah, three non-Whites and nine White people.
Mark Collett: Thank you so much! Stan One gave an incredibly generous hundred dollars! Thank you so much! And said:
“A travesty of justice, but the truth will prevail. Stay strong, Laura, for Sam!”
I think you’ll be staying very strong. You’ve been stoic throughout this.
Laura Towler: Yeah. And I don’t want Sam to be worried while he’s in there because he’s helpless, basically. He can’t do anything. Whenever I talk to him, I’m always going to be sharing happy things that are going on. And I don’t want him to be thinking that things are tough out here. Because I don’t think he’s worried about himself. I think he’s just kind of like:
“I’ll get through, you know, read, maybe do some sort of a course, workout, that kind of thing.”
He’s more worried about me sort of managing all the work and the children at the same time.
So I don’t want Sam to have to worry about that. So I’m always going to just get on with things and stay strong. And I have a good family, a good friendship group, and a good community at PA as well.
So I’m very lucky in that regard.
Mark Collett: No Chances just sent me this. I’ll read you a headline:
“Drunk woman who shouted Black Lives Matter as she attacked and racially abused police during arrest avoids jail after claiming she was antagonised when officer said, ‘All lives matter’.”
Oh, dear! You can racially abuse somebody and attack them with a knife, but it’s 100 pounds and a community service order. But stick up some stickers and it’s off to jail! What a system! Maybe Next Time gave $3. Oh, sorry, I’ve missed one. Thin Red Line gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“Overton Window Publishing a few seconds ago, ex-actress Margie Clark retweeted the story before she suggested a vigil at the prison.”
Well, if people want to do a vigil at the prison, we will do that. Albion Forever said:
“Thoughts on the fat one eyed has been that is been mouthing off?”
Well, I think you’ve summed up what he is. There’s nothing more to say.
Any nationalist today that is using the Sam Melia issue to score points against myself because maybe I’ve got a bigger following on a certain social network, that is terrible! And it speaks volumes about that person. Maybe Next Time gave $3. Thank you so much! And said:
“The statement by the judge about it being a deterrent to others displays just how out of touch with the reality of the situation he and the system is.”
Thank you so much! 14 Odysee tokens from Mr. Beige. He said:
“Sam will always be a strong leader, father figure and friend to us in PA Yorkshire. And for all those who had the privilege of knowing him we will keep the flame alive for when he comes out, we will stand strong. We are Melia’s men!”
Thank you so much! Death Cheruska gave $5. Thank you very much:
“This is insane and unjust! A strong Laura!”
Thank you so much! Chug gave $5 and said:
“Salute to Sam. Inspiration to us all!”
Cat Hugger gave $14. Thank you so much! He said:
“Violence can only be concealed by a lie and the lie can only be maintained by violence — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.”
Very true. Thank you so much! Fan of the Era gave $14. Thank you so much! And said:
“Praise and thanks to Laura and Sam for their courage and sacrifice. This trial and sentencing is a red pill unto itself due to the outrageous double standards involved. Stay strong for our people. Hail victory!”
Thank you so much! British Gammon gave $20. Thank you so much! And said:
“Rishi Sunak has warned against what he calls mob rule and wants a more robust replaced responses to protect politicians and the democratic processes. I fear things are going to get worse before they get better.”
Yeah, it’s amazing, isn’t it? When nationalists go out and there’s a big mob of Antifa turn up and threaten us, that’s “democracy”. But when White people come together to advocate for themselves, it’s “mob rule”. Isn’t that funny, Laura, how a large group of people all saying the same thing is Democratic when the system wants them to say it, but when it’s White people speaking out against the system, it’s mob rule. Have you ever thought of it like that?
Laura Towler: They literally shut down political organisations and say that they’re a threat to democracy. I actually think you shutting down the political organisation is a threat to democracy! Once again it’s different rules for us.
Mark Collett: Indeed. Archie gave $4. Thank you so much! He said:
“On International Indigenous People’s Day, we need to post 6 million stickers across Europe. [chuckling] The globalists will get the message and they can’t put 6 million in jail. I’m afraid that they will just try like Stalin did.”
Thank you so much! A White Zealot gave $30. Thank you so much! And said:
“Mark, please organise a protest of Sam’s sentencing wherein hundreds of nationalists hold up signs saying exactly what was on Sam’s stickers, make them send thousands of us to prison for lawful, truthful speech, and let the world watch.”
Do you know what? That’s not a bad idea. If people want to arrange some form of protest, I will happily stand there with a placard in each hand, one saying “It’s Okay to be White” and one saying, “White Lives Matter”. I will do that every day and twice a day on Sundays! That would be fantastic! That is something I wholeheartedly endorse! England Lives gave $40. Thank you so much! And said:
“It shames me I can’t do more, especially seeing what martyrs like you and Sam are doing. You give us a glimmer of hope that England isn’t finished yet. You’re in my family’s heart tonight.”
Well, thank you so much! England is not finished! We will be fighting on. Deb Sim gave $25. Thank you so much! And said:
“Keep fighting the good fight. Sam will be home soon, Laura. He will and we will miss him so much. But we will write to him and support him every step of the way.”
Linus Cup Tips gave $25. Thank you so much! He said:
“Three titans of the movement, Sam, Mark and Laura! All of them deserve our love and support. Big up, PA!”
Thank you so much! Aunt Sally gave $10. Thank you so much! And said:
“This is yet another travesty of justice on one of our finest people and it makes me sad and angry. My heart goes out to Laura and family. I’m grateful to see Laura so strong right now. Thank you, Mark.”
Laura has been the rock in all of this and you can see by look on her face she’s going nowhere. John Taylor gave $10. Thank you so much! And said:
“This sentence is a travesty and shows how illegitimate the powers that be. PS Laura, my tea arrived this morning. Many thanks. Also interesting to see supportive tweet from actress Margi Clarke, star of Making Out and Letter to Brezhnev. That is fantastic!”
Laura, the tea business is still going to be up and running, is it not?
Laura Towler: Yes. [chuckling] Yeah. Grandma Towler’s is still going. I need to figure out how to manage things, because if you’ve had a baby before, you know, that those newborn days are very intense. But like I say, I do have support from Sam’s dad when it comes to Grandma Towler’s. So that’ll be a big help.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much, and it’s good to know that you will be doing all of that. If there’s any woman capable. No, there’s no woman as capable as you in this cause. And I know if any woman can do this, if any woman can juggle a newborn, a toddler, a tea business, and me whining on the phone every day, it’s you!
Maximus Blackismus gave $3 and said:
“Sam Melia is better than Andrew Tate.”
Well, I agree. Martin McEvoy gave $20. Thank you so much! $25. Sorry. Thank you so much!:
“Had a bad day for us, but a good stream to share. I’ve seen comments Sam was prosecuted for posting stickers, but only found guilty for creating them. Is that correct? Also, was PA or any other group mentioned during the trial? This has come up in commentary about the case, dealt with issues when was an individual activist?”
It had nothing to do with PA. PA was brought up in the trial slightly as Sam was talking about the positives of community based activism and the things that he does which are lawful, above board, and that prove that he isn’t stirring up racial hatred, he’s trying to build a community. So PA was brought up in a very positive way. And well, thank you for the Superchat.
Basically, if you want to know the exact in and outs of what Sam was done for, it took me about an hour to go through that, and there is an entire stream on that on my Odysee, Rumble and Dlive. Sorry, my Odysee, Rumble and my BitChute. Please check that stream out because it really is worth watching, but I can’t go through it all again now. But thank you for the Superchat. VM gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“Sam is the absolute best of us. He has and will inspire many more of us to come and get involved, whatever format convenient within conduct. Will Sam at least get exemption for when Laura is in labour?”
Well, I did say to you, Laura, that Sam was, in a way, a lucky man because he does get to avoid the whole horrors of labour. And I can say from a man’s point of view, there is nothing more horrifying than being at the business end during labour! What do you say to that?
Laura Towler: Yeah, do you know what? I’m actually not worried about the Labour at all, because I’ve done it before and I know that I can handle it. And when I had Catherine, I did hypnobirthing, which teaches you how to basically work with your body as opposed to working against it and tensing up and fight or flight mode, kicking in. And it made the Labour something that I felt in control of and I look back and see it as a positive experience.
So I’m not actually worried about the actual labour at all! The bit that I’m sad about is that Sam’s not going to be there because it’s such a big moment to see your child being born. And I guess after the baby’s born. No, no. You finished? [talking to Catherine] I will take our daughter to see Sam in prison. That’s how it will be. Otherwise, he won’t see us for potentially eight months.
So that’s a bit I’m sad about. But, like, the physical side, I’m not worried about that at all!
Mark Collett: Well, that’s good. And I’m sure when Sam does get to meet that little bundle of joy, he will be very happy. And I wish, obviously, you guys, all the best. Ian Holloway gave $14. Thank you, Ian. It’s great seeing you today. Said:
“We always double down whenever we face setbacks. This time we’ll be no different.”
Thank you so much! Cruella gave $50. Thank you so much, my dear. I hope you’re well. She said:
“I’m absolutely disgusted over all this. Love to all of you, especially you, Laura. You’re an example to us all. You and Sam are two of the best people I know. Massive hugs to you and Catherine from me and my girl!”
Well, thank you, Cruella. Lovely to hear from you. Laura, do you want to respond to that one?
Laura Towler: Oh, I love Cruella! She’s lovely. We talk regularly, and just thank you for the kind words and looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Mark Collett: Well, we’ve had a good stream tonight, and I’m just looking at the numbers concurrently watching. We’ve got 50 on Entropy, 140 on Rumble, we’ve got 160 on Odysee, and 71 on DLive. So, basically, I think that takes it to about, if my maths are correct, over 700 people watching live.
And I’ve got to say this. If you’re one of the people watching live, share this stream to others. Let everyone see it. Let everyone know. Please let that be your homework for after the stream! Tell everyone what happened here! Let everyone know! Beer Hall Pooch gave another dollar and said:
“Mark you know I agree with speaking and working with others. This is the correct course. It is a reassessment of our positions. No cucking, but new strategy and tactics needed. You have my support.”
Well, we are working with as many people as we can. Laura, we’re now at the end of the stream. I’ve got to say, PATV have just uploaded on Odysee Laura’s speech outside the court. Let’s get that out everywhere. Let’s share that tonight as well. Laura, you’re the woman with the final say tonight. Please tell everyone what you have to say and we’ll wrap things up.
Laura Towler: Yeah, if you go check out that video on the, I’ll share it on my channel as well. And I’m sure Mark. Will you actually get to see Sam before he goes in the courtroom? And Sam has a message for you all.
So yeah, there’s me and Mark saying a few words, but most importantly, some words of encouragement from Sam. So go check out that video on Telegram. I’ll let you know when Sam makes contact with me and I’ll let you know how he is.
And once I know as well, I’ll let you know how you can contact him so that people can send him letters and stuff.
But yeah, just please don’t let this deter you, because if you do, then they’ve won.
So we need to win! Please use this to enthuse you to continue. That’s what I would say. That’s what I want my final words to be. And I know it will because I haven’t had a single message from anybody saying:
“Oh, I’m too scared!”
But I’ve had loads of people saying:
“I’m very, very angry about this and I’m going to double my efforts.”
And that’s what Sam would have done. That’s what Sam would have done. Can’t wait to talk to him. I miss him already. But he’ll be out this year, I hope.
Mark Collett: Me too.
Well, look, thank you everyone for tuning in tonight. Thank you to all those who gave so generously. The fundraiser is linked in the description below for Sam and Laura. We’ll be reposting that over Sam’s duration stay at his Majesty’s pleasure. But thank you so much! We’re not cucking! We’re not giving in! This is just another reason to fight even harder.
Please, tonight, if you do one more thing. Share the news about this, share this stream, share David Curtin’s tweets, Margie Clark’s tweets. Do something! This is absolute anti-White, multicultural tyranny!
And that’s why we’re not giving in! This is why we fight. We fight for our freedoms. They’ve taken away Sam’s, but we’ll continue to fight so that our children are truly free. Thank you for everything, guys.
Thank you to Sam. He is a brave hero. Tonight he’s in prison, but really, despite him being incarcerated, he’s a free man because he was never in bondage. He spoke his mind. He fought for what he believed in, and he lived free. They may have clipped his wings, but he never cucked!
And when you stand at the end of your life and you have to face yourself and ask, did I do the right thing? Sam Melia is one of the men who will be able to look himself in the eye, look in the mirror and say:
“I did the right thing!”
Tonight, he might be alone in that cell, but he has millions of people talking about him, thinking about him, wishing him all the best. That man is in our heart and on our minds. He is our brother and we will be there for him.
And I’ll tell you this now. If people want to protest outside that jail, I am with them all the way! Thank you so much! Get the word out and I’ll see you all again soon. I love you all. Have a great weekend. Thank you and good night.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 3/3/2024 = 818)
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago(edited)
Please read Laura’s statement on this issue. She’s asking YOUR HELP.
Laura Towler’s statement on her husband’s sentence
— Morgoth (@MorgothsReview) March 1, 2024
Nationalists have a duty to protect women and children.
They also have a duty to support those behind the line.
I know Sam and Laura. Met them many times. Please help them out.
Spread this link:
1 day ago
Israel is becoming increasingly isolated and that’s a good thing.
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1 day ago
Free Palestine. Free Albion.
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Cù Fhoirthe
20 hours ago(edited)
Free Albion can be rendered in Gaelic as Saor Alba. We will all be free. From the [Ural] Mountains to the [Atlantic] Sea, Europa will be Free.
AKA Santa Claus
15 hours ago
Sh*thole country which should stop conscripting their women and invest on their naval fleet instead.
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Cù Fhoirthe
5 hours ago
It should stop existing altogether.
the woodlander
1 day ago
stand tall… never back down
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
A father of two young children will be jailed for two years. While Pakistanis are raping children and get less.
1 day ago
This regime is pure evil
Matt Hammond
1 day ago
There is a provable, undeniable, irrefutable genocide of whites going on. It’s being done by a corrupt, utterly illegitimate, and downright criminal govt and court system. Hopefully, Sam will end up with compensation for honorably standing up to this deliberate, planned genocide – as any white man in his right mind should in his own homeland – and the corrupt judges, prosecutors and senior police who are clearly heavily complicit in this genocide, as well as industrial scale child rape, can all be arrested and tried for treason, crimes against children and genocide with their predictable backpeddling, squirming, tune-changing and eventual pleading for mercy being ignored. These traitors should get the harshest sentences for their unforgivable crimes against the British people.
1 day ago
We are moving rapidly towards the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union of Britannistan. Our people are being sent to the Gulag by Jewish judges or their White puppets.
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1 day ago
I think you have actually been there for some time. Check out the “Heretical Two”.
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1 day ago
Wow. Yes I think you may be correct. Unbelievable.
1 day ago
It’s been Jewish for over a hundred years
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1 day ago
More than 200 years.
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!
the woodlander
1 day ago
we are behind enemy lines
1 day ago
This judge is evil. Sam is going to miss the birth of his child.
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
The Awakened Saxon
1 day ago
A political show trial that would have embarrassed Stalin.
1 day ago
I’m very proud and privileged to call Mark, Sam and Laura, and alll the good folk at PA, my friends and comrades. Thank you for your work and dedication, we’ll keep marching forwards together.
1 day ago
An observation of mine is this: If the words Brit, Jerry, Itiye, Froggie, Dutchie, Thai, Jap, Indon, Russki all of which are abbreviations of national names are not considered to be “slurs” then why is the P-word which is short for Pakistani considered to be a slur. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. It is not logical or reasonable. It is simply a weapon constructed to silence the White man in his own land.
Pria’s Thoughts
1 day ago
Laura you are an example to us all. God bless you all
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sam the man with the masterplan.
1 day ago
1 day ago
He spoke Truth
1 day ago
the media has buried this
1 day ago
Tunnell engineer
1 day ago
we are all Palestinians now.. god bless Sam melia
1 day ago
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
The free thinking man will always be free and no prison cell can ever change this insuperable fact.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Get on Twitter and spread the word! It works. Attack politicians with posts
1 day ago
the Chinese admire jewish strategies but I guess they’re not dumb enough to give them real power in their country. However, they had dealings in the past.
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1 day ago
Indeed. The Jews did them over with drug addiction. It’s called the Opium Wars. The Sassoons used the Royal Navy “gunboat diplomacy.”
15 hours ago
They have been under communist rule for almost 80 years. Communism is a jewish dictatorship government invented by the son of a rabbi.
17 hours ago
Even Elon Musk commented on this on X….
Earthling Carl 1
19 hours ago
Unbelievable corruption, this country is a joke.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
WE are a disgrace. WE allow this to happen. At one point we have to fight back. Cops are cowards. When people rioted against covid cops literally pissed themselves.
1 day ago
1 day ago
the Jews are also kvetching about being banned from banking and politics in China for no reason whatsoever according to them.
1 day ago
The response should be hundreds of thousands of people handing out stickers.
1 day ago
Everyone needs to copy those stickers and start plastering them everywhere. This is an intimidation tactic. The judge should be held to account for false imprisonment. And by rights any conviction should ONLY happen from a jury. PEOPE need to wake up and start paying attention to the Bill of Rights and demanding it’s followed.
1 day ago
he lives free
1 day ago
1 day ago
Love and prayers for Sam & Laura & children. God bless y’all. Hail victory forever!!!
King Arthur 2nd. 503-579AD – He won all his battles.
1 day ago
The vermin have shot themselves in the foot.
1 day ago
1 day ago
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.”
1 day ago
Our democracy is basically a code-word for Zionist power.
12 hours ago
Big mistake to jail Sam. It is a unifying issue and waking up a lot of people. And ironically, the content of those stickers is now being spread far and wide by all the exposure of this unjust anti-white sentencing.
Pöntiffafäsxesdüxe – Aryanbániafäsxiadeüce
21 hours ago
Stay strong Laura, I am so sorry for Sam, but know what he is going through because I went through my own situation against ZOG and the system establishment forces back in May of 2023… Best wishes go out to you Laura and Sam and your families… This is a egregious crime against freedom and justice and human rights… We’re all feeling helpless and victims with Laura and Sam… We will continue fighting on for our folk and homeland… I hope Sam gets out… At least Sam isn’t in USA prisons.
1 day ago
✍🏻 Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):
1 day ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
running free
1 day ago
love Laura’s northern accent ❤️💪🏻🤍
1 day ago
Love from America Laura…we’re all here for you dear 👍❤️
1 day ago
Toronto-area hospitals welcome 5 leap day babies… 4 are Indian babies :blind: don’t notice things, its a crime
1 day ago
What 10 idiots downvoted the stream? Imagine what kind of slobber-bucket freak you must be to support this decision
1 day ago
talmudic Bolshevik plutocracy
10 hours ago
Britain is screwed until PA gains control.
Pöntiffafäsxesdüxe – Aryanbániafäsxiadeüce
20 hours ago
Keep up the hard work Mark, Laura and Sam are lucky to have and know you as a friend… I look forward to more videos and articles and political activity from you… Never give up or back down or surrender to our enemies… Continue on the racial and working-class struggle and give our folk hope that victory and salvation will be ours one day and our nations will be free… We are lucky to have you Marc fighting and speaking for us… I love your articles, shows, opinions, views
, and professionalism in character… I wish you much success as a representative of our folk.
1 day ago
It is time to go dark. Strategies and ” tradecraft ” must be developed now in preparation. Safe houses, secure drop boxes, the whole John le Carre.
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Avid Fan
3 hours ago
I think you’re onto something there.
1 day ago
Where’s the common sense in this judgement?
1 day ago
Sounds as though the government nobbled the judge. So much for an independent judiciary.
1 day ago
Good night good folks.
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
1488 o/
1 day ago
God Bless Sam, Laura and their family!
Seven Man
8 hours ago
‘You can talk about it until it happens’ – see Enoch Powell. If the electorate and politicians of 1970 could see today, what would they do? But they cannot; and we cannot see 54 years in the future. But we owe it to those a half-century behind us, and ahead us, to act accordingly to the lesson of history.
Earthling Carl 1
13 hours ago
– Hahaha, same here! lol
Vigilante Jesus
15 hours ago
When the reaction to crime is considered worse than the actual crime, it means you’re being ruled by criminals. As for the judges that preside over these political show trials and pass sentences like that passed on Sam Melia, they are nothing but judicial activists, apologists and defenders of that ruling criminal class.
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Avid Fan
3 hours ago
Well put.
1 day ago
Is Judge Tom Bayliss a Jew?
Or just a pliable Shabbos Goy Jew-puppet?
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23 hours ago
Probably just a nonce
1 day ago
this dumb refugee looking cunt is far 2 stupid 2 realise Sam got slammed 4 being a regular looking family man..
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
I’d just read defo
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
maybe he reads Mosley in prison
running free
1 day ago
1 day ago
Good evening o///
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Heil Brother o///
1 day ago
Margi Scouse actress. She’s always been quite based.
20 hours ago(edited)
That reminds me I need to order some more coffee from Grandma Towlers. Oh no, there’s still only 3 bags left I need 6.
1 day ago
Wow, I got life in prison for wearing a shirt that said: “stop importing non-Whites”.
1 day ago
I’m curious….Will Mark continue to flyer himself? If so, fine, I guess. If he doesn’t,
then the question arises as to if he should encourage others to do it, given the dangers.
Not accusing or lauding anyone but I hope Mark will make clear his position.
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Avid Fan
1 day ago
Concern troll.
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1 day ago
It’s a hard but fair question. Let’s hear an answer
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 hour ago
every single one of the conservatives in the UK parliament should be forced to answer about Sam Melia on video
4 hours ago
Fck PISSrael
9 hours ago
Who exactly do the “Conservatives” represent? What is their purpose? Are they trying to lose all their seats?
11 hours ago
Such an outrage
13 hours ago
Laura seemed to think that the judge was fair and a bit on their side when he gave instructions to the jury. But his sentence and his face shows that he is an establishment toady of the first order.
13 hours ago
crypto’s are us
14 hours ago
The over-the-top sentence is an overplaying of the state’s hand. Which means they’re getting anxious and feel vulnerable. And that’s because they are.
AKA Santa Claus
15 hours ago
White Power and Sieg Heil to you from Finland 卐
17 hours ago
1 day ago
Well at least you are not speaking German. Bless those heroes that protected your bureaucracy.
1 day ago
Enoch would probably be better
1 day ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
1 day ago
organise a protest and I’ll be there
1 day ago
Mao had dealings with them
1 day ago
1 day ago
Thanks folks. Till next time.
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
more resolved than ever 💪💪💪
1 day ago
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
good stream. thanks
1 day ago
100% keep positive Laura… and 14🤍
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
we will win, simply because we cannot lose
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
1 day ago
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
it’s not all for nothing
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
They already won because we didn’t respond with overwhelming violence.
1 day ago
Thank you for the stream and all love and support for Sam, Laura and family🤍
Problematic Bob
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
1 day ago
We not be intimidated by their top down parasitical tyranny
1 day ago
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s for Laura and babies
Eyeball Kidd
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Shall we do 14s?
1 day ago
We will march on
1 day ago
we will win
1 day ago
this is so sad :<
1 day ago
PATV | Sam Melia Sentenced:
1 day ago
1 day ago
God Bless you Laura and very much wish for Strength, support and faith for you and your daughter over Sam’s unjust Imprisonment. When I heard the news today i was very pissed. Our system is beyond corrupt than any Communist system could ever be!
1 day ago
1 day ago
my odyssey is saying 450 watching
1 day ago
our ancestors would not hesitate
1 day ago
2 years. will he get free earlier with good behavior?
1 day ago
yeah i’ve seen that one or one similar to it.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Mark, you know I agree with speaking and working with others. This is the correct course as it a reassessment of our positions. No cucking but new strategy and tactics are needed. You have my support.
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Thanks guys.Wishing you all a good night. 14
running free
1 day ago
i haven’t had babies but my mom taught childbirth and yes the second one is easier! he needs to be there wtf is wrong with Britain?!
1 day ago
being anonymous at least when you are doing something is important
1 day ago
yeah they tried to claim they were Italian DD had a good Video on the attempted cover up by Ziowood. then when that failed the excuse was if it wasn’t for the Harsh treatment by Antisemites.they wouldn’t have turned to crime always excuses. when they break the law.
1 day ago
Mark Collett | SAM MELIA – The Trial Explained:
1 day ago
its like watching your fav pub burn down
1 day ago
Second baby is easier
1 day ago
well, stay strong too laura
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
If every single White Nationalists would go to the judges house tonight I guarantee that this sentence would be overturned.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Laura and Sam’s courage is unparalleled
1 day ago
1 day ago
clown world
1 day ago
for crimes that “may” happen in the future
1 day ago
she has legit working class roots and doesn’t ignore that, like Morrisey to some extent
1 day ago
for posting legal stickers but with hateful intent
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
insert ace ventura gif
1 day ago
for hate speech or was it a fight?
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Laura is brilliant
1 day ago
just bolsters the fact that we’re on the right side of history
1 day ago
oh shit
running free
1 day ago
Laura rules!
1 day ago
how long?
1 day ago
and they were still considered the Victims of an oppressive system talking about the folks involved in Jewish crime gangs.
1 day ago
there for 2 years
1 day ago
1 day ago
will sam go to prison?
1 day ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
1 day ago
is that the one that talks about the real gangsters, and how they weren’t the Italians, but z juden?
1 day ago
If possible , I would come for that demo
1 day ago
1 day ago
two years
1 day ago
was watching a Documentary about Jewish Crime gangs like Murder Inc. the Jewish run Hollywood only helped shut it down because it was out in the open and not done in secret.
1 day ago
wouldn’t that be awesome
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Check what Codreanu said about traitors (I can’t repeat it here)
1 day ago
I’m down for it
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
At one point we have to put a stop to this.
1 day ago
I’ll join in on that, brilliant idea
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
My blood boils. I would go to the courthouse right now with whatever hardware I can muster.
1 day ago
1 day ago
what democracy ? we were never asked
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
can we have that massive grandma towlers tea party for Sam’s release
running free
1 day ago
stay strong y’all are an inspiration
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The System is bricking it now after Galloway.
1 day ago
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
2 year
1 day ago
Thanks. I thought it was him but thought he was also maronic as well as being fat.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Ah, thought you were on about traitors
1 day ago
2 years for stickers an absolute Joke.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
1 day ago
2 years
1 day ago
very possible
1 day ago
2 years
1 day ago
1 day ago
Marcus Tullius Cicero
1 day ago
Nick Griffin, former BNP leader, now bitter online shit stirrer.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
What happened? How much did he get?
1 day ago
have we already seen Britain’s last white Christian PM?
1 day ago
Who is the fat one eyed one?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I don’t even need the link. You are referring to Codreanu?
1 day ago
Rabbis busy
1 day ago
A real shield maiden,kudos Laura.
The Pork Report
1 day ago
1 day ago
and Ironically when I called out one of these kill Politicians and Police accounts on YouTube. my Channel got a strike and so did another guy who was a Lefty. we were Chatting and the Lefty pro peace guy who I don’t agree with told me these are popping up everywhere and YouTube does nothing.
1 day ago
can you imagine 😂
1 day ago
there’s so little white terrorism in America they have to create it
1 day ago
one of our governors, Gretchen Whitmer, supposedly had a kidnap threat against her, but it turns out most of the people involved with it, were feds
1 day ago
Soon laws will be passed which prevent parasites being cast off by their host.
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sam will beef-up big time inside on the weights
1 day ago
👉 Follow No Chance:
1 day ago
lift weights
1 day ago
what prison is Sam at?
1 day ago
my thoughts exactly
1 day ago
Over the past few years, I’ve really come to realise just how evil the police are all over the world. They really are a corrupt criminal gang, a institution of thugs, murderers and collaborators.
1 day ago
God bless!
1 day ago
Laura Towler is a remarkable woman, mother and patriot.
1 day ago
and the new baby coming
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
So our town tribe selling us out??????????????
1 day ago
We all know what group has a huge influence on western politics.
1 day ago
God bless Sama and Laura and the baby. It’s disgusting what they’ve done to you 3
1 day ago
Oh, IQ through the roof then?
1 day ago
9 traitors
1 day ago
1 day ago
yeah true I’m glad people are calling out these overthrow the Government organizations that are obvious honey pots. which I know because YouTube and Facebook don’t ever take these accounts down despite open calls for Violence against police and politicians.
1 day ago
How big were their noses?
1 day ago
1 day ago
The attack on White Families is blatant
1 day ago
George Floyd can’t breeth.
1 day ago
Tony Timpa got the george floyd treatment while cops laughed and joked. Difference? White dude.
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
my dogs chocolate by the way, not me 😅
Joe Marsh
1 day ago
Laura you dont need to explain what you do with the money. its yours. Dont feel bad about it just use it for your bills mate.
1 day ago
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
just being white is antisemitic never mind advocating
1 day ago
or Tony TImpa
1 day ago
he’d be in the cabinet
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
1 day ago
It would be celebrated
1 day ago
He wouldn’t have even been inside a court.
1 day ago
what’s a few soldiers here and there.
1 day ago
he would get a medal by the king
1 day ago
you can never underestimate true evil unfortunately
1 day ago
spoilt ballet ftw
1 day ago
more speed
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!
1 day ago
It’s coming Mark.
1 day ago
I did vote Brexit Party in 2019.
1 day ago
I’ve never voted for an establishment party, I always spoil my ballot.
1 day ago
only time I ever voted was for Paddy Pantsdown, I hated John Major and Tony Blair
1 day ago
thanks chaps
1 day ago
👉 Email Mark Collett:
1 day ago
King Arthur 2nd. 503-579AD – He won all his battles.
1 day ago
I used to “believe” that until I listened to Phil from California who tried to find any photographs of dead sailors at “Pearl Harbor” but found none anywhere. He also explained the black smoke coming from the USS Arizona, built in 1917AD. Bitchute – FakeNukesPhil – Pearl Harbor
1 day ago
of Course nobody is Joining these Fed groups calling for a Violent overthrow of the Government. which has me Concerned are they desperate enough to do a False flag attack on a public official to justify the crackdown.
1 day ago
Whats marks email adress?
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
Politically motivated malicious prosecution.
1 day ago
Grass roots third position
1 day ago
The closest Britain has ever seen to a third party was the Lib Dems lol.
1 day ago
yes Zealot
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating.
1 day ago
Mark, please organize a protest of Sam’s sentencing wherein hundreds of nationalists hold up signs saying exactly what was on Sam’s stickers. Make them send thousands of us to prison for lawful, truthful speech, and let the world watch.
1 day ago
Political prisoners is the exact proper term and we need to use it more along with ‘political persecution’.
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
1 day ago
same love the lakes, so important to visit the places that are still worth fighting for, especially for folk like me living in manchester
1 day ago
1 day ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
1 day ago
you mean you don’t fancy buying a stone island jacket Laura?? 😂
1 day ago
Lauras just too real
1 day ago
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
Actually the old Bill of Rights does not say that, it ensures free speech to all members of Parliament not us, a relic of the post civil war era.
1 day ago
no mansion, LT?
1 day ago
keep it for your family
1 day ago
Take the police to court, fuck those uniformed thugs.
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
1 day ago
what’s funny about that is the Left is so desperate now at least in America where I live. that the FBI and other bad actors are Creating fake right wing groups in order to honey pot dissidents including calling for the death of police and Politicians very Fishy.
1 day ago
Nobody doubts you Laura
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
no shit
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Some people gave 2000 pounds on Give Send Go!!!!!
1 day ago
Judge who sentenced had a picture of him giving the black power fist next to a statue of Mandela
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
This is Not a Game – Laura Towler’s PA Conference Speech 2023:
1 day ago
not backing down, and not fitting into the cartoonish version of white “supreme pizza” will, hopefully, get decent people on our side.
1 day ago
we need to name and shame the Judge responsible for this. he has an email and a phone number No Threats against the man or his family. but we can and should say to him shame on you Coward spam his phone and email name and shame.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I’ll work with anyone to destroy this System. It’s 2024, people! Not 1933.
1 day ago
my wife is what makes me tic !
1 day ago
1 day ago
Laura is literally one of the best people we have on our side, and I don’t think we should overlook – female nationalists have a much better chance of penetrating the minds of normies
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
To the Yanks in the house, that’s a popsicle.
1 day ago
this is heartbreaking.
1 day ago
single men use Laura as a benchmark if what to loo’k for in a woman
1 day ago
the old bill of rights says this too.. the gov just ignore it
1 day ago
Brown Bess of Ashover
1 day ago
best thing you ever did mark was get Laura as deputy! 😄
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Mummy, I need a lolly! LOL kids
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
I have always advocated a new Bill of Rights, Article 1 of which guarantees the right to freedom of expression across all frontiers without fear of persecution by the State, supersedes all legislation and which binds all future Parliaments. Support this now to defeat the ‘hate’ speech tyranny.
1 day ago
👉 Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
1 day ago
Hail Laura 0/
1 day ago
so many people are waking up, keep going everyone.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Laura Towler’s statement on her husband’s sentence
— Morgoth (@MorgothsReview) March 1, 2024
READ Laura’s statement. She needs YOUR HELP.
1 day ago
Loved the picture Keith Woods tweeted of Sam with his daughter sailing. Instead of the usual badly captured pics msm use to demonize/ridicule ppl
1 day ago
we’re doing it for the Children I don’t care if these Leftists go from story Hour to Burning Hour. we must not give into the demands of these Lunatics. we’re fighting for the Future.
Joe Marsh
1 day ago
Lauras a legend
1 day ago
1 day ago
yes. zero tolerance for fedposters. anyone who does it needs to be banned instantly. don’t mess around with idiots who play those games.
1 day ago
which is why fed posting should be avoided
1 day ago
GB News and Toby Young’s Free Speech Union are both Zionist controlled opposition
1 day ago
and then when you ask them to stop posting stupid shit, they do the “oooh, you’re a cuck”.
Speak your mind
1 day ago
100 %
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
SPOT ON! Watch grug-Nats now sperg out
1 day ago
I’m too worried about joining a group, and there being some big mouthed idiot who posts stupid shit, putting everyone in the group at risk.
1 day ago
the problems are the same everywhere
1 day ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:
1 day ago
I am what I am
1 day ago
no retreat no surrender !
1 day ago
telegram is a good resource, but so many aspects of it are like being in a gutter
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
I don’t even live in the UK but I do what I can to spread theTruth.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
The neo-Bolsheviks are proud, they will be laughing tonight but we must ensure they choke on their sneering laughter by outwitting them.
1 day ago
No Surrender
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
1 day ago
We Will Win
1 day ago
🤝🏻 Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
1 day ago
give us a shout when its time to knock shite out of em
1 day ago
I’m incredibly careful what I post, and I’m not on Telegram because I don’t trust it at all. I remember I used to quit groups on Twitter because there were silly people in them who wouldn’t stop posting stupid shit.
1 day ago
1 day ago
PA and all it’s members are an inspiration 💯
1 day ago
Initiative at
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
No surrender
1 day ago
things like this should just make you more determined
1 day ago
I don’t like violence, and have a 100% clean criminal record
1 day ago
multicultural implies that white British culture is part of that… let’s be more accurate and call it a multi-foreign-cultural regime
1 day ago
The police are a intimidatory organised crime ring, nothing more.
1 day ago
🌲 Follow The Woodlander’s website, The Woodlander Initiative:
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
We save ourselves now. We are NOT saving all Whites. Time to accept this and cut lose of the zombies
the woodlander
1 day ago
we need to get busy building a viable alternative system.
1 day ago
I’ve been sick for a week now and I’m mad as hell about this Decision.
1 day ago
Like all despotic regimes: “Sit down, shut up, and do what the hell you’re told!!”
1 day ago
It’s an anti-justice system.
1 day ago
agree, it’s impossible to work with a system that clearly despises our existence
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
good evening my lads and lasses
1 day ago
Nationalists are a bigger threat to British society than actual Pedos according to the justice system
1 day ago
they provoked Japan with sanctions, and they knew they were planning to attack, and let it happen.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
There is ZERO talking to this System, playing by its rules, trying to reform it. That Nationalist-anarchist position is now the way. If I’m wrong, carry on wasting time
1 day ago
this makes me so wild
1 day ago
I believe they provoked Japan in to attacking
1 day ago
2 more weeks and the climate is going to collapse…. They’ve been saying those things for decades now.
1 day ago
I’ve been to a few Parents Against Grooming meetings, and spoke with really broken people. It’s heartbreaking. And makes me angry how they get short sentences and just return back to their own communities without any recourse
1 day ago
everyone should try to get themselves arrested .. they cannot jail us all
1 day ago
No surrender
1 day ago
1 day ago
I’ve never advocated for Violence and I still get attacked all the time for my peaceful Political positions.
1 day ago
No,this has made me even more determined
1 day ago
I will never back down
1 day ago
“Democracy” in the UK is essentially two parties trying to manage the genocide of the British people such that as little harm comes to the invaders as possible.
the woodlander
1 day ago
no problem buddy
1 day ago
I’m so sorry mate, was just trying to type hello and pressed the wrong ruddy button….
1 day ago
1 day ago
^ Protect Your own first
1 day ago
governmental buggery knows no bounds unfortunately. Reminds me Pearl Harbor…. Did they know in advance, or were the Japanese able to completely evade detection…. Who knows.
1 day ago
the system is evil
Oswald the Great
1 day ago
The Establishment are closing ranks.
1 day ago
The ‘Bolsheviks’ would be proud
1 day ago
Didn’t Rishi Sunak stand outside No. 10 this evening and talk about a ‘sensitive issue’?
1 day ago
The higher immigration gets the less you can talk about it. Welcome to UK 2024.
1 day ago
👉 Follow No Chance:
1 day ago
Double standard. F that judge
1 day ago
expanding state power like climate change and the coof
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Mark Collett
1 day ago
He hasn’t appeared on the block list?
1 day ago
exactly Laura, that childs still been damaged
1 day ago
The only suspended thing nonces should get is from the neck, at a gallows.
Mark Collett
1 day ago
ARE YOU there?
1 day ago
it’s disgusting
1 day ago
suspend from the neck
1 day ago
1 day ago
See ‘The Judgment of Cambyses”.
1 day ago
“It will all work out eventually”
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Evening good Sir
the woodlander
1 day ago
its no problem bill, ive done it myself a few times
1 day ago
So all the politicians taking the knee while BLM were turning cities down?
1 day ago
Protecting the ‘democratic process’ means nullifying it in order to protect corrupt institutions.
1 day ago
be quiet for the sake of diversity
No Chance
1 day ago
he must have let the nonces off because it was a sensitive time
1 day ago
which was part of the reason they let it happen
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
pls do
1 day ago
bloody hell… I’ll msg him!
1 day ago
Thanks for your committed support.
1 day ago
Yep. They are emphasising ‘safety’
1 day ago
the fear brought on after 9/11 has done wonders for expanding state power.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Woody is smart enough to know a mistake was made
1 day ago
On international indigenous day we need to post six million stickers across Europe. The globalists will get the message and they can’t put six million in jail, but I’m afraid that they will try just like Stalin did.
1 day ago
The British police are a criminal gang of thugs, working for the organised mafia known as the UK Government.
1 day ago
Rishi Sunak has warned against what he calls “mob rule” and wants more robust police responses to “protect politicians and the democratic processes”.
I fear that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Laura they are not Pedos anymore the are MAPs Minor Attacked Persons
1 day ago
real)Big_Ash_Fan:c Thanks for your contribution.
Fan of the Era
1 day ago
Praise and thanks to Laura and Sam for their courage and sacrifice. This trial and sentencing is a redpill unto itself due to the outrageous double standards involved. Stay strong for our people, hail victory.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
petition the king showing both cases by the same judge
1 day ago
1 day ago
come on Mark, you know these immigrants need time to adjust to western society.
1 day ago
Don’t give in to their intimidation. Moving forwards, box clever. Avoid using racial slurs & behaving in a low brow manner. Speak your truth wisely. The truth is their greatest enemy. Don’t be the villain they want you to be.
1 day ago
Racism in this country has been 60+ decades of psychological brainwashing to make us accept our own replacement with has little pushback as possible
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Black Student there’s a contradiction in terms
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Bill has accidentally banned Woodlander
1 day ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
1 day ago
I do it all the time
1 day ago
👉 Follow Cathugger:
1 day ago
are we meant to call the region “P-stan” from now on then?
1 day ago
I use derogatory terms all day towards all kinds of people. Stay strong Laura. See you all again soon peeps
1 day ago
sorry chat, I got here late, did Laura say if she’s gonna post where to send mail for Sam?
1 day ago
Go to Your channel settings and scroll down to blocked and muted channels
1 day ago
sad how its got here
my awesome channel
1 day ago
boris johnson used many racial slurs. he even publicly said he wanted working-class white people gone/wiped out. and remember is “bum boy” remark?
1 day ago
Even the P’s use the P-Word.
1 day ago
👉 If you’ve accidentally blocked or muted someone on Odysee:$/settings/block_and_mute
1 day ago
we still do
1 day ago
I think I blocked The Woodlander by accident! Can you fix it? My machine is lagging and it tagged the wrong button!
1 day ago
thank you
1 day ago
free free pakistein
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
You still here
1 day ago
done… cheers – boomer tier typing here…
1 day ago
You have to use that link to settings on your end. I wish I could do it, but I can’t.
1 day ago
Welcome, no not so far
1 day ago
Take a look at the message that a Canadian political vlogger was given.
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Pakistan cricket team it says Paki on the back of their team shirts
1 day ago
“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
1 day ago
“in the midst of Winter,i finally learned that in me there was an invincible Summer” – Albert Camus.
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!
1 day ago
i do it every day
1 day ago
Legal systems have been corrupted by these ‘hate’ laws
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
I wonder if they can subpoena facebook/Meta to get whatsapp messages which have been deleted but still on Meta’s servers?
1 day ago
i see
1 day ago
Think he’s basically doing about 8 months
1 day ago
I do agree with the advice of keeping ourselves safe
1 day ago
is there a way to clear all historical messages or anything?? maybe politics isn’t for me lol
1 day ago
kind of
1 day ago
does two years mean actual two full years in prison or can you serve time in other ways in the uk?
1 day ago
1 day ago
Well, too late for me
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Who was the Tory during an interview from his house had Oswald Mosley’s book on the self behind him
the woodlander
1 day ago
evening bill..
1 day ago
jeez hope they don’t go through my messages lol
1 day ago
is THE “n” word a thing in Britain too?
1 day ago
2 years
1 day ago
*removes all goose paraphenalia”
1 day ago
the P words an abbreviation
1 day ago
omg the abbreviation of pakistan is a slur? how shit is pakistan
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
I know Ps who call themselves Ps
1 day ago
They’d give me life for the amount of slurs I use
1 day ago
1 day ago
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
blacks say it about 5 million times every day
1 day ago
Death to ZOG
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The System is so deeply corrupt that Nats keep playing its game
the woodlander
1 day ago
he probably wouldnt be going anywhere if he attacked my wife..
1 day ago
I never want to hear any British government official call out Russia or China for “restricting peoples freedom” or whatever nonsense ever
1 day ago
Yes. Laura is correct. Do not have any evidence they may misconstrue
1 day ago
Salute to Sam, inspiration to us all
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
tenner says you’re wrong
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
1 day ago
it is not illegal, is it ?
1 day ago
a nation is a people not a geographic area
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
1 day ago
so true
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Turnout at the Rochdale by-election is par for the course, turnout at general elections are much higher and he will likely be unseated in January at the general election.
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
fk George Galway he is Anti-White
1 day ago
I n V for Vendetta just owning a copy of the Koran was illegal.
1 day ago
my awesome channel
1 day ago
i heard him use terms like ‘poofter’ and ‘queers’, but i never heard him use racial slurs. this should tell us that lgbt etc is not where the battle is, otherwise they’d have had him long ago
1 day ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
1 day ago
how much time did he get?
1 day ago
i have 14 copies of The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
you should be ok as long as it’s not goose-stepping…
Gaddius Maximus
1 day ago
What happened today is a disgusting travesty.
Mark Collett
1 day ago
turnout at the general election will be 30 per cent higher, it would be highly unlikely for him to keep the seat, and there is no upper limit on spending at a GE
1 day ago
‘We determine You have it because you are a hater ”
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Leave suspect stuff with family
1 day ago
Hail Oswald Mosley
1 day ago
I have a sweet collection of vintage mid century German poatcards, they’re going nowhere
1 day ago
Might as well be a show trial.
1 day ago
It’s not about whether a crime was committed, to them it’s about the potential for a crime to occur, and they’ll decide what your intentions were.
the woodlander
1 day ago
ive got a picture of a chicken..
1 day ago
So what if he was
1 day ago
I got banned from FB years and years ago, for posting an amusing pic of a dog throwing a roman
1 day ago
Yeah, they recontextualized his entire life and judged him based on that. Dystopian.
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
1 day ago
“the past was erased ,the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth”
the woodlander
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I’ll say this, he is a good orator/debater..
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Just because a dog is born in a stable doesn’t make it a horse
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
weirdly that was also GG’s share of the vote
1 day ago
100% agree on both aspects of that comment
1 day ago
Australia is proof that is NOT true, you can always be deported.
1 day ago
yes he is
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I know, mate. I’m not a fan. I just like chaos candidates. he WILL upset the System. Look at the chimpouts on Youtube
1 day ago
George Galloway is not our friend, but good to see the two party system get a knocking.
1 day ago
never met Sam ,but he just seems like a real nice guy.
1 day ago
▶ The Patriotic Alternative 20-Point Plan:
1 day ago
‘Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war.’
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
cheers worse than the Scottish general election
1 day ago
1 day ago
(((political oligarchy)))
1 day ago
1 day ago
Thanks for your loyal support.
1 day ago
This is insane and unjust. Stay strong Laura.
1 day ago
Indeed, happy Saint David’s Day everyone.
1 day ago
He worked with Jews in South Africa to ‘demolish’ Apartheid. I cannot 14 for him
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Mark does anyone know the actual turnout at the election?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s for Galloway!
1 day ago
ey up
1 day ago
don’t participate in “democracy” is what they’re saying.
Bianca Fights The Zombies
1 day ago
o/o/o/ dudes
1 day ago
thank you sir, that’s very kind
1 day ago
Muh representative republic.
the woodlander
1 day ago
hi ragz
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
evening brother
1 day ago
happy St. Davids Day mate, always admired your output. The piece on post WW1 immigration riots changed my pov for life.
1 day ago
Red Terror tactics
the woodlander
1 day ago
yeah seen it… just a way to poke the right, and the left at the same time.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
waycist beeping
1 day ago
minorities are a weapon for the state and special interest groups.
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
At least Galloway gets up the noses of the Zionist establishment
1 day ago
They read his mind through an edgy poster.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sunak just called out Griffin for supporting Galloway! LOL
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
Indian prime minister was just about to stop mass immigration until someone put a sticker on a lamppost…
1 day ago
The truth is illegal basically
1 day ago
Mass sticker the courthouse
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
The Tories and Labour are two cheeks of the same backside, they signed us up to agenda 2040
1 day ago
You got a loicense for those intentions?
1 day ago
Let’s make the Indigenous People’s Day of Action spectacular this year.
the woodlander
1 day ago
hes an anti semite dont yer
1 day ago
Douglas Murray would impregnate a woman before he would talk about this clear violation of free speech
1 day ago
“Perfectly Logical conclusion”
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Tory scum are chimping out re Galloway win. LOL
1 day ago
Gaslighting on steroids
1 day ago
that’s some high level advanced propaganda.
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
1 day ago
oh ffs XD
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
They are scared.
1 day ago
hello Rory!
1 day ago
Deus Vult, God bless Laura.
1 day ago
Just a joke but it would be funny to have a sticker with Sam’s face on it.
1 day ago
Mass stickering when?
1 day ago
1 day ago
I bet the jury were leaned on
1 day ago
Good evening
1 day ago
Political persecution can go both ways.
1 day ago
I wish Laura a lot of strenght
1 day ago
🤝🏻 Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
the woodlander
1 day ago
i see the pm has given a speech outside no. 10 denouncing the public for voting for Galloway.. because hes antisemetic
1 day ago
Organized Jewry & ZOG are behind this ludicrous sentencing. It’s obvious.
1 day ago
thank goodness the jewstice system in Britain 🇬🇧 is fair & not at all compromised 🙄
1 day ago
1 day ago
actress Margi Clarke needs to be a future PWR guest
1 day ago
at least Tommy posted about it
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
“the more you tighten your grasp, the more star systems will slip through your fingers”
1 day ago
👉 Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
1 day ago
is sam gonna discuss pornstars for an hour again?
1 day ago
there’s another saying about doing the opposite of what someone says…. Can’t remember though….
1 day ago
poor Sam, we need to spread this story far and wide to wake people up
1 day ago
‘We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair’…
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
The judges wife is friends with Amber Rudd
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Antisemitisms won’t be tolerated even if they never occur.
1 day ago
being against grooming gangs is anti Semitism
1 day ago
Judge got the call…
1 day ago
early life check on the judge
1 day ago
Wild accusations of antisemitism….. I smell a rat
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Sam never mentioned the 4X2s
The Sasquatch
1 day ago
The urge to fed post is strong
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Shame the scum
1 day ago
Sam will always be a strong leader, farther figure and the friend to us in PA Yorkshire and for all those who had the privilege of knowing him.
We will keep the flame alive for when he comes out, we will stand strong, we are Melia’s Men!
1 day ago
The judge was paid a visit by you know who
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Get out the judges face everwhere
1 day ago
The new “every single time” is to look into any judge who jails a nationalist activist to find where they’ve let a nonce off.
1 day ago
talking about abuse of power 😡
Mark Collett
1 day ago
he has
1 day ago
I bet the judge has let nonces off.
1 day ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:
1 day ago
don’t forget porn Mark
1 day ago
all times we hear that real offender’s are given leniency because of their family situation, but that doesn’t seem to matter when it comes to White Nationalists.
1 day ago
I hate this regime
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Got her. TY
1 day ago
amazing, always liked her as an actress. She was brilliant in Making Out. Glad she’s our girl
1 day ago
The statement by the Judge about it being a ‘deterrent’ to others displays how out of touch with the reality of the situation he and the system is.
1 day ago
precisely Mark
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
well done, i was having trouble copying it
Eyeball Kidd
1 day ago
Sounds like someone’s had a word with the judge
1 day ago
Get to :hundred_points: LIKES! HIT THE :fire: :fire: :fire:
1 day ago
What happens in a session where one “has their views
challenged”? If you don’t agree with the challenges what then?
1 day ago
not as extreme as “its ok to be white”
1 day ago
not at all
1 day ago
have a look at the community assemblies.I am not 100% sure what will happen there but it’s a possibilty
1 day ago
A sticker saying ‘No White Guilt’ is NOT extreme
1 day ago
imagine what sort of criminals he’d be doing community service with, they’d be scratching their heads “you put up some advocacy stickers”
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
post the @ for M
Britannia delenda est
1 day ago
sadly white people don’t need to be paid to betray other White people
1 day ago
“unpaid work” slavery, nice.
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating.
1 day ago
Overton window publishing
A few seconds ago
Ex-actress Margi Clarke retweeted the story before, she was suggesting a vigil at the prison
1 day ago
This is a grave injustice by an anti-White, anti-British government that has been infiltrated and subverted by certain alien influences. May it help others to see that it is time to resist the tyranny, even when it comes wrapped in the Union Jack! Deo Vindice!!!
the woodlander
1 day ago
if you are against the system, you are their enemy.
1 day ago
1 day ago
all institutions are infiltrated by Cultural Marxists / Wokism
1 day ago
the chutzbah
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):
Joe Marsh
1 day ago
Absolute tyranny
1 day ago
Good idea
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
Ex-actress Margi Clarke retweeted the story before, she was suggesting a vigil at the prison
the woodlander
1 day ago
hi rory
1 day ago
The Free Speech Union is a Zionist/establishment controlled opposition outfit
1 day ago
1 day ago
he should have identified as a woman
1 day ago
Good evening
the woodlander
1 day ago
hi mate
1 day ago
Good to see you mate
1 day ago
👉 Follow The Woodlander:
1 day ago
respect mate
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
What’s extreme about wanting a nation for your own people
1 day ago
The judge became pontius pilate.
1 day ago
Sam is a good man and they can challenge him to agree it’s ok to rape children.
1 day ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
1 day ago
Organized Jewry are making an example of him, just as they have done with the others they have harshly sentenced
1 day ago
That Jury clearly was giving money under the table to go guilty
1 day ago
Western governments are illegitimate.
1 day ago
A tour to the Holocaust museum ?
1 day ago
he has a cleaner DBS/CBR than most law enforcers and politicians
1 day ago
Thoughts on the fat, one eyed has been who’s been mouthing off?
1 day ago
nice dono o/
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Read Laura’s statement
Laura Towler’s statement on her husband’s sentence
— Morgoth (@MorgothsReview) March 1, 2024
1 day ago
Let’s have Sam Melia day.
1 day ago
Thanks for your generous and committed support.
the woodlander
1 day ago
evening.. sorry im late
1 day ago
Sam proves the point that we are in a tyranny.No free speech.Are you going to just sit there?
1 day ago
🤝🏻 Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
1 day ago
A travesty of justice, but the Truth will prevail. Stay strong Laura, for Sam.
1 day ago
Musk is turning out to be a fraud
1 day ago
I think it’s safe to say U.K. courts are political enforcement arm now rather than an implement of justice.
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
I know exactly how Sam feels right now, I’ve been there. I once appeared in a secret court 2019, all the curtains drawn, no press, no public and secured with two pairs of handcuffs, then they announced “no further action” because of double jeopardy, won that one.
1 day ago
what a BOSS Mrs. Laura is 💪🏻
1 day ago
it really is becoming far too partisan for our own good. Seems the Brits are ahead of us. We’ll get there eventually…….
1 day ago
Uk dystopia is another level
1 day ago
it’s surely a human right to promote your own peoples advocacy and right to exist. Ralph Wilde made a brilliant speech a few days ago for Palestinians doing the same for their people.
1 day ago
Legal system is breaking down in the U.S. as well but this is ten steps ahead.
1 day ago
This stuff has to be stopped before it spreads all over western countries
1 day ago
You also brother. Good evening.
1 day ago
Good to see you Brother
Eyeball Kidd
1 day ago
If any good can come from this, it’s the fact it’s waking more people up to what’s going on.
1 day ago
Thanks for your loyal support.
1 day ago
This makes me sick and I don’t even live in the U.K.
1 day ago
Oswald the Great
1 day ago
Respect Laura
1 day ago
A few seconds ago
makeup of the jury?
1 day ago
The judge is clearly political. That must be an issue to raise.
1 day ago
Someone probably paid them off.
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
Great gesture brother o/
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
Waes Hael!
1 day ago
Thank you
1 day ago
makeup of the jury?
1 day ago
Hello friend
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
That’s absolutely right and that’s why I left the BNP in April 2002.
Mark Collett
1 day ago
thank you
1 day ago
👉 Follow Ragnar Ironspear ⚒️:
1 day ago
good job
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Ragnar Ironspear
1 day ago
Any donations this Sunday on my YT stream will be donated to Sam and Laura
1 day ago
hope he gets that
1 day ago
Undermine attempts? WTH!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
I wouldn’t be surpried if Griffin was a state asset all along, he wrecked the BNP nearly single handledly.
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
I posted it earlier on X, giving the BLACK POWER salute.
1 day ago
several NF members were jailed when griffin was deputy chairman. this was 40 years when the law was much softer. was griffin to blame for that?
1 day ago
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1 day ago
2 years that is insane
Overton window publishing
1 day ago
Has anyone seen the photo of the judge giving the black power salute?
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
We are totally behind Sam and Laura and I think all nationalists should be. Just this week I was asked to write a legal briefing document for all nationalists being targeted by the Red Terror 2.0
1 day ago
same judge that let off nonces
1 day ago
Rishi’s anti far right/jihadi right statement was laughable
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
Could you please post Sam’s prison number and HMP address, so we can write to him and send donations online.
1 day ago
Griffin constantly talks about there being no political solution and that some kind of race war is coming, yet never gets any sort of legal trouble.
1 day ago
This is not justice but political persecution.. all love and support to Sam and Laura🤍
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I’ve got on Sargoy’s case about it
1 day ago
Sam’s sentencing was retweeted by big twitter account Jake Shields
1 day ago
Laura and Sam are two of the most genuine committed and special people in our land.
1 day ago
actress Margi Clarke spoke out against it
1 day ago
love to Sam and Laura.You are strong.
1 day ago
Nick Griffin works with Jim Dowson who works for HnH.
1 day ago
absolute disgrace
1 day ago
God bless Laura
1 day ago
he’s been taking snipes at Sam, what a fat piece of shit.
1 day ago
God Bless Catherine.
1 day ago
This is absolutely disgraceful, to think a great dad and husband is getting a hasher sentence than real criminals. I am fighting the urge to fedpost tbh.
1 day ago
It’s a textbook violation of the principle of freedom of speech. They just loopholed it by making it about “intent.” Which is newspeak for wrongthink.
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Griffin sells weapons whilst calling for a racial holy war, no one else would get away with that.
1 day ago
can Brits get out early for good behavior or work release programs?
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
Griffin destroyed the BNP and NF, nothing more needs to be said about him.
1 day ago
heartbreaking news Laura, you have all true brits sympathy
1 day ago
✍🏻 Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Real considered opinion you ahev there, Grug
1 day ago
Laura is looking fantastic
1 day ago
👉 This stream is also available on:
1 day ago
Sam’s story has made its way to the lotus eaters. In one of their segments, they had a picture of Sam up, by accident, and briefly mentioned his story.
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Eee by gum, it’s Lovely Laura!
King Arthur 2nd. 503-579AD – He won all his battles.
1 day ago
You’re as dim as a tok-H lamp.
1 day ago
👉 Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
1 day ago
A picture is circulating of the judge doing a hailing in front of the Nelson Mandela statue in SA.
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
🚨 BREAKING: The full speech by Rishi Sunak
– Galloway by-election win "beyond alarming"
– Democracy now a "target"
– Streets have been "hijacked" by hostile groups
– Islamists and far right are "equally desperate" – can't "accept democracy"
– New robust framework to combat— Politics UK (@PolitlcsUK) March 1, 2024
1 day ago
Funny how while Sam is getting sent down, someone else who is prominent in another party has been given a free pass on sharing terror documents…
Suncross TV ⊕
1 day ago
It’s great to be white, I love it, all of my Celto-Germanic ancestors were white :slight_smile:
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Griffin was just mentioned by Sunak for supporting Galloway
1 day ago
This is getting a lot of eyes at least.
Al Dente
1 day ago
I’m so sorry
1 day ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3 or $5. When everyone donates $3 or $5, it adds up!
1 day ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
1 day ago
It’s OK to be white
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Stan1:
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
How is it NOT good for Nats?
1 day ago
Aye-up, Satn!
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!
1 day ago
1 day ago
Evening all!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Err, an anti-ZOG MP just won and an independent came second. Lib-Lab-Con totally wiped out. Happy?
1 day ago
you stalk me, you are in all channels i lsiten too
King Arthur 2nd. 503-579AD – He won all his battles.
1 day ago
What the hell are you talking about ?
1 day ago
how are you “loving this” how is it a great day for nats?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sunak be like reeee!
🚨 BREAKING: The full speech by Rishi Sunak
– Galloway by-election win "beyond alarming"
– Democracy now a "target"
– Streets have been "hijacked" by hostile groups
– Islamists and far right are "equally desperate" – can't "accept democracy"
– New robust framework to combat— Politics UK (@PolitlcsUK) March 1, 2024
1 day ago
👉 Follow Beer Hall Pooch:
Tweets by BeerPooch
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sad day for Sam and Laura; great day for Nats and the collapse of the System! I’m fkn loving this
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Please read Laura’s statement on this issue:
Laura Towler’s statement on her husband’s sentence
— Morgoth (@MorgothsReview) March 1, 2024
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sunak calls out Griffin, live on air, for supporting Galloway! LOL! The System is fkn bricking it now. GREAT TIMES
1 day ago
10 consecutive posts without letting anyone else speak? You’ve had plenty of say.
1 day ago
you like to silence people?
1 day ago
that was done in over 2 hours, not in 20 seconds
1 day ago
Thanks for your support.
1 day ago
👉 GiveSendGo for Sam Melia:
1 day ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!
1 day ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:
1 day ago
Please slow down on the amount of posting please. Thanks.
1 day ago
media and education are in the grips of the weimar jews, either we watch and watch and watch or do something one day
1 day ago
All of the media and education system is one big “incitement of racial hatred” against Whites, but of course that will never be prosecuted. We can only hope that the non-White races will use this law against each other and thereby cause it to be scrapped.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Please read Laura’s statement on this issue:
Laura Towler’s statement on her husband’s sentence
— Morgoth (@MorgothsReview) March 1, 2024
1 day ago
What a sick, disgusting country we live in. Love to Sam and Laura, two true patriots!
1 day ago
they will actually fight for those who bring in these narratives and laws, they got conditioned todo this
1 day ago
sad thing the big majority accepts all this, be it hate speech laws or new sexual discovery methods in kindergartens, thats exactly this big mass which never goes on the street but when its against “evil nazis” we had 1,4 million on the streets last month
King Arthur 2nd. 503-579AD – He won all his battles.
1 day ago
If only I could help.
1 day ago
<3 Laura & Sam. Everyone on this corrupt island nation have a right to advocate their own peoples right to exist… except those with ancestral heritage here. UK has become an utter laughing stock.
1 day ago
giving someone 2 yrs for sticker is part of the “do not wake up the goyim” laws
1 day ago
maybe not that hard, only enough need to wake up and say no
1 day ago
we need to clear the continent somehow one day, this can not continue like that, their narratives get pushed on our children, and into our laws like for Sam, this needs to change
1 day ago
masturbation rooms for 3 year olds
1 day ago
this world is so rotten
1 day ago
just last days
1 day ago
on twitch a host got a 4 day ban for saying homosexuality is a sin, twitch is on the same weimar ideology
1 day ago
at least a good thing from our migrant parents, they got zero tolerance for this LGBTQ crap
1 day ago
why lawsuit when migrant parent can solve this peaceful
1 day ago
and i hope our migrants which now put the majority of children there as germans have less children will visit the kindergarten cause they do not agree
1 day ago
i hope the schools brace for a huge lawsuit.
1 day ago
notice this is for 3-6 year old children
1 day ago
“In kindergartens and schools, rooms are to be created where children can “explore” their sex lives and be supported by teachers and kindergarten teachers.” thats germany 2024
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
C’mon, Nats.
Get your reeeees in.
Anti-ZOG Galloway wins. An independent came 2nd; Lib-Lab-Con wiped out.
Penny dropping yet?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Another dono as TY cos I know you’ll look after poor Laura. Mark, thoughts on the libtard sperg-out re Galloway winning. Great news. An independent came 2nd. Lib-Lab-Con destroyed. Please explain to some Nats why this is good for us cos I’m sick of doing it. Some Nats will never see the bigger pic.
1 day ago
God Bless Sam, Laura and family.
1 day ago
all the best to sam and family. i’ll make it if i can to the stream.
1 day ago
Fred Dibnah’s Land Rover
1 day ago
Best wishes to Sam, Laura, Catherine & Sprog. 😕
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Version 1: Sun, Mar 3, 2024 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (818).
Pingback: Mark Collett – Totally Diverse – Britain is Ruled by Foreigners – Mar 22, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Who was Really Behind the Moscow Terror Attack – Mar 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Is the Electoral Route a Dead End? – May 10, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy – Jun 21, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Dustborn – a Game for No One – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Judge Napolitano – Col. Douglas Macgregor – Iran Hits Israel. What’s Next? – Oct 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17