Merry Christmas 2018 and a Happy New Year 2019!



Dear Contributors and Readers, …



Merry Christmas  2018






A Happy New Year, 2019!




 And let’s also remember and honour those that

understood and fought the (((problem))) before we did, …













Version History


Version 1: Posted, Dec 26, 2018

This entry was posted in Germany, Greetings, Happy New Year, Hitler, Merry Christmas, National Socialism, White Nationalism, WW II. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Merry Christmas 2018 and a Happy New Year 2019!

  1. Jim Rizoli says:

    Thanks for all the work you do for the cause.
    No surrender!

    Jim Rizoli

    • katana17 says:

      Thank you Jim (and Dianne) for all the work you two have done over the past year. Those revisionist interviews are great! I’ll eventually get them all transcribed!

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