[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, gives his thoughts on the upcoming Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, and both the sweet and bitter aspects of the Monarchy.
Mark Collett
The Queen’s Jubilee
A Bitter Sweet Celebration
Jun 3, 2022
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Published on Jun 3, 2022
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The Queen’s Jubilee – A Bitter Sweet Celebration
June 3rd, 2022
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Mark Collett
This weekend marks the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – but should this event be something nationalists support and does the Queen really represent the indigenous people of these islands?
The Queen Doesn’t Give a Sh*t About You
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(20:58 mins)
Hello everybody. And welcome to today’s video. Now today I want to talk about something a little bit different. This isn’t a response to anyone, this isn’t advice for anyone. This is a video on a very specific topic. It’s a video about the Queen’s Jubilee.
Now the Jubilee celebrations are taking place this weekend, and there’s evidence of that everywhere. And quite a few people have asked me what my take is on the Queen’s Jubilee. What I’ll be doing for the Jubilee weekend. And really what are my thoughts on the Monarchy?
Now I did a video on the Queen not too long ago, that’ll be linked in the description below. So you can watch that. That’s one of my scripted style videos. It’s full of information. And there’s a real definitive take there on my thoughts on some of the Queen’s latest decisions, and political positions.
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript
Now talking of the Queen’s Jubilee you already have seen the title of this video. And I’m going to describe the Jubilee weekend as a “bittersweet occasion”. It is bittersweet. And we’re gonna talk about this, or both. We’re gonna talk about both the bitter and the sweet. But we’re gonna talk about it the wrong way round. We’re gonna start with the sweet, then we’re gonna move on to the bitter.
Now obviously the sweet is quite obvious. What is sweet about this weekend is the patriotism! And we are seeing a massive resurgence of patriotism in this country, that is built around this event! Everywhere you go there are flags, there’s bunting, there’s Union Jacks, there’s pictures of the Queen. There is a celebration not just of the Jubilee, not just of this event for the Queen. But there is very much a celebration of being British! And this celebration it transcends generations. It’s not something that is limited to just older people. This isn’t just people who are over the age of 60, or 70 reminiscing about a time gone by. This involves everyone. And I’ll give you an example of that.
The other day I was coming out of the gym, it was a lovely day. And walking down the street was three people. There was a woman who was obviously the grandma, another woman who was obviously the mum. And then there was the grandson. The son of the mother. And they were walking down the street together and both the grandma and the mother had Union Jack bags and bags that were branded up with Union Jacks. And one of them had a bag that had a picture of the Queen on it. It was a Queen’s Jubilee souvenir special, if you like!
This stuff is absolutely everywhere! But they were proudly displaying items which had the flag on them. And that’s not something you see all the time. And the little boy he was running around in circles. He was very sort of hyper active. And he was waving a little plastic Union Jack flag vigorously! It was everywhere, he was flapping it about in the wind. And he was having a great time.
And this was something that was absolutely lovely to see. Three generations of one family united in their patriotism. All proudly displaying our flag. And that’s not something you see very often. Because our flag has been dragged through the mud. It has been attacked it has been torn down. And in many places it’s been replaced. And you go past these town halls, these city halls, these government buildings, where the Union Jack is often replaced by a transgender flag, a pride flag. In some cases you go to town, or city halls in Britain where the union flag has actually been replaced by flags of other nations. You see Pakistani flags, you see flags of African Republics. We used to see the European Union flag. Now at all these places the Union Jack is front and centre. It is everywhere! And that’s something that is really good to see.
And I do quite a bit of driving, I travel around. And this patriotism really does transcend any notion of class. You drive through little well-to-do villages, and people have put flags up in their gardens. They’ve got flags on the roofs of their houses. They put bunting on their hedges, on their gate posts. It’s everywhere! Union Jack bunting is everywhere!
And you go to other areas which were traditionally sort of working class areas. And you see flags hung out of windows, you see the same bunting you see on these lovely privet hedges in these little villages. And it’s all over people’s Gates. It’s all over people’s fences. It’s everywhere! Wherever you go you are seeing our flag. And that is something absolutely wonderful!
And you’ve got to remember this is not just a show of national pride. But this is something, which is part of our culture. It’s part of our tradition. This stretches back decades! It stretches back centuries! And when my grandparents sadly passed away, when my grandad passed away, I remember clearing out his house, had my parents clean out his house. And there were some things that obviously you don’t save. There are some things that go to the charity shop. There’s some things that go to a recycling plant. But there’s some things you do save.
And I remember finding a couple of books. And I decided to save these. I kept them. And I’ve always had them ever since then. And I’m going to show these books, because they’re at the side of me here.
We’ve got some books that my grandparents kept. The Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
And also, there’s another one here. Our King and Queen and the Royal Princesses. Now these are lovely, lovely old books. And you flick through them. And you see these absolutely wonderful pictures of our history.
Now King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, their Coronation was in 1937. And when you look at through these books – I can’t really get a good show this – you see these lovely, lovely old black and White images of what Britain used to be.
Now I know that we have advanced in terms of technological development. But we’ve also gone backwards in many ways. And something else has changed. The demographics of Britain have changed. They’ve changed for the worse! When you look at these lovely old books, when you flick through them. When you look at all the pictures, you will no doubt – if you are a nationalist – you will well up with a sense of pride, but also a sense of sorrow, for what we have lost. You look back on these times. And despite, as I said the fact that we have moved forward technologically, along the way we’ve lost something! And you look at these pictures and you find yourself yearning for a better time! You find yourself yearning for a period of our history when Britain was something else. When it was smart, it was clean, it was proud! When people actually displayed their pride in their country, in their flag, front and centre! This was a much better time for Britain.
You look back at those pictures, and I tell you what, there isn’t much diversity to be seen at all! There isn’t much diversity in the images, in those two books. And now you go to many towns and cities in the UK and you actually find that White Britons are now an ethnic minority, or an ethnic minority in our capital! The celebrations this weekend in London, will be in a London that has been completely transformed! And I’m talking about that for a reason – we’ll get on to that in a second.
But make no mistake, the Queen’s Jubilee and these celebrations, they are part of our culture, they are tied to our people. They’re something that is very traditional. And it’s something that our grandparents our forefathers would have celebrated. They would have got behind. They would have put up the bunting. They would have put up the flags. They would have bought the souvenir books like my grandparents did. And they would have taken great pride in events like this.
And I think it brought together communities. These events they brought together communities. And they still do. As I said earlier, these events they transcend notions of class, they transcend generational divides. But they bring people together! They bring people together for street parties. They bring people together at these big focal gatherings. And I think it’s fair to say that the majority of people involved in these gatherings are indigenous Brits. They are people who feel tied to a sense of national pride, loyalty to their flag, they are with a small “n”, nationalists. And they are largely, socially, conservative. They are people who if you sat down in their living room and they knew they weren’t being recorded. And it was the privacy of their own home, they would probably agree with us on the vast majority of the issues we discuss.
So seeing those people come together for this celebration it does make me happy. It does make me happy to see people rallying around our flag, showing a sense of national pride! And all of these things they do play on your emotions! It is an emotional thing to look through these old books and see what we once had. And it will be an emotional thing for many this weekend to see such an outpouring of national pride.
So for all of those things I’m actually really happy about the Jubilee. For all of those things I’m pleased this is going ahead. And I understand why people are celebrating it. And when I drive around, when I walk around, and see these shows of national pride, I do feel an attachment to that!
So that’s the good! I said we’re going to do the sweet first.
And now. There is also the bitter. There is also the other side to this coin. And that all of this outpouring of national pride, all of this togetherness, people coming together, for these big Jubilee celebrations, are for a monarch, and a monarchy, that is fundamentally anti-British! And when I say anti-British they may like waving the flag. They may like seeing the bunting going up. They may like seeing the children running about with their little union flags.
But unfortunately our Monarch and the Monarchy as a whole, don’t really care who are waving those flags. They aren’t tied to the notion that the indigenous people of these islands, the White British, the indigenous Britons, have any ancestral claim to these islands. These are Monarchs of a Commonwealth. And all of their subjects regardless of their ethnicity, regardless of their race, as far as the Monarch is concerned they’re welcome to come to Britain. As long as they wave the little flag, as long as they put the bunting up, as long as they eat the fairy cakes with the Union Jack icing on it, you know, they’re as British as they need to be.
And this is a huge problem. Because, as I said, you look back at these old books, you look back at the pictures of the Coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth the First, and you will notice something. Britain was a lot Whiter! And now Britain is a lot more multiculturalist, a lot more multi-racial. Whites are quickly becoming a racial minority across Britain as a whole.
And this is something that’s actually being cheered on by our Monarchy. This is something that is supported by the Queen. She’s a big fan of multiculturalism. She’s a big fan of multi-racial Britain. It’s also something that is wholeheartedly endorsed by her son, the next king. He’s Prince Charles, but he will no doubt be King Charles at some point. And he is another massive fan of mass immigration and multiculturalism!
And obviously, his son Prince Harry, is now in a marriage to Meghan Markle, somebody who is of mixed race origin. Someone who pushes all the poisonous, liberal agenda! And the Royal Family welcomed this! They welcomed this.
And when people say there’s a “modernization” going on, what they mean is that tradition, culture, goes out of the window, and the White people have less, and less, representation. Because to make something more “modern”, is to throw out the old, to dispose of the old, to dispose of the culture and the tradition. And it’s also to dispose of the people who built this nation! The people who carried on those traditions, the people who gave birth to that culture. They are also disposed of along the way. And that’s something I absolutely abhor! That’s something that makes me not want to celebrate this weekend. That’s something that turns me off from these celebrations.
And, as I said, I made a video on this recently, said that at the beginning. The link is in the description. And I went into a bit more detail about all this. So if you want to know more about this you can. And obviously recently, and the main subject of that video – which we can’t leave out here – is the Queen recently opted to knight the war criminal and globalist Tony Blair. She didn’t just knight him, she gave him the highest honour possible! She appointed him to the Order of the Garter, which is the world’s oldest knighthood. Not just the oldest knighthood in Britain, but the world’s oldest knighthood. And the very pinnacle of the honours system.
So not only is the Queen and the Monarchy multiculturalists, they’re also supporters of the people we despise. Their supporters of globalism. Just look at their friends. I mean, Prince Andrew. Very close friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Look at the Royal Family’s association with men like Jimmy Savile! Look at their close ties with people who have done nothing but harm to the British people!
And all of these things turn me away from the Monarchy. They make me feel sad that our biggest outpouring of national pride that I can really remember, is for people who really don’t support indigenous Brits! And don’t really have any sense of nationalism. And don’t really support this country in a meaningful way. I mean, she’s a Head of State on paper, and she attracts a lot of tourists to come here. But when it comes to doing something for the British people, or acting in the interests of the indigenous British people, she would probably be the last in line to actually do that. And her sons and grandchildren would probably be worse than her, in fact.
So one of my conclusions here? Because I’ve been talking for about 15 minutes. What are my conclusions? Usually I try to draw a solid conclusion when I make these videos. I like to give people something to take away, sort of an action point! Something that they can support, something that they shouldn’t support. But I don’t really have a solid conclusion here. I don’t really have some fiery words to wrap up with, because there’s no real big takeaway from this event.
I’m not going to sit here and say you shouldn’t go and support the Jubilee celebrations. I’m also not going to sit here and tell you to go and support them. I think that very much comes down to personal choice. And whichever choice you make I would actually respect that choice. If you’re out there supporting this, because it is a show of national pride, because you love the public display and the public outpouring of national pride, you love seeing the flags everywhere, you like the fact this is bringing communities together, you like the fact that it is mainly indigenous Brits who are supporting this. And this is a throwback to a better bygone era when we knew who we were. And our nation was demographically very different to what it is today. I can totally understand why you’re out there supporting this.
But if you choose to stay at home, if you choose to stay at home and turn your back on this, because ultimately you can’t bring yourself to support those who wish to speed the ethnic decline of our people, you can’t support people who support the Jimmy Saviles, and the Epsteins, you can’t support people who want to offer the highest honour to men like Tony Blair, you can’t support people who support multiculturalism and think that people from any corner of the world can come here and replace indigenous Brits – and that’s a good thing – if you can’t support that, and you can’t support the people who do support that, I understand. If you’re making a principle stand against this, I understand.
Now what will I be doing? Well personally I’ll be enjoying the shows of patriotism, I’ll be enjoying seeing the flags. But deep down I do see this as hollow patriotism! Deep down despite the fact I’ll be enjoying this veneer of nationalism, I’ll know that at its core, because of what we’re celebrating, this isn’t real nationalism. This is something that’s quite rotten! Where fundamentally White Britons are coming out in force to fundamentally support and celebrate somebody who doesn’t really care about White Britons! Who doesn’t have the interests of White Britons at heart. And that actually makes me feel sad.
That actually makes me look at these old books not just with a sense of nostalgia, but with a sense of real sorrow! Because over the centuries, over the generations, brave men, brave, strong, upstanding men, who love that flag, went and died in foreign fields for Queen and Country! They went and died, because they believed that fighting for Queen and Country was the right thing!
And now, that Monarch, now our Queen, has in a very real way betrayed those people who died for the Monarchy, who died for Britain. Because she’s handing away Britain to people who have no ancestral claim to it.
And that leads me I suppose to one solid conclusion. When people ask me what do I stand for, when people say:
“Mark, do you stand for Queen and Country?”
The answer, fundamentally, is no! I stand for something else. Something, which is more important. Something that goes much deeper. I stand for race and nation! I stand for my people! I stand for White Britons! I stand for their rights in their ancestral homeland! And most importantly I stand to ensure they do not become an ethnic minority in the lands that their forefathers built, the lands their forefathers fought and died for, and the lands that their forefathers would have done anything for!
I hope you enjoyed this video. And whatever you do this weekend I hope you have a good time. I hope you enjoy it. And I hope even those who aren’t out there celebrating the Jubilee, do enjoy seeing all of those flags, and do enjoy seeing many people showing just a little bit of national pride.
Until next time. Thank you and good bye.
[As of Jun 3, 2022]
10 hours ago
Mosely was Right.
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10 hours ago
…and Powell.
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4 hours ago
Enoch Powell was Welsh. Sorry, but we English folk don’t need foreigners to tell what’s right in our land.
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3 hours ago
Potential badjacketter spotted.
4 hours ago
What was the mongrel Mosely right about?
11 hours ago
The monarchy, like any elite, can be beneficial for a people. Can, but currently is not.
11 hours ago
The anti British royal family what a f…ing joke!
9 hours ago
State endorsed patriotism for a globalist Monarch turns my stomach. I feel patriotic towards the nation and the achievements of its indigenous people. That sort of patriotism is not allowed.
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8 hours ago
All patriotism is watered down nationalism. It’s celebrating symbols and ‘values’ that represent a nation. Seeing as ‘anyone can be British’ then how can a true racial nationalist be patriotic?
Show reply
4 hours ago
Exactly. Any other time the flag, and especially Engish flag, is seen as wacist. And being patrotic is sneered at as being ‘Little Englanders’
10 hours ago
The Queen says any former colonial regardless of color can be English. Her birth means everything. A White Englishman’s birth means nothing.
Just like our traitorous elites and politicians, the “Royal” family in Britain, the family occupying Windsor Castle, does not care what nationality or race their subjects are
So long as they have SUBJECTS.
For them, nations are merely things to trade among themselves.
And be destroyed at will.
10 hours ago
God Damn the Queen!
8 hours ago
Queen lizardbreath has overseen the relinquishment of empire, several illegal wars, membership-by-deception of the European Union, decades of unrepresentative government, the wholesale importation of the third-world and, more recently, has stood idly by as billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money was handed to the Ukrainian money laundering operation, while we’re in the depths of a manufactured cost of living crisis. All signed off by royal ascent. Oh, and let’s not forget that she raised a couple of shiftless nonces.
Maybe I’m just a bit miffed after working all night, then being kept awake by big band music, as my sycophantic neighbours celebrate our foreign monarch’s reign of terror. I need some sleep.
10 hours ago
The Royal Family are supporting the importation of their own executioner. African and Asian people have no links to Britain, of the present or the past. The reality is, they have nothing to loose from the destruction of the British nation.
10 hours ago
Over the years I’ve become disillusioned with the Royal family. Breaks me heart, but here we are.
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8 hours ago
I’ve never liked them as I’ve always been a republican. Even as a young teenager I never accepted a head of state could gain the position due to the right order of birth.
6 hours ago
7 hours ago
Monarchy is only positive if the aristocratic elite have a high amount of social responsibility and respect of the nations heritage… Our current European monarchies have none of that. They are just as bad as our corrupt and degenerate politicians unfortunately.
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6 hours ago
Are “European” royals/aristo class actually European? And if not, for how long has this been the case? An international cosmopolitan ‘elite’ who held contempt for their ‘own’ people? Sounds suspiciously familiar.
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2 hours ago
Well it depends how you look at it, they certainly used to be European but nowadays they are very mixed. They do not care about honor, traditions or preserving their lineage anymore. The only thing they care about is amassing excessive amounts of wealth and living luxuriously in places like Monaco. Our elites do not stand for anything.
9 hours ago
There is a fantastic stream about this on shittube called Queen of the Ashes: Elizabeth II and the Modern ‘Monarchy’
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8 hours ago
Thanks. Will go and find it later.
9 hours ago
Here in west Scotland I’m seeing some very aggressive Union flag displays in this strongly SNP area.
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8 hours ago
No suprising, considering that the “SNP” is an MI5/MI6 front.
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1 hour ago
Nah. I’d say there are still too many basically sane people in the intelligence agencies for them to have conceived the modern SNP.
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7 minutes ago
Probably because you’re a member of an intelligence agency yourself. The political dialectic is full of them, and they’re definitely not sane individuals to betray their nations.
4 hours ago
The Jubilee celebrations are nothing more than shallow baseless celebrity worship. In a months time the Union jack flag will once again be seen as offensive to non-UK residents and national pride will be frowned upon once again. Its all a huge joke
8 hours ago
Queen Elizabeth is the most useless and traitorous monarch in British history. She led the UK worse than Gorbachev led the Soviet union. No monarch before her lost so much territory during their reign. People might say “she has no political power”, OK fine, she serves no purpose then and should not be living in luxury at the taxpayer’s expense. The least she could do is speak up for the indigenous British people, but she wont even do that. The former King of Thailand, who reigned for a similar period of time, didn’t stand by and watch his own people get replaced by Muslims and Africans. If she’s fine with replacing the British people, then we should be fine with choosing a new royal family, or none at all.
9 hours ago
She and her ilk have the same diseases as the “elites” over here across the pond. Cowardice, greed, woke-ism (i.e. antiwhiteism) and open hostility towards dissenting voices.
4 hours ago
literally the worst monarch we’ve ever had. at least Henry III was a boy when Louis the lion invaded, and the first baronial war was raging on as well. this worthless bitch has sat back and done nothing to stop our colonisation, even going so far as to support it once the scum media made it costly not to. she even presided over the change from defender of the faith to defender of the faiths, well excuse me for being pedantic but if you change it from defender of the faith to defender of the faiths then surely you failed miserably to defend the faith?
8 hours ago
That pic of Meghan shushing the blonde girls pretty much sums up where the country is at
9 hours ago
If the queen wasn’t a globalist, that has raised even more globalists, I’d figure “hey, not my country-do what you like” however, globalists do effect my part of the world in a very bad way. Sooooo sorry, my British friends, I cannot get excited about this jubilee.
1 hour ago
The British monarchy ended when Edward VIII was forced to abdicate due to parliamentary pressure by the scum Churchill. He was the last British monarch who was not a shameless warmonger, did not mislead the British public and cared about stability in Europe.
2 hours ago
The only reason (((they))) have allowed our monarchy to continue is because our monarchy does nothing to protect us from genocide or destruction of our borders and nation. Our Royal Family is German, ruling over a multicultural Commonwealth. They do not care one bit about the British people. If they did, they would have been disposed of as many other royal families were, such as the Russian Tsars. I do not doubt (((their))) ability to get rid of any royal family or any institution that is inconvenient for them.
3 hours ago
The 1 million figure has furious pilled me. How can Joe Normie not see that something dark is going on behind the scenes?
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2 hours ago
It’s in full view, and has been for many years. They will not or can not see, even unto their end.
4 hours ago
I’m not British.
That being said, I see no benefit in any of this.
All those flags represent treachery to me.
Nostaglia isn’t even a valid excuse for it to me.
Their support for the queen makes me feel disturbed.
What are the public celebrating? The queen of White Genocide? The queen of mass invasion and mass invader rape gangs?
I see nothing but a problem of this.
Pseudo ‘nationalism’ for all the wrong reasons is evil.
is perverted and twisted.
And I can’t get it the same way a Brit would.
But it’s the way it seems from here to me.
6 hours ago
beautifully put, Mark
7 hours ago
To become a Monarchist, all that is required to look at the presidential system of the USA or France. The thought of a politician, like any of the Bushes, Clintons or Obamas, or Macron, becoming the figure-head of the nation, is repulsive. The King or Queen is a permanent reflection of the nation and a link to all of the heritage, the good and bad history it contains. Edmund Burke argued society as “a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born”; better put by Richard Harris as the “majesty of royalty”.
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7 hours ago
Very good point. The political system is really not as important as the character and quality of the individuals in charge of the government. Personally I am more against democracy than monarchy because I do not believe the masses are qualified to recognize the good qualities of character or leadership ability. Of course these qualities are not always inherited from monarch to monarch, but it is more likely than through elections. A fascist aristocracy is my personal ideal.
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6 hours ago
History is littered by evil tyrants, who once they gained power, murdered anybody who opposed them and were almost impossible to overthrow. The result is at best a stagnant, fearful society, where nobody knows if they are OK, or next on the list for the Gulag. There have been very few strong men, who were not corrupted by unlimited power.
I quite like Franco, who smashed communism in Spain and restored the Catholic church as the fulcrum of Spanish society. He sent a volunteer army to fight the Bolsheviks but was wise enough to stay out of the wider European conflict. Towards the end of his life, he did allow Spanish fishing villages so beautifully described by Laurie Lee, to be desecrated by tourism and later, Spain ended up in the clutches of the EU. I’m sure a lot of elderly Spanish people prefer the old days, than the horror of multiculturalism.
As a rule, based dictators like Franco, appear very rarely in history and total heroes, like Cincinnatus, only once!
7 hours ago
A good take Mark
8 hours ago
Just like the last three popes she is also ” Satanic ” Last Christian Pope , John Paul the first a Holy Man , who said when elected ” I wont be with you long ” he was wise aswell as Good , the only one to vote for a Black Pope , 33 days later the polish anti-pope was in , 33 is not a coincidence , his first visit outside Italy was to the grave of the founder of opus dei ,no coincidene , he then made cardinal marcinkus his body guard so he couldnt be arrested ,no coincidence , As for the last Christian English monarch , well it certainly wouldnt be the present ones namesake ..
10 hours ago
It speaks volumes that this just isn’t being celebrated, or even really acknowledged in the other Commonwealth nations. Here, our Elite are trying to Nudge us into becoming a Republic.
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8 hours ago
The Norman usurper is not celebrated by English folk either. Don’t listen to this Mark Collet imposter–his family name indicates that he too is a Norman invader.
8 hours ago
I’ve always been a White nationalist and always been a republican. The two aren’t incompatible and go perfectly hand in hand.
4 hours ago
To the traitors who “slimed to death” my comment, just wait till the military solution comes come the collapse of the corporation–you will all be put against a wall, along with your endeared French leader Mark Collett.
England will rise again!
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4 hours ago
Collett is an old Anglo-Saxon name.
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2 hours ago
I would rather fight alongside Mark than you. Mark Collett loves England and the English people and has done more than anyone in the last three decades to fight for us.
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59 minutes ago
Stop whining, you little troll. Slimes actually make the comment more noticeable, in fact. So, yes, you got what you wanted. More attention. Congratulations!
4 hours ago
This is NOT “patriotism”…it’s misplaced affection for a French usurper(Elizabeth II), the household of whom has been usurping the nations of Britain since 1066. Mark Collett, you are not an Englishman–you descend from French invaders, as your family name indicates, so your opinion on national matters in this country should not be taken seriously. All that you’re are doing is promoting the foreign usurper from France, but that’s not surprising coming from someone that’s descended from the very French invaders himself.
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4 hours ago
Collett is an Anglo-Saxon name, recorded in England before 1066.
I thought the English royal family were German? You’re saying they’re French? These are old fashioned anti English memes that started in Scotland and were popular in the 1970s.
Diana and Kate were and are English, and besides, many European monarchies have always interbred, not just the English, it’s what they do.
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2 hours ago
False. The name Collett is an alternate form of the French name Collette. The name Collett has no Anglo-Saxon etymology.
Kate Middleton is a Jew–not English.
The “House of Windsor” are Vikings intermixed with French–not English.
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2 hours ago
You’re anti English and therefore anti white.
And arrogant.
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2 hours ago
There is no ‘white’ nation, you rootless fool. “Anti-English”, so says the one defending a French invader–ironic.
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2 hours ago
Time for the block button with you.
2 hours ago
That’s right–do one, weakling troll.
2 hours ago
This is some pointless spergery about different White/European ethnic groups. Britain has always had an influx of different European ethnic groups throughout its history. For example the Romans/Mediterraneans in Roman times and Scandinavians during the Viking Age.
The British are mainly a mix of Anglo-Saxons (Germanics from northern Germany & Jutland in Denmark) and Celtic Britons.
Mark Collett looks far more Celtic or Mediterranean than Germanic but I don’t see how that means he is “not British”.
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2 hours ago
This is false. Britain is a landmass–not a nation. England is a purely Anglo-Saxon nation; the Anglo-Saxons installed a caste system which removed the Celtic genes.
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1 hour ago
Not sure what the point of obsessing over Anglo-Saxon identity would be. Is it better to be Germanic than Celtic? As long as a person is European/White they are alright by me. Also you do not “remove genes” if you interbreed with them, simply look at genetic tests, the Celtic genes are still with modern Brits.
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53 minutes ago
Uh because Britain comprises of Celtic nations. The Anglo-Saxon caste system weeded out Celtic genes England, though.
1 hour ago
To be honest if a truly nationalist government took over Britain the Royal Family would be some of the first to people to emigrate.
1 hour ago
I support King Edward VIII and his German friend.
2 hours ago
That german family can do one tbh
2 hours ago
A sickening display of soulless drones celebrating the abject failure of a Monarchy that wants them all dead. They are all being burlesqued in preparation for the next phase of abuse and torment. The Kakistocracy love their rituals.
See Also
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript