[In this short inspiring speech Kai Murros describes how Europe has been poisoned and betrayed by a traitorous “elite” that is destroying European peoples through a long term process of mass propaganda, creating self-hate and loathing that has pacified us into inaction, while also deliberately opening the gates of Europe to hordes of aliens. Murros believes that this vicious conspiracy will not stand and Europeans will awake and retake Europe back! The speech is accompanied with dramatic graphics creating a very professional “propaganda” effect — KATANA]
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Video uploaded on Jan 28, 2016
By Oscar turner
YouTube Stats
Feb 18, 2016 — Views: 20,563 – Comments: 270 – Likes: 927 Dislikes: 16
Feb 14, 2016 — Views: 19,471 – Comments: 264 – Likes: 903 Dislikes: 15
Jan 31, 2016 — Views: 9,282 – Comments: 183 – Likes: 622 Dislikes: 11
Jan 30, 2016 — Views: 6,536 – Comments: 162 – Likes: 563 Dislikes: 7
Voice of Europe
Kai Murros
Dark clouds are hanging over Europe.
The European people have been utterly betrayed by their elite.
The magnitude of this conspiracy is unprecedented in human history.
Our ruling elite has turned out to be a mere corrupt lackey of global capitalism.
These high priced parasites have stolen from the Europeans their livelihood, their land, their future, and their self esteem.
These prostitutes of the corporate world have exposed europe to an endless rampage of brutal beggars and forcefully denied Europeans any means of defending themselves.
We have become powerless, we have lost control over our lives.
We are denied our place in this world, and our spirit is waning.
What once was ours has been taken away, and given to greedy aliens.
What we once held sacred is ridiculed and mocked by arrogant intruders.
What once was familiar to us has now been degenerated into something strange and threatening.
For decades Europeans have been taught to hate, and despise themselves.
Generations of Europeans have been brought up believing that the world would be a better place without them.
They have been brought up to feel the crushing weight of the White man’s endless guilt.
Europeans are constantly reminded that only through self destruction can they pay for the sins of their civilization.
The death of Europe is the fashion of the day.
Our demise, a sign of progress.
The disintegration of the traditional Europe, a way forward.
Their predatory invasions against Europe, only the latest trend.
Self hatred, a sure sign of intellectual thinking.
We are called to celebrate the physical, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual collapse of our civilization and the barbarian hordes at our gates should win.
We have already been brainwashed to believe that the collapse is inevitable, and that it is a law of nature that we should die out and the barbarian hordes at our gates should win.
Under the disguise of liberalism, humanism, and democracy Europeans have been persuaded to commit an ethnic suicide.
A race that has achieved so much, and has survived so much has been tricked to welcome its own downfall.
And to take active measures in order to become a stranger in his own soil.
We are witnessing the most vicious and cruel conspiracy in history.
The conspiracy to replace the European people.
A systematic campaign to wipe out the Europeans from existence,
… first by socially degenerating the people and then through mental and physical retardation.
To paralyze the ability of the people to resist.
To poison the very biological stock, where all the great deeds of the past once grew.
So that in the end a herd of geldings would be easier to usher to their death.
Rather than the once proud race of warriors. craftsmen and explorers.
But as our situation deteriorates, …
… the harsh realities of life will force the European people to open their eyes.
We will show them, let the whole world know that Europeans refuse to die!
Let it be clear to everyone on this planet, that Europeans will not apologize and will not retreat anymore!
We will go further than ever before!
Transcript Text
Dark clouds are hanging over Europe.
The European people have been utterly betrayed by their elite.
The magnitude of this conspiracy is unprecedented in human history.
Our ruling elite has turned out to be a mere corrupt lackey of global capitalism.
These high priced parasites have stolen from the Europeans their livelihood, their land, their future, and their self esteem.
These prostitutes of the corporate world have exposed europe to an endless rampage of brutal beggars and forcefully denied Europeans any means of defending themselves.
We have become powerless, we have lost control over our lives.
We are denied our place in this world, and our spirit is waning.
What once was ours has been taken away, and given to greedy aliens.
What we once held sacred is ridiculed and mocked by arrogant intruders.
What once was familiar to us has now been degenerated into something strange and threatening.
For decades Europeans have been taught to hate, and despise themselves.
Generations of Europeans have been brought up believing that the world would be a better place without them.
They have been brought up to feel the crushing weight of the White man’s endless guilt.
Europeans are constantly reminded that only through self destruction can they pay for the sins of their civilization.
The death of Europe is the fashion of the day. Our demise, a sign of progress.
The disintegration of the traditional Europe, a way forward.
Their predatory invasions against Europe, only the latest trend.
Self hatred, a sure sign of intellectual thinking.
We are called to celebrate the physical, intellectual, cultural and spiritual collapse of our civilization and the barbarian hordes at our gates should win.
We have already been brainwashed to believe that the collapse is inevitable, and that it is a law of nature that we should die out and the barbarian hordes at our gates should win.
Under the disguise of liberalism, humanism, and democracy Europeans have been persuaded to commit an ethnic suicide.
A race that has achieved so much, and has survived so much
has been tricked to welcome its own downfall.
And to take active measures in order to become a stranger in his own soil.
We are witnessing the most vicious and cruel conspiracy in history.
The conspiracy to replace the European people.
A systematic campaign to wipe out the Europeans from existence,
… first by socially degenerating the people and then through mental and physical retardation.
To paralyze the ability of the people to resist.
To poison the very biological stock, where all the great deeds of the past once grew.
So that in the end a herd of geldings would be easier to usher to their death.
Rather than the once proud race of warriors, craftsmen and explorers.
But as our situation deteriorates, …
… the harsh realities of life will force the European people to open their eyes.
We will show them, let the whole world know that Europeans refuse to die!
Let it be clear to everyone on this planet, that Europeans will not apologize and will not retreat anymore!
We will go further than ever before!
Click to download a PDF of this post (18.0 MB):
Voice of Europe – Kai Murros — TRANSCRIPT
Version History
Version 5: Jan 15, 2020 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for katana17.com/wp/ version.
Version 4: May 10, 2017 — Updated YouTube link.
Version 3: Feb 14, 2016 — Updated YouTube stats.
Version 2: Jan 31, 2016 — Edited my intro comment for clarity.
Version 1: Posted: Jan 31, 2016
Thank you for these transcripts. Excelsior!
Thanks WDW!
It’s nice to get appreciation
Shed tears watching this. Beautifully made. Well done!
And may i ask you what the name of song is in the video?
I’m not sure Apollo. Sorry about that.
The original video has been taken down.