[Mark Collett, 37, is a British political activist and former chairman of the Young BNP, the youth division of the British National Party (BNP), and was director of publicity for the party. He has recently written a book, “The Fall of Western Man” available as a free download.
Here he gives a brief* overview of the “jewish Question“, actually the “jewish Problem“, focusing on organized jewry’s destructive agenda towards Whites and the West.
(* Appropriately I suppose given the topic, we get jewed out of half a minute, as it’s barely three and half minutes long, and not the full four minutes as touted
Mark Collett
The jewish Question
Explained in Four Minutes
Click the link below to view the video:
YouTube Description
Published on Aug 24, 2018
An explanation of the role that the Jewish community have played in pushing multiculturalism and liberal social policy on Western civilisation.
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My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.
The Official Website: http://www.thefallofwesternman.com/
FREE eBook download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cc…
Hardback Edition: http://www.lulu.com/shop/mark-collett…
Paperback Edition: http://amzn.eu/9LaS7HN
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
Jews have played a disproportionate role in industries and endeavors that have harmed Western society and undermined Western civilization. And they have been disproportionately involved in pushing anti-Western narratives.
They are vastly over-represented in various media, including Hollywood, the press, and the porn industry.
They are also over-represented in banking, and campaign finance, and vastly over-represented when it comes to pushing for mass immigration, multiculturalism, feminism, and the normalization of homosexuality!
They were also the people behind communism! The most destructive ideology in history!
And more recently they were the minds behind cultural Marxism.
They also distort Western foreign policy by constantly lobbying for wars in the Middle East, and for hostility towards Russia.
And when I say, “Jews” I clearly don’t mean all jews. Just as when people say “Americans were involved in slavery”, less than 1.5 percent of Americans owned slaves at the height of the slave trade.
Also, by saying Americans were involved in the slave trade, doesn’t mean only Americans were involved in the slave trade! As, in fact, Arabs, jews, and Africans, were all involved in the slave trade as well.
So whilst jews are disproportionately involved in anti-Western activity, that doesn’t mean other groups aren’t involved as well.
But there is another important component to all of this. And that is hypocrisy!
Whilst jews have pushed for pornography, mass immigration, open borders, miscegenation, and anti family practices in the West, they have done the exact opposite in Israel!
Israel is, of course, a walled ethno state, where they prevent mass immigration!
Where interfaith marriage and same-sex marriage are banned!
And where they ban material, such as pornography, that they themselves have been instrumental in pushing upon the West!
Jews have an extreme in-group preference. And there’s nothing wrong with that. All peoples of the world have the right to in-group preference.
But the issue here, is that despite the extreme in-group preference found within the jewish community, many jews actively work to undermine the in-group preference within other groups, and have been involved in practices that have had a hugely negative impact on the culture, heritage, and traditions, of those of European descent.
Jews have attacked the glue that holds our communities together, with the aim of breaking up Western society.
The problem here lies in the fact that jews acknowledged the power, and strength, that comes from community, family, and tradition. And whilst they want that power for themselves, too many of them seek to strip that power from those of European descent!
In effect placing themselves at an advantage, and in a position, where they as a group, stand apart from all others, as a strong and cohesive ethnic bloc!
Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed this podcast, please help spread the message by liking and sharing it on social networks. If you want to hear more from me, please hit the subscribe button, as new videos are posted every week. You can also read my book “The Fall of Western Man”. It’s available as a free ebook, and in both hardback, and paperback. And all the links are in the description below. Finally, if you want to join in the discussion with me feel free to add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Also, you can now follow me on Gab, Minds, and Bitchute, as well. Everyone’s welcome.
See Also:
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
PDF Notes
Version 1 —
* Total words = xxx
* Total images = xx
* Total A4 pages =
(Available later)
Version History
Version 2: Feb 7, 2020 — Re-uploaded images for katana17.com/wp/ version.
Version 1: Aug 25, 2018 — Published post.
Mark Collett writes: “Jews have played a disproportionate role in industries and endeavors that have harmed Western society and undermined Western civilization. And they have been disproportionately involved in pushing anti-Western narratives.”
What he sees as anti Western activity I see as liberal and leftist activity. I am a Nordic Gentile. This is my response.
Generally speaking,I am liberal on economic and environmental issues. Although most Jews are prosperous, most prosperous Jews feel a concern for those who are not prosperous that one less frequently finds among prosperous, white Gentiles. This is one of the reasons I admire Jews.
No matter how prosperous most Jews become, they have a collective memory of the shtetl, the ghetto, and the lower east side of Manhattan. They care about the misery of those left behind.
At the same time, there are conservative Jews. In the United States. Most Orthodox Jews vote Republican. Anyone who thinks Jews agree on anything has not known as many Jews as I have.
Although I am liberal on economic and environmental issues, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. During the twentieth century the sexual revolution was most successfully popularized by Hugh Hefner and Helen Gurley Brown Both were Gentiles. The most prominent pornographers during the twentieth century were Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione, and Larry Flynt. Hefner and Guccione were Gentiles. Flynt is a Gentile. .
It is not true that Jews control banking, Wall Street, the academy, journalism, or Hollywood. They have influence disproportional to their numbers because of their high IQ averages. This is another reason I admire the Jews.
de Saint-Loup
éditions “La Sfinge”, Rome, 2017, pp. 257
Ce roman extraordinaire écrit par notre préféré Saint-Loup (né Marc Augier) a été publié la première fois traduit en espagnol en 1977, donc deux ans après la mort du Grand Général Franco. Mais Saint Loup habitait encore à Madrid comme réfugié politique. C’est un roman “expérimental”, comme Emile Zola l’aurait defini. Nous avons déjà écrit un article sur Saint Loup et sur “Les Nostalgiques”, qui est toujours en ligne. Pourquoi nous disons que ce roman est “expérimental” ? Pour la très simple raison que sa technique d’écriture est mélangée : il y a des pages en écriture théatrâle, d’autres en prose et d’autres en mise en abyme qui mélange des extraits en écriture “documentaire” : des dialogues ou transcriptions authentiques des procès ayant existé. Le tout serait une reconsitution imaginaire du procès de Nuremberg avec les noms changés pour des raison évidentes. Mais sur la page 95 le nom du criminel juif Herschel Grynszpan n’a pas été changé et cela nous a aidé de faire le parallèle avec un autre roman re-édité recemment par le militant revisionniste (au lieu de “négationniste”) Vincent Reynouard : celui de Pierre Dumoulin “L’affaire Grynspan” (cette fois sur la couverture il n’y a pas de Z comme sur la page 95 du roman étudié ci-dessus mais il ne faut pas oublier qu’il n’y a pas d’orthographe pour les noms étrangers, donc juifs).
Nous n’allons pas vous presenter les dernières pages mais celle du milieu puisque sur les pages 156 et 159 nous pouvons lire “le Cercle de Documentation Juive ment” (p.156), un peu plus loin “Il est aujourd’hui prouvé et admis qu’aucune chambre à gaz destinée à détruire des êtres humains n’a existé dans les camps situés sur le territoire allemand” (op.cit.p.159).
“Cette chambre (à gaz, ndlr) a été construite après la guerre pour les besoins du cinéma”(op.cit.p.159). Nous allons conclure en paraphrasant une citation de la même page ci-dessous : ‘Les gens qui vous informent sont des imposteurs !”. Et c’est à cause des faux documentaires ou films de fictions financés par les imposteurs juifs que ce Grand Mensonge des deux derniers siècles doit se terminer aujourd’hui !
écrit par Dionysos ANDRONIS
I transcribed the documentary “The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2”. Do you want the transcript?
Help Germans to wake up by spreading this DVD!
The Jewish question is, “Why do some people hate the most superior race in existence?”
The answer is that they hate the Jews because they resent Jewish intelligence and prosperity. They have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes.
Mark Collett writes: “Jews have played a disproportionate role in industries and endeavors that have harmed Western society and undermined Western civilization. And they have been disproportionately involved in pushing anti-Western narratives.”
What he sees as anti Western activity I see as liberal and leftist activity. I am a Nordic Gentile. This is my response.
Generally speaking,I am liberal on economic and environmental issues. Although most Jews are prosperous, most prosperous Jews feel a concern for those who are not prosperous that one less frequently finds among prosperous, white Gentiles. This is one of the reasons I admire Jews.
No matter how prosperous most Jews become, they have a collective memory of the shtetl, the ghetto, and the lower east side of Manhattan. They care about the misery of those left behind.
At the same time, there are conservative Jews. In the United States. Most Orthodox Jews vote Republican. Anyone who thinks Jews agree on anything has not known as many Jews as I have.
Although I am liberal on economic and environmental issues, I have always disliked the sexual revolution. During the twentieth century the sexual revolution was most successfully popularized by Hugh Hefner and Helen Gurley Brown Both were Gentiles. The most prominent pornographers during the twentieth century were Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione, and Larry Flynt. Hefner and Guccione were Gentiles. Flynt is a Gentile. .
It is not true that Jews control banking, Wall Street, the academy, journalism, or Hollywood. They have influence disproportional to their numbers because of their high IQ averages. This is another reason I admire the Jews.
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