Patrick Grimm – Boy, Were You Ever Wrong! – With Comments

In this ever relevant essay Patrick Grimm describes how the dangers and machinations of organized jewry and its nation wrecking activities are willfully over-looked by most Americans [and other Whites throughout the world], either through fear, ignorance, laziness or stupidity. We need to name organised jewry as the force behind the ongoing destruction of our societies if we are to defeat it  — KATANA.






Patrick Grimm





Were You Ever Wrong!




Nov 2009


So you thought the Jews were just another clannish and ethnocentric group interested in preserving their religious and cultural traditions. You believed the Jews when they told you that they only wanted to live and let live. You took them at their word when they said they were only desirous of a country where they could reside free of persecution. You didn’t think twice when they larded up their pronouncements with lots of inclusiveness and out-group words of good will. You believed the scholars who pinned all the blame for anti-Jewish persecution, pogroms, expulsions and genocide on those people who were not Jewish. You thought it not unseemly that these same Jews were a bit touchy when it came to their history and their preoccupation with Holocaust dramatizations.  Boy, were you ever wrong.


You knew your country was sick, didn’t you? Yes, you did. You can feel this sick degeneration down deep in your bones. It was a sixth sense you had. It spoke to you like a still small voice and it whispered ever so softly. It told you that the foundations were crumbling and the buffering institutions were being eroded. But you wanted to call it something else. You ranted about “liberalism”, “big government”, “high taxes”, “overregulation” and how bad those Democrats were. Perhaps you attended a few Tea Parties and whined to your friends about the dangers and wickedness of an Obama administration. You might have even dropped a few dollars in the coffers of yet another “conservative” group, thinking you were doing your due diligence. Sarah Palin is probably your girl in 2012. Her shallow rhetoric and inane sound bites did not dissuade you one bit. You, a solid red state flag-waving “patriot” probably cheered the war in Iraq even as the pseudo-mission became more and more opaque and fuzzy. This didn’t stop you from sending your precious son or daughter to “fight for democracy and freedom” and kill more Muslim people all for the nebulous pronouncements of War Party bureaucrats who knew nothing about Sherman tanks, but spent most of their time in think tanks.


When your child came home from college or university mocking the religious beliefs you taught them since their birth and began spouting rehearsed bromides against the evils of white European culture, you blamed “liberal professors.” When your offspring waxed pretty about alternative lifestyles, the merits of homosexuality and the open-minded beauty of bi-curious pursuits, you blamed those damn liberals and Communists. You were half right, which still means that you were also half wrong too. You didn’t look any deeper, did you? You asked shallow questions and you got shallow answers. What did you expect?


Now, as you glance about you and see very few Americans flying American flags (they are almost non-existent in my community), you are chagrined. Like you, many of our citizens know that a sick force has seized our government and our institutions. You know something is awry. But that’s all you know. You, even more than a liberal or a progressive, believe what the controlled, so-called “conservative” media tells you. You don’t ask questions. You are a “controlled opponent” and don’t even know it. You parrot the tired rehashed lines of a Glenn Beck, a Rush Limbaugh or (god forbid) a Sean Hannity. These folks talk about the symptoms all day long, but they want to leave the causes untouched.


You know that patriotic fervor is dead in the USA, but you don’t know why. You know your dollar won’t buy you much, but you’ve done little to investigate exactly why this is the case. The hatred against your country grows, but you, like most Americans, assure your family that “we live in the best country in the world”, even though you share a typically American lack of curiosity about other nations. You’ve never been anywhere else. Europe must be jealous of America. That’s it. It couldn’t be that our foreign policy has created a hatred now erupting in violence aimed at our citizens.


Despite all of the chaos now dragging this country into the abyss, you can’t think outside the box. If you just happened upon this little essay, you have already branded me as “anti-Semitic.” As almost every economy except Israel’s falls to rubble, you don’t ask why. Have you ever wondered why it seems that the Jews are the only ethnicity sitting pretty in the worst economy since the Depression?  No, you don’t because you are a Zionist, an Israel-Firster, even as that crooked alliance extracts more blood from our people. You go to church and sit obediently in your pew as your minister defends the Jewish people, calls them “God’s Chosen” and declares Israel’s existence a fulfillment of all sorts of vague biblical prophecies. You don’t blanche when your preacher, a man with little knowledge outside of his skewed predilections towards the Bible, warns you that any resistance or criticism of Jews will earn you an eternity in hell. You try to jettison any negative thoughts you may have had about Jews in the past, quivering and genuflecting like a slave who must deny reality. You have long ago taken all your church’s ideas into your unthinking mind and made them the dogma that keeps you silent, ensuring that you will never defend yourself.


Occasionally, cognitive dissonance will trouble you, but not for too long. If you own a business or work for a company that has dealings with Jews, you have surely noticed the two-faced ugly ways that Jews behave in the marketplace. You’ve seen them try to get something for nothing. Maybe they tried to “Jew you down” or hoodwinked you or stole from you or, god forbid, even tried to steal your company, robbing you of your birthright. (I have had many business dealings with Jews and they are always looking for a hand-out or some sort of extravagant special treatment not afforded others.) But you won’t, you can’t see these traits as quintessentially Jewish. You wouldn’t dare be particularistic or ethnically conscious. No way. It might get you labeled, and that would be worse than death. It would also be a sin against the Judaic god too, and he is known for having a short temper when somebody messes with his favorite pets. So you amble along, turning your lily-white cheek to the destroyer, smiling as you are displaced, dispossessed, disarmed by Jewish social policy and demoralized and debauched by the cancer that Jews mistakenly call entertainment.


You never wonder why your immune system so reflexively attacks itself and not the malignancy that weakens your body just a little more each day. You never question why an outside group gets to decide how a European-founded country is run. You never ask why your group is the only group not allowed to name itself and to organize on its own behalf and for its own interests. You don’t even think you have any unique interests. Perhaps you really do believe that any curiosity might cause the early demise of the proverbial cat.


Here’s the deal: You made one mistake. Either out of fear, ignorance, laziness or stupidity, you overlooked the Jew. You saw the Jew and his politically active brethren as just another political group and for that I can’t be too hard on you. As America becomes darker and more multicultural, the Jew becomes harder to recognize as a unique and pernicious danger to all races and peoples, including yours. It’s hard to pick out a freak when you’re right in the middle of a freak show put on by the freak himself. You’ve been busy shadowboxing in the dark and you’ve been swinging at phantoms who did not cause the dilemma that is destroying you. You didn’t realize that Judaism is not a true religion at all, but an evolutionary strategy designed to topple what they perceive to be “false idols”, that being anyone or anything that is not of them, by them and for them. The Jewish tribalists hate your guts. Their books order them to feel this way about you. They aren’t changing and they can count on your complicity or your cowardly silence as the cold war against your traditions rages unabated.


Now there is only one thing for you to do, and I hope I have given you a small push in that direction. Do your homework. Do some research. Learn what motivates the Jew and his rancid activities. Does your mind still intrinsically call me an “anti-Semite” even now? It’s okay. I once was as you are. I know what you’re going through. Trust me, I do. Open your mind, think outside the box and dare to believe the unbelievable truth. It is the truth, and when you finally connect the dots you will never be fooled again.

Posted at 06:53 PM | Permalink







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Re “Akira, how did you find that information on our noble Premier?”:

– When you wrote, “The premier of… selling off the public trusts to his crony friends. I looked for the J-wish, Zionist connection there but was unable to find it,” I thought you can’t be looking very hard, or refuse to see what’s in front of your eyes.

I decided to just google BC, Premier, Gordon, sell-off, Jew etc, and came up with the BC>Campbell>Plutonic>Kiewit>Grewcock>Jewish- “charity” -launders-profits Connection within minutes. It’s all there for anyone who cares to look. Just about every political-financial scandal will heavily involve Jews. You can take it for granted and any non-Jewish racket is the exception (or just means the Jewish connection is better hidden).

As for your concerns about, “School of the Americas exporting…terrorist laced “democracy” into South and Central America…impoverished hordes that are now flooding into your country…slavery…The USA is dying…Military Industrial Complex…wars, black ops, torture…disrespect for other countries and cultures.”  —  All of these things are from or involve or are funded by: Jews, Zionists, Judaism, Israel, Mossad, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. ALL JEWISH!

Capitalism: Jewish

Communism: Jewish

World Wars: Jewish

Winning at all costs: Jewish

Immorality of the West/America: Jewish

Posted by: Akira | 11/24/2009 at 09:38 AM


John, the Protocols are a garbage fascist document, and serve as flypaper. Anyone who says it is 100% accurate hasn’t read it.

21. It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is inevitable that a satisfactory form of government for any country is one that concentrates in the hands of one responsible person. Without an absolute despotism there can be no existence for civilization which is carried on not by the masses but by their guide, whosoever that person may be. The mob is savage, and displays its savagery at every opportunity. The moment the mob seizes freedom in its hands it quickly turns to anarchy, which in itself is the highest degree of savagery.

… hmmm not quite accurate is it? We aren’t under a dictatorship, we are ruled by collective and ad hoc lobbies and secret and not-so-secret societies. The Protocols says it is concentrated in one person. Actually maybe it is, but still correlation is not causation, elitists think the same everywhere you know.

Maybe some people are swayed by it’s back hand, calculated and deliberate attempts to denigrate human freedom movements, but I hope you’re not that simple.

25. Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll-parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political — to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.

You hear that! Screw that Liberty and freedom shit, stupid Goyim! “Chains, despotism, and paranoia” are so much better than “liberty, equality, and fraternity”.

The Protocols made me turn fascist

—  Goyim Pride

The fact is the Protocols were a forgery of Machievelli, that is proven.

Even the ‘antisemitic’ Tsar realized they were a fake.

Tsar Nicholas II read and accepted the Protocols as genuine. An investigation later showed that the work was fraudulent, however, and Nicholas ordered that they no longer be used for anti-Semitic propaganda. When the Tsar was overthrown in the Russian Revolution, the situation changed, and the Protocols were widely read by the “White” army that lost to the “Red” army during the revolution. The losers blamed the revolution on the Jews and used the Protocols as the document explaining their motivation. Thus was started the myth of the Jewish-Communist conspiracy that helped fuel the German campaign of anti-Semitism.

Stop being such fools, people!

Posted by: anarchore | 11/24/2009 at 11:14 AM


Anarchore – Those Protocols are what THEY WANT! You are looking at it from the wrong angle! They (jews) are saying in the protocols people are stupid therefore WE THE JEWS need to rule over them. Germany and Hitler were AGAINST JEWISH RULE, nothing more, nothing less. Once most countries understand they are ALREADY UNDER JEWISH RULE AS WHAT THE PROTOCOLS SAID, they will see that the New World Order is the JEW world Order.

You are a Jew period. Only a Jew would say what you say. A forgery is just a COPY of an original, meaning the original EXISTED, who cares if its a COPY!!!!

In fact you should be ignored from now on by everyone on this webpage, you have proven your alliance to the jew.

The losers blamed the revolution on the jews”……ummm because the Bolsheviks WERE JEWS.

Start running jew boy.

Posted by: John | 11/25/2009 at 02:36 AM


The Russian government then took a serious interest in the activities of the Jews. An agent of the Russian Secret Police discovered a Jewish plot called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols spelled out a Jewish plan to subvert and control governments through Jewish control of the press, bribery, blackmail and even seduction. (Anyone remember Monica Lewinsky or Chandra Levy?) Henry Ford commented that the Protocols fit world history. The Protocols call for the Jewish-controlled press to push Gentile nations into war against any nations that remove Jews from power. The Protocols were first published in Russian in 1897. A second printing in 1905 reached Western nations. After the communist takeover of Russia, the possession of a copy of the Protocols by a non-Jew would bring the death penalty.

Full article:

Posted by: Turner | 11/25/2009 at 10:43 AM


A forgery is just a COPY of an original, meaning the original EXISTED, who cares if its a COPY!!!!

It’s a plagiarism of Machievelli. I never used the word forgery.

Not all the proponents of the Protocols are shills or idiots, but all the shills and idiots are proponents of the Protocols.

Posted by: anarchore | 11/25/2009 at 09:19 PM


Whoa- I should have read that last paragraph from the birdman link above more carefully. These were not my words, but those of Gordon Stein. Well, Birdman did say the essay was flawed.

The losers blamed the revolution on the Jews and used the Protocols as the document explaining their motivation. Thus was started the myth of the Jewish-Communist conspiracy that helped fuel the German campaign of anti-Semitism.

I repudiate that completely! Please excuse me.

I certainly do think that Jews, especially high finance, were highly placed in the ‘revolution’, that they were responsible for most of the genocides under the Soviet Union, and the rape of German women after the war. That is documented and undeniable.

I still think that pointing to the Protocols as some kind of proof is foolworthy, because that is what you will be made out to be as soon as someone points out that it is a fake, then there goes your credibility. The last link above pretty much proves it.

Posted by: anarchore | 11/25/2009 at 09:34 PM


Anarchore has spent a lot of time going around the web trying to soften the blow on his jewish tribe. Not a word he says is worth a damn. His agenda is clear. He’s not hear to help you understand the issue, he’s here to interject DOUBT, so he can save the skin of his comrades. No point having a conversation with a jew who’s busy trying to protect the hive. There is better work to be done destroying it from other angles. He’s a waste of your energy.

Posted by: SubvertedNation | 11/26/2009 at 12:03 AM


The funny thing is jews are so easy to spot on the web now, what they say only adds weight to everything the rest of us are saying. They are sealing their own fate, I think its funny. They are their worst enemy sometimes, but not for long, their worst enemy is humanity thats aboutb to steamroll over them.

The retard said “I never used the word forgery” and you can clearly see he did. Just like the holocaust fables, they can’t kept their story straight. I thought jews were smart?! This guy must be one of those bottom level jews that even most jews spit on. Jews must HATE the internet, they can’t get away with lying on here.

Posted by: John | 11/26/2009 at 03:41 AM


Blablabla… If I wanted to point fingers, I’d say Subintellectnation is trying to save the corrupt J-ws by blaming all J-ws, so the corrupt ones at the top of the heap get away… like they did throughout history.

Posted by: anarchore | 11/27/2009 at 10:09 PM


Face up to me Anarchore, you worthless kike. ANY DAY you are ready to show your face, just let me know. You can’t hide on here, and you can’t hide anywhere else. Nobody is trying to save any jews except for you kike. People like me are looking to make sure EVERY JEW, including you, gets what they finally deserve. Being a jew means you are going down with them. You are trying to save all kinds of jews, as your own website states, I want NONE of them saved. You want to put my name all over your website full of down syndrome drivel and bullshit rhetoric? Have the balls to meet me in person JEW. How about a home address? Or maybe your real name, Moishe?

I’m pointing the finger DIRECTLY AT YOU right now, what are you going to do about it? I’m saying you are a JEW trying to control the discussion, so how are you going to prove me wrong? How do you figure you’re going to save all these jews anyway? Your words are as hollow as your head, but I will continue to challenge you until you face up to me. You know your charade is over when everyone gets a look at your sloped forehead and that big fat bottom lip, kike.

Look at all these other people on here who already have your ignorant a$$ pegged as a kike! You can’t hide anywhere amongst the humans, and neither can your devilish little clan. I know you don’t want to be executed, but nobody is asking for your opinion JEW.

Posted by: SubvertedNation | 11/27/2009 at 11:05 PM


I knew you would revert to drunken consternation. 😉

Posted by: anarchore | 11/28/2009 at 11:46 PM


Here’s simple research about the Jew

Look up the word: Kol Nidre

What does it mean?

What does it mean when you take the Kol Nidre?

Benjamin Freedman in his speech explains the Kol Nidre.

Just keyword it in a search.

Cause once you know the meaning of that magical word,it will blow your mind alway.


It goes a long way to put the Jew in perspective

Posted by: roninfreedom | 11/29/2009 at 07:56 PM


Im laughing as I see people starting to understand its not the “New world order” its the “Jew world order”…..and its not hard to see and understand these days. You dumbass kikes should have kept your lying mouths shut, but you couldn’t help yourself, you tried to cover up your crimes against humanity, and manipulate everyone into thinking you are special and untouchable.

The one thing you underestimated about Americans is they hate being made a fool of. You are about to see and feel the long end of a manila hemp rope burning around your neck, and it will be your own fault. You can’t live with people, you must dominate them, and people do not like that. You never learn, this time you won’t get another chance to learn.

Go get’m Americans! Long live the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Posted by: John | 11/30/2009 at 04:51 AM


Too bad it isn’t really that simple. I really wish the enemy wore a label, or had a bodily mark, but it simply isn’t the case.

The enemy is everywhere. Here in rural BC, the developers and local polluticians collude to pull the wool over the eyes of the people, but nary a Kike in sight! How do you explain that?

Could the problem be systemic, in the way people think? Could it be that the system favours sociopaths and the rich, no matter their ethnic background? Of course.

Perhaps some of these anti-Judaic fanatics(other than those which are directly in the employ of the Federal government, trying to create a civil war against innocent J-ws and their protectors — and there will be a lot of people protecting and hiding them if Adam Austin’s fantasies get underway), are businessmen who wanted into the corrupt games but got rejected? Perhaps J-ws do control things in your small town but it is not like that everywhere.

The ‘all J-ws are the problem’ nonsense is just as ridiculous as the blacks saying ‘all crackers are the problem’… just the anti-Judaics, they are partly right, but morally, philosophically, intellectually wrong.

Posted by: anarchore | 11/30/2009 at 07:00 PM


Anarchore, you are a good rhetoritician. You intermix your anecdotal experiences with jews to make some point, and I don’t know why, that jews are not power hungry evil little shits that ruin nations.

What we know is that the jews have gotten the the US into 2 world wars. They destroyed Russia and executed 20 million Christians there, mainly by starvation. They have been responsible for devastating economic upheavals in the US. They are directly the engine behind the real estate boom bust, as it was a jew controlled Wall Street that came up with a new easy credit-inflate the housing market-sell the debt international scam.

I actually don’t care whether your street level middle class jew is a dishonest cheat. If that’s all they were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and I personally would enjoy beating the shit out of some kike who tried to jew me in a transaction. What I can’t do (yet) is rack up my .308 and start blowing the heads off wall street jews and hollywood jews who have decimated this nation on a macro scale. I can’t put wall street kike in choke hold (yet) till he hands me back the $50K I’ve lost in my stock account from the rigged equity market. And I can’t help in rounding up the hollywood and las vegas kikes(yet) and putting them in camp till we figure out whether to deport or hang them.

I don’t care whether they’re ALL bad or not. They have proven, that as race, they are an enormous liability and eventual vector for decay and destruction of the host nation. Therfore, it is not worth even looking for the bad jews amongst the “good” jews. It is simply better and easier to purge them lock stock and barrel.

The fact that you make it a point to post over and over again that the jew is fundamentally not a problem indicates extreme naivate on your part or something worse.

Posted by: Blackdak22 | 12/01/2009 at 12:02 AM


This is a false label, false attack for it is not ‘Jews’ but, ‘men who say they are Jews’ and are not. Jesus himself spoke of them, as did John in the Revelation, very precisely warning of them-these are the men behind Zionism, wholly different than a Jew, for Jew is a people who follow the tenets of the Torah and observe, these Zionists you are writing about deny God and are atheists who hate Jesus, and count you and me as dogs. They (Zionists) set up a nation (Israel) and killed many Jews to get it to come about…see this and continue to learn, but at some point you need to actually read and understand the Bible and what it teaches-you are foolish because you know pastors are preaching Zionism, and yet you look to them to shape your understanding of the Holy Bible and what it says, to disregard it. Read and study it, it is the truth, and in it you will find salvation for your soul. Link:

Posted by: Notofthisworld | 12/02/2009 at 01:00 PM


I can’t put wall street kike in choke hold (yet) till he hands me back the $50K I’ve lost in my stock account from the rigged equity market

So you’re mad at the J-ws because you wanted to play the J-ws game, of making money without working, and you got burned? ROFL, now you want to put them all in camps?

I’ve got a better idea.

Since the economic factors are what determine the degree of evil that a person is cabable of being tempted with, let’s use that as our measure.

Everyone who has a credit card, they are willingly participating in the empowerment of the banksters, so they will be sent to camps. It doesn’t matter if they are cognizant or not, they support the corruption so let’s liquidate them.

Everyone owning property, we send them to camps, because it is their petty preoccupations with their property values that empower the developers, realtors and other parasites that have turned North America into strip mall hell.

To paraprhase Blackdak22:

I don’t care whether they’re ALL bad or not. They have proven, that as a class, they are an enormous liability and eventual vector for decay and destruction of the host nation. Therfore, it is not worth even looking for the bad businessmen amongst the “good” businessmen. It is simply better and easier to purge them lock stock and barrel.

That way the system assembled by the pigs of the trough of corruption, can be dismantled rather than have it go on as business as usual after a cosmetic purge of scapegoats.

I’ve never had a credit card and I do not own property. I never played the stock market, and avoid paying taxes. You better get yourself to my level of cleanliness, before you go on a genocidal rant against innocent people.

Khmer Rouge, is what you idiots need.

I am an aryan, who will stand with the J-ws against genocidal fascist scumfuckers like you. You’re probably a Fed like Adam Austin, the retard superhero… go fuck yourselves you scum.

Here’s a song, just for you:

Youre a star-belly sneech

You suck like a leach

You want everyone to act like you

Kiss ass while you bitch

So you can get rich

But your boss gets richer off you

Well youll work harder

With a gun in your back

For a bowl of rice a day

Slave for soldiers

Till you starve

Then your head is skewered on a stake

Now you can go where people are one

Now you can go where they get things done

What you need, my son.

Posted by: anarchore | 12/02/2009 at 03:06 PM


John wrote:

You sure sound like a jew the way you talk, because everything you say directly benefits the jew. You need to rethink what you say and understand that Americans have a great chance to do the right thing. YOU SHOULD BE ENCOURAGING THEM and educating them!

I think the jews GREATLY underestimated Americans. They are about to get bitch slapped hard. It will make the 100+ exiles in the past seem like a birthday party!

It wasn’t “Americans” that came down to slaughter South Americans, it was the Jewish run CIA etc. Americans have remained indifferent because their life was good, and they were told they were freeing people. It’s all coming out. Why do you think the suicide rates are so high in the US military? Because Americans are learning they ARE ON THE WRONG TEAM, that is, the jews team. It is absolutely gut wrenching for most people to realize they have “helped” the jew gain all the power they have, which, will be used to enslave them in the future.

I do encourage Americans to get the criminal Zionists(and other scums), but when you talk about rounding up innocent people just because they share a geneological/cultural link to J-ws, you are actually working for the criminals.

I thought fairness was an ‘aryan’ trait.

You start to talk about getting rid of bourgeois property relations and the capitalist monopolism and lobby politics then you are a real cancer fighter.

The fact is that there are reams of criminality linked to Zionists, and the occasional non-Zionists… but you guys muddy the water with your exhortations to persecute all J-ws, regardless of criminality or participation in Ziofascism.

Your praxis can only result in confusion, civil war and tragedy, and in the end the fascist regime that follows will surely be staffed with Rothschild-picked crypto-J-ws, that will get the adulation of the masses by hanging a few scapegoats.

So it is not me that is defending “the Jew”, it is you.

Posted by: anarchore | 12/02/2009 at 05:01 PM



It appears the vaunted zio-propoganda network has discovered your blog.

Congratulations on achieving that level noteriety, but I would make a suggestion that you moderate these scum, like anarchore carefully.

This is a known tactic of the jew hasbara. To act like one of us but assail those who understand fully the nature of the jew and the final solution for its problem in order to undermine it.

Newcomers here and those only beginning to understand the inhuman nature of the jew will understandably mistake this for genuine discord among whites, with the “moderates” challenging the “radicals”.

Posted by: Blackdak22 | 12/04/2009 at 06:42 PM


It seems the crypto-zio-fascists have discovered your blog. You better silence those who have different views!

Blackdak, is “the freemen” your site?

Do you actually expose real Zionist conspiracies, like I do of the Bronfmans and Suzuki?

Or do you just rant on about a bunch of unsubstantiated, unreasonable crap on other people’s blogs?

Do you get a cheque from the US or Israeli govt, for posting your intellectually repellent, hateful, uncited, idiosyncratic, pseudo/crypto fascist Zionist views, that play right into the hands of “the Kikes”?

Very clever of you to try to leverage growing awareness of the Hasbarats to your anti-intellectual, Zionist power serving ends.

Mine was one of the first blogs to expose the Hasbara corps. What have you done? Make stupid arguments for genocide? Ask writers to ban intellectuals? Go fuck your self, you Zionist scum.

I love arguing with you ziofascist turds; you never can substantiate or justify anything you say, and you just end up flapping in the wind, like a turd flag, or a flag with turds on it like your country of Isr-el. Like your Rothschild star flag depicts, you Zionists are soon to be between bars for real.

Posted by: anarchore | 12/06/2009 at 02:30 PM


Amy asks: “Is it safe to say that there is really only one war on this earth?

Where have you been all my life Amy? Yes! there is only ONE war on this earth. It is WAR itself!

Hey PG! Do you see what I see? The Winter Solstice is now on our horizon. Resurrection is now announcing itself! The time in which all Sun-Gods are reborn! Perhaps our Future ain’t so bad after all!

It is good to have you back PG! Your return will be felt! Perhaps your most prolific year lies ahead! We will see!

Ha, ha, my ship! thou mightest well be taken now for the sea-chariot of the sun. Ho, ho! all ye nations before my prow, I bring the sun to ye! Yoke on the further billows; hallow! a tandem, I drive the sea!” — Captain Ahab

Posted by: Ed | 12/09/2009 at 01:07 AM


It won’t end with the Jews. Nobody is saying that. Anyone that helps, protects or is directly involved with Jews in doing what they do, will be treated the same way as the jew.

Fairness”…..Can you be fair watching jews butcher everyone, and knowing jews are the worlds biggest murderers (communism) either directly or indirectly? Why should ANYONE OF ANY RACE treat the Jews “fairly”? Only a kike would say shit like that. I am a white male married to an ASIAN woman, I have lived in Asia I see what the jewish money system has done to those countries. I know what is in store for Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and America.

I also lived in BC/Alberta Canada, and Jews control Canada from the TOP DOWN. Many Canadians (most) are just warm fuzzy people who say “eh” a lot. They do not understand the monster that has them by the balls.

They took over Canada long ago without even firing a shot.

They will soon learn. When the North American Union is pushed through and they are fighting Gonzalos Alberto for a job for $2.50 an hour and struggle under a communist jewish jackboot.

The Prime Minister Steven Harper is married to a jew, so he has JEWISH KIDS. Surely you people might have noticed…..Does it matter??

Damn right it does.

Alberta has a kike named Ed Stelmach as the Premier.

New Zealand also has a Jewish Prime Minister. 5,000 Jews in New Zealand, 4 million + people, and they have a kike as PM……

If people can’t see whats going on, then go bury your head in the sand and bark like a dog.

Jews THRIVE on white people (and other races) being FAIR…they push fairness so you will be fair to THEM, all the while they are STEALING your pension funds, poisoning your food and water, and sending your kids to wars that DIRECTLY BENEFIT THE JEWS.

The Iraq war is about controlling the oil and pumping it to Israel, so Israel (jews) can profit from it. The Afghanistan war is all about PROTECTING the opium fields for their pharmacutical industry.

The bonus is they piss of the entire muslim population so when the jews start homegrown terror in North America and other western countries, they have a great scapegoat already made.

Time for people to wake the hell up, and ARM THEMSELVES.

Check out ROK for those of you with a view towards some action.

There are like minded people out there, do not fall for the jews line of “do not trust anyone”. They do that so there is no opposition to them. Moles, FBI guys and others can easily be spotted now. They had better find out real quick where their loyalties lay, because they will soon have to face a choice, work with the jew, or against them. There will be no jumping fences or changing teams.

The American anti-jewish/banker wholesale slaughter/expulsion is going to happen soon.

Posted by: John | 12/11/2009 at 04:30 AM


See, just instigate a jew and he will always show his true colors. Anarchore can’t shut up long enough not to make it patently obvious he’s a shifty little crooked eyed, hook nosed jew. This is why he won’t dare meet me in person and let me take his photograph, because he knows once you see that he is a scrawny little yid, his whole gig is up.

Quit making excuses for jews dude. I can’t count on both hands how many times you claim the jews are “innocent people”, and that’s a bad move in the face of people who know better. We’re not talking about “zionists” because they weren’t “zionists” in Russia, they were the NKVD and called themselves “bolsheviks”. They weren’t “zionists” in Armenia, they were “young turks”. I don’t think the people they kill in the Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Russia, and everywhere else cares for those labels. The one common denominator is that they were JEWS.

The same thing is happening here in America today, and same common denominator is JEWS. They weren’t “zionists” when they were EXILED 109 different times from 84 countries over the last 1750+ years!!! They were just JEWS, as always.

Yet, SOMEHOW, you want us to believe we got us a whole new batch of JEWS, that are nothing like the ones we’ve watched the last 2000 years, because so many of them are just poor INNOCENT SOULS?!?!?!

You may have bitten the hand that fed you 109 times already, but 110 is going to bite you back. ALL OF YOU, including yourself JEW.

Posted by: SubvertedNation | 12/12/2009 at 06:20 AM


Out of curiousity PG- do you have certain “criteria” that you utilize before you decide to post certain comments from your visitors? Is there a filtering process that is important to you and that you tap into?

Does not the greatest task require the greatest sacrifice? Who is willing to offer themselves up for this task? Who is willing to become Forge and Crucible at the same time? Anyone?

Just a few questions to ponder PG before the darknesss turns itself into Light here in the next 10 days or so.

Essence must appear” — Hegel

Posted by: Ed | 12/13/2009 at 02:46 AM


to answer a question posed above — yes, there are jews who protest israel’s very existence, and they’ve shown up in numbers exceeding 50,000 outside the UN in new york protesting israel’s existence. they’re neturei karta.

that being said, one may argue (but only speculate) on who will run towards which side if the shit hits the fan. we can only speculate, because there is no real experience to draw on.

I personally live in los angeles, and grew up around jews. I’ve seen the good and the bad. the thing to understand is that the issue is not black and white. there are as many shades of gray as there are jews. they do not all think alike — I’m sorry. I’ve seen this from first hand and lifelong experience.

if and when the shit hits the fan, people are going to mostly run for whatever side looks more assured of success, whether it’s jews or gentiles. I know many people who grew up in culturally jewish households who want nothing to do with israel or judaism-who don’t even consider themselves jews. I have friends who grew up in immoral jewish households who are now avid christians.

my best friend grew up in a jewish household, and that household is the most charitable and MORAL household I know of, and I grew up in a fundamentalist christian household.

my point is, there are many many factors to take into account while pointing fingers of blame. jews as a whole are not out to get anyone. the elite among the jews have used the jews themselves as tools for their world domination just like they’ve used non-jews.

jews deserve every stereotype they have, just like every other group of people. but to speak of people in groups is to speak in generalities.

jews would love for us to look at this as a race war, but it is simply a class war — the jewish elite against humanity. their only drive is domination and subjugation, and they will do anything to achieve it.

the white race is certainly vilified in the media, and has been for a long time, but that does not make race the main issue in this war. the main issue is and has always been either awareness or ignorance. if we are aware, their power is worthless.

but they will change their story and even their plans to conform to any challenge that faces them. if the race war does not work, they will attempt anything else, and already are, to destroy western thought.

I’m with patrick grimm — there is a difference between zionists and jews, but a zionist is simply who supports israel. atheistic jews have been around since the pharisees.

patrick — this was a thought-provoking article, and sadly you’re right — most of the people you would be trying to reach with this article’s approach are immediately going to label you a jew-hater without a second thought. my father (who is a mormon bishop) used to call me an anti-semite all the time simply for criticizing israel. I could care less what anyone calls me, and “anti-semite” is turning into a badge of honor.

by the way, I’ve lost jewish friends over the truth about jewish history, and I’ve had jewish friends get more into exposing it than me. I honestly think the elite of the jews hate jews more than anyone else hates jews. they have let the blame for their actions fall heavily on the heads of the average jew very much on purpose.

in any case, as much as jews control the infrastructure of this country, it’s ridiculous to imagine the average little old jewish lady saying prayers wishing death and disease upon all non-jews. I’ve known enough poor jews with no money in my life to know it is not a religion-wide conspiracy.

great piece, mr. grimm. most of the comments were also well-thought out and informative. good stuff…

Posted by: brandon dean | 12/16/2009 at 07:53 PM

All jews are guilty. Period.

Any gentile who thinks jews are innocent is guilty. Any gentile who helps a jew is guilty. Any gentile who thinks a jew is decent is guilty. You get my point.

I don’t believe in spirits, but if there was a satan, his children would be called jews.

Subverted Nation has the right attitude about the jew. History tells us very clearly that they cannot be trusted under any circumstances.

Posted by: Herodotus | 12/17/2009 at 07:12 PM


Exactly Herodotus….HISTORY has already proven who they are and what they are doing, and what they are working towards. ANY GENTILE caught helping Jews will get the same punishment as the jew.

The good jew myth is a “safety valve” for jews so they can run to it when their host nation rises up against them.

This time it will be met with “WE DON’T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU ARE A GOOD JEW”….They are part of the SAYANIM NETWORK …

America is to lead the charge, and other nations will follow.

Jews have sealed their own fate. It was not non-jews going around controlling peoples money and media, it’s jews. Everything they deserve, they will get.

Read about jews here in the best damn book out there.

and get over to


Its a free book to download, but send $ what you think the book is worth to the Author, and help finance the revolution! If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, so fall in line and get with the program!

Time is fast aproaching, you need to decide who’s side you are on. The jews, or humanity.

Posted by: Mack | 12/18/2009 at 06:08 AM


you know, it’s funny, but the last two comments remind me ironically of this quote, from the TALMUD:

Every goy [non-Jew] who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die.” -Sanhedryn, 59a, aboda Zora 8-6, Szagiga 13

sound familiar? oops… you may not want to act like the guilty jew if you wish to be separate from them. next…

Posted by: brandon dean | 12/18/2009 at 01:29 PM



I have already bought that book and read it.

Another good source is Martin Luther’s OnThe Jews and Their Lies.

Mr. Brandon Dean, the jew is a cancer. He is inherently evil. Just like poison it is his nature to kill and subvert what he is not able to kill. What the jew has made clear that he wants is to kill or enskave all non-jews.

The jew hates the Muslim because the Muslims have had his number for centuries. The Muslims do not have the infatuation of the Christians, the jews are god’s ‘chosen people’. Muslims do not suffer from that mental illness. They see the jew for what he is, a snake in the grass, actually worse than a snake.

Jews always betray their host. Ask the Spaniards on how the jews betrayed them to the Moors.

Ask the Persians. Ask the Turks, the Russians, the Germans, the Frech, the English……….

No, no. There will be no false sentimentality in dealing with the jew and the shabbos goy. There is not one damn jew in these United States condemning Joe Lieberman and Thomas Friedman for wanting to exterminate the Iranians. Where the blazes are the half-way decent jew? They do not exist.

A people whose religion says that their own god rejected them. How vile must such a people be. Think about it. If you had a son who was so evil that you had to reject him a thousand percent. That is how rotten the jew is. There is no more research to be done on my part. I have read talmudic writings and I know what the jew is.

I am just waiting for the leaders of this movement to act.

The leaders know who they are.

Posted by: Herodotus | 12/18/2009 at 03:38 PM


you may not want to act like the guilty jew if you wish to be separate from”.

Thats exactly the kind of thing jews say, because it benefits them if people don’t fight back. Christians have it in their minds that Jesus was a Jew, and loved everyone and the image of jesus in most Christians minds is of him cuddling a lamb. The opposite is true.

Jesus was a REVOLUTIONARY WHO HATED THE JEWS, but he was too soft. He gave these people a chance and tried to talk them out of it, but in the end even he resorted to VIOLENCE because he knew it was the only way to deal with the these creatures.

Hitler was even too soft, and so were the German people, and the people of Europe. Look what being soft on the Jew has done for them! They have a communist European Union!Older Germans who know they were right must be livid at what the Jews have done to the Fatherland.

There can be no survivors this time. This will be a real worldwide holocaust.

Talking to them, wishing they would change their ways, praying to god, ignoring them, only benefit the jew, and drags this thing out.

People think that spreading love around the world will change the jew. This is not a utopia, this is the real world, with real criminals.

They love nothing more than ignorant, lazy, apathetic, weak, gulible people.


There is no more research to be done on my part. I have read talmudic writings and I know what the jew is.

I think many who have done the research hit this point, and when you have reached this far you are already armed to the teeth and have a sidearm and rifle at the ready, even enough for friends and family members. Doing the research and educating yourself is all the justification you need. Your motivation is what you know they will do to you and your family and community, based on their history.

Posted by: Mack | 12/19/2009 at 02:58 PM


Jews always try to manipulate and emasculate by telling you that you are just as bad as your oppressors if you defend yourself against your oppressors. All jews are oppressors of all gentiles, especially white gentiles.

There will be no negotiating and no discussion. It is an all out encounter to the very end.

The only gentile that a jew will tolerate is one who will sacrifice his whole family and himself for the jew. This is the fool the jew calls a ‘righteous gentile’. And what does the jews’ talmud say about their “precious” righteous gentile ? “EVEN THE BEST OF THE GENTILES SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH

That is probably why the story about vonBraun died. If the jews kept it in the media spotlight the dumb masses might want to read his book called “Kill the Best Gentiles”.

So, to any gentile who wants to help the jew, you are a jew in my sights ( I have multiple).

Posted by: Herodotus | 12/19/2009 at 07:48 PM


It seems the crypto-zio-fascists have discovered your blog. You better silence those who have different views!

Blackdak, is ‘the freemen’ your site?

Yes it is, kike. And I choose not to write about your stinking race till I deem fit. But rest assured, the demolition of the jews in this nation is the ultimate goal. It is the ONLY way to regain liberty, because the jew is the historical enemy of liberty. And you people are so damned good at sucking it out from under your host nation.

Very clever of you to try to leverage growing awareness of the Hasbarats to your anti-intellectual, Zionist power serving ends.

Mine was one of the first blogs to expose the Hasbara corps. What have you done? Make stupid arguments for genocide? Ask writers to ban intellectuals? Go fuck your self, you Zionist scum.

I love arguing with you ziofascist turds; you never can substantiate or justify anything you say, and you just end up flapping in the wind, like a turd flag, or a flag with turds on it like your country of Isr-el. Like your Rothschild star flag depicts, you Zionists are soon to be between bars for real.

You try too hard, jew. I don’t even care to differentiate between jew and zionist. The jew is simply a parasite. The zionist a new phenomenon because it is only in the last 100 years the jews ever had hope in hell of getting the west to give them Palestine. Most jews are zionists. All jews are parasites.

It will be all too easy for me to help exterminate this wretched spawn of satan. The talmud is confirmation of the satanic nature of the jew. Revelation 2:9 identifies the talmudic jew. And the first modern time the jew attained power over a nation in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, they exterminate 15-20 million gentiles. You are too stupid to even know that we ALL know these things. And yet you still defend your stupid little race of roaches. Disease ridden, filthy, complaining, vengeful, ugly race of people. The old Polsih proverb is INDEED TRUE : “The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Posted by: Black Dak | 12/20/2009 at 03:04 AM



You are right. The useful idiots who defend jews are no better than the scum they love. Wasn’t it a jew who coined the term “useful idiots?” VI Lenin

Posted by: Black Dak | 12/20/2009 at 03:09 AM


Kill the best gentiles” is here for free-

Posted by: Mack | 12/20/2009 at 02:52 PM


Those who call for the rounding up of all Jews, have historically been Jews themselves. Why? To draw the attention away from the powerful criminal element. That is what the fascist filth want. That is how the criminal element survived, despite many cosmetic ‘purges’ in the past, which persecute the little Jew.

Subverted Nation is Zionist Jew. Black Dak is Zionist Jew. Herodotus is Zionist Jew.

They want you to persecute the little Jew, and ignore their Zionist sugar daddies.

These types of guys were all over Hal Turners FBI blog too, calling for rounding up of all Jews.

Posted by: anarchore | 01/04/2010 at 09:19 PM


that being said, one may argue (but only speculate) on who will run towards which side if the shit hits the fan. we can only speculate, because there is no real experience to draw on

You obviously don’t know what happened in Eastern Europe when the “commies” rode through town. The jews turned on their Christans neighbours, and they will do it again when the $hit hits the fan in all “western countries”, especially the USA where there numbers are greater.

They have proven time and time again who’s side they are on. Why are you so confused? The jew has no friend. NO FRIEND. All non-jews are their enemy. Go learn more about them, while I arm myself against them.

You are being fooled by one of their tricks, of which they have many. They are confusing you. It’s all part of the plan. Jews will ALWAYS BE JEWS. Even jews have said this.

Grab your guns fella, there are only 2 sides. There is good and evil, jews or Gentiles, take your pick. But remember when non-jews have chosen to be on the jews side, they do a PURGE every now and then and kill all the non-jews(communist Russia). Why would they do that? Because they know it’s a war between Jews and Gentiles.

George Orwell” wrote his book 1984 based on what he had learned from the communists in spain, he was one, a gentile communist until he found out what they do to non jews, and found out about the plan for jewish world domination. His book is based on what he learned.

This is no time to be soft. Find your balls, fall in line.

Posted by: Mack | 01/05/2010 at 12:10 AM


> This caller identified as John from Franklin, N.Y. and maybe not his

> real name but his use of the phrase “that jewed us into Iraq” is

> important to point out. Many so-called Americans in rural areas

> especially, and even in Sarah Palin’s Alaska where I often hearr these

> terms being used in daily conversation, and it is entirely possible

> that Ms Palin has used such wording before herself in regarding to

> “jewing someone down” in regard to backyard garage sales in Wasilla

> and Juneau—I know, because I lived in Alaska for 12 years and often

> heard very nice Alaskans use this terminology, to my own face even,

> and friends in Alaska born in Minnesota, too, used this phrase right

> to my face without even being aware they were slurring an entire

> people—so this use of “that jewed us into Iraq”—using to jew as a verb

> in such an ugly antisemitic way—bares watching by the late William

> Safire and other wordsmiths. This is not an isolated case. Some

> reporter should ask Sarah Palin if she ever uses such terms when

> talking about bargaining at yard sales in Alaska. And if she doesn’t

> use the term herself, does she speak up when she hears a fellow

> Alaskan speaking this way within earshot and tell them to curb their

> antisemitism, however, innocent it may be?

Posted by: ellen jardens | 01/14/2010 at 08:05 AM


So-called Americans often use “to jew” as a verb for: 1. bargaining at

dpt stores and yard sales, the way they use “to gyp someone” or to get

gypped, which refers to a slur against Gypsies…… and 2. in

political circcles now we see the neofacsits white supremacts saying

things like “the Neocons jewed us into Irag” so the verb takes on

another ugly meaning. Notice people never say Jew Up it is always

negative Jew down, get gypped, and now the Cspan guy saying the Jewish

Neocons “jewed us into Iraq..” just like Harry Reid got called onto

the carpet for saying Negro recently when talking about Obama, we as

a nation need to look again into how the word “jew” has been mal-used

by so-called Americans as a verb for “bargaining down the price” and

Jewish cabals jewing the USA into foreign wars.” If Bill Safire was

alive, he would do a column on this. Which brave Jewish or non-Jewish

newspaper columnist on language will look into these issues for us?

Posted by: ellen jardens | 01/14/2010 at 08:05 AM


Ellen, the Jews deserve far worse than harsh language. You are either a Jew, or you know absolutely nothng abou the people you ar “protecting”. I highly recommend you learn about what they really think of you before you defend them. Learn about the Talmud, learn how Jews murdered 30 million Christian Russians. They key to understanding jews is to understand they keep changing their names to confuse people!

Neofacist white supremacist”…..wrong. We are normal humans reacting to a problem we can clearly see. I have a very multi-cultural family, I only hate jews because I see what they are doing to people. I see what the jewish central banks are doing to countries, especially my wifes country, and it infuriates me.

We see that jews are behind virtually every movement there is, all the money and media, and the countless propaganada to make people believe they ae “victims”.

Being a jew by defintion means being anti-non jew. THEY ARE THE SUPREMACISTS AND THE DESTROYERS! They have said that themselves, and they are correct! It’s written in ther own bible, the talmud that they can do to non-jews. They pretend to be the friend of the Chritian, but the Christian is their worst enemy, and they have said the need to destroy it.

Again, why defend these creatures if you know nothing about them?

My bet is that you are a jew and are trying to manipulate others. All I say is for people to LOOK AND SEE why so many people hate jews, ad why they have been kicked out of 84 countries 109 times in 2000 years. THERE IS A RESON! Learn from history, or be doomed to repeat it. If you people had any idea what they have planned for you under the “New world order” you woud already be fighting them.

Read his freebookand learn what jews say about you in THEIR OWN WORDS.

This book has been BANNED by lulu and is no longer availabe in hardcover format. They banned it because they do not want you to see any real history.

Jews suck baby penises in their circumcision practices! DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS PEDOPHILIC ACT ELLEN!?

Be careful who you align yourself with.

Posted by: Mack | 01/16/2010 at 05:19 PM


OK Anarchore….show me a JEW that says we should KILL ALL JEWS. Do it, I fucking triple dog dare you. The ONLY JEW who EVER came close to that was Bobby Fischer, but I would have put his ass in the woodchipper too.

You are a faggot ass KIKE trying to “save the jews”, and nobody buys your bullshit.

Come meet me in person, and let’s get a look at that neanderthal head of yours ANARCHORE. WE KNOW you are a JEW, because ONLY jews talk the stupid rhetorical BULLSHIT you do. Let’s see some photos of you and the family at the synagogue. Let’s see what YOUR FACE looks like.

Your problem is you can only run your sorry fucking mouth. You can’t show your face, because EVERYONE will recognize you as the little yid that you are. Either show your face or shut up.

Don’t be a pussy. You want to save the jews? OK, then FACE ME, because if you want them saved, you will have to one time or another anyway.

Persecute the “little jew” and leave their “zionist” sugar daddies alone?

WRONG FAGGOT. Persecute EVERY JEW, even those that HIDE BEHIND this bullshit ideology called “zionism” AND all of their non-jew lap dogs. WE won’t leave one stone unturned. We know where the roaches hide…and we won’t leave your sorry ass behind either. Faggot, penis licking kike.

Posted by: Subverted Nation | 01/16/2010 at 05:38 PM


…brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Never visited this site before, but your perpsectives and analysis comes across as brief and concise. Well done sir, and keep it up.

Posted by: knuckledragger | 01/17/2010 at 04:50 PM


You guys need to check out this audio

Audio Player

Posted by: Mack | 01/18/2010 at 02:57 AM


Brandon Dean, You are being devious. I have read a thread some time ago at your site, War on You, in which you admitted that at least some of your family was jewish and that you could be but chose not to be. Your views and the information at your forum site seem straightforward and useful, but your deception as to your background should disqualify your comments.

I think it is very likely that Anarchore is a jew attempting to draw useless distinctions, too. I do think that some jews are truly more happy being Americans than they are being jews, but I think most of them would help the jewish Kahilla were they called upon.

Abolishing double citizenship would force many of these jews to make choices to leave or to stay, and would reduce a great number of them before more active measures became necessary. It would also leave them without a purported legal cover of automatic sanctuary.

—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —

What is it like to live jew free and out of the clutches of usury? Our ancestors can tell us.¥medieval¥england.htm

Finally, in 1290 on July 18th a statute was passed by King Edward I (1272-1307) and the House of Commons compelling all Jews* to leave England for ever by November 1st of that year. Any Jews who remained in the kingdom after that date were liable to be executed.

The announcement of the expulsion was greeted with great joy and jubilation throughout the land. Unlike with the modern practice of ethnic cleansing, the Jews after paying a tax of 1/15th of the value of their moveables and 1/10th of their specie were permitted to leave with all their goods and chattels.

 — –

With the banishment of the money-lenders and the abolition of usury, we may observe how the finances of the English nation were practised at the different levels of society.

For the individual who wished to buy a house costing, say, £100 he would be required to make a down-payment of £10 and negotiate a loan of £90 from a bank. He would own 10 per cent of the house and the bank would own the remaining 90 per cent. Rent would be payable on the house of which 10 per cent would accrue to himself and the balance of 90 per cent to the bank. The following year he would pay the bank a further instalment of 10 per cent, reducing the bank’s ownership to 80 per cent and the amount of rent payable to it. These instalments would be continued until he owned 100 per cent of the property.

In the event of the buyer defaulting on his rent payments he would be evicted. However, he could never lose that portion of the house he had paid for and would continue to receive rent on it. House price inflation was not a factor during this era, as the rate of inflation was zero — as it should be. In any normal society which does not practise usury.

Posted by: Flanders | 01/19/2010 at 03:51 AM


Correct Flanders. What gets me is why people are so scared to get the jew, THATS ALL JEWS, bankers and ordinary jews, out of their country. Think of it this way folks. The government BORROWS on your behalf, the money to run the country. That money must be paid back to the jewish bankers PLUS INTEREST. Its a system DESIGNED to fail so in the end the jew owns everything.

Imagine a government that CREATES the money out of thin air (like jews do now) and uses that money to build society and do what it does now. The people all work like they do now, and the money goes around in society, but because the government is also the supreme bank, the money never “leaves”. It just goes round and round. There are no debts for the government, meaning little if no taxes are needed. If a school needs to be built, the government prints the money for the school.

There would be more control over the housing markets. Every working family is entitled to a government loan (interest free) to buy a house. With no external debts a country can have its own destiny in its own hands.

JEWS do not want this kind of system and are fighting hard to make sure NO COUNTRY ON EARTH can ever break away and live free.

Do not kid yourself. ALL JEWS are working towards a jewish new world order where they are the engineers and top level paper shufflers and you are the working class slave with no hope for anything. You will get crumbs if you are lucky.

Join up with others over at or to get with like minded people who want a jew free lifestyle.

Posted by: Mack | 01/20/2010 at 03:28 PM


Hello? Is anyone still here? Where is that creator guy? That writer? The actor? The passionate one? The one who continually transforms himself? That guy! Hello? Anyone still here?

I would like to discuss the cry of Hamlet- “The time is out of joint!” Could this be our problem? Both a Jewish problem and one of Time itself? Temporality! That which is and has been for some time “out of its hinges.” The questions become: How are the Past, the Present, and the Future related? How are History, the State, and the Individual interconnected?

A mighty historical bloc surrounds us. A mighty social crisis now awaits us. A nightmarish multidimensional reality of hidden forces is brewing and whose upsurgance will thrust us into a new Homeric Age. This will begin with the coming birth and consolidation of the New International! A spectre is now haunting Hamlet! What to do?

When the house of the great collapses

The lowly are also many of then crushed.

Those who do not share the fortunes of the mighty

Often share their misfortune. The lurching wagon

Drags the sweating oxen with it

Into the abyss- Bertolt Brecht

Posted by: Ed | 01/26/2010 at 12:26 AM


A nightmarish multidimensional reality of hidden forces”.

Wrong, they are not hidden they are IN YOUR FACE, and they are jews.

Posted by: Mack | 01/27/2010 at 03:41 PM


What a great thread. The whole jew question settled in 71 posts. An internet milestone! You jews out there better run for the hills, because we are coming for you. In fact, we are not all that bad, we will let youlive!…………. on the sun! It’s yours! take it! 🙂

Posted by: Mack | 02/05/2010 at 08:31 AM


Get to the next level of thought, go to and listen to the latest audios ……with the voice of venom!

Posted by: Mike | 02/14/2010 at 08:22 AM


Say Hi to Hal Turner for me, Mr FBI. Subverted Nation and Voice of Venom, are obvious psy-ops. Nice try, Feds. Have fun in your crappy echo chamber Zio-shill site. ‘Solar Zionism’, how made to order by the ADL is that. “Oi Vey the antisemites are becoming more articulate at fingering the Zionists, Morty, call the FBI and tell them to up the antisemites on Subverted Nation. We need a real enemy again!

Posted by: anarchore | 02/20/2010 at 11:43 AM


This is a fantastic essay. I would like to tweak it abit for general consumption and hand it out en-masse at some local colleges. If you are ok with that.

If you are, then I will share with you my recut of it and we can go from there. Please remove this post on your blog if you are ok with it. I don’t want any pre-notice to the anti-crowd being made public. Let’s chat offline.

Posted by: Jon | 02/28/2010 at 11:03 PM

Adam Austin of Subverted is no “FBI” guy. You want to see what an “FBI” guy or “CIA” guy is check out


The MESSEGE ALWAYS kills shills, because they cannot say the REAL THING out in the open, because it only hurts the jews.

Jews DO NOT WANT people to get together (of all races) and unite to fight and destroy the jew. A SHILL CANNOT PROMOTE THIS and label the jew as the enemy at the same time.

You are a jew just trying to deflect away from people with REAL SOLUTIONS to the problems, and the ordinary people can see right through you.

Posted by: Mike | 03/07/2010 at 05:49 PM


Anarchore, you are nothing but a faggot pedophile jew crying because we want you and all of your ilk executed. Nobody cares to here some creepy pedophile like you cry and play victim.

Nobody on Subverted Nation is talking about “zionists” you weak turd. We are speaking about the JEWISH RACE as a whole, which INCLUDES YOU.

Why do jews think their input on anything makes a difference to those of us in the know? It’s quite a supremacist attitude you have there anarchore, to actually believe people will listen to a JEW like yourself. Where’s that photo of your face at? Reveal your identity and let us show the world what we already know to be true. You’re a racist jew supremacist baby raping piece of SHIT!

Posted by: SubvertedNation | 03/10/2010 at 04:46 PM


Adam Austin of Subverted is no “FBI” guy

He looks like it to me fuckface!

Jews DO NOT WANT people to get together (of all races) and unite to fight and destroy the jew.

LOL, what is “the jew”? Your fucking pinhead?

You are a jew just trying to deflect away from people with REAL SOLUTIONS to the problems, and the ordinary people can see right through you.

Nope you just exposed yourself HasbaRat!

Anarchore, you are nothing but a faggot pedophile jew crying because we want you and all of your ilk executed. Nobody cares to here some creepy pedophile like you cry and play victim.

Nobody on Subverted Nation is talking about “zionists” you weak turd. We are speaking about the JEWISH RACE as a whole, which INCLUDES YOU.

Why do jews think their input on anything makes a difference to those of us in the know? It’s quite a supremacist attitude you have there anarchore, to actually believe people will listen to a JEW like yourself. Where’s that photo of your face at? Reveal your identity and let us show the world what we already know to be true. You’re a racist jew supremacist baby raping piece of SHIT!

Ohh the head faggot speaks out… fuck you ‘superhero’, why don’t you go tongue some ZioNazi rectum you filth… you scum are exposed for what you are.

Rather than a genocide of J-ws it will be against psychopaths… we will remove you from society whatever race.

The psychos the ZioNazis, the Feds and the Hasbarats are being exposed daily… you, Hal Turner, that ‘spic hater’ with a Mexican wife and kids Curt May’tard, Dev Satan Evil Devael, COINTELPROthink, holy fuck you creeps are a bunch of fucking cartoon characters!

The latest to be exposed as a Hasbarat-nest is the ZioNazi faggot Incogman’s site(Nazism is super faggoty!)… you better move ‘superhero’, run to Israel you fucking ZIo-Nazi filth!

Posted by: anarchore | 04/07/2010 at 01:28 AM


Hmm the formatting didn’t work out… reposted with labels to improve readability:

Fuckface:Adam Austin of Subverted is no “FBI” guy

Anarchore:He looks like it to me fuckface!

Fuckface:Jews DO NOT WANT people to get together (of all races) and unite to fight and destroy the jew.

Anarchore:LOL, what is “the jew”? Your fucking pinhead?

Fuckface:You are a jew just trying to deflect away from people with REAL SOLUTIONS to the problems, and the ordinary people can see right through you.

Anarchore:Nope you just exposed yourself HasbaRat!

Fuckface: Anarchore, you are nothing but a faggot pedophile jew crying because we want you and all of your ilk executed. Nobody cares to here some creepy pedophile like you cry and play victim.

Nobody on Subverted Nation is talking about “zionists” you weak turd. We are speaking about the JEWISH RACE as a whole, which INCLUDES YOU.

Why do jews think their input on anything makes a difference to those of us in the know? It’s quite a supremacist attitude you have there anarchore, to actually believe people will listen to a JEW like yourself. Where’s that photo of your face at? Reveal your identity and let us show the world what we already know to be true. You’re a racist jew supremacist baby raping piece of SHIT!

Anarchore: Ohh the head faggot speaks out… fuck you ‘superhero’, why don’t you go tongue some ZioNazi rectum you filth… you scum are exposed for what you are.

Rather than a genocide of J-ws it will be against psychopaths… we will remove you from society whatever race.

The psychos the ZioNazis, the Feds and the Hasbarats are being exposed daily… you, Hal Turner, that ‘spic hater’ with a Mexican wife and kids Curt May’tard, Dev Satan Evil Devael, COINTELPROthink, holy fuck you creeps are a bunch of fucking cartoon characters!

The latest to be exposed as a Hasbarat-nest is the ZioNazi faggot Incogman’s site(Nazism is super faggoty!)… you better move ‘superhero’, run to Israel you fucking ZIo-Nazi filth!

Posted by: anarchore | 04/07/2010 at 01:31 AM


Tracking the pattern of the jew media (JMSM) attacks against Whites and Nationalists. In the instance spoken about here, the killing and slandering of Eugene Terreblanche.

No I am not shocked. I actually expected this and was waiting for it.

The pattern is always the same. From the Austrian Nationalist leader Jörg Haider’s assassination to Eugene Terreblanches assassination…everytime it is the same pattern that we see.

Let me tell you what the pattern is…

It goes like this.

A good and hounarable Nationalist leader stands up to lead his people… But Nationalism is the arch enemy of Communism who wants to introduce a one world Communist state. So Mr Nationalist is first approached by the Communist agents to try and corrupt him. They offer him money and riches beyond his wildest dreams…When Mr Nationalist refuses, the attack against him starts in the form of disinformation and mudslinging in the media to discredit him and character assassinate him. He will be made out to some sort of sexual deviate. Either gay or a child molester or a prostitute frequenter. Further he will be made out to be an alcoholic, a wife beater or as treating his workers badly.

When he is still standing and survives this character assassination onslaught, the plans will be made to physically eliminate him. Kill him. The death is normally highly ritualised, because the perpetrators want everyone to know who did it, why they did it and at the same time send out a warning to other potential wannebe leaders or followers.” [Continues]

The traitors from within — What the Mass Media do to White leaders who stand up for their principles and their people¥id=110644085634092

Also, Swartberg ISS Forensic investigation results of murder scene

Posted by: Flanders | 04/23/2010 at 03:09 AM



Episode #29.7  —  Roid-Rage&WhiggerSwill&HAC&Mattoid-Meercats&Moaners A fighting, fussing, fucking, farting, foolish ball of . . . something.

Posted by: Prothink | 08/05/2010 at 03:27 PM


A Dual-Seedline Christian Identity ‘take’ on events of the past week within the White Nationalist [bowel] Movement by an Aryan Nations activist of over 16 years experience.


Posted by: joe | 08/29/2010 at 02:32 PM


Do you desire a house but you lack enough cash to acquire it?

Posted by: RamonGustav | 08/31/2010 at 09:29 AM


damn boy!… you seem to be obsessed with Jews… that’s even worse than being one!

Posted by: Jesus | 09/10/2010 at 03:01 PM


The new year is already knocking at the door, let it will bring only happiness and joy.

Posted by: Antivirus¥man | 12/07/2010 at 03:46 AM


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted by: JOBS¥frend | 12/26/2010 at 07:39 PM


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted by: JOBS¥frend | 12/27/2010 at 03:30 AM


I always thought the mainstream media (apparently 96% jewish controlled) was an insulting machine of idiot perpetuation. Hollywood has never taught me a damn thing I COULD ACTUALLY USE. I will not be entertained, no matter what. It all makes me ill and even now it is consuming my time, but I’m ok with that under these circumstances. I do not let a single thing enter my brain without it being carefully scrutinized for any signs of life or value. Entertainment should happen as a result of something meaningful, usually on accident. Anyway, all I was trying to say was if Jewish CEO plankton poor sports and their tard-faced legions are ‘letting this go on’ or even worse ‘knowingly enforcing it’, then yeah I fucking hate them!! Just the amount of time I’ve had to spend constructing mental traps in my brain to deflect this bullshit makes me incredibly angry! Luckily I have been free now for quite some time! Jewish controlled media babysitting, not cool. Ever. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, how important your God is, how many lives you’ve saved, how many trophies you’ve won, or the number of awards ceremonies that have been held in your honor, FUCK YOU. Jews are enforcing a retarded nightmare called ‘the real world’ and it needs to stop. I don’t give a fuck about any responses to my post.

Posted by: Imaginary Borderlines | 07/03/2011 at 06:11 AM


Amazingly blunt and original article, btw.

Posted by: Imaginary Borderlines | 07/03/2011 at 06:34 AM

Posted by: Hassaan | 08/10/2011 at 06:23 AM


I keep showing this article to my friends, and one by one, they are all waking up. Thank you so much Zionist Watch.

Posted by: imaginary borderlines | 10/04/2011 at 07:26 PM


Jews do what they do because they are the children of the Devil, the literal children of the Devil. That is what Christ called them, and that is what they are. Jews are programmed genetically to destroy whites by any means available to them, even if they are destroyed in the process. They can’t help themselves any more than the scorpion could resist stinging the frog that was carrying him across the river. No matter where in white civilization Jews dwell, Christianity (minus the oxymoronic “judeo” in front of it) and white racial unity are what they seek to undermine above everything else, because it is these two things combined which pose the greatest threat to them.

Posted by: Obadiah 1:18 | 12/27/2011 at 07:17 AM


Speaking of bitchslapping, you might want to check out this video of Canadian comedian Josh Rimer. It makes me laugh!¥HAs

Posted by: alex | 12/31/2011 at 12:16 PM



See Also


Patrick Grimm – How the Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America

Patrick Grimm – Boy, Were You Ever Wrong!

Patrick Grimm – The Jew of the World

Patrick Grimm – The Gentilistic Misunderstanding of Jewish Power

Patrick Grimm – Poor-Little-Meees!

Patrick Grimm – What is Extremism?

>Patrick Grimm – It’s Time

Patrick Grimm – The Savage Nature of Big Jewry

Patrick Grimm – Beware of jews Bearing Gifts

Patrick Grimm – Our Opponents Are Cowards and Liars

Patrick Grimm – Do You Get It Yet? – Mar 18, 2007




Click to download a PDF of this post (x.x MB):


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Version History


Version 2: Dec 20, 2019  — Re-uploaded images for version. Added See Also links.


Version 1: Mar 21, 2017  — Published post.

This entry was posted in America, Brainwashing, Christainity, Communism, Deception, Iraq, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, New World Order, Patrick Grimm, Propaganda, Race, Race - Mixing, Secret Elite, Third World, Third World Immigration, White Nationalism, WW II. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Patrick Grimm – Boy, Were You Ever Wrong! – With Comments

  1. As almost every economy except Israel’s falls to rubble, you don’t ask why. Have you ever wondered why it seems that the Jews are the only ethnicity sitting pretty in the worst economy since the Depression?

    – Patrick Grimm


    No, I’ve never wondered about it. Here is the explanation:

    The Chosen People

    Byron M. Roth, American Renaissance, November 2011
    Why are Jews so successful?

    Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp. soft cover $39.00, hard cover $60.00.

    The Chosen People: A study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement is the most recent work of Richard Lynn dealing with group differences in IQ and their ramifications. As in all of his previous work over the past decade, he substantiates his arguments with huge quantities of empirical data. He advances his positions dispassionately and lets the facts speak for themselves, which they do in impressive, nearly irrefutable fashion. In his previous books he examined racial and ethnic differences in IQ for many groups.The Chosen People is a case study of one distinct group that has shown remarkably similar patterns of achievement in a wide variety of settings.

    Professor Lynn begins by pointing out the extraordinary success of Jews in almost every field. In the 19th century the restrictions that had prevented most Jews from advanced nonreligious study began to be lifted in most of Western Europe, and by mid-century, “people began to observe that Jews were outstandingly successful, and began to speculate that this was attributable to their intellect.” (Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from Professor Lynn.)

    At that time the great bulk of Jews were still living in Eastern Europe, but owing to pogroms beginning around 1880, Jews began migrating to Western Europe and especially to the United States. They formed part of the massive immigration to the US in the period from 1880 to 1924.

    Prof. Lynn writes:

    “They arrived as penniless refugees unable to speak the languages of their new countries; they were the “huddled masses” from the most backward region of Europe. Yet by the middle decades of the 20th century, the children and grandchildren of these immigrants were doing far better than their Gentile hosts on all indices of socioeconomic status and earnings and outperforming them by several orders of magnitude in obtaining elite academic distinction.”

    The development of IQ tests confirmed the impression that Jews were unusually intelligent, and Professor Lynn’s extensive review of the literature indicates that Jews in the US have an average IQ of 110 compared to 100 for other Europeans. This would help account for their outstanding performance in a variety of fields. Though Jews are only about 0.2 percent of the world population, half the world’s chess grandmasters, for example, and 16 percent of Nobel Prize winners for science have been Jews. For Professor Lynn, the purpose of his book “is to document and explain such achievements.”

  2. Jared Taylor, who founded American Renaissance,

    gave me the web address to this. It explains why the Jews thrive, even in bad economies. Professor Rushton spoke at six American Renaissance conferences. I post on the American Renaissance website nearly every day. I have written three essays that have been posted there.


    SPECIAL REVIEW OF STEPHEN JAY GOULD: The Mismeasures of Man (Revised and Expanded Edition). New York: W. W. Norton & Co. New York. (1996) (1st Edn. 1981). 444 pp. ISBN 0-393-31425-1. $13.95, pbk.


    By J. Philippe Rushton

    Department of Psychology
    University of Western Ontario
    London, Ontario N6A 5C2

    Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of social stratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486 youths (3,022 of whom were African American) which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacks as well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those with low IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African Americans was found to be lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115, respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictive and are biased in favor of North Europeans.


    Antisemitism is the socialism of fools. It is based on jealousy of the racial superiority of the Children of Israel. As intelligence becomes increasingly important in our computer dominated economy the wealth and power of the Jews is increasing. Jews are moving up. They are moving in. They are taking over.

  3. The insipid (((jew))) wants to keep you talking. Its all this insipid coward can do. Delay, obfuscate and send more Xenomorphs to attack you. It is a half-pint half-wit. Any who deal with this vermin know their Biggest Lie is they are smart. If they’re so smart, then why do they need censorship? Why must the buy off and control all channels? Why do their tales and lies all sound about as dumb as their brown pets? Its because they’re NOT SMART. Whites aren’t a competitor, they’re a SUPERIOR INTELLECT. They aren’t trying to exterminate blacks or browns because these dummies are the only bipeds dumber than they are. They are already attacking Korea and Japan. They split Korea to have them kill each other. China is already controlled by their puppets to reduce their population. Only idiots dumber than they are allowed to breed. To become slaves supposedly. Of course a world full of these morons and the even dumber dark races will spiral into extinction, as you are now seeing everywhere. Hitler was Right. If this scum jew isn’t stopped, the Whole World will become a lifeless orb like Pluto, orbiting endlessly around the Sun, with NO ONE to count the days.

  4. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - How the Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America - katana17katana17

  5. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - What is Extremism? - katana17katana17

  6. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - The Savage Nature of Big Jewry - katana17katana17

  7. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - Our Opponents Are Cowards and Liars - katana17katana17

  8. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - Beware of jews Bearing Gifts - katana17katana17

  9. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - It's Time - katana17katana17

  10. Pingback: Patrick Grimm - Poor-Little-Meees! - katana17katana17

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