Category Archives: Germar Rudolf

ANC Report Holocaust Debate: Eric Hunt vs Fritz Berg 2017 — TRANSCRIPT

  [Ryan Dawson of the Anti-NeoCon Report hosts a long (nearly 4 hours) and often heated debate between Eric Hunt and Fritz Berg on what happened to all the “missing” jews during the alleged “Holocaust” of WWII. Eric Hunt, a … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Blogroll - 911, Brainwashing, Buchenwald, Carlo Mattogno, CODOH, David Cole, Deception, Dr. Charles Larson, Elie Wiesel, Eric hunt, Ernst Zundel, Freedom of Speech, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Himmler, Hitler, Hollywood, Holocaust, Holohoax, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Mark Weber, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, New World Order, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Rothschild, Russia, Ryan Dawson (ANC Report), Thies Christophersen, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, Twitter, Uncategorized, Waffen SS, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, WW II - Eastern Front, Zionism, Zionists, Zyklon B | 27 Comments

Jim Rizoli Interviews Hadding Scott — TRANSCRIPT

[In yet another interesting interview Jim Rizoli talks with a well-known figure in the Revisionist movement, Hadding Scott. We learn about Hadding’s earlier years and how he first learnt from his mother the old saying, “Don’t believe everything that you … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Benton L. Bradberry, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, CODOH, David Cole, David Irving, Eric hunt, Ernst Zundel, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Hadding Scott, Henry Ford, Himmler, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jim Rizoli, Mark Weber, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Occidental Observer, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, Transcript, Willis Carto, WW II, Zionism, Zionists | 3 Comments

Book: White World Awake! — Stopping the Planned Extermination of Our Volk

    [In this new book, by a well-known “Holocaust” Revisionist, Jurgen Graf, the planned “slow-motion” extermination of the White race by the globalists (aka, Organized jewry) using the socially engineered below replacement birth rates, mass Third World immigration and various … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, CODOH, Deception, Ernst Zundel, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Himmler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Udo Walendy, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, Willis Carto, WW II, Zionism, Zionists, Zyklon B | 6 Comments

Red Ice Radio – Germar Rudolf – Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster – Part 1— TRANSCRIPT

  [In this very informative two part audio interview (126 mins — Parts I & II) Henrik Palmgren talks with the well known revisionist Germar Rudolf. We learn of Germar’s reluctant inquiry into the issue of the Third Reich and the taboo subject of … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Britain, CODOH, England, Eric hunt, Ernst Zundel, Europe, France, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Race - Mixing, Race Differences, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, typhus, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zyklon B | 16 Comments

Ursula Haverbeck “The Greatest Problem of Our Time” — TRANSCRIPT

  [In this 19 minute video Ursula Haverbeck, a German woman who lived through WWII challenges the German authorities, declaring their inability to provide genuine evidence for the so-called “Holocaust“. Her conclusion is [quite rightly] that there was NO “Holocaust” and that … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Third Reich, Transcript, typhus, Ursula Haverbeck, Waffen SS, White genocide, WW I, WW II, Zyklon B | 7 Comments

David Duke Announces for US Senate — TRANSCRIPT

  [In this short video, the champion of Whites, Dr. David Duke, announces his intention to run for the US Senate. He gives a summary of why he is doing so and what he stands for —  KATANA.]       David Duke … Continue reading

Posted in America, Blogroll - 911, Brainwashing, Britain, Canada, Communism, Dachau, Democrats, Donald Trump, Douglas Reed, England, Ernst Zundel, Europe, Feminism, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Ireland, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, London Forum, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, New World Order, News and Misc, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Race - Mixing, Robert Faurisson, Rothschild, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Syria, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II | Leave a comment

London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT

  [In this 42 minute video Alfred Schaefer, a Canadian of German origin, delivers one of the best talks ever at the London Forum, with no punches pulled in laying bare the jewish engineered plan behind the ongoing destruction of our societies. Alfred discusses … Continue reading

Posted in America, Blogroll - 911, Brainwashing, Britain, Canada, Communism, Dachau, Democrats, Donald Trump, Douglas Reed, England, Ernst Zundel, Europe, Feminism, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Ireland, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, London Forum, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, New World Order, News and Misc, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Race - Mixing, Robert Faurisson, Rothschild, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Shame the Devil, Syria, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II | 15 Comments

GLARING Hypocrisy Interview with Truth-Teller Monika Schaefer — TRANSCRIPT

  [In this 53 minute interview Glaring Hypocrisy’s founding editors Sean Madden and Mufidah Kassalias talk with Monika Schaefer on the reaction she’s received since her YouTube video, “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” was released on June … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Blogroll - 911, Brainwashing, Britain, Canada, England, Ernst Zundel, Europe, France, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Third Reich, Transcript, Ursula Haverbeck, White genocide, WW II | 8 Comments

The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT

May 2016   [Here’s the transcript of an audio interview by John Friend with Eric Hunt about his revisionist video making, and his latest video, “Questioning the Holocaust, Why We Believed — Part One”.   Both Friend and Hunt don’t mince their words … Continue reading

Posted in America, Arabs, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Bk - Hellstorm, Brainwashing, Carlo Mattogno, Dachau, Elie Wiesel, Eric hunt, Europe, Europe - Central, Europe - Eastern, Fascism, France, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Himmler, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, John Friend, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, Negros, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Syria, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, typhus, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II, Zyklon B | 16 Comments

The Holocaust Lie — Made in America

  [Horst Mahler describes the creation of the Nuremberg Trials by American jews and how the trials were kangaroo courts that lynched the Germans  — KATANA.]     The Holocaust Lie   Made in America     circa 2006   … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Churchill, Communism, Europe, Franklin D., Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Israel, Jew World Order, Jews, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Nuremberg, Palestine, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Roosevelt, Talmud, Third Reich, WW I, WW II | 25 Comments