Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell – Mar 19, 2025 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review


with Thomas Sewell


Wed, Mar 19, 2025


[In this livestream video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Australian Thomas Sewell, who leads the National Socialist Network. Items discussed include:

Introduction (0-5 minutes):
Mark introduces Thomas Sewell, Australian nationalist leader of National Socialist Network
Thomas joins from Australia where it’s early morning

Thomas’ opening remarks (5-10 minutes):
Describes current situation as “in the trenches” but preparing to “get mobile again ”
Compares political strategy to manoeuvre warfare vs trench warfare
“We are the fighters on the Right ”

Discussion of NSN’s provocative tactics (10-15 minutes):

“We’re getting a lot more support from the wider community ”
Aim is to present as “the only legitimate opposition to the system ”

Media coverage (15-20 minutes):

“Regime legitimacy and regime support is at an all time low ”
Goal is to “attack system legitimacy” more than gain direct support

Australian political landscape (20-25 minutes):
Thomas criticises “uni-party” system of major parties
Wants to transition to “European style politics” with more diverse parties

Twitter ban impact (25-30 minutes):
Thomas had gained 20,000 followers quickly before ban
“We pushed so far into enemy territory ”

NSN’s focus on young men (30-35 minutes):
Emphasis on fitness, community building
“We are building a new archetype of man and woman ”

Legal challenges (35-40 minutes):
Thomas describes ongoing court cases, including “public interest immunity” issues
“We’ve got about 34 court cases at the moment ”

Media collusion allegations (40-45 minutes):
Thomas claims media companies are “embedded with ASIO operatives ”
Cites example of Channel Nine involvement in court proceedings

NSN’s community building efforts (45-50 minutes):
Focus on creating strong family and community networks
“The building block is the family ”

Discussion of individualism vs collectivism (50-55 minutes):
Thomas argues Whites need “a strong religion” and community bonds
“We are naturally slightly more individualistic than other races ”

Australian political figures (55-60 minutes):
Discusses Senator Gerald Rennick:

“possibly one of the only honest statesmen Australia has ”

Media appearances (60-65 minutes):
Thomas describes appearing on Sam Newman’s podcast
“A lot of older people were quite surprised at how much they agreed ”

NSN’s ideology and recruitment (65-70 minutes):

“We are building a new archetype of man and a new archetype of women ”
Describes focus on traditional family roles

Debate on Christianity and National Socialism (70-75 minutes):

“Why would you need to be Christian to be a National Socialist?”

Immigration discussion (75-80 minutes):
Thomas mentions “200,000 Indians this month for student visas ”
Claims public sentiment is shifting towards “mass deportations ”

Racial categorisation comments (80-85 minutes):
Thomas uses terms like “caramel island” and “chocolate island ”
“That’s just a basic racial classification everyone can understand ”

Closing remarks (85-90 minutes):
Thomas emphasises need for “vitality” and “aesthetics ”
“If we can get that right, we’re going to win ”




Published on Wed, Mar 19, 2025




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Thomas Sewell
March 20, 2025
Mark Collett
Episode 305 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Thomas Sewell.
Patriotic Weekly Review is a news and entertainment talk show. Opinions, thoughts, and views of guests/hosts do not necessarily represent the opinions, thoughts, and views of all hosts, and their appearance on this channel does not constitute sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of said opinions, thoughts, and views.
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Thomas Sewell
File size
2.98 GB



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(Words: 24,329 – Duration: 136 mins)

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Posted in Australia, Australian Politicians, Boomers, Britain, Civic Nationalism, Court Case, Demographics, Donald Trump, Ethno-nationalism, Globalism, Hate Speech, Hitler, Immigration, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Patriotic Alternative, Patriotic Weekly Review, Police - Harassment, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Racism, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Joel Davis – The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition, Why Are They So Afraid? – Feb 14, 2025 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Self-Imploding Legitimacy of Our Opposition


Why Are They So Afraid?


Fri, Feb 14, 2025


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following:

Blair expresses frustration with the heat and living near noisy immigrant neighbors (~5:00):

“I hate summer. It seems so bright outside and being surrounded by Indians doesn’t help.”

Joel discusses recent “anti-semitic attacks” in Australia, suggesting they may be false flags (~10:00):

“Almost definitely what we’re seeing is that Israel is basically conducting false flag attacks against the Australian Jewish community ”

They criticize conservative commentators for refusing to debate them (~20:00):

“The only conceivable reason why they keep refusing to debate me is because they know that I’ll fucking win the debate and make them look retarded!”

Joel argues that White nationalism is a natural response to anti-White sentiment (~25:00):

“If there was a sort of community network or if the government was willing to tolerate some measure of White identity politics, then Nazi groups wouldn’t be growing ”

Blair expresses anger at the current social and political situation (~30:00):

“Sometimes I just don’t feel like talking and, I’m just angry.”

Joel criticizes civic nationalism as a “shallow ideology” (~40:00):

“It’s a shallow ideology which serves as a means for people who aren’t Australian for they can pretend that they’re Australian.”

They discuss the fear of consequences for speaking out (~45:00):

“Isn’t it scarier to live in silence and fear for the sake of some wage slave job than it is to experience some sort of, as they call it, consequence ”

Joel talks about the importance of sacrifice in nationalism (~50:00):

“Every nation is forged on the basis of sacrificial love.”

They discuss recent podcast appearances and upcoming projects (~55:00)

Blair mentions working on short videos reminiscent of “old school YouTube” (~60:00)

Joel discusses the challenge of censorship and the need for adaptation (~65:00):

“There’s always ways around censorship. There’s ways around all of the quote, unquote, “consequences ”

They criticize the current political system as rigged against White nationalists (~70:00):

“If we got the same treatment, if we were treated fairly the way everybody else is, the way everybody who’s not white is, then yeah, would be significantly more influential than we currently are.”

Joel expresses confidence in their ability to adapt and grow (~75:00):

“This year is going to be a year of adaptation.”

They read and respond to Superchat messages from viewers (~80:00 onwards)

Blair mentions feeling over stimulated when working on videos (~85:00):

“I seem to get like over stimulated and hyper focused on them when I’m working on them.”

Joel discusses the strategy of having supporters share clips of their content (~90:00):

“What we’re going to start doing in the future though is probably professionalizing.”

They end the stream with Blair apologizing for his mood (~95:00):

“Sorry I was in a bad mood, but, hey, hope I was entertaining.”

Throughout they express White nationalist views, criticize multiculturalism, and discuss strategies for promoting their ideology despite censorship and social consequences.




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Published on Fri, Feb 14, 2025




The self-imploding legitimacy of our opposition, why are they so afraid?
February 14, 2025
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(Words: 17,310 – Duration: 96 mins)

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Posted in Aboriginals, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, conservatism, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech, Israel, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, jews — persecution by, Joel Davis, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Reimmigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, YouTube Censorship, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 5 Comments

Sam Newman – Main Stream Push Back With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell – Feb 3, 2025 – Transcript


Sam Newman


Main Stream Push Back


With Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell


Mon, Feb 3, 2025


[In this pre-recorded episode of the You Can’t Be Serious, Sam Newman (born 1945) a well-known former Australian Rules footballer interviews Aussie nationalist activist, leader of National Socialist Network, Tom Sewell and fellow nationalist Blair Cottrell.

Blair and Tom discuss why non-Whites in Australia need to leave and a new version of the White Australian Policy needs to be installed.

Some further discussion points:

Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell are introduced as representatives of White supremacy / Nazism in Australia.

Thomas states “I believe that Adolf Hitler was the greatest man of the 20th century”.

They dispute the Holocaust, calling it a “trillion dollar industry”.

They express admiration for Hitler’s revival of German national spirit.

Thomas identifies as “counter-Semitic”.

They discuss a recent incident involving explosives found in an abandoned caravan near Sydney, suggesting it may have been staged.

They admit to giving Nazi salutes in the past but say they’ve stopped since it was made illegal.

Elon Musk’s “Roman” salute.

Thomas argues White people “deserve a home” and that Australia should be for White people.

Blair states “I think White people deserve a home. Collectively, they have a home, we don’t have one.”

They express opposition to multiculturalism and mass immigration.

Thomas says “Why should Australians have to compete with everybody else in the world for a house in Australia?”

They argue for deporting non-White immigrants:

“A lot of people need to go home”.

Blair states “I think all countries that are in existence are created through force” regarding Australia’s colonization.

They discuss their views on Aboriginal Australians, suggesting they should “govern themselves” separately.

Thomas describes membership criteria for their National Socialist Network.

Blair confirms “You have to be White” and “You can’t be a homosexual” to join.

They claim to have “thousands of supporters” and about 250 active members.

Thomas says “We’re a global movement of nationalists”.

Blair argues “Every White country is losing their homeland”.

They discuss potentially running for political office in the future.

Blair reiterates “We need representation for White Aussies”.

They express admiration for Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Blair argues against the concept of hate speech:

“What is hate speech other than speech that people in power don’t like?”

Thomas recounts an altercation with a black security guard, re “dance monkey”.

Newman says that George Floyd was a “piece of shit”.

And more, …




Published on Mon, Feb 3, 2025



Ep 293 – Part 5 – Main Stream Push Back
You Cannot Be Serious
2.23K subscribers
Feb 3, 2025 #classiccars #trucks #meditation
Sam Newman spoke to two self declared white supremacists. The interview was to expose the radical views of a disparate group. With all the publicity surrounding their appearances, it was thought it would be an intriguing chat.
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Show transcript
You Cannot Be Serious
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(Words: 10,778 – Duration: 53 mins)

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Posted in Aboriginals, Activism -White, Africa, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Aus Aborigines, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Demographics, Ethno-nationalism, Extremism, Freedom of Speech, George Floyd - Saint, Germany, Hate Speech, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, LBGT, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Police - Harassment, Political Correctness, Public opinion - Manipulation, South Africa, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 3 Comments

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript

Monika Schaefer


The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27


Germar Rudolf


Sat, Jan 18, 2025


[In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with, writer, translator, publisher, PhD Chemist and holocaust skeptic Germar Rudolf about; the passing of a revisionist giant, Jurgen Graf; Germar’s Holocaust Encyclodpedia; and his latest encounters with “the system”.





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Published on Sat, Jan 18, 2025




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The Flipside with Monika, January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025 20:00
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The Flipside with Monika, October 26 , 2024 1 26.Oct
The Flipside with Monika, October 19 , 2024 1 19.Oct
The Flipside with Monika, September 21, 2024 2 21.Sep
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Episode 27: Writer, translator, publisher, PhD Chemist and holocaust skeptic Germar Rudolf joins Monika to discuss his latest encounters with “the system”.
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January 18, 2025 20:00
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(Words: 8,010 – Duration: 60 mins)

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Posted in anti-White, Auschwitz, Canada, Europe, Fred Leuchter, gas chambers, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, jews — persecution by, Jürgen Graf, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, National Socialism, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Revisionism, Schaefer - Monika, The Flipside with Monika, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Transcript, Tribute, White Nationalism, WW II, WW II - Eastern Front, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, Zundel Trials, Zyklon B | Leave a comment

Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 24 – Prof Tony Hall – Dec 21, 2024 – Transcript


Monika Schaefer


The Flipside with Monika


Ep 24 – Prof Tony Hall


Sat, Dec 21, 2024


[In this weekly podcast episode 24 of The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with Professor Emeritus Anthony (Tony) Hall who joins Monika to discuss “how they keep the professors in line” on the prescribed narrative. Tony and Monika delve into the battle which Tony had to fight to regain his position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta after his association with Monika and Alfred Schaefer and “holocaust denialism”.




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Published on Sat, Dec 21, 2024




Republic Broadcasting Network
Real news, real talk, real people…
because you can handle the truth.
The Flipside with Monika, December 21, 2024
December 21, 2024 20:00
Related Articles
The Flipside with Monika, September 14, 2024 2 14.Sep
The Flipside with Monika, November 16, 2024 3 16.Nov
The Flipside with Monika, September 28, 2024 4 29.Sep
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Episode 24: Professor Emeritus Anthony (Tony) Hall joins Monika to discuss “how they keep the professors in line” on the prescribed narrative. Tony and Monika delve into the battle which Tony had to fight to regain his position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta after his association with Monika and Alfred Schaefer and “holocaust denialism”.



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

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(Words: 7020 – Duration: 60 mins)

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Posted in Anti-semitism, anti-White, Auschwitz, Canada, Doug Christie - Lawyer, Ernst Zundel, Europe, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jews - Tool of, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Tony Hall, Transcript, WW II, Yad Vashem, Zionism, Zionists, Zundel Trials | Leave a comment

Joel Davis – “It’s Not About Race” – Nov 21, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


“It’s Not About Race”



Thu, Nov 21, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell talk about the following:

Recent Australian political events, including the government’s attempt to pass a Disinformation Act and ban social media for under-16s (2:00)

A controversy in Berwick Springs, Melbourne where the government without community consultation renamed a lake after the founder of Sikhism, angering local White residents (4:00)

“Every single one of the speeches was like, oh, you know, we’re not racist or anything. And we got no problem with the Sikh community. But no one asked us if we wanted to change the name.” (8:00)

Criticise the weak response of White Australians to perceived encroachment by immigrant communities (10:00)

An incident where an Indian man stole a car with a 5 year-old child inside, claiming he was trying to teach the father a lesson (25:00)

“This is just organised crime, basically. This is just the filth that are in our country. You know, these are like jews and Turks that are pimping and grooming girls.” (30:00)

Discuss the movie Gladiator 2, with one host giving his review (45:00)

“Overall, I was expecting it to be fucking horrible and have rap music and be full of gay niggers and it didn’t have gay niggers, it didn’t have rap music, and it wasn’t horrible.” (47:00)

The conversation turns to the fall of Rome and racial theories about its decline (55:00)

Tom mentions being charged for “hurting people’s feelings” at a rally in Ballarat (1:05:00)

“I got mail this morning saying I’ve been charged with another offence for hurting people’s feelings in Ballarat on December 3.” (1:06:00)

Proposed legislation to restrict online speech and social media access for youth (1:15:00)

Freedom of speech and immigration are the two most important political issues for nationalists (1:20:00)

“In my opinion, when it comes to mainstream politics, there’s really two issues that matter for the Right-wing and for our purposes as nationalists the most, and that’s immigration, deportation and freedom of speech.” (1:22:00)

Discuss strategies for building a nationalist movement and influencing politics (1:25:00)

Polling data showing increasing anti-immigration sentiment in Australia (1:40:00)

“You’re seeing very sharply here the anti-immigration sentiment absolutely shoot up.” (1:42:00)

Many White Australians have latent racist views that aren’t expressed openly (1:45:00)

“Racism is built in, ethnocentrism is built in. It’s completely natural. And the average White Australian feels it just like they always did.” (1:47:00)

Express optimism about building a large nationalist movement based on these sentiments (1:50:00)

“We have the numbers, we have the resources, we have the power. We just don’t know how to use it.” (1:52:00)

A call for White Australians to “gang up” on immigrants and “take back” the country (1:55:00)




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Published on Thu, Nov 21, 2024




“It’s not about race”
November 21, 2024
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(Words: 21,351 – Duration: 120 mins)

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Posted in anti-White, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Crime - Brown, India, Jew World Order, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Race, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Two Tier Policing-Justice, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 1 Comment

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript


Monika Schaefer


The Flipside with Monika


Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley


Sat, Nov 16, 2024


[In this weekly podcast episode The Flipside with Monika on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with Kathleen Dudley.

Key points include:

The host Monica Schaeffer introduces her guest Kathleen Dudley, a Canadian-born American citizen living in New Mexico (0:00-2:00)

Kathleen is described as “a poet, a singer, a healer, musician… a writer” with many talents (30:00)

They discuss the misuse of the term “fascist” as a weaponized label (3:00-5:00)

Kathleen explains fascism means “nationalizing” and “control of a nation by its nationals” (7:00-8:00)

Adrian Arcand, a Canadian fascist politician, is discussed as explaining fascism clearly (9:00-11:00)

Fascism is described as affirming tradition, high culture, God, family, and free enterprise (12:00-14:00)

Communism is portrayed as the opposite of fascism, denying God, freedom, and private property (14:00-15:00)

“Fascism is basically nationalism” and is demonized by those opposed to ethnic loyalty (16:00-17:00)

Adrian Arcand spent 6 years in a Canadian concentration camp during WWII (20:00-21:00)

Ezra Pound is mentioned as an American poet who supported fascism in Italy (23:00-24:00)

Kathleen suggests embracing the term “fascist” positively: “Thank you, I’m a fascist” (32:00-33:00)

They discuss how weaponized language is used to manipulate people’s emotions (34:00-36:00)

Kathleen has been deeply reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s works, especially “The Gulag Archipelago” (40:00-45:00)

Solzhenitsyn’s experiences in Soviet gulags and his method of memorizing his writings are described (45:00-47:00)

“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is mentioned as Solzhenitsyn’s first published work (48:00-49:00)

The publication of “The Gulag Archipelago” led to Solzhenitsyn’s exile from the Soviet Union (50:00-51:00)

Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard speech warning of “communist aggression and the weakening of the moral fiber of the West” is recommended (52:00-53:00)

Kathleen received Solzhenitsyn’s book “200 Years Together” about “the Jewish problem in Russia” (55:00-56:00)

A caller mentions a 1944 letter about distracting public attention from “the doings of The Red Army” (57:00-58:00)




Monika’s book:


Published on Sat, Nov 16, 2024




November 16, 2024 20:00
Related Articles
The Flipside with Monika, July 20, 2024 2 20.Jul
The Flipside with Monika, October 12 , 2024 3 12.Oct
The Flipside with Monika, July 6, 2024 4 06.Jul
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Episode 20: With guest Kathleen Dudley, we discuss Fascism – what is it actually?
Kathleen also talks about her deep dive into great Russian writers, in particular, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn.
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November 16, 2024 20:00
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(Words: 7,737 – Duration: 60 mins)

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Posted in Adrian Arcand, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, anti-Christian, anti-communism, anti-family, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Arabs, Bk - Two Hundred Years Together, Bolshevik Revolution 1917, Canada, Fascism, Holohoax, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Solzhenitsyn, The Flipside with Monika, WW I, WW II, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think



Thu, Nov 14, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following

Joel discusses recent political events in Australia (~5 mins)
Mentions a story about students punished for misgendering a trans teacher (~10 mins)
“Students punished for calling trans teacher sir at a high school taken over by radical gender ideology”

Talks about interacting with politicians on social media (~15 mins)
“Senator Roberts replied to me today”

Discusses the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill in Australia (~20 mins)
“It’s looking like the bill is going to suffer”

Blair joins the stream (~25 mins)
They discuss Nick Fuentes pepper spraying a woman at his house (~30 mins)
“Basically he maced her in the face”

Conversation about obesity and leftism (~35 mins)
“Sexual desirability in women corresponds with political belief”

Discussion on mandatory military service (~40 mins)
“Mandatory military service for men between the ages of like 16 and 19”

Talk about reforming education system (~45 mins)
“Removing all the jews, foreign influence networks, you know, cleaning up the media”

Conversation about default leftists vs committed leftists (~50 mins)
“Most people are not that political”

Discussion on banning leftist ideals (~55 mins)
“I don’t think you would need to necessarily ban them outright”

Talk about potential war if Australia became nationalist (~60 mins)
“I guarantee you’d be at war within five to 10 years”

Discussion on Trump’s recent election victory (~65 mins)
“They allowed him to win this time”

Talk about Trump’s appointments and policies (~70 mins)
“He’s announced a whole series of reforms”

Discussion on potential World War III scenarios (~75 mins)

Conversation about the need for White people in America’s empire (~80 mins)
“They need Whites for their empire to work”

Discussion on Australia’s position in Western civilization (~85 mins)
“We are the extension of Western civilization and the White race into Asia”

Talk about the power of White people if organized (~90 mins)
“If White people started organising and using it and flexing our power, the system is going to start granting us concessions”

Discussion on the importance of not being demoralized (~95 mins)
“People need to not be so fucking demoralised”

Conversation about the potential for change in Australia (~100 mins)
“We have the power to completely steamroll over this whole system”

Talk about the importance of believing in their cause (~105 mins)
“You need to actually believe in our people”

Discussion on the cynicism in politics (~110 mins)
“There’s a lot of cynics that just think politics is all bullshit”




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Published on Thu, Nov 14, 2024




The enemy is weaker than you think
November 14, 2024
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File size
2.54 GB



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 20,212 – Duration: 116 mins)

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Posted in Abortion, Australia, Australia - Liberal Party, Australia - Libertarian Party, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, National Socialist Network - Aus, One Nation - Pauline Hanson, Public opinion - Manipulation, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Transgenderism, White Nationalism, Woke Agenda, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 3 Comments

Joel Davis – ZOG Sends in the Fun Police, Donald Trump White Power – Nov 7, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


ZOG Sends in the Fun Police,


Donald Trump White Power


Thu, Nov 7, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell, Jacob Hersant and Tom Sewell discuss the following

• Recent police raids on members of the National Socialist Network (NSN) in Australia (0-5 mins)

• Thomas Sewell was arrested and (falsely) charged with “intimidating a police officer” for comments made on a previous stream (5-10 mins)

• Jacob Hersant had his house raided but was not charged, though police indicated intent to charge him later for KKK Halloween activities (10-15 mins)

• The raids were related to recent NSN rallies and Halloween activities deemed “grossly offensive” (15-20 mins)

• “Apparently that’s grounds to raid his house, you know, handcuff him and charge him with this nonsense crime.” – Joel Davis on the charges (20-25 mins)

• They discuss the political motivations behind the raids and charges (25-30 mins)

• Thomas Sewell joins the stream and details his experience with the police raid (30-35 mins)

• “They’re using that segment of the stream to say that I have threatened violence to a police officer and his wife.” – Thomas Sewell (35-40 mins)

• They criticize the police for pursuing these charges while ignoring other crimes (40-45 mins)

• Discussion of Jacob Hersant’s upcoming court appearance and potential sentencing for an alleged Roman salute (45-50 mins)

• “I’ll be probably just obviously taken into custody and then let out that day.” – Jacob Hersant on his likely sentence (50-55 mins)

• Donald Trump winning the 2024 US election (55-60 mins)

• “Donald Trump White Power” becomes a recurring phrase/meme (60-65 mins)

• They analyze the racial demographics of Trump voters (65-70 mins)

• Trump’s immigration policies and criticism of his support for legal immigration (70-75 mins)

• “If you had to choose between illegal beaners coming across the southern border border, or legal pajeets coming, you know, flying into America, I think the illegal beaners are actually better from a White American perspective.” – Joel Davis (75-80 mins)

• Criticism of Trump’s support for Israel (80-85 mins)

• “There’s no reason for jewish people to be in control of America’s future, to be in control of America’s government, lawmaking, army, police, schooling. But that’s exactly what’s happening.” – Blair Cottrell (85-90 mins)

• Discussion of the political divide in America and how it benefits their movement (90-95 mins)

• “The logical conclusion is separation peacefully or separation violently. There is no other logical conclusion.” – Thomas Sewell on political division (95-100 mins)

• They discuss the biological basis for political views (100-105 mins)

• Criticism of Counter Terrorism police focusing on them instead of other threats (105-110 mins)

• “They’re after Halloween costumes and stickers.” – Jacob Hersant on Counter Terrorism priorities (110-115 mins)

• The need for White people to organize politically (115-120 mins)

• “Until Whites are organized around our race, we’re going to keep getting screwed over by this system.” – Joel Davis (120-125 mins)

• They take questions from viewers via superchats (125-130 mins)

• Discussion of whether Australians can be National Socialists given WW2 history (130-135 mins)

• “National Socialism was an ideology created by Germans, who are our racial kin, specifically to defend themselves against a lot of these same problems occurring within their liberal democracy” – Joel Davis (135-140 mins)

• They discuss their families’ views on their political activities (140-145 mins)

• “Most of my family don’t really understand what I’m doing, but my close family understand it just because I’ve talked to them about it and they’ve seen the persecution that I’ve been under.” – Jacob Hersant (145-150 mins)

• Discussion of the YouTuber Spanian and his content (150-155 mins)

• They play and analyze a video of Spanian confronting an Aboriginal man (155-160 mins)

• “Spanian is a post apocalyptic story about the last White man in Sydney learning to survive and conquer his environment.” – Joel Davis on Spanian (160-165 mins)

• Discussion of Spanian’s political views and how fame may have moderated them (165-170 mins)

• They discuss the cultural context of Spanian’s background (170-175 mins)

• Final viewer questions and wrap-up (175-180 mins)

• “Instead of getting an education by liberals, you would get a liberal education.” – Thomas Sewell on education reform (175-180 mins)





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Published on Thu, Nov 7, 2024




ZOG sends in the fun police, DONALD TRUMP WHITE POWER
November 7, 2024
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donald trump white power
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File size
3.96 GB



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 31,902 – Duration: 181 mins)

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Posted in America, anti-White, Blair Cotterell, Democrat Party, Demographics, Donald Trump, Hate Speech, Jacob Hersant, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, National Vanguard, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Republican Party, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 4 Comments

Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


One Nation: Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition?



Mon, Nov 4, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following;

Blair Cottrell recently returned from a trip to England and spoke at the Patriotic Alternative conference (3 minutes)

“London feels like an abandoned empire overrun by foreign forces.” – Blair (4 minutes)

Blair believes “racism is essential to maintaining nationhood” (6 minutes)

Discussion of Halloween and a video they made parodying the KKK (10 minutes)

One Nation underperformed in recent Queensland election (30 minutes)

“Pauline Hanson will quit politics at the end of her current Senate term” – Joel (35 minutes)

Criticism that One Nation behaves like “controlled opposition” (37 minutes)

Suggestion that Blair Cottrell should take over leadership of One Nation (40 minutes)

Discussion of recent camping trip with nationalist group (50 minutes)

“We burned some crosses. We did some chants.” – Tom

Debate over whether to endorse Libertarian Party in next election (60 minutes)

Prediction that Trump will win 2024 US election (75 minutes)

“I’d rather him fail in office to carry out the mass deportations and everyone to get pissed off about it and demand a more radical nationalist politics” – Joel on Trump (80 minutes)

Concern over Trump and Musk supporting expanded legal immigration (85 minutes)

View that Harris administration would crack down on free speech platforms (90 minutes)

“Whites in America need to start organizing around their identity.” (95 minutes)

Discussion of changing racial voting patterns in US elections (100 minutes)

“The racial polarization of American politics will diminish generation after generation” (105 minutes)

Call for explicit White identity politics separate from Republican Party (110 minutes)




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Published on Mon, Nov 4, 2024




One Nation: ineptitude or controlled opposition?
November 4, 2024
my social media links:
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blair cottrell
joel davis
one nation
pauline hanson
thomas sewell
File size
2.51 GB



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 20,228 – Duration: 114 mins)

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Posted in Blair Cotterell, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, England, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Gate Keepers, Jew World Order, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, One Nation - Pauline Hanson, PA Conference, Patriotic Alternative, Police - Harassment, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 7 Comments