[Emma Webb, a member of the New Culture Forum, a pro-White, civ-nat, British organization, gives a practical talk on how to fight back against the “Woke Agenda”, an Orgjew engineered Leftist program of demoralising the population with bizarre, fragmenting, ideas that will destroy Britain, racially and culturally, unless resisted.
Quoting Alexander Solzhenitsyn she gives a number of ways that people can resist the poisonous ideas that people are being “gaslit” into accepting.
Emma Webb
Resisting Woke
How to Fight Back
May 14, 2022
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Published on May 14, 2022
Resisting Woke: How to Fight Back
Premiered May 14, 2022 The New Culture Forum’s spring conference 2022 took place on St. George’s Day. Many of our viewers & supporters have said that they are tired of always hearing what’s wrong with Britain & The West without anyone actually proposing real solutions to our problems. Offering solutions is a key mission of the New Culture Forum, and many of our conference speakers provided exactly that.
Emma Webb is a broadcaster and commentator and host of “Newspeak”, the New Culture Forum’s weekly discussion programme. She appears on GB News and TalkTV and writes for a variety of publications, including the Spectator and the Telegraph. Emma is an Associate Fellow at Civitas and an advisor to the Free Speech Union.
Emma’s speech to our spring conference is entitled “Resisting Woke” and outlines the ways in which we can fight back against the onslaught we seem to face on an almost daily basis.
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Emma Webb: Hello everyone. How am I supposed to follow that? I don’t have a Powerpoint presentation, or any videos. But I do want to start by saying that I am extremely honoured to be speaking in between Konstantin [Konstantin Kisin] and Eric [Eric Kaufmann]. So I’m going to begin by telling a short story.
In 793, when England wasn’t England yet, and was still made up of a series of kingdoms, it was invaded by the Danes. Starting in Northumbria, one by one, the Kingdoms fell, until just one was left. Wessex. Ruled by Alfred the Great.
When the Danes suddenly attacked the royal stronghold at Chippenham in 1878 [878], Alfred was forced to flee with a tiny band of men, hiding in the marshes of Somerset. All was lost! Alfred had imagined an England. An England united under one crown. And now, he was in a boggy marsh, a king without a kingdom. And it was during this time that he had a dream, or a vision, apparently, of Saint Cuspert of the Northumbrian Saint, encouraging him not to give up.
And from that position of almost total defeat, he did what Alfred did best. He organized! From the marshes he planned the retaking of Wessex, and ultimately of England. He raised the fears [?] of the shires. And in the seventh week after Easter – so not long from now – he won a decisive battle at Eddington in Wiltshire.
Alfred was not a physically strong man. In fact, he was plagued by debilitating illness. But he thought not in terms of his own lifetime, but in generations, even centuries. The system of [word unclear] he established still Mark the geography of our landscape today, as “boroughs”. His grandson Athelstan was crowned Rex Anglorum, king of England.
England could have been extinguished ingloriously that day, in those marshes. Instead one man’s imagination, ingenuity, organization, and courage, and the willingness of those who rallied to his call, snatched England away from a very different fate.
Well over a millennia later in 1945, a man was arrested in the Soviet Union for writing derogatory comments about Joseph Stalin in private letters to a friend. He was accused of founding a hostile organization and was taken to Lubyanka prison in Moscow. And eventually hauled off to the gulag. Between 1958 and 1967 he wrote The Gulag Archipelago. And a year later it was smuggled out of the USSR and went on to sell more than 30 million copies, in 35 languages!
Now, in the 2020s another of Solzhenitsyn’s works [Two hundred Years Together] has struck a chord in our own time. And it’s no wonder why. His short essay, Live Not By Lies [1974] in which he urges fellow Soviets not to comply with the lies of the regime.
People supported the lies to protect their families and livelihoods. And who could blame them?:
“They put whoever they want on trial.”
He wrote:
“And brand the healthy as mentally ill. The people feel helpless. They ask themselves, ‘but what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength’.”
Solzhenitsyn, in his wisdom and experience, tells us that the simplest and most accessible key to our liberation is the personal non-participation in lies:
“The personal non-participation in lies!”
That’s his instruction. Never knowingly support lies! Why am I telling you these stories? And I’ve been asked today to speak about resisting “woke”. And, in my opinion, it’s deserving of a better description. And Eric Kaufman has a much better description and term for it.
Some have suggested that there’s an element of “mass formation psychosis” in what we’ve been seeing. That it’s a form of collectivist hysteria, like that was seen in 17th century Salem, or in 1930s Germany, perhaps?
“Gaslighting” is a term used to refer to a form of psychological manipulation that leads a person to doubt their own sanity. If we are seeing something analogous to “mass gaslighting”, not in any conspiratorial sense. But in the sense that an individual might have a bout of bad mental health, then a discussion of truth and lies is very relevant.
So let’s just take a look at a few examples. Firstly, our history. We’re told that Beethoven and Mozart are White supremacists; that abolitionists are racists, and their statues must be toppled. Is that true? That, in fact, the entirety of our history participates in a racist, ableist, patriarchal, power structure that serves only White, cis*, straight, usually old, sometimes dead, men! [chuckling from audience] Everything is evil! Everything in our history participates in that sin! Rigour, and the details of particular cases are simply not relevant!
[* Short for “cisgender” (opposite of “transgender“), used to describe someone whose gender identity matches their anatomical gender at birth.]
Let’s take a look at one example. The Tobias Rustat Memorial in Jesus College, Cambridge. Rustak was a 17th century benefactor of the college, and a supporter of Charles II. Following BLM, the college set up a Legacy of Slavery Working Party. They petitioned to have the memorial removed. And this was actually supported by the Church. A student of the LSWP emailed all undergraduates saying that Rustat, quote:
“Amassed much of his wealth from the Royal Africa Company that captured and shipped more enslaved African-American women, men, and children, to the Americas than any other single institution of the entire history of the TransAtlantic slave trade.”
The Archbishop of Canterbury said:
“Why is it such agony to remove a memorial to slavery?”
Except this wasn’t true. It wasn’t a memorial to slavery, but to a benefactor. A sinner, as Christianity believes all people to be. The charges against this dead man were factually weak. The old Jesuins fought it. And in the end, the truth won out. The judge told the college:
“You did not do your homework properly. You have not dealt fairly with critics.”
And look at the attempts to remove David Livingstone’s statue in Glasgow, due to links with slavery. He was a devoted abolitionist all of his life!
We are told that our history is about “race and slavery and nothing else”. We are told that it has its foundations in “White supremacy and White privilege”. No matter the colour of your skin, you must believe this even if it goes against your own experience.
The experience of David Livingstone, who as a child was a child labourer working in a cotton mill. Or the experience of White working class boys today, who have been statistically shown to be the most disadvantaged group. If that little boy says that he doesn’t feel privileged, is he a racist? And what about the people of African, or Caribbean ancestry, who challenge the narrative that everything in our country, and in the West, is systemically racist? Is that false consciousness?
Like a magician doing the old switcheroo, “equality” has been switched for “equity”. Equality itself is racist! The means of achieving equality, meritocracy and democracy, as Konstantin mentioned are:
“White supremacist tools of oppression! Treating everyone equally is oppressive, treating everyone differently is equitable!”
And let’s look at mathematics. Without a sense of humour someone tells you that two plus two can equal five. When Durham University changed their guidance, or issued guidance on “decolonizing maths” in their curriculum, they pointed to something called “Ethnomathematics”. The idea that maths and culture are linked. The guidance said, this is a quote:
“It might then be inaccurate to suggest mathematics is a universal language. If maths is not objective, then two plus two really can equal five.”
And Doug Stokes, a Professor from Exeter University, rightly called this “judgmental relativism”.
And said it was, quote:
“An inversion of science.”
And what about sex? How many times have you seen politicians quivering recently, because someone has asked them what a woman is? When scientist Sir Robert Winston said that you can’t change biological sex, he fully expected that he would be called a transphobe.
But the immutability of biological sex is the foundation of equal rights. This is why women are worried. But they are accused of transphobia. This is the concern that made Jordan Peterson famous. That “compelled speech” is a dangerous thing. If you are mandated to use someone’s preferred pronouns, that is compelled speech! And compelled speech can force you to say something that you believe isn’t true. To force you to act, or speak against your own conscience.
Like the Christian doctor who was struck off for refusing to use a transgender woman’s pronouns. Or the academics who have been hounded out of their institutions for stating something most people, throughout all of human history, have believed to be true. Something that isn’t just a belief. But it is a scientifically accurate fact!
The message this sends is that we should not trust our senses, or our own reason. This is gaslighting! And it’s a risky business, particularly for children. Because it asks you to acclimatize to repeatedly betraying what you think is right. It makes us vulnerable as individuals, and as a society.
A society full of people who don’t trust themselves, is necessarily, servile to something. It’s an infantilized society of people that need a crotch to lean on. And a crutch can be provided by ideology.
Orwell dramatized the centrality of this at the end of 1984. When his interrogators are holding up four fingers, Winston Smith must not only say that he sees five fingers, he must also believe it! History, reason, the basis of rights, the integrity of your own perception, these are all pretty fundamental things.
So, how do you resist “woke”? How do you quell the tide of what Charles Moore called, “jiggery-wokery”?
Solzhenitsyn had some ideas. And he actually listed them in his essay, Live Not by Lies.
Firstly, don’t write, sign, or publish, anything that distorts the truth.
Don’t utter lies in private, or in public conversations, or read from a crib sheet. In art, paintings, photography, music, broadcast, don’t support false thought, or distort the truth, as you understand it.
Don’t use other people’s quotes just for the purposes of success at work, unless you agree with it.
Don’t be forced to demonstrate, or rally, or raise banners, or say slogans, that you don’t believe.
Don’t vote for anyone that you don’t sincerely support, if you think that they’re dubious, or unworthy.
Walk out sessions, lectures, plays, and films, if you hear what he called “ideological drivel, lies, or propaganda”.
And don’t subscribe to any newspapers that distort, or hide the underlying facts.
So let’s translate some of these for our own time. If you get hounded by a mob don’t issue a forced, false, apology, and grovel, if you don’t believe that you’ve said anything wrong.
Don’t virtue signal to win social points, or cover your back by saying things that you don’t believe are true, usually by posting fadish things on social media, unthinkingly. Just so that you can feel safe and in with a certain crowd.
Don’t nod along and force yourself to sit through ideological preaching, or accept things like “unconscious bias training” if you think it’s hokum.
Don’t let yourself feel peer pressured to go on to ideological marches, or take make gestures like “taking the knee”, because you fear that your peers will view you as a racist, or a sexist, or what not, if you don’t.
Don’t ever let your speech be compelled by social pressure.
Don’t take on the words, phrases, and slogans, of other people, piece them together and then regurgitate them. Do your own thinking, come to your own conclusions, so that what you think.
Don’t let your employer, or colleagues, force you to do anything ideological, like putting pronouns in your email signature, if you don’t want to.
Try to create a situation in which your employment is secure enough that you can feel brave by joining organizations like the Free Speech Union, as a kind of insurance policy.
And don’t betray your own conscience. Be willing to make sacrifices for the things that you believe to be true.
And finally keep an eye on your own mind and try to be as truthful and independently minded as possible, knowing where your ideas are coming from.
This will stop us from sinking into the dark, chaotic, bog of the metaphorical marshland.
Let me read you a quote by Solzhenitsyn. He wrote:
“Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the ideology, not gather back it’s crumbling bones, nor patch together it’s decomposing garb. And we will be amazed by how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away. And that which is destined to be naked, will be exposed as such to the world.”
That is the individual response. But where does the story of Alfred the Great fit in? We often look at our institutions and say:
“Everything has gone too far. The situation is helpless! It looks like total defeat. The harmony of the institutional ecosystem has already been completely decimated. And we don’t have the means to build new ones fast enough.”
But look around this hall. Look at those faces, and look at the fact that we are all here! Over the last few years we have seen a blossoming of all sorts of organizations. Not particularly political ones, not necessarily of the Right, or of the Left, but organizations that are devoted to free speech, and debate, to liberty, to protecting our heritage, to myth busting, and to telling the truth.
Alfred the Great was successful, because his powers of organization made him bigger than himself. And made those who turned up at Eddington greater than the sum of their parts. Because he had the wisdom and the vision to think generations ahead.
We live in an age of fast food, streaming, delivery, clicks, tweets, and instant gratification. We don’t have to be atomized individuals. We can institutionalize truth, beauty, and liberty, as well as speaking it! We can build! And as Ruskin said:
“When we build, let us build as if we build forever!”
Alfred didn’t see his grandson crowned King of England. But he is the reason that we are standing here today, celebrating the patron Saint of England.
Jordan Peterson’s interpretation of St George slaying the dragon, includes the idea that in courageously facing up to dragons, there is some kind of profound reward at stake. Solzhenitsyn lays out a choice between spiritual independence, or spiritual civility. It’s a call to have the courage to defend your own soul. That is the reward! He said:
“If we shrink away, let us cease from complaining that someone does not let us draw breath. We do it to ourselves! We do it to ourselves!”
How do you resist “Woke”? I don’t think there’s an easy answer to that question. But my offering is; tell the truth, and build! Happy St George’s Day!
[Long and loud applause]
Peter Whittle: That was lovely! I loved the list of all the things we must do, and mustn’t do. That’s fantastic! Thank you.
We’ve got time for some questions if they’re brief. Anyone would like to ask Emma?
Audience (male): Can you hear me? On Solzhenitsyn’s prescriptions of things that you must and must not do, one of the ones that I disagree with is walking out of things like training, cinema, and all the rest of it.
As a former member of the Labour Party, I attended many of these things. And I attended them in good faith. And what I found most helpful was you get an understanding of what this is all about. And when you ask questions, prudent questions, and you challenge things in good faith, you’d be amazed, the silent people in the woodwork that come out, afterwards.
Peter Whittle: And we’ll take two at a time. So yep, just a mic coming here.
Audience (male): Thanks. Do we not feel that one of the biggest failures of the English, not only to England, but, to the West in general, is a lack of effort to publicly utilize that one cultural strength of the English in authentic humour?
Peter Whittle: Humour.
Emma Webb: Firstly, I agree. I wouldn’t walk out, personally. And I think that if you can stay and challenge something, then you should. And that’s why when I translated it for our own time, I said that I think the equivalent would be doing something like refusing to take unconscious bias training, for example. I do think that it’s a good idea to stay in these places. I mean, I’m not suggesting that if you go to the Globe and they’ve got “trigger warnings” up on Romeo and Juliet, that you should boo! If you feel that way inclined I’m not going to say it’s a bad idea.
But I think probably staying and educating yourself on the way that they think is a good idea. And I think Solzhenitsyn’s point is that you don’t have to stand for the ideological drivel. You don’t have to sit around and listen to it. You don’t have to feel socially pressured to be one of the people in the crowd who doesn’t want to be the last to stop clapping.
And I think from his perspective things were slightly different. But for our own time I think sticking around and watching it and refusing to do unconscious bias training would probably be the solution to that. And challenging it, if you feel that you’re able to.
Yeah, I think humour is a great tool, … And where’s Konstantin? I can’t see him. But Konstantin and others who often perform at Comedy Unleashed are doing a magnificent job of holding down the fort of keeping humour alive. Because I think that’s been one of the great casualties of political correctness, is that people feel that they can no longer tell jokes anymore. That they have to tell jokes that are only regarded as politically correct.
And the British do have a very irreverent sense of humour, that I think is not necessarily well exported around the world. But it could be a very good antidote to a lot of the madness that we’re seeing. Which is why Konstantin does, and the guys at Comedy Unleashed, are so brilliant at pointing out the ludicrous absurdity of a lot of this.
Peter Whittle: I think it’s worth saying I’ve listened to that, it’s incredibly difficult to do for some people in situations where they have a living, just simply to walk out. The social pressure is such. I mean, just work at City Hall for a while and you’ll understand what I mean. Thank you very much.
Audience (female): On that I also wanted to make a comment. That actually there is another aspect to that staying in these meetings. First of all you left the party [Labour] in the end, so you didn’t change their minds, yes?
Audience (male): [words unclear]
Audience (female): And, I just moved to Poland before Christmas last year. I found it very difficult. I survived terror attack in 2015 in Copenhagen. And I found very difficult the situation here in Britain, where the politicians they don’t even want to acknowledge the problem.
The MP killed [? Amess] on the afternoon on Friday. And by Monday, this is on the last pages of the newspaper. And they want to tackle the climate change. So I thought if they think they can change the weather, but they can’t solve terrorism, there’s no hope!
[loud laughter and applause].
And, because I suffered from PTSD after terror attack, obviously touches me even more to the bone, when it’s happening again, and again. Because it feels getting closer. But also I feel I’m failing in my role protecting freedom in this country, and finding allies to do that. And when I moved to Poland, I was at the doctors, because there are certain things going on in Poland that are different to UK.
So before starting a job I had to go and see a doctor. And they asked me why did I move to Poland after 20 years and becoming a British citizen? So I said why. And they started telling me the truth, back. I didn’t have to open my mouth. And I noticed that I feel uncomfortable in my body. Because I’ve been brainwashed so much by listening to this BS!
So we have to be very careful by staying in these meetings, because this poison is seeping into your bloodstream! Where you hear the truth, said plainly, clearly, into your eyes, you almost recoil, because you’re not used to hearing the truth!
Emma Webb: I think you see this when people issue apologies, or if they get mobbed on social media, or the mob is coming for them. What you see often is that, … And I’ve experienced this myself when I’ve had Twitter mobs coming after me. You start thinking:
“Did I say something wrong? Did I actually do something wrong?”
And it’s because even if you are very sort of solid in understanding what you think. And the more solid you are the better. Because the more resilient you will be to that kind of gaslighting. Because I think it is a sort of psychological abuse. Then, the more solid you are the more resilient you’ll be.
But I think it’s natural for most people to feel, you know, socialization exists for a reason. We’re social animals, we’re part of a herd. And we need to be very vigilant about what is the origin of some of the ideas that we have. And it can be very disorienting for people especially if you haven’t, … Because everyone has jobs. Not everybody, like some of us in this room are sitting every day looking at this stuff, and studying this stuff, and thinking about it. People have lives and have families, and they have children. And they have other things going on.
And so it can be very difficult if you don’t have the time to think things through carefully, and rigourously, to resist the kind of disorientation that you get from being constantly bombarded from all Angles by ideological indoctrination.
Peter Whittle: Further, yes.
Audience (male): Thank you for your talk. You started off your talk, talking about the strategy and the organizational thinking of Alfred, and his long-term vision. One might say that’s precisely what the Left have done, to be able to infiltrate the organizations, institutions, and so forth.
So the question is, is it not incumbent upon us all to be part of those organizations again, those institutions again. So we can actually be the grounding force to counter some of this.
The point I’m making is that it’s very often I hear about these groups forming and staying strong, but not actually participating and actively being part of these institutions that we want to try and make different again.
Emma Webb: Yeah, I think normal people have been, I say normal people, the majority of people in this country have been lethargic in defending what we believe is true. And I spoke, many, many years ago to someone who was involved in an Islamist organization. And he said to me that:
“It’s not your everyday Muslim that gets involved with these organizations.”
He said:
“It’s only extremists to organize.”
And I think there’s some truth to that it’s only those people who want some kind of radical change, who historically tend to be the most organized. And it’s not something particularly that conservatives are naturally inclined towards, because conservatives are usually conservatives by affection. It’s not ideological. And as a result, it doesn’t necessarily facilitate the organization in the same way.
I think being as engaged, and as involved, in civil society, and politics, and the country, as possible is important. I think I’ll leave it to Eric to talk about marching back through the institutions, because I’m not, I remain to be convinced of how possible it is to do that. Because I’m not sure whether I think that they’re actually too far gone.
But regardless, of how, going back to the story of Saint Alfred, regardless of how futile the situation may seem, it’s still worth trying. Because organization can go a long way. As I say, can make you greater than the sum of your parts. And that is something the Left had been very successful in doing. It’s something that Islamists have been very successful in doing in many countries around the world, as well.
And so I think it’s important for us to recognize, and we have begun. We may be 50 years behind, or more. But we have started to organize ourselves by creating more institutions. And we’ve seen a real flourishing of organizations being created over the last couple of years. I think that’s very promising.
But it’s important for people to, like I say, be as involved in the life of the country as possible. Because unfortunately we no longer have the luxury of being able to sit on our laurels and just expect that things like democracy, and freedom, and beauty, and liberty, will defend themselves. Because they simply won’t!
Audience (male): Absolutely! And an example, I had the, should we say, the pleasure of being a student trustee of a local university, for a short period of time. And what I’ve found is that very often they’re very amenable to bringing their ideas. I mean, I’ve had to bite my tongue quite a lot of times, while sitting on the board, and so forth. But they’ve been very amenable in terms of introducing what should we say, “common sense”, back into the institutions. And it’s just a matter of just engaging with them.
Emma Webb: Yeah, I think, like I say, as people have lives and families. And they’re not necessarily thinking about everything in detail. And so when people are handed something on a plate, it’s an easy crutch, it’s something that’s easy for them to take on board. And which is why I say that one of the rules should be to not take in slogans. And Orwell talked about this. That creating a sort of composite of all of the different things that you’ve heard. And then just regurgitating it. Because it’s easier to do so.
Because I think actually when you are well informed and, you know what you believe to be true, in situations like that, say you are a school governor, and you’re having a conversation about the curriculum. And if you are able to push back and to question and to have those conversations almost with a kind of Socratic method, to pull those things apart, then I think people are actually very amenable to that.
Because it’s just simply that they haven’t heard an alternative. Or that they haven’t been stimulated to think differently. And I think once you do that as Solzhenitsyn said, once you start telling the truth, the ideology starts to flake away quite quickly.
Peter Whittle: Emma. I think that’s fine. Thank you very much again.
[Loud applause from audience]
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YouTube Comments (639)
(As of May 25, 2022)
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The New Culture Forum
11 days ago
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El Terrifico
11 days ago
Only if it comes with an Emma Webb t shirt.
Carol Blume
11 days ago
Thank you for this program. Can you tell me how much is 3 pounds in US dollars?
El Terrifico
11 days ago
You can google it, Carol.
11 days ago
9 p 9 3 ppp Aquilva.[o
Carol Blume
11 days ago
@El Terrifico OK. $3.69? That’s reasonable. I was a little worried. My dad once told me that a pound stands for a pound of silver!
El Terrifico
11 days ago
The pound is almost worthless so it’s a good deal. My Canadian dollar is finally in good shape.
Will Murray
11 days ago
Emma is an excellent commentator. I admire how cool and calm she remains when making her points.
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Geo S
Geo S
11 days ago
This young lady is a credit to her country
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El Terrifico
11 days ago
She’s the new Iron Lady!
Rob Bowes
11 days ago
@El Terrifico She is a bit of an English Rose isn’t she.
Jon Mcay
11 days ago
There should be more young people in the audience , it’s their future at stake us oldies can mutter all we like ,it’s young vigorous action that’s needed !
J Child
11 days ago
El Terrifico
11 days ago
That pale skin and homesteader dress drive me wild with desire!!
Washington Garden
10 days ago
@El Terrifico once she goes black she won’t go back
El Terrifico
10 days ago
Washington, she would never sink so low
mel farrer
9 days ago
A little late though
8 days ago
@Rob Bowes Probably Irish if I’m any judge. Not that that is derogatory :p
Adam James
7 days ago
@Jon Mcay Why? It has little to offer young people
7 days ago
I do most of those things she recommended. W0ke is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in politics.
Arl Tratlo
6 days ago
a bad one…but you are one of THEM!
Derek Trotter
2 days ago
@davey1602 Not Irish, that’s RP English.
2 days ago
@Derek Trotter I’m aware of that, but I was not talking about her elocution which practically anyone can be trained to adopt. I was alluding to certain facial features that denote her ancestry.
bill samuls
1 day ago
i agree
Vince Moran
1 day ago
Duuur coz it mi cuntri coz am paytriutz. Duuuurrr. Countries are a social construct created by the rich to get you to work, fight and die for a fairy tale.
Exiled Viking
20 hours ago
@El Terrifico Marriage material
Patrick Cosgrove
11 days ago
Inspiring speech well done Emma.
View reply
Dave Fowden
11 days ago
Emma thinks and speaks very directly and concisely. Her answers to the questions demonstrate her fluency and clarity of mind to great effect.
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8 days ago
Absolutely, only one piece of constructive criticism – if she rehearsed & knew her speech so well such that she could present it in the same fluid and articulate fashion she answers her questions that would turn her into utter dynamite!!!
Dave Fowden
7 days ago
@Farlig66 I hadn’t really noticed but then again Emma could read the telephone directory and I’d still be captivated.
11 days ago
I very much admire Emma and all involved with NCF.She is always cool,calm and collected when opponents are uncivil…to put it mildly. Thanks to “Talk TV” and “GB News” the general public at last have easy access to info which challenges the woke orthodoxy of the MSM. Emma appears frequently on the aforementioned channels and it is always a pleasure to see and listen to her there.
Read more
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Paul S
7 days ago
Also read The Conservative Woman (TCW Defending Freedom)each day
Peter Hall
2 days ago
What is “woke” orthodoxy?
11 days ago
When Madame Webb’s speaking, it is my duty to pay attention.
Absolute class.
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Deplorable me UK
Deplorable me UK
8 days ago
I love this comment.
Fin O’Suilleabhain
3 days ago
You sure you’re on the right website?
9 days ago
What an inspiration she is… and how wonderful that this movement is extant in the world. Here in NZ ‘wokeness’ is deep in our government and many Kiwis have been slow to wake up to what is being done to them, and indeed to our country.
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David Verster
David Verster
9 days ago
The All Blacks may suffer…
Gavin Thomas
9 days ago
As a fellow kiwi Kathryn you are so on point. I am so glad that others see what is going on here.
11 days ago
Lying is far too common; I’m glad she chose to speak on the subject.
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Washington Garden
10 days ago
The new NF
Nik Dadson
5 days ago
@Washington Garden Can you say why you say that please?
Washington Garden
4 days ago
@Nik Dadson Dislike for other races
3 days ago
@Washington Garden No, love of your own.
Peter Hall
2 days ago
Emma is a liar.
Sinead Marie
9 days ago
That was an excellent speech, well done. We must defend our country and our freedoms.
TT Brown
4 days ago
I was at the point where I thought we were falling into an abyss against the unstoppable tide of wokery. This speech has given me a renewed hope that we can turn that tide. Thank you for your informed insight and strong message, Emma.
9 days ago (edited)
My understanding is that politics is downstream of culture so I am disgusted that our own so called Conservative Government cannot engage in the culture war and defend loudly this countries values, institutions and history from attack. The silence is deafening.
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9 days ago (edited)
Did you mean politics is downstream of culture ?
9 days ago
@lunarvision Yes, thanks for pointing out my error. I have corrected it.
8 days ago
@Nick Miller Not sure how that applies. Also, your comment is not showing up (only able to reply via direct).
Socrates Rocks
11 days ago
‘They think they can control the weather but not terrorism.’ What a brilliant comment by the audience member. Exactly! Deal with the things that are immediate and within our power now. Human-sized things. If you can’t manage THAT, what hope have you of correcting something as huge as climate change?
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Greg Greg
9 days ago
There’s more to transition away from fossil than the weather, if your economy isn’t tied to the oil industry your isolated from world commodity prices
Ex – Norway have 96% renewable energy and 3% inflation ours is going to go over 10, Sweden are 54% and will have 4% inflation both are high EV adopters as well
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Greg Greg
9 days ago
@David Verster let me guess the earth is flat and the sun revolves round it
Carl Davies
6 days ago
I consided the two to be linked. The climate crisis needs investment in renewable energy. We depend on Saudi Arabia too much for our energy needs. If we are more independent with a good renewable energy infrastructure, we will be in a better position to force the saudi regime to severe its links to international terrorism.
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6 days ago
@Carl Davies what ‘climate crisis’?
michael stansfield
2 days ago
Climate change, no problem, it’s been changing over 5billion years.
Climate emergency, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
1 day ago
@michael stansfield Nothing in the solar system looks that old – just sayin’
shona mcdonald
11 days ago
Brilliant if more people listened to her we might get somewhere
5 days ago
It’s almost unreal to me that we are living through this madness. No one should underestimate its power and reach. Extremely worrying times.
Sean Tig
1 day ago
Emma Webb is the most engaging speaker I have heard for years! Her weaving of English history into the current political and cultural crisis is brilliant. In America, ‘compliance’ is a word used too often. “Wokeism” is threatening our culture, laws and even the nuclear family. Emma is right about not allowing anyone to compel you to say, write, think or do what you don’t believe is true.
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Alan Williams
10 days ago
At least Alfred recognised his country had been invaded. The belief that millions of culturally and racially diverse people have an inalienable right to reside here and call us out relentlessly on our racism, real or imagined, will, within a few generations, be the end of the English people. Why do we put up with it?
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Magna Carta
Magna Carta
6 days ago
Because we are weak and subdued. We have already lost as 2066 grand children of today will be minorities throughout the UK, who will be second class citizens at best, Dhimmis paying the jizya at worse.
pilk pog
3 days ago
i personally think immigration should be in certain ways restricted where the majority race stays the majority race. (im saying this as a Muslim canadian and son of 2 immigrants)
j lomax
1 day ago
Why do you have a problem with other races?
j lomax
21 hours ago
@Serena Smith Who in particular are you talking about?
Lara Von Staden
11 days ago
Excellent, I really enjoyed listening to this and it makes sense.
3 days ago
It is called integrity….a virtue that is fading fast in our society.
Malgorzata Jakubowska-Chaaban
8 days ago
British humour is wonderful, it was one of the first things I’ve loved about this country.
Alan Dean
11 days ago
Excellent presentation that drew upon people that have experienced coercion. Woke in the UK is pernicious and increasingly becoming vicious
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2 days ago
Timeless advice that more people need to heed.
11 days ago
I’d love Emma to enter politics, but she’s far too smart for that
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trevor ling
9 days ago
if she did she would get my vote, Inspiring speech well done Emma.
9 days ago
@ Hoisin
I was just thinking something similar. She would be a brilliant prime minister. But alas, the brilliant, articulate, ethical people with true integrity don’t go into politics.
Hence the world is being run by corrupt, unethical scoundrels and idiots.
I only hope her message ultimately reaches millions. I will certainly share this video.
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Nick Miller
8 days ago
Also too honest and too good-looking.
8 days ago
And Honest. Most politicians say and do what is written out for them, they are interested in Power and money.
Sir Oswald Fortitude
2 days ago
@Nick Miller agreed on both points
Noel Mitchell
1 day ago
No. It’s a treacherous mire for anyone who gets involved. Noone comes out unscathed.
new ham
7 days ago
That was fantastic. Thinking of Alfred and how he did what he did with the idea of making things better for hundreds of years had quite an impact on me.
Paul S
7 days ago
She is so clear and articulate. God continue to bless Emma
Roger Flack
3 days ago
The most distressing aspect of this is seeing perfectly intelligent and reasonable people going along with the lies
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Ivan Kinsman
23 hours ago
Agreed. And most of them are current the leaders of British institutions.
Roger Flack
23 hours ago
@Ivan Kinsman The amount of influence they wield is totally disproportionate to their numbers.
Robin Hood
1 day ago
What a breath of fresh air to hear someone like Emma speak. It gives me hope that there is some sort of future for us who value our past, traditions, culture and conservatism.
Norah dean
11 days ago
Emma is one of the good guys. The site, like all the others who want to understand and counter these weird modern fads , never really discuss the nitty-gritty of the British situation. We , the rightful inheritors of this island, face a demographic tsunami which limits the time we have to get to grips with this nonsense, like Critical Race Theory, the re-writing of our history, sex change ideology being taught to our 5 year-olds etc. Then we have the almost complete spread of corruption through our politics, our banking/ financial sector etc. When White Ethnic Britons produce 6 children per 10 females and 10 Moslem females produce 36, the writing is on the wall. To be honest, we have actually lost our country, and like a zebra being eaten alive by a pack of hyenas, we are rapidly becoming mere spectators in our own dismantlement and extinction.
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Tom Haskett
Tom Haskett
11 days ago
You speak the bleak truth.
A Bazely
10 days ago
Genocide by suicide
Nick Miller
8 days ago
We used to talk about the UK going through a ‘managed decline’. It looks more like ‘crash and burn’ these days. If you’re under fifty, start making plans to get out. I mean it.
4 days ago
Well said
Shane Sampson
2 days ago (edited)
@Nick Miller Get out to where? I am a Rhodesian by birth, we did all in our power to protect and preserve all that we were as white mostly British people, not because of a hatred for another race, but more for the love of our white race, and becuase of that we were attacked and prejudiced against by every white country, So how will getting out help, and how will trying to preserve, look after and maintain all that you are help. We are not the same as them and they are not the same as us, if they liked us as much as they liked themselves, they would destroy all that they are for our sakes, but they don’t, they do all they can to preserve all that they are, including getting us to hate all that we are and our own,
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Ivan Kinsman
23 hours ago
Spot on Norah. I couldn’t agree more with what you state here.
Hels Onwheels
7 days ago
Emma Webb goes from strength to strength. Impressive young lady. Love hearing her speak.
8 days ago
Helps me through my depression to have folk speak the truth without fear
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Robyn Marler
Robyn Marler
4 days ago
It’s beautiful isn’t it. I too find honest men and women healing to my spirit. Looking carefully at wildflowers is also amazing xxx
Alex Metcalfe
2 days ago
Nice one Emma. We need more constructive pushback like this.
9 days ago
We urgently need these public antidotes against a desease that is far worse and damaging than any flu.
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4 days ago
A truly great public speaker, especially when asked questions, to respond calmly, clearly is a skill.
11 days ago (edited)
“Tell the truth, and build.” <– One of the single most important processes that we can follow in a free society. One of the most dangerous components of the woke movement is their agenda to impose an a priori framework of understanding on everything. In academic science, we seek models that fit our data. All models are wrong, but some are useful. We always cite limitations of our models, and there are always interesting ways that data don’t fit with an otherwise useful model. When I observe the types of model-testing that my peers in XYZ studies do, I see them doing things that we consider to be malpractice and that we carefully teach our students to NOT do. Woke is dangerous because their models of thinking can cherry pick sets of our observations to conform to the model. She’s absolutely right in encouraging us to push back. We have a duty as citizens of democratic and liberal societies to ferret out those who go out into the world and impose models to the point that they become authoritarian ideologies that harm people. I – academic from the US – am glad that people in the UK are also pushing back against this in public forums.
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Judy Cater
3 days ago (edited)
Yes we have to be vigilant, yes we have to follow eah other and watch each others back with our support to indicate to the woke WE ARE HERE TO STAY.
Tyler Myers
9 days ago
It’s sad we have reached a point where speaking facts and stating the obvious is seen as extreme or phobic. People need to get back to reality.
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Adam James
7 days ago
Reality is a contested concept.
Ian Woodward
7 days ago
A fantastic lecture and very well presented by Emma Webb. As a 1948 Model Baby Boomer, we were taught to question everything and to think for ourselves. Once the Establishment realised what a monster they had brought to life, then the dumbing down of the education system began in the late 60s, with schools pulling standards down to the lowest common denominator and the removal of competition and the old plan to push the best forward and upward, whether academically or on the sports field. The creatures that infest the Shitehall Swamp have a lot to answer for, and bear in mind that they are all in permanent positions with Golden Pensions and holidays etc. Politicians come and go and are often force fed rubbish by these creatures hence fiascos like HS2 etc. It is long past the time that the Liblabconmen Coalition Party is consigned to the dustbin and a government of the people for the people is placed in the HOC and the House Of Frauds done away with.
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Tom Sullivan
11 days ago
No PowerPoint slides or videos needed. Excellent stuff!
Hedley Davidson
3 days ago
Wonderful and well considered presentation , followed by articulate answers to questions
trevor ling
9 days ago
Excellent, Inspiring speech well done
11 days ago
Wonderful speech Emma.
Wake up UK
9 days ago (edited)
Emma a very good speech which I totally agree with your list of points how to overcome Woke which are very valid, noble and but sadly ‘naive’ and apologies using my working-class background but really just ‘pissing in the wind’. I very much believe I have the right and experience to say this, as for 16 years as a teacher of Maths, Science and IT (from the RAF & industry) I actually’ carried out many of your good points. In 1982 retraining as a teacher found to my shocking ignorance how left-wing bias and political correctness had taken over schools that was beyond my , fellow other mature teachers on my course and most people’s comprehension. I could cite many examples i.e. actually standing up in meetings and disagreeing with what we were being told to teach in our lessons, making it clear I would discipline on my own traditional principles and not make allowances because a child was black and refusing to install maths education software when if a pupil got an answer right they were rewarded with an animation of Neil Kinnock kicking Maggie Thatcher up the backside. My popularity with pupils, of having excellent discipline and even getting better GCSE Maths exam results (in my first year) than the Head of the Math Department. Getting a lot of sponsorship for IT equipment due to my links with local companies plus being very capable of standing up to the staff-room Marxist bully boys, who resented my success and popularity with students and parents – meant I was a thorn in their side for a long time. But we all make mistakes that can be used against us, I on seeing two boys swinging on their stools using power cables while walking through one of my IT rooms where a very left-wing teacher was teaching, discretely rested my hands on the boys shoulders and told at a whisper level to stop doing so. To my surprise, not long after the lesson, I was called to the head’s office and was told I was being suspended for hurting the boy’s shoulders. Long story short spent 6 months at home and thanks to one of the parents coming in and telling the convene court against me, he had been told to do so by the teacher of the lesson I had walked through, kept my job. But the six months at home, my anger and fall out with a teacher wife led to a divorce and on being fully re-instated found it was on a condition I be muzzled and attend re-education thinking course to cleanse me of my destructive thinking. I simply could not do it and left a job I loved and was very good at.
MY POINT to Emma, it is all very good being brave, standing up and resisting Woke (i.e. political correctness) if you know there is backing of your government, a teaching authority and a press that will support you, which in my case was non-existent. I have read and watched ‘One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich’ by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the book and film as other books (ie 1984, Brave New World and Animal Farm) are showing where we are going with woke. His book and your points are all valid and serve very well to put the case of what Woke is doing and must be stopped. But sadly, as I often write to Peter and Douglas we need to ‘IMPLEMENT’ at the same level and determination as they Woke crazies, which at the moment and with all respect we are doing very much in the tradition of being typically British and polite, wanting to have a narrative, have meetings of those who think as we do and basically abide and play by gentlemanly rules – when they DON’T.
The best analogy is the how Churchill was perceived by many in the government who having experiences the horror of WW1 could not and not perceive of going to war again, which was understandable and it was this ‘appeasement’ under Chamberlain that allowed Hitler to take countries such as Austria and Czechoslovakia. It was only thanks to ‘realistic’ and ‘determined’ MPs that back Churchill, that we got a leader who had the will power, foresight, intelligence and courage to take Hitler on, that we now are not living a fascist world.
Yes, I accept we do not have storm-troopers marching into other countries but silently and pernicious our whole way of life is being taken away from us (as happened to me personally because I disagreed with what was happening to education and I have been proven right) and if it continues, I believe the final result considering the ‘zealots of woke’ wishes could well be just as deadly as being in a concentration camp or under the heal of Nazism.
What I was very pleased to hear and have asked Peter many times was his intention of the New Culture Group to expand in his wish to start a ‘movement’ by having groups start up around the country. If I was not so ill, quite old and living not on the mainland would certainly apply BUT it needs to go a step forward – ALL the other anti-woke groups and speakers (ie Douglas Murray, Andrew Doyle, Alex Belfield, Simon Webb) and like minded thinking groups need to come under one banner and just as the Wokist brigade do, carry out carefully thought out and direct action against them, not in a violent way but a far more pro-active one than the cosy debates I watch so often on the internet.
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Trevor Griffiths
2 days ago
It’s clear.. “Go Woke Go Broke” Boycott any company that advocates “WOKE” ..
david wilkinson
4 days ago
Wonderful counter to the self despising woke insanity
8 days ago
That Polish woman was spot on. I listened to Radio 4 for a great many years and hadnt realised how much I was being gradually brain washed until one morning I had had enough and tuned into Talk Radio. Boy was it a shock to hear honest and open opinions being freely discussed. My first thought was ‘ how are they getting away with this’ and thats when the realisation hit me that I had been influenced more than I had realised. Needless to say I never listened to Radio 4 again.
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4 days ago
I listen to the Today programme, so I can start the day with a shout at the radio. This morning I was pleasantly surprised to hear their guest argue the case for sending illegal migrants to Rwanda. This is such an obvious strategy, that the woke BBC host had no answer.
Brian Evans
2 days ago
Really excellent and a well deserved thunderous applause.
5 days ago
What a fantastic and interesting lecture! Thank you and Well done !
Neil Hedley
11 days ago
It’s better to be kept in the dark and be treated as being stupid rather than being woke
Col. Hogan
14 hours ago (edited)
Even before clicking on the video I knew I wouldn’t be desapointed. This speech must be printed and publicised in the whole world, like Soljenitsine’s speech at Harvard University in 1978.
Congrats young lady.
Greatings from France.
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Roy Burston
11 days ago
Beautiful speech miss Webb.
Lumpy Custard
9 days ago
Brilliant! Well done Emma!
Vanessa Smith
10 days ago
Well said – the lady who tells us that our politicians can change the WEATHER !!!!
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Ian Woodward
7 days ago
The amount of HOT AIR that they generate has a lot to do with it.
lotus star
2 hours ago
Just wonderful. Forty-three years as a teacher and I walked out when the principal walked two girls who had threatened me back into my room. “Here’s the book. Here are my keys. I am going to my doctor.” I have a heart condition and he wrote me out for the rest of the year. Done. So done. Loved my subject and my students, but enough with the Woke administration who do nothing to “earn” a lot of bread and protect little Woke and Entitled sixteen year old brats.
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John Catto
4 days ago
How refreshing to hear sense being spoken for a change. I was slightly curious as to the makeup of the audience, I got the impression that it was largely made up of older people. Would I be right in thinking this ? Keep up the good work guys, let’s get this rubbish reversed.
7 days ago
This all used to make perfect common sense to everyone, no matter what your (non-extremist) politics were. How on earth did we allow this current madness to even get started? The only bad thing about this video is the noticeable lack of young people in attendance.
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Plus_ça _Change
4 days ago
They are all awake.
4 days ago
@Plus_ça _Change There’s a big difference between “awake” and woke. And actually, Gen Z are a bit too occupied with the what all people their age should be doing (raising hell). When they’re a bit older (old enough to find the tedium of political lectures interesting enough to skip parties for), they’ll be taking the Millennial (Gen Y) nonsense to task with as much gusto as any other sane person dependent on facts.
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23 hours ago
I think that, like all extremes, the early iteration of what became wokeism was possibly well-intentioned, if misguided. Unfortunatelty any positive aspect has become lost in this morass of extremist wokeism.
Patricia Perfect
10 days ago
Very interesting and enjoyable to listen to.
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Ken Russell
Ken Russell
2 days ago
Excellent examples drawn apon. English is such a wonderful language when used this well.
3 days ago
Emma’s great! More power to you!
jack brechwald
3 days ago
The cure for Woke is Truth. And ultimately, truth is a person. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. “ —Jesus Christ.
Steven Lyons
11 days ago
Very enjoyable talk.
Gary Eastman
1 day ago (edited)
An excellent talk. The woke crowd are not new, they are simply more knowledgable about history than the population at large.
The ground has been laid for the “Woke offensive” many times and many writers warned / commented on it.
C.S Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, Nesta H Webster to name three I have read recently.
“Sayer’s Essay “The lost tolls of learning ” can be found online or readings are available on youtube.
She noted the fact that event university students are no longer taught to think critically.
She outlines the Trivium which in its simplest form is Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.
With these tools one can rationally understand and explain one’s position.
The absence of this training has lead to a proliferation of material in media and advertising using logical fallacies, altered definitions and outright falsehoods. Because these methods work so widely the public struggle to resist the fallacy ridden woke agenda.
Orwell predicted this with his coining of the phrase “New Speak” which undermines communication by injecting undefined or ill defined words into common use. Or by reusing existing words.
We have much work to do at this level to equip our friends and neighbours to be able to engage in simple dialogue and to detect when they are being subjected to deceptive methods.
It is no coincidence that state schools do not teach these methods.
The works of American Educator “John Taylor Gatto” gives a detailed history of schooling in the modern era.
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Chris Snelling
11 days ago
Very interesting , thank you
Colin Lawless
9 days ago
Emma always makes sense.
Satire of Circumstance
10 days ago
I nearly spat out my coffee when Emma asked “And what about sex?”
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10 days ago
Behave yourself!
Christopher Wigmore
11 days ago
Emma is amazing, a female Douglas Murray ! is she is related to Simon Webb of History Debunked ? Glad to hear there are intelligent people around , more power to them !
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Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
Murray stays inside the Liberal paradigm. There are no Liberal solutions going forward.
Dean Town
18 hours ago
I believe she is Simon Webbs daughter he doesn’t deny this and thus she will have a Yorkshire mother.
Robert Jenkins
5 days ago
Woman of the year.
Needs to be shared everywhere.
David Thwaites
5 days ago
What a gem this lady is. Keep up the good work madam. You have a lot of support believe me.
John Walker
11 days ago
Excellent Emma.
Garry Wolfe
1 day ago
Some interesting points made – always be yourself and never feel pressured – but respect others and the fact that they have the right to believe and feel as they wish (within constraints of the law).
This is a very well written speech, it is designed to make you think that the idea is your own – it is layered – and very well layered. It doesn’t actually deal with WOKE though – it seems more nothing more than peace meal – the follow up debate is much more interesting than the ‘lecture’.
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A Ahmed
9 days ago
“Believing that everyone should play by the same rules and should be judged by the same standards would have gotten you labelled as a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago, and a racist today.” – Dr Thomas Sowell
Iain Rae
10 days ago
My guess is that the reason the C of E has gone full woke, is due in part to ‘guilt’ of making huge profits and support of the Trans Atlantic slave trade and anti semitic doctrine. Both topics have only recently been officially apologised for.
Emma is an articulate clear thinker and a pleasure to listen to.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
Othodox Christianity gives Christianity hope.
Amy Joyce
10 days ago
I’m not from England but obviously we have the same issues going on in the states. From the US perspective I think various churches and other supposed “non government” institutions have sold out and promoting Wokeness. For the life of me I can’t understand why people feel guilty for something they didn’t take part in, especially those whose ancestry didn’t benefit off slavery or had nothing to do with it. Ironically the people who do have generational wealth are pushing shame and guilt onto others while they’re unwilling to give up luxuries they gained specifically from slavery.
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9 days ago
this is the problem, that in some people there’s a perceived need to ‘apologize’ to the distant descendants of people despite the fact that action was taken which abolished slavery about a dozen generations ago, thus putting the whole subject to bed. We’ve run out of ways to castigate each other in the here and now and taken to resurrecting ghosts as scapegoats.
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Iain Rae
8 days ago
@Perry Anderson
Thsnkyou for the points you raised.
The Church has apologied I assume because they feel so guilty as they claim to be ‘Christians’
David Hawley
6 days ago (edited)
Douglas Murray points out that the British Empire spent more money enforcing worldwide their banning of the slave trade than they made from the slave trade. (And sailors lost their lives). The US also paid in blood and treasure with the civil war.
Incidentally, the churches were on both sides of the issue, although the abolitionist activists were largely from the non-established churches and motivated by theologically based human rights.
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Iain Rae
2 days ago
@David Hawley Thankyou for the points you raised. It is indeed to the credit of the government and navy in its efforts and costs to combat the international slave trade. However don’t recall the C of E turning down the huge compensations awarded, let alone returning the huge profits made. Hence the guilt today in these ‘woke’ times.
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10 days ago
Focusing only on PC Wokery and it’s attitude to slavery in particular : it needs to be said that every criticism addressed at the UK is also applicable to ALL of the other societies where slavery was present.
That situation was true over a period of at least 5000 years.
The opposition to the Wokers should therefore be very easy , especially for those with a wide historical knowledge.
At the moment the problem can only get worse due to the behaviour of our week kneed political establishment.
They will NOT challenge Wokery but for example by arming Ukraine have put us in a position where war is possible.
Very odd but which will probably be avoided by the military power of the USA.
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Paul Barker
7 days ago
That was a great speech!
El Terrifico
11 days ago
I thought the happiest day of my life was the birth of my first child, but it has been replaced by this. .
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Kevin Etheridge
11 days ago
Emma’s right about humour.
Lesley Knight
9 days ago
1 day ago
Excellent speech Emma, beautifully measured and constructive.
Lewis Lee
3 days ago
We need more Emma Webbs.
Ivan Kinsman
23 hours ago
An excellent speech on what we can do as individuals to counter the woke narrative.
Richard The Lion Heart
10 days ago
We need her in parliament she speaks the truth
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Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
Parliament is completely captured by international finance and the Bankers. Democracy = rule by international finance
Ron Collins
2 days ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses … And with their Salary and Expenses etc… Will Any of them rebel…? ? ?
Glen Dodds
4 days ago
Alfred the Great has always been one of my heroes. He deserves tp be more well known.
Chris Studham
10 hours ago
It is so refreshing to hear a young person who is undoubtedly very well educated who can hold forth with real and proper views
, she ought to be instruction the Government, educators as well as the judiciary.
kelsang jorlam
9 days ago
Wow, i sat spellbound throughout it all.. Wonderful.. And better yet, it all chimes with my own beliefs, formed through investigation and listening to all sides of debate, before making my decision on which direction i should take.
yes, 60 years ago i was regarded as a radical.. i wore that label with pride., still do.. Now the woke squad say i am costing too much ,that i take out without putting in. This in spite of having had a working life and paid taxes etc. .. They say i am denying them the chances i had.. Sorry, the chances which came my way were because i worked blooming hard at bringing smidgens of luck and hard work together.
One of the problems of the woke, as i see it, is that they seem to think that only they matter.. that they are ENTITLED to do and say as they wish..
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Sheryl White
6 days ago
So good to hear such a clear take on how things are, and how to try to make things right
7 days ago (edited)
Excellent words Emma. Alfred the Great, what a nice touch. How we need him now
Wayne H-S
11 days ago
Excellent speech
Jane Burke
9 days ago
Wow , I loved it.Emma was great what a lovely girl.The best part for me was the lady that had moved to Poland after being in this communist country.The politicians-will not defend our country,they hate our country.They have allowed us to be in v Ed.They have allowed Islam into a great power to conquer as they always wished to do but the government wants this.They didn’t defend the teacher that is in hiding,they haven’t defended poor white children in the North,they didn’t defend the MP,our churches,our culture,our history,our land.Doris is scared of Islam.The Kingdoms have already fallen with many victims all ignored for the sake of diversity.Yet they keep voting them in
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Erin McMurtry
11 days ago
British humour is not its greatest strength!!!!
If they (the keepers of my motherland) stopped trying to be so funny all the time, they may have done something about this tragic situation. Get serious. Get real.
What’s happening to Britain is not in the least funny.
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Eenheid is Krag
8 days ago
“The simplest and most accessible key to our LIBERATION is the personal NON participation in LIES!” (Alexander Soljenitsin)
11 days ago
Ms. Webb touches on an important point when she says “Be willing to make sacrifices for the things that you believe to be true.”
Bob Dylan was right when he told us “You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” Wittingly or unwittingly, you serve some master, you cannot choose to remain neutral to all powers and principalities.
By the same token, actively or passively, you must make sacrifices, that’s not an entreaty from me, it’s not compelled from without, it is the normal state of human affairs, and it’s unavoidable. If you decide to sacrifice your social standing with the woke left, it is not because you chose to sacrifice something rather than nothing. We don’t get the choice to sacrifice nothing, we DO get the choice of what we sacrifice. Offending the woke left can sacrifice your social standing. NOT offending the left sacrifices your integrity. Something must be sacrificed during conflict, even when we didn’t choose the conflict, and it was brought to us. However, once it happens, we can’t time travel back and stay out of it, the clash is on us, even if it seems a very tiny conflict. It is hard to live with people if you reject their truths, but it is hard to live with yourself when you reject your own. Thankfully we do have a choice.
Choose your sacrifices carefully, think them through before the battle begins, be strategic, be prepared.
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David Bell
David Bell
9 days ago (edited)
When these fools call you a racist, you call them a groomer. They love that word.
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Jess Lee이제스
Jess Lee이제스
2 days ago
Then aren’t you sucking the meaning out of a necessary word to define a sexual crime against children? What word do we use to describe what we are not able to use that word for anymore? Genuinely curious.
Chris Elliott
3 days ago
Whenever I hear people bleating about white supremacy, I immediately recall two really great books that will blow that idea right out of the water – The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell, and The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressel – both personal eye-witness accounts of the reality of life for Britain’s working poor. I personally was almost traumatised by the first chapter of Orwell’s book: I had no idea of the levels of degradation and poverty endured by the British working classes of the 1930’s. And Robert Tressel’s book, although in the lighter form of a novel, was also taken from personal experience as a house painter ……
I thought the invention of mathematics was attributed to the Arabs …..? Ah, well ….. Must’ve been white supremacist Arabs …..
There is a profound spiritual reality – the ultimate spiritual reality, actually – to be found in deep contemplation of the natural processes of attraction between boys and girls, young men and young women, etc., with all the subjective longings and aspirations that go with it; and how this attraction, in a relatively normal world, leads on to marriage and children. In contemplating this, I have come to realise just how wise our ancient ancestors were when they devised marriage and the marriage vows, and taught chastity to young men and women. Modern pro-abortionists aggressively ask pro-life people, “So when does life begin? At the moment of conception, or the moment of birth?” If you look deeply into it, there is no point at which you can say, “this is not-life, and this is now life”: the whole process of attraction, falling in love, wanting to be the best person you can be for the sake of the other, courtship, pain, heartache, joy, marriage, conception, gestation, and on and on – it’s all the unbroken processes of Life itself! There is not a single atom of it that can be said to be not-life . In comparison, woke ideology is like someone lost in the darkness indeed …..
I think it would be a fascinating study to analyse ALL the social movements and circumstances, going back into history, that have led to woke ideology, as in – if this “effect” (woke) has multiple causes, what are they? And if each of those causes is an “effect”, what, in turn, caused them? We might be able to trace everything back, not to “white supremacy”, but to something much more background and pervasive, like, for instance, the whole profit-and-loss ideology, and the people who espouse it …….
As for “mandating” certain forms of speech, here’s Black’s Law Dictionary: MANDATE: A written command given by an authority to an agent (member of the public), a contract by which one person requests another person to agree voluntarily to a service. It only becomes effective when the mandatory agrees – it is only mandatory once you agree to it. If you do not consent to the request, you are not obligated under the mandate to comply. There is a difference between a mandate and a law …… If more people understood this, there would be significantly less trouble in our present-day world.
If everyone who hears this speech follows your, and Solzhenitsyn’s – and Professor Peterson’s – advice to always tell the truth as you feel it to be, this woke ideology would crumble away pretty quickly, and the sad people who’ve been indoctrinated by it might also find some peace. In quantum terms, the power differential between what is true and what isn’t is so huge as to be almost inconceivable. Getting back to sanity and equilibrium isn’t that hard …..
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Lynx South
3 hours ago
As for the roots of this nonsense, you may wish to investigate the Frankfurt School.
Dawn Emile
11 days ago
Excellent speech.
Droopy Headliner.
11 days ago
Great stuff
Charlie MoPic
5 days ago
Just subscribed as a Gold Member. As a full FSU member too, my shoulders are back and my chin is up.
Keep up this great and much needed work.
3 days ago
11:25 I disagree with this point on art, with a caveat: You can lie/distort for satirical/comedic/cautionary effect.
Orwell’s 1984 itself does this
Tor Max
3 days ago
“In the beginning was the LOGOS and the LOGOS was with God and the LOGOS was God.” – John 1:1 The LOGOS is divine. The LOGOS is eternal. The LOGOS existed before incarnation. The LOGOS operates in us as reason, discourse, word. The LOGOS also operates outside us as nature, physics, biology, mathematics, logic. The LOGOS is the way of life. Tune in and stay true. Love the LOGOS.
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Rich Jones
11 days ago
Referendum on Immigration, we didn’t vote for Mass Immigration.
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A Bazely
10 days ago
Strict appeal-proof immigration controls would have obviated the referendum.
Rich Jones
10 days ago
@A Bazely I agree. We didn’t vote for Mass Immigration that is why we need a Referendum to remind the RAT politicians.
Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
But we got captured by international finance in 1945 and international finance loves it.
Rich Jones
10 days ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses …if I was a rich man…
Douglas Alford
6 days ago
Excellent! kudos and respect for this inspiring speech.
Let’s Get Healthy: Ryan Weinberger
11 days ago
God bless you; I’ll listen in a minute beautiful
youri wander
11 days ago
The number of views
shows how population of this country worried about living in WOKE society. This is exactly why all this BS happened to this country.
peter perryman
10 days ago
Thank you for the wonderful talk, common-sense and humour are also needed, with this young Lady and her ilk, there is still great hope for the UK, Blessing from Australia.
Barry E
11 days ago
God Bless Emma great stuff. Great that it took place on St Georges day
becuase it is a spiritual battle. There is power in this.
…. St George defeating the dragon. symbols are powerful.
Philip Smeeton
10 days ago
The only resource we own is to actively boycott and reject every change in our society that we disapprove of. And keep to facts and reality in thought and deed.
Lorenz Broll
7 days ago
History will show one thing for certain : this is possibly even a WORSE period than the cold war.
Intellectual Honesty
1 day ago
“Peppa pig is a symbol of global Britain”
That’s something Boris Johnson has apparently just said.
And so, let’s use this opportunity to teach ALMOST ALL OF YOU (left, right, abstentions) what the words ‘neoliberalism’ and ‘neoliberal’, as used by people like Corbyn, Chomsky, Cockburn, Floyd, Hedges and others actually means. READ YE, READ YE and then repeat after me, learn these words, repeat them regularly, copy paste them if you can, but make sure you read them, a lot, no matter how much you copy paste them:
<< .. liberalism grew up in the intellectual environment of empiricism and the rejection of authority, and trust in the evidence of the senses, and so on. However, liberalism has undergone a very complex evolution as a social philosophy over the years. If we go back to the classics, or at least, what I regard as the classics, say, for example, Humboldt’s limits of state action which inspired Mill and is a true libertarian, liberal classic, if you’d like. The world that Humboldt was considering–which was partially an imaginary world–but the world for which he was developing this political philosophy, was a post-feudal but pre-capitalist world. That it was a world in which there was no great divergence among individuals in the kind of power that they had, and what they command, let’s say. But there was a tremendous disparity between individuals, on one hand, and the state on the other. Consequently, it was the task of a liberalism that was concerned with human rights, and the quality of individuals, and so on. It was the task of that liberalism to dissolve the enormous power of state, which was such an authoritarian threat to individual liberties. And from that, you develop a classical liberal theory in, say, Humboldt’s or Mill’s sense. Well, of course, that is pre-capitalist. He couldn’t conceive of an era in which a corporation would be regarded as an individual, or in which enormous disparities in control over resources and production would distinguish between individuals in a massive fashion. Now, in that kind of society, to take the Humboldtian view is a very superficial liberalism. Because while opposition to state power in an era of such divergence conforms to Humboldt’s conclusions, it doesn’t do so for his reasons. That is, his reasons lead to very different conclusions in that case. Namely, I think, his reasons lead to the conclusion that we must dissolve the authoritarian control over production of resources, which leads to such divergence as among individuals. In fact, I think, one might draw a direct line between classical liberalism and a kind of libertarian socialism, which I think, can be regarded as a kind of adapting of the basic reasoning of classical liberalism to a very different social era. Now if we come to the modern period, here liberalism has taken on a very strange sense, if you think of its history. Now liberalism is essentially the theory of state capitalism. Of state intervention in a capitalist economy. Well, that has very little relation to classical liberalism. In fact, classical liberalism is what’s now called conservatism, I suppose. But this new view, I think, really is, in my view at least, a highly authoritarian position. That is, it’s one which accepts a number of centers of authority and control–the state on one hand, agglomerations of private power on the other hand, all interacting with individuals as malleable cogs in this highly constrained machine, which may be called democratic, but given the actual distribution of powers, very far from being meaningfully democratic and cannot be so. So my own feeling has always been that to achieve the classical liberal ideals–for the reasons that led to them being put forth–in a society so different, we must be led in a very different direction. It’s superficial and erroneous to accept the conclusions which were reached for different society and not to consider the reasoning that led to those conclusions. The reasoning, I think, is very substantial. I’m a classical liberal in this sense. But I think it leads me to be a kind of anarchist, an anarchist socialist. >> {Noam Chomsky in a lengthy BBC interview where the interviewer had great respect for Mr Chomsky.}
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Miguel de Carvalho
6 days ago
In order to have my support, The New Culture Forum needs to be much, much more poignant than this.
It seemed like the audience also wanted a more vigorous approach to the problem. This was a lost opportunity.
7 days ago
“They brand the healthy as mentally ill.” Mmmm, sounds familiar. Mass gaslighting!
keith longley
20 hours ago
I’ve been pointing out these things for years, nobody listens, they don’t read, they are essentially in their own little worlds, oblivious or uninterested in the implications that lay ahead for their own children, if this evil is not addressed.
Giaus Caesar
8 days ago
What a wonderful speech.
Loraine Batchelor
9 days ago
Thankyou for this excellent talk
10 days ago
The Polish woman’s comments stopped me dead in my tracks and brought me to tears! I’m not sure why it hit me so hard… one thing for sure is that her delivery was full of the power of experience and the confidence of perspective that only deep suffering and introspection can impart…
El Terrifico
11 days ago
No standing ovation for Emma? Ungrateful heathens!
Matt R.
1 day ago
I think we are facing, at least to some extent, a genetic problem. Some people are so deeply psychotic in their values and worldview because they have a unique genetic predisposition towards these bizarre ways of looking at the world.
Some of these same people may also naturally gravitate towards careers in education, communications, media, and entertainment. In today’s world, these industries are like the voice of God.
I agree with Webb; we have to STOP agreeing with lies. Even if you are the last sane person on the planet, so be it. Also, sane people need to reach out and support each other. Strict individualism is not always the answer.
Stay strong out there, from the US.
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Martin Hogg
7 days ago
Great talk, well done!
6 days ago
I’ve found Laughing at the looney tunes pushing the whole Misnamed “woke” crowd completely shuts it down.
Jacques B
7 days ago (edited)
But realistically how do I resist, I would get into so much trouble at work if I resisted this training they would find some way to get rid of me (gov dept) . I am a working-class mixed-race immigrant and I find myself ostracised simply for having slightly right-leaning politics, speaking common sense on genders and having Christian values. Each year I must complete my personal objectives for the following year, one is pre written stating I will promote inclusive blah blah blah … Therefore they are not personal objectives , it is mandated.
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Lynx South
2 hours ago
Could you write a very sensible list of objectives, cross out the others, and insert your own? Pull the statements back toward things that truly affect the job. Write carefully to give yourself the normal latitude required for humans, such as “I will endeavor to speak to my colleagues using standard forms of polite address,” which would make them have to explain why standard forms of polite address aren’t acceptable, and only commit you to endeavoring, not to perfect performance. And you could nitpick their insane replies to death — in writing. Insist that you need to do it in writing to help you remember it all. It would be the start of a long process, and you’d probably want to get legal advice (this Forum group should help organize support for you and all who are in similar circumstances), but you’d have everything in writing.
In the US, it’s perfectly legal to amend contracts of all types (initial and date all crossings-out). It’s a form of negotiating. If the other party also signs or gives you a receipt or cashes your check, etc., then the contract is binding as amended.
Is filling out this form of objectives according to their wishes a listed requirement in job descriptions for new employees? If it’s not a specific requirement, you have wiggle room. You can always brightly say, oh, I decided to take the task of writing personal objectives seriously. Then play dumb when they try to insist that their prescribed terms are “personal”. If you’re forced to sign to keep your job, you can always add, “Signed under protest that these objectives are not personal but dictated by management (or ‘HR Manager Jones’, for example)” just above your signature.
This Forum needs to organize local and online meetings, webinars, and a clearing house of information to help translate our frustrations into targeted actions. It’s no good being brave and willing if we’re just going to be throwing ourselves into battle without arms or armor. My best wishes to you.
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3 days ago
Incredible thanks for the honestly.
chris salisbury
4 days ago
Excellent speech and very thoughtful
16 hours ago
The Archbishop of Canterbury needs to hear this, everyone does.
Christopher Milton
8 days ago
Wonderful thoughts and well presented. TEXIT greetings to you.
1 hour ago
They want to change the name of the Pythagorean theorem. Apparently that’s the way to make mathematics quit being so racist. But they’re not going to call it The Fundamental Theorem of Euclidean Geometry, or anything like that. It’s still going to named after somebody, but everything will be better because the person in question wasn’t white.
I have a dream that I will one day live in a nation where I’m judged by the content of my character and not by my identity groups.
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John Gregson
9 days ago
Yes there is hope for the country I love
Joseph Lennon
3 days ago
Wow! What a woman! I live in hope.
8 days ago
What a discovery!!! Thanks so much
Earl Greystoke
3 days ago
Don’t apologize. Never surrender. Counter-attack. Always….
8 days ago
Epic delivery, in a green and gold package!
10 days ago
21:00 When a Q&A from the public draws more applause than the speaker.
Son’s of Ivaldi’s forge and workshop
2 days ago
By the gods… she is magnificent what a wonderful lass
Gerald Abeyawardena
10 days ago
Great session. Thought provoking and good advice!
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Jean Wallace
Jean Wallace
7 days ago
Tell the truth and shame the devil/dragon ..
Blessing from Northern Ireland
Daniel Jackson
2 days ago
the social problem underdiscussion is called the Free Rider Problem: the majority cannot overcome the costs of personal participation in the public good of civility against those motivated by selective incentives with HUGE stack holders in the outcome favorable to their significant small numbers.
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Robert Clements
Robert Clements
9 days ago
Well said i have fpund you interesting and informative and have subscribed look ford to more from you
jumble stiltskin
11 days ago
I propose that everyone send a letter to the dept of mathematics at Durham university with a simple message. 2 + 2 = 4. In large bold letters. Nothing but that.
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11 days ago (edited)
Superb talk, Emma. Thank you very much.
I feel so much easier now that you’re in the vanguard, along with people like Calvin, Konstantin and Francis, Toby et al, upholding the truth and commonsense Great British values and traditions that are actually very practicable, gentle and nurturing of all. I’ve done my bit through life, the future is yours now….go and make it sparkle again with truth, sanity, good sense and beauty! (And don’t forget to have fun!)
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Let’s Get Healthy: Ryan Weinberger
11 days ago
Good work; God bless you; beautiful
Peter Allam
8 days ago
17/5 22 Courage ! Courage is needed in all these areas – it takes Courage to be Couragous. Challeging Extremism requires Extreme Courage. Courage comes in all forms. EnCouragement is derived from Common Sense. Folk like Emma, & Simon, are blessed with this virtue.
J. T.
8 days ago
It’s interesting how you mentioned the “metaphorical marshland,” when earlier on you spoke of Alfred in the marshes. We are all bogged down with this wokery, and I feel it’s a chance for us to reflect so much more on the values we took for granted. In a way, they are gifting us with this opportunity to understand our heritage and our nationhood in ways we never would have explored otherwise. And when we eventually prevail over these essentially ignorant people, we’ll be much the better for it, and hopefully them too.
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María Uliaque
7 days ago
That is a beautiful
Lady , she is speaking the truth and It looks as if she reads my mind , because I think exactly at what she said .
10 days ago
The perception that our young people are lost to wokery is blown out of the water by this exceptional young woman. The future is not as dismal as some would have us believe.
Thomas Szirmay
1 day ago
Wokeness: Their claim to fame is the shame and blame game.
Terry R
6 days ago
So very well said Emma .you are brilliant
steven wallace
5 days ago
Oxford Dictionary:
adjective: woke;
“alert to injustice in society, especially racism.”
13 hours ago
Emma Web was fantastic well done well said
wellness with wallace ianwallace
8 days ago
Fantastic speech. Really nice to hear some sence
billy nomates
9 days ago
11:45 difficult! my local council elections ellicited me to express a second preference. i do not have a second preference. i am one man with one vote for one candidate and that necesssarily means zero votes for anyone else.
10 days ago
Some people can still think when madness rules all around! Isn’t that amazing?! Reason and truth are really gifts from our God Almighty!
John Reid
11 days ago
That ex Labour Party guy 17nins 50 in spot in, other labour members agree but are to scared to speak unless others speak out and agree
El Terrifico
8 days ago
I’m praying that Emma marries Johnny Depp so that we can hear more about her in the news.
John Smith
11 days ago
It’s amazing how if you go far enough right or far enough left, you end up in the same place.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
11 days ago
At work, I’ve refused to use pronouns, be an ally or declare my allegiances or take part in diversity training. I’m not going down without a fight.
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Daniel Lo Presti [music.art]
11 days ago
To be honest, it must be very hard to converse in English without pronouns… but I guess you’re talking about a very specific set of pronouns in a particular context
Adetola Ayodele
11 days ago
Just as I have banned my family from speaking English in my house
electra ruby
11 days ago
As long as 20 years ago my brother who was stockroom manager in a well known departmental store was called in to a diversity training session where he was instructed never to use a number of words as they were racially insensitive. He literally told them to F*ck off and that the way he managed the multinational staff in his department was through jokes and banter in which all these forbidden words featured. After that they left him alone. If everyone had the guts of my brother we wouldn’t have this ridiculous situation now.
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Dave Fitzpatrick
11 days ago
@Adetola Ayodele I’m going to presume you live in the UK?
If so what are your issues with the English language, at the end of the day you came here to live and with that intergrate ?
Adetola Ayodele
11 days ago
@Dave Fitzpatrick , I don’t live in the UK. I live in Africa. I would have no problem whatsoever with my family communicating in English if we lived in any of the English speaking western societies. I am an African man who lives in Africa, so I’d rather we communicate in any of the numerous languages indigenous to the continent.
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Mel Hawk
11 days ago
Good on you – I’m the only employee in my company without pronouns in my email signature. I feel like I’m part of the resistance!
Adetola Ayodele
10 days ago
@electra ruby I bet that that brother of yours is a big fan of Jared Taylor.
10 days ago
@electra ruby About 20 years ago I was teaching adults in evening classes. Before the start of term they sent us the most patronising leaflet about disability, telling us what words we were not allowed to use. As it happened, there were two people in my class who did use a wheelchair. The same powers that sent this leaflet around put our class in a room on the third floor WITHOUT A LIFT. It’s all words, box ticking, virtue signalling without any thinking attached.
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electra ruby
10 days ago (edited)
@Adetola Ayodele No he is not. He is good natured bloke who did a brilliant job keeping the multicultural work force happy by using working class banter and humour- which they returned in equal measure ! The casual rough and ready ways of the working classes are not understood by the earnest “Wokerati”, who mostly come from the University educated middle classes They are pathetic really, and cause so much harm with their lack of streetwise savvy.
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electra ruby
10 days ago
@Adetola Ayodele Oh don’t be ridiculous! You clearly did not understand the point I was making
Adetola Ayodele
10 days ago
@electra ruby Ok sorry
Adetola Ayodele
10 days ago
@electra ruby Oh is that so?
Amy Joyce
10 days ago
@Adetola Ayodele I think Jared Taylor is the equivalent of many black people in the US who are proud of ideals and culture which they attribute to their race. There’s a difference between pride and racism. He’s no kkk or hater
Alexander Hay-Whitton
9 days ago
I see a few pronouns right there. What’ve you got against them at work, if they’re acceptable in a post?
Annette Annette
7 days ago
Me also, all power to us.
7 days ago
@Alexander Hay-Whitton Facepalm
He’s talking about Woke compelled pronouns, not literally all pronouns.
Barry Jones
5 days ago
@Adetola Ayodele Jared Taylor is a very clever man. Tell me something he says that isn’t true.
4 days ago
@Alexander Hay-Whitton he’s obviously talking about using opposite sex pronouns
David Whittingham
4 days ago
Well done, good for you, come the revolution.
Villiam O
4 days ago
Superb. Thank you.
Catherine Franklin
8 days ago
Well said!!
Ewa Sulicka
10 days ago (edited)
Emma Webb is an amazing woman! I admire her. Briliant and always great to listen to!
Fish Met A Fish
8 days ago
A great start in fighting back is to watch and digest the lectures of yuri bezmenov here on youtube, about ideological subversion.
david Small
5 days ago (edited)
i refused to take the knee and was and challenged BLM and statutes being pulled down !! I was punished under our code of conduct
8 days ago
Seems like a very interesting channel.
Greetings from Belgium
bob driscoll
11 days ago
she said 1878 when she actually meant 878
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Granny Annie
11 days ago
Yes I caught that.
James Jackson
11 days ago
I will say one thing, she’s very good.
10 days ago
2 days ago
‘Live not by lies,’ choose ‘the personal non-participation in lies.’
Tom Thomassony
9 days ago
Thank you for this, I now have a clear picture on who to hate and why.
In my car I hate cyclists.
I hate teachers, especially younger ones.
I hate millennials who spend all their money on avocados.
I hate millennials who don’t save to buy a house.
I hate my Uber taxi driver for not working hard at school.
I hate people who work from home and not the office.
I hate migrants for taking up menial jobs.
I hate people who complain about low pay and don’t get a 2nd or 3rd job.
I hate farmers who complain about losing EU subsidies.
I hate the EU for controlling their borders.
I hate everyone Piers Morgan tells me to hate.
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Nick Miller
8 days ago
And I expect on your bicycle you hate people in cars.
When is a snake a tail?
8 days ago
Well someone was paying attention, although I don’t know to what.
Lionel Merbles
6 days ago
Peter Atkinson
11 days ago
Somewhat outdated joke coined after football euros. ‘Rashford thought penalty was hot beverage served in corrective institutions.’
rosy russell
10 days ago
This forum is a godsend! Thank you all.
Stephen Skinner
10 days ago (edited)
Arguing against 2 + 2 = 5: John has 2 apples and Jane has 2 apples. If John and Jane put their apples together where is apple #5? This can be taught to infants.
Mick ferndale Speedy
7 days ago
How do you resist woke? Take back the institutions. Start with teacher training colleges move on to the civil service from there take on the NHS then the BBC. But don’t make the mistake of dominating these institutions go there to preserve diversity of thought and preserve open debate.
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Lynx South
1 hour ago
I doubt these things still exist to be preserved. At best, they’ll have to be regrown from scraps.
10 days ago
Wow, that’s applause
Constance Miller
8 days ago
Happy Saint George’s Day!
Angus McAngus
11 days ago
He who wins, or has won, Emma Webb’s affections is lucky indeed.
Intellectual Honesty
1 day ago
The advertising industry, its profits, the capitalist ideology and the harm it does to the true nature of people (and life on earth).
Have a read over this conversation an American entertainer/comedian was having with Noam Chomsky and take a good look at one of the greatest lies you’ve been told, by pretty much everyone you know, at one time or other, probably even me, long ago.
<< (Chomsky on ‘what people want’ and ‘advertising’) “You mention just in passing teenage girls if they have a free saturday afternoon they like to walk around in the shopping mall, rather than going to the library. So I found that very thought provoking. I think that many people and I would have to include myself believe that deep deep down what we all really want is material comfort for ourselves. That this is what we all want more than anything else. We may make an effort and go to the library, we may make an effort and vote, we may make an effort and go to work or even visit a sick friend or say a friendly word to someone who’s in trouble but what we really would like to do is sit on a big comfortable sofa and watch an entertaining programme on a big beautiful television set and maybe have someone bring us a hot fudge sundaes or bon bons while we’re watching the programme. “That this is what people – what I’m really like, what everyone is really like. Selfish and really seeking material comfort. And that that is human nature. That is bedrock human nature and I think a lot of our political attitudes come from the fact that we think we can never get away from that, that’s what we are. Now do you share that view?” Chomsky: “Not in the least, and I think there’s plenty of evidence against it. There has been a MASSIVE effort for over 100 years to try to convince people that that’s what we are. It’s called advertising. It’s a huge industry, it’s dedicated explicitly, openly, if you read the business press 100 years ago when it was taking off, to try to direct people to the superficial things of life, like fashionable consumption. Get them out of our hair by getting them involved in consumption. And huge efforts go into this. “For example about 20 or 30 years ago the advertising industry realised that there’s a sector of the population that they’re not reaching because they don’t have money: known as children. So then some bright guys figured we can get around this, the children don’t have money but their parents do. So what we have to do is direct television programmes for children, and so on, to try to induce what’s called nagging. (Laughter) This is literally the case – create nagging propaganda. By now if you look at academic applied psychology departments there is actually a programme studying different kinds of nagging and how you can induce it and if you watch children’s television – I’ve seen this with my grandchildren – two year old kids are looking at things and they’re being induced to try and get your parents to get me this thing or else I’m gonna die, you know and so on, and then the parents get it and you throw it away in five minutes. “But every aspect of our life is devoted to this. My wife and I were taken by a friend a couple of weeks ago to see the pre-season baseball – spring training. And you take a look at the stadium, every inch is covered with an ad. I mean I remember the first baseball game I went to it was in the 1930s, there were no ads. Now every inch is an ad, every taxicab you look at is an ad, every minute of your life is inundated with efforts to turn you into the kind of person you’re describing, so is that human nature? I don’t think so. “So take a look at these Trump voters again, so these working class people in let’s say rural towns, manufacturing towns in Arkansas, and take a listen to what they’re saying. These are men who want to work in coal mines which is not fun rather than to take a government handout. They don’t want to sit on the couch and be given a government handout. That undermines their sense of dignity, their self worth, of doing something significant. And I think that’s what people are. “If you go back further there’s plenty of evidence for it. There’s a wonderful study, a huge study of the reading habits of the British working class in the late 19th Century. Jonathan Rose, very detailed study. What were British workers reading? Turns out they were better educated than the aristocrats. In say Eastern Massachusetts, Boston where I live, an Irish blacksmith, if he could make enough money would hire a boy to read to him while he was working. And I can remember this from childhood in the 1930s, most of my family were immigrants, first generation unemployed working class and they were quite educated, many of them didn’t go to school, you know maybe fourth grade, but they read, they went to concerts, they went to Shakespeare plays, they talked about it, they were interested in politics – I think it’s taken huge efforts to try to drive all this out of people’s heads, I think the natural thing for humans is to want to be independent, creative, I mean maybe you work on fixing up old cars in your garage on the weekend instead of sitting and watching television, whatever it may be, you want to do something that’s significant, that’s worthwhile, even if it’s an ugly horrible job like working on a coal mine instead of taking a government handout, because people I think want dignity and a sense of self worth and a sense of creating and doing something important – that’s what we are, and I think it’s taken huge efforts, enormous efforts, a huge part of the economy is devoted to trying to drive these things out of people’s heads, to make you think that all you want is more commodities and so you should go shopping instead of reading, let’s say.” Interviewer: “So that most people, by this account, really have been unnaturally squashed into being something much much smaller than they could be or they should be” Chomsky: “And want to be. In fact it’s pretty interesting – there’s good studies of the working class press in the early industrial revolution, in England it’s earlier, in the United States it would be mid 19th century, late 19th century. There’s a very lively working class press, a lot of it written by young women. Young women from the farms, called ‘factory girls’ who ran their own newspapers. There’s a lot of material on it, it’s pretty interesting: what they wanted was dignity. They hated the industrial system because it was destroying their rights as independent people, they attacked what sometimes they called the slogan – they denounced the slogan “gain wealth, forgetting all but self” – in other words the kind of person that you think we all are, that we’re taught we all are, that’s what they were condemning, we don’t want to just gain wealth forgetting all but self, we want dignified independent lives. They regarded wage labour as not very different from slavery. It was such a popular idea that it was the slogan of the Republican party, literally, Abraham Lincoln and so on. Because you’re selling yourself, if you’re a wage labourer. If you sell something you created, let’s say you’re an artisan and you make something and you sell it, you’re not selling yourself, if you sell your labour you’re selling yourself, you’re losing your dignity and independence, it’s an attack on your fundamental rights. “These are themes that run right through the spontaneous productions of mostly (what we call) uneducated working class people. It was the same in England before us and I think it’s the same elsewhere. You talk about human nature – I think we’re talking about something that’s constructed and contrived with enormous effort, conscious effort. In the television industry there’s what’s called content and fill. The content is the ads, the fill is the car chase that you pull off the shelf to keep people watching between the ads. And if you just watch television you can see that the creativity, the thought, the funding and so on is going into the ads, not into the fill. And in the newspaper industry there’s what they call the ‘news hole’. So you lay out the news paper: first you get all the ads, that’s what matters, then there’s this news hole where you can put in things to keep people watching. This is literally 100s of millions of dollars a year, a huge part of the economy goes into this. “An interesting aspect of this which is kind of interestingly not studied very much has to do with basic economics. So anyone who took an economics course or who reads about it knows that a market economy is supposed to be based on informed consumers making rational choices, that’s what we’re told our economy is. Turn on the television set and take a look at the content, the ads – are they trying to create informed consumers making rational choices? I mean if we had a market economy, if there was an ad it would be an announcement by say Ford motor company: ‘here are the characteristics of the cars we’re introducing next year and here’s what consumer review says about them.’ That would create informed consumers making rational choices. It’s not what you see. There’s huge efforts to try to create irrational consumers, uninformed consumers making irrational choices, to undermine market economies and to turn people into people who even believe that what they want is to sit on a couch and watch television, but it’s not what they want – as human beings.” >>
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Liam Byrne
4 days ago
Alfred fought for freedom and England used that freedom to take the freedom from Cornwall Wales Scotland Isle of man ireland Cyprus India Australia South Africa New Zealand North America Egypt have I left any out
metalguru triman
4 days ago
A great lecture rite on
6 days ago (edited)
10:45 gaslighting Orwell
11:11 action plan
Derek Bramell
10 days ago
It is only woke when you don’t agree with it. When it impacts your life or the people you care about then it matters.
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san potkins
san potkins
10 days ago (edited)
individuals matter…..but your whining is corrosive against the countries patriarchy….maybe the problem is you? England is not the USA.
Chris Owen
9 days ago
Alfred was a great man, with a Christian faith; the vision was of Cuthbert, a Christian saint; when Alfred proposed laws for England, he prefaced them with Christian Scripture. The improvements that followed in later centuries including Magna Carta, the Solemn League and Covenant, and the Bill of Rights all had Christian inspiration. Yes we must “say no lies” and rely on eternal truths that are greater than us as individual humans. If we all do this, this can change.
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4 days ago
Emma why use their gaslighting language like ‘transgender woman’? Surely you mean man, or trans identifying man?
And ‘transgender woman’s pronouns’, do you mean incorrect sex pronouns?
warren duffy
11 days ago
This fightback is beautiful.
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Nick Miller
8 days ago
A swansong I fear.
Lynx South
3 hours ago
@Nick Miller Not if we don’t give up.
19 hours ago
AT 23:33 the young lady is quite wrong:
“We’re social creatures we’re part of a herd”.
No. we are not.
We are tribal creatures; we’re part of any number of tribes.
Herd beasts fit fairly well into socialIST groups.
The difference is, in a tribe, every individual member matters.
The lion comes after one herd beast, the rest flee… as a herd.
The lion comes after one primate, the rest of the primates try to distract him, attack him, drive him away, rescue the one being attacked.
You can see it work out in the socialist regimes such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia/China/Cuba/etc. Their herd philosophy is, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one” (Mr Spock)
But, no, in free, human, tribal societies… “The rights of the one outweigh the needs of the many”.
At the end of WWII, my father was put to work for 3 days loading trucks with weapons and supplies, preparing to go to war with the Soviet Union.
The Soviets had THREE… count ’em, one two THREE American soldiers their were holding as prisoners and refusing to release.
We were going to commit 60 million+ Americans into yet another bloody world conflict… over three members of our tribe.
I find that far more noble than the “sacrifice” of individuals lauded by the left.
Some obscure, minor British poet put it best* (he was describing pack animals, but the analogy fits tribal animals even better):
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”
Or as the 3 Musketeers put it: “All for one, and one for all”. Most socialist slavers like to just forget the first half of that.
It may seem a nitpicky point, but it’s not; it’s vital to remember, to protect us from socialist slavery.
*I’m joking of course; Kipling is one of my favorite authors, and I think he should be mandatory reading in all American public schools.
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11 days ago
I like Solzhenitsyn’s other book the most.
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Nev Barnes
11 days ago
He wrote a lot of books.
11 days ago
@Nev Barnes the one released around 2002.
Fiction Is Vice
11 days ago
I have not heard of Solzhenitsyn. When I searched I did find he has written a lot of books. Would you please recommend a book to start with?
Granny Annie
11 days ago
Dive right in to Gulag Archipelago.
Fiction Is Vice
11 days ago
@Granny Annie Thank you for your recommendation
Granny Annie
11 days ago
@Fiction Is Vice no worries.
Nev Barnes
10 days ago
@Fiction Is Vice A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is a short, quick read, as are Solzhenitsyn’s short stories. The Gulag Archipelego is not fiction, but an historic account, and probably his most important book.
Fiction Is Vice
10 days ago
@Nev Barnes Thank you for your reply/recommendation
Vandal Savage
9 days ago (edited)
@Nev Barnes excellent recommendation (it’s one of my all-time favourite books). I would also recommend Matronyas’ House, it’s in a collection of short stories.
Judith Cressey
8 days ago (edited)
@Fiction Is Vice There is a film of ‘One day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch’ . It’s on YT. Made in 1969/70 with Tom Courtney. Made in the days when we were aware of and appalled by the effects of Marxist/Soviet oppression which is why I cannot understand why those who were young adults in the 60’s/70’s are not more alert to what is going on. Perhaps it’s because it was observed remotely but not lived in this country (though life was pretty tough in this country in the 70’s in a different way).
Recommend the book though.
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Fiction Is Vice
7 days ago
@Vandal Savage I think I’d love to start with short fictions. Thank you for your recommendation.
Fiction Is Vice
7 days ago
@Judith Cressey a reply on “… why I cannot understand why those who were young adults in the 60’s/70’s are not more alert to what is going on…” Personally, I think of it as the ‘boiled frog’ metaphor. What I mean is, if a frog is put into a pot of boiling water it immediately tries to get out. If a frog is put in a cold pot that’s then put on the stove to gradually heat up then that frog will stay where it is, because it’s adjusting itself to the heat, until it is too late and it’s boiled… Have no idea if that’s what would happen to an actual frog but I love the metaphor.
Thank you for your YT suggestion. Don’t you just love how these gems are at our fingertips! free! I love it!
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Israel Hands
11 days ago
I’m Welsh, but even I can see that the English are the most remarkable of people and it constantly surprises me that they are so unsure about their identity
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11 days ago
same here – I’m Scottish but I can happily admit that England are probably the most consequential people the world has ever known
Dave Fowden
11 days ago
Aw shucks. I’d like to think that the people of these islands have collectively made their mark – let”s hope it can stay that way.
7 days ago
That’s because these days it’s fine for the Welsh, Scottish and Irish to be patriotic and even nationalist. We English (being the the most historically dominant of the four nations) aren’t allowed to have any national pride. Or should I say, we’ve allowed ourselves to be disallowed by a small minority; albeit a minority with the backing of media, business and government.
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Dave Fowden
7 days ago
@blackmore4 And working class white English are bottom of the heap because we don’t make a song and dance like others do.
Teresa Hall
5 days ago
10 out of 10 to the Polish lady!
7 days ago
The part where she said don’t vote for people you don’t like or don’t agree with or something like that. I just want to say that doesn’t mean you should go and vote for a devil you don’t know vs a devil you know. I think that’s partly to blame for our current situation.
Lance Richardson
4 days ago
I hope Emma runs for Office
Jon Wolf
10 days ago
So her answer is to “tell the truth.” Wow. Earth shattering. This only works if your opponent accepts the truth (as well as logic and reason) as an axiom. What if they dont? What’s your solution beyond relying on those that hate us to be reasonable?
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S Hamster
10 days ago
Live not by lies … maybe you should read it to get the gist
Avenging Jester
10 days ago
Unfortunately as smart as these people are they are far too late to the party. There are too many foreign factions in this country who are unaffected by this but stand to gain immensely from its propagation. The solution now can only be found in violence. The question remains in how long will it take the well to do to realise it.
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S Hamster
10 days ago
@Avenging Jester most worrying is the universities, the graduates want to use what they’ve learnt, as they enter human resource departments , marketing departments, and almost everything else . Chartered accountants of England and Wales, even now says publicly that equity , inclusion and diversity should form part of every aspect of business , its a new religion or mind virus. I think you’re right , very serious actions are required, such as civil war , i.e. where we replace the management of ‘institutions’ if they are woke, purge universities of woke professors and woke adminstrators , strengthen laws that enable employees to bring claims against woke corporates, purge courts of woke judges , etc etc.
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Avenging Jester
10 days ago
@S Hamster yup – just an fyi – it’s diversity inclusion and equity aka DIE.
Rob Mahoney
17 hours ago (edited)
I recently read a book called “The Fall of the British Empire” it was very compact, thorough and quite revolting in it’s detailing of Albion’s crimes against humanity. I don’t consider myself to be “Woke,” a term that emerged in the USA during the sixties. It was used by Black Americans to describe their own selves when they become aware of their social and political disadvantages. I live in Australia, where we just kicked out a Government which was full of people who used words like “Woke” as a pejorative too. It’s easy to find such terms to belittle and diminish those who threaten ones way of life or sensibilities. I’m a colonial descendant of the landed Gentry of Northern Island and London merchants from the days your kind of person would like to return to. Let me tell you this: You are yearning for a lost nation steeped in the blood and misery of others. Your sophistry and reactionary cant belongs to a past which you will never be able to return to. Show some charity towards those people who are ponderously trying to find a better and more fair way to live than your archaic values allow. None of this would be happening if your leaders had ever been truly civilised people. Meanwhile, you have the Government you deserve and for the time being, so do we…
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10 days ago
Oh, Emma
10 days ago
I would put Emma in the same intellectual bracket as Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins. She needs her own show or podcast!
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10 days ago
Oh please…those two gentlemen are known for their staunch atheism. Emma is a devout Christian.I absolutely agree about giving her a show or podcast though!
Lee Winters
11 days ago
We’re there blame there’s a claim I blame the Romans for this can I have some compensation I’ll contact the Italian embassy about this matter as I’m a poor Anglo saxon. BB.
Colin Macdonald
5 days ago
If Athelstan had lost we would have had Dengland, likely with the capital still in London, certainly would have some kind of unitary state in these Islands. The English spoken would have slightly more Scandinavian in it. Not much difference from now. It’s illustrative for sure, how to stand up to a foreign invader or ideology but crikey, it’s a counterfactual of little consequence. We didn’t end up with a Wessex Empire.
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Pleb James
2 days ago
The best way to fight woke is to ignore it. Pretend it doesn’t exist and sooner or later it won’t. I had never heard of the examples quoted until I watched this video
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theo von
theo von
11 days ago
The Danes only brought a small number of settlers, they didn’t invite the whole world to come with them.
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Jason Allen
Jason Allen
11 days ago
Alfred was only in the south west of what is now England.
2 days ago
Australia really lacks women like this.
Victor Silvester
11 days ago
St Louis IX
7 days ago
‘Wokeism’ in England will only be defeated by a return of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity which the Anglo-Saxons were converted to 1400 years ago (though most of the remaining Britons in England were already Celtic Catholics for a long time prior to then)
7 days ago
Trust your senses, don’t trust the censors.
Dennis Thompson
10 days ago
Bravo !!
10 days ago
I certainly feel that people are starting to fight back and question the narrative. There is an interesting novel by Alex Duggan called Hatful of Hollow. Its set in 1956 and part of it deals with the possibility of building a hotel in the quintessential English village to take in refugees from the Suez Crisis. The locals all make points (certainly relevant in todays society) about why it should not happen. I found the book to be both funny and insightful. Hopefully there will be more like this to come.
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Siobhan McGregor
6 days ago
I like this lady
Intellectual Honesty
1 day ago
White Racial Preference – the scourge of trying to get a job or trying, naively, to meet people who are sincerely not treating you as beneath them if you’re not non-non-white and are British.
It looks like my efforts with markets have placed me beyond the problems I have faced much of my life due to Britain’s racism, but millions of others are still trapped inside that racist limited society, so it is vitally important in my position to more than ever draw YOUR attention, readers, to this material, no matter whether you’re non-white or not non-white. Have a read of this data and follow all of the urls below to make an honest, extensive study of this topic if your life hasn’t already given that to you, or if you have and you want some data with which to stop your racist white peers and ‘friends’ from behaving so reprehensibly when you want them to take a good look at their own racial preferences and those of the world around us.
So rather than wasting minutes of your precious time being hysterical about the Numberwang-antisemitism-claims, what REAL racism do we need to concern ourselves about?
Let us examine, since these people are crusading against ‘racism’ – let us see what real racism is under their noses and which is stuff none of them – Nick Cohen, Margaret Hodge, Jonathan Freedland, Jess Phillips, Theresa May and her posse of amazingly grotesque conservatives (the biggest contributor to Corbyn’s voters? Tories fleeing the shame? Perhaps not the biggest, but it must count for a lot) – to name but a handful of these insufferable arses – none of these pantomime politicians and ‘journalists’ are apparently even aware of, let alone concerned about the long list of genuine problems of a racism-related nature in Britain today which I shall now write down for you.
Let us start with jobs. With money. With the stuff you buy your food with. How does racism impact jobs in Britain? I suppose many of you don’t know. Well, if you’re white. Then you may not know. The rest tend to know in varying degrees. For example, Emily Dugan at the Independent writes:
<< Racial inequality in the workplace has worsened over the last decade, despite the fact that ethnic minorities now outperform white British students in education, research shows. The Runnymede Trust, the charity behind the study, believes the findings point to institutional racism in the workplace. Ethnic minorities are also more likely to live in poor housing conditions, a comparison of census data from 2001 and 2011 in England and Wales has found. Omar Khan, director of the trust, said: ‘It’s time we stopped telling ethnic minorities that all you need to do is get better qualifications and integrate more and it’ll be fine. The evidence shows British ethnic minorities don’t have a problem in terms of attitude, or education, or good grades, so what else explains their poor outcome in the labour market other than discrimination?’ In more than a third of districts in England and Wales there were increases in ethnic inequalities in employment over the 2000s. Newcastle, Leeds, Cardiff, Swansea and Bristol were amongst the cities which saw the gulf in employment outcomes for ethnic minorities when compared to white British citizens grow in the decade to 2011. In some cases progress reversed dramatically. Ethnic minorities in Durham, Dover, Fylde and the Ribble Valley had better employment outcomes than white British people in 2001 but by 2011 they were worse. Mr Khan said: ‘I think racism is more hidden now. It’s more insidious and hard to capture. It’s easier to spot racism when it’s Tommy Robinson and the EDL saying awful things. We absolutely need to rebut that, but it can distract attention from insidious racism happening across the country in public and private institutions that not only are preventing black and Asian people from being recruited and promoted but also are leading to higher rates of child poverty and lost opportunities for a third generation of British born ethnic minority young people.’ >>
And Jamie Doward of the Guardian writes:
<< Ethnic minority graduates in Britain are much less likely to be employed than their white peers six months after graduation – and many can expect to earn less for years afterwards. This dramatic divergence in life chances is revealed in a major study – the first comparison of how university choices, parental background and social class can affect students’ chances of finding jobs and fulfilling their earnings potential. The study, by the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex, finds that British ethnic minority graduates are between 5% and 15% less likely to be employed than their white British peers six months after graduation. There are also marked disparities in wages between many ethnic minority women and black Caribbean men who do manage to find jobs after graduation and their white counterparts. It is a gulf that persists long after graduation, according to the study. It found that, three-and-a-half years after they left university, the difference between earnings for ethnic minorities, especially women, and their white peers increases, suggesting they may be finding it harder to climb the career ladder. >>
And Rajeev Syal at The Observer writes about how in 2009 a sting operation revealed racism in UK employment.
In October 2009 a government sting operation targeting hundreds of employers across Britain has uncovered widespread racial discrimination against workers with African and Asian names.
Abigail Morris, employment policy adviser to the British Chambers of Commerce, said << The researchers only used nine occupations, and I am not sure that the number of replies they received is a representative sample. >>
The National Centre for Social Research, commissioned by the Department for Work and Pension (DWP), sent three different applications for 987 actual vacancies between November 2008 and May 2009. Nine occupations were chosen from across the pay spectrum.
This data on its own shows considerable racism in the way employment is awarded and Abigail Morris’ response indicates the reasons why Government has done nothing to start fixing the problem.
So consider, to begin with, how many lives are hugely impacted by this form of racism every day and throughout a person’s life – their opportunities, their health, everything is contingent on being able to earn enough – but for non white Britain there are few roads which lead to enough.
We hear so-called feminists talking about the very real ‘pay gap’ but there is a racial pay gap which they don’t appear to be that interested in talking about if they are ‘feminist’ and white.
Kiran Daurka at Leighday writes:
<< A comprehensive look at the true cost of entrenched race discrimination, the EHRC puts a clear spotlight on a divided nation. If this report does not ‘start a conversation’ about race, then the impact on Britain’s reputation within a global market will be hugely detrimental. >>
She points out:
<< The report also highlights that there is a race pay gap. Government should now introduce mandatory race pay gap reporting alongside the mandatory reporting to be completed in relation to the gender pay gap (which it is understood will come into force as of April 2017, with the first reporting to take place in April 2018). There is no good reason why pay gap reporting should not also cover BAME employees.>>
According to Kiran, << Alongside this, we remain in denial that we live in a society with racial preference. This is now less of a surprise following the surge in reported race hate crime post-Brexit. But the metropolitan cities must not be complacent, as race discrimination pervades all systems – education, health, justice and employment. >>
So to begin with, what do the numberwangers say about this systemic racial discrimination impacting millions of British people, impacting their employment opportunities and the basis of their material lives? NOTHING. For it is not numberwang. Somehow it is worthy of a great furore if a man claims that the so-called ‘anti-semitism’ related defamation of Corbyn and many of his allies is being conducted disingenuously, intellectually dishonestly – THAT is a reason to have a hissy fit. But the millions of non white youngsters whose intelligence is way in excess of the opportunities they are permitted due to the tone of their skin and the name on their birth certificate are nothing for Nick Cohen, Margaret Hodge, Jonathan Freedland, Dacre, Murdoch, Jess Phillips, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, or any of the other absolute cretins to concern themselves over. That’s not important. What’s important is if a Labour NEC member claims that allegations of anti- semitism are being made up by far right ultra nationalist racists.
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1 day ago
It seems to me that some of those figures on racial inequality in employment is a direct repudiation of New Labour policy in this area although other actions taken by that government also have an effect.
For a start the New Labour government presided over a dramatic increase of immigration over previous levels and this also comprised a higher proportion of lower skilled BAME immigrants than previously and simultaneously there was a large influx of often skilled Polish workers (doing unskilled work) at around the same time which made the market for low skilled labour even more of a buyer’s market than it already was.
Also on the statistics about ethnic minority pupils outperforming white pupils and ethnic minorities facing lower employment are we comparing like for like? So are we comparing the employment outcomes for the students particularly or BAME people in general as immigration of people who have finished education would skew those figures if their education wasn’t as good as that provided in British schools.
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Richard Dale
1 day ago
Very tidy, very tidy indeed.
david mildenhall
2 days ago
Very very good video
Open your Eyes
11 days ago (edited)
I’m mystified by this. These things discussed by Emma are obviously to be resisted or ignored. I don’t understand why they even need to be pointed out but then I’m strong-minded & working-class. Maybe it’s just posh people that are vulnerable to all this woke toss.
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Sir Henrybiglington Simmerson
Sir Henrybiglington Simmerson
11 days ago
Their only now looking at the situation as it begin to effect themselves. 7k views
Learn another language mate.
Open your Eyes
10 days ago
@Sir Henrybiglington Simmerson ah, I get it now, yeh I think you’re right.
C Conroy
8 days ago
Excellent speech
Chris Millar
5 days ago
People like her focus on ‘woke’ issues because they can’t bear to talk about issues that actually affect people on a daily basis, like wealth inequality and cost of living.
Basically she’s no different from the people she’s criticising
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Explore Planet
10 days ago
that one this one
10 days ago
Enjoyed this
7 days ago
Given that Alfred the Great had been dead for 979 years in 1878, he did really well to beat the Danes that year!
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5 days ago
Big of you to pounce on something that was obviously a slip of the tongue. You should join the inquisition.
5 days ago
The Inquistion sounds good, but where do I apply to join it?
Intellectual Honesty
1 day ago
i am training a financial army of 10,000+ socialists in the UK, in coming years, in brilliant methods for beating financial markets, stocks, currencies, etc – and building financial power houses
that is because YOU are the cretinous ones, not people like me
you’re a society collapsing
i am a man rising, and i intend to empower 10,000+ british corbyn voters.
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11 days ago
An informative presentation. Everyone must do what they can to resist this madness. That includes knowing the difference between climate and weather, which the Danish woman either did not know or just went for a cheap laugh.
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James Clark
11 days ago
Imagine taking issue with that comment…
10 days ago
@James Clark It wouldn’t have gone down well, to be sure. But the opposition would have pounced on her error just as surely.
Guy Willson
11 days ago
Emma, a challenge for you regarding truth. Darwin’s theory of Evolution has been bolted and screwed into British thinking and scientific truth, but is it true? Is it accurate and if you find it untrue, would you have the courage the question and challenge it? Or would you prefer to stay silent or simply accept it?
John Aquillo
11 days ago
Maybe my hearing is failing or I need a coffee or two to properly wake up but did she say that the Danes attacked Alfred the Great in – 1878???
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11 days ago
She did. She also at one point said “Saint Alfred”.
Who cares? Doesn’t detract from the value and importance of her message.
Simple mistakes and slips in speech, which are not uncommon when in front of a large group, presenting on an important issue.
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Granny Annie
11 days ago
She did.
Granny Annie
11 days ago
@JH B True, she did well to keep going.
10 days ago (edited)
Emma is an important thinker and commentator on this vital subject. She is also young and as such I hope young ideological people will listen to her and question their youthful emotion based anti west ideologies.
Derek Richardson
7 days ago
i think the discussion around he comics/film and ‘woke’ culture industry is interesting at the moment,
Eduardo Rodriguez
9 days ago
She seems like a normal person. But I can’t tell if her myopia is voluntary or not. Still, An Assortment of Fallacies sounds like a good argument to her.
2 days ago
a breathe fresh to compared to the cancel culture fascists in parliament
Deborah Short
6 days ago
Well done
andrew harrison
1 day ago
Tony Kehoe
8 days ago
The child inside its mothers arms
Sluggish thuggish Bobby
upon his sword had fell
whilst failing to arrest the rogue
that cursed him rot in hell
And why not for his children
so unwillingly protect
then damn him to his enemy
and from his seat eject
For principled more men than he
then they should wear the crown
that live and breathe the common good
and cast the serpent down
But sport had stole his passion
and from there women fled
not knowing that their hateful scorn
was poured upon his head
Yet slow to act not quite asleep
upon the fearful shadows creep
the towers tall as so to mask
the nature of their solemn task
That towns should fall and walls do breach
had long arrived and far the reach
the haven of the nit wit few
that welcomed them with how do you do
Yet they were first to suffer so
their fate assured with heads laid low
and so condemned in foreign court
on lands for which their fathers fought
But not by them for they so weak
and ancestors they dare not speak
should resurrect such mighty breed
arrive with haste and so retrieve
what those here present had long forgot
allegiance to the patriot
And from every corner drag the beast
upon its form devour and feast
to find what hides beneath the veil
of such a hideous betrayal
And so restore and to renounce
with every breath and every ounce
protected by the fathers palms
the child inside its mothers arms
Copyright reserved ©
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8 days ago
Bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Emma Webb for PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jam Tree
9 days ago
Never Support a Lie.
Pathe! Gainsborough & Ealing
3 days ago
Great. Erudite delivery.
Roger Alsop
11 days ago
Alfred the Great hombre.
11 days ago
John Briggs
11 days ago
Support Tommy and join ForBritain
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Ned Donkin
Ned Donkin
11 days ago
Not in 1878! A slip of the tongue?
jaye see
8 days ago
A- Level posh girl delivers a stream of clichés.
joe blogs
5 days ago
I can and do resist wokery but what man could resist Emma
John Aquillo
11 days ago
Sir Laughs a Lot
7 days ago
Amongst perpetrators who are often seen posing as intellectuals, but are in fact, actually thugs. Practiced in the art of intimidation. How does woke work? By threatening the livelihoods of people. Much the same as common thieves, muggers, burglars, bandits and banditos, scammers and con artists.
We live in a time of high octane consumption. Tens of millions of people paying premium prices for their homes, their automobiles, their educations, their health care, their vacations and their general lifestyles. In short, they have much to lose that cannot in any way be afforded by trading in one very well-paying job (on principle) for something that pays working class wages. These jobs are the ripe, low-hanging fruit most prized by the thug-muggers.
We notice that cancellation occasionally calls out for the removal of a working class job. Such as the case at Smith College, where a Black female student was deeply offended when questioned by a security guard when found lounging in an area of a building where nobody was allowed. It was reserved for a children’s day camp, and therefor off limits due to security mandates.
This also affected the jobs of a couple of kitchen staff people who had originally called it in.
The thing reeked of “The rules are there for a reason, for others – but not for me.” Privilege? She was shelling out 80 grand a year for tuition. The people whose jobs she stomped weren’t earning half that. They were absolute working class. And they happened to be white. Wow. One wonders how this would have played had those workers happened to be people of color (as is often the case).
To end all these hit jobs and protection racket fantasies, we need to change the rules. In a climate and a culture where a mere eyebrow twitch can raise suspicions of deep bias, the static irony howls like a gang of hyenas.
The first clue is always the easiest, and the same. Some variation of “You should lose your job.” Just as simple as that. If social, civil and human rights are so abundantly dispensed as to be pickled in national identity, then it follows, threatening a person’s source of income, the thing that pays for their life, that supports their family, that without which they are liable to become destitute or at least suffer grave impacts ongoing for years or even decades – to have absolutely no foundational protections on the books in an otherwise civilized nation is a complete travesty.
Of course it is social media that is used for this mischief. Like children playing with slingshots and dynamite sticks. But responsibility lies with all the people who actually do the firing, and who do not say no to the mob. The mob will always be there. They aren’t ever going away. The thing is to pull their teeth. Right now, the most terrible weapon they have is just that – to threaten a person’s job.
At times it amazes me that lawyers and company haven’t figured out a way to work around this. You cannot sue a mob. They are practically invisible, a phantom presence. But you can sue an employer for wrongful dismissal. I’m talking about legit cases where the outcry is an obvious hit job.
This serves two functions. Firstly, it allows people to speak what they believe to be true, and keep their jobs. What woke person ever spoke bullshit and lost their job? We never see it.
The second thing is that it gives society back a sense of established fact, and known truths commonly agreed upon by majorities.
This is no small detail. It is a thing that children require in order to complete all levels of education, and without which, many of them will not withstand the resulting chaos.
None of this matters whatsoever to people whose prime course of action is to disrupt society at large, for revolutionary purposes. Dismantling the public peace. A very large majority bullied around by a small minority – until the inevitable happens. After which accountability goes out the window, endlessly fought over while dodging accusations.
I could go on, but I’ll stop. I don’t know that we can white-feather “shame” ourselves into some semblance of Resistance. I’m more inclined to think that legislation and litigation will be far more effective.
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Declan Carroll
7 days ago
Geoffrey Reeks
7 days ago
Thank you.
Geoff. Reeks
Paul Wood
3 days ago
Nice one Emma…and you look gorgeous . It’s a pity that I am too old for you.
The Pitchfork Pipe And Drum
7 days ago (edited)
Excellent see Jonathan Bowden The English Oracle!
Dawn Emile
11 days ago
Can’t the gaslighters be sued?
Philip Smeeton
10 days ago
If it looks like a lie it is a lie.
merry ol’ soul ° Gigglesmith
11 days ago
the far left have been very well organized
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Kevin Etheridge
11 days ago
Yes really well organised that well organised they don’t form a government anywhere.
Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
But the problem is the centre Right is inside the Liberal paradigm and keeps losing.
Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
@Kevin Etheridge you don’t need to form a government to change culture.
Kevin Etheridge
10 days ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses no one will change my culture it’s who I am, it’s what I love, I’m a nice person so I can say what I want without fear. Mind you YouTube is the only social media I participate in.
10 days ago
Is Emma Webb Simon Webb’s , of History Debunked, Daughter? He says his daughter went to Cambridge. Thinking on it she is how one would image Simon Webb’s daughter to be.
christopher reid
8 days ago
John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Read more
8 days ago
Two words; Common Purpose.
Robert Allen
9 days ago
before you accept trutyh claims try checking the vidance its what grown ups do
Sandy Bottom
7 days ago
Humour – Yes!!! – Titania McGrath.
David Bettney
10 days ago
Emma for PM
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David Bettney
10 days ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses We’ll get it back…One vote at a time (like the SDP wining its first seat in 30 years in Leeds two weeks ago) People are sick of woke shite
Andy Stubbins
8 days ago
Bullies just like to bully., PC gives them plenty of amunition to indulge in their pleasure
Glen Armstrong
10 days ago
Emma is #1
Aurelie XVCO
3 days ago
Villiam O
4 days ago
5 days ago
If I Identify as a ‘police officer’ and ware the uniform does this give me the ‘rights’ of a PO under the law and can I demand others see me as such? then why is this OK for trans people
Peter Mogensen
9 days ago
Damn… don’t tell me this is our fault.
Andrew Cole
2 days ago
indeed but it is a hard road.
Gerard Ferguson
4 days ago
Rod Stoneman
15 hours ago
Sad to see one so young with so many incoherent, mistaken and inverted ideas. The present must be smashed in order to make an imaginary past the future!
Terry Pilkington
10 days ago
Class Emma Webb
antony hay
12 hours ago
Let’s Get Healthy: Ryan Weinberger
11 days ago
God keep this world together; lol God help us
Vijay Krishna
11 days ago
“Never willingly support the lies” applies for every British. Didi your ancestors write about the crimes the British empire committed in colonized countries?? or did they chose to work around those facts?? or did they chose to immerse you in the glory of your so called “we went there for trade”?
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Martin Hogg
7 days ago
Vijay Krishna
7 days ago
@Martin Hogg yeah, we shall see who becomes what in the near future…..
Dj Doolittle
6 days ago
Visions of Empire, delusions of spender
Vivian Charles Gregson
7 days ago
FFS how many photographs does he need of one person?
George Brown
11 days ago
11 days ago
John Chrysostomon
10 days ago
She said 1878
She means 878
andrew llewellyn
3 days ago
Get rid of political correctness
Intellectual Honesty
1 day ago
i AM the best banker in britain, skillwise.
if you want me on your side, you have a HUGE amount of change to make
i spurn you and your jackboots
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Frank Mclean
5 days ago
What is the agenda of gaslighting . Why do they want to use this tactic.
Joe Rohmer
6 days ago
Stewart t
10 days ago
Tell the truth, and build.
John Gregson
9 days ago
Trying to follow the link to join but it’s says web site not available. Can anyone send me information to join please
Bob Hope
6 days ago
I will not comply
Well said
Giorgio Armati
9 days ago
Ahahahah. Metoo decline.
juan castillo
23 hours ago
england is very old culture,, is just like a old software ,it needs update!
Christopher Gould
4 days ago
Are these people against WOKE or do they want to be WOKE?
John Amos
6 days ago
I get round the pronoun problem by using their name.
Pip Lee
6 days ago
Bronstein and Gramski and Alinsky wriggle in glee
Dolman Eff
4 days ago
The Building site is our last sanctuary.
11 days ago
This woman…..I think I need to offer my services as a husband!
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11 days ago
Quite understandable :chuckles:
11 days ago (edited)
@Sukerkin That’s what I was thinking Self sacrifice for the the greater good
jumble stiltskin
11 days ago
No need to be creepy chaps
Daniel Lo Presti [music.art]
11 days ago
I think you’ll have to be prepared to stand in a queue that reaches the moon!
11 days ago
@Daniel Lo Presti [music.art] Hang on! I don’t believe in equality of out come I believe in first come first served!!
11 days ago (edited)
@jumble stiltskin It’s not creepy unless it is crude or disrespectful.I find her attractive and I think it reasonable,as a straight male,to say so.
The Hound
11 days ago
Hey! I saw her first! Back off!
11 days ago
Un-Complete Gaming
4 days ago
The English are the most opressed if you think about it.
Paul King
10 days ago
So you are doing a tour with that gatekeeper Kisin. The fact that you are entwined with kisin is deeply disappointing. I guess it exposes what NCF is actually about.
10 days ago
0:41 1878 ? Sure ??
1 day ago
Who is that lovely lady speaker?
Philip Croft
10 days ago
Arrr ! Good ol’e ALF, a Roight ZUMMERZET LAD
Lin Mal
7 days ago
The answer is to LEAVE Canada
4 days ago (edited)
Attacked in 1878 ? 0:42
Mark Palmar
8 days ago
…Future PM?
Ondo Lite
6 days ago
Please do not tell me that this silly bollix is related to Simon Webb!
Tim Pullen
6 days ago
Why was the treble on the mixer turned up so high? Does this ridiculous level of sibilance sound ok to your organisation?
Jimjiminy Jaroo
10 days ago
Resist! Stop progress! Dwell in the darkness of sleep!
2 days ago
How about Billy Connolly
Peter Corbett
10 days ago
Just ignore all that sex shit girl! We do.
Ray Duchesne
2 days ago
Leigh Owen
10 days ago
What a woman.
7 days ago (edited)
silly 1878 or 878. someone should have said something beforehand
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5 days ago
Slip of the tongue. Obviously.
Darryl Ingram
11 days ago
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Frank Mclean
5 days ago
Emma is the best
Bullseye Cooper #1
11 days ago
Where is England’s flag??? Why is the Union Jack here and not the cross of St George???
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The New Culture Forum
11 days ago (edited)
As can see from the wide shots, England’s flag is on the other end of the stage. This respects official flag protocol. In addition, every member of the audience received a cross of St George badge, and most people wore them throughout the conference. We also had St George’s cross table coverings as well as England table flags at the registration desk. Lastly we had St George’s Cross bunting at our post conference reception. Hope that’s sufficient for you!
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Bullseye Cooper #1
6 days ago
@The New Culture Forum surely if that was all for St George’s day the best thing would have been to have the cross of St George next to the speakers??? That fact that you’re telling me to look at long shots says it all!!! So all the time the camera is on the speaker there’s a big Union Jack! That’s a typical move to keep pushing Britain, anybody says anything about it and your reply is it’s there in the long shot!!! Unbelievable!!! May I suggest that the next time you have a doo for St George’s day, you give priority to England’s flag “NOT” the Union Jack!
“I speak English not British”!
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The New Culture Forum
6 days ago (edited)
@Bullseye Cooper #1 No. That violates flag protocol. Flag protocol dictates that the Union Flag take precedence and that other flags be positioned to the right. And you seem to take no notice of the fact we had literally hundreds of St. George’s flags elsewhere, from 200 badges worn by attendees, to flags, table flags, bunting, banners etc.
For the past couple of years we’ve also had special St. George’s Day discussion shows about the importance of England and Englishness. No one can accuse us of not understanding and celebrating St. George’s day correctly! lol
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Bullseye Cooper #1
6 days ago (edited)
@The New Culture Forum none of your English flags came across on any of the videos, not one, if the British flag has to be on the left why didn’t you stand the English flag next to it??? Official protocol? That is a cop out! The people north of the English border don’t give a monkey’s for British protocol concerning their flag, so why should the English??? England is the last significant colony of the British Empire, so all the flag is to the English is a sign of repression against the English by the British government!
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Mark Matthews
7 days ago
Why is this so complicated? Just tell them to piss off! Christ, get over it.
flobeeone kinobee
9 days ago
nah it wasn’t Alfred it was his black wife that did it all
Rob Mahoney
17 hours ago
Sad old Tories being told what they want to hear by one of their champion young Fogies.
Meester meester Hastings.
9 days ago
Emma My Mrs you is well fit
Hannay Hannay
11 days ago
1878 ?
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10 days ago
Should have said 878.
Gib Son
11 days ago
Your waaaay too late. You should of cared before it started affecting you all
5 days ago
Stop fecking talking about them
mario hommersom
8 days ago
Try buying something not advertised as Woke …
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Nick Miller
8 days ago
I’m in the process of buying a small milling machine, and the company I’m getting it from isn’t remotely ‘woke’, as far as I can tell. Mind you, it’s a rather niche commodity I’d have to admit!
Adam Noble
10 days ago
Happy St. George’s Day!
11 hours ago
Our history? If you mean identifying with Western Civilization, then I am proud to be whatever your mediocrity and jealousy needs to call me, but understand if you do so I pity you.
kantraxo ikol
2 days ago
no one said anything about woke at all. thanks for the misleading title DISLIKED
My god people believe him
11 days ago
I think the gaslighting is being done by these people
Emma Louie
11 days ago
Collectivist hysteria.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
10 days ago
Individualism is why we keep losing.
11 days ago
Nice granny frock. You only wear them to tone down your looks.
It’s not your fault you were born (fairly|) good-looking. We will still take you seriously regardless.
Plus_ça _Change
4 days ago
Woke means Being Aware. Especially aware of your past privilege. Be ashamed that you have co-opted the word to mean something shabby and ‘lefty’.
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Mark Sandsmith
Mark Sandsmith
4 days ago
Still waiting for a black PM.
Ask Meghan Markle about royal racism
View 2 replies
Susan Pettitt
Susan Pettitt
11 days ago
3 quid …lol…sorry most of us dont give a s… fuel bills to pay Murdoch and mates.
5 days ago
Moronic on so many levels, I don’t know where to begin, so I shall not.
Pale Rider
11 days ago
You used the term “cis” as if it was genuine, that’s made you irrelevant immediately.
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11 days ago
She was using the term as a quote.
James Clark
10 days ago
Comprehension is not your strong suit Pale Rider.
See Also
White Lives Matter” Banner Day — Sun, Aug 9, 2020
Laura Towler – We Were Never Asked – Oct 24, 2019 — Transcript
Simon Harris – My Speech to the Patriotic Alternative Conference – Mar 16, 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – My Patriotic Alternative Spring 2020 Conference Speech – Mar 22, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – My Speech at the Patriotic Alternative Conference – Mar 18, 2020 — Transcript
Dionne Moller – My Patriotic Alternative Conference Speech — Spring 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – We Were Never Asked – Oct 24, 2019 — Transcript
Laura Towler – The Fate of English Schools – Jul 26, 2020 — Transcript
Rikki Doolan vs Laura Towler – British Lives Matter Live Debate – Aug 6, 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – Pathological Altruism and the Invasion of Britain – Aug 16, 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – Khan’s Plans to Diversify London – Sep 20, 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – A Personal Update – Sep 27, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Alternative Autumn Update with Laura – Oct 2, 2020 — Transcript
Laura Towler – When the Mask Slips – Feb 17, 2021 — Transcript
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Emma Webb – Resisting Woke – How to Fight Back – May 14, 2022 – Transcript – Ver 1 katana17
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Version 2: May 25, 2022 – Added more images and YouTube comments (639). Added PDF (Ver 1).
Version 1: May 25, 2022 — Published post.