Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, successfully debates:

“Greg Johnson of Counter Currents on what perspective Nationalists in the Anglosphere should take towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”




Joel Davis


Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson


The Ukraine Debate


Oct 17, 2022



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Mark Collett vs. Greg Johnson – the Ukraine debate
October 17th, 2022


Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative debates Greg Johnson of Counter Currents on what perspective Nationalists in the Anglosphere should take towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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(128:34 mins)


Map showing Russian strikes in Ukraine on October 25 at 0800 GMT – AFP / AFP


Joel Davis: Okay. We are live. Welcome to the debate. Greg Johnson vs. Mark Collett. Today we will be debating, well, Mark and Greg will be debating the issue of Ukraine and Russia, what perspective nationalists should take in the Anglo-sphere. Anyway, …


Mark Collett: I’ve just achieved victory! That’s it.


Joel Davis: Oh, he just disappeared. Anyway, I guess he’ll be back soon. Anyway, while we’re waiting for Greg to return, I’m just going to just lay out the rules. I already told you guys in private, but I’m just letting everyone know. We’re going to go ten minutes each way, opening statements, and then we’re going to go through, I have, like, six questions. You’ll get five minutes each. I’m going to have strict time limits. I will cut you off if, ….


Okay, Greg is back.


Yeah, I’m going to have strict time limits. I will cut you off if you can’t go over the time limit. So that will be enforced. And as well as Superchats, if people want to ask questions at the end. I don’t know if Greg and Mark will hang around, but some other friends might come on afterwards if they don’t. Anyway, and we’ll kind of break down the debates. So open invitation to the both of you to hang around afterwards. But no, it’s fine if you guys need to go.


Now I believe the link to the Superchat is in the description, Entropy Stream. There’s a link in the description if you want to send one in. So anyway, so let’s get into it. So, Greg, you wanted to go first, so I’ll start your timer now.


Greg Johnson: Okay. I want to thank you, Joel, for hosting and moderating, and also, Mark, for joining me in what I want to build as a civil airing of differences on the Ukraine war.


The first question we need to ask is, why are White nationalists commenting on this war in the first place? I am under no illusions that my opinions on this war, one way or another, will have any effect whatsoever on the outcomes.


So why talk about it at all? Because even if my commentary will have no short term effect on the war, I’m playing a much longer game. I’m an advocate for White nationalism. As I define it, white nationalism is a species of ethno-nationalism, the view that the best world order consists of sovereign states for all peoples who aspire to them. Ethno-nationalism is the best global order for two principal reasons. First, it respects the differences between peoples and races and secures their own spaces in which they can live according to their own identities and develop as they will.


Second, multiracial, multicultural, empires are cauldrons of ethnic strife and hatred and the erasure of identity. By separating warring tribes into their own homelands, ethno-nationalism promotes peace.


Now, ethno-nationalism is opposed to imperialism in all it’s forms. Imperialism is a form of multiculturalism in which different peoples are subject to a single political order which again encourages hatred, conflicts, and cultural destruction. So ethno-nationalists, however, do not oppose trade and co-operation and amity between sovereign states, including the creation of things like Customs Unions to facilitate commerce, or defensive pacts against aggression.


Now, the main reason I comment on the Ukraine war is to show the relevance of White ethnonationalist ideas. Russia is the world’s largest land empire, and it used to be much larger, embracing Finland, the Baltic states, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, the Central Asian Stans. And after the Second World War, it ruled the Warsaw Pact nations as well. Now, after the collapse of Communism, these nations gained their independence.


Now, post communist Russia is an obscenely rapacious oligarchy, ruled largely by former Communists, including state security spooks like Vladimir Putin. They tyrannize over a profoundly degraded populace with astonishingly high rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, divorce, abortion, HIV infection, and domestic violence. Imagine an America where, outside of New York and Los Angeles, everything else consists of West Virginia, and Indian reservations, and you get a sense of what the Russian Federation today is like.


Now, Russia’s ruling elite openly mourns the collapse of the Soviet empire and dreams of putting it back together. Russia fought two bloody wars against the Chechens to prevent them from gaining their independence. Russia uses ethnic Russian minorities in neighboring states as fifth columnists and pretexts for interventions. They have fomented riots in the Baltic states. They have fomented secessionist and irritantist wars in the Caucasus, Moldova, and Ukraine. About the only former imperial possession Russia has not meddled in is Belarus, which is a wholly subservient satellite state.


Now, after the collapse of Communism, Ukraine had a referendum on independence. Every single region voted for independence from Moscow. In 1994, Russia and the United States were parties to the Budapest Accord, which recognized Ukraine’s 1991 borders in exchange for nuclear disarmament. Despite this, Russia has worked for decades to turn Ukraine into a Belarus-style satellite.


Ukraine overwhelmingly favored pursuing EU membership. In 2013, Russia tried to prevent this with economic sanctions. Then Putin basically just bought Ukraine’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, who abruptly reversed course on EU membership, which sparked the Maidan Revolution, which I call a glorious outburst of Ukrainian nationalism and Russian slander as an American intelligence operation.


Meanwhile, Russia launched it’s own military and intelligence ops in Ukraine, seizing control of Crimea and fomenting separatist movements in the Donbass. Now, eight years later, Russia has invaded Ukraine with the express aim of regime change and de-Nazification. Ukraine, Russians claim, is a:


“Fake country. Ukrainians think they are different people, but this is false consciousness, and they have to be educated out of this by destroying their language and their national identity.”


This is a war of imperial conquest, pure and simple! And it’s Frank aim can be defined as cultural genocide. The pretexts about the Donbass and NATO encroachment are transparently cynical, and they’re not to be taken seriously. If you believe that distinct peoples deserve their own homelands. If you believe that wars of conquest and cultural genocide are evil things, then of course you should sympathize with Ukraine over Russia.


But again, our sympathies are not going to change this war one way or the other. The only reason I comment on this war is to uphold the correct ethno-nationalist principles and show their relevance. Because I hope that in the very long run, if we can get enough people of vision and goodwill on our side, ethno-nationalism might create a better world, free from the horrors of things like the Ukraine war.


But I do, however, want to end this opening statement by making one brief nod to real politique, but specifically only with regard to the White nationalist movement itself. Because within the movement, I think that my commentary does have the ability to change things. In my view, Vladimir Putin is very, very bad for White nationalism in Russia, in Ukraine, and in the West.


After taking power, Putin closed the Soviet archives to revisionist researchers. He criminalized historical revisionism. He passed sweeping anti-hate legislation, which was used to target not just outright National Socialists, but milk toast immigration reformers. Putin also set up a fake nationalist movement, which combines the usual raft of conservative cultural values with Russian imperialism, which is a multicultural ideology opposed in principle to all forms of ethnic nationalism.


Putin’s fake Russian nationalist movement has aggressively courted nationalists in the West. I remember in 2014, when Lanard Saban, one of Dugin’s followers, submitted an article on, quote unquote, “Donbas ethnonationalism” to Counter Currents. I was offended. Did he really think I was that stupid?


I also remember a conversation with a Eurasianist who said that suitcases full of Russian and Iranian cash could be conjured up if one gave platforms for their propaganda. I was pretty sure he was delusional. And beyond that, you can’t get to an ethno-nationalist world if you’re suddenly willing to shill for Russian imperialism and anti-nationalism. Today, our movement’s only advantages are the truth and the credibility one wins by speaking it. And compromising one’s principles and credibility for what exactly, is simply self defeating.


But given the behavior of some nationalists in the US and Europe, I suspect they were taken in. Now that’s a battle that I can fight and win. Which is why Counter-Currents have taken a leading role in combating, frankly, the Russian subversion of the White nationalist movement since 2014. We published a number of articles on White nationalist delusions about Russia, for instance, which have been quite popular.


So I just want to end by saying this as a White nationalist, my worst nightmare would be a Donald Trump dictatorship. Why? Because Trump is committed to a multicultural, multi racial, civic nationalist, vision of America. Given that even if he built a wall, the White race in America would be relentlessly eroded by differential fertility, miscegenation, and legal immigration.


And under a Trump dictatorship, there would be no way to change it. Trump would turn countless potential Right-wing dissidents into plan trusters. Who would embrace and make excuses for White genocide as long as Trump appealed to their conservative values and authoritarian personalities.


Imagine the fate of Kevin McDonald under the dictatorship of the man who pardoned Jonathan Pollard?


Joel Davis: Time.


Greg Johnson: Okay. Imagine the fate of Jared Taylor under the dictatorship of the man who gave us a platinum plan. That nightmare is reality under Putin’s dictatorship today, and that is the nightmare he’s going to bring to Ukraine. And I say “hell no!” to that.




Joel Davis: Okay. So Mark, your opening statement.


Mark Collett: The greatest threat to the existence of people of European descent is judeo-American, Western, liberal, democracy! Every White nation that falls under the influence of the American State is subject to three attacks. The first of these attacks targets the ethnic integrity of the people of that nation, and is carried out by means of unchecked mass immigration and state enforced multiculturalism.


The second of these attacks is aimed at destroying the moral fabric of the people of that nation and comes in the form of the aggressive promotion of the LGBT agenda, an attack on traditionalism, the undermining of family values, and the mocking and tearing down of Christianity.


The third of these attacks is to limit the rights of the people of the nation that is under attack. This is done to limit the ability of those people to resist and organize against attack number one and attack number two. These attacks on Western nations have been going on since the end of the Second World War and have only intensified since the fall of the Berlin War. However, when the Berlin War stood, the general consensus was that Russia and the Soviet Union were the bad guys and America and NATO were the good guys.


However, those that believed this very simple and highly propagandized assessment of that geopolitical divide could not have been more wrong. Communism was, of course, a brutal and destructive force for people of European descent, and Communism subjugated the people under it’s influence, bringing immense suffering and death to European nations. But it did so visibly and openly.


Once the Iron Curtain fell, those nations that had survived for decades under communist tyranny emerged ethnically and morally intact and ready to embrace something better, nationalism. During the Cold War those European nations that lay on the Western side of the Iron Curtain willingly embrace the American State as a friend, and happily took on the judeo-American Western liberal values that the American State offered; the gifts of sexual liberation. Free love. Pornography. Mass immigration. Diversity. Tolerance. And of course the mantra of “do what makes you feel good”, were nothing more than a series of poisoned chalices that slowly destroyed the people of each nation that drank from them.


Whilst communism collapsed, and those in the East were happy to throw off the shackles of their communist oppressors and turn to something better; family, folk and faith. Those in the West simply begged for more of the poison that the American State fed to them, dancing and carvorting with insane grins on their faces, as their nations crumbled around them, and their folk were bred out of existence, thanks to the values instilled in them by their greatest ally!


And since the collapse of communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the flow of the poison that has been corrupting and destroying Western nations has only increased. In fact, since the 1990s, the madness that has been afflicting White people has increased exponentially, both in terms of its volume, and the level of its toxicity.


This is in large part because the judeo-American state and NATO have not had a serious global counterbalance for over three decades. However, this is changing.


On the 30th of September, Vladimir Putin made the most important speech that any world leader has made since the end of the Second World War. In this speech, he attacked replacement migration, he defended the traditional family, he pushed back against the LGBT agenda. He stood up for Christianity. He rebuked Western nations for their anti-free speech laws. He spoke out against the unjustified wars in the Middle East that Western nations have fought on behalf of Israel.


He talked of American war crimes in Japan and Germany at the end of the Second World War. And most importantly, he labeled Western elites as a “satanic cabal”! And proclaimed that they openly oppress not only people of other nations, but also their own people. The speech is as strong, as well delivered, and as poignant as any speech I have heard from any nationalist leader, elected, or otherwise.


But this speech was not made by some rabble rouser in the back room of a pub. It was not made by a pseudo intellectual on YouTube. It was not made by an MEP, or an MP, of a civic nationalist party in Europe. It was made by the leader of a world superpower and a man who leads a country that is an integral part of a bloc of nations that represents the largest counterbalance to judeo-American, Western, liberal, democracy that we have seen since the fall of the Berlin Wall.


But unlike the Soviet Union, this new counterbalance to judeo-American, Western, liberal, democracy, is using terminology that would be more in line with that used by nationalist powers pre-World War II. This is why the American State Department and America’s vassal states in Europe are so desperate to see regime change in Russia.


And make no mistake, the conflict in the Ukraine is all about regime change. Whether that regime change comes from ludicrous sanctions, which are likely to kill more Europeans this winter than Russians, or whether that regime change comes from an ever bloodier conflict in eastern Ukraine, the American State does not care! And the European lives that will be lost are merely collateral damage to those who control America.


America has used NATO to repeatedly poke the bear. NATO has aggressively expanded into Eastern Europe, despite repeated reassurances to Russia that it would not do. So now NATO and America seek to place weapons on Russia’s borders, almost mirroring the Cuban Missile Crisis that took place in 1962.


This provocation alone would be enough to anger Russia, but it is not the only provocation that the American State has engaged in. From the CIA backed colour revolution in 2014, to the wholesale slaughter of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. America has put in place a new Ukrainian establishment, and has encouraged and allowed that establishment to stoke the fires of war giving Russia very little choice but to draw a line in the sand, and then defend that line. And that is a crucial point.


The Special Operation in eastern Ukraine is not an imperial war waged by a resurgent USSR, as NATO and the Western media would like to claim. And any nationalist claiming such things should be ashamed of themselves! It is in fact America and Britain’s imperialistic foreign wars and interventions that have left millions of people dead in Europe, and the Middle East, over the last 30 years. It is not Russian foreign policy to invade, bomb, and destabilize nations have on behalf of Israel, or to launch military operations to bring about social change and usher in “progressive” politics.


In fact, in recent memory, it was Russia that saved Serbia from NATO’s bombs. It was Russia that destroyed the American backed ISIS militants in Syria, and saved the Christian minority that was protected under that secular Syrian government. It is the American State that has terrorized the world since the fall of the Berlin Wall! Not Russia! And make no mistake this war too was started by America and it’s puppet government, the Ukrainian establishment.


But that Ukrainian establishment the one that I just mentioned well it’s not actually Ukrainian! It is the most Jewish government in Europe. The four men in charge of the Ukraine are Zelenskyy the President, Shmyhal the Prime Minister, Reznikov the Defense Minister and Yermak the Chief of Staff. All of them are Jewish! Which is something mirrored within the American State Department, where the three people in charge of America’s vehemently anti-Russian agenda are, you guessed, it all jewish! Anthony Blinken, Wendy Shermanc and Victoria Nuland. And sadly they’re are nationalists supporting these people and their war! A war that is killing tens of thousands of White men!


And if America and it’s Jewish puppet government in the Ukraine succeed, if the Ukrainian forces emerge victorious, what brave new world would they usher in for the Ukrainian people? Pride parades in the streets? Transgender lessons in school? Drag Queen Story Hour in local libraries? Gay adoption? Hundreds of thousands of African migrants per year flooding into the Ukraine, to let judeo-American, western, liberal, Democratic, values win in the Ukraine is to destroy the Ukrainian people! Not by conventional means of warfare, but by a slow mental and moral poisoning! The same poisoning that has destroyed Britain, America, and other western nations.


Vladimir Putin may not be perfect, and indeed he is not an ethno-nationalist. However, he did not start this war, nor is he the one pumping LGBT propaganda into our schools, or endorsing swamping levels of mass immigration into the West. In fact, he presents a powerful counterbalance against those who do such things in Western nations.


And if Russia was to fall, that would place all the power in the hands of the American State. And we know what that would lead to. I do not want to see any more bloodshed in the Ukraine. But I am not going to stand behind the judeo-American State! Nor am I going to stand behind the most Jewish regime in Europe.


I believe in self-determination for all European people, including those in the Ukraine. But that self-determination does not come from allying with America. And if history has taught us anything, it is that falling under American influence is the most dangerous thing a European nation can do.


But I’ll leave you with a quote. As Henry Kissinger summed it up best:


“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal!”


Joel Davis: Okay, so I’m going to go start with the questions, so that we can kind of move this along. So, first question is, to both of you, and obviously, Greg, you can go first. Was Russia justified in invading Ukraine, yes or no? And why? And secondarily, what responsibility does NATO have in creating the Ukraine crisis?


Greg Johnson: No. Russia’s invasion is not justified. It’s pure imperialism. I would say naked imperialism were it not for the tiny fig leaf of the “genocide”, as they call it, in Donbass, and NATO encroachment. I do think the US was stringing along Zelenskyy with the possibility of NATO membership to bait Putin into this war. I think the US had a very clear idea of how corrupt and weak the Putin regime and the Russian military proved to be. I think they believe that a defeat for Putin could bring about regime change. I think Putin was a fool to start this war, but baited or not, he was the one who started it.


And although NATO has on a deeper level, though, I don’t think NATO has any real responsibility for this war for this simple reason. The Ukraine joining NATO was a disposable pretext. If NATO had given Zelenskyy a hard no, Putin would have invented another pretext because I think he was hellbent on seizing Ukraine, and thought it would be easy. There’s a lot of disinformation about NATO out there. NATO made no promises to Gorbachev, not to expand East.


They did promise not to put nukes in East Germany, a promise they kept. NATO expanded to the east because the countries there had legitimate security concerns, visa vis, Russia. Unlike the Russian Empire or the Soviet bloc, NATO did not expand by conquest. NATO was a defensive alliance that countries asked to join. Nor did NATO rebuff Russia. Putin asked why Russia was not invited into NATO. Then he was told that countries apply to join, and the members vote on it. Putin said that Russia would not wait in line behind insignificant countries, and that was the end of it.


Putin’s attitude, of course, is pure Russian Chauvinism. Under international law, all sovereign states are equal, hence equal treatment by NATO. Putin, however, thinks that you’re only a sovereign as you are powerful. He doesn’t fundamentally respect the sovereignty of smaller, weaker nations, which is why Russia’s former satellites wanted into NATO in the first place.


Nor does NATO threaten Russia. NATO is a defensive alliance. It would not go to war with Russia unless Russia attacked one of its members.


Beyond that, Russia has an enormous nuclear deterrent. Nobody is going to start a war with Russia because of that. The idea that Russia cannot live behind it’s 2013 borders is nutty! Yet we’re told that this is an existential conflict. But the only thing existentially threatened by staying within it’s borders is Russia’s imperialist mentality.


NATO was built to contain Soviet imperialism. When the USSR was dissolved, it looked like NATO was obsolete. But that impression turns out to have been wrong. Russia’s post-communist regime mourned the loss of their empire, and immediately set to work subverting the newly independent nations. Which is why 15 of them applied to join NATO..


The only reason Ukraine was invaded is because it was not in NATO and did not enjoy it’s protection. This is why Sweden and Finland have now joined NATO. And Armenia and Georgia should probably join as well. Putin’s war has strengthened NATO enormously, which was a totally predictable consequence that he apparently didn’t take into account.


So I think that, no, this is not justified! And NATO is not responsible for this. It’s all on Putin!


Joel Davis: Okay, so, Mark, just to reset the question, or do you remember?


Mark Collett: No, can you restate it?


Joel Davis: I’ll restate it. So, first of all, was Russia justified in invading? And second of all, what responsibility does NATO have, in your estimation, for the crisis?


Mark Collett: How long do I have?


Joel Davis: Five minutes.


Mark Collett: Russia was absolutely justified. You see, Greg keeps talking about the idea of ethno-states, but he’s being very disingenuous here. And I want to say something else. I feel it’s rather disingenuous of Greg to imply that certain people on the Right are paid by the Kremlin, which certainly Counter-Current writers have done. I think that’s very unfair, and I think that’s unjust to start saying things like that.


The fact is, the Ukraine as a nation didn’t exist till 1918. And since it’s existence, or since it came into existence, it’s borders have been redrawn numerous times, and numerous different ethnic groups live there. There are ethnic Russians. Part of Poland was absorbed into the Ukraine. It’s very much a nation that would be analogous with somewhere like the former Yugoslavia.


As such, the different people who live in the Ukraine, and the numerous redrawing of its borders, means that those people also have their ethnic determination. And there are many ethnic Russians, many Russian speakers, and many people within the Ukrainian sphere, such as in the Crimea, which is now part of Russia, but were always Russia. That have been Russian for centuries!


Now, in 2019, when Zelensky was elected, he was actually elected on a platform of peace with Moscow, closer ties with Russia. And he was elected on a platform that looked as if peace was going to be the route that he would take. He did not then pursue peace. He did the absolute opposite of that. He dismantled parts of the media that were pro-Russian. He banned different political movements that were pro-Russia, and he ran in the very opposite direction, to the direction voters voted for him to go in this was a Fed op! This was an American State op! Just like the 2014 revolution, the Maidan revolution. People say:


“Well, that was an expression of the Ukrainian people.”


If that was an expression of the Ukrainian people, it is very interesting how Jewish the Ukrainian establishment has turned out to be, because that is not representative of either the Ukrainians in the Ukraine or the ethnic Cossacks, the Tartars, or the ethnic Russians who live on the Eastern border.


Now, the fact is, what we are seeing here in terms of NATO trying to move into the Ukraine, weapons being placed in the Ukraine, is analogous to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Greg said, :


“Well, no one would ever start a hot war with Russia because Russia has nuclear missiles.”


How did America react when nuclear missiles, or Russian weapons were placed on America’s borders? They issued an ultimatum. But the USSR were good enough to back down and remove their weapons. America has not done the same because the Jewish American State Department wanted to provoke this conflict!


That’s why Minsk, and Minsk II were both violated, with thousands of ethnic Russians being slaughtered by people larping as National Socialists, under the Azov banner. And again, this shows just how strange the American State Department is. It will use people larping as National Socialists, if they get the job done! Which is provoking Putin.


But even when Putin did mount this Special Operation, when he moved into eastern Ukraine, he only moved in with 190,000 troops. It was not a war of an extermination. It was nothing like the American war in Iraq, or Afghanistan. In fact, very little damage has been done outside of the Eastern parts of the Ukraine.


Putin has made it clear he is actually giving self-determination and protection to ethnic Russians. And he has been goaded time and time again by the American State Department, the CIA, and groups that want to bring about regime change in Russia. And the reason they want to bring about regime change in Russia, is because they do not want any strong counterbalance to judeo-American, Western, liberal, democracy. But without that counterbalance, everybody in the West is more at risk from an America that has no rivals.




Joel Davis: OK. Thanks, Mark. So I wanted to stay with NATO for the second question, but this question, let’s move away from Ukraine and discuss NATO in general.


What attitudes should nationalists in the Anglo-sphere have towards NATO? And is NATO an anti-White political force? Again, Greg, jump in here. You got five minutes.


Greg Johnson: Well, let’s not limit this to the Anglo-sphere. I’m a White nationalist. I believe in White solidarity. When a White nation is attacked by a multiracial empire, I believe in coming to its defense. I think it’s immoral to argue that we should be indifferent to the fate of other White nations because somehow we believe the destruction of Ukraine would make it easier for us to fix our own governments at home. Even if that were true, it’s at best, petty nationalism. It’s not White nationalism. It’s not what I stand for.


Now, if you believe in White solidarity, then you should also want organizations in place to defend White nations from aggressors. And NATO happens to be performing that role right now, so I’m happy with that.


Is NATO an anti-White geopolitical force as such? Well, when NATO was founded, most of its signatories were deeply racist nations. It was founded in 1949. The United States had an immigration policy committed to maintaining a White supermajority. It had segregation in the South. It was a white supremacist society.


Germany based it’s citizenship on German blood. NATO wasn’t the thing that changed all of these things. Those changes moved through different channels, entirely.


My friend James A argued recently in a piece, that I reprinted at Counter-Currents, that NATO hasn’t wrecked Poland. And not being in NATO has not saved Ireland.


So to say that NATO is anti-White as such, I think, is simply false. It was a defensive alliance to contain Soviet imperialism. And it admirably performed that role. And it is now relevant again because Russia is an aggressive imperialist power. And so I think it’s doing good work.


And since every nation within NATO is primarily White, there are majority White nations. They’re all White homelands. I think NATO is an objectively pro-White institution right now, and I support it just to that extent. I do think, however, that it can be improved upon, and we’ll deal with that in future questions. But that’s a short answer.


Joel Davis: Okay, Mark.


Mark Collett: Greg keeps using the term “imperialist power”. There is no greater imperialist power in the world than the judeo-American State! Which operates on the basis of absolute blitzkrieg and total destruction when it attacks any nation. So I’m not sure why Greg is shilling so much for the American State and NATO, but then saying:


“Oh Russia is this great imperial power!”


When in fact the state that he’s shilling for is far more of an imperialistic threat. Britain and America have done far more damage to nations post the end of the Soviet bloc, than Russia has.


And for Greg to then start claiming that NATO is some pro-White organization, is to assume it’s member states are pro-White, which they are not. The majority of NATO member states are vassal states of America that stand for multiculturalism, unchecked mass immigration, and all the LGBT poison, you could imagine, and probably some that you couldn’t imagine.


What’s more, if you remember, NATO’s last conflict in Europe was in fact, the bombing of Serbia. NATO brutally attacked White Serbs for defending themselves against Islamic aggression in Kosovo. But Greg, forgets that! I pointed that out in my opening salvo, where I stated that it was Russia who rolled into Serbia to defend White Serbs. NATO was happy to drop British and American bombs on white Serbian families who were trying to save part of their country from an aggressive Muslim breakaway state, that were targeting Serbian families and Serbian children. And when the Serbs rose up and said:


“We’ve had enough of this, we’re not putting up with this anymore, this is Serbia!”


It was NATO that bombed White people for standing up for themselves. And then it was Russia that came to the rescue of those White people.


So you can larp all you want claiming that NATO is some great, almost nationalist bloc of pro-White nations standing up for some kind of great pro-White alliance, but is it anything but! And I will tell you this now was any nation to try to forcibly remove large numbers of aggressive migrants, it would be NATO that would impose sanctions and potentially start bombing those White nations, just as they did with Serbia.


Joel Davis: Okay. Thanks, Mark. So the next question is on the Russian Federation, and it’s similar to the NATO question. Is the Russian Federation anti-White? Obviously, the Russian Federation has official policies that seem to endorse multiculturalism and so on. That’s a hot button issue.


And also, is the Russian Federation therefore an anti-White force in the world? Is it a threat to pro-White politics in Eastern Europe? How do you perceive that? Again, Greg, you can jump in first, obviously.


Greg Johnson: I will grant that the Serbia thing was NATO’s worst hour. NATO has also been involved in other sorts of regime change type operations. For instance, in Libya, which fall outside of its remit, by the way, but it’s officially, on paper, a defensive alliance. And all of the member nations are majority White nations. And therefore, even if these majority White nations have anti-White governments, and most of them do, certainly the Western ones do, if these nations were attacked, the other nations would have to come to their aid.


And therefore, even though it would be, of course not the intention of Macron or somebody like that, or Boris Johnson, or whoever is running the UK now, Liz Truss to help White people, they would definitely be constrained to help White people. It would be the de facto prescribed course given the NATO charter.


Now, as for the Russian Federation, let me just say this. Is the Russian Federation anti-White? Yes, absolutely! It’s anti-White. In the same ways that we find our regime’s anti-White. Russia is a multiracial empire in which the White majority has below replacement fertility, and the only growing populations are Chechens and Tubans. Now, Russia also has large numbers of non-White immigrants from the “Stans” who are more fertile than Russians. Millions of them have come in.


For instance, I think it was in 2019, in the first part of 2019, two and a half million of these people alone came in from the Stans. Central Asian countries that are not white. Now, as White nationalists, we all know what those trends mean in our own countries, and they mean the same thing in Russia. Unless these trends change, in a couple of centuries, the average Russian will be a Muslim, with significant Mongoloid DNA..


And the only way to preserve the Russian people is to do something like a Russian ethno-state, where they have control of their own borders, and where they have pro-natal pro-family policies, which the Russian state does not have. They have the highest abortion rate in the world. I think they’ve got the highest divorce rate in the world, and they have miserably below replacement fertility for the White majority, and the Russian ethnic core.


Now, in the West, we’re more or less free to advocate for ethno-nationalism. Yes, we are inconvenienced by having our channels demonetised and losing platforms. I have been arrested under false pretenses, and things like that. But that being the case, here I am, I’m still advocating for White nationalism. I can even advocate for Russian ethno-nationalism. But in Russia, that would get me Gulagged as an advocate of caveman nationalism!


Russia is an authoritarian society with an aggressively pro-multicultural, anti-nationalist propaganda in place. And short of revolution, there’s no way of changing that.


I talked earlier about my worst nightmare being a Trump dictatorship. Well, the Putin dictatorship would be like a Trump dictatorship. It is exactly the same thing. It basically turns countless potential Right-wing dissidents into plan trustors who are going to embrace and make excuses for a regime that is committed to long term white genocide, as long as that regime appeals to their conservative values and their authoritarian personalities. That is death for ethnonationalism in Russia! And it would be death for ethno-nationalism in the United States, and Australia, and the UK, as well. So I do not look favorably upon this regime.


Francis Parker Yockey described the USSR as the leader of the outer revolt, the revolt of the non-White world against the White world. And Putin’s recent speech that Mark was citing is direct from the Soviet anti-White anti-colonial playbook. And Michael Tracy said it best. He said:


“Who wrote this? Noam Chomsky?”


I do not think that Russia is a pro-White country. It might not be as stridently anti-White as some countries in the West. But the way their system is set up and the fact that their system does not allow the kinds of freedom of speech and political organizing by ethnonationalists, that I think is necessary to preserve our race, means that in the long term the results are going to be just as dire as the trends that are in place in America, and the UK, and Australia today.


So, yes, it’s objectively anti-White. And it’s worse than the anti-White system that we have in the West, because short of revolution, there’s no way of changing it, because it’s an authoritarian, illiberal, dictatorial, regime!


Joel Davis: Okay, Mark, your response.




Mark Collett: Greg is completely wrong on this. Russia is the largest country in the world. It’s the largest landmass that is also a country. When you’re dealing with a landmass of that size, you are going to get a natural state of multiculturalism, where there are more than one different ethnic groups living in that landmass.


Now, I’ll give you an example of natural multiculturalism. The British Isles is a state of natural multiculturalism, as there are the English, the Irish, the Scottish, and the Welsh. Now, they all happen to be White, but they are all different ethnic groups. They are all slightly different. When you look at them, you can see an Irishman, an Englishman apart. They have their own languages, their own culture, their own ways of life, their own traditions. They are not the same!


So that would be a natural state of multiculturalism for those different White tribes to live within the same area. Now the British Isles is tiny. Russia is massive. You are going to get different ethnic groups living in any landmass of that size. And indeed you do in Russia. You have White Russians, you have Chechens, you have Tatars. You have Cossacks. You have the people from Dagestan.


But where Greg is misleading you is if you look at the Russian census data from 1926, then you look at the Russian census data right up to the last census in 2010, you will see the number of ethnic Russians has remained relatively stable at around 78% to 80% of the population. There has been, since 1926, no great decline in the number of White Russians living in Russia.


However, in Britain, if you looked at the census data in Britain in 1926, you’d find out it was about 99.98% White British. Now it’s around 80%! The drop off you are seeing in Western nations, or the replacement rate you are seeing in Western nations, is far greater than you see in Russia. In Britain, White Britain’s, at best, are going to be a minority by 2066, probably much earlier. In America, a nation founded exclusively by White Europeans. White Europeans in America are going to be a minority far sooner than White Britons. And as I said, white Russians at a stable rate.


Now, Greg then goes on to say how oppressive Russia is. Well, yes, Russia has put certain nationalist groups behind bars. Those are usually violent street gangs, run by people who, and this is no exaggeration, have made videos of themselves killing ethnic groups that naturally reside in Russia, but aren’t White, or actually capturing, torturing and murdering gay men. Now, obviously, the Russian establishment is going to jail gangs that do things like that. The Russian establishment is going to jail gangs that do things like that. Now, I would say any nation would do that.


Even Nazi Germany jailed people like Amon Goeth from, the subject of the film Schindler’s List. They make out that the Nazi regime actually loved him. They didn’t. They jailed him. They stripped him of all his power and placed him in jail for his brutality. No regime would tolerate people doing things like that.


But it’s far worse in the West. And I’ll give you examples. In Britain, nobody is jailed in Russia for misgendering people. Here in the UK, doors are kicked in at 03:00 a.m in the morning! Women are dragged out of their homes in front of their children for tweeting to a man, that he is in fact a man.


Young lads get dragged off to jail for two years in Britain for buying the wrong book! These books are available on Amazon. Do not buy these books. I’m not telling you to buy these books. You certainly shouldn’t. But young lads who have bought books available on Amazon, the state have jailed them for that.


And the same is true in America. Just last week we saw a Christian pastor and his family brutalized by the FBI for simply protesting against abortion. There are countless patriots who merely went into a building on January 6 that are looking at Federal charges. To claim the Russian state is more oppressive of people espousing commonsense values is so laughable, I can’t believe you even made that point.


And also, to claim that replacement migration is happening at the same level in Russia, as it is in the West, is nonsense. And what I’m saying is backed up by actual census data.




Joel Davis: Okay, so the next question is going to be on there seems to be like a dichotomy here for nationalists. On the one hand, nationalists, it would make sense why, on the face of it, why they would maybe have sympathy to Ukraine’s right to national sovereignty, to self-determination. But then on the other hand, there are a lot of nationalist concerns with US, NATO, power projection in Europe and the suppression of European nationalism in general by this arrangement.


So basically, which concern trumps the other?


Greg Johnson: Do you want me to go first?


Joel Davis: Yeah, of course.


Greg Johnson: Okay, well, just a couple of things in response to Mark before I go into this, and I’ll be brief. I don’t think that we can base anything on Soviet censuses. A lot of things happened between 1926 and the end of the Soviet Union, like famines, and the Second World War, and things like that. I don’t know if you can really trust the stats.


The other thing is that to say that the percentage of the population is the same today as it was in 1926, does not address the fact that differential fertility exists, that there are certain trends that are baked in. And then unless those trends are reversed, the Russian population will decline, and be replaced by other people, because they breed more, and they’re also emigrating into Russia from other countries.


And also, I did not say you said that I said that replacement migration was on the same level. I certainly didn’t say that. But if there is any replacement immigration at all, eventually the same demographic consequences will pertain unless something is done about it.


So we all recognize these problems in our own countries, and we should recognize them in Russia. However, if you’re a Russian patriot and not just a skinhead, not somebody who’s going to be beating people up, but milk-toast immigration reformers, you will be Gulagged for pointing these things out!


We somehow are still broadcasting. We are not Gulagged, even though we are horrible thought criminals. So yes, we have more freedom to advocate for the salvation of our race than comparable people do in Russia. Which is why so many Russians with nationalist sympathies have fled to Ukraine.


Now, your question was, as you formulated, does Ukraine’s right to national sovereignty necessarily trump nationalist concerns with US, NATO, power protection? I guess my question is whose nationalist concerns are you talking about? Are you talking about geopolitics here? Because when I hear that word, I reach for my pistol! Because I sense I’m about to be sold an argument that I can somehow advance White nationalism by giving verbal assent on the Internet to something blatantly, immoral, anti-White and anti-national. And I just don’t like that. I don’t do that.


I would say yes, Ukraine’s national sovereignty trump’s geopolitical concerns with US power, purely on principle, because the only geopolitics I want is a world of sovereign states. And that means if you want to get to a world of sovereign states, you defend the sovereign states that you’ve got today. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, it is the only homeland of the Ukrainian people, and they want to keep it. And I certainly understand why they want to keep it.


But if you don’t care about a principled argument like that, if you think that’s thinking too far into the future and so forth, let’s just be cold and Machiavellian. The answer is still yes. Ukraine’s independence is very important because Ukraine is a very special country. Why is it a special country? Because White ethno-nationalism is very strong there. It’s very large, it’s very well organized. There are some incredibly impressive Ukrainian nationalist parties and groups.


Ukraine could be the first country in Europe to have a genuine ethno-nationist regime someday. If Ukraine became part of NATO and the EU, it would be a natural ally of nations like Poland and Hungary against the worst influences of the West. It would be a natural ally of sensible people in NATO countries like the United Kingdom and the United States. And I would like those allies. I would certainly like to have Ukraine as an ally of western nationalists, rather than be defeated and quote, unquote, “de-Nazified” by Putin’s Antifa dictatorship.


Now Russia’s apologists love to say that if a country joins NATO or the EU it’ll be flooded with non-Whites and trannies! Ukraine they say would be doomed! Well if it’s really your position that countries like Ukraine, or Poland, or Hungary, with their large nationalist movements and stubbornly sensible populations are doomed by NATO, and the EU, what hope do western nationalists have? If Faboda [sp] and Azov and the National Corps can’t beat back Western decadence, what chance does the NJP have? And if Orban can’t beat the poz, then what chance does Patriotic Alternative have?


Joel Davis: Mark.


Mark Collett: Can you repeat the question please?


Joel Davis: Yeah. So there’s concerns on the face of it that nationalists would have towards Ukraine’s national sovereignty but at the same time there’s also concerns nationalists have in Europe towards American geopolitical and arguably imperial influence over Europe suppressing nationalism in Europe. And so there’s like a quandary, whereas what’s the real concern here? The way Greg is selling it obviously is that okay so the Ukrainians they need to have a right to self-determination if we support their nationalism, that support is kind of morally consistent with our nationalism, whereas the counter argument which I presume you’re going to have is the opposite view. That actually no, the American power structure that this would kind of facilitate is actually a much cs.


Mark Collett: Quite simply. This is a very easy question to answer, actually. What’s actually happening here is the idea of an independent Ukraine is actually what Russia wants. Russia wanted the Ukraine to be a buffer state between NATO, the EU, American influence, and Russia. Russia was happy for the Ukraine to remain independent and be a buffer state.


Now obviously I am not going to say Russia never tried to influence any Ukrainian politicians just as it would be foolish to say America didn’t try to influence Ukrainian politicians. But it was an independent buffer state. It was neither part of the EU, nor NATO, nor the Russian Federation. The only time Ukrainian sovereignty has been threatened is when there was a CIA-backed revolution in 2014. A completely jewish establishment, and a huge move to bring the Ukraine inside NATO, and the EU.


Now if the Ukraine was being run by nationalists which Greg seems to suggest it’s this great nationalist country, those people would be saying:


“Hey! Let’s get rid of this Zelensky fellow, because he’s taking us into NATO! He’s taking us under the wing of American authority! He wants us as part of the EU!”


And we are already seeing the EU level fines, and withholding money, for countries like Poland, who firstly don’t take enough migrants, and secondly aren’t allowing the LGBT propaganda to be pushed as heavily within their institutions, within their schools, upon children in public places, et cetera.


So I do want a genuinely sovereign Ukraine! That’s why I want judeo-American power to keep it’s hands off the Ukraine, especially the Western parts of the Ukraine. Now obviously, I said earlier, that Ukraine wasn’t even a country until 1918, and it wasn’t recognized fully as a country think until 1991. And what has made up the Ukraine over time has constantly changed. So again there are multiple ethnic groups living within the Ukraine’s borders.


Now, those people who are Ukrainian, who are ethnically Ukrainian, I am happy for them to have their self-determination, as am I happy for those in the east, or those in Crimea, to have their self-determination. And if they were once living in part of Russia and that part of Russia was then handed to the Ukraine, in some Soviet redrawing of maps, I am happy for them to vote to go back to being part of Russia, as their ancestors were. That is only fair.


For example, to draw an analogy, if all of a sudden England said we want half of Scotland and the Scots living there were like:


“Hey! We’d rather live under Scottish rule. We’re ethnically Scottish. We want to live with our brothers and sisters.”


You’d have to say:


“Well, that is up to them.”


I think the best thing for the Ukrainians is self-determination. I think the best thing for the Germans is self-determination. I think the best thing for the French, the English, the Irish, Scots, and us, it’s all self-determination!


But there is no self-determination being practiced in Western Europe. And I can prove this very, very, simply! Look at the energy crisis in Germany, look at the energy crisis in the UK. We are facing a situation where millions, and millions, of pensioners are at risk this Christmas of freezing to death.


Now if there was self determination in Europe, the German government, and the British government, would be saying:


“Well look, we don’t really have any dog in the fight in the Ukraine. It’s really up to the Ukrainian people to choose their path in life. To choose their trajectory. But it’s our choice to choose whether we buy cheap Russian gas in order that our people don’t freeze!”


But there is no self-determination! Because the Ukraine, very soon, if Zelensky gets his way, just like Britain and Germany, have already gone down this path, will just become a vassal state of America.


And then it doesn’t matter what you want to do, or what’s best for your people. All that matters it’s what’s best for the American State Department! And what is best for the American State Department is fruitless sanctions against Russia. So yet again Germans can starve and freeze, at American hands!


And this is what Greg calls a:


“White nationalist bloc that helps White people.”


It doesn’t! Self-determination means breaking free, primarily, of judeo-American influence. And the Ukraine had it not begun falling under judeo-American influence would still be an independent buffer state. Which Putin would have been more than happy to observe.





Joel Davis: Okay, so the next question that I want to ask. We’ve been talking a lot about kind of the ethics of the Ukraine, Russia, dynamic and so on. But I want to talk about security. Because obviously this is kind of a there’s also that kind of dimension to this, what security architecture, ideally should exist in Europe and the West? Many argue, myself included, that there was a missed opportunity with not bringing the Russians into a Western alliance, and keeping NATO as an anti-Russian alliance, as opposed to a kind of West against the rest kind of alliance, after the breakup of the Soviet Union.


So what would be the ideal arrangement for the European security architecture? Because on the one hand, you can say, well, within NATO, there’s no brother wars in Europe. I mean, except for this one in particular. But other than that, Europe is united. Europe is secure, because there are 70 American nukes pointed to anyone who wants to mess with anyone in the NATO alliance. And so there’s supposedly a certain amount of security.


But then, on the other hand, people say, well, this has radically impacted European security because now you have the potential for a nuclear exchange between the two world superpowers, over a kind of dispute in Ukraine.


So what would be your kind of your critique, or whatever of that arrangement? And what would be your ideal arrangement?


Maybe Mark can go first and Greg can go second, I don’t know, to change the order a little bit.


Mark Collett: Sorry, can you just paraphrase that again then, if I’m going first?


Joel Davis: Yeah. So I guess the way that I would put it succinctly is, what would be the ideal, in your view, western security architecture? Obviously, there’s a lot of arguments. The argument for NATO is that it produces security for the West. Right?


Mark Collett: The ideal architecture is self-determination. I’m an ethno-nationalist. I believe that ethnic groups should seek self-determination, and when they have self-determination, they should be free to deal with other nations as they see fit.


Now, I see since the, well, since Russia has been supplying Europe with gas, there has been a closer relationship between Europe and Russia, especially between Germany and Russia. And this increased closeness should be something that we Herald. This is a good thing. It should have been something that showed security. It should have been something that showed co-operation. But this relationship has been constantly undermined by America!


So as an ethno-nationalist, we want self-determination, but the right for individual nation states to be able to trade with one another to their mutual benefit. So we don’t want to see nations forced to impose sanctions upon other nations when it’s not good for them, or it’s not in their interest, or they simply don’t wish to do that. That is commonsense. That is ethno-nationalism, that is freedom of choice and it’s self-determination.


But everywhere in the world you look today, there are nations that could offer other nations things that they want. So take a look. I believe it’s Venezuela, where the price of petrol is something like two Pence a litre, which is obscenely cheap, when you’re looking that the price in the UK used to be 100 times. I think it was almost £2 a litre, a month or so ago.


Well, why then, isn’t the UK free to buy Venezuelan oil? Because the UK doesn’t have self-determination. It doesn’t have the ability to go to Venezuela and buy oil, because if it did, it would get slapped down by Big Daddy America, that controls everything.


And security largely comes not from having America pull everyone’s strings, which is what has caused so many wars, post the fall of the Berlin Wall. America has dragged, especially Britain, into these wars. It’s destabilized nations, it is invaded nations, it’s bomb nations, it’s assassinated political and military leaders. That isn’t security! That is tyranny!


The judeo-American State is the world tyranny!


World security comes from dealing with people who you want to in a free and open manner without America leaning on you and preventing you from doing that. And every time a region moves slightly further towards peace, and slightly further away from chaos, America steps in to ensure they redress that balance, and the world falls closer to chaos.


A great example of that is in Syria. Where America wished to destabilize Syria using ISIS militants, which would have led to the deaths of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Christians at the hands of ISIS. Russia stopped that.


Now, one of the reasons why I believe Russia is an important counterbalance to this judeo-American tyranny, is that recently we have seen that when America stopped Germany and Britain buying Russian gas, which puts all these White pensioners, all these White people on the poverty line at risk, India happily bought the gas.


Now, do you think Russia is about to invade India? No, they’re doing deals. That’s self-determination. America’s seething, but that’s what people should be allowed to do. And I think security comes from self-determination and freedom to choose, freedom to do your own deals and to cut your own path.


When you start moving into these large geopolitical blocks that are controlled by tiny cliques of people who almost always seem to come from the same (((ethnic group))), if, you know what I mean! That is when you get closer to war. And that is where you get situations like we have seen, post 1991, where you see America and Britain’s imperialistic tendencies always acting for the benefit of a few, to the detriment of the many.


Joel Davis: Okay, so, Greg, your response. Unless you need me to restate anything.




Greg Johnson: No, I have it written down here. Basically, the question that I saw formulated in my notes is, can or should NATO be reformed? And what would be the ideal Western security architecture? I can answer that very briefly. Before I do that, I want to mention a couple of things about self-determination. A nation does not have self-determination, if it’s neighbour can veto it’s foreign relations. A buffer state does not have self-determination.


Ukraine very, very clearly since 1991 has pursued closer relations with the EU. They want to be part of Europe. This is the popular view in Ukraine. It’s not been foisted upon them. Russia has tried to turn Ukraine into a dependent satellite state, like Belarus. Okay? The self-determination of the Ukrainian people would allow them to choose the EU or NATO. If they can’t choose the EU or NATO, they don’t have self-determination. Russia had tried to prevent them from entering the EU to the extent of economic sanctions in 2013..


Then, basically, through shocking corruption, they basically just bought Yanukovych’s about face on this. And that’s what caused the Maidan revolution. It was not a US Op! It was a popular uprising against a very cynical operation from Moscow to prevent the country from pursuing EU membership, which had been very much a consensus for more than a decade.


So you can’t be a sovereign nation if you’re somebody’s buffer state, or satellite. And the Ukrainians didn’t want to be like Belarus. They wanted to move closer to the West. And they obviously wanted to move closer to NATO, because, as I said, if they were members of NATO, they never would have been invaded like this. NATO would have provided them cover.


And I can see why it’s rational for them to want to get into NATO, and the EU, even though NATO and the EU have lots of strings, and lots of problems.


However, I would look upon a country like Ukraine in the same way that I look upon a country like Poland and Hungary. In the EU they are a force for good. In NATO, they are a force for good. And yes, it turns out that the EU does cut their allowance for resisting things like refugee resettlement and so forth. But that is merely a paring back of their allowance. They get billions and billions of dollars in infrastructural aid, and things like that. And then they get their allowance stocked.


They’re willing to deal with that in order to push back and preserve their common sense, basically. And I think that that would be great if Ukraine got involved and did the same thing. It would help push these organizations in a better direction. But it’s rational for them to want to get in even with all of the problems, because it’s a better alternative to being a Belarus-style kleptocratic satellite of Russia.


Now. Can NATO be reformed? Of course NATO can be reformed. There are all kinds of bad things about NATO. The worst thing is probably that NATO has encouraged the militaries and martial spirits of most of its members to atrophy. Finland and Sweden have great militaries, actually. And if they get into NATO, that could actually harm them. I hope they can resist that.


And also, NATO has been used by the United States to get Jewish-penned “free speech” violations adopted by new member countries.


For instance, I remember there was a big row about this in Romania. Romania can’t honour Antonescu, because that upsets American Jews. NATO was actually in a position, or the United States was actually in a position where they would have denied NATO entry to countries that adopted the American Bill of Rights. It’s that stupid! It’s that crazy! These are obviously bad things, but they’re hardly the apocalyptic predictions that Russian propagandists come up with. And there’s certainly nothing compared to the tyranny exercised within the Warsaw Pact and the USSR proper! Which is what these countries in the east remember. This is why 15 former Soviet nations entered NATO. They did it voluntarily. They weren’t conquered. OK?


Now, I think NATO would be great if every NATO member country had a pro-White leadership. It would be perfect. Same with the EU. If we suddenly had pro-White leaders in every country, those organizations could be turned around overnight, and it would be much better.


To make that happen that’s up to every nationalist movement in every NATO country. And of course, I think they could use some allies, sensible countries like Ukraine coming into NATO, sensible countries like Poland, and Hungary, already in NATO. That could help the UK, I think, accomplish better leadership.


Now, short of that, and that’s sort of a long shot, given how messed up the West is.


Joel Davis: Gone over five minutes, by the way.




Greg Johnson: Let me just say cs.


Joel Davis: I’ll get you to go back to back. I’ll bring in the other question.


Greg Johnson: Okay.


Joel Davis: The final question is with the risk associated with the conflict escalating, obviously, the threat of nuclear war is particularly concerning. The energy crisis griping Europe. And also the potential for the Russian Federation to collapse if Ukraine were to have a decisive victory. And that would only kind of exacerbate the risks of, I think, military escalation and so on. How is that handled?


I want to bring all of that in as well. What kind of policies should pro-White or nationalist forces, the Anglo-sphere and Western Europe be advocating for, in regards to both the war and Russia generally? Because we’re seeing some people on Twitter, like libtard talking heads, that are advocating for NATO to enter the war. For example, if the Russians have a decisive victory to save Ukraine. We’re seeing people advocating for the break up of the Russian Federation, and trying to impose it’s dissolution and so on.


I think all of this stuff is incredibly risky considering the nuclear architecture. So to bring that into the debate, I’d like to get your thoughts, Greg. Another five minutes, and then we’ll go to Mark.


Greg Johnson: Yes. Okay. So short of every NATO country having a nationalist government, I think more reasonably, the Central and Eastern European countries should try and create an Intermarium alliance. This is something that Counter-Currents has been promoting since 2015. It’s an old idea. It was a Polish interwar geopolitical idea of basically creating a block that would go from the Baltic to the Black Sea, following the lines of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a sort of cordon sanitaire against Bolshevism, to save Europe from Bolshevism.


Something like that makes sense in Central and Eastern Europe today because it would address these countries security concerns vis-a-vis Russia. But also make it independent of the West. I think that might be an excellent alternative to NATO, and the EU, in the long run. And something like that might happen if tensions within NATO and the EU between the sensible countries, and the crazed countries, become unbearable.


Southern Europe also needs some kind of agreement to seal off the continent from Africa and the Near East. So these things all need to be explored somehow.


As for the risks that we’re facing, well, honestly, I think economic instability can only help nationalists, so I don’t know if this is really a bad thing. I think a lot of the economic instability that we’re facing right now is actually simply caused by Covid spending, and Covid disruptions. And I think one reason that a lot of Western powers went all in on this Ukraine war, is so that they can blame the Covid recession on Putin entirely, and get off the hook.


But I do think economic instability is an opportunity for us, and it’s something that we shouldn’t be lamenting, perfectly honestly.


There is a terrible danger of nuclear escalation. I don’t know how to stop that, frankly. I guess we could stop listening to crazed libtards on Twitter. That might help. I don’t really know if I care about the Russian Federation breaking up. As an ethno-nationalist, I look at it as a prison house of nations. I don’t see why the Chechens, and the Daggerstanies and all these other people shouldn’t have their own states. I do think, though, that if it happened in a willy-nilly way, simply because of the collapse of the regime, what that would open up is the possibility of China annexing all of the east. And the idea of all the resources of Siberia joined with China’s population is profoundly chilling. I’ll start talking about geopolitics now when I contemplate something like that.


How to end this war? Well, I think we should give Ukraine the best weapons as quickly as possible, and allow them to continue their momentum of pushing Russians back. At a certain point, I think that the Russians will want to make a deal, because I think that this has destabilized Putin’s regime. It’s shown Russia to be a paper tiger, and it’s going to cause a great deal of instability all over the former Russian sphere.


We’ve already seen border wars in the Stans, a border war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. There’s a lot of instability that’s being opened up by the fact that Russia has performed so weakly! And I hope that they will want to de-escalate this.


What the ultimate settlement will be, I don’t know. I don’t think Ukraine is ever going to get Crimea back, but I think they should just look on the bright side and say, well, they’ve lost a lot of ethnic Russians who won’t be voting in their elections. And they should try and hold on to what they can in the east.


And the ultimate resolution of the ethnic conflicts in the east should probably be solved simply by moving peoples rather than moving borders. I do not think that a very substantial percentage of ethnic Russians in the east actually want to be in Russia. And the ones who really want to go should be allowed to.


I don’t think the referendum can be taken seriously when you basically have a referendum that is done after ethnic cleansing, under military occupation. There were referendum after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I think we should let those referendum stand.


Joel Davis: Okay, Mark.


Mark Collett: Well, Greg said earlier that his point is, wouldn’t it be great if NATO was actually all pro-White, and everyone in NATO was pro-White, and then everything would be good. Well, that isn’t the case, is it? In fact, every country that has entered NATO has been pressured to be less pro-White. And you’re saying if the remaining pro-White nations enter NATO, that will somehow realign NATO. No, it won’t. They will just be pressured to be less pro-White, to be more pro-migrant, to be more pro-LGBT.


And every time anybody is pro-Russian in any way, or pro neutrality, Greg always states these people are being paid by Russia. But he seems to totally lack the ability to understand that people who are pro-US, people who are pro-NATO, people who are pro this war in the Ukraine, … This is a wacky idea, Greg, but maybe, just maybe, America has used some of its trillions of dollars in wealth to pay those people, too!


And I would suggest that there has been far more CIA meddling in the Ukraine. And we know this. We know this from some of the leaks from the Hunter Biden leaks, the Joe Biden leaks, stuff that came out before the last presidential election to what America was doing in the Ukraine. The idea that all of these people who are pro-American are just seeking self-determination is nonsense! They have been paid off! They are stooges!


And I would say no nation in the world, and I would bet my life on this, other than Israel, no Western nation has done more when it comes to subterfuge and the undermining of national sovereignty than America. And as I said, there’s only one nation that does that more, and that is Israel.


Now, of course, I am bothered about nuclear escalation, and I was pleased when Greg said that he was bothered about nuclear escalation. Now, I’m going to suggest something here because I’ve only got a few minutes left, but if you want to know all about how this began, there is a great, great presentation on YouTube by a guy called John Mersheimer. It’s absolutely wonderful.


He goes back to the 2008 Bucharest Summit. He has evidence which says America, and the American State Department, knew that if they pursued this tactic in the Ukraine, it would lead to this. And one of their outcomes that they discussed was nuclear war.


So Americans have gone down this road knowing that nuclear war could be an outcome, because these people are maniacs! The people in charge of the State Department, they don’t care what happens next.


Now, Greg also said he doesn’t care if the Russian Federation breaks up. Again, absolute insanity! The Russian Federation and the BRICS bloc [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa] are the counterbalance to judeo-American, western, liberal, democracy. If there is no counterbalance to the American State and to those judeo-American values, that places all the power in the world in the hands of those people!


Anybody who thinks placing all the world’s power in one group of people, who just happen to be the most anti-White group of people! The most pro diversity group of people! The most pro-Israel group of people! And the most degenerate, debased, pro-LGBT, pro-transgender, antifamily, anti-christian, anti-morality! If you want to place all the world’s power in their hands, without any massive counterbalance, or any real counterbalance at all, you’re insane!


Because they would escalate their plan for White genocide at an exponential rate!


And finally, and this is where I completely lose what Greg is saying, in its entirety. I think Greg has gone absolutely insane, actually! Because when Greg said:


“How do you want to bring about the end of this war?”


My answer would be Western nations should seek self-determination and stop giving billions, and billions, and billions of dollars, or pounds, worth of high-tech weaponry to the Ukraine. Because if that weaponry was cut off at source, the war would be over in a week or so. the only reason the Ukraine is still fighting over the east, the only reason there is still bloodshed, is because the Western military industrial complex is funding that war. Western politicians are getting rich off that war. Arms manufacturers are getting rich off that war. Cut off those resources!


By doing the “Greg Plan” and giving them more weapons, that will extend the war. There will be more bloodshed! There will be more White people dead. And if Russia gets pushed back more and more, and if the war gets hotter and hotter, the Greg plan will take us closer to nuclear war. The only way to deescalate now, is for Western nations to do what Greg says he wants Western nations do.


But Greg doesn’t really want Western nations to do this. Greg wants Western nations to do what America wants. But I want Western nations to seek self-determination. Self-determination for Britain is not billions for the Ukraine, while Brits freeze! It’s billions for British pensioners, and billions of Russian gas, so that our elderly people, and our people on the poverty line, don’t die.


It’s not billions more of high tech weaponry taking us closer, and closer, and closer to 12:00 on the Doomsday Clock! Midnight on the Doomsday Clock, it’s game over for everyone! Because when those nukes start flying, it is mutually assured destruction. That would be disastrous.


But giving more weapons to Ukraine, and extending this war, takes us closer to that midnight hour.


The time has come for Western nations to break away from American influence, seek self-determination, do what trade deals they wish, and stop pumping billions of taxpayers money into prolonging this fratricidal war!




Joel Davis: OK, thanks, guys. It was a pretty good debate. I think a lot of the substantive points in the issue were kind of covered. And the audience got, I think, a pretty good representation of the two views. So I think it’s been a success.


Now, you guys are welcome to leave if you have to go, but I’m just going to start going through some of these Superchats. Now, the first Superchat is from Flying Dutchman. And he’s addressing Greg. He says:


“Dr. Johnson, you are on record saying that you’re a Zionist, because Jews need to have their own homeland. Is Zionism compatible with White nationalism, if Zionist funds are accepted by White nationalists? Thank you both for the discussion.”


Greg Johnson: Well, I don’t know what that last bit was about. But I’m a consistent ethno-nationalist. And, yeah, that makes me a Zionist. I would like Jews to have their own own homeland. And what’s more, I’d like them all to actually live there. And I think that that would be the solution to the Jewish question, the Jewish problem.


As far as money coming from them. Well, no, I think we should try and avoid any kind of financial entanglements with these people, because, well, they’re a Masters at pursuing their own interests at the expense of others.


I fully recognize that the basic Jewish position that most Jews have is:


“Nationalism for us, but not for the rest of the world.”


And they’re never going to play fair, unless we force them to play fair.


Mark Collett: I’ve only got one thing to say on this. I’ve just made a video about this, actually, on Friday. It’s a ten minute video. Zionism is a cancer! Zionism is not Jewish nationalism, it’s Jewish supremacism! And Zionism has two distinct, yet hypocritical components. One is that Jews deserve an ethno-state where they are first class citizens, where they are ethnically protected, where they protect their own culture, they’re in traditions, their own religion. But at the same time, Zionists who control the West, people like Liz Truss, Joe Biden, both are admitted Zionists, do the exact opposite to Western nations.


So Zionism seeks to create ethnic homogeny for one group, to protect that group, and grant that group a special power, and a special right, whilst stripping everybody else of that right, and dumping everyone else into a multicultural melting pot. So that they lose who they are and the strength that comes from ethnic homogeneity, and from holding on to your culture and traditions. I am not a Zionist! And I think Zionism is one of the most destructive forces the world’s ever know.


Greg Johnson: Do you think that Jews should have a homeland of their own?


Mark Collett: I think Jews should have a place where they can live together. And yes, that would be a homeland. But I do not think that homeland should come at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian people, who have been slaughtered, who have been maimed, who have been brutalized, and who have been driven off their land, in the most brutal and disgusting way! And I will further what I’ve just said with the fact that had any other ethnic group, other than the Jews, treated another ethnic group in the way that the Palestinians have been treated, there would have been bombs flying everywhere! But they get away with everything. And what they have done to the Palestinian people is nothing short of genocide.


Greg Johnson: Where would you say, …


Joel Davis: So a two-State solution, like 1967, pre 1967 borders, or would you ideally have them to stay completely somewhere else?


Mark Collett: Is that a question for me?


Joel Davis: Yeah. Just out of curiosity.


Mark Collett: I think that there has to be a massive expansion of Palestinian land. There has to be a return of Palestinian land that has been illegally seized by Jewish settlers. And whatever arrangement they come to, it cannot be a situation where Palestinians are brutalized, and all power is seized from them. So, as I say, I am not against any ethnic group, any ethnic group, seeking self-determination. But self-determination should be for all, not for one chosen people.


Joel Davis: Okay, so I’m going to go to the next Superchat, which is from Kevin McClain. He said:


“Russia has for 800 years been a multiethnic country incorporating Slavic, Turkic, Ughian, and East Asian peoples, but the population has remained in balance, with Russians maintaining an 80% majority.”


It’s more of a comment, I guess, than a question. But I don’t know if either of you dispute that. I think actually, Mark, you made that point yourself. I’m not super aware of the history, to be honest.


Greg Johnson: You can’t tell the future from a snapshot looking at percentages, without looking at fertility rates. And White Russians will not be 80% of the Russian Federation with 1.5 fertility, when other groups like Chechens and Tuvans actually have population growth. So if you look at it over a very long period of time, it’s simply impossible for them to maintain that 80%.


Also, there are no boundaries against miscegenation in the Russian Federation, and quite a lot of it has taken place already. And again, there are literally millions of people from the Stans who are there as immigrants, legal and illegal, who are also breeding. And so yeah. In the long run, I think Russia has alarming demographic trends, just like the United States does, just like Great Britain does, just like other countries do. And they have an illiberal government that will not allow people to frame these concerns and get them debated in politics.


So I think that not only do they have the same problem as we do in the West, but they don’t have the ability for patriotic people with a long-range vision to try and turn it around. And that’s a terribly dangerous situation for Russians, and for any other people in the Russian Empire, for that matter.


Mark Collett: Well, I’ve already made my point about Russia. The number of White Russians, or the percentage of White Russians in Russia has remained remarkably stable since 1926. Again, Greg then says:


“Oh, well, you can’t trust any Russian statistics!”


Well, can you trust any statistics the British government give you? Can you trust any statistics the American government gives you? If you’re playing that game, you could say, well, actually, White Britain’s far closer to ethnic annihilation than we think, because they’ve been fiddling the censuses. The same argument can be made both sides.


Now, I can’t change any of the breeding habits of people. That’s beyond my power. But Greg makes a very strange comment, that there are no laws in Russia against miscegenation. Well, there’s no laws against miscegenation in the West either, Greg.


Greg Johnson: I know, …


Mark Collett: In fact, miscegenation is essentially forced in the West! Every single advert, or every single TV show, or film, you see in the West is pro miscegenation. Now, in Russia, when you look at adverts, when you look at television, what is being forced on Russian people? It is not the same White genocide as being forced in the West. And to say it is, it’s quite frankly, delusional!


If you look at the makeup of people on Russian TV, there is no concerted effort to make sure every blonde, blue eyed, White Russian woman is paired with an African migrant. That is happening in the West. And there is a concerted effort. I’ve been documenting this in Christmas adverts since about 2017!


Greg Johnson: Yeah, it’s much worse in the West. It’s terrible! There’s this hilarious video clip that I saw of Lukashenko and Belarus lauding misgenation between Belarusian girls and Arabs, and Egyptians, and people like that. So it happens there, too. Also, Russia has very aggressive multicultural propaganda, where they have people popping up one of each. It’s like the cover of an American college catalog popping up:


“I’m Russian! I’m Russian!”


You know, Tuvens and Kalmics [sp] and people like that they do have that same kind of propaganda.


But here’s the thing. No matter how the propaganda is pitched, whether it’s screamingly anti-White, or even sort of conservative, and wholesome, the underlying demographic problem is there. And if it’s not addressed in a timely fashion, it’s going to lead to the same conclusions. And that’s the sad thing.


You can have a conservative, Christian branded, civic nationalist, melting pot, kind of society that’s just as anti-White in its long term demographic consequences, as the crazed nonsense that you and I have to live with in the West. That’s the sad truth about Russia.


Mark Collett: Well, I fundamentally disagree. And I will say this, you keep pointing out the multiculturalism of Russia, but as I said, it is a massive land mass with multiple ethnic groups living within it, just as the British Isles has a natural multi-ethnic, …


Greg Johnson: It’s an empire! And it should downsize. It needs to downsize. It needs to shed some of its diversity.


Mark Collett: Maybe the ethnic Russians in the east of the Ukraine need to [word unclear] away.


Greg Johnson: I think they should start migrating to Russia. It would help Russia’s terrible demographic problems.


But there’s another thing that I just want to address, which is this counterbalance idea that you were putting forward. First of all, Russia is a very weak cardboard counterbalance to the West, as we have discovered. It’s quite fragile. Its military has performed miserably. There have been, I think, as many as four and a half million Russians have fled the country since September 24. I’ve seen wildly varied figures. It is not a very powerful counterbalance.


And it’s certainly not as powerful a counterbalance as, say, China. If Russia folds like a cheap suit, and it very well might, China is still going to be a major player on the global stage. India is still a major player on the global stage, just in terms of population. It is not going to be this catastrophic image that you paint of the United States being able to get its way in everything, if Russia folds.


So I don’t accept that. And at what price are we willing to contemplate creating this counterbalance? Are we going to offer up, how many White nations should be offered up as burnt offerings, on the altar of geopolitics against American hegemony? I would say zero.


Mark Collett: Why do you want American hegemony?


Greg Johnson: I don’t want American hegemony.


Mark Collett: Good. Then support a genuine independent buffer state. Tell America to get out of the Ukraine. Russia then would have no need to go into the Ukraine. American knew, if you watch John Mersham’s speech, he explains all of this in great detail. After the Bucharest Summit in 2008, America knew what would happen if they pursued this route. America pursued this route because they want regime change in Russia.


And without being insulting, what you are seeing in terms of the Russia offensive, you clearly don’t understand. The Russian offensive had a mere 190,000 troops involved. And it did not follow the path of blitzkrieg, or shock and awe. Putin has not gone in there like America or Britain would have done, and completely flattened the nation, then rolled in when it was rubble and dust! Because he is clearly doing this to cause as little damage as, …


Greg Johnson: I think that’s really laughable. I’ve seen the ruins of Mariupol.


Mark Collett: How is it laughable?


Greg Johnson: I think it’s easy enough to Google the burned out ruins of, … He’s destroyed a lot of the area in the, …


Mark Collett: He’s done nothing compared, … Google, … Greg, if you’re going to do this, you need some facts, because there was about 220,000 Iraqi civilians killed by, … Wait! By America and Britain, by direct violence alone! That means by shells, bombs, missiles, bullets, artillery. There has been nothing like that kind of civilian loss in the Ukraine.


And by the end of the Iraq conflict, when you took into account deaths because of the destruction of health care facilities, infrastructure, water, nearly a million Iraqi civilians had died. And was it Victoria Nuwland or someone else who said:


“Well, that’s just an acceptable price.”


Greg Johnson: I think that was another Jew. Madeline Albright.


Mark Collett: Another one. Another one! Well, you’re certainly fighting their corner tonight, Greg, with your positions!


But the fact of the matter is, the fact of the matter is Putin has not brought anywhere near that level of devastation upon the Ukraine.


Greg Johnson: He might not but he is capable of it.


Mark Collett: He he is absolutely capable of it. Not everybody who commands a military force uses it in the same way as the vicious, soulless, war mongers, behind the American State Department. Which for some reason, you seem to be a big fan of! And I am absolutely not!




Greg Johnson: No. Not a big fan of the American State Department. However, I see why countries like Ukraine are fans of things like NATO, and are seeking out influence in Washington. They’re looking for a counterbalance. Right? They’re looking for a counterbalance against Russia. They don’t want to be sucked into being basically a kleptocratic satellite like Lucashenko’s Belarus. This is just political realism. That’s just what small nations do.


Mark Collett: You can’t have it both ways, Greg. It’s either self-determination, or they’re joining it with America, which is it?


Greg Johnson: It’s perfectly consistent with being a sovereign state to enter into voluntary alliances with other nations. That’s completely consistent with being a sovereign state. And that’s exactly what NATO is. NATO was not created by conquest. Unlike the Warsaw Pact. It was not created by conquest. Countries enter into it, they apply, they are voted on, and they are brought in, or not.


And if you want to say there’s no difference between conquest and that, then I beg to differ. There are enormous differences! There are morally relevant differences between sovereign nations joining together in alliances with one another, or sovereign nations being conquered and basically turned into vassals by others. I do not accept this language of calling, say, Ukraine a “vassal state of the United States”. It’s not a conquest.


Mark Collett: Is the UK a vassal state of the United States?


Greg Johnson: Well, let me ask you.


Mark Collett: There’s only one answer to this, Greg.


Greg Johnson: You tell me!


Mark Collett: Of course it is! The UK doesn’t even have power over it’s own nuclear Arsenal. America does. The UK is a complete vassal state of America, just as Germany is.


Greg Johnson: Yes. Okay. The UK is a vassal state of, … Do you think the UK would be allowed to resign it’s position in NATO?


Mark Collett: Absolutely not! The UK’s completely, …


Greg Johnson: What would be done? Would bombs be dropped on London?


Mark Collett: It would never happen. You would never get a situation, … If the UK tried to break away from NATO, or try to break away from American control, the first thing would happen is all their nuclear submarines would immediately stop functioning, or at least the warheads would be disabled, and would just be basically useless to them. The fact is, the UK is basically one of America’s fighting arms. It has been for some time. It was completely bought and co-opted post Second World War.


Greg Johnson: It’s a sad decline for your Empire, there’s no question about it. Are there other Superchats here?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll move on to Flying Dutchman sent another one saying:


“Freedom of speech and certain political parties have also been crushed at Ukraine.”


I think this is actually a good point. I mean, this idea that Russia is this super oppressive autocratic state, but Ukraine is this bastion of democracy. I mean, surely, Greg, you don’t actually buy this?





Greg Johnson: Well, Ukraine does have a multiparty Parliamentary system that’s much less farcical than what happens in Russia. But yet one of the reasons why there have been these parties that have been shut down is because it’s easy for parties to be set up, including parties that are simply, basically tools of Russian power. And those are the kinds of parties that have been shut down.


Joel Davis: But weren’t some of these parties that were connected to the Russians incredibly popular, particularly in the regions that the Russians have annexed? If you look at the voting trends prior to 2014, a lot of parties and figures which are considered pro-Russian, and validly so, would often win those elections.


Greg Johnson: Well, yes, indeed! They had a series of pro-Russian presidents. But what happened is, once they got into office, they had to deal with a genuine multi-party democracy and a very, very substantial percentage of Ukrainians didn’t want to go that way.


Joel Davis: But the percentage of the Ukrainians that seem to want to go in their pro-Russian route seemed to be the Ukrainians, particularly in Luhansk and Danevsk, if you look at the voting history. Now, obviously, just because they voted for pro-Russian party doesn’t necessarily mean voting to be annexed by the Russian Federation. These are two different things.


But it definitely demonstrates nevertheless that these people have had since 2014, they’ve been suppressed from exercising their rights in these areas. The Minsk Agreements were violated, there’s no question about it. Independent international observers have pointed that out.


So surely you have to at least acknowledge that the Ukrainians, they’re hardly without any moral blame in the situation. It does seem to be a pro-Russian element, and a Russian ethnic element, that exists in these territories, which has been politically suppressed in multiple ways by the Ukrainian state. And international agreements have been violated, surely, around this as well.


Greg Johnson: It would be nice if all of this could be sorted out. I don’t think it can be sorted out until there’s an end to this war.


Mark Collett: But Greg, you can’t have it both ways!


Joel Davis: Isn’t the war itself an expression of the fact that it couldn’t be sorted out?


Greg Johnson: I don’t know.


Mark Collett: Greg, you’ve given your point. I just want to give this rebuttal to what you said. You keep wanting to have it both ways. So when there’s someone who speaks out on Russia’s side, they’re bought and paid for by the Russians. When somebody speaks out on the American side, that’s just that person giving their opinion.


And now what you’re saying is, there’s no freedom in Russia, but there’s loads of freedom in the Ukraine! And then when somebody says, what about all the pro-Russian parties that have been banned, parties that get a sizeable number of the votes, parties that represented hundreds of thousands of people in the east of the Ukraine, have just been banned by Zelensky, you say:


“Oh, that’s okay! Because they were pro-Russian.”


So what you’re basically saying, …


Greg Johnson: Look, it’s a war! Okay?


Mark Collett: No! No! You can’t have it both ways!


Greg Johnson: I’m not trying to have it bothy ways!


Mark Collett: What the hell are you saying? Ban that party because it’s saying something I don’t like. You can’t say it both ways!


Greg Johnson: Oh, look! Look! Look. If you’re at war with another country, you cannot, … No serious country at war with another country is going to allow political parties that work for your enemy to enjoy, …


Mark Collett: They were banned before this conflict!


Greg Johnson: To sit down, …


Mark Collett: They were banned before!


Greg Johnson: When did the conflict start? When was the first political party banned? What year?


Mark Collett: I would have to look that up. But there have been numerous parties banned and they were banned before the operations that started this year. And obviously, …


Greg Johnson: Were they banned after 2014?


Mark Collett: Yes.


Greg Johnson: Okay. Well, the war started in 2014, as far as the Ukrainians are concerned. Crimea was annexed. That’s when these Donetsk and Luhansk ops took off. If you see that there are political actors in your society that are in the pay of a hostile foreign power that has actually taken your territory. It would be completely farcical to let these people be seated in your Parliament, and engage in, …


Mark Collett: But they’ve been voted in by people in the east of the Ukraine who deserve a voice in Parliament. Because you keep saying “self-determination, self-determination”. Then eventually when the self-determination doesn’t work out the way Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents wants it to work out, ban them!


Greg Johnson: Are there other questions?


Joel Davis: There are. I just thought this was kind of interesting. This seems to be one of the key issues, but yeah.


So we also have a question from Thumprat:


“Is Mark unaware the 23 year old Russian woman was charged and put on an extremist list for posting memes about black people on VK?”


OK, whatever. [chuckling] Hackman says to Greg:


“Ukraine is run by a US planted Jewish homo. What reason do we have to think that that would improve by Ukraine joining NATO? To Mark. Say something nice about Greg. To all nukes of fake and gay.”


Mark Collett: Say something nice about Greg? He publishes an excellent book called The Enemy of the Europe by Francis Parker Yockey. You should all buy it and read it and understand that the real enemy is Western liberal democracy!


Greg Johnson: Okay, that’s very kind of you. I’m going to watch the sales of that skyrocket. So.


Joel Davis: Archie says:


“Great discussion, guys. I’ll keep it to myself who I believe wins. The most important thing is to avoid the nukes. I mocked the fears that Putin was going to invade. I was fooled. I don’t doubt the nuke threats. I missed the first hour. I hope I can listen to the beginning and share it.”


Thanks, Archie. Flying Dutchman again says:


“One thing we should all agree upon is the resiliency of the White race, whether you live in the West or Russia. The only way to our salvation is the third rail.”


I think that probably goes without requiring comment. Guardians Maximus says:


“If the UK is just a vassal state and everything is hopeless, what exactly is the point of PA, Mark? Why do anything?”




Mark Collett: I didn’t say everything was hopeless. I said that the UK has been reduced to a vassal state of America. That is something I absolutely wish to overturn. I want to see the American, judeo-American, system crumble. And I think if the judeo-American system did crumble, I believe that states under the control of that system could begin to then take their own destiny back into their hands. Then there would be self-determination. And that’s what I fight for. I want a genuinely independent Britain.


And equally, I want to see a genuinely independent Germany, France, etc. I don’t want European nations to be battle states of America! That’s what I’m fighting for. I think that’s pretty clear from what I’ve said tonight.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Archie said:


“MAGA is a party that’s trying to form in the USA, but the Biden regime is trying to shut it down, just as Great Britain won’t let Patriotic Alternative form. Liberal democracy is an illusion. It’s fascist. [chuckling] A bit of a blue pill comment, but thanks. Nice sentiment, I guess.


Zoltanus says:


“Greg, if Russian Empire is bad, why has it always existed in Russian identity? Also saying it must go away is asking Russian identity to die. Constantin Rosaevsky, [sp] the Russian fascist in ABC of Fascism, said it was a spiritual unity of every ethnic group. Russian identity is distinct for this reason.”


Greg Johnson: Yes, well, I think that it would be nice that the Russian people have a homeland of their own. And the main impediment to having a homeland of their own is the Russian imperialist ideology of Russia’s elite.


Again, the idea that this is an existential war, that Russia cannot exist behind it’s 2013 borders, is absurd! Unless the Russian mentality is defining itself as imperialistic, then it is an existential threat. It’s an existential threat to the Russian imperialist mentality to live behind it’s borders.


But I want a world where there are distinct nations that can live behind their borders in peace with one another. And that kind of imperialist mentality is inconsistent with my long term ethno-nationalist geopolitical vision. Which is why I want to comment on this kind of stuff. Because I think that if we put forward this vision of a world where people, different peoples, can live in peace with one another behind stable borders and cooperate.


That is a superior vision to the world that we have today. Where you have multiracial empires. You’ve got multiculturalism. You’ve got mass migration. You’ve got the destruction of identity and you’ve got parasitic groups that are benefiting from that. Whether that’s the elite in Moscow. Or whether it’s international jewry. Or whether that’s sort of the globalist establishment in America.


There are many different sort of market dominant minorities and elites that skim off and benefit from imperialism and globalization in one form or another. Even though that’s destructive of identities and destructive of other nations.


I’d like an alternative world order to that. That’s the reason to comment on this. I think that if we had an ethno-nationalist world order, there wouldn’t be this war in Ukraine.


Joel Davis: Archie:


“Greg said war is a justified reason to shut down the opposition. We don’t need a war to silence the opposition. Covid emergency measures were enough to attack the Canadian freedom truckers.”


I don’t know if it was.


Greg Johnson: Yeah, emergency powers are a grave danger. War emergencies, health emergencies, people say:


“Well, it’s an emergency! We can change the rules arbitrarily.”


And that is a great danger.


Joel Davis: Yes. But Greg, as an ethno-nationalist, for sake of argument, if it was demonstrated that in the Donbas, the people there were overwhelmingly ethically Russian – obviously there’s a historical link between that region and Russia – if they voted to secede and it was a kind of fair election and so on, and it could be kind of those international observers that were neutral, that verified it, would you accept the results?


Greg Johnson: Absolutely! That’s one way that you can handle these things. Now there was a referendum about whether to be ruled from Moscow or ruled from Kiev. It was after the collapse of communism and every single region of Ukraine voted for independence. Even the Donbas, even the Crimea. The Crimea had the lowest percentage, but it was still over 50%. Those were referendums that were actually observed by outsiders. Those were referendums that were probably as free and fair as you are going to get in a place like that.


What’s happened since then, for instance, the obviously fake referendum that took place in 2014 in Crimea that was ratified by foreign nationalist observers who were obviously enamored to Putin, that was fake! Certainly the referendum that have taken place in the east recently, where Ukrainians have fled the area because, well, they’re afraid of dying! Where armed men go door-to-door collecting votes. Clearly that’s a fake referendum, and that cannot be taken seriously. But yes, it would be great if you could have referenda that could separate certain territories where there’s ethnic conflict.


Like I said, the only referendum that I know of that took place under those conditions soundly kept those areas as part of Ukraine. Now, if things have changed radically since then, I would be surprised.


Here’s the thing. I believe that every distinct people should have a homeland. That doesn’t mean that every Russian, ethnic Russian needs to live in Russia, right? Or every ethnic German needs to live in Germany. But if you’ve got a homeland and you feel very strongly about it, it’s great for the Russians to have a homeland that they can go to.


Many ethnic Russians live in Ukraine and felt no need to pack up and move to Russia. A lot of ethnic Russians, I know ethnic Russians in Ukraine who fled Russia to Ukraine, because they found it a freer place to live. So just to say that because somebody is an ethnic Russian, that they’re a natural voter for secession is highly dubious, and therefore you really do need to have some kind of fair referendum. How you could have it at this point, after eight years of conflict in this region, I don’t know.


And maybe the best way to sort this out is just to allow people who feel very, very strongly about being ruled from Moscow to move across the border. I think that if you gave them that choice, very few would actually do it. I think that the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics are simply Russian military operations! They are fake! And Russia has a history of these kinds of operations.


The Transnistria op which happened in Moldova is an example of this. They like to use Russian populations that were left over in various parts of the Soviet empire, and Russian Empire, as pretext, as a fifth column, for Russian influence, and as a pretext for various ops and interventions. So there’s a long history of that.


And I think that Ukrainians therefore regard this with extreme jaundice. But let’s just leave that aside. I do think that the solution to ethnic conflict, when you have multiple peoples within the same borders, is to move borders, or move people, or both.


Mark Collett: I just want to respond to this. I think what Greg says is a nonsense! Everything that doesn’t go Greg’s way is somehow controlled by the Russians. But things that do go Greg’s way are absolutely self-determination. So in 2014, what was clearly a CIA backed coup, was absolutely the will of the Ukrainian people!


Greg Johnson: But isn’t it wasn’t a CIA backed coup.


Mark Collett: It was a CIA backed Color Revolution!


Greg Johnson: What colour was it?


Joel Davis: Hey, Greg! I think Mark let you speak for a while, so you can as well.


Mark Collett: , … Was pushed through to depose Viktor Yanukovych, because Viktor Yanukovych was not going along with American interests. The people who were armed and used as a battering ram to push that revolution through, many of them were arrested afterwards. And none of them ended up holding any form of power in the new reconstructed Ukraine because those people, mainly, were angry nationalists who had been used by the CIA as a battering ram.


Just as Azov had been used by the CIA to commit war crimes in eastern Ukraine, again, as a battering ram to provoke Russia. That was a coup! That was not democracy.


You cannot say that a CIA backed coup is somehow more good, or more proper, or more an indication of self-determination, than a series of referenda by people who have lived in that area, or on that land, for a multitude of generations. So you are saying that Crimea, which was historically Russia, always part of Russia, gifted to the Ukraine as part of a Soviet reshuffle. The people there were Russian, the people there spoke Russian, but their independence vote was absolutely a big Russian gay op!


Greg Johnson: Totally a fake opposition!


Mark Collett: You see, Greg, what you’re doing is you basically look at things from, if you like it, it’s real. If you don’t, it’s not. That is what you’re saying.


Greg Johnson: No, that’s not my criteria. But look, the Maidan was not a CIA op, okay? It was a revolution when a politician who was put in power to pursue EU membership suddenly made an about face because of Russian pressure and Russian bribery. And among the ultranationalists who participated in that, there was the Svoboda Party, which ended up in the government, the national unity government, after Yanukovych fled the country. And so you’re simply wrong. The nationalists were part of the National Unity government that took over after Yanukovych.


Mark Collett: So I suppose Yanukovych only got elected because the Russians fiddled the polls?


Greg Johnson: I don’t know. Let’s just pretend that they, …


Mark Collett: So all the people that voted for Yanukovych, and all the parties that were banned, and all the people who were denied a stake in future governments, that’s all okay because they don’t agree with Greg?


Greg Johnson: No, that’s not my criterion.


Mark Collett: That is absolutely your criteria. If people don’t agree with Greg, they were paid for by Russian shills, but everything else, …


Greg Johnson: Do you deny for instance, Nick Griffin is getting money from Sputnik right now?


Mark Collett: I don’t know what he does. I despise that guy! So I don’t know what he does. I’ve not had contact with him for years. He’s an absolute traitor to British nationalism, so I wouldn’t know.


But what I am saying is there are many different leaders all over the world who have been funded, just as revolutions have, by the CIA, and the American State.


Greg Johnson: Oh, absolutely! There is no question about T


Mark Collett: The American State has meddled more in the affairs of other states than, as I said, any other nation other than Israel.


Greg Johnson: I wouldn’t know about the exact numbers, but there’s no question that the United States has got lots and lots of blood on its hands. So we don’t have any question about that.


Joel Davis: There is a poll on my telegram. I pinned it in the live chat where you can vote. Who won the debate? Mark Collett or Greg Johnson? We’ve had nearly 400 votes. Mark is winning the vote right now. But if the Counter-Current Greg shills, ….


Greg Johnson: Yes, I have paid shills that will come in and will hack the election! Actually hack the election, using wireless modems to change the results. You saw it through me! Me and the CIA!


Mark Collett: Are we wrapping it up anyway?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think we should probably wrap it up. We just have two last Superchats, but I’ll just kind of read to them quick:


“Mark and Dr. Johnson have more Jews left Ukraine or Russia since the beginning of the Special Military Operation?”


It’s more of a kind of rhetorical question, I guess. And Miller 210 says:


“Greg, are you not clinging to a utopian idea of ethno-nationalism? Stronger states expand and trample weaker states? Will this ever really change?”


Greg Johnson: Yeah, I think it can change. Basically, what you’re saying is that war is inevitable. And what I would like is to find a way of creating a world where there’s less war and less conflict. I don’t think we can live in a world without it entirely. That’s unrealistic. But we can certainly come up with political orders that can minimize unnecessary conflict and suffering. And that’s the vision that I have.


And that’s why I want to comment on this, because I think that if we can get more people thinking in terms of an ethno-nationalist geopolitics, to use a dirty word, rather than the current mess that we’ve got, we might actually get to a better world.




Joel Davis: Do you want to comment on that, Mark? The whole Empire vs ethno-nationalism thing?


Mark Collett: I think I’ve made my point clear. The greatest threat to people of European descent is judeo-American, Western liberal democracy. Anything that stands as a powerful counterbalance to that and prevents it from growing aggressively, or more aggressively than it was already has, is a good thing.


The fact is, nations that have more openly embraced America, and so-called American values are the ones that are fastest headed towards a White minority status. And I think that is the most important thing.


But I’ve had a really good time tonight. Thank you to everyone who’s been here, but I think I need to go and get some sleep.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think I’ll end the stream there. I think that’s a good way to end it. And thank you both for coming on. I think we put on something pretty good. Hope people thought that my moderation was fair.


Greg Johnson: Absolutely. I think you were very good. I very much appreciate it, actually, Joel. I think you handled this quite well.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I just wanted to have a kind of fair hearing for both sides, and I think you both were able to argue everything you wanted to argue. So I think that’s a victory for the format. And yeah, thank you both. You both, I think, did a pretty good job. And, yeah, thanks a lot for coming on and thanks for watching, everyone.


Greg Johnson: Thank you.











Odysee Comments



(As of Nov 8, 2022)


5 days ago
Greg’s position is very gay.

7 days ago
This is a complex issue, not least because unlike our western “Leaders”for some generations, Putin is a highly able, intellectually astute, learned and rugged man, tested in the fire of real jeopardy. You may recall his standing guard on the Russian Embassy in Berlin as the wall fell, unbowed and unwavering. You might know of his intelligent remarks considering such topics as the ethics of Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (of ‘On resistance to Evil by force’ fame). And you might observe that in realpolitik it is necessary to tread amongst and build and break alliances with the less than ideal characters that actually wield power.
In his recent Valdai Speech Putin often spoke of Democracy. Are we to infer he believes in this ridiculous chimera? Or that he knows plainer speech is unpalatable to his audience? He spoke also of the evils of antisemitism. But has acted to curb the subversive influence of ethnosectarians. His core focus seems a machiavellian realist approach to building a strong and viable realm for his people. Must he make questionable alliances? Undoubtedly. He assumed command of a nation raped nearly into oblivion by globalist forces of ‘rules based order’, and already wounded deeply by a near century of godless communism, and rudderless rule previously. Russia was already largely alcoholic, abortionist and morally nihilist, but he has cautiously tried to restrain these ills and restore orthodoxy.
The Ukraine has long been a place of tragedy, never perhaps more than now. It shares all the wounds of Russia, and more. But where Russia has the fortune to have bold leadership, Ukraine has a penis-pianist Jew actor. The allies/directors of both sides give little reason for confidence. China and the Mullahs vs. Western Zio-Faggotocracy.
To me this debate was decided for Mr. Collett, when Johnson opined that Putin thinks Nations are only as sovereign as they are powerful.
This is obviously the case, ever and always. Else you are vassal to your protector.
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9 days ago
my enemy’s enemy is not necessarily my friend

10 days ago
I like what both have said here on the subject. This was a great conversation. I think people should avoid ad hominem attacks on either speakers. Those attacks yield nothing of value but vitriol towards folks on either side of the argument.

13 days ago
“Yes I AM A ZIONIST” – Greg Johnson.

13 days ago
As for tactics used in the Ukraine , well, during the 2014 coup they are clearly, crystal clear in fact , the exact same tactics as were used with the BLM fiasco of 2020 .

13 days ago
What Greg says in the main on Ukraines independence, goes against nearly everything I’ve learnt. From mainstream and independent sources alike.

13 days ago
Finland, well, that is right but it was not a long period of time and the laws and religion and everything from Sweden stayed intact.
This topic is so easy to pick a side on that it is ridiculous. A European country was invaded by a Bolshevist army who waved their evil red hammer and sickle flag all over Ukraine. NATO is not the issue her, or the reason for the invasion.

13 days ago
Greg Johnson talks a load of sht. He talked a load of sht whilst on PWR, too

14 days ago
Mark is too dim for this issue.

14 days ago
Kinda off topic, but does anyone know why Greg’s work is excluded from the Unz Review?

14 days ago
GO MARK!! GTKRWN. NATO=North American Terrorist Organisation.

14 days ago
Most people are supporting either the American Empire or the Russian Empire. The correct position is to reject both. In regards to Ukraine, the American Empire used soft power to conquer the country (propaganda/political manipulation). Russia is trying to use hard power (invading the country) to reverse that American victory.
The Ukrainian people have accepted the religion of the GAE. Yes, America did all sorts of political shenanigans to promote their progressive religion. That doesn’t justify this invasion.
America won Ukraine without firing a single missile, and Putin’s ego couldn’t handle that. If Collett’s argument is that Russia is fighting Progressivism, then that basically means Putin can invade any country.
The Americans used hard power in Iraq, but that doesn’t justify Putin using hard power in Ukraine. If it was wrong in Iraq, then it’s wrong in Ukraine also. The fact that America has imperial ambitions does not justify Putin’s imperial ambitions. The Ukrainian PREFER THE GAE. That’s a bad thing, but it doesn’t justify MURDER.
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6 hours ago
It’s arguable whether people in Western countries “have accepted the religion of the GAE”, depending on how you define it. I’d say it’s a minority in each country. To say that as a generalization for Ukrainians is just ridiculous, they are a very religious and socially conservative nation.

14 days ago
my my yes indeed.. my impression of Greg Johnson is that he is a clown princess and he goes if we only could and then I guess he wants to go on his knees and blow the EU to get his ethno state as if that’s going to happen Mark is a better man than me he does have compassion for the mentally ill.

15 days ago
Where’s Greg Johnson’s face? Is it covered in monkey pox? Is his political position, “I want to engage in sodomy with strictly white boys”? Or is he an asset of GAE? What is his deal?

16 days ago
Greg taken to school here

16 days ago
Mark Collett has been a huge disappointment on understanding the real deeper issues on Ukraine, he seems to care MORE about the lives of people in the middle east than a real white people state like Ukraine. Mark Collett wants Putin to take over Ukraine so Putin can enslave/kill white Ukrainians like he does with Chechens to try and invade other white countries and be killed like cannon fodder.
Mark Collett should be listening and researching Greg’s points more carefully rather than using his mental gymnastics to see things in such a simpleton manner and as if Putin is someone to stand behind under any circumstance over Ukraine. I am kind of heart broken because if Mark is suppose to be the leader of proper pro-white movement then it’s going to fail hard on the first rock it hits and tries to climb, the comments on here being hardcore pro-Mark are disappointing and I almost can’t believe it, I can only hope most are just working or even dying for Putin and his ego.

16 days ago
I now regret all the times I have shared Mark Collett’s content and sent him crypto. He is being nothing but a huge simpleton disappointment to me on this topic, the Ukraine conflict is the first real IQ test for him to show he can think beyond the most simple pro-white thinking points and prove he is real leader material and he has failed MISERABLY on this.
Mark listen to Greg more carefully, he was being polite to on you this subject, while you are more passionate about the subject, to me (and I assume Greg) you are no more intelligent than some of the “undesirables” you have talked about that you don’t want in your own group, you believe you see more than simpleton undesirables that you don’t want in your group, but to people like me (and I assume Greg) you are the low IQ undesirable simpleton retard on this subject, to put it brutally and thoroughly.

16 days ago
Never trust a man who takes another man’s cock in his anus.

16 days ago
Greg is just a racist Libtard seething about being kicked out of the bug man community while holding a boombox over his head trying to get back in.

17 days ago
I don’t have a dog in this fight. Greg Johnson’s position is necessarily incoherent (“Ukraine” gets the nationality 50% allegedly wants, but the Donbas doesn’t?) and Mark Collett is a loon with Jews on the brain whop, if he has any actual points to make, I couldn’t stomach enough to stick around until he got to them.

17 days ago
Greg Johnson is the worst argument for white nationalism, his worldview is completely unrealistic and honestly deranged. Thinking it would be a good thing for Russia to lose territory and break up because it would “shed some diversity” is so out of tune with geopolitical reality only an insane person would actually do such a thing. You actually can’t run a government and a foreign policy based on white nationalism solely you do actually have to factor in things like geopolitics and economics. Greg maybe well educated but he is not a smart nor sensible person, some of the things he was saying in the debate were downright imbecilic.

17 days ago
I think Mark won, but to think jewtin is not controlled by the chosenits is naiv. He banned holocaust revisionism before most Western countries and just Tore down the holodomor memorial site, cause he claims it celebrates disinformation.

17 days ago
So according to Greg, if a government decides they don’t like a political party, it’s ok to start bombing them, and now that it’s a war, it is legitimate to ban the political party. Cause that’s kinda what happened in Ukraine. And that’s just democracy at work or something and not a heavy hand of authoritarianism.
And to further point of Nationalism, these regions wanted to leave Ukraine, they voted on it, multiple times. They don’t want to be a part of Ukraine, they consider themselves to be of a different nation, and democratically voiced their will to no longer be under the same government as the rest of Ukraine, this isn’t a Blanket Annex of of an empire simply moving in. If Greg is principled in his nationalism even to extend that courtesy to his enemies in the case of a certain other ethnic group, why doesn’t that extend to the people of the contested eastern Ukraine?
And then wants to give them more money and weapons to continue an impossible war, that is only going to kill tons of people for no achievable goals. They will die for literally nothing, or actually worse than nothing, they will die so that several billions of dollars+ can be stolen and laundered under the guise of “aide” to a handful of rich and corrupt evil men.

17 days ago
I dont care about Russia or Ukraine, but I do appreciate the chaos it is creating and that can only be a good thing given how terrible clown world is becoming in the West. More division and instability until it all collapses!

17 days ago
debate got better later on, first half seemed to be just 5 different opening statements.
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18 days ago
Greg and Mark – two sterling gentlemen…

18 days ago
The homo defends NATO and attacks Russia. with the same arguments used by John Bolton. Nothing new or surprising here. Mark C. crushed that pervert in this debate.

18 days ago
If you are pro-white you MUST oppose the American Empire in favor of multipolarity. Grindr Greg is a psychopathic subverter. Several decades past due to recognize him for who he is.
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18 days ago
There’s no way Greg isn’t Richard Spencer. they sound exactly alike.
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18 days ago
By the way. Russia is more Russian than Ukraine is Ukrainian lol. So it would seem Ukraine is the bigger “empire” here.

18 days ago
Even certain mainstream media commentators have acknowledged that the Maidan was a colour revolution. That ought to tell us something.
It seems to me that Ukraine should have its borders redrawn and perhaps some peaceful relocation of its citizenry.

18 days ago
Greg Johnson is dead to me.

18 days ago
I find it strange Greg is basically just taking CNN for the gospel these days. Covid jab, now support Ukraine. Strange.
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18 days ago
Same as Spencer. They’re made for each other
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17 days ago
And guess what, seven years ago, they were both Duginists–publishing numerous articles promoting him. Now, they are doing this ZOG crap. I have been in this thing for a long time and I always hated Spencer. He was always an effite dandy and the best thing he ever did was promote Greg Conte who left NPI for greener pastures.
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17 days ago
I liked Spencer for a long time, and he’s the first person that I started listening to in the dissident right, but he started changing after Charlottesville mostly for the worse, and today he’s basically just edgy CNN.

18 days ago
Good opening statement by Greg… but an even better one by Mark.
But as soon as the questions started being addressed, I aver that Mark started to move ahead by leaps and bounds.
For instance, I’m not sure how the Russo-Ukrainian typical ‘current year’ nonsense (frankly, an even more divisive and pointless wedge issue than Covid vaccines) can be framed as a war of a multiracial empire against a White nation. The Ukraine isn’t just horribly multiethnic, but it’s hardly any less multiracial than Russia, see, for instance, the Koryo-Saram (a sizeable Korean minority in the Ukraine). At best, it’s two multiracial imperialist states against each other. Tell me when the Koryo-Saram are pressured to return home, along with the ‘Afro-Ukrainians’, Kurds, Turks and other sizeable non-white groups, and only then, and not a moment sooner, can one talk about the Ukraine as a ‘White nation’ and why this is an additional argument for supporting the Ukraine over a ‘multiracial empire’.
Now, it is obvious that neither side are ethnonationalists (though both sides use ethnonationalists as cannon fodder, since neither Ukrainian liberalism nor Russian realism are causes worth dying for, forcing them to seek out fighters motivated by higher causes such as racial or religious regeneration), and so the notion that those who favour Russia are false or hypocritical ethnonationalists is simply wrong. For should one also consider black or heebish ethnonationalism morally virtuous in the effort to be consistently ethnonationalist? I aver here that it is nonsense to claim that an ethnonationalist must, to avoid being inconsistent, morally support those forms of non-white ethnonationalism which are far more destructive than not.
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19 days ago
Smartest comment just end the thread and turn off the video.

18 days ago
Furthermore, Russia being a ‘multiracial empire’ is not much of a charge when issued by Americans, given that their country fits that description far better than Russia does, being far more multiracial and far more imperialistic. For if Russia is a ‘multiracial empire’, then the Ukraine is simply a smaller version of one, and what is more, it is dominated by the world’s most hegemonic one. For at this stage there are probably more non-whites in America than Russia’s total population.
So-called ‘petty nationalism’ should be the aim of ethnonationalists in the long-term. White solidarity in the face of an existential non-white threat is justified. However, if White solidarity denotes the amalgamation of all White ethnicities into something like White Americans already are, then it is evidently not. White Americans are thoroughly unworthy of emulation, which is why they are often ridiculed as 56%’ers and so forth. The various ethnicities must go their separate ways after the European race has achieved self-determination en bloc.
Similarly, when an American talks of a hypothetical Trump dictatorship and how bad it would be for ethnonationalists, he must remember that this hypothetical scenario was never seriously on the table, and that the scenario that is most likely to play out is the realization of what will soon be a de facto Democrat one-party state a la Liberia under their historical analogue to the Democrat Party, the ‘True Whigs’.
So we have the anti-ethnonationalist successors to Putin who will likely continue arresting WNs against the anti-ethnonationalist Democratic Party, whom will be unable to lose a Federal election, and whom will likely have people arrested for something as trivial as ‘misgendering’, just as their British counterparts already are?
Now, if one can be arrested for mere ‘misgendering’, what does that say about how WNs will be treated in the near-future? It says to me that they will soon be treated worse than in Russia.
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19 days ago
You idiot, ethnic European Americans never voted to be replaced.

18 days ago
How does Joel manage to be so high energy and enthusiastic? his charisma is through the roof.
seriously bro, why do you always seem so nervous and low energy when you’re live? and why didn’t you set up the format so that the two could actually interact? whoever answered the questions second had an advantage in that they could refute the other without any further retort. gay

18 days ago
I have nothing against Greg Johnson, I actually like him quite a bit. However, he was all over the place. At around
, in the span of just a couple minutes, he went from pro-NATO/US establishment global order, to accelerationism (economic downturn can only help nationalists), to borderline boomer kook (the war in Ukraine is only happening to distract us from covid mismanagement). My goodness.

18 days ago
Putin is prepared to wage war against the world to protect his own ethnic group from abuse by Ukrainians and Jews. He’s unilaterally redrawing political borders along ethnic lines. If you call yourself an ethno-nationalist but you oppose this, you’re just a fraud (and probably a literal cocksucker).
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17 days ago
Muh based Putin is so cucked he banned holocaust revisionism before most Western countries.. The dude is a total zog puppet bro, he’s just better at hiding it than western politicians.

18 days ago
There are roughly 750 US foreign military bases; they are spread across 80 nations! Imperial?

18 days ago
I just dont give a shit about Ukraine, all i care about is watching Russia create more chaos to destabilize our clown world. As an ethno nationalist, I only care about my white people, not slavs, Asians etc etc

19 days ago
The Ukraine must accept multiculturalism, transgenderism and tolerance.
Debate me.

19 days ago
Microphones left open while not talking fucked up the audio quality, it seems.

19 days ago
I love white people, culture and heritage so much

19 days ago
great debate guys , Im very suspicious about both sides

19 days ago
Hard to listen to it all the way through! Greg is either cowardly or devious. Probably both. Mark did everything right.
Anyone in favor of an ethnic nation-state should avoid using Zionist Israel as a model, as it is the most inhumane version imaginable.

19 days ago
Nato was absolutely created by conquest, it’s called world war II

19 days ago
What makes you all believe Putins government is not ZOG? Look up Putins inner circle, it is full of Zionist Jew billionaires. For example: Arkady Rotenberg, Boris Rotenberg, Mikhail Fridman, Berel Lazar, Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, Petr Aven, German Khan, Roman Abramovich, Viktor Vekselberg, Oleg Deripaska, Eugene Shvidler, Leonid Mikhelson, God Nisanov & Alexander Knaster.
This war is just ZOG West versus ZOG East with white people suffering the consequences.
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19 days ago
Heads up. Putin going hard on nazis in the newly acquired regions. What a shitshow western white nationalism has become.
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19 days ago

Correct. It is not even legal to be NatSoc or ethno-nationalist in Russia anyway. Actual Russian ethno-nationalists side with Ukraine in this war. For example Denis Nikitin of White Rex, Tesak of Format 18, Alexey Levkin & Dmitry Demushkin.
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17 days ago
I have not heard of them. I just really hate pootin.

18 days ago
Fucking Based lol

19 days ago
Because either they are all paid or absolutely retarded. Those that don’t get that Putin is in the hands of the Jews have lost it.
Also strange that my comment talking about just this is “gone”.
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18 days ago
Zelenskyy and other major Ukrainian politicians are actual Jews. We know Ukraine is run by Jews. Russia has reduced Jewish power within Russia. With Russia gone the US will almost control the entire world. You don’t really seem to care how this will effect European peoples.
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18 days ago
Try this with actual retards or young people who still buy into your absolute shit.

18 days ago
No one has said the Putin isn’t working with Jews, but Ukraine is literally ran by Jews that took over Ukraine after a US backed colour revolution. If Russia survives American hegemony is that much more under threat. Let me guess you’re a republican voter, and an American patriot type. America is the largest threat to white people. Russia is a threat to America.

18 days ago
Argyrodes is too much of a coward to allow me to reply to him I see. Well I see nothing but Kremlin bots claiming that Putin is fighting against ZOG and that Russia does not have Jewish influence in their government like America does. No I am not American and I only see right-wingers in the Anglosphere supporting Putin, 90% of European nationalists sure do not. What makes you think it is better for us to be ruled by Putins multiracial Judaic empire than the American multiracial Judaic empire? It makes no difference and this war is completely pointless. The only good outcome of the war is if both the Russian government and American government fall apart because of this war.
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17 days ago
I agree!! The only people who benifits from this war is the tribe that wants white gentiles dead and buried. Its all sorted so sad 💔

17 days ago
Apparently the Js don’t control the world’s governments and never controlled Russia, it’s just “the West”. Controlled dialectical conflicts don’t exist goy! Next I’ll be told that domestic party politics and left v right is real.

19 days ago
You think Hungary would ever accept Ukraine as an ally when they are currently genociding Hungarians in Ukraine? The only acceptable solution for us is the destruction of Ukraine and our territory returned to us.

19 days ago
Listening to Greg’s faggot voice, (he was evidently too pussy to show his effeminate face), regurgitating trite jew msm talking points, is really difficult. Mark Collett absolutely wiped the floor with this retard

19 days ago
Mark and Greg are both good people and they both have some good takes, but both of them say some silly things. Greg’s idea of arming Ukraine is mad, and Mark’s view of Russia is naïve, along with his use of the ancient leftist claim that America controls Britain’s warheads. Maybe we need a moratorium on talking about Ukraine, since it’s so divisive.
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18 days ago
Said like a true leftists. You call for censorship.
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18 days ago
The fingers move, the keyboard clicks, but Mr Brain is on long-term sick leave, isn’t he?

19 days ago
fuck gregs view on that war.
its dumb to support zog in any case, really.
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19 days ago

What makes you believe Putins government is not ZOG? Look up Putins inner circle, Zionist Jew billionaires like: Arkady Rotenberg, Boris Rotenberg, Mikhail Fridman, Berel Lazar, Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, Petr Aven, German Khan, Roman Abramovich, Viktor Vekselberg, Oleg Deripaska, Eugene Shvidler, Leonid Mikhelson, God Nisanov & Alexander Knaster.
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19 days ago
I have the same opinion as Mr. Collett on that topic, soo..

18 days ago
You just copy pasted this one comment that Putin has worked with Jews like any global leader has throughout the entire chat? That’s the only argument you have?

18 days ago
How does it matter that “any global leader in the world is working with the Jews”? And its not even true, Iran are not. And you are completely missing the point. The point is that Russia is just as Zionist as the West is.
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17 days ago
No, because Russia supports: Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, PLO, Assad, Armenia. A politician or cultural figure who criticizes Israel doesn’t get in trouble in Russia unlike in the West. Thousands of jews per month are fleeing. Larry Fink’s BlackRock and most of the western financial oligarchy that was trying to take over the country has left. I could understand your argument for neutrality, but when you look at just how jewed Ukraine is, come on man.
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17 days ago

I don’t see the relevance. Russia are just following the Duginist strategy of Third worldism, i.e. of allying with third world countries that already hate the West or turning them against the West. Why would I, as a European, support nations that would gladly mass murder me and my people if they had the opportunity?
Jews aren’t fleeing Russia because Russia is anti-Jewish, they are fleeing Russia because they know Russia will lose this war and that will be horrible for their business schemes. Jews are not loyal to any country other than Israel. They are simply parasitically using USA, Russia and Ukraine to leech off the hard work of the goyim with their subversive businesses.

19 days ago
Greg is gay and thus he knows instinctively that the USA is what is guaranteeing his existence.
Imperialism is good, we just need to be spreading actual healthy ways of living across the world, not telling parents to chop their kids dicks off. Thus the American empire and its vassals must be destroyed.
Ethnonationalism where anyone with a slight variation in identity can proclaim they are now a separate country is retarded.
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18 days ago
Keep voting republican you hardcore white nationalist you.
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18 days ago
Voting is for idiots

17 days ago
You’re probably right about Greg’s subconscious motives. However, i’ll disagree that imperialism is good. There’s a middle ground between every little fucking spin off group gets a country to the point we double the UN members and giant blocs exploiting and taking what might be more easily acquired thru diplomacy and trade
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17 days ago
There will always be war, and arguably it’s also desirable to have conflicts, as complacency breeds degeneracy and leads to the downfall of the society. The ethnonationalist utopia requires every ethnostate to cooperate with each other and no one trying to dominate or get a leg up on the other, which I think is absurd. Competition and the natural urge to increase your own and your groups power is human and healthy, which necessarily means some will dominate others, which leads to empires. In addition, there is no way we can actually protect the environment and prevent environmental destruction in countries that are not our own, unless we have an empire that dominates the globe. Otherwise you can tell poorer countries all you want, to stop exploiting resources, but they will consider their own wellbeing first. They necessarily need to be ruled over, in order for our vision to prevail. So ethnonationalism I think is basically dead in the water and sounds like a white nationalist version of hippies living happily ever after in peace. Not only is it unrealistic, I find it undesirable.

19 days ago
See i like to think they both debated there points beautifully on how screwed whites are ether in the west or east ,ah you guys just showed me a new Paradigm
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18 days ago
We’ll see who’s screwed in the future you Marxist scum.

19 days ago
Greg brought some under-appreciated nuance to the analysis, and I don’t believe he was arguing in bad faith as Mark insinuated. However, I’d have to still give the debate to Mark due to Greg’s underestimation of the perverse appetite and ambitions of the Western globohomo establishment. It’s a sad situation all around, but I think Russia emerging semi-victorious and making the West look weak would be better for us than Ukraine becoming a portal for the West to spread pozz out over Eastern Europe (which is what will happen—the ethnats will be discarded once no longer needed). It is true though that Russia has it’s own grave demographic threat, and they tolerate plenty of degenerate trends… Definitely not a saviour, just a lesser evil in the short-term.

19 days ago
Mark is 100% correct
Much love to Greg, but he’s emotionally attached to several false premises:
1) he doesn’t consider Russians White or European. This is false and a mistake. The Russ were Viking/Germanics/Slavs
Russians are White and at this point are far more culturally European than Western Europe’s current condition
2) He’s attached to the idea that White ethnicity is tractable without Christianity as a unifier. What is the historical evidence for this
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19 days ago

1) Russia is at least 30% non-white and 25% islamic. Putins government has made ethno-nationalism illegal and believes anyone can become Russian as long as they like Russian culture. Putin does not care at all about Slavic identity.
2) Christianity is a Middle-Eastern religion. What makes it so important for white identity? The Ancient Greeks and Romans were far more intelligent and important for White civilizations than any of the Judaic revenge fantasies in the Bible.
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18 days ago
1) But he is not actively genociding White people. For all we know, he may privately want them to thrive. Huge difference with the Jewish-controlled countries, which is the main reason the Jews are attacking him so hard.
2) A people needs a creed in order to last through time. To cavalierly dismiss two thousand years of European culture, unified under the Christian creed and identity is reckless
White people stand no chance without a unifying creed, so what is going to replace it before we’re wiped out
Religions can take on almost any meaning. White people simply need to interpret Christianity in a manner that fits what is needed right now, which is survival

19 days ago
Never heard of Greg Johnson why does he sound and talk like a Spencer clone

19 days ago
Our opinions matter more than theirs.

19 days ago
Mark uses the phrase “Judeo-American Western Liberal Democracy.” This phrase misses the mark. The regime that rules America is certainly Judeo-American and it rules over the Western world but it is neither Liberal anymore nor is it genuinely democratic. It is a Globalist and proto-Technocratic regime ruled from behind closed doors by a plutocratic oligarchy wearing a democratic mask. This regime is actually a privatized authoritarianism which shrouds its exercise of unaccountable authority behind secrecy and propagandistic mystification.

19 days ago
Greg legitimizes the concept of “racism” and “white supremacy” what a scumbag. These are just slurs for people who are not antiwhite enough. Might as well be an ADL spokesman.

20 days ago
The real purpose of NATO is to prevent the rise of genuinely nationalist governments in Europe and to enforce Judeo-Globalism.
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19 days ago
The exact same thing can be said about Putins regime. It is illegal to be an ethno-nationalist in Russia.
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19 days ago
You keep missing the point. The Putin regime is not good. Chabad dominates the mobbed-up oligarchic economy. Putin, either out of sympathy, or more likely, out of recognition of the formidable Jewish power in Russia, takes a philo-Semitic line. It is still better to have a separate power center in Russia – which at present is less virulently and aggressively anti-White than the US, UK and EU – than to have power over all these regions consolidated in the hands of the same group of Western-based Zionist Globalist elites.
The essential point is that this war was engineered into existence by the Judeo-Globalist Western elites to weaken both Ukraine and Russia, on the way to absorbing them – and all of Eastern Europe – into the Western Judeo-Globalist power sphere. That would be disastrous for the White European peoples. Hungary and Poland would not long holdout against pressure from Brussels if Russia goes the way of Western Europe and the US.
Ukraine and the US are responsible for prolonging this war. The US needs to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons and Ukraine needs to agree to not join the EU or NATO. This is the only solution which protects the people of Ukraine, Russia, the rest of Eastern Europe and the entire West. Russia will not allow itself to be encircled and the crushing of a substantially independent Russia would be a disaster for us. So hoping for a Ukrainian “victory” is beyond stupid.
Supporting the prolongation of the war by Ukraine is objectively supporting the agenda of the Judeo-Globalist Western elites. How can you fail to see this?

15 days ago
Don’t forget the main aim; to keep Germany down.

20 days ago
Putin expelled much of the poz favored by the west which was happily looting them during the post soviet era, ukraine was poz party 2.0.
And fertility rates, lol Ukraines is even lower, now its just done, you fed all their young men into the meat grinder, and the young women have been exported to dubai and onlyfans, good job white nationalist!

20 days ago
I’m very disappointed in Greg Johnson. He shows very poor comprehension regarding the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war.
The issue is not whether to be pro-Ukrainian or pro-Russian. There is plenty wrong with Putin and Russia. Russia, however, remains an independent power not under the control of the Judeo-Western elites controlling the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the EU.
The real blame for this war lies with the Judeo-Western elites in collusion with pro-Judeo-Western subversive elements within Ukraine. They have engaged in machinations, not least by engineering the 2014 Maidan coup (which Greg inanely believes to be a genuine Ukrainian nationalist revolution!), aiming at bringing Ukraine into the EU and NATO and hence into the Judeo-Western sphere of influence. This is encirclement of Russia, which Russia cannot allow on basic geopolitical principles.
The Judeo-Western elites knew this of course, and were deliberately aiming to start the war which now rages.
What keeps this war going is the indefensible refusal of the Western client regime in Kiev to agree not to join the EU or NATO. The West must cease trying to bring Ukraine into its sphere of influence. This is essential to reestablishing and preserving international peace.
Why have the Judeo-Western elites brought this war about? Obviously to weaken both Ukraine and Russia as a step toward ultimately bringing both, together with all of Eastern Europe, under Judeo-Western hegemonic control. This would be a catastrophe for Europe and the White race.

20 days ago
I don’t like that guy Joel – he seems like an infiltrator. Watch him. My gut feeling tells me he’s a rat. I trust my initial Feelings about people.
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17 days ago
Thomas Sewell, is that you?

20 days ago
Russia is an AIDS ridden shithole of mongrels. fuck any dumb idiot that supports muh based kike Putin
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18 days ago
That’s just Siberia, and it’s mostly Turkic drug addicts spreading the AIDS not fags like Greg.

20 days ago
“NATO is pro-White”. This is the strangest White nationalist I’ve heard yet. Never had I seen anyone from this sphere shill for ZOG’s side in this war before. I’m not loving his arguments either.
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20 days ago
The real purpose of NATO is to prevent the rise of genuinely nationalist governments in Europe and to enforce Judeo-Globalism. It’s a thinly veiled form of Judeo-American occupation which has existed since WWII. I can’t understand how Johnson could fail to see this.

18 days ago
We know that NATO is not pro white it’s just choosing the lesser of 2 evils, we still have most of our Freedoms intact and can protest/dissent legally right now, if Russia and China (allies with each other) take over EU/Canada/Unites states all that will be gone and all WN’s imprisoned and total censorship, Putin is literally Anti-White and holding an International Antifascist Conference:
Literally King Antifa

20 days ago
Greg is dull
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13 days ago
& gay

20 days ago
Imagine a world where Humanity was only White european. What a Utopia. We would only fear climate change and unlikely possible alien invasion. Imagine not fearing about immigration or mirgants or niggers or Kikes, race traitors and race mixing.
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18 days ago
Climate change doesn’t exist.

20 days ago
Mark won by miles.

20 days ago
Thank you for hosting these important discussions. You definitely need more views
on this one.

20 days ago
“The Maidan revolution which I call a glorious outburst of Ukrainian nationalism, and Russians slander as an American intelligence operation” – Greg Johnson in his opening statement
It doesn’t take a Russian to see that it was a US intelligence run color revolution
Russian slander didn’t choreograph 4k videos with models from what was supposed to be independent journalists during the “revolution”
Russian slander didn’t fly all of Ukraine’s gold to NYC the night its government was overthrown
Russian slander didn’t have tribe member Victoria Nuland of the US state dept directing who was going to go where in Ukraine’s “elections” on a recorded call
Russian slander didn’t install the (then VP) president’s son on the board of a Ukrainian energy company as a bribe
Russian slander didn’t have multiple rapid fire “elections” until a jewish comedian got into the highest office in Ukraine
Russian slander didn’t cynically start a battalion of nationalists that got sold out by their leadership, funded by Israeli billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi, and put out to slaughter for a solely political objective
Russian slander didn’t promptly start importing non White en masse like every US vassal state is forced to
Russian slander didn’t start having pride parades in a country where the populace is vehemently opposed to such things, like every US vassal state is forced to
I could go on with the examples
Even patriotards saw through that thinly veiled color revolution as it was happening, not to mention the fruits it has borne since then which make the picture far clearer
As a supposed dissident if you think any of the above isn’t indicative of a US intelligence op then you’re either compromised, disingenuous, or laughably unqualified to comment on international affairs
As a supposed nationalist if you think any of the above is a “glorious outburst of nationalism” then consider calling yourself something else entirely
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18 days ago
It’s comments like this why this debate was held. Now I can get all these great points out there against anyone on the right that is a anti-Russian.

21 days ago
No fags, no jews
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20 days ago
Then you will love Putin who surrounds himself with jews and who jews in Russia says they love, quote “Putin might not be good for Russia, but he sure is good for jews”.
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20 days ago
Slobaknob 4 Ukraine, faggot
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19 days ago
Please stop telling the truth, these Russia shills do not like hearing that!

19 days ago
Here’s Smithers. Being a stan for Greg every time the word fag is mentioned.

14 days ago
Exactly. How grotesque is it that there is an actual music video where the KIKE Zelensky dances in drag, high heels etc?! That is literally JEWISH AND GAY. Fuck that.

21 days ago
As always Mark makes great points, and as always he’s more interested in ‘winning’ than cohesion. Lack of unity is the Achilles heel of this movement.
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20 days ago
nigger it’s a debate this is a new cope, Mark lost because he won so hard. How can there be “unity” with homosexual zionists who support Trump and the EU?
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20 days ago
Agree. I like the guy, but he has a really cunty tone and is obviously wrong about this. Except when it comes to NATO; because I don’t like Nato either. But being for an invasion of Ukraine is absolutley anti-nationalistic and retarded

21 days ago
you did great as a moderator, well done Joel. Mark of course gets my vote
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19 days ago
So you’re for Russia invading a soverign white country and killing their population? 😀 And you don’t have a problem with Putin surrounding himself with jews and Rabbis saying things like “Putin might not be good for Russia, but he is good for jews”. And Putin celebrating “multicultural Russia” and that the sole reason for invading Ukraine is “Killing Nazis”. You fucking traitorous commie.
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18 days ago
The absolute State of White Nationalism, Right wingers have become the Commies and the Far left has become the Nazis lol, De-Nazification=Kill Whitey

21 days ago
The whole conflict began with the CIA backed maidan coup against the democratically elected pro Russian Yanukovych

21 days ago
whether Russia has performed poorly militarily: Remember that the US and the rest of the west have emptied they weapon stocks into Ukraine not to mention the large military intelligence and reconnaissance assistance they have had , so Russia have de facto not been fighting Ukraine but the entire west
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19 days ago
i wouldnt be surprised if russia wins in the end, though i support ukraine sovereignty as my White brothers.
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18 days ago
In your above commit you tried to claim the American empire is the West, so your opinion doesn’t matter.

18 days ago
Weapons stocks will never be empty man, We have the biggest weapons manufacturing plants in the world lol
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18 days ago
You are wrong the American army has stated this themselves remember this is not a wartime economy and many weapon systems are used faster than they are produced

18 days ago
America has used up something like a couple year’s worth of Javelin missile launchers. They’re very complex and only about 800 are built a year.

21 days ago
The homosexual has no option but to support ZOG when push comes to shove.
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20 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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20 days ago
Tell me you enjoy having your shit pushed in without telling me..
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19 days ago
OK. So you have an opinion about me.

19 days ago
He is an unabashed wignat and he doesnt push an LGBT agenda. He is also extremely knowledgeable, so i support Greg Johnson. I support Mark too. i just dont agree with him on ukraine. i must side with the White ethnostate over the multi racial empire.
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19 days ago
I’m not accusing him of pushing LGBT agenda, I know he doesn’t do that. I also value his intellectual contributions. I just believe that faggots shouldn’t be in charge, because they are prone to making incorrect decisions under pressure. They tend to be emotional just like women. This was is not about Ukraine. This is a ZOG proxy war and Ukrainian people don’t matter.
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19 days ago
the ukranian people matter to me. russia is just anti West ultimately. the same assholes who push the lgbt in the west then tell us the west is irreedeemable and must be destroyed cause Gay. not that i like the current american government its anti White AF.

19 days ago
i support lollipops and caramel covered driveways. Russia is not fighting a ethnostate so your point.. well you don’t have a point. You are lost in the sauce.

19 days ago
Homosexuality is all over the world including islam, not like “zog” is the only place it comes from. Thats anti West propaganda.
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19 days ago
Do you think faggots in islamic countries on average support their local religious regimes or push for ZOG color revolutions when given choice?
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19 days ago
youll never talk me into supporting a multi racial empire against a White country defending its sovereignty. heh.
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19 days ago
I think your position is simplistic and glosses over many other important variables. This is not what this war is about.
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19 days ago
i think you are a bullshit artist who likes to think he has enough information to determine he sides with multi racial russia against nationalist ukraine
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19 days ago
you rationalize destroying a White country that is nationalist cause geo politics you think you understand. anti whites are happy

15 days ago
This is absolutely correct. Greg’s only position seems to be that he only wants to engage in sodomy with whites. He has no moral argument, being openly and proudly immoral himself.

21 days ago
Greg is a homo; nobody should take him seriously. Why anyone listens to lispy pillow biters like this is beyond me.
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20 days ago
Another Russian hired faggot. Go and suck of Putin the manlet cunt, you little twerp.
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20 days ago
I take money from the Kremlin and you take a dick in your ass. One is objectively superior to the other you fucking kike.
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20 days ago
Im not a homosexual like you seem to be, since you are the one talking about dicks in asses all the time, weirdo homo. You also sound like someone with like 50 IQ. Nobody wants you in the movement. Gtfo.
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20 days ago
Nobody want people like you or Greg, the admitted zionist, in this movement. You want to talk about 50 IQ, when you can’t even English properly.
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20 days ago
No nobody likes autistic spergs who are fat and has never been to the gym and looks like those clowns in KKK, and cannot behave normally, but behaves like a complete antisocial weirdo 100% of the time. “when you can’t even english properly” LMAO. Just put one between your eyes.

20 days ago
Am I going to find this diddler defending spunk slonking under every comment?
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19 days ago
Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill. Paid russia shill, paid russia shill.
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19 days ago

19 days ago
I’m going through thread and your butt hurt drivel is in every reply thread on this video. You dont have a leg to stand on and think everyone is Putins puppet LOL welcome to 2016 Twitter.

21 days ago
the Judeo American empire musty fall for white people to be free
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19 days ago
lets destroy the west to save it. heh.
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18 days ago
He said America not the west moron.
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18 days ago
America,Canada,Australia and Europe are the West moron, Majority European
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18 days ago
We are North America not Western Europe.

18 days ago
Ya we’ll be so totally Free under Russian and Chinese Communism you Retard, You think you’re getting censored now huh!
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18 days ago
that is not relevant they are not going to occupy us but we need a multipolar world so that there is some counterweight to American hegemony
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18 days ago
It is relevant they will try to occupy us, they have allready co-opted our governments and tried to Death jab everyone for the past 2 years are you retarded?
Show 2 replies

18 days ago
No we need a world controlled by White Europeans again and Not Mongoloids, Arabs or Africans nor Indians

21 days ago
How can you be pro Nato ?
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19 days ago
Nato is just a defense pact, they dont dictate immigration. how can you be against the White country fighting the multi racial empire of Russia? heh.
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19 days ago
how can you be this stupid and uninformed?

18 days ago
This is what NATO says they believe in, or do you now like Diversity and Inclusion programmes?,people%20with%20different%20skills%2C%20backgrounds%2C%20experiences%20and%20cultures

13 days ago
LOL, you’re fucking gay

21 days ago
First the dissident right was astroturfed into obsessing over the non issue of Covid that has nothing to do with white people and now they have been manipulated into supporting the killings of actual white nazis defending their homelands. The dissident right is a joke.
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21 days ago
Azov are fake as fuck, dumb shit
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20 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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19 days ago
Go outside

19 days ago
Anyone who is for a white sovereign nation being invaded by disgusting chechen mutts who is killing their population is obviously not on our side 🙂 You’re a paid shill.

20 days ago
Wait a moment, so is Covid a non-issue or is Putin bad because masks? Look at your fucking side dude. Greg Johnson blamed inflation on fucking covid lockdowns instead of sanctions.

20 days ago
It’s quite telling that you would use the insulting term Nazi, instead of the appropriate term National Socialist.
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20 days ago
The fact that you consider Nazi an insulting term speaks volumes about you and your commie traitorous scum that has infiltrated our movement.
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20 days ago
It’s an insulting term created by their enemies, like calling the conservatives in Britain Tory, it’s the same thing. It means something like a backwards peasant i believe, and originated in Bavaria.
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19 days ago
Although Rockwell used it.

19 days ago
The paid Russian shills are out in full force here 🙂 It’s comical 🙂
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15 days ago
I think the only Kremlin agent in here is you faggot. I mean, your pedantry and hyper-aggressive stupidity actually makes Ukraine and America look worse! Trojan horse.

21 days ago
Mark won this debate.
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20 days ago
I think Mark has lost it. He is basically behaving like a bought propaganda asset for Russia. And his views
are very contradictory. In one way he is claiming he wants whites to have soverigty, but in the other he says it’s right that Russia has invaded Ukraine, even tho they kill ethnic whites…. lmao.
Also to say Russia is not a dictatorship and say things like “it’s a big country and in a big country you will have many etnicites”, what kind of retarded argument is that?
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19 days ago
There are other pro-white creators who have a different take on this situation. They are not theatre content and understand the seriousness of this war and world events.

20 days ago
Greg’s takes were embarrassingly bad. As in Richard Spencer tier cringe.
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19 days ago
I can’t see how anyone can back Ukraine. Not talking about the average person over there. Talking about their leadership.
With what is happening to Western Europe, one would think Ukraine would want to be under the protection of Russia.

19 days ago
So you’re for Russia invading a soverign white country and killing their population? 😀 And you don’t have a problem with Putin surrounding himself with jews and Rabbis saying things like “Putin might not be good for Russia, but he is good for jews”. And Putin celebrating “multicultural Russia” and that the sole reason for invading Ukraine is “Killing Nazis”. You fucking traitorous commie.
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19 days ago
That’s a very silly line of talk, (((troll Judenheimr))).
Ukraine is not powerful enough to be a purely sovereign country – not so long as other, greater powers exist and are interested in the geopolitical adherence of Ukraine.
The true fault for this war lies in the machinations of Judeo-Western elites in collusion with pro-Judeo-Western subversive elements within Ukraine like Zelenskyy, Arseny Yatseniuk, Vitali Klitschko, and oligarchs Igor Kholomoyskyi (who these days has moved on from Ukraine to Israel and Cyprus), Victor Pinchuk and Rinat Ahkmetov (who is an opportunistic Tatar rather than a Jew or half-Jew like the rest I have named).
Russia will not allow itself to be encircled through Ukraine joining the EU or NATO. The bottom line: there would be no war if Ukraine were not being steered into the Judeo-Western power sphere by pro-Judeo-Western elements such as those I named, in particular into joining the EU and NATO, and hence falling under the power of the Judeo-Western Zionist Globalist elites.
The ultimate goal of the Judeo-Western elites in weaponizing Ukraine against Russia is to bring Russia and all Eastern Europe under their control. This would be a giant step toward realizing their dream of a Globalist New World Order.
The problems with Putin and Russia are very real (in particular, the power of Chabad within Russia and Eurasianism). However, consolidation of control of all Europe under Judeo-Western elites would be a grave disaster for the White European peoples. The lesser evil here is to let Russia remain an independent power center, flawed as it is.

19 days ago
Yes. I fully support Russia stopping the Western Forces controlling Ukraine to fail. I see no other rational option. You sound extremely dull and uninformed what was done to Russian people in Ukraine during 2005 and after. Mark not only dominated the debate but Greg proved he is emotional uninformed and completely unhinged on this topic. You seem similar. Like Comically so.
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17 days ago
You didn’t adress even one of my fucking points, you traitorus commie.
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17 days ago
I answered, Yes. After the western backed coup and the torture, rape and genocide of ethnic Russians in Donbas, the installation of biological warfare laboratories experimenting on viruses and the ridiculous arrogance of Western leaders which led to the failed talks and negotiations; I support Russia doing whatever is necessary to secure at least the eastern half of Ukraine. The problem is you don’t have a argument and you’re incompetent like doofy libshits stuck on a CNN/MSNBC i.v.
there are hundreds of comments, the Duran, Rollo on substack, Scott Ritter, and many others have been accurately following and covering this since before it began. Update your software.
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17 days ago
Lmao, did you cite that directly from the Russian propagandabook? You fucking idiot, i’m saying his sole reasoning for invading Ukraine has been to rid Ukraine of fascists / Nazis and you say i’m a leftist? You absolute moron.
Yes I have the only argument required, Russia has invaded another sovereign white nation and is killing it’s population and you are for it. You’re a commie russian propaganda shill.
Don’t ever fucking mention CNN and calling me a lib, you retarded piece of shit. Im not even American like you are.
You like the average CNN NPC with 50 IQ, cannot even keep two things in your head at the same time. You’re not a nationalist, that much is 100% sure.
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17 days ago
you are completely unhinged, like i said, comically so. You also have severe reading comprehension problems and are overtly emotional. Comically so. Nothing about Ukraine is sovereign, their entire government was co-opted and the new officials were hand selected by Victoria Nuland. You are completely out of your depth. This entire situation is the fault of arrogant provoking Western Forces. You are just as doofy and mentally oafish and simple as any CNN/MSNBC watcher. Walking incompetence and you are insistent in your wallowing incompetence, quite a sight.. All you can do is throw a tantrum and name call. Oh no some idiot who doesn’t understand current geo-politics is calling me a commie russian shill.

15 days ago
Yet all of the CNN NPC’s “stand with Ukraine.” John Stewart Leibowitz gave an award to an Azov Battallion member and all of the libtards who had pronouns in bio were happy. So, why do you agree with all of them?

18 days ago

21 days ago
Mark was the better debater but he is pretty much a shill for Russia. Why does he always talk about the “Judao-Liberal American empire” but ignore the fact that Russia is just as Jewish? If he is honest guy without being some kind of shill, why does an intelligent man like Collett not understand that Jews always work dialectical? They always control both sides of a conflict, this should be especially clear in this case as Russia is NOT HIDING IT!!
Greg Johnson argues like a liberal who oddly happens to be a White nationalist, Collett argues like a Russian shill and seems very dishonest. Bad bad debate……
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21 days ago
Russia is far less jewish. Putin is one of the few leaders who has named “Jews” as disloyal. Russia doesn’t have anti-White programming 24 hours a day like the West. How many Jews in Russia’s govt? One. I’m Ukraine and USA? Many.
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20 days ago
There are literally Rabbis saying “Putin may be bad for Russia but good for Jews” he is is literally fighting a war against “Nazis”, Putin boasted to Rabbis that the Soviet Union was a Jewish creation, Putin criminalized Holocaust denial, under Putin the biggest Jewish museum was made etc…
Are all you people retarded or part of intelligence?

19 days ago
Anyone who is for a white sovereign nation being invaded by disgusting chechen mutts who is killing their population is obviously not on our side 🙂 You’re a paid shill.

20 days ago
“Jews always work dialectical. They always control both sides of a conflict” It’s amazing to me how many people have claimed to know this, or should know it by now, yet seem to have totally forgotten. That much is obvious from reading through the comments.

21 days ago
Mark Colette is a piece of shit and I hope he gets stabbed to death by a Paki
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21 days ago
Nick Griffin is that you ?

21 days ago
Psychos like you shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions.
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20 days ago
Russia bad because they are 15% non-White. NATO good despite being anti-White. But you want your rivals stabbed by the very non-Whites this evil judeo-American liberal democracy brought in. Yep, you need shock therapy you fucking crank
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20 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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20 days ago
Don’t you mean you are in fact, the tsar? Don’t worry, I won’t reveal your secret. The men in the white coats are your palace guards, they are just here for your own protection. I honestly hate making fun of you, because you are a legit mentally ill person.
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20 days ago
No I am a distant cousin
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15 days ago
You’re also distant from reality.
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15 days ago
Not at all, my reality is grounded in science and facts, you people live in a delusional fantasy of False Ideology

21 days ago
Ukraine = ZOG = Azov! Slava Rossia!
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21 days ago
Sure, Putin, a Chabad friend, and his Jewish oligarchs are not Zog….
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20 days ago
Zionists control Russia so much that Russia sends advanced weaponry to Houthis, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and destroyed ISIS on behalf of Assad. Chabbad controls Putin so much, they are leaving in droves. Because that’s what you do when you control someone…retard
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20 days ago
Big Deal Jews fund both sides, always have, haven’t you ever read the Haavara Agreement or Hitlers Jewish Soldiers? Israel was treating Syrian Jihadi Rebels and Funds Hezbola, wake up man! Oh and Hitler was a Jew too
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19 days ago
it would good if you made a video on Haavara Agreement my friend i and many others would definitely watch that video

17 days ago
Israel assisted rebels against Assad. They were controlled by America. Russia killed those rebels.
So, you oppose Russia but you also think Hitler is jewish and you’re anti-Nazi? So, you’re basically just a crazy person. Imagine thinking Hitler was jewish. I mean, what kind of psycho is Greg attracting. You’re literally here just to stir up trouble with bullshit like that. I mean, How could I take that seriously.

20 days ago
Both Sides are Zog, But I still stand with the White Nationalist Ukranians over Vlada-queer Jewtin and His Jewish Dual Citizen Billionaire Oligarchs, He literally wants to bring back the USSR and Stalinism and These Faggot controlled opposition fucks want him to plow over the west, Newsflash Mark, Putin Jails Idiots like you in Mother Russia
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19 days ago
Both sides are zog, the point is who do you side with in this war: the one that destroys your brother or do you side with the one defending your brother/homeland. If you answer yes to destroying, perhaps there is a bit of bolshevism/commie in one.
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18 days ago
Slava Ukraine! Death to Jewtin

20 days ago
fuck putins neo soviet shitole russia
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18 days ago
Moskal Vatnik Mongoloid, alcoholic Aids infested, abortion capital of Eurasia, These people are all Crypto Commies Who suck the dick of Michael Penovitch, Fucking Duganists

20 days ago
Ukraine is a sovereign nation and Russia is a multiethnic multicultural society invading lmao. Doesn’t mean Zelensky is good, but you are obviously retarded if you are for the invasion of Ukraine.

21 days ago
Joel handled moderating the debate superbly. As for the debate itself, Greg is gay and his arguments are pathetic at best when confronted with reality. And his egalitarianism, i.e. a state for every group of people on the planet, presupposes a power that could force such a world order. The further Greg manifests himself, the more I get the feeling that he’s actually just a racist liberal. Literally.
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20 days ago
Ok Russian troll. Greg obviously won this debate. 🙂 Mark has lost it completely and I like the guy normally. But on this question he is completely retarded being for an invasion of another soverign nation. Absolutley crazy. And then putting your trust into Russia who has threatened Europe with nuclear strikes… lmao. What on earth is he on?

18 days ago
You don’t believe other nations should not be raped by ZOG as Europeans should not be raped by ZOG? So what are you some kind of anarcho-capitalist American that is ok with globalism as long as it’s not in America?

21 days ago
Mark is clearly correct.
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20 days ago
Nice Try Russian Troll 🙂 How much do you get paid? I think Mark has completely lost it. He has some points, but in the larger aspect he is obviously wrong and it’s very strange that he defends everything about Russia. Where is the balance? Lmao.. it’s like he is bought to say all of this.
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18 days ago
Your opinion doesn’t matter pro-American empire shill.

21 days ago
sounds to me that the white race must choose who to mix with. On one side, you have judeo-nato, that wants the whites to racemix with africans, and on the other hand, you have russia who wants the whites to racemix with the asians. SO in the end, you have to choose between big booty mulatto girls, or whasian hentai egirls. Which way white man? which way? yellow fever or jungle fever?
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19 days ago
True unfortunately. We need to fight for ourselves. Not Putins mongol horde Russia or Bidens negro worshipping America.
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17 days ago
still… them anime girls got me rooting for mongussy…

21 days ago
List of Greg’s most outrageous statements:
1. NATO is pro-White because the countries that created it were pro-White. I agree that the founding of a thing creates an inherent quality about it that can be extrapolated into the future to some degree–but to imply that nothing has changed since 1950 is ludicrous. Besides, it was founded by the powers that destroyed fascism in Western Europe. The guys firebombing Dresden and Cologne (something Putin actually brought up in his speech) were not pro-White. Truman already desegregated the military by then also.
The Russian empire needs to downsize. So, spin off all of the non-Whites into their own states. Essentially, this would allow China, American and foreign jewish capital to split the spoils and control the resources of these new states leaving the minority Russians living there in jeopardy.
Ukrainians are seeking self-determination and as a buffer state they’d be controlled by Moscow. Says the guy who thinks that integrating Ukraine into the EU, World Bank, IMF, NATO would allow them to maintain sovereignty. I mean, Greg literally said when other nations have a veto over your country, you lack self-determination. EU AND VETO!
Ukraine would join the “sensible” bloc along with Hungary and Poland. Orban is sensible because he plays both sides in this conflict rather than choosing to throw his country’s lot in with America. That’s why Hungarians won’t starve or freeze this winter. Poland on the other hand is not sensible–otherwise it wouldn’t unilaterally shut up imports of coal while demanding 1.3 trillion from Germany for “reparations”.
Euromaidan was a genuine Nationalist uprising and not a CIA coup. This is self-evidently false.
See next.
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21 days ago
Greg says he is a Zionist. b-but Mark, if we don’t support Israel, where will the jews goes? That’s not my problem. They are the surge of humanity, oppressing and destroying every society they encounter. Maybe THEY should figure out where they are going. That’s like saying, well guys, we can’t abolish slavery because who will pick the cotton?
Intermarium: If NATO is so great, why do you need this concept in the first place? Why resurrect the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which is multicultural, so much for ethnonationalism) if NATO is so pro-White? You don’t need it. That would imply some power bloc was needed to resist American imperialism after all!
Georgia and Ukraine should join NATO. Keep poking the bear, keep poking the bear, keep poking the bear. OH LOOK THE BEAR WOKE UP AND MAULED, ME HOW DARE YOU!!!
Azov (which was already destroyed at Mariupol) and the right wing militias will put Ukraine back on track. Banderites who have been integrated into the regular Ukrainian army fighting for Elensky will not do anything helpful. Their time to strike was when Russian forces engaged Kiev and assisted the Russians. When Germany invaded the East, the locals who hated the Bolsheviks didn’t fight for them because they also hated Germany, they fought with Germany to topple them! Now that Azov (Israeli mercenary directed) is being reconstituted, do you really think they will persist in their NS ideology (which only 20 per cent of them actually had) in a country which has some of the most aggressive anti-Semitism ban laws in the world? Of course not.

19 days ago
Youre duped into supporting multi racial Russian empire against Ukraine, who is a lot more ethno nationalist than Russia, over vague geo political theory crafting.
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18 days ago
I came up with a laundry list of specific objections and you refuted or argued against none of them. So even by your own words, I win because you were vague. Also, Greg said he supports NATO, which is far more multi-racial at this point than Russia. Need I remind you that Turkey is in there! Look at American demos, Canadian demos, Germany, France (France the multiracial empire which keeps colonies all over South America, Pacific Islands and Africa, so until France gives us French Guiana in the same way you think Russia should voluntarily give up resource rich areas in Siberia or Caucasus, then you can shut the fuck up.)
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6 hours ago
Are you ethnic Russian? Do you live under the RF?

21 days ago

21 days ago
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14 days ago

14 days ago
calm down

21 days ago
LFG!! Great content! Love this kind of discourse.

21 days ago
Mark is a great debater and very well-spoken. A true champion for white wellbeing and white interest.
One point over criticism though: In debates Mark too often uses hypotheses that he doesn’t need to use to support his core arguments. For example:
In the debate with Destiny: You don’t need to prove that demographic replacement is conscious plan; the elite does not have to consciously replace us for you to oppose replacement. You can just argue that through the progressive elite’s love of coloured voters and through the unopposed forces of capitalism, demographic replacement is taking place and that it should stop. No need to prove that it’s conscious plan (that is a whole other argument). Jared Taylor also never says it’s a conscious elite plan.
In this debate, to prove Russia is justified in its military operation in Ukraine, you only have to argue that:
NATO is encroaching on the sphere of influence of Russia (and every superpower protects its sphere of influence).
Russian minorities are oppressed and the areas deserve to be Russia.
Buy you DON’T have to defend the Russian state or Putin. You can even say that Russia sucks and the West is a better place to live in or whatever or that Ukraine and Russia both suck. That is a completely different argument and your opponent can attack you on that. You are only trying to prove that with regard to this particular conflict, Russia is technically in the right, regardless of whether Russia is good or bad.
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21 days ago
That would be true, however, Mark doesn’t believe that. That’s not his position (it’s not mine either) so Greg would be able to take what he’s been saying recently. Also, this goes back to the leadership of America First Committee during WWII. The debate was framed as: Germany is still very bad and we don’t like them but America should stay out. Instead, by making, even a weak case and I’d say it’s strong then with Germany and now with Russia, for the opposing power you force the opposition to argue with a harder position. Arguing technicalities or legalisms doesn’t inspire people.

19 days ago
youre technically smoking crack if you think multi racial empire russia is in the right against ukraine which is a White country and much more racial nationalist and whiter than Russia.
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18 days ago
Vlad-O-Queer Jewtin is King Antifa

21 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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21 days ago
Mark did remarkably.

21 days ago
Maybe the fact that literally like every other faggot, Greg agrees with you, should make you reconsider your position rather than the rest of us.

20 days ago
IKR lol, Mongrel Mark The Crypto Commie Russia/China Schill
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17 days ago
You said Hitler is a jew, so opinion discarded but anyway. Greg is the real China shill. If he gets his way and breaks up Russia and weakens those states, China will move in and take everything. If you think China having control over the Arctic is a good idea, you’re the real CCP’r
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15 days ago
Hitler was a Jew, Russia and China are allies, anyone shilling for Russia is by default a China Shill and a Communist, Russia and China are the enemy of all white people and the homes of Communism, stop trying to sell Communism to white people!




See Also






Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript






Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT





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Version History




Version 6: Nov 8, 2022 — Updated Odysee comments (274).


Version 5: Nov 4, 2022 — All 128 mins of transcript now complete.


Version 4: Nov 3, 2022 — 104/128 mins of transcript now complete.


Version 3: Oct 30, 2022 — 60/128 mins of transcript now complete.


Version 2: Oct 29, 2022 — Added two links. Added map.


Version 1: Oct 28, 2022 — Published post. 48/128 mins of transcript complete. Included Odysee comments (222).



This entry was posted in Alt-Right, America, Communism, Democracy, Europe, Europe - Eastern, Globalism, Globo-homo, Greg Johnson, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Nationalism, NATO, Neocons, New World Order, Patriotic Alternative, Propaganda, Republican Party, Russia, Soviet Union, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Ukraine, Ukraine War 2022, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

40 Responses to Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

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