Mark Collett
‘Maaate’ – It’s Always Whitey’s Fault
Fri, Jul 28, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“The Mayor of London – Sadiq Khan – has launch a new campaign to tackle ‘violence against women’ and according to this campaign, it’s the white male who is the problem and it’s up to his multiracial gang of friends to put him in his place! Find out how this anti-White campaign is not a one off and is in fact part of a wider campaign that aims to paint the White man as the bad guy.”
– KATANA]—MAAATE—It’s-Always-Whitey’s-Fault:7
Published on Fri, Jul 28, 2023
‘MAAATE’ – It’s Always Whitey’s Fault
July 28, 2023
Mark Collett
The Mayor of London – Sadiq Khan – has launch a new campaign to tackle ‘violence against women’ and according to this campaign, it’s the white male who is the problem and it’s up to his multiracial gang of friends to put him in his place! Find out how this anti-white campaign is not a one off and is in fact part of a wider campaign that aims to paint the white man as the bad guy.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
maaate campaign
mayor of london
sadiq khan
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(Words: 1,954 – 14:40 mins)
Apparently, there’s a problem in Britain’s capital! And that problem is violence against women. You see, Britain’s capital isn’t exactly the kind of safe and welcoming place that the Tourist Board, multicultural enthusiasts and liberals like to claim it is. In fact, this may come as a shock to many, but London is a pretty dangerous place!
And once you get past the knife crime, the moped muggings and drill rap gang warfare – you have the violence against women. And I know what you’re thinking. London is only 37 per cent White British, so no wonder it’s such a mess.
But whoa there, just wait one minute, apparently, it’s the White British men who ARE THE PROBLEM in Britain’s capital!
Just look at the new campaign run by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, which has been titled “Maaate”. And which challenges men to quote, unquote:
“Say, Maaate! To a mate next time their behaviour towards women goes too far.”
So, let’s learn a little more about this campaign, which no doubt cost millions of pounds of taxpayer’s money! Well, according to the Drum, a marketing news website, the “Maaate campaign” encompasses the following, and I quote:
“The Mayor of London has issued an interactive film which pushes viewers to push a ‘mate’ button in a bid to encourage men to understand and challenge misogynistic behaviour towards women.”
“Sadiq Khan’s offices partnered with Ogilvy UK on the project which has 270 possible narratives depending on at what point the viewer clicks the ‘mate’ button, which resembles the ‘skip ad’.”
“The film is part of the ‘Say Maaate to a mate’ campaign which spans broadcast TV, posters, billboards, and social and influencer marketing.”
End quote. So basically, there’s a website, with an interactive movie, and during this movie, you can call out the misogynist by saying “Maaate”. And I am not going to make you sit through that because it lasts for ages, and I’m certainly not about to be a completionist and try to unlock all 270 narrative choices.
But there are a lot of smaller clips taken from this longer piece that are now circulating on social media, and I’ll play one for you now:
White Male One: Oi, you need to lay down the ground rules straight away.
White Male Two: Is that what you did with that girl you took out in Shoreditch?
White Male One: No, no. She ghosted me.
White Male Two: Probably wouldn’t know a good thing if it slapped her in the face.
White Male One: Someone I’d gladly do if I see her again, mate
White Male Three: Maaate!
White Male One: What did I do now?
Black Male One: Stop! Just stop, man!
[Background banter continues]
White Male Two: You can’t be saying that, bro. That’s serious stuff.
White Male One: Obviously I’d never do it.
[Male violence against women and girls start with words.]
Black Male One: Yeah, but just saying it is bad enough, man. You know that!
White Male One: Yeah, yeah, I understand.
[Next time they go to far, say “Maaate” to a mate.]
[Mayor of London]
Did you see what they did?
In multicultural London, a place where the White British make up just 37 per cent of the population, it’s the WHITE guy who is the problem! And it’s his multiracial gang of friends whose moral duty it is to call him out and hold him up to scrutiny for his horrible misogynistic behaviour.
And remember, that’s just a tiny clip from the much longer “interactive movie” posted on the main campaign site. And you might ask:
“Mark, how come you are not telling us how long that interactive movie is?”
Well, that my friends, is because I couldn’t sit through it all. It’s so bad, that it’s more of a test of endurance than anything else! Which is pretty fitting, as I think living in London would be pretty much the same for any sane and healthy White person!
But somewhere between the point where I started watching that lengthy interactive movie and the point where I tapped out, gave up and closed the browser window, I started to get a sense of déjà vu. My mind went foggy and I was sure I’d seen this all before, I was sure that this campaign had been and gone and I was reliving something that I had already been through. And a quick Google search revealed that I wasn’t wrong.
In March 2022 Sadiq Khan ran an almost identical campaign, this campaign was called “Have a Word.” And I’m not going to describe it, I’m just going to play you the campaign video:
White Male One: I’ve not eating anything all day bruv. Yeah, oi Lee! He’s paying for it all.
White Female One: Text when you get home. Okay?
White Female Two: I will.
White Male One: I’m paying, I’m paying. Hurry up. Let’s go man.
Black Male Two: Use your eyes man.
White Male One: She’s proper fit bruv.
Nice! Sweetheart, you alright? You alright, yeah?
Black Male Two: She ain’t listening man.
White Male One: Want a crisp? Go on, have a crisp. Go on, have a crisp!
Black Male Two: Bit of a moody one, ain’t she? Little bit rude to be honest.
White Male One: God! Am I really that bad?
White Female Two: My taxi’s nearly here.
White Male One: Taxi?
Black Male One: [Inner dialogue] Oi, Jacob! You’re not going to say anything? Just leave me alone. Bro, look at her!
White Male One: Woa, woa, where you going in such a hurry? All I’ve done is be nice! Nice, that’s it. I’m trying to be nice, alright? And all I’m getting is this.
Black Male One: [Inner dialogue] What are you doing? You need to say something. This isn’t a joke anymore!
White Male One: Alright, what is it? What is your problem? You’ve not said one word. No?
Black Male One: [Inner dialogue] Come on, bro!
White Male One: You’re not so pretty with that face on, you know? I just don’t understand!
Black Male One: What are you doing? ! That’s enough!
Voiceover (White male): Male violence against women and girls can start with words, …
White Male One: Only joking bruv.
Voiceover (White male): But it doesn’t stop there.
Black Male One: Let’s go.
Voiceover (White male): If you see it happening, have a word with yourself. Then your mates.
[Mayor of London]
AND YES! ! It’s the same campaign, with a different name! And it was launched just over a year earlier and it not only had exactly the same message, but it also contained exactly the same racial subtext!
A multiracial gang has to deal with a problem, that problem is misogyny, and that problem comes from the White guy in the group. The White guy is the one bullying women, making them feel uncomfortable and harassing them! And it’s down to his non-white mates to “have a word” and make sure he behaves in a more moral and decent manner.
Can you see a pattern forming here? The White guy is the bad guy, the one with a lack of self-control, the one who can’t’ control his impulses, the one who reacts violently when rejected. It’s always Whitey! And Whitey would be a far greater problem and threat to the women around him if it wasn’t for his kind, compassionate and moral friends of colour who call him out in a never-ending struggle to keep him on the right path!
But maybe this is just London, maybe it’s just the UK, maybe this is just the product of a Mayor in a city where the indigenous population are a minority…
But no. It’s not! This is part of a worldwide campaign to ensure that the White man is always portrayed as the bad guy, whilst the non-white male is always portrayed as the chivalrous hero who has to come to the rescue of the woman who is being threatened by that uncultured and misogynistic White man.
Remember that Gilette advert? Well, here’s a little refresher:
Voiceover (male): Bullying, …
Voiceover (female): The Me Too movement against sexual harassment, …
Voiceover (male): Toxic masculinity.
Voiceover (male): Is this the best a man can get? Is it? We can’t hide from it. It’s been going on far too long. We can’t laugh at all.
Male: Who’s the daddy?
Male: What I actually think she’s trying to say, …
Voiceover (male): Making the same old excuses
Male (White): Boys will be boys!
Male (black): Boys will be boys!
Males (White): Boys will be boys!
Voiceover (male): But something finally changed.
Female: Allegations regarding sexual assault and sexual harassment!
Voiceover (male): Then there will be no going back! Because we, we believe in the best, in men!
Male (black): Come on!
Voiceover (male): To say the right thing, to act the right way.
Male (black): Bro! Not cool! Not cool! [preventing a White guy walking after a passing young White woman]
Voiceover (male): Some already are! In ways big, and small.
Male (black father): I am strong!
Female (young black daughter repeating): I am strong!
I am strong!
Voiceover (male): But some is not enough!
Male (White): That’s not how we treat each other okay?
[Breaking up two boys wrestling on the grass]
Voiceover (male): Because the boys watching today, will be the men of tomorrow.
The White guy needs to be told ‘not cool’ and restrained by a random black guy in order to prevent a sexual assault taking place in a packed street in broad daylight!
This advert received almost universal backlash, but advertising agencies, companies and governments are still pushing exactly the same message!
Make no mistake, the “MAAATE” campaign isn’t a one off, it’s not an anomaly. It’s part of a bigger picture – an anti-White campaign against men of European descent that is being run in every Western nation that aims to paint White men as the threat to women, that aims to pigeon hole White men as sexually unrestrained animals that need to be reminded to keep their urges in check by the people who are being brought to the West to replace them.
But just imagine for one moment if the racial subtext of all these adverts was reversed. Imagine if all these adverts featured non-white men attempting to grope or harass or be violent toward women, only for a White man to step in and set them straight! There would be an international outcry! And accusations would be made about stereotyping, racism and xenophobia. And it would likely that any firm that did produce or green light such an advert would be made to pay millions to some anti-racist charity in reparations.
You see, White men are the only men you can stereotype in this way and as such, they will always be the bad guy, and that’s because we are living under an anti-White system which attempts to lay the blame for all the evils of the world at the feet of White people, especially White men!
But there is one final aspect to all of this: Is this stereotype, the stereotype of White men being the most likely to commit these kinds of offences based in any truth? Is this anti-White stereotype based on fact? Or is in fact the reverse true? Could it be the case that other racial or ethnic groups have a higher likelihood of committing crimes against women?
But how would I know? As Britain, like many other Western nations, has stopped recording crime statistics by race or ethnicity. I wonder why?
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/29/2023 = 68)
12 hours ago
Brown trash rape, assault, harass White women and girls literally ALL THE TIME. On top of that they’re appropriating the word “mate” as if they’re actual Britons. “Just as British as fish and chips!” This is such a disgusting joke. Also, no White person in their right mind has a friend group that resembles various shades of toilet sludge. Sadiq’s fellow creatures are the ones who have raped thousands upon thousands upon thousands of White females after invading Europe, and he makes the campaign about the native White men. The f—ing audacity of this parasite. On top of that, campaigns like this are purposely perpetuating more White genocide, enacting a fear/hesitation in White men to even talk to or approach White women (on the chance they’ll be seen as some harasser)..hence preventing more White with White relationships/bonding/trust/intimacy.
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9 hours ago
You are right, the problem however is is that most people lack the intelligence or curiosity to figure out what this ultimately leads too. White genocide.
7 hours ago
unfortunately a lot of white people aren’t in their right minds
22 minutes ago
It also (falsely) tells boys they can be friends with these mongrels.
12 hours ago
I hate those Black English accents!!!!
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12 hours ago
should of left africa and india alone this was a mistake.
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12 hours ago
They always sound like they’ve got a mouth full of chips in their mouth when they talk!
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12 hours ago
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12 hours ago
10 hours ago
It is the ARISTOCRATIC/RULING CLASS, who are in bed with the JEW BANKERS (Rothschild Family) who are to blame. At the time of British colonialism, White working classes in Britain were living in squalor. As for the transatlantic slave trade, the ships were owned by wealthy JEWISH merchants- watch videos featuring the Trinidadian academic, the late Dr Tony Martin. Listen to Ayo Kimathi. Why should Whites (European Gentiles; Aryans) be scapegoated for this? My familial ancestors were blacksmiths and tinsmiths: manual labourers. I have zero upper class/aristocratic or jewish blood or lineage.
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The Pork Report
10 hours ago
They’d be clinging to our legs regardless. We didn’t harm them in any way; they’re just parasites.
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9 hours ago
And we’d be scraping them off with ease if we weren’t afraid of jewish lawfare. But alas.
10 hours ago
Sweden never had any colonies but they have the same problems with Blacks and Arabs as Britain, the same could be said about Ireland
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9 hours ago
I was speaking specifically about britain and to a lesser extent france. These empires that seek to dominate the globe and spread their ideals to foreign people INCOMPATIBLE with them, is what undid these empires. The british empire, the largest spanning empire of all time…now look at it…its capital is a complete joke and its MAINLY because of their conquest of foreign peoples. These foreigners followed the source of these ideas and high standards of living back to its source. Meanwhile countries like germany and SWEDEN ended up as collateral damage for what the brits, french and spanish have been doing in terms of conquest.
Hitler and all agreed with what im saying. In fact, he said it first, go read his work/commentary about the french and the british and stop getting angry at me for saying the exact same thing without a swastika armband. If you are an empire, you do your BEST NOT to integrate INCOMPATIBLE PEOPLE into your nation because short term you expand but long term u cannot sustain yourself as an empire due to competing interests of different groups. And if you are a nation that is near one doing this, you distance yourself from the blast effect before the grenade goes off centuries later.
Yes its jews that have orchestrated most of this but they didnt do the work themselves, they never do. They had shabbos/unwitting goys doing the heavy lifting FOR them. Wether the reason was christianity, master morality, economics/capital or just for the sake of dominating…they did so to the detriment of their own and to the benefit of jews. Dont get angry at me, hitler said the same thing, he just had an armband while saying it.
8 hours ago
Black Britons speak British English.
1 hour ago
No such thing as “black English”…
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1 hour ago
I know I know…. They are in England though and they aren’t native or European.
13 hours ago
The London grooming gangs scandal has never come to the surface. As London is, by far, our largest city, it must be HUGE! One wonders just how much of Khan’s energies have been taken up by ensuring a total suppression of these horrors. This on-going propaganda is simply part of this massive cover-up.
10 hours ago
I just had to complete mandatory “anti-harassment” training at my workplace and it was very similar to this. The corporate world is pushing this crap just as much as governments and NGOs.
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9 hours ago
I’d REFUSE to attend such humiliating and degrading ‘training’. As an Englishman who has resisted becoming a wigger (despite being in close company with blacks when I was studying at college in the ‘enriched’ outer London shithole known as Croydon), I know full well what is decent behaviour.
These ‘training’ schemes that corporations have been mandated to adopt are designed to POLICE our thoughts and actions so that we interact with each other UNNATURALLY and SELF-CONSCIOUSLY. Back in, say, the 1970s (well, in the times before Political Correctness, forced ‘diversity’ and the introduction of the 2010 ‘Equalities Act’) White male and White female coworkers got on very well together in the workplace; the interactions were NATURAL, and not once did a man have a fear of a harassment complaint being made against him if he struck up a friendly conversation with an attractive female coworker.
Modern women use the workplace anti-harassment rules as weapons: if, say, a physically ugly or otherwise ‘undesirable’ male coworker has the balls to ‘make the move’ and initiate a friendly conversation with a female coworker, she could file a harassment complaint with HR, and the man could receive discipliniary action or even dismissal.
3 hours ago
quit now
26 minutes ago
If they give you a chance to evaluate the training anonymously, please do it. Sometimes they actually read the responses.
12 hours ago
Imagine my shock when every video made by that filthy muzzrat on youtube has either completely blocked all comments or only allows positive comments through, which are NONE so far by the way.
They know what they are doing.
11 hours ago
Antiwhiteism needs to be a punishable crime when we take back our lands
12 hours ago
Imagine paying tax and council tax to the Tower of Hamlets arabs in London.
12 hours ago
we are living under an anti white MATRIARCHY that is a rule by proxy for JEWS.
12 hours ago
Hope they like their matriarchy. History has always shown matriarchies NEVER progress, they stagnate at whatever level they met a patriarchy in, then its nothing but regression from that point on. Ask the blacks, they’re born and bred in a matriarchy…never invented anything worthwhile, ALL their countries are either shit holes or developing shitholes.
This isnt only an Its all whitey’s fault campaign, it is a campaign for matriarchal social structures. These people, especially the women, better familiarize themselves with africa…because that’s thats the end result when you let women and their sex craved hyena males all useful idiots to their jewish handlers, run and dictate everything on their behalf.
13 hours ago
How long before “Maaate’s” multiculti friends beat the f*ck out of him, steal his stuff and leave him to die on the street? Because that’s what happens.
12 hours ago
I just realized something… these campaigns seem to be as much about demonize whites as it is about trying to train blacks to be more like whites by saying “oi mate!! you’re better than that evil white devil”… unfortunately the training doesn’t seem to be working but the demonizing of whites is going smashingly… but then again it could just be that because of their lack of experience and proximity to blacks they have a fantastical ideological view of what blacks are like
10 hours ago
I am pissed off with this DISTORTION of our reality and the GASLIGHTING I (or we) receive when we point out just how dystopian, false and inverted everything is. You Whites out there who are too scared of speaking out for fear of the Thought Police knocking on your door: you are part of the problem! If enough of us speak out, there is NOTHING the anti-White politicans, media and, indeed, the Thought Police, can do. We are ruled-over by FEAR.
Randy McDowell
7 hours ago
There will never be another White Mayor of London, and you try to explain this to people and they just stare blankly at you.
Even if ‘Conservative’ candidate African Shaun Bailey was voted in, we would still be getting this anti white campaign.
Will whites ever wake up? I
5 hours ago
This kind of propaganda also has the double whammy of communicating a false sense of security and expectation of honorable behaviour by the least safe people for a naive young White woman to put her faith in. Nonwhites are THE biggest threat to the lives and safety of White children, women and men.
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4 hours ago
Great point!
10 hours ago
Holy crap are those pedo ring asian and brown men super ugly pos. Makes me physically feel sick to imagine what they have done to so many lost and misguided white children and women. And the more sicker thing is white leftoids etc. want to conceal all that and act if nothing happened and blame everything on the random white guys existence instead. Its inhumane and punishments for that should reflect that fact. In essence, life in prison or executions for them along with those pos pedos and rapists.
12 hours ago
Sad dick khan.
8 hours ago
The problem is easily solved, remove the vermin that since time began have been the root cause of all humanity’s pain and suffering, the parasitic cockroach that uses usury to control all.
9 hours ago
Its not MAAATE, its HAAATE, the indigenous for being alive.
King Tut
3 hours ago
Reason #289 why I do not watch Television-the entire reality turned upside down on its head in which blacks and arabs are righteous and noble men and whites are EBBBILLLL MISOGENISTS! pathetic.
you should see our local news here. every story of “teens” disturbing the peace is turned into a “white racist called innocent youth the n word”.
3 hours ago
Despite the absolute sick lie of that video, we know the reality and truth that blacks and browns are more dangerous and more often the violators of White women. It really begs the question: why would those Brits protray and betray their people like that? Have they really bought into the lie of what they are protraying?
6 hours ago
“Because the boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow” – Here it’s tomorrow and we have drag queen story hour, men competing in women’s sports and using their bathrooms. These are the men of tomorrow. A bunch of fags, drag queens and furries. Oh my….
Moon Man’s Dad
7 hours ago
At this point I would be more proud to call myself an Iranian citizen, they may be poor, but at least their government is not actively demoralizing their own native population, they still have pride in their native race and religion.
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Moon Man’s Dad
7 hours ago
And they still hang child rapists, instead of giving them just a few years in prison. I would love to see some Pakistanis try the shit they get away with here. They would be facing the red noose in no time.
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6 hours ago
The problem with a lot of those countries is that they are corrupt. Lots of men getting killed while innocent.
7 hours ago
And how I smile when I remember the level of ratioing and cancelling Girliette received.
The North Remembers…
9 hours ago
More like, (((They))) launch a blood libel campaign against white British males in London … and whites around the western world.
9 hours ago
Just more anti white rubbish pushed by a puppet dancing the anti white dance held up by guess who
9 hours ago
11 hours ago
Abie is at the back of all this, no doubt in my mind.
2 hours ago
I am so glad to be a white woman bc our stronger sex (white men) are by farfarfarfarfarfaaar the most peaceful, civil, reasonable and protective men.
4 hours ago
Evil always inverts the truth.
4 hours ago
Nobody does feminism like muslims and africans, right?
4 hours ago
What bothers me the most is that so many whites are just complicit to any of this stuff.
5 hours ago
It doesn’t just demoralise and demean white men unjustly, it teaches women that non-white men will save them, when in fact non-white men are more likely to take advantage of vulnerable women, so it harms white wellbeing in multiple ways.
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2 hours ago
It pits white women against white men and manipulates women into life-threatening situations, such as getting beheaded in Morocco.
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1 hour ago
6 hours ago
Excellent video, Mark.
11 hours ago
show me bobs and vagene
Brandon’s Bane
11 hours ago
Congrats on getting your own 2020 Gillette commercial
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Brandon’s Bane
11 hours ago
I posted this comment before you referenced it in the video lol oops
12 hours ago
Mark bekommt immer sofort einen Like von mir :love_1:
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10 hours ago
Padge O
1 hour ago
Britain’s capital is where I was born and raised. I left there 20 years ago because of weaponised migration. When I go back there now I wonder where all the indigenous British people (white people) have gone. Talking about anything else is a distraction to this most heinous crime.
3 hours ago
Vertigopolitix summedcl up London the best ,when he said it was akin to a,”KFC TERMITE FEEDING NEST ”
With Ice
6 hours ago
Mark, you’ve just invented a new term = a Friend of Colour”. A FOC. How apt. You’re a genius, mate! This goes alongside WOC & POC (the plural being POX). How fitting.
8 hours ago
Mizzy should have been in the add restraining the bad guy.
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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