Part 1
Telemachus Thomas Timayenis
“Foul deeds will rise,
Though earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes”
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1 His Arrival in America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter II The New-York Ghetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chapter III The Jew at the Summer Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter IV The Jew in Wall Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter V The Jew in the Tobacco Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter VI The Jew in Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Chapter VII The Jew in Journalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapter VIII “The Great American Journalist.” . . . . 77
Chapter IX The Jew Lecher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Chapter X The Criminal Jew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chapter XI The Jew in Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Chapter XII The Jew in His Relation to the Law . . . . 135
Chapter XIII Customs and Habits of the Jews
— Religious Doctrines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Chapter XIV The Jew Summarized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
WE expect that the Jews will try to boycott “The American Jew,” using the same peculiar tactics as in the case of “The Original Mr. Jacobs,” They will appoint committees to visit book-dealers, urging them not to handle the book; they will buy up and destroy all copies found exposed for sale; they will bribe, threaten, plead, and try in every possible way to’ interfere with its sale; they will circulate reports that the book has been “called in,” and will spread many other lies, — lies that the Jew knows so well how to disseminate.
But all their efforts toward stopping the sale of “The Original Mr. Jacobs” have been unavailing, for in less than three months this book has achieved a wide-spread circulation. It is, at the present writing, in its twentieth edition, and its sale does not show’ any sign of abatement.
We have been requested by many prominent men in literary, financial, and commercial circles, to establish a monthly publication, to be called “The Anti-Semite.” We have been assured of ample support in this venture. There is certainly enough of patriotism among the masses of the American people to maintain such a publication; and there is, unquestionably, a wide-spread desire to check the diabolical methods of the Jews, — these parasites of the human race.
The periodical we propose to establish, will give a faithful account of the deceits, crimes, and fraudulent transactions of the Jew, in all channels of business. It will be published monthly, at one dollar per year. Efficient correspondents throughout the United States will watch the Jew, and will keep us informed of all his deeds, or rather, misdeeds, which will be fearlessly. recorded in “The Anti-Semite.”
Efforts will not be spared in urging the passage of laws that will afford some protection to the commercial community, and to society in general, from the Jew. Every business-man should support “The Anti-Semite;” for this publication will expose dishonesty, and watch over the interests of the business community.
Intended subscribers will please remit their subscription to “The Minerva Publishing Company, 10 West 23d Street, New-York City,” for which a receipt will be duly forwarded. Arrangements are now being made to have the first number appear as soon as possible.
10 West 28d Street, New-York City.
“The Jew is the stain in the picture of civilization, the bad genius of the earth.” —GUSTAVE TRIDON.
TOWARD the close of the year 1825 a band of Polish Jews, about one hundred in number, landed in New York. This band was under the leadership of one Gugenheim; and as they travelled through Europe to the land of their destination, they reminded one of those patriarchial families so often mentioned in the Old Testament. They were bound together, not only by the ties of common religion, but by those of common misfortune; for they had suffered persecution at the hands of the Russians, which persecution, however, they fully merited.
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These Jews, when first seen by the people of this country, presented a type different from any of the other immigrants that ever have landed upon our hospitable shores. They attracted unusual attention by their hooked noses, restless eyes, elongated ears, square nails, flat feet, round knees, and soft hands.
Myriads of parasites could be seen by the naked eye, nestling upon their dirty heads. They wore long coats dripping with filth, while their faces and beards looked suety with sluttishness.
The above description of this batch of Jew emigrants is not in the least exaggerated.
Not one among them had with him any other wearing apparel than the scanty garments he wore. When they landed they had no friends to welcome them; they had no resources; they were ignorant of the language of the country; and it was doubtful whether one among them had sufficient money to pay for a night’s rest in the cheapest Bowery lodging-house of to-day. But within a few years after their arrival we find the greater part of these Jews occupying prominent positions in the financial world of the metropolis. Later on we find their descendants prominent as bankers in New York, prominent as bankers in Chicago, in St. Louis, and in other leading cities in the United States. It is the descendants of the above-described Jew immigrants, who to-day display with vulgar effrontery their wealth, who control the clothing business, the tobacco business, the sugar business, of this great country, and who establish newspapers that cast a stigma upon American journalism, and who seek to direct and mould public opinion.
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How have these Jews accomplished all this? Is it by their surpassing intelligence? No. There is no race of men more intelligent than the Aryan. Is it by any useful invention on their part, or by devoting themselves to mechanical pursuits? No, certainly not.
Again, the most diligent inquiry fails to discover any considerable number of Jew farmers throughout the territory of the United States. One will look long before he finds a Jew laborer among the workmen who build our railroads, work our mines, or develop the resources of this country.
The Jew’s soft hands and curved fingers grasp only the values that others have produced. Wherever the Jew is allowed to establish himself, dishonesty takes the place of honesty; immorality, of virtue; disease, of health; sluttishness, of cleanliness; anarchy, of order. One has but to study the social and political history of the different nations in Europe, during the last fifty years, to discover the poisonous work of the Jew. He has sapped the foundations of every government. He has reduced France from a nation of first rank to a second-class power. He has made Russia to writhe under incessant internal revolutions. He has ruined Turkey. He has so thoroughly impregnated England with his own Jewish cowardice, that England’s martial spirit has sadly deteriorated. He is now carrying out his work of deterioration and destruction in the United States. From the time when the Jew first appeared upon the face of the earth, to this day, history does not record a single invention that can be claimed by the Jews.
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They have never founded a state of any magnitude, though they have always been more numerous than the Romans, who conquered the world, and now exceed in numbers any of the minor peoples in Europe. With a momentary exception in Moorish Spain, they have never dominated any people, or conciliated any people, even in the East, where they have had fair chances, or founded any great city. They have never produced a great soldier, and we cannot yet credit them with a statesman of the first class. Lord Beaconsfield was hardly more than a great party leader in politics, though he had a certain genius for apprehending the passing waves of emotion in the British people. Herr Lasker has never overthrown a government; M. Fould was only a clear-headed banker; and Sir H. Drummond Wolff has scarcely made a mark.
The peculiar way the Jew has of accomplishing his diabolical work, or of “getting along,” to use his own expression, can be best illustrated by studying the early history of the little band of Jew immigrants above referred to.
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They began life in the New World as itinerant venders of cheap notions. For their petty stock in trade, consisting of pencils, pens, stockings, pocketbooks, and of all manner of odds and ends, they were trusted; but every night they were obliged to make returns of sales made to the one who had supplied them with the goods. Gradually they increased their little capital, and next they became receivers of stolen goods; and, to this day, it is the Jews who control this peculiar industry in all our cities. They established pawnshops, made advances for which an exorbitant rate of interest was charged, exercised every manner of usury, and introduced crookedness and theft in all transactions. They established petty stores, stocked them with an insignificant amount of cheap goods, insured them far beyond their actual value, and shortly afterward set fire to them, collected the insurance, and repeated this crime from time to time throughout the country. Thus they grew rich.
This crime of incendiarism, previous to the advent of the Jews, was with us, comparatively speaking, unknown. The Jews mulcted the insurance-companies of vast sums of money before the companies became aware of the fraud practised upon them. It is a matter of record, that many of the leading insurance companies to-day hesitate, and often refuse, to insure the stock of anyone having a Jewish countenance or a Jewish name. Recently the president of a large insurance-company telegraphed to his agent in Chicago, “Look carefully before taking any risks offered by men whose names end in ein, ky, or kie.” Good advice, indeed!
[Page 8]
It has been said that the Jews despise manual labor. Who has ever heard of a Jew miner? Still, no sooner is the mining-camp established than it is followed by Jew vampires, who rob the sturdy miner of his hard-earned wages, by every kind of deceit. The Irishman, the German, the Italian, in a word, the immigrant from every part of the world, has contributed, and still contributes, more or less to the prosperity of our country. The Jew, we repeat it, has never done any thing tending to increase the national prosperity. He only seeks the fat of the land. He only thrives upon what others produce.
We have been accused of being Jew-baiters, of wishing “to create a revolution” against the Jews. This is not true. We despise only villainy, and our aim is to direct the attention of Americans to the danger that lurks in the Jew.
Fig. 1. Restless suspicious eyes. Fig. 2. Curved nose and nostrils. Fig. 3. Ill-shapen ears of great size like those of a bat. Fig. 4. Thick lips and sharp rat’s teeth. Fig. 5. Round knees. Fig. 6. Low brow. Fig. 7. Long clammy fingers. Fig. 8. Flat feet. Fig. 9. Repulsive rear view.
“What is worshipped in a Ghetto is not the God of Moses; it is the frightful Semitic Moloch, who claims as victims children and virgins.” — THE ORIGINAL MR. JACOBS.
NEW YORK, like Rome, has its Ghetto, or low Jewish quarter. And it is safe to most emphatically declare that in physical degradation, squalor, misery, and dirt, the New-York Ghetto is unsurpassed by that of the Eternal City, or of any great metropolis on the face of the earth.
The New-York Ghetto — and that is the name by which it is duly styled by the officials of the board of health, and of police headquarters — is situated in those narrow thoroughfares on the East Side, lying between Grand and Catherine and Ludlow and Division Streets. The houses in the Ghetto are all tall, narrow, noisome tenements, packed from basement to roof with swarming, unwashed humanity. The locality is practically given over exclusively to the descendants of Israel, the disgusting habits and extreme filth of the latter being such as to drive away from the immediate vicinage even the most miserable and lowest representatives of other races.
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Enter one of these frightful tenements given over to the sons and daughters of Israel, and the nostrils are instantly assailed on the very threshold by fearful stenches, which can best be compared to the odor arising from vegetables in a highly advanced state of decomposition. Pass a little farther along the hallway, and the malodorous atmosphere becomes so thick with putrescent exhalations as to suggest the idea that you could cut it with a knife. The walls are disfigured with great streaks and blotches of foul moisture and dirt; and vermin those faithful little companions of the Jews, even to the wealthiest are to be detected at not infrequent intervals.
Turn into the apartments branching off from these ghastly hallways, and you will find them ill-ventilated, pestilential, and filthy in the extreme. So overcrowded are they as to suggest the worst portions of the Chinese colony in San Francisco. In many instances a father, mother, grown-up daughter and son, and several little olive-branches of Israel, big-bellied, big-nosed, and in more or less advanced stages of development and dirt, are to be found occupying the same sleeping apartment. Only a Jew could live in such an atmosphere of moral and physical debasement, and survive.
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And yet poverty cannot be ascribed as the cause of the Jew of the Ghetto living in this way. He lives — yes, and thrives — in this wretchedness and filth, partly because filth is congenial to him, and partly from a desire to more rapidly save and accumulate the only thing in this world he cares for, — dollars and cents. Many of these Jews of the Ghetto are far better off than Gentiles living in neat and well appointed flats on the West Side. Some of them are, in fact, quite well-to-do. Later on, perhaps, they will branch out as merchants in leading thoroughfares, with social ambitions, and the regulation amount of Jewish ostentation, impudence, and arrogance. Their sons will figure at Delmonico’S, and at the swell summer resorts, and clamor for admission at the fashionable clubs. But launch out as they may, array themselves in broadcloth and fine linen as they will, the stink of the Ghetto, and mayhap some of its vermin, will cling to them still.
No matter how wretched or how low he may be, the Jew rarely becomes a workman, — a creator, speaking in a political-economy sense, of wealth. On the contrary, he almost invariably figures as a dealer, a jobber, a trader. Thus none of the Jews of the Ghetto are laborers or artisans, but are to a unit street salesmen, peddlers, and petty traders. One of the chief forms of avocation in the Ghetto is the peddling of fish, fruit, poultry, and meat.
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And what fish, what fruit, what meat! In his greed to acquire gain, the Jew does not hesitate at poisoning an entire community. The fish he sells is decayed, the fruit rotten, the meat putrid. Thousands of human beings are sickened and sent down to their graves every year, in New York, by the fruit, the fish, the poultry, and the meat peddled by the Jew of the Ghetto.
And how does it happen that the food peddled by these miserable wretches is in this shocking condition?
Happen! It is not a question of happening: it is a matter of design, for the Jew drags the four corners of the city to secure this putrid food. He haunts the markets of the city, buying up food which has become stale on the dealers’ hands, and is either on the point of becoming decayed, or has already passed into a state of putrescence. He hangs round the docks at which vessels have arrived, and buys up remnants of stores which remain unconsumed after the voyage. The more rotten the food, the better it pleases the Jew, for it is so much the cheaper.
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Having thus collected this filthy food, the Jew takes it to his dirty quarters in the Ghetto, where it is pawed over by the unwashed fingers of the other members of the household; and after its cost has been quibbled over and discussed, it is fixed up in the best shape possible for sale. The Jew of the Ghetto has, of course, no storing-place; and, consequently, the food is kept in the overcrowded dwelling apartments, until such time as it can be hawked in the streets.
Imagine a couple of filthy rooms occupied by two, perhaps four, unwashed adults, and half a dozen dirt bedaubed brats; the ceiling damp with slimy moisture; cockroaches and vermin crawling over the furniture; and great lines of decaying fruit, or fish, or meat, strung across from wall to wall, imagine such a scene, and you have a picture of a Jew tenement in the Ghetto.
The day after making his purchase of the refuse of the markets, the Jew sallies forth with his hand-truck, or cart, to sell his unwholesome supply. He is usually accompanied by his wife, or by one of the elder olive branches of Israel. He stations himself on some street-corner in a poor but populous thoroughfare, and by his cheap prices tempts the unwary to buy. He sells his wares, laden down as they are with the germs of disease, alike to the unsophisticated housewife, and to the innocent child, without one touch of pity, without one sting of remorse. He is as a grinning skeleton, a figure of evil, standing by the wayside and scattering the fetid germs of disease and death among wayfarers, young and old, as they pass him by.
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But sometimes retribution, sharp, sudden, and swift, sweeps down upon him in the form of the avenging angels of the Board of Health. At repeated intervals, especially in the summer-time, the officials of the Health Department make wholesale and systematic raids upon the peddlers from the Ghetto, in the interests of the public safety. Then, upon such occasions, ensue scenes of indescribable confusion, and of dire weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth in Israel. The fat and paunchy Jewesses will tear their hair, and call upon the God of Jacob and of Aaron to witness how sweet and pure is the food they sell, and how they are persecuted. They make the most wild and frantic efforts to save even the smallest portion of their disgusting wares; often sticking huge hunks of rotten fish or decaying meat under their petticoats, in the hope of saving them from seizure.
But the Board of Health officials are lynx-eyed and inexorable; and they ruthlessly seize the vile food, confiscate it, and, hurling it pell-mell into carts brought along with them for the purpose, carry it off for destruction. During the past year, seventy-four thousand pounds of unwholesome fish were seized upon in the Ghetto by the Board of Health; and upwards of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds of putrid meat, poultry, and fruit, from the same quarter, met with a similar fate.
But the Jew of the Ghetto is incorrigible. He repairs to his filthy tenement, weeps the bitter tears of avarice over his loss, and then returns to his trade of wholesale poisoner.
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Very similar in his modes of living to the Jew of the Ghetto, is the Jew of Baxter Street, New York, the famous “old-clo’” Jew, who has been held up as a butt of ridicule by novelists and playwrights and newspaper-writers from time immemorial. In Baxter Street, for a couple of blocks south of Pearl Street, the thoroughfare on both sides of the way is lined with an unbroken string of these “old-clo’” shops. Old trousers, old coats, and old garments of every description hang from the walls of the houses, and daunt in the breeze to a height of two stories.
Outside the doors of the dingy, ill-smelling shops, lounge men with black, beady eyes, swarthy skins, and the great hawk-like noses of Israel, and fat Jewesses, heavy of jowl and of paunch, who brazenly solicit the passer — by to buy of their wares. Whenever a stranger enters the street, he is at once assailed by a running fire of solicitation that fairly overwhelms him.
“Doan’ you vant to buy a fine bair of bants, meester? I sell you a nice vaistgoat for a keev-arter. Kom und look at a suit of clothes I have me here for four tollars und a ha’f. It vill fit you like der baper on der vall!”
[Page 20]
These and a thousand other similar exclamations greet the passer-by; and in their avidity to close their long, claw-like fingers upon his money, these rival dealers in old clothes actually lay violent hands upon the wayfarer, and seek to drag him by main force into their shops. If he show the least inclination to trade, he is in danger of being literally torn apart by the rival dealers. Enter one of the shops, and a fat Jewess will alike unhesitatingly and unblushingly measure the customer for a pair of trousers, or assist him in trying on a new vest or other garment.
The Jew in his eagerness to sell does not hesitate to heap ridicule even upon himself: —
“I vos an honest sheeny man. I geef you cent per cent value for your monish,” is an expression frequently to be heard.
An “honest shenny.” Just think of it!
But, if you know how to go about it, you can buy something besides old clothes in Baxter Street. Gold watches, enamelled lockets, costly overcoats, sealskin sacks, and even diamonds, may be bought in these same dirty little shops, if you are not too particular about inquiring the history of these objects of value, and whence they came. For the old-clo’ dealer is, almost to a man, what is technically known in police circles as a “fence;” and in the cellars and hiding places of the old-clo’ dealer’s shop, stolen goods are stored away in quantities.
[Page 21]
“I haf a reech on-kel who vas in der bawn-pooking beezness; I got dot from heem. I sell it to you cheap, und doan’t say a vord about it,” says Fagan, in disposing of some ill-gotten article of value.
But the Jew of Baxter Street is probably the least dangerous and objectionable of his race. He is, it must be conceded, in his rightful sphere. Would that all the members of his race could be restricted to their natural element, the old-clo’ business!
[Page 22]
“The plague recedes when it smells him.” — DRUMONT.
THE general detestation, abhorrence, and contempt with which the American Jew is regarded socially, is, perhaps, nowhere more strongly exemplified than at the summer-resort hotel. Nearly every hotel-keeper at the summer-resorts throughout the country is anxious to exclude the Jew from his house, and keeps a sharp and constant watch to bar him out. Owing to the Jew’s characteristic lack of delicacy, his obtrusiveness and impudence, this is a somewhat difficult matter; but the summer-hotel keeper, who by dint of long practice and experience is enabled to smell a descendant of the tribe a long way off, succeeds fairly well.
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Whenever a Jew nose casts its sinister shadow over the register, the hotel-keeper suddenly discovers that his hostelry is full to overflowing, and profoundly, but firmly, regrets his inability to receive any more guests. Whenever a Moses, or a Jacobs, or a Blumenstein writes, asking for accommodations, a reply is hastily rushed off to him to the effect that every room in the house has been engaged three months ahead.
Often the Jew, surmising how he is detested and abhorred, but determined to thrust his nose where it is not wanted, contrives, in applying by letter, to conceal his nefarious identity. In this way he at times succeeds in slipping in. Then the hotel-keeper’s silent wrath is terrible to witness; his days and nights are passed in fear and trembling of some infamous faux pas on the part of his unbidden guest; and he feels himself in constant danger of his Christian guests sending down for their bills, and deserting the house. Only too often in such cases are his worst fears realized.
[Page 24]
And yet, Heaven knows! the summer-hotel keeper is not wont to be any too particular as to the character of his guests. What with the shortness of the season, and the heavy expenses he is under, it is not so much quality as quantity of guests that he is after. But the Jew is so objectionable in general manners, habits, and bearing, so obnoxious to good morals, good manners, and good taste, that he is sure to drive other guests away from the house. Hence, by reason of his general vileness, he is a source of pecuniary loss to the hotel-keeper; and therefore the latter, liberal minded or indifferent as he may be, keeps him out.
But, to come right down to details, what are the particular objectionable qualities in the Jew guest? Well, they are almost too numerous to enumerate. In the first place, the Jew is loud, vulgar, and intrusive. He is loud in his speech and in his dress; he is vulgar in his deportment in the hotel corridors and on the verandas; his table manners are execrable, not to say disgusting; and he is intrusive in forcing his company, with a brazen impudence that knows no check, upon people who do not desire to suffer the infliction and contamination of his acquaintance.
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As for the fat Jewesses, as they waddle across the hotel veranda, their gross paunches quivering, and their coarse, pudgy fingers covered with diamonds, they are objects offensive to the sight, blotches on the summer landscape, veritable eyesores. They, in their way, are quite as objectionable as the men.
Then, too, another reason why the Jew and the Jewess are objectionable to the hotel-keeper is that the Israelite is ever haunted by the feeling that he is not getting enough for his money. He is paying high terms; he feels that he never can eat up enough and use up enough to make an equivalent for the outlay he is undertaking. The thought that the hotel-keeper may be making too much profit out of him causes cold shudders to run down his spine, no matter bow high in the nineties the thermometer may stand. These curious feelings lead him into wasting food which he cannot eat, and subjecting the furniture and carpets to unnecessarily rough usage, as if to thereby get the more for his money. Singular, is it not? It is probably a symptom and an outcrop of that neurosis to which the Jews as a race are subject, and which was explained at length in “The Original Mr. Jacobs.”
Never, probably, were the reasons why the summer hotel keeper bars out the Jew from his house, more energetically and more forcibly expressed than by a certain wealthy and prominent citizen, whose action in publicly shutting the Jews out from his hotel at the most fashionable of all the New-York summering places, created a tremendous sensation some years ago.
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On the night following the day when the edict of exclusion was issued, this gentleman, upon being hard pressed for his reasons, thus expressed himself to an interviewer of the “New-York Times:”
“You presume that I had good reasons for shutting out the Jews from the Grand Union? Good reasons, eh? Well, I should say I had! After screwing and scraping and hoarding all winter, these Jews come to the Grand Union for a couple of weeks, bent on cutting a shine. Not content with obtruding their offensive’ personalities on the verandas of the hotel, and monopolizing the chairs to the exclusion of Christian guests, they cock their great ungainly feet high in air, and talk ‘shop’ in voices to be heard a mile away. They come down to the dining-room, gorge themselves to bursting, and, fearing they will not get enough for their money, they go up-stairs again, and vomit over the furniture. Descending again to the dining-room, they gorge themselves once more, and then swagger out upon the veranda, and protrude their ill-shaped bellies in Christian faces. Rather would I shut up the hotel forever than again admit another Jew!”
Pretty forcible! But, upon the whole, a very accurate description of the true state of affairs.
[Page 29]
Yet another reason why the hotel-keeper excludes the Jew is the latter’s personal uncleanliness. The Jews, as a race, are undoubtedly the dirtiest people on the face of the earth. They seem to have a profound aversion to soap and cold water, and to the maxim that cleanliness is next to godliness. All the many rules laid down for their guidance in this connection, in Holy Writ, seem to have gone for naught. Even in the ears of the wealthiest Jewesses, laden down as they may be with gigantic diamond solitaires, you will often see great deposits of dirt nestling in the lobes. The men and the women alike are so subject to body-lice, that it is not safe to occupy a bed in which they have slept, or even to bathe on the same seashore as that upon which they have disported.
Last season a certain millionnaire manufacturer of New York, a representative business man, and a prince of good fellows, whose name is known from Maine to California, went down to the West End at Long Branch, taking with him his family, his grooms, his fast trotters, and all the paraphernalia of a swell establishment. Having established himself comfortably in one of the finest cottages at the West End, he set about enjoying himself, one of his favorite forms of amusement being to go in bathing. It so happened that a short distance to the north of him was a cottage which was used as a Jew boarding-house, and there Israel was gathered in force. The weather was very warm; and, garbed in heavy bathing-dresses of outlandish pattern, the Jews used to go in bathing at times when the Christian manufacturer was in the water.
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The manufacturer had not been at the Branch many days, when he found himself afflicted with a most peculiar and violent itching in various parts of the body. He washed and scratched, and still he continued to itch with increasing intensity. At last, when he had almost worked himself into a state of nervous collapse, he came to the conclusion that he must be suffering from some strange skin malady; and he hurried off to a doctor.
The doctor looked him over and laughed.
“My dear Mr.——,” he said, “you are suffering from body-lice. Let me see: you are staying at the —— cottage, and near you is that Jewish boarding-house. You have caught these little inflictions while bathing in the water at the same time as they. I have known of similar cases here before. Remember, whenever these Jews are around, to look out for lice in the very air.”
Within twenty-four hours later the snug cottage by the sea was dismantled, the swell establishment was broken up, and the fast trotters, the grooms, and their millionnaire master were speeding away from the Branch. They were fleeing from the Jews as one flees from the pestilence.
Can it be wondered at that the summer-hotel keeper sternly waves the Jew away, and refuses to take him within his doors?
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* The cover, the ‘Le Happy Merchant’ image and Table of Contents are not part of the original book.
- Notes enclosed in [square brackets] and marked with an asterisk (*) symbol are not in the original text.
On page 55 on the original scan half the text is missing. If anyone has the complete text please paste it in the comment section of my blog. Thanks.
Page numbers in this document are the page numbers in the original book.
Click to go to >>
The American Jew – Part 1: His Arrival in America — The New-York Ghetto — The Jew at the Summer Hotel
The American Jew – Part 2: The Jew in Wall Street — The Jew in the Tobacco Trade
The American Jew – Part 3: The Jew in Politics — The Jew in Journalism — “The Great American Journalist.” — The Jew Lecher
The American Jew – Part 4: The Criminal Jew
The American Jew – Part 5: The Jew in Petroleum — The Jew in His Relation to the Law
The American Jew – Part 6: Customs and Habits of the Jews — Religious Doctrines
The American Jew – Part 7: The Jew Summarized
PDF of this post. Click to view or download (2.0 MB) >>
The American Jew — An Expose of His Career (1888) – Part 1
Version History
Version 5: Jun 5, 2020 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for version.
Version 4: Dec 4, 2016 — Improved formatting.
Version 3: Jun 18, 2015 — Improved formatting.
Version 2: Feb 21, 2015 — Added Notes.
Thanks for posting this Katana. I looked up THE ORIGINAL MR. JACOBS and read quite a bit of it, in fact I added it to my page list. Lots of interesting historical tidbits especially about France.
Hi Helvena
I’ll eventually get round to that book and there’s also a third one as well, that I haven’t been able to locate, i.e., “Judas Iscariot: An Old Type in a New Form”.
BTW, on your blog, Pound by Pound, the background is dark blue and the text is a slightly lighter blue making it a bit hard to read. I’m using Safari, so maybe it’s particular to that browser?
I’ve found a used copy of ‘Judas’ from an online book store and am thinking of picking it up to get it out there.
It’s well over $200, but it might be worth it, because otherwise it can be lost forever.
If I buy it and scan it will you transcribe (or help transcribe) it?
Along with posting it online I might also look into publishing it with lulu.
Hi endofzion
Yes, I’ll be quite happy to get into a clean text format. Scan it at 300 dpi or more and then I’ll OCR it. Then I’ll go through and fix all the inevitable OCR errors, etc.
Apparently somebody already bought it
Oh, well!
If you have any other need for help with similar projects please don’t hesitate to ask.
Keep up your good work!
I’m going to try an get Iscariot through inter library loan ad then see if I can scan it there.
I really want to see this book. I’ve read about it, and it sounds great. Plus this was written after he got countless death threats for his first two books.
We can write an introduction and transcribe it and really get it out there for free for everyone, permanently.
We’ll see what happens. I’m going to try and get to my local library soon.
Hi Katana. I’ll see what I can do to make the text stand out more. I’m not tech savvy so I can’t promise an improvement.
A dramatic improvement helvena! Now i can actually read your blog clearly using Safari.
Thank you.
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