Nigel Farage has responded to the 2021 Census – which shows Christians are a minority and Britain is more diverse – with objective untruths and nonsense. Here we comprehensively debunk the gibberish of him, Douglas Murray and Andrew Pierce.
EDIT: Misspoke at 5:25, obviously meant “because white Britons have become a minority”, not “non-whites” (doesn’t make sense otherwise)
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Owen Jones: Yes. Okay, so a few things here, Nige. The reason Christianity is collapsed in England and Wales isn’t because of immigration. It’s actually quite the opposite. It’s overwhelmingly British born people, mostly White people, obviously, statistically, because the vast majority of people born in Britain are White, they’ve abandoned religion, en masse! There’s really very little you can do about that. People just aren’t as religious as they used to be.
Now, in fact, the decline would be even steeper if it wasn’t for migrants! Because what’s happened is, the number of people born in Britain, they’ve abandoned Christianity. But you’ve had a number of people born in other countries who are Christian coming into Britain at the same time. So that’s actually inflating the numbers of Christians.
So rather than immigration being responsible for the decline of Christianity in Britain, it’s actually preventing the fall of Christianity being quite as steep as it already would be.
So if you are defining Christianity as a crucial plank of British identity, then you have immigration to thank for coming to the rescue of it. Well, not to the rescue of it, because, as I figures show, Christianity is not doing very well in this country. It’s becoming one of the most irreligious countries on earth. Heathens, I tell you!
Now, it’s also not true about what he says about London or Manchester. It’s completely untrue! He’s got his facts completely wrong. London is not a majority minority city. What he’s done is conflate White British, so that’s how 37% of Londoners identify as White. But there are other people who are White who just don’t define themselves as “White British”. So 54% of Londoners are actually White.
The same goes for Manchester. The Office of National Statistics has actually put out a statement refuting this nonsense. 56.8% of Manchesterians, according to the latest census, identify as White.
But, you know what? Even if it weren’t even if it were true, who cares? What’s the issue here? Why does it matter?
I mean, let’s just see what Right-wing commentator Douglas Murray, who writes for The Spectator, and many of the publications, often in broadcast television, has tweeted out.:
“I see many commentators on the census results saying, so what if people have identified as White British, or a minority in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester, et cetera.”
We’ve already established that’s bollocks!:
“Just one answer to which is because we never voted for this. Quite the opposite, in fact.”
I don’t remember the vote on this. I don’t remember the vote on limiting the non-White population of Britain. I’d be pretty sure I’d remember that. I’d be quite alarmed by it, for a start. Let’s just give Murray the right of reply here. When challenged by Larry the Cat, it is Twitter, these things happen. Asking him, when the UK electorate voted for the Whiteness of the population to increase, Murray responded:
“No, just that for decades, every party that wanted power promised to bring net migration down. And every time they lied or otherwise fail to do. So quite simple, really. No need to put your own racist spin on it.”
It’s a cat, Douglas.
They definitely didn’t, … Let’s just be clear, the politicians of this country, who I think we can condemn for many things, including often racist and xenophobic rhetoric actually, but they definitely didn’t phrase their election promises as limiting the non-White population of major cities. That didn’t happen! And actually, if you’d accuse them of that, they would probably get quite angry about it.
The problem is, as well, with Murray, let’s just be clear, about what he’s previously said. He once wrote:
“London has become a foreign country. In 23 of London’s 33 boroughs, White Britons are now in a minority.”
Hold on, what does that mean? London’s become a foreign country because non-Whites are minority? Now, can someone explain what other interpretation there is here, other than those who aren’t White British are foreigners? Literally? What else is there to understand from that statement? I’m open minded. Please leave other suggested interpretations in the comments.
Because, Douglas, Dougie Boy, being British is not contingent, it’s not dependent, on the colour of your skin! A black Britain, is as British as you or I. Well, I mean, I say that. I mean, Douglas Murray actually lives in New York, by the way. He lives in New York! One of the most diverse cities probably in the West world. I mean, I don’t want to get all, like, turning the tables here, but if you don’t like it, leave it, I think is the Right often say.
Why do you choose to live in such diverse cities? These Right-wingers? Why don’t they go and live in Alabama, Douglas! Go and live in Utah, if that’s your problem. Maybe you’ll claim you don’t have a problem. I’d love to know. I’d love to know. Fascinating stuff.
Let’s move on to Andrew Pierce with the Daily Mail, GB News. Frequently on other TV channels. He declared, and I quote:
“If a party leader pledged 25 years ago, major cities such as Birmingham, London, would have minority White populations. They would have lost a general election.”
I beg your pardon, Andrew! Andy! I mean, the National Front did stand under a slogan “keep Britain, White”. They lost the election, every time they stood. Actually! Maybe you missed that little fact.
The truth is, actually, the population of England and Wales remains overwhelmingly White. Stubbornly so, actually. 82% White. So it’s more than eight out of ten people living in England and Wales are White, compared to 86% ten years ago. The last census, 2011. Asian groups now make up 9%. Black people 4%. Mixed race people, 3%..
Now, it is true that Britain’s minorities tend to be concentrated in certain urban areas and specific towns in urban conurbations, leaving vast swathes of the country looking almost completely White. If you drive around many towns in England and Wales, you don’t see many faces who aren’t White.
Now, it is very likely, obviously, London will become a majority minority city in the not too distant future. And in a very, very, very long time in the future, on the current trend, it’s perfectly conceivable that Britain will not be a majority White country anymore.
Now, try to explain clearly, clearly and succinctly, if you are White, what legitimate problem you have with this? What is the issue? Why would it matter? What you’re attaching to the colour of your skin exactly?
Do you believe it’s a threat to what you regard as as being British, or British identity? And if so, what about British identity is attached to the Whiteness of your skin? Do you think that history and culture are embedded in your DNA?
Do you think that if a microscope looked deep at your cellular data, that within your cellular walls, there would be that history and culture and identity? That’s a nonsense, obviously!
I do wonder if a lot of fear that exists amongst certain Whites at the idea that there won’t be a majority is a tacit understanding and recognition that minorities in Britain do suffer structural disadvantages and indeed, oppression! From, I don’t know. Be more likely to be poor, discriminated against at work, more likely to be harassed by the police and persecuted by the justice system? And they worry that if Whites become a minority, maybe those tables will be turned, and they’ll be subjected to the same treatment.
Well, that actually isn’t how it works, incidentally, because the racism directed at minorities in Britain has its roots in historical phenomena going back centuries, like the slave trade, like colonialism, which was justified, … They had to justify, rationalize, the violent oppression, the horrors they inflicted on fellow human beings by imprinting them as “inferior”. And that is the heritage we need to throw off!
Slavery in the US was only overthrown two lifetimes ago. It’s not that long. So obviously you can’t understand the racism today without that history.
Now, the other thing is, whatever you think about British identity, firstly, it’s completely different for all of us. I mean, sure, I have a baffling attachment, like lots of English people for tea, and the queueing system, but I guess that’s part of it.
But how I see Britishness and how Nigel Farage sees Britishness are completely different to White Britons, if you like. We both, I presume, White British on our census forms. There are things about Britain, I venerate. Like the National Health Service, multiculturalism, the queer scene. I don’t know, trade unions and workers fighting back, which I heavily doubt Farage does. But I’d see that as part of a Britishness that I am a fond and proud of as it turns out.
There’s also a history I’m proud of, like, I don’t know, going back to the Levelers and the Diggers of the English revolution. Going back to the Chartists! Going back to the trade unions, the Suffragettes, the LGBTQ people, the antiracism activists! Those who fought oppression, and injustice. Those who were spat at in the streets, batoned by police officers, thrown into dirty cells, force fed, in the case of the suffragette. People who were tortured, people who were murdered! Those are the shoulders, the giants on whose shoulders we stand.
But I don’t think Nigel Farage quite looks at that British history quite the same way. I bet the things he’s proud of, in that Britain, are very different from me.
And, you know what? In a century’s time, Britain will look unrecognizably different. Of course it will! Look at Britain a century ago. You know, as I think was Lord Aster said:
“The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.”
Yes, they did. If you went round Britain 100 years ago, they spoke differently, just the very start, just at the outset. It would have culturally been completely different! The things they valued, the way they looked at the world, completely different! The way you be treated as a woman, far even worse, because, unfortunately, structural sexism, misogyny, so very much part of a society. Good luck if you’re gay!
Again, the grinding poverty, and exploitation that many workers suffered, they still do today. But what seemed as acceptable then even more acute. Things will be completely different.
But why do you fear your Whiteness being impinged upon? Why do you fear being part of a minority, which you won’t actually, in your lifetime, you won’t have that experience, unless the demographics completely rapidly change in the course of the next decades. Which, looking at the trend, they won’t.
[Owen’s is trying to have it both ways here. Implying there is nothing to fear about becoming a minority. But then implying that if there is something to fear, you won’t likely be around to experience its negative effects. But then what about your children and later generations?]
What are you really fearing? There isn’t actually legitimate grievance at all! And that’s the issue.
[Whites do have a legitimate grievance, that of being disposed of their lands, becoming over-run and controlled by aliens.]
So that’s my response to the likes of Farage, Murray, and Pierce. We should embrace our diversity and multiculturalism. Because I’d much rather live in a diverse country with people from different backgrounds, and experiences than have to keep cohabiting with those who peddle this Right-wing paranoia with all the damage and harm that inflicts.
Please. Like subscribe. I’ll see you next time.
YouTube Comments
(As of Dec 5, 2022)
Pinned by Owen Jones
4 days ago
Please like, subscribe – and help us take on the right-wing media here:
26 replies
4 days ago
Why don’t you have a conversation with Douglas Murray about this on your show?
4 days ago
Owen, buy a bungalow just in case you are wrong. 

4 days ago
“DOUGGIE BOYY” ended my life, 

thank you Sir Lord Owen Jones face-purple-wide-eyesface-fuchsia-poop-shapeface-red-heart-shape
4 days ago
Great video, I agree with nearly everything you’re saying.
But it was L. P. Hartley who coined the phrase “The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.” In the opening line of ‘The Go-Between’.
Lord Astor no doubt said a lot of interesting things, but not this one.
Read more
4 days ago (edited)
What right wing media exists in the UK?
Even the Tories are left of Labour
4 days ago
I like living in a culturally and racially diverse nation. You get introduced to lots of new ideas from all over the world that way, not to mention cuisines! You have more choices. The Faragistas and the National Front are/were aberrations. Oh, and as we are no longer a majority Christian nation, can we request the disestablishment of the Church of England? I’m tired of having my taxes subsidise religious superstition.
Read more
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 daily fail, times, telegraph, sun all Murdoch outlets which is the majority. Surprised you needed to ask.
3 days ago
Well, most people who come here bring their own culture and customs. The more that comes the more British culture and customs become a minority. I’m seeing it with my own eyes. Many people come here and set up colonies where they pay no attention to British laws or customs. surely people have a right to be concerned about that. This is Britain, Not India, not Africa, not France. If the British people are against it then it should not happen. Seems it has been shoved down the British people’s throats against their will.
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3 days ago
@Leszek.Rzepecki Maybe we don’t want more choices? Have you ever thought of that?
3 days ago
Owen Jones…archetypal LEFT WINGER calling out the right wing media ….now thats a laugh
3 days ago
@Medusala Douglas Murray is on different level to Owen Jones and of course Owen’s record when confronted by true intellectuals is pretty lamentable to say the least
3 days ago
@Leszek.Rzepecki But your obviously OK with the seven to ten million it cost to keep the new members of our diversity is our strength club.
3 days ago
I support nigel Farage…owen always have and always will do… 

Brexit is here forever
1 day ago
Can you do a quick video listing your top 5 favourite things about multiculturalism.
1 day ago
What’s your favourite thing about mass immigration?
22 hours ago
@Medusala bc he is a woke youngster with not much substance/intellect, except throwing around the big, fashionable words and showing how progressive he is. He takes his country and all his comfort and freedom for granted.
13 hours ago
@amialal4510 Correct.
13 hours ago (edited)
@Leszek.Rzepecki Who is we? Your nation is Poland.
Your taxes don’t. The church is funded by donations and by its endowment fund. The government subsidises repair and maintenance costs for churches, or would you rather all churches were levelled and takeaways were erected in their place?
Read more
13 hours ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 The Times right wing? Dear me how that Overton window has shifted
3 hours ago
@kaneda3794 times has always been the paper of the establishment which has always been right-wing.
3 hours ago
@johnlewis9158 Douglas Murray is on the same level as Jordan peterson who is also a pseudo-intellectual
4 days ago
When the only thing that gives you self-Wirth is the colour of your skin, you’re definitely doing something wrong.
Thanks, Owen, excellent breakdown of the actual facts.
Owen Jones
11 replies
3 days ago
Well said
3 days ago
Also, Douglas explicitly says the term “white British” is not his term. It’s from an economist who coined the term.
3 days ago
So now after destroying native Australians from their land ,
Britain is afraid of it’s existence 
3 days ago
I never used to be racist…but I am now……who cares anymore….
3 days ago
@mrfantastic1249 Native Australians wiped out 90% of the indigenous species that lived there before humans got there.
3 days ago (edited)
@user-od4zd5lw6r Your statement makes no sense . Australia have more animal and plant species then whole Europe .It ranks 7th in the world . Even India have richest biodiversity then USA. Britain is not even in top 50 
3 days ago
How do you know these are the actual facts?
3 days ago
@user-od4zd5lw6r do you have a citation for this factoid?
3 days ago
You don’t mention the British attitude to animals Owen. I bet Farage is proud of things which I find abhorrent and the kindness and compassion towards animals which hopefully is growing in the U.K. is something of which I am proud .
1 day ago
Thank you Owen. I am British and proud of it.
3 days ago
The biggest point being missed is not people in general, it’s those who believe they are entitled to what is not theirs. Also the slow break down of the basic systems, basically the neglect of the Government through bad management, poor decisions plus waisting taxes on extravagant projects that are totally useless. On set of winter means people will lash out on the smallest of things, because what they had is being slowly taken away, an election is required to bring reality back to Britain. MP’s need to be held accountable.
Read more
3 days ago
thanks for this Owen, though I did need a litre of brain bleach to wash away the image of the Farage
Owen Jones
4 days ago
We know from history what happens when a group of people are scapegoated.
Owen Jones
8 replies
4 days ago
That’s white British people now.
4 days ago
@massivehero4871 I am not white, and you sir are 100% correct.
4 days ago
@massivehero4871 No it isn’t. It’s immigrants.
3 days ago
@garrett2439 correct
2 days ago
@massivehero4871 grow up
1 day ago
@massivehero4871 Owen needs to grow up and take a look at life for white working class people in areas where Tey are a minority
4 days ago
Thank you for this. As an American racial minority, I have long thought of moving to the UK. But Farage vs Trump? I might as well save my energy and sit tight.
12 replies
4 days ago
With the mid terms things are looking much better for the American people, the Uk not so much.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 Quite true in some ways. The racism seems to continue unabated.
4 days ago
Dude whatever you do , do not move to the UK!!! Of all the places I’ve lived, it’s by far the most corrupt & unfair. Leaving was the best thing I ever did.
4 days ago
@fuckbankers thank you for the input!
4 days ago
@Etannl be safe.
1 day ago
@spy2778 Where did you move to?
1 day ago
@Etannl I’d be curious to know what makes your life so bad in the USA?
17 hours ago
@amialal4510 There’s no way to cover your question in this format. I belong to several minority groups that are currently actively hated. Because of my work (in social justice) I receive threats. I’ll leave it there.
11 hours ago
@Etannl fair enough. It must be really bad if you consider moving to a different country. I’d assume that the current admin’s endless push to fight racism would produce better results.
4 days ago
Awesome clarity and insight. Something is happening and you know just what it is, don’t you Mr Jones!
4 days ago (edited)
Its fine debunking his nonsense but the people who voted for him (and the other passengers in his clown car) and think like him, don’t care about facts. They don’t need to be told anything. You can’t change their minds.
9 replies
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux an eye isn’t an instinct?
Owen Jones
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux i think you dont really know the concepts of “instinct” and “body parts” XD
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux no opening your eyes still isn’t an instinct
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux embarrassing
2 days ago
@widsof7862 you people are so literal. You know what the commentor meant.
2 days ago
Yes as the saying goes “YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH STUPID”!!!
2 days ago
How do you decide what is a fact though? Many things Owen said are not facts either. Any person will get a few things wrong when talking about vast topics but the important thing is whether their core point is valid or not.
I would say the main point of Farage is that mass immigration will cause large changes in what Britain will be like. This I would say is valid. He then concludes that it will not be a positive. I think this is also valid.
Why do the left instead of looking at the overall argument falsely decide the arguments are void because of some small error that doesn’t change the overall argument.
For example they seem to do this when Farage mixes up the white British and White statistics. But really it doesn’t change much. Either statistic shows that the demographics of the UK are changing dramatically and particularly in urban areas. So the main points of Farage’s arguments still stand.
Read more
2 days ago
@dnpe9939 you use your ears and eyes.
2 days ago
@dnpe9939 that is funny as we’re actually talking about mixed metaphors that don’t make sense 
1 day ago
Well said mate.
4 days ago
Keep fighting these people with facts Owen, then putting content out like this, breaking it down for everyone in a common sense way
Owen Jones
3 replies
2 days ago
@imemine6494 Sorry, I dont understand, what do you mean, the biggest mandate
2 days ago
@whitleybayman123 .. Brexit of course
4 days ago
“It’s a scandal”. No. It is the way things are. It is reality.
3 replies
3 days ago
Well it shouldn’t be
1 day ago
A reality caused by bLiar
4 days ago
But what can you expect of a guy like Farage ?
4 days ago
“The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there” is the opening line of “The Go-Between” by LP Hartley, which interestingly takes as one of its themes the British class system.
2 replies
4 days ago
One of my favourite opening lines of any book!
4 days ago
also the film of the book has one of my favourite opening sequences…
4 days ago
As a Christian myself , it matters to me that I’m a Christian but everyone else is free to believe whatever they want we are all brothers and sisters and anyone oppressed is a comrade of mine
15 replies
4 days ago
I hope you were out last night in central London celebrating Albania’s independence day with the oppressed Abanian’s in their Honda’s and Merc’s
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 I hope you went to your remedial English class today and asked about plural nouns.
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 i was there and did nt see and top range cars
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 apostrophes don’t grow on trees, dude.
4 days ago
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 did you take your white stick with you
4 days ago
Make Britain Smart Again. Let’s revoke citizenship for those who can’t spell English properly. 
4 days ago
@pansepot1490 I don’t know that a Owen Jones supporter has any room to cast aspersions were another’s intellect is concerned. Indeed i would be surprised if you yourself were my intellectual equal very surprised in fact
3 days ago
@johnlewis9158 “where” not “were”. Also, punctuation
3 days ago
Spoken like a true Christian
3 days ago
I grew up in a vicarage, and am consequently an atheist! Have a nice day!
3 days ago
@johnlewis9158 “john lewis”, hmm. Come on Suella, be brave and use your real name.
3 days ago
@jonathonjubb6626 I’ve a few like you, nothing like being close to religion to turn an intelligent person off it
4 days ago
Farage and facts.
Chalk and cheese.
You would think people would be beyond his rhetoric by now.
Owen Jones
6 replies
4 days ago
They are the type of people you have to tell what to think. Like the daily fail readers.
4 days ago
French cheese
3 days ago
Nige is still trying to stay relevant having successfully campaigned to destroy the economy of his own country, so doubling down on the racism.
18 hours ago
You would hope so… but then brexit and trump happened thanks to that kind of rhetoric.
4 days ago
I follow Jeff Taylor Here from Germany, and I am stunned by the Way, Hate IS spreading, and so many are following brainless. This false Self esteam ! The Thought to be Superior. As a German, I know exactly, what all this can lead to. Persons like you give me Hope, that Common Sense IS still alive on your Island. Greetings from Germany
Read more
11 replies
3 days ago
I admire your fortitude in “following” Jeff Taylor 
3 days ago
What are you afraid of?There is just one World. By the way, no one can take away your heritage, but you can enrich it.
Thete is no one German. A Bavarien has nothing in comen woth a frirsian
3 days ago
Ja las uns alle Bon die Deutsche lernen
3 days ago
@martinaklee-webster1276 I am afraid of rising crime and ethnic conflict, and failing democracy and public services, especially education. We are handing on a far worse country than the one we were born into. Germany is not as bad as Britain, but it is on a similar path.
1 day ago
@lotus7eater well said, thank you!
4 days ago
Well said Sir.
4 days ago
I’ve been sticking Pagan on the last 4 census
4 days ago (edited)
Thank you for the warning Owen, but I still jumped a little bit when I saw Farage’s big face filling the whole of his camera screen. And why is Farage still relevant. I mean, he’s doing a video from a car.
2 replies
3 days ago
He’s homeless.
2 days ago
@richardmoloney689 politically 
4 days ago
Watching Owen Jones really soothes my troubled soul
3 days ago
Can we do something to hasten the “decline” of Farage? For the sake of ALL of us!
4 days ago
As usual, love your commentary 
Owen Jones
9 hours ago
‘It’s a cat, Douglas’ hahahahaha
4 days ago
Well said
4 days ago
Well said Owen 
1 day ago (edited)
I love you starting with a trigger warning that in a video with Nigel Farage’s name in the title you are actually going to discuss what Nigel Farage says!
“1 in 6 born outside the UK is scary”. I guess he’s going along with the line that we should be scared of people like Boris and other high ranking Tories who are among those who were born outside the UK. Spike Milligan and Rudyard Kipling too, who were both born in India IIRC. And Joanna Lumley, who was born in Burma hence her connection with the Ghurkas right.
Read more
4 days ago
Well said!
4 days ago (edited)
Owen you are a brilliant conveyor of ideas. You are doing very important work and I really value your videos x
4 days ago
If Farage is a Christian, I’m a Dutchman.
2 replies
4 days ago
Well, there is more probability that you are a Dutchman. He’s a Christian today, and it’s a chance for him to preach from his asspit to all his Brexity friends.
3 days ago
@mikw1809 asspit 
4 days ago
Some people would have a heart attack if they had a DNA test.
Imagine Farage discovering he’s not that white 
9 replies
4 days ago
He has a French surname and a very French face. I think he’s trying to compensate for being Billy No Mates at school.
4 days ago
I’m not white. I am a sort of pink.
4 days ago
No, he definitely is, indisputably so. Oh sorry, I mistook the ‘w’ for an ‘s’.
4 days ago
i dont really know if he cared…. he is a basic grifter who applied for german citizenship after his brexit campaign.
4 days ago
I wonder if he’s related to Cheddar Gorge Man
4 days ago

2 days ago
More likely his DNA would prove that he’s not human.
4 days ago
Excellent analysis. Thanks for the warning about the Farage clip
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Greetings from Scotland, please keep this man under scrutiny.
12 replies
4 days ago
Don’t you remember the last time he ventured north of the border? He was chased into a pub by the locals and had to hide till they went away. Scotland is a noble nation full of people with excellent taste 
4 days ago

4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux we chased Hitler out of town
4 days ago
@fuckbankers What town ?
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 I didn’t know Owen had ventured north.. brave fella 
Show more replies
2 days ago
Lily Allens perfect soulmate.
4 days ago
I dearly and honestly wish politicians thought and spoke like you! I think that’s the problem with politics as an institution – the only people who are likely to thrive in it are basically game-playing sociopaths. Genuinely smart people are smart enough to know they would be miserable in politics.
4 days ago
haha love how you say “its a cat douglas”
4 days ago
I think it’s about the loss of character. Conserving uniqueness and celebrating difference between countries and cultures. In the far flung future the fear is cities become grey, global carbon copies of one another.
The very people who say they don’t have an issue with it (which is fine) will most likely be the same people who go on holiday and stay away from the tourist areas, off the beaten track and do as locals do… for the genuine experience, like.
Read more
7 replies
3 days ago (edited)
The thing is, a bunch of our ideas about idyllic pastoral Britain are based on a victorian fabrication. Most ‘traditional’ maypole dances are tourist pieces from victorian times. Even the traditional English garden is modeled after Italian paintings. It never bloody existed except in boomers’ purchasing habits
3 days ago
@stevecarter8810 To hell with it then because some gardeners used inspiration from abroad? Their admiration for something different? Come on, you’ll have to do better than that.
2 days ago
Yeh well none of that stuff you’ve described is important, they can learn about our uniqueness in museams just like the romans i guess
2 days ago
@spinach-colour-joey6776 Uniqueness isn’t necessarily a constant.
12 hours ago
@xxxEnglishAndyxxx I’ve no idea what that’s supposed to mean.
britain was a completely unrecognisable place, 500 years ago you might as well be on a different planet. the language was different the people were different, values and culture was extremely different. In 100 years time britain will be an unrecognisable place to you again. there’s no need to try and preserve what you feel is unique or worthwhile about this version of england
Read more
10 hours ago
@spinach-colour-joey6776 It means uniqueness can change over time, like you’ve outlined. It’s a misguided notion that we look at history books and pick a static point in time and space and call that ‘English’. Of course everything evolves, this is obvious and doesn’t need mentioning. The fear here is cities become almost global property and it’d be hard to distinguish one from another. It’s the enjoyment of difference not the fear of it and that misunderstanding is pushed in videos like this.
Read more
4 days ago
Well said, Owen. Keep going, comrade.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Very well said Owen, brilliant analysis.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
BRILLIANT, as always… interesting look and perspective on the UK today, for an european non-British, or non-UK native, like myself… I can’t deny that it was with great sadness that I saw the UK leave the EU, but life goes on… thanks for your fantastic work
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Totally brilliant broadcast Owen! 
Owen Jones
1 reply
4 days ago
No, as long as he keeps treating Commonwealth people as foreigners, he will be missing the point and be incapable of stopping the right-wing ….
4 days ago (edited)
“I am about to expose you to Nigel Farage”
………please don’t!
4 days ago
Ask Rishi for a comment on these tweets . The silence will be deafening.
4 days ago
Thanks for the Farage warning…got my sick bucket ready…but despite your blogs Owen!!
1 reply
4 days ago
I almost lost my breakie 
4 days ago
The fact that the ONS print these facts, begs a question
1 reply
2 days ago
We know from history what happens when a group of people are scapegoated.
4 days ago (edited)
Inmigration in the UK is mostly from Commonwealth countries not related to the EU FoM. So what brexiteers are complaining about? The UK needs inmigration to grow but Brexit has swapped ethnical and culturally similar european inmigrants for inmigrants from a complete different background. I’m sure Sunak is an itchy issue for Nigel Farage.
Read more
1 day ago
Cant wait for the debunked version of this video .
4 days ago
Owen Jones
3 days ago
hi Owen thanks for coming to birkbeck yesterday, would love another one of these about your mum and her trade unionism
Owen Jones
3 days ago
Absolutely bang on Owen. Bravo.
4 days ago
Wasn’t his wife born outside the UK?
14 replies
4 days ago
Yep, Germany . His children also have a German passport !
4 days ago
Yes, and for what i know he tried to get a german passaporto but was rejected
4 days ago
Yes, so he is responsible for importing a foreigner to the UK.
4 days ago
@PanglossDr but that’s ok for him she is white so that shows you what a racist he really is
4 days ago
@thedude9014 He was rejected for lying on his application form

4 days ago
@PanglossDr don’t worry we’ll all be cutting pieces of our buttocks pretty soon, and that will see us through “oops let’s hope old Rishi hasn’t read Candide” here’s to optimism Dr Pangloss !
4 days ago
He had to outsource as no one in this country wanted the “job”?
4 days ago
His family are immigrants. I can’t remember which country the interview I saw was, but the interviewer said something about his female relatives having moustaches if they hadn’t moved to the uk. It was highly amusing.
4 days ago
@susanplatt5331 here’s me thinking he was created in a laboratory… dammit !
4 days ago
@stephencopping9953 Don’t Mention the War!
4 days ago
@fuckbankers which one ? There’s been a Farage in every evil event since humanity existed. he has had many names over the year’s pestilence being one , greed and division two more, I like to refer too him as C**T my apologies for lowering the tone, but we are talking about dear old Nige !
3 days ago
@stephencopping9953 Get a really sharp knife.
4 days ago
I live in liverpool and we have seen, over the last few years, a growing number of white londoners moving here. There are varying reasons for this one being economic. They can sell their homes in London and can afford to buy three or four houses up here. One to live in two to rent out another reason is the perception that being a white londoner is becoming more uncommon. Now I’m no londoner and haven’t visited the city in 30 yrs but so often you hear the racist epithet that you struggle to see a white face there. I couldn’t verify this claim but having talked to many londoners, I work on movie and t.v. shows being shot in the North, you often hear this epithet amongst many of the tradesmen working on the shows. Now this idea appears to be a growing excuse for white southern emigration from southern u.k. to the north
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7 replies
4 days ago
@markwelch3564 As a Londoner who moved to the North East many years ago, all I would say to people like that is “Surprise! Lots of Northerners aren’t white. Get over yourself.”
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 You might have misinterpreted me. I don’t have any concerns about race or nationality. I just find it hilarious that they complain about the very thing they themselves are doing!
4 days ago
When someone I know can sell a terraced home in London and buy a farm in Herefordshire, tells you all
4 days ago
I’m from Liverpool but work 3-4 days in London. Barely no one is European anymore, and only pidgeon English is spoken.
Just like Liverpool, if you don’t confirm to the correct political opinion, you may be attacked
1 day ago
@karlosthejackel69 yep my family fled London 30 years ago due to this very fact
1 day ago
People are waking up Nigel.
4 days ago
well said mate.
4 days ago
Farage was always a Mirage .
2 days ago
Hahaha….I’ve stumbled across another comedy channel
A schoolboy putting the country right…love it.
1 reply
2 days ago
School boy ? Who are you referring too ?
4 days ago
Truth from Nigel Farage – Lol
Also figures show more people are spiritual rather than religious.
4 days ago
Tge things that I find the most positive points of British- ness are all to do with the fact that it has absorbed many multi cultural elements of it’s entire history since Romans first landed here. The music, the language, the cuisine even many traditions – have all come from outside of Britain and absorbed into the current culture on an ongoing basis, ever evolving !
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7 replies
4 days ago
@goodyeoman4534 We don’t have a migrant crisis.
3 days ago
@goodyeoman4534 Nah you should lay off the daily mail.
1 day ago
There has been more migration into the UK in the past year than the previous 1000 years.
1 day ago
@kaneda3794 that is complete and utter bull! It’s been averaging circa 200,000 a year and the U.K. has far less migrants than most similar European countries
21 hours ago (edited)
@simonfane4283 are you claiming that we have had more than 200,000 Jutes and Huguenots? If you are I’d recheck.
I didn’t claim that we had more immigration than other European countries Im not sure what point you’re trying to make as we take more immigrants (2.572 per 1000) than France (0.883) and slightly less than Germany (2.762).
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18 hours ago
@kaneda3794 you said we had more immigration last year than in a previous thousand years ….I just stated that immigration numbers are fairly steady over the last decade
18 hours ago
@simonfane4283 I think you knew what I was getting at. The point I was making was that current migration numbers are unheard of between 1066 and 1948.
Still, you haven’t explained why you saw fit to tell porkies about European migration figures?
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4 days ago
What about gov putting through id card’s to be able to vote?
4 days ago
Love Jones’ Northern accent (“wronG”; “stEEp”; “cOOntry”). Cute.
Owen Jones
1 reply
4 days ago
Southern if you’re in Scotland.
4 days ago
sighs wistfully one day I hope to marry this man
2 replies
4 days ago
Do you mean Owen Jones or Fararge?
4 days ago
@gregstringer4745 Owen Jones
4 days ago
as an Irish person who went on holidays in the UK before, my experiences were that non white people were very friendly, had no problem helping me out. white people on the other hand would hear my Irish accent and wouldn’t help with directions.
31 replies
4 days ago (edited)
My Irish father, when coming to live in bedford , England in 1952 was refused service when in certain pubs.
Certain things have improved but theres s still improvements for all nationalities
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 My mum moved to the UK from Ireland in the mid-60’s…growing up with an Irish parent was a challenge in the 70’s with a certain terrorist group causing mayhem…being told that your mother belonged to that group, despite coming from a different tradition to their ilk, was not particularly pleasant. I agree with you that things have changed a lot but would point out that the Irish travelling community is demonised in some circles and it doesn’t take much of a jump to extend that to anyone with links to the Emerald Isle, no matter how tenuous.
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4 days ago
@Northstander saw a bomb blow the roof off the army recruitment office in Derby. They also shot dead the recruitment officer on a separate occasion.
Years later whilst taking a bus a Irish fellow jumped on and I got of at the next stop. The point is there was a a lot of fear back then.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 How did you know he was Irish, was he carrying a bunch of Shamrock and drinking a bottle of Guinness?
4 days ago
I’m Scottish, that isn’t my race.
We are Celts, of British Isles heritage.
Where in the UK were you on holiday to suffer such prejudice towards your accent. I have an Edinburgh accent, I don’t get the %$#@ someone with a Glasgow accent does.
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4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 Same thing happens to English people in Dublin pal.
4 days ago
@H40DOW London.
4 days ago (edited)
@belltopcone ascent mate you a bit thick?
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 That’s what happens when another country annexes, invades, occupies and settles in another sovereign country.
4 days ago
@H40DOW Indigenous Scots aren’t Celt and never were. Scots were in Scotland long before the Celts crossed into Britain.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 was he singing a song ?
3 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 I assume you mean accent not ascent.
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 Did you assuumee
3 days ago
@belltopcone wow that’s racist. No he spoke with an Irish accent and at the time it was enough.
3 days ago
Try to concentrate people and understand what is being said.
2 days ago
@MaasTSwan I don’t disagree.
2 days ago
Mate you aren’t a bit.
2 days ago
@belltopcone are you sure your mother loves you? Because I’m not.
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 you’re not what ?
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 not half as thick as you dummie.
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 I shouldn’t of thought you were sure of anything Dwayne , go away and play with you toys.
2 days ago
@belltopcone you dun dum
16 hours ago
My mother concealed the fact that her mother was Irish to avoid that very prejudice. The British seem to need someone to hate.
13 hours ago
@massivehero4871 Which Dublin pub refused to serve you ?
4 days ago
4 days ago
A blue eyed white Briton friend of mine once pointed out to me something that I still find interesting. It appears that, back in the day, the Roman legions often included presumably big and definitely black Nubian mercenaries a number of whom would undoubtedly live and even prosper in the Roman province of Britannia. Thus, there were black people living in nowadays Great Britain before Angles and Saxons arrived to its shores
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19 replies
4 days ago
So Angles and Saxons were immigrants? Contaminated the existing culture of the Celts and the Romans. 
4 days ago
@pansepot1490 Bloody Beaker people, comin over here………
3 days ago
@pansepot1490 Yes indeed. Joseph Conrad makes the same point in Heart of Darkness. The narrator, Marlowe, as he and his guests smoke cigars and drink port, says that a couple of thousand years ago we were the savages, painting ourselves with blue woad while the Romans probably regretted being in such a godforsaken place with no amenities among such savages.
Read more
3 days ago
@user-vd9cb6qh3r Stewart Lee! Love it
3 days ago
if it’s to be believed, the numbers were insignificant. The black trumpeter of Henry VIII was treated as a rarity 1500 years after the Roman invasion. I’m sorry but I view this as desperate reaching that black people were always on this island and part of its history and culture in a significant way. It simply isn’t true until the 19th and 20th century
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3 days ago
But not before the Celts.
3 days ago
@7xps5 …most of whom were also immigrants to Britain at the time.
3 days ago
@Carvo Loco This is true, except the evidence tells us they weren’t Nubians but North Africans. Around 500 were stationed at Hadrian’s Wall and were “Aurelian Moors”, named in honour of Marcus Aurelius. There were many other Africans in the Roman legions. Race was never a bar to Roman citizenship and many of these soldiers, especially auxiliaries were trying to earn it. Four Roman emperors were African: Septimius Severus, Clodius Albinus, Marcus Macrinus and Aemilianus. It is entirely possible that some black Romans settled in Britain on retirement and had families. Many saw the agricultural opportunities of the climate, although some Romans found the weather a culture shock. In a tablet from the fort at Vindolanda a Roman writes: “Caelum crebris imbribus ac nebulis foedum,” (the sky is obscured by constant rain and cloud).
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3 days ago
@user-zy7nb8bv8c There are also requests for warm socks I believe. We should remember that people are people and their feet get cold, regardless of where they came from or what they look like.
We now know that any claim to some kind of ethnic ‘uniqueness’ made by any European country or group is a nonsense. Go back long enough and we find we’re all related in some way or other, the same way our feet get cold.
We should always look extra closely at those who seek to separate us into groups of their own making.
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3 days ago
@PortilloMoment This is a rather trite comment. Humans have always banded to together in cultural groupings for the last 100,000 years, and that won’t change because of a decade of misguided woke doctrine. If black people can claim their afro-centric ethnicity, then so can white Europeans. And they should do that proudly. No culture on earth has an untainted history. European culture is absolutely distinct and extremely complicated and is tied to whiteness, whatever you may think about that. We are a mix of the Roman and the Germanic, the Pagan and the Christian. That is our heritage. That is incontrovertible fact. But what is also true is that culture can override colour, although the two are generally linked. Europeans are entitled to their culture, as Africans or Asians or any other ethnicity are entitled to theirs.
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3 days ago
So where did all these imaginary black people go? Did they just disappear?
2 days ago
the romans were occupying and exploiting Britian, staling land and forcing taxes, thank you for highlighting black complicity for the sake of an empire. nice call
2 days ago (edited)
@mr.thegreat557 wait… do you doubt that the romans conquered britain too, because where are all the italians? 
1 day ago
Septimius Severus once met an Ethiopian legionary who presented him with a garland of flower. Severus saw the man’s black skin as a bad omen and ordered this legionary to be removed from his presence. This coming from a supposedly ‘black British’ emperor. The guys guarding Hadrian’s Wall were not even black but Berbers, like Tunisians.
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1 day ago (edited)
@bmotion7648 I agree a 100%. This whole story serves one purpose only, and I’m tired of having to go back hundreds of years to question white westerners’ right to their homeland. Curiously enough, no other race, culture or ethnicity is under the microscope.
1 day ago
@PortilloMoment Well, clearly, considering that modern humans evolved in Africa and then came out and spread around the world…
4 days ago
I’m surprised it’s as high as 46%
4 days ago
i wonder if it would be seen as outrageous if the country became minority white, but majority mixed but still descended from british citizens. i’d imagine eventually most of the population will be mixed, especially if going by those dna analysis services it seems to be sooner 
“farage” sounds like a foreign name… 
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1 reply
10 hours ago
Brazil is a fine example of racemixing. Truly a paradise. You should move there, maybe Sao Paolo or Rio.
4 days ago
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest if, as a white (with a bit of Latino thrown in) person we become a “minority in our own country.”
I never put my ethnicity down as “White British,” or describe myself, as such, when asked. I always say “I’m a human being.” It really throws officialdom when they ask.
That said, I don’t like/use the term “person of colour,” for me, it’s no different from the term “coloured,” which smacks of the American Deep South/Apartheid South Africa.
We’re all people of colour.
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1 reply
1 day ago (edited)
Tell that to the residents of Savile Town.
Tell me – would you think that the UK would be fundamentally different if you were to remove it’s current population and replace it with 67m Nigerians?
4 days ago
I don’t agree with all of Owen’s politics but I greatly enjoy his chirpiness.
Owen Jones
3 days ago
I am his cousin he ignores. You are right about him. he lacks compassion and a conscience and he’s there to help out the wealthy.
4 days ago
Great video, spot on points. I never refer myself as “white British” because Britishness has pretty much always been synonymous with Englishness while the rest of us in Britain are actually overlooked as being non-existent. Either I refer to myself as white Welsh or simply “White ‘other'” on documents though I hate othering myself.
I’m not a spare bit living in a closed off part of this island.
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2 replies
4 days ago
I’m Irish living in England. I don’t recall the categories on the last census form but I would never tick White British.
4 days ago
I would much rather tick ‘white Welsh’ but I’ve never seen it on a form. I sometimes tick ‘white European’ if I see it.
3 days ago
I’m sorry, was Nigel driving while recording that or is the video just flipped? 
1 reply
2 days ago
surely he’s got a driver
4 days ago
He might not be correct yet…but it’s going in that direction and will be one day.
1 reply
16 hours ago
Douglas lives in New York because that’s where he makes his living. He emigrated for economic reasons. At the same time, he refuses to allow other people to do the same for racist reasons and stirs up fears among the population of a nation in which he himself no longer lives.
Dougy-boy is a really great guy!
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4 days ago
The only plank we have, and he is not crucial is Farage.
4 days ago (edited)
Thanks for the trigger warning 
Ps. Why do I get Rudy Gulliani vibe from the smeg head? (Farage)
3 days ago
Like Reggie Yates said… If you dress smartly and treat people with respect, talk properly, you’ll get treated well… Something along those lines he said.
1 reply
3 days ago
Also, Mr. Yates doesn’t drink alcohol… The worst drug around.
4 days ago
3 days ago
Excellent OJ
Oh how we need a mainstream TV progressive news panel to regularly hold to account the likes of Murray and Farage!
3 days ago (edited)
whats so hard to understand Owen , A lot of White people from various backgrounds whether cities, towns or villages have seen the culture they have grown up in has rapidly changed and feel they are pushed aside.
5 replies
16 hours ago
No. If there had been no immigration those same people would still bemoan how things have changed. Only difference is that they would target the young instead of immigrants.
15 hours ago (edited)
@alipanroosendaal9503 the average person doesn’t decry change – it’s the volume and frequency of that change, unprecedented in human history, that people quite rightly are concerned about.
14 hours ago
@kaneda3794 In my experience, people are pretty adaptable to change when it is to their advantage. They only throw a tissy when they suspect that they aren’t getting anything tangible out of it. People only care about some myth of a ‘culture’ when it suits their narrative and the moment.
13 hours ago
@alipanroosendaal9503 If culture is a myth then millions of people every year must hallucinating when they travel abroad to sample and partake in…other cultures.
I take it you’ve heard of a place called Savile Town in Yorkshire? That is a case study into the effects of rapid demographic change. Any individual who wishes this to occur in other parts of the country is not very well.
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2 days ago
Probably the best vid so far.
1 reply
2 days ago
@clemobenoit5813 obviously not farage…
4 days ago
The only discrimination I’ve encountered is at work was .one for age. And the other being female . From weak minded little men !!
2 days ago
I’m very secure in my whiteness so I have no worries about other peoples skin color.
8 hours ago
People should be free to express their concerns, or one risks the rise of extremities !
4 days ago
You are so right. I use to believe in Nigel farage but not any more
Owen Jones
2 replies
4 days ago (edited)
never be taken in by these people, there interests are not our interests
4 days ago
Glad you saw through his nonsense buddy 
18 hours ago
In response to your request my take on this is that both Right and Left and the census itself are at fault for using the term ‘white British’ , and ( just the Left on this one ) the concept of ‘whiteness’ . The issue is that the number of those defining themselves as English, Scottish , Welsh and Northern Irish is in rapid decline , from nearly 90 % in 2001 to just under 75% in 2021. These are cultural and ethnic identities, but not racial ones. So for example a person of African or Asian descent could easily see themselves as one of these categories. Now obviously this is more likely to happen when that person can trace their roots back many centuries , as do for example some black people who are keen to claim a lineage back to Roman times.
Only when alarm over changing skin tones is heard are we anywhere near a racial narrative. The loss of cultural identity is a legitimate concern , unless you are one of those who thinks that Britain and the West is NO MORE than a system of racial supremacy and that any talk of English Scots Welsh ethnic identity is ” far right.”
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3 days ago
Great takedown, Owen 

Owen Jones
4 days ago
i’m white but i don,t identify as christian i’m AT , and don’t mention the war to farage ‘s wife 

4 days ago
oh strange, youtube listed “No views
” but showed 5 thumbs up. i’ve always wondered about youtubes dedication to accuracy but it’s hard to know unless one finds a border condition to scrutinize. though i guess i’m not a great data point myself because i had clicked on it but didn’t count as a maybe it only counts people who watch it till the end (which isn’t me because as soon as i clicked on it i had to rush out the door to make an appointment..but now i’m back! and i can watch it at my leisure 
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1 reply
4 days ago
I’ve noticed this before various times. It seems the view count lags a little behind likes, it’s odd but nothing sinister.
3 days ago
Larry the Cat for PM.
4 days ago
White Roma British and happily lover of life in London 
1 reply
3 days ago
I’m sure you are
4 days ago
Superbly put. Makes you proud to be British!
2 days ago
Cheers, Owen, fantastic video
Owen Jones
4 days ago
cell walls? That might be a step too far :’)
4 days ago
Shhhh….Don’t tell Farage that Y-Chromosomal Adam and mitochondrial Eve were both probably African – We’re all ‘foreign’ – his head might just explode! Add into the mix that the British isles have been invaded by the Romans, Vikings and the Normans, what does being British mean anyway?
Also, as a lifelong atheist, I am delighted that there is a greater ‘religious diversity’.
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16 replies
4 days ago
“What does British mean anyway”
4 days ago
There have been around 1000 years of pretty much a homogenous ethnic group here. I mean if you’re OK with the ethnic cleansing of the UK then fine, but would you shut up about Palestine in that case? But yes you’re right, we all came from Africa orinally. Im sure nigel farage is completely unaware of this fact that most people already know. Truly, you owned him.
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4 days ago
To add to your list on invasions, don’t forget the Dutch with Queen Anne
3 days ago
@GaryGillKeeper queen Anne wasn’t Dutch.
3 days ago
@Stringer13ell “There have been around 1000 years of pretty much a homogenous ethnic group here. I mean if you’re OK with the ethnic cleansing of the UK then fine”
tell us you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist
3 days ago
@aankwenti im glad you’ve just admitted i didn’t tell you im a racist and said nothing racist, and you just chose to infer im a racist. Calling someone racist lost any power around 2015. Get a new tactic. But im sure your view on people defending indigenous cultures being an act of racism extends to other cultures, because if it didn’t, well then that would be racist. Project at someone else.
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3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 English of course
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 her husband was
2 days ago (edited)
@dnpe9939 no, these people genuinely believe that they have stumbled onto some profound knowledge the rest of us are unaware of. They type of person who says ‘wiel arctuarly i think you will foind Frankenstein werse the scientist, nort the monsteur.’
1 day ago
@GaryGillKeeper Queen Anne was not married to a dutchman, that was her sister Mary.
1 day ago
@Stringer13ell What’s Palestine got to do with your spurious white replacement theory?
18 hours ago
@paulhammond6978 whats the unwanted encroachment of outsiders got to do with the unwanted encroachment of outsiders you ask? I tell you what, ill give you everything I own if you can tell me whether I was referring to Palestine in the former or the latter.
12 hours ago
Hey owen, you are always on tv. Why not go on farage?
3 days ago
Well said Owen. Nigel Garage won’t see Britain like that he went to Dulwich college.
2 days ago
There’s diverse and there is what’s happening. Now just over half of births are white British in England. And that percentage is decreasing very rapidly. I don’t think people have a problem with having different peoples in the same country, but rather have a problem with the country being transformed beyond all recognition in such a short period of time.
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2 replies
1 day ago
Diverse is a nonsense word. A grift, if you will.
4 days ago
Fearing being discriminated against by those they(we) have discriminated against is exactly what is feared, and we shouldn’t write that off as understanding and resolving those concerns is key to a more united society globally.
It’s keeping the right wing in power. However bad things are if you’re white you’re always better off than somebody who has a darker skin tone and we’ll make sure that keeps being the case. Played out very blatantly in the US.
We can , perhaps, look at the Tory party as a model to what really happens. As soon as enough wealth is accumulated skin tone stops being an issue and doors open.
One of the great ironies of Brexit is people voted to stop the movement of people who have the same skin tone (+ or – the huge range in ‘whiteness’ across Europe) and that movement of people will likely be replaced by movement of people who make the brexiteers uncomfortable due to skin colour rather than language.
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3 replies
4 days ago
4 days ago
Or not Christian
4 days ago
@christopherunwin1412 yup
2 days ago
great vid
Owen Jones
3 days ago
Love you Owen!
Always talking sense.
4 days ago
I hate Nigel Farage more than Boris Johnson
8 replies
4 days ago
Confusing. You hate him more than you hate Boris. Or, you hate him more than Boris hates him. 
4 days ago
So do I. Although it’s close.
4 days ago
@H40DOW So do I, and I don’t even live in the UK.
4 days ago
That was obvious, pointed out by the superfluous use of “even”
3 days ago
great people only come along once in a generation… and nigel Farage is a giant amongst us…
support the British people.. support Brexit..

1 day ago
Johnson has done more damage. Plus I find his voice more annoying.
4 days ago
Great video, well argued.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Thank you for bringing this story forward and debunking the nonsense being spouted from hateful people like Farage.
4 days ago
Spent 25 years of my adult life living in Leicester and I LOVED it. Diversity makes the world a better place. How many right-wingers who moan about immigration are happy to have an Indian meal with their pint? They don’t see it!
“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there” is the opening line of L.P. Hartley’s “The Go-Between”. It’s a fab quote though and one of the best opening lines ever. 
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15 replies
4 days ago
I’ve never had ‘an Indian’ meal. I don’t like multiculturalism at all although I don’t dislike foreigners, don’t think they are lesser people or any of that non sense. I just would prefer the England I grew up in, which was virtually all of white British people like myself. I’m allowed to feel this way , as are you to prefer the opposite.
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3 days ago (edited)
@singhvlogs8114 Your comment doesn’t make much sense but I’ll give it a go. Not sure why you mentioned Qatar.
Qatar is a mono-culture; it has a very narrow bandwidth of acceptable behaviour, and is therefore oppressive and exclusive. Multi-culture on the other hand is welcoming, even encouraging, of a wide range of behaviours, religions, race/colour and personal preferences. It’s tolerant and inclusive.
No of course I don’t have a monopoly on goodness – it’s an impossibility for a single person to have all the goodness in the world. But I do try to be respectful and polite. I have no idea why you felt the need to be so rude. Being disrespectful to others makes it much less likely that they will consider your opinions.
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3 days ago
Nigel Farage is a great politician…

2 days ago
@michaelball1307 Nigel Farage is not currently a politician. Whether you think he was “great” or not depends on what matters to you. Personally I’m not fond of wealthy ex-stock brokers who marry foreign nationals and then complain about immigration.
1 day ago
@alkhemiegypt he wasn’t a stock broker.
1 day ago
Diversity causes tension at best and physical conflict at worst. But that’s not what diversity means is it, in the political sense, it means less white people.
12 hours ago
@kaneda3794 He was a commodities broker.
12 hours ago (edited)
@kaneda3794 It’s not true that diversity causes tension. Diversity brings dynamism to a system. Biologically, without diversity, organisms eventually become weak and die out. In a political sense, diversity means equal rights and opportunities for all – which means a healthier society and therefore benefits everyone.
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11 hours ago
@alkhemiegypt …which isn’t a stock broker.
11 hours ago (edited)
@alkhemiegypt I suggest you look at the dictionary. That’s not the political definition of diversity at all. We already have equality enshrined in law anyway.
When it emerged that Vermont had a high percentage of white people the US government said it “needs diversity” – no mention of anything you stated re equal rights etc
What was implicit in that command was that it need more non white people, irrespective of the desires of the current inhabitants.
Show less
4 days ago
Anymore lighting needed
There Owen
4 days ago
I’m not white, but as I’m watching this I’m eating Wotsits. What’s more British than a Wotsit? Although, they are those new crunchy ones, like Cheetos, so maybe I’m terrifically trans-Atlantic like Douglas Murray.
3 days ago
Great news integration is working
1 reply
1 day ago
Not in the slightest. See Savile Town for evidence of that.
4 days ago
Nigel Farage talking about 1/6 people born outside the UK, lol. Does he mean people like his German wife and parents?
1 reply
1 day ago
No he means non Europeans.
4 days ago
I would love to ask Nigel the last time he stepped into a church
4 replies
4 days ago
He’d only attend if there was a photographic opportunity.
4 days ago
You do not have to go to church to live a Christian way of life and beliefs 
3 days ago
Do you agree that we are all hypocrites? Even people like this Jones character, trust me he’s definitely not innocent regarding this.
3 days ago
@carolnoyce7557 err, yes actually, you do
2 days ago
I think Brexit was a wonderful idea, not for the present but for the future, for instance it will encourage a boom in comedic creativity, I like laughing and I think we’ve many years of mirth to come
4 days ago (edited)
I had to go to Church in primary. It was boring af, seemed to go on forever, uncomfortable seats, pius old teachers snarling at you if you moved a muscle. Why the f**k would I voluntarily go the Church when I could go to the cinema, the pub or football? 
P.S. I’m white CofE male of Tory voting parents.
4 days ago
I would take Napolians advice and leave him alone to help with the destruction of the tories TBH.
2 replies
3 days ago
Do you mean Napoleon?
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 pardon my dyslexia
4 days ago
4 days ago
Whe did Nigel Farage last go church?
4 replies
4 days ago
He can’t, he’d spontaneously combust
4 days ago
A big thank you.
4 days ago
He was driven to church when he was a small child. Gregory Peck and Lee Remick were also in the car, as I recall.
3 days ago

nice reference
4 days ago
I don’t like so many people having tattoos. (I continued with this obsession right up until one of my children succumbed to an obscure foreign word etching.)
1 reply
4 days ago
I have been told it almost certainly translates to ‘bathmat’. cannot vouch for this though.
1 day ago
Everybody has there own opinion about politics the problem is the government is so old and stubborn for positive change and thinking. Just remember we are not the rest of the world we are the United Kingdom people have to conform to our rules.
3 days ago
Noooooo, this cannot be true. Impossible.
1 day ago
Bravo Owen.
4 days ago
Few people I hate more, than Farage
4 days ago
Imagine living with 60 million Nigel Farages
11 replies
4 days ago
There’s only one of him. And most people have never heard of, never mind read, anything by people like Douglas Murray.
4 days ago
One is one to many
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 He’s many times better known than Owen Jones, and infinitely more influential. He virtually single handed got us out of the E.U. He’s a National Hero. You’re talking rubbish.
4 days ago
The horror’s;horror’s.

4 days ago
@massivehero4871 lol
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 I wish I’d never heard of Douglas Murray. I find him sinister, the archetypal polite “respectable” racist.
4 days ago
@scottb1632 You mean all white British?
3 days ago
@rachelmcgowan158 same here. Something insidious about him.
3 days ago
We live with about 20m of his ilk now
4 days ago
Interesting this, I always thought that the UK was NI, Wales, Scotland and England. This survey only includes Wales and England and then Owen goes on to discuss only English cities, Btw Only but only about 35 percent of us living in the three Celtic nations identify as British While 65 percent of us would claim to be Irish, Scots or Welsh.
British, who gives a toss Owen?
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4 replies
4 days ago
ok if no one gives a toss why response to this at all
4 days ago
Eh, Scotland is 700 islands. The Shetlands, Inner Hebrides, Orkney etc have diverse heritage, not always Celtic. Likewise for many on the mainland. Cornish people also Identify as Celts, in some regard.
4 days ago
There isn’t a UK-wide census, England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate censuses and report results individually.
4 days ago
@rachelmcgowan158 Fine. but can’t they just add up the totals from all four countries.
You agree with me then that this is not a survey of Britain and in relation to cities it’s an English only survey. Time some English people woke up and understood that the British Isles doesn’t = England!
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2 days ago
Nigel Farage should work for the Daily Mail because both produce ‘Hate Mail’ which they consider to be legitimate ‘reporting’ but which in reality is the deliberate pontification of divisiveness and hate calculated to cause anger and derision.
8 hours ago
How accurate are the figures ? I believe nothing now.
4 days ago
Now that he is a minority, perhaps he should heed his own advice and move somewhere else if he doesn’t like the country he lives in. Doesn’t sound so great on the other side of that does it, Nigel?
3 days ago
The chartists and levellers aye
3 days ago
this man would not know the truth if it bit him
2 replies
2 days ago
Which man?
2 days ago
Farage? if so, yes.
3 days ago
An indirect argument really for the separation of religion and state. Let religion rise or fall strictly on its own merits, rather than become a lightning rod as part of the establishment, and as James Madison pointed out, only adding fuel to the skeptic’s argument that if religion is so great, why does it need the force of law to prop it up?
2 replies
3 days ago
What merits? Murder and persecution of science.
3 days ago
@alexanderstefanov6474 Like I said, rise or *fall*…
4 days ago
Don’t always agree with you Owen but, for me, best response to arrant ignorance and ‘gentleman’s racism’ and total nonsense ever. Nice one!
4 days ago
It’s secularization, like in other countries, like France, Italy…
1 day ago
So, Nigel is another one of these right-wing personalities (there seem to be a large number of US apologists/preachers of this kind, for example) who like to make videos while driving. I’ve never quite understood the attraction.
3 days ago
Tribal conflict is normal throughout the world and throughout history.
4 days ago
Come on the heathens!!! I gave up having an invisible friend when I was a child along with many others.
Saor Albacatraz 

2 replies
4 days ago
well m a buddhist who believes in reincarnation! reincarnation ! why do the tories keep coming back as the same thing.
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 They can’t get any lower.
3 days ago
What does Farage’s German wife think of his bleatings? Is she not insulted at his hate? Also from what I can see he’s only 2 generation “more British” than someone who was born here but whose parents weren’t. Weird guy.
4 days ago
Heathen == rational.
Faragen == irrational.
Count me in the first group please.
3 days ago
Is Nige driving or can’t he fasten his straight jacket !
4 days ago
I’m fine about Farage’s wife being German. My worry is why on earth would you, as a foreigner, marry such a xenophobe?
8 replies
4 days ago
Lateral thinking I love it. Lol
4 days ago (edited)
He says he feels uncomfortable with foreigners on trains speaking their own lingo, so I’d like to be speaking Spanish with my Colombian wife on public transport while he was within earshot. I take it he has nothing against German speakers.
4 days ago
@billaitken2989 I’m an interpreter. I often speak German and Italian in public (and not all the people I’m speaking to are white, English and Spanish aren’t the only international languages these days), and in areas that are full of the sort of white working class people Farage claims are frightened by people speaking foreign. The usual reactions are “What language is that?” /”I wish I could speak another language”/ “What do they think of (wherever in the North East we happen to be)?”/”I was in the army in Germany”/ “We went to Sorrento on holiday once”. Never once have I heard a derogatory, xenophobic, or racist comment.
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4 days ago
@billaitken2989 hello Bill Mr Farage was an MEP for more than twenty , you’d think the fella would know a bit about the organization ? A rule was passed in Brussels that said any EU Citizens speaking their own language in another member state was allowed , it was agreed by all the members , the country that initially proposed the rule was Britain ?
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4 days ago
@massivehero4871 Let me just deconstruct this. “because he isn’t” presumably is your premise that Farage isn’t xenophobic.. The next sentence……..I wonder how anything , a country or otherwise can “turn into” something that it has already become. It then seems that your inference is that hating foreigners is necessary to achieve this state of affairs that already exists except Farage not being a xenophobe would have had no part in the country being in this mess. Could you be clearer?
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4 days ago
@massivehero4871 yep come one come all, two thousand years of imagination.
10 hours ago
Promise to stay on those islands for the rest of your life. Enjoy your stay.
4 days ago
Uncle Nige is looking more and more like Homer Simpson.
5 replies
4 days ago

4 days ago
4 days ago

4 days ago
Too true!
3 days ago
Don’t say that. I like Homer Simpson.
4 days ago
The argument for maintaining the white character of the UK goes like this: people are carriers of culture. If the number of non-British people going to Britain is too high then at one point, British culture will be altered drastically and probably with catastrophic negative effects (such as parts seceding, civil wars, etc.) The reason is people intrinsically can’t live in peace with neighbors who are too different from themselves and conflicts will inevitably arise. Basically, the future of Britain would be similar to disintegration of Yugoslavia, different groups vying for power, fighting over territorial control. This would be the reasoning of people who are alarmed about the changing ethnic structure of the UK.
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6 replies
4 days ago
I identify as a Brigante and you saxons have screwed my culture, not to mention the Normans with their fancy food and place names.
4 days ago (edited)
Yes, whatever you say. Before you know it, we’ll be eating chinese and Indian takeaways..
4 days ago
@jgmediting7770 they’ll be wanting to replace our national dish of chicken tikka masala next!
3 days ago (edited)
And as for British worker movements fighting for their rights against the ruling class..
But yeah, immigrants. Fact is you have far, far more in common with working class immigrants than you do the white British elite. Which is why that elite has to find ways to divide the working class.
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2 days ago
@dnpe9939 leftist??? Oh dear
4 days ago
I’m with you Owen, we should open our doors to immigration, for anyone who wants to come to our country seeking a better life for themselves and their families.
8 replies
4 days ago
Legally yes ..
Young men on dinghies absolutely NO
4 days ago
If you think about it, it’s a compliment that people come here believing they can lead a better life. I’ve worked with immigrants for more than twenty years, and I’m still amazed by their positive view of the UK.
4 days ago
The doors are already wide open!
4 days ago
@thomascrowe314 Yes I did have all my jabs thank you.
4 days ago (edited)
@jondrizzle4554 aps you can do what braverman couldn’t and describe what these legal routes are for refugees. Maybe coming here on dinghies is related to that answer.
4 days ago
Wonder when he was last in church.
3 days ago
This is Nigel stirring up his much needed unsavoury demographic without actually slipping on an armband
1 reply
1 day ago
What is so unsavoury about standing up for a people?
3 days ago
10:00 perfectly put sir
3 days ago (edited)
Talking of ‘cellular data’, the latest Samsung S22 Ultra mobile handset can be had in a variety of colours, non of which affect the operational functionality of the device…
(mobile handsets from other manufacturers are available, also in a range of interesting colours) 

5 replies
1 day ago
What does this mean?
1 day ago
@kaneda3794 It’s metaphorical
1 day ago
Weak liberal stuff then.
1 day ago
@Britlurker Far too highbrow for the likes of you
21 hours ago (edited)
@sgtgrash are you claiming that human beings are not diverse under the skin? I’m sure that many geneticists would like to speak to you about that.
4 days ago
Farage needs more milkshake!
2 days ago

1 day ago
It would be great to see you debate Douglas Murray one day Owen. Seeing as you don’t mind giving him publicity.
4 days ago
Farage is the new slicker enoch powell .
4 days ago
Farage I blame him more than anyone else for the state this country is in he needs locked up full stop.
2 replies
4 days ago

3 days ago
King Charles said lovely things about religious diversity recently.
1 reply
2 days ago
King Charlie needs to sort out his own back yard.
3 days ago
It depends where you live, some parts of the country are exclusively white, mainly middle class areas, whereas working class industrial areas tend to be multi racial, it always amuses me when Asian people park on double yellow lines in my street for hours on end but never get fined or alter their houses without planning permission and nothing happens that annoys ordinary people
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3 days ago
Maybe the Tories shouldn’t have turned our cities into oligarch playgrounds? If they’re really that bothered
4 days ago
western Europe’s advance towards atheism, not a bad thing although it does mean we must be extra vigilant
4 days ago
More like Crygel Farage am I right?
4 days ago
Exactly mate, so what, why does it matter? Why do you waste your time and everyone else’s with these pointless rants? Please report on something useful like what the next government’s economic plan should be for getting us out of this current mess!
3 days ago
I love it when you destroy right wingers like this Owen. Keep it up.
3 days ago
Education is the main reason for the declining rates of religion. As for the race question, it really shows what is driving his thought process. These guys want white christian populations!!
3 days ago
4 days ago
Funny that, i don’t ever recall hearing farage say anything I particularly disagree with, yet most of what jonesy spouts out sounds like garbage.. 
6 replies
4 days ago
Why do you come to his channel? Are you secretly trying to educate yourself? 
4 days ago
@mikw1809 for some reason YT throws it up to me, so being naturally curious i have a little watch and then marvel at the comments of how many people are gullible enough to lap it up..
Maybe it’s sent to me so I can educate the likes of you.. 
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4 days ago
@RC-9 I also wanted to stop ever closer political integration with Europe so I could eat bendy bananas just like I always could, because I’m not just a racist, I’m a thick C U Next Wednesday also
4 days ago
@mikw1809 drinking heavily on a Wednesday Mikey.. perhaps you should get a job and contribute rather than just take 
4 days ago
racists crying “racism” is actual Orwellian vibes
4 days ago
But there is a legitimate grievance. People pay a ganster who advertises on tickok and illegally get into the UK. That is a fact. Why dont you talk about this illegality ? People here cannot pay a ganster and get into France. We have to foillow the rules. You analysis ignores what is actually taking place !!
4 days ago
Every argument I’ve always tried to make, only much more succinct and wrapped in a neat package. Mind if I steal it? 
Owen Jones
4 days ago (edited)
Put Nigel in a time machine and send him to 1930 to 40s Germany to live, he will feel very at home.
3 replies
4 days ago
His ancestors were French.
4 days ago
His kids are half German…
4 days ago
@IterativeTheoryRocks Benjamin Netanyahu was born in Israel
4 days ago
H E Bates, not Lord Astor. And I can’t quite get my head round “majority minority”. Otherwise, excellent as usual!
4 days ago
The only one putting their “own racist spin on things”, Douglas, is YOU!
No wonder only Larry can bear the embarrassment of even discussing this with you – the acute delusion of people like this, who even imagine what question they’ve just been asked, rather than answering the actual question in the correct syntax, is painful!
2 days ago
4 days ago
Because cultures are different… Values and beliefs are different. They dont mix with anyone else but their own. They have different ways of dealing with conflict and gender.
3 days ago
Migration to a country usually means that that country is rich and either people want to come and improve their lives or that the country in question needs immigrants to work there to keep up or improve productivity. So what Farage is saying is that he doesn’t want to live in a rich successful country. I also agree about Owen’s points on diversity and culture changing over time.
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3 days ago
Great work.. Young truth speakers. Love it. Time to trash the lies of this deluded generation who trashed the physical and psychological environment and truth.
4 days ago
2 days ago
Never been a Nigel fan..but folks like him will help destroy us all..
2 days ago
You find mass in Spanish and polish here.
4 days ago
OMG Farage turns my stomach
2 replies
1 day ago
Look I’ve tried. Watching Miss Owen here makes me so glad I ain’t a lefty!
1 reply
1 day ago

Okay then
3 days ago
In my very core I believe Nigel Farage’s problems stem from a bad incident whilst potty training.
4 replies
3 days ago
Can you please explain this statement? I really struggle with this thing you call ‘left wing comedy’.
Sorry but I remember when jokes were actually funny.
2 days ago
@mr.thegreat557 I could but you wouldn’t get it.
2 days ago
@ianwheeler7513 try me, I’m a very intelligent man.
4 days ago
A carpet tile Alan Partridge
2 days ago (edited)
your debunk of Nigel Farage has some substance fair enough, but utterly failed again when it came to debunking Douglas Murray. Again instead of addressing what he’s actually said you muff it up by going on the personal attack. You can attack the character of those you disagree with until the cows come home, but if that’s your focus over the substance of their argument then you haven’t debunked anything because the argument is still there. The fact Douglas Murray lives in New York is irrelevant to what he is saying.
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3 days ago
I see myself scouse British
4 days ago
Wait, you’re telling me Nigel Farage is misleading again?
1 reply
4 days ago
4 days ago
Why is Farage making a broadcast from his car seat? Can he no longer afford a studio, or can’t get anyone to host him? If so, that’s one major advance. I can’t abide listening to the man, he makes my skin crawl.
1 reply
4 days ago
Farage is trying to be cool
4 days ago
Diversity (of culture, of thinking,of human experiences) is a the door and key to a prosperous joyful sustainable and successful Future for All 
4 days ago
Farrij can never just come out and say what he thinks, or what he’s pretending to think for his “career”. Why not? Just say what you mean Nige, stop dancing around
2 days ago
Refering the whole subject to England is as hypocritical as it always is. We 3 nations are a minority with Wales being automatically consumed by Big England. It’s not a union it’s England’s vote, England’s everything. Wales gets flung in as a sort of after word but of no value. Scotland and NI are too far north to be bothered with apart from a share of tax. Gone are the days, Farage is poking his nose in again and the football fans will vote using their degrees in economy and current affairs, industry and finance to secure their confidence they ruin the 4 nations yet again. Farage is the man to replace Assange.
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21 hours ago
What was the british empire? commonwealth games?
4 days ago
8,000 years years ago Brits were dark skinned, it became ‘white’ much later – I guess we’re going back to how it used to be.
8 replies
3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 I pity people like you who don’t believe in science or dna but instead some pulp fiction folklore
3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 I have actually, so you believe ancient Brits were white when they migrated from Africa?
3 days ago
@KasserRiaz , the first people to inhabit the Isles didn’t come from Africa, which you should know. The first evidence of any ‘Africans’ in Britain came during Roman times and even then, they were servants or indentured soldiers of North African Arab descent, not sub-Saharan black Africans who had been living there for millennia. I bet you sit around the table peddling all the other cobblers such as ‘The Windrush generation were invited here by the British government to rebuild the country after the War!’ and ‘Mary Seacole was a real nurse, Florence Nightingale stole her ideas!’ as well, don’t you?
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3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 loooool
3 days ago (edited)
@chriswilliamson7694 and I guess also were and/are a qnon fan as well
3 days ago
Owen get behind Brexit and our friend nigel and help make it a success for us all..
the future is ours so let’s make it happen…
4 days ago
Never knew our Nigel was such a keen church-goer.
3 days ago
Is Mrs Farage British??
4 days ago
You hit the nail on the head again. Who cares how many people are white or Christian. Aren’t we all the same? I still can’t pronounce Farage.
2 replies
3 days ago
I call him Forage as in foraging for support for his toxic views
2 days ago
46 per cent Christian is too high by 46 per cent
4 days ago
Farage belongs in a museum !
Out of date and out of touch
3 replies
4 days ago
More like the tower of london for treason
4 days ago
@petyrkowalski9887 Madame Tussauds’ Chamber of Horrors.
3 days ago
He belongs in prison becoming intimately acquainted with his fellow inmates in the showers. 
3 days ago
Owen, Owen! Thank you for telling us the truth. You’re invaluable.
3 days ago
Just unbelievable that you think everyone should be OK with the fact that our country is in the state that it’s in, or that being a minority in your own country is OK
1 reply
4 days ago
Isn’t Murray an irish name?
1 reply
4 days ago
yes it is
2 days ago
I was born here, but I’ll always identify as white European. It’s a small and insignificant distinction, but I’d rather put as much distance between me and Farage as possible.
4 days ago
Is fartage drying his pants in the back window ?
3 days ago
Diversity is working a treat ain’t it Owen
4 days ago (edited)
Don’t agree with Farage’s fear mongering. On the other hand, I don’t think an open honest debate on this topic is happening particularly on the left in Britain. If the majority pop of major cities in Nigeria, India, Japan, or Turkey for example were of a different culture/race than the majority of the country I am sure discussions would be happening about what this means for the country. Now if that is what a majority of British citizens want, fine. To act as if there aren’t cultural differences between different people is absurd.
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1 reply
1 day ago
Yeah, but culture/race aren’t the same thing. People who grew up black british have their British side too.
4 days ago
Mmmmh. I would really like know if Farage or Pearce gos to church?
4 days ago
Fantastic news the country is no longer majority Christian, is it still majority religious? I know among young people atheism is big majority
1 day ago (edited)
“Firstly an apology” That’s great to hear Owen! You’ve renounced your earlier positions and agree we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Welcome aboard!
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1 reply
1 day ago
Save the Children!

3 days ago
Soon as Charles gives my money back they stole il be off to Punjab
4 days ago

3 days ago
“It was thought that only a limited number of non-white colonial migrants would ever seek to settle in the UK. However, strong economic conditions in Britain after the Second World War attracted an unprecedented wave of colonial migration.”
3 days ago
To be British is to be part of a multicultural society. It was that way in the Roman times, during the time of the Saxons, Vikings, Normans… our wealth has grown in our cities that attracted people from all over the world. We just have a much larger population now and we have better transportation links, meaning our cities are growing in population even faster.
It’s normal, natural progression of a free trade society.
(Not going to talk about Brexit’s effect on our identity as a free trade society here right now I can’t be bothered to go into that
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4 days ago
10:00: ‘I like tea’
You’re Hitler.
2 days ago
Biology is a fact too, doesn’t stop you driving any woman out of The Guardian that claims it though.
1 reply
2 days ago
Owen Jones proudly opposes women’s rights.
4 days ago
Throw farage into the Sun 
4 days ago
Anyone listening to Farage is beyond help and won’t care one jot if their racist bile doesn’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny.
4 days ago (edited)
Hang on. Nigel Farage incorrectly states that white people are an ethnic minority, when what he should have said is white British are an ethnic minority (which is actually far more concerning anyway). You then go onto say Douglas Murray says that in certain cities including London white British are a minority and say you’ve just established that is rubbish. You did nothing of the sort. Then you prattle on about you don’t remember there being a vote on mass immigration? Its been the Tories manifesto since they’ve been in power. And they were elected by the people to be in power. Poll after poll shows that British public are mostly against mass immigration. But of there’s any room for doubt t lets have a referendum then. Oh but you say you’d be alarmed by that! So people get to be replaced and have no say, and youd be alarmed if they did have a say? Just say you don’t like democracy. I know you’re a POS but try not to be outright evil.
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1 reply
3 days ago
Well observered that he misrepresented Douglas!
3 days ago
Just out of interest Owen what makes your facts more factual than Nigels facts, I don’t really care either way in terms of race or religion but when it comes to the politics all I see is different commentators with differing perspectives trying to gather followers for there own pockets and powers sake. Your all corrupt really aren’t you?
4 days ago
how many of the cenus say percentage is jedi gawd help us
2 days ago
Your worldview – indeed, your whole moral Schtick is predicated on the illusoriness of race as a cultural determinant, Owen. But what if (horror of horrors) you and your Marxian post-modernist fan boys are ultimately proven wrong? What if race isn’t just a social construct? What if it is real and does matter? What if Rome wouldn’t be the same without the race of Italians? Madrid without Spaniards? etc, etc. What if Japan is Japanese because of the Japanese? And Tibet because of the Tibetans? What, indeed, if Masai culture is noble and unique precisely because of Masai tribesmen? And that of the pygmy hunter gatherers of the Congo Basin unique because of their maintenance of ancestral traditions? Why are the left so terrified of race? I suspect it’s because it complicates things, and as we know: socialists hate complexity, preferring simple economic answers to all the subtle, nuanced questions of human nature. Indeed, what could be more simplistic than declaring, as you do: “Hey, we’re all the same, guys! No need to factor in any subtle differences to the human equation. So it doesn’t matter if white Britons disappear from Britain because they were never really here, as white Britons anyway!”
The joke is, of course, that only privileged champagne socialists drunk on textbook truths think in this tragically abstract way. None but a fool would believe that someone arriving in Britain on a wet Wednesday from the other side of the world is as British as a white Briton whose family and ancestors have lived here for centuries.
In reality all other races do rightly value their identity, which makes for the wonder of real diversity in the world – as opposed to the sterile conformity that socialists seek to impose on us all in the name of so-called equality. Is it any wonder that Labour has lost the working class vote and that real working people regard your dismissiveness of their experience with powerful feelings of frustration and contempt? The only consolation we can draw is that you are visibly and tangibly becoming increasingly irrelevant in this fast-changing technocratically challenged world. You are the only ones who don’t realise it.
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4 days ago

go live in Alabama 
4 days ago
You don’t remember the vote Owen? Every general election for the last 12 years we have voted for party’s who promised lower immigration.
4 days ago
Great to see that we Atheists will soon be a majority in the UK
1 reply
4 days ago
The perfect tax cow
4 days ago
I couldn’t care less what colour a persons skin nor their views
but when it comes to being British, no-one wants to wake up and brush up on their Polish so they can choose the right loaf of bread that day and no-one wants to be the next Native Americans but this is how evolution works, there’s no malice involved, there is no way to predict who evolution will favour so we should just support the human race of the future by doing the best we can today.
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1 reply
4 days ago
If the views
are imposed on you then you would care
3 days ago
“Cry more” “player owned” LOL LMFAO! etc
What are we? 14 year olds?
4 days ago (edited)
How can I appropriately express that I don’t like how the most popular parts of London are massively populated by Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, and other nearby nationalities?
I’m not saying wether something should be done about it or not, I’m just expressing a feeling.
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7 replies
3 days ago
@ldn8765 no idea what youre trying to say
3 days ago
Why do you have that “feeling”? Why don’t you like different ethnicities living in parts of a large cosmopolitan city ?
3 days ago
@simonfane4283 im talking about areas that are like 70% from those countries. Wether you like it or not they are a different people, with their own traditions, they mostly keep to themselves and have their own communities. There isnt much mingling to be had, so it feels like im somewhere i dont fully fit in.
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1 day ago
so? no counter-arguments?
1 day ago
@Akiak7 no point in arguing with stupid racists perhaps ?
1 day ago
@simonfane4283 i tried to give you an honest answer. All you’ve proven is that you don’t have a genuine argument. If I’m wrong in having this view then I want to know why.
4 days ago
debunk farage on his controlling the borders claim
4 days ago
This island had a white population with a culture that comes with a european heritage. Now however with immigration this is no longer the case.
1 reply
3 days ago
This island has always had levels of diversity in different cultures…but the fact that we colonised one fifth of the planet is directly what resulted in the rise of multiculturalism in the “mother country” and what makes it great !
4 days ago
It does make me wonder about the pasty white gingers sitting on the shores during the viking invasions holding forth in racist polemics about all the tall men from Europe landing on these shores in small boats. 
Britain’s demographics have changed so much over the millennia, Romans, vikings, even the French.
What have the immigrants ever done for us eh? Well language development, technological advancement, architecture and the aqueduct, don’t forget about the aqueduct.
The only thing inevitable is change.
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2 days ago
Skin colour should never factor or come into it…
I would however vote for any Government that will look to strengthen boarders or place in a points system rather than a free for all as it feels now.
Front lines services don’t feel like a service right now, more of a lottery… Think we need to improve the infrastructure to handle migration numbers.
All for helping those displaced by the wars and conflicts we had a hand in, Hong Kong/Ukraine/Syria etc…
Feel Farage is playing on the news and feeding flames… but at the same time there is that little nugget of agreement that opens the door…. dangerous times.
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3 days ago
4 days ago
England has always been a foreign country. Immigrants have been pouring into England for thousands of years. The English (those who call themselves ‘English’) speak a foreign dialect made up out of several European languages, and they still use a foreign currency. They share no borders except with a northern kingdom which their government somehow managed to conquer a few hundred years ago, and now, unsurprisingly, that kingdom (Scotland) wants independence from a place called Westminster.
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9 replies
4 days ago
There’s a border to the west of England as well as one to the north, there’s also a border called the river Tamar as well
4 days ago
When was Scotland conquered ?
4 days ago
I would say ‘pouring’. Even the Norman’s only changed England by 5%
4 days ago
@davidpryle3935 It most certainly never was. I’m being facetious, incase you hadn’t noticed.
4 days ago
4 days ago (edited)
@davidharris4062 Yes indeed. As I said to David Pryle, I’m being facetious. Of course the Welsh are far more British than the English!
3 days ago
@davidpryle3935 it wasn’t. It was “joined” with England and Wales by the Act of Union.
3 days ago
@georgegeorge4835 As well as our Celtic Cousins in Kernow
2 days ago
@dnpe9939 Do you mind, Dnpe? I’m trying to to take the piss here! 

4 days ago
When your turn off the TV , than is the extreme right silent 
.. those parasites selling smoke 

4 days ago
Are we just talking about the Atlantic black slave trade?
Or are we including the the Barbary slave trade, Ottoman slave trade, European white slavery and Slavic slave trade?
The term slave comes from the word Slav! There is the clue.
Stop cherry picking!
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6 replies
4 days ago
What?!! This has no relevance to the video!!
4 days ago
@DedLoko Watch to the end. He goes on about the Trans Atlantic slave trade as if there has only ever been that. It is in fact a fraction of slavery historically.
4 days ago
@user-xx2yz6ke8d Can you put a time stamp or a quote? I can’t find what you’re talking about.
4 days ago
@DedLoko 9.04
4 days ago
@user-xx2yz6ke8d When he talks about Britain’s involvement in the slave trade? Yeah, Britain wasn’t that involved in the Ottoman slave trade, genius!!! What’s your point here?
3 days ago
Modern Britain represents the full diversity of the British Empire. The problem isn’t the presence of black and Asian people in Britain. It is ignorance about Britain’s imperial history and the sources of its prosperity.
4 days ago
We don’t need anymore immigration. We were told after WW2 that we would need help rebuilding and immigration was the answer. Japan was absolutely devastated after WW2. Many more working age Japanese men died fighting than in the UK. Tokyo was firebombed and lost 100,000 civilians in one night, that’s more than double the entire London blitz in a single night. 2 nuclear bombs completely destroyed 2 major cities. Japan’s industrial output was decimated by 1945. Amazingly by 1968 Japan had become the world’s second largest economy without any immigration whatsoever. Just 23 years later and they didn’t have to commit cultural suicide in the process.
In my lifetime (39 years) the population of the UK has risen by 12 million people. A medium sized country like Sweden or Norway, Slovakia and Lithuania combined. The current birth rate is 1.56 children per female. We are not even at replacement rate yet the population has increased by 12 million due to immigration. We constantly moan that the roads are full and we have a housing crisis, yet it’s racist to blame immigration. I don’t blame the immigrants, I blame the government. The extra 12 million people has added about 1% of GDP a year but this doesn’t mean we’ve become richer. The economy just got larger because there were more people and it helps make the figures look better than they would.
I have no idea what multiculturalism is. I’ve been told it’s a mixing pot where all the best bits of different cultures come together. Who decides what the best bits are? Who even asked us if we wanted this? I like traveling precisely because I can visit different cultures. I don’t want everywhere to be some weird cultural soup. I’ve been told multiculturalism is separate cultures living together. This just equates to pockets of monoculture where people don’t integrate. We need to allow time for the people who are already here to integrate.
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4 replies
4 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 It does seem that way.
3 days ago
Economically it’s needed to support the ageing population. Birth rates are falling and older people live longer so we need a new working age in flux ASAP …plus the many job roles that can’t be filled by “native British” workers
3 days ago
@simonfane4283 That’s what we have been told yet there are countries in Eastern Europe that have low birth rates and massive emigration yet their economies are growing faster than ours.
Immigration to fix an aging population is an option. However, so is providing affordable childcare, tax incentives to have more children and encouraging companies to contribute more towards pensions.
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4 days ago
He knows he’s wrong but that doesn’t suit his narrative….. Again !
1 day ago
Funny, Nigel Farage’s wife is German his kids are half German
2 replies
1 day ago
@Britlurker Europeans are European.

3 days ago
So suella braverman ‘s parents, being immigrants, will no longer be asked where they were born. And Fish-Face Farage has a problem with this?????
3 days ago
America still has not got rid of slavery. Louisiana State Penitentiary has earned the name “Angola” because of what goes on there.
2 days ago
What is England’s identity 
4 days ago
I don’t have a British identity apparently i live in an occupied country with no democracy 
4 days ago
Are you sure he’s not an alien? He looks pretty strange to me.
4 days ago
Born and raised here, generations past. Always censor Pagan, cos I am. Farage ain’t an English name.
2 replies
4 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 absolutely not, you misunderstand my point. Census does not reflect the true national picture.
4 days ago
Viva La Nigel…
1 reply
3 days ago
He won’t if he visits Scotland again.
2 hours ago
We are all out of Africa.
4 days ago
Talking at cross purposes
4 days ago
Word salad. Lots care.
3 days ago
So now after destroying native Australians from their land ,
Britain is afraid of it’s existence 
4 days ago
Brilliant as ever – keep smashing those fascists 
4 days ago
Imagine having the audacity to lament the loss of your culture through the wholesale import of a global population.
1 reply
3 days ago
U defs got to be lefty lefty lol
4 days ago
I’m guessing Fuerage doesn’t know about all of the Christian churches run by black people 
4 days ago
i cant believe i agree with owen jones jeez
1 reply
4 days ago (edited)
he s cosmic
4 days ago
Um you can’t have a majority minority city?
4 days ago
The only non white thing he should be worried about is his teeth. 
1 reply
4 days ago
depends on your view go and look at … The shocking results of the census. Anything Goes
4 days ago
8:00: No it isn’t, people in England are in the northern hemisphere, and people who move there will lose melanin over time, and assimilate with the white Anglos.
3 days ago (edited)
Can anyone really be this clueless?
4 days ago
54% are this, 28% are that, 71.5% are whatever… who cares? We’re all human
2 replies
4 days ago
Speak for yourself!!! 
4 days ago
That’s easy to say when your the majority.
2 days ago
I wish he would just go away. I’ve had enough of is hate . Spreading lie’s and hate just to get is face in the media.
2 hours ago
Remember it is Farge talking. Do we expect the truth?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Vote Reform
4 days ago
The term “race” is an English/Northern European construct. Related to social Darwinism in an attempt to justify division, colonialism and abuse.
4 days ago
You need to sort your mic out.
4 days ago
All the sexual abuse done by the church doesn’t help.
4 days ago
ever thought of being a member of the loose women team !
3 days ago
… Where are you from? No, where are you really from?
Are Douglas Murray and Lady Susan drinking buddies?
4 days ago
One of Farage’s all time heroes is josep goebbels
2 days ago
Out of touch presenter
17 hours ago (edited)
He also supported Cruella Braveman who wanted to demolish benefits for disability people.
3 replies
13 hours ago
Only those fiddling disability.
6 hours ago
@user-mx4wd7gp2l troll more???
3 days ago
Oh for some healthy debate rather than this rubbish
2 days ago
Leaving religion en masse.
Off masses
On pubbe
4 days ago (edited)
Like Nigel is like so big Christian! Lol Hypocrite! pick an choose what suits him more like.
4 days ago
If u want to have more and more cristianity then join EU bring more Cristians from all over including South America
1 day ago
Farage….. that doesn’t sound very British to me.
2 days ago
3 days ago
1 day ago
farage isn’t a british name, it isn’t even an english name, he is a descendant of immigrants.
3 days ago
Don’t understand what the fuss is about it’s only like what we did to australia and america
2 days ago (edited)
Couldn’t be explained better
We hear same intolerant narrative in Poland regarding minorities.
1 reply
1 day ago
Which is why Poland might still exist in 100 years but Britain and the British won’t.
4 days ago
You keep conflating England and Wales with Britain, Owen. Please stop it. Otherwise, this was excellent work.
Love from Scotland
4 days ago
Douglas Murray an immigrant living in New York, complaining about immigrants. You couldn’t make it up.
1 reply
3 days ago
Cognitive dissonance they call it.
3 minutes ago
Colour must be, and is, irrelevant. What is not irrelevant are attitudes within cultures and religions. Exclusivity and intolerance are rife regardless of creed or colour. Are there, in particular, faiths/cultures which would not welcome my white son or coloured daughter into their homes and families? Sadly, yes. There is bigotry everywhere and Owen is right, it’s not genetic, it’s man-made. Thankfully, what is done by man can be undone by man. Just needs the will and a little more honesty.
Read more
4 days ago
I bet he still loves fish and chips, not forgetting a curry, both being introduced by migrants, beyond a worthless specimen…
3 replies
4 days ago
Fish were introduced by immigrants?
You do know this is an island? And the empire swapped Irish people for potatoes
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 worked out well for the Irish in the end. They spread all over the world.
3 days ago
The introduction of Fish and Chips is contested FYI.
4 days ago
7 replies
4 days ago
A bit sibylline but Gary did brush the subject in his latest vid predicting such themes would keep being promoted to distract from the ever growing wealth gap.
4 days ago
@ingridschmid1709 am just getting his name out wherever I can.
4 days ago
People need to hear his voice
4 days ago
@lightcardsatlisas3932 Owen did invite him .
Most of what Gary says isn’t new , the plus is in his credentials both his career and his origins make a great convincing combo.
4 days ago
@ingridschmid1709 That may be. Surely you would agree we need these voices right now, as many as we can, to get the truth out, so we can at least try and do something.
4 days ago
And while you say what Gary’s talking about isn’t new, sorry I found that to be a bit of a put down, yes he does have the credentials, he knows exactly what he’s talking about and does so in a way that doesn’t pump his ego for views
4 days ago
@lightcardsatlisas3932 Sorry if it came across that way .
I think he does great work but recognizing much of the analysis he offers was available long ago also could be useful.
I do not doubt he’s also an original thinker and would love to see him invited on legacy media if only to shut up the Tufton street garbage .
Read more
4 days ago
Russia own London
4 days ago
farage always massages the figures to suit his own right wing agenda…..whats worrying is, is fawning followers believe him…
4 days ago
The Global brotherhood is what we should all aim for. Mr NF is not helping.
4 days ago
I always put “White European” when given the option.
2 replies
4 days ago
I have checked “Other” and added “Human” once or twice.
4 days ago
Where are you from, i tick arab all the time
4 days ago
Farage is quite simply a political barrackroom lawyer who really hasn’t done an honest days work in his life! He has done numerous stunts like the march to London having walked about 20 miles from Sunderland to Hartlepool then given up and let his foot soldiers do the rest! When he was a paid MEP he never went to any committee meetings and just did cheap political stunts. As soon as the Brexit vote was announced he resigned leadership of his party. What was he afraid of? Hard work??
in my opinion he displayed no leadership qualities whatsoever and just shirked from responsibility.A sort of juvenile political arsonist who having lit the fuse walks away from the fire storm he has created. A very dangerous charlatan who has done much damage to the U.K.
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1 reply
4 days ago
So why was he so anti EU?
1 reply
4 days ago
Awful Farage
4 days ago
People that overuse the word ‘actually’ essentially admit they have a weak argument.
3 replies
4 days ago
llike who
4 days ago
Actually that’s not true, people who focus on the words someone uses as opposed to the substance have very weak arguments, actually!!
3 days ago
@DedLoko well said
4 days ago
They talking about the out of control immigration
1 reply
4 days ago (edited)
1.1 million immigrants per year and rising is not ‘out of control’, neither is todays Albanian take over of London
4 days ago
Not sure why Nige has spent most of his life worrying about colour, religion, culture! Just get on with your life mate. Get a real job too perhaps 
3 days ago
If he’s not racist why is he banging on about this?
1 reply
1 day ago
Is it ‘racist’ to notice demographics?
4 days ago
As white I can be washed at 90c and be bleached. Here, have a positive about being white!
2 days ago
37% white British in London. Doesn’t matter a jot, but does make “white British” a minority ethnic group. Still a tad larger than the other minorities though.
2 replies
1 day ago
Whats your point?
1 day ago
@Britlurker What’s yours?
4 days ago
The Anglo-Saxon settlers 1500 years ago were immigrants, simple as that.
9 replies
4 days ago
Then who were the Celts? Aren’t they the black cheddar men?
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 celts were already throughout the British isles.
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 They have been almost entirely replaced now
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 the latest DNA sampling surveys suggest that they interbred with the invading anglo-saxons so they weren’t replaced as such but merged.
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 I’m not aware of any such adverts
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 not bothered
3 days ago (edited)
@digbycrankshaft7572 That’s what people fall back to when reality sets in. You acknowledge you are specifically targeted and you are waiting for permission to care
4 days ago
You said it yourself in your first few sentences – arrogant.
4 days ago
Down with that sort of thing! March of the atheists… And every other month for that matter
2 days ago
What is important about diversity?
2 days ago
What about race and intelligence?
2 replies
1 day ago
Yes, I’d I like to see Owen tackle that one. Lol!
1 hour ago
@Britlurker why? Everyone knows the answer to that one. LOL
2 days ago
England a Wales? Why isn’t Scotland and NI included with this gibberish. Don’t mention Britain when keeping Scotland and NI excluded. Minorities in Britain and refering only to 3 cities, England and Wales. Get a grip, be bold.
1 reply
2 days ago
Farage doesn’t care about facts when you can appeal to racists feelings. Remember that Brexit thing?
1 reply
1 day ago
Whats a ‘racist’?
4 days ago
Racists care
1 reply
4 days ago
Does that include those claiming Britain will be Indian owned for the next 200 years
4 days ago
I like Nigel you no so much .
2 replies
3 days ago
4 days ago
We are all the same under the skin…live and let live. Forage is such a racist.
1 reply
3 days ago
Oh it’s Owen Jones. Next.
3 days ago
So who pays you Jones….someone who wants to upset the applecart
2 days ago
Because white people emigrate to other countries. What is the issue here?
4 days ago
This guy is the male version of nicola sturgeon
4 days ago
Nigel for PM.
1 reply
2 days ago
Migration is something that ought to be managed by the government. Clearly, this is not the case with the Tory government. The invasion underway is also non-consensual because the electorate have not assented to demographic replacement. Owen poses the question: who cares? Sajid David posed a similar question: so what? Migration on the current scale is unprecedented something Owen Jones neglects to mention. It drives down the bargaining power of those who must compete for work. It undermines social cohesion. Homogeneous societies like China and Japan are more stable than multicultural societies. There is manifestly less crime in Tokyo than in London. Moreover, why must the UK be diverse and inclusive, but other countries such as Israel are free to be ethno-states.
Read more
1 day ago
How come it’s only white Western countries that have to be diverse
4 days ago
Why not debate this issue with Nigel?
1 reply
4 days ago
Because he’d get blown out of the water
4 days ago
please respect our nigel farage and future leader of the united kingdom
2 replies
4 days ago
Hopefully, or we are finished and the history books rewritten
3 days ago
Your Nigel Farage not mine. Also he couldn’t lead a scout troop let alone a country.
4 days ago
Your getting your stats of twitter ! Your no different to the people your attacking .
4 days ago
A classic mint observation from Murray. Sorry.
3 days ago
Why don’t you ever go on TV with Douglas? He claims you threw a tantrum when he was invited on a TV show to debate you and had to be taken off the schedule – at your request. That true? Now you are calling him out – will you debate him?
2 days ago
3 days ago
.. how is Owen Jones relevant???
4 days ago
Hes right. When he says christian he means as opposed to other religions. England is white english Christian
4 days ago
Owen you little divide merchant… behave and eat zee bugz to make Klaus happy
4 days ago
Nigel Farige is a demigod
2 replies
4 days ago
Definitely is in his own mind.
4 days ago
Yeah, Nigel’s arguments are absurd & false but so are yours.
4 days ago
blah blah
4 days ago
Was it a black cat 
black cats matter
4 days ago
owen jones is a brexiteer – has he learned?
4 days ago
I wager young Mr Jones has no multicultural society ‘enrichers’ living anywhere near him eh
Owen Jones
3 replies
4 days ago
about 40% of my Borough isn’t white 
4 days ago
@OwenJonesTalks don’t let the bigots divide us owen 

3 days ago
Owen Jones must the the 21st century dictionary defination of nonsense.
4 days ago
Owen “military precision jones” 

, just 200k followers despite years of being the poster boy for the BBC. Booted off the Guardian, now having a go at the Greatest Brit for the last 50 years……………
5 replies
4 days ago
Owen “got beaten up by a lad he picked up in a London bar, who was white, of course” Jones
4 days ago
@mikw1809 He went on the BBC and said this. Said it was political attack
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 it probably was
3 days ago

Greatest Brit!!! Based on what?!! 
3 days ago
Let me guess. All for gay rights too
4 days ago
mate YOU HAVE NO VISION so mocking those who do is you’re thing. very sad Owen.
3 replies
4 days ago
yes where is he mocking anyone , just givin an opinion!
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 but HE HAVE NO VISION.
This is his thing, he like HAVE NO thing to answer to if he LIKE MOCKING. He HAVE NO VISION LIKE CHRISTIAN MAN OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE, he LIKE A PINT down the pub
3 days ago
Are you blind. Multi cultaralism doesn’t work we don’t get on with each other which has created a extremely divided society
2 replies
3 days ago
So you’ve never had a friend who wasn’t white Christian. .. don’t know how you’ve managed that one
3 days ago
@bereal6590 don’t know a single who isn’t white 
See Also
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript

History Debunked – Is Multiculturalism Predominantly a Jewish Enterprise? – Feb 21, 2022 – Transcript
Debunking “Owen Jones – Cry More, Nigel Farage – His Nonsense Debunked” – Dec 1, 2022 – Transcript
[Here is Owen Jones, a homosexual, pro-diversity, Leftist pundit in the British media “debunking” Nigel Farage’s response to the latest Census results of England and Wales showing that White British percentage of the population continues to decline.
The first thing I would say is that Owen’s video is very scripted and polished, i.e., it’s a carefully crafted propaganda piece of work. (to be continued)
“Owen Jones – Cry More, Nigel Farage
His Nonsense Debunked”
Dec 1, 2022
Click here for the video:
YouTube Description
Cry More, Nigel Farage: His Nonsense DEBUNKED
Owen Jones
207K subscribers, Subscribe, 3K, Share
53,401 views Dec 1, 2022
Nigel Farage has responded to the 2021 Census – which shows Christians are a minority and Britain is more diverse – with objective untruths and nonsense. Here we comprehensively debunk the gibberish of him, Douglas Murray and Andrew Pierce.
EDIT: Misspoke at 5:25, obviously meant “because white Britons have become a minority”, not “non-whites” (doesn’t make sense otherwise)
Please like, subscribe – and help us take on the right-wing media here:
(12:54 mins)
Owen Jones: Okay, firstly, an apology. I am about to expose you to Nigel Farage, but I am gonna take apart everything he says. Comprehensively. Sounds a bit arrogant, but we’re shooting fish in a barrel here.
[This is a good start from a propaganda point of view. State that your target is doomed up-front. Shows confidence in your argument.]
So, the Census and it’s revelations that Britain is a minority Christian country, it’s no longer a majority Christian country. And urban centres have become diverse. More diverse. They were already diverse. That’s what the census revealed. That has caused distress and alarm to the likes of Nigel Farage. Not just him. We’ll talk about, for example, Douglas Murray and Andrew Pierce as well.
Now, brace yourself. It’s only a short clip, but you need to hear it. So I can tell you exactly why everything is wrong. And importantly more importantly, because this is more important than Farage, why this matters.
Nigel Farage: The Office of National Statistics [ONS] figures are out today showing that London, Birmingham and Manchester are all now minority White cities! Massive, massive demographic changes taking place in our country!
More significantly, for the country as a whole, it shows that only 46% now identify as Christians. So there is a massive change in the identity of this country that is taking place through immigration.
You may think it’s a good thing, you may think it’s a bad thing, but here’s the real point of this. The ONS now say in future, they will not ask of the nationality, or birthplace of those taking part in this [a future] census. One in six in England and Wales already born outside the UK. In future, they want to hide the true figures from you. That’s the real standout from these numbers today. It’s a scandal.
Owen Jones: Yes. Okay, so a few things here, Nige. The reason Christianity is collapsed in England and Wales isn’t because of immigration. It’s actually quite the opposite. It’s overwhelmingly British born people, mostly White people, obviously, statistically, because the vast majority of people born in Britain are White, they’ve abandoned religion, en masse! There’s really very little you can do about that. People just aren’t as religious as they used to be.
Now, in fact, the decline would be even steeper if it wasn’t for migrants! Because what’s happened is, the number of people born in Britain, they’ve abandoned Christianity. But you’ve had a number of people born in other countries who are Christian coming into Britain at the same time. So that’s actually inflating the numbers of Christians.
So rather than immigration being responsible for the decline of Christianity in Britain, it’s actually preventing the fall of Christianity being quite as steep as it already would be.
So if you are defining Christianity as a crucial plank of British identity, then you have immigration to thank for coming to the rescue of it. Well, not to the rescue of it, because, as I figures show, Christianity is not doing very well in this country. It’s becoming one of the most irreligious countries on earth. Heathens, I tell you!
Now, it’s also not true about what he says about London or Manchester. It’s completely untrue! He’s got his facts completely wrong. London is not a majority minority city. What he’s done is conflate White British, so that’s how 37% of Londoners identify as White. But there are other people who are White who just don’t define themselves as “White British”. So 54% of Londoners are actually White.
The same goes for Manchester. The Office of National Statistics has actually put out a statement refuting this nonsense. 56.8% of Manchesterians, according to the latest census, identify as White.
But, you know what? Even if it weren’t even if it were true, who cares? What’s the issue here? Why does it matter?
I mean, let’s just see what Right-wing commentator Douglas Murray, who writes for The Spectator, and many of the publications, often in broadcast television, has tweeted out.:
We’ve already established that’s bollocks!:
I don’t remember the vote on this. I don’t remember the vote on limiting the non-White population of Britain. I’d be pretty sure I’d remember that. I’d be quite alarmed by it, for a start. Let’s just give Murray the right of reply here. When challenged by Larry the Cat, it is Twitter, these things happen. Asking him, when the UK electorate voted for the Whiteness of the population to increase, Murray responded:
It’s a cat, Douglas.
They definitely didn’t, … Let’s just be clear, the politicians of this country, who I think we can condemn for many things, including often racist and xenophobic rhetoric actually, but they definitely didn’t phrase their election promises as limiting the non-White population of major cities. That didn’t happen! And actually, if you’d accuse them of that, they would probably get quite angry about it.
The problem is, as well, with Murray, let’s just be clear, about what he’s previously said. He once wrote:
Hold on, what does that mean? London’s become a foreign country because non-Whites are minority? Now, can someone explain what other interpretation there is here, other than those who aren’t White British are foreigners? Literally? What else is there to understand from that statement? I’m open minded. Please leave other suggested interpretations in the comments.
Because, Douglas, Dougie Boy, being British is not contingent, it’s not dependent, on the colour of your skin! A black Britain, is as British as you or I. Well, I mean, I say that. I mean, Douglas Murray actually lives in New York, by the way. He lives in New York! One of the most diverse cities probably in the West world. I mean, I don’t want to get all, like, turning the tables here, but if you don’t like it, leave it, I think is the Right often say.
Why do you choose to live in such diverse cities? These Right-wingers? Why don’t they go and live in Alabama, Douglas! Go and live in Utah, if that’s your problem. Maybe you’ll claim you don’t have a problem. I’d love to know. I’d love to know. Fascinating stuff.
Let’s move on to Andrew Pierce with the Daily Mail, GB News. Frequently on other TV channels. He declared, and I quote:
I beg your pardon, Andrew! Andy! I mean, the National Front did stand under a slogan “keep Britain, White”. They lost the election, every time they stood. Actually! Maybe you missed that little fact.
The truth is, actually, the population of England and Wales remains overwhelmingly White. Stubbornly so, actually. 82% White. So it’s more than eight out of ten people living in England and Wales are White, compared to 86% ten years ago. The last census, 2011. Asian groups now make up 9%. Black people 4%. Mixed race people, 3%..
Now, it is true that Britain’s minorities tend to be concentrated in certain urban areas and specific towns in urban conurbations, leaving vast swathes of the country looking almost completely White. If you drive around many towns in England and Wales, you don’t see many faces who aren’t White.
Now, it is very likely, obviously, London will become a majority minority city in the not too distant future. And in a very, very, very long time in the future, on the current trend, it’s perfectly conceivable that Britain will not be a majority White country anymore.
Now, try to explain clearly, clearly and succinctly, if you are White, what legitimate problem you have with this? What is the issue? Why would it matter? What you’re attaching to the colour of your skin exactly?
Do you believe it’s a threat to what you regard as as being British, or British identity? And if so, what about British identity is attached to the Whiteness of your skin? Do you think that history and culture are embedded in your DNA?
Do you think that if a microscope looked deep at your cellular data, that within your cellular walls, there would be that history and culture and identity? That’s a nonsense, obviously!
I do wonder if a lot of fear that exists amongst certain Whites at the idea that there won’t be a majority is a tacit understanding and recognition that minorities in Britain do suffer structural disadvantages and indeed, oppression! From, I don’t know. Be more likely to be poor, discriminated against at work, more likely to be harassed by the police and persecuted by the justice system? And they worry that if Whites become a minority, maybe those tables will be turned, and they’ll be subjected to the same treatment.
Well, that actually isn’t how it works, incidentally, because the racism directed at minorities in Britain has its roots in historical phenomena going back centuries, like the slave trade, like colonialism, which was justified, … They had to justify, rationalize, the violent oppression, the horrors they inflicted on fellow human beings by imprinting them as “inferior”. And that is the heritage we need to throw off!
Slavery in the US was only overthrown two lifetimes ago. It’s not that long. So obviously you can’t understand the racism today without that history.
Now, the other thing is, whatever you think about British identity, firstly, it’s completely different for all of us. I mean, sure, I have a baffling attachment, like lots of English people for tea, and the queueing system, but I guess that’s part of it.
But how I see Britishness and how Nigel Farage sees Britishness are completely different to White Britons, if you like. We both, I presume, White British on our census forms. There are things about Britain, I venerate. Like the National Health Service, multiculturalism, the queer scene. I don’t know, trade unions and workers fighting back, which I heavily doubt Farage does. But I’d see that as part of a Britishness that I am a fond and proud of as it turns out.
There’s also a history I’m proud of, like, I don’t know, going back to the Levelers and the Diggers of the English revolution. Going back to the Chartists! Going back to the trade unions, the Suffragettes, the LGBTQ people, the antiracism activists! Those who fought oppression, and injustice. Those who were spat at in the streets, batoned by police officers, thrown into dirty cells, force fed, in the case of the suffragette. People who were tortured, people who were murdered! Those are the shoulders, the giants on whose shoulders we stand.
But I don’t think Nigel Farage quite looks at that British history quite the same way. I bet the things he’s proud of, in that Britain, are very different from me.
And, you know what? In a century’s time, Britain will look unrecognizably different. Of course it will! Look at Britain a century ago. You know, as I think was Lord Aster said:
Yes, they did. If you went round Britain 100 years ago, they spoke differently, just the very start, just at the outset. It would have culturally been completely different! The things they valued, the way they looked at the world, completely different! The way you be treated as a woman, far even worse, because, unfortunately, structural sexism, misogyny, so very much part of a society. Good luck if you’re gay!
Again, the grinding poverty, and exploitation that many workers suffered, they still do today. But what seemed as acceptable then even more acute. Things will be completely different.
But why do you fear your Whiteness being impinged upon? Why do you fear being part of a minority, which you won’t actually, in your lifetime, you won’t have that experience, unless the demographics completely rapidly change in the course of the next decades. Which, looking at the trend, they won’t.
[Owen’s is trying to have it both ways here. Implying there is nothing to fear about becoming a minority. But then implying that if there is something to fear, you won’t likely be around to experience its negative effects. But then what about your children and later generations?]
What are you really fearing? There isn’t actually legitimate grievance at all! And that’s the issue.
[Whites do have a legitimate grievance, that of being disposed of their lands, becoming over-run and controlled by aliens.]
So that’s my response to the likes of Farage, Murray, and Pierce. We should embrace our diversity and multiculturalism. Because I’d much rather live in a diverse country with people from different backgrounds, and experiences than have to keep cohabiting with those who peddle this Right-wing paranoia with all the damage and harm that inflicts.
Please. Like subscribe. I’ll see you next time.
YouTube Comments
(As of Dec 5, 2022)
Pinned by Owen Jones
4 days ago
Please like, subscribe – and help us take on the right-wing media here:
26 replies
4 days ago
Why don’t you have a conversation with Douglas Murray about this on your show?

4 days ago
Owen, buy a bungalow just in case you are wrong.

thank you Sir Lord Owen Jones face-purple-wide-eyesface-fuchsia-poop-shapeface-red-heart-shape
4 days ago
“DOUGGIE BOYY” ended my life,
4 days ago
Great video, I agree with nearly everything you’re saying.
But it was L. P. Hartley who coined the phrase “The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.” In the opening line of ‘The Go-Between’.
Lord Astor no doubt said a lot of interesting things, but not this one.
Read more
4 days ago (edited)
What right wing media exists in the UK?
Even the Tories are left of Labour
4 days ago
I like living in a culturally and racially diverse nation. You get introduced to lots of new ideas from all over the world that way, not to mention cuisines! You have more choices. The Faragistas and the National Front are/were aberrations. Oh, and as we are no longer a majority Christian nation, can we request the disestablishment of the Church of England? I’m tired of having my taxes subsidise religious superstition.
Read more
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 daily fail, times, telegraph, sun all Murdoch outlets which is the majority. Surprised you needed to ask.
3 days ago
Well, most people who come here bring their own culture and customs. The more that comes the more British culture and customs become a minority. I’m seeing it with my own eyes. Many people come here and set up colonies where they pay no attention to British laws or customs. surely people have a right to be concerned about that. This is Britain, Not India, not Africa, not France. If the British people are against it then it should not happen. Seems it has been shoved down the British people’s throats against their will.
Read more
3 days ago
@Leszek.Rzepecki Maybe we don’t want more choices? Have you ever thought of that?
3 days ago
Owen Jones…archetypal LEFT WINGER calling out the right wing media ….now thats a laugh
3 days ago
@Medusala Douglas Murray is on different level to Owen Jones and of course Owen’s record when confronted by true intellectuals is pretty lamentable to say the least
3 days ago
@Leszek.Rzepecki But your obviously OK with the seven to ten million it cost to keep the new members of our diversity is our strength club.

Brexit is here forever
3 days ago
I support nigel Farage…owen always have and always will do…
1 day ago
Can you do a quick video listing your top 5 favourite things about multiculturalism.
1 day ago
What’s your favourite thing about mass immigration?
22 hours ago
@Medusala bc he is a woke youngster with not much substance/intellect, except throwing around the big, fashionable words and showing how progressive he is. He takes his country and all his comfort and freedom for granted.
13 hours ago
@amialal4510 Correct.
13 hours ago (edited)
@Leszek.Rzepecki Who is we? Your nation is Poland.
Your taxes don’t. The church is funded by donations and by its endowment fund. The government subsidises repair and maintenance costs for churches, or would you rather all churches were levelled and takeaways were erected in their place?
Read more
13 hours ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 The Times right wing? Dear me how that Overton window has shifted
3 hours ago
@kaneda3794 times has always been the paper of the establishment which has always been right-wing.
3 hours ago
@johnlewis9158 Douglas Murray is on the same level as Jordan peterson who is also a pseudo-intellectual
4 days ago
When the only thing that gives you self-Wirth is the colour of your skin, you’re definitely doing something wrong.
Thanks, Owen, excellent breakdown of the actual facts.
Owen Jones
11 replies
3 days ago
Well said
3 days ago
Also, Douglas explicitly says the term “white British” is not his term. It’s from an economist who coined the term.
3 days ago
So now after destroying native Australians from their land ,
Britain is afraid of it’s existence
3 days ago
I never used to be racist…but I am now……who cares anymore….
3 days ago
@mrfantastic1249 Native Australians wiped out 90% of the indigenous species that lived there before humans got there.
3 days ago (edited)
@user-od4zd5lw6r Your statement makes no sense . Australia have more animal and plant species then whole Europe .It ranks 7th in the world . Even India have richest biodiversity then USA. Britain is not even in top 50
3 days ago
How do you know these are the actual facts?
3 days ago
@user-od4zd5lw6r do you have a citation for this factoid?
3 days ago
You don’t mention the British attitude to animals Owen. I bet Farage is proud of things which I find abhorrent and the kindness and compassion towards animals which hopefully is growing in the U.K. is something of which I am proud .
1 day ago
Thank you Owen. I am British and proud of it.
3 days ago
The biggest point being missed is not people in general, it’s those who believe they are entitled to what is not theirs. Also the slow break down of the basic systems, basically the neglect of the Government through bad management, poor decisions plus waisting taxes on extravagant projects that are totally useless. On set of winter means people will lash out on the smallest of things, because what they had is being slowly taken away, an election is required to bring reality back to Britain. MP’s need to be held accountable.
Read more
3 days ago
thanks for this Owen, though I did need a litre of brain bleach to wash away the image of the Farage
Owen Jones
4 days ago
We know from history what happens when a group of people are scapegoated.
Owen Jones
8 replies
4 days ago
That’s white British people now.
4 days ago
@massivehero4871 I am not white, and you sir are 100% correct.
4 days ago
@massivehero4871 No it isn’t. It’s immigrants.
3 days ago
@garrett2439 correct
2 days ago
@massivehero4871 grow up
1 day ago
@massivehero4871 Owen needs to grow up and take a look at life for white working class people in areas where Tey are a minority
4 days ago
Thank you for this. As an American racial minority, I have long thought of moving to the UK. But Farage vs Trump? I might as well save my energy and sit tight.
12 replies
4 days ago
With the mid terms things are looking much better for the American people, the Uk not so much.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 Quite true in some ways. The racism seems to continue unabated.
4 days ago
Dude whatever you do , do not move to the UK!!! Of all the places I’ve lived, it’s by far the most corrupt & unfair. Leaving was the best thing I ever did.
4 days ago
@fuckbankers thank you for the input!
4 days ago
@Etannl be safe.
1 day ago
@spy2778 Where did you move to?
1 day ago
@Etannl I’d be curious to know what makes your life so bad in the USA?
17 hours ago
@amialal4510 There’s no way to cover your question in this format. I belong to several minority groups that are currently actively hated. Because of my work (in social justice) I receive threats. I’ll leave it there.
11 hours ago
@Etannl fair enough. It must be really bad if you consider moving to a different country. I’d assume that the current admin’s endless push to fight racism would produce better results.
4 days ago
Awesome clarity and insight. Something is happening and you know just what it is, don’t you Mr Jones!
4 days ago (edited)
Its fine debunking his nonsense but the people who voted for him (and the other passengers in his clown car) and think like him, don’t care about facts. They don’t need to be told anything. You can’t change their minds.
9 replies
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux an eye isn’t an instinct?
Owen Jones
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux i think you dont really know the concepts of “instinct” and “body parts” XD
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux no opening your eyes still isn’t an instinct
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux embarrassing
2 days ago
@widsof7862 you people are so literal. You know what the commentor meant.
2 days ago
Yes as the saying goes “YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH STUPID”!!!
2 days ago
How do you decide what is a fact though? Many things Owen said are not facts either. Any person will get a few things wrong when talking about vast topics but the important thing is whether their core point is valid or not.
I would say the main point of Farage is that mass immigration will cause large changes in what Britain will be like. This I would say is valid. He then concludes that it will not be a positive. I think this is also valid.
Why do the left instead of looking at the overall argument falsely decide the arguments are void because of some small error that doesn’t change the overall argument.
For example they seem to do this when Farage mixes up the white British and White statistics. But really it doesn’t change much. Either statistic shows that the demographics of the UK are changing dramatically and particularly in urban areas. So the main points of Farage’s arguments still stand.
Read more
2 days ago
@dnpe9939 you use your ears and eyes.
2 days ago
@dnpe9939 that is funny as we’re actually talking about mixed metaphors that don’t make sense
1 day ago
Well said mate.
4 days ago
Keep fighting these people with facts Owen, then putting content out like this, breaking it down for everyone in a common sense way
Owen Jones
3 replies
2 days ago
@imemine6494 Sorry, I dont understand, what do you mean, the biggest mandate
2 days ago
@whitleybayman123 .. Brexit of course
4 days ago
“It’s a scandal”. No. It is the way things are. It is reality.
3 replies
3 days ago
Well it shouldn’t be
1 day ago
A reality caused by bLiar
4 days ago
But what can you expect of a guy like Farage ?
4 days ago
“The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there” is the opening line of “The Go-Between” by LP Hartley, which interestingly takes as one of its themes the British class system.
2 replies
4 days ago
One of my favourite opening lines of any book!
4 days ago
also the film of the book has one of my favourite opening sequences…
4 days ago
As a Christian myself , it matters to me that I’m a Christian but everyone else is free to believe whatever they want we are all brothers and sisters and anyone oppressed is a comrade of mine
15 replies
4 days ago
I hope you were out last night in central London celebrating Albania’s independence day with the oppressed Abanian’s in their Honda’s and Merc’s
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 I hope you went to your remedial English class today and asked about plural nouns.
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 i was there and did nt see and top range cars
4 days ago
@johnlewis9158 apostrophes don’t grow on trees, dude.
4 days ago
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 did you take your white stick with you
4 days ago
Make Britain Smart Again. Let’s revoke citizenship for those who can’t spell English properly.
4 days ago
@pansepot1490 I don’t know that a Owen Jones supporter has any room to cast aspersions were another’s intellect is concerned. Indeed i would be surprised if you yourself were my intellectual equal very surprised in fact
3 days ago
@johnlewis9158 “where” not “were”. Also, punctuation
3 days ago
Spoken like a true Christian
3 days ago
I grew up in a vicarage, and am consequently an atheist! Have a nice day!
3 days ago
@johnlewis9158 “john lewis”, hmm. Come on Suella, be brave and use your real name.
3 days ago
@jonathonjubb6626 I’ve a few like you, nothing like being close to religion to turn an intelligent person off it
4 days ago
Farage and facts.
Chalk and cheese.
You would think people would be beyond his rhetoric by now.
Owen Jones
6 replies
4 days ago
They are the type of people you have to tell what to think. Like the daily fail readers.
4 days ago
French cheese
3 days ago
Nige is still trying to stay relevant having successfully campaigned to destroy the economy of his own country, so doubling down on the racism.
18 hours ago
You would hope so… but then brexit and trump happened thanks to that kind of rhetoric.
4 days ago
I follow Jeff Taylor Here from Germany, and I am stunned by the Way, Hate IS spreading, and so many are following brainless. This false Self esteam ! The Thought to be Superior. As a German, I know exactly, what all this can lead to. Persons like you give me Hope, that Common Sense IS still alive on your Island. Greetings from Germany
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11 replies
3 days ago
I admire your fortitude in “following” Jeff Taylor
3 days ago
What are you afraid of?There is just one World. By the way, no one can take away your heritage, but you can enrich it.
Thete is no one German. A Bavarien has nothing in comen woth a frirsian
3 days ago
Ja las uns alle Bon die Deutsche lernen
3 days ago
@martinaklee-webster1276 I am afraid of rising crime and ethnic conflict, and failing democracy and public services, especially education. We are handing on a far worse country than the one we were born into. Germany is not as bad as Britain, but it is on a similar path.
1 day ago
@lotus7eater well said, thank you!
4 days ago
Well said Sir.
4 days ago
I’ve been sticking Pagan on the last 4 census
4 days ago (edited)
Thank you for the warning Owen, but I still jumped a little bit when I saw Farage’s big face filling the whole of his camera screen. And why is Farage still relevant. I mean, he’s doing a video from a car.
2 replies
3 days ago
He’s homeless.
2 days ago
@richardmoloney689 politically
4 days ago
Watching Owen Jones really soothes my troubled soul
3 days ago
Can we do something to hasten the “decline” of Farage? For the sake of ALL of us!
4 days ago
As usual, love your commentary
Owen Jones
9 hours ago
‘It’s a cat, Douglas’ hahahahaha
4 days ago
Well said
4 days ago
Well said Owen
1 day ago (edited)
I love you starting with a trigger warning that in a video with Nigel Farage’s name in the title you are actually going to discuss what Nigel Farage says!
“1 in 6 born outside the UK is scary”. I guess he’s going along with the line that we should be scared of people like Boris and other high ranking Tories who are among those who were born outside the UK. Spike Milligan and Rudyard Kipling too, who were both born in India IIRC. And Joanna Lumley, who was born in Burma hence her connection with the Ghurkas right.
Read more
4 days ago
Well said!
4 days ago (edited)
Owen you are a brilliant conveyor of ideas. You are doing very important work and I really value your videos x
4 days ago
If Farage is a Christian, I’m a Dutchman.
2 replies
4 days ago
Well, there is more probability that you are a Dutchman. He’s a Christian today, and it’s a chance for him to preach from his asspit to all his Brexity friends.
3 days ago
@mikw1809 asspit
4 days ago
Some people would have a heart attack if they had a DNA test.
Imagine Farage discovering he’s not that white
9 replies
4 days ago
He has a French surname and a very French face. I think he’s trying to compensate for being Billy No Mates at school.
4 days ago
I’m not white. I am a sort of pink.
4 days ago
No, he definitely is, indisputably so. Oh sorry, I mistook the ‘w’ for an ‘s’.
4 days ago
i dont really know if he cared…. he is a basic grifter who applied for german citizenship after his brexit campaign.
4 days ago
I wonder if he’s related to Cheddar Gorge Man

4 days ago
2 days ago
More likely his DNA would prove that he’s not human.
4 days ago
Excellent analysis. Thanks for the warning about the Farage clip
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Greetings from Scotland, please keep this man under scrutiny.
12 replies
4 days ago
Don’t you remember the last time he ventured north of the border? He was chased into a pub by the locals and had to hide till they went away. Scotland is a noble nation full of people with excellent taste

4 days ago
4 days ago
@oliverdesvaux we chased Hitler out of town
4 days ago
@fuckbankers What town ?
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 I didn’t know Owen had ventured north.. brave fella
Show more replies
2 days ago
Lily Allens perfect soulmate.
4 days ago
I dearly and honestly wish politicians thought and spoke like you! I think that’s the problem with politics as an institution – the only people who are likely to thrive in it are basically game-playing sociopaths. Genuinely smart people are smart enough to know they would be miserable in politics.
4 days ago
haha love how you say “its a cat douglas”
4 days ago
I think it’s about the loss of character. Conserving uniqueness and celebrating difference between countries and cultures. In the far flung future the fear is cities become grey, global carbon copies of one another.
The very people who say they don’t have an issue with it (which is fine) will most likely be the same people who go on holiday and stay away from the tourist areas, off the beaten track and do as locals do… for the genuine experience, like.
Read more
7 replies
3 days ago (edited)
The thing is, a bunch of our ideas about idyllic pastoral Britain are based on a victorian fabrication. Most ‘traditional’ maypole dances are tourist pieces from victorian times. Even the traditional English garden is modeled after Italian paintings. It never bloody existed except in boomers’ purchasing habits
3 days ago
@stevecarter8810 To hell with it then because some gardeners used inspiration from abroad? Their admiration for something different? Come on, you’ll have to do better than that.
2 days ago
Yeh well none of that stuff you’ve described is important, they can learn about our uniqueness in museams just like the romans i guess
2 days ago
@spinach-colour-joey6776 Uniqueness isn’t necessarily a constant.
12 hours ago
@xxxEnglishAndyxxx I’ve no idea what that’s supposed to mean.
britain was a completely unrecognisable place, 500 years ago you might as well be on a different planet. the language was different the people were different, values and culture was extremely different. In 100 years time britain will be an unrecognisable place to you again. there’s no need to try and preserve what you feel is unique or worthwhile about this version of england
Read more
10 hours ago
@spinach-colour-joey6776 It means uniqueness can change over time, like you’ve outlined. It’s a misguided notion that we look at history books and pick a static point in time and space and call that ‘English’. Of course everything evolves, this is obvious and doesn’t need mentioning. The fear here is cities become almost global property and it’d be hard to distinguish one from another. It’s the enjoyment of difference not the fear of it and that misunderstanding is pushed in videos like this.
Read more
4 days ago
Well said, Owen. Keep going, comrade.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Very well said Owen, brilliant analysis.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
BRILLIANT, as always… interesting look and perspective on the UK today, for an european non-British, or non-UK native, like myself… I can’t deny that it was with great sadness that I saw the UK leave the EU, but life goes on… thanks for your fantastic work
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Totally brilliant broadcast Owen!
Owen Jones
1 reply
4 days ago
No, as long as he keeps treating Commonwealth people as foreigners, he will be missing the point and be incapable of stopping the right-wing ….
………please don’t!
4 days ago (edited)
“I am about to expose you to Nigel Farage”
4 days ago
Ask Rishi for a comment on these tweets . The silence will be deafening.
4 days ago
Thanks for the Farage warning…got my sick bucket ready…but despite your blogs Owen!!
1 reply
4 days ago
I almost lost my breakie
4 days ago
The fact that the ONS print these facts, begs a question
1 reply
2 days ago
We know from history what happens when a group of people are scapegoated.
4 days ago (edited)
Inmigration in the UK is mostly from Commonwealth countries not related to the EU FoM. So what brexiteers are complaining about? The UK needs inmigration to grow but Brexit has swapped ethnical and culturally similar european inmigrants for inmigrants from a complete different background. I’m sure Sunak is an itchy issue for Nigel Farage.
Read more
1 day ago
Cant wait for the debunked version of this video .
4 days ago
Owen Jones
3 days ago
hi Owen thanks for coming to birkbeck yesterday, would love another one of these about your mum and her trade unionism
Owen Jones
3 days ago
Absolutely bang on Owen. Bravo.
4 days ago
Wasn’t his wife born outside the UK?
14 replies
4 days ago
Yep, Germany . His children also have a German passport !
4 days ago
Yes, and for what i know he tried to get a german passaporto but was rejected
4 days ago
Yes, so he is responsible for importing a foreigner to the UK.
4 days ago
@PanglossDr but that’s ok for him she is white so that shows you what a racist he really is

4 days ago
@thedude9014 He was rejected for lying on his application form
4 days ago
@PanglossDr don’t worry we’ll all be cutting pieces of our buttocks pretty soon, and that will see us through “oops let’s hope old Rishi hasn’t read Candide” here’s to optimism Dr Pangloss !
4 days ago
He had to outsource as no one in this country wanted the “job”?
4 days ago
His family are immigrants. I can’t remember which country the interview I saw was, but the interviewer said something about his female relatives having moustaches if they hadn’t moved to the uk. It was highly amusing.
4 days ago
@susanplatt5331 here’s me thinking he was created in a laboratory… dammit !
4 days ago
@stephencopping9953 Don’t Mention the War!
4 days ago
@fuckbankers which one ? There’s been a Farage in every evil event since humanity existed. he has had many names over the year’s pestilence being one , greed and division two more, I like to refer too him as C**T my apologies for lowering the tone, but we are talking about dear old Nige !
3 days ago
@stephencopping9953 Get a really sharp knife.
4 days ago
I live in liverpool and we have seen, over the last few years, a growing number of white londoners moving here. There are varying reasons for this one being economic. They can sell their homes in London and can afford to buy three or four houses up here. One to live in two to rent out another reason is the perception that being a white londoner is becoming more uncommon. Now I’m no londoner and haven’t visited the city in 30 yrs but so often you hear the racist epithet that you struggle to see a white face there. I couldn’t verify this claim but having talked to many londoners, I work on movie and t.v. shows being shot in the North, you often hear this epithet amongst many of the tradesmen working on the shows. Now this idea appears to be a growing excuse for white southern emigration from southern u.k. to the north
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7 replies
4 days ago
@markwelch3564 As a Londoner who moved to the North East many years ago, all I would say to people like that is “Surprise! Lots of Northerners aren’t white. Get over yourself.”
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 You might have misinterpreted me. I don’t have any concerns about race or nationality. I just find it hilarious that they complain about the very thing they themselves are doing!
4 days ago
When someone I know can sell a terraced home in London and buy a farm in Herefordshire, tells you all
4 days ago
I’m from Liverpool but work 3-4 days in London. Barely no one is European anymore, and only pidgeon English is spoken.
Just like Liverpool, if you don’t confirm to the correct political opinion, you may be attacked
1 day ago
@karlosthejackel69 yep my family fled London 30 years ago due to this very fact
1 day ago
People are waking up Nigel.
4 days ago
well said mate.
4 days ago
Farage was always a Mirage .
A schoolboy putting the country right…love it.
2 days ago
Hahaha….I’ve stumbled across another comedy channel
1 reply
2 days ago
School boy ? Who are you referring too ?
4 days ago
Truth from Nigel Farage – Lol
Also figures show more people are spiritual rather than religious.
4 days ago
Tge things that I find the most positive points of British- ness are all to do with the fact that it has absorbed many multi cultural elements of it’s entire history since Romans first landed here. The music, the language, the cuisine even many traditions – have all come from outside of Britain and absorbed into the current culture on an ongoing basis, ever evolving !
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7 replies
4 days ago
@goodyeoman4534 We don’t have a migrant crisis.
3 days ago
@goodyeoman4534 Nah you should lay off the daily mail.
1 day ago
There has been more migration into the UK in the past year than the previous 1000 years.
1 day ago
@kaneda3794 that is complete and utter bull! It’s been averaging circa 200,000 a year and the U.K. has far less migrants than most similar European countries
21 hours ago (edited)
@simonfane4283 are you claiming that we have had more than 200,000 Jutes and Huguenots? If you are I’d recheck.
I didn’t claim that we had more immigration than other European countries Im not sure what point you’re trying to make as we take more immigrants (2.572 per 1000) than France (0.883) and slightly less than Germany (2.762).
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18 hours ago
@kaneda3794 you said we had more immigration last year than in a previous thousand years ….I just stated that immigration numbers are fairly steady over the last decade
18 hours ago
@simonfane4283 I think you knew what I was getting at. The point I was making was that current migration numbers are unheard of between 1066 and 1948.
Still, you haven’t explained why you saw fit to tell porkies about European migration figures?
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4 days ago
What about gov putting through id card’s to be able to vote?
4 days ago
Love Jones’ Northern accent (“wronG”; “stEEp”; “cOOntry”). Cute.
Owen Jones
1 reply
4 days ago
Southern if you’re in Scotland.
4 days ago
sighs wistfully one day I hope to marry this man
2 replies
4 days ago
Do you mean Owen Jones or Fararge?
4 days ago
@gregstringer4745 Owen Jones
4 days ago
as an Irish person who went on holidays in the UK before, my experiences were that non white people were very friendly, had no problem helping me out. white people on the other hand would hear my Irish accent and wouldn’t help with directions.
31 replies
4 days ago (edited)
My Irish father, when coming to live in bedford , England in 1952 was refused service when in certain pubs.
Certain things have improved but theres s still improvements for all nationalities
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 My mum moved to the UK from Ireland in the mid-60’s…growing up with an Irish parent was a challenge in the 70’s with a certain terrorist group causing mayhem…being told that your mother belonged to that group, despite coming from a different tradition to their ilk, was not particularly pleasant. I agree with you that things have changed a lot but would point out that the Irish travelling community is demonised in some circles and it doesn’t take much of a jump to extend that to anyone with links to the Emerald Isle, no matter how tenuous.
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4 days ago
@Northstander saw a bomb blow the roof off the army recruitment office in Derby. They also shot dead the recruitment officer on a separate occasion.
Years later whilst taking a bus a Irish fellow jumped on and I got of at the next stop. The point is there was a a lot of fear back then.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 How did you know he was Irish, was he carrying a bunch of Shamrock and drinking a bottle of Guinness?
4 days ago
I’m Scottish, that isn’t my race.
We are Celts, of British Isles heritage.
Where in the UK were you on holiday to suffer such prejudice towards your accent. I have an Edinburgh accent, I don’t get the %$#@ someone with a Glasgow accent does.
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4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 Same thing happens to English people in Dublin pal.
4 days ago
@H40DOW London.
4 days ago (edited)
@belltopcone ascent mate you a bit thick?
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 That’s what happens when another country annexes, invades, occupies and settles in another sovereign country.
4 days ago
@H40DOW Indigenous Scots aren’t Celt and never were. Scots were in Scotland long before the Celts crossed into Britain.
4 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 was he singing a song ?
3 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 I assume you mean accent not ascent.
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 Did you assuumee
3 days ago
@belltopcone wow that’s racist. No he spoke with an Irish accent and at the time it was enough.
3 days ago
Try to concentrate people and understand what is being said.
2 days ago
@MaasTSwan I don’t disagree.
2 days ago
Mate you aren’t a bit.
2 days ago
@belltopcone are you sure your mother loves you? Because I’m not.
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 you’re not what ?
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 not half as thick as you dummie.
2 days ago
@dwaynedibley4294 I shouldn’t of thought you were sure of anything Dwayne , go away and play with you toys.
2 days ago
@belltopcone you dun dum
16 hours ago
My mother concealed the fact that her mother was Irish to avoid that very prejudice. The British seem to need someone to hate.
13 hours ago
@massivehero4871 Which Dublin pub refused to serve you ?
4 days ago
4 days ago
A blue eyed white Briton friend of mine once pointed out to me something that I still find interesting. It appears that, back in the day, the Roman legions often included presumably big and definitely black Nubian mercenaries a number of whom would undoubtedly live and even prosper in the Roman province of Britannia. Thus, there were black people living in nowadays Great Britain before Angles and Saxons arrived to its shores
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19 replies
4 days ago
So Angles and Saxons were immigrants? Contaminated the existing culture of the Celts and the Romans.
4 days ago
@pansepot1490 Bloody Beaker people, comin over here………
3 days ago
@pansepot1490 Yes indeed. Joseph Conrad makes the same point in Heart of Darkness. The narrator, Marlowe, as he and his guests smoke cigars and drink port, says that a couple of thousand years ago we were the savages, painting ourselves with blue woad while the Romans probably regretted being in such a godforsaken place with no amenities among such savages.
Read more
3 days ago
@user-vd9cb6qh3r Stewart Lee! Love it
3 days ago
if it’s to be believed, the numbers were insignificant. The black trumpeter of Henry VIII was treated as a rarity 1500 years after the Roman invasion. I’m sorry but I view this as desperate reaching that black people were always on this island and part of its history and culture in a significant way. It simply isn’t true until the 19th and 20th century
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3 days ago
But not before the Celts.
3 days ago
@7xps5 …most of whom were also immigrants to Britain at the time.
3 days ago
@Carvo Loco This is true, except the evidence tells us they weren’t Nubians but North Africans. Around 500 were stationed at Hadrian’s Wall and were “Aurelian Moors”, named in honour of Marcus Aurelius. There were many other Africans in the Roman legions. Race was never a bar to Roman citizenship and many of these soldiers, especially auxiliaries were trying to earn it. Four Roman emperors were African: Septimius Severus, Clodius Albinus, Marcus Macrinus and Aemilianus. It is entirely possible that some black Romans settled in Britain on retirement and had families. Many saw the agricultural opportunities of the climate, although some Romans found the weather a culture shock. In a tablet from the fort at Vindolanda a Roman writes: “Caelum crebris imbribus ac nebulis foedum,” (the sky is obscured by constant rain and cloud).
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3 days ago
@user-zy7nb8bv8c There are also requests for warm socks I believe. We should remember that people are people and their feet get cold, regardless of where they came from or what they look like.
We now know that any claim to some kind of ethnic ‘uniqueness’ made by any European country or group is a nonsense. Go back long enough and we find we’re all related in some way or other, the same way our feet get cold.
We should always look extra closely at those who seek to separate us into groups of their own making.
Read more
3 days ago
@PortilloMoment This is a rather trite comment. Humans have always banded to together in cultural groupings for the last 100,000 years, and that won’t change because of a decade of misguided woke doctrine. If black people can claim their afro-centric ethnicity, then so can white Europeans. And they should do that proudly. No culture on earth has an untainted history. European culture is absolutely distinct and extremely complicated and is tied to whiteness, whatever you may think about that. We are a mix of the Roman and the Germanic, the Pagan and the Christian. That is our heritage. That is incontrovertible fact. But what is also true is that culture can override colour, although the two are generally linked. Europeans are entitled to their culture, as Africans or Asians or any other ethnicity are entitled to theirs.
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3 days ago
So where did all these imaginary black people go? Did they just disappear?
2 days ago
the romans were occupying and exploiting Britian, staling land and forcing taxes, thank you for highlighting black complicity for the sake of an empire. nice call
2 days ago (edited)
@mr.thegreat557 wait… do you doubt that the romans conquered britain too, because where are all the italians?
1 day ago
Septimius Severus once met an Ethiopian legionary who presented him with a garland of flower. Severus saw the man’s black skin as a bad omen and ordered this legionary to be removed from his presence. This coming from a supposedly ‘black British’ emperor. The guys guarding Hadrian’s Wall were not even black but Berbers, like Tunisians.
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1 day ago (edited)
@bmotion7648 I agree a 100%. This whole story serves one purpose only, and I’m tired of having to go back hundreds of years to question white westerners’ right to their homeland. Curiously enough, no other race, culture or ethnicity is under the microscope.
1 day ago
@PortilloMoment Well, clearly, considering that modern humans evolved in Africa and then came out and spread around the world…
4 days ago
I’m surprised it’s as high as 46%

4 days ago
i wonder if it would be seen as outrageous if the country became minority white, but majority mixed but still descended from british citizens. i’d imagine eventually most of the population will be mixed, especially if going by those dna analysis services it seems to be sooner
“farage” sounds like a foreign name…
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1 reply
10 hours ago
Brazil is a fine example of racemixing. Truly a paradise. You should move there, maybe Sao Paolo or Rio.
4 days ago
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest if, as a white (with a bit of Latino thrown in) person we become a “minority in our own country.”
I never put my ethnicity down as “White British,” or describe myself, as such, when asked. I always say “I’m a human being.” It really throws officialdom when they ask.
That said, I don’t like/use the term “person of colour,” for me, it’s no different from the term “coloured,” which smacks of the American Deep South/Apartheid South Africa.
We’re all people of colour.
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1 reply
1 day ago (edited)
Tell that to the residents of Savile Town.
Tell me – would you think that the UK would be fundamentally different if you were to remove it’s current population and replace it with 67m Nigerians?
4 days ago
I don’t agree with all of Owen’s politics but I greatly enjoy his chirpiness.
Owen Jones
3 days ago
I am his cousin he ignores. You are right about him. he lacks compassion and a conscience and he’s there to help out the wealthy.
4 days ago
Great video, spot on points. I never refer myself as “white British” because Britishness has pretty much always been synonymous with Englishness while the rest of us in Britain are actually overlooked as being non-existent. Either I refer to myself as white Welsh or simply “White ‘other'” on documents though I hate othering myself.
I’m not a spare bit living in a closed off part of this island.
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2 replies
4 days ago
I’m Irish living in England. I don’t recall the categories on the last census form but I would never tick White British.
4 days ago
I would much rather tick ‘white Welsh’ but I’ve never seen it on a form. I sometimes tick ‘white European’ if I see it.
3 days ago
I’m sorry, was Nigel driving while recording that or is the video just flipped?
1 reply
2 days ago
surely he’s got a driver
4 days ago
He might not be correct yet…but it’s going in that direction and will be one day.
1 reply
16 hours ago
Douglas lives in New York because that’s where he makes his living. He emigrated for economic reasons. At the same time, he refuses to allow other people to do the same for racist reasons and stirs up fears among the population of a nation in which he himself no longer lives.
Dougy-boy is a really great guy!
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4 days ago
The only plank we have, and he is not crucial is Farage.
Ps. Why do I get Rudy Gulliani vibe from the smeg head? (Farage)
4 days ago (edited)
Thanks for the trigger warning
3 days ago
Like Reggie Yates said… If you dress smartly and treat people with respect, talk properly, you’ll get treated well… Something along those lines he said.
1 reply
3 days ago
Also, Mr. Yates doesn’t drink alcohol… The worst drug around.
4 days ago
Oh how we need a mainstream TV progressive news panel to regularly hold to account the likes of Murray and Farage!
3 days ago
Excellent OJ
3 days ago (edited)
whats so hard to understand Owen , A lot of White people from various backgrounds whether cities, towns or villages have seen the culture they have grown up in has rapidly changed and feel they are pushed aside.
5 replies
16 hours ago
No. If there had been no immigration those same people would still bemoan how things have changed. Only difference is that they would target the young instead of immigrants.
15 hours ago (edited)
@alipanroosendaal9503 the average person doesn’t decry change – it’s the volume and frequency of that change, unprecedented in human history, that people quite rightly are concerned about.
14 hours ago
@kaneda3794 In my experience, people are pretty adaptable to change when it is to their advantage. They only throw a tissy when they suspect that they aren’t getting anything tangible out of it. People only care about some myth of a ‘culture’ when it suits their narrative and the moment.
13 hours ago
@alipanroosendaal9503 If culture is a myth then millions of people every year must hallucinating when they travel abroad to sample and partake in…other cultures.
I take it you’ve heard of a place called Savile Town in Yorkshire? That is a case study into the effects of rapid demographic change. Any individual who wishes this to occur in other parts of the country is not very well.
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2 days ago
Probably the best vid so far.
1 reply
2 days ago
@clemobenoit5813 obviously not farage…
4 days ago
The only discrimination I’ve encountered is at work was .one for age. And the other being female . From weak minded little men !!
2 days ago
I’m very secure in my whiteness so I have no worries about other peoples skin color.
8 hours ago
People should be free to express their concerns, or one risks the rise of extremities !
4 days ago
You are so right. I use to believe in Nigel farage but not any more
Owen Jones
2 replies
4 days ago (edited)
never be taken in by these people, there interests are not our interests
4 days ago
Glad you saw through his nonsense buddy
18 hours ago
In response to your request my take on this is that both Right and Left and the census itself are at fault for using the term ‘white British’ , and ( just the Left on this one ) the concept of ‘whiteness’ . The issue is that the number of those defining themselves as English, Scottish , Welsh and Northern Irish is in rapid decline , from nearly 90 % in 2001 to just under 75% in 2021. These are cultural and ethnic identities, but not racial ones. So for example a person of African or Asian descent could easily see themselves as one of these categories. Now obviously this is more likely to happen when that person can trace their roots back many centuries , as do for example some black people who are keen to claim a lineage back to Roman times.
Only when alarm over changing skin tones is heard are we anywhere near a racial narrative. The loss of cultural identity is a legitimate concern , unless you are one of those who thinks that Britain and the West is NO MORE than a system of racial supremacy and that any talk of English Scots Welsh ethnic identity is ” far right.”
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3 days ago
Great takedown, Owen
Owen Jones

4 days ago
i’m white but i don,t identify as christian i’m AT , and don’t mention the war to farage ‘s wife
4 days ago
oh strange, youtube listed “No views
” but showed 5 thumbs up. i’ve always wondered about youtubes dedication to accuracy but it’s hard to know unless one finds a border condition to scrutinize. though i guess i’m not a great data point myself because i had clicked on it but didn’t count as a maybe it only counts people who watch it till the end (which isn’t me because as soon as i clicked on it i had to rush out the door to make an appointment..but now i’m back! and i can watch it at my leisure
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1 reply
4 days ago
I’ve noticed this before various times. It seems the view count lags a little behind likes, it’s odd but nothing sinister.
3 days ago
Larry the Cat for PM.
4 days ago
White Roma British and happily lover of life in London
1 reply
3 days ago
I’m sure you are
4 days ago
Superbly put. Makes you proud to be British!
2 days ago
Cheers, Owen, fantastic video
Owen Jones
4 days ago
cell walls? That might be a step too far :’)
4 days ago
Shhhh….Don’t tell Farage that Y-Chromosomal Adam and mitochondrial Eve were both probably African – We’re all ‘foreign’ – his head might just explode! Add into the mix that the British isles have been invaded by the Romans, Vikings and the Normans, what does being British mean anyway?
Also, as a lifelong atheist, I am delighted that there is a greater ‘religious diversity’.
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16 replies
4 days ago
“What does British mean anyway”
4 days ago
There have been around 1000 years of pretty much a homogenous ethnic group here. I mean if you’re OK with the ethnic cleansing of the UK then fine, but would you shut up about Palestine in that case? But yes you’re right, we all came from Africa orinally. Im sure nigel farage is completely unaware of this fact that most people already know. Truly, you owned him.
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4 days ago
To add to your list on invasions, don’t forget the Dutch with Queen Anne
3 days ago
@GaryGillKeeper queen Anne wasn’t Dutch.
3 days ago
@Stringer13ell “There have been around 1000 years of pretty much a homogenous ethnic group here. I mean if you’re OK with the ethnic cleansing of the UK then fine”
tell us you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist
3 days ago
@aankwenti im glad you’ve just admitted i didn’t tell you im a racist and said nothing racist, and you just chose to infer im a racist. Calling someone racist lost any power around 2015. Get a new tactic. But im sure your view on people defending indigenous cultures being an act of racism extends to other cultures, because if it didn’t, well then that would be racist. Project at someone else.
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3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 English of course
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 her husband was
2 days ago (edited)
@dnpe9939 no, these people genuinely believe that they have stumbled onto some profound knowledge the rest of us are unaware of. They type of person who says ‘wiel arctuarly i think you will foind Frankenstein werse the scientist, nort the monsteur.’
1 day ago
@GaryGillKeeper Queen Anne was not married to a dutchman, that was her sister Mary.
1 day ago
@Stringer13ell What’s Palestine got to do with your spurious white replacement theory?
18 hours ago
@paulhammond6978 whats the unwanted encroachment of outsiders got to do with the unwanted encroachment of outsiders you ask? I tell you what, ill give you everything I own if you can tell me whether I was referring to Palestine in the former or the latter.
12 hours ago
Hey owen, you are always on tv. Why not go on farage?
3 days ago
Well said Owen. Nigel Garage won’t see Britain like that he went to Dulwich college.
2 days ago
There’s diverse and there is what’s happening. Now just over half of births are white British in England. And that percentage is decreasing very rapidly. I don’t think people have a problem with having different peoples in the same country, but rather have a problem with the country being transformed beyond all recognition in such a short period of time.
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2 replies
1 day ago
Diverse is a nonsense word. A grift, if you will.
4 days ago
Fearing being discriminated against by those they(we) have discriminated against is exactly what is feared, and we shouldn’t write that off as understanding and resolving those concerns is key to a more united society globally.
It’s keeping the right wing in power. However bad things are if you’re white you’re always better off than somebody who has a darker skin tone and we’ll make sure that keeps being the case. Played out very blatantly in the US.
We can , perhaps, look at the Tory party as a model to what really happens. As soon as enough wealth is accumulated skin tone stops being an issue and doors open.
One of the great ironies of Brexit is people voted to stop the movement of people who have the same skin tone (+ or – the huge range in ‘whiteness’ across Europe) and that movement of people will likely be replaced by movement of people who make the brexiteers uncomfortable due to skin colour rather than language.
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3 replies
4 days ago
4 days ago
Or not Christian
4 days ago
@christopherunwin1412 yup
2 days ago
great vid
Owen Jones
3 days ago
Love you Owen!
Always talking sense.
4 days ago
I hate Nigel Farage more than Boris Johnson
8 replies
4 days ago
Confusing. You hate him more than you hate Boris. Or, you hate him more than Boris hates him.
4 days ago
So do I. Although it’s close.
4 days ago
@H40DOW So do I, and I don’t even live in the UK.
4 days ago
That was obvious, pointed out by the superfluous use of “even”
great people only come along once in a generation… and nigel Farage is a giant amongst us…
support the British people.. support Brexit..

3 days ago
1 day ago
Johnson has done more damage. Plus I find his voice more annoying.
4 days ago
Great video, well argued.
Owen Jones
4 days ago
Thank you for bringing this story forward and debunking the nonsense being spouted from hateful people like Farage.
4 days ago
Spent 25 years of my adult life living in Leicester and I LOVED it. Diversity makes the world a better place. How many right-wingers who moan about immigration are happy to have an Indian meal with their pint? They don’t see it!
“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there” is the opening line of L.P. Hartley’s “The Go-Between”. It’s a fab quote though and one of the best opening lines ever.
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15 replies
4 days ago
I’ve never had ‘an Indian’ meal. I don’t like multiculturalism at all although I don’t dislike foreigners, don’t think they are lesser people or any of that non sense. I just would prefer the England I grew up in, which was virtually all of white British people like myself. I’m allowed to feel this way , as are you to prefer the opposite.
Read more
Qatar is a mono-culture; it has a very narrow bandwidth of acceptable behaviour, and is therefore oppressive and exclusive. Multi-culture on the other hand is welcoming, even encouraging, of a wide range of behaviours, religions, race/colour and personal preferences. It’s tolerant and inclusive.
3 days ago (edited)
@singhvlogs8114 Your comment doesn’t make much sense but I’ll give it a go. Not sure why you mentioned Qatar.
No of course I don’t have a monopoly on goodness – it’s an impossibility for a single person to have all the goodness in the world. But I do try to be respectful and polite. I have no idea why you felt the need to be so rude. Being disrespectful to others makes it much less likely that they will consider your opinions.
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3 days ago
Nigel Farage is a great politician…
2 days ago
@michaelball1307 Nigel Farage is not currently a politician. Whether you think he was “great” or not depends on what matters to you. Personally I’m not fond of wealthy ex-stock brokers who marry foreign nationals and then complain about immigration.
1 day ago
@alkhemiegypt he wasn’t a stock broker.
1 day ago
Diversity causes tension at best and physical conflict at worst. But that’s not what diversity means is it, in the political sense, it means less white people.
12 hours ago
@kaneda3794 He was a commodities broker.
12 hours ago (edited)
@kaneda3794 It’s not true that diversity causes tension. Diversity brings dynamism to a system. Biologically, without diversity, organisms eventually become weak and die out. In a political sense, diversity means equal rights and opportunities for all – which means a healthier society and therefore benefits everyone.
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11 hours ago
@alkhemiegypt …which isn’t a stock broker.
11 hours ago (edited)
@alkhemiegypt I suggest you look at the dictionary. That’s not the political definition of diversity at all. We already have equality enshrined in law anyway.
When it emerged that Vermont had a high percentage of white people the US government said it “needs diversity” – no mention of anything you stated re equal rights etc
What was implicit in that command was that it need more non white people, irrespective of the desires of the current inhabitants.
Show less
4 days ago
Anymore lighting needed
There Owen
4 days ago
I’m not white, but as I’m watching this I’m eating Wotsits. What’s more British than a Wotsit? Although, they are those new crunchy ones, like Cheetos, so maybe I’m terrifically trans-Atlantic like Douglas Murray.
3 days ago
Great news integration is working
1 reply
1 day ago
Not in the slightest. See Savile Town for evidence of that.
4 days ago
Nigel Farage talking about 1/6 people born outside the UK, lol. Does he mean people like his German wife and parents?
1 reply
1 day ago
No he means non Europeans.
4 days ago
I would love to ask Nigel the last time he stepped into a church
4 replies
4 days ago
He’d only attend if there was a photographic opportunity.
4 days ago
You do not have to go to church to live a Christian way of life and beliefs
3 days ago
Do you agree that we are all hypocrites? Even people like this Jones character, trust me he’s definitely not innocent regarding this.
3 days ago
@carolnoyce7557 err, yes actually, you do
2 days ago
I think Brexit was a wonderful idea, not for the present but for the future, for instance it will encourage a boom in comedic creativity, I like laughing and I think we’ve many years of mirth to come
P.S. I’m white CofE male of Tory voting parents.
4 days ago (edited)
I had to go to Church in primary. It was boring af, seemed to go on forever, uncomfortable seats, pius old teachers snarling at you if you moved a muscle. Why the f**k would I voluntarily go the Church when I could go to the cinema, the pub or football?
4 days ago
I would take Napolians advice and leave him alone to help with the destruction of the tories TBH.
2 replies
3 days ago
Do you mean Napoleon?
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 pardon my dyslexia
4 days ago
4 days ago
Whe did Nigel Farage last go church?
4 replies
4 days ago
He can’t, he’d spontaneously combust
4 days ago
A big thank you.
4 days ago
He was driven to church when he was a small child. Gregory Peck and Lee Remick were also in the car, as I recall.

nice reference
3 days ago
4 days ago
I don’t like so many people having tattoos. (I continued with this obsession right up until one of my children succumbed to an obscure foreign word etching.)
1 reply
4 days ago
I have been told it almost certainly translates to ‘bathmat’. cannot vouch for this though.
1 day ago
Everybody has there own opinion about politics the problem is the government is so old and stubborn for positive change and thinking. Just remember we are not the rest of the world we are the United Kingdom people have to conform to our rules.
3 days ago
Noooooo, this cannot be true. Impossible.
1 day ago
Bravo Owen.
4 days ago
Few people I hate more, than Farage
4 days ago
Imagine living with 60 million Nigel Farages
11 replies
4 days ago
There’s only one of him. And most people have never heard of, never mind read, anything by people like Douglas Murray.
4 days ago
One is one to many
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 He’s many times better known than Owen Jones, and infinitely more influential. He virtually single handed got us out of the E.U. He’s a National Hero. You’re talking rubbish.

4 days ago
The horror’s;horror’s.
4 days ago
@massivehero4871 lol
4 days ago
@roderickjoyce6716 I wish I’d never heard of Douglas Murray. I find him sinister, the archetypal polite “respectable” racist.
4 days ago
@scottb1632 You mean all white British?
3 days ago
@rachelmcgowan158 same here. Something insidious about him.
3 days ago
We live with about 20m of his ilk now
4 days ago
Interesting this, I always thought that the UK was NI, Wales, Scotland and England. This survey only includes Wales and England and then Owen goes on to discuss only English cities, Btw Only but only about 35 percent of us living in the three Celtic nations identify as British While 65 percent of us would claim to be Irish, Scots or Welsh.
British, who gives a toss Owen?
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4 replies
4 days ago
ok if no one gives a toss why response to this at all
4 days ago
Eh, Scotland is 700 islands. The Shetlands, Inner Hebrides, Orkney etc have diverse heritage, not always Celtic. Likewise for many on the mainland. Cornish people also Identify as Celts, in some regard.
4 days ago
There isn’t a UK-wide census, England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate censuses and report results individually.
4 days ago
@rachelmcgowan158 Fine. but can’t they just add up the totals from all four countries.
You agree with me then that this is not a survey of Britain and in relation to cities it’s an English only survey. Time some English people woke up and understood that the British Isles doesn’t = England!
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2 days ago
Nigel Farage should work for the Daily Mail because both produce ‘Hate Mail’ which they consider to be legitimate ‘reporting’ but which in reality is the deliberate pontification of divisiveness and hate calculated to cause anger and derision.
8 hours ago
How accurate are the figures ? I believe nothing now.
4 days ago
Now that he is a minority, perhaps he should heed his own advice and move somewhere else if he doesn’t like the country he lives in. Doesn’t sound so great on the other side of that does it, Nigel?
3 days ago
The chartists and levellers aye
3 days ago
this man would not know the truth if it bit him
2 replies
2 days ago
Which man?
2 days ago
Farage? if so, yes.
3 days ago
An indirect argument really for the separation of religion and state. Let religion rise or fall strictly on its own merits, rather than become a lightning rod as part of the establishment, and as James Madison pointed out, only adding fuel to the skeptic’s argument that if religion is so great, why does it need the force of law to prop it up?
2 replies
3 days ago
What merits? Murder and persecution of science.
3 days ago
@alexanderstefanov6474 Like I said, rise or *fall*…
4 days ago
Don’t always agree with you Owen but, for me, best response to arrant ignorance and ‘gentleman’s racism’ and total nonsense ever. Nice one!
4 days ago
It’s secularization, like in other countries, like France, Italy…
1 day ago
So, Nigel is another one of these right-wing personalities (there seem to be a large number of US apologists/preachers of this kind, for example) who like to make videos while driving. I’ve never quite understood the attraction.
3 days ago
Tribal conflict is normal throughout the world and throughout history.

4 days ago
Come on the heathens!!! I gave up having an invisible friend when I was a child along with many others.
Saor Albacatraz
2 replies
4 days ago
well m a buddhist who believes in reincarnation! reincarnation ! why do the tories keep coming back as the same thing.
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 They can’t get any lower.
3 days ago
What does Farage’s German wife think of his bleatings? Is she not insulted at his hate? Also from what I can see he’s only 2 generation “more British” than someone who was born here but whose parents weren’t. Weird guy.
4 days ago
Heathen == rational.
Faragen == irrational.
Count me in the first group please.
3 days ago
Is Nige driving or can’t he fasten his straight jacket !
4 days ago
I’m fine about Farage’s wife being German. My worry is why on earth would you, as a foreigner, marry such a xenophobe?
8 replies
4 days ago
Lateral thinking I love it. Lol
4 days ago (edited)
He says he feels uncomfortable with foreigners on trains speaking their own lingo, so I’d like to be speaking Spanish with my Colombian wife on public transport while he was within earshot. I take it he has nothing against German speakers.
4 days ago
@billaitken2989 I’m an interpreter. I often speak German and Italian in public (and not all the people I’m speaking to are white, English and Spanish aren’t the only international languages these days), and in areas that are full of the sort of white working class people Farage claims are frightened by people speaking foreign. The usual reactions are “What language is that?” /”I wish I could speak another language”/ “What do they think of (wherever in the North East we happen to be)?”/”I was in the army in Germany”/ “We went to Sorrento on holiday once”. Never once have I heard a derogatory, xenophobic, or racist comment.
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4 days ago
@billaitken2989 hello Bill Mr Farage was an MEP for more than twenty , you’d think the fella would know a bit about the organization ? A rule was passed in Brussels that said any EU Citizens speaking their own language in another member state was allowed , it was agreed by all the members , the country that initially proposed the rule was Britain ?
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4 days ago
@massivehero4871 Let me just deconstruct this. “because he isn’t” presumably is your premise that Farage isn’t xenophobic.. The next sentence……..I wonder how anything , a country or otherwise can “turn into” something that it has already become. It then seems that your inference is that hating foreigners is necessary to achieve this state of affairs that already exists except Farage not being a xenophobe would have had no part in the country being in this mess. Could you be clearer?
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4 days ago
@massivehero4871 yep come one come all, two thousand years of imagination.
10 hours ago
Promise to stay on those islands for the rest of your life. Enjoy your stay.
4 days ago
Uncle Nige is looking more and more like Homer Simpson.
5 replies

4 days ago
4 days ago

4 days ago
4 days ago
Too true!
3 days ago
Don’t say that. I like Homer Simpson.
4 days ago
The argument for maintaining the white character of the UK goes like this: people are carriers of culture. If the number of non-British people going to Britain is too high then at one point, British culture will be altered drastically and probably with catastrophic negative effects (such as parts seceding, civil wars, etc.) The reason is people intrinsically can’t live in peace with neighbors who are too different from themselves and conflicts will inevitably arise. Basically, the future of Britain would be similar to disintegration of Yugoslavia, different groups vying for power, fighting over territorial control. This would be the reasoning of people who are alarmed about the changing ethnic structure of the UK.
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6 replies
4 days ago
I identify as a Brigante and you saxons have screwed my culture, not to mention the Normans with their fancy food and place names.
4 days ago (edited)
Yes, whatever you say. Before you know it, we’ll be eating chinese and Indian takeaways..
4 days ago
@jgmediting7770 they’ll be wanting to replace our national dish of chicken tikka masala next!
3 days ago (edited)
And as for British worker movements fighting for their rights against the ruling class..
But yeah, immigrants. Fact is you have far, far more in common with working class immigrants than you do the white British elite. Which is why that elite has to find ways to divide the working class.
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2 days ago
@dnpe9939 leftist??? Oh dear
4 days ago
I’m with you Owen, we should open our doors to immigration, for anyone who wants to come to our country seeking a better life for themselves and their families.
8 replies
4 days ago
Legally yes ..
Young men on dinghies absolutely NO
4 days ago
If you think about it, it’s a compliment that people come here believing they can lead a better life. I’ve worked with immigrants for more than twenty years, and I’m still amazed by their positive view of the UK.
4 days ago
The doors are already wide open!
4 days ago
@thomascrowe314 Yes I did have all my jabs thank you.
4 days ago (edited)
@jondrizzle4554 aps you can do what braverman couldn’t and describe what these legal routes are for refugees. Maybe coming here on dinghies is related to that answer.
4 days ago
Wonder when he was last in church.
3 days ago
This is Nigel stirring up his much needed unsavoury demographic without actually slipping on an armband
1 reply
1 day ago
What is so unsavoury about standing up for a people?
3 days ago
10:00 perfectly put sir
(mobile handsets from other manufacturers are available, also in a range of interesting colours) 

3 days ago (edited)
Talking of ‘cellular data’, the latest Samsung S22 Ultra mobile handset can be had in a variety of colours, non of which affect the operational functionality of the device…
5 replies
1 day ago
What does this mean?
1 day ago
@kaneda3794 It’s metaphorical
1 day ago
Weak liberal stuff then.
1 day ago
@Britlurker Far too highbrow for the likes of you
21 hours ago (edited)
@sgtgrash are you claiming that human beings are not diverse under the skin? I’m sure that many geneticists would like to speak to you about that.
4 days ago
Farage needs more milkshake!

2 days ago
1 day ago
It would be great to see you debate Douglas Murray one day Owen. Seeing as you don’t mind giving him publicity.
4 days ago
Farage is the new slicker enoch powell .
4 days ago
Farage I blame him more than anyone else for the state this country is in he needs locked up full stop.
2 replies

4 days ago
3 days ago
King Charles said lovely things about religious diversity recently.
1 reply
2 days ago
King Charlie needs to sort out his own back yard.
3 days ago
It depends where you live, some parts of the country are exclusively white, mainly middle class areas, whereas working class industrial areas tend to be multi racial, it always amuses me when Asian people park on double yellow lines in my street for hours on end but never get fined or alter their houses without planning permission and nothing happens that annoys ordinary people
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3 days ago
Maybe the Tories shouldn’t have turned our cities into oligarch playgrounds? If they’re really that bothered
4 days ago
western Europe’s advance towards atheism, not a bad thing although it does mean we must be extra vigilant
4 days ago
More like Crygel Farage am I right?
4 days ago
Exactly mate, so what, why does it matter? Why do you waste your time and everyone else’s with these pointless rants? Please report on something useful like what the next government’s economic plan should be for getting us out of this current mess!
3 days ago
I love it when you destroy right wingers like this Owen. Keep it up.
3 days ago
Education is the main reason for the declining rates of religion. As for the race question, it really shows what is driving his thought process. These guys want white christian populations!!
3 days ago
4 days ago
Funny that, i don’t ever recall hearing farage say anything I particularly disagree with, yet most of what jonesy spouts out sounds like garbage..
6 replies
4 days ago
Why do you come to his channel? Are you secretly trying to educate yourself?
4 days ago
@mikw1809 for some reason YT throws it up to me, so being naturally curious i have a little watch and then marvel at the comments of how many people are gullible enough to lap it up..
Maybe it’s sent to me so I can educate the likes of you..
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4 days ago
@RC-9 I also wanted to stop ever closer political integration with Europe so I could eat bendy bananas just like I always could, because I’m not just a racist, I’m a thick C U Next Wednesday also
4 days ago
@mikw1809 drinking heavily on a Wednesday Mikey.. perhaps you should get a job and contribute rather than just take
4 days ago
racists crying “racism” is actual Orwellian vibes
4 days ago
But there is a legitimate grievance. People pay a ganster who advertises on tickok and illegally get into the UK. That is a fact. Why dont you talk about this illegality ? People here cannot pay a ganster and get into France. We have to foillow the rules. You analysis ignores what is actually taking place !!
4 days ago
Every argument I’ve always tried to make, only much more succinct and wrapped in a neat package. Mind if I steal it?
Owen Jones
4 days ago (edited)
Put Nigel in a time machine and send him to 1930 to 40s Germany to live, he will feel very at home.
3 replies
4 days ago
His ancestors were French.
4 days ago
His kids are half German…
4 days ago
@IterativeTheoryRocks Benjamin Netanyahu was born in Israel
4 days ago
H E Bates, not Lord Astor. And I can’t quite get my head round “majority minority”. Otherwise, excellent as usual!
No wonder only Larry can bear the embarrassment of even discussing this with you – the acute delusion of people like this, who even imagine what question they’ve just been asked, rather than answering the actual question in the correct syntax, is painful!
4 days ago
The only one putting their “own racist spin on things”, Douglas, is YOU!
2 days ago
4 days ago
Because cultures are different… Values and beliefs are different. They dont mix with anyone else but their own. They have different ways of dealing with conflict and gender.
3 days ago
Migration to a country usually means that that country is rich and either people want to come and improve their lives or that the country in question needs immigrants to work there to keep up or improve productivity. So what Farage is saying is that he doesn’t want to live in a rich successful country. I also agree about Owen’s points on diversity and culture changing over time.
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3 days ago
Great work.. Young truth speakers. Love it. Time to trash the lies of this deluded generation who trashed the physical and psychological environment and truth.
4 days ago
2 days ago
Never been a Nigel fan..but folks like him will help destroy us all..
2 days ago
You find mass in Spanish and polish here.
4 days ago
OMG Farage turns my stomach
2 replies
1 day ago
Look I’ve tried. Watching Miss Owen here makes me so glad I ain’t a lefty!
1 reply

1 day ago
Okay then
3 days ago
In my very core I believe Nigel Farage’s problems stem from a bad incident whilst potty training.
4 replies
3 days ago
Can you please explain this statement? I really struggle with this thing you call ‘left wing comedy’.
Sorry but I remember when jokes were actually funny.
2 days ago
@mr.thegreat557 I could but you wouldn’t get it.
2 days ago
@ianwheeler7513 try me, I’m a very intelligent man.
4 days ago
A carpet tile Alan Partridge
2 days ago (edited)
your debunk of Nigel Farage has some substance fair enough, but utterly failed again when it came to debunking Douglas Murray. Again instead of addressing what he’s actually said you muff it up by going on the personal attack. You can attack the character of those you disagree with until the cows come home, but if that’s your focus over the substance of their argument then you haven’t debunked anything because the argument is still there. The fact Douglas Murray lives in New York is irrelevant to what he is saying.
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3 days ago
I see myself scouse British
4 days ago
Wait, you’re telling me Nigel Farage is misleading again?
1 reply
4 days ago
4 days ago
Why is Farage making a broadcast from his car seat? Can he no longer afford a studio, or can’t get anyone to host him? If so, that’s one major advance. I can’t abide listening to the man, he makes my skin crawl.
1 reply
4 days ago
Farage is trying to be cool
4 days ago
Diversity (of culture, of thinking,of human experiences) is a the door and key to a prosperous joyful sustainable and successful Future for All
4 days ago
Farrij can never just come out and say what he thinks, or what he’s pretending to think for his “career”. Why not? Just say what you mean Nige, stop dancing around
2 days ago
Refering the whole subject to England is as hypocritical as it always is. We 3 nations are a minority with Wales being automatically consumed by Big England. It’s not a union it’s England’s vote, England’s everything. Wales gets flung in as a sort of after word but of no value. Scotland and NI are too far north to be bothered with apart from a share of tax. Gone are the days, Farage is poking his nose in again and the football fans will vote using their degrees in economy and current affairs, industry and finance to secure their confidence they ruin the 4 nations yet again. Farage is the man to replace Assange.
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21 hours ago
What was the british empire? commonwealth games?
4 days ago
8,000 years years ago Brits were dark skinned, it became ‘white’ much later – I guess we’re going back to how it used to be.
8 replies
3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 I pity people like you who don’t believe in science or dna but instead some pulp fiction folklore
3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 I have actually, so you believe ancient Brits were white when they migrated from Africa?
3 days ago
@KasserRiaz , the first people to inhabit the Isles didn’t come from Africa, which you should know. The first evidence of any ‘Africans’ in Britain came during Roman times and even then, they were servants or indentured soldiers of North African Arab descent, not sub-Saharan black Africans who had been living there for millennia. I bet you sit around the table peddling all the other cobblers such as ‘The Windrush generation were invited here by the British government to rebuild the country after the War!’ and ‘Mary Seacole was a real nurse, Florence Nightingale stole her ideas!’ as well, don’t you?
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3 days ago
@chriswilliamson7694 loooool
3 days ago (edited)
@chriswilliamson7694 and I guess also were and/are a qnon fan as well
the future is ours so let’s make it happen…
3 days ago
Owen get behind Brexit and our friend nigel and help make it a success for us all..
4 days ago
Never knew our Nigel was such a keen church-goer.
3 days ago
Is Mrs Farage British??
4 days ago
You hit the nail on the head again. Who cares how many people are white or Christian. Aren’t we all the same? I still can’t pronounce Farage.
2 replies
3 days ago
I call him Forage as in foraging for support for his toxic views
2 days ago
46 per cent Christian is too high by 46 per cent
4 days ago
Farage belongs in a museum !
Out of date and out of touch
3 replies
4 days ago
More like the tower of london for treason
4 days ago
@petyrkowalski9887 Madame Tussauds’ Chamber of Horrors.
3 days ago
He belongs in prison becoming intimately acquainted with his fellow inmates in the showers.
3 days ago
Owen, Owen! Thank you for telling us the truth. You’re invaluable.
3 days ago
Just unbelievable that you think everyone should be OK with the fact that our country is in the state that it’s in, or that being a minority in your own country is OK
1 reply
4 days ago
Isn’t Murray an irish name?
1 reply
4 days ago
yes it is
2 days ago
I was born here, but I’ll always identify as white European. It’s a small and insignificant distinction, but I’d rather put as much distance between me and Farage as possible.
4 days ago
Is fartage drying his pants in the back window ?
3 days ago
Diversity is working a treat ain’t it Owen
4 days ago (edited)
Don’t agree with Farage’s fear mongering. On the other hand, I don’t think an open honest debate on this topic is happening particularly on the left in Britain. If the majority pop of major cities in Nigeria, India, Japan, or Turkey for example were of a different culture/race than the majority of the country I am sure discussions would be happening about what this means for the country. Now if that is what a majority of British citizens want, fine. To act as if there aren’t cultural differences between different people is absurd.
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1 reply
1 day ago
Yeah, but culture/race aren’t the same thing. People who grew up black british have their British side too.
4 days ago
Mmmmh. I would really like know if Farage or Pearce gos to church?
4 days ago
Fantastic news the country is no longer majority Christian, is it still majority religious? I know among young people atheism is big majority
1 day ago (edited)
“Firstly an apology” That’s great to hear Owen! You’ve renounced your earlier positions and agree we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Welcome aboard!
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1 reply

1 day ago
Save the Children!
3 days ago
Soon as Charles gives my money back they stole il be off to Punjab

4 days ago
3 days ago
“It was thought that only a limited number of non-white colonial migrants would ever seek to settle in the UK. However, strong economic conditions in Britain after the Second World War attracted an unprecedented wave of colonial migration.”
3 days ago
To be British is to be part of a multicultural society. It was that way in the Roman times, during the time of the Saxons, Vikings, Normans… our wealth has grown in our cities that attracted people from all over the world. We just have a much larger population now and we have better transportation links, meaning our cities are growing in population even faster.
It’s normal, natural progression of a free trade society.
(Not going to talk about Brexit’s effect on our identity as a free trade society here right now I can’t be bothered to go into that
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4 days ago
10:00: ‘I like tea’
You’re Hitler.
2 days ago
Biology is a fact too, doesn’t stop you driving any woman out of The Guardian that claims it though.
1 reply
2 days ago
Owen Jones proudly opposes women’s rights.
4 days ago
Throw farage into the Sun
4 days ago
Anyone listening to Farage is beyond help and won’t care one jot if their racist bile doesn’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny.
4 days ago (edited)
Hang on. Nigel Farage incorrectly states that white people are an ethnic minority, when what he should have said is white British are an ethnic minority (which is actually far more concerning anyway). You then go onto say Douglas Murray says that in certain cities including London white British are a minority and say you’ve just established that is rubbish. You did nothing of the sort. Then you prattle on about you don’t remember there being a vote on mass immigration? Its been the Tories manifesto since they’ve been in power. And they were elected by the people to be in power. Poll after poll shows that British public are mostly against mass immigration. But of there’s any room for doubt t lets have a referendum then. Oh but you say you’d be alarmed by that! So people get to be replaced and have no say, and youd be alarmed if they did have a say? Just say you don’t like democracy. I know you’re a POS but try not to be outright evil.
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1 reply
3 days ago
Well observered that he misrepresented Douglas!
3 days ago
Just out of interest Owen what makes your facts more factual than Nigels facts, I don’t really care either way in terms of race or religion but when it comes to the politics all I see is different commentators with differing perspectives trying to gather followers for there own pockets and powers sake. Your all corrupt really aren’t you?
4 days ago
how many of the cenus say percentage is jedi gawd help us
2 days ago
Your worldview – indeed, your whole moral Schtick is predicated on the illusoriness of race as a cultural determinant, Owen. But what if (horror of horrors) you and your Marxian post-modernist fan boys are ultimately proven wrong? What if race isn’t just a social construct? What if it is real and does matter? What if Rome wouldn’t be the same without the race of Italians? Madrid without Spaniards? etc, etc. What if Japan is Japanese because of the Japanese? And Tibet because of the Tibetans? What, indeed, if Masai culture is noble and unique precisely because of Masai tribesmen? And that of the pygmy hunter gatherers of the Congo Basin unique because of their maintenance of ancestral traditions? Why are the left so terrified of race? I suspect it’s because it complicates things, and as we know: socialists hate complexity, preferring simple economic answers to all the subtle, nuanced questions of human nature. Indeed, what could be more simplistic than declaring, as you do: “Hey, we’re all the same, guys! No need to factor in any subtle differences to the human equation. So it doesn’t matter if white Britons disappear from Britain because they were never really here, as white Britons anyway!”
The joke is, of course, that only privileged champagne socialists drunk on textbook truths think in this tragically abstract way. None but a fool would believe that someone arriving in Britain on a wet Wednesday from the other side of the world is as British as a white Briton whose family and ancestors have lived here for centuries.
In reality all other races do rightly value their identity, which makes for the wonder of real diversity in the world – as opposed to the sterile conformity that socialists seek to impose on us all in the name of so-called equality. Is it any wonder that Labour has lost the working class vote and that real working people regard your dismissiveness of their experience with powerful feelings of frustration and contempt? The only consolation we can draw is that you are visibly and tangibly becoming increasingly irrelevant in this fast-changing technocratically challenged world. You are the only ones who don’t realise it.
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go live in Alabama 
4 days ago
4 days ago
You don’t remember the vote Owen? Every general election for the last 12 years we have voted for party’s who promised lower immigration.
4 days ago
Great to see that we Atheists will soon be a majority in the UK
1 reply
4 days ago
The perfect tax cow
4 days ago
I couldn’t care less what colour a persons skin nor their views
but when it comes to being British, no-one wants to wake up and brush up on their Polish so they can choose the right loaf of bread that day and no-one wants to be the next Native Americans but this is how evolution works, there’s no malice involved, there is no way to predict who evolution will favour so we should just support the human race of the future by doing the best we can today.
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1 reply
4 days ago
If the views
are imposed on you then you would care
3 days ago
“Cry more” “player owned” LOL LMFAO! etc
What are we? 14 year olds?
4 days ago (edited)
How can I appropriately express that I don’t like how the most popular parts of London are massively populated by Pakistanis, Bangladeshi, and other nearby nationalities?
I’m not saying wether something should be done about it or not, I’m just expressing a feeling.
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7 replies
3 days ago
@ldn8765 no idea what youre trying to say
3 days ago
Why do you have that “feeling”? Why don’t you like different ethnicities living in parts of a large cosmopolitan city ?
3 days ago
@simonfane4283 im talking about areas that are like 70% from those countries. Wether you like it or not they are a different people, with their own traditions, they mostly keep to themselves and have their own communities. There isnt much mingling to be had, so it feels like im somewhere i dont fully fit in.
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1 day ago
so? no counter-arguments?
1 day ago
@Akiak7 no point in arguing with stupid racists perhaps ?
1 day ago
@simonfane4283 i tried to give you an honest answer. All you’ve proven is that you don’t have a genuine argument. If I’m wrong in having this view then I want to know why.
4 days ago
debunk farage on his controlling the borders claim
4 days ago
This island had a white population with a culture that comes with a european heritage. Now however with immigration this is no longer the case.
1 reply
3 days ago
This island has always had levels of diversity in different cultures…but the fact that we colonised one fifth of the planet is directly what resulted in the rise of multiculturalism in the “mother country” and what makes it great !
4 days ago
It does make me wonder about the pasty white gingers sitting on the shores during the viking invasions holding forth in racist polemics about all the tall men from Europe landing on these shores in small boats.
Britain’s demographics have changed so much over the millennia, Romans, vikings, even the French.
What have the immigrants ever done for us eh? Well language development, technological advancement, architecture and the aqueduct, don’t forget about the aqueduct.
The only thing inevitable is change.
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2 days ago
Skin colour should never factor or come into it…
I would however vote for any Government that will look to strengthen boarders or place in a points system rather than a free for all as it feels now.
Front lines services don’t feel like a service right now, more of a lottery… Think we need to improve the infrastructure to handle migration numbers.
All for helping those displaced by the wars and conflicts we had a hand in, Hong Kong/Ukraine/Syria etc…
Feel Farage is playing on the news and feeding flames… but at the same time there is that little nugget of agreement that opens the door…. dangerous times.
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3 days ago
4 days ago
England has always been a foreign country. Immigrants have been pouring into England for thousands of years. The English (those who call themselves ‘English’) speak a foreign dialect made up out of several European languages, and they still use a foreign currency. They share no borders except with a northern kingdom which their government somehow managed to conquer a few hundred years ago, and now, unsurprisingly, that kingdom (Scotland) wants independence from a place called Westminster.
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9 replies
4 days ago
There’s a border to the west of England as well as one to the north, there’s also a border called the river Tamar as well
4 days ago
When was Scotland conquered ?
4 days ago
I would say ‘pouring’. Even the Norman’s only changed England by 5%
4 days ago
@davidpryle3935 It most certainly never was. I’m being facetious, incase you hadn’t noticed.
4 days ago
4 days ago (edited)
@davidharris4062 Yes indeed. As I said to David Pryle, I’m being facetious. Of course the Welsh are far more British than the English!
3 days ago
@davidpryle3935 it wasn’t. It was “joined” with England and Wales by the Act of Union.
3 days ago
@georgegeorge4835 As well as our Celtic Cousins in Kernow

2 days ago
@dnpe9939 Do you mind, Dnpe? I’m trying to to take the piss here!
.. those parasites selling smoke 

4 days ago
When your turn off the TV , than is the extreme right silent
4 days ago
Are we just talking about the Atlantic black slave trade?
Or are we including the the Barbary slave trade, Ottoman slave trade, European white slavery and Slavic slave trade?
The term slave comes from the word Slav! There is the clue.
Stop cherry picking!
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6 replies
4 days ago
What?!! This has no relevance to the video!!
4 days ago
@DedLoko Watch to the end. He goes on about the Trans Atlantic slave trade as if there has only ever been that. It is in fact a fraction of slavery historically.
4 days ago
@user-xx2yz6ke8d Can you put a time stamp or a quote? I can’t find what you’re talking about.
4 days ago
@DedLoko 9.04
4 days ago
@user-xx2yz6ke8d When he talks about Britain’s involvement in the slave trade? Yeah, Britain wasn’t that involved in the Ottoman slave trade, genius!!! What’s your point here?
3 days ago
Modern Britain represents the full diversity of the British Empire. The problem isn’t the presence of black and Asian people in Britain. It is ignorance about Britain’s imperial history and the sources of its prosperity.
4 days ago
We don’t need anymore immigration. We were told after WW2 that we would need help rebuilding and immigration was the answer. Japan was absolutely devastated after WW2. Many more working age Japanese men died fighting than in the UK. Tokyo was firebombed and lost 100,000 civilians in one night, that’s more than double the entire London blitz in a single night. 2 nuclear bombs completely destroyed 2 major cities. Japan’s industrial output was decimated by 1945. Amazingly by 1968 Japan had become the world’s second largest economy without any immigration whatsoever. Just 23 years later and they didn’t have to commit cultural suicide in the process.
In my lifetime (39 years) the population of the UK has risen by 12 million people. A medium sized country like Sweden or Norway, Slovakia and Lithuania combined. The current birth rate is 1.56 children per female. We are not even at replacement rate yet the population has increased by 12 million due to immigration. We constantly moan that the roads are full and we have a housing crisis, yet it’s racist to blame immigration. I don’t blame the immigrants, I blame the government. The extra 12 million people has added about 1% of GDP a year but this doesn’t mean we’ve become richer. The economy just got larger because there were more people and it helps make the figures look better than they would.
I have no idea what multiculturalism is. I’ve been told it’s a mixing pot where all the best bits of different cultures come together. Who decides what the best bits are? Who even asked us if we wanted this? I like traveling precisely because I can visit different cultures. I don’t want everywhere to be some weird cultural soup. I’ve been told multiculturalism is separate cultures living together. This just equates to pockets of monoculture where people don’t integrate. We need to allow time for the people who are already here to integrate.
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4 replies
4 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 It does seem that way.
3 days ago
Economically it’s needed to support the ageing population. Birth rates are falling and older people live longer so we need a new working age in flux ASAP …plus the many job roles that can’t be filled by “native British” workers
3 days ago
@simonfane4283 That’s what we have been told yet there are countries in Eastern Europe that have low birth rates and massive emigration yet their economies are growing faster than ours.
Immigration to fix an aging population is an option. However, so is providing affordable childcare, tax incentives to have more children and encouraging companies to contribute more towards pensions.
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4 days ago
He knows he’s wrong but that doesn’t suit his narrative….. Again !
1 day ago
Funny, Nigel Farage’s wife is German his kids are half German
2 replies

1 day ago
@Britlurker Europeans are European.
3 days ago
So suella braverman ‘s parents, being immigrants, will no longer be asked where they were born. And Fish-Face Farage has a problem with this?????
3 days ago
America still has not got rid of slavery. Louisiana State Penitentiary has earned the name “Angola” because of what goes on there.
2 days ago
What is England’s identity
4 days ago
I don’t have a British identity apparently i live in an occupied country with no democracy
4 days ago
Are you sure he’s not an alien? He looks pretty strange to me.
4 days ago
Born and raised here, generations past. Always censor Pagan, cos I am. Farage ain’t an English name.
2 replies
4 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 absolutely not, you misunderstand my point. Census does not reflect the true national picture.
4 days ago
Viva La Nigel…
1 reply
3 days ago
He won’t if he visits Scotland again.
2 hours ago
We are all out of Africa.
4 days ago
Talking at cross purposes
4 days ago
Word salad. Lots care.
3 days ago
So now after destroying native Australians from their land ,
Britain is afraid of it’s existence
4 days ago
Brilliant as ever – keep smashing those fascists
4 days ago
Imagine having the audacity to lament the loss of your culture through the wholesale import of a global population.
1 reply
3 days ago
U defs got to be lefty lefty lol
4 days ago
I’m guessing Fuerage doesn’t know about all of the Christian churches run by black people
4 days ago
i cant believe i agree with owen jones jeez
1 reply
4 days ago (edited)
he s cosmic
4 days ago
Um you can’t have a majority minority city?
4 days ago
The only non white thing he should be worried about is his teeth.
1 reply
4 days ago
depends on your view go and look at … The shocking results of the census. Anything Goes
4 days ago
8:00: No it isn’t, people in England are in the northern hemisphere, and people who move there will lose melanin over time, and assimilate with the white Anglos.
3 days ago (edited)
Can anyone really be this clueless?
4 days ago
54% are this, 28% are that, 71.5% are whatever… who cares? We’re all human
2 replies
4 days ago
Speak for yourself!!!
4 days ago
That’s easy to say when your the majority.
2 days ago
I wish he would just go away. I’ve had enough of is hate . Spreading lie’s and hate just to get is face in the media.
2 hours ago
Remember it is Farge talking. Do we expect the truth?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Vote Reform
4 days ago
The term “race” is an English/Northern European construct. Related to social Darwinism in an attempt to justify division, colonialism and abuse.
4 days ago
You need to sort your mic out.
4 days ago
All the sexual abuse done by the church doesn’t help.
4 days ago
ever thought of being a member of the loose women team !
3 days ago
… Where are you from? No, where are you really from?
Are Douglas Murray and Lady Susan drinking buddies?
4 days ago
One of Farage’s all time heroes is josep goebbels
2 days ago
Out of touch presenter
17 hours ago (edited)
He also supported Cruella Braveman who wanted to demolish benefits for disability people.
3 replies
13 hours ago
Only those fiddling disability.
6 hours ago
@user-mx4wd7gp2l troll more???
3 days ago
Oh for some healthy debate rather than this rubbish
2 days ago
Leaving religion en masse.
Off masses
On pubbe
4 days ago (edited)
Like Nigel is like so big Christian! Lol Hypocrite! pick an choose what suits him more like.
4 days ago
If u want to have more and more cristianity then join EU bring more Cristians from all over including South America
1 day ago
Farage….. that doesn’t sound very British to me.
2 days ago
3 days ago
1 day ago
farage isn’t a british name, it isn’t even an english name, he is a descendant of immigrants.
3 days ago
Don’t understand what the fuss is about it’s only like what we did to australia and america
We hear same intolerant narrative in Poland regarding minorities.
2 days ago (edited)
Couldn’t be explained better
1 reply
1 day ago
Which is why Poland might still exist in 100 years but Britain and the British won’t.
4 days ago
You keep conflating England and Wales with Britain, Owen. Please stop it. Otherwise, this was excellent work.
Love from Scotland
4 days ago
Douglas Murray an immigrant living in New York, complaining about immigrants. You couldn’t make it up.
1 reply
3 days ago
Cognitive dissonance they call it.
3 minutes ago
Colour must be, and is, irrelevant. What is not irrelevant are attitudes within cultures and religions. Exclusivity and intolerance are rife regardless of creed or colour. Are there, in particular, faiths/cultures which would not welcome my white son or coloured daughter into their homes and families? Sadly, yes. There is bigotry everywhere and Owen is right, it’s not genetic, it’s man-made. Thankfully, what is done by man can be undone by man. Just needs the will and a little more honesty.
Read more
4 days ago
I bet he still loves fish and chips, not forgetting a curry, both being introduced by migrants, beyond a worthless specimen…
3 replies
4 days ago
Fish were introduced by immigrants?
You do know this is an island? And the empire swapped Irish people for potatoes
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 worked out well for the Irish in the end. They spread all over the world.
3 days ago
The introduction of Fish and Chips is contested FYI.
4 days ago
7 replies
4 days ago
A bit sibylline but Gary did brush the subject in his latest vid predicting such themes would keep being promoted to distract from the ever growing wealth gap.
4 days ago
@ingridschmid1709 am just getting his name out wherever I can.
4 days ago
People need to hear his voice
4 days ago
@lightcardsatlisas3932 Owen did invite him .
Most of what Gary says isn’t new , the plus is in his credentials both his career and his origins make a great convincing combo.
4 days ago
@ingridschmid1709 That may be. Surely you would agree we need these voices right now, as many as we can, to get the truth out, so we can at least try and do something.
4 days ago
And while you say what Gary’s talking about isn’t new, sorry I found that to be a bit of a put down, yes he does have the credentials, he knows exactly what he’s talking about and does so in a way that doesn’t pump his ego for views
4 days ago
@lightcardsatlisas3932 Sorry if it came across that way .
I think he does great work but recognizing much of the analysis he offers was available long ago also could be useful.
I do not doubt he’s also an original thinker and would love to see him invited on legacy media if only to shut up the Tufton street garbage .
Read more
4 days ago
Russia own London
4 days ago
farage always massages the figures to suit his own right wing agenda…..whats worrying is, is fawning followers believe him…
4 days ago
The Global brotherhood is what we should all aim for. Mr NF is not helping.
4 days ago
I always put “White European” when given the option.
2 replies
4 days ago
I have checked “Other” and added “Human” once or twice.
4 days ago
Where are you from, i tick arab all the time
in my opinion he displayed no leadership qualities whatsoever and just shirked from responsibility.A sort of juvenile political arsonist who having lit the fuse walks away from the fire storm he has created. A very dangerous charlatan who has done much damage to the U.K.
4 days ago
Farage is quite simply a political barrackroom lawyer who really hasn’t done an honest days work in his life! He has done numerous stunts like the march to London having walked about 20 miles from Sunderland to Hartlepool then given up and let his foot soldiers do the rest! When he was a paid MEP he never went to any committee meetings and just did cheap political stunts. As soon as the Brexit vote was announced he resigned leadership of his party. What was he afraid of? Hard work??
Read more
1 reply
4 days ago
So why was he so anti EU?
1 reply
4 days ago
Awful Farage
4 days ago
People that overuse the word ‘actually’ essentially admit they have a weak argument.
3 replies
4 days ago
llike who
4 days ago
Actually that’s not true, people who focus on the words someone uses as opposed to the substance have very weak arguments, actually!!
3 days ago
@DedLoko well said
4 days ago
They talking about the out of control immigration
1 reply
4 days ago (edited)
1.1 million immigrants per year and rising is not ‘out of control’, neither is todays Albanian take over of London
4 days ago
Not sure why Nige has spent most of his life worrying about colour, religion, culture! Just get on with your life mate. Get a real job too perhaps
3 days ago
If he’s not racist why is he banging on about this?
1 reply
1 day ago
Is it ‘racist’ to notice demographics?
4 days ago
As white I can be washed at 90c and be bleached. Here, have a positive about being white!
2 days ago
37% white British in London. Doesn’t matter a jot, but does make “white British” a minority ethnic group. Still a tad larger than the other minorities though.
2 replies
1 day ago
Whats your point?
1 day ago
@Britlurker What’s yours?
4 days ago
The Anglo-Saxon settlers 1500 years ago were immigrants, simple as that.
9 replies
4 days ago
Then who were the Celts? Aren’t they the black cheddar men?
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 celts were already throughout the British isles.
3 days ago
@digbycrankshaft7572 They have been almost entirely replaced now
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 the latest DNA sampling surveys suggest that they interbred with the invading anglo-saxons so they weren’t replaced as such but merged.
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 I’m not aware of any such adverts
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 not bothered
3 days ago (edited)
@digbycrankshaft7572 That’s what people fall back to when reality sets in. You acknowledge you are specifically targeted and you are waiting for permission to care
4 days ago
You said it yourself in your first few sentences – arrogant.
4 days ago
Down with that sort of thing! March of the atheists… And every other month for that matter
2 days ago
What is important about diversity?
2 days ago
What about race and intelligence?
2 replies
1 day ago
Yes, I’d I like to see Owen tackle that one. Lol!
1 hour ago
@Britlurker why? Everyone knows the answer to that one. LOL
2 days ago
England a Wales? Why isn’t Scotland and NI included with this gibberish. Don’t mention Britain when keeping Scotland and NI excluded. Minorities in Britain and refering only to 3 cities, England and Wales. Get a grip, be bold.
1 reply
2 days ago
Farage doesn’t care about facts when you can appeal to racists feelings. Remember that Brexit thing?
1 reply
1 day ago
Whats a ‘racist’?
4 days ago
Racists care
1 reply
4 days ago
Does that include those claiming Britain will be Indian owned for the next 200 years
4 days ago
I like Nigel you no so much .
2 replies
3 days ago
4 days ago
We are all the same under the skin…live and let live. Forage is such a racist.
1 reply
3 days ago
Oh it’s Owen Jones. Next.
3 days ago
So who pays you Jones….someone who wants to upset the applecart
2 days ago
Because white people emigrate to other countries. What is the issue here?
4 days ago
This guy is the male version of nicola sturgeon
4 days ago
Nigel for PM.
1 reply
2 days ago
Migration is something that ought to be managed by the government. Clearly, this is not the case with the Tory government. The invasion underway is also non-consensual because the electorate have not assented to demographic replacement. Owen poses the question: who cares? Sajid David posed a similar question: so what? Migration on the current scale is unprecedented something Owen Jones neglects to mention. It drives down the bargaining power of those who must compete for work. It undermines social cohesion. Homogeneous societies like China and Japan are more stable than multicultural societies. There is manifestly less crime in Tokyo than in London. Moreover, why must the UK be diverse and inclusive, but other countries such as Israel are free to be ethno-states.
Read more
1 day ago
How come it’s only white Western countries that have to be diverse
4 days ago
Why not debate this issue with Nigel?
1 reply
4 days ago
Because he’d get blown out of the water
4 days ago
please respect our nigel farage and future leader of the united kingdom
2 replies
4 days ago
Hopefully, or we are finished and the history books rewritten
3 days ago
Your Nigel Farage not mine. Also he couldn’t lead a scout troop let alone a country.
4 days ago
Your getting your stats of twitter ! Your no different to the people your attacking .
4 days ago
A classic mint observation from Murray. Sorry.
3 days ago
Why don’t you ever go on TV with Douglas? He claims you threw a tantrum when he was invited on a TV show to debate you and had to be taken off the schedule – at your request. That true? Now you are calling him out – will you debate him?
2 days ago
3 days ago
.. how is Owen Jones relevant???
4 days ago
Hes right. When he says christian he means as opposed to other religions. England is white english Christian
4 days ago
Owen you little divide merchant… behave and eat zee bugz to make Klaus happy
4 days ago
Nigel Farige is a demigod
2 replies
4 days ago
Definitely is in his own mind.
4 days ago
Yeah, Nigel’s arguments are absurd & false but so are yours.
4 days ago
blah blah
black cats matter
4 days ago
Was it a black cat
4 days ago
owen jones is a brexiteer – has he learned?
4 days ago
I wager young Mr Jones has no multicultural society ‘enrichers’ living anywhere near him eh
Owen Jones
3 replies
4 days ago
about 40% of my Borough isn’t white

4 days ago
@OwenJonesTalks don’t let the bigots divide us owen
3 days ago
Owen Jones must the the 21st century dictionary defination of nonsense.

, just 200k followers despite years of being the poster boy for the BBC. Booted off the Guardian, now having a go at the Greatest Brit for the last 50 years……………
4 days ago
Owen “military precision jones”
5 replies
4 days ago
Owen “got beaten up by a lad he picked up in a London bar, who was white, of course” Jones
4 days ago
@mikw1809 He went on the BBC and said this. Said it was political attack
3 days ago
@karlosthejackel69 it probably was

Greatest Brit!!! Based on what?!! 
3 days ago
3 days ago
Let me guess. All for gay rights too
4 days ago
mate YOU HAVE NO VISION so mocking those who do is you’re thing. very sad Owen.
3 replies
4 days ago
yes where is he mocking anyone , just givin an opinion!
4 days ago
@cosmicmusicreynolds3266 but HE HAVE NO VISION.
This is his thing, he like HAVE NO thing to answer to if he LIKE MOCKING. He HAVE NO VISION LIKE CHRISTIAN MAN OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE, he LIKE A PINT down the pub
3 days ago
Are you blind. Multi cultaralism doesn’t work we don’t get on with each other which has created a extremely divided society
2 replies
3 days ago
So you’ve never had a friend who wasn’t white Christian. .. don’t know how you’ve managed that one
3 days ago
@bereal6590 don’t know a single who isn’t white
See Also
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript
History Debunked – Is Multiculturalism Predominantly a Jewish Enterprise? – Feb 21, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
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