Mark Collett
Patriotic Weekly Review
with Tim Murdoch
Thu, Jun 15, 2023
[In this video (Episode 214 of Patriotic Weekly Review) Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, is with special guest Tim Murdoch.
The main topic was on the existence, or not, of UFOs and how certain figures like Tucker Carlson, The New York Times, military people and other establishment mouthpieces, could be using it for some propaganda purpose.
Published on Thu, Jun 15, 2023
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Tim Murdoch
June 15, 2023
Mark Collett
Episode 214 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Tim Murdoch.
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Tim Murdoch
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(2:01:45 mins)
Introducing the Guest, Tim Murdoch
Mark’s Videos – No Jump Cuts and Scripted for Legal Reasons
There’s “Civil War” in America Now
Child Murder by Immigrant in France and Its Chilling Effects
Tim’s View on Killings by Migrants
Being Banned from Talking About Anti-White Events
Anti-White Violence Becoming Less ‘Shocking”
American Empire and Instability
China and the Shift in Global Power
The American Empire Setting Fires Around the World
The Empire Knows Only One Language
Mark on the Witch-Hunt Against Trump
4d Chess Move – Israel and UFOs!
Trump Accused of Having Top Secret Documents
Religion, Israel, 4D Chess, Secret Documents
Tucker Carlson Talking About UFOs
Tucker Carlson Wants to Make Money So Talks About Safe Crap
Not Suggesting There’s Going to Be Aliens
Mark – No, I’m Not Following Any of This
They Are Going to Use This UFO Stuff Somehow
Mark Disagrees – It’s Going to Be More White Genocide
When is This UFO Thing Happening?
Tucker Has the Voice, Millions of Ears
Information is Not Produced for No Reason
They’re out to Get Trump Because He Gives People Hope
Crushing Trump Won’t Scare Genuine Nationalists
Making a Conspiracy Documentary for Bitchute
Superchats — The Death Penalty
Superchats – Jazzhands McFeels
Superchats – Immigration Reform in Japan
Superchats – Islam vs Anti-Whiteism
Superchats – Lauren Southern’s Marriage Break-Up
Superchats – Nottingham Killings
Superchats – Mike Graham and Nigel Farage
Superchats — The Invaders Won’t Stop Coming
Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review episode number 214! And we are here tonight live on Odysee and DLive.
Now, before we get into the show, and before we introduce our special guest, who will be with us for the next couple of hours, I just want to say I’ve got a few things planned for the rest of the week.
Upcoming Events
The first thing I’ve got planned is I have a pre-recorded video coming out next this Friday and it is about the woman, Carla Foster, who murdered her 34 week old baby and the one that all the politicians are obviously supporting and saying that she shouldn’t have been sent to prison. I’ve got a video coming out on that on Friday. A lot of people have asked me bits and pieces about that. I’ve been emailed about it several times, so I thought I’d make a video on it a bit different. You can’t make a video on the same thing every week and I think this is a really important topic.
I will also be back with Dr. David Duke on Friday at 04:00 p.m., UK time. And I might do some kind of stream on Sunday night, but I’m not sure what that will be yet. Maybe somebody would like to give me some ideas.
Superchats and Donations
Now, if you’re watching tonight, and if you want to contribute to my work, that would be super and I would be very, very grateful of that. Remember, it is your Superchats that allow me to work full-time for this movement. So any Superchats are very welcome. If you can Superchat, you can do it through Entropy or Odysee. You can send a financial donation and any message attached to that financial donation will be read out live on tonight’s stream and it’ll be answered by myself and Tim here. Now, you can also donate via crypto-currencies. All my crypto links are in the description beneath this video, whether you’re watching on Odysee or if you’re watching on replay on BitChute. That’s where the two replays will be.
So if you have to duck out during the stream, you can catch the rest of them either here on Odysee, if that’s where you’re watching it, or on BitChute. And you can also, as I said, send donations via a mixture of crypto-currencies.
And if you want to write to me, you can write to me at
So that’s how you can get in touch with me. You can also send donations via other means and if you want to send them sort of via cash or any other means, you can write to me there at And that also goes for any crypto-currencies you can’t see because I do have other wallets, but you might not be able to see the particular wallet that you want.
Introducing the Guest, Tim Murdoch
Now, we are very lucky to have this special guest with us here tonight. It is Tim Murdoch. Now, Tim Murdoch is a legend in the nationalist sphere. He obviously came up with the incredible Anti-racist Hitler [animation], and I think he’s being deplatformed from almost every mainstream website and every mainstream payment processor the world over. And they don’t do that to people who aren’t a threat. They only do that to the best of us. So he certainly got into that club.
Now he’s got an amazing show which is here on Odysee, and he is one of the content creators, like myself, that’s pushing this particular platform. And I’ve been lucky enough to be with him on his show, which is called White Rabbit Radio.
So please, if you haven’t already, make sure you are subscribed to this chat because he is an absolutely top fella. I love being on his show when I get an invite and I love it when he comes on this show. He’s always got a lot of good things to say. So, Tim, how are you doing this evening? What have you been up to and do you have anything you want to tell us?
Tim Murdock: I am just booking out shows, which is what I do. I’m trying to find interesting new people to interview. You guys are always free to send me guest ideals. Obviously, I got to get a hold of you to have you on next month, just talk about some things. But I’m going to have on some people that I haven’t had on or I haven’t talked to in quite a while. I know someone contacted me to have on Woodlander. I don’t know Woodlander, but I saw something in the chat, some people in the chat knows them.
So I would like to have on some interesting new guests. Laura Tower, I’ve never had on Laura Tower. And I know she has stuff she sells, so she would be a good guest to have on people like coming on my show if they have things to sell, because you usually sell some things. We do have tea drinkers and coffee drinkers and that type of thing. I’m pretty sure she’s still selling that, isn’t she?
But anyways, that’s what we’re doing. I’m busy booking guests and booking guests is actually a full-time job. Very few, I don’t know anyone that has someone booking guests for a show in our sector these days. It’s like a full-time job that you could use the secretary for!
So that’s basically what I do. I do shows and I book shows and in between taking care of everything.
Mark Collett: Nobody gets the secretary, mate! You’re just dreaming now!
Tim Murdock: Randbot does! Randbot actually has an assistant, Comrade Pond, and she books all kinds of stuff for him.
Mark Collett: Really?
Tim Murdock: I don’t know how.
Mark Collett: Is he that big?
Tim Murdock: He’s a legend [chuckling]! Without her I don’t think he could do a show!
Mark Collett: Is he the guy that used to be on Ethan Ralph’s show, that used to be, …
Tim Murdock: He was on there for a short period of time until they blew up. But I had him on for a guest with Jim Goad just recently, and it was a pretty big show. He came on with Jim Goad. And no, Randbot has an assistant. He’s the only one. And your response was Jim Goad’s response:
“How does he have an assistant?”
He has an assistant more competent than him, which is what you got to have. She actually gets him up for work. His work is streaming, of course, like, …
Mark Collett: She’s more competent than him? That’s a pretty low watermark to reason.
Tim Murdock: That’s true. He would say that.
Mark Collett: So you’re looking for an assistant?
Tim Murdock: No, [chuckling] I don’t know.
Mark Collett: Yeah, you’re going for the attractive female assistant, or the less attractive, but more efficient?
Tim Murdock: That might cause some problems. We’ll go for the competent assistant. The competent e assistant that can book shows by the zillion. No, but so far I just do everything myself. I don’t know anything other than in this business. That’s why I didn’t do the animations for a while, because I couldn’t do everything by myself. And they were dependent on massive amounts of money. If you had to hire people for any little bit of art, it’s just very difficult.
If you cannot do everything on your own in this business, you’re going to have problems very quickly. I found out. It’s very difficult to keep small teams together, even. It’s just difficult.
Producing Content
Mark Collett: Well, I’ve always done my own shows, my own show graphics, my own sort of promotional stuff. And I found it easier that way because you’re not really relying on anyone. And you do it at your own pace and, you know, where you are. And unless you pay somebody I found that people can sometimes be a little unreliable.
Tim Murdock: Exactly!
Mark Collett: Yeah. So I quite like doing it myself. Same with all my videos. I write the scripts, I record them myself.
Tim Murdock: You actually do script? You don’t just wing those.
I mean, they do look very professional, but I just always thought you had something because you’ve always done the same kind of video, and they’re always very good, they’re very informative. They don’t go over the line, they don’t go under the line. They’re just like spot on! I mean, you could run those on Fox News, you could run those anywhere and they would be fine.
And I think that’s the type of thing we have to have.
Mark Collett: Yeah, it’s kind of difficult because those sort of videos that I do, they were big news on YouTube, so you put them on YouTube and you could end up with hundreds of thousands, even millions of views, which wasn’t uncommon for me. I had videos that did a million. And I regularly hit that six figure number, and videos that didn’t hit the six figure number often crept up there over time, because a lot of my videos were evergreen.
But what I will say is it is harder moving to platforms like BitChute and Odysee and doing videos which are more normie friendly, because if you go on to BitChute, the kind of regular fodder there is. How can I say it? It’s more targeted as a specific type of person.
Whereas I always felt my videos went down better with sort of the normies on YouTube than they do with BitChute.
Mark’s Videos – No Jump Cuts and Scripted for Legal Reasons
Tim Murdock: I think your videos are I always thought they were like a real kind of like a bona fide pro-White version of Paul Joseph Watson, you know what I mean? I think they’re higher quality than Paul Joseph Watson videos.
Mark Collett: Yeah. No jump cuts, mate. No jump cuts. I can do 15 minutes, …
Tim Murdock: Jump cuts can be good. I think you could do some stuff like that.
But anyways, …
Mark Collett: No, I hate jump cuts! Any man that can’t speak for 15 minutes into a camera without a jump cut shouldn’t be making those videos. There’s nothing more annoying than people who record everything shouting for 10 seconds and then jump cut, jump cut, jump cut! You should be able to reel this stuff off. That’s an important thing. And I find it really engaging when I listen to somebody who can just talk and can articulate themselves clearly for sort of 5, 10 minutes on the topic.
Now, I do script my videos. That’s for legal reasons, because you got to have them checked beforehand. And I do think it’s really important that we always tread that line. And the thing with scripting a video is you make sure you don’t miss out on anything. But with most of those videos, I pretty much know what I’m going to say and if I’m doing it live on camera, I can just do it from sort of five or six bullet points.
Tim Murdock: Yeah, I think that, … What’s funny about jump cutting, most people don’t know this, but I’ve never seen an interview with our side from a mainstream media outlet that doesn’t jump cut something, doesn’t cut things selectively. And it’s kind of like a nasty jump cut. It’s not even a jump cut for effect. Sometimes it is. It’s just kind of like, well, let’s edit this out. Let’s make it look like he said this. And they’re always using these selective editing techniques like the jump cut.
Mark Collett: Yeah. I don’t know, it sort of throws me off. I do like well scripted videos as well. My favourite content creator was always Way of the World.
Tim Murdock: Yeah
Mark Collett: I thought his videos were fantastic, beautifully scripted, well put together, subtle sort of soundtrack, if you like, or sort of etheral sounds in the background. And always really great graphics and statistics up on screen. I don’t know whether he had a team putting those together or if he did them all himself, but they were by far my favourite of any content creator.
Being on Twitter
Tim Murdock: He’s still on Twitter and he’s doing very well. I follow him on Telegram I’ve offered him, and anytime he wants to come on my show, I really respect his work.
Mark Collett: He doesn’t do live stuff.
Tim Murdock: I know
Mark Collett: I used to love being on Twitter. And me and him were sort of like, I remember when I had more bloody Twitter followers than him! And now he’s probably on about like 80,000 or something and I’m gutted I’m not there. That was my playground. I love that place.
Keith Woods on Twitter
Tim Murdock: Yeah, Twitter is a good place. No one knows what they can say on there. The good news is that none of the elites do either. Bill Maher was commiserating to Elon Musk that he doesn’t know what he can say. And no one really does, and that’s the way they want it. The banning is totally random and can happen anytime. I’ve been banned maybe three or four times. I always got the count back, but I don’t say anything, I just announce shows on there.
If you say anything, it seems like, or if you do anything, like over the top, you really have got to do what Keith Woods has done, and that is really toe the line, cross your T’s, dot your I’s, and kind of go down this accessible angle. I kind of think of Keith and I got him coming on, I think, July 7, as almost like a big brain Vdare, where he provides a ladder for people to climb up on, a more down an intellectual theme. The stuff he’s doing on Twitter is very, very good, like the threads informing people various different things. He’s not saying too much, he’s not saying too little.
But at the same time, he’s got the followers where he’s not going to get banned easily now, and he’s doing something without spurging out. He’s doing what has to be done to get the attention of a Joe Rogan or Elon Musk or anyone.
Now, obviously, he could say, you can always second guess it and you can always say he should be doing this or that, but that’s something we’ve got to have people doing. If they have that skill set, it’s just very few have the skill set, media wise, to get away with it and to so consistently do it down that particular theme.
Also, I think he’s new. Had he been around ten years, he couldn’t get away with it.
The Pros and Cons of Twitter
Mark Collett: I think the thing with Twitter is, and this is going to take us onto the first topic we’re going to talk about tonight. It’s a place where you can get those huge amounts of views, and I was getting huge amounts of views there.
And when things happen, it is the best place to have your take instantly out there in the marketplace of ideas. And when something happens, as we saw a few days ago, when a Syrian migrant went berserk in a park in France and started stabbing children and their parents, that’s where you want to be to give your view on that particular issue out to the public.
But the problem is, with Twitter, you are in that situation where if you make a mistake, if you put your toe over the line or if somebody important, for that matter, just doesn’t like what you’ve said, you can end up getting ratioed and having your account taken down. And I’ve had that obviously now twice. I’ve never been told what I’ve done wrong. I’ve had the account back once. I doubt I’ll be getting it back again.
Tim Murdock: You’ll get it back someday. You’ll get it back. I expect everyone to eventually be on Twitter. I don’t know what it’s going to take. That’s just my guess.
James Edwards, they took down his account, which I couldn’t believe that because his pictures of his family on there, that’s about his most controversial thing is something about Confederacy or something. But it is totally random. No one knows, not even like a section of the elites know.
There’s “Civil War” in America Now
And in my opinion, when it comes to America, the North American, there’s basically a civil war. This is just what I’ve concluded. There’s a civil war. And if any given day these two parties are fighting over you, you may or may not be taken down. It depends on who’s at the board that day. Is it someone that’s kind of ignoring your content? Or is it someone that says, okay, these guys want this one taken down, let’s take it down, and we’re just like casualties in a civil war.
It doesn’t even necessarily even make sense to anybody, whether it be the Bill Mars or whoever else. But it is a civil war of some type. It just hasn’t went like street by street yet. It’s just on media, whether it be Tucker Carlson who is going down that particular road.
So I do think you’ll get it back. I would stay persistent on trying to get it back. Why they take people down? No one knows.
I mean, if Bill Myers got to say that, he’s got to really censor himself, he doesn’t know what it takes to and I believe he’s being sincere. I just think it’s like a random thing that the parties at the ADL and places like that depends on who they have at the switch and what faction they represent. That’s my take on it.
Child Murder by Immigrant in France and Its Chilling Effects
Mark Collett: I think it’s an important site to be on and it’s great what Keith Woods has been doing. And when things happen, like, as I said, the incident in France, which is very, very harrowing, and as a parent, I’ve got to say it does change your perception of the world.
So when I see things like what happened in France, it’s absolutely chilling!
Because I’ve got a three year old daughter, we regularly go to parks or soft plays or we’re regularly out and about, and sometimes we just go for a walk in the countryside.
But the idea that you could just be out in a park enjoying the nice hot weather, or you could be just pushing your daughter on the swings and the next minute some migrant comes out of nowhere with a knife and starts stabbing children.
And obviously he’ll be conveniently “mentally ill” or something like that. It is absolutely terrifying!
And although that is scary, the fact that now if you talk about that and you articulate in an opinion about that, that can actually lead to its own problems. And that’s the issue with Twitter, you see, because if I was on Twitter, I’d have had to have talked about that. And this isn’t the first time this kind of horrific thing has happened. It certainly won’t be the last.
I mean, this week alone, we’ve seen similar incidents in both France and here in the UK, in Nottingham, where a man from West Africa stabbed three people to death and then gone into his van and ploughed into other people, causing multiple roads to be locked down. The press have sort of initially said they didn’t have a clue who it was. Now they’ve admitted he’s a West African migrant, but they’ve made big pains to make it known that he was here “legally”, as if that makes a difference.
I mean, I’m not sure you’d be any happier about having a member of your family stabbed to death if you knew the guy was here legally or illegally, it wouldn’t really matter. The member of your family has been stabbed to death.
Tim’s View on Killings by Migrants
But on Twitter you would want to talk about those things. What’s your take on this, Tim? I mean, we do have periods of time where things seem to cool down with incidents with migrants, but then all of a sudden it seems to sort of go pop. And it’s gone pop over the last couple of days. How do you feel about all these things?
Tim Murdock: I think everything on Twitter at any given moment, everything’s going rip shit. It kind of reminds me of 2015, 2016, to be honest with you.
The challenge that I have is that there’s parties that need to be on there.
I mean, I don’t know what I can say, so I just try to keep the account up. And if you’re just retweeting stuff that you find interesting or putting up showtimes, it seems like that has got me by since the last banning.
But at the same time, we’ve got elements those takes her as hot as the sun that need to be on there. They’re not on there. The Laura Towers and you and Mike Penovich, Warren Balogh.
I mean, there’s just a lot of people, well, even Kevin MacDonald, Dr. Kevin MacDonald. And it is quite random, but it is the place to be! And after that knife attack, things were going crazy on Twitter.
This is what’s interesting. It’s typically not so much a high profile account that is delving into controversies these days because everyone thinks they can get banned really easily, right? So no one wants to lose an account with 50k, 60k. I was watching Anthony Akumia, [sp] who’s interesting, he follows me. He’s got a giant account on Twitter and typically he over tweets something with a comment but the comment isn’t going to get him banned, right?
And so that was happening a lot with the knife attacks. And that’s one of the reasons, I think that things are getting so radicalised in America, is that you don’t have really honest discussions. It’s just kind of like all these side discussions and you see this horrible shit all the time, pardon my French.
And so you’ve got these big names over tweeting something with a pithy comment, but you really can’t have any, like Mark Collett comes out and you could paste your videos up on Twitter now. Mark Collett comes out with a video discussing the knife attack. And Collett’s video is right up on Twitter. And that would be something that would really help us, you know what I mean? With the counternarrative. They’re not allowing a really complete counternarrative. So you just watch these horrific crimes after horrific crimes and then you’ll have these smaller accounts that will just be pillaring things.
I mean, they will just be going all in, but there’s a lot of spurgery there.
So it is kind of an interesting place.
But if you’re not there, you can’t really have the interactions of Elon Musk retweeting you, or chiming in or Joe Rogan. And not that those guys are a big deal other than the type of eyes you’re going to get, you know what I mean, on those particular messages, which is important for us.
Being Banned from Talking About Anti-White Events
Mark Collett: You see, it bothers me, obviously a great deal that we’re seeing all of this anti-White violence from these migrants.
But I think what bothers me more is two things. The first is that we are absolutely banned from talking about these things, which makes it hard to discuss them in an open way.
Now, obviously, we’re on Telegram, we’re on Gab, and those sites are great, especially Gab. I think what they’re doing with Gab is absolutely brilliant! What Andrew Torbis has done there is really good. I think Gab is the closest thing to being Twitter with free speech, far closer than Telegram, which unfortunately there’s so many Fed posters and anonymous accounts and it’s so easy to sign up. It can often be a cesspit full of just trouble causers, whereas Gab just seems to be more genuine and decent people. But largely we are banned about talking about these issues. And that’s the first worrying thing.
Anti-White Violence Becoming Less ‘Shocking”
And the second worrying thing is over a period of time, I feel that these knife attacks and these outbursts of anti-White violence by these migrants have become almost so expected that I don’t think people are even shocked about them anymore.
And obviously there seems to be this almost people have become oversaturated with these stories and I find that amazing. A few years ago when Sadiq Khan was quoted in the press as saying sort of:
“Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city. It’s part and parcel of big city life.”
And essentially deal with it. Everyone has to just put it to one side, put it out of their mind. It happens. But that’s a big city thing. He was attacked pretty heavily for saying that and rightfully. So saying that you should just accept that terrorism is part of our lives if we’re going to live in big cities. But what do you think about people becoming oversaturated with these stories and it’s just not having an effect on normies anymore. That these things have happened so often that people are now just taking them as part and parcel of life?
Tim Murdock: Well, what’s happening in America as the saturation has occurred because you really don’t have a saturation of a counternarrative other than Dems are the real racist, or we can’t talk about racists, playing in the hands of the enemy. We don’t have really someone out there just blasting the anti-White narrative at a big level.
We have the words out there, we have the phrases out there, but no one’s really taking it up at a very big visible level. I’m sure that’ll happen one morning because where there’s demand, there’s going to be supply.
But in America what you have is just everyone is kind of looking either leaving or moving to different states or they’re starting to move at the local level or collectively getting together. And I do not know where the powers that be are heading with these various different themes and things like that. But people don’t want to lose their job and they’re trying to think of what can we do? So they’re asking the Right questions. There’s not anyone to take up the counter narrative at a very big level to mobilise to get that type of action that you’re looking for.
My guess is that’ll happen. Probably unexpectedly and it’ll be pretty crazy when it does. The longer it goes, the more extreme that’ll be. But I have a feeling that’s coming there’s just too much opportunity in it, especially in like unifying some elements of America.
And you cannot operate an empire. And America is an empire from the top of Canada. North America is an empire from the top of Canada to the bottom of Mexico, right? Depending on where you say it’s a continent, North America. If anyone messes around there Washington and New York and they’re going to be freaking out.
American Empire and Instability
And so that is their empire. And their empire is a financial empire, right?
And so you cannot operate a financial empire indefinitely. You can in the short term, but you cannot operate it indefinitely with these type of instability because you see, it isn’t just Americans and it isn’t just British people watching these knife attacks. These things are like gigantic on Twitter. They’re like millions and millions of views for every single one, nearly. Hundreds of thousands of views from even bullshit accounts putting up these migrant attacks or black on White crime in America, or black on black crime.
I mean, this stuff is no longer a Western phenomenon. It is a global phenomenon. And let’s face it, a lot of people on the planet are sick of this stuff!
Look at the reaction of China over Little Mermaid. Now, that reaction is somewhat because just the Chinese, the Han Chinese, and they’re no bullshit. They don’t like seeing, … People from a high culture and civilisation, do not want to see other cultures and civilisations destroyed, especially if they get the feeling that it’s being done by third parties, need outside elements not playing fair. It’s not like you’re in some war where someone gets beaten, in some stand up war. You’re in some slippery game where someone takes over the media and starts doing some crazy shit. Because they envision that coming to their country too.
And so when you look at the reactions, really in total, it comes back to the fact that most of these Chinese are watching this crazy stuff on Twitter. They are.
I mean, they’re not blind. The whole entire world is seeing these crazy crimes over and over again, which creates a great deal of instability and faith in an empire that is all financial services.
When my grandfather was a boy, financial services in America might have been 4%. Now it’s 40. That’s not reality! That’s insane! Now they’re trying to bring manufacturing back and stuff like that, but the empire has problems and that type of thing. And I don’t know if it’s just a force of nature based on the fact that this stuff is happening with such a prevalent rate because of open borders, because of the anti-White narrative, because of institutional anti-Whiteism, hashtag White genocide, whatever you want to say.
But the fact of the matter is we’re reaching a cumulative point where it’s just out of control. The catalyst is that a lot of people are noticing it and it is affecting how people view America, which means it’s going to affect how people view the financial oligarchy that runs America and their ability to move long term. You can’t be holding bonds in the empire right now and not asking at behind the doors meetings, what are you going to do about this?
Because what we see on the streets of America is not exactly a First World Triple A Bond rating. These are questions that are coming up, and they’re coming up aggressively now. Doesn’t matter whether it be from allies like Japan or even the whole entire, quote, unquote:
“Global South.”
So what’s the catalyst to change it? It’ll come. Everything’s in place for the catalyst. We just have to stay on our particular messages, which is what’s got us so much so far. We’ve got the answers. [chuckling] We just need to be able to talk to the audiences in a way that, for instance, like Keith Woods is doing now. That’s why we’re kind of dependent on people that don’t have, that haven’t been banned off 100 different processors or something. You know what I mean?
You got to lay the groundwork and we have to have the mark Collett’s affecting people that are going to go on to affect people because that’s how we get the chain reaction. You can’t ban everybody. And we have a lot more people out there, a lot more talented young guys and ladies than we ever have. And we just have to run our ground game over and over again and let that particular talent express itself down the way that that particular activist, White advocate, whatever you want to call them, deems it appropriate, and then let it shine. And it will happen.
The Collapse of America
Mark Collett: I think for me, the idea of the collapse of America or this giant empire, I think we’re seeing that already. Now the thing is though, when people say collapse yeah, I think everyone expects a collapse to be something that’s very sudden, sort of it happens, boom! But this is very slow. And I would say it’s sort of the difference between an earthquake and a lava flow. Everyone thinks it’s going to be like an earthquake. Boom! It happens. There’s massive carnage and everything changes instantly, but a lava flow changes everything. But it takes a huge amount of time for that lava flow to cover a significant portion of the land and to bring that change.
And I think this big global change has been happening for some time and I think it’s been accelerated significantly. As, you know what my opinions are on the war in the Ukraine. But I do believe that that significantly changed things. And it’s changed the balance of power because the first time in history we’ve had countries break with America and say:
“No, we’re not doing what you say. We’re not going along with your foreign policy. The whole world isn’t in step with judeo-American foreign policy. We are actually going to buy oil where it’s cheap, where it’s plentiful. We’re going to supply arms to people who will buy them, and we can do our own business deals.”
Now that would have been unthinkable in the 1990s, it would have been unthinkable in the early 2000s, but now it’s happening. And I think that is a real marker of the shift in global power.
China and the Shift in Global Power
But I also think we’re seeing a shift in global power, and people always have a go at me because I speak highly of the Chinese. But the Chinese do seem to be embracing a form of racial nationalism and they also seem to be embracing a form of traditionalism and a value system that nationalists would potentially envy here in the West.
Because when it comes down to it, we do want people to be rewarded for doing the right thing. I know their system is a system of Social Credit, but we want some form of Social Credit for kids that study hard and visit their grandparents and help old people across the street. We want to return to moral values. And I think what we’re seeing now for the first time since the end of the Second World War is a genuine, … Well, really, since the fall of the Berlin War, we’re seeing a new global counterbalance to the judeo-American State. But this global counterbalance is basically a traditionalist global counterbalance, as it would have been had another side won the Second World War. So rather than it being a Marxist counterbalance, it’s a traditionalist counterbalance. I think that’s very, very important.
And I think this will definitely aid in America’s sort of slow decline.
And when America’s decline comes, I don’t know what you feel about this, but I feel when it comes, I feel the more homogeneous White states will be the ones that survive the economic and social turmoil.
The American Empire Setting Fires Around the World
Tim Murdock: Well, the Empire, it goes back to, I think, the Patriot Act in my mind, where they backed into North America and they’ve been on what I would say as a long term strategic retreat into their base of North America. And into this strategic retreat what they’ve been doing is trying to burn down various different systems, burn down various different competitors, various different competitor systems all around the planet.
And I think that’s what they’re trying to do around the Eastern bloc. They’re trying to set a fire between Europe, what they call the dirtball countries, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Eastern block. They’re trying to set the biggest fire they can between Europe and Russia, and hopefully they can take down Russia, whatever. And what they’ll try to do is set a gigantic fire, and the Taiwanese may fight as much as the Ukrainians. I don’t know what’s going to happen there. And they might yet set a giant fire in the Middle East. I wouldn’t be surprised on those three fronts because you got Iran, of course, you got China, you got Russia, the axis that is leading this particular planet against the Empire.
And so the Empire has backed into a strategic base.
And as it’s backed into the strategic base, post Trump well, with the election of Donald J. Trump, the gloves came off. They’re no longer pretending anything! Everyone’s getting the White nationalist treatment, including the former president.
Indictments Against Trump?
Mark Collett: How do you feel about the latest indictments?
Tim Murdock: I am somewhat conspiratorial about it. He is hated by various different factions that have colluded against him, all the various different reasons he is hated. What was most unique is Tucker Carlson’s show last night, because Tucker Carlson, who I have differences with, obviously was not wrong last night in talking about one of the reasons they hate him, about speaking the truth on various different issues regarding war. The war with Iran, the war with Iraq and the Weapons Of Mass Destruction. That wasn’t inaccurate. He could have went further, but he’s Tucker Carlson. So I am curious to see who’s coming on his side. What other things they’re talking about besides Donald J. Trump in these particular times? Because I think big moves are afoot. Obviously. It’s unprecedented, so the outcome will also be unprecedented.
The Empire Knows Only One Language
They’re pretty much destroying, the North American elite are actually destroying their very system in front of their eyes. I mean, all the pretences are gone. All the pretences are gone. Everyone knows the score that’s smart enough to know the score on planet Earth. It’s just where are the catalysts going to come from? They seem to only understand one thing, and that’s what scares me as we come into maybe a potential flashpoint with, God forbid, Russia, China, or whatever is going to happen in the Middle East.
And as we come into this flashpoint, the powers that be are articulating over and over again that they only understand one thing, there’s only one language they speak, and sooner or later, there’s going to be a coalition that speaks it very clearly against them.
What that means for me as American, that’s kind of where I’m at right now, because it could become very I would imagine it’ll be. I always say America will be the scariest, craziest, dangerous place on planet Earth one morning. Because sooner or later, the shit comes home to roost, or the chickens come home to roost. Let’s talk PG. And the plans have been cooked up. Vladimir Putin, I mean, I know that he could be gone tomorrow, but I’ve been hearing about this ever since I started podcasting. I’ve been here since 2009. So I’ve heard this:
“Putin’s going to do this, Putin’s going to do that!”
Now, of course, the Chinese Empire is, … I don’t know, I believe when I see it, but sooner or later, these are very sophisticated, long term patient thinkers. Vladimir Putin, I do believe, I have my differences with obviously, I don’t like how pro-Whites are treated in Russia, so on and so forth, et cetera. But I do believe he’s a sincere orthodox Christian. And we think in terms in Western Christianity of turning the other cheek. Well, actually what they believe is patience. Be patient with your enemy.
And if you really look at China, Russia, or even Iran and Israel, these people have been incredibly patient, so much so that no one’s expecting them to do anything.
Now, I would imagine when they go to do something over whatever catalyst they’re waiting for, it’s going to be, stand up and take notice. Let’s hope we survive it.
And so that’s what scares me. They only speak one language and everyone knows it, and sooner or later, a lot of other people are going to be speaking the language back.
Mark on the Witch-Hunt Against Trump
Mark Collett: You see, that’s a really interesting take, the idea of this slow game and the patience. And I do agree with that. Now with the Trump thing, and this is going to enrage the viewers, because there’s always people who absolutely hate Trump, and I’m not his biggest fan. But I will say this with Donald Trump. Whenever you see something like this happen, I always have this gut reaction of who is in the right and who’s wrong, you just get that gut reaction.
And although Trump doesn’t deserve our respect and support, I do think this is just a complete witch hunt and I don’t believe that he’s actually done anything wrong. I think the things that they’re going after him for are basically things they just invented. And if they are things that you can go after someone for, they’re probably really obscure laws that more or less every president breaks or every president tiptoes over the line with, but no one else would ever, ever get indicted over.
So I do think this is fundamentally unfair.
But I will say this unless this is some kind of giant sort of 4D chess where they’re trying to basically build Trump up and make him look like the radical and outsider so that everyone loves him again. This does actually paint him as somewhat of a radical and outsider because they’re not doing this to him because he’s their puppet or because he’s no threat. They’re doing this to him because they want to destroy him and grind him into the dust. Because for some reason, like you said, they hate him or appear to hate him as much as they’d hate any White nationalist. They are giving him the full on White nationalist treatment at the moment.
Tim Murdock: Yeah, I mean, this is what they do to us! [chuckling] This is what they did to you, try to do to you in the UK. This is what they do! They manufacture stuff, they split statements, they bring you up on some type of technicality or something. These laws that they’re applying to Donald have never been applied to Hillary Rodham Clinton. They’ve never been applied to anyone, George W. They’ve never been applied to anyone really in American history, or at least not in a long, long time.
4D Chess Move – Israel and UFOs!
But when it comes to the RFK Juniors or the Kennedys and the Trumps, for some reason the establishment does not like them! And that establishment again, is multi-ethnic by and large under their control, meaning jew and gentile alike. You’ll see this.
And I think that the 4D chess move, if it’s being played, will be played out of Israel. If there is a 4D chess play.
And you want me to get crazy? Want me to get conspiratorial? [chuckling] And it’ll have a connection to UFOs! If there’s a 4D chess move, it’ll involve Israel and UFOs.
Mark Collett: Explain yourself, explain yourself! You’re going to be able to justify this madness! We’re 40 minutes into the show and we’re talking about UFOs and Israel!
Tim Murdock: Well, you might have seen some UFO propaganda of late? Tucker Carlson’s first show hit on UFOs and everyone’s panning it! On one end of the equation, you have every smart person I know that doesn’t believe in UFOs saying:
“Well, that’s just going to be some type of rigged deal or some type of bullshit. I have no doubt it may be.”
On the other end of the question every single heavy hitting commentator, political pundit on this planet is talking about UFOs. I don’t give a shit if they’re in China, Russia, Israel, Russian, Israeli generals! All the way to Tucker Carlson. And say what you want to, but these are Grade A propagandists.
So information can’t be produced for no reason. Images are not embedded in people’s minds for no reason. Sooner or later, someone’s going to pull the trigger on something.
Trump Accused of Having Top Secret Documents
Donald J. Trump is being accused of having top secret government documents and keeping those government documents for a particular reason. We don’t know what all he had, and we don’t know how all that can be spun. Could it be spun toward, quote, unquote, “ET”? Why not? Why wouldn’t you?
Anytime you have something weaponised in the public space, I don’t care whether it’s White genocide, antiracism is a code word for anti-White, the reason you have it in the public space is so someone can step up one morning and do what needs to be done with it, whatever that means. And those are power plays in the social space, okay?
So if I say the word aliens and this is a fact, and this fact is not disputable, there’s a whole percentage of people on the planet immediately thinking of little grey dudes. There’s no evidence that there’s little grey dudes. There’s no evidence at all. But that’s quite an image that someone put into your head. That’s a power play, all right?
And so you have this in this split social space where you have all the smart people that don’t believe anything other than it’s a false flag, and you have all the people in charge [chuckling] coming back to the message, well, that’s going to end up colliding one day.
And so the question would be, what would it take to make Mark Collett shit his pants and be a believer or really freak out one morning? And that’s really the discussion here. What are they talking about doing, and what are their timelines? Their timelines are now! Because they’re coming back to the meme full blast. And that’s what you do you seed the message. You come back to it. You seed the message. I don’t own the mainstream media. If I did, that’s what I would do. Right?
Religion, Israel, 4D Chess, Secret Documents
And then you hit it full on, no breaks on the train! Message 24-7! Because there’s a percentage of the people, 10%, whatever, that are going to be true believers. Now, are they going down a religious angle? Absolutely! That also involves Israel. There’s probably a dozen different sideshows they’re going down. What they’re willing to do, I don’t know.
But my guess is if there’s any 4D chess, anything conspiratorial, Israelis, UFOs, the whole gamut. And it has to do with those damn documents, or they’ll say it has to do with them. Now, again, this is why people tune into me for this type of thing. [chuckling] Because when it comes to this type of propaganda.
If you want to learn propaganda, you learn it by looking at the UFO stuff.
Because if you can put images in people’s heads that’s power, it’s real power! And sooner or later, someone’s going to make a power play off of it. And the Zionists are pretty much up to bat, if you haven’t noticed. [chuckling]
Mark Collett: Well, that’s an interesting take. I’m not following. No, I’m not following. I don’t think there’s going to be anything to do with UFOs. I think Tucker Carlson is talking about UFOs, but I think it’s a safe thing to talk about. I think it’s a, …
Tucker Carlson Talking About UFOs
Tim Murdock: Think about this. Let’s say Tucker Carlson did a five minute segment talking about the biggest deal in the world. And the biggest deal in the world is some guy that worked for the CIA.
And this is what he basically, in a nutshell, some guy that worked for the CIA. Some third party said that he knows that they had crashed UFOs and alien bodies. That is a big deal, if that’s true! It’s the biggest breach in national security in the history of the world! UFOs landed with aliens several decades ago. Okay?
But the fact of the matter is, someone made it safe for Tucker to say that. That takes a lot of energy, because this isn’t the rag of your local, I know in Britain you have these local rags that say all kinds of crazy stuff! In America, we had something called the National Enquirer, or they might still have that they talk about Bigfoot and aliens, all kinds of crazy stuff! But this is Tucker Carlson saying, this is Tucker Carlson running down an episode of the National Enquirer. Like, I’m standing in the grocery line with my mom and a kid, right? Think about the energy that takes right?
Now, we would much rather him do that segment on White genocide. He’s not doing that, but he’s doing it on aliens. Why is that information being produced? And what type of energy would you have to have to make something that outrageous, more outrageous than White genocide? Which is the worst run conspiracy ever being talked about on a national show by a character like that, When he first came on Twitter? The first things he talks about in that episode, ten minutes long, but he talks about UFOs.
Well, I mean, a lot of people are saying he’s an asset or this or that. But the question is, why is that information being produced? And you’re saying it’s just safe for them to talk about stuff like that.
Propaganda. And this is an important point. People ask me:
“Why do you think things like the Great Replacement, the planned extinction, or what I call White genocide, why do you know, those are existing?”
And I say there’s two things, two things we know in the English speaking world. What is the definition of psychological operations? The definition is simply this. It’s a phenomenon that we can all see! Can we see open borders? Is it objective? Can we notice it? Yes! Is it in White countries and only White countries, seemingly? Well, yeah, for some reason. Every time there’s an Eastern Bloc country open up, let’s say Hungary:
“Oh, you got to have immigration!”
And they’re not talking about White immigrants from America, not talking about Britons, English people, they’re talking about Africans. Right?
So you have this phenomenon that we can all see backed by propaganda that we can all watch. Correct? Multiracial propaganda, immigrant pro-immigrant propaganda. Great Replacement, the pedal to the metal!
Psychological Operations
So if we have propaganda that we can all see, backed by phenomenon that we can all see, that is the definition of psychological operations. That’s not random. That’s not possible. They don’t do random! There is no random at the top of the planet! If it’s random, maybe at a local level, you could have something random, but nothing that broad is random.
Now, with UFOs, you got a big problem, because we got global, we got, like, Covid, right? Covid was confusing for us, Mark, because it was global! And you’ve got some heavy hitters putting in their card, let’s say, okay, Vladimir Putin. And me, and you agreed on this point. This is the mysterious part of Covid. We have definitely propaganda. You have a phenomenon, we have something going on, and you’ve got the Chinese and the Russians developing vaccines. And we’re like:
“What does this mean?”
Because the ideal that Qi Jinping is going to try to kill all the five year olds in China, I’m just not buying it. Are they giving them saline? I don’t know. But with the UFOs, you do have the propaganda that we can all see. We’re trying to understand the importance.
Now, the phenomenon. I don’t know anyone that’s met “aliens” other than illegal aliens. I don’t have credible people, other than we got Tucker Carlson now talking about CIA guys that are talking about knowing that they had crashed UFOs and alien bodies. But that’s a big deal. If that’s true.
And so that’s what we have. We don’t have the phenomena. We don’t have Independence Day where they show up at the door. And this is the funny thing. You could hover over top of capitals of a lot of countries on this planet and blow up, totally wipe out their political class, and most of the planet would probably celebrate! That’s the danger for Washington. If there’s anything out there, and I doubt there is in any conventional way.
So, anyways, if you have a propaganda, …
Mark Collett: Look, there is stuff out there. Look, there is stuff out there! The universe is infinitely vast.
Mark Collett: You’re just going to work on the law of probabilities. The law of probabilities says that we live in the Milky Way galaxy. In the Milky Way galaxy. There are millions of stars. In the universe there are billions and billions of stars.
Now, obviously, for a planet to support life, it has to be in that Goldilock Zone, that area where it’s not too hot, but it’s not too cold. Planet can support an atmosphere. Planet can support water. And usually one would expect the planet to have to have a rotation so it wouldn’t be tidally locked.
Now, other planets like Earth that conform to that will exist elsewhere in the universe. And we do believe that there might be life within our solar system, microbial life on Titan and other moons of Jupiter and Saturn that may have water on them.
However, the idea that that life would develop like we did and then manage to develop some form of interstellar travel that would be able to get them from their planet to our planet is basically infinitesimally small! And that’s because to do that you would need to travel faster than the speed of light, which is impossible. And light years are basically not a time. They’re a distance. A light year is the distance a Beam of light travels in a year.
So when somebody says, this planet here is 250 light years away from Earth, that means even if you were traveling at the speed of light it would take you 250 years to go from here to there. So that would be several generations. And some of these planets are thousands and thousands of light years away from Earth.
Tim Murdock: You sound very rational. The problem is, that what I understand from propaganda, and there’s one thing that if you learn. I mean, if you have a phenomenon or this type of pervasive propaganda with so many powerful parties involved, they’re obviously going to go somewhere with it. And it really doesn’t matter how rational we are that particular morning. Our side will probably be fine. We just have to survive it and we have to see what they do. But they’re going to do some damage if they go down this particular road.
Tucker Carlson Wants to Make Money So Talks About Safe Crap
Mark Collett: No, look, Tucker Carlson’s talking about aliens because it’s a safe bet. And he wants to talk crap and make money, okay? He’s not doing it because aliens have visited us.
There’s been all this stuff about Area 51 and aliens. And when anyone comes up with a conspiracy theory, or when anyone comes up with a hot take I like to go and read both sides of the story. And basic knowledge of physics suggests that if an alien race did come to this planet they wouldn’t be idiots who would then crash into the planet like bumbling fools. They would have to have a system of interstellar travel which was faster than light. And once you’ve broken one of the fundamental laws of physics you’re so advanced that these creatures could essentially alter laws of time and space.
What’s more, for anyone that’s looked into interstellar travel, or funding interstellar travel, or successfully using the resources in a solar system, they would know what the term “Dyson Sphere” is. To successfully utilise all of the energy in your solar system and to raise yourself off your planet in that way, you need to be able to build a Dyson Sphere. And a Dyson Sphere is basically encasing your own sun in a giant series of plates which would essentially absorb it’s energy and transfer it directly to your planetary use. That is something that’s very, very technically, …
Not Suggesting There’s Going to Be Aliens
Tim Murdock: I’m not suggesting there’s going to be aliens. If there is anything alive, Mark, it’s simply basic physics. 99% of all matter in the universe is plasma. We humans occupy only 1%. And our 1% is based in solid, liquid and gas. Only 1% of the universe is solid, liquid and gas.
So what you’re suggesting is there’s no other life form in the 1%. If there’s anything bigger in nature, it would obviously come from the plasma. That’s just common sense. And it wouldn’t look anything like we expected. Right?
So when we’re dealing with Galileo, when we’re dealing with Einstein, you’re dealing with the physics of the 1%. When you’re dealing with Nicola Tesla, you’re dealing with the physics potentially of the 99%, plasma physics, which operates totally different, there’s, totally different.
Mark Collett: If life, …
Tim Murdock: Let me finish. I have no idea. This cat’s calling for us to meet in the middle. All I’m asking is one question. Why is that information being produced? You’re saying it’s being produced just because it’s being produced. But it’s no longer produced as a National Enquirer.
You’re not really laughing when you have very serious people. And it’s not just Tucker Carlson. I’m just using that as an example. You can use dozens of other examples, like Israeli generals and shit like that. Or people in the EU. They’re not doing this for no reason. They plan on doing something. I’m not saying it has anything to do with aliens being real! I don’t know. I’ve seen nothing to conclude they are. I’m more on your point on that.
But information is not produced for no reason. They’re not putting this type of money and power behind it for no reason. It isn’t just a distraction per se, other than maybe a power play distraction, sure. But they’re going to ultimately have to have some phenomenon that’s going to get noticed. And the question is, what would I have to do to turn Mark Collett on his head that morning? And that’s the uncomfortable question. And I don’t know what they could do. Or to turn Tim Murdoch. What would they have to do to make me really think hard [chuckling] about what’s going on so they can save their banking empire?
Mark – No, I’m Not Following Any of This
Mark Collett: No, I’m not following any of this. You see, I think the simplest explanation is usually the one that is true.
So when you see a huge number of a certain ethnic group running the banking sector, and the banking sector has never been good for our people, there is a conclusion that something is going on. And there is a very simple conclusion to that.
Equally with the UFO stuff. And Tucker Carlson. There is a very simple conclusion to this. Tucker Carlson was flying too close to the sun, talking about the things that he was talking about. That was actually bothering a certain section of America’s elite and the judeo-American state. He got booted from Fox News. Now he’s basically doing the easy thing. And what’s better for his audience? What’s better for us? What’s better for him and what’s better for us? What’s better for us if he was talking about illegal aliens? [chuckling] What would be better for us if, …
Tim Murdock: He was talking about both the whole time! Tucker Carlson led. The reason he’s the key guy is because he led the way. He was the big one that blasted when the New York Times came on the alien message. It’s almost like someone at the top of America gave the alien message an official stamp. It’s no longer, for instance, if you’re in the navy or the air force and you see something weird 15 years ago, if you reported that, you could get blacklisted, like:
“Look, we don’t want to deal with this balls in the sky and UFO bullshit!”
Now, of course, they’re taking that stuff seriously. Officially! If you get reported, you’re not getting blacklisted anymore, you’re getting brought into senate and Congressional hearings. There has definitely been a change in bringing this out into the public. I don’t know the reasoning for that. Maybe late games to keep bread and circuses, as you say. But Tucker Carlson has been a key component of that, and there’s a lot of conspiracy theories on potentially why his dad, CIA. I don’t know if any of that’s true, but the fact of the matter is, he’s always been coming back to this particular message the last so many years on Fox, and that was the first thing he talked about on Twitter as well.
Mark Collett: It’s more likely that Tucker Carlson is trying to reduce all of his other talking points to the dust bin by talking about something that ridicules, that would bring ridicule to his other talking points. If you’re saying to the American public:
“Look, you’ve got to take this issue seriously. You’ve got demographic change. You’ve got anti-White policies, you’ve got White people being discriminated against, and the aliens are here!”
One of those things may well bring ridicule upon.
They Are Going to Use This UFO Stuff Somehow
Tim Murdock: Well, he didn’t actually say:
“Aliens are here and run for your lives!”
It’s nothing that corny. He’s coming back to a message, but he’s using official sources, meaning he’s using sources that the average viewer has to consider legitimate unless they’re in our camp, maybe, or unless they’re very skeptical. Right now, everyone’s so skeptical that you have all these mainstream figures coming back to this particular message, and you have everyone so skeptical, and I don’t know where it’s going. I’m simply making a point.
But I don’t know how it’s going to go. I’m just making you aware of this, that you’re going to be surprised one morning with what they do. And they’re going there very quickly. I don’t know how they’re going to do it. I don’t know what they’re going to do, but they’re going to do something!
I know enough about propaganda that when these type of messages are out there, when people in all these different areas of power in various different countries are coming back to this, especially in America, coming back to this particular message that has so much money behind it! And they’re coming back to it from rags that typically have credibility, at least to the establishment. Well, they’re not doing it for no reason.
Now, you can say that’s a very interesting theory about Tucker Carlson. He puts this in there to discredit all his other stuff. That could be. But I don’t think all these other people, I don’t think the New York Times is talking about this stuff just to discredit their whole entire, all their liberal shit. But they’re not doing it for no reason. Information is not produced for no reason. It’s too expensive. People either have agendas, political agendas, or whatnot. But go on.
Mark Disagrees – It’s Going to Be More White Genocide
Mark Collett: See, I disagree. Do you know what I think is going to happen? I don’t think I am going to wake up and be surprised. I think things are going to keep getting worse and worse!
And as things get worse and worse, the government is going to take away more and more of our rights and freedom.
Tim Murdock: Well, that is true
Mark Collett: Yeah. Until we’re all living in 15 minutes cities without cars, on some kind of social benefit that the government pays us and is contingent on us saying the right things and being good boys. And at the same time, migrants will pour in both legally and illegally. And you’re going to see more of what happened in France, and you’re going to see more of what happened in Nottingham. You’re going to see more of what happened in Skegness, where a White girl was, you know, raped in the same park that, you know, Patriotic Alternative activists and speakers, you know, held a rally a few months ago. You know, all of these things are the real issue.
Tim Murdock: Not literally.
Mark Collett: And I feel that for me, when I hear somebody like Tucker talking about aliens and UFOs, it makes me want to put my fist through my bloody monitor! Because I’m looking here at the complete eradication of not just our people, but of our civilisation and everything that we’ve built. And at the same time that’s happening, we’re not going quietly into the night. This isn’t us peacefully slipping away as people. We are being raped! We’re being brutalised! We are being dispossessed.
And as all that’s happening, we are being humiliated as well. They’re not just doing horrendous things to us. They’re spitting in our faces as they’re doing them! And I look at all of that happening, I look at everything that we are facing as a people, and then I hear Tucker Carlson talking about UFOs, and I apply sort of basic science and basic physics to what he’s saying, and I wonder to myself, what is his game? And I don’t particularly trust Tucker Carlson.
And one thing that made me very, very angry with him is when he was on a roll and when he seemed to be doing the right thing and people were pinning their hopes on him being the next Great White Hope. He had his little rant about how he would vehemently oppose and object to any politician coming up to him and saying that they stood for White people. And any guy who says he’ll give the middle finger to a man who says that they’re going to stand up for White rights, but at the same time is there using his new show to talk about UFOs, my spider sense is tingling. And I look at this man, …
Tim Murdock: He’s used his show the whole time. Someone was greenlighted to bring this stuff that was normally an Enquirer and an outlier sort of propaganda piece from Hollywood that was overwhelming across the planet. But someone greenlit it to bring it mainstream, if you will. Maybe another form of bread and circuses. I don’t know. They’re going somewhere with it. That’s my only point. I’ll either be right or wrong. And you can, …
When is This UFO Thing Happening?
Mark Collett: What’s the time limit? We need a time limit for this argument so we can revisit it.
Tim Murdock: It’s 36 months at the max.
Mark Collett: 36 months! I might be dead in 36 months! That’s too long!
Tim Murdock: Yeah, I mean, well, they’ve been at this how long? When’s the first time you heard about aliens in your life?
Mark Collett: I know, but look, I think aliens is something that we would naturally talk about. And I think we would naturally talk about that because as we became a space faring race, we would look and think, well, are there other space faring races out there?
And as I said, the laws, …
Tim Murdock: They are legitimate discussions. You were having one a minute ago. I’m looking at it from a pure propaganda standpoint.
Mark Collett: No, I think there are legitimate discussions, but I think when I see people like Tucker using that, I see him sort of straying into the Alex Jones kind of area where he’s talking about things which are safe.
Tim Murdock: He friends with Alex Jones. He admitted in his book his job is to keep the peasants from grabbing the pitchforks and the torches! So, to your point.
Tucker Has the Voice, Millions of Ears
Mark Collett: So why are you giving this guy any credibility, then?
Tim Murdock: Because he has the voice. He has the ear of millions. What does his video have on, like 100 million views or something like that?
And so I think the reason I would look at mainstream media and what messages they’re producing, especially if it’s some type of outlier and this is an outlier, something got greenlit. You can go back to his first show when he started talking about this particular subject. He didn’t just start talking about it 20 years ago or ten years ago. He just started talking about it, maybe in the past six years, this particular UFO stuff, and he talked about it again using mainstream, …
I mean, if you’re dealing with New York Times, you’re dealing with what people consider mainstream, right? We don’t consider them credible, but a lot of people do.
And so you’re looking at a particular phenomenon that’s coming to head.
Now, I’m not up to date on everyone in the UK involved, all the different Ministers of Defense, and I know there was one that you would consider credible, the average British person. But you’re just not dealing with cranks and people online. You’re dealing with mainstream elements coming out with this stuff. Just be aware!
Mark Collett: Just because somebody’s in the mainstream doesn’t mean they’re not a crank. Do, you know what I’ve got in my hand here, Tim?
Tim Murdock: What
Mark Collett: Shall I show you?
Tim Murdock: Go ahead.
Mark Collett: Do, you know what this is?
Tim Murdock: Cell phone?
Mark Collett: Yeah. Do, you know what model?
Tim Murdock: No
Mark Collett: It’s the Samsung Galaxy S10?
So it’s quite old now. It’s got, I think, about a 13 megapixel camera. But the new ones, the really good ones, they’ve got like, I think what is it on the Samsung Galaxy 23? I could look it up. I think they’ve got like, about a 200 megapixel sensor. Do, you know how sharp the images are from those cameras?
Tim Murdock: They’re good.
Mark Collett: They are. And it always amazes me that you’ve got all these UFO fans and all these people have seen these incredibly weird things, and all these people have seen ghosts and Bigfoot, and they’ve seen the alien invasion with their own eyes, but they’ve never even got a Samsung Galaxy S Ten, let alone like, the new one. They’re always walking around with, like, a Nokia 3210! [chuckling] Like a half a mega pixel camera!
Tim Murdock: They had some good cameras in Las Vegas just recently. We’ll see where it goes. I’m just making you aware of the phenomenon
Tim Murdock: Smear some grease on it dropped some sand on it, and then they’re taking it through the Turing Shroud. The picture through the Shroud. So you kind of get the picture that there might be a bit of a light in the distance. Just a thought there.
Donald Trump as a Saviour?
Tim Murdock: The chance blowing up on Project Bluebeam, and what I would say about Project Bluebeam is that if you’re going to go down this angle and we’re going to play a game, let’s say we’re going to try to fool people, let’s say we’re going to make Donald Trump a saviour, which you suggested. Make him a saviour, right?
I mean, Tucker Carlson’s on that tip, that’s what he’s saying. Donald Trump’s being and he’s being persecuted in a way that we’ve seen others be persecuted. It’s not fair, right? We can agree that it’s fundamentally not fair.
So what would you have to do you’re not going to be able to do with just Project Blue Beam. Even if it’s real in the way people think it’s real, you’re not going to be able to do that with just holograms. You’re going to have to do a lot more crazy stuff than that. I don’t know if they have the technology for it. That’s what I would say, and I don’t know if they could do it, not fall flat on their faces. It may just be a laugh.
But you don’t have this type of propaganda for no reason. And that’ll be my final point. It’s not just for shits and giggles and circuses and stuff like that! No, they’re going somewhere with this one.
I actually hope I’m wrong too.
Mark Collett: In a very friendly and cordial way, I disagree. I find discussion of UFOs and aliens fascinating. I think I’ve looked into it. Well, I’ve spent far too much time looking into it. I tend to look into everything. Like when the flat Earth bubble sort of grew, I spent a lot of time looking into that as well, because people said:
“Look into this, Mark.”
And I tend to look into things with a very open mind. And I do look at these things and I do my own sort of mathematical calculations. I look at what both sides say and I do come up with what I think is a rounded consensus.
It’s quite funny because I do believe that there is something really up with these Covid jabs. And then some people are like, oh, they think that [chuckling] I’m a conspiracy theorist for that.
But then there’s other things that I reject. So I certainly do reject either flat earth or the idea that aliens, …
Information is Not Produced for No Reason
Tim Murdock: I would be concerned with flat earth if I saw it to be like a mainstream narrative carried by the likes of the New York Times and Tucker Carlson’s, and Defense Ministers from the UK and Israeli Generals all talking about this, then I would think they’re going somewhere with flat earth. Not that it’s true, but from a propaganda standpoint, information is not produced for no reason. But we haven’t really seen that with flat Earth. Flat Earth is kind of like an outlier. You have people online going at it over. It’s not like something, …
They’re out to Get Trump Because He Gives People Hope
Mark Collett: I’ll say this, I think they’re out to get Trump. And they’re out to get Trump because Trump gives people hope. He doesn’t give us hope, but he gives lots of normies hope. And he gives normies hope because he talks about things like migration and borders and he signals that anti-Whiteism. And he does all these things and he gives people hope and they want to crush our hope and they want to crush anyone who gives us hope. And they want to have us living in fear.
And I think they want to send us a message that they can crush anyone, whether it be former President Trump, down to Ricky Vaughan. I want to say down to Ricky Vaughan. That’s not meant to be a knock at Ricky Vaughan, but he is a lot smaller fry than former President Trump.
And I think they want to say:
“Whether you’re a January 6 protester or whether you’re the man that the January 6 protesters were protesting on behalf of we’ll crush you all, and we’ll crush you mercilessly for anything, so watch your backs!”
And that scares a lot of normal people.
Tim Murdock: Trump is an avatar. Someone called him in the chat that is appropriate avatar of White populism. That is what he is and that’s what they’re looking to crush. I would agree with that. I don’t know what is going to happen.
Crushing Trump Won’t Scare Genuine Nationalists
Mark Collett: I think this. The only people that the crushing of Donald Trump isn’t going to scare is genuine nationalists, because they’ve been trying to crush us with that level of force for forever, for decades!
If you look at what they subjected Germany to at the end of the Second World War, that is the level of ferocity that they will use to stamp out any nationalist alternative! If they have to, they will fire bomb cities and melt women and babies in the street as they boil in molten asphalt and tarmac. They will do that if they have to. They will starve us, they will beat us, they will brutalise us. But they don’t have to do that for most normal people! For most normal people, the public destruction of Donald Trump will be enough to put most people back in their place.
Tim Murdock: Well, we’ll see. I don’t know exactly what type of protest and what games are going to be played. Most people saw Jay Six, which was called Civnat Seville, Civnat Charlottesville. And most people saw these events, and they don’t want to go to another one. So we’ll have to see if they actually do put him in prison.
The one conservative headline I found amusing was that Hitler was put in prison. [chuckling] As if Donald Trump would be Hitler, but Hitler was put in prison. Putting him in prison may actually help him, but [chuckling] I don’t think there’s no one on his side that we can see, at least, in the establishment, at the levels of power. It would have to be some type of wild, renegade, regular American folks that busted him out of prison, is what I would say. But what’s he going down for like 1000 years, and I think he will go on trial.
Mark Collett: I think it’s 400, but by the time you go over 400, it might as well be 1000!
Tim Murdock: Exactly! It’s like infinity. So we’ll have to see where they do they might put them in prison. Sure, we’re going to see. Israel is going to save him [chuckling]!
Making a Conspiracy Documentary for Bitchute
Mark Collett: Do you know what? I might call it a day doing these shows, and I just might start inventing my own conspiracy theories. I’ll just upload to BitChute for millions of views.
This week is going to be:
“Trump to flee America, go to Russia, team up with Putin, be armed by aliens, and then retake the USA, bringing back traditional Christianity with him, which was all developed by aliens because Jesus was an alien!”
That would be the entirety of it.
Tim Murdock: That would be Discovery Channel, though. That’s Discovery Channel right now.
Mark Collett: I think that’s a good conspiracy. One’s in the chat, if you’d watch a documentary made by me on that.
Tim Murdock: The thing about those conspiracy sites, though, that I’ve always admired is they make a lot more money than us. [chuckling] That’s the funny thing about it. They get more views and they make more money. Unfortunately, we’ve got to talk about the heart. I am only looking at it from a propaganda angle. I don’t really examine what’s true and what’s false that I can’t really prove, because, …
Mark Collett: People in the chat are lighting it up with their happiness at me making that documentary!
Tim Murdock: Make the spoof with cutouts of Tucker Carlson and make your point, because you made some good points. They need to be heard.
Mark Collett: Maybe. So [chuckling]
Tim Murdock: Have you uploaded to Rumble yet?
Mark Collett: Yeah, some of my videos are on Rumble.
Mark Collett: People would love it. Rumble, where videos have apparently got 2 million views, but only 100 likes. I’m not convinced that site isn’t a psyop either.
Anyway, let’s do some of these Superchats. VM gave $3. Thank you so much! He said:
“I’ve always been fascinated by what life is like out there in space, but when I wanted to hunt for the truth behind every conspiracy about them, I ended up here.”
Yeah, well, exactly. And, you know what? I would recommend this. There are a lot of really good documentaries made by sort of just regular people who have done some research on YouTube about the universe, about other solar systems of the planet. I watched one the other day. I think it was the top ten most terrifying planets to live on.
And obviously you couldn’t live on them because they are absolutely unlivable. But it does make for interesting learning. And I do like to learn about the universe. What’s out there has always fascinated me. And just to reiterate, I am absolutely convinced that 100% there is life out there. 100% there is intelligent life. I just am very doubtful it would get here.
Flying Dutchman gave $20. Thank you so much! He said:
“In 1977, convicted murderer Hamida, …”
I can’t pronounce the last name:
“A Tunisian was the last person to be guillotined in France. They should think about sharpening their national razor for future use.”
Yeah, and, you know what? I agree with that. I think if you’re a child killer, if you go out there stabbing children, you deserve the death penalty. And what do you think to this going back to reality here, Tim?
Tim Murdock: I’m surprised he even made it to the police station. In America, there was a time when someone was running around with a knife trying to stab children, you wouldn’t make it to a police station. They wouldn’t be tazzing you. They would just shoot you dead! And you’re probably still that way in a lot of neighbourhoods. Right? That’s kind of what normal people do when someone has a knife and they’re trying to stab children. You take that threat out.
Now, I guess if he’s laying on the ground with his hands behind him, he’s surrendering or whatever, they might arrest him and take him to the police and figure out, why is this lunatic doing that? But he was in an area that was incredibly safe and unarmed, right?
Mark Collett: I would say one of the things that bothers me about this, and I do appreciate the Superchat, but one of the things that really bothers me about this is I agree with the Superchat. I agree that people who go and stab children deserve to face the death penalty. But I wonder how long it will be legal in this country to say that you believe that the death penalty should be brought back?
Tim Murdock: Well, there is death penalty in various different states in America. You’re talking about in Europe? Europe wise?
Mark Collett: Yeah, I’m talking about in the UK. How long it will still be legal for me to say something like:
“I believe that he deserves to face the death penalty for that.”
Because I think, …
Tim Murdock: That’s a good question. Is that free speech? The speech codes are so Orwellian, I couldn’t even begin to navigate them. Is that hate speech against him saying he should have the death penalty? It’s a good question.
Mark Collett: It might be seen as hate speech. And it might also be seen as threats to violence. I remember one of the few times I actually got a notification on Twitter about a tweet being deleted, was to do, and this is insane! It was actually to do with me saying that a convicted paedophile deserved the death sentence. And they said that I was threatening his well being and that I should and asked me to remove the tweet.
Tim Murdock: Wow, that’s crazy! I think the UK is probably one of the craziest, maybe outside of Germany. You might get something crazy in Germany for that, maybe France, but the UK is absolutely nuts! Scotland, we’ve seen crazy stuff in Scotland. Ireland is going that direction, I guess. But when was the last time you had the death penalty in the UK? Who was the last person put to death? Do you know?
Mark Collett: I think it was after the Second World War, and I know the actual case, but I don’t know the year. It was two men who had carried out some kind of burglary and one of them had a gun and the guy with the gun was mentally subnormal and the other guy, the policeman, said:
“Hand over the gun.”
And the other guy shouted to the mentally subnormal guy:
“Let him have it.”
And the mentally subnormal guy opened fire and killed the police officer.
Now, that resulted in a very long drawn out case where the man who gave the order was, I believe it was, hanged. And there has always been a debate over that particular issue because the defense stated, he said:
“Let him have it.”
In the way of give him the gun. The police officer said:
“Calm down, just give me the gun.”
And the other guy goes, let him have it. And the defense said he was saying:
“Let him have it. Give him the gun. It’s over, we’ve got a surrender.”
But the prosecution successfully argued that when he said:
“Let him have it.”
He was telling his accomplice to execute the officer.
Tim Murdock: Crazy stuff!
So it’s been that long. I thought it was the 70s myself.
Mark Collett: I think that was it anyway, I think that was it was in 1965, the death penalty for murder in Britain was suspended for five years. In 1969, it was made permanent. But it wasn’t until 1998 until it was abolished for all crimes. And it was still treason in 1998. On August the 13th, 50 years ago, this article, why does it say 50 years ago? Why doesn’t it just say the bloody date? That’s annoying, isn’t it? I’m trying to look for the, …
It was in 1964 was the last time anyone was actually executed. At 08:00 am on the 13th August 1964, two men convicted a few weeks earlier of murder were led to the gallows at separate prisons in Manchester and Liverpool. No one involved knew it at the time, but Gwen Evans and Peter Allen were the last executions before capital punishment was abolished. And I do believe that that is the case where one of them told the other, “Let him have it”.
So, yeah, I think that was it. I might be wrong, though. The case I’m talking about definitely happened and it created a lot of debate.
But anyway, yeah, so that is that. We’ve got some more Superchats then. Alec Yard Stick gave $5. Thank you so much! He said:
“You should watch the 1985, Day of the Dead film for your next film review. Mark. Best zombie film. In my eyes, it’s an absolute [word unclear]. Also slightly based.”
Well, sorry, my friend, I can’t do that because Beerhall Pooch already gave us $50 to review The Machinist, which was very generous.
So we’ll move over to Odysee now and do the Superchats on Odysee. Remember, look, there is still time to Superchat if you want. And remember all these Superchats, if you’re watching tonight, please do consider giving something, whether it’s just three $5, a little bit more if you can afford it. It’s very important that people do donate. Because if they donate it allows me to carry on doing this full-time for a living.
And obviously I do work full-time for the cause. I’m always working hard for this cause.
Superchats – Cantwell
So if you can afford to donate, it’d be very appreciated. Beerhall Pooch gave 14.88. Thank you so much! He said:
“Hail Tim! Ace personal chat with Cantwell! Not heard you speak like that before on all the history. Can you get Full Moon Ancestry back on for a catch up? Not heard for moon ages. Hope the whiskeys not got hold of him. And he’s writing his novel. I’m well, by the way, this tourist is always a purist.”
Yeah, he did something with Cantwell. Did you get on well with him?
Tim Murdock: Yeah, I brought him on for an interview and he wanted me on and it was probably one of the better interviews anyone’s done of me. Maybe ever. Maybe ever. So he’s really professional guy when it comes to doing interviews. I was really impressed. Really impressed.
A lot of stuff he’s working on is very interesting as far as behind the scenes stuff that can help us out, long term. Systems and various different ways to get out shows and stuff I don’t want to go into details with, but he’s definitely an impressive guy. But no, I was really surprised with the questions and how much research he had done and the quality of questions. It was one of the better interviews. I’ve got it up on Odysee and I reposted it because it’s such a fantastic interview. Just like I repost when I’m on Patriotic Weekly Alternative, Weekly Review. I always get the two messed up.
Superchats – Jazzhands McFeels
Mark Collett: Okay. We got a fraction of a penny from What Too? And he said:
“Will Jazz Hands McFeels be doing more shows with you Tim? His Fash the Nation podcast got shoahed [as in Holocausted].
Tim Murdock: It didn’t get shoahed. It didn’t get shoahed. He put things on the back burner for the time being over something that had happened. He was supposed to come on my show Monday and he missed it.
Mark Collett: What do you mean? I never hear about any of this gossip.
Tim Murdock: Neither do I. I didn’t hear about it until he was coming on my show and didn’t show up. [chuckling] I was asking Warren Balogh like:
“Okay, I can’t get a hold of Jazz Hands!”
I did a message out to Jazz Hands and Warren said:
“Oh, he’s gonna be there, because I was just with I was just talking to him the other day and he was talking about coming on your show Monday.”
So I’m like, okay. I’m not really worried about it.
But then he never got back with me and he just, like, disappeared off the radar.
So I don’t know what’s going on. But he’s out there. He’s taking a break for a while. And he’s doing various different projects. He’s taking a break from Fash the Nation. I don’t think he killed it permanently. He’s taking a break.
Mark Collett: I hope not. But Fash the Nation is sort of like, …
Tim Murdock: Yeah, he’s a genius.
Mark Collett: Fash the Nation is sort of the premiere, sort of weekly nationalist show, unless you can, …
Tim Murdock: Yeah, well, it’s going to take a new form now, but I don’t know. I wanted to have him on my show and had him booked, but he didn’t show up, so I had to wing it. Which happens time to time.
Superchats – Immigration Reform in Japan
Mark Collett: That is unfortunate. Well, good luck to him because he’s a great friend of this show. Glenn 19, gave $2. Thank you so much!:
“Did you hear about the brawl in the Japanese Parliament started by a Leftist politician, Taro Yamamoto, over immigration reform? Legal immigration is exploding in Japan. It’s just to placate the public by going after illegal immigration.”
I have not heard about that, but that is very interesting.
Tim Murdock: Yeah. They started opening up Japan over the past so many years, and now they’re trying to put the pressure on them. I think it’s going to be intriguing to watch and to see how effective it is. I know that there’s a video that I’m going to be playing. I’ll be live at 04:00 pm, and I’ll have to jump off a couple of minutes early with Mark, before I give him advice on his new documentary or his next video he’s doing, which is going to be a blockbuster. I’m going to volunteer some stuff for him.
But there’s a video where the Japanese police, … And they’ve got all these people coming into Japan right now, and they’ve got people with video phones, Somalis and everything else messing with Japanese citizens, and they’ve roughed up Johnny Somali, there’s no doubt about that.
And so I’m going to play a video and talk about Japan, and it’s one to watch. There’s only so much some of these races are going to take before there’s somewhat of a backlash.
Now, what the Japanese authorities do with the backlash is you’re going to have the (((usual suspects))) that are in cahoots with Washington and that are pushing gay rights and the global homo and open borders and multiracial everything, and they’re going to try to crack down on any type of Japanese backlash. But I’m curious to see what forms the backlash take and how coordinated that is within the Japanese establishment.
Mark Collett: Okay. Glenn 19, also said:
“Taro’s party Reiwa Shin Shagumi is pro-minority rights and pro-refugee. Times are changing fast and occupied Japan.”
Yeah, I agree with that. America’s control over Japan will obviously lead to horrible things for the Japanese people. I mean, it’s already led to horrible things for the Japanese people, but it’ll lead to more horrible things.
And I certainly wouldn’t want America, well, America does control Britain, and I don’t want it to!
Superchats – Islam vs Anti-Whiteism
D Seven, gave $10. Thank you so much! He said:
“None of the recent anti-White knife attacks in Britain and Europe seem to be motivated by Islam. It seems to be all anti-White hatred.”
Yeah, we didn’t end up talking as much about this, but I wanted to because we ended up talking about bloody UFOs! He says:
“Proves that race always trumps religion or any other category. Whites need to learn this lesson before we can win.”
Now, I’m going to have a take on this before I give this to Tim, because I want to say this. I’ve spent my entire life talking about two things, really. One is jewish power, and the other is obviously demographic change, mass immigration, whatever you want to call it.
And I’ve always talked about that in terms of the transition from White British to White British minority.
And it’s important to say that over the last few years, what I’ve talked about has attempted to be subverted by other groups that have wanted to make it all about Islam. So:
“It’s great if black people come here. It’s great if Christians come here from other parts of the world. It’s great if these sorts of people come here. We need all the Japanese brain surgeons and Chinese industrialists. We need all these people, but just not the Muslims!”
And these last two attacks that you’ve seen, the Syrian in France was apparently a Christian, and this black guy from West Africa, well, I don’t think he was a Muslim. He had dreadlocks.
And it’s important for me to say very clearly, this is why I’ve always railed against demographic change as a whole! Not because I’m not zeroing in on the real problem, but because the real problem is far bigger than just Islam. And people who want to talk about just Islam are people who want to live in usually a safe, Zionist dominated space where certain special interest groups try to buy this movement, try to buy the nationalist movement, and direct it into being just an anti-Islam movement, rather than dealing with the big issue, which is demographics. I don’t know if you want to add anything to that, Tim.
Tim Murdock: No, I don’t have anything to add.
Mark Collett: Okay. Serena J. B gave $8. Thank you so much, my dear. And she said:
“Antiracist Hitler is brilliant! Keep up the good work.”
You are brilliant, Tim. I want to tell you that as well.
Tim Murdock: Thank you.
Mark Collett: Let’s just look at each other uncomfortably now for a few seconds so it can be clipped out. Oh great! Back to Juan Anderson gave $5. Thank you so much!
“And so there seems to be more unity among the Right now. Even Nigel Farage is calling for unity. Tim, is something similar happening in the US.”
Tim Murdock: No. Well, you have the people that are coming out, let’s see, against the establishment prosecution of Trump, and people that are silent on that. And that’s probably something to watch in the Republican Party and people that are taking one side or the other. And like, even the Senate Republican leader, he hasn’t taken a position on Trump yet publicly, I don’t think. If he did, he did it in the last, 24 hours.
Superchats – Lauren Southern’s Marriage Break-Up
Mark Collett: Okay, Carlotto asks me a question for one Odysee token. Thank you for your penny, my friend. A penny from my thoughts. He says:
“Mark, will you address the Lauren Southern situation? She recently admitted that she married a Fed and that she’s broken up with him.”
I’ll address it briefly. Look, I called her out before anyone else did. I was the guy that made, I think it was an hour and a half long documentary on her about how she was working with Hope Not Hate. She admitted that she was working with Hope Not Hate, how she was going to crap on everybody. She crapped on everybody about how she was going to sell out. She sold out!
And then she ran off, married a Fed, and apparently had a child, which is at least partly non European, despite the fact she has millions of European simpy men paying her way. Now the marriage has gone wrong. She’s rubbishing her husband on social media. Ex-husband. Husband. I don’t know if they’re still married.
Tim Murdock: I didn’t know she had ADHD. Did you?
Mark Collett: No. She claimed he had ADHD, didn’t she? Or does she have ADHD?
Tim Murdock: I read it like she did. Maybe I read it wrong. I don’t know a lot about her. I just glanced over it. The only thing I know about Laura Southern is she made a documentary about South Africa and White genocide, which our side has made, all kinds of stuff like that. But I remember that. That’s the only thing I remember that I thought was even decent.
Mark Collett: Well, here’s my hot take. She’s blabbing all over Twitter about her failed marriage, as if she’s on an episode of The Jerry Springer Show. And she’s doing that for two reasons.
The first reason is quite obvious. She wants your money. If you’re a single White male, or maybe if you’re a White male who’s with somebody but you fancy her, she wants your money. She doesn’t have a guy paying her way anymore. She wants you to pay her way. She is selling you a sob story because she wants you to donate. She now is single and you can be her e-husband. You can pay her way. Don’t do that, guys. It’s pathetic!
And secondly, she’s playing this all out on Twitter because obviously the breakdown of the marriage was her fault. When the breakdown of the marriage isn’t your fault, you don’t need to get your story in first. You just walk away with dignity. You hold your head up high, you tell your friends, your family, and you say:
“Look, things didn’t work out, but I’ve got a clean conscience.”
And you walk away. When it’s your fault you have to get your story in first and blab everywhere and give your twisted version of events and make out you were really the victim, which is what she’s doing.
And I guarantee you she’s doing that. Because she isn’t really the victim! She’s manipulating her fan base, who will now all be hoping that they can take on her and her child and they can be her new baby daddy! It’s pathetic! She’s pathetic! The people paying her are pathetic! And reducing your life to an episode of The Jerry Springer Show on Twitter for donations is just the icing on the cake for that woman. It’s the icing on the cake. Absolutely terrible shameless! And I can guarantee if you track down that fella and ask him for his version of events, they’d be very different to hers. [chuckling] Trust me on that!
Tim Murdock: That’s coming. And there was a take on Twitter that I’ll be talking about in about an hour that I thought was a fascinating take. And it was a take about what was unforgivable is the fact that her choice in husband [chuckling] was the Twitter take was this is something she did. She made a choice in husbands that was like the worst choice you could make to come back into nationalism and stuff like that. It was kind of an interesting take because it was worded in a way that gets around a lot of rules. But I don’t know. I can’t remember exactly. I was unprepared for this.
Mark Collett: When you have a woman who is basically the darling of the dissident Right, that every content creator and White man, donor content, consumer producer, in the movement would want to date, marry, and breed with, and she runs off and marries a man who isn’t completely of European descent and works for the Feds, that’s a wrongun! And that’s not a good woman! That’s not a good woman! If you could have the pick of every White man in the dissident movement you want, and you end up married to a non-White Fed, that’s an odd choice.
Tim Murdock: An Asian, too, which is kind of like jumped out, Asian. All right, okay. Asian fellow, Chinese.
Superchats – Tucker is a Fed
Mark Collett: Somebody said this. And we obviously won’t be answering this in depth because he gave 0.26 of a penny. And he said:
“Tucker’s father was a spook and so is. He when you get a job in the BBC in the past and post, 2001 spooks, check you. Tucker is not a saviour. Remember that. He keeps the line aliens is just Alex Jones space. He’s trying to make Internet mainstream, and captured.”
Tim Murdock: No one has said Tucker is anything toward a saviour.
Mark Collett: You did! That’s what you told me before the show when you were showing me your Tucker Carlson branded underwear. I wasn’t, …
Tim Murdock: [chuckling] Interesting fun fact. You want to know who worked for Tucker Carlson’s father?
Mark Collett: Go on.
Tim Murdock: In the anti-communist, in the Cold War? No less than Robert Whitaker.
Mark Collett: Very good!
Tim Murdock: Interesting connection.
Mark Collett: Indeed. Olivia gave $14. Thank you so much, my dear. You’re always very generous. And she says:
“Evening gentlemen. Excellent show. Has a date for the RAF Scampton demo being announced yet?”
12th of August. All of the good nationalist groups in the UK are coming together for that. Look out for more details. I was on the phone with the wonderful Anglo Joe today. We were talking about this. It is definitely on. Set that date in your diary. We’ll be advertising it heavily. Archie gave $4. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Tim and Mark are both wrong. The light that landed in Las Vegas this week produced hominid like aliens that breathe oxygen. Obviously, ET life likely is carbon based, breathes oxygen and travels faster than light using hot wormholes without any craft. They also travel nude!”
[chuckling] Thank you!
Tim Murdock: Bigfoot’s coming through wormholes!
Mark Collett: Maybe next time gave $3. Thank you so much!:
“Can we blame someone in a cave in Afghanistan if the aliens turn up?”
I don’t know who we can blame. If aliens turn up, obviously, I’m going to be proved greatly wrong.
So, yeah. 24 hours gave $5. Thank you so much!:
“Fun show tonight.”
Thank you. He says:
“PA, I was pleased to receive my Patriotic Alternative membership pack through the post today. Thank you.”
Yeah. You can now join Patriotic Alternative for just three pounds a month. You will get a proper membership pack through the post, invitations to all meetings and priority bookings for conferences, et cetera. You get a lovely membership card with our new mascot and logo, which is our Red Squirrel. So look forward to that.
Anonymouse. I love your name, by the way. Gave 14.88 and he said:
“I believe I found the woman that I’m going to marry and I’ll soon have three children from her. She’s half Scottish and 100% European. I will buy a house for our family soon, too. We’re in our mid twenties, but we’re moving to South Africa so we can afford the life we want.”
Well, good luck and hopefully you’re moving to Orania and not, … When you say you’re moving to South Africa. Please, that’s a really nice story. Please say you’re moving to the White bit. Thank you.
RMA gave $5 and said:
Much appreciated, my friend. Remember, guys, there is still time to donate tonight if you want, and all donations go to a good cause. The Resident Baker gave $5. Thank you so much! He said:
“Superb show, as usual. Tim is a great guest and his takes are excellent.”
Yeah, it’s been quite a fun and different show, I thought. We’re going to be all doom and gloom about the stabbings, we’ve ended up having, …
Outline of Spoof Video
Tim Murdock: I gave you the overview of your largest video you’re ever going to do, and it’s the time when you need to do it. You need to do the spoof video. You’ve got the outline, but there’s a couple of things missing between Trump, aliens and the Russians. You’ve got to work in his documents and you’ve got to work in the Israelis, and him in a jail cell. An AI picture of him in a jail cell looking buff, by the way. We want buff Trump! Maybe even riding T-Rex. He could ride T-Rex to the rescue. An actual T-Rex. I don’t know. You could do a fun video, Mark. You can do a fun video.
Mark Collett: If T-Rex was to come into it, it would have been engineered and grown in a lab in Wuhan.
Tim Murdock: You’re going to do that and so many donations are going to come in. You’re going to be, why didn’t I do this?
Mark Collett: Do, you know what? This is why I’m not going to do this video. Because if I did this video, I would make more donations off that one video than I have for all of the videos I’ve done.
Tim Murdock: It would be demoralizing, wouldn’t it?
Mark Collett: And I would just kill myself. That would be it. You’d hear the donations, like the cash register going, and as it was going wildly, you’d see me sort of sobbing and then you just hear a click, boom. And that would be it. Lights out! Couldn’t cope anymore with the reality that’s a really good place. [chuckling] It’s obviously a joke.
By the way, I don’t endorse suicide. Stan One gave 500 Odysee tokens. Thank you for the beans, my friend.
By the way, all the crypto is going low again, so you might as well give me all your magic beans and I’ll look after them for you. Stanwom said:
“Heard JP. Morgan paid $290 [million] as a settlement to the victims of Epstein. Looks like possibly hush money with lots of Covid ups.”
Indeed. And he said:
“Great show, great guests as well.”
Thank you so much! Michael 57D is always a long term supporter of the show. Thank you so much! Said:
“Hail Mark. Hail the gods. Hail Tim. Mark, do you have a second Telegram account where you promote digital currency, or is that an impersonation?”
Look, if anyone asks you for digital currency and it’s not me on this show tonight or any other show, so you can see my face if anyone messages you pretending to me asking for crypto-currency donations, I have never done that. I’ve never, ever sent out emails, private messages, asking people money. I never would. If you send me donations, I make it all public here what people send. You know what I get. I would never harass people or harangue people like that. It’d be cringe. And you’ll never get stuff like that off me.
So if you are getting stuff like that off me, it is an impersonator. Do not give them money! Scaredy Cat. The lovely Scaredy Cat. Thank you, my dear. She said:
“Hi, White rabbit. When you used to wear a cap, there was a band of shadow across your eyes. I also saw a photograph of American soldier awkwardly lining up elderly villager against his hut. I thought of a project to get his iris scan of all Afghanis during the 20 year attack on them by the US government. Why don’t you wear your cap anymore?”
Tim Murdock: I typically don’t have my cap on for interviews on this system. It just depends. I’ll have it on for a few minutes. Just in a few minutes at 04:00 p.m if you tune in on my other machine, I’ll have on a cap. It’s just hats. Sometimes I sell hats, so if you sell hats, you got to wear them.
Mark Collett: I was bitterly disappointed when I saw him without his hat on because I thought, Tim had Val Kilmer’s hair from Heat, this beautiful, flowing Viking.
Tim Murdock: Been on your show before with my, …
Mark Collett: I’m joking! I know. I was just making a joke about you with sort of long, flowing hair, which obviously isn’t going to be.
Tim Murdock: This is a fake. It’s a fake bald cap.
Mark Collett: Imagine that, [chuckling] though. Imagine if after the show, you just sort of peel back a ball cap, val Kilmer’s viking locks, and you were just like:
“Right, now I’m going to go and turn over security trucks!”
That would be fantastic. Obviously, I’m not suggesting anyone does go and turn over security trucks. I’m just mentioning that because we reviewed Heat the other day. I could work that into my Trump documentary.
A 24 Hour Stream
Alex the Nemesis. Thank you so much! He gave $5. He said:
“Keep up the cross promotion of dissident content creators. Should organise a 24 hours super show with a slate of guests.”
Look, if I’m going to do a 24 hours super show, I would need to be paid. I would need the Superchats to be fat for that! Can you imagine how bad I would be after 24 hours of constant streaming, just living off Red Bull and not eating?
Tim Murdock: I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t do it.
Mark Collett: I could do it, but it would nearly kill me. I think the only way I could do a 24 hours stream is it was like a 24 hours gaming stream, and I had loads of Red Bull, and that way I would be pepped up with the adrenaline of doing the gaming as well as the Red Bull. But if it was just interviews, …
Tim Murdock: I’d have to have my hat on backwards. It would be a tough show.
Mark Collett: It would be tough. But if people want me to do a 24 hours gaming stream just for fundraising, I suppose I could. But it’d have to be something where I was properly locked in. And it has to be on like a Saturday starting at maybe 07:00 pm on the Friday night and going to 07:00 pm on the Saturday evening. And that way I could go to sleep at like 7:30, and by 7:30 on Sunday, I’d have recovered. It have to be carefully planned. It has to be carefully planned.
Tim Murdock: Mark. And I want to thank you for coming on, for inviting me on the show. It’s always a good show. There’s a little bit out of the box show, but we got a lot of out of the box things happening.
Mark Collett: Have you got to go now?
Tim Murdock: I do have to run now. I got to be live at 04:00 pm. And we all got to make a living. But you guys keep giving to Mark Collett here, and when you’re done, …
Mark Collett: Jennifer Lopez says:
“Everyone’s got to make a living!”
Tim Murdock: There you go! [chuckling] And keep giving to Mark Collett here. Support Mark Collett. He’s a stand up guy. And I do appreciate you guys supporting the show and coming on. I’ll be live at some time after four here in a few minutes.
Mark Collett: Brilliant! Well, I’m going to do the rest of these very generous Superchats. Thank you so much, my friend. We’ve got to bat on. 36 months, if the aliens haven’t landed, you owe me a [word unclear]
Tim Murdock: I don’t know if they’ll land. It could be interdimensional, it could be underneath the ocean. It might be something.
Mark Collett: Listen to this absolute shilling! Do you know what?
Tim Murdock: No, I’m going Hollywood. Hollywood had aliens coming out of the Pacific, so I’m going with Hollywood.
Mark Collett: You know what? He’s moving the goalpost because he fears losing the bet. I’ve given him the 36 months, but now it’s not, …
Tim Murdock: I talked to UFOs. I didn’t say anything about aliens. I said UFOs. They may or may not involve something conventional. I don’t know.
Mark Collett: Well, look, I’ve got 15 minutes.
Tim Murdock: They might be AI from another world. What if they’re AI from another world? That’s technically not alien.
Mark Collett: He’s moving the goalpost. I’m not having this, Tim. I’m not having this. Look, you have a good night, my friend.
Tim Murdock: [chuckling] Aliens controlled by Israel?
Mark Collett: I thought it was Trump controlling the aliens.
Tim Murdock: No, he’s controlled too. Maybe he’s a hologram, who knows?
Mark Collett: I’ve got to answer these Superchats. Right, I’ll see you later, my friend. Do you have a good show? It’s been good.
Right, we’re going to do the last of these Superchats with just me. It won’t be as entertaining because it is just me. Max One Anderson gave $1 and said:
“Help. I drunk a Bud Light and started to fill like a woman. What should I do?”
Counter your Bud Light by drinking a pint of Peroni. That is what I would do. VM gave $3 thank you so much! And said:
“Hi. Mark, please get Woodlander back on sometime. He’s launched a new land buying initiative that would be good to talk about. By the way, happy 14th, on the 14th!”
Well, thank you so much! I will get him on. David Peterson gave $15. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Can you talk about the immigrants murders in Nottingham, and the woman who slaughtered her own baby and got jailed to it for the outrage of feminists?”
Well, David Peterson, thank you so much for that Superchat. I will be doing an entire video for you on Friday.
In fact, I have got one of my trademark 12 to 15 minutes videos teed up that I am doing as we speak. It’s all scripted and ready to go, so I’ll answer that for you on Friday.
Superchats – Nottingham Killings
But as for the Nottingham killings, I spoke about this earlier. This is exactly why the big issue is immigration. It isn’t just Islam. These murders in Nottingham tell you that the multicultural society is fundamentally unstable. And it’s not just unstable because of Islam. It’s not a happy utopia plus Islam, which makes it rubbish. It is bad, not because of Islam, but because, by nature, multicultural societies don’t work with or without Islam. Anywhere you look in the world where you see a multicultural society, you find even naturally occurring multicultural societies can end in genocide and warfare.
If you look at the British Isles themselves, how many times have the English, the Scots and the Welsh gone to war against each other? It’s actually worrying.
But when you import people from all over the world, from vast distances away from one another, who have huge cultural, racial, ethnic and religious differences, you’re going to have these clashes. Now, this guy is obviously not a Muslim, he’s a West African. And I know that they’re going to say it’s mental health issues. I know that they’re going to say, this is a guy who was serious history of not being cared for in the community correctly, all that crap.
But again, it’s a migrant.
And I’ve got to say, he’s here legally. This is one of David Cameron or Boris Johnson’s guys, isn’t he? He came here legally. We were told legal migration will sort out all these problems. Well, it hasn’t. It’s just brought more problems.
As I said many times before, illegal immigration is the tip of the iceberg. Legal immigration is the huge mass underneath the water that poses the real threat. Last year, if we’re taking government figures, 52,000 illegal immigrants came here. 1.2 million legal immigrants came here! How many legal immigrants are like this West African man in Nottingham? Who knows? It’s basically a crapshoot. How many of these people pose this threat? Well, I would say, how many is a significant amount. I was going to say a significant amount, but a significant amount. Who knows? Who knows?
But what I’ll say is this. These people come from a part of the world where things like this are much more common than they are in the UK. By importing them here, we increase the likelihood of things like this happening in the UK. The safe path is not letting them in. Closed borders save lives. Open borders destroy lives.
Superchats – Mike Graham and Nigel Farage
Now, I’ve had a Superchat which came in offline. It’s from a good friend of ours called Marcus Reinsbury Mellish, whose Twitter handle is at Mellish. Marcus on Twitter and he asks:
“Should we be encouraged by the likes of Mike Graham on Talk TV, opening his show last Friday with a monologue that mass immigration has wrecked this country? I’ve had a three year running debate with Mike on Twitter Reimigration, but he seems to have changed course. The whole show then took the theme, and caller after caller was saying the thought of things nationalists would say, I’ve noticed a real change in the Overton window lately. How encouraged should we be by this? PS. I’ve challenged him to invite Patriotic Alternative on the show.”
Well, thank you so much for that, Marcus Reinsby Mellish at Mellish Marcus on Twitter. I’ll say I’m encouraged by people talking and about this more and more.
However, and there is a big caveat to this, there is a big “however”. And the however is this. Fundamentally, we have to treat people like Mike Graham talking about our issues with cautious optimism. Mike Graham is always someone who historically said that race doesn’t matter, that he wanted more immigration, as long as it was legal, that people who talked about demographic change were either conspiracy theorists.
Now, if he is genuinely changed, I am happy about this.
And the other day when somebody sent me a video of Nigel Farage saying all this stuff about demographics and how it was very worrying, how big cities were changing and how he had a little rant about the changing. Demographics of cities like Birmingham and Manchester. All of that filled my heart with joy only for a few days ago, Nigel Farage To released a short video saying how his greatest fear was not of mass immigration, but was. That this mass immigration would lead to another British National Party emerging and would see genuine scary far-Right politicians coming to prominence in Britain.
And that is something that I look at and it enrages me! Because people out there are getting so damn excited because Nigel Farage paid a little bit of lip service to our talking points. And as soon as he pays lip service to our talking points, he then dials it back. He dials it back by saying the big threat isn’t the migrants, the big threat is in fact the issue that the migrants might cause a genuine nationalist alternative to rise up, a group like Patriotic Alternative.
Because what he wants is for people to settle for a Tory Party Mark II. And Tory Party Mark II is obviously either the Reform Party, which used to be called the Brexit Party that he used to head up, or it’s a new party that he’s going to form to talk about immigration.
So he takes millions and millions of pounds more in donations and leads people and another merry dance for him to cuck out. And you’ve got to remember, Nigel Farage did cuck out. When the Brexit Party took on Boris Johnson, Nigel Faraj said:
“He would stand Brexit Party candidates in Conservative marginal seats to ensure that the Conservative Party were given a bloody nose over their bungling of Brexit.”
And what did he do? At the last minute he withdrew all of those candidates in those marginal seats.
Why did he do that? Well, he did that because he’s always playing to the establishment, he’s always playing to their agenda, he’s always wanting to be part of that little crew, the people who make good money writing for newspapers. He secretly wishes that the Brexit vote had resulted in him becoming a Lord. And that tells you a lot about him. That’s why his biggest issue, that’s why his biggest issue is not immigration, it’s that immigration might lead to somebody like me gaining a foothold or having some real power in the UK.
And that’s why I don’t trust him and that’s why I don’t trust Mark Graham, Mike Graham. Sorry.
And I think that we should still be happy that Mike Graham is being forced to talk about what we’re talking about. But don’t get so excited about this! Please don’t get so excited about it! And not only should we get excited about this, but we need to hold this guy’s feet to the flames. If he’s starting to talk about it now, we should keep him talking about it. And we should force him to keep talking about it, because this is the biggest issue of our time. And it can’t be allowed to be just a flash in the pan.
I’ve seen this all before. Remember the summer of BLM when thousands of new people came to watch us on Odysee and DLive? And then it trickled away. We don’t want this to be something people talk about and then move on to the next big thing, as if this is no longer an issue. This is now normal. It’s something that’s just happening. This has to be something we talk about relentlessly. I know it’s boring sometimes because how many times can you make a video on somebody being stabbed? How many times can you make a video on migrants pouring across the border or small boats or double dealing politicians letting more immigrants in? But we have to keep hammering this away! Because they’re saying 2066 is the figure that we get.
But it’s not going to be 2066, is it? It’s going to be something like 2055 at the rate we’re going. Maybe even late 2040s. We need to keep getting people like Mike Graham to talk about this.
And well done! From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much to everyone who’s put pressure on that guy. Keep it up! Cautious optimism. But let’s hope he’s not a Farage who ends up dialing it all back, only to say that he thinks the greatest threat isn’t the immigrants, it’s the far-Right that might benefit from those immigrants.
Superchats — The Invaders Won’t Stop Coming
David Peterson gave another $5. Thank you so much, my friend. Very generous. Right. He said:
“The invaders won’t stop coming and our government, whatever the party, won’t stop them. The number of the invaders in one day is greater than the number of protesters we have out against one migrant hotel. How can we realistically stop this?”
What We Need to Do to Succeed
Well, thank you for that rather sobering chat. We can stop this! We can stop this! But to stop this, we have to be sensible. We have to do this the right way. We can’t keep doing things in the tried and failed ways that we’ve done things in the past. We have to build a genuine community. We have to motivate the people within that community. And this has to be clean. It has to be accepting. Nationalism has to be something that is acceptable and that normal people can buy into!
It can’t be an excuse for people to wander through the streets of our. Cities, having a few tinnies, throwing a couple of Romans and then going down to WeatherSpoons for a couple of beers, before getting a kebab on the way home. This has to be something that is smart, professional, and that women, children and families can come on board with if you look at the successful parties on the continent, they are well dressed, well disciplined, they are professional. They present a face that people can get on board with, that normal people can get on board with a great guy, a great friend of mine, he’s a really lovely chap. He rang me the other day and he said:
“Why do you think there has been a total lack of women on board the nationalist scene in the UK? But you go to Eastern Europe or you go to continental Europe and there’s loads of women on board?”
Well, the answer is quite simple. Look at the nature of their marches and the way they present themselves and look at the nature of our marches and the way we present ourselves. It’s important that we are the best we can be so that we’re a beacon of hope for people.
When I went to that first Skegness demo, when there’s 400 people there, I met the most wonderful and lovely woman. She came there with her two daughters and her husband. And her and her two daughters had sat up the night before making homemade placards so that they could hold them up at that demo. I took her address and I actually sent her a gift in the post to say thank you to her and her family, for being there, because that’s the kind of people we need on board.
And I urge everyone, please be with us in Scampton on the 12 August. Look out for the dates, look out for where we’re meeting. Be there! But be there without the tinnies, without the cans, without the bottles of wine. Be there smartly dressed, well turned out. Bring your wife, bring your children, and let’s make this like Skegness one. Like Cannock one. Where it’s smart, decent people that the public will turn out and join and get involved with. That’s what we need to be!
I’ve had a message here saying that I’ve missed a Superchat, but I haven’t. I’ve got some Superchats here. I can’t see any Superchats, I can refresh my page, I can’t see any other Superchats. I’ve got some on Odysee from Scaredycat. She gave $18. Thank you much, she said.”
Hi again, Mark. Your lovely chat with Serena JB’s question last week was answered by New York City’s black Mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences. This can be read on Mr Lee Rogers website, President Trump opposes this.”
Well, thank you so much for letting us know that. And Michael 57D said:
“Mark, if this isn’t you, you may want to contact Telegram and let them know he’s using your image and name.”
Yes, he is. Thank you for pointing that out. But I don’t see any other Superchats and we are at the end of the show, but if you have Superchatted, please if I have missed a Superchat let me know. But there are no more on Odysee or Entropy, so I have read out everything we have had tonight, so please, if you have Superchatted, it doesn’t appear to have gone through. I can refresh both pages again and see and there is nothing fresh on Entropy and I’m refreshing Odysee again and there is nothing fresh on Odysee and if somebody has tipped something, like a tiny amount, like a fraction of a Superchat, I’ve missed that. Then again, I apologise, but I can’t actually see anything that I’ve missed.
actually see anything that I’ve missed.
So yeah, I’ve gone through them all. There is nothing else there.
So if you have Superchatted, your card will not have been charged because it hasn’t shown up.
Anyway, that brings us to the end of the show and I just want to give a quick shout out to everybody who is part of the protest movement in the UK. Please be with our protest in Lincolnshire against the housing of migrants at RAF Scampton on the 12 August. I will be there as a guest speaker and we have guest speakers from other movements and other parties, including the English Democrats, including the Independent Nationalist Network. And David Clews from Unity News Network says he is going to be there as well. So there’s going to be some big names. This is a big cross party promotion, so please be there. It’s being organised by the Nationalist Unity Group, which I was kindly invited to be a part of and I attended a meeting with them last month.
So if you can be there, please do.
So that just brings me to the end of the show. Massive thanks to Tim for being here. Massive thanks to everyone who donated on the show.
If you want to donate to me outside of the show, please write to me at or consider giving some crypto-currency. All is very, very gratefully accepted because remember, these donations are what I use to basically pay my cost of living, which allows me to work full-time for this movement. But thank you so much to those who did donate tonight.
Finally, I would like to say I am back on Friday with my prerecorded video. I am also back on Friday with Dr. David Duke. If you guys would like me to do some kind of fun stream on Sunday night, I am more than happy to. I can pull something together. If you would like me to do a bit of sort of retro gaming with a friend, or if you’d like me to discuss something that’s a little bit irregular, we tend to do those streams. They’re a lot of fun. Message me if you want me to do something like that.
And as always, the biggest thanks for this show goes to this amazing audience. Thank you for joining me tonight. At peak, we had over 400 concurrent viewers across Odysee and Dlive.
Obviously, we have lost those Radio Albion viewers tonight. If you can like the stream and if you can share it after the show, that would be very much appreciated and I will get the replay up on Odysee and BitChute ASAP. I will see you next week, same place, same time. And our special guest next week is Nathan Demigo. Really looking forward to that because I haven’t spoken to him before, so that should be something really special. Thank you so much! Have a great evening. Stay strong, keep fighting and I’ll see you all again soon. Thank you and good night.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 6/15/2023 = 1114)
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Missed comment from Reed Johnson for $5: “Mark Collett Is the decline of the death penalty a symbol of civilisational decline? Why has the death penalty been canceled? And what’s it going to take to bring it back?”
23 hours ago
I respect you for standing up to Mr. Murdock on the ufo alien topic. You stood your ground and kept bringing the conversation back to whats really affecting whites. Mass immigration. You gained alot of respect from that interaction. I immensely respect Tim, but thank you for keeping the conversation somewhat on the rails. Hail Mark, Hail Tim, Hail Victory.
1 day ago
Toddlers being stabbed is an extremely small price to pay for juicy kebabs on every street corner!
Hide replies
18 hours ago
The normies would agree.
1 day ago
I’ve never heard Mark say “bloody” so many times. This was the most bri’ish he ever sounded lol.
1 day ago
ffs – hes not saying he believes in aliens hes saying the establishment is thinking of using the idea to aid their cause
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20 hours ago
Mark can be somewhat dense and simple-minded…
The Last Gatepost on the Left
11 hours ago
I do agree. With all that he has said, all the good done, Mark was not quick on the ball with Covid being used in the exact same way, I.e aiding the establishments goal. He has said he was, but compared to say James Corbett, Dave Cullen, Thomas Sheridan, Morgoth… he was months behind. Huge respect to Tim Murdoch here. I’m in total agreement.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Ana Kasparian even admitted she herself has been guilty of antiwhite racism.
1 day ago
Jews are definitely great at turning vices into profits for themselves
21 hours ago
What a treat to listen to a stream with two of my very favorite gents. Never stop your respective work, guys. Deus vult.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Sleep tight ALL
1 day ago
Thanks folks. Have a great night.
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
They didn’t invent porn, but certainly mainstreamed it.
1 day ago
Jefferson Lee would be a great guest.
20 hours ago
I cringed watching Mark not able to understand what Tim was saying about the UFO agenda…
1 day ago
thats what happened in canada with the truckers. it just fizzled out after they had the whole of canada’s balls in their hands
1 day ago
Sargon seems to have shifted on this.
1 day ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
– PA needs financial support to get us onto the next level.
1 day ago
Is the decline of the death penalty a symbol of civilisational decline? Why has the death penalty been canceled? And what’s it going to take to bring it back?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s for Mark as the hardest-working Nat in the Movement.
1 day ago
You missed my superchat: “Is the decline of the death penalty a symbol of civilisational decline? Why has the death penalty been canceled? And what’s it going to take to bring it back?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
SPOT ON, MARK! Revolution, not reaction
1 day ago
yea he’s trying to take the wind out of the sails of LEGITIMATE criticism
1 day ago
its the ethnicity. the religion is the BACKDOOR
9 hours ago
In the early 1990’s the Alcubierre drive was theoretically engineered. This “engine” is a faster than light device on paper. Now, if this devise was engineered on paper in 1990, how long do you think it will be before it will be constructed IRL? 100 years? 1000 years? How about 10,000 years? [how many civilisations in our galaxy are 10,000 years or more ahead of us?] Funny thing is, the theoretical energy signature hypothesised to be generated by this device has been detected many times in our own galaxy.
1 day ago
sorry mark that was an insult to my intelligrnce – please dont talk as if you are the only person that knows things
1 day ago
Great stream. That alien rant went a bit over the rails, but it was tolerable. G’bye white folks. Now I am off to watch werewolf flick The Howling (nothing can beat American Werewolf in London btw)
1 day ago
Exactly, the backdoors existed, jews used it to its fullest
1 day ago
Fare well and Hail the Gods
1 day ago
because I don’t think that Jews are the root of all problems. Because to me it’s a little bit more complex than that. Like pornography. Jew didn’t invent one. It existed long before a first Jew stepped on US soil. They realized they could make a huge profit on it and they legalized it.
1 day ago
sounds like farage is classic example of controlled opposition
17 hours ago
How many of you trust Tucker Carlson?
17 hours ago
Tim might be right. There is a reason they’re using this aliens narrative. And it is not because aliens and UFOs exist. Tim was not saying that aliens exist. He is saying that they’re going to use it for something down the road. And he does not know what that is.
20 hours ago
TIm is the best, always on the money. UFO shit is propaganda, exactly like he is saying.
1 day ago
Link to White Rabbit Radio’s show live now!
1 day ago
JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.
1 day ago
goodnight all
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
Mark, if this isn’t you, then you may want to contact Telegram and let them know. He’s using your image and name.
Aaron Kasparov
1 day ago
Most people in the mainstream are what they’re paid to be. They know how to get their bread buttered and who’s doing the buttering.
1 day ago
Follow The Woodlander:
Dissident Echoes
20 hours ago
Tim Murdock is always a great guest.
1 day ago
not really. pornography existed in Europe before Jews had any even remotely to do with it. And I don;t think a Jew was in US in the 17th century at least.
1 day ago
this is confirmation of your narcisim… dont you ever examine your own behaviour?
1 day ago
youre missing the point mark,,, maybe youre not as smaRT AS you think – oh btw, the earth is flat
1 day ago
the earth is flat,,, youve swallowed the establishments globe earth propaganda
3 hours ago
Murdock strikes me as confused and slightly unhinged.
The Last Gatepost on the Left
10 hours ago
Like Tim Murdoch, I am not sure how the UFO conspiracy will end, but there is clearly an agenda rolling out with the MSM continuing this narrative, that should be plain to see, therefore it must be questioned. After the last three years, and to simply dismiss it as a “nothing burger” is dangerous. Just ask the millions of vaccinated now who regret having believed the lies and took the experimental shot to their arm. If this UFO debate has a possibility here to divide conclusions between two very like minded people who share common ideologies on immigration, perhaps its being seen as fracturing effect coming from within, the Globalists attempt at divide and conquer?
Awake since 1997
12 hours ago
King Tut
16 hours ago
I too followed the Counter-Jihad movement, before realizing it was mostly financed by Jews, who unironically all support muslims coming to white countries. all these Jew funded anti-Jihad people and groups are all clueless on what is happening to whites. whenever you try to bring the Jew behind the immigration on these sort of sites, you get warned, and eventually banned.
21 hours ago
Do the conspiracy stuff for April Fool’s or even make a second channel just for the lols
23 hours ago
Interesting conversation! Everyone is either into nationalism, or UFOs/conspiracies etc., and I’ve been waiting years for the two to merge.
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
Bye chaps
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damigo is ace
1 day ago
good stream Mark Thx
1 day ago
1 day ago
100 percent true.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
THX I’m in the NL. I just thought it would be helpful to have a link to the demo in the chat.
1 day ago
JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.
1 day ago
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1 day ago
Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man:
1 day ago
– PA needs financial support to get us onto the next level.
1 day ago
Read up on spengler
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
contact your organiser
1 day ago
Email Mark Collett:
1 day ago
@ I’ll have to check when the first Jew came to the U S but I believe it was in the late 1600’s. I don’t know the history of pornography in europe but I do the U S somewhat. no expert
1 day ago
Thanks mate. Much appreciated.
Aaron Kasparov
1 day ago
Depends on who’s being penalized. The thing itself isn’t a sign one way or another. It can be used for good or bad, imo.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Link for the demo?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I’ll tell him. He’ll address it next week
1 day ago
It would seem so
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
I think it is. Its a decline of morality, rather than civilization as a whole
1 day ago
the Iron curtain seemed to have protected them from anti white propaganda for awhile
1 day ago
Cheers Mark, have a good rest of the week folks – 14
1 day ago
1 day ago
until next time frens
1 day ago
Aaron Kasparov
1 day ago
Another difference is the UK has been saturated in Anti-White propaganda for the past 70 years or so. Eastern Europe, not as much.
1 day ago
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1 day ago
1 day ago
We gave them the back door, thats on us. They used it, thats on them.
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Have a good night everyone. 14.
Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago
1 day ago
well put Mark 14
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Jews have been on U S soil almost from the beginning. Jews were always behind porn going back to the previous centuries
1 day ago
Of course, 100%
1 day ago
do you at least agree that we also are responsible for this mess? Because we allowed it?
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Except for PA!!!
1 day ago
Yea, you’re just trying to go down the path of least resistance. It be what it be.
1 day ago
Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
Great Minds \o
1 day ago
sick of it honestly
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
agree 100%. Sort it with him
1 day ago
lolberts seizing the modes of nationalist rhetoric when the system requires them, a tale as old as time
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
Family > larping
1 day ago
He says similar things.
1 day ago
can’t be a LARP
1 day ago
nice slip
1 day ago
farage says our biggest threat is china this is his weakness
1 day ago
lol motorboat
1 day ago
Follow Beer Hall Pooch:
Tweets by BeerPooch
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Or entropy has a jackpot function
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
“The greatest threat are the little green men.”
1 day ago
1 day ago
Jews bring them to european nations, they dont have the agency to navigate/save/plan to cross the globe and land in a completely different climate. U dont want to focus on jews because its where all the risk comes from.
1 day ago
our side doesn’t like to repeat ourselves nonstop. mark is right. repeating our talking points consistently works
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
i think Scardey Cat’s account had a glitch
1 day ago
Every Person woken up to what is happening is a plus for all the efforts
1 day ago
Oh Oh stuck button on the keyboard
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating! Wow!
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
1 day ago
HiAgain,Mark:Your LovelyChatter SerenaJB’s question LastWeek was answered by NewYorkCity’s black mayor Eric Adams, who wants to use the public budget to fund incoming migrants to live in private residences !! This can be read on Mr. Lee Roger’s website “info stormer (dot) com. Pres.TrumpOpposesThis.
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Please quit the huge block text
1 day ago
Mike Graham was a great worker in 80’s Florida championship wrestling
1 day ago
Acta non verba
Better Based Than Erased
1 day ago
and now they’ve placed the foreigner in charge..
1 day ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
i kinda see that as double way track. on one track yo have Jews, who even if you expel them, you’d still have the other track and those are these migrants. Because they think they have to come here, believing that life is easier here than in their countries.
1 day ago
1 day ago
6 times?
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
She’s an ignorant shitlib
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Ah, she is Armenian and not a very based person. (are Armenians white?)
1 day ago
I’ve seen sex changed men with better boob jobs
1 day ago
reform and farage are household names and are seen as safe hands
1 day ago
Yes, because they realize Europe is more relaxed on punishments especially against outsiders because jews are facilitating the whole thing. In iran jews dont have power, so they hang people from cranes if they commit heinous crimes
1 day ago
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1 day ago
farage wants to be with bojo
1 day ago
The loud mouth kinda hot chick from The Young Turks.
1 day ago
IQ is a social construct designed to hinder me becoming a 1980’s supermodel in a high cut bikini
1 day ago
Conservatives across the West have shifted to talking about Antiwhiteism.
1 day ago
Well said. they’re basically this
1 day ago
that’s why they escape to Europe.
Harry Holler
1 day ago
They are sleeper cell soldiers not migrants.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
in iran for example
1 day ago
but 80 percent of crimes committed are from people from Middle East Africa or even India.
1 day ago
disagree mark. they hang people for murder and pedophilia
1 day ago
no non-whites, kick them out
1 day ago
Ana Kasparian
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
o/ :mouse: :flag_israel:
1 day ago
Who is she?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Please quit the block text
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
1 day ago
Harry Holler
1 day ago
yep. Just waiting on the day the race riots begin and they are called into action by their masters.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
England for the English. My grandmother was from England and when she went back in the early 90’s , she was terribly dismayed by how her former neighborhood was now Pakistanis
1 day ago
Odysee superchats: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box.
1 day ago
Rocket scientists and brain surgeons
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
No immigration of any kind.
1 day ago
dont u think all abrahamic faiths are problematic or part of the problem?
1 day ago
havent watched him in couple of years, but back in the day ufo’s were involved nearly every show
1 day ago
It is islam, it is different culture, it is different ethnicity, it is language.
1 day ago
Dude no. his take on this show is on how they would use it for propaganda
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
No. He works on propaganda and psy-ops
1 day ago
no Wotan he talks about pro white issues but delves into various conspiracy theories at times
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
Not even Scrabble?
1 day ago
I am happy for woodlander. I’ll probably join it.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
LIVE after this show
1 day ago
DEBUTS TODAY: The Woodlander’s new website:
1 day ago
“The movement was shattered in 2023 by the Alien Question ”
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
:alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien:
1 day ago
ty tim and crew
1 day ago
Lol. Exactly what you were doing.
1 day ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
1 day ago
aliens from beyond the ice wall
1 day ago
:confused_1: :illuminati_1:
1 day ago
Terror from the deep.
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I dont play games
1 day ago
1 day ago
Dimensional Portal’s
1 day ago
hail tim 14
1 day ago
Haha They’re already here !
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Kamala from the block
1 day ago
good show Mark
1 day ago
Thank you guys \o
1 day ago
1 day ago
mark is an inspiration to American pro whites
1 day ago
loreal, youre worth it tim lol
1 day ago
Farewell Tim 14
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Nice one, Tim. I’ll stay up for your show
1 day ago
\o to Tim
1 day ago
You’re very transparent.
1 day ago
jenny from the block
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Aliens coming!!!!
1 day ago
Follow White Rabbit Radio (Tim Murdock):
Tweets by eurorabbit
1 day ago
learn to read
1 day ago
What was her job or profession? Because she had a lot of money to fly all over the world.
1 day ago
Churchill is a common gentile name too.
1 day ago
Westons 24 hr streams are fire o/
1 day ago
24 hours gaming stream would require alcohol
1 day ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
i tried redbull, makes me pee too much
1 day ago
tim do wig shows sometimes as a joke hahaha
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Imagine someone like Elon hiding that beautiful dome
1 day ago
Simonsen is a very common Danish gentile surname. It’s occurrence (at least in that spelling/pronunciation & other standard variations) is very rarely found in Jewish communities or in Israel (except when having been changed from a previously existing surname).
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
I got one from you only this morniing.
1 day ago
PA Film Club: FILM REVIEW – Heat
1 day ago
1 day ago
Kilmer is not doing well.
1 day ago
i NEED to see him with a wig
1 day ago
Hey, scroll up and look what you wrote. Stop changing things after you said them.
1 day ago
Bald extension’s
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I didn’t know this about Tim.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Drink a six pack immediately. Crash or crash through…
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
youre lying
1 day ago
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Pooch has a White rabbit hat BOOM!
1 day ago
Drink a real beer next?
1 day ago
Mikayla Petersonstein screwed Tate
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating.
1 day ago
I want one of his hat’s
1 day ago
1 day ago
Help! i drunk a bud light. i am starting to feel like a women. what should i do?
1 day ago
Southern sets off my J-dar. Maybe a hybrid.
Sam Melia
1 day ago
I still don’t understand how people are considering if these accounts are real, is it your first day on the Internet?
1 day ago
1 day ago
you said her Rabbi
1 day ago
Did Peterson shower with his daughter too?
1 day ago
might not be true.
1 day ago
shes not jewish i think. i dont think you know what youre talking about. i presume
1 day ago
Talking Donkey
1 day ago
it was Jordan Petersonsteins daughter who screwed tate
1 day ago
Ride the T-rex? IRON SKY 2? xD
1 day ago
I want a demon pig like in the bible.
1 day ago
Thanks for your support.
1 day ago
Follow Tea Time with Sam & Laura on Odysee:
1 day ago
hahah, good one.
1 day ago
I would like a pet T -Rex
1 day ago
that thought is disgusting
1 day ago
lol maybe get F U money and then come back to the movement
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Bit mormon like with the sundee getups
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Sam the Man with the Masterplan
1 day ago
Follow Sam Melia on Telegram:
1 day ago
So do you really believe she turned her back on her own Jewish people?
1 day ago
recent sepentza video tells you all about sa
1 day ago
Keep up the cross-promotion of dissident content creators. Should organize a 24 hour super show with a slate of guests and panels.
1 day ago
1 day ago
didn’t Lauren Southern have sex with Andrew Tate?
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Gab if you can goys.
1 day ago
what do you think. she worked for rabbi media previously
Sam Melia
1 day ago
we could do a full-time channel parodying the mainstream right
1 day ago
Mel Gibson needs to direct that movie
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
T-Rex: good band
1 day ago
Duh-tch Reform is kooky.
1 day ago
but what side was she on, before she changed, like you said?
1 day ago
dont move to sa anyone
1 day ago
1 day ago
pro white yes
1 day ago
Speilberg is Duh-tch/Jewish.
1 day ago
why would anyone move to sa…
1 day ago
its in the name yeh
1 day ago
Orania (Afrikaner town in South Africa):
1 day ago
Loomer is j
1 day ago
flippin eck
1 day ago
1 day ago
moving to SA?
1 day ago
1 day ago
did a show on Laura Southern. I believe Rollo Tomassi spoke to Southern husband
1 day ago
I can’t deal with tattoos or plastic surgery. F that.
1 day ago
Changed to our side from what?
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Haha, speaking of plastic surgery, Faith used to hang with Laura Loomer
1 day ago
The Good alien’s or the bad Alien’s ?
1 day ago
I haven’t had my pack yet, looking forward to it.
1 day ago
faith Goldy got married to a pro white and had kids and got away from the movement which is fine. She seemed better than most
1 day ago
Thanks for your dedicated support.
1 day ago
faith goldy genuinely came across like she changed sides to our end last time i saw. but it was a long time ago. a year or two again
1 day ago
Hi,WhiteRabbit: When U used to wear a cap, there was band of shadow acrossYourEyes. I also saw photograph of American soldier awkwardly lining up elderly villager against his hut,I thought as a project to get iris scan of allAfghanis during the 20-year attack on them by’t. Why’d U dropCap?
1 day ago
Theres no one to blame, they will forcefully unite everyone under one regime
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
At least E.T. wanted to go home.
1 day ago
JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.
1 day ago
aliens did 9/11. Q told me
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I have cash on the hip. £1.50 for the Lauren smash. I can handle that
1 day ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
Do you think people could be saying things to get you to follow them?
1 day ago
I saw Laurens fat ass hanging out of her slut shorts on that documentary and just went JFC what have we come to?
1 day ago
not even for 0.01.
1 day ago
1 day ago
are you confusing lauren southern with faith goldy but i think faith goldy is 100% white (greek ancestry)
1 day ago
some people can come back
1 day ago
never heard of Simonson is really a Jewish surname or not. people said it was and some said it isn’t
1 day ago
I got attacked by numerous of her simps for calling her out back in the day
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Oh ok, thanks
1 day ago
1 day ago
last time i saw a video of her, she was competely pro white
1 day ago
this gon be guud
1 day ago
1 day ago
Faith Plastic Surgery? Yuk.
1 day ago
I think she is Canadian.
1 day ago
Faith Goldy was just as bad, she posed with members of the JDL during her mayoral campaign
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Malaysia 63.5% Sunni Islam
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
1 day ago
You pay more for a movie about a fitter and turner ?
1 day ago
Remember when Laruan said Milo was a conservative leader…that was funny.
1 day ago
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Lauren Southern makes me think whatever happened to her friend Faith Goldy?
1 day ago
Lauren Southernwitz is disgusting.
1 day ago
This is why I am allergic to simping to right wing content women. pathetic utterly pathetic.
1 day ago
1 day ago
tell Laura, I hate her (parody of old song)
A new channel, man!
1 day ago
yes it is
1 day ago
She’s not jewish, she’s Danish
1 day ago
Hard to argue that but watch as you get beaten down/antagonized for your concerned
1 day ago
More than obvious she isn’t on your side
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Ok, make it £1.50 for the Lauren smash. Final offer
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
1 day ago
id believe that judging by the way she talked to him
1 day ago
isn’t her real name (((Simonson)))?
1 day ago
no mark doesn’t have an account pushing digital currency to my knowledge. most definitely a scam
1 day ago
I would have bred her if she wasn’t a mudshark.
1 day ago
How was she the darling of the Right, when she’s not really white
1 day ago
She is equivalent of Katie Hopkins
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
For sure
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
1 day ago
the whole internet told her not to race mix. shes the worst
1 day ago
1 day ago
she has a made up name. Don’t know why you guys follow people like her and Milo.
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
I think she’s Danish
1 day ago
I bet Stefan molyneux banged her out along with many others in the alt lite and Alt Right at the time
1 day ago
Pettibone was far more fit anyway
1 day ago
Hail Mark. Hail Tim. Hail the Gods. Mark, do you have a second Telegram account where you promote digital currency? Or is that an impersonation?
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Well, her allegiance is quite clear. She defends jews and attacks WNs who name the jew.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Isn’t she Jewish? Real surname Simonsen?
1 day ago
what is her relevance? she a nationalist?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I’ll give Lauren £1 to smash her LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
made up name
1 day ago
1 day ago
Listen to Murdoch Murdoch to learn about Lauren Southern.
1 day ago
Lauren Southern
1 day ago
Laura Southern
1 day ago
Politicians and Christians worry so much about the ones at the border. But they don’t care about us.
1 day ago
Mark is on fire
1 day ago
who is he talking about?
1 day ago
simping is gay but simping for a older race mixer with a kid is so pathetic
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
1 day ago
shes revolting
1 day ago
and how did she have so much money to be flying all over the world? Did she even have a real job?
1 day ago
Have You unblocked me ? Yay !
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
She can celebrate brown fatherless day now.
1 day ago
Based Mark
1 day ago
e-hubby, living the dream
1 day ago
ya and the other documentary she made about open borders was focusing on non white victims of open borders
1 day ago
i cant even put a face to who mark is talking about.
1 day ago
she have an onlyfans?
1 day ago
She married Asian (non white husband). F her.
1 day ago
one decent film from one messed up woman
1 day ago
Mark Collet documentary | The Truth About Lauren Southern:
1 day ago
that France stabbing glows
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
she’s a skank
1 day ago
jerry (((springer))) haaha
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
I’ve seen some posts claiming that she is Jewish, or at least part Jewish.
1 day ago
well they should stop cucking out to Turkey. Albeit I give them they are not that overly religious as other muslims. and some actually identify as Serbs…(to my chagrin).
1 day ago
Isn’t Lauren’s husband a Hapa?
1 day ago
“She’s the victim” again
1 day ago
agree, all designed to worship the chosen
1 day ago
Dude, its all three of them. ABRAHAMIC faiths. Its called ABRAHAMIC for a reason.
1 day ago
wtf is wrong with this gd app rn
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Lauren Southern, Drama Queen
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
And she is a race mixer. And boos who name the jew…
1 day ago
lauren is a whore
1 day ago
Jewishness and Islam and reflection of each other.
1 day ago
that france stabbing glows
1 day ago
AntiRacist Hitler | White Rabbit Radio video:
1 day ago
1 day ago
and that syrian christian is spiritually muslim.
1 day ago
I think the case Mark was talking about with the mentally subnormal guy was Derek Bentley. The “let him have it” was said BY the mentally subnormal guy and the other guy shot the police officer.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
*Tony Robinson
1 day ago
Thanks for your dedicated support.
1 day ago
people like tommy robinson
1 day ago
But Mark majority of these crimes are still committed by the Muslim.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Follow Stan1 on Twitter
Tweets by s_stan1
1 day ago
all the abrahamic faiths are back doors into civilizations
1 day ago
Wikipedia page on the UFO thing is pretty good at presenting the claims as essentially BS’s_claims
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating!
1 day ago
There was a film about the case with Christopher Eccleston.
1 day ago
ah…they have their own delusions.
1 day ago
BOOM, correct. Its got to do with the ethnics
1 day ago
Great show, and guest as well
1 day ago
It’s still unknown wether the guy meant “let him have the gun” or “shoot him”.
1 day ago
1 day ago
handsome too
1 day ago
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
My pleasure Reed.
1 day ago
Yes, and the rise of the industrial bourgeoisie and the banking class
1 day ago
(((abrahamic))) faiths
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Hello mate. Hope you’re well
1 day ago
Heard JP Morgan paid $290M as settlement to the victims of Epstein. Looks like possibly hush money, with lots of cover ups
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
same thing…
1 day ago
they still get whites. It’s the nonwhites being allowed to go free
1 day ago
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1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
probably it is. given how many bleeding heart libfucks bitch about human rights.
1 day ago
Thanks for the insight
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
nah Jazz is done
1 day ago
gay reichs
1 day ago
1 day ago
the decline of the death penalty seems to be correlated to the rise in power of the shitlib
1 day ago
My pleasure :thumbs_up:
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Superb show as usual. Tim is a great guest, and his takes are excellent.
1 day ago
he was british.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Dead penalty was full revoked (even for treason) in 1998 by Labour who knew they were committing treason.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Thank you for your donation! :heart: :heart: :heart:
1 day ago
I don’t understand why anybody would want to support mass immigration, it doesn’t make sense to me.
1 day ago
Like I said, I am not afraid for Asians. They are hardcore when it comes to traditionalism.
1 day ago
that video was empowering
1 day ago
I hope he goes to China
1 day ago
Likewise. I have nothing sensible that relates to the real world to listen to while at work.
1 day ago
churchill wasnt one of us
1 day ago
Follow White Rabbit Radio (Tim Murdock):
Tweets by eurorabbit
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Johnny Somali
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
My Sunday ritual has changed now that there’s no FTN
1 day ago
Is the decline of the death penalty a symbol of civilisational decline? Why has the death penalty been canceled? And what’s it going to take to bring it back?
1 day ago
Everybody did 100 years ago, especially Sweden and the US
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
Ok so no shoah, my bad
1 day ago
even churchill advocated for euthanasis of bad genes dysgenic britons.
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
You will like Silmido as well. if you like military films.
1 day ago
Old Japanime are good anti American prop.
1 day ago
White Rabbit Radio | May 22, 2023 | Chris Cantwell
1 day ago
the jays did effective propaganda on Cantwell
1 day ago
better is Return of the Living Dead. Hilarious over the top.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Gab if you can goys.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Was a great show. \o Chris Cantwell
1 day ago
I used to listen to Chris Cantwell a lot.
1 day ago
cantwell was surprisingly well spoken and a great guest
1 day ago
today is Donald Trumps birthday, just noticed it on imdb dot com
1 day ago
The Machinist (2004 film)
1 day ago
TY I will watch this. Korea has made many good films
1 day ago
Day of the Dead (1985)
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
The last woman who was executed in the UK
1 day ago
probably he did it to save his bacon.
1 day ago
Yes, they were brutal and they lost their edge
1 day ago
Odysee superchats: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box.
1 day ago
Yes, it was still valid till recently
1 day ago
Best Zombie Film is Train to Busan
1 day ago
England use to great at punishing criminals. got rid of a lot of bad genes from the group
1 day ago
1998 abolish capital punishment for all offences including treason, blair came in 1997, blair is a traitor
1 day ago
Was national treason once considered enough for death penalty in UK?
1 day ago
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Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Silverman was born in poverty to a migrant Jewish parents from Jassy, Romania
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
KEK it’s a coincidence.
1 day ago
Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
Was it Ruth Ellis?
1 day ago
‘The last people to be sentenced to death in Britain were Peter Anthony Allen and Gwynne Owen Evans – real name John Robson Walby – in 1964.”
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
The last woman who was executed in the UK was a woman who killed her lover who beat her so severely that she miscarried.
1 day ago
This is the issue. But in some cases it is clear
1 day ago
Yes, exactly. All of that written down by devout Catholics to preserve traditional stories
1 day ago
should i check is he member of the tribe?
1 day ago
I know all about the Eddas, and I see you constantly agitate both here and on youtube, youre a jew
1 day ago
yeah, I remember that Turkey was threatened if they don’t withdraw that policy they will forever remain EU candidate than EU member.
1 day ago
it seems that Europeans don’t really grasp the situation in the U S and Vice versa
1 day ago
This is the man who abolished capital punishment in the UK. EST
1 day ago
Britain got rid of death penalty because they executed a man for killing his wife, and after, they found out it wasnt him, so they said they could never execute someone again, because they could never truly be sure.
1 day ago
The Sun | ULTIMATE SANCTION When was the death penalty abolished in the UK?
1 day ago
Watch Jonathan Pageau’s utube channel. He has a video on the Edda
Better Based Than Erased
1 day ago
’66 i think
1 day ago
I guess TIm has never been to Europe
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Belarus is the only country in Europe with capital punishment
1 day ago
ah yes, but edda basically is pagan prose. I mean, dedicated to pagan practices of vikings (like blood eagle ritual that may or may not have happened).
1 day ago
youre a subversive probably jew
1 day ago
Is that the reason ?I didn’t know that
1 day ago
Euronews | France’s final guillotine: 40 years since the end of the death penalty
1 day ago
he should be decently treated and decently shot
1 day ago
look at Turkey, they won’t let Turkey join t oEU because of death penalty.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
In the US if a child ran around with a black ice cream he wouldn’t get near to a police station.
1 day ago
Snorri Sturluson is not the originator of the Eddas you utter plum XD
1 day ago
most criminals deserve the death penalty
1 day ago
Messiahs and superheroes.
1 day ago
there are no flat earth movies or tv-shows
1 day ago
I know i can see that
1 day ago
Brave Cuchulain is the only messiah I need
1 day ago
1 day ago
The Edda were written by Catholic Christians
1 day ago
“Conspiracy” theories is not believing the TV
1 day ago
more philosophical and thought provoking for sure.
1 day ago
Please refrain from suggesting acts of violence on this channel. Thanks.
1 day ago
Yes Catholics wrote them. Also Tolkien was a devote Catholic.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Tunisian immigrant, Hamida Djandoubi
1 day ago
But he put Crhistian stuf in it
1 day ago
didn’t the men in the park just stand there and watch
1 day ago
There are no ‘Smurfs and Unicorns built the Pyramids’ shows on TV either
1 day ago
Aryan Eddas jewish bible
1 day ago
ah…not quite. it was made by pagans, but christians collected it and published it.
1 day ago
Mark’s video suggestion: 10 Most TERRIFYING Planets in the Universe
1 day ago
1 lol
1 day ago
The Edda’s are better than the bible to my taste
1 day ago
no life in south africa
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
The Q-trust the plan videos are popular, such as Dave at X22 Report
1 day ago
Q=anon will make a MARK statue
1 day ago
don’t listen to BBC.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Q runs Trump and they’re from Omicron Persei 8.
1 day ago
Same Tim, propaganda angle. Thats what im interested in also
1 day ago
1 day ago
Best of luck to you mate.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Inter-dimensional (((elves)))
1 day ago
this is the best PWR yet
1 day ago
not yet
1 day ago
conspiracy guys said Fauci was behind Covid outbreak and it turned out to be true
1 day ago
1 day ago
Look for Biden video 2022-11-09
1 day ago
I am not sure about that
1 day ago
1 day ago
Fortean Times is my Bible
1 day ago
Flat Earth is an establishment psyop designed to discredit Holocaust Truth via association
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
Jesus was Jew.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
Better Based Than Erased
1 day ago
But Herr Hitler entered prison when the ‘people in charge’ of Germany weren’t actually ‘the enemy within- the enemy of the people’.
1 day ago
Ostriches with their heads in the sand
1 day ago
u dont get put in prison in europe if u say the earth is a globe. false equivocation fallacy. sorry.
1 day ago
You forgot Q
World War II – Epic Battles
1 day ago
Mark pretends to be angry that Whites get murdered by migrants while celebrating Russia’s genocidal campaign in Ukraine and the murder of hundreds of Ukrainian babies.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
1 day ago
I believe I found the woman that I am going to marry and soon I will have 3+ children from her. She is half Scottish and 100% European. I will buy a house for our family soon too. We are in our mid 20s but we will be moving to South Africa so that we can afford the life we want.
1 day ago
Hitler should be given a year per Holocaust victim. 250,000 years!
1 day ago
idk…I am not sure about that. They definitely very slowly wake up.
1 day ago
holocaust deniers and flat earthers get same kind of aggressive reactions
1 day ago
jignat jews want trump in power. optics jews want him out. jignats got netanyahu back in, they want the dynamic duo once more, zion don is the shot
1 day ago
This is news. Normies will wake up
1 day ago
Yeah, I thought that was already happening
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
and the destruction of Kanye West
1 day ago
Collett seems particularly blackpilled today. Must have played a lot of COD with PatriArt last week.
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
The FBI already goes after parents who complain at school board meetings
1 day ago
Also, on the political side you have Golden Dawn….
1 day ago
well put Mark
1 day ago
so have I and I have know of him for on er 10 years and he has been very influential in our movement. check out anti racist Hitler for example
1 day ago
Ruby Ridge & Waco
1 day ago
The Blue Jays made their pitcher walk back his comments recently on gay pride or trannies or whatever
1 day ago
its not crush, its fake opposition. same as the abrahamic faiths. they set up an opposition, people flock to it and now they have something to point to as justification to go even harder
1 day ago
They deserve mockery and contempt
1 day ago
politicians are bought and sold
1 day ago
and a lot of Trump supporters are non white.
1 day ago
people are weirdly aggressive towards flat earthers
1 day ago
November 2022 video of Biden admitting they will use the federal gov’t to prevent Trump from running again.
1 day ago
What? Baseball? Haha
1 day ago
So how about them Blue Jays?
1 day ago
he has been an outspoken pro white advocate for 14 years. how about you look into someone before criticizing them like that
1 day ago
Africans taught us everything. I know how to wipe my but
1 day ago
Both sides are playing roles in this
1 day ago
That’s for sure lol
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Flat Earth is used to make conspiracy theorists seem wacky
1 day ago
TRump is just playing a role
1 day ago
Opinions and arseholes kek
1 day ago
Flat Earth is just to make chat groups look tinfoil.
1 day ago
good take tim……well said. my same stance as me on ufos or anything dumb
1 day ago
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1 day ago
Have been into this for decades, but have not heard of him.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
TIM’s links:
1 day ago
It shines from my …
1 day ago
no, they’re persecuting trump so people can rally around him more and the jignat jews can get him in power again and do their third temple yahweh sperg stuff
1 day ago
1 day ago
those movies are uber propaganda.
1 day ago
the earth revolves around me.
1 day ago
Orange man bad
1 day ago
Christians are calling Trump the Messiah, lol
1 day ago
Yup. Trump is an avatar of White Populism.
1 day ago
it’s noise to distract
1 day ago
UFOs sure make the chat busy!!
1 day ago
1 day ago
Fair. Wakanda makes me feel terrible about all the tech Whitey stole from Blacks that was shown to exist in Black Panther movies.
Matt Hammond
1 day ago
far out chat today
1 day ago
Just to muddy the waters. Obama and Cass Sunstein. Look it up
1 day ago
flat earth and planet X/nibiru are trotted out every time theres a crisis
1 day ago
who are you talking about? mark & Tim?
1 day ago
the earth is clown shaped
1 day ago
pls get back to politics and nationalism talk, pleaseeeee…
1 day ago
flat earth is just a troll
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
1 day ago
they already are now
1 day ago
why is the U S government having hearings on UFOs? they don’t do that without a motive
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
1 day ago
they wont need the tech, all they have to do is make people extremely stupid
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
who pays these guys for their opinions
1 day ago
unidentied fat object
1 day ago
The UFOs come from Africa and so the Africans don’t talk about it. Don’t you know about Wakanda?
1 day ago
I studied maths. Flat Earthers didn’t
1 day ago
aliens flying over africa just see it as a wilderness
1 day ago
unidentified flying orange
1 day ago
who pays him
1 day ago
Trump is a UFO
1 day ago
flat earthers know how to turn a sphere into a plane. Using the maths called Complex Analysis makes the transformation simple.
1 day ago
have you got a dictahone and ecto projector and emf meter? if not, ditch that off.
1 day ago
They don’t find a lot of UFOs in Africa for some reason.
1 day ago
Yeah a lot is white noise but I still believe, I just want to touch the flying saucer first
Sam Melia
1 day ago
the best we got recently was those meta columns in the desert which was just a troll
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Well, there’s that grainy film footage of Bigfoot from the 60s or 70s in NorCal
1 day ago
Tucker is keeping them in the Paddock.
1 day ago
American media analyst and content creator
1 day ago
back to nationalism please
1 day ago
Tim is white rabbit radio
1 day ago
Never heard of that
1 day ago
oh ok didnt know, sry. my bad
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Proud feet!!!
1 day ago
I agree. A distraction.
1 day ago
Tim knows all about project blue beam
1 day ago
who is this Tim Murdoch guy?
1 day ago
HAHAHAH well said mark
1 day ago
I think the alien crap is to muddy the waters of legit conspiracies
1 day ago
Thanks for your donation and for becoming a member of PA!
1 day ago
Flat Earthers will be able to explain it
1 day ago
if ufos turn up the blame lays squarely at Kadyrovs feet obvs
1 day ago
Maybe talking about Trump’s situation is no different at this point than talking about UFOs. Look, they stole the election. Trump, whatever it means, has already been neutralized. So Tucker can go on about it.
1 day ago
UFO just means unidentified flying object
1 day ago
Tim Murdock look up project bluebeam. Its cook crap BUT it would give sanity to what tucker is doing, remember tucker is CIA/FED.
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
1 day ago
we do have to be ready to counter their moves. we did better than ever with covid. they would have done much worse, kept the lockdowns, and already would have had their excuse for war with china
1 day ago
That was a nephilim in the Afghanistan cave
1 day ago
funny how he switched into the kooky/esoteric realm after charlottesville
1 day ago
most people believe in UFOs. check the surveys
1 day ago
Follow Tea Time with Sam & Laura on Odysee:
1 day ago
Race is what matters
1 day ago
I have actually seen UFO, but I still don’t believe in aliens
1 day ago
Follow Sam Melia on Telegram:
1 day ago
“UFO stuff”
1 day ago
Fun show tonight, thanks. PS I was pleased to have received my PA membership pack through the post today, thank you
1 day ago
Can we blame someone in a cave in Afghanistan if the Aliens turn up ?
1 day ago
1 day ago
NNR o/
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Sam Melia
1 day ago
same as ghosts, if we had ufos here why have spottings disappeared as soon as everyone had hi-res cameras in their pockets 24/7
1 day ago
Yes, they always control the opposition
1 day ago
1 day ago
ok, I think this chat dedicated too much time on Tucker.
1 day ago
The Zionist supremacist global agenda is the key issue, not aliens
1 day ago
starting to actually doubt whole “speed of light”
1 day ago
nobody is arguing about if aliens are real. Tim isn’t talking about that. the u s government is pushing aliens for a reason. no one is sure why
1 day ago
Imagine if aliens came here and saw what was going on
1 day ago
tUCKER FAVORITE SON OF hebrew heights
1 day ago
1 day ago
Fox Channel was/is about bipartisan politics. Dems against Repubs. It’s like a football game with teams.
1 day ago
he is in a way correct. but there is much more than that ofcourse.
1 day ago
well said, race first
1 day ago
Feminism, UFOs, Abrahamic Religions, Anti Semetism…on and on
1 day ago
…talking about movies or other BS while things are burning. What kind of leaders do that???
1 day ago
JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.
1 day ago
I also can not believe in FTL travel but I also can not completely rule it out.
1 day ago
people were talking about the regime rolling out the ufo bs for months beforehand
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
One of the worst thing about Tucker is his “race is just skin color” crap
1 day ago
Its multifaceted. They have all these operations running at any given time and pivot to which ever one is giving the results they want at the time.
1 day ago
Honestly I felt the same listening to TDS
1 day ago
Me too
1 day ago
Tucker doesn’t care about white genocide. Tucker has always been one of them. we got some of tucker’s writers on our side and some of our talking points out there
1 day ago
immigration, humilaition of white people, rape of our children, transgender propaganda are all comnspiracies…average Joe Normie.
1 day ago
thank you mark
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Absolutely have to agree with Mark on this…
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
I know! I’m told I’m being special all the time!
1 day ago
Thats the shot, project bluebeam type operation
1 day ago
I have exactly the same reaction as mark to aliens
1 day ago
Wow, you’re so smart
1 day ago
Haha. Cheers.
1 day ago
I gotta say, I blame all these conspiracies on Americans, who seem to dwell on it and then trickle them into the outside world. Who killed JFK? What was on the tapes of Watergate scandal? I am more interested into that than aliens.
1 day ago
Follow White Rabbit Radio (Tim Murdock):
Tweets by eurorabbit
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I couldn’t resist the topic
1 day ago
Official sources(MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE) cannot tell the public things without clearing it first within their branch else they’ll get arrested. When u see establish/official sources mouthing off suppressed information, its because they got the go ahead, and therefore it serves a purpose.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Hah, Saturnshines! We found the Saturnian alien trying to derail the conversation about Saturnian power!
1 day ago
Peopel, that is, total idiots will adopt the alien agenda and pretend to be related
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
who is this guy
1 day ago
I hope Tim’s right, it would make our job of destroying ‘conservatives’ so much easier.
1 day ago
Tim and Mark are both wrong. The light that landed in Las Vegas this week produced hominid-like aliens that breath oxygen. Obviously E.T. life likely is carbon-based, breaths O2 & travels faster than light using hot wormholes without any craft. They travel nude! Mleh!!
1 day ago
I’ll believe in alien tech as soon as NATO uses it against Ukraine.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Tim is seasoned in propaganda and psy-ops
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Tim knows propaganda, that’s for sure.
1 day ago
1 day ago
“Aliens” are a distraction, so you don’t focus on what the politicians are doing.
1 day ago
It’s a ‘news’ channel
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Gab if you can goys.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
and rhymes with f***er.
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
argh! Now I can’t get that image out of my head. Whatever that image is.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Tucker is getting sued by Fox right now
1 day ago
TC is pretending to be Bill Cooper
1 day ago
well it heads look like…men’s…part, you know which. They snucked in raping men message in.
1 day ago
we have about 250 sites on our genome that are able to evolve so yeah it probably would change us beyond a natural state
1 day ago
Tucker has been talking about aliens off and on for a long time
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Mark, You do not know what Aliens are or what they can do
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s if agree with time. 15s for agree with Mark on this
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
He has an ulterior motive.
1 day ago
We have LARGEST NATO operation in the EU (Germany), and Tucker is talking about ALIENS ??? WAKE UP
1 day ago
Germans had a great banking system.
1 day ago
people think aliens will save us – no chance
1 day ago
Its multifaceted
Thats why i said meet in the middle. UFO’s is a distraction AND also a foot in the door for project blue beam type operation
1 day ago
Ah, ok. Thanks for the insight.
1 day ago
Tucker could’ve focused on demographic replacement or any other pressing issue other than Alien crap. Insulting to say the least
1 day ago
Tim is spot on.
1 day ago
fear the covid… fear the aliens… don’t fear the Bame
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
1 day ago
it is solidly crafted. But you won’t like the subtle message within, because you know…aliens are sentient beings too. If you get me in which direction it went,. Plus, remembmer that it’s South African film.
1 day ago
Evening gentlemen. Excellent show. Has a date for the RAF Scampton demo been announced yet ?
1 day ago
I actually muted both Tucker and word Tucker on twitter because of that fake and gay alien stuff
1 day ago
but no one to verify the existence of area 51
you are American, what do you think about area 51?
1 day ago
Its a foot in the door Tim. The reasoning is multifaceted
1 day ago
Aliens is a GayOp because Flat Earth doesn’t taint right wing chat groups as tinfoil sufficiently anymore.
1 day ago
I’m sure Tucker segments about aliens over recent years are on YouTube
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
What did the ADL come after Tucker hardest for? Replacement of Whites (I think Tucker called it replacement of American citizens or something like that) “you know when you’re over the target.”
1 day ago
1 day ago
If the regime tries to run with a UFO/alien narrative, that would not work out well for them. I think even the most bovine normie would reject it.
Carney Corner
1 day ago
Aliens are fake and gay. but the Psyopp is real.
1 day ago
Mark cannot analyze conspiracy theories properly. he thinks it’s too illogical. his brain just proceeds to change his perceptions dramatically. not said as an insult
1 day ago
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1 day ago
The UFOs are a distraction. Tucker said don’t talk about race it is a distraction. focus on UFOs instead
1 day ago
fine. I gotta do something else now anyways
1 day ago
YES, tim’s take is on point.
1 day ago
99.999%+ of the universe is empty space. No reason to suggest that’s where intelligence will come from.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Well said, Tim. Holograms when?
1 day ago
People only believe in aliens because the television tells them about it. The average person wouldn’t have thought about it otherwise.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
xenomorph LITERALY MEANS JEW (caps) Greek xeno: strange morph: shape
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
I know. Why is it even being discussed here?
1 day ago
people see what they want to see, some folks love aliens
1 day ago
1 day ago
Understood. But please refrain from using slurs on this channel. Thanks.
Carney Corner
1 day ago
it doesn’t matter what is logical. the masses are mentally retarded and will believe the spin like they are trusting the science.
1 day ago
Who cares about aliens from outer space? We need to protect white/European culture.
1 day ago
i think we’re all lost
1 day ago
I firmly believe that if a man spends considerable time in space, traveling by ultra high speed, he will become alien.
1 day ago
Project blue beam* not blue book sorry.
1 day ago
Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):
1 day ago
Not common sense. You need a substrate capable of producing complexity. Not plasma.
1 day ago
Einstein was a fraud
1 day ago
White Unity at every opportunity o/
1 day ago
Wasn’t Einstein a fraud?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
MARK is applying human physics to space
1 day ago
change topic pls
1 day ago
Project Blue Beam type psyop
1 day ago
Was that a good film?
Welsh Nationalist
1 day ago
They are going to fake an alien invasion so they can form a world government. Itll be nothing to do with aliens.
1 day ago
I think Tim isn’t saying Aliens are here and Tucker is confirming it.
1 day ago
I think that District 9 was way over its time.
Carney Corner
1 day ago
marks autism
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Chill! We’re all Brothers here
1 day ago
I think you tagged the wrong person
1 day ago
in centuries past they were called demons, now it’s aliens
1 day ago
No Mark, you and Tim have to meet in the middle. There wont be actual aliens, it will be an operation to fake a landing/invasion in an attempt to force everyone under one regime, Ie project bluebook type stuff.
1 day ago
Miles Dyson? Oh snap!
Rodger James
1 day ago
Aliens are flooding our borders. We don’t have to look into space to see weird life forms.
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
Tucker isn’t talking about aliens to make money. He is worth half a billion dollars. There is an ulterior motive for the alien nonsense talk.
1 day ago
fck you. youre lying
1 day ago
Don’t worry, when the aliens invade, we will kick their asses
1 day ago
immigration is exploding in Japan. things changed a lot during Shinzo Abe. you don’t know what you are talking about.
1 day ago
Tim isn’t making an argument for aliens being true like Mark thinks
1 day ago
1 day ago
okay now we know who created alien xenomorph
1 day ago
1 day ago
:spiral_eyes: :spiral_eyes: :spiral_eyes:
1 day ago
what a low iq take
1 day ago
I believe in Aliens but I want to touch the flying saucer
1 day ago
There’s actually a simple equation that repesents the probability of intelligent life in the visible universe.
1 day ago
then you are completely fine. I see these East Asian countries as hugely xenophobic (with odd obsession on white people tho).
1 day ago
that’s Tim’s point
1 day ago
14 for mark
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
And Weyland-Yutani will own most of those planets, especially when they’re bought up by BlackRock – GAME OVER MAN!!!!
1 day ago
the u s government is talking about aliens all the time now. in the past they would never discuss it
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
laws of human physics being applied to space??????????? Yeah, ok
1 day ago
And Weyland-Yutani will own most of those planets, especially when they’re bought up by BlackRock
1 day ago
most Americans believe in aliens in UFOs from what I’ve seen of surveys
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
teleport? Time travel?
1 day ago
Mark’s take, sharp like a razor blade, well said.
1 day ago
Heavier than air flight was considered impossible up until the Wright Brothers
1 day ago
Dr. Zarkov would have figured it out already if it were possible
1 day ago
Either we are alone or there are Aliens. Either way it is a terrifying prospect
1 day ago
Follow Beer Hall Pooch:
Tweets by BeerPooch
1 day ago
It took a lot of very extraordinary coincidences for complex life to arise on Earth.
1 day ago
he said if youre going to take it to not get fired
1 day ago
with a memory of a goldfish you should not accuse other people as liars
1 day ago
hail mark collett, level headed and puts this ufo crap into perspective
1 day ago
The goldilocks planet
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Not necessarily. The laws of physics do not apply in space. Whole new ball game
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Only thing I care about Tucker is that he made white replacement main stream. That’s huge!
1 day ago
Goldilock zone is fake. Really!
1 day ago
his head definitely looks close to Coneheads (if you watched the film :))
Archipelago Woes
1 day ago
We can go faster than light!~!!!
1 day ago
faster than the speed of light or live a very very long time
1 day ago
I think everything should be questioned at this point. not taken to 100% true because jays say so
1 day ago
You can’t go faster than light. You can’t evolve if you don’t die. If we meet aliens they’ll be robots.
1 day ago
youre a weasel piece of shit
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Rodger James
1 day ago
Mark that theory has been explored. The Fermi paradox. You should watch Issac Arthur’s channel on Youtube. It doesn’t matter how many planets there are.
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
If a life form so superior to make their way to Earth, sure wouldn’t be on an examination table in DC. NO chance.
1 day ago
If there were no sort of movies or stories written about aliens nobody would believe in such stuff or at the very least be indifferent to it.
1 day ago
I live in Japan mate. this isn’t true.
1 day ago
This stream begs for David Icke presence.
1 day ago
I am sure he has those episodes on his website.
1 day ago
This guy has ears like Dr Spock – is he an alien?
1 day ago
Infinitely vast :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
1 day ago
I don’t think that China or Japan or N. Korea (I don’t count S. Korea) will ever accept multicultural, multiethnical bs (despite the fact that many foreigners live there -except N. Korea)
1 day ago
Alien anecdotes are, as T777 would say, ‘ghost stories’. The first 500 light years are less technical than the last few miles I guess.
1 day ago
yes you are. not what he said
1 day ago
Project Blue Beam
1 day ago
Well said, imagine believing white and believing in ufo stuff, but then again that makes sense for someone who believes other jewish contrivances.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
what point? You should know better than to buy into this shit
1 day ago
Tuckers Father was a spook and so is he. When you get a job in the BBC in the past and post 2001 – spooks check you. Tucker is not a saviour. Remember that he keeps the line. Aliens is just ALEX JONES space – he is trying to make internet MAINSTREAM and captured.
1 day ago
no I am not.
1 day ago
Tim is a fool. this is just silly
1 day ago
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1 day ago
lol. OK
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Tim is NO fool. He has a point here
1 day ago
youre lying
1 day ago
His daughter made the bracelet apparently. Don’t be too quick to judge. I felt the same way until I heard that
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Well don’t start fights here. I have a barstuhl at arms length next to me.
1 day ago
I don’t think so. Not from what I see. it’s just higher on the priority list
1 day ago
hey mate
1 day ago
Tim also told us that we have to “take something” for covid-19
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
It’s not sticking though.
1 day ago
hahahah yes, love that conspiracy stuff
1 day ago
Tucker’s controlled oppostion (see the bracelet he wears), that’s why he’s associating the right with aliens & UFOs.
1 day ago
They want to hit only white countries.
1 day ago
Aliens, chinese spy balloons, agenda 2020, WEF. All manufactured garbage for loons
1 day ago
White genocide is right in front of us. You have to wear tinfoil not to see it.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I could listen to Tim on this stuff all night
1 day ago
FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
1 day ago
I am both. Therefore take offense at any judgemental remarks about either
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Well, they get what they deserve… a ban….
1 day ago
it’s being produced because it’s a distraction and a fluff piece
1 day ago
well her husband is Asian, so that already discredits her
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
That skank needs to go away.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
on the same side or against?
1 day ago
area 51 does not exists
1 day ago
It is what it is
1 day ago
Tim needs to lay off the drugs
1 day ago
I do but so many false stories
1 day ago
hosts were gung ho on the alien narrative in the 90’s. Tucker’s a clown
1 day ago
“Documents” are easily faked
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
What upsets me is that not all of those people are jews. but most are….
1 day ago
Mark, will you address the Lauren Southern situation? She recently admitted that she married a fed.
1 day ago
I am Pagan/Christian. I fight with everyone !
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Mark doesn’t like “woo woo”, TIM!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
1 day ago
Redacted is a good alt news source. He’s big on UFO stuff though. His audience rips him on it.
1 day ago
Unfortunately certain folks try that all the time.
1 day ago
Trump was going to use it to sell to Israelis to bail him out
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
someone was doing the same thing. Trying to start a fight between Christians and non religious WN.
1 day ago
No the documents had to do with Iran, and other foreign policy stuff lol
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Odysee superchats: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box.
1 day ago
I can’t keep up. I believe but all the teasing just upsets me.
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
They want us to stop talking about illegal aliens, so they talk about ET aliens.
1 day ago
evening everyone
1 day ago
When Geopolitical tensions are high –> UFO follows. 1990, 2001, 2008-2011, 2022-23 (my take: Drones)
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Tim loves this deep stuff. Knows a hell of a lot about Nat Soc and their interest in the occult.
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Tim’s an outstanding analyst of current events
1 day ago
I thought they were green when I was growing up.
1 day ago
I don’t recall. I don’t believe so.
1 day ago
he is
1 day ago
Tim sounds like a conspiracy theorist lol
1 day ago
There’s little black ones.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Didn’t he got banned a couple of weeks ago for the SAME thing?
1 day ago
Are they grey or green ?
Lampshade Denier
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Time on with Cantwell recently. What a show!
1 day ago
what does a UFO matter when you’re watching your people be destroyed?
1 day ago
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Good move
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Jews like to analprobe gentiles.
1 day ago
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1 day ago
let trump suffer he is a race traitor
1 day ago
For stealing millions and leading his supporters into a trap, he deserves nothing but contempt
1 day ago
is on a timeout. Next up ban if they continue
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
We don’t need to support Trump
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
Trump’s enemies are our enemies, so for THIS issue, we need to support him. (not saying Trump is on our side)
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
A Trupin Hood
1 day ago
Go argue shit somewhere else. Listen to the show or f off
1 day ago
I don’t start them, I finish them
1 day ago
No it isnt. Christianity is
go read a book, specifically the one you claim to follow/know about
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch those accounts are enemy trolls
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Let’s quite the religous spats, people. TY
1 day ago
That sentence is a jewish construct
1 day ago
christianity is a jewish construct
1 day ago
Haha. That’s the correct attitude.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
TIM’s links:
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
There are 262 currently watching, there should be 260 “likes.”
1 day ago
There’s America, then there’s the Government of the USA
1 day ago
Let’s get to :hundred_points: . Hit that :fire: :fire: :fire:
1 day ago
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Rodger James
1 day ago
Very true. They aren’t even trying to hide it now. They have no need to hide because they have complete power.
Wolf Barney
1 day ago
It’ll be interesting to see if Tucker gets, uh….let’s say, a little more bold in what he says going forward….
1 day ago
Tucker Carlson latest Twitter episode:
Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 13, 2023
Rodger James
1 day ago
Actually they were working to destroy the US in the 1920s. Of course when I say they I mean (((They)))
1 day ago
OPEC countries are uniting to the detriment of the ‘West’
1 day ago
Trump is the grandfather of baby jews i.e. Ivanka’s children.
Rodger James
1 day ago
You are absolutely correct. That is what lead me out of Christian Zionism. I read the book “Witness” by Whitaker Chambers and simply couldn’t overlook the names.
1 day ago
Patriot Act (2001 US anti-terrorism act)
1 day ago
A superpower flying a ‘progress’ flag in pride of place is like a Super Hero wearing a rainbow cape
1 day ago
For sure. KSA selling oil in other currencies is a blow against the Petrodollar. May still take years of course.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The Reds fled to the West in the Cold War and infested us.
Rodger James
1 day ago
I think we can reach people. It is difficult. I am an old man, and I was a Christian Zionist. I came out of it completely. It can happen to others.
1 day ago
as long as negativity inspires fighting back then that’s okay but wallowing in misery does no good for anyone
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
To hell with the West now. These fkrs need to fail and the (((controllers))) need to be exposed and underdone.
1 day ago
The worse thing is Saudi Arabia, the client state is now threatening Biden.
1 day ago
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1 day ago
blacks can’t hear smoke alarm low battery warnings or don’t care. I have seen this first hand.
1 day ago
Stock up on iodine tablets
1 day ago
so true
1 day ago
a lot of normies know what’s up but fear the repercussions for saying something. more people are on our side than we realize
1 day ago
racial blindness is getting Whites yeeted every day
Rodger James
1 day ago
I grew up in Alabama I have been around blacks all my life. I know we are not the same. Our basic concept of Justice isn’t the same.
1 day ago
Buy silver coins! Buy gold coins!
1 day ago
Duck and Cover!
1 day ago
Accepting the negative aspects can inspire a renewal in building for the future
Rodger James
1 day ago
I am around a lot of normies of various age groups. THey are conservative, but their racial blindness especially today stuns me.
1 day ago
let’s go champ
1 day ago
negativity can be a self fulfilling prophecy in many instances
1 day ago
& Hail Horus
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
1 day ago
JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.
1 day ago
Heil Mark!
1 day ago
Welcome to Brazil. But Brazil hasn’t had a revolution.
1 day ago
they’re far more resilient than you think
1 day ago
Tim reducing everything down to economics is not the whole picture
Rodger James
1 day ago
They continue to believe as the conservative says, “If we just teach them to accept Western values, then they will be like us.”
1 day ago
Kicking the can down the road until the children hit a dead end
1 day ago
it’s indirect terrorism by our elvish mainstream media owner’s
Rodger James
1 day ago
Most Whites don’t want to see the racial problem because that is to admit there is little that can be done other than separation.
1 day ago
Please consider a small donation of $3 to $5. When everyone donates $3 to $5, it adds up!
1 day ago
most whites do not know about these attacks and the racial component to them
1 day ago
The GAE and the Globohomo are mocked and despised by the majority of the World. The chickens will be roosting soon
1 day ago
It is truly sickening what is being done to our people. I hope at least this motivates more folks to seek us out and find a solution.
1 day ago
these anti white crimes were covered up forever. That’s why Colin Flaherty blew up and then was banned
1 day ago
Thanks for your dedicated support.
1 day ago
There seems to be more unity among right now even nigel farage is calling for unity. Tim, is something similar happening in the US?
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
is this Tim???
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
249 currently watching CLICK
1 day ago
A head of a Religious community that ‘tweets’ is one that should be replaced
1 day ago
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
TIM’s links:
1 day ago
the tweet about the head of Church of England proposing sainthood for Floyd has been deleted
1 day ago
we’d call on our community to rally, we’d welcome the far right to that area…I said if but it’s more like when
1 day ago
As far as i know none of us right-wingers have ever been the victims or even caught up in these kind of events if we are we’d never call for peace nor ‘understanding’ nor forgiveness etc, but the Liberals always do e.g Manchester arena, no we’d call on the authorities to step down
1 day ago
Follow Mark Collett:
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
1 day ago
There needs to be a ‘protestant’ break away from the ‘Protestant” C O E
1 day ago
AntiRacist Hitler | White Rabbit Radio video:
1 day ago
Mark Collett Telegram posts regarding Nottingham:
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Why did he Claim he was a Christian? When he wasn’t.
1 day ago
it seemed for a long time, that if you did pro white IRL activism, then you would be banned. like Mark
1 day ago
Thanks for your ongoing contribution.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Gab if you can goys.
1 day ago
None of the recent anti-White knife attacks in Britain and Europe seem to be motivated by Islam, it seems to be all anti-White hatred. Proves that race always trumps religion or any other category. Whites need to learn this lesson before we can win.
1 day ago
Are You pledging Allegiance to the US Flag or to the ‘Progress Flag’ ?
1 day ago
PA website | Patriotic Alternative BANNED on Twitter:
1 day ago
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
glad im not a crease chin still luv y’all tho
1 day ago
‘Anti-racist Hitler’ is brilliant. Keep up the good work.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Head of Church of England call for George Floyd to be ordained a saint. I kid you not. The absolute state of Christianity now
1 day ago
Fecking Osysee kicked me again
1 day ago
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1 day ago
wish it wasn’t happening to them too
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Legal Stabbing Lives Matter
1 day ago
“got into his van”… Na mate, he stabbed someone and stole HIS van.
1 day ago
now Europeans are understanding what American whites have been dealing with, with blacks for decades
1 day ago
The spin doctors are furiously trying to make the stabbings an act of ‘White Supremacy Extremism’
1 day ago
WotW made good videos, but they were too depressing for me.
1 day ago
Follow Way of the World on Odysee
1 day ago
Hello Timothy, do you watch Murdoch Murdoch?
1 day ago
Bad editing is jarring and unpleasant.
1 day ago
He won’t do his health any good, when he was sober he was fine though.
1 day ago
ha, no he still gets drunk all the time, but he streams 5 days/week so you’ll find a lot of sober content.
1 day ago
Newest video from Mark Collett | Turning a Generation of Girls into Sluts:
Better Based Than Erased
1 day ago
‘Diversity’ has been showing it’s British benefits again this week then..
1 day ago
Thanks again for donating.
1 day ago
Great to see you brother o/
1 day ago
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1 day ago
1 day ago
Good evening
1 day ago
1 day ago
I never liked Randbot, he used to get drunk all the time. He must’ve changed.
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Help this channel grow! Repost and like the Gab if you can goys.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Randbot hates beer more than Mark
1 day ago
Follow The Woodlander:
1 day ago
Taro’s party, Reiwa Shinsengumi, is Pro-Minority rights, & Pro-Refugee. Times are changing fast in Occupied Japan.
1 day ago
Woodlander channel is great content for living off grid
1 day ago
Thanks for your dedicated support.
1 day ago
Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
1 day ago
Did you hear about the brawl in the Japanese parliament started by leftist politician, Taro Yamamoto over an immigration reform bill? (Legal immigration is exploding in Japan. It is just to placate the public by going after illegal immigration)
1 day ago
Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
o/ Hello again Sir!
1 day ago
DEBUTS TODAY: The Woodlander’s new website:
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Is the white rabbit the same as on Gab?
1 day ago
Will Jazzhands McFeels be doing more shows with you? His FTN podcast got shoaed.
1 day ago
1 day ago
AntiRacist Hitler | White Rabbit Radio video:
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
TIM’s links:
1 day ago
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1 day ago
No hat!
1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
GE all
1 day ago
This stream wasn’t showing up on the Odysee homepage. Please share!
Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
o7 all!
1 day ago
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Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Livestream from the flying circus!
1 day ago
That was not abortion, it was murder. The unborn child was viable.
1 day ago
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Membership now OPEN to ALL across the world. £3 a month.
1 day ago
Great guest today o/
1 day ago
Hit that :fire: :fire: :fire:
1 day ago
1 day ago
mark and jaap stam
1 day ago
here we go!
1 day ago
1 day ago
Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man:
1 day ago
You got it :thumbs_up:
1 day ago
Thanks Reed :slight_smile:
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Mark is late? NO WAY
1 day ago
good morning
1 day ago
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Good evening.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s for Tim. Old school AF. Been going yours
1 day ago
Haha I saw that ! *and gnomes
1 day ago
I sure do!
1 day ago
Evening all
1 day ago
\o . Everybody loves kittens
1 day ago
Follow Katja88 on Gab:
1 day ago
Hello Mark and Tim o/
1 day ago
Indeed. God willing.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
TIM’s links:
1 day ago
Yer this and France back to back. Of course we have seen worse but there does appear to be a shift in public opinion
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Yeah, if it’s the event I think you’re talking about, if that doesn’t wake them up, nothing will!
1 day ago
This time last week the guest asked what it would take for normies to wake up. A week later…….
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Tim’s mentor, Bob Whitaker:
1 day ago
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
good eveing all 14/88 28 wpww
1 day ago
Oh I’m sorry
1 day ago
1 day ago
seen was in England
1 day ago
I am triggered by kittens. Please have a warning
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Membership now OPEN to ALL across the world. £3 a month.
1 day ago
You’re welcome \o
1 day ago
Thank you! o/
1 day ago
DEBUTS TODAY: The Woodlander’s new website!
1 day ago
Tim Murdock (White Rabbit Radio) | May 22, 2023 | Chris Cantwell
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Hail Tim. Ace personal chat with Cantwell. Not heard you speak like that before on all the history. Can you get Full Moon Ancestry back on for a catch-up? Not heard from him in ages. Hope the whiskey’s not got hold of him and he’s writing his novel. I’m well BTW: this tourist is always purist! ;o)
1 day ago
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2 days ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
2 days ago
oh goodie! I haven’t heard from Tim Murdoch in a while.
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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