[Jim Rizoli talks with Germar Rudolf on the status of the Holocaust Handbook series, an “… encyclopedic style series of research on the ‘Holocaust’ that is unparalleled in the entire world“.
The Holocaust Handbook series provides conclusive evidence that there were no homicidal gas chambers, or any genocidal plans against jews, and that the claim that millions of jews were murdered by the Third Reich are simply diabolical lies perpetrated by Organized jewry, the very, behind the scenes, instigators of WWII.
Jim Rizoli with
Germar Rudolf
The Holocaust Handbooks and More
Jul 28, 2021
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Published on Jul 28, 2021
Jim Rizoli
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Latest update with Holocaust Handbooks publisher Germar Rudolf
Holocaust Handbooks, hardcover:
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Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over
(78:55 mins)
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Jim Rizoli: Hi everyone. I’m Jim Rizoli here with Germar Rudolf. We are going to be talking about the new books that have come out with the “Holocaust Handbook” series. And Germar is the one behind that is. And I think this is very important, because these books are very critical to the revisionist movement out there.
So, Germar welcome to the show. And I hope you have some good news for us in regards to what you’ve been doing with the new books.
Germar Rudolf: Yeah. Thank you for having me on.
Jim Rizoli: So what’s been going on? Tell us. I know you’ve been busy. I haven’t talked to you in a couple of, I don’t know, maybe what two years? Probably a couple years? It’s been a while.
Germar Rudolf: Yes. Well the “Holocaust Handbook” series, which I started officially, now 21 years ago. So it was in 2000 – when we issued the first edition “Dissecting the Holocaust” – and has grown over the years. And I was initially aiming at getting to 20 volumes, which was an ambitious project back then. And I reached that just about the time when I was arrested in 2005, and got deported from this country.
[Image] Dissecting the Holocaust – 2nd and 3rd Editions.
So this series got suspended, then I picked up, at a slow pace, initially. But then accelerating, particularly in 2015, 2016, when I resumed editorial responsibility for the series.
After I’d been arrested, and for the first years after my release from the German gulag, the responsibility for publication had been with the Barnes Review. They picked up that project when I was unable to.
But in 15, 16, I resumed the responsibility again.
And we have been adding volumes steadily to the series. Right now it stands at 44 volumes, that have appeared. And five more in the pipeline. Two, I already have on my hard drive here to be translated when I start. And two more I am in constant exchange with the author, which is Carlo Mattogno in Italy, while the projects are evolving. So four of them are already in some stage of preparation.
[Image] Holocaust Handbook series (click image to enlarge)
So it looks like we’re reaching 50. And at some point we have to make a stop to it! [chuckling] Because it’s getting too much like an encyclopedia, with 50 volumes is huge! And that’s probably the limit of what people would ever consider owning, or buying. Because beyond that the costs get just exorbitant.
And also at some point, to what detail do you want to delve into a topic that anyone would still be interested in? And there’s always danger of repeating yourself. So we need to cut. We need to trim down. We need to focus more on what’s important. We need to take repetitions out.
And all of these things we have been doing over the past two years; a) adding new volumes; b) replacing old ones that have had become inappropriate, I would say unsatisfactory, because they were outdated. One of the volumes, Volume 1 and 3 was a review of Raul Hilberg’s magnum opus, “The Destruction of the European Jews”. And he [the reviewer] had written that in 1999. So that’s 22 years ago. And back then his knowledge was limited in his ability to do a deep critique of Hilberg’s work was limited.
And Carlo Mattogno has written one that is based on his 20, 30 years of experiences in the field, which is much more thorough and superior in quality. So we have replaced the old Volume 3 with this new one.
Also Volume 28 used to be a two-set volume of more than 700 pages each. And it was a step-by-step, point-by-point, refutation and critique of the mainstream work that was trying to refute books we had published about the actual Reinhardt camps – Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor.
And that’s my son in the background, cleaning the table. So he’s going to be on camera and will be published too [chuckling]!
Jim Rizoli: Well, that’s okay.
Germar Rudolf: Anyway, that bulky two volume work was unattractive for the reader. Let’s say it, that way. There’s a book of thousand five hundred pages being a point-by-point refutation of something that somebody else has written, that doesn’t even exist as a book but only as a PDF file online. It’s a little bit difficult to read and understand and wrap your head around it.
I mean, I edited it. I’m very familiar with the details of all the things involved, but still I found it challenging to read it, and to really understand at each point of the discussion what’s going on.
So we thought this needs replacement with something that is readable, that’s enjoyable, that is more concise.
Also, because on these three camps, two of them particularly – Treblinka and Sobibor – more research had been done over the past years ever since that massive two volume book had appeared. That was 2013. There had been archaeological research going on in Treblinka and Sobibor and these results needed to be incorporated into something new.
So we took all the new research. Also the Poles started publishing from their archives, eyewitness testimony that were recorded during, or in the immediate post-war time, during the war, or shortly thereafter. They published them in books.
So they have not been accessible, so far. Hidden in some archive unknown, or unaccessible, to revisionists at least. They are now accessible. So they need to be included.
This has been published. That was just the recent release that we issued last week. And it’s called “The ‘Operation Reinhardt’ Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec”. And so that is a replacement one.
Volume 40 had been a gap in the series. That was on the delivery of coke, wood, and Zyklon B, to Auschwitz. There are documents in the archives that prove how much coke, and how much wood, and how much Zyklon B, has been delivered to that camp. And the mainstream, let’s say some scholars from the Auschwitz museum, tried to use that documentation to prove that mass murder has been going on. But the methods they used to prove it were untenable, if not to say, outright ridiculous!
By saying, for instance, that:
“The cremation of a corpse just requires three kilograms of coke.”
Which is ridiculous!
And that was a book length review based on that documentation of this Polish – it’s actually only an article – a journal article, some 20, 30 pages, or so, that addresses these issues. And that booklet in front of you, had been written a long while ago. I can’t even remember. It’s four, five, six, years ago that Carlo Mattogno wrote that. And when I translated it several years ago we had some major issues with the math in it. So it basically didn’t pass peer review. Because one chapter in there, his math was just wrong.
And his extrapolations from the documentary material was “daring” to say the least! Speculating.
“We don’t have documents. But let’s assume that’s what it would have continued if the documentation would have been preserved.”
This is a limb out of which the mainstream can go on, but speculations shouldn’t be part of history. That’s just part of fiction, and it shouldn’t be in there.
So we had a standoff between peer reviews and Carlo Mattogno saying, … Carlo Mattogno wanted to have it as it is. Peer review would say there’s no way, this is just fraud.
Jim Rizoli: Who does that? Who does the peer review?
Germar Rudolf: It depends at any time who is an expert. We have a few people who look it over who know about stuff. In that case it was actually me, because when it comes to math and physical stuff I have a necessary background to do these things. And I was doing the checking there. [chuckling] So, I was checking all his math and putting it in proper form and ran into a lot of problems and wouldn’t let it pass.
We have some anonymous experts. We assume by the access they have to archive material, and judging by their knowledge of the topic, that they are probably mainstream professors, experts in the field. But they will not reveal who they are. They communicate anonymously with us. And that’s fine. We don’t want them get exposed as helping us.
But they do, and we get feedback from them when it comes to archival material, to source verification. And also to finding new sources, because we can’t get access to archives, to most archives, directly.
If you show up at an archive with a revisionist name you may get arrested in most European countries. Germany and Poland particularly! So we need helpers whose reputation is not on a black list. So let’s say, his name is not on the black list.
Jim Rizoli: Who’s written most of your books? Carlo?
Germar Rudolf: Yeah, Carlo Mattogno is the main author. Now I was joking lately, because most of the projects we’re putting up right now are all written by Carlo Mattogno And, of course, the publishing outlet I have is Castle Hill Publishers, CHP. And I joked in one of these emails I was sending out to customers, saying:
“Well maybe we should rename it to ‘Carlo Mattogno Publishers’, CMP!”
Just joking!
But yeah, he’s the most prolific writer. He has gathered documents, tens of thousands of documents, while he was still able to access the archives in the 1990s. And, because of his reputation among historians, he has gained support from some of them, anonymously, and are helping him, getting him archive of material that he otherwise would not have access to.
So we have people actually going for us to archives getting stuff and sending it to us. And also pointing out when we make mistakes, or when we have missed something that’s crucial.
So in that case the math peer review I did, and I didn’t let it pass.
So eventually this year he agreed to take out his entire speculative, flawed math calculations, and publish the book without it. And that cleared the way for it. And so this way we could actually publish it. And that closed this one gap we still had in Volume 40.
Volume 41 to 44 have appeared in succession since December last year. And 42 has been out for a while. It was a project that I entered. That’s written by myself.
But 41, 43, and 44 came out in December, January, and February, if I’m not mistaken. So in quick succession.
Jim Rizoli: Do you ever have anybody buy the whole series?
Germar Rudolf: Yes, yes. We offer the whole series as a set, at a discount. And I would say we, … If I look at the turnover, I would say that a good 15 to 20 percent of our turnover is from selling the whole series.
Jim Rizoli: Wow!
Germar Rudolf: Because it’s such a big chunk. If somebody buys buys 44 books all in one go, that’s like 44 sales of individual books, with normal sales are just one book. We even offer all of our books. So the 44 volumes of the Holocaust Handbooks, plus all the other books that we have in our program, which is some 30 more books, or so. And some people even go for that. I would say on every four sets of “Holocaust” handbooks we get one set of all the books that we have in our program!
Jim Rizoli: Well, that would be quite a bit of bundles of books coming to the home, wouldn’t it?
Germar Rudolf: Yes. It’s not quite 80 books. And it comes in several boxes, indeed.
Jim Rizoli: I mean, it’s amazing, because most people don’t know anything. I mean, we do, but most other people don’t know anything about these books, because you can’t get them on Amazon, right?
Germar Rudolf: Each time we publish them they go through international distribution, and as such, Amazon offers them for a week, or two, until they become aware, …
Because every bookshop nowadays has an automatic online hookup to the distributors. And the distributors here in the United States, they are not allowed to turn down books. Because the main distributor in the United States has a monopoly, legally recognized monopoly. And therefore, they have to stock books, take them in their program, because they have a monopoly. They’re not allowed to turn anyone down as long as the book is legal.
And this way our books are in international distribution. So every bookseller online, or offline, having a hookup to that distributor, which everyone has – because that’s where everyone gets the books from – knows about the book and has it automatically in their system.
And so Amazon, and all the other online retailers that do that hookup, as soon as we publish the book the next hour, or two, boom! There it is! It’s an automatic process. And then for them to take it out of what they offer, requires the manual step of ticking some box:
“Hide this book.”
Or something, or whatever it is they’re ticking.
And usually it takes about two two weeks on average for them to get taken down.
So we assume there is the usual suspects of “thought police” monitoring books of a certain topic. And once they run into it, they have their hot wire to Jeff Bezos to have him push the censorship button, or whoever in his company does that kind of dirty job.
Jim Rizoli: Have any libraries ordered the series?
Germar Rudolf: No.
Jim Rizoli: Well, you know what happens in libraries? Let’s say they even did order the series. They’d put it in. And then what happens is they’d take the books out and never bring them back. And nothing you could do about it!
Because I’ve had this happen with books I wanted to get in the library. And that’s what happens. People will take the book out. And they’ll never bring it back. And then you say:
“Well who took the book out? I want to get the book back!”
And they don’t do anything about it. That’s what the libraries do! Just to let you know. They would never last in the library.
But anyway, that’s how they operate. Sad.
Germar Rudolf: Well, this series actually comes in three formats right now. And that’s one of the reason why we worked so hard.
We have a PDF format. So you can get them as ebooks, PDF, which we offer as a bundle for download. The list price is $70 for that, for all 44 books.
But in theory you wouldn’t have to pay for it. Every single book can be downloaded as a free PDF. If you want to go through the process of downloading 44 books, one after the other, you can do that on our website that’s dedicated to the series; holocausthandbooks.com.
And if you want to get them in a bundle in our shop at shop.cohdo.com you can do that. The list price is $70.
Now, we have a feature in our shop where you can actually change the price. You don’t see it in any shop, online shop, anywhere else. You have a product, a price is attached to it. And then you can put it in the shopping cart and buy it that way.
In our case, every single product we have has a price to it. But you can push the up, or down, button and reduce the price, or increase the price.
Now with many of our books there is a minimum price for the printed books, beyond which you cannot go. That’s the list price in this case. Because we can’t give them away for cheaper, because somehow we have to cover our costs and make a living.
But when it comes to ebooks, particularly the Holocaust Handbooks, we offer those as free ebooks on the Holocaust Handbooks website. And, because they are in theory free, how do we justify taking money for the same thing, bundled up, when we sell it in our shop? Now it’s kind of a feature. Yeah, there’s so much effort in it and we expect people, this is worth some money and they should be paying that.
But in that case we have actually switched it freely, so that people can lower the price.
“I don’t want to pay $70 for the series, I want to download it in one swoop and not pay anything!”
Then you go on the down button and click it all the way down to zero! And get it for free! That works. Only for the ebook versions of the Holocaust Handbooks.
On the other hand, if you buy just one, it costs just five dollars. And you think:
“This book should be worth much more. It’s such intense research, it’s so valuable! I think it’s worth twenty dollars!”
What you can do is press on the up button and increase the price! Which nobody has ever done [chuckling]! Ever since we introduced that feature [chuckling]!
Anyway, most people also don’t understand that they can lower the price. Because that’s just an unexpected features that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. But legally speaking, since we give them already away for free on our Holocaust Handbooks website, we thought charging money for them on our shop is not quite “kosher”. At least we should have the option there for people to reduce it down to zero. So that’s why we introduced a custom shopping cart, you can do these gimmicks.
So that’s the ebook version. Just seventy dollars list price.
Then we have the paperback version, which you see in your background. They are all lined up there with their cover art, or a spine art in that case.
And now, released a week ago, we have also a hardcover version. All of these books in hardcover. And the reason for that is twofold. One of them is this is an encyclopedic style series of research on the “Holocaust” that is unparalleled in the entire world!
The mainstream doesn’t have anything coming close to it! They have an encyclopedia that has three volumes, but each entry about the topics are very superficial. And there’s not much information in it. There’s no critical information! No information that really does some independent research. It’s mainstream stuff. And it just regurgitates the war propaganda, uncritically.
So there is nothing similar anywhere else in the world, mainstream, or not, like this one.
And a lot of people are willing to buy it. But then normally if you have an encyclopedic massive series like that, people would like to put it in some central shelf of their living room and say:
“I have all these books. And I’m a really well-read, knowledgeable person who has all this stuff, read.”
But then again, who seriously wants to “out themselves” by putting books like that centrally in their living room with any visitor, or even family member coming in and seeing that you have 44 “Holocaust denial” books sitting in your living room! Gets you in a lot of trouble!
Jim Rizoli: I don’t know I’m happy to have them on my shelf. I got them down in my basement, and I got them all, I love them!
Germar Rudolf: In your basement! You were hiding them in your basement [chuckling]!
Jim Rizoli: I know, because you haven’t seen my house, okay. My brother, Joe, has all his books upstairs. I get no place to put them! I can do my videos upstairs, and downstairs. And downstairs is another place where I can do videos with all the books behind me, you know, without the green kind of screen behind me. I don’t have a green screen but my brother Joe has a lot of books! Okay. He’s got hundreds and hundreds of books! And I mean, my whole living room is all books! It looks like a library.
But my basement, like I said, if you saw how I do my videos downstairs, all the books are on the shelves behind me. It looks really nice and your books are all there.
Now you said they’re on hard cover. What do they cost in hardcover?
Germar Rudolf: The production cost for the hardcover is not quite ten dollars more than for the paperback. It’s five dollars more for the hardcover, and we use a little bit higher quality paper for it. So we increased the price for each paperback edition by just ten dollars to cover the additional production cost, because we didn’t want to make more profit on it, just because it’s hardcover. Plus a little bit of a margin setting up those books cost us thousands, [words unclear], or so, not counting the time I’ve put in to produce the new imprint.
Jim Rizoli: You don’t have a hardcover one with you, do you?
Germar Rudolf: I just sent you an email, an image showing how they look like, how they line up in the similar fashion as you have the paperback in the background. If you look it up you could perhaps replace it while I’m talking. And then people can look at it.
Jim Rizoli: Okay.
Germar Rudolf: So what we have done is not do any fancy cover art with those, for the simple reason covers for hardbacks have to be completely differently layouted then paperbacks. Because the hardcover exceeds the trim size by an eighth, or a quarter of an inch. And then you have to wrap the artwork around it. So the artwork has to be completely redone. Also the spine is completely different. And having to completely redo all the artworks for the cover would have consumed a lot of time! And that would have been untenable, because we don’t expect to sell those like hot cakes.And therefore we need to keep the costs down.
So what we did our printer offered an option that is called a “digital print blue cloth”. So it looks like a patterned blue cloth hardcover, even though it’s actually printed.
Jim Rizoli: Did you say you just sent it?
Germar Rudolf: Yeah I sent you an email with it. Let me see if it’s, …
Jim Rizoli: Oh yeah, all right, cool! Let me see if I can grab that. All right, cool.
Germar Rudolf: Now when it comes to the cost of the series, as I mentioned, the e-books right now are $70. Paperback sits at $875. And that includes actually already upcoming volumes that will appear later this year. We have two more in the pipeline that I’m working on.
Jim Rizoli: Wow!
Germar Rudolf: And they will be included in that price. That’s for the paperback.
And the hardcover is a whopping $1,170, right now. This is a 35% discount over what you would pay if you bought every single book individually. And actually includes free shipping anywhere in the world!
So if you’re on Micronesia, or you’re in Japan, or in Russia, or in Timbuktu, or wherever you are, it doesn’t matter! We can get it there and your shipping is included. Because, as UPS brags, they go anywhere! I don’t know whether they go to Antarctica. Maybe they do [chuckling]! Some researcher there wants the series.
Jim Rizoli: I’m looking at the set. I mean, it’s really nice. I mean, that’s great!
Germar Rudolf: Right. This now really looks like a series of one big set of books. They all belong together. We have this one sticking out on the paperback that’s large size. That’s the Air Photo book, because there’s so many big photos in here that we wanted to have in big size. We couldn’t do that with a hard cover, because that kind of hardcover, our printer doesn’t do in letter size format. So we had to reduce the size. But it’s also neat to have them all have the same size, so they really fit together.
Then you have the volume numbers, they’re going from 1 to 44, at the top. So it really looks like an encyclopedia, which kind of it is. And we’re working on it to trim it, adjust it in a way that repetitions are taken out.
We have one book, Volume 22, was published in two, the Italian original edition in 2008, or 2009. And at that point the later Volume 24 hadn’t appeared, which is about the cremation furnaces at Auschwitz. That was a book that Carlo Mattogno has been working on since the early 1990s. It finally appeared in the Italian edition in 2012. The English edition, the first edition, in 2015. The second edition I’m just wrapping up. So we have a new edition coming up that will replace the old one.
But when he issued the Volume 22 on the gas chambers of Auschwitz, he wanted to address the issue of cremation furnaces. He normally would have referred to his [word unclear] but it wasn’t out yet. So he included a long chapter on summarizing what was to be published in Volume 24. This is now redundant, because 24 is out, has been for a while.
And also he has large chapters on critiquing Rudolf Höss as a witness. We have a separate monograph, that’s Volume 35, on critiquing Henryk Tauber, one of the Sonderkommando witnesses.
We will have a separate book, Volume 54, which I have already on my hard drive, that is Henryk Tauber and another witness. A critique of their testament. So these chapters will be a little bit redundant. So we’re working on trimming down Volume 22, making summaries on these topics only, otherwise referring to these monographs.
And by so doing we can actually reduce some of the massive volume of some of these volumes. The reader doesn’t have all these repetitions.
Jim Rizoli: If you had to pick one book that, let’s say someone couldn’t afford all the books, they wanted one book out of your series that would really kind of like give you the whole nine yards in one book, which one would you say?
Germar Rudolf: My preferred one are the “Lectures on the Holocaust” [Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 15: Lectures on the Holocaust—Controversial Issues Cross-Examined 3rd, revised and expanded edition]. Not because I wrote it, …
Jim Rizoli: I believe the same thing. I think that out of all of them, I think that one there, it covers almost everything. I mean, in a good way, you know?
Germar Rudolf: Right. I mean, it’s not a short book. It depends on how much you want to read. We have, I would say, four books in the series that tries to give you an overview.
The volume first [Vol 1] actually, I started that, because at that point, when I had the original German edition, working on that in the early 90s, I was a complete newcomer to the field. And I started that project, because I myself wanted to have an overview of what’s going on. What’s the state of art in that field? And I get all those revisionist scholars from all over the world together, bring their knowledge to the project, and make it an anthology on this. And that’s how Volume 1 came to be in the early 90s.
Now the last edition is from 2019. We keep updating it. But it’s chopped up in topics, and dealt with by separate authors. So it’s not a story that you can read in one go. You have different chapters on different topics, which some may like.
The “Lectures on the Holocaust” are based on actual lectures I have done in the early 90s. While I was doing this research I was giving lectures to some academic audiences in two cases, in the second half of 1992. Presenting in multimedia form the research that revisionists were doing. And that book is along the same line. It starts with what the mainstream is claiming, what the issue, is there controversy? It goes to through a history of scandals of people doubting, refuting, running afoul of the thought police. And showing how many people there are, academics, reputable persons in the academic and technical world who also voiced doubts and got in trouble. And all the censorship and the pressure that’s going on to keep a lid on this topic.
And then it goes into covering the topic from various aspects. And it’s an exchange, it’s in a dialogue style.
So it engages the reader by feeling that this is actually a lecture, where the lecturer engages the audience, and the audience engages the lecturer back with critical questions, hostile questions, and [word unclear] questions, whatever the case may be. And this exchange goes on through the whole book, and it covers a large swath.
And I keep that updated, too. I mean, it’s now four years that I had the last edition. It’s slated for a new one next year at some point. And this book has 500 pages of text. So, it’s not quite as big as “Dissecting”, which is 600. But you kind of have to read it in one go, because it all belongs together, and it comes all together.
But then again the reading style is so entertaining, I heard, that people keep going. It’s flows, and flows, and you don’t even notice how you’re getting fast through it.
Jim Rizoli: Excellent book! I love it! I actually read it over, and over, again.
Germar Rudolf: And then, if you want less, we have by two different authors.
We have by the former professor of the history of science, Nick Kollerstrom, from London College. He used to teach, then got thrown out when he outed himself as a revisionist. He was a lecturer there. And he wrote that book “Breaking the Spell”, which is Volume 31 of the series. And this is probably the shortest book giving an overview of the topic. And it’s a completely different style and is shorter. So if you just want to have it in a nutshell, or 240 pages, or so, that’s probably the one you would want to go to. It has a different angle of approaching things.
And then you have “Debating the Holocaust”, which is the next volume, Volume 32, by a professor of philosophy. I won’t reveal his name here. But his pen name is Thomas Dalton. So he comes from the philosophical angle. And he’s actually a major critic of modern technology. That’s what his approach is to philosophy. Thinking that modern technology is ruining mankind. Not so much talking about the environment, that’s a different issue. But if you look at all the, …
Jim Rizoli: I got a question for you Germar. In all the books, like I know you revise them, what things have you revised in the books that have been very critical to revise? Because again, remember, that this goes over a long period of time. So from the beginning when you started getting these books going to now, what have you had to go back on to say:
“Wait a second here! We have to change something here that we said that we have to revise.”
Can you can pick anything out?
Germar Rudolf: Over the decades much more material has become accessible. So you broaden your bases, your source bases basically. You don’t want to be accused of when you’re in that business saying that you’re overlooking major sources. And so we have to broaden that. And that doesn’t really change anything when it comes to the result of the research as a matter of fact the more sources we get there are two kinds of sources:
Original wartime documents that show what happened on the official level – documents produced by the Germans, but also documents produced by the Allied powers. And by the underground movements that were fighting against the Germans.
And then you have as a second group; eyewitness accounts.
And as I mentioned just before, a lot of those hidden in archives have been recently made accessible on various camps; Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor. And Belzec, there’s nothing really new. So it’s limited to these three camps that major new material became accessible.
And then we analyzed that too. Broaden the basis and see it fully supports our conclusions and our the results we get from this support. So it’s not changing anything when it comes to our conclusions. But it under undergirds it much more firmly and makes it less accessible to attack from the other side, because we show we really master the source material. We know it all. And we include it and discuss it all.
Jim Rizoli: Well I know the books get attacked all the time. I mean, I are you familiar with the Quora site? Have you ever heard of that, Quora? It’s like a blog site. It’s called q-u-o-r-a. And people like yourself you could go on there. And you could actually put your books up for comment on that site. Yourself, I suppose.
But people criticize the “Holocaust” books, you know. I mean, revisionist books. And they say that they’re not written by scholars. The people that write them don’t know what they’re talking about, and blah, blah, blah. I mean, …
Germar Rudolf: That is not criticizing the books, it’s ad hominem attacks which, …
Jim Rizoli: I know, I know!
Germar Rudolf: , … Is not scientific behaviour because so many scholars on the mainstream, they are not formally educated in history, either. So this is not what counts.
You have to go to the actual source material and claim we quoted it wrongly, we missed sources, we misinterpreted them, or whatever it is.
There are a number of websites by mainstream people – not all of them scholars – picking up on whatever we have published, and then trying to refute it. And these websites are more, or less, active and stuff getting posted there all the time and revised.
The problem with that approach is that if you want to do serious scientific research, you need to back up what you’re saying. And what you’re quoting with sources that are reliably discoverable by whoever is going to want to check what you’re saying!
One main feature of today’s scientific and academic world is that you cannot quote stuff that’s on the internet, on some blog, because tomorrow it may be changed. Tomorrow it may be gone.
There are two kinds of sources; quotable sources and non-quotable sources! Non-quotable sources, anything of the day day-to-day media. You can’t quote them. Because journalists make stuff up! They have no idea what they’re talking about. You cannot ever quote media!
Jim Rizoli: Right.
Germar Rudolf: You can quote them as proof as that they’re talking nonsense. That’s all you can use them [chuckling] for! You cannot use them to prove anything being correct, because journalists are hardly ever correct. And tomorrow a paper that may be posted online may be gone tomorrow.
And the same is with those blogs where people just throw in their mental diarrhea! Tomorrow it may be rewritten, tomorrow may be gone! There is no peer review process, there is no academic control.
Like a lot of academic publications nowadays are already published online before they ever get printed. Some of them are only online. But they have peer review processes. They have proper archiving procedures, referencing procedures. So if somebody posts something it’s there. It will be there. It will stay there. And you can’t make revisions. You can submit errata sheets or so they get added to it. But you can’t actually change stuff around. Publish is published! And it stays there.
That’s not true for all these blogs. So if you want to pay attention and take seriously every single one of these mental diarrhea sites, you have nothing else to do in the world anymore.
I realized that in the 1960s [?90s] when I was getting engaged in these bulletin boards and these discussion groups on the internet that were just popping up as the internet was evolving. And people were engaging each other in revisionist discussions, or “Holocaust” denial, or revisionism, whatever site you’re on.
And I realized that if you refute one person in any discussion it may, or may not, get deleted. But then as somebody else starts a new thread and the same false claims are being published again by someone else. So you can’t win in any of these. It’s a wack-a-mole game! You can never win that!
And if you get start getting engaged in it you have no time and no energy left to do actually what needs to be done! To go to the archives, to do the footwork, to actually get this stuff together and publish it in a serious form, in printed books, as it needs to be.
Now if these people start actually putting their critique together, peer review it, get it published as a book so that we know it’s there! It stays! It’s in archives! It’s in libraries! People can access it and it won’t run away, then we can talk about discussing these things.
But as long as it is in the format as it is, it’s impossible to handle. I mean, potentially there could be millions of people who hate revisionism, want to refute it, they all get into these bulletin boards, and discussion groups, and blogs, and whatever you call them, the name for these things have changed over time, you know what used to be just a bulletin board is now a blog.
How many people are we on the revisionist side that do serious research? We are so resource constrained by time, by money, by anything, that we really have to focus on what we can do. We cannot engage all these people! We cannot even read all this stuff!
Jim Rizoli: Yeah, I know.
Germar Rudolf: Put it in a proper form? Yes. But unless that happens and I can’t see that happening, because no publisher takes books that takes revisionist content series and tries to refute it, because by so doing you first acknowledge revisionist stuff exists!
Second, you acknowledge that it is so serious that it needs addressing and refutation. And so the reader gets pointed to the revisionist content. Ninety nine point nine per cent of people out there believe the mainstream story, anyhow. Once they get a book in their hand that says:
“Oh there are revisionists. And they have arguments and we need to refute them.”
Ten percent of them bail out and are suddenly with us! So bad news about revisionism by these blogs and books turns out to be advertising for us. No matter what news it is, it’s going to be advertising! Therefore these things will not be published as books, because publishers will not touch it!
Jim Rizoli: Do you get a chance to go out and speak anywhere? Like to people, or, …
Germar Rudolf: No. The current social atmosphere makes it an activity that I would consider too dangerous.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: The things I’m doing are already dangerous. I still have three school-aged kids, and we try to live a normal family life. If I stick my head too far out the window that may change.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: Right now, you go to the website of the town I live in, it’s not a secret, it’s Red lion. You go on Wikipedia look up Red Lion [York, Pennsylvania] and you look up which prominent persons live in Red Lion. There are three people on there. Two of which don’t even live here. And there’s one person who actually does live there, and that’s me. And this is as much as a high profile as I want. [chuckling] I’m the only prominent person living in this town, and the media, of course, see that as a negative, just as does Wikipedia has a negative prominence as an infamous person. And getting in much higher profile than that, … Already having the interview as I have it now with you.
Jim Rizoli: Right.
Germar Rudolf: It’s probably engaging in public speech in some regard. And this is already a risk I’m taking here on a personal level, because my wife doesn’t like it.
Now that is the other part of the family. And not, because of the contents we’re discussing. There’s nothing that they have to quibble about that. But it’s because of the exposure I get and the possible negative repercussions it could have for the family. And I’m not going to make it worse by going out and speak to actual audiences where on top of it you have the risk of some people attacking you physically.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah. I know, because that’s another thing they use against a revisionist. They say:
“Well revisionists, they don’t go out and debate people, or this, or that.”
And then, like you just say. Well, if we go out there doing this, we run into problems, because people want to kill us! Or burn our, … You know, do something bad to us. And I understand that. I can see that happening.
It’s like Ball, John Ball, I know you have one of the books of him the photo evidence of the camps and this. And he kind of like disappeared in life, right?
Germar Rudolf: Well, I’m in touch with him. We’re still friends. So yeah, he changed his name and moved away, and changed his career completely. So unless, you know, where to look for him and under what name you wouldn’t know where he is. But for a good reason, because he completely ruined his career!
He was a mineral exploration geologist. And after that book had come out he had become unemployable! He lost his job and he couldn’t find a job anywhere, anymore. And so he’s now independent, he’s his own boss, he does his own thing. So that was the only way out.
Like for me. I mean, I’m independent. I’m unemployable in the normal market. I wouldn’t have to apply for anything, anyway! [chuckling] Any googling of my name and people just won’t touch me. And he had the same problem. So for me it’s not a problem anymore of employability, of material safety, which a proper job gives you, because I have made revisionism my job. And my career. And my life, and earn the living I need to earn to live.
I mean, I’m not, you’re not, getting rich with a revisionism, ever! And 20, 30, 40 years ago when there were still wartime generation people who would bestow big inheritances on some individuals. But that doesn’t happen anymore. Ernst Zundel managed to get several millions that way. But then again he had expenses of several millions with all the stuff he was doing, too! [chuckling]
So, at the end of the day, no matter how you look at it, revision is not going to be materially profitable to anyone. It’s dangerous, …
Jim Rizoli: All right, finish what you’re going to say, because I have another question I want to ask you. Kind of unrelated, but go ahead.
The question I want to ask you has to do with Eric Hunt, if you don’t mind me asking, okay? Because what the hell happened with him? I mean, I look at the stuff on the internet, I read, and here’s a guy that was doing tremendous work in the revisionist movement. And then he just completely went off, out of sight here! I don’t know what, I mean, … Can you talk about it, or if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.
Germar Rudolf: I would exaggerate if I say that I know him well enough to make make 100% accurate assessment of what happened there. There are several aspects to the issue. And two of them are what I would like to discuss here.
The first one is his mental and emotional stability. He was on some medication to keep his emotions in check. Which shows already that he sometimes emotionally overreacted to things that required that medication.
So, when you get into, … Let’s call it a fight like that, it’s not like that you want to fight for something, but the social environment will fight you! So you inevitably get into nasty social situations that isolate you. And, of course, he had a bad experience when he had this little encounter, a nasty encounter with Ellie Wiesel which got him sentenced for assault and spent jail time, actually.
That was before he got deeper involved in revisionism. But that kind of ruined his social situation for good in this country. After that he was living in a car out on the road, because he was unemployable. The situation was really bad. And it got better only when he left the country and moved over to Europe, to Eastern Europe.
Jim Rizoli: So that’s where he is now? He’s in Europe?
Germar Rudolf: Most of the good work that you’ve seen him doing, some of them he did still while living in a car here in the US, after he was released from prison. And some of that he did then when he was in Eastern Europe. And that’s where he is right now. And he has a girlfriend there.
And I actually talked to him, and it’s the second aspect. He was in it not for the revisionist part, you know. I came in primarily, because a feeling of injustice, suppressing something like that evidently has a lot of impact, a lot of importance. Suppressing it by the government is just unjust! And anything that’s profoundly unjust, there’s something that drives me up, and I get pick up the fight for justice.
However, his approach was White Nationalism. And to, to a large degree, an anti-jewish stance. And he saw revisionism as a tool to further these causes. And this is a tricky, slippery road to go on. Because, if you look into revisionism, it is nothing isolated for White nationalists. You find black people interested in it. You find Latinos interested in it. You find Arab Muslim communities interested in it particularly. So there is no racial purity in the revisionist movement. The whole concept is just alien to revisionism.
And the other thing is the anti-jewish angle, revisionism by itself is not against any group of people, or any creed, or whatever you want to say. Of course, it is critical about eyewitnesses, a large portion of which happen to have some kind of jewish background. But that’s where it stops. We’re not getting into the discussion of jews as a social group, or as a religious group, even though some revisionists do that in other parts of the world.
Like, if you look at Thomas Dalton, he has these two books on “Holocaust” revisionism. And lately, over the past two, or three years, he’s published numerous books on the so-called jewish question. So there is a relationship between the two. But it’s not one-on-one.
And you can’t solve any jewish question, whatever you want to define it, by just going after revisionism, making it succeed. That is not a panacea for nationalist, White nationalist, supremacist, racialist – whatever you want to call it – issue that people may have, ….
Jim Rizoli: Even David Cole and even David Irving and Mark Webb, … I mean, a lot of them have kind of capitulated in some of their views now. But to now saying like, for instance, like:
“Oh, Treblinka was an execution camp! They murdered millions of people in these camps!”
And [words unclear] his great Treblinka video he did. And then go completely the opposite, to say:
“Oh now the big problem is, well, where did the jews go if they weren’t exterminated? Where did they go? And blah, blah, blah!”
Germar Rudolf: For me, it’s two issues. I advised him, you need to take your emotional investment in it hoping that it will resolve the White racist problems, and the jewish question, out of it, because it’s probably not gonna happen.
It’s a fight by itself. It’s for truth! It’s for justice more than anything else. And his heart was not in that kind of stuff. He realized this is not leading to success. Not short term, not midterm, if ever. And therefore he lost an interest in it.
And then I advised him, before he flipped, I advised him he needs to have the basics of his life sorted out. He was in the process of ruining his life with revisionism, by getting in this tussle with Ellie Wiesel, getting himself imprisoned, because of it. And I said:
“The most important issue of life, is procreation! That’s how life maintains itself! It’s also the solution to the White racial problem! You don’t have kids, it’s not going to be a White race. There’s not going to be anything to fight for! So love family, having children, raising new life in love. That is the essence of life! This is the essence of the human experience! And you need to focus on that. You have a girlfriend there, she’s a good girl. Get your life back together in Eastern Europe. Marry her, have children, have a family, have a reason for life that is very profound deep and makes sense in the bigger context, too. And once you have that, all the rest comes after that it’s secondary.”
And I think that fed then into it him realizing:
“If I want to have a normal family life, I need to stop ruffling feathers on a level where I’m getting constantly in trouble, and where I have problems maintaining a family, or even establishing one.”
And so he decided to bail out! To not have the struggle anymore, since it’s not leading to the immediate success he hoped for on the aspects on the topics he was most interested in. And to settle down have a family and bailout.
Anything else is post facto rationalization of his decision!
As you say, we can’t comprehend he makes this hard-heading videos on Majdanek and Treblinka showing how absurd the story is, how easily it can be refuted. And then he flips suddenly 180 degrees, coming up with these superficial, mainstream, propaganda slogans, that he just refuted a year ago! It makes no sense.
And the reason why it makes no sense is he rationalized his decision to bail out this way, to get out of the hard fight, because he realized it’s not really his fight. And he needs to justify it without feeling himself a coward, or whatever it is.
Jim Rizoli: It almost sounds like it was done in a spiteful way, you know what I mean? Like you’re not doing it, because you’re leaving it, you’re doing it, …
Germar Rudolf: Go back to the first part when I talked about his emotional problems.
Jim Rizoli: Right.
Germar Rudolf: You see how he does it that’s in his, in the fabric of his behavioral patterns.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah. What do you think about David Irving, because he believes now that a couple million people were killed in Treblinka too! The Reinhardt camps. I mean even Mark Weber! Mark Weber even has a belief system that he believes that people were killed, either the Einsatzgruppen would kill them, or they were killed in gas chambers, or whatever, in these camps.
David Cole, he’s done the same thing. I mean, what do you think about that today?
Germar Rudolf: David Irving has never been a “Holocaust” revisionist, as such, as we would describe, in that he researched the matter, argued the matter, and came to conclusions based on the evidence he found, and the arguments he has assessed.
If you look at what he has published over the years, he has published stuff about the war, about war heroes, or central war figures. And he has never published anything serious about revisionism. And when I visited him back in London, back in the years, he said:
“He doesn’t read the revisionist books.”
You know, he always brags, he doesn’t read mainstream historians books! He goes to the archives. He goes to the source material itself and does the research. And he doesn’t care about what other people write, because it’s irrelevant. The only thing he’s interested in is:
“What sources do they quote? Have I covered that? Did I find them? And if not, where do I find them? Then I use them.”
I’m not saying that the approach is wrong, quite to the contrary. At the end of the day, the evidence matters, not somebody’s published opinion about it.
So it’s always good to go to the evidence and make up your own mind. But that’s exactly the issue! He has never done that in the issue of the extermination of the jews. He hasn’t done it about Auschwitz! About Treblinka! About Belzec! About Sobibor! Majdanek, or any other camp. He has done no footwork whatsoever! Archival, forensic, whatever you want to call it, to even assemble some amount of evidence to base his opinion upon! Therefore his opinion is as relevant as anyone’s!
Jim Rizoli: Right.
Germar Rudolf: Just because he’s David Irving and has published books on historical aspects of this and that, doesn’t mean he’s an expert, and needs to be taken seriously when it comes to these things. No, it’s not!
When we’re talking about David Cole, it’s similar in this regard. He has done some footwork when it comes to Auschwitz. And I have been over the years, until not too long ago, actually been in touch with him. And sometimes he’s preparing something. And then he asked me for an update of what the research situation about Auschwitz is. Asks me a few questions. What are the primary sources, that I pointed to him. Because he doesn’t want to do the footwork of even reading the revisionist books, or going to the archives! He then asks someone:
“Where’s that stuff?”
And I point him to it. And he always asks only about Auschwitz, none of the other stuff!
And he has maintained – to some degree Irving the same thing, because his trial was mainly about it, he was forced to go into the evidence a little bit there, but not too much.
He maintains his stance about Auschwitz, David Cole that is, saying:
“It didn’t happen! There were no gas chambers there.”
Because he has done a little bit of footwork there and he knows that the evidence clearly points to:
“No, it didn’t happen.”
He hasn’t done the same thing with the other camps. So then he falls back to:
“What makes life bearable and easy for me? Well, go with the mainstream. Because I have to make life bearable to some degree, and don’t want to get involved in a battle that just drags me deeper, and deeper, and deeper, into the rabbit hole!”
And when it comes to Mark Weber, … Mark Weber I’ve seen him interact with David Irving and he’s very basically parroting what David Irving has been saying.
[Image] Mark Weber.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah. It seems like they’re kind of together, David Cole, Weber, and Irving, are kind of like:
“Birds of a feather, flock together.”
And the limited gassings, people were killed in the camps. The Einsatzgruppen killed, you know, a million people, …
Germar Rudolf: David David Irving is an extremely dominant person, socially speaking.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: To the point where he can get really unpleasant.
Mark Weber is a shifty person, who tries to arrange his professional environment in a way where he stays on top, and everybody that maybe a threat, gets out of the way. And he keeps control over everything. So he’s a control freak when it comes to his IHR [Institute of Historical Review] thing, and with minimal efforts trying to make a living. Because basically when you look what he’s producing and the quality of work, there’s nothing left!
Jim Rizoli: Nothing! Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: He’s pushed everyone out. They wanted to do work and he has repelled everyone. And he is basically in this relationship, Irving-Weber. He’s the submissive party.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: I’ve seen them interact when they are one-on-one, or sitting in a restaurant with a few people, the way he panders to David Irving, sycophantic behavior that made me sick to watch! It was appalling! And I walked out of it. I said:
“Oh! This is just awful!”
Having seen this kind of dynamic between the two that’s all there is to it! He’s just creeping us up David Irving’s ass, because that’s a comfortable position to be in for him! Because this big David Irving then gives him a little bit of a share of the reputation, and recognition, and stabilizes his situation of having control over the IHR. And that’s all there is to it.
Jim Rizoli: ,You know what bothers me? I heard that he’s actually sitting on a bunch, a lot of books that should be republished, or could be republished. Really good revisionist books. He’s not doing it! He’s just holding them and not publishing them! And that really bothers me, you know?
Germar Rudolf: Arthur Butz told me, … You know, we are getting off on a tangent, which I shouldn’t get off on. But then I’m going there anyway [chuckling]! Arthur Butz tells me:
“Stop kicking a dead horse!”
And with that, he means Mark Weber and the IHR.
But since you brought it up, look, everyone look behind Jim Rizoli, you see those 44 books there. Hard hitting, top-notch research results published through my outlet over the past 20 some odd years!
If you try to find any of those books; hardcover, softcover, whatever it is, offered by the IHR, you will find out that they offer nothing! I have offered to Mark Weber repeatedly, special deals that he can even sell the books on his website. He offers them, he sells them, but he doesn’t have to keep any stock, he doesn’t have to buy any books from me. He just forwards the incoming orders to me. I fulfill them and he gets cut. A very generous cut! Twice the amount of industry standard! I do that with other publishers, with other outlets. It works just fine.
He refuses to do it! Initially when I said:
“Well I’ll give you a special discount, you buy the book.”
“No, I don’t have storage space to put them in.”
“Well, then I just send them to you as you need them.”
“Well no, we don’t have the money to put up front to buy these books.”
“Well, I mean, do it on commission.”
“Well no, this is inconvenient.”
“Well then I do order fulfillment for you. You will not have anything to do. You can automatize it. You see this book is published by Castle Hill Publishers. Somebody orders it, the system sends the email to me, I fulfill it. You get the money! You have no effort whatsoever! No expense whatsoever! You just rake in money! What’s the problem?”
Will not do it!
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: Why will he not do it? Answer that question to yourself. There are a number of answers to it, but none of them are positive.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah, well I mean, yeah. Germar, right now you’re probably the top man in regards to the revisionist movement, in regards to getting things done, published, and out there.
And, of course, I’m close with Fred Leuchter. And we have a good relationship with him. Because he obviously agrees with you and is on your side 100%. And I mean, it’s good to see people that are standing up and standing firm with this, because you have loose, back revisionist, like Mark Weber. I don’t even really consider him a revisionist. David Irving, I don’t consider a revisionist. And the other ones I talked about.
But you’ve been doing this for years and you’ve been hanging in there. And I mean, you’re not making a million dollars. But you’re hanging in there. I mean, I’m happy to see that you’re doing this.
And I wish more people would buy your books. I hope people watching this will hopefully, if they have some money to spend, if you have a $500,000, you want to buy the whole set, you know, invest your money in something that’s positive! That’s good! That’s gonna give you some information., you know what I’m saying?
People can waste their money on all this other garbage. And I look at books as very valuable, especially with the internet now banning everything. I mean, eventually these books won’t be available anywhere. I mean, if you have them, then you have them! That’s the way I look at it. I mean, if you’re interested in the topic, you know what I’m saying?
Germar Rudolf: Very soon, hopefully within the next week, or two, we will have a special deal on the Holocaust Handbooks. That is a library edition. And as I mentioned we’ll offer them for a cheaper price. So right now the hardcover edition is over a thousand dollars. And we will probably offer it roughly half the price, which will be just a little bit over production costs, plus shipping.
But, if anyone orders that library set of books it will go to a library. So they have to tell us which library is supposed to get it. So this is a way for people to donate the whole set, hardcover. Libraries don’t take paperbacks of that kind of books, because they don’t last. They use that as an excuse to reject them. Hard covers last, so that’s what they want to have.
And then people can actually make a donation to a public, or an academic library – include the information, which one they prefer. If they don’t enter any, we pick one, we communicate with the customer who makes a donation. And then we make sure that we have someone, somewhere, who tracks down whether the library accepts them, stores them, catalogs them, and makes them accessible.
And a story may develop out of that, that they actually reject them, or they hide them in the archive, or they don’t catalog them, or they put them in a poison cabinet, not giving anyone access!
Jim Rizoli: I think that’s a great idea! Because isn’t it true that books like that you can’t check out, right? You can’t take out a book like that, can you?
Germar Rudolf: There are unique, particular of historical value, if you have of anything that is considered an antique, or of any kind, that you can only take them into the reading room. Sometimes even under supervision.
Jim Rizoli: That’s why I said that in the beginning, because, well the books that I’ve gotten in the libraries in the past people have stolen them. I think that’s a great idea for people watching this video. If you want to see if you can do something positive to get this message out with these books. Like you say, say you’re going to donate, you’re going to buy the books, or how it works, you buy the books and donate them to the library. The library puts them in. And then they got the books. I mean, that’s really good. I think that’s a great idea!
Germar Rudolf: Yeah. Because any academic researcher that will then go to a library and look what’s there. You think nowadays a lot of research is through the internet. Through the internet we are already present. If somebody looks for them, they find them “Holocaust Handbooks”. All available for free.
But when it comes down to some serious researchers I earlier mentioned, at the end, it is still going to the archives, it’s still going to the libraries. And once the books are, they will stumble over them. And if you have this massive set you can’t just, … I mean, a lot of scholars will still turn a blind eye to it! But the younger ones, the less prejudiced ones, take note anyhow and that’s seeding doubts in young minds that actually do some serious research in libraries.
And also it’s about anyone else. I went to the library when I was young researching that topic and all I found was mainstream stuff, very little revisionist stuff. Had I ever stumbled over something like that treasure trove opening up your mind, wow! What is this! It would have been an explosion of knowledge!
Jim Rizoli: Yeah.
Germar Rudolf: So we want to have people get that opportunity by chance stumbling over it. If you already know what you’re looking for you always find it, because we have it out there. But for the people who don’t look for it, they should still stumble over it.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah. I mean, that’s a great idea. I hope people watching this will think about that. Maybe, if you want to contribute to the cause, this would be a good cause to contribute to and helping other people in a library to see the information. I think that’s great.
And again, you mentioned too, all the PDFs. I got all the PDFs on my phone. I can read all the time. And I put them on my phone, and I read them on my tablets. And you can download those free if you want.
But I really would love to see more people, even if they don’t want your books, contribute to the cause! I mean, right Germar, people can at least contribute to the cause to help you keep the work going. I mean, this is what bothers me. The “Holocaust” lobby has millions and millions of dollars supporting them and all their efforts.
Germar Rudolf: That is an understatement! They have billions, that’s more like it.
Jim Rizoli: Billions, I mean. And here you are working hard to keep the most important information and the truth about this topic. And it’s like you have to go from week to week, month to month, just getting by. I mean, people put your money where your mouth is! Support the cause! I love to see people support the cause more. So even if you don’t read, support the cause! Do something! Get the information out! Get them into the libraries, if you have money to spend, then do that. I don’t know people always say.:
“Well, what can I do to help you?”
Well, look, I don’t want your money. Just get this information out there, that’s the most important thing.
Well anyway, how would you like to conclude? Anything you want to say Germar? I know going about an hour.
Germar Rudolf: I guess in the video description below when you post we can put some links on where to get the “Holocaust” handbook series, and whatever form you want them. And also a link to where you can actually donate.
Jim Rizoli: Okay. You send me whatever you have. And I’ll put it in the description of the video. You know, I have probably, Diane, we have about maybe 350 people on our email list. Which is a pretty good email list. And then I have my BitChute site. And I have my other video sites. And this is going to go on all the sites.
And we have a movement here that’s very important I think. People have to see it. And you have the fake revisionist movement, okay! We already talked about [chuckling]! And then you got the movement that you’re taking care of, and you’re spearheading. And I think that’s the moment we got to support and get behind, however we can do it, okay. Leave Germar money in your will! Anything! Give him something so he can continue on with the cause. Very important information I think people have to see.
Well Germar look, you did a great job with all this information. And again, like I said, you’re probably the top man doing it today. And we look to you in the future to get more information out there to even Whittle it down to get it even more concise, so that people can actually see more information.
Germar Rudolf: Video production. You know, images tell more than a thousand words and getting it presented in good documentaries is a challenge now. Because I had to switch on getting the book series, all our ducks in a row for releasing the hard covers. I had to put video production on halt.
And finding people who actually can chip in there is very difficult. Volunteering is a challenge on several levels. Because, if we want to have anyone help us, we need to be able to trust people on several levels. Because helping us with anything requires us giving them access to something. And there’s so much hostility and false friends out there, who just want to get the foot in the door in order to do damage! We need to be very careful with who we actually accept.
And then there’s the problem of reliability. Anyone volunteering, but then bailing out of project halfway down. This is happening, I would say, 80% of the time. Somebody volunteers and it ends up falling flat.
So this is a real problem. Right now it’s not so much that we have lack of manpower than we have a lack of financial resources to actually finance the people we already have that help us.
Because the end of the day, you get what you pay for. And a million volunteers that are unpaid sometimes do more damage than they do good [chuckling]! So at the end you need to pay people.
And that’s the switch that we had in CODOH also, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. When Bradley Smith did it, almost everything was done on a volunteer basis. And we switched that model over. We’re trying to run it as a company. And so keep strict quality control, and security, and profitability, up there, because otherwise the money just goes away without doing much. And that works much better.
But we have to, at the end of the day, we need to pay bills. And that’s where the biggest constraint is.
Jim Rizoli: Yeah, well you’re doing a great job Germar! I always enjoy talking with you. And again hopefully people will react and get more involved in some way here. And that’s my hope that this will happen.
Okay Germar. Thank you for being on my show today, and update us if you have something that we should know about, let me know. Because then I can send it out, or we could do another interview, or talk to you some more about it, or whatever.
But, whatever information you have that you think is important for us to know, … Because we get this out every week. Diane and I, she puts the newsletter together and gets our videos out, and gets the information out. So people see it every week. So it’s important for people to see that.
Okay everyone. I want to thank you for watching our video. I’m Jim Rizoli with Germar Rudolf, and we appreciate you watching. And again we’ll talk to you another time. Bye now.
[Outro information, music and links]
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BitChute Comments
Jim you have all the best guests on your show. Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf. Major credit to you. <3
Thank you very much for this upload. The Holocaust Handbook series are gold. I hope he would carry on publishing more and more until he leaves no stone unturned in this topic, even if that takes a thousand volumes! In some cultures, very niche topics are covered in hundreds of volumes, each volume composed of over a thousand pages. It is only in Western culture that people are disinclined to write too much, sadly because we live in a part of the world where reading for the purpose of education is not ingrained in culture. People simply cannot read except in pursuit of entertainment and so publishers and authors often keep their educational books and their volumes short. This man clearly does what he does not in pursuit of money but the truth, people such as this deserve investment. They deserve platforming. They deserve empowerment, but you often find them ostracised and marginalised, exploited and abused. This part of the world that we live in is undeserving of people such as this. This is why it is in the continuous decline that it is in. I have not been researching the holocaust for a long time. In fact, I am new to this journey in history and in politics. I am so happy to have come across these handbooks today. I will be investing in them and I encourage others to do the same, if they haven’t already of course, because I know many in this field know this man and unlike me are already acquainted with his series of books. [show less]
ABX is conspicuously missing from this discussion….she’s scrolling through Wikipedia to find a way to discredit Germar, LOL
- View all 7 replies
Marcus Celt
LOL Im gonna have nightmares tonight
Orwell’s Daughter
You’ve been Stockholm Syndromed by Babs
Leave the ones where she makes death threats….keep em up for everyone to see
Jim, please stop telling the truth and giving a platform to knowledgeable guests. You are making our job of deceiving the masses very difficult. You types should just stop.
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Marcus Celt
SafariSam USA
I like your 1st Statement, at least your being Honest now. I respect that. But Jim Should NOT “stop”.
SafariSam USA
Did they Not have Bagels back then?
Mr not so bright that isn’t my username
You are an incorrigible liar and a jerk with no sense of proportion. Do everyone a favor and ef off!
Orwell’s Daughter
Germar’s material has helped me open the eyes of several people. As a doctor, I have a few colleagues who aren’t total lemmings. I sent them to Germar’s website & they were amazed. Thanks Germar. You are one of the only White men left.
Jim Rizoli
Germar is a brilliant person anybody that does not see that I don’t know what to tell you he knows his stuff.
SafariSam USA
I talked to a guy the other day who had a German last name, and he said he didnt understand how “Everyone wants to be like Hitler”. So I told him some of the Holocaust Revisionists story. He didnt seem mad, and actually I think I gave him something to think about and Research. Amazing, the More I follow this subject, the more Ridiculous the “Official Jooz’s” Story becomes. And I’m a Recovering “Holocaust Believer”, Rehabilitated. Well I Never verbally assaulted a Holocaust Denier because I’m a Very Open Minded Person. Actually I thought it was a Joke at first, but the more i listened and Read the Books the More it made sense. [show less]
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Did you spew a series of lies like you usually do??
Here comes the flood of filth…..
Why don’t you bugger off and bother some other site? This guy is a Hasbara Troll!!!
SafariSam USA
You know what, the Bible does say the Antichrist will turn on the Jews during the Tribulation period. So its possible. And the Antichrist will be a Jew. 1 John 2:22“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
do they take credit card?
Yes, they do!!
The handbooks are a massive achievement.
Hunt’s work on Majdanek was sooo good
fred Leuchter is art professor?
Excellent interview with Germar, these books are great I have them all, look forward to the hard cover Hand books, keep up the good work. The truth will always come through.
Arabs/Palestinians Semite GOYim
A Discussion on the Evil Liability
barf sQuad of faKe Enron’s/vanGUARD/blac
rocK on & on a disEASE Religion of god of FORCEs
– Charles Guliani target=”_blank”>https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3770109016/A-Discussion-on-the-Evil-Talmud—Charles-Guliani [show less]
Two heroes of mine JIM and GERMAR! Everyone needs to hear this!
SafariSam USA
Galileo likewise defied the Pope by Stating the Earth Revolved/orbited around the Sun by using Science and Mathematics. Here’s an article from the Hitler Channel, I mean History Channel. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/galileo-is-accused-of-heresy ;; If we dont learn from True History, we are doomed to repeat it. And today we know the Pope was a Bigoted, Close Minded Fool.[show less]
the heliocentric model is a complete farce. Sir George Biddell Airy demonstrated this fact with an experiment that has been called Aire’s failure. It was a failure because he set out to show that the earth revolved around the sun. His experiment proved the opposite. Michaelson and [show more]
Hello Germar. I’m a big fan. You are so needed in this ridiculous world we live in today!
See Also
The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979
An Open Letter to New Jersey’s Governor
Misha: Surviving with Wolves or …
Bradley Smith’s Smith Report # 1
The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies
Powers and Principalities XI – Ewen Cameron, MK-Ultra, Holocaust Revisionism — TRANSCRIPT
Tales of the Holohoax – A Historian’s Assessment – Part 1
The Holocaust Lie — Made in America
Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained — TRANSCRIPT
Jim Rizoli Interviews Prof Robert Faurisson, Oct 2015 — TRANSCRIPT
Holocaust Eyewitnesses: Is the Testimony Reliable?
Alain Soral – My Homage to Robert Faurisson, Oct 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Inside Auschwitz – You’ve never seen THIS before! — TRANSCRIPT
Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books!
AUSCHWITZ – A Personal Account by Thies Christophersen
Jim Rizoli Interviews Bradley Smith — TRANSCRIPT
London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT
Red Ice Radio: Nicholas Kollerstrom — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Carolyn Yeager on Johnson vs Anglin debate — TRANSCRIPT
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Version 6: Aug 7, 2021 — Added 8 more minutes of transcript. Transcript now completed = 78 mins.
Version 5: Aug 6, 2021 — Added 3 more minutes of transcript. Total transcript completed so far = 70/78 mins.
Version 4: Aug 5, 2021 — Added 10 more minutes of transcript. Total transcript completed so far = 67/78 mins.
Version 3: Aug 4, 2021 — Added 15 more minutes of transcript. Total transcript completed so far = 57/78 mins.
Version 2: Aug 3, 2021 — Added 9 more minutes of transcript. Total transcript completed so far = 42/78 mins.
Version 1: Aug 2, 2021 — Published post. Total transcript completed so far = 33/78 mins.
Jim Rizoli is a Jew who controls the masses with his hegelian dialectic bullsh*t. He spreads jewry(universalism) and promotes race mixing. Rizoli is a big shill!
From forward to Fifty Days in Gaol by Fredrick Töben
Gerard Menuhin:
When I was asked to write a foreword to Dr.Fredrick Töben’s book about his experiences in the UK late last year, I welcomed the opportunity to voice certain convictions of my own. However, in view of the puerile but virulent decreest hat have gradually undermined traditional law and the courts in all the so-called democracies, I bethought myself to consult a lawyer. His advice has been clear and indubitable: my utterances would land me before a courton a charge of “racial discrimination,” under Article 261 of the Swiss Penal Code, which carries a maximum penalty of three years imprisonment. Even sensible Switzerland has lost it sway and its faith in the independence which has served it so well, and has submitted to pressure to alter its laws. Accordingly, not having Dr. Töben’s admirable courage and steadfastness, instead of presenting well-founded and far-reaching arguments, leading to an inescapable conclusion, I have restricted myself to commenting on such curious laws and on the duplicity of governments which live by public funding but betray this selfsame public, their countrymen, at everyturn, by progressively reducing their freedom of expression.Today, the concept of democracy has lost all meaning.
Discrimination, in whatever context, is a necessary part of almost every human action; a mature society calls it “choice.” In a mature society, the law is grounded in ancient legal systems, tested by time.These systems are brought up to date, as circumstances demand and for the general good—not to cater to the prejudices of one section of the community only. The endeavor to criminalize thoughts and to forbid them by law has given birth to the legislation of conscience, which aberration is bizarrely reminiscent of heresy trials under the Inquisition. Such “laws” have no connection to European penal codes. In other words, they are contrary to the nature of a constitutional state.
Considering the plight of imprisoned activists and patriots in Germany—as lawyers and scientists and all educated pro-fessionals—who have been convicted of “hate crimes” or “incitement of the people,” an irony came to me. All of us from respectable backgrounds have been brought up by our parents to tell the truth and not to consort with criminals. However, if one tells thetrut htoday, one is forced to consort with criminals. I am sure this makes sense to those who make the laws, but it makes no sense to me.
In the better informed, educated and more sophisticated countries, so-called hate crime laws are being passed as fast as legislatures composed of fools and hypocrites (the same folks who urged and legalized the mass immigration of economic and often criminal “refugees”) can be influenced to pass them.
In Germany, the infamous Paragraph 130 provides an almost infinitely flexible weapon against“ “incitement of the people.” In Germany, Austria, France, Canada, among other countries, itis an offense to deny “the Holocaust. ”The maximum penalty for doing so inGermany, for example, is five years imprisonment.
(Convicted offenders often receive longer sentences than those imposed formurderandusually must serve their full sentence.)
It is difficult to understand how professional legislators could pass such inexact concepts in to law. These decrees, based alone on the insistence of a few well-funded agitators, make a mockery of the courts and the judicial process, of evidential burden, and the standard of proof. They disregard exculpatory, demonstrative and scientific evidence. On the contrary, in Germany, evidence introduced by a defense attorney is not only rejected in favour of the abstract ideas of “publicincitement” and “prejudice,” it maybe used to prosecute him too. Naturally, this threat reduces the availability of lawyers willing to defend such cases.Where cowardice and self-interest rule the courts, justice suffers.Under the confused and hazy notion of “hatecrime,” biased judges interpret the law according to the will of their political masters. These politicians, in turn, are only handy men who respond with knee-jerk alacrity to a higher authority.
There is only one way to reverse this trend.That is for citizens to understand the urgency of informing themselves, while there are still some independent, trustworthy sources of information left. The fools and the hypocrites and political prostitutes like Angela Merkel are beyond help. For the rest, those still unconvinced, dumbed down by propaganda, or radically prejudiced against common sense, but with a tendency to run off half-baked at the mouth anyway (the colloquialism seems appropriate), I respectfully recommend the following rigorous regimen: shut up—read—learn—act.
Why? Because everything you know or think you know is wrong. It’s not your faul tthat, like me,you were taught the standard versionsof major historical events. We are all, collectively, the victims of received information. But it could be our fault and mean our doom if we do not revise these impressions. It helps to ask the right questions. For instance, how and why did Cromwell come to power? What was the background to the French Revolution? Who fomented the Russian Revolution? Was Pearl Harbour an unexpected “Day that will live in infamy”? Was Hitler a madman and a monster?
Why does “history” matter? Is it not a dry, abstract body of knowledge about earlier times, from which we have (thankfully) distanced ourselves? Far from it. History is an unbroken trail that has led us to where we are today. Properly explored, history is the fascinating explanation of our individual predicaments. It concerns every one of us. It is not abstract but concrete. It is also often awkward and unpleasant.
School book history has not only become outdated, it has also often been falsified to suit the rulers of the time. Moreover, it continues to be falsified, to suit the rulers of today. Itis not only the occupation and the duty of historians continuously to revise history, as archives are opened and new information comes to light, but our duty to ourselves to learn why events occurred and how they have affected us and may affect us in the future. (…)
How does one recognise a trustworthy source? The best guides are common sense and corroborative data, coupled with unremitting scepticism. Counter-culture sources are usually the best antidote to the controlled and censored mainstream media, but even the system can be tricked into revealing truths behind its propaganda.The official accounts of every novel event, especially of atrocities, must be questioned and revised to discount bias. For instance, school massacres, whether random or instigated, serve to accelerate gun control. The reports about major outrages, like the Mumbai attacks, or allegedright-wing violence, are invariably calculated to sow prejudice. Once corporate codes are penetrated, it becomes easier to deconstruct and reinterpret reports. Key words such as “tolerance/intolerance,” “racism,” or the notorious misnomer “anti-Semitism,” usually denote “newspeak” and betray the user’s need to disseminate a view at variance with the truth.They must be given a contrary implication.
The second step is how to go about with our new-found knowledge. Each one of us has to decide how to react when faced with the undisguised historical truth. Usually, initial exposure to historical truth is so shocking that denial may be the automatic response. One can duck and run, meaning, one might look away quickly and get on with one’s life.One might accept a partial view and let it go at that. Or one might be intrigued to the point where one begins to research history, going ever further into the past. Or one might even try to make a difference.
How much truth can you take? Without it becoming a daily, even hourly burden in your life? The search for truth must go through several stages before it becomes digestible and useful. (…)
Individually, humans have many hindering characteristics, often defined as weaknesses. They can be envious, jealous, and greedy; they can succumb to the lures of sex, drugs and alcohol.These weaknesses can be and are used against them, by those who, because they occupy a position apart from society, have no stake in it and are unfeeling towards those who have. Many business and political leaders have achieved their wealth and their prominent positions by succumbing to bribes and/or blackmail. The third step towards enlightenment is therefore always to ask the question: “cui bono,” or who benefits from such manipulation?
The cliché has it that “ignorance is bliss.” Like all clichés, this one is true too.The citizen who sees nothing demeaningin being called a consumer, in amassing debts he is incapable of repaying, in wasting his free time mindlessly, may die with a blissfully ignorant smile on his face. His irresponsibility towards himself is his right.However, whether he recognises it or not, this humanoid has a responsibility within the system. His responsibility is to consume more than he needs and can afford in order to maintain and increase his country’s GNP. But, if we continue on our present path, we will owe our doom as a race of potentially free thinkers to such automatons, for, through their ignorance, they enable the manipulators to run our lives. However unwitting, they are fellow-travellers, accessories of evil.
“Evil” is a biblical word. It carries the stigma of religious condemnation. As such it also seems dated. But how else would you describe a movement that is concerned, nay obsessed, with concentrating as much power and wealth in as few hands as possible, even if this means the perpetual suffering of whole populations, the pollution of air and water and food stuffs, constant inflation, indoctrination of generations of schoolchildren, and the squandering of public money against the public good? It is in fact an intrinsic part, a willed element, of this movement, that millions should die of disease and starvation.Their numberis superfluous to requirement; they are officially called “useless eaters.” (…)
The cost of ignorance is ubiquitous.It is manifest in the governments that the so-called democracies vote for, whose corruption and contra-indicated legislation citizen sendure without protest. It shouts at us boldly, shamelessly from every television set, stares at us from every billboard. It feeds and flourishes on unhappiness and emptiness. It engenders progressive degradation.Its enemy is free thought, of the kind that is fostered by en-lightened parental guidance and independent education.To the regimes that ensure and perpetuate universal darkness of mind, the advantages of ignorance are obvious.
Lacks of parental guidance and education are only part of the problem. Even without these, a cohesive society, based on a shared culture, might function adequately. However, there are ever fewer cohesive societies, because their cultures are systematically being infiltrated and undermined by others. This disintegration of established and traditional societies is willed. A multicultural, non-cohesive society is easier to influence and to exploit and to stir up to war. (…)
Although the official justification for this “War on Terror” has been recognised as a false flag operation by the informed public, and the official “9/11” report challenged by over 190 senior military officers and government officials (“Patriots Question 9/11”), this has not made any difference to those responsible.This kind of false flag operation has been a reliable tactic ever since the sinking of the Maine (1898) which gave the U.S.imperial power, and the Lusitania(1915), and probably well before. (In 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the Cunard liner Lusitania. 28 of the 1,198 who drowned were U.S.citizens. By allowing the ship to sail without escort into an area in which British ships had recently been sunk, the British government hoped to provoke the U.S.into joining the war against Germany. Indeed, the anti-German feeling that was stirred up by this event no doubt helped to induce America’s eventual entry into World War I. In 2008, the Lusitania was confirmed to have been carrying munitions.) It is worth remarking that the cost in human lives of false flag operations has risen. Almost 3,000 had to dieon11 September 2001,to set the “WaronTerror” in train.
The question arises, of course, how in a time of news saturation, the perpetrators of such acts manage to get away with them.This mystery is solved when it becomes clear that most sources of information are owned by a very few companies, which are dominated by the same powers that have a stake in maintaining the status quo. Briefly put, they lie to us all the time. As the U.S. (in the name of democracy) and Israel (in the name of self-defense) are almost exclusively responsible, directly or indirectly, for global and unceasing bellicosity (the U.S. maintainsanywhere between 700 and 1,000 military bases around the world),and for kindling “terrorism” and the ensuing slaughters (Bali, London, Madrid), it is essential for domestic propaganda to disseminate accounts accordant with their governments’ official policies, while suppressing all news that could impinge negatively on same.In this, the U.S.government is assisted by the U.S. population, nearly a third of which is illiterate or barely literate.Their numbers are growing by an estimated two million a year. This means that these folks are unable to understand even the superficial fictions published by themainstream press.It takes an enterprising citizen to explore the internet for credible information and a sophisticated one to separate wheat from chaff.
Why do entire nations and their citizens today live in a state of perpetual debt? Why are our taxes used primarily to pay the interest on the national debt? Why is an income tax necessary at all, when independent nations could provide amply for theirown citizens?
An independent nation controls its ownmoney. It does not need to borrow from private, central banks. Before the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve was created in 1913, and, hardly coincidentally, the modern income tax was introduced, the American economy had enjoyed over a century of prosperity. There were customs and excise taxes, but there was no income tax. However, no nation is independent anymore, because all have been forced under the yoke of debt. The world has been fitted with a straitjacket. So many people owe their livelihoods to the debt economy and the few who control it have amassed such wealth that no other system is thinkable. Any national leader who even proposed to attempt to regulate his country’s money supply would be ostracized and his country subjected to sanctions until he repented, or else he would simply be assassinated, as was the case with Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. (…)
Ordinary people, despite their overwhelming majority and wish for peaceful coexistence, cannot defeat this paltry minority, for they cannot see the truth.They simply cannot conceive of such organised malevolence, raised to the level of a religion.They cannot accept the existence of a movement committed to destroying all legitimate government, religion and nationhood and to replacing these with as o-called New World Order(cited by Bush Sr., Sarkosy and Brown), ruling the world by terror.
The only hope for a return to a mature society is for every citizen to learn to think for himself—to doubt what he is told.
“The first principle is doubt. Doubt is the beginning of knowledge. He who doubts nothing tests nothing. He who tests nothing discovers nothing. He who discovers nothing is blind and stays blind” (attr.Teilhard de Chardin).
— December 2009
Thank you Cotard for that.
John ‘Birdman’Bryant Foreword to FIGHT OR FLIGHT THE PERSONAL FACE OF REVISIONISM by Fredrick Toben
Dr Fredrick Töben is a hero for our times. He is a hero because he is one of those rare individuals in the present day for whom principles – and particularly the right of free speech and the uninhibited pursuit of truth – are more important than creature comforts, social ostracism, and even jail.
But Dr Töben’s heroism is of a special character because he is willing to stand against what is perhaps the most formidable power in the world, and to speak truth to the grand lies which that power supports. That power is what I call the Jewish Establishment – the men and women who command the organisations – and most importantly, the money, power and prestige – of the international nation of Judah.
As a philosopher, I wish now to pause and comment on what I have just said – somewhat after the fashion of Laurence Stearne in his famous pathbreaking seventeenth century novel Tristram Shandy This pause is necessary because of the peculiar difficulty of speaking about Jews, and particularly their power and influence, especially when it is spoken of in a negative light. My pause here is for the purpose of saying that it is at this point in my discourse that a great hue and cry typically arises from Jews and their shabby goy factotums, generally consisting of a collection of the most powerful of modern-day anathemas: ‘bigot’, ‘hater’ and ‘anti-Semite’ to name just three. These are what I call ‘shut-up words’, i.e., words intended to intimidate the speaker and silence his further comment. They are also words to which the madding crowd has been Pavlovianly conditioned to respond by shutting their ears, a conditioning achieved by the constantly-repeated politically-correct mantras of the mass media. But curiously, these anathemas – powerful as they are – are beginning to lose that power, not merely because of severe overuse, but also because the ideas – or more precisely, the ‘truths’ – which they attempt to suppress are simply too powerful to suppress for long. There is only so much time that a top can be kept on a pressure cooker, and the modern-day pressure-cooker of politically incorrect ideas is getting close to the point of explosion. When that explosion happens – and there does not now seem to be any way to avoid it – the result is going to be a very nasty – and lethal – mess.
The Jews are a smart and clever people, and in a way it is a tribute to them that they have discovered the power of shut-up words, and have made such effective use of them. But the curious thing about shut-up words is that – like so many other lies to which the Jewish Establishment has given its imprimatur – they are constructed out of hot air. For example, consider bigotry: As Ambrose Bierce in his Devil’s Dictionary put it, a bigot is ‘One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion which you do not entertain’. (Or to put it more bluntly, anybody who vigorously disagrees with someone else is a bigot.) Likewise, what is the objection to hate, provided only that it is directed against hateful things? (Which is to say that hate is wrong only if the hatred happens to be Politically Incorrect.) And as for ‘anti-Semitism’, this is not – as the Jews and their shabby goy factotums would have it – analytically bad, but is either bad or good depending on whether Jews as a people are bad or good for the nations in which they reside; and this ‘Jewish question’ is therefore one whose answer depends on objective Jewish behaviour, and not on some ethereal Jewish Platonic Form conjured up by a Talmudic scholar to which the quality ‘good’ is attached in pincushion fashion. Or, as my author friend L.A. Rollins put it, ‘An anti-Semite used to be someone who hated Jews, but is now someone the Jews hate’.
While Dr Töben has never been intimidated by shut-up words, his particular contribution to free speech consists of his efforts over the last decade to examine what I have called the Orthodox Jewish Version (OJV) of the Holocaust, i.e., the allegation that Nazi Germany killed six million Jews, primarily in gas chambers. His work, along with the work of many other courageous men around the world, many of whom have suffered for their efforts in the same way Dr Töben has suffered, has shown beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that not only is the OJV false, but in fact is a Big Lie. This in a nutshell is the essence of what has come to be called ‘Holocaust revisionism’ – a curious name because ‘revisionist’ was once a smear word used by communists against other communists who would not toe the party line. But whatever you call it, it is of enormous significance for several reasons. For one thing, the state of Israel has in effect been built upon this lie – the guilt and sympathy expressed by the European and American peoples over the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis has been a continuing source of funds for Israel and for Jews, amounting to some $125 billion from America alone since 1948, and continuing in the form of ‘reparations’ for which large companies and whole nations are even now being shaken down.
The French have a phrase to describe what for them seems to be their most frequent source of trouble, ‘cherchez la femme’ (look for the woman); but it is apparent from the Holocaust lie that the world might ought to think of re-forming this phrase as ‘cherchez l’argent’ (look for the money) or, as I have suggested elsewhere, ‘cherchez le juif’ (look for the Jew). Certainly the Jews themselves are aware of the financial import of the Holocaust, for they have a phrase that is heard everywhere in Israel: ‘There’s no business like Shoah [Holocaust] business’.
But there is another element of importance to the work of Dr Töben and the other Holocaust revisionists. To put it in the bluntest of terms, it is to show that Hitler was right, or at least that he was very much on the right track, when it came to his attitude about Jews. This is not to say that Dr Töben has become a Hitler apologist; but it is to say that the logical implications of revisionist work cannot be avoided by any fair-minded person. In particular, it refutes the notion – pounded into the public consciousness at the Nuremberg trials and in Hollywood movies ever since – that Hitler was a monster. And if Hitler wasn’t a monster, then the next logical question is, Exactly what WAS he? Was he right to identify the Jew as a threat to Germany and the white race? Indeed, with the last 40 years or so filled with Holocaust shakedowns based on a Big Lie for a little country that practices genocide after the supposed Nazi fashion and has brought us to the cusp of World War III as a result, does this in fact prove that Hitler was right, and that the real Nazis are alive and well and living in Israel?
But the work of Dr Töben and the other revisionists have brought to light another fact. While we have all heard ad infinitumandad nauseamthat Hitler was an advocate of the Big Lie technique, the fact is that, in his book Mein Kampf, Hitler discussed the Big Lie as being a practice of the Jews. So what that means is that not only did the Jews turn the Holocaust into the Big Lie of the OJV, but they also told another Big Lie in accusing Hitler of advocating it, in both cases confirming that Hitler was right.
The provenance of my own interest in revisionism is my passion for controversial ideas and free speech. Briefly, I have discovered that many perfectly reasonable and rational ideas are violently opposed by this or that group, and it has become a natural for me to jump into the fray wherever angels fear to tread, but devils like me do not. When I first began my writing career, I started with philosophy, and having settled all the Big Questions to my satisfaction – if not quite to the satisfaction of everyone else – I investigated many other things, but never found anything like a Third Rail until I touched upon revisionism and the other issues surrounding Judaism. What I discovered was an incredible nexus of extremely complex and difficult problems, with revisionism being the most public, but not by any means the most interesting to me personally. In fact, many now consider revisionism passe, waiting only to be discovered by the masses, while the rest of us wrestle with far more difficult problems, including the more subtle aspects of the Jewish Question. In fact, this is the reason I established a website (www.thebirdman.org) which has now become one of the most popular in the world (we are ranked in the top half percent of more than 20 million websites worldwide by Alexa.com). What we have discovered is that there is a hunger for seeing these questions explored and the Politically Incorrect truth exposed; and while revisionism remains the subject of greatest popular attention, there is a growing consciousness of the far larger scope of questions relating to Jews. But whatever scope the Jewish Question may have, revisionism remains the principal case study, and most of the larger questions are writ small in the annals of revisionist experience, including that of Dr Töben.
With the above remarks, I commend to you a modern hero’s book. A man who has been on the front lines fighting for free speech and real history, as Dr Töben has been, knows a lot more than the pundits and philosophers that keep a safe distance in their bunkers and ivory towers. Not only do we need more men of Dr Töben’s character and intelligence, but we need to learn from him that we may be prepared to better defend ourselves and Western civilisation against a Jewish Establishment which seems so eager in its every act to put six feet under the traditions of freedom which have cost so many lives and taken so many centuries to develop.
Dr Töben, we salute you!