Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle


of Race and the Politics of Will


Thu, Sep 19, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

• Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time.

• Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso.

• They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views on their street activism tactics.

• Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters.

• The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.”

• Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups.

• Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies.

• Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration.

• Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action.

• The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.”

• Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views.

• Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.”

• The need to appeal to women supporters.

• Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology.

• Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism.

• Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. No, you’re free because you are loved by your people and because your people make you free.”

• The importance of loyalty to one’s race and family.

• Meta-ethical positions and their relation to white nationalism.

• Criticize universalist ethical systems and argue for particularism.

• Express support for white nationalists in other countries, particularly America and Europe.

• Discuss gun rights and criticize Americans who focus on guns while “everything slips through your fingers.”

• Argue for the need for a political movement to represent White Americans.

• Discuss historical events like the American Revolution and Australian Federation.

• Criticize the influence of jews in politics and media.

• Discuss the concept of “cucking” and argue against compromising their beliefs.

• Express admiration for militant Christian groups and discuss potential alliances.

• Argue for the deportation of non-White people from Australia.

• Discuss the concept of “White flight” and argue against it.

• Criticize mainstream politicians and media figures.

• Importance of recruiting young men to their cause.

• Argue for the need to “shock people with the irrational” to gain support.

• Discuss the concept of social cohesion and argue that it requires racial homogeneity.

• Criticize multiculturalism and argue for white-only societies.

• Discuss the concept of “larping” in politics and argue for genuine action.

• Express support for historical fascist and NS figures.

• Importance of building a movement that can challenge the current political system.

• The need to adapt to current political pressures: “We have just enough pressure in order to effectively adapt to and overcome our adversaries at this point.”

• The concept of existential struggle and its relation to their ideology.

• End by expressing support for white nationalists globally and encouraging further action.



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Published on Thu, Sep 19, 2024




The purpose of street activism, the principle of race and the politics of will
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Sep 19, 6:40 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
my social media links:
follow Blair on X:
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follow Tom on telegram:
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Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

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(Words: 30,174 – Duration: 170 mins)

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Posted in Activism -White, America, anti-White, Arabs, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Christainity, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Fascism, Hitler Quotes, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Neocons, Joel Davis, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Palestine, Political Correctness, Race, Race Differences, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 5 Comments

Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


We’ll Talk About the News But


Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents


Fri, Sep 13, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

• Recent Australian government moves on internet censorship and social media age limits.

• Certain type of women being attracted to official positions in HR, government, etc., and having a particular appearance and manner.

• The lack of discipline and schools where even in primary schools teachers are being attacked.

• The psychology of leftists regarding envy.

• Haitians being dumped in Springfield, Ohio.

• Criticize a father whose son was killed by a Haitian immigrant for saying he wished a White man had killed his son instead.

• The Swedish government’s plan to pay immigrants large sums to leave Sweden.

• Express admiration for the Ku Klux Klan, calling them “true fucking heroes of the aryan race.”

• Discuss Greg Johnson being gay and criticize homosexuality in general.

• Talk about women cheating and social media’s role in relationships.

• Discuss libertarianism and criticize libertarian views on immigration and economics.

• Discuss the Chinese government, drawing some parallels to fascism.

• “Hitler was willing to, you know, he was a strategic politician, like any good politician, looking out for the interests of their nation.”

• “Homophobia actually in, like, every. Pretty much every, like, culture ever in, like, human history.”

• “Jews are probably the least homophobic.”

• “We need the Klan. We need to bring back the Klan.”

• “White people want things like justice and fairness and freedom and, you know, honor and respect and rights and liberties.”

• “Haiti is disgusting. And again, they have the legacy of White genocide.”

• “Women are always looking for upgrades, not just in relationships per se, but in their life.” “Instagram is purely sexual advertising. It’s just like soft Tinder.”

• “Libertarians need to be worked on to progress, you know, progress them beyond their worldview.”

• Criticize multiculturalism and immigration.

• Discuss various conspiracy theories and fringe historical claims.

• Express admiration for authoritarian leaders and regimes.

• Criticize mainstream media and politics.

• Discuss recruitment and organizing for white nationalist groups.

• Criticize feminism and women’s rights.

• Discuss genetic and racial theories.

• Criticize LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance, racial integration and diversity.

• Discuss conspiracy theories about jews controlling governments and media.




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Published on Fri, Sep 13, 2024




We’ll talk about the news but let’s be honest you’re here for the tangents
Joel Davis
3 Dislikes
Streamed on:
Sep 13, 6:36 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

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(Words: 28,681 – Duration: 166 mins)

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Posted in Activism -White, anti-White, Black Crime, Blair Cotterell, Conspiracy Theories, Greg Johnson, Haiti, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Jew World Order, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, Nationalism, Political Correctness, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Sweden, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Twitter/X, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, X (xTwitter), ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 1 Comment

Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript


Christopher Bollyn


Tricked into War: Israeli Zionist Government was


Behind the 9/11 Attack


Thu, Sep 20, 2018


[In this 2018 presentation Christopher Bollyn, an American investigative journalist and author of several books on 9/11 sets out in detail, naming names, on why and how Israel carried out the, years in preparation, false flag attack 9/11, i.e., to unleash The War OF Terror on the Middle East using American blood and treasure.

Some points Bollyn makes, include:

Is an author of books on 9/11 and the War on Terror.

9/11 and the War on Terror are connected and part of an Israeli plan.

“9/11 was a policy coup” blamed on Muslims to start the War on Terror.

The War on Terror aims to redraw the Middle East map according to Israeli interests.

Menachem Begin, founder of Likud party, is described as “the father of terrorism”.

9/11 was designed to “instill fear and rage in the American population”.

The War on Terror is “the longest and most expensive war, foreign war in US history”.

Trump is quoted: “We have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. You know what we have for it? Nothing!”

The War on Terror is “based on the official myth of 9/11”.

Wesley Clark is quoted describing a “policy coup” by “hard-nosed people” after 9/11.

The plan is to “take out seven countries in five years” starting with Iraq.

This follows the “Yinon Plan” to break up Arab states into smaller entities.

Hillary Clinton is mentioned as seeking to overthrow Syria’s government “to save Israel”.

Asks “Is the United States waging Israel’s wars?”

Israel wants to expand from “the Nile river to the Euphrates”.

Christian Zionism is “a big problem” in supporting Israel.

John F. Kennedy was “the last great reformer” who challenged these interests.

Israeli control of airport security.

“9/11 was also a computer crime” involving Israeli software companies.

He suggests “revolutions are not made” with 99% support, but with a critical mass.

Encourages informing local police, community leaders, and churches about 9/11.

Now lives in Sweden after being prosecuted in the US.

His latest book is “The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East”.





Published on Thu, Sep 20, 2018




Christopher Bollyn – Tricked Into War: Israeli Zionist Government Was Behind The 9/11 Attack (2018)
11 months ago
Christopher Bollyn
Pirate TV
Middle east
fals flag
public opinion
policy coup
An independent analysis of the events of September 11, 2001.
Includes historical and geo-political background and examines the motivation of the people who played key roles in the destruction of the evidence and the obstruction of justice for the families of the victims.
Investigative journalist and best selling author Christopher Bollyn makes the case for why he believes the Israeli Zionist government was behind the 9/11 attack.
Pirate Television

Christopher Bollyn’s website

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World
by Christopher Bollyn

The Little Drummer Girl – John le Carré

Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger (1998)
Authors: Ash Carter John M. Deutch Philip D. Zelikow
Show less



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

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(Words: 15,268 – Duration: 89 mins)

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Posted in 911 - World Trade Center, 911 Anniversary, Al Qeada, America, Arabs, Bk - Solving 9-11, Bk - War on Terror, Blogroll - 911, Christopher Bollyn, CIA, Clinton - Hillary, Deception, Europe, False Flag Attacks, Globalism, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jews - Neocons, Jews - New York, Jews - Tool of, Lavon Affair - 1954, Lawfare as a Orgjew Tactic, Lebanon, Media - jewish domination, Mossad, Neocons, Netanyahu, Pakistan, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Rothschild, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 1 Comment

Mark Collett – Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained – Aug 9, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained



Fri, Aug 9, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:

“Britain’s system of two-tier policing has now been exposed to the world – but what are the rules? How can you get away with rioting and destroying public property? Who gets a ‘free pass’ and which rioters does Starmer and his cabinet cheer on? Find out all this and much, much more…”



Published on Fri, Aug 9, 2024




Starmer’s Guide to Rioting – Two Tier Policing Explained
August 9, 2024
Mark Collett
Britain’s system of two-tier policing has now been exposed to the world – but what are the rules? How can you get away with rioting and destroying public property? Who gets a ‘free pass’ and which rioters does Starmer and his cabinet cheer on? Find out all this and much, much more…
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Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

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(Words: 1,922 – 12:03 mins)

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Posted in Anti-Migrant Demo, anti-White, Black Lives Matter, Britain, Jew World Order, Jews - Tool of, Labour Party - UK, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim, Police - Harassment, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Third World Invasion, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Two Tier Policing-Justice, UK, White genocide, White Lives Matter, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the recent Tucker Carlson interview with American historian Darryl Cooper and how he considers:

“The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.”

Points include:

• They view the interview as a watershed moment for mainstreaming revisionist narratives.

• “This is the re-mainstreaming for the first time in that I can remember in living memory of World War two revisionism.”

• Cooper’s approach is a “humanitarian” and “honest” way to discuss controversial topics.

• Discuss Churchill’s role in WWII, with Cooper calling him “the foremost villain” of the war.

• Explore the idea of having “Nuremberg-style trials” for those responsible for mass immigration.

• Discuss the importance of World War II revisionism in understanding current political issues. “World War two really is the datum point from which all perspective of the present day is forged.”

• They share their personal journeys into World War II revisionism and White nationalism.

• Discuss the impact of reading Mein Kampf and other revisionist materials. “Reading Mein Kampf and learning the truth about world War two breaks the spell of Holocaustianity.”

• World War II narratives are central to current anti-White ideologies.

• Discuss the challenges of promoting revisionist views in mainstream discourse.

• The importance of ideological purity in their movement. “Maximum ideological purity can actually disadvantage you because it means you’re going to piss people off, alienate people.”

• They discuss the role of social media and online activism in spreading their ideas.

• Share anecdotes about discussing their views in everyday situations.

• Talk about recruitment and the growing interest in their movement.

• Discuss the potential for future societal changes based on their ideologies.

• The idea of “Aryan” identity and its relation to honor and freedom. “What an Aryan is, is a member of the honorable race.”

• Discuss the concept of rights and how they relate to their worldview.

• The importance of venerating historical figures like Hitler. “If we win, there’ll be statues all across the western world and hopefully even beyond, of Hitler fucking everywhere.”

• Discuss the role of Australia in the global White nationalist movement.

• Compare different translations and editions of Mein Kampf.

• Talk about the relationship between English and Australian nationalists.

• Discuss the potential for future conflicts and the role of race in warfare.

• Respond to various Superchat messages from viewers.

• Discuss the prevalence of Holocaust-related books and media.

• Discuss strategies for growing their online presence and influence. “Once you’re well established, your influence grows on its own.”

• The challenges of posting content on Twitter due to sensitive content warnings.

• Discuss the potential for “white hats” within social media companies.

• Growing viewership across different platforms.



Joel Davis


WWII Revisionism


Re-enters the Mainstream


Fri, Sep 6, 2024




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Published on Fri, Sep 6, 2024




1:25:32 / 2:48:12
WWII revisionism re-enters the mainstream
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Sep 6, 6:40 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section.

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(Words: 30,399 – Duration: 168 mins)

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Posted in Activism -White, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, Blair Cotterell, Britain, British Empire, David Irving, Deception, Democracy - Fake, England, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Gate Keepers, Genocide, Germany, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Holocaust, Holohoax, Immigration, Interview, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, Nationalism, Nuremberg Trials, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Rudolf Hess, The Focus Group, Third Reich, Third World Invasion, Thomas Dalton, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Tucker Carlson, Twitter/X, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, X (xTwitter), Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, Zundel Trials | 9 Comments

Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript


Harry Richardson


Speech – Anglophobia


Moreton Bay SC


Mon, Sep 26, 2022


[In this speech Aussie nationalist, and member of the British Australian Community, Harry Richardson gives a good summary of the nature and aims of the anti-White/Anglo culture present in Australia and throughout the West, and what to do about it.

Points include:

Richardson defines conservatives as “people who don’t much like change” and discusses how conservatism in Australia has shifted.

“Anglos”, defined as “people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas”.

The “assault on Anglos in Australia” through vilification and discrimination.

The term “anglophobia” is proposed to describe hatred against Anglo people and culture.

“Diversity” is criticized as “an anglophobic dog whistle, simply meaning less Whites”.

There is a double standard in how different ethnic groups are treated, stating “Why is it acceptable to slander Whites/Anglos, but no other ethnic groups?”

Critical Race Theory is described as an “ideology created by an American marxist professor from Harvard who described ‘Whiteness’ as an exploitative class”.

Free speech is under attack, particularly for Anglos trying to defend themselves against racial slurs .

Multiculturalism aims for “the dispossession and disenfranchisement of the Anglo majority”.

Richardson advocates for Anglos to “explicitly identify and defend our group interests as legitimate” and “start playing identity politics and playing to win”.




Published on Mon, Sep 26, 2022




2:14 / 21:24
Speech Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC Sept 2022
British Australian Community
1.5K subscribers
Sep 26, 2022
Speech detailing Anglophobia and the multicultural strategy for the defence of Anglo interests. Please visit our website:…
where you can sign up as a community member to support and keep in touch.
The book Anglophobia The Unrecognised Hatred will be available soon in paperback, Kindle and as an audiobook. Look out for which should be up and running soon too.
Follow and join us here…
Follow along using the transcript.
Show transcript
British Australian Community
1.5K subscribers
British Australian Community
1.5K subscribers



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

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(Words: 3,259 – 21:24 mins)

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Posted in Activism -White, anti-Christian, anti-White, Aus Aborigines, Australia, Democracy, Frank Salter, Hate Speech, Immigration, IQ, Jews - Hostile Elite, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim invasion, Nationalism, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Third World Invasion, Thought Crime, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, White genocide, White Lives Matter, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Analysing the Implications of the


Pajeet Hate Surge


Thu, Aug 29, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following:

• The show starts late. Tom is sick and absent.

• They discuss a viral Twitter account @BarryStantonGBP posting racist content.

• World Bank halted Twitter advertising due to ads appearing under racist posts.

• They debate whether extreme racist content is more effective propaganda than moderate messaging.

• Blair says “emotion, not reason, is really the essence of good propaganda.”

• They discuss how racist memes and posts are going viral on Twitter recently.

• Joel argues this shows people prefer “morally offensive, distasteful, visceral propaganda.”

• They talk about Indians being an easy target for racism due to lack of sympathy for them.

• Blair shares negative experiences with Indian people, like noise pollution and poor customer service.

• They discuss the “Indian mating strategy” and comment about Indian appearance.

• Joel says Indians have a “depraved, horny nature” needed to “perpetuate that disgusting race.”

• They talk about protests by immigrants in Melbourne demanding permanent visas.

• Similar protests by Indian students in Canada are mentioned.

• They discuss how immigration is becoming a bigger political issue in Australia.

• Joel says “our political issues are winning out” as immigration concern rises.

• They talk about Telegram founder Pavel Durov being arrested in France.

• Blair says Durov is in a “precarious position” after his arrest.

• They speculate on whether Elon Musk could face similar issues traveling to Europe.

• Joel shares stories of being recognized in public, mostly positively but a few negative encounters.

• Blair recounts three incidents of being confronted by people who recognized him.

• They discuss public speaking techniques, with Blair saying you need to “actually believe what you’re saying.”

• Joel says “words have a magical effect on people” and can “alter a person’s perspective of reality.”

• They talk about Trump’s 2024 campaign lacking the energy of 2016.

• Joel says Trump “doesn’t have that radical vibe that he had in 2016.”

• They discuss how right-wing culture has become more radical than Trump.

• Joel argues white Americans should build “pro-white advocacy groups” rather than relying on the Republican Party.

• They talk about learning languages, with Joel considering Hebrew or Greek.

• Blair recommends raw milk, saying it has a “nootropic effect” and is “almost like a quasi spiritual experience.”

• They discuss the environmental impact of immigration.

• Joel says “the best thing for the environment is global eugenics, basically.”

• They talk about Australian animals, with Joel preferring European fauna.

• Blair shares experiences with kangaroos and eating kangaroo meat.

• They discuss the challenges of public activism and dealing with opposition.

• Joel recounts joining Twitter Spaces discussions on Australian nationalism.

• He says their worldview “has got a lot going for it” when debating others.

• Blair says “politics is actually an old man’s game” and they’re “just getting started.”

• Joel argues they shouldn’t “enter into public politics until after 30” per Hitler’s advice.

• They discuss the need to be cautious of potential attacks in public.

• Blair says he takes “various proclamations just to try to avoid anyone taking advantage of me.”

• Joel mentions upcoming appearances on Twitter Spaces.

• They discuss the potential of Twitter Spaces for reaching new audiences.

• Blair says he’s noticing a “vibe shift” with more people embracing race realism.

• Joel concludes by saying he’ll look into broadcasting the show on more platforms.





Published on Thu, Aug 29, 2024




14:58 / 3:03:58
Analysing the implications of the pajeet hate surge + other news
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Aug 29, 6:46 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
my social media links:
Show more



Following Transcript Quality = 3.5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 32295 – 3:03:58 mins)

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Posted in Blair Cotterell, Democrat Party, Europe, France, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, Nationalism, Propaganda, Race, Telegram, Third World Invasion, Thought Crime, Transcript, Twitter/X, US Elections, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | 8 Comments

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker – Aug 28, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker



Wed, Aug 28, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Eric Striker, an American nationalist activist:

Topics include:

• Mark apologizes for starting late due to technical issues. He encourages viewers to share the stream and make financial contributions.

• Eric Striker discusses his new show “War Strike” and other projects.

• They discuss recent events in the UK, including new speech laws and immigration policies. Mark says: “Britain has always been regarded as one of the countries in Europe that has had probably more rights when it comes to free speech.”

• They discuss the arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram. Striker says: “I think that all of this is emanating from Washington, where they see the phrase of the global empire starting to actually go.”

• They debate the role of figures like Candace Owens in discussing controversial topics.

• Mark says: “Millions of people who weren’t aware there was even an issue of zionist or jewish power are all of a sudden aware of that now.”

• They discuss the economic situation in the UK and cuts to social programs.

• Striker comments: “I think the reason they’re rushing to put in all these new surveillance mechanisms… is an anticipation for these extremely hard economic times that are right over the horizon.”

• They talk about the Labour Party’s policies and Keir Starmer’s leadership. Mark predicts: “I think at the next general election… The Tories would make back some seats, not many, but some Labour would have a massively reduced majority, but would still win.”

• They discuss Donald Trump’s chances in the 2024 US election. Striker says: “It’s up in the air, not looking good. Blowing the campaign, running as a conventional conservative.”

• They talk about video games, particularly the Total War series and Castlevania games. Mark says: “The best Castlevania game ever is super Castlevania Four on the Super Nintendo.”

• They discuss their drinking habits and preferences. Striker says: “Anyone who’s actually been out drinking with me will tell you that I turn into a teddy bear.”

• They talk about the Order of Nine Angles and its alleged connections to intelligence agencies.

• Striker: “The Order of Nine Angles in the United States is beyond reasonable doubt, proven in court with documentation controlled by the FBI.”

• They discuss the concept of “indirect discrimination” in UK policies. Mark argues: “This disproportionately affects the indigenous population which is a form of indirect discrimination.”

• They talk about the potential for a “White uprising” in the UK.

• Striker says: “Those protests are remarkable. The anti immigration protests, the white uprising, and they are actually an example for the entire western world.”

• They discuss the changing perception of the West as a bastion of free speech.

• Mark says: “The West is the new soviet police state, and their NKVD is coming for anyone like Durov.”

• They talk about the potential future of Telegram and other social media platforms.

• Striker predicts: “Free speech will lose in the end. But it’s perhaps naive to think that it ever even existed.”

• They discuss the concept of “community leaders” in the context of protests.

• Mark says: “PA is about community building, and myself and Laura and others, in fact, have put themselves forward as community leaders for these demonstrations.”

• They talk about the potential for a book by Striker. “It’s going to be a history book. It’s going to be about a time period everyone’s interested in perhaps what led to the time period.”

• They discuss the idea of “majority rule” in the UK. Striker argues: “If it’s good enough for South Africa, it’s good enough for Britain. Majority rule.”

• They talk about the two-party system and its problems.

• Mark says: “When the new party gets in, it immediately blames the old party for all the problems and asks for a decade to sort them out, at which point they only make things worse.”



Published on Wed, Aug 28, 2024




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker
August 29, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 277 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Eric Striker.
Patriotic Weekly Review is a news and entertainment talk show. Opinions, thoughts, and views of guests/hosts do not necessarily represent the opinions, thoughts, and views of all hosts, and their appearance on this channel does not constitute sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of said opinions, thoughts, and views.
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Eric Striker
File size
2.82 GB



Following Transcript Quality = 3.5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

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(Words: 20,346 – 2:08:34 mins)

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Posted in Britain, Donald Trump, Eric Striker, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Extremism, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Naming, Jews - Tool of, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nationalism, Patriotic Weekly Review, Race, Telegram, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Twitter/X, Ukraine War 2022, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript


Thomas Sewell


Bread and Butter Nationalism



Sun, Aug 25, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activist, founder of NSN, Tom Sewell discusses the following:

• The importance of friendship and loyalty in building nationalist groups.

• Regular routines and activities are crucial: “You have to have rock solid routines.”

• Symbolism and branding are important for group identity.

• Advocates for a hierarchical structure based on commitment levels.

• Quality of members is prioritized over quantity: “You want the best quality men.”

• Local and national symbols are discussed as important for group cohesion.

• Criticises voting within organisations: “Voting does not work.”

• Personal constitution and character should be valued highly: “It’s in the blood.”

• The importance of face-to-face meetings is stressed over online connections.

• Encourages starting local groups rather than waiting for others to fail.

• Competition between groups is seen as beneficial: “Competition breeds success.”

• Discourages attempts at international organisation at early stages.

• Regular meetups are recommended, with frequency based on distance between members.

• Advocates for a balance between national branding and local identity.

• Family members who oppose nationalist activities are described as “not your family.”

• Discusses his own family dynamics in relation to political beliefs.

• The importance of perseverance in building nationalist groups is emphasised.

• Criticises those who give up easily: “You just have to keep going.”

• A powerful global symbol for White nationalism.

• Encourages taking action over merely discussing ideas.

• The concept of “white pills” or optimism is important.

• Discusses the NSDAP as a historical model for nationalist organisation.

• The importance of local, grassroots organising.

• Advocates for a minimum time commitment from members.

• The concept of “peer” is preferred over “friend” in some contexts.

• Discusses the idea of subordinating to stronger leaders if they emerge.

• The importance of adapting to changing circumstances is mentioned.

• Criticises those who are “permanently pregnant with ideas” but never act.

• The concept of spiritual energy contributing to a collective cause is discussed.




Published on Sun, Aug 25, 2024




25/8/24 Bread and Butter Nationalism
August 25, 2024
1 Dislike
Thomas Sewell
File size
2.06 GB



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 14,220 – 1:17:39 mins)

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Posted in Activism -White, Blair Cotterell, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Germany, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Political Correctness, Propaganda - Anti-German, Third Reich, Thomas Sewell, Transcript, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment

The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript


Monika Schaefer


The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09


with Grace Eki Oyama


Sat, Aug 24, 2024


[In this weekly podcast, episode 09, on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with her guest, Grace Eki Oyama.

Key points include:

Background on how Monika met Grace at Arthur Topham’s speech crime trial in 2015, in Canada.

Discussion of Grace’s background in writing, translation and meeting influential figures like Eustace Mullins and David Icke.

Grace’s short video, The World Owes Germany an Apology for World War Two.

Grace’s comment on war: “Without deception, war is not possible, that war is propaganda.”

Introduction of the topic of musical frequencies, particularly A440 vs A432.

Grace explains: “Verdi thought this was the best that it should be. This was the best pitch.”

Discussion on how 432 Hz tuning feels more natural for singers.

Grace mentions: “When I changed my piano tuning to 432, my daughter, who was in kindergarten, said, ‘much more relaxing’.”

Introduction of the topic of three stages of childhood development in Japanese philosophy.

Grace discusses the importance of protecting childhood innocence and the dangers of over-sexualisation.

Caller Kathleen mentions a book called “The 440 Conspiracy” about the shift to 440 Hz tuning.

Caller Nightingale shares a personal mystical experience from childhood.

Grace comments on the importance of silence: “Silence is the base of everything.”

Discussion of water crystal experiments showing different patterns at 432 Hz vs 440 Hz.

Caller John from New Hampshire expresses interest in connecting with Grace due to shared Italian background.

Brief discussion of the 528 Hz frequency.

Caller Chris provides information about “The 440 Enigma” book.

Grace’s final comment: “Remember that your voice is the free gift of so-called God and nature, an instrument you already have inside.”




Monika’s book:


Published on Sat, Aug 24, 2024




The Flipside with Monika, August 24, 2024
August 24, 2024 20:06
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Episode 9:
Guest – Grace Eki Oyama – long time revisionist, writer, translator and artist. We discuss music frequencies – which have been tampered with – as well as Japanese philosophy on the three stages of childhood, and how development is arrested by certain malevolent forces.



Following Transcript Quality = 5 Stars

1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.

NOTE: Readers can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment/Leave a Reply section. Don’t be just a consumer, contribute to the cause, however small. Thanks.





(Words: 7,236 – 60 mins)

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Posted in 911 - World Trade Center, anti-family, David Icke, Deception, Degeneracy, Education, Ernst Zundel, Europe, Family - Anti, Family - Destruction, Freedom of Speech, Germany, Interview, Italy, Jew World Order, Nuremberg Trials, Palestine, Philosophy, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Schaefer - Monika, Spiritualism, The Flipside with Monika, Transcript, Ukraine, WW II, Zundel Trials | Leave a comment