[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, responds to Tommy Robinson’s explanation as to why Patriotic Alternative supporters were chased away at a Telford demonstration/gathering against Muslim grooming gangs.
Collett points out Robinson’s contradictory position of, on the one hand, being against the Muslim grooming gangs while on the other hand being in favour of non-White, and Muslim, immigration, the very cause of the problems in the first place. Robinson’s incoherent position can be explained by his close association with zionists, who of course want to racially and culturally destroy Britain through non-White immigration, and other means.
Finally, Collett challenges Robinson to engage in a debate on all these issues. A challenge unlikely to be taken up as his zionist handlers would know that Robinson would be totally exposed and humiliated.
Mark Collett
A Response to Tommy Robinson
May 13, 2022
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Published on May 13, 2022
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A Response to Tommy Robinson
May 13th, 2022
Mark Collett
A response to Tommy Robinson’s video about the altercation in Telford that took place at an anti-grooming demonstration between him and his security and Patriotic Alternative supporters.
Tommy works with the police after leaving the EDL:
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(28:00 mins)
Mark Collett: Hello everybody. And welcome to today’s video. Now today’s video is another one of those response videos. But this time it’s a response to Tommy Robinson. Now, last weekend there was an ugly altercation at a demonstration in Telford against the grooming gangs, or in support of the girls who have been victims of those grooming gangs. And this involved Tommy Robinson.
Now, I made some commentary on this earlier in the week on Laura Towler’s show. And I don’t really want to talk any more about it. However, Tommy Robinson has decided to make a video “setting the record straight”. However, he didn’t really set the record straight. What he did is tell a number of untruths about Patriotic Alternative. He was, in my opinion, deliberately misrepresenting our organization. And also misrepresenting what happened in Telford.
So I’m going to play Tommy’s video and throughout it. I’m going to pause it and respond to what he has to say, correct his points, and point out the lies.
So here goes.
Tommy Robinson: A lot’s happening. A lot. I’ll fill you in a little bit on most of that. But I don’t know what I can say. Just a quick one about Saturday, the demonstration in Telford. I’ve seen a lot of talk about a group who were rejected. I’ve seen a lot of comments saying:
“Was I right?”
Some people questioned was I right to eject people who come to stand alongside us. To “stand with the victims”, is what I’m reading. Yeah? There was a group who turned up. They turned up our previous demo, unveiled their own banner. And they turned up at this one, and done it.
Mark Collett: Well firstly, he says we turned up as if we just materialized there. As if we weren’t welcome, as if we’d been told to stay away. This is actually untrue. And I’m going to read something to you from one of the adverts advertising this Telford demonstration. I’m going to read this verbatim, and I quote:
“Everyone is welcome! If you stand against child exploitation you should be in Telford tomorrow!”
End quote. Now obviously Patriotic Alternative does stand in opposition to these grooming gangs. We do stand in opposition to these anti-White racist attacks. And we wanted to be there, because we support the victims, and we want to put our flag in the ground, and make the point that this is completely unacceptable and something needs to be done. And Tommy did say:
“Everyone was welcome.”
So we turned up. And then this happened.
Tommy Robinson: Exactly the same yeah, or attempted to do exactly the same. So I went over and made it very clear:
“You’re not welcome here, because, …”
Mark Collett: Now again this is a misrepresentation. What actually happened was several of Tommy’s fans went around saying that Antifa were at the event. We’re not Antifa. And a recent documentary will show that we are actually attacked by Antifa. But they said Antifa was there to rile up the crowd, to get the crowd to attack, or be confrontational, towards the Patriotic Alternative activists. This is a really low trick! This is something that was done obviously to create tension there. It was completely untrue.
Then Tommy, and some of his people, come striding out of the pub, because they’re in the pub, of course, they are. Confront the Patriotic Alternative activists and tell them that they’re not welcome, whilst assaulting them, and attempting to steal our flags and banners. Absolutely scandalous! Something that created tension at an event where there should have been none. So that’s actually what happened.
Now some of his supporters, some of the people who listen to his work, subscribe to his channels, have found out that it wasn’t, in fact, Antifa who were there. But it was a patriotic organization who have stood in opposition to the grooming gangs. And were there in solidarity with all the patriots around the country who want to protest against this great injustice, …
Tommy Robinson: They’re not. Some people, and I’m reading some of the comments. So to answer some of those questions about it. This group stand for something totally different than what I stand for. All of their comments, I read all the time, is about ejecting all non-White people. Yeah.
Mark Collett: This is a blatant lie! What Tommy is doing here is he’s lying to his supporters! We want a complete halt to all immigration. And we want to reverse the demographic change that is taking place in the United Kingdom.
Now by 2066 White people will be a, White Britons, the indigenous people of these islands, will be a minority in their ancestral homeland! We believe that is a bad thing! We believe that White Britons being replaced and displaced and becoming a minority within their ancestral homeland is bringing a number of problems.
And one of those problems is obviously the grooming gangs. This demographic change is driven primarily by mass immigration, which increases year on year.
And the people coming to this country, these migrants, often create problems for the indigenous people. And one of those problems, one of the most terrible problems, one of the most upsetting, one of the most harrowing issues, that has been created by multiculturalism, demographic change, and mass immigration, is the grooming of White girls at the hands of men who are overwhelmingly of Muslim origin! This is an anti-White series of crimes.
Hundreds of thousands of girls have been affected by this. They are some of the worst crimes to take place here in the United Kingdom. And Whites are the victims, and people of migrant descent are overwhelmingly the aggressors! Yes! We want to stop mass immigration! Yes! We want to stop the transformation of the ethnic composition of Britain! Yes! We want White Britons to remain what we call a “super majority” in their ancestral homeland. And by “super majority”, we mean that we want White Britons to be around 95% of the ethnic composition of these islands.
So that means there would still be people of migrant descent here. There would be around five percent of people of migrant descent here in the UK. But we would insist that the migrants living in the UK adapted and adhered to our cultural norms, that they spoke English, that they dressed accordingly, and they lived by our way of life. You can sum this up quite simply in a sentence:
“When in Rome, …”
They would have to live by our standards! By our cultural norms, abide by our laws, speak English, and do their best to integrate and fit in. Because we want a cohesive, high trust, high IQ, society that works for the indigenous people.
But Tommy here is mischaracterizing us. What he is saying is that we want to go around, rounding up migrants, we want to kick every last person out of the UK! And he’s doing that to paint a very misleading picture of our actual point which is very reasonable, because he wants to make sure that his supporters don’t look into Patriotic Alternative, and don’t look into what we really stand for.
Tommy Robinson: Many of their comments, I don’t know many people might have saw them on Dispatches last night, where they were using the N-word, I believe. I mean, …
Mark Collett: You see again here he falls back on the mainstream media’s narrative. Now we were on Dispatches, and a small number of people, at private events held by Patriotic Alternative, did use racial slurs. Now, that’s not something I condone. That is not something I condone. However, that kind of talk is no different to kind of talk you would hear in pubs and Working Men’s Clubs up and down the country, any night of the week.
Now, if I was to focus on a few people at Tommy Robinson’s events at his demonstrations, or at his rallies, people who the media singled out committing acts of violence, or saying things which were, let’s say, less than flattering for Tommy’s cause, and I then characterized every one of those demonstrations by the actions of those few people. That’d be very disingenuous. That would be following the mainstream narrative. And here Tommy is happy to parrot the mainstream media narrative, because it suits his agenda of misrepresenting us to his supporter base.
Tommy Robinson: Watched it to describe Raheem Sterling. The problem is people say:
“They were there for the girls.”
Mark Collett: We were there for the girls. We have been to numerous demos against the grooming gangs in support of the victims. We have a leaflet that we put out, raising awareness about this issue, and correctly laying the blame at the politicians, social services, the police, and the establishment, who allowed the perpetrators of these crimes to walk free, and refuse to investigate these crimes.
Because the establishment is anti-White, pro-multicultural! And will, of course, cover up any crimes that show the failings of the multicultural society, in order to advance the mainstream objective of bringing more migrants here, reducing White people to a minority, and building a multicultural society that British people never had a referendum on, never voted for, and have repeatedly stated that they actually don’t want!
Tommy Robinson: No they weren’t. At the previous demo they unveiled a banner in their own organization’s name. What they were there to do was to promote their own organization.
Mark Collett: Well, of course, we promote our organization! We do have banners. We do have placards. We do have leaflets that talk about these things. But, of course, we do promote our own organization! And I’m gonna read to you the words of one of those banners, one of the banners we had there. These banners do sometimes have our branding on them. But the banner said:
“1,000 plus Telford girls raped by foreigners. And our leaders let it happen.”
Well, that’s an important message that needs communicating to the people. We’re blaming the political establishment. And yes, we do want people to join Patriotic Alternative. We do want people to sign up on our website. We do want people to get involved with our activism. Because we want to build a group, an organization, that fights back against these injustices!
Now I find it a bit rich that Tommy Robinson is saying that we promote ourselves, because he has aggressively promoted himself. And if you believe what the press have reported. And I’ve never seen Tommy counter this accusation. But the press have reported on numerous occasions that in one single year Tommy Robinson raised around, two million pounds in donations! Well, where did that go? You didn’t build an organization. You didn’t build an advocacy group that helped these girls.
Now, when the British National Party raised two million pounds in donations, what did it do? Well, it built a national power winning structure! It got 56 council elected, one county councillor, one member of the GLA was elected, and two MEPs, were returned to the European Parliament. That was what we did with two million pounds.
If I had two million pounds I would build a similar power winning organization to actually help these girls.
Now Tommy if it is true that you’ve raised two million pounds, because you’ve really advocated for yourself, where’s it all gone? If rumours are to be believed, it’s gone on flash cars, it’s gone on expensive shoes, and expensive jeans, and a decent lifestyle. But I don’t see it helping the girls.
Now you say we advocate and promote Patriotic Alternative. Yeah we advocate for Patriotic Alternative, we promote Patriotic Alternative. And we don’t raise the kind of money you raise. But what we do raise goes toward helping people.
It goes toward building a community. It goes toward advocating for the rights of our people! We help young people find employment. We have outreach campaigns that help the homeless. We do litter picks and park cleanups. We do things for communities and to help build communities, to help rebuild our communities. We help young people, we mentor them, we help them with their depression, with their issues.
We’ve been there for countless people who are suffering, or who did suffer, through the Covid scamdemic, through the Covid lockdowns. We have helped numerous people who have been discriminated against in the workplace, because they’re White Britons. And, because White Britons are regularly discriminated against. And no trade unions, or legal representatives, will help them. We’ve helped those people get proper legal representation and fight their cases.
We have helped numerous people fight cases, because they were sacked during the Covid lockdowns for refusing to wear face masks at work, or refusing to get the jabs. We have done proper advocacy work, proper community work! That is where our money goes. You can see that. That’s where our limited resources go.
If it is true that you’ve earned two million pounds, where did your money go? Because you’re saying we’re advocating for something, you’re saying we’re trying to build an organization. You’re damn right we are! We’re trying to build something that genuinely helps, because we actually care!
Tommy Robinson: An organization that stands for something totally different than I do. Now, I remember when I was leading the English Defense League.
Mark Collett: And he says:
“We stand for something totally different to what he does.”
Tommy Robinson stands for unchecked, mass immigration! He stands for the demographic change that is destroying this country! And that’s not hyperbole. I’ll play a clip later where he actually admits this from his own mouth. From his own mouth, he basically wants millions and millions of people. Millions and millions of people who are not like us, who are ethnically different to us, who speak a different language, or culturally different to us, who are of a different race, to come here and flood Britain! This comes from his own mouth. And I’ll play that later.
So yes, we are different to you. We obviously stand against the grooming of these girls. But we also stand against the demographic change, the multiculturalism, and the mass immigration, that is causing the grooming. The grooming is downstream from mass immigration and demographic change. You can’t say you oppose a problem, but then you don’t want to cut off the source of that problem. But that’s Tommy. Because he’s all mixed up! And is he mixed up, or is he having his strings pulled? We’ll talk about that later, too.
Tommy Robinson: I remember a young lad from the northwest. Good kid. 14, 15, 16 going through the ranks of the youth in the English defense league. And when I left the English Defense League, he got involved with a group who was far-Right.
Mark Collett: Now Tommy talks about leaving the English Defense League, well you can have a quick google. And you can find some very, very strange articles that when Tommy left the English Defense League he purportedly, he allegedly, he was reported to be working with the police to root out extremism in the EDL! To report his former friends!
So it’s a bit rich he’s talking about people taking the wrong path after leaving the EDL, because, I’m afraid Tommy if you do some googling on your path, or the path that you purportedly took after you left the EDL, it’s pretty dark, and it’s something that should get a few people asking questions.
Tommy Robinson: Right up there. And I remember seeing him years later, and he’d turned into a Hitler-loving, jew-hating, little wrongin. Because what they do is they come to our sort of demonstrations, they prey on people. And then they try to take them to their group. And I will never allow them to be on our street. So as you’ve seen lads, yeah? You saw it this Saturday. Turn up again, and you’ll get it! Put it this way. I’ve just watched a video if you saw, yeah. You say how you’re going to stand for the country, and you’re the answer to the country. You shit yourselves and legged it!
Mark Collett: You see and here’s classic Tommy. When it comes down to it, he doesn’t want intellectual discourse. He doesn’t want to discuss things. He doesn’t want any debate. He wants to turn up at these demos, allegedly collecting lots of money, then he wants to go home. And anyone that rocks his little boat, anyone that challenges his little power structure, you know, causes problems in his little fiefdom, threatens with violence. And here he goes! Here he goes! Here’s the measure of the man.
Tommy Robinson: I’ve just watched it. I fucking wouldn’t want to stand next to you lot on the front line! So the reality is don’t come to our demonstrations. You are not welcome! That’s never going to change! It’s been the same song, same hymn, since day dot! Since, …
Mark Collett: Now again this is another blatant misrepresentation. Because he’s saying:
“I don’t want people at my demonstrations.”
Well, you should say that then, shouldn’t you? You shouldn’t say they’re open to all. Why would you put out a press release saying:
“Open to all.”
You know, why would people be saying:
“Get everyone to Telford!”
Then people turn up and you attack them! You’re worried about other organizations. You’re worried about Patriotic Alternative, because we tell the full truth! We tell the unabridged truth! Whereas, you talk about one particular problem. But then actually, you’re in favour of the demographic changes that lead to that problem getting worse. Very suspicious!
Tommy Robinson: So I started the English Defense League. You’ve never been welcome, okay! And I’ll make that clear. If you want to hold a demonstration, get your little knuckleheads, all 15, or 20 of you and hold your own demonstration, okay? Because you’ll never, ever, be welcome on the street with us! Ever! Okay! So I just want to clear that, okay. And yes, because I see a lot of people saying:
“Oh, you should let them!”
Mark Collett: We’ll go on, we’ll let him finish up.
Tommy Robinson: Tell me, why should I? Why should I? They’re not part, … Their organization hasn’t contributed anything, hasn’t helped in any way. In fact, they deter our message, and they, …
Mark Collett: And here he goes again. I’ve just listed how we contribute, how we help people, how we use the small amount of funds we raise to help people. We do CVs for people. We go out cleaning parks. We go out helping the homeless. How many homeless parcels and homeless outreaches have we done? We’ve done all of these things we’ve been to anti-grooming demonstrations, we’ve been to places and raised awareness of these things. He knows that.
But unlike him, we’re actually trying to build a structure that would help people. And yet to see Tommy Robinson build a structure that helps people.
In fact, I remember him raising funds for a documentary, and then unveiling a documentary that was totally different, called “Shalom”. Which instead of talking about the real issue that affects White Britons, this grooming epidemic, he was talking about the “plight of jewish people in the UK”. And we’ll come back to that. Because I think I know who pulls Tommy’s strings.
Tommy Robinson: They tarnish our message! That’s what they do! Every time! So they’ll never be welcomed through me. So that’s it!
Mark Collett: And now he goes on for a little bit, a bit longer, in this video where he rambles a bit about football matches and things like that. But earlier when I said that Tommy’s very mixed up, a very mixed up individual, a guy who doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. Or doesn’t he? Doesn’t he? You know, does he know what he’s talking about, or doesn’t he?
Because I would say this. It is undoubtedly the case that the grooming scandal is one of the greatest scandals to ever take place in the UK! One of the greatest, if not the greatest, cover-up! You’ve had hundreds of thousands of White girls become the victim of these grooming gangs. But these grooming gangs are a result of the demographic changes taking place. These grooming gangs are a result of mass immigration! Because the people doing the grooming, are the people who are replacing the White Britons.
The people doing the grooming are the result of a system that encourages mass immigration! And these problems are only going to get worse as White Britons become a minority. And these other groups swell in number. And eventually become a majority.
Because we’re not going to get any special treatment when we’re a minority. All of the minorities special treatment, not White people! White Britons won’t just be Second Class citizens, we will be a hated minority! And strangely, Tommy supports this.
Because although he claims, although he claims to be against grooming – let’s take him on his word – funnily enough, he supports mass immigration! He supports demographic change. And that’s very odd. And I’m not mischaracterizing Tommy. I’m going to play a video here where he admits this. Where he talks about this. So let’s listen to him in his own words.
Tommy Robinson: People say even about immigration, people think I’m against immigration. I’ll open the British embassy tomorrow in Saudi Arabia. And I’ll let every Muslim, every woman leave! Let them all come over and leave every Muslim man scratching his head saying:
“What’s going on?”
Well, you lot are acting like cavemen! Yeah? So that’s why the women are leaving.
Mark Collett: So he’s not against mass immigration, he’s actually for it. In fact, he wants every Muslim woman in Saudi Arabia to pour into the UK! Because that’s going to make life so much better for the British people!
Now, it’s no secret that Tommy Robinson has links with zionist groups. And I’m not saying this the case, but it might be. Are these really his opinions? Or are they the opinions of his zionist handlers, the people pulling little Tommy strings? Who knows?
But he is pushing a very mixed up and broken message. He’s pushing a mixed up and broken message which actually endorses the mechanisms by which Britain is being multiculturalized! He’s endorsing the mechanisms by which more of the people who are abusing these girls are coming to Britain! He wants more of the people abusing the girls to come to Britain, then he claims to be against the abuse of the girls! This doesn’t make sense. It’s not a narrative that adds up!
I unashamedly – and Patriotic Alternative is unashamed about this as well – we unashamedly stand against mass immigration! We want Britain to be an ethnically and culturally cohesive place where the indigenous people, the culture of the indigenous people cour traditions, and our history, are front and centre! Where we are not victims in our ancestral homeland! We want a place where our children are safe in the streets, where we are first class citizens! Not where we’re a hated minority.
Tommy claims to be against grooming, but he wants to create an environment where inevitably more grooming will take place.
And I’m going to ask you this. And I’m going to ask Tommy this. How does that work? How does that make any sense? And Tommy’s very good, very, very good at throwing around the threats! Tommy is very, very good at saying, or insinuating, that people might get bashed, or people might get a punch on the nose if they turn up somewhere. He’s very good at throwing his weight around in that way.
But Tommy, when it comes to debating, when it comes to discussing ideas, when it comes to justifying yourself in a more restrained arena, an arena of thought and ideas, you’re pretty rubbish! And you’re a bit of a coward! And I’ve repeatedly said to you:
“Come on! We’ll have a debate!”
We’ll have a structured debate for a couple of hours of back and forth, where we put forward our points. Where we hash it out. Where all of our supporters, where all of the people in our respective corners can see what we have to say, and let’s see if your ideas actually hold up to scrutiny.
But ultimately Tommy will never do that! Because whilst he’s very confident at saying, or insinuating, what he’s going to people he doesn’t like on the street, when he’s got 20 giant guys behind him who are part of his security team, unfortunately he seems to shrink a little bit when it’s ideas being discussed. When he’s actually being held up to scrutiny. He shrinks away, and hides away, from any genuine threat of discussion!
Because he knows when he’s put under that microscope, he knows that when his ideas are held up to the light of truth, his ideas and his ideology, will just fall to pieces, they’ll vanish! Because it’s a smoke screen. What he says doesn’t add up.
And I believe that whilst he will take donations from his supporter base, whilst he’s happy to live a reasonable lifestyle off the generosity of others, ultimately what he stands for will make life worse for the people he says he’s representing.
And I’m going to throw down the gauntlet now Tommy. You’re obviously going to see this, you’re obviously going to hear about this. But if you are sure of what you believe in, if you do think what you’re saying about us is right, if you do actually believe the things you’ve said, come and debate me!
Now, I don’t think you will. And I think it’s a mixture of reasons why you won’t. I think on one hand you’re scared! On one hand you’re a big man when it comes to throwing around your fists.
But you’re a very little man when it comes to actually being challenged. I also think your handlers have never let it happen! Because we both know that you might be successful when it comes to throwing your fists around, when you come up against somebody like me.
But when it comes to ideas, when it comes to discussion, I would completely destroy you! I would completely humiliate you!
And many of your supporters after listening to somebody like me discussing these ideas, with somebody like you, would actually see the light.
And that’s what you’re really scared about, isn’t it Tommy? What you’re really afraid of is that people who listen to you would start listening to someone like me. Because I don’t give people an abridged version of the truth, a crooked version of the truth. I give them the whole truth! And you fear that. But more importantly, so do your handlers!
That’s all I’ve got to say for today. Thank you to everyone who’s listened. And remember, I’ve thrown down the gauntlet! I’m ready for a debate! Are you?
Thank you so much. And I’ll speak to you again soon.
[As of May 21, 2022]
7 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a Zionist, a Liberal and an anti-racist, he’s absolutely useless to us.
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7 days ago
The nose told me right away.
7 days ago
He’s also a massive cunt.
7 days ago
The fool doesn’t, or pretends not to, understand that racism is nothing more than a Jewish tool to demoralize White people, so they work against their self-interest.
6 days ago
((( Yaxley Lennon )))
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6 days ago
4 days ago
I would like to say he is a small path to PA. There has been a few to name who have been in his movement and has seen his lies and his facade and his pro-jewish ties and ran. I know a few who were supporters and loved his work against muslims but as time grew so did the bigger picture. Sure his name will be on the day of the rope but there are a lot more useless people out there.
7 days ago
Well said Mark, anyone with half a brain can see what Tommy is. Maybe he had good intentions when he started but he’s a coke head and an idiot that is a confirmed mossad agent. I don’t understand why anyone still pays any attention to him. If young nationalist men in this country want to look up to someone I hope they find you and not that subversive drug addict.
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7 days ago
The fool pretends to not understand that “racism” is nothing more than a Jewish tool to demoralize White people, so they work against their self-interest.
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7 days ago
‘Racism’ (and ‘racist’) is just an antiwhite slur meant to demonize us, meaning “evil Westmen who want to dominate / hurt nonwhite peoples”, and is the core concept of the antiwhite narrative that permeates every sphere of public life.
7 days ago
He’s terrified that people will see through his BS, wake up to the JQ and get on the side of real nationalism, like I did.
7 days ago
Tommy served a purpose, but now he needs to fade into oblivion and let PA save Britain!
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5 days ago
That’s the most pertinent comment of all.
7 days ago
I don’t really understand why Tommy feels such animosity towards PA. If you ask the average person about either Tommy fans or PA, they would probably equate both groups to “Nazis”. From the outside, both groups of people are racist and far right.
There are 2 explanations for Tommy’s views
, the most likely related to antisemitism and the defence of Jews, and the other is that he’s simply acting as a gatekeeper. He probably gets a lot of cash from being a friend to the chosen people, so I know where I’d put my money.
I think that Tommy is attempting to maintain the position of the Overton window. The majority of his fans don’t care too deeply about the finer points of nationalisation, and are just following the cues of their beloved leader.
Keep it up, Mark. We know Tommy is a charlatan.
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7 days ago
You can lead a horse to water, but good luck making him drink.
7 days ago
Tommy has be acquired by jews as an asset!
7 days ago
Probably because that’s just what he’s paid to do?
7 days ago
because hes bought and paid for by kikes?
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6 days ago
“Shalom” – The only word you really need to describe Tommy
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6 days ago
You don’t understand?? lol, are you not seeing what is happening? Tommy is controlled opposition.
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6 days ago
“Tommy” (Not his real name), Don’t care about mass migration!
As long as they are not Muslim!!
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7 days ago
Tommy is a Jew loving faggot. No one who supports the Jews will ever be genuinely Pro-White.
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7 days ago
he IS jewish
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1 day ago
“Tommy is a Jew loving faggot” This actually made me laugh out loud. Yes indeed he is. 1488 Brother.
7 days ago
Two other things. Firstly, Tommy is more of a “cult of personality” than a real political movement. Secondly, he wants to bring this down to the level of street fighting. Street brawling will certainly keep PA far away from real political power, and I think this is his (or his handlers) intention.
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7 days ago
Tommy has joined For Britain led by Marie Waters. A very strong leader. I wish all patriotic and nationalist groups could ban together and fight! For Britain wants to stop immigration to Britain.
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7 days ago
How far does For Britain go in their policy? Stop all immigration, all Islamic immigration? Details matter. Also, AMW is a Zionist, so you’ll never have perfect unity on the right, because this is a deal-breaker for many.
Worth noting that fragmentation is not an exclusively right wing thing, although the left may present a better outward united front. They infight light little bitches!
5 days ago
For Britain started attacking PA immediately they were formed. I used to be with For Britain but AMW is not a real nationalist and stopping immigration isn’t as high on the list as you would think. I’m certain she takes Zionist money and therefore cannot serve two masters and she would not choose the British as the winner as master.
5 days ago
Yes, never get in a fight with a chimney sweep.
7 days ago
Tommy is a disgrace with that response. He might as well join Hope not Hate.
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6 days ago
same people run him and HnH
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6 days ago
and Mark Collet
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6 days ago
yeah you say that but he is pretty open about the JQ. and offers genuine solutions where no one else does. seems like a win
7 days ago
Well said Mark. Stay classy. Let’s go PA.
7 days ago
Tommy is part of the problem. As are his low IQ supporters.
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6 days ago
as if PA supporters have higher IQs hahaha
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6 days ago
ok, which one are you? madfwaz unwashed, dione or alky chris?
7 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a disinformation agent and saboteur, in the vein of Lauren Southern and Richard Spencer, full stop.
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6 days ago
anyone i don’t like is a disinformation agent
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6 days ago
I would normally say you have done no research into the man or his past/affiliations.
I would normally say that, but your name is SchlomoShekelberg, so…….
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2 hours ago
it’s important to not label anyone that has a slightly different opinion as controlled opposition etc. But in this case i’ve seen robinson with an Israeli flag numorous times. Imo opinion he’s scetchy attacking a nationalist party instead of focusin on the foreign rape syndicates
7 days ago
Such a clown really isn’t he? Tommy and the #TommyHolics. Keeps everyone angry and focused on the RAPE gangs whilst hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants pour in every year, which we never asked about, and thousands of Illegals pouring in every month. And somehow makes a living out of it.
7 days ago
Come on now, we all know that Robinson is not a honest player. He is absolutely pro-Israel, absolutely controlled opposition.
If he can get Whites scrapping each other in the streets then he has done his job.
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5 days ago
well said
7 days ago
this ziocuck is just a distraction from the big picture, focusing on muslim migrants and protecting people who bring them in.
7 days ago
nah i reckon you’d take him physically too .. he’s a midget with a drug problem .. also weird how the electoral commission didnt take issue with the “aspire” party eh
7 days ago
Tommy is a thug. Most of his closest entourage are just lager louts. He talks about not wanting to be on the Front Line with us, well my friend, it takes more than being able to throw a punch when the real shit hits the fan. You need honour and integrity to face a real threat.
7 days ago
Great work Mark.
7 days ago
Good stuff, Mark
7 days ago
the reality is, is that he (or is handlers) fully know that excluding his loyalists, his entire audience are receptive to PAs message. He HAS to denounce you, because its just a matter of time before the remaining funding and activists get redirected to a genuine movement that isn’t outside of the odd documentary, just an endless cycle of punchups and grifting going up someone’s nose. The TR movement and those like it have always been designed from the ground up as pressure valves to keep the population away from an actual answer. and once a tipping is reached into revealing what TR truly is, that dam of civic nationalism is going to break.
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6 days ago
spot on lad!
7 days ago
he is such a coke head
7 days ago
It’s not enough that White people have to deal with the anti White system & all their biological weapons but coke fiend grifters like tammy rabbistein and his low IQ sycophants too
7 days ago
Well said Mark. He wants us solely focused on the Islamic symptoms of the subversive Zionist disease.
7 days ago
You’re too modest, mate. I reckon you’d drop him like a sack of shit.
After making him sweat and cry with your words first, of course.
7 days ago
Tommy thinks he’s such a hardnut but in reality the state made his life difficult, he buckled and now he’s a zionist fed. A loser, a traitor, pure scum of the earth. He’s worse than our enemies. Degenerate fraud and druggie.
These people have to be completely rejected and abandoned. Turncoat traitors are THE worst people to have around, especially when it’s all for the sake of money.
7 days ago
Tommy and his followers are pure filth.
7 days ago
Gatekeeper Tommy Robbingscum et al can’t keep the gate closed anymore. More and more good, decent people are waking up to his grift and lies, including his wife. The TR movement bring about tarnish and disrepute to any worthy cause that they highlight. They are worse than worthless to the real victims of grooming and other tragedies and they know it.
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5 days ago
Nailed it.
7 days ago
A lot of people in prison who attended Tommy events, asked for help, got completely abandoned, even though he may have started with good intentions, anyone looking into his past will see money has always been Tommy’s god.
7 days ago
What an absolutely perfect response. TR is just a little man with a big mouth. He clearly doee not care about British people. Superb work Mark.
7 days ago
If I have to hear this Zio-rat’s mid sentence “yeah” nervous tick one more time…
7 days ago
Is that Jew’s real last name Yoxley or something? He is a shapeshifter, no?
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7 days ago
Stephen Yaxley Lennon.
Yaxley and Lennon are English names.
Doesn’t mean anything though.
They’ve changed names before.
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6 days ago
You’re a Jew!
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6 days ago
6 days ago
Well don’t believe he is a Jew, he is just a sell-out and traitor to his own people.
Which is far worse in my opinion!
5 days ago
No, he’s just a thick Shabbos Goy.
7 days ago
Most people have caught to him and others like Richard Spencer. I think they are more like car crashes at this point you just can’t turn away
7 days ago
Sounds like PA has got a few people scared. Good.
7 days ago
Tommy’s followers should look up PAs plan for themselves, I’m sure most would be positive about it.
7 days ago
It looks to me like his movement isn’t growing. Young people are not going to be attracted to something that has an 80s football hooligan mentality.
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7 days ago
As someone who’s younger i can tell you that people my age have absolutely no interest in the whole Tommy rabbistein/edl grift, it’s a politically hollow non ideological cult of personality movement of fat drunken 50yo conservatives who worship a zionist midget.
Radical ideals, activism, powerful aesthetics and youthful energy are what attracts young men and women to Nationalism.
The Will2Rise/WN 3.0 stuff is a prime example of what im talking about.
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5 days ago
I’m a 90s-born Millennial, I vividly remember Tommy Robinson and the EDL enjoying popularity among right-leaning people who were just a couple of years older than me when the whole counter-Jihad thing was in full swing. Ranting and raving about things like halal meat, Sharia Law, Muslim women in burkas, Muslims having loads of kids and being on benefits, terrorist attacks like Lee Rigby’s murder, and of course the rape gangs after the trial of the Rochdale gang became headline news. This was before deplatforming, so lots of this stuff used to get shared on Facebook. The EDL used to have marches and regular confrontations with an organised group called Unite Against Fascism (UAF), that was before “Antifa” became a thing. Over time though, it seems to have become a Boomer thing.
The same with Britain First.
I can’t imagine the neocon/anti-JIslam crap being that appealing to today’s 20-year-olds. That was very much a 00s and early 10s thing. The post 9/11 years, Iraq, etc.
5 days ago
Tommy Robinson is getting too old to be larping as a football hooligan. The man is going to be 40 this year. It might’ve impressed people when he was in his 20s and early 30s, but a middle-aged man fighting on the streets looks cringe. It’s not even like he looks good for his age. He’s not muscular or anything.
7 days ago
The lying little pip squeak is just another useful idiot for the tribe that want our people replaced, all talk and no solution.
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5 days ago
Well said.
7 days ago
Tommy is not a good person. He has hatred in his heart. Don’t associate with him, especially as long as he isn’t clean and recovered from his obvious problem.
7 days ago
tommy shekelstein practically admits in his own video that his followers will go to P.A if given equal footing therefore “if yous cum to me pub crawl yous is gettin beatins simple as”
I thought he had fucked off to spain… or was it the US? who knows? trouble with cokeheads is that they’re very unpredictable.
7 days ago
It’s even earlier here in Australia. We’re due to become a minority by about 2035. Or were at least. Last time I checked.
Show 3 replies
7 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a Zio-shill anti-white conman who is protecting his lucrative little income stream. Anyone who detects anything else in his podcast is beyond saving.
7 days ago
Tommy Rabenstein – jew zionist fuckpig
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7 days ago
Shalommy RubHands’son
7 days ago
Tommy vs Mark on the Killstream, make it happen!!
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7 days ago
The killstream support civic nationalism and are nothing but wiggers. Why do you support what Tommy supports through the killstream?
7 days ago
What a great week for PA. You know you are on the right team when you are disavowed by that oaf. Are we meant to believe that not a single one of Tommys supporters has ever said a naughty word in the pub? Did he just attempt to take the moral high ground and side with the MSM? How utterly nonsensical.
7 days ago
Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. It’s all you need to know.
7 days ago
The one thing that you have to ask Tommy, is that if he truly is concerned about grooming gangs – whether or not this issue is going to improve or get x100 worse as the demographics change.
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5 days ago
I actually don’t think he does care much.
One of the criticisms he gets from many people on the left about the issue (and it is correct) is that he risked fucking up the trials of the rapists by breaking reporting restrictions for the purposes of self-aggrandizement. That’s what he was (rightfully) jailed for. He would’ve undoubtedly had access to legal advice on it, but ignored it. There’s a reason why the Daily Mail etc disables comments when a trial is ongoing, and they keep the reporting basic. A good lawyer could’ve got them off.
I really hate how Tommy Robinson gets credit for “exposing” grooming gangs. He never did fuck all. The BNP were talking about the issue way back in the early 00s, before they became mainstream knowledge and they were being prosecuted for it. Hell, leftists like Sara Rowbotham who went against the grain did 100x more to expose the gangs than anyone like Tommy.
5 days ago
it’s quite a grift system he has. Funnel people who would be attracted to real nationalism down a harmless route; get imprisoned to enrage them against the ‘injustice’ of his supposed persecution; encourage his followers that we’re all the same and racism isn’t the answer… rinse, repeat
7 days ago
TR is controlled opposition.
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6 days ago
PA is controlled opposition
7 days ago
Robinstine looks like he’s been on the old drugs again .
7 days ago
Limelight Tommy who scared to debate PA but instead cause’s division! I use to donate to this little wrongun until I realized his handled by J’s! :illuminati_1:
7 days ago
Ive probably been down the same path as a lot of you watching this video – Zeitgeist movie, Alex Jones, Sargon, Tommy Robinson etc and eventually someone who tells the truth no matter the consequences…. Mark Collett. Ive met Mark and PA on a few occasions and can 100% say he’s a genuinely good guy who cares about this country. Honestly, give him and PA a chance, they are good people and Sam is a really down to earth, easy going guy. The most probable reason you might not like what Mark is saying because you dont like to hear the truth.
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7 days ago
That, and don’t want to hurt nonwhite feels. Brits are well-known for their politeness. Not all Brits are that way but it IS a thing and has been for a long time. Brits have to learn to not give a damn about being rude, “racist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic” (i.e. truthful) and just put the BRAKES on the agenda.
7 days ago
Well said.
7 days ago
Tommy now trusts the MSM, apparently.
6 days ago
Tommy Robinson is the very definition of controlled opposition and a release value.
7 days ago
I watched the young Mark yesterday in ‘Young, Nazi and Proud’ looking a bit shaken when that weasel revealed himself as an ‘undercover journalist’. But just look at how Mark came back from that to be the intellectual powerhouse he is today. This speech gave me goosebumps. Good luck PA! Will send some crypto soon.
7 days ago
Tommy is an Israeli shill. Tommy counters you because he’s not there to stop White genocide. He’s there to further it!
7 days ago
Its like night & day. There is ZERO comparison – Tommy Robinson is an absolute cunt. He doesn’t stand for us, he’s grifting off the outrage. PA & Mark Collett is THE genuine article, a real,straight & true English gentleman.
7 days ago
“If you oppose grooming gangs”
2006 Collett prosecuted over grooming gang related criticisms. Not guilty.
(Only in )2009 Robinson founds and starts to lead the EDL
6 days ago
Fake nationalists like Tommy Robinson are disgusting. He is a lying grifter who is selling white people false hope and wasting our resources on his own luxury or Israel. He is very similar to Trump.
7 days ago
“Whoooa Talmud Tommy…..Talmud, Talmud, Talmud Tommy Robinson…..”
7 days ago
The ending was brutal by Mark, but entirely justified. This video was absolutely necessary given that TR is just one big lump-walking distraction from the real issues, such as demographic change.
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7 days ago
PA do a much better job fighting against grooming by getting to the root of the problem.
7 days ago
The only good thing tommy does is expose the paki grooming gangs. He’s basically a leftist that just screams nazi at anyone on the right. Nothing triggers him more than european nationalists.
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5 days ago
He doesn’t “expose the Paki grooming gangs” either. He uses them for self-aggrandizing content creation when they’ve already been prosecuted and brought to trial, risking the collapse of their trials.
Leftists (yes, leftists) like Sara Rowbotham and the BNP in the 2000s did more to expose Paki grooming gangs. The latter got charged for inciting racial/religious hatred for it, although they were fortunately found not guilty.
6 days ago
Tommy Robinson defends his jewish paymasters with 100x the vigor his defense of White British girls
7 days ago
EFFING Great video. This is how a true knight calls people out.
7 days ago
Judas Robinson
7 days ago
T R is a fraud. Whatever his reasons, the fact is he attracts boneheads and trouble and does the nationalist cause harm.
7 days ago
Tommy Robinson is such a puke. Total controlled opposition. No matter how he frames his message, as long as “diversity” is something he upholds …his ideological view for Britain’s future is consistent with (and in support of) Whites being a (hated) minority very soon. How these types get by with their deceptions is beyond me, because you don’t really have to be high IQ to see through them.
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5 days ago
Because Tommy Robinson himself is low IQ. He’s never been remotely intellectual. He’s a chav thug with a criminal record (not all for “activism” related crimes) longer than the Great Wall of China. His appeal was always the “gutsy pseudo-football hooligan ready to fight on the streets” and he was easy to control with cash and coke.
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5 days ago
Good synopsis.
6 days ago
well said Mark. this little weasel shekelstein is just a gatekeeper and very useful to system. its the only reason he gets the attention and funding that he does.
keep pushing. they fear the JQ, it explains so mamy things
6 days ago
Tommy is being exposed as a weak fence sitter, there is no middle ground here or compromise these people need to be expelled from our lands for our safety and survival.
6 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a lying scumbag.
6 days ago
Scummy Robinson
6 days ago
Cannot believe I ever admired that guy, and I genuinely did for a time.
What a fucking fraud he is.
PA all the way. Leave Tommy to see football songs and cheer the 80% black ‘England’ team.
An Absolute Moron.
7 days ago
I used to like Mark very much before the Tommy hit-piece, now I absolutely love him. Full homo.
7 days ago
As a victim of illegal migrant rape, one of the biggest issues I have with Tommy Robinson and his fans is that he concentrates solely on Muslims and he is very pro Indians. My perpetrator has been located in India so he is likely Indian. Sure, he could be a Muslim, but who asks during a rape, ‘hey, tell me something. Are you a Muslim?’ Nobody does that. I observe that the rapist was brown skinned. That is how I described him to the police the police who allowed him to rape me for politically correct reasons when they could have prevented it. And then all his followers tell me that the rapist MUST have been a Muslim. The only person who would know this is the rapist. They then get offended when I describe him as Asian. Because Tommy actually has a lot of Asian fans. And they follow him and try to force shutdown of discussion of Asians being rapists instead trying to pass it off as only Muslims. They may be correct. BUT as I said, we don’t ask their religion as we get raped. All we know is that the rapist was Asian. The Asian population needs to learn to cope with that. And do something about it.
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6 days ago
I remember you from your interview with The Angry Forreigner. Hope you are doing well. I agree with what you say. Rape is rampant in India. Horrible cases.
7 days ago
Very good video, Mark.
Tommy can make his threats; they’re meaningless.
You ended the video perfectly.
All he has are straw-men, goal-post moves and countless other fallacies.
He has no idea how to have a debate, and he knows how badly he would lose if he tried (as do his handlers).
I’d like to see him pick on someone like Markus (Golden One), or any of the younger members of the dissident Right.
Many of us have spent much time learning how to defend ourselves and training to be stronger, specifically because we understand that living in this world is dangerous — not only because of our views
, but simply because we are Europeans.
7 days ago
Power to PA!
7 days ago
Tommy Rabbison.
7 days ago
Tommy’s whole zio-glo-ho grift operation exists entirely to draw people away from real Nationalist groups, like PA.
PA is a direct threat to Tommy’s personal income/coke fund and to his standing with his MI5 handlers. It’s no surprise he has something to say about PA’s attendance.
PA makes Tommy’s mob look like the football hooligans-turned state assets they are.
5 days ago
Mark would BTFO Tommeh Shekelstein in a debate…
6 days ago
Tommy is a fuckin scheister. Sorry you gotta deal with that walking psyop over there.
6 days ago
On the one hand one might say, why show up at the dolt Tommy Robinson’s events? On the other hand, I give credit to the PA activists for trying to raise awareness at an event where at least a few might be responsive. Tommy and goons wouldn’t dare throw a punch at ANTIFA, but they’ll throw one at nationalists because they know the system protects the former and not the latter.
6 days ago
let’s get one thing straight: tommy robinson is NOT(!) a hardman lol. anyone who’s seen him in action knows this. he talks the talk; that’s it – he’s got a gob.
6 days ago
Tommy Robinson may have originally been genuine, but I am absolutely certain that he is now bought and paid for.
At this point he seems to hate white English people more than he hates grooming gangs. Why would he be against English people turning up to fight against grooming gangs? Totally the wrong priorities.
6 days ago
I am ashamed I once supported that fraud. They should have raped him in jail.
7 days ago
all tommy robinson does is con oeople out of money so he can buy stone island clothing and of course hes also backed and funded by Israelis just like the EDL was FACT
7 days ago
the lads tommeh and his 100 drunktards bums scared off were just GD young men.the PA men make tommeh an his coke head dossers look like girls
7 days ago
Tommy is such a lying little bitch
7 days ago
Tommoshe Rabbistein spent 2 million on BMWs and CP Company fits? Tell me it ain’t so?
7 days ago
Robinson and Jimmy Saville, ultra zionist arse kissers! Robinson would destroy the UK for thirty pieces of silver.
7 days ago
joo joo cum for Tommy
7 days ago
I bet Nick Griffin wasn’t there.
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5 days ago
Has Nick Griffin cucked? In his post-BNP years, I can’t ascertain what exactly he believes in. He doesn’t seem to like Mark or PA, he’s slated the “alt-right”, but last I heard, he was working with Jayda Fransen whose positions on issues like race are ambiguous.
6 days ago
Is he really that dense? (dunce) and blinkered as to not actually see what the truth is?? Then one can only surmise, he is most definitely controlled by other elements!
6 days ago
Tommy has sold his soul. Each man has his price…
6 days ago
Tommy is a mere pressure valve and his cronies who haven’t worked that out yet are daft. He offers no real world solutions like PA does. Tommy will lose many followers to PA who will inevitably only use him as stepping stone once they realise he is a dead end shekel collecting stooge.
7 days ago
And that is how you school a Tommeh!!
7 days ago
tommy you are a hard man that shills for jews and a shame to your ppl.
7 days ago
fuck me is this dirty kike still about
7 days ago
You can lead a horse to water, but good luck making him drink.
4 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a Zionist controlled puppet who never stops talking about Muslims but never talks about who is behind bringing them in, he knows all to well is not just a Religious problem, Multiracial/Multicultural societies don’t work and it’s the reason for white flight, white people do not want to live as a minority around Africans and Asians, OBVIOUSLY, Tommy promotes the ethnic and cultural replacement of Britons, he’s the enemy of the native Britons, the whole anti Muslim game is a distraction
5 days ago
I used to like and support Tommy Robinson, especially when he was in and out of prison, but the way he turned on Mark Collet the minute he got out of prison at the behest of his jewish handlers, with no provocation, was disgusting and pathetic. He’s also doubled down since and I’ve lost all respect for Robinson. I’m sure the “hard man” image is a fraud too, the filmed altercations I’ve seen him in, just before getting money from info wars, looked very fake and amateurishly rigged. Now I just see him as a total fraud.
6 days ago
6 days ago
Tommy will go out there and say he cares about the grooming gang problem but then he’ll attack those actually wanting to put a stop to the foreigners doing this. He is a toothless civnat that him and his ilk will never actually solve the problems currently plaguing the UK
7 days ago
lol conservatives are the same everywhere. Just disgusting cowards.
3 days ago
Great job Mark Fighting the Controlled Opposition for years
5 days ago
well said mark
5 days ago
tommy is off the mark here, and his handlers are pro-israel, but overall tommy has done good work. Im sure if spent time with Mark, he would see eye to eye.
5 days ago
Well said, Mark.
It’s obvious Tommy Robinson is gatekeeping. He’s been doing that for a long time, trying to poison the well of people who have better ideas than him, etc. Nothing new there. He’s a self-aggrandizing grifter pure and simple, the fact he’s not intellectual in the slightest (and never has been) means he’s easy for his handlers to control. We all know that he – and they – have been quick to make persona non grata people who talk to the “wrong” people. Shazia Hobbs and James Goddard come to mind.
The problem for Tommy is that his relevance is fading rapidly. The political scene in 2022 is nothing like it was when neoconservatism and groups like the EDL were at their height a decade ago. The left has become more explicitly anti-white and racial in ways they weren’t back in 2009. The growth of BLM is just one example of that. What is the answer of people like TR to that? Ranting about Sharia law, burkas, and halal meat? It can’t be blamed on an alien religion. Pushing civic nationalist garbage and token ‘based’ Sikhs, blacks, and whatever will quickly lose its lustre. At some people, the white people who would follow the likes of Tommy Robinson will just feel their message is inadequate.
PA and its ideas will grow in relevance over time. Not quickly enough and there will be a lot of opposition along the way (unfortunately), but white identity politics are inevitable.
6 days ago
An excellent expose.
Tommy has shown his true colours, and it seems he prefers to keep taking the shekels.
6 days ago
Tommy loves mass migration, as long as they are not Muslim!
That is his logic!!
So, all the Black crime in the West, is not a problem I guess, unless they are Muslim!
Anyway, the purpose of people like “Tommy”, is to make sure that NO real white nationalism will ever become strong!
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5 days ago
Then why say that he wants Saudi women to all move here?
6 days ago
This was awesome!
7 days ago
“Tommy Robinson” is not really his name. I wonder if “Tommy” is a member of the (((tribe))). Either way, how can he be against mass rape of young white girls in Britain if he is not against the nonwhite invaders committing the crimes?
7 days ago
“Tommeh” can’t support an org critical of (aherm…) his people
7 days ago
Hey Mark, could you go through this video of Jayda Fransen’s? It’s mostly critical of Tommy (very harsh criticism) but she is also mentioning you and PA in this video (not a lot of criticism but some)
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7 days ago
Doesn’t benefit us to even acknowledge her. The hand has been extended to these people, and it has been slapped away. Better to focus on the so called “bigger fish” like Tommy. His people once tried to ignore us but he has been forced to acknowledge us and are all now terrified of our growth.
3 days ago
Many have said Tommy works for MI5, so he will follow the orders he is given. MI5 infilrates all groups that aid to destabilize the Status Quo of the UK.
4 days ago
These “right-wing” liberals always signal more against the proper right than against the left.
They are anti-White, zionist, and ultimately are the left’s best friends.
Not in the least because they’re usually total lolcows and low IQ idiots, aswell as grifters and overall bad people, that the left can easily point towards as a bad example of “the right”. It’s these people’s behaviour that proper right-wingers then get associated with, an easy target for propaganda.
4 days ago
Tommy is a coward and a Zionist P.O.S.
5 days ago
Absolutely superb demolition of this jumped up little puppet. I reckon you’d wipe the floor with him both inside and outside of the ring, BRING IT ON! Tommy is a hero to the kind of pub politicians of the littlejohn school of thought, putting the world to rights with pints in their hands yet crying like babies when their football team gets relegated. Well done again brother Mark.
5 days ago
I remember at Tommeh demos him throwing people his supporters under the bus when the police were attacking them and they acted in self defence he said he doesn’t condone violence and he doesn’t want people like that in his movement what a hypocrite also when I attended his demos the amount of racial slurs I heard were unbelievable he’s a complete libtard
5 days ago
but coak
6 days ago
Tommy’s just a scumbag who doesn’t care about britain or white people. He turns the outrage to the invasion of the west, into support to those promoting it.
6 days ago
a response to drug addicts
6 days ago
Everyone should know by now that Robinson is on the payroll. He’s an absolute scumbag that is a traitor to his nation.
6 days ago
Fighting talk there Marko! Come on Rabenstein let’s have you
6 days ago
If he realy cared about helping people he would put aside disagreements and embrace all groups wanting the same objective.
6 days ago
I don’t believe in the sorts of political solutions proposed by PA, neither do I believe the ones handling Robinson will ever allow political solutions. Because political solutions are solutions. They like where things are going and they aren’t going to let a patriotic upstart ruin their plans. I am as concerned about the little man/woman in Britain as I am with them here in America, because the poor white slave in both Britain and America are my kinsmen: not English, not German, not Irish, but a tribe or people type – the Celt and the Germanic: two sides of the same coin. I care about them, whether they be in Birmingham, UK or Birmingham, AL. and I see no political resolution. The only resolution is far more profound.
That being said, I do applaud Mark for calling Robinson’s tactics what they are. TR is transparent…, at least to those with open eyes. And I also applaud the pressure for a structured debate: I would add: Moderated, Timed, w/ a clearly stated thesis vs anti-thesis. But “structured,” I’m sure, implies that. No one in the world of electronic ethereal existence wants to participate in highly visible structured moderated debates. That is very telling, in that the debate format is the best vehicle in which an onlooker can readily weigh the strengths and weaknesses of one’s argument. Who on earth, rather than someone hiding something, wouldn’t want to participate in such a debate?
7 days ago
Shalommy RubHands’son
7 days ago
Tommy is good at what he does and he has the stubbornness to go with it, but when it comes big thinking he’s just a bit dim.
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7 days ago
He’s not even good at what he does.
He’s turned the anti grooming gang political issue into a ineffectual embarrassment and a personal grift operation.
He exists to do nothing but make money and act like a low iq moron so that the media can associate his shitshow with us actual ideological Nationalists. All the negativity that surrounds Nationalism is purely down to this zionist shill being an embarrassment and then having the bad reputation which his zio-civnats have earned for themselves shifted onto us.
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6 days ago
“genuine” nationalists are just as low IQ as nationlist lite. You’re birds of the same feather.
6 days ago
Mark, your favourite book is “Mein Kampf.” You’ll drag down British nationalism as long as you are associated with it.
Tommy, however, is just a stupid, shit magnet grifter.
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5 days ago
Great Book, great Author.
7 days ago
Does anyone else feel like Mark overexplains really basic talking points. Wish he would make an effort to be more concise or at least talk faster.
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7 days ago
Tbf this video is aimed for Tommys moron fans. He needs to speak slowly and overexplain things for them.
7 days ago
you are all as bad as each other!
4 days ago
Your example here of him being for mass immigration isn’t the best example. I’ve said the same thing as Tommy myself and as a bit of a joke but it’s also quite serious in respect to things like when feminists insist that unlimited males can come from these areas. If anything you would give all the women refugee status.
As far as I’m concerned both you and Tommy have a few issues here and there which isn’t particularly strange.
4 days ago
Robinson and Hoffa need to meet
5 days ago
didnt he call a taxi driver a ‘paki cunt’ during a video when he was full of columbian marching powder? cant remember what country he was in but it went viral and he made an apology video when he got home. Must have cost him a few shekels.
5 days ago
Excellent response Mark. Is it possible people can start using tommy robinson’s real/legal name please?. No it isn’t yaxley lennon, his legal name in the UK is Paul Harris. That is the name legally recognised by the metropolitan police & the government and civil servants in Westminster. proof is available in two places. google his court case for using fake passport , the court record shows the judge stated he knew stephen yaxley lennon was not his real name, but he was left with no choice but to sentence him under it. The judge knew it was fake but broke the law sentencing him with it. The second proof is on video and is even more damning. It shows former UKIP MEP Janice Atkinson & a Met police officer use the name Paul Harris and confirmed by tommy to gain access to 10 Downing Street to deliver a petition in support of soldier X. You cannot simply turn up at downing st to deliver a petition, you must first supply in writing proof of identity of everyone attending and provide photographic proof at the gate before being permitted in. ALL this info is available online. So we have a judge breaking the law, an ex MEP, a Met Police officer breaking the law but we also have whomever deals with these matters within government allowing laws to be broken by a convicted criminal. I reckon Mr Paul Harris is on the payroll of the home office or SIS.
link to Judge statement (ironically in the morning star)
and the video of met officer accepting passport in namr of paul harris and saying paul a few seconds later. pay attention from around 25 mins in.
5 days ago
A piece of constructive criticism from an anon. Attempting to reason with people only works on a tiny minority who are open to being reasoned with in the first place. Someone like “Tommy” is particularly easy to deal with using a little realpolitik. The guy is such an obvious fraud and shill that you don’t even have to look hard to BTFO him. Just post montages of his donors and the other things they fund. Harp on Mr. Yaxley-Lennon’s double barreled name and his giant piles of cash, how his pretense of being “just one of the lads” is laughable. Post montages of the hundreds of times he’s begged for money for assorted self-inflicted drama. Etc, etc. The guy’s a walking disaster, digging up dirt on him is childishly simple. Use that like our friends in the small hats would.
On the IRL front please for the love of God do not allow yourselves to be pushed out of events. It makes you look like weak cucks and absolutely crushes your credibility with normies. Round up some wignat bros willing to take one for the team and get disavowed to beat up Tommy’s “lads” and impose your presence. Don’t let these jewish shills highjack our bread and butter issues. Don’t do the principled losing thing of mainstream gatekeeper controlled opposition. We’re not gonna get what we want by playing nice. A lot of lads are gonna have to get hurt, go to prison and even die if we ever expect to get anywhere. It took the leftists decades of getting beat up by cops, jailed and spied on by the feds to get what they wanted and if those pussies can do it then what exactly is our excuse?
InB4 “hurr durr fedposting about violence”. I’m not suggesting going around machine-gunning minorities while throwing Roman salutes, just defending ourselves and our right to speak and gather publicly. Nobody respects some tiny powerless minority of cranks that gets bullied out of a protest. Insist on your right to protest whatever you wish and defend yourselves against these jewish mercenaries if necessary.
5 days ago
BLOODY WELL SAID MARK, We all need 2 share this, so his supporters can c what treacherous detestable little man Tommy REALLY is!
5 days ago
I do love Hitler and hate the Jay that wrecked our White countries
5 days ago
How these people think.
Sending non-Whites back to their own nations to live among their own people: “that’s evil, that’s ethnic cleansing”.
Actually dispossessing & ethnically cleansing Native Brits: crickets
Just one point that I thought you maybe missed when talking about how you want to reverse the demographic change & integration & all that. It should be made clear that we want Britain to be unashamedly run in the interests of native Brits, as is supposed to be the case, & any minorities should either have to deal with that or are welcome to leave on their own accord. One of the reasons the West is such a cancer right now is because it puts religious, racial, & sexual minorities over that of the majority, the majority who these civilizations actually belong to. You’re not going to uphold a strong, healthy civilization when you deprive, demonize, & discriminate against the majority.
And I know why it’s like this, it’s because of a certain minority out-group who holds immense power over the minds & thoughts of the West through their dominance over media & academia, a people who are naturally going to create a societal narrative where minorities like them should be protected & put first & foremost.
5 days ago
Had nowhere else to post this. If anyone shits on Watership Down I’m gonna flip the fuck out.
6 days ago
6 days ago
6 days ago
If the right wing cant even get on with the right wing- how do you propose that you will convince centrists and leftists?
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5 days ago
The left is as broad as the right. Many people on the left, depending on what issues they care about, are potentially more amenable to Nationalist ideas than the right, and quite frankly, are higher quality than many people on the right. Let’s face it, there’s lots of low IQ reactionaries and all-round morons and intellectual cowards with no vision on the right.
6 days ago
Oh and btw, check this out:
7 days ago
If the UK is by now down to about 80% white, then I don’t see the logic in saying we want a minimum majority of 95%. That means 15% still has to go. If we could reduce the non-white population by that much, then why not make a clean sweep of it?
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7 days ago
Yeah 15% have to go. easy.
7 days ago
Rather than being forcefully deported, they can be incentivized to return to their own ancestral homelands. If the “gibs” are suddenly all dried up for them in Britain yet there are gibs aplenty to self-deport, watch how quickly Britain can regain her demographic White supermajority!
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7 days ago
I was about to say the same thing, but it’s actually unnecessary.
If the make-up of the country was to go ahead with 95%, the public attitude and environment to the last 5% would be unfavourable.
They’d more than likely leave of their own accord — especially considering they’d be entitled to zero societal benefits.
However, I do agree that there shouldn’t be any left to potentially breed and form parallel societies or opposing groups.
This is something that could be decided later if PA’s current plan came to pass.
I fully support PA, but I don’t personally think what they’re doing will work.
They should continue to focus on recruiting, whilst pushing forwards into politics.
However, they may eventually need to shift to secession, rather than take-over.
The Democratic system is gone, as-well as the ability to speak freely within it, so voting our way out is looking to be impossible.
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6 days ago
You’re talking about kicking innocent people out of their homes and property, moron! get your head checked.
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6 days ago
The ones who’d be kicked out would not be innocent. Rapists and other criminals for a start. And just kicking out everyone who’d committed a deportable offence would make quite a dent in the non-white population. Apart from that, many would repatriate themselves once the environment became sufficiently unsupportive: abolition of ‘equal opportunities’ and all ‘anti-racist’ legislation, reform of the benefits system, no more family members allowed to enter Britain, an end to politically correct policing etc. I could go on but you get the idea. What’s not to like?
6 days ago
We are also innocent people loosing our homes and country! And right to exsist!
What about that??
And those homes and property was give to them by the British people in the first place!
5 days ago
So? They or their families left their own homelands to live in a completely new country. Whether it was by choice or not is immaterial. They can do the same when they’re repatriated with a wad of cash to get started with their new lives.
It’s not like there isn’t historical precedence for repatriation. It was a mainstream Tory view a few decades ago too.
Uganda gave their Asian population 90 days to pack their bags and GTFO in the 1970s. It worked. I don’t propose anything as drastic as that, something more gradual. For cost and logistics reasons as well as to maintain political and social stability. Mass immigration + demographic change didn’t happen overnight, reversing it won’t either. If it takes, 10, 20, 30 years, so be it.
As for their “property” – I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of eminent domain/compulsory purchasing orders? The state already has the right to force me to sell my house to them if they need the land for infrastructural or whatever reasons. They’ve done that with HS2. I don’t see how the same can’t be applied in a repatriation scenario. None of us are libertarians here.
Agreements can be reached with their home countries. Many of these people will be an asset to their homelands (especially the educated/skilled people) and they’ll able to live like kings/queens.
5 days ago
The 5% minority population would include mixed-race people (I don’t think it’s unreasonable to exclude those with a British parent or grandparents etc from repatriation), exceptionally talented people, people over the age of 60 who have lived all or nearly all their lives in Britain, those few non-white populations who genuinely have been in Britain for several generations, like the Liverpool black community.
At 5% they have no prospect of outbreeding us and virtually no political/cultural power. The likelihood of miscegenation will increase but over time non-white genes will be diluted in the gene pool anyway. Is it a big deal down the line if someone is 1/8 black, Indian, Chinese etc? No. It won’t even be visible in 99% cases. Not unless you’re a one-drop rule sperg.
In fact, to be honest, if we could get our demographics back to roughly where they were in the 1960s/70s, things would be fine. I believe Britain was still over 95% white then, so there’d be no need to repatriate, say, the Windrushers. You can look up footage of London and Birmingham in the 70s and still see virtually all-white streets.
The bulk of the demographic mess comes from the early 1990s onward. Under John Major and especially Tony Blair, immigration numbers rocketed to the hundreds of thousands per annum.
It’s critical mass that’s a problem.
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4 days ago
You seem to believe that if we can just turn the clock back a bit then we will avoid getting into the same mess a second time. If so you are ignoring the fact that immigration didn’t just happen, it was willed.
7 days ago
Where do I find the original Tommy video?
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
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