[Devon Stack, aka Black Pilled, gives a very good explanation on how the (((usual suspects))) have manipulated us through mass media to break down society via females and sex.
Black Pilled
The Benefits of No Attachments
May 27, 2019
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Published on May 27, 2019
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The Benefits of No Attachments
135,123 views May 27, 2019 My book “Day of the Rope” IS BACK, while you still can!
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Friends with benefits. You know, that’s a cute term that the people in marketing came up with to sell the kind of behavior that is usually common among mammals, like bonobos, hyenas, and rats. Repurpose this behavior for a new target species that the people upstairs insist will be much, much easier to manage if they behave more like, well, monkeys, dogs, and rats.
The problem is that despite the successful attempts to implement widespread availability of contraceptives and engineer a sharp decline in church attendance through constant mockery and social shaming, one of their greatest achievements of all, of course, we can’t forget the complete normalization of infanticide. [abortion].
You see, there’s still, after all of these achievements, there were still portions of the population that seemed a little resistant to these efforts to undermine the power structure of the family unit, which is absolutely crucial if you want to dissolve the mechanism that people use, the mechanism in which Christian values are preserved and propagated through a society.
These values are what always get in your way. That’s what’s always opposing your plan as these Western Christian values. So you have to go after the source. You have to dissolve the mechanism that preserves and propagates this wrongthink. Especially if you want to reduce people to one size fits all consumers, debt slaves, or, I’m sorry, individuals who individually all want the exact same things. Exactly the way you tell them they want it. And most importantly, these individuals, they have no real connections with each other. You see, groups are dangerous!
A few nonconformists here and there. They don’t pose a threat. In fact, they can serve as useful examples to the larger group who will see how isolating it is to be different, how powerless these people are, these loners.
But not if they’re able to group together. That can’t be tolerated. There can’t be anything that ties the individuals together.
There can only be one bond, one single unbreakable bond. And that is the Bond between all these satellite individuals. The Bond between these automatons and the will and the desires of the people upstairs.
The most important Bond to break, to create these rootless wandering automatons, the root of all bonds, the foundation that needs cracking the Bond between man and woman!
What a marvelous success this project has been in the last few decades. Even the people upstairs are blushing. Who would have imagined that this bond would be so easy to sabotage? Well, the people upstairs knew. After all, their master had showed them exactly how to do it. The bond between Adam and Eve that kept them in paradise was easily undermined simply by manipulating Eve. Their master taught them a long time ago to get what you want, you don’t have to manipulate the men, you simply manipulate the women. And once they’re compromised, they’ll manipulate the men for you
The people in research, they ran focus groups and discovered that men had the foresight and the reasoning capabilities to see the problems with socially deregulating the sexual marketplace, and turning it into a free-for-all.
Boys, of course, are completely different story. Boys, not men, are so hopped up on hormones and biologically hardwired to want all the casual monkey sex they can get their hands on. Boys aren’t a problem, but boys don’t make the rules. Men make the rules.
And men instinctively want to protect their women, especially if they have daughters. They understand they have to preserve the regulation of the marketplace.
By making sex this impersonal thing, the same thing as playing a video game with a friend, it ruins women.
So the people upstairs were going to have to necessarily first manipulate the women, who would then, once compromised, manipulate the men.
If they could pull this off. Eventually. There wouldn’t be any men! Once women were on board, the boys with a steady diet of meaningless dopamine without the pesky bonding with women, or the reproductive process that often pushed these boys into being men. These boys could just be led around by their testicles for the rest of their lives. No problem. And just exist in this perpetual state of arrested development.
The guys down in research. They ran focus group after focus group. And it seemed that even though they had been wildly successful in their other efforts to manipulate women into treating their reproductive organs as some kind of malady that needed to be treated with regular medication. And their children as some kind of parasite that had to be violently exterminated with surgical instruments, as quickly as possible, so they didn’t get in the way of their trip to Cancun. There was still a lingering instinct that women seemed to be clinging to.
They had this idea that there was something emotionally connecting about sex. Which was confusing, because they had already jumped on board the feminism train. It didn’t make any sense. These girls have been programmed from an early age to believe they were either identical, or superior to men. Certainly they could enjoy sex the same way that men did, with the same detachment. Anything men could do, they could do!
It just had to be marketed better and given a catchy name rebranding instead of “whoring around”, it would be called “friends with benefits”. That just has a much nicer ring than being a complete slut.
The people upstairs, they loved this new slogan, this “friends with benefits”. It was the perfect rebranding. So they gave the people in marketing an unlimited budget. So being creative really wasn’t all that necessary when it came to manipulating women. And to be fair, being creative is rarely necessary when it comes to manipulating women. That’s why fashion magazines fundamentally haven’t changed since the invention of fashion magazines. And why every romantic comedy is interchangeable with every other romantic comedy.
Romantic comedy, “that’s brilliant” said the boys in marketing. So they got to work on not one, but two movies they could use to manipulate women into getting on board with this whole “friends with benefits” thing.
The first one they would call “Friends with Benefits”. I told you, they don’t have to be creative. And the second one they would call, “Friends with Benefits”.
“Oh, come on!” said the men upstairs:
“Women are easy to trick. We can have two movies with the exact same story pushing the exact same message. But for God’s sake, man, they can’t have the exact same name!”
And so one of these scripts, and I’m actually not kidding, this unironically happened. They renamed to “No Strings Attached”.
“Love it!”
Said the people upstairs.
“So what’s the story about?
Said the people in marketing.
“No, that’s not how this works! Women don’t care about stories. Why do you think every romantic comedy has essentially the exact same story? They care about status!”
And in 2011, the two men with arguably the highest status in the sexual marketplace are Ashton Kutcher, and Justin Timberlake. Bam! Done! This propaganda is already paying for itself. Without knowing anything else about this film, women will line up and buy enough tickets to make us millions.
So what about the men? Presumably, men will see these movies, too, even if some of them are being forced to see it on a date. Who are two women that every man in 2011, wants to have sex with, but who aren’t so hot that it will piss off the women in the audience? Just hot enough for the neurotic women to delusionally think they can relate to them? How about Natalie Portman, and Mila Kunis? Done and done!
Okay, so now we know that the women will come and see the movie because they want to see Justin Timberlake, or Ashton Kutcher, and they want to be Natalie Portman or Mila Kunis.
So now with all these women in the audience, all we have to do is just normalize the casual hookup culture by having all of the women in the film behave like teenage boys.
And then to really sell it, we have the men in the movie behave like neurotic, promiscuous women.
But why do that? Why? Why have the women in the film always be the ones that want to make the first move? Why have it be the women who always insist that there be no strings attached? Why have it be the women that are afraid it’s the men that will think it means more than it does?
If you understand marketing to women, this is pretty easy to explain. Not only does this condition the women by watching women who they want to emulate in the film, it conditions the women in the audience to think that this kind of behavior is normal, but it also alleviates all the fears that come with knowing deep down inside that it’s not normal.
You see, the women know from experience that on a basic level, that unless they’re sociopaths, that they will become emotionally connected with the men that they have sex with, and they won’t like that the man is treating it casually.
Outside the movie theater, in reality, this makes them feel cheap. Because they feel like they’re giving up something valuable and arguably the most valuable thing that they have, giving it up as easily as they want an extra cigarette to a stranger.
So by having the women in these movies be the cold, calculating personalities, it models the behavior for the impressionable girls in the audience, but it also tells them that the men won’t treat it casually. In fact, the men, it’s the men who will become emotionally involved. They will pine over the women who are freely providing them sex and demand a relationship with them.:
“What are you afraid of, you prudes? Don’t you want a guy like Ashton or Justin? Well, this is the new game. Playing hard to get was your grandma’s game! If you really want a guy now, you just have to have sex with him. You just have to casually have sex with him with complete emotional detachment, and eventually, he’ll fall in love with you. He won’t be able to live without your vagina!”
That’s how it works. He will totally think that sex with you is a unique magical experience that can’t be replicated with all the other women who are also giving them casual sex. You see it’s your vagina is special! That’s how it works. And then at the end, you’ll be at Grand Central Station, while a flash mob that the love of your life has paid to be there in advance, dances away to your favorite songs while he professes his love for you! It’s as simple as that ladies!
You might be thinking, that sounds a little heavy handed, but don’t think the marketing team doesn’t do their homework. This might all seem too, on the nose, but it’s also the subtleties. All about the subtleties.
The subtleties like not having any father characters at all for the girls. In fact, in the Friends with Benefits film, Mila’s mom is a single mother boomer who loves that her kid is finally acting the way she did in the 70s, finally having random sex, and doesn’t even know who her father is!
The marketing team, they know their audience very well. They were the same marketing team telling the boomers in the 1970s to just do a bunch of drugs, and have anonymous sex. Which is exactly what created all these fatherless homes, all these single mother households that were raising these Gen-Xers and Millennials who would be very receptive to the whole “friends with benefits” thing.
Once they have kids, whichever children they don’t abort, they can tell those kids:
“You know, who wants to play the same old video game over and over again? People been playing this video game for centuries. Let’s play all these new games! Let’s play whatever game comes out, and let’s all try to get the high score until we’re all just fucking each other in the ass and chopping our cocks off. Because what does it matter anyway? We’re all going to live happily ever after!”
For Black Pilled, I’m Devon Stack.
If you like my videos, make sure you like and subscribe, make sure you share. If you want to support my work, you can send crypto to one of the addresses, or become a patron@patreon.com forward slash black-pill or grab a copy of my book. The link is in the description.
YouTube Comments
(As of Oct 15, 2022)
Lexi Rae
3 years ago
Man, I find these uploads both depressing AND terrifying— mainly because I know you’re right.
About ALL of it.
Keep dissecting these propaganda pieces for us, Devon. I haven’t consumed a single MSM flick since you autopsied Pleasantville and regular inoculation against infection is required!
Peter Jensen
3 years ago (edited)
Yeah, Devon has really ruined movies and TV shows for me, just can’t watch anymore and certainly not pay to watch.
Little King Trashmouth
3 years ago
Remember when we went to see that. it hit me right in between the eyes. I was so disgusted by the end
3 years ago
Lexi Rae I know you’re speaking about inoculation in a figurative sense, but it’s worth mentioning that the federally mandated vaccination agenda is one prong of this onslaught against our people – leaving a whole generation of children not only physically but also intellectually debilitated – more reliant on the edifice of the state and more amenable to further programming and indoctrination
Read more
3 years ago
Don’t let him do it for you. Watch the media pieces before you watch his videos, (If you can get a copy, legal or otherwise, it doesn’t matter) and do your own dissections to keep your critical thinking skills afloat.
Darren Semotiuk
3 years ago
Watching this 48 hours after the latest TruthStreamMedia video — hard to not feel depressed and worried about the very near future like how much darker will things soon get before a major correction and eventual restoration!?
Abstract Angel Artist
9 months ago
@Darren Semotiuk is 2022 dark enough yet for jew?
3 years ago (edited)
I remember back in the day I would hear some girls say “Im a free spirit” 100% of them where all having “friends with benefits/whoring around. All of them had kids at a very young age not even being sure who the real father was. To this day whenever I run into any of these girls they are always single with a handful of kids from multiple dads and are miserable. Over 40, full of regrets and baggage. When I think back I realize the girls came from single parent households. Maybe not all but the ones I can remember. They didnt exactly have an easy happy life.
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Fed Up Southern Girl
3 years ago
Also the girls I see from HS who gave it up early — and who had developed MUCH earlier than me physically — look much worse than me now. Time hasnt been kind to these girls. It’s like every sexual partner they had had caused more and more of a meth-head-like effect on what used to be their crowning glory: their physical beauty.
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
But Grizzly turned out rich and successful, happy and fulfilled, without judgement or regret.
Mike S
3 years ago
Grizzly I came from a single-parent household, and I certainly didn’t sleep around. I sure didn’t want to complicate my life with children. No way!
3 years ago
@ johnie, baby
R.C. Whitehead
3 years ago
I encourage all these “free spirits” to dye their hair blue and go get some face tattoos.
80’s Nostalgia Guy
3 years ago
Fornication has an effect on the body. It destroys you from within.
Legend Of Bread
3 years ago
@Fed Up Southern Girl that’s exactly right. It’s called telegony. Look it up. Was discovered at the turn of the 20th century. Pretty scary shit. Makes you really understand why the ancients prized virginity so much. Now there’s a scientific reason for it.
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@RED EYES Excellent point. At least they are repopulating the planet; what is essentially a woman’s purpose. That’s nature. That trumps all the fevered egos looking down from their moral perches.
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@80’s Nostalgia Guy People who never fornicated wish they could have. They become self righteous and judgemental instead. Tell us what is so great about you that you never got any? Have you cured cancer?
I Mad-libs
3 years ago
@Fed Up Southern Girl agreed. I’ve seen this many times myself. One of my best friends since kindergarten (unbeknownst to me, at the time) was being raped by her stepfather & brother, throughout childhood. Sadly, this led to her being an extremely busty & promiscuous, preteen. I couldn’t understand why she was passing herself around to 20-30 year olds when she was just 11-12 years old. I also didn’t realize that it was illegal, or I would have turned these grown ass men into the authorities. I knew it was wrong, to the point I had many a tear filled conversations with her trying to get her to stop. Fast forward to today, she still is unable to find & maintain a healthy relationship, & still does a fair amount of sleeping around, although she has slowed down some compared to her adolescent years. All in all though, it shows. It shows physically & in her spirit. I wish I could help her but I feel like she’s too far gone at this point, to ever make any meaningful change.
Read more
3 years ago
But they all vote Democrat so all is going according to plan.
3 years ago
The decent boys today really, really need to hear this truth and know it. I understood this, mostly, as a young man. It’s all the more paramount today.
3 years ago
@I Mad-libs That’s awful. I hope she finds peace.
Victor Angelo
3 years ago (edited)
80’s Nostalgia Guy when it’s out of lust I completely totally agree with you ,do you think it has something to do with destroying your connection with God (your higher consciousness) kind of like a slow spiritual death? Or just DNA contamination more of a biological effect? .
city_of_coompton 68
3 years ago
@John Boscogolvitch so you’re OK with single mothers, broken homes and a disfunctional generation if it means increasing the huwhite birthrate? quantity over quality?
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@city_of_coompton 68 I am neither for nor against. There’s the way things should be and the way things are. At the end of the day, it’s possible that a dysfunctional, single mother from a broken home will have contributed more to the continuation of the species than a bunch of social climbers who choose not to have kids because they want more for themselves.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@Tman3705 Should we become Nazis and decide for society who should reproduce and who should be prevented? We already do it for cats and dogs. Why not single mothers, Jews, blacks, foreigners and homosexuals? When everybody looks like you, will you stop being angry?
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@Victor Angelo There is no God. Or perhaps there is and he called “survival of the species.” Your higher consciousness and spiritual mumbo jumbo are illusions; just pretend, taught to you as a child to keep you inline and on the plantation. If there is a higher atman or “eternal self,” it is located in the reproductive organs, in your DNA. In the end we all die alone.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@I Mad-libs Hey mad-libs. Great story.To each his own. I know a dysfunctional single mother. She gave me some of the best years of her life and mine. Now I have devoted my life to her happiness. And I am a rich man. I wouldn’t wish upon anyone what this girl went through as an orphan, but I love her more because of it. Do you know, the most beautiful and photogenic woman in American history, Marilyn Monroe was an abused orphan? Doe DiMaggio may have been a good ball player, but he was a loser because he couldn’t hold onto Marilyn.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@Legend Of Bread Telegony? What could be worse than the idea that my wife or lover might have had someone before me? Maybe we should embrace Islam. Woman owned like cattle. Death penalty for cheating. It might work. Problem is, we get bored with what we own, woman that aren’t free. Then we need additional wives until they become boring. Great system if you’re a king. Is this anything more than egoism? I’m just asking. I don’t know.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@city_of_coompton 68 You should run for office since you know everything.
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@city_of_coompton 68 Maybe Melissa McCarthy is more to your taste?
city_of_coompton 68
3 years ago
@John Boscogolvitch more like young Ann Coulter oh baby
Victor Angelo
3 years ago
John Boscogolvitch whatever helps you sleep at night amigo.
John Boscogolvitch
3 years ago
@Victor Angelo I sleep fine.
And I used to have a boat, as well as a twin brother who was married. It just so happened that the same day my brother’s wife died, my rowboat filled with water and sank. A few days later a kindly old woman approached me on the street and said, “Mr. Boscogolvitch. I heard about your horrible catastrophe. You must feel terrible.” I replied,
“Well, I’m not a bit sorry. She was a rotten old thing from the start. Her bottom was all chewed up and she had a bad crack in back. She had a pretty bad hole in front and smelled like old dead fish. Every time I used her she’d begin leaking all over the place. I could handle her okay, but when anybody else used her she’d go to pieces. Here’s what finished her. Four guys came across town looking for a good time. They asked me if I’d ‘rent her out.’ I warned them she wasn’t too hot, but they wanted to take a crack at her anyway. Well, the damn fools, all four tried to get inside at once and she split right up the middle.”
The old lady fainted before I could finish.
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H. Kirk Rainer
3 years ago
And the generations’ beat goes on
3 years ago
I knew plenty of girls like that…but they all used contraceptives. So none of them had any unwanted kids.
FreedomBliss 2012
3 years ago
If you actually believe there are “good girls” out there dude, I have some beachfront property in Arizona for you.
Cee Cee
3 years ago (edited)
I’m seeing this happening with several of my classmates unfortunately. And my little cousin (14) started to go to the same path and I tried to warn her and she called me a ‘prude’!!! Though these days she admited she’ve been doing what she’s doing because she never had a dad in her life (and she feels needy and needs approval etc). I don’t know if that’s factual, but thinking about my classmates, all of them in these situations either have broken families or no real family at all indeed. Wich if is true sucks because is not even their faults (then again crappy upbringing never is, and is what causes most issues in people really). I think if that was more talked about (brutally talked about), we could prevent situations like this from happening more… like, if we heard more about the damages of what promiscuity does instead of what we should be able to wear and eat in school, maybe things would be going better.
The funny thing now that I think about it is that usually people that say ‘I’m free I can do whatever I want, no one can judge me’ happen to be the same that tell others they can’t say whatever they want, and living a ‘careless’ life is much more damaging to a human being (and an entire society really) then saying careless things (one of those makes life hit you hard certainly, the other makes people – if uncivilied – hit you.. maybe)
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Cee Cee
3 years ago (edited)
forgot to add: my grandmother said something very interesting the other day that I need to bring it up. Basically she said we could tell what teachings came from love and what teaching were to trick us whenever people would tell us we could do whatever we wanted WITHOUT even giving us advices on how to do it (freedom without responsibility I mean). And she used the example of our school teacher, that was talking bad about fathers that tell us what to wear and stuff (saying is sexist and controlling etc).. And is soooo true if you think about it. Her words are empty, but seem nice because she says what everyone wants to hear at this age, that you can do whatever without consequences. And a father say very meaninful loving things but in a ‘tough’ way, and if you have a master manipulator around you to tell you he is mean because he is talking without smiling, you may believe it..
My teacher doesn’t love me, she loves her causes/indeologies, my dad does, so heck yeah he will tell me to dress and behave nicely. Is not control, is education to prepare me for the real world, wich is what schools should’ve been doing really..
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3 years ago
You seem to suggest that having kids at young age is bad. Do you mean that the right age for women to have kids is 30s, 40s or maybe 70s ? However i would agree that not knowing who is the father is obviously very bad.
Whats the point in making kids at 30 or 40 something, you will be in your 60s or 70s when your child is 30. You cant do really anything with your kids. You would be more or less hanging for life at that point when they are at their prime. Maybe at best they come see you once a year in the retirement home. While if you had kids at example 18 you would be in late 40s, you would not be in your prime but you could still do many things with them.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 months ago
@Ezekiel Watters Have you ever served in an infantry unit? Ever served in a forward area? Ever put your life in another man’s hands…asked him to put his life in yours? We follow orders soldier. We follow orders or people die. It’s that simple. Are we clear? ARE WE CLEAR?!
Ezekiel Watters
3 months ago
@John Boscogolvitch
Jack Nicholson’s character Colonel Jessup in “A Few Good Men”
John Boscogolvitch
3 months ago
@Ezekiel Watters I watched a snail crawling on a razor’s edge. That’s my dream. That’s my nightmare. Crawling upon the edge of a straight razor…and surviving.
Ezekiel Watters
3 months ago (edited)
@John Boscogolvitch
“The horror… the horror.”
“Horror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.”
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John Boscogolvitch
3 months ago
@Ezekiel Watters Or just a soldier?
Ezekiel Watters
3 months ago
@John Boscogolvitch
I was a soldier, but it was a long time ago. Just regular Army… not some kind of badass or anything. I’m just a guy who’s watched a lot of movies. I remember dialogue for some reason, even though my memory is shit for a lot of other things.
That last part I quoted from “Apocalypse Now” is something that made an impression on me. If you must go to war… especially if attacked or invaded… you have to be merciless. Most times your enemy is perfectly willing to be so with you. It’s not so much technology, equipment, training, or even numbers that wins wars, but will. The nation or force with the strongest will tends to win.
The will of the west has been severely compromised. We no longer believe in ourselves, and our enemies can see it. Doesn’t bode well for the future.
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John Boscogolvitch
3 months ago
@Ezekiel Watters I was going to say,
“You are neither. You’re an errand boy, sent by grocers to collect a bill.”
That’s just a line from the same film, I’m sure you know.
You sound like me. I did my time long ago. Got out. Watched some movies. Biding my time, doing what I do and calling it by the best names I can.
It’s fun to throw movie lines at people who are too serious about themselves.
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Ezekiel Watters
3 months ago
@John Boscogolvitch
Brando in “The Godfather” but that’s one almost anyone would know.
Take care.
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The Populous Pimp – PPT
3 years ago
One of the most important videos out today describing this. Thank you Devin
The Populous Pimp – PPT
3 years ago
Thomas Crown It will. You’re gonna do really well. Keep buying crypto’s!
3 years ago
Dude…. as always:
Your essays have such weight and depth, that I always have to think twice to whom I’d send this.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts – this is a great school!
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Justin Langhorne
Justin Langhorne
3 years ago
Devon. You’re work is important and much appreciated. Look forward to every new one you put out. Keep it up!
Rix Pix
3 years ago (edited)
Once America bought into the “No Fault” mentality for almost everything, the slide downward began and continues unabated.
Good work here man.
The Immortal
The Immortal
3 years ago
Oh there’s still fault.
It all falls on straight, white men
Rix Pix
3 years ago
@The Immortal Well, it certainly has come to that in many arenas.
Milwaukee Moynahan
3 years ago
@James Cheek I don’t think the OP was concerned with assigning blame to its proper place, but more so describing where blame falls in real towns. But, its also true that colored men get the short end of the stick, too. It’s really just about blaming men as a whole. Men who are naturally trying to do the right thing and/or are conscientious enough to stick their necks out for a moment too long.
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Frank Lombardo
3 years ago
Recent events to a family member got me thinking. In the 19th century if a man was cheating on his wife the couple would go to a priest or minister to resolve the issue. Today if it happens the couple goes to a lawyer.
One is successful when the marriage is saved. The other makes money when the marriage is dissolved.
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H. Kirk Rainer
3 years ago
A decade after Reagan, then governor of CA, passed the 1st of such “reforms”, the number of family attorneys had increased 20 time. Divorce was a boom for civil court, the state.
Jim C. Goodfellas
3 years ago
“the People Upstairs”….that’s brilliant man. Keep up the great work Devon
3 years ago
Maybe we should crank up the heat, I heard it rises?
The Ikon Channel
3 years ago
“The same detachment as men.”
I know that’s the stereotype, but personally, I’ve always attached too much emotion to sex, and so have many other men I’ve known. If anything, it’s always been the women I’ve known who regard it as merely a means to an end.
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VI3445 22
VI3445 22
3 years ago
Your videos are always something special man. i don’t know but you have a kind of unique approach to topics.
Michael Williams
3 years ago
The whole world lost WW2, not just Germany.
3 years ago (edited)
Latest example of this was in the last season of Game of Thrones where Arya “takes” Gendry to lose her virginity to him and then dumps him the next day to go explore the world without batting an eye, while he wants to marry her, she just dumps him cruely and the women in the audience just cheer her on and think this behavior is cool, normal and expected.
Same for Brienne, Jaime pumps and dumps her, also a virgin, but of course she has no hard feelings or gets attached, a quick cry after he left and the next day she proudly rewrites history in his favor.
The programming is everywhere!
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Uncle Ouch
Uncle Ouch
3 years ago
The Devils greatest lie “to fool you into believing it doesn’t exist”. Sometimes it makes sense.
Travis Happy
3 years ago
I bought your book a couple months and now I have had time to read it, really enjoying it so far. Keep up the good work!
3 years ago
Sub count steadily going up! Great work as always devon. This is pound for pound the best YouTube channel in the movement
Brad bb
3 years ago
You nailed it. . and I have watched this play out over the years.
3 years ago
That was depressingly spot on
3 years ago
wow. Today at Church , the Pastor was talking about loners and groupers and then “recovering loners”…. Thanks for your good work
3 years ago
Growing up in the 70’s it was the 60’s that were so Cool. Coming into my 40’s in the early 2000’s, I realized how Awfully Detrimental and Destructive the 60’s actually were for America’s future especially and the world in general … once you realized the plan that was used against us.
Wonder Doge
Wonder Doge
3 years ago (edited)
14:26 – “its all about the subtleties”
* looks at who is standing in the background *
PCB Exile
PCB Exile
3 years ago
ladies if you don’t walk away form this on feeling Hoodwinked about the movies and tv you got to be dead inside. Devon your insight is always a step above Brother.
Chuck Ficago
Chuck Ficago
3 years ago
Devon Stack. You are awesome sir.
Dan Saghin
Dan Saghin
3 years ago
Your knowledge is so valueable… You are among the few youtubers who gets it. Black pilled is such a good name for this, beyond the red pill knowledge.
Jared Hubbell
Jared Hubbell
3 years ago
I’ve listened to this over 15 times and I still can’t get enough. Well done Sir. You are a Scholar and a Gentleman. Thank you.
3 years ago
Another brilliant video Devon! I was only talking to my wife just the other day about how hard it is to find meaningful connections these days. This video hits the nail on the head as to one of the reasons why…
3 years ago
It’s amazing how hard these videos hit the face of truth
3 years ago
This is the quality content I subbed for. Keep writing
Eurasian Lynx
Eurasian Lynx
3 years ago
Another video, I really apprechiate your work.
3 years ago
This is awesome! Thank you Devin! I can’t wait for your next book
Kitty Kitty
3 years ago
Thank you for doing this vid, especially since you’re male.
It’s sad and sickening what society has done. No shame and bragging about one night stands, “experimenting”, making light of promiscuity and wearing it as a badge of honor.
This not only defiles the body, but the mind as well.
I would not want to date in this day and age, seems one is obligated to have sex after any date…no thanks!
Read more
3 years ago
This is some of your absolute best work, Devon. Thank you
David Gordon
3 years ago
This video hits it right on the nose. Great work.
moral coach
3 years ago (edited)
I know it’s too much of a low hanging fruit but the Movie Chocolat (2000) with Johnny Depp is one of those movies I don’t dare to watch again but would like to know if it is indeed what I remember….I mean, you have the merchant who opened up the gates to the outsiders, and who lead all the liberal behaviour, etc
Agent Adams
3 years ago
Thank you! This makes so much sense! The men up stairs know what their doing and why their so into Lucifer.
3 years ago
Poignant yet informative as always. Keep up the good work.
Prana Tattoo
3 years ago
Damn dude, your pretty spot on with this analysis. I look back at my younger days and see how i fell into alot if these traps as a male, but know that im older I can see through this shit thats been sold to us by these bastards lol
3 years ago
Excellent work as always!!!
2 years ago
Definitely worth listening to. A very problematic future is ahead…
Whispers of Veracity
3 years ago
Correction: Hyenas are closer to felines than canines.
Great content. Keep making it.
The Libertarian Guitarist
3 years ago
Your videos are always fantastic man!
Dịu Trịnh
Dịu Trịnh
3 years ago
Holy crap, Devon, you have the same thought as mine. I glad you speak up, we need to speak up.
Monroe Corp
3 years ago
the marketing team even rented their women out for the project. Imagine that.
3 years ago
Damn. This one hit home. I’m living the aftermath of this reality now – unfortunately.
3 years ago
Can’t wait for this one! About to dive in!
3 years ago
modern day dating is a joke. no one is interested (or able, it seems) to have a relationship of depth. there is no substance, no feeling, no commitment. but the first hurdle is finding someone who knows wtf is going on, so that narrows the pool to a muddy puddle.
3 years ago
I like how he emphasized the word “subtleties” three times with background echoes.
3 years ago
Thanks, Devon! Keep up the great work!
L Shep
3 years ago
Bought your book…can’t wait. Awesome videos!!
3 years ago
If the world were not upside down you would be on trending. But, that is not the case.
You’re a legend Stack
Jack Flash
3 years ago
Well done. Alarmingly true.
Robert David Lang
3 years ago
Your work is much appreciated Devin!
3 years ago
I could cry, I’ve been saying this for years.
3 years ago
I love your videos. You crack me up and make awesome points. Keep up the great work!
Kael Climate
3 years ago
Ah, nothing makes my day more than a good dose of depression in the morning. Thanks.
Jamie Rueffer
3 years ago
I love your work! I see things this way as well but when I discuss it with other people they look at me like I have 3 heads
3 years ago
Great video. Breaking the most natural bond was the biggest strike.
3 years ago
Related to this indirectly. Just saw the movie Sirens for the first time. Definitely would make another great topic for one of your film analysis videos.
Clarence hoovin’ shmoovin’
3 years ago
Jheeze…… This gave me some home truths. I had a similar experience with a girl I met on Tinder. Slept with her on the first date and had casual sex thereafter. I fell for her and it hurt me when she ditched me. Looking back on it, I should have seen that I was mistaking love for my desire for physical gratitude.
Anthony van Duyn
Anthony van Duyn
3 years ago
I was talking to an acquaintance of mine recently about my wife and kids, when he broke down and told me that he’s sick of chasing down a different girl every night, that he just wants one woman to love and to love him. This guy is built like a bouncer and is pouring his heart out. It’s a shame it’s taken him until 40 to realise this; and now chasing down a different girl every night is all he knows. Their plan worked, just as they knew it would.
Read more
3 years ago
i tried “nsa” with a friend and unintentionally destroyed her emotionally. she became a wino and it permanently ruined our friendship. the older i get the more i realize i should’ve listened to Jesus, I could’ve saved myself and others a lot of trouble.
Great Oaks From Little Acorns
Great Oaks From Little Acorns
2 years ago
Dude this one is seriously awesome! The more I look into the big nose thing the scarier and more real this all is.. but you can’t talk about any of it!!
Alex Bryant
3 years ago
Holy shit dude. What you say without saying anything, and rather just showing… We’re reaching levels of aware to their tricks I never knew were possible.
Viacheslav Chernov
3 years ago
A brilliant work by Devon. God bless you, fren.
3 years ago
Thought provoking content here – I always knew that a promiscuous society correlates to dysfunction and suffering for both men and women, not to mention all the children that are born to unbonded parents! Society is really messed up. We’ve lost our way. I wonder if we can re-set morality – where do we go from here. Great topic Devin – you take on the big ones – I give you credit : )
Read more
T M.
3 years ago
Devon… You’re the best! I wish there was a way to publish your videos in middle and high schools! Keep up the good work!
Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez
3 years ago
Really enjoy your videos. You provide great content. Very insightful.
Ian Watson
3 years ago
More! We want more of these analysis of the propaganda we are being exposed to
3 years ago
I watched this video because, I love my country and I’m a good boy. Keep up the great work. It’s time to RIP off the bandaid ladies. The boomer sense of, “it’s too uncomfortable”, must stop.
Mark Brumfield
3 years ago
I don’t think I had a realistic thought about sex and love until it was too late and by then the wrong things I believed and was working on rejecting were being turned into marketable ” situation comedy ” . I lived through this ” shift ” though not undamaged . May we make our way back to sanity . Thanks so much for these thoughts or rather these truths . Keep fighting the good fight .
Read more
Casey Shannon
3 years ago
The subtleties at 14:26!! Oh good one Devon!
richard fitzwell
richard fitzwell
3 years ago
Very well said Sir!! If we don’t know our history/past we will continue to repeat it…
3 years ago
Well done as usual!
HomeFree in my SUV
2 years ago
Bonds between child, parent, man & woman, partner & partner, friend & friend…..is really all there is. Love, not fear will make a better world. Fear is the lowest vibration…and kills over time…as does hate… Love is really all there is…to keep humanity going…
3 years ago
I suspect that the “people upstairs” have had a lot of practice doing this and have refined their techniques over many, many years.
Jessica Orban
3 years ago
I never understood the appeal of most chick flicks. They so obviously are selling you a fairy tale/lie, and the story lines are typically vapid and predictable. It makes me sad that so many women have fallen for the delusion of promiscuity equals power and happiness
3 years ago
Glad you accept BAT! Keep the great content coming please!
Leonardo Brayner
3 years ago
Among the flash mob. Every. God. Damn. Time.
CoolVanilla 300C
3 years ago
Well sir, you’ve done it again. Always look forward to your videos.
Oscar I am
3 years ago
A hope everyone notices that your one of the great poets of our times.
Modulize Commerce
3 years ago
The Bonobo Protocol: Now that Marriage isn’t working to control men as economic plow horses on an individual level, replace it with the promotion of matriarchy at a societal level.
3 years ago
Definitely sharing. And it will part of my birds and bees teaching to my little one
3 years ago
damm this is spot on.. i wanted a family life.. last relationshit was in 05.. only had affaires after that .. that sobered me up .. i let the former idea go.. and just go with it.. still looking .. but not finding.. the west has a women problem.. women ethics.. women voting .. women in politics.. etc.. and knowing now.. what i did know then.. why would i pursuit the idea of a stable realtionship.. when every women in a relationship engage in affaires ?
i was mgtow before it was a thing.. but now it has a deeper meaning,..
Read more
St Louis Arch
St Louis Arch
3 years ago
The (original) hippies had a saying: Anything Goes. I grew up hearing my parents mock it (elder X-er here). About 15 years ago, as I watched the culture rot, I had a lightbulb moment. Anything Goes means ANYTHING goes. That’s when I knew there was no such thing as ‘they can’t get worse than this’.
3 years ago
Exactly. One of your best yet.
madduck 23
3 years ago
I don’t even remember the last time I stood in line to see a product of Hellyweird but I do know that Ashton and Justin were NOT in what I watched!!
opinionsux420 noonecares
3 years ago
Dudes laying down the real truth. Great video
Throw communists out of helicopters
3 years ago
Fantastic video, as always.
Shine Island
3 years ago
You got the STRAIGHT DOPE straight from the big guy. Spot on. Finger on the pulse. DAMN DUDE!!! Ur my new best friend.
Moreno James
3 years ago
WAY BETTER THAN YOUR LAST VID ON SOAP OPERAS. No meandering, focused on the point of the video, details the key elements of the subversion in the films listed and doesn’t overstay the welcome. I like your longer vids, too, but only when they stay on-point and this one did. Excellent, mate. I think it’s rough to categorize women so broadly but we’re speaking statistical behavior as viewed through peer review marketing studies and such, so it makes sense in that regard (like with boys, men, boomers on a whole, Americans, etc. this is how these self-appointed societal architects view and operate regarding us)
Read more
irene brennan
3 years ago
you continually impress me with your razor sharp decimation of modern propaganda, i thought i had a good overview of the many indoctrination techniques occurring today, but i still learn so much watching your videos, insights i …on further reflection…cannot believe i failed to comprehend, keep up the good work
Rob Hodge
3 years ago
These breakdowns are painfully accurate.
David Edgerly
3 years ago
Devon brings such an insight to current social morays either positive or negative… He brings them into focus and with such clarity… They can not be denied… Just a Thought…
3 years ago
Devon you are absolutely brilliant son good job
Nonja Ninja
3 years ago
You should upload to BitChute first to encourage people to use it.
Black Pilled
Tobias Thuresson
3 years ago
You’re the most important channel on youtube currently. NEVER stop.
Awal Aznable
3 years ago
Watched this video awhile ago but Just made a female friend of mine watch this video, I have never seen so much rage in ages. How she called this bullshit and Devon with everything she said DESTROYED her excuse on every turn like he was there and would foresee what she would say… this man should be president.
Richard Turner
3 years ago
A friend I worked with had a friend he wanted to have sex with but didn’t want to gain a partner but keep a “friend”, I told him just what this black pilled says, if you have sex with a woman she will want something more and expect something more and should. He didn’t believe me. Just then a woman we both worked for, that spoke like a sailor, we asked her the same question. She said. “You can’t fuck your friends.” Brilliant.
Read more
Don of America
3 years ago
Right on the “nose” slowmo was absolutely brilliant!
Owen Johns
3 years ago
I love your movie analysis videos
2Dawgs Mike D
3 years ago
Much harder to control those who have nothing to lose.
2 years ago
I LOVE the speed you played those videos at oh and thanks for all you do – big fan
Randall Flagg
3 years ago
Mila Kunis the russian jewess and Natalie Portman who’s real name is Hershlag.
3 years ago
Both phrases “friends with benefits” and “no strings attached” go back to at least 1998. That’s the earliest that I remember hearing both phrases. Though I expect that they were around before then.
Jonathan Boykin
3 years ago
I’m about to turn 30 in August, and I spent five consecutive years of my 20s in abstinence after a pretty rough break up when I was 19. I’m not a bad looking dude, if I do say so myself. I just kind of threw myself into my work and studied a lot of philosophy and theology. There’s not really any point that I’m trying to make other than just utterly rejecting the culture that is being fed to our generation and the next generation being raised up. I think there are a lot of young men who feel lost and are searching for greater meaning than just a pointless hook up. But I’m sure the vast majority are content, at least on the surface, with this kind of lifestyle. Its sad.
Read more
3 years ago
This one made me sad. I see it, but hearing it put so clearly…..that hurt. There is nothing we can do to fix this. The experiment is over. We, the men in the west….holding together a family, raising our children, protecting our nuclear families….have lost. GG.
Amy E
3 years ago
This may be one of your BEST videos. Spot on!!
Thinker Bear
3 years ago
Great Stuff! Informative as always
Cliche Guevara
3 years ago
Love the 1950s housewife on Acid clip. Lol
Range Ryder
3 years ago
We always hear about how women with too much mileage quickly arent able to pair-bond, but the same happens to men. It becomes hard for us too to have feelings for a woman after having sex with lots of women. It’s not as cool as it sounds to lose track of the amount of women you’ve been with.
Johnny Rotten
3 years ago
There is just something so primal to your Truth. . Thank You for what you do Sir.
Gayle Anderson
3 years ago
This type of degeneracy, starting in the 60’s as I was coming up, left me on the outside looking in. And every decade after. When I resumed dating in the 90’s I was horrified to see so many women having sex on the first date. How many “first dates” would all that casual sex eventually add up to? Std’s also came to my mind. I was afraid to date because this practice was now so common that I wondered if most men had come to “expect” that. Have always felt uncomfortable with the sex carousel where the Feminists insisted there was something “empowering” about being a slut. How stupid when you’re giving your power away, for peanuts, for nothing. Worse than prostitution.
Read more
Donald Hicks
2 years ago (edited)
After my third divorce , which i wanted and initiated because i was sick of being married, i noticed that there were times that i would feel lonely or i would feel ‘ alone ‘ . Strange thing though , i found that when i would get those feelings of loneliness i would just masturbate and afterward , all those feelings of loneliness would be gone and i was literally glad that there was no one there . I have been alone for twelve years now . Havent touched a woman in twelve years and i live a nice quiet peaceful life .
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Salvatore Shiggerino
3 years ago (edited)
Portman, I should have called it. It’s uncanny, had a major crush on her as a boy, the people in marketing sure know what they’re doing.
3 years ago
The family unit is more important to society than the individual, therefor anything that promotes the individual above it is, to an extent, detrimental to a society.
Dave Fortune
3 years ago
That was a powerful video dude! Thank you
3 years ago (edited)
NAILED IT! SAD TIMES…..”In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king”
3 years ago
Devon, have you thought on doing a NatConnect type thing like Way of the world?
Tom Stephens
3 years ago
At this point, it’s like you can actually read this story in your mind before even opening the link:
“Langford tried . . . to be released early from state custody, writing a judge as recently as December and billing herself as a “model prisoner” whose young daughter and ailing mother desperately needed her presence.”
See? Told you so.
Read more
Daniel Shelly
3 years ago
You are by far my favorite channel on YouTube
3 years ago
Great work dude!
Amy Elizabeth
3 years ago
I truly breaks my heart that my gender does not realize the damage that they are doing with this Nazi feminism. They have become so brainwashed. I have been saying this for so long now. I’m so glad that you were able put it in this video, and break it down the way you did was perfect!
Come on women men need to be treated with kindness as do we.
God created man so he would not be alone. Why are we making them want to be alone?
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Houston Taylor
3 years ago
Please do another pillstream, I want to know how progress on the bunker is going.
3 years ago
Bonding and making an effort to get a partner and procreate used to be crucial but now sex is so cheap and meaningless which impacts the way we view commitment. We somehow got to that point where there’s an underlying hostility among lots of (white) men and women, trying to manipulate and fight each other like rivals or going seperate ways instead of being a union. The plan worked out perfectly from summer of 69 on.
Read more
3 years ago
Looking for a connection, searching for a man who wants to get to know me, seems to be lost these days when apps give easy access to women who will just give them sex without commitment. I simply gave up on having someone in my life. Guys these days want you to chase them. They don’t have to put any effort into a long term relationship, there’s no satisfaction in having that anymore.
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John the herbalist G
3 years ago
Even though I’m male, I’ve never been able to be unattached about sex. If I’m not attached, I don’t want to have sex at all. Call me old fashioned, but that’s how I am
Miss McQue
3 years ago
I enjoyed and agreed with the video. What do you think about men who see the movies being manipulated into thinking that women really do want no strings attached, perpertuating the behavior on both sides?
3 years ago
I remember when these 2 films came out and I thought “Didn’t I see this a few months ago”. Ads for the films, not the films themselves.
3 years ago
At 14:20: “That might seem too on the nose, but it’s also the subtleties. Allll about the subtleties…” Holy shit that background. Really jogs the noggin.
Paul Smith
3 years ago
Reminds me very much of Lewis’s ‘Screwtape Letters’. Have you read them?
Jack Crooker
3 years ago (edited)
I don’t always accept your premises, Devon, though I do enjoy your narrative style. That said, the next video on my feed is a TED Talk called “Why 30 is the new 20″ by a woman named Meg Jay. I thought maybe you’d get a kick out of that.
Angel Visitor
3 years ago
Supporter of Marriage.
3 years ago
always incredible.
3 years ago
You should review ”black valentine” probably one of the biggest red/blackpill movies out there.
3 years ago
The Frankfurter school of psychoanalysis’s really did their homework on freedom loving societies.
3 years ago
Devon, this was brilliant.
Lindsay Wilson
3 years ago (edited)
I laughed way too hard at “it’s all about the subtleties”
I see what you did there without actually going there.
3 years ago
No one is having more fun than us.
1 year ago
On the other hand, on one occasion I heard the statistic that if a woman has sex with a man and the material is there for a plausible relationship, there is about a one in seven chance that they will end up married. But there have to be a lot qualifications in the mix too. Appropriate educational levels. Matched social horizons. Maybe matched or compatible ethnic backgrounds. Right ages. Maybe it all only applies to people who are not highly promiscuous. I don’t know where the number came from, but with the necessary qualifications, it sounds about right.
Read more
Belial Black
3 years ago
Man, I love this channel.
3 years ago
… or “Netflix and chill”
Michelle Nash
3 years ago
Well said sir!! Being a gen X’ers, it seems odd that our generation still had “slut shaming”…. so it does seem odd to be in between these two generations!! It scares me what this world is devolving into!!!
The Mule
3 years ago
“How will this help us sell cookies”
Watcher06242 567
3 years ago (edited)
Black Pilled on a roll. Might we get another video within a week? How about a pillstream? I mean, all it takes for an hour of streaming is to just sit back, have a topic, maybe cover couple news articles and just answer the chat questions. No research or heavy editing required.
3 years ago
Really like your mini docs.
Veterans Canine Intelligence Academy
2 years ago
Except, it really didn’t work, because any woman that has a heart, will get emotionally attached to her sex partner. Maybe this is why they’ve gone CRAZY???
Clive Richardson
3 years ago
I’m a single male but recently past 60. I keep in good shape and probably look 50. However, it’s very difficult to find a reasonably attractive woman who hasn’t got over inflated ideas about herself. A lot of attractive 50 year old women are specifying younger men these days. When I do find a reasonably attractive woman, a few dates will usually confirm that she has some form of personality defect bordering on mental illness. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to always being on my own – it’s ok but not the natural path for a Human Being. Black Pilled is right.
Read more
robert johnson
1 year ago
This guy is like VertigoPolitix. Awesome!
3 years ago
Alfred Kinsey was a big part if the problem. Watch Apollo’s Artifacts video on Kinsey.
Lord Zebra
3 years ago
Thank you Devon. Just thank you.
Bruce McClelland
3 years ago
The fact that you have 183K subs gives me hope. Top-notch as always sir.
3 years ago (edited)
That movie trainwreck with amy schumer falls right in line with what you’re saying here
Anal Bum Cover
3 years ago
I would think they would have called the Justin Timberlake movie “No Strings Attached,” considering he was in N’ Sync and they had an album with the same name. It would make more sense. But then again, that may be why they didn’t.
3 years ago
Sounds like a narrative to the Chris Watts, Nicole Kessenger sick relationship.
Red Pill Germany
3 years ago
Perfect summary and delivery.
Jeff Cooper
Jeff Cooper
3 years ago
“Anything you can do I can do better…” Irving Berlin’s “Annie Get Your Gun”
3 years ago
The result of friends with benefits is the need to be able to get ride of a pregnancy with ease and without guilt.
3 years ago
Hey Devon, in French they didn’t kicked around the bush with “Friends With Benefits”, the film in french is branded as “Sex Friends”, at least they are honests you’d tell me.
Diane Sylvain
Diane Sylvain
3 years ago
WOW…..great video! Love your stuff Devin. This one really one of the scariest videos you have made in a long time…..just chilling. Do you know the Canadian philosopher on YouTube called Stephen Molyneux….check him out. He has the logical arguments, and stats to back up everything you have said in this video…..along with other topics….God bless.
Jose Jimenez
3 years ago
It is a dangerous game they play. If there are enough people like me, this is not going to end well. For them.
Paul Ayres
3 years ago
You sir have quite the impressive stock footage collection
3 years ago
On point as usual.
3 years ago
I wish I was joking but I’m not.
I watched “Friends with Benefits” on a school trip with my class and teachers…
DS Williams
DS Williams
3 years ago
Brilliant. As always
Garth Walkden
3 years ago
Spot on. As usual.
Rini ;; 1sf3sb
10 months ago
An interesting thing is that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are married. I never watched these films, but I always thought it was ONE film with them acting along side each other.
Guess I was confused and wrong.
Read more
Esoteric Highway
3 years ago
This was a brilliant video man
Bob Marley
3 years ago
Why dont you have million plus subs? Great message!
3 years ago
Boomers drank the marketing juice – became broke and stupid
Gen X drank the marketing juice – became broke and stupid
Millennial drank the marketing juice – became broke and stupid
Gen Z currently drinking the marketing juice … I wonder what will happen?
Juice makers – became rich and powerful
Read more
Michael Fiaschetti
Michael Fiaschetti
3 years ago
Excellent!! Well Done!
James Yonan
3 years ago
…hope you’re still gonna’ do “Gone With The Wind”
Craig Bigelow
3 years ago
Marriage, that’s when you believe somethings supposed to be someway and its not!
Choco Latte
3 years ago
This is dark. This is depressing. This is true.
Ursa Major
3 years ago
Marketing team shows up at 14:24
3 years ago
“By manipulating women you manipulate men” – thats spot on
Amanda Scott
Amanda Scott
3 years ago
This is a fantastic video.
Shine Island
3 years ago
Liked and shared …twice I think. If not I will tomorrow…and the next day…and the next day… Dude. This is beautiful. Signed a deal that refuses to use “new speak” . “wrong think”
Brucey T
3 years ago
Can honestly say I’ve never seen either of those movies. Thank God
3 years ago
Excellent – great insights
Joseph Dillard
3 years ago
15:30 “Whichever kids they don’t abort”…..Brilliant
3 years ago
Isn’t Mila Kunis married to Ashton Kutcher? Hmm, interesting choice for movies.
3 years ago
I used to wonder why so many of the movies aimed at teenage girls, Twilight, Hunger Games etc. had boring emotionless female leads but now I’m starting to think the plan is to set a numbed example for young women to follow; no emotional outbursts or spontaneity, just conformity.
Tim Welke
3 years ago
I believe like all human behavior there is a point of diminishing returns. Over saturization is occurring.
Hobo Sermons
3 years ago
Another great vid devon!
3 years ago
There was no videos for a while, I was worried. The wait was worth it.
3 years ago
Great work Sir. Thankyou
DeeDee Bear
3 years ago
Nailed it!
Viriatvs of Lvsitania
3 years ago
Top notch video
The Learned Goat
3 years ago
@ 14:25 Talking about the subtleties, there are a couple of conspicuous fellows standing in the background. They are practically rubbing their hands.
Alecia Shepherd
Alecia Shepherd
3 years ago
Dayum !!! Brutal honest reality!!!
3 years ago
It reminds me,
“Even in the book of lies, sometimes you find truth..”
Women are easiest to control since they survive and trive on group acceptance, men do not.
The weak die, the strong inherit.
Read more
sumeeth Lutchman
3 years ago
Keep it up, amazing Video
OG Gearhound
3 years ago (edited)
brilliant as per usual and poignant like a 9v battery to the tongue; and the 9v battery has tiny teeth.
The Saaris
3 years ago
From Ron Pilled, I’m Ron Saari… JK Devon bought 2 copies of your book. You need to live stream with big bear more often.
Sun Set
3 years ago (edited)
THE PLAN found here :
“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”
Skreem Queen 75
Skreem Queen 75
3 years ago
You Sir are a Genius!!!!
Norma McManus
3 years ago
Are you related to a “Call For An Uprising”? You both have similar voices and pronunciations. God bless!
3 years ago
“your vagina is special, that’s how it works”…. I about spit out my beer
Shane Stewart
3 years ago
Another great video dude
Chicago Real Estate Dora
3 years ago
Great video! Thank you
3 years ago
Every single person i know been divorced, some even several times and ya want me to dive into that pool? Nah thanks
God have mercy on us
2 years ago
It sickens me how little chastity is valued nowdays. Im repulsed by how frivolous and meaningless sex is to people and it leaves me lonely and frustrated. I dont know a single person who shares my values. I can’t help but feel doomed.
M. K.
3 years ago
Dunno why but the last few years i just cant watch most movies anymore, i see programming and manipulating of the viewer everywhere. Maybe i took too many pills.
No more happy entertainment.
3 years ago
I graduated in 2001. A few short months later the entire world changed. At least, it sure af felt like it, getting out into the world at that time was harsh and less than a decade later most people in my generation’s dreams were over. What pisses me off the most, is knowing how all of that shit was manufactured and everyone who came after, had a large part of their future stolen from them and we didn’t even know, all we knew at first is we had to fight.
So they gave us an enemy, which was of course, the entire point all along. We all watched their campaign of shock and awe, then years later they come back with Saddam… “we got em!” yeah? O… k… i guess… and then i guess they threw the “other guy” over the edge into the ocean or some shit… lol. The same guy we were told caused all this, the same guy they let escape dozens of times because they didn’t want to harm any mountains or hills… and people bought that silly bullshit story.
Come to find out, this happens to every generation. Some manufactured war, for the interests of other nations, as we go on telling ourselves its for the good of America, and “world peace” and we have to watch the bad guys, or they’ll get bombs and nukes and just randomly start attacking us… because reasons, so we need to go over there, and kill them first! YEHAW… and we buy it, again, and again, and again.
Just thought… just thought i would point that problem out. We might want to start there, idk… oh and our sons are useless effeminate pussies and daughters are whores. I forgot that part. OOPSIE!
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Diane Emerson
3 years ago
Well Devon u have done it again, as Ben Stiller said in the Heartbreak Kid “LOVE,LOVE,LOVE”,,,,,,,,,and I do just Love your vids,,,,,thanx!!!!
ProfessionalGun 66
3 years ago
Since the time when Eve was seduced so easily…do I need to say more?
G. Elliott Nielsen
3 years ago
Éric Didelon
3 years ago
3 years ago
This video was really good up to the last 30 seconds. True what you said the delivery is crude
3 years ago
I could become a living deity if I could let go of attachment to my dog.
Tim Brady
3 years ago
You write this stuff ? It’s pretty good .
Papa Cap
3 years ago
A Damaged Pair Bonding Mechanism a Good Wife does not make eh? ~Yoda
3 years ago
You just described the inner city liberal lifestyle. It’s why Juwanna will be on the ten o’clock news crying about Jadavious getting shot and he’s her 6th son by 5 different daddies.
3 years ago
I’m sorry. I can’t finish this video. I’m crying too much.
Ron Froehlich
3 years ago
They also used the euphemism “sexual being” to describe women who behave like animals
Conrad Odendaal
Conrad Odendaal
3 years ago
As always, fckn brilliant!
Adrian Gore
3 years ago
I literally fell asleep while trying to watch “No Strings Attached”
Never bothered with “Friends With Benefits”
Lauren Breton
3 years ago
“One size consumerist debt-slaves…sorry meant to say ‘individuals’ “. Genius.
3 years ago
I feel like you and Mandarr would get along pretty well.
Blue Falcons Suck
3 years ago (edited)
Where’s the “friendship” when adversity comes their way?… Tossed away and their “benefits” revoked.
Most of these people think “A friend in need… Is a pain to be avoided” because there is no “benefit” for them.
3 years ago
“Also the subtleties, all about the subtleties”
rabbi in the background
3 years ago (edited)
Spot on brother!
3 years ago
Everyone should watch Europa the last battle
3 years ago
I believe Mila Kunis herself said in regards to his film that “friends with benefits” sounds good on paper but doesn’t work in real life, comparing it to communism. Not that I let her off the hook for being in the film.
Yordan Andreev
3 years ago
Tessa Wells
3 years ago
For informative video. Thank you!
Trevor La Gue
3 years ago
The more I hear this stuff, the more I connect these pieces to the puzzle, the more this makes sense. “They” are definitely trying to destroy our carefully structured world from the inside out. Fuck that noise.
3 years ago
Can you do an analysis of the Film “Drop Dead Fred” and its message about traditions and mental illness?
tinfoil scholar
3 years ago
14:25 rabbis literally watching over the procession )) how much more obvious do they get?
Mark Wilde
3 years ago
There are no spare ciggies. I have never bought a pack of twenty and thought to myself, “I only need 13 of these.”
Reformed White Knight
3 years ago
Another truth bomb. I grew up in the times when the Cosmopolitan suggested these kinds of things to the girls as and sold it to them as sexual liberation.
That this is actually not natural still shows even today in that many girls still freeze in the very last moment often already naked in bed. And they can’t explain why. We all know why they freeze. It goes totally against their natural safety instincts and their religious core values which are in place to rationalise the whole dynamic.
A certain group of movie producers and media outlets are trying to manipulate Christian women and break the bond between men and women.
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Pro Libertate
2 years ago
“It’s all about the subtleties…” 14:25
John Rizo
3 years ago
Dear sir
Your comparison of today’s world with Adam and Eve is very nice. Your talk is very very enjoyable and true and gives insight and really shows the antichrist system in place. It’s also nice to talk about Christian values. But when we talk for building one another and revealing the truth we need to be an example. There is no need to end the video with foul language. You can say whatever you want in a more respectful manner. It is in the Bible of Christian values we are taught not to use foul language . I speak in love. Continue the good work. The Lord Jesus Christ bless you
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Ashen Shugar
3 years ago
When do we get the sequel to Day of the Rope?
3 years ago
Rachel T.
3 years ago
Best video in a while. Keep it up. Your voice is soothing, by the way.
vonkäuen Theforbidden
3 years ago (edited)
I’ve played that game. It usually doesn’t end well. Though it is fun for a time. But if you do it, be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Lesser Brother
3 years ago
The term ‘Friends with Benefits’ was around for at least a decade before the movie came out.
Barry Ross
3 years ago
Devon, you’re the best.
Paulo Barbosa
3 years ago
I’m confident enough to press like before watching the video
3 years ago
That’s deep man.
Oh no, there goes Tokyo.
3 years ago
It’s been said before, but it is worth repeating. Avoid all thots.
3 years ago
This is the executive side of the screwtape letters
3 years ago
Spot on.
I am hopeful for the future however. Hungary, Poland and now the rest of Europe are waking up.
Over time, once enough people are enlightened then we can talk about real change.
Daniel Stokes
3 years ago (edited)
Adultery is normalized now so I see it as societal collapse being inevitable. Along with other issues like abuse of power, especially by those who don’t know how to use it in the first place (wonder who I’m referring to)…
Angela P
3 years ago
Bravo !
Erik the Red
3 years ago
Your a freaking genius. Wow.
J. Thorp
3 years ago
How can you mention the hookup culture and not mention tinder?
It’s the ultimate conditioning of women, women get 100’s if not 1000’s of messages saying how hot they are, ect. Reduce men to an outfit to pick for the night, while looking in the closet (tinder msges) makes them think they’re rich.
3 years ago
14:23 I see what you did there, very nice
Jazzy Boy
3 years ago
No Strings Attached starring Natalie Portman and her “lover” Justin Timberlake: exists
I can see why he choked her in Episode III. He can see the future.
Read more
3 years ago
You nailed it. BOOM!
3 years ago
Good monologue.
jeffery nordgulen
3 years ago
That was a little heavy but right on point
CapeCod Bear
3 years ago
Great video brotha!!
3 years ago
people be like: im black pilled or im red pilled, real gamers be like: im cringe pilled
Krazi Renee Channel
3 years ago
My ex husband was into non monogamy. I thought I could change him by us having a baby and being married. Nope. He cheated and was obsessed with porn. He actually divorced me. I’m married again, to a man with values and feels that cheating on me would be a cheat to God. I love that about him. I feel safer.
blockchains and such
3 years ago
Bless you brother, you’re not far from the kingdom
Brothers In Arms
3 years ago
And don’t forget the continuous stream of porn programming for boys to make double sure they never expect anything more than friends with benefits
The Preacher
3 years ago
Wow, that was good.
3 years ago
The truth is hard and cold, but it is what it is.
uuuuoohhh ouhh
3 years ago
Twopussy Tammy
Twopussy Tammy
3 years ago
Fucking nailed the closing
Just Jon
3 years ago
Connection is what will save us
Ferdinand von Zeppelin
Ferdinand von Zeppelin
3 years ago
Your truthful analysis hurts my heart.
3 years ago
Funny how neither movie ends up being about the title as advertised: both couples end up married. Thus women can leave the theater thinking they CAN have their cake and eat it too. Every angle is covered. No need to think things through or have any discernment about anything.
Mr. G.
3 years ago
“Your vagina is special”
I should have written that in my vows.
3 years ago
Devon, please do another PillStream soon or we riot.
3 years ago
yes great job ,, boy you are the best. thank you again
3 years ago
On Point n Very Poignent, tis Time to Rid the World of this plague of evil..
We See n We are Not Afraid…
Eph. 6.10-12
God Speed to The Return, To Truth n Justice and Blessed are those who See n Hear the End of Daze.. The King of Kings is Close by n Is Preparing.. Bee Ready…
God Bless Us All
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cadet 44
3 years ago
Thanks for the video the normalization of friends with benefits is what got us in 2019 and beyond. The only thing that people can do is fix whats broken in there lives. Trust will and always be a dirty word.
3 years ago
That’s some spicy content you got there.
Mowgli Baloo
3 years ago
Great analysis
Gilgamesh of Uruk
3 years ago
You think being a loner makes you weak? Wrong. It’s easier to fight, when everyone is your enemy.
Rock E Shepherd
3 years ago
You should decode the movie with Mary Tyler Moore what’s so bad about feeling good. It’s got Chemtrails in it,b but I think it’s got a more hidden agenda than just showing you the Chemtrails were used honest. It’s got Don Knox in it.
3 years ago
I will break my programming!
Deividas Kavoliunas
Deividas Kavoliunas
2 years ago (edited)
it’s simply staggering what effect on young women movies and books have (+COSMO wisdom). Women are preaching these ideas as if it’s some kind of biblical wisdom… but when you challenge them to track where those ideas came from… it ends up with “well, everyone do that” or “[copy-paste some citation from movie]”.
3 years ago
There was certainly a dark Timeline shift towards the end of 2010 and into early 2011. We never recovered and things only accelerated into chaos that we have now. If it’s only been 8 years – how much worse with another 8 years be from now? God, Jesus save us.
3 years ago
Drunk Roku
3 years ago (edited)
Yes. As a teen in the 80’s, I went from being a metalhead to being a Liberal post-punk alt because I found that I could land cute alt girls without having to play guitar (metalhead must) or be on the varsity sports team (jock). So, little effort, significant reward. This dick led move contributed to destroying my life (as weak as that might sound), in that it stunted my growth as a man at the most crucial time in the life of a male, continuing up to my mid 20’s.
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Michael B
3 years ago
Amen. Very True.
3 years ago
I’m Boomer/GenX- pilled. Need friend with benefits because there ain’t no good girls left
Nowell Sanders
Nowell Sanders
3 years ago
Very, very interesting and revealing as to how our populace has been manipulated by those of whom willingly turned their backs on God, morality and decent norms, all of which have been important to how we as a nation survive the slings and arrows of daily trials and unexpected tragedies!
Antonio Ferreira
3 years ago
“Friends with Benefits” is the #1 stumbling block of Godly men in the bible. Look at what happened to judge Samson. Or how about king David falling in love with his neighbor’s wife? But wait! THERE’S MORE! … Look at what happened to the ancient country of Judah after Solomon banged his 700 wives and 300 concubines … it all fell apart!
Kerry Takashi
3 years ago
The promiscuous hook up was portrayed in male oriented films loooooong before they started selling it to women.
I’m telling you as a young woman, many men wouldn’t look at you if you weren’t going to hook up right away. They were sold a story that was false as well not just women.
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Orson Jaques
3 years ago
Devon, somehow it has to do with fabrications against Solomon and stories about two angels in Babel, Harut and Marut. I don’t really understand your video much, but if there is one Quranic verse that has anything to say about gender dysphoria, and possibly the normalization of it, you might check out 2:102. Maybe you can interpret something about it more saliently than I can.
3 years ago
Where do you get all this stuff?
Milad Rahim
3 years ago
Devon you should start a Telegram channel; free of any fear of censor.
Trisha Hukins
3 years ago
You know we are living in troubled times, if not the end times, when those who choose purity and righteousness are the counter-culture. Mater Dei, ora pro nobis.
Wild Wolf
3 years ago
A lot of this world makes me sick :c
Craig Bigelow
3 years ago
Marriage is a financial arrangement.With NO benefits! And love is irrelevant!
3 years ago
Hook up culture kills the soul
Mark Alonzo
3 years ago
Hey. Why has the “Me” generation disappeared? I was just trying to look up the generations in an attempt to understand why so many parents of my age group disregard their kids and I can’t find a lot of information about the “me” generation! A little help here?!?!??
Tom Stephens
3 years ago
A few scratches on the surface is all and seems to have a TradCon bent, but it is a major publication and maybe those few scratches will leave a mark and enlighten/inspire deeper digs. But, still… I don’t know… just sense as alternate agenda with this article and it’s TradCon flavor. Like the villain in Indiana Jones III said, “Remember, trust no one.” Anyone else’s take is welcomed:
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Martin Webb
3 years ago
You should do “Dougie Hauser, M.D.”
3 years ago
Literally two rabbi’s in the background lmao
Sebastian Hahn
3 years ago
As a simple counterargument to this narrative, men have been so villainized for so long that only the most confident and privileged men can afford to take the active approach to relationships; and add that to the fact that women are frequently more well off economically in our now service-based economy (where they have the advantage), it increasingly makes sense that women should take the active role in pursuing relationships with men whom they find desirable, as men are often at a disadvantage socially and economically, making approaching women much more risky than it was historically. I mean, unless you think it’s fine for everyone to pretty much stop dating and starting families.
Basically, it all comes down to economics. Despite all the talk about “patriarchy” and “misogyny”, if you exclude the top and bottom percentiles of the population (the very rich and the very poor), women are much better off than men by pretty much every metric.
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3 years ago
It’s not finally about friends or benefits but, to your poiint, about the marketing of yet another Western dream, the almighty Wizard of Ozgasm.
3 years ago
Ever thought about doing a video on Rosemary’s Baby?
Miguel E. Antonetti
3 years ago
Space Cat
3 years ago
That was quite the ending…or should I say, lack there of.
B-RAD !!!!!!
3 years ago
I have liked this 5 times and it keeps going away
3 years ago
please please do a show on “dog moms” and “fur babies” as their replacement for children
truly horrifying
3 years ago (edited)
Wow. Mila Kunis is doing that white power hand sign I keep hearing so much about. Et tu Hollywood? 11:07
Kevin Kimmich
Kevin Kimmich
2 years ago
We have a flock of ducks, male and female. To get them from point a to b, you just have to.move the females
Honk Honkler
3 years ago
Today we are about as far from freedom as a people can get, the majority of people have been mentally enslaved to such an extent that most of the thoughts they have aren’t even genuinely their own thoughts. I find it beyond unsettling interacting with people who only ever talk about either their job or pop culture, it’s nauseating to think the extent of some people’s thoughts is so shallow and pointless.
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Mitch G
3 years ago
Well said
3 years ago
Holy cow, man, I heard a sermon this morning about how fornication is the source of abortion. THAT’S some synchronicity.
Mega Trubaduren
Mega Trubaduren
3 years ago
Crispus Attucks
3 years ago
Thumbs up first, watching later
3 years ago
The medium of their control is through the senses. The senses make feeling possible and thus craving/clinging and desire and aversion which are the prime motivators of actions in the world for worldly people. Man is unique however because in him is the faculty of discernment/rational thought/critical thought witch allows him to process his sense input and override his base animalistic impulses. This is what separates man from beast and man can go either way depending on his level of right effort. He can utilize his higher faculties and become a great man or fall to the base impulses and emotional reactions and become a monster of sorts. The most carnal of all desires in man is the woman. All the true sages and men of the highest calibre have seen through the allure of a woman and taken the path of the celibate or at the least the contented and good moderate who has shame in regards to what constitutes the animalistic. Practice restraint and guard your senses. Apply your mind to urges and impulses and try to see for yourself the drawbacks of them…
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Tom Stephens
3 years ago
Another entry for the “Who’da Thunk It?” file, delivered by Captain Obvious:
Academic Article/Study:
“Gender Differences in Automatic In-Group Bias: Why Do Women Like Women More Than Men Like Men?”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004, Vol. 87, No. 4
Laurie A. Rudman, Rutgers University
Stephanie A. Goodwin, Purdue University
Salient Points:
(1) “Thus, men and women strongly identified with their gender and showed robust self-esteem, but women showed dramatically more in-group bias than did men. Because we used a measure that untangled evaluation from gender stereotypes, this sex difference was not likely due to semantic associations.”
(2) “On average, participants showed substantial implicit self-esteem and identified with their gender, but their confluence predicted in-group bias only for women. In essence, women can be characterized as ‘If I am good and I am female, females are good,’ whereas men can be characterized as ‘Even if I am good and I am male, men are not necessarily good.’ This sex difference in cognitive balance suggests that a mechanism that promotes female preference in women does not similarly contribute to male preference for men. As a result, Experiment 1 provides support for our first explanation for why women show stronger automatic in-group bias compared with men.”
(3) “In sum, Experiment 2 confirmed that men possess less in-group bias compared with women.”
(4) “Nonetheless, our experiments suggest that in the absence of specific power manipulations, women strongly implicitly prefer their own gender, whereas men do not.”
“The fact that women show stronger automatic in-group bias than men is provocative, because it suggests a reversal of sexism at the implicit level.“
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Dylan George
3 years ago
Very interesting video.
ThunderKat 92
3 years ago
6:30 I love how you mentioned how boys will be lead around with their testicles while men are pushed into the positions they needed to be in.
I was dating my ex wife for a year when we had our kid and it pushed me to do more in the Army because I was going to have a kid. I was 19 and scared but now that I look back I thank God it happened to me. When I deployed I got hit by a mortar round and the blast wound made me sterile. My son is the greatest thing to happen to me because I wouldnt have this house over my head if he hadnt pushed me to be the best man I needed to be.
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Grokme Amadeus
3 years ago
Easy to see this now but in the days of movies like Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Last American Virgin the generations before stood little chance to become aware.
An Hero Of Men
3 years ago
1984 more like {INSERT CURRENT YEAR}
John Smith
3 years ago
I only encountered feminism once in my undergraduate studies. When I did, it was presented completely uncritically and unquestionably correct. All other theories were presented with counter theories and objectively analysed to ask which best told us about the facts being analysed.
I wish that something like what is being presented here was allowed to be presented and discussed. Instead, it is demonised and labelled as sexist.
If they are so certain of their ideology, why can it not be chaleneged?
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Justin S
3 years ago
Hyenas’ are technically “feliforms” not dogs, but interesting analysis as usual. ty
Hugh Garectshenn
2 years ago
Do a girls night out video. Thanks for this video brother.
Aquila Tempestate
3 years ago
Hail the Gods.
African Booty Scratcher
3 years ago
The best time to watch these videos are at night
3 years ago
i never attracted attractive woman
cuz im not a house cat i guess
tRad Dad
tRad Dad
3 years ago
Traditionalism is the new rebellion
Kavi Jackson
3 years ago
3 years ago
It has been said that men are ethereal and women are material. I’m nearing one year no orgasm and I can say definitively it is the lesser suffering.
at s
3 years ago
I’m not religious, but I’ll admit that the Bible is full of wisdom.
Ian Swart
3 years ago
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.
jimeas popoloiv
3 years ago
I seriously thinking about becoming a devout and uncompromising traditional roman catholic.
3 years ago
“The people upstairs” I wonder who that could be?
Mary Lamb
3 years ago (edited)
Both women are jewish. What do you think that means? And did you notice the two bearded jewish men that didn’t bow down during the dance? What’s that mean?
3 years ago
Women were once the gatekeepers of morality, modesty, and decency. Once upon a time.
On behalf of women everywhere, I’m so, so sorry.
Russian Bot Farm
Russian Bot Farm
3 years ago
Your cprohyigt avoidance technique is good – wonder whether any algorithm could beat all such attempts! I bet not – I bet the ‘avoider’ can always win.
3 years ago
I always thought there was nothing romantic in those “romantic comedies”.
3 years ago
This shit writes itself
3 years ago
Uh oh, Mila Kunis is doing the WP (OK) hand sign. Someone call the cops.
mike 1957
3 years ago
Marketing team = Tavistock, Rand, Atlantic Councel, CFR etc etc…..
3 years ago
I’m a degenerate in the sense that I’m a male who desires to be wholly feminine. I don’t think I’m a woman or any of that bullshit, but there’s something certainly wrong with me. Anyway, despite this idiosyncrasy, I find the current social neglect toward monogamy to be disgusting. True, long-lasting love is the glue of successful modern society.
Truman Johnson
3 years ago
many of us on the altright are divided on the optics question. Do we openly advocate our message, and values, without the use of allegory or metaphor? Or do we blanket our message, making it more palateable to those uninitiated? Devon Stack runs the gamut.
tiffany young
3 years ago
Really good videos
Joe Somebody
3 years ago
Hate to say it, but in a lot of ways these things occur because we normalized “live and let live” kinda culture, where we just tolerate everything as long as it doesn’t effect us. It leaves one in the position where you can’t publicly call out this kinda behavior unless its pushing some pretty strong degeneracy. There should be consequences to whoring around and single motherhood, right now its celebrated, and our broken society is the result.
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Wednesday Night Business
3 years ago
ALL the subtleties
An Insane Shocktrooper
3 years ago
Virginity, the most undervalued thing in earth.
ted det
ted det
3 years ago
I’ve always kinda liked this channel and watched passively thinking it was just a fun/quirky couple making conspiracy vids but honestly after watching this, I see the guy is dumb as nails in how sloppy and not well thought out the this was. I’m in no way a “no strings attached”advocate (movie or otherwise) but this was just straight up gross
Mr. & Mrs. MGTow
3 years ago (edited)
Devin, Your sounding like a fellow MGTOW in this video.
3 years ago
Devon, I like a lot of your vids but I have some issues with this one. While I agree on the negative effects of promiscuity on society and that movies like this promote that type of behavior. Is it really all planned like you say? I think that is a bit of a stretch I’d say it’s just something that’s easy to market to make money, mostly anyways. Plus “friends with benefits” was a phrase that predates these movies by many years. One more thing we as men can’t put the blame totally on women. We are men and being a man means we own up to our mistakes. Someone is having sex with all these women! Someone is giving into all of this. Dudes have been bragging for ages about conquests. So to only blame women will divide the sexes even more. We are in a pickel though. There are good women still out there they are just hard to find. So I see what you mean I just think you’re over analyzing it and men need to own up as well. I’m sure I’ll catch some hate for this post. LOL. Anyways great production.
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3 years ago
I’m old enough to miss the days where men were men and women were ladies.
Emilian Bizga
3 years ago
The master…. their master!!!! That’s the battle we have to fight
bob johnson
3 years ago
I blame bad parenting. Teaching little girls that they are all special and princesses has ruining future women. Women chase guys with big muscles and money. The guys can treat them however they wish and if they don’t like it they move on easy.
3 years ago
The next game will be, A dance of man and machine. Then it will be baby factory. And it will finish with the day i said goodbye to my humanity.
Lavons Affair
3 years ago
14:23 notice the rabbi filth in the background
3 years ago
Once again I have to state the obvious here, Western Christianty does not have a monopoly on morals and family values.
November Pierce
3 years ago
Always happy to see more from black pilled
Sumeet Mahindroo
3 years ago
The way Black Pilled is exposing Hollywood movies it looks like i can’t see these movies again on tv. Stop watching Forrest Gump after movie got exposed on this channel and i wanted to see Falling Down on tv but whenever it telecast on tv i avoid that movie because it reminds me of Black Pilled YouTube channel. Thanks for opening the eyes.
The New York Red Neck
3 years ago
@ 5:00 minutes I disagree.
Due to the current situation of our society I am in high regard and sought after by a majority of women
So many men are weak that I have free range to breed and create life.
It’s great.
And the emotional bond is always there.
You just have to be the strength they have yet to experience.
Definitive actions and words go a long way in the terms of multiple relationships.
And yes, on the other hand I don’t accept them being with other men
That’s weakness
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Eeyton Bakonbits
3 years ago
It is something to catch men who normally would choose to break away from society and their man hating ways.
I was one of them and now I have a kid….
3 years ago
You and bps always upload at same time
Edward Blake
Edward Blake
3 years ago
Detached people will not answer to shallow promises of politics. Groups are not only dangerous but also a despicable amalgam of otherwise weak people. Groups are the root of all politics and the state. Detachment is the answer, not the problem
Sebastian Sirvas
3 years ago
Not about christianity necessarily. It is about making people more loyal to the STATE. Families, closely knitted local communities and clans are competition for that loyalty.
Cybertron 76
3 years ago
Wow, we live in a messed up time.
Anthony R. Maradin
3 years ago
Feminism is about the beta and omega females wanting equality with the alpha females, with males being casualties of this struggle. The same is now observed with the INCEL movement for males.
The weaker of either of the two only genders, which in this age of decadence has become the majority, are easily manipulated.
For example, given the same status as their superiors under the guise of equality. Obtaining positions of authority making policy that fits their imaginations.
The male and female union was for the benefit of the human species. Marriage ensured most everyone had the opportunity to procreate, have access to sex and love.
All this was broken down, to replace what worked. What worked gave decadence………
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Shanna Honea
3 years ago
AMEN social engineering/ programming at its finest working like clockwork sadly
Pigroach Man
3 years ago
We aren’t designed to live life alone. Look at the lifespans of people with lifelong marriages or partnerships. They will live on average, much longer than their lifelong single counterparts.
Username Checks Out
3 years ago
This is a call to white men, women, and children. They must develop and max out their strength, intelligence, and power.
Bearded Wolf
3 years ago
Remember to find a cute wife, have many babies and homeschool them
The American Cristero
The American Cristero
3 years ago
Okay, so if y’all stopped being so depressed about the issue down here in the comments and actually spent your time trying to come up with and implement a solution, you could have your way. The world would change. It won’t change, however, if you keep complaining.
I never said the change could be done within the constructs of “democracy,” this kind of a change will be harder to come by. But then again, very few of the great changes (for the better) in our society have been accomplished through democracy. It takes dedicated people fighting for what they believe in and never letting anyone stop them.
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3 years ago
Both of those movies were great plus this video gave out a lot of facts
Sarah H
3 years ago (edited)
Omg I watched a friend’s with benefits movie with Jennifer anistan I think. I didn’t fall for that programming though, never did have a fwb.
I think I own this movie. Goddammit.
Wandering Oryx
3 years ago (edited)
Cosmopolitan in 1917 was a lot more conservative with their cover illustrations.
Reverend Christine
3 years ago
Good video.
3 years ago
And we as men need to take the blame for allowing God’s natural order to be turned upside down, the man is the head and makes the final decisions. (Ref: Adam & Eve)
Hunk Golden
Hunk Golden
3 years ago
Holy shit. This is so powerful, that in a perfect world, you could literally win a Nobel or Pulitzer Prize for this. It’s happening unbeknownst to the brain dead laboratory Apes Who Stare at their screens like zombies. I’ve been in the Bible prophecy no hardcore way since the early part of the 1980s and have literally watch this unfold. I’m 51 now and it’s fucking amazing. I hate feminists and everything, but I have to admit it’s helped my life. It’s got me laid on the first date more times than you could possibly count, I’ve been married twice and never paid for an engagement ring. These chicks took care of me. I wouldn’t have had 95% of the sexual experiences I’ve had if I grew up in the 50s versus the 80s and 90s
Read more
3 years ago (edited)
I think there was a lot more than shaming or mockery which contributed to a collapse in church attendance. In many cases the church itself isn’t innocent of this. Trying to claim moral authority when you have covered up an facilitated paedophile priests.
Even though i am against degenerate, hook up culture and am for patriarchal monogamous family structure.
Read more
Service NJ
3 years ago
wow, so true !
3 years ago
I like being different. It’s what makes me great. Conformity is for WEAK people.
3 years ago
Do “How I Met your mother”
Agent Adams
3 years ago
Can we start calling Generation Baby Boomers the Doomers?
3 years ago
Europe was diverse before the EU.
What is so diverse about the Arabic language moving into 40 different European countries that each speak a completely different language, have a different history, different culture?
What is so diverse about extending South America across the entire Western Hemisphere?
When I think of the Korea, China, and Japan, I see one thing of people who all look the same, sound the same, act the same and aren’t very diverse.
When I think of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Qatar, UAE, etc, I see one thing, same looking people who behave and speak the exact same way…
When I think of Congo, Zambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Mauritius, Mauritania, Zimbabwe etc I see the exact same thing, the same people, the same behavior, same violence, the exact same thing…
When I look at Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Puerto Rico etc I see the exact same people, speaking the same language, behaving the same way, same genericness…
Read more
Andrew Podmore
3 years ago
Nihilism has replaced hope. Irony has displaced obligation. Meaning & justification — once guided by the Logos — no longer have a home in “our” secular, popular culturally milieu. A world where sensibility has been trivialised by medical science as an epiphenomenon; merely a by product of lower brain motor functioning, having its way with one’s endocrinology. Love? A passing response towards what your body needs.
Nothing more…..
Nothing less….. What craven beasts we’ve all become. π∆√
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Bad News
3 years ago
14:23 – Marketing team, “waiting in the wing”!
Oliver Quinn
3 years ago
12:35 there is no such thing as an “extra cigarette”. Every pack comes with the normal amount. I’ve never gotten a pack with extra.
Fed Up Southern Girl
3 years ago (edited)
Black pilled video shows up in my feed; I immediately and giddily click on it. I need more uploads, you addictive bastard!
Oh, and who is that unbelievably beautiful woman at 4:27? Dont see women like that much anymore. Stunning (and that’s coming from a female!)
P.S. I disagree that Mila Kunis isnt ao good looking that women in the audience wouldn’t be threatened by her. She is an exotic beauty that most American women know is MUCH hotter than they are.
Read more
Me Too
3 years ago
devaluing the voice of reason is undoing the first amendment.
Stop devalue the voice of reason.
Stop devaluing men.
Appreciate them stop playing princess, or everyone dies.
Tom Stephens
3 years ago
Though I have no advocation for organized religion nor taste for dogma, here’s a Sunday School Red Pill instruction that would have been useful back during my youth-compulsory attendance, amen:
[From the United Methodist Publishing House, the Common English Bible (CEB):]
[Benefits of Wisdom]
6 The Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding . . .
16 Wisdom will rescue you from the mysterious woman, from the foreign woman with her slick words.
17 She leaves behind the partner of her youth; she even forgets her covenant with God.
18 Her house sinks down to death, and her paths go down to the shadowy dead.
19 All those who go to her will never return; they will never again reach the ways of the living.
[Avoid the Mysterious Woman]
1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom. Bend your ear to what I know,
2 so you might remain discreet, and your lips might guard knowledge.
3 The lips of a mysterious woman drip honey, and her tongue is smoother than oil,
4 but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead to the grave.
6 She doesn’t stay on the way of life. Her paths wander, but she doesn’t know it.
7 Now sons, listen to me, and don’t deviate from the words of my mouth.
8 Stay on a path that is far from her; don’t approach the entrance to her house.
9 Otherwise, you will give your strength to others, your years to a cruel person.
10 Otherwise, strangers will sap your strength, and your hard work will end up in a foreigner’s house.
11 You will groan at the end when your body and flesh are exhausted.
[Wise Advise]
23 The commandment is a lamp and instruction a light; corrective teaching is the path of life.
24 They guard you from the evil woman, from the flattering tongue of the foreign woman.
25 Don’t desire her beauty in secret; don’t let her take you in with her eyelashes,
26 for a prostitute costs a loaf of bread, but a married woman hunts for a man’s very life.
27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap and his clothes not get burned?
28 If a man walks on hot coals, don’t his feet get burned?
[Avoid Loose Women]
2 Keep my commands and live, and my instruction like the pupil of your eye.
3 Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister”; call understanding “friend,”
5 so she might guard you against the mysterious woman, from the foreign woman who flatters you.
6 When from the window of my house, from behind the screen, I gazed down,
7 I looked among the naive young men and noticed among the youth, one who had no sense.
8 He was crossing the street at her corner and walked down the path to her house
9 in the early evening, at the onset of night and darkness.
10 All of a sudden a woman approaches him, dressed like a prostitute and with a cunning mind.
11 She is noisy and defiant; her feet don’t stay long in her own house.
12 She has one foot in the street, one foot in the public square. She lies in wait at every corner.
13 She grabs him and kisses him. Her face is brazen as she speaks to him:
14 “I’ve made a sacrifice of well-being; today I fulfilled my solemn promises.
15 So I’ve come out to meet you, seeking you, and I have found you.
16 I’ve spread my bed with luxurious covers, with colored linens from Egypt.
17 I’ve sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Come, let’s drink deep of love until morning; let’s savor our lovemaking.
19 For my husband isn’t home; he’s gone far away.
20 He took a pouch of money with him; he won’t come home till full moon.”
21 She seduces him with all her talk. She entices him with her flattery.
22 He goes headlong after her, like an ox to the slaughter, like a deer leaping into a trap,
23 until an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird hurrying to the snare, not aware that it will cost him his life.
24 Now children, listen to me, and pay attention to my speech.
25 Don’t turn your heart to her ways; don’t wander down her paths.
26 She has caused many corpses to fall; she has killed many people.
27 Her house is a path to the grave, going down to the chambers of death.
[“Woman Foley’s” Invitation]
13 Woman Folly is noisy; she’s stupid and doesn’t even know it.
14 She sits at the doorway of her house, on a seat at the city heights.
15 She invites those who pass by on the path, those going straight on their way.
16 “Whoever is naive, come in here,” she says to those who lack sense.
17 “Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is pleasant.”
18 But they don’t know that the dead are there; her guests are in the depths of the grave.
22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s nose is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion.
4 A strong woman is a crown to her husband, but a disgraceful woman is like rot in his bones.
1 A wise woman builds her house, while a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands.
3 Pride sprouts in the mouth of a fool . . .
7 Stay away from fools, for you won’t learn wise speech there.
8 By their wisdom the prudent understand their way, but the stupidity of fools deceives them.
15 The naive believe anything . . .
16 . . . fools become excited and overconfident.
18 Stupidity is the lot of the naive . . .
24 . . . the folly of fools is folly.
29 Patience leads to abundant understanding, but impatience leads to stupid mistakes.
30 A peaceful mind gives life to the body, but jealousy rots the bones.
31 Wisdom resides in an understanding heart, but it’s not known in fools.
2 . . . the mouth of a fool gushes with stupidity.
14 . . . fools feed on folly.
22 . . . the instruction of the foolish is folly.
1 Better a dry crust with quiet than a house full of feasting with quarrels.
9 One who seeks love conceals an offense, but one who repeats it divides friends.
14 The start of a quarrel is like letting out water, so drop the dispute before it breaks out.
27 Wise are those who restrain their talking; people with understanding are coolheaded.
28 Fools who keep quiet are deemed wise; those who shut their lips are smart.
1 Unfriendly people look out for themselves; they bicker with sensible people.
2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing their opinion.
6 The lips of fools make accusations; their mouths elicit beatings.
7 The mouth of fools is their ruin; their lips are a trap for their lives.
8 The words of gossips are like choice snacks; they go down to the inmost parts.
13 Those who answer before they listen are foolish and disgraceful.
13 . . . a contentious wife is like constant dripping.
9 Better to live on the edge of a roof than with a contentious woman in a large house.
19 Better to live in a wilderness than in a house with a contentious and angry woman.
14 The mouth of a mysterious woman is a deep pit . . .
9 Don’t speak in the ears of fools, for they will scorn your insightful words.
27 A prostitute is a deep pit, and a foreign woman is a narrow well.
28 Indeed, she ambushes like a robber and increases the number of the faithless.
24 Better to live on the edge of a roof than to share a house with a contentious woman.
28 A person without self-control is like a breached city, one with no walls.
15 The constant dripping on a rainy day and a contentious woman are alike;
16 anyone who can control her can control the wind or pick up oil in his hand.
3 A man that loveth wisdom, rejoiceth his father: but he that feedeth harlots, wasteth his substance.
20 This is the way of an adulterous woman: she eats and wipes her mouth, and she says, “I’ve done nothing wrong!”
21 At three things the earth trembles, at four it can’t bear up . . .
23 at a detested woman when she gets married and a female servant when she replaces her mistress.
[Words of King Lemuel from His Mother]
3 Don’t give your strength to women,
your ways to those who wipe out kings.
[The Competent Wife (aka NAWALT/Unicorn)]
10 A competent wife, how does one find her? Her value is far above pearls.
11 Her husband entrusts his heart to her, and with her he will have all he needs.
12 She brings him good and not trouble all the days of her life.
13 She seeks out wool and flax; she works joyfully with her hands.
14 She is like a fleet of merchant ships, bringing food from a distance.
15 She gets up while it is still night, providing food for her household, even some for her female servants.
16 She surveys a field and acquires it; from her own resources, she plants a vineyard.
17 She works energetically; her arms are powerful.
18 She realizes that her trading is successful; she doesn’t put out her lamp at night.
19 She puts her hands to the spindle; her palms grasp the whorl.
20 She reaches out to the needy; she stretches out her hands to the poor.
21 She doesn’t fear for her household when it snows, because they are all dressed in warm clothes.
22 She makes bedspreads for herself; fine linen and purple are her clothing.
23 Her husband is known in the city gates when he sits with the elders of the land.
24 She makes garments and sells them; she supplies sashes to traders.
25 Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future.
26 Her mouth is full of wisdom; kindly teaching is on her tongue.
27 She is vigilant over the activities of her household; she doesn’t eat the food of laziness.
28 Her children bless her; her husband praises her:
29 “Many women act competently, but you surpass them all!”
30 Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Let her share in the results of her work; let her deeds praise her in the city gates.
Read more
Brother Hashem
3 years ago
3 years ago
There is a resurgence of religious devotion awakening in the West.
3 years ago
This irony is so ironic, at first I unironically thought you were serious
toks david
toks david
3 years ago
The slow frame ‘subtleties’ part with those men in the black in the background. So on the nose. Lol
Generalu Stelaru
3 years ago
Well, the Bible is contradicting itself on the subject of family. Furthermore, the family unit is a concept that predates Christianity in Europe. So what makes it a “Christina value” precisely, and not Natural Law, or K-selection behavior?
Remember, just because Christianity has suffered a lot of mutations throughout the centuries, it doesn’t mean it’s not an anti-nature ideology at its core. You are supposed to love that Jesus character more than your nation, your family, or even yourself. So how can that kind of advice be conducive to families when Jeeboo would be more proud if you went celibate and retreated into a monastery?
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Shadow Artist
3 years ago
Id love to see you analyze Diary of a Mad Housewife. Or Unmarried Woman.
ed geiger 1
3 years ago
The last days of Rome are upon us…..!
3 years ago
“Originally, religion was merely a prop for human communities. It was a means, not an end in itself. It’s only gradually that it became transformed into this direction, with the object of maintaining the rule of the priests, who can live only to the detriment of society collectively. The instructions of a hygienic nature (that most religions gave) contributed to the foundation of organized communities. The precepts ordering people to wash, to rise with the sun, to avoid certain drinks, to fast at appropriate dates, to take exercise, to climb to the top of the minaret, all these were obligations invented by intelligent people. The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory…All these elements contributed to form human communities. It is to these private customs that peoples owe their present characters.”
Read more
3 years ago
I do not like how you always belittle women. I believe it is of vital importance that men and women stand together in this time. By always putting them down you will only push them away and support the modern goals of separating men and women.
3 years ago
+Black Pilled — TANGENT … Mr. Stack, it’s probably someone else but is that the former model Kim Alexis at the 3:49-4:37 mark? It sure looks like her. I’m old enough to remember Ms. Alexis; though Paulina Porizkova was in the #1 spot and all-time favorite.
Billy Blues
3 years ago
Now! Now! Devin,
Be Careful or People might Think, you have gone MGTOW.
3 years ago
Notice the tribal members in the background at the station?
3 years ago
Jack E Pong
1 year ago
I guess the question is now, what do we do? Some good advice for the young guys out there
3 years ago
Black Pilled IS Teddy Spaghetti
Mon P.
Mon P.
3 years ago
I have never seen either movie!
A British Singer In Manila
3 years ago
Spot on
3 years ago
enter – taint – ment
Midday Sun
3 years ago
Spot on
3 years ago
Oh damn , that was a clip of Jersey girls in the 80s at Wildwood
3 years ago
Oy vey! Who were those two men in the background?!
Red Saint
3 years ago
The people upstairs work for the angels downstairs.
3 years ago (edited)
I’m new, who are the “men upstairs “? Great video by the way.
Toaster Pastries
Toaster Pastries
3 years ago
Gynocentrism sucks
Inferno Trout
3 years ago
Yep, That just about sums it up.
Tin Foil Pope
3 years ago
I see your point of view and agree, how many of your videos has youtube pulled off your channel?
Philly Catholic League Sports Network
3 years ago
This is how women behave. The movies aren’t making them behave that way. Beta male thinking here.
3 years ago (edited)
Romantic (teen) comedies wreck havoc among targeted young man of the ’80s and consequentially in the early ’90s (as “consumers” grew up).
Mostly they pushed the idea to be her “friend,” her daily swiss knife, a shoulder to cry on, etc. who only has to (overcome fears) and reveal his emotions resulting in her meltdown into his arms.
Boy, this was the wrong premise – the creation of beta and even delta men of the middle class, obsessed with some local girl, ruining his teen years since they would ignore those girls who try to win his attention and like his for what he is.
Combine this with older Cinderella complex, that most women deserve nothing less than a prince (of course, many would grow out of it, but also many – never). That combination was really hard hitting on both teen genders (in the end). Now, apparently, they are trying to rewire young adult woman. Teenage girls are already a generation of Post-Disney Princesses that has taken deep roots.
Read more
jose velasquez
3 years ago
The next video should be an analysis of the film McFarland, USA
Planet Stupider
3 years ago
The less white people there will be, the more valuable we become. Hell we can possibly achieve stardom or maybe diety status! Just think of the possibilities. We will be in high demand.
OM Namah Shivay
OM Namah Shivay
3 years ago (edited)
I used to live with joint family, then came neutral families, then families came to only 2 people living in a living relationship. Now its alone with friends with benefits. In future live with same sex so that no kids are born. Less people easy control
3 years ago (edited)
Why dont we all just get together and form a seperate nation, founded on our own ideals, isolated from any possible outside influence?
Sherry Alford
3 years ago
Mr. Jibs
3 years ago
Do a video on the movie “Americathon”.
3 years ago
Can you review gone with the wind or other positive movies showing good propaganda?
John Johnson
3 years ago
(One of the) FIRST!
Dyls Wife
3 years ago
Anything you can do I can do better…
Lord of all Fevers and Plague
2 years ago
14:24 Oh the “subtleties”.
Zayne Graves
3 years ago
The subtleties.. like in the background at @14:36
3 years ago
How does this only have 95k views
3 years ago
Spot on. Sad how many women have taken the propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
3 years ago
the subtleties 14:30
Political Puppet Theatre
3 years ago
Muahaha, I was on the fringe but the ranks are growing.
3 years ago
I like the rolling text at the bottom more than the boxed text.
KoKo FitFaded
3 years ago
JT Jones
3 years ago
“Free Love” man.
3 years ago
thank you.
Yves Torquest
3 years ago
Black Pilled – smartest channel on youtube!!!
ruth musante
3 years ago
Mama Mia was an example
simply fred
3 years ago
“income insecurity” what a load of shit, “newspeak”, Orwell warned us. Great channel, thanks !
Pewb Baron
3 years ago
Another one knocked out of the park, Mr. Stack.
3 years ago
You are right, but spit out that black pill and take the white pill. Be the change you want to see, and make the future something you’ll actually hope to see
dang dang
3 years ago
Friends with benefits means a lonely sad life that is shallow and empty makes people scared to commit
3 years ago
2:14 awwww, that was a beautiful moment in her life, don’t shit on it. L can be helpful
Sam Mcmillan
3 years ago
Hey give credit where credit is due Alan is morisette coined the fucking phrase ” friends with benefits ” in 1994 right after Dave ” uncle joey himself ” gouleay slayed that filthy hose beast with his legendary pork sword ( fun fact)
3 years ago
Don’t forget FTF, friends that f*ck…
asdrt asdi
3 years ago
how do you know that someone has a strategy to manipulate different groups in order to destroy them? maybe its just about making money?
Illuminatus Pythagoras
3 years ago
The two actresses starring in these two movies also both happen to be of a certain tribe…..
3 years ago
There’s about 20 women I want to share this video with.
Great and powerful Oz
3 years ago
2 years ago
Friends with benefits…..and a large bar tab.
Adam Dorsey
3 years ago
Xianghou Zinjiang Hu
3 years ago
I fear your channel is about to be permanently removed by YouTube. If it happens where can we go to obtain the wisdom you create?
a3dx _o7
3 years ago (edited)
This is it, isn’t it?
D Drury
3 years ago (edited)
Wow not to hard to manipulate woman. It may be a little harder when you got a very honest loving Dad. Lol i never wanted neither one of those men. Gerrard Butler. 300 is more my type.
Kiwi Spartan
3 years ago
First friends with benefits then selected breeding to make us more controllable
3 years ago
2011 ?? Man, I’m old.
3 years ago
And also the branding of boyfriend till the next boyfriend instead of husband.
3 years ago (edited)
Wow this comments section is refreshing and video, to hear this from a male perspective. Men with depth? With values? Self control? Love? Respect? Principles? Conviction? Seriously? Loyalty? Protect their woman, mother, sisters, daughters etc?
Having worked as a female in a 94% male industry, I saw it all, out of maybe a thousand guys, I can only think of 4 that genuinely loved and respected their wives, even in love still after years….. the rest, no matter what background from poor to rich, junior to executive, they bragged to each other about mistresses, private lap dances, groping women (I was one), prostitutes (like 13 in one night). They’d go on regular business trips, stag trips and hire like 20 whores. I wish I never knew. I used to feel sorry for their girlfriends and wives, and clearly avoid men like that. Problem is I never met any man not like them.
I had an awesome boyfriend years ago but he was KIA. I stupidly thought I’d meet another man like that, never happened. All this crap today plus the groups of men I’ve known have killed my trust in men and hope.
Read more
Ron Lawson
3 years ago
3 years ago
Right on
3 years ago
Kosher Shiksa
3 years ago
Ave Maria
Missouri Battleflag
3 years ago
The countdown to destruction
Robert Gaylord
3 years ago
In the ’60s most HS girls were not sluts but by ’80s those same women were.
Red’s Head
3 years ago
TY. Crushing.
Bubba Trismegistus
3 years ago
You have an interesting view of things. Too bad you’re right.
deep house
3 years ago
Please do a video on tinder and women “travelling incessantly and wanting a “partner in crime”‘ – it’s so annoying
Just Buds
3 years ago
Jesus christ mate. Great vid.
3 years ago
I assume the boys in marketing might have taken, worked there even…, a c(l)ue or 5 from THE elephant & the bull in the Pharmacy Glassy Room; Porn? Which, it turns out (much to everyone’s surprise) actually corrupts.
Адам Томпсон
3 years ago
Ya doin great kid!
Red Pill For Real
3 years ago
Holy shit at 14 minutes the subtitles are standing in the background
Silvio T
3 years ago
I’m intrigued by these PEOPLE IN MARKETING, please tell us more. What do their noses look like?
KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos
3 years ago
I honestly thought this was going to be about the benefits of how I’m living lmao was I wrong! Er opposite it’s how im NOT living no friends ONLY associate with family the last 5yr only 1or2 friends max for last 3yrs I been in hermit mode there are benefits like not paying taxes or anything like gas n shit I got no bills no car no dl. In a sense im more free but in others im in a prison of in visible bars I made for myself so it is a double edge sword.
Read more
3 years ago
How can we not get angry…
3 years ago
7:10 Her moves are so similar to the Kanye West “Fade” video.. But with more clothes… I guess the dancing in that video wasn’t very modern after all… I watched it several dozen times just to be sure… ; )
Johnny Rotten
3 years ago
Where is he ? Do we have to go looking for him. If the John Ward guy got him in trouble or he is in some whole with lotion ! OH IT IS ON!!!!
Cynthiana Faster
3 years ago
1st episode of Sex and the City was all about the lead woman (a column writer) doing a story on what if women had sex like a man.
Shine Island
3 years ago
I KNOW other people have thought this because I have. Every fuckin werd. But you made the video. YOU ARE A FUCKING LEGEND. Love….a girl.
richard wharton
3 years ago
BP you should do a vid on borderless, as all I see in it is propaganda & as usual doesn’t look at the elephant in the room.
Flat Sun
3 years ago
Anything you can DO I CAN DO BETTER
Can you bake a PIE?
Neither Can I
Read more
3 years ago
When black pilled discusses my exact current situation O_O
Underworld Dreams
3 years ago
14:20 The puppet masters admiring their handiwork perhaps?
3 years ago
I’m not marrying under the current marriage laws in the US in ever state…
Lesser Brother
3 years ago
lol This is like Coach Red Pill, Coach Greg Adams and Rollo Tomassi all in one.
3 years ago
Required viewing, of course.
Frank Malone
3 years ago
Yep…true dat…that’s why I’m single.
Chad Maples
3 years ago
Devon the Demon Slayer Stack
Joshua Smith
3 years ago
Your channel makes me salty and cynical about movies, so good job!
beekeeper bear Sablon
3 years ago
right & right!
3 years ago
Who owns Hollywood, the MSM and the Porn Industry? I think you know.
Wandering Man
3 years ago
You aren’t on the XRP train? good vid
Joao Escudo
3 years ago
Subtleties – lol, every single time.
The Erectus
3 years ago
When we getting DOTR vol. 2?
Schlomo Wazowski
Schlomo Wazowski
2 years ago
Negative XP – Scott Pilgrim
3 years ago
……very good….nice….
John Doe
3 years ago
So I should get married??? Lol
3 years ago
ECC 7:26 – 28
And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
27 Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:
28 Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.
Read more
Opinion Discarded
3 years ago
Boom Boom Basil
3 years ago
funny how you’re called a conspiracy theorist yet when you look who is behind this kind of stuff it’s the same people 99% of the time
Comment Deleted
3 years ago
now that youtube is going to aggressively target channels like this one, do you have a backup?
Salvatore Shiggerino
3 years ago (edited)
Dr. E. Michael Jones has a brilliant analysis: making heterosexuals behave like homosexuals.
Edit: see a lot of other EMJ comments here. Stack-Jones collab when?
Carnivore Bear
3 years ago
Weird…I never had the urge to buy the whole truck when the ice cream was free.
Raymond Coventry
3 years ago
So youtube started their purge today, will this channel still exist next week?
Meister Eder
2 years ago
>This might seem too much on the nose
Lol I see what you did there you cheeky bastard
Philip Morris
3 years ago
You can see the culprits if you pause at 15:12
3 years ago
Devon, would you start uploading content to Subscribestar please?
3 years ago
Men are not mindless sex robots nor are boys that are raised properly. No excuses all people have a choice .
The Big Dawg
3 years ago
Who is the “they” to which you refer?
Jeff Schroder
3 years ago
This episode sounds a lot like TFM! HMMMMMM…..
FEMA Region 9
3 years ago
The benefits of no attachments? No STDs, no divorce rape, No Ex drama, more jingle in your pocket
Zach Hall
3 years ago
3 years ago
Our anime women are sabotaged
Michael Levine
3 years ago
You could not be more correct!! I agree 100%
Are you saying this is something new? Just a phenomenon of the last 100 years. Look at history, this has been going on forever. I’m not saying everyone, but….
Are you Amish or Morman?
You must be popular with the women of your community, try not to be so subtle. Why buy the cow, right?
Read more
3 years ago
Curious what’s going on? The latest video got stopped. Blackpilled.com doesn’t work. The main Twitter is suspended with the only one updated is the Rocket Scientist twitter.
Diego Yanes Holtz
3 years ago
Both actress was in black swan
Timothy Jerrow
3 years ago
14:33 two juice rabbi’s lol the upstairs men came down for scene
3 years ago
As a Texan once said to me concerning the concept of marriage: Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?
3 years ago
I’m ready for the thöterdämerung
and you ?
Stewie Griffin
3 years ago
Maloneys Digest
3 years ago
@15:50 hahaha.
3 years ago
I have tried subscribing and have subscribed about 3 times and it keeps unsubscribing me. Anyone else have the same problem?
3 years ago
I’d love to buy your book but the shipping is 12$ US to Canada, fuck that.
3 years ago
Oh brave new world
Seth Apex
3 years ago
there were jews in the background of the flash mob of the friends with benefits clip you showed, also natalie portman is jewish.
world star
3 years ago
have you actually watched those both movies several times to make this video? lol
Robin Hawkins
3 years ago
Its getting harder and harder for me to find good content on my YouTube feed. I’m starting to lose interest. More months or years old content is being promoted and lackluster channels show up ten deep. Know More News is being crammed down my throat and I find that odd.
Justa Bunneh
3 years ago
So glad I was a sheltered kid. Never hooked up or had an abortion.
Michael McTeague
3 years ago
I guess you could say the subtleties are very… on the nose.
Alex Defatte
3 years ago
Play at 1.5 if you have normal brain function
Canadien girl
3 years ago
I wish this video was around when I was younger. I also wish my younger self would have listened to the message this video. Silly stubborn young girls.
Yo Momz
Yo Momz
3 years ago
Well, you’re right. However, consider the following: How much would it matter that women and boys were easily manipulated, if women didn’t have a vote?
Craig Bigelow
3 years ago
You might as well be married to your boss!
Nicholas Angelo
3 years ago
I call them Vagicians
Romega Vadquez
3 years ago (edited)
Who is this “they” you speak of?14:25 oh, that’s the “they” you speak of…….
Dudu Oson
3 years ago
Vid posted 2+ hours ago, no notification and it’s still not showing up in my subscriptions feed. Thanks Jewgle.
3 years ago
Its a good thing i have a screen name thats hard to connect back to who i am..any man who has slept with a hooker..like good, passionate real sex..knows full well..woman do not have the same capacity for uncommittle sex in the same way men do..sex carries such a huge responsibility for woman..its easy for a guy to walk away thinking..i never even asked her her name..its stupid to ask woman to assume they have that same kind of freedom because the simple reality is that they don’t…any.. person who tries to convince a girls that sex has the responsibility for her as it does for the guy she is sleeping with just to make a profit is selfish and evil…you see it when your walking out the door you are eager to leave happy with your purchase and the girl follows you out of the building..not wanting you to leave…asking for your name and number..’you’ll come back right?’..’I’ll see you soon?’ Its unfair to trick woman into believing that sex is somehowe the same for them as it is for men.
Read more
3 years ago
Are you secretly Norm McDonald?
3 years ago
Friendly Ghost
3 years ago
Not so subtle but just enough
John Smith
2 years ago (edited)
@14:20 & 15:03 (WTF ???) Something looks out of place in these sceenes, but I just can’t put my finger on exactly what it is.
I’m sure I’m not the only one that “has difficulty with being able to identify exactly” what doesn’t seem to belong here.
(I guess us white people all just look alike to me?)
Read more
3 years ago
Now we have these dolts claiming polyamory when they have wives or husbands.
Truly disgusting. Society is crumbling before our eyes.
We need to bring christ back.
It will get worse before it gets better.
Brandon Howell
3 years ago
The 2 Jews in the flash mob scene at the end just admiring their work
scumbag MGTOW MONK
3 years ago (edited)
fucking shit i think im black pilled and im religious and i thought i was the only one that thinks/feel thisway this way i’ve always thought that something is wrong with me but now…
Red Saint
3 years ago
Hit this out of the park.
Trad Catholicism is the only antidote. The Remnant is alive and growing.
3 years ago
Preserve the marketplace sex is cheap now.
3 years ago (edited)
your interpretation of ‘American Beauty’ is applicable to 99% of hollywood productions. I’ve been selecting that 1% left to watch ever since about the year 2000. Reading film descriptions: this one? Feminist garbage. This one? LGBTXYZ propaganda piece. This one? Another feminist one.. It mainly leaves some ‘old movies’. But then look at most Catherine Hepburn flicks…so it’s pre-WWII.
Read more
ob1 kanob
3 years ago
Divide and conquer.
Dawson Ford
3 years ago
I’m back in
I ‘ m o n y. o u. r s ide
3 years ago
promiscuity is a citizen’s duty.
Grande Gringo
3 years ago
Pretty clever, those bastards.
Charles Fritz
3 years ago
Note: both women are married with children.
3 years ago
Wheres my audio boom and why is your website down?
Tom Stephens
3 years ago
And, now this from:
Jun 1, 2019, 11:05 PM ET
Cut to the chase, salient terms of the article:
(1) “soccer star”
(2) “unidentified woman”
Salient facts asserted in the article:
(1) “The woman, who landed in Paris on May 15, . . . traveled back to Brazil on May 17, and says that she was too affected to go to the police immediately”
(2) WhatsApp “messages between the two proving Neymar was innocent”
(3) “If we can’t show the truth quickly it will be a snowball.”
And, of course, the closing character-assassination of the article (THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ACTUALLY IN THE ARTICLE):
“The star was suspended three games from his club team Paris Saint-Germain, last month by the French soccer federation after getting into an altercation with a fan. It was the second time this season he was suspended after a three-game ban by the UEFA Champions League for an earlier incident criticizing a referee.”
Read more
Demographics is Destiny
3 years ago
FYI a Daily Wire ad played before this video. I am sorry
James Steele
3 years ago
So what are we going to do about it? We have no powerful or wealthy guys on our side. Talking about it is a nice first step, but we’re virtually out of time. Any practical ideas?
Your Namehere
Your Namehere
3 years ago
but are there any benefits for me?
3 years ago
There is no such thing as a life without responsibility..only grades of it..life is a responsibility if only to your self..the real question of responsibility is what you gsin from it..im not a hater of the migtow movement im happy to encourage any man who seeks something else..however there must be something else..survival is not enough.making survival the meaning of your extisance is dispair..because it is a battle you are doomed to loose..if you decide to forgo woman and children you need to find something else…self improvement betterment of oneself..understanding of the universe in which you live..if you are an incel..that is not reason to despair it is only despair if you do not take advantage of its freedoms..betterment of mind, body and soul…an incel has the greatest freedom..but a huge responsibility..as men we are inherently worthless..we cannot rely on whats between our legs to find value..we are not the keepers of life…we are the benefactors of it..as a man it is your responsibility to be better..(not better for woman)..just better, to be stronger, wiser, more aware..this world is ours..but there are those who fight us for it (not woman)..just..others…you need to focus on being a better person..if you are not prepared to devote your time to one of the creators of life you must focus on the others.
Read more
Mark C
3 years ago
I dated a girl who played this game
Watch My Playlist
3 years ago
James West
3 years ago (edited)
When you see them lol
Tom Stephens
3 years ago
Education/tuition loans have been held to be non-dischargeable about 99.999999% of the time due to the basically insurmountable standard of “undue hardship” in bankruptcy court, and just about everyone has known all this for years now, been all over the major news outlets. So, here’s an easy two-parter:
Which sex of has the higher percentage of college enrollees (or recent enrollees)?
What percentage of those individuals took out loans in order to enroll or during the course of enrollment?
The collective answer is:
Read more
barbara emanuel
3 years ago
I’m guilty of falling for it Hook Line & Sinker by Grace I have been saved and repent and now I Repent of being deceived
FreedomBliss 2012
3 years ago
Because monogamy is such a natural behavior…….
Spooky Mulder
3 years ago
Friends with benefits equals whoring around? Lol! So if I’m sleeping with 3 out of my 82 friends I’m whoring around?
3 years ago
Haha as of now this video has 1900 thumbs up and 14 thumbs down
Watch My Playlist
3 years ago
Virgule Béreiziat
3 years ago
Hyenas aren’t dogs by the way, they,re closer to cats.
Tree Floraken
3 years ago
So sad.
3 years ago
Why? ((youtube)), what happened? fucking great video.
Drive By Commenter
3 years ago
Christianity addresses the lack of meaning in life for many and their attempts to fill it with other things.
It seems the value and logic behind preservation falls when ones faith falls. If the physical consequences or trade offs of lack of preservation could be shown in media, and role model characters who know how to manage living with abundance, maybe itd help.
too much sleeping around & the pill = lost ability to bond
men thinking strictly hormonally = lose 10% of upper brain function, ability to make wise decisions or keep from being manipulated
excessive overindulgence = health costs
fatherless children, or disincentive to fatherhood = abuse, alienated youth, crime etc.
Read more
Whostrolling Who
3 years ago
Whitemalephobia is real
Ruby Honey
3 years ago
Jan Hertog
3 years ago (edited)
At least in 2011 the men were white. Now, one step up, ads, tv-series, film, everywere you look, white women are portrayed on the arm of a black guy or an arab. Marriage as a cornerstone, not accepting adultery, teaching men and women restraint is btw not a christian thing, Tacitus comments on the germanic tribes, how strong their marital bonds were, and how adultery was a rarity, punished severely.
Read more
Ace of Hearts
1 year ago
14:30 ayyy rabbi
3 years ago
10:50 I see a RACIST!!
Legend Of Bread
3 years ago
How’s a guy suppose to find a normal girl these days with all this degeneracy around. God we’re so fucked.
don of the hut
3 years ago
It’s okay to be
Read more
Chad Marco
Chad Marco
2 years ago
Wait I thought Jesus was the bad guy???
Shadow Artist
3 years ago (edited)
Man-boys jumped on the feminizm train big time. We as girls were forced to do violence to our psyches and accept sex without love or he alone. What you are describing came about with Sex in the City era, a show written by gay men. I never saw any of those movies. Brilliant analysis as always.
Women dont see ourselves as vaginas, though. We see ourselves as people.
Read more
Joe Friday
3 years ago
Is „marketing team“ a right wing dog whistle?
3 years ago (edited)
it is what happened.
It doomed Jones and Gen X to isolation in our latter years.
roy pass
3 years ago
Sex in the city and Desperate housewives.
Metalhead Hippie
3 years ago
McLaren Fan
3 years ago
who’s the woman at 4:00? Jesus christ…
3 years ago
This is why its hopeless to get married, so why try? Im not mad, ive made peace with it. Besides, i should never have been born, my very exsistance is sn abomination, im not not mad at that fact, ive made peace with it. Its the only power i have.
Chuck Solutions
Chuck Solutions
3 years ago
I am a Christian, I didn’t know you were. This makes a lot of sense as to why you are becoming the man you have become.
Man has been sacrificing his relationship with God, for his relationship with woman sense the very beginning:
1 Timothy 2:14-15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
KJV reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press, the Crown’s patentee in the UK.
Read more
Mushroom Wobbit
3 years ago
There is a flood.
Build an ark.
3 years ago
This is a bombshell like BPS “Why Women DESTROY NATIONS”
3 years ago
Breed. Consume. Obey.
Clive Richardson
3 years ago
John Blanckenberg
3 years ago
Very peceptive comment on distorted interpersonal culture.
a man
3 years ago
Men go mgtow… We will avoid the crap because it has already fallen apart.
Michael Scott
3 years ago
Let’s not forget that the original feminist damned all of humanity in the beginning. Women have always been second closest to God after men, and therefore more gullible and easier prey for vipers, aka, the people upstairs.
madduck 23
3 years ago
Just promoting the love of self!! Me, me, me, that’s all that matters!!
Ryan Stock
3 years ago
4:00 Maybe you suck and now you have to manipulate yourself? Embrace the market.
Martin Webb
3 years ago
“Preserve the regulation of the marketplace” is a crap metaphor.
3 years ago
Men may make the rules, but I’m pretty sure women enforce them.
Mick Mars
3 years ago
Still praying for Yellowstone to explode
Donald Hicks
3 years ago
The juice wants your guns
Lions pride1978
3 years ago (edited)
This moral depravity happened, because most of the people. That said they stood for what is righteous, just, good, and pleasing to God. Were truly living in darkness. They never stood up for the Truth. Because they never had a love, of the Truth. I don’t consider myself a christian. Though I am, a follower of Christ Jesus. The people that we elected to office. Who said they were Christians. Have always been, nothing more than wolves in sheep clothing. We didn’t, test the spirit. Ignorantly putting the wolves in charge over the sheep. The truth is America was never truly a country, that was founded for the freedom to worship, the God of the Bible. Not The God, who is the Father of Jesus Christ. The God, who has the blue print, for this “Great experiment”. That we know as America. Is the God of this world. The one who is, the God that they trust in. The one printed, on what is Caesars. Not what is God’s. The Good news is. That those who truly belong to God. Are but a small remnant, of those who live in this country. Those chosen by him, to walk the narrow path, are few. Disciples of Christ know. That from America’s inception. They have intended, and successfully accomplished, to do evil unto us. Hosanna! Because we believe in his promise. That regardless of their preconceived, and evil intentions for God’s children. We have no fear. Because all things, work to the good, of those who love God. Glory be to God and all praise be to Jesus Christ!
Read more
Sammy Spaniel
3 years ago
As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.
Lady Hawk
3 years ago
A few of us caught on to the BS long ago.
3 years ago
holy hell i’m depressed, i need to stop watching vids like this.
Conscious Gentile
Conscious Gentile
2 years ago
Sounds like this dude is ready for Islam
Daemon Zodiac
3 years ago
im not sure ab this… it could be another dichotomy between family and not family.
i cam from a family of 4 offspring and as much as i valued the family unit, none of the others within it valued it in any significant way.
in the end i felt the family unit was a ball and chain that the others used for their own devices.
i dont believe family is wort anything particularly.
Jesus Christ aid.. if you do not hate yr mother and father, brother and sister, best friend and ye, your own self also.. then you may not come unto me.
one either commits to acknowledging that reality is really happening, or they do not. family tie can e as much a ball and chain as a haven of refuge.
if one acknowledges reality is really happening, they will behave soulfully. if not, they wont. no one can get inside anoter persons head and affect that process.
each person has their own relationship with the absolute… and that is just how it is, i believe.
all else is just the problems of making more content to increase our subs, and make a few quid.
Read more
3 years ago
Evolution theory let people rationalize it
3 years ago
14:20 J00W SPOTTED
3 years ago
Why are there two rabbis in the background at 14.35? Subtle nod to the tribe perhaps?
Liviu Florea
3 years ago
Your Subscribe star does not work…
Hermaeus Mora
3 years ago
Jesus can’t come back fast enough…
bongo ib
3 years ago
please, do not insult my pet rat….
D Teun
3 years ago
The source is not Christian values its from much earlier.
Gerard Comeau
3 years ago
2 years ago
Up is down.
Jennings Cunningham
3 years ago
Promiscuity is liberation.
3 years ago
Good bye science hello ideological destruction and conquest.
sosa onthebeat
3 years ago
Just a quick reminder that this is literally a propaganda video
Petra Dollah
3 years ago
Mary PHagan rip
3 years ago
Thank you zionist,my God is a just God and all you have given the earth will be returned
3 years ago
Wake up Euro american women . We hate used tires.
3 years ago
do men give sex for love and women give love for sex?
ale ale ssandro
ale ale ssandro
3 years ago
crystal cactus
3 years ago
or you could say this is how people behave when given choices welcome to a species that has & does lie about who & what it is the joys of being in a culture giving the choice of insane abrahamic religions with one of the jewish gods or no belief beyond the self. think about it who benefits ??
Sunglass Shinpan
3 years ago
Guye Hollowey
2 years ago
Achshully hyenas are not canines
The Fox
3 years ago
R.C. Whitehead
3 years ago
3 years ago
TCUEgon Bear
3 years ago
Logos rising
M DeVido; Grand Pacific Lumber, and Construction
3 years ago
These films make me SICK
Brotha Liphted
3 years ago
Yo this dude is a Mormon though, and he needs to repent of that.
Urban Clermont
3 years ago
Craig Bigelow
3 years ago
Marriage is a Jew plot to sell diamond’s and cake!
Small town 1776
3 years ago
How is there 3 views
and 47 likes?
Sean P
Sean P
3 years ago
You’ve lost me with churches. Are Churches better are they ?
3 years ago
This dude needs to get laid.
josephine Murphy
3 years ago
yet another first!!
3 years ago
All of you cohencidence detectors out there are barking up the wrong tree here, as these films star a pretty….Ukrainian Jew, and a pretty, uhhh…..Israeli Jew. Wait. Shit.
Noah Jones
3 years ago
FBryant _
3 years ago
3 years ago
Those two women in the film are Jews.
3 years ago
Based & Blackpilled.
3 years ago
14:30 jew found
Thomas Fisher
3 years ago
Portman and Kunis both Jews. Hmmmmmmm
Getinit 56
3 years ago
Ads after videos are pissing me off. I would like a moment to reflect and read some comments and some dipshit at youtube is fucking feeding me shit that I’ve got to go and stop, while ….pissing me off.
Molon Labe
3 years ago
Never saw either movie…Both looked like Garbage
SuperStar 64
2 years ago
Honestly I think I found an insane person and a sexist
No Face
3 years ago
You talk too slow and your stops are badly placed.
3 years ago (edited)
If Christian values require a nuclear family to prosper then these views
are faulty, it’s pretty simple.
If your belief system requires reality to conform to it, instead of having a belief system which conforms to reality then you’ve made a very fundamental mistake in your approach.
You talked in a broken chain there for a moment, everyone is uniform, everyone is the same and yet somehow they don’t have any connections between each other?
Clearly if these people all conform then they all have their commitment to conformity, or fear of nonconformity in common, that is a bond they share.
What bond between men and women do you think is broken? Are men and women openly murdering each other on sight now? I was unaware of that.
We all still live and work together, society hasn’t crumbled into nothing, the western world isn’t in utter anarchy.
“Men instinctively want to protect their women.” Where did you get that from? Have you seen the middle east? It don’t seem like protecting women is a top priority over there.
If you had said, western men are conditioned to want to protect their women, I’d agree. “Women and children first” etc there are a number of phrases that fit that narrative.
Again you double in a circle again. You say women are fed a line by “Feminism” that they can achieve “sex like men” meaning with little or no emotional attachment, and it doesn’t work for them because many of these women do feel an emotional attachment to their partner. But you just said 3 minutes ago that men instinctively want to protect their women (sexual partner would be a woman). So it would suggest that men in a different way, find a significant emotional attachment to their sexual partner also. One that demands of them, a fight or flight response.
That’s a life or death sort of attachment. Very passionate and very emotional. That’s why some people lose their minds sometimes, when they come home and their spouse is fucking the neighbor, I’m not defending it, but it is understandable why people can fly off the handle when it comes to their spouse. That is a person you are showing a great deal of trust and vulnerability.
Just to point out, the original use of the term “Friends with benefits” was to describe a committed relationship between a man and a woman. The phrase was commonly used by women to describe sublime satisfaction in choice of partner, as she had found an ideal mate, a relationship that feels like it is effortless, a relationship that feels like spending time with a good friend. I’ll agree it has become intensely more casual but the original premise is at its core reasonable, and not comparable to being slutty or sleeping around the way it is used now.
Read more
James Brooks
3 years ago
it doesn’t matter. why you care about others peoples sex lives hahaha
Who Knows
3 years ago
Crappilly ever after
3 years ago
I’ve been thinking. Feminism in general is designed to serve men and corporation’s.
Harkon Takala
Harkon Takala
3 years ago
You say less church attendance like it’s a bad thing.
Zorn Gottes
3 years ago
Jews in the background?
Mr. Wick
3 years ago
Woah! I’m SO offended by that white power symbol in the movie poster! SHAME!!
Hippocrates, M.D.
3 years ago (edited)
u speak like a conservative salafi muslim!
See Also
Black Pilled – The Day of the Rope – Chpt 1 – Sep 22, 2018 — Transcript
[This is Devon Stack’s book “The Day of the Rope“, Chapter One. — KATANA] Black Pilled The Day of the Rope Chapter One Sep 22, 2018
Black Pilled — Manhattan on 911 in Real-Time — TRANSCRIPT – Oct 5, 2018 — Transcript
[Devon Stack, aka Black Pilled, gives a blow by blow series of video clips of the false flag attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11, 2001, by the State, aka, Israel, aka Orgjew. — KATANA]
Black Pilled – Unity is Our Strength – Jun 9, 2020 — Transcript
[Devon Stack, aka Black Pilled, gives a spirited call for unity among nationalists, saying diversity of views among us should be accepted, else we will fall to our enemies whose goal is our destruction. He ends with: “We stand …
Millennium Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — TRANSCRIPT
Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 02 – Merry Holocaustmas — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review — The Psychotic Left, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Fishing For White Pills, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Hope Not Hate and the State of Play, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
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Version History
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Version 2: Oct 16, 2022 — Added YouTube comments.
Version 1: Oct 15, 2022 — Published post.
Hey man good work. Have you tried getting Kanye’s new interview on Drink Champs transcripted?