[Morgoth, in one of his best and most heartfelt podcasts, talks about why he’s resisting taking the “jab“, despite social pressure; and the importance of standing up against tyranny.
Morgoth’s Review
”Why Not Just Get the Jab?”
Dec 21, 2021
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Published on Dec 21, 2021
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Morgoth’s Review
”Why Not Just Get The Jab?”
December 21st, 2021
Morgoth’s Review
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Thanks to Theberton for the intros and outros
[Intro music and imagery by Theberton.]
So I’ve had some personal things to be dealing with recently. And I haven’t been online very much at all. But that means that I’ve been spending a lot of time in the real world with family and friends. With the real people in my personal life.
And the thing that I was getting again, and again, was like a kind of attitude where they were saying:
“Why don’t you just get the vaccine? Why didn’t you just get jabbed! Why didn’t you just get jabbed?”
And it was put in a such a way, as if to say:
“Like, why are you being so difficult about it? Why are you being such a pain in the arse? We’ve all been vaccinated. And it was fine.”
And in all fairness it is true. As far as I’m aware, not nobody’s had any kind of adverse reactions.
So it’s all very well scaring each other shitless on the internet looking [chuckling] at all these things. But it remains a fact that in the real world, … One woman that I know has.
So the point is, I can’t really fall back on that as an excuse. They wouldn’t buy it. Because they would say:
“Well, we’ve all been fine.”
This is kind of like:
“How do you think?”
But I am like terrified of that.
So the first thing is, I just don’t need it! Because I’m fit and healthy. And like I probably do need losing a bit of weight. But one thing I don’t need, is even any kind of chance of having blood clots, or a stroke, or anything like that. So that is a factor, nevertheless.
But another thing that I found funny about it was that nobody even mentions the virus. They don’t give a shit about the virus!
What they’re doing, what’s worrying them is that they can see that the government is starting behaving in ways that they’ve never seen the government behave ever before. And so they’re kind of thinking, …
On another video I call it “The lobster pot”. They are now all in the lobster pot. The trap! Though they don’t really understand that, it’s a trap, no matter how much to try and explain. Because they think that’s just a conspiracy theory, still, amazingly like!
But what they’re noticing is that I am then sort of on the outside of it. I’m then putting myself in harm’s way. Not because of the virus! But, because of a government. Because they’re worried about what the government’s gonna do.
So then it’s like:
“Well why don’t you avoid whatever they plan to do?”
Potentially being cast out of society, or mandates, or fines. And all of this kind of thing.:
“Like, you can avoid all that, so why didn’t you just get the vaccine and avoid all that?”
And they kind of find it really difficult to wrap their heads around, why?
And when I actually tell them the truth. I mean, certainly the adverse reactions are a factor. But there’s a lot more than that, as well. There’s also the fact that it is a big trap for us all, that I’ve spoken about before.
But it’s when I first got the letter off the NHS, the thing that I got into there was that, I don’t want to go along with a lie! I don’t want to, because when you cave in, then you are like acknowledging the lie! You’re saying:
“I believe it.”
And in the case where it’s coerced, it’s because you’ve been threatened and blackmailed into it, it makes it much worse. Because then, it’s like:
“I’m going to give in to this lie, because they’re making my life hard!”
And this, I think, is something that can just rot away your soul. You’re going to have to deal in the long term with the fact that; a) you went along with a lie, in the first place. But then b); you’ve also got that junk floating around in your body forever more! Right into your very DNA, right. Right into your blood. Right in your the marrow of your bones.
So what I think, in my case, when I sit there and think about it is, … I mean, don’t get me wrong, it is the adverse reactions. But it’s the fact that I’m having to go along with a lie. And it’s a lie being propagated by a bunch of gangsters! They are nothing more than criminals! And gangsters!
And what’s more their designs are so far-sighted! The sheer hubris, and arrogance, of these bastards, is that they think they can totally invade my very body itself, on my DNA! Or even just having that crap floating around in my bloodstream!
And it’s this extraordinary level of compliance! And it’s like layer, upon layer, of like the lie, there’s the possibility of the adverse reactions; But most of all it’s that you’re gonna have to sort of acknowledge the authority of people who are the literal scum of the earth! And you’re going to have to say:
“Yeah! They are laying claim to your very body, to your bodily sovereignty!”
And if you can’t hold on to that, you can’t hold on to absolutely anything! Nothing at all!
And this is what the battle of wills is all about at the moment. This is what the people who are digging in on this, are trying to put across. And it’s the government saying:
“No, you don’t have that right.”
Although as always, they will lie, and use nudge departments, and spin, to make it seem that it’s relatively benign. So you come back to the problem with the lie, once again.
I think a lot of us feel that we’re in uncharted waters here. I’ve, obviously, never seen anything like this before in my life. I don’t think anybody else has. There’s never been anything like this, before.
We don’t know where all this is going. But I’m gonna hold the line for as long as I possibly can. And because the consequences of getting it now, are, … How can you live with yourself? Sitting there. Sitting there for the rest of your life, in your body, knowing that you gave in. And you just crawled into the trap.
And it makes you wonder of other periods of history. I mean, just surely to god, some people have got to stand up and say:
“This isn’t right!”
Surely that’s a thing that has happened throughout history?
It’s all very well, you know, everybody’s saying, everybody assumes, that they’re gonna be like a hero! Everybody assumes, …
I’ve been working on a video about this, as well.
Everybody assumes that they’re gonna be like the guy who will stand up to the bullies! That they are gonna be the one who will do what’s right! Who’ll step up to bat, when the moment arrives. And all of this kind of thing.
But nobody assumes that they’re going to be the ones who, … If you think of it like a Western, like High Noon, everybody thinks they’re going to be the Sheriff standing there waiting for the bad guys, by themselves.
And very few people think they are going to be the ones who are hiding behind the bar, or who left town, because things were about to get tough. Everybody puts themselves into the position of the hero. Because the culture has sort of encouraged that. And it flatters people!
But then when the time actually arrives, it turns out to be quite different. And when there’s imminent danger, when you are facing off against the greatest evil we’ve ever seen, it is quite unnerving! Where is this going to go?
I know that the government have got legislation on the books where they can justify incarcerating people who they call as “potentially infectious”. They’re passing new legislation through Parliament, today. I don’t know what’s going on with that.
So it’s as if all of these seismic changes are shifting. And they can do whatever they want! But you have to say:
“No! This is wrong!”
You have to have a moral compass. But it is unnerving. I know that. And it’s worrisome. And it’s scary. I don’t know where all of this is gonna go.
But I do know that I’m gonna try and stay on the side of right! What’s right, and truthful, and not bow to the lie! Because what you do is perpetuate it! And all of these normies have done it! If everybody’s in the lobster pot, then that’s it!
The truth isn’t some dodgy set of statistics, from some shady NGO, who fiddled the numbers, and then pumps it out on the social media. The truth is a moral issue, at its heart.
And so that’s the problem with going along with the lie, is that it’s immoral to go along with a lie! And that’s why you can’t live with yourself.
So that’s the end. What we’re all dealing with.
And I’m going to try and stay as morally just, as I can in these dark times.
People keep mentioning that clip from Lord of the Rings when Gandalf and Frodo are talking. And Frodo, they’re in the [words unclear]. And Frodo says:
“I wish this hadn’t happened. I wish we could have lived in another time.”
And Gandalf says:
“Well, it isn’t up to us to decide that. What we have to do is just make the best choices that we can. Make the best of what we got.”
Take care folks!
And don’t forget that we’re on the side of truth, goodness, and beauty.
[Outro music and imagery by Theberton.]
[Readers: If you see any errors (however minor), or ways to improve things, in the transcript, please let me know in the Comment section. Also please share the link to this transcript, so others can benefit. Thanks.]
Odysee Comments
9 hours ago
Pinned by @MorgothReviews
Merry Christmas everyone, I feel bad about being silent in recent weeks but there was literally nothing I could do about it.
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9 hours ago
How dare you!
9 hours ago
Thank you for this, it was fantastic to hear and for your earlier works. Publish when you feel like it, the real world is still more important than the Internet. Merry Christmas.
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9 hours ago
Merry Christmas
9 hours ago
merry christmas o/
8 hours ago
No problem. Always worth waiting for.
8 hours ago
Merry Christmas to you, too, M. from Germany! You prettymuch nailed it. I’m happy about a trend I notice in myself:
Before, I had been thinking and planning about how I can protect my family and myself against the Sauron of this world. The last months and years smashed my dreams of protecting anything – too powerful, too unhingedly rabid, too reckless is the enemy. It has been a few weeks now that all I have left is the knowledge to stand on the right side and doing what is morally right. But that light shines all the brighter, since the extent of evil shows itself clearer and clearer.
So I’m prepared to lose against this onslaught, and this will be much better than surviving with the evil winner.
There’s a glimpse of God in me that only I can kill, and I never shall!
I shall never bow to Sauron!
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6 hours ago
Well said Brother,win or loose, we still win
7 hours ago
Merry Christmas big M ,I’ll send you a few Christmas pints
6 hours ago
Merry Christmas to you too, Morgoth. God bless you!
3 hours ago
I forgive you. Merry Christmas
3 hours ago
Look mate, they want you to be scared. So the first act of defiance is to stop being afraid. The good news is that they’ve already used their last big threat, which is compulsory vaccination & camps for refuseniks. What sort of opponent opts to use their last big weapon so early in the fight? Answer, a desperate one! They’re desperate because they know that they HAVE to eliminate the control group. I’m hopefull that they won’t be able to do it.
I’ve also already decided that I’ll meet them on my doorstep, should compulsory vaccination & camps arrive, and that’s where I’ll die, rather than being carted off to a camp. We all die, that’s inevitable. Life is also very short. However, when we die, that’s not the end – our souls get to spend eternity in either heaven or hell. I won’t be having my God-given DNA mangled. I don’t think that will go down too well with God. From snowy Finland
Eternal. Lives. Matter
2 hours ago
Stay strong, Morgoth… – your voice echoes. We are not few.
Show more
10 hours ago
“Why can’t you just give up on your morals and become an automaton like the rest of us”
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9 hours ago
Thanks again Morgy. You probably have no idea how important your voice is right now. God bless you fella
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6 hours ago
Morg has been one of the biggest factors for me staying strong through all this BS. It’s bloody difficult out there when you’re not jabbed. The amount of relationships and family’s I know of that have been torn apart over this is ridiculous.
9 hours ago
Because my mind, body and soul is not the property of the fucking state
9 hours ago
No man can lay claim to my body because my body was not created by men.
Good to have you back, M!
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3 hours ago
Why are some people still asleep? My super-simple explanation (spoiler alert: it’s more than mass psychosis)
9 hours ago
Hold the line! God bless you.
9 hours ago
In immediate family circles, I don’t know anyone who’s been ill having had an adverse reaction to this experimental gene manipulation technology. However, I also work for a company that supplies software applications to a lot of organisations. The number of people (whom we normally deal with) who are (or have been) off sick (sometimes for months) – due to adverse reactions – is shocking.
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4 hours ago
It`s a game of Russian roulette.placebo or juice shot.hence the need for endless booster shots and the demonization of people who aint had a jab to cover up the fact that jabs are killing and harming people.all of its a computer modeling scam.none of these so called sars-coV-2..covid or variants have ever been isolated anywhere on earth.as of today its a 6,309,607 million string of genome sequences that are cut and snipped on a computer from which a scariant is born…the jabs switch peoples immune systems off and the result is vaids…like aids you dont die straight away but i wouldnt like to go the way of freddy mercury…you can see the genome sequence on GISAID.ORG..the genome sequences are the material thats taken from the pcr tests…they are basically creating so called virus from peoples genetic material
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4 hours ago
Yes, that sounds about right. It would be simply too obvious if EVERYONE simply keeled over from the experimental gene manipulation technology squirted into their veins. They need to do it gradually, via the never-ending ‘vaccine boosters’. There is – as you say – no evidence of such a thing as SARS COV 2. It is an invention of the money power, so that they get a chance to inject you with the real killer agent (which they term a ‘vaccine’).
9 hours ago
Great message! Not many folks are taking into account the moral issue of giving in to a bunch of corporate gangsters….. The medical Mafia.
if you let this slide, it doesn’t stop there. They’re coming for everything. And the worst thing is you’ll be forced to watch it all being taken away.
Remember Solzhenitsyn: “Oh how we burned in the camps…..”
9 hours ago
Let’s be under no doubt that we’ve chosen the right and noble path. If every last man took the shot ‘just cos why not, it’s easier’ then I don’t think it’s far-fetched to say that humanity is doomed. Taking the jab for any other reason than a mortal fear of this virus (which very few people have) is an agreement to forever answer ‘5’ when asked what 2+2 is.
9 hours ago
If i am to be as honest as i possibly can ,Adverse reactions are probably the least of my concerns, My Objection and outright refusal to take this injection, Is NO so called authority has any right or domain over ME ,my body or soul,
This is my God given estate, my Soul /Sole possession, And i will allow No TRESSPASS. I would give a kidney to a complete stranger, to try save their life, But I will NEVER give Any Government or Other fiction any domain over me. To do so would be a betrayal of Myself and everything i am or ever will be. I have stated I will gladly choose death first, And my prayer is that i have the Courage to see this out to its bitter conclusion.
Cheers Gabriel
9 hours ago
Forgot to say, “Welcome back Morgoth!” It’s been a long three weeks waiting for your next posting. It was worth the wait (as ever).
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9 hours ago
Yeah I’ve had a lot to deal with mate, and my internet is still rubbish
9 hours ago
I just tell the normies that the same people who insist i take this poison, will also tell me, with a straight face, that men can get pregnant. That seems to make them think for a second, until the dissonance kicks in.
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7 hours ago
What do they answer
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8 minutes ago
That’s the weird thing, they all snigger initially but ten seconds later it’s as though some pronoun thought filter has booted up and they usually try to change the subject, eyes glazing over. I’ve experienced this with work collegues and with relatives. It’s a bit creepy.
8 hours ago
There is a 66 year old woman called Margaret Buttimer here in Ireland who has served two months in prison for non compliance with mask wearing. The judges just couldn’t fathom her behaviour. She did her time and now she has just been sentenced again for not wearing a mask to a further 6 f##king months..in jail for Christmas. Bastards…but the balls on this woman cannot be defeated. She also has this blissful smile sweeping across her face when trotting in and out of court and is purported to have said to a shop owner who reported her ” I am only answerable to God” . They are baffled by her behaviour and the f*ckwit irish court system even reffered to a brain scan which she had had. Lol. We are entering some kind of dystopian father Ted territory here “Ms Buttimer’s solicitor, Plunkett Taaffe, handed in a report from a geriatric consultant psychiatrist which detailed an MRI scan which found no anomalies.” Anyhow much courage and best wishes Morgoth and friends. Tom
Ps we cannot let them take freedom. It will never return this time if they do. Bio convergence and genetic engineering as the norm are only a generation away.
9 hours ago
aye my friend we most certainly are on the side of truth, goodness and beauty. Merry Christmas love
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9 hours ago
Merry Christmas
9 hours ago
I think a whole lot of us are exactly where you are on this issue, Morgoth. You articulated the possition very well.
9 hours ago
if this was a real virus leaving corpses in the street like in china circa 2019 then you wouldnt need to tell people to wear a mask or get the jab. the fact that there is so much social coercion proves the virus is a nothing
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2 hours ago
Agreed. But I still don’t know that there were any real people really dropping dead in the streets.
9 hours ago
Thanks for your words, staying true can be so hard but it helps to hear some encouraging words like this along the way.
8 hours ago
absolutely nailed it. this feels like a crucial point for personal freedom and bodily autonomy. if not for yourself, for your children and family
8 hours ago
The normies are scared. That’s why they comply. I talk to lots of normies and the vast majority are happy with lockdowns and the like. We’re only a small minority. But so were the riders if Rohan . We’re living through a period of frightful unprecedented
evil. So we must stay true and hopeful
8 hours ago
Strange how it’s okay for a feminist to say my body my choice but not for those that refuse to become a cog in the tyranny. Are only those that follow the agenda allowed a conscience? It would seem so.
8 hours ago
I always wondered if tyranny ever came in my life time would I be one who just followed along because you never know until it happens.
Everything in my soul and mind is telling me not to get the jab, I can’t go along with it and it is frightening when everyone around you is doing the opposite.
It’s reassuring to know there are others out there like me.
Happy Christmas Morgoth.
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8 hours ago
Merry Christmas Soozie
9 hours ago
Don’t inject poison. just say NO.
9 hours ago
It’s nice to know now that as suspected the governments everywhere are massively inflating the uptake numbers of the jab. I’m not moving off this hill, i’ve stood my ground for two years and i’m not relinquishing it now. Stay strong Morg, God bless.
7 hours ago
Even that 5 million unjabbed figure is a government lie. It’s more like 23 million who haven’t even had their 1st jab –
Merry Christmas to you and yours Morgoth, stay strong
9 hours ago
Merry Christmas Morgoth!
I’m in the same situation with family members, none of them have had any side effects yet and for that i’m extremely thankful
9 hours ago
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.”-Albert Camus
6 hours ago
I had a mate of 35 yrs verbally abuse me in the pub at the weekend when he found out I hadn’t been poked. Never seen him nasty in all those years, he’s a gentle giant with a reputation of being a placid good guy. It was quite a shock but shows how far this madness has reached your typical normie. I fear it’s gonna get a lot worse for us, but we must remain true to ourselves otherwise what’s the bloody point of living free? Merry Christmas Morg…the truth will out. (won’t it?)
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5 hours ago
Same her mate. I have had family members too. Shocked more than sad as so out of character… almost like they were possessed… psychologically feels like already said goodbye to them because that sure are f##k wasn’t them……strange times indeed. Made me more determined not to give in.
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5 hours ago
In the long run either our closist ones we all know will either never admit that they are wrong, or they will pathetically apologise to us in the long run. I am not betting on the last option here.
Keep strong my brothers and avoid the evil temptation here.
8 hours ago
Getting injected with this crap at this stage is so nonsensical and pointless its just a loyalty and compliance test for the system.
Not getting injected is the perfect big “F you” to the system, and the fact that 23 million odd of us in the UK decided to give them the finger shows theres more of us than we think there are. Great video Morgoth, Merry Christmas.
8 hours ago
Very good take, Morgoth, one I know that will resonate with many. Wishing you a peaceful Christmas
9 hours ago
Great vid mate .There is no way these politicians have taken the vaccine so why should you . They have lied about everything.Nobody knows what effects it will have in years to come . There’s a hell of a lot more people that haven’t had it than they are saying . Merry Christmas
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3 hours ago
If we were to believe these press photo opportunities, whereby politicians sit down to have their injections in front of a compliant press corps, I believe that by the last count Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson / Kamal has already had four ‘COVID’ ‘vaccinations’.
9 hours ago
Nice to hear from you again, Morgs! Hope everything went well and you get decent internet soon :0 I’m quite lucky in that my immediate family aren’t on board with all this, so have someone close who is also standing up to it. I have to say, I’m more afraid of giving in now than I am of potentially being persecuted by the state. Hopefully that can last. It will be a shame when I lose a lot of my friends because I won’t be able to go to pubs and bars anymore, but saying no is still much more important to me.
9 hours ago
Thanks for this Morgoth, one to bookmark and to point family & friends towards when they start ramping up the pressure to conform.
You have done a far better job than I could, it’s not easy to combat the largest psychological warfare program in history, they have some smart bastards on their team, they have letters after their names and everything, plus the entire MSM, the majority of doctors, we have been reduced to outsiders, non-personed & I suspect its only going to get worse….
It’s all a big cult and we ain’t in it, our family & friends have been replaced by pod people..
For an illness with a 99.97% survival rate….
Did you see this poster on a Canadian bus?
7 hours ago
Cheers from Spain! Resisting has been relatively easy so far, apart from the dismay at watching the sheep around us, but the pinch is just starting to be felt here now. The other day I saw the first notice on a restaurant I used to go to, saying they demand a “Covid pass” and ID to enter. No more business from me, then.
As Morgoth says, we’re on the right side, and that is enough to draw strength from. Good luck, everyone, and Merry Christmas!
9 hours ago
Thank you. it’s really tough, thank you for reminding us all of the moral issue here.
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9 hours ago
Merry Christmas Lucy
9 hours ago
Merry Christmas guys. Thanks for this Morgoth, very dark times but the good and the strong will always survive. It will take a lot more than a vax passport to rip my soul from me!
9 hours ago
Well said brother. Merry Christmas Morgoth.
7 hours ago
The reason so many vaxxed people are pushy and adamant about you getting it too, is because deep down they fear they made a mistake and don’t want to be alone with their choice.
If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable that you made the right choice and they didn’t. They followed their programming and the ‘science’. YOU have to be wrong. Even if you’re right, you to be vaxxed too so everybody suffers equally.
9 hours ago
Also had the NHS letters and a Phone call asking why I won’t have a jab.
Said I have an immune system. (wanted to say because of religion) But gave an answer they
would not think was way out there and an excuse to round me up on mental health grounds (possibly on the cards in the future for us all)
Anyhow Nice to see you back Morgoth
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8 hours ago
I’m lucky to have just received three letters and countless texts from NHSvaccine. Think they are focusing on the boosters now and I’m not eligible so things have gone quiet.
4 hours ago
I think a lot of us are in this situation at the moment and I empathise a lot with these familial interactions. I’m younger than you are so the sentiment a little while ago amongst my friends is “why don’t you just get it so we can all go back to normal” Most of my friends got it so they can go on holiday abroad or just go to pubs but shortly after being told by the government they can go back to normal once they get the jab it all gets taken away and around Christmas no less with more restrictions because of ((Omicron)). No one really cares about the virus or has health concerns it’s just about wanting to get out of the lockdown cycle and government restrictions and they’re getting desperate to return to how things were.
Keep holding the line Morgoth and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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4 hours ago
All the best
5 hours ago
Populations have been engineered for decades, to be addicted to comfort. Part of the planned demolition of Christianity in the West was for this purpose. In Christianity we all have a cross to bear, and through suffering we can grow spiritually and learn the lessons God has deemed fit for us to learn. Without it we have a modern Secular society in which any kind of difficulty or strain is to be medicated, talked over incessantly, with success being reached with the person aneshtised to it in every way possible.
Pretty much my entire family have seleced comfor, and ‘got the jab’ in order to ‘get back to normal’. Leaving aside the abject stupidity in that option ever being on the table in the first place, it is inarguably piss weak decision making to enroll yourself in a experimental drug trial, for which you have no recourse for injury or death, just because you want to be able to go to the pub, or go and pay 45 quid to watch some indifferent African millionaires run around a foobtall pitch on the weekends.
All of them reached their decision not based on fear of Covid, but just to fall into line and get their bowl of societal gruel back from the governors.
8 hours ago
No surrender.
8 hours ago
I will never be a lab rat or vaccine junkie for some Big-Pharma Jew.
9 hours ago
Just as we must judge oursleves by immutable moral values, we will all be judged by a higher power, in whom these values reside. I am ever more drawn to the spirit of the middle ages, when man and God lived in perpetual harmony, untouched by the curse of ‘progress’. We all reach a point in our lives when the natural order prevails and many merely tremble in fear before it. That is not the moral man’s destiny.
9 hours ago
Nice intro tune. Who’s the artist?
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9 hours ago
Theberton playing Scarborough Fair
4 hours ago
Merry Christmas Morgoth, vaccine free here (including my entire family) so you are not alone! We have decided to carry on enjoying life and looking forward to how the UK government tackles this in a so called ‘democracy’ will be fun to watch! English common law is about to be tested.
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4 hours ago
Merry Christmas
5 hours ago
23.5m people have not had the jab in the UK. We’re not alone, far from it. Stand firm, fuck these tyrants.
5 hours ago
Spot on as always, Mr M. I consider it my civic duty to refuse the vax and refuse the masking. Divided we fall but united we stand.
5 hours ago
I’m refusing to call them those ridiculous terms that they installed into the NPC firmware, I’ve stopped calling them “vaccines” or “jabs”. I’m only referring to them as either the “injections” or the “course of injections”.
I recommend everybody starts doing this, the firmware terms they came up with disarm the viciousness of what they really are, injections sounds penetrative, piercing, violent even. we need to attack at the point they neutralised the language into making the injections mundane, routine, harmless.
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5 hours ago
deeply agree with you there.
6 hours ago
I will not comply
9 hours ago
Time to go down the germ theory rabbit hole Morgoth. Why not get the jab? There is no virus and the vaccine is based on a false premise.
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8 hours ago
Therefore the question should be, what’s the purpose of a vaccine for a non existent virus? Think it through.
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4 hours ago
But the makers of the vaccines may honestly believe the virus exists. I’m not sure. There are various theories on the mistake virologists are making when they look under the microscope.
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4 hours ago
What are the sources and where did they originate when looking under the microscope, anything from officialdom has to be suspect, more likely they perpetuate the myth they’ve been taught because that’s what they expect to find.
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3 hours ago
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8 hours ago
How do colds and viruses spread then? If someone with a cold sneezes then those around get it. Doesn’t this prove that particles sneezed out travel through the air and infect others? I’ve heard others say the virus is fake, never been isolated etc but people have been getting sick though with mild symptoms.
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6 hours ago
There are shared conditions which spread illness which could be connected with resonance (like the way a school of fish moves, or birds wheel and turn in the sky together) where we as animals pick up on each other’s needs to perform a detox together at certain times Women of a certain age who live together will synchronize their periods at the same time after a while. Pheromones also play a big part in the way humans and animals interact. There are many different ways we communicate with each other and share biological cues that are not obvious but which the body will send and receive.
4 hours ago
In the wintertime, lots of people eat and drink excessively which is not good for the immune system. Many people don’t clean out their heaters, and the heaters end up spewing out dust when they are switched on (people are inside with the heating on for a long time in the winter). The cold air has less moisture which can irritate our nose.
Hence, thousands get sick in the winter at the same time, and we see a ‘pandemic’ that isn’t there. It’s also likely stress and 5G have contributed to exceess death over the past two years.
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3 hours ago
It’s a well known fact that stress kills, that is why the UK government has spent the last 2 yrs pumping out fearporn 24/7, using drugs and isolation to further increase the deaths calling it a pandemic, they will continue until they achieve their aims or until the sheep turn on the slaughtermen.
5 hours ago
Well said. That line from Lord of the Rings hits me deep every time.
5 hours ago
Don’t ever cave in. Keep it together and stay frosty, mate. Hard, dark times possibly ahead of us, but we have to fight this evil shite till the end.
God Bless & Merry Christmas!
6 hours ago
Do not comply
6 hours ago
Compliance isn’t virtue, its cowardice
Hold the line folks
6 hours ago
What song was that in the intro? Its on the tip of my tongue
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4 hours ago
scarborough fair
6 hours ago
Look to the positive. If they put us in camps, we can concoct some bullshit stories about being experimented on by evil Dr. Witty. Electrified floors. Soap. Lampshades. Being deloused to death…multiple times. I’ll get amazon to deliver a pile of shoes, for the holiday snaps. When it’s all over we can dine out on the blood libel for the next 80-or-so years and have anyone jailed who questions the narrative. It was real in my mind. Reparation gibs for life. £20 says these camps won’t have cinemas, bakeries or swimming pools.
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5 hours ago
what about the new matrix movie?????
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5 hours ago
You got me. I hadn’t envisioned anything quite that horrific. I’m worried now.
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
hold that line is right. the fact they are mandating it with all these side effects for a “disease” with 99.5% recovery rate is enough to refuse it.
7 hours ago
we are indeed on the side of truth, goodness and beauty. thank you for this morgoth. i hope the move went well.
7 hours ago
When I speak with jabbed folk, I find myself threading a fine line between enlightening, or horrifying them with words.
If you horrify them, you are being entirely open with your opinions, if you try to enlighten them, you are may find yourself restraining yourself from confrontation & your true opinion towards them.
It’s a social difficulty.
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7 hours ago
It’s why I’ve stopped talking about the issue. It’s too late now anyway as most have taken them.
8 hours ago
Go along is an act of evil.
9 hours ago
“Whats the big deal, just take the vaccine.” = If I screwed up by being a coward and taking it at least I can feel better about myself knowing that everyone else took it too. See, Im not a coward or stupid, Im just human like everybody else.
1 hour ago
Aww, man, you sound a bit emotional … I hope things work out for you. I think a problem with refusing “the jab” is that it will expel all of our sympathizers from all positions of potential wealth and authority, and that we need to start infiltrating … or at least gathering resources.
2 hours ago
“So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – Gandalf The Grey
3 hours ago
Ignorance might well be bliss, but I imagine there’s nothing blissfull in knowing that you’ve been willingly compliant in your own mugging off.
Self respect leaves us with no alternative but to stick to our guns.
4 hours ago
Imagine thinking you can get ill from something thats only ever existed on a hard drive
Imagine thinking you recovered and are immune from something thats only ever existed on a hard drive
Imagine thinking getting some jab would stop you from getting something that only ever existed on a hard drive
and taking booster shots would keep you from getting something that only ever existed on a hard drive
Now Imagine yourself as a laptop or a home computer as thats the only time you will have computer modeling in your system
Merry Christmas Everyone
4 hours ago
You are spot on and its exactly how i feel. I never wanted to get on the ‘jab train ‘ as i call it because i could see where it was going, never ending coercion, vax passports etc. Along with the lack of long term data and current adverse events its still a no from me. People like my best friend who agrees with me and then says ‘but i will take it because i want to go abroad’ infuriate me.
4 hours ago
I’d recommend changing your language to avoid words like “jab”. These words have been selected and seeded to manipulate the public. it’s an injection. It does not immunize so it is not a vaccine.
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4 hours ago
I agree with you, it was the normies who used ”jab” which is why it’s in quotes.
5 hours ago
Happy Yuletide Morgoth and may 2022 be the year we sabotage as much of the globalist machinery as possible, while bringing more of our folk back into the fold.
6 hours ago
Myself -my sister and my husband will never take it – we still have functioning brain cells – unlike my now dead mother in law and my two moronic brothers.
6 hours ago
Id like to go fishing someday with you Brother Morgoth
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to you and yours Sir. I would not worry too much, the Human Spirit is strong and never can be caged.
7 hours ago
Merry Christmas, thank you for your insightful insights this year
7 hours ago
exactly what i needed this morning, strength and hope. thank you!
1 hour ago
2 hours ago
Absolutely, hold the line. I’ve had people say the same thing to me ‘ just take the jab and we will go back to normal’. As the time has gone on i am even more sure this is all immoral and there is somehting going on that i do not know. I saw a clip with Boris talking about the omicron and i could just tell it was all lies. I wonder how can people not see this.
2 hours ago
Hey morgoth. I recently watched the film A Man for All Seasons about the life of Saint Sir Thomas More, and I found it very pertinent to our situation and coercion by government to commit an act of dishonour by forcing you to revoke your principles in order to live an easy life. Thing throughout the movie really jumped out like his family and friends taking an oath to the Church of England, and pressuring him to do the same. It could make for an interesting video topic, perhaps “A Man for all Boosters”. Also, what tracks did you use for the intro and outro for this video?
3 hours ago
Welcome back and happy Christmas Morgoth, all the best for 2022.
4 hours ago
this is brilliant. I’ll be sharing
5 hours ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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5 hours ago
All you’re doing is assisting them in the creation of a social credit system, and you will never, ever save ethnic Europeans from within that cage.
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5 hours ago
I will take a social credit system in exchange for caged Europeans
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5 hours ago
You’re giving them both!
5 hours ago
Thanks for making us just that little bit more of a targetable minority, Schmumpf.
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5 hours ago
then don’t paint a fucking target on your back.
4 hours ago
This is the most pressing issue right now
6 hours ago
It’s not just giving in once and that’s it…no it’s rather giving in every few months symbolically in public and humiliating yourself for the rest of your life.
Hold strong, this is the only way we win
7 hours ago
Thanks Morgoth.
8 hours ago
Great to hear from you again Morgoth. You are the holder of the flame. Best wishes to you and your family this Christmas.
8 hours ago
All the wrong people are pushing these stab shots and I (we) all know these people aren’t acting in our interest. The same ones mass importing foreigners to replace the native people of Europe are in some cases forcing them. No way will I ever choose them. If things get difficult then I’ll look to change the circumstances. There’s always ways around, just have to look.
8 hours ago
Dude, why don’t you get it yet, normies aren’t fucking people, they are fleshy robots that can be programmed by whoever is in power to think and feel however they want within a certain limitation (basic needs met).
They aren’t going to think oneday “the government bad,” it’s like a child thinking “daddy bad”
Doesn’t happen unless their basic needs aren’t met
8 hours ago
I agree with every single word. thanks Morgoth. Merry Christmas mate.
8 hours ago
Merry Christmas, M
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8 hours ago
Merry Christmas
8 hours ago
9 hours ago
If I was elderly I’d get the jab. If I was in poor health I’d get the jab. If I was fat, well I’d lose weight, but I might consider getting jabbed in the meantime.
There’s nothing inherantly evil about the jab, it’s just an untested treatment for a disease that most people don’t need to fear.
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8 hours ago
Agree with your second point. Some say they are for depopulation though I’m not yet persuaded of this.
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7 hours ago
It’s a ridiculous idea – why would you target the people who unquestioningly do what you say. They’d want to depopulate the unvaxxed if anything!
5 hours ago
show me another ‘vaccine’ that inserts genetic material into your body’s own cells as a way of if attacking a cold. there isn’t one…. it has never been done before in the history of medicine (I say that in a professional capacity). All previous real vaccines use a similar mechanism (even if the disease is different) which presents a weakened version of the disease to your immune system. This is the first EVER to hijack your immune system and tell it how to respond
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5 hours ago
Right, it’s an novel treatment, which is why anyone sensible who isn’t at risk of dying from the virus should be hestitant before getting it.
It does appear to significantly reduce the impact of covid from those who are affected though, which is why it’s sensible for anyone who’s old or vulnerable to have it.
Turning the vaccine itself into a bogeyman is counterproductive. The vaccine passports (digital ID) is the danger – eyes on the actual threat.
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5 hours ago
That would be fine if the scientist who invented the mRNA technology himself has specifically come out and stated this is an outright dangerous potentially fatal deliberate misuse of the technology he invented. Go in google and type ‘died suddenly’ and press the news tab… it is only being report in local news outlets. They work hand in glove with the ID passport… they are killing the immune system and each additional jab increases the rate at which it is happening if you dont have a cardiac event or stroke first. I have 5 healthy people I know who have had strokes, heart attack and several who have been recently diagnosed with vascular dementia. The new covid variants are increasingly dangerous… to the vaccinated… the ID passport will be what keeps them alive to get their next vaccine against a previously benign illnesses or it will kill them like heroin addicts needing their next fix. The wheels are all already in motion now. Once someone has stepped on that escalator they can’t get off… that’s what he means about sat thinking about ‘that shit circulating in your system’
3 hours ago
I saw a presentation from that chap, I think you’re misrepresenting, or catastrophising, what he says. He also said he’d had the vaccine, so clearly he’s not that concerned.
I know we’re trading anecdotes here, but a close relative of mine is a research scientist specialising in genomics and phages (viruses, basically). He’s sceptical enough that in May last year, his lab having sequenced the virus, he confided in me that it had elements that looked artificial. He’s been happy to have the jab, with no side effects (like most people who take it).
If we elevate a sensible risk:reward calculation into something more sinister we risk looking over-excitable and missing the actually sinister. I don’t want the jab, on balance, having considered the risks. Not being forced to have a medical treatment I don’t want (why I don’t want it does not matter) is a hill I’m willing to die on.
9 hours ago
Because its gay to get the jab.
Why would I submit to my enemies unreasonable demands.
Fuck that.
And no Morgoth, its not going to kill the whole planet off.
9 hours ago
What’s the song in the intro?
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9 hours ago
Scarborough Fair
1 minute ago
Merry Christmas.
9 minutes ago
I suppose I can count myself lucky then that about 40% of my family are anti-vaxxers. It does make family meetings rather akward at times, because we can’t really discuss the elephant in the room, but I think it’s probably better than to have to defend yourself at every family occassion. I do know how that feels though.
One of my friends developed Miller-Fischer syndrome some weeks after receiving the vaccine, and I have found some information linking that syndrome to the vaccine (higher chance of developing in vaccinated individuals) I don’t really want to tell him about it, because he’s already been vaxxed as have pretty much all of my other friends. People don’t want to hear when they potentially made a bad decision, so I feel that the peer-pressure isn’t just about what the government is going to do when we don’t comply, but that when side effects do become known and widespread (I do predict more adverse reactions down the line given the fact that boosters are coming) everybody wants to be in the same boat, even when that boat is sinking. The decision to get vaxxed is after all irreversible.
27 minutes ago
I don’t trust eu, I don’t trust who, I don’t trust msm, I don’t trust supposedly my government. They actively try to make policy and law that harms us natives and favor outsiders. And they lie. They even publicly brag about how first and foremost they are on the side of outsiders. So I certainly don’t trust this forced vaxxing of us is done by just good intentions and for our benefit. Maybe I am wrong about all of the covid bs at the end. But for now I may have to literally fight to the death against “my” government. But that is what you get by being a disgusting traitor to your own people. You are seen as the enemy by default. This is what government deserve from me, and I and the people deserve much better than you. Even if I was wrong about covid bs, I would still despise you and never acknowledge any legitimacy from you traitors.
29 minutes ago
Agree wholeheartedly mate. Moved house eh, onwards and upwards I hope!
31 minutes ago
thanks Morgoth. Stumbled across you on YouTube reviewing a film we both enjoyed …. Bait. it has been at least 6 months. since then through you I have discovered AA and all the dissident right. I owe you Morgoth and thank you Merry Christmas mate
1 hour ago
the fact the small group that owns the vaccine companies want to erase us from history and advocate for our destruction i think thats more than enough reason not to take it
1 hour ago
While most people my age (early 20ies) are not afraid of the coof and got vaccinated just to live a normal life; I do know quite a lot of people who truly go along with the whole propaganda machine and actually believe that they’re fighting a deadly disease. Not sure if they rationalize their NPC behaviour to themselves, or if they are truly that deluded.
1 hour ago
Excellent as usual.
I think there is more of us than we are led to believe x
2 hours ago
Great one.
3 hours ago
Look mate, they want you to be scared. So the first act of defiance is to stop being afraid. The good news is that they’ve already used their last big threat, which is compulsory vaccination & camps for refuseniks. What sort of opponent opts to use their last big weapon so early in the fight? Answer, a desperate one! They’re desperate because they know that they HAVE to eliminate the control group. I’m hopefull that they won’t be able to do it.
I’ve also already decided that I’ll meet them on my doorstep, should compulsory vaccination & camps arrive, and that’s where I’ll die, rather than being carted off to a camp. We all die, that’s inevitable. Life is also very short. However, when we die, that’s not the end – our souls get to spend eternity in either heaven or hell. I won’t be having my God-given DNA mangled. I don’t think that will go down too well with God. From snowy Finland
Eternal. Lives. Matter.
3 hours ago
Why are some people still asleep? My super-simple explanation (spoiler alert: it’s more than mass psychosis)
3 hours ago
They’re cowards, plain and simple.
3 hours ago
its easy to get down , pointless to try and wake people , just dont comply , dont watch MSM and DONT GET JABBED . its never going back , it cant go back . at least your not full of micro clots . stay human
3 hours ago
I know a lot of people who were pretty sick after the jab, mainly flu symptoms. Well I don’t want flu so I’m not taking it.
3 hours ago
thanks for posting. hope your folks are well. Merry Christmas.
3 hours ago
It’s a matter of principle. If we give in now, there will be no end to it.
4 hours ago
Merry Christmas Morgoth. Hope you’re doing alright mate. Take care.
4 hours ago
Did they have anything to say about the booster? The word online is that many who had the two jabs are refusing the 3rd.
Anyway I will continue holding the line. Merry Christmas Morgoth, looking forward to hearing you on Millenniyule.
5 hours ago
This Crispr thing edits your DNA from what I undertand of it, and you pass that edit onto your offspring, forevermore.
5 hours ago
my response is usually: ‘don’t need it’ and then change the conversation. But I did come close to giving in when some relatives in America wanted me to visit, but in worked out that I didn’t. My Dad took the vaccine, and I pointed out to him that he’ll be taking boosters every year – but he said he was only going to take 2, and now he’s considered not vaccinated so there is literally no point!
5 hours ago
The funny thing is that the word “selfish” implies giving something away at a loss to oneself, zero-sum, i.e., risk; “concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure”. If the vaccines are “safe and effective”, the last word you would use is “selfish” to describe those unwilling to take them. It’s a tacit admission that the official narrative is a sleight of hand.
5 hours ago
Damn straight
5 hours ago
It’s basically “shut up Goyim and get back in your pod”.
5 hours ago
Holy mother of based
6 hours ago
I honestly think either nothing will happen to the vaccinated majority (likely outcome) , or something sudden/unexpected will happen (Very unlikely outcome) or (50/50 outcome) The vaccinated will be in this endless assimilation process where every serum they get injected into them will slowely erode their immune system and something will happen.
It would be call as one of the no vaccinated my life will be in a hollywood styled sci fi dystopia where my destiny lies in reclaiming planet earth from the decadnt powers.
6 hours ago
It’s been years since I’ve even had a cold. Never worn a muzzle except on two separate occasions for 10 minutes each time because it was politely asked of me to do so. I don’t buy over the counter medicines or cough syrup – I don’t ‘take’ anything. Why the hell would I need some experimental gene therapy shot repeatedly shoved into my arm?
6 hours ago
we are certainly cut from the same cloth my friend. have a merry Christmas.
6 hours ago
i think that all we can do is stay positive and deliberately send that energy into the ether and see if it helps
7 hours ago
for me, its a matter of principles.. I’m not going to submit to these dweebs..
7 hours ago
“We don’t need another hero. We’d don’t need to know the way home. All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome” -Tina Turner
7 hours ago
That quote from Gandalf and Frodo never fails to give me goosebumps. I just rewatched the movies again it helped to lift my sprits a bit. The story if full of themes that resonate with history and current times. Not all of them gloomy.
8 hours ago
Been looking forward to a new video, merry christmas mate.
8 hours ago
Thank you so much for this. My fear also is the damage this division does to formerly close families. I fear Grandparents not seeing children because the kids aren’t vaccinated. This division and the arguments it causes will do so much damage to young and old alike. I can foresee this in my own family coming down the line. I don’t want to get my little girls vaccinated they are only 7 & 5 years old. Grandad already making comments.
8 hours ago
Regarding society falling into traps, what is a pursuasive example of this from history? Perhaps an example close to home rather than the mass revolutions from the mid-20th century.
8 hours ago
this ends when there are prople willing to sacrifice there lives for their fellow man. Christmas and Easter are always the best times to drive home this point and right its the Christmas season. Merry Christmas!
8 hours ago
Because i choose not to. I already do too many things or do them a particular way because they are easy and i find it extremely suspicious that “the jab” and the passports are structured and streamlined in such a way so as to make acquiescence not just the path of least resistance, or easy (despite them offering neither innoculation, nor a return to normality) but also morally righteous and a signifier to the collective that you offer no dissent, present no threat and submit yourself to the will of science-ism.
“Hail pfizer full of shekels, educated be thy name. Herd immunity come, thy share prices be done. ACAB”
8 hours ago
What Morgoth seems to not understand is that the Fog on the Tyne is O’ mine!
9 hours ago
I can’t help but feeliing that exaggerating the danger of the vaccines is going to come back to bite us. Like you nobody I know has side effects, my wife is on her third and is just fine, thinks I am being a baby. Hardly the mass death event that was being predicted by some in our circles. This has the potential to be QAnon v2. for the “right”.
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8 hours ago
I’ve noticed the deterioration of my wife’s health since she’s had 2 plus booster, lethargy and shortness of breath being the more pronounced effects. Luckily that’s all up to now but its the long term that converns me as we are both in our 70s. I refuse both jabs and masks which doesn’t still well with her, being an avid covidian that she is.
4 hours ago
There levels of cognitive decline and vascular events have actually skyrocketed. If the vaccines were safe and effective then it would be optional and the scum pushing it wouldn’t have to blackmail and shame people. The me and my limited subjective interactions with my small world equals everything else going on is what got us in this mess. Go on Google type ‘died suddenly’ press the news tab and look at all the local news reports (cos banned from MSM) of kids and young people dropping dead and then tell me we are over reacting
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3 hours ago
I am not saying the vaccine is safe and effective, I am saying if they are intended to cull the population it’s a pretty amateur effort.
9 hours ago
That police/ambulance siren always makes me laugh hysterically as an Englishman knowing its either coming to you to thought police you or pester someone else.
See Also
Morgoth’s Review – The Morgcast 13 – Resist the Lobster Pot – Nov 22, 2021 — Transcript
Millennium Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — TRANSCRIPT
Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 02 – Merry Holocaustmas — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review — The Psychotic Left, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Fishing For White Pills, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Hope Not Hate and the State of Play, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – A Conversation with Jacktion, Mar 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Against The Controlled Warmongers of The Right – Jan 3, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Turbocharged Atomization – May 15, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Free Falling – Jun 1, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – ”Cracka” Is Anti-White Filth – Jun 29, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Edward Bernays – The Group and The Herd – Jul 1, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Why The Conservative Party Conserves Nothing – Jul 16, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – On Liberal Blindness To The Jewish Question – Aug 4, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Notes On Machiavelli – Aug 14, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Neo-Liberalism & the Ballad of Terry Bell – Sep 15, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Deep Breath Before the Plunge – Nov 3, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Twitterfication of Everything – Nov 17, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – My Image of 2020 – An Analysis – Dec 7, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – London’s New Year’s Firewoke Display – Jan 1, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Winter is Here – Jan 9, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Reading ”American Extremist” by Josh Neal – Feb 6, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Frozen North & Frozen Thinking – Feb 10, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Equation That Destroyed Our World – Feb 14, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Last of Us – Feb 24, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – How Piers Morgan Shapes the Discourse – Mar 3, 2021 — Transcript
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Quote from the book Good-Bye Germ Theory Ending a Century of Medical Fraud by. Dr. William P Trebing,
Who’s afraid of the big bad FLU?
Party Line #4-. The multitudes of bacterial and viral strains that cause the common cold and flu are staggering.
Each year there are endless new varieties, since these micro-organisms are able to mutate and adapt so rapidly. This has been the ongoing dilemma with finding an all encompassing cure for the common cold and flu, and precisely why flu shots are needed every year. Before each “flu Season,” which begins with the onset of the cold weather, our brilliant medical researchers work diligently to isolate the new strains so that vaccines can be provided for the public before the season begins. Thus, research has shown that flu vaccines have greatly decreased the incidence of flu in North America.
What a load of malarkey! The medical cartel, using the CDC’s political influence, has successfully developed this elaborate, and quite profitable witch hunt witch hunt called the “Flu Season.” “Flu Season.” Part of the reason they are able to do this; a huge part that is, has to deal with the psychological state of our nation in regards to accepting responsibility for their own health, and the creation of their own illness. It is so much easier for a people, brainwashed into denial, to accept that they have become invaded by some new microbe that systematically has the power to bring them down. This is precisely why people go running for flu shots each year before the holidays. For all intents and purposes, the wise, educated individual should at least realize the high level of chicanery involved in the language of “cold and flu seasons.”
What the medical cartel has capitalized as “cold” and “flu” are nothing more than the bodies intent, sometimes extreme, to detoxify. Let’s go over some of the myths of this “cold and flu season:”
1. It’s cold outside! The body’s resistance to germs is lower in cold weather, which is why people primarily get sick when the weather changes to cold.
Actually, part of this is true. The Human body is placed under stress during periods of cold weather, and it is important to keep from becoming too chilled while outside. This is especially important for young children and infants. However, cold or warm has nothing to do with resistance to so called “germs.” We will discuss this further when we fully take apart the germ theory. For now, just understand that this notion of contagion becoming more communicable in cold weather has no basis in rational science.
What does become lower however in cold weather, is your body’s ability to maintain a high threshold for toxicity. When this occurs, you start coughing up, spitting up, and ejecting mucous from every orifice the body can eject accumulated poison from.
2. Beware the “Strept Throat” boggie man’s a comin!
Strept throat cultures are the biggest scam since pink lemonade.
Kids get sore throats. Parents haul them into the pediatrician in fear. The doctor gets a throat culture and gives you a call the next day saying they found streptococcus. Your kid then goes on antibiotics for Strept throat, gets better in some weeks and everyone lives happily ever after. Only, if you repeat this exact same scenario, save the sore throat or any thought of illness, you may still have a positive culture for streptococcus! In other words, these streptococcus are there whether or not you get the diagnosis of strept throat. These cultures, and the diagnosis, are virtually meaningless. Now repeat the same scenario with a suspected illness, and take out the antibiotics. The recovery time for your child will most likely be shorter, if not the same. Antibiotics should rarely be taken by anyone, especially children. They are highly toxic to children, and should only be given to anyone during a life threatening crisis where detoxification runs out of control.
Parents should understand that during the cold weather months, children and adults will get sore throats primarily due to dry, cold weather; and dry, warm forced air indoor heating environments.
These two things dry up the otherwise moist mucous membranes of the nasal and throat passages ( called the nasopharynx ), causing them to crack just enough to enhance irritation. The microbes found around these cracked and dry throat membranes are simply there doing the job God created them to do; eating up toxic waste build up. The microbes’ metabolism of your body’s garbage, now found in these cracked and dry throat membranes, are what cause the sore throat feeling. The culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream that now has the chance to ooze out.
3. Influenza epidemics peak mysteriously at the same time of year
Influenza epidemics peak mysteriously at the same time of year throughout the U.S., 4 to 6 weeks after January 1.throughout the U.S., 4 to 6 weeks after January 1. It is not known what creates these elevations, but they may be due to delayed reporting folbwing the Christmas and New Years holidays.
Well, these united cycles of illness called “influenza” are very related to the holidays, but they have nothing to do with germs or delayed reporting. We all know what happens around the holidays.
Thanksgiving rolls around the third Thursday of November to begin the whole show. Americans eat a lot. A lot of meat. A lot of booze.
Coffee. Tea. White sugar products. White flour products. Stress of being around family members we would only agree to be around because of the holidays. We may well survive this assault of multiple stress, just in time for Christmas shopping! Then all of the above begins once again. Then we have our New Years celebration. Then all of the above begins once more. Then your body finally has enough of all this, and screams, “I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS “I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!”ANYMORE!” and you get sick! But are you really “sick,” in the full sense of the word? No, you’re not. In fact, you are more healthy than the person who cannot produce symptoms of detoxification anymore because the body’s vitality has been beaten down.
This is the real story of the CDC’s mysterious flu epidemic, that arises annually for 6 weeks around the holidays. The CDC will tell you that these supposed flus are contagious, and it is wise to get your vaccine. What a scam! Mostly everyone is detoxifying without understanding why, and the medical cartel seizes the moment for profit with its’ propaganda on a naive and foolish public. There have been little, if any, double blind studies completed by the pharmaceutical companies comparing people who take their medications ( antibiotics, over the counter cold and flu remedies and the like ) with people who do absolutely nothing but rest and drink more water. They absolutely refuse to complete any double blindany double blind studies on the effectiveness of flu vaccinated people with the unvaccinated population. Why is this so? Because they already know what the results would be.
Sickness in the vaccinated population is equal to, and most likely greater than, sickness in the unvaccinated. If this were true of any other company you or I began, we would be shut down immediately by the FDA and other federal agencies. But the medical cartel gets to run amok without any supporting evidence of effectiveness.
For those of you who need a review, a double blind study involving the effectiveness of any given vaccine would commence as follows. A group of people to study would all be told they were receiving a certain vaccine, however, only a certain select number out of the group would actually receive the vaccine, and the rest would receive water. The people administering the shots, as well as the people collecting the data after the shots were given, would also not know which shots were the actual vaccines, and which shots were simply water. Only a select few researchers would have this information. There would also be a control group of people who received no shots. These three distinct groups would then be studied over the course of a year or more. What would the result be? No one knows, because the drug companies who make the shots refuse to commence such a project in a truly scientific manner, using a third party research company to complete the study to ensure reliability of the collected data.
I can tell you from my own personal research without a doubt, that the incidence of cold or flu in each group would come out equal, probably with the real vaccinated group showing more illness in general than the other two groups. This would once and for all prove that vaccines are a scam, but the drug companies are totally and unequivocally made unaccountable for the thousands of lives they damage annually through their methods and medications.
No one in government is pushing for a study such as this one, and for good reason. The medical cartel forbids it. They have become their own form of government within our government, and in some areas control our lives more than any other form of government we have ever seen. Watch out for this medical profession and cartel; they aim to control more of your life as each year passes.
Even the World Health Organization has conceded that the most common protection against infectious diseases is an adequate diet. If this is the case, why isn’t the medical profession, with all its’ advertising prowess, aiming people toward taking better care of themselves by eating better? The answer is simple. There’s no profit in empowering people to be healthy, and keep themselves that way. They make it perfectly clear that they will continue to act as the real drug pushers of our society, pushing their massive vaccine campaigns through government, assuring a compliant and available public for profit.
It is vital to have a clear understanding of the true nature of cold and flu, especially if you are a parent. These conditions are, in a sense, a “contagious” process of detoxification and elimination.
Even the chicken pox, thought to be contagious, is simply a natural process of immune system development that most children need to experience. I have recommended the homeopathic remedy Rhus Toxicodendron in my practice for many years, and have never seen a case of chicken pox it did not help the child process through in 48 hours or less, without scarring!
Vaccination Is Not Immunization by Tim OShea – excellent book about vaccinations, (written before the Covid business)
The standard medical belief is that the vaccine will create antibodies to a particular microbe associated with a particular disease, thereby creating immunity. Unfortunately such a premise is scientifically impossible, as we will see.
Here’s what vaccines really are: manmade mutations of pathogens, cultured in genetic material of both human and animal origin, which are injected directly into the developing immune systems of infants and children.
From the book:
Nothing in the universe is more delicate than the infant’s brain and immune system, as they struggle into existence. Vaccines have the undisputed ability to damage both.
Here is a meticulously referenced summary of the most reliable sources which call into question today’s vaccine policies. As you will see, resistance to vaccine policy is coming not primarily from the holistic arena, but rather from mainstream science, medicine, and law. This book draws from that data.
It only takes a day or so to read these pages. If you’ve always suspected there may be issues with vaccines that your doctor and the evening news might not be telling you, we will clear that up. This work can save months of research, summarizing the key issues. The alternative may be blind submission to the unquestioning acquiescence of the flock, consigning your child to the disquieting level of health shared by the majority of children in this country today. In today’s dangerous world, with so many assaults on brain neurology, the newborn certainly needs every possible advantage. Millions of parents learned the score too late: their children are permanently vaccine-damaged. The $3.7 billion paid out in injury compensation does not even begin to square the account. The vast majority of injuries are never reported.
What is the common lament of those horrified parents? ‘I wish I’d known.’ That’s what they all say, once they find out, once it’s too late. I wish I’d known… This is your chance to know.
It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O’Shea’s work. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more balanced.
Many primary care providers and parents who assume that the vaccine program was built on sound principles will be shocked at the flimsy foundations of immunization science. What every parent and doctor must decide is whether the risks of vaccination are offset by the potential benefits.
While the public is rarely exposed to the full extent of vaccine adverse reactions, O’Shea takes the reader through a thorough review of each “vaccine-preventable” disease and the risk/benefit of their vaccine counterpart.
The book will serve as a valuable resource to parents and physicians who wish to gain further understanding of the numerous shots being promoted for the proclaimed benefit of public health. Parents need no longer feel confused about the decision to vaccinate their children. Knowledge is the freedom and power to decide with confidence what is best for their children.
With explosions in chronic illnesses in virtually all subsets of our population, critical thinking is necessary to protect our loved ones and our future. Dr O’Shea has once again blessed us with an up-to-date resource that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to believe was valid science and good medicine.
David Ayoub, MD Clinical Radiologist
Again, this is not an anti-vaccine text. Corporate media has invented the fictitious term Anti-Vaxers in order to group together all those who ask the smallest question about vaccines. Suddenly the study of vaccines has become a social crime. Only the compliant herd are safe from being demonized by the twittering mass consciousness.
Most people choose not to vaccinate only after thorough research. They’re not against vaccines so much as they are in favor of finding out what vaccines actually do. They could better be described as “Pro Science.” That’s the real difference between the two opinions on vaccines today – one side demands total transparency, the other side wants to outlaw open discussion. So it’s not Pro Vaxers vs. Anti-Vaxers, like CNN pretends. More accurately perhaps would be Pro Vaxers vs. Pro Science.
The Vaccinators, represented by everyday media, always talk about science but never cite any – not one source. That’s why they have eliminated debate from the equation – they can’t possibly win.
Pop media has become little more than a mouthpiece for CDC and FDA. In what other field does the media allow government offices to define the science? [24]
When people ask if we’re against vaccines, we always say no, we are in favor of any vaccine that has been proven safe and effective by third party research that has no financial stake in the findings. So then they ask if we have found any such vaccines. What folks are really asking by that second question, what they are really looking for, is permission not to read anything – not to do any research of their own. So our response must be “We never answer that question until someone has read the book.”
Pro-Vaxers seem to fear reading more than they fear thepossibility vaccines may hold some threat to their children’s health. No exaggeration – that’s the herd mentality that corporate media have created. For anyone looking for permission to remain ignorant, you came to the wrong shop. In today’s world, it’s survival of the informed.
New vaccines are being invented every year, all with the same hope – to be included in the Immunization Schedule. With 300 new vaccines in the pipeline, there is no reason to believe we’ll stop now at 69 vaccines mandated before the child is eighteen. But infant mortality rates and the health of our children are horrifying. Both infectious and degenerative diseases among Americans are skyrocketing.
Declining health among school children is pervasive. Ritalin, insulin, antidepressants, and inhalers are rampant in our schools. Despite the highest intake of antibiotics and vaccines of any group of children in history, our kids are fatter, sicker, and dumber than ever before. (Harvard School [111] [93]) The number of abnormal children is shocking: 43-54% of US children already have some chronic disease. [54] One third of children are either obese or overweight.
[JAMA][40] Other sources report much higher. Quoting CDC figures for asthma incidence, asthma more than doubled 1982-1995, and is right on track to double again by 2020. [16, 303] Most of the increase is in children, who account for more than 12 million cases. (Borenstein, CDC) [178][41]) More than 10% of US children have asthma. [39] In some schools, one out of four kids is walking around with an inhaler. Each year 1.8 million visits to emergency rooms have asthma as the primary diagnosis. [42] The news usually focuses on what a big mystery asthma is even though we’re spending some $56 billion per year to treat it. (CDC Press release [72]) Over 13% of American public school children are enrolled in programs for some type of disability. (National Center [124]) The term learning disabled has become more of a political term than a scientific one, with roulette numbers spinning.
But 82% of all special ed students are classed with a label that can be directly influenced by vaccines: [Chart p 12, [43] emotional instability learning disability speech/language defect autism SAT indices have been re-centered twice in the past few years in order to make it look as though high school kids aren’t as illiterate as they really are. [93, 305] Exit exams are made easier and easier, following the delusional Common Core ‘no child left behind’ policy. [33] Politically expedient, to hide the truth of dumb and dumber kids, graduating thousands who cannot read or write, rewarding mediocrity and lowest common denominator standards.
A growing number of medical researchers and doctors disagree with the 69 vaccines required for our children. [260] More parents each year are opting out by signing exemption forms.
They’re drawing the line. They’re saying, if nothing else is sacred in this world, at least the blood of our children should not be subject to the whims of politics and big money. That bloodstream should only be violated in life-threatening situations. And never with anything experimental or unproven or dangerous.
Most of what is written about vaccines insists they are safe, effective, and necessary. We hear how modern civilization has been saved from the ravages of infectious disease by the intervention of miraculous vaccines. We hear how important it is for children to get their shots so they’ll be safe from disease, etc. We keep hearing about new vaccines that are supposedly necessary to defend against new diseases.
How can both viewpoints be right? These are two conflicting views on the nature of biological reality. Both sides often get very shrill, emotional, and unscientific. Such a chasm widens between them that is profoundly disconcerting. But someone is definitely wrong:
Either vaccines are essential for our children’s health or vaccines are weakening and poisoning our children.
There is so much false reporting and badly referenced data on both sides of the debate that the concerned parent must eventually ask: What do we really know for certain about any of this?
It’s no metaphor to say that the bloodstream of our children is the future of our civilization. This chapter proposes the following condition – before we put anything into that bloodstream, we should be 100% sure 1. the child’s health demands it 2. no chance of harm Not 90 or 95% sure. 100%. Is that asking too much? Reject this glib “all drugs have risks” cliché. Children are not sick when they get vaccinated. There’s no urgency – no need for any risk at all to the fragile biosystem of the newborn.
Such common sense as this comes off as radical to the media-soaked American public, who seem to have lost the ability for rational thought and taking responsibility for their own children’s well being.
A NEW EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY arrived with the advent of vaccines: mandatory inoculation, enforced by legislation. Government began claiming a right over the bloodstream of its citizens. Unless parents sign exemption forms, children must be vaccinated before they get into school. Legislation is controlled by lobbying. And the most powerful lobby in Washington is the pharmaceutical industry. [131] Now that’s vexing already – what’s the prime criterion going to be: corporate profits or proven health benefits for our children?
Many parents starting to read this will say – Oh I don’t need to know any of that. That’s my doctor’s job to know it. Two problems with that:
1. Many doctors don’t know it.
2. Many doctors who do know don’t vaccinate their own children. But they will vaccinate yours. [260]
Vaccination is a very powerful and emotionally charged issue, with enormous political considerations. To make a responsible decision in the best interests of the child, one must be willing to question a lifetime of conditioning.
But for some reason, resistance to correct information about vaccination often resembles religious fanaticism. Unlike with Coumadin, Lipitor, or antibiotics, people sometimes get violently emotional about vaccinations. Today an officious Social Services may actually take children away from parents who were exercising their legal right to exempt the child from vaccination. [293] Why the histrionics? Why are vaccines such a Sacred Cow?
Why do they expend so much effort
As in any area served by billion dollar industries, information is very controlled. Setting out to try and discover the truth about vaccines, one is not prepared for the extent of systematic misdirection, [296] nor for the amount of documentation opposing vaccination, much of it from top medical sources. After awhile, it’s hard to decide whom to believe: either the body can learn its own immunity, or else it is largely inadequate, and requires help from the genius of medical science for survival.
Our programming starts with two simple words: vaccination and immunization. We’re trained to think of them as synonyms, right? That’s no accident. What’s the difference?
Immunization means the body becomes immune to something, all by itself. That only happens after getting a disease, or at least being exposed to it. Vaccination, by contrast, just means to stick a syringe into someone’s arm and inject a manmade substance we call vaccine, with unproven immunological effects. Entirely different ballgame. Now that you know the difference, stop saying immunization when you mean vaccination.
Using the word immunization instead of vaccination is pervasive within both medical and popular literature, pretending a semantic equivalence between the two terms.
Predictably, it has now become rare to find references to vaccination in medical literature, even though that is the correct term.
“a suspension of attenuated or killed micro-organisms…administered for prevention …or treatment of disease.” – Dorland’s Medical Dictionary p 696 [192] From a cow – that was the original root of the word itself. We will see if vaccines can prevent or treat anything.
The standard medical belief is that the vaccine will create antibodies to a particular microbe associated with a particular disease, thereby creating immunity. Unfortunately such a premise is scientifically impossible, as we will see.
Here’s what vaccines really are: manmade mutations of pathogens, cultured in genetic material of both human and animal origin, which are injected directly into the developing immune systems of infants and children.
Never forget that the vaccine industry is first, last, and always – a business. Anything you will ever hear from doctors or government agencies will always have one common theme – the recommendation for more vaccines.
Back in 1993, worldwide vaccines were “…about a $3 billion a year industry… dominated by large multinational corporations, such as Merck, Smith-KlineBeecham and Wyeth.” – Philip Russell, MD [189] By 2005, $5 billion [297] By 2013, $24 billion. [297] The cost of vaccine purchase by the year 2020 following the recommendation of 7 additional vaccines was estimated to be $1225 per child. (Am Journal of Pub Health) [166] But we’re way past that. We’ve added 29 childhood vaccines since 2002.
Here’s a summary of money spent per child on vaccines:
1975 $10
2001 $385
2004 $606
2014 $2192 [310]
Today it has become perplexing to pinpoint total global vaccine expenditures. This year $30 billion is a fair guess.[8] Ballpark figures offered by HHS:
• 2013: $24 B
• 2025: $100 B [5]
Most instructive to read the W.H.O.’s 39-page document [297] on Global Vaccines. It reads like an investment syllabus, cover to cover – not a word about health benefits to the child.
The reader may be shocked to learn that at the very apex of this vertically integrated cartel is … the Centers for Disease Control! Yes, that branch of government charged with safeguarding the health of the American people actually directs the largest for-profit syndicate in the world. Yet on every page of their website is the logo: CDC 24/7 Saving Lives, Protecting People.
A well-referenced peek into vaccine economics/collusion is Taylor’s investigation into RFK’s 2017 claim that the CDC owns 20 patents for vaccines. [8] 18 Vaccination Is Not Immunization Turns out, it’s twice that. And more.
Just a few morsels from that research:
– CDC owns over 50 patents on vaccines – CDC is a de facto subsidiary of the vax industry – ‘Advisory Committees’ divert millions to individuals [57] CDC buys and sells over $4.4B in vaccines per year [299, 24]
Vaccines are the foundation of the Well Baby program – the livelihood of the whole pediatric industry. That’s many billion$. If a child doesn’t go in for his shots, look at all those missed opportunities to upsell the parents on eartubes, antibiotics, and a host of other drugs and procedures. Consider how growing up without vaccines is a huge economic threat. The Well Baby Program introduces a human being to a lifetime of dependency on organized medicine. If a child can grow up healthy without doctors and drugs, this posits the dangerous concepts of self-reliance and trust in the body’s own natural healing powers. We can’t have that.
When parents inform their pediatrician that they will be opting out of vaccines for their child, the standard response is to dismiss the patient from the practice, sometimes vehemently.
This mercenary posture is understandable: clinics routinely receive rebates from the manufacturer for a large percentage of the vaccines they sell each month, often as much as 25%.
We must remember that pediatricians are in business to sell drugs and vaccines. They tend not to do anything that threatens their bottom line. Hippocratic Oath? Jog my memory a little…
Be advised: this Orwellian buzzphrase is the product of some very sophisticated East coast drug industry think-tank ruminations. Reservoirs for disease: the delusion being that the unvaccinated are unprotected from disease and are therefore a collective breeding ground that somehow jeopardizes the vaccinated, etc. Throughout this book the exact opposite will be proven again and again: it is the vaccinated children in this country whose immune systems are being systematically suppressed, whose inner milieu is made a viable medium for opportunistic organisms. They receive more vaccines than any group of children in the history of the world. And are thereby a true reservoir for disease and a threat to the unvaccinated.
What are people worried about? Aren’t their vaccinated kids protected?