Category Archives: Genocide

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

  [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the recent Tucker Carlson interview with American historian Darryl Cooper and how he considers: “The real bad guy of World War Two was Churchill.” … Continue reading

Posted in Activism -White, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, Blair Cotterell, Britain, British Empire, David Irving, Deception, Democracy - Fake, England, Ethno-nationalism, Europe, Gate Keepers, Genocide, Germany, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Holocaust, Holohoax, Immigration, Interview, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, Nationalism, Nuremberg Trials, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Rudolf Hess, The Focus Group, Third Reich, Third World Invasion, Thomas Dalton, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Tucker Carlson, Twitter/X, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, X (xTwitter), Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, Zundel Trials | 1 Comment

Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript

  Harry Vox – EU   Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel     Sun, Aug 11, 2024   [In this video Scott Ritter, an American commentator and former UN Weapons Inspector, calls Israel evil and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Genocide, Hamas, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - New York, Jews - Tool of, Lebanon, Media - jewish domination, Scott Ritter, Semitism, Transcript, Yemen - Houthis, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government | Leave a comment