Category Archives: Willis Carto

Jim Rizoli Interviews Hadding Scott — TRANSCRIPT

[In yet another interesting interview Jim Rizoli talks with a well-known figure in the Revisionist movement, Hadding Scott. We learn about Hadding’s earlier years and how he first learnt from his mother the old saying, “Don’t believe everything that you … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Benton L. Bradberry, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, CODOH, David Cole, David Irving, Eric hunt, Ernst Zundel, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Hadding Scott, Henry Ford, Himmler, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jim Rizoli, Mark Weber, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Occidental Observer, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, Transcript, Willis Carto, WW II, Zionism, Zionists | 3 Comments

Book: White World Awake! — Stopping the Planned Extermination of Our Volk

    [In this new book, by a well-known “Holocaust” Revisionist, Jurgen Graf, the planned “slow-motion” extermination of the White race by the globalists (aka, Organized jewry) using the socially engineered below replacement birth rates, mass Third World immigration and various … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, CODOH, Deception, Ernst Zundel, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Himmler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Udo Walendy, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, Willis Carto, WW II, Zionism, Zionists, Zyklon B | 6 Comments

The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979

  [In this article, written for the Dec. 1979 edition of the revisionist journal, Instauration, an interesting account is given of the first ever, “Anti-Holocaust” convention, with speakers including: Robert Faurisson from France; John Bennett from Australia; Udo Walendy from Germany; Louis FitzGibbon … Continue reading

Posted in Arthur Butz, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Communism, Europe, Germany, Harry Elmer Barnes, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, James Martin, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, John Bennett, Louis FitzGibbon, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Thies Christophersen, Third Reich, typhus, Udo Walendy, Willis Carto, WW I, WW II, WW III, Zyklon B | 23 Comments