[Morgoth discusses how the tens of thousands of invaders are being housed at public expense throughout parts of England through a corrupt “Public-Private Partnership” in which landlords are offered extremely generous five-year contracts to rent their property to companies such as Serco, and Mears who then place invaders in them. Morgoth predicts that this will result in English renters being turfed out onto the streets.
“This is just outright corruption! It’s a horrible, despicable thing! And it’s what’s creating the world in the 2020s. It’s like this cancerous thing which is destroying everything.“
Morgoth’s Review
The Dover Crisis and the Great Serco Grift
Nov 2, 2022
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Published on Nov 2, 2022
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The Dover Crisis And The Great Serco Grift
Morgoth’s Review
54.9K subscribers
Nov 2, 2022
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(40:46 mins)
[Intro music and imagery by Theberton.]
Hello again there, folks. Well, I thought I would have a bit of a chat about what’s going on down in Dover with the asylum seekers, with the general situation, with the fact that the Tory government of just don’t seem to want to do anything about it. That the numbers seem to be getting out of control. You’ve got Suella Braverman in Parliament talking about how it’s an invasion.
The other day there was a bit of unpleasantness. Somebody made some kind of homemade bomb and threw it up one of the migrant detention centres.
It’s a real thing of the moment and I thought I would do a bit of a deep dive and peel back some of the layers behind of it because it’s been on my mind for a while. By the way, I haven’t got a script. This is going to be more like a live stream. I’m going to wing it like sort of old school. I’ve got some things to go through. So I’ll may cough and go off on rants from time to time.
But the reason why I got interested in it because I began thinking about it just from the perspective of the Tory Party. Now, we all know the Tory Party treat the people who voted for them with contempt, they’re traitors! They’re scum! But even from a purely Machiavellian sort of power analysis, I didn’t understand why the Tories just did not stop the flow coming in, in Dover.
Before I actually get carried away, let’s get a couple of things out of the way for any passing shitlibs who feel like reporting this video. I’m not going to actually talk about the background of the asylum seekers themselves. I’m not going to break YouTube’s terms and conditions, I’m not going to make any slurs about people’s ethnicity, or their religion, or all of these other things.
What I’m interested in is in why our government treats us with so much contempt? And another thing for any passing left is this is the stuff that Leftists used to do, what I’m about to do here.
It used to be before Leftists became enthralled to the kind of corporate globalized message, before you forgot about economics, and began to get into all about rainbow stuff. Back in the days when the Left were actually socialists, and not just like whatever the hell they are now, just constantly promoting all of this filth, and disgusting stuff.
Like back when the Left stood up for the common man, this is the kind of content they admit. And another thing is, for the regular viewers, some of this stuff is going to boil your piss! There’s probably a few people know where I’m going to go with it.
So remember, the one thing the power structure does want you to do is become a problem that they have to solve. Just like our fellow the other day who made those bombs. So don’t do violence, don’t be incited to it. But I understand people are, … The centre-Right explanation for what happened was that this fella had been driven to his wits end. So whatever, it’s becoming an increasingly fraught, and highly flammable, situation.
So with all of that out of the way, the thing that I didn’t really get was why the Tory government were just not solving this problem, they were not doing anything about it. And the numbers were going increasingly all of the time.
So if we have a look at this chart here, in 2018 it’s really low. And then in 2019 it goes up. I mean in 2018 it’s very low. 2019 starts to increase and you can see where we’re reaching for what will probably break 40,000 people just coming across the channel on dinghies and entering the country as they seem to wish.
You also then get knock on problems with this. Daily Mail headlines, where they’re being put up in hotels. It’s costing us billions. They seem to be just getting the red carpet rolled out for them. As we’re hit with inflation, we’re hit with the energy problems, we’ve got all of these issues already in the country. And then there’s like this free flow of people.
I understand as well that we’re talking specifically here about the Dover issue, and not about the hundreds of thousands who are just like literally flying into the country. But then again, you see at least again, when you just accept the fact that we’re not ruled by people who actually care about our well-being, which were not!
Even then from their perspective, all of the people coming in via the airports, or family reunion, that’s kind of out of sight! The numbers go up. I mean, as I understand it, the census has decided to scrap how they account their national background, ethnicity, and this kind of thing. That remains to be seen, but that’s that seems to be where that’s going. So in a way it’s kind of just simmering away in the background, the numbers coming in.
I’ve got to be careful because I’m on YouTube of course, and there’s certain words beginning “R” [Replacement] that we’re not allowed to use.
So what I found strange about the Dover situation was that it was just constantly on the front pages of the Express, or the Daily Mail. You actually do have Tory politicians coming out, the odd one, who they seem to want to get rid of, of course, who are saying:
“Well, this is ridiculous, this can’t go on!”
Everybody sees it! And it is so they are deliberately alienating their base through this. So even if we accept that they don’t really give two shits about the people who voted for them, then you’re still left with the problem that this is undermining their credibility. This is a problem which they should have to get on top of, and they’re just not! And it’s just like gnawing away at their support. Which is, their support is flatlined.
So when you actually just to get back to basics here, let’s have a look at where they’re coming from.
This is from the BBC. Where do the people crossing the Channel come from? They’re coming from Albania, which is not a country at war. They’re coming from Afghanistan, which isn’t that war either, just not a particularly nice place to live. And then we get this roll call of countries where they’re coming in from. As I said, I’m not going to break YouTube’s terms and conditions, I’m just pointing out what’s on the BBC there. And then we can have a look. Again, people crossing the English Channel, we’re going to break 40,000. It’s been steadily rising.
And then you get the people arriving, which is another thing, which is kind of rooms alongside this.
And as we can see here again from the Home Office, published by the BBC, people arriving are mainly men under 40. Boat arrivals by age group, and sex, January to June 2022. So that’s kind of what the centre-Right say about this term of “fighting age men”, because it sounds kind of scary. It’s true! It is true! And you can also see there’s very few women coming in.
So we’re talking about young men being allowed to just flood into a nation, which let’s not forget, is an island.
And one of the things, one of the reasons which is trotted out as to why this has happened, … I don’t believe any of this stuff, by the way. I don’t care about you’ll hear stories about criminal gangs, and then you hear about how they actually managed to get through France, and all of this, this network.
At the end of the day, the question comes down to whether or not we have a nation? If you have a nation, you have a border, and in this case, it’s the English Channel. Let’s just say the White Cliffs of Dover is where our country begins.
If you are a government, you are there to protect that border. If you are not doing that, then you need to fuck off! And what we will see here is that we are ruled by some of the most corrupt pieces of shit you can ever imagine!
But before we jump into that, I want to take a punt at this thing, which is what people will point out as the European Court of Human Rights. So this is what the government use as an excuse. One of the things they are trot out is the European Court of Human Rights, which is, I mean, just as a side point here, this is one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen in my life! That is absolutely hideous! But of course, the ugliness is inside as well.
The European Court of Human Rights is supposedly there to protect our rights, obviously, our free speech. Because of the European Court human rights, we are not seeing things that happened in World War II, for example. We’re not being persecuted, we don’t have Gulags and all of this. We don’t have people being lined up in firing squads and thrown in pits, all of these kinds of horrors.
Now, supposedly the European Court of Human Rights is there to protect all of that. In actual fact, it’s a nonsense! Because if a nation is free to just leave. So if you got a country that did want to go rogue and did want to go full Soviet Union, or whatever, they would just leave it and then do that anyway, and they wouldn’t have any comebacks. And it’s based on this World War II, sort of the founding ethos of the European Court of Human Rights is based on this post-World War II kind of liberalism.
And what you find is that when you look at the sort of edicts and the way things have gone, people appealing to things, people who’ve been done for things on hate speech, or saying things about certain religions, or questioning certain things that happened in history, you’ll find that actually they still get done. They’ll appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, and they just will not help them out at all. There’s one or two exceptions.
So it has like an inbuilt sort of universalist liberal values, which is always on the lookout for problems with European people on the Right, problems with Christianity. They will always side against them! It isn’t actually this kind of universal thing at all! Because the post-World War II morality isn’t either. It is specifically against European people! It’s against traditional European values. And what it is is a one way sort of conduit which the rest of the world is fine if you’re outside of the European Court of Human Rights, no problem.
But the problem is, in Europe, it acts as a kind of one way system where the people under the European Court of Human Rights, which is to say us, and the Continent, they have this universal morality enforced on them, but other people do not!
So it’s not universal! It’s just a way to kind of disintegrate European identity which has been formalized after World War II. It’s a oneway street. It only works in that direction. But what it does is act as a convenient kind of pinata for local governments to bash at, when they can’t do things which are on the Right. So when they can’t protect their own borders, or when they want to remove certain people from the country, it’s always in that direction. And you’ll always find that the European Court of Human Rights is blocking it.
But it’ll not, for example, step in and say Hate Speech laws, are against the principles, the liberal principles of free speech. Because they have added an exception in there, you see. So, yes, we are for this universal, liberal, system, we do protect your rights to say what you want, except in these cases! And those cases always affect the political Right in a way that they don’t affect the Left, I’ll put it that way.
So even if you did want to go full kind of fash, some government in Europe, they could just walk out of that anyway, and then carry on doing what they want to do. So what it exists as an institution above the national government, who the national government can just throw up their hands and say:
“Well, we can’t do these things, we can’t actually protect the nation, because there’s this added layer of bureaucracy on top of us. So, sorry, that’s just the way it is!”
And it’s convenient for them to pass the book like that. And then when you say, well, why don’t we leave the European Court of Human Rights? You’re going to have all of the shitlibs and then The Guardian, and on the BBC, saying that this is kind of like going back to the horrors of World War II.
So we’re locked into this con! This great con trick! But that’s not going to work anyway. That’s why you can’t get rid of them, you can’t get anybody out of your country.
So it actually gets worse. So if we go back to why the asylum seekers are coming in, we’ve touched on the European Court of Human Rights. There’s another side of this that I want to touch on as well.
Okay, so we’ve got all of these people coming in and the government’s not stopping it. And we have to ask a question, why? Now there’s a bit of a stopgap that they have come up with, which is costing hundreds of millions of pounds, which is that they’re putting the asylum seekers up in hotels, which seems ridiculous!
And here we have, just as an example, there’s so many of these headlines:
“Firm managing hotels for UK asylum seekers post bumper profits. Three directors of Clearsprings Ready Homes share dividends of almost £28 million as profits rise sixfold.”
So here we get on to the next step of the problem. The asylum seekers are coming in, they’re arriving at Dover, and then they’re being well, whether or not they’re being processed is one of the hot button issues. But they need somewhere to stay. And they are being put up in hotels all across the country, which is just absolutely ridiculous! But that’s like a short-term fix.
So what the government has done is created a problem, a problem which is already exacerbated by the sheer amount of people coming into this country. Once again driving up just how hard it is, the cost of finding somewhere to live for people working, like working people, who are slaving away in these dead end jobs. And then it’s like, well, we’re going to have to find somewhere to live. This has made it more difficult.
And then even like the Tories, I did a video a long time ago, one of their main funders are of course the construction companies. So what they’re doing is creating a problem and then their mates who funded their campaigns in the construction companies will be happy to oblige with all of these new build houses, which destroys the green belt. Boris Johnson ripped up all of the regulations and whatnot.
So we’re turning into this kind of large slab of concrete, like Air Force One style. This kind of giant slab of an aircraft carrier type thing, you know, off the coast of Europe. It’s a purely materialistic kind of, … But you’ll see the kind of the shills like Daniel Hannan, or that other one that goes Tom Harwood, they all come out of this.
And what they do is fall back on these kinds of neoliberal economics, which is what the Tories stand for. Everything is just economics. It’s just lines go up on the graph. There’s nothing about actually belonging anywhere. There’s nothing about being.
You’ll also notice that if you have this kind of mindset with just this worship of the free market, it is impossible to actually conserve anything! You can’t conserve anything if you are reducing your nation to a giant production plant, or a supermarket. It doesn’t make any sense. These two principles are mutually exclusive! It can’t be done!
You’ll notice that the kind of the older school Conservatives who got purged and shunned, people like Roger Scruton. That Penny Mordant even has a book where she slags Roger Scruton off, because of course she, like Sunak, and like all of the rest of them are just these corporate managers. None of them have any sense of a moral obligation to the people of the country! They are entirely about the line going up on the graph.
So this is where they’ve created this problem and now they’re going to have to find a way to solve it. And so to solve it, we bring in this company called *“Serco – Bringing Service to Life”.
[* “Serco is a FTSE 250 company managing over 500 contracts worldwide. Employing over 50,000 people, we operate internationally across four geographies: UK & Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and across five sectors: Defence, Justice & Immigration, Transport, Health and Citizen Services.”]
So this is a giant, well, we’ll get on to what they are. But it’s actually run by, I think he may have just been leaving, but it was Winston Churchill’s grandson.
And we can click on and see what they’re about. Or look at this:
“Calling all landlords. We are looking for landlords, investors and agents with properties available in the North West, Midlands or East of England. All types of properties are required. Calling all landlords.”
So what is that they’re up to then? Well, let’s take a look at their website a little bit further:
“Long term lease available for five plus years with no void periods. Rent paid in full on time of every month with no arrears. Repairs and maintenance. Full repair and maintenance lease, excluding latent, [and structural defects]…”
They’re basically just throwing everything you want. Utility bills, they’re even going to pay the council tax. So you’ve seen where this is going to go already:
“Property management, no fees, no letting or management costs.”
So from the landlord’s perspective, this is like their dreams come true! They’re going to pay at least five years with no void periods.
So this is a massive, huge, incentive for landlords to sign up with Serco and do what they want. Now of course, here we see again:
“Prospective landlords and investors.”
Basically what they’re going to do is take on the asylum seekers. They’re going to waive all of this money, and all of these sweet deals, in the face of landlords across the countries. All landlords, pay attention! We’re coming to give you all of these goodies! We’re going to make you rich!
But the problem is there’s British people in these properties already renting them and they can’t compete with this! They cannot compete with these generous offers from this giant corporation in terms of just keeping a roof above their heads.
So the problem of what they’re going to do with all these people coming in, which the government are allowing in, is that they are going to start – I don’t see any way around it – evicting the native population! The people of Britain, the working class people in here, the North West, Midlands, or East of England will be getting evicted! And Serco’s “portfolio”, as they will call it, of asylum seekers will come in.
So this also is a full description of what’s on their website.:
“Serco provides asylum accommodation and support services in the North West of England, Midlands and East of England. Our purpose is the provision of accommodation, transportation and subsistence payments for asylum seekers whilst their claims are being processed. We are responsible for over 30,000 asylum seekers in an ever growing portfolio.”
You’ll notice here, … I mean this is kind of why I wanted to get over this kind of thing about where people are going to focus on the asylum seekers themselves, because they’re being spoken about here as like an “asset”, which a corporation can be used to make a profit, to grift!
Now I know I sound like a kind of bleeding heart Lefty here, but this is the kind of reality of the power at play. This is why they’re being allowed in, in the first place. These are the structural problems that we’re facing:
“A portfolio of more than 6000 properties. Our operating model is based on leasing properties from a wide network of landlords, investors, and agents, with Serco acting as a tenant.”
So what they mean is like the asylum seeker will kind of just be completely taken care of, because if they smash the place up, if there’s any damage to it Serco is going to pay for it. They’re going to pay five years rent up front. They’re going to pay for the utilities, they’re going to pay for the internet, they’re even going to pay for the council tax.
And you may think, how is this business model possible? Where does the corporation get the money from? How does a corporation actually do this? Are they just a bunch of swell guys? Is it like just a giant charity of lovey-dovey liberals? Well, no, it isn’t! So it gets worse:
“Serco, Mears win £2.9 billion refugee housing contract.”
This is in 2018. This is from Reuters again. It’s not a conspiracy site. This is like fact-checking central, everybody! This is Reuters.
Now, Mears is something similar to Serco, but their website isn’t as flashy. But they are the ones operating in the North East, where I am. And I rent. So if I’m evicted, … This is where we are now! This is where we’ve been brought to. Is my landlord going to be given like a flashy offer from Mears? Where they operate in? Serco is in other parts of the country.
Also, I will say also parts of the country which are quite poor. And that makes sense because, okay, the government’s given them £2.9 billion, the budget:
“To provide accommodation and support for asylum seekers, lifting shares in both outsourcing firms.”
So the government has outsourced the housing of the asylum seekers to these corporations.
Now, if I’m evicted, or my family, and all my friends, is it then because Mears has offered the landlord like a swanky deal of five years rent to house people that the government have allowed in from Dover? Well, to be honest, yes! I don’t see how there’s a way around it.
I’m looking at this and thinking the government have in 2018 signed a contract with this corporation. Where are these houses coming from? They’re not empty, are they? The reason why, by the way, they’re giving such a high incentive to landlords is, it seems to me because they know the landlords will not be able to resist.
Now, I did a little bit of browsing on Twitter, and I saw a few kind of shitlibs. And they were saying:
“It’s false information, because the landlord is not being forced to evict British people.”
Which is true, he’s not! But these people are thick! And they don’t understand incentive structures. They don’t understand now that when you wave a load of money in somebody’s face, they will do what you want them to do! And they will live with the guilt of kicking a family out onto the street. And they’ll get around that by saying they’re going to do some renovation, or that they’re going to sell the property.
So what’s happened here? Let’s take it from the top. The government are allowing in all of these people, regardless of their background. They need to be housed. That’s happening now. We saw before it began in 2018, there was very few people coming in. It’s been going up year on year, since then. We’re in 2022, it’s gone through the roof! And it is hitting 40,000. Now, here’s the thing, the contract with Circle was signed in 2018..
Now, what would have happened if the government had decided to clamp down, and let’s just say, let’s just put it this way. Let’s just say the government maintained the 2018 levels. Well, the problem with that is that Serco, their portfolio wouldn’t be looking too great. They have all of this money for nothing.
So it seems to me the government knew that they were going to need this. They knew in 2018 already, that they would need to outsource all of this housing crisis to a private company. And so all of this was a set up from the beginning! Otherwise why did they give out nearly 3 billion in 2018 to Serco and Mears? Do you see the problem here?
So on the situation with incentives again, these are things that socialists used to understand, Leftists used to understand, but now they don’t. [or pretend they don’t – K] Now it’s about gender stuff, and all of that. And you can see why, you can see how the Left got cucked by all of these corporations. By the power structure. It was that these kind of secondary issues were out on the periphery of Leftism. They were brought in right into the centre of their thinking. And then the economic stuff, structural issues of economics, that all got pushed out.
What they will do, at a push now, is probably say that this is why you need to get the government to build more houses, or something like that it’s not solving the problem. This is a massive, in my view, it seems to just be a huge scam!
So here we can see:
“In 2020 and thereafter we expect the AA SC – I don’t know what that means – contracts to be materially positive to both profitability and cash flow.”
It’s a business model. Bringing the people in is a business model. This is your country! This is what again, this is the Conservatives and it’s consistent with Conservative thinking. I don’t want to hear any more of these Tory boy copes about how this is incompetence. It isn’t! It’s just what we’re going to get through. It’s a “public-private partnership”! It is a business model, and it’s trampling all over the people of England and it’s going to end up with a mass homeless crisis, of the people whose country this is!
I find it to be an absolute sickening and disgusting thing to be engaged in! It really does make me sick to the pit of my stomach, what they’re doing here!:
“Mears – I guess they’re the one that’s operating in the North East – which specializes in social care and housing services, is the only newcomer to the asylum contract since 2012, the sources told Reuters. Serco has won the contract for the North West of England – we’ve been through that – where about 20,000 asylum seekers are living.”
So this is a few years, a lot more now.:
“Mears has been awarded contracts for Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Northeast, Yorkshire and the Humber.”
So the government gives out billions of pounds to private corporations. The private corporations then use that money to wave in the faces of landlords. Landlords have now an incentive to evict the British people in their homes, out of their homes, out onto the streets.
And let’s not forget, where does the money come from for the government to do that? You go to work, you pay your tax, you come home, you try and get a little bit over for the wife and the kids, you’re taxed to death! That tax then goes to the government. The government then give your tax to a private corporation. The private corporation then waves that in the face of a landlord. The landlord has now a very strong incentive. No lefties, he isn’t being forced to do it, but it is an incentive! The landlord then says:
“I’m going to take that deal, I’ll live with the guilt later.”
You and your family out on the street. It beggars belief that this is allowed! This should be criminal!
So just before we move on, there’s another aspect to this which it relates back to the construction companies. And it’s the simple fact that these are the kinds of corporations who will fund the Tory Party. They will pay for the election campaigns.
And so if the Tories go back on the deal, if they prevented the flow of people coming in, these companies are going to have to take a hit. And that means that when they take a hit, they’re not going to be so friendly to the Tory Party, who, from their perspective, would have sort of skanked them, and cost them a lot of money. Their business model relies on the Tories doing what they say.
And there’s a little bit more to it than that. The corruption, let’s just call it what it is, and I don’t care, like you can get wrapped up in all of this legalese, but from a moral perspective, not only is this disgusting, it’s corrupt, in my opinion!
But the true cancer of the world in the West today, is a public-private partnership. Now, I’ve got a lengthy article on my Substack about this, [Stakeholder Capitalism or Crisis Capitalism?] but it isn’t related to the asylum and immigration thing. This is the first time I’ve noticed it as being in fact being on the asylum and immigration thing.
But if you look at what the kind of the “technocrats”, they always use this phrase, “public-private partnership”, which sounds bland. It sounds banal, and boring, and bureaucratic. But it’s actually something which I think is the true cancer of the world today, and largely responsible for why we’re living in this series of endless crisis.
If you go back and you look at the pandemic, you’ll see that it was public-private partnerships played a massive role in all of that, where what you get is the government, the public, in lockstep with the private.
So the public come up with a problem, the public side of the equation, the government, come up with a problem. And what they do is then outsource that problem to the private sector. And this then creates it’s own incentives so that there has to be more crisis. There has to be more emergencies fed into the private sector, otherwise they’re not going to be very happy.
Think about, I mean the problem with the pandemic, and why I don’t like being on YouTube anymore, and prefer Substack because I can speak freely. But if you look at some of the issues around the pandemic and then just consider for a second, all of the times that, …
So you obviously had the “emergency”, if you want to call it that. Let’s just go with it. The problem was there the solution would be provided for by the private sector with the government giving them the money. I mean there’s a more controversial aspect to this, but let’s just say the masks would be one which I can get away with talking about on YouTube, I think.
So all of a sudden the private sector had to come up with millions of masks and there were other things as well. You’ll hear people like Claus Schwab coming out with this. It’s like “stakeholder capitalism”. The private part of the equation has a stake in society! It has an interest!
And so in the case of the asylum seekers you can see what that is. It is where they are getting into the nitty-gritty with government itself, and government is paying them and making them money. It’s one sort of interlocking thing.
It’s this sort of Scylla and Charybdis in Greek mythology* is the public-private partnership, in my view.
[*The Six Headed Monster Scylla and the Whirlpool Charybdis – Homers Odyssey: From Greek mythology thought to inhabit the Straits of Messina, the narrow sea between Sicily and the Italian mainland, preying on passing mariners].
You will see something like climate change is the big one. That’s their big baby! Where all of this locks in together. Where basically the world will end unless there is these gigantic infrastructural projects to net carbon zero! And all of this. It’s with the digitization, it’s with everything.
And here, just on this graph here you can kind of see it:
“Public-private partnership is a contractual agreement between a public entity and a private sector to manage public – you’ll notice the word there – infrastructure project.”
So one of the things you’ll notice is that this affects us more and more directly in the real world. And it’s because of this focus on infrastructure.
We got another one here:
“Public Private-Partnership.”
It’s the same thing again. You begin to see that kind of the colours of the Net Zero Carbon thing again.
And then one more:
“Public-Private Partnership. Collaboration between a government and private enterprise, often on large – once again – infrastructure projects that the private partner may a finance, plan, or execute.”
So the private partner is there to deal with the actual nitty-gritty.
And in the case of this video, it is the solving the problem of where to house all of these people! Regardless of any kind of morality, regardless of any sort of concern for the native people. It is:
“We have this problem to solve. And we are going to do it! And well, that’s just tough shit if you’re the one out on the street!”
This is going to eventually affect everything about our lives, on different issues. But that term “public-private partnership” should striket fear into everybody. You see it once again, this kind of technocratic mindset of modeling, which never takes into consideration how humans actually are! It was all through the pandemic with all kinds of things. It’s in with the climate change stuff. And here we see it peeping it’s head in the issue of asylum and immigration.
The problem has been created. They create crisis because this big gaping maw of the private side of the partnership, always wants to step in and solve all of these problems. If it doesn’t have enough problems, then it’s going to be out of pocket. Then it’s not going to be very good for it’s “portfolio”..
It’s sickening! People are going to do the:
“What do we do about it? Instead of complaining?”
They’re always weak at the local level. So have a chat with your local councillors, and find out if these corporations are on the prowl in your area. Have a word, see what you can do.
But what makes it so insidious is that there’s kind of things you can do with government, with councillors, but you’ll notice another problem with the private, is that they bypass all of that, and then operate, sort of using the rules of the free market, even though they’re being bankrolled by the government. This is just outright corruption! It’s a horrible, despicable thing! And it’s what’s creating the world in the 2020s. It’s like this cancerous thing which is destroying everything.
So I hope I didn’t depress you too much people, but this kind of stuff needs to be pointed out at the structural level, more than kind of just focusing on the asylum seekers themselves. This is the problem that we’re facing.
So thanks for listening folks and I’ll catch you later.
[Outro music and imagery by Theberton.]
[Readers: If you see any errors (however minor), or ways to improve things, in the transcript, please let me know in the Comment section. Also please share the link to this transcript, so others can benefit. Thanks.]
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[As of Nov 7, 2022]
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Morgoth’s Review
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Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
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11 replies
No Fate But What We Make
5 days ago
Fantastic video, as usual. One thing I disagree with is that people outside the sphere of the power structures of the EU are “okay” and not subjected to the same type of post-WWII (anti-tradition/anti-Euro) ideological discrimination. We definitely are. The EU and all of its power structures are just appendages of a larger globalist power structure. Post-WWII Europe was dominated by America and the liberal West in general, which we all know is beholden to an internationalist shadow government. We are all under the same yoke. They want the same thing for all of us.
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Andre Araujo
4 days ago
I foresee in the future that even if they turn down the fat stack of gov cash they will probably find some way to sue them under some equality law.
Ronin Hood
2 days ago
Thank you for such a fantastic insight.
1 day ago
The real crisis is the fact I’ve moved into a village less than 200 people. A year ago 1000 houses started getting built on a farm, now 1/4 of the houses are being sold to oriental, Hong Kong nationals these are 300-550k houses it’s crazy. I feel so deflated, getting out of Birmingham has been a 5 year mission I’ve saved like no tomorrow and for what, my kids will be going to school with 25% not Anglos
1 day ago
They aren’t boating over the channel, they get 1 mile off the coast of France and our navy bring them in
1 day ago
@MrLukedanger next door neighbour is from Hong Kong and turned house into air b nb
5 days ago (edited)
As someone who lives in the Appalachia region of America I feel so bad for what it is happening all around the West and especially in the UK. It’s crazy to think that the UK is smaller than the US state of Michigan yet taking in nearly the same level of immigrants as the entire US itself. It pisses me off and I will continue to say that The Enlightenment was the biggest disaster to ever happen in western history and everything that we’re dealing with now is a consequence of it, even my native nation itself has aided in turning the west into a hellhole.
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9 replies
No Fate But What We Make
4 days ago
They’re taking far fewer, but even so, the amount they are taking in is insane. The U.S. takes in over 1 million per year and even more illegally.
John Hoyle’s sceptre of self-sodomy
2 days ago
Appalachia, heh, isn’t that where ahh, Deliverance was set?
This one got a real purdy mouth don’t he
Jo Silvester
2 days ago
In this video Morgoth is only concentrating on the ‘boat people ‘ This does not include all the supposedly legal immigrants coming in by other means.
1 day ago
@No Fate But What We Make The UK took in one million last year, so perhaps not far fewer.
Paul Wooton
1 day ago (edited)
@AS A busy day sees around 1,000 channel crossers. The ‘official’ numbers have it below 40,000 per year, but who knows. Solid figures are elusive.
The Belting Balaclava
5 days ago
I was in a store the other day where almost everyone was a migrant. They didn’t seem happy. I wasn’t happy. One may call me a right wing SJW, but I just want to scream in the face of every conservative: “socialism is not the problem! It’s neoliberalism!” They will understand one day. Sadly, it may be too late by then.
Morgoth’s Review
31 replies
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando I’ll try again when you explain what you mean.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@Neil Saunders There’s no thing like “neoliberalism” because “liberalism” has never been implemented. I could also say “capitalism has never done any damage because that was not true capitalism.” That being said, it’s interesting how in socialism all people, no matter race, nation or genetics, are all considered “working class” and the same demographics are considered “consoomers” for our current plutocracy, both of them meaning there’s no difference when importing cheap voters or workers.
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The Belting Balaclava
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando I am using the term “neoliberalism” as it is generally used; don’t work yourself up over analyzing it.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@The Belting Balaclava No. When you’re using your enemy’s language, you’ve been defeated.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@The Belting Balaclava So much for a freedom fighter to endure?
skadi warrior
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando The brotherhood of man. Going really well isn’t it.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando Following your somewhat arbitrary logic regarding liberalism and capitalism, you could also say that “socialism” (whatever you understand by it) has never been implemented.
Yes, socialist internationalism (which considered – absurdly – the class interests of the world’s proletariat to somehow take unquestioned precedence over culture and nationality) did assert a flat, one-dimensional universalism. (But then, hadn’t Christianity already done something very similar?)
The “socialists” (or their successors) have certainly been useful idiots for global capitalism since about the 1970s (when the preoccupation with “identity” waxed, while any serious critique of the economic organisation of societies self-defined as “capitalist” waned), but the reduction of citizens (of all classes) to “consumers” arises directly from the Neoliberal notion that a society can be reduced in essence to an economy upheld by a legal system (and with mass media to cheer it on and repel critics) in which the entire non-elite population of the world are, presumptively, entirely interchangeable factors of production/consumption.
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Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando Yes, that is a good point.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando What is a “troglosocialist” and why would you (or anyone else) want to “troll” them?
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando It sounds like it’s all about you.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@Neil Saunders Don’t be jealous of my awesomeness, man.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando I’m embarrassed for your immaturity, “man”.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@Neil Saunders Please, hand me your in deep definition of maturity.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando Please stop trolling this thread.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
4 days ago
@Neil Saunders Manda una circular en triplicado, y te respondo en 30 días hábiles.
Neil Saunders
2 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando Rydych chi’n ddyn mor ffraeth – o leiaf yn eich dychymyg eich hun.
Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando
2 days ago
@Neil Saunders Ac yn gallu adnabod Cymraeg pryd bynnag dwi’n ei weld (powered by Vivaldi translator)
Neil Saunders
2 days ago
@Nosotros Los Lobos Estamos Regresando Ardderchog! Dyna fachgen clyfar!
Revolting Peasant
5 days ago
As someone who also rents in the North East, this is a very concerning development. Thank you, Morgoth for bringing the depth of our government’s treachery to light.
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
9 hours ago (edited)
You won’t get evicted, you’ll just pay more rent to stay competitive, but don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a study somewhere that says it will be good for you
Rambling Imbecile
5 days ago
Serco are already paying off the big local housing authorities. You’ll see a run down council estate and then one of the houses gets fully refurbished. Brand new wiring, plumbing, roofing, windows, kitchen, everything down to the carpets and sofas. It’s a massive grift and YOU are paying for it with your taxes.
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
4 days ago
Happening all over Ireland.
Unloved otto
5 days ago
The family courts chucked me out of my home last winter , they gave me 3 days to go and as far as they knew I had no where to live , they don’t give a 5hit about the native man .
Morgoth’s Review
11 replies
Irish Rose
5 days ago
That’s disgusting!! Imagine your forefathers built your country and bequeathed it to you and your own government chuck you out on the streets!? Absolutely vile!! Sorry it happened to you. Hope you’re in a better place
Unloved otto
5 days ago
@Irish Rose luckily my parents had a small cabin in their garden that I took up , without that I would have been homeless for sure .
Thanks for your kindness
4 days ago (edited)
So, so sorry my friend. You’re in my prayers, always.
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago
Thank you for sharing your story.
Best wishes to you Unloved otto.
Unloved otto
4 days ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses I probably talk about this too much but I just want everyone to know how rotten , corrupt and gynocentric this country is , and I hope to warn other men away from getting married in these times .
git FOAD
1 day ago
‘Familiarity breeds contempt’.
Hugh Jass
1 day ago
You wish they didn’t care about you. They seek your eradication.
20 hours ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses mr sunglasses, I see you everywhere. Well everywhere being in the comments of Morrissey songs and under Morgoth’s videos. we have good taste
5 days ago
Despite everything else going on, this is still a core issue. Raw footage of migrant movements in 2015 is what brought me here. And there’s not much better “content” than Morgoth wingin’ it. Cheers.
Morgoth’s Review
9 replies
#1 lobster
5 days ago
Hey Vingul! Been a while! How are you doing?
Serge De Novo
5 days ago
I agree. Morgoth is one of those very few channels that I really appreciate. I like the way he looks at things. Really do.
I know you from telegram and WOES. They took away my commenting “rights” — we used to talk and you were one of the few people that were cool to me. I didn’t really know how to use the platform anyway, so I dropped telegram. Perhaps, it’s for the best. Think I saw you in Yizz’ dragons stream yesterday. Anyway, Take care, mate.
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Louis Cachet
4 days ago
4 days ago
@Serge De Novo I remember you well mate, good shout. T-gram is a timesuck like all other such platforms, so that may well be for the best aye. Although it’s fun at times. I definitely never missed twitter after quitting that (after 3 months, this was years ago). And you probably saw me somewhere else, but then I’m almost everywhere, lol — speaking of time-spending. Thank you and likewise, take care.
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4 days ago
@#1 lobster it has indeed, I’m alright! Hope you are as well. Congratulations on 109 subscribers
4 days ago
@Louis Cachet Ahoooy
#1 lobster
4 days ago
@Vingul thanks!
4 days ago
GOD bless all but we have to take care of our own !
5 days ago
The nerve of the Tories has to be admired. Create a problem, never try to solve the problem. Blame it on the opposition who haven’t been in power for 12 years and tell people to vote for themselves to sort out the problem they created.
4 replies
Cormac Lally
Cormac Lally
3 days ago
Problem reaction more problems no solutions
Soozie Snake
5 days ago
I really can’t see any hope for this country, we’re run by a bunch of vampires.
Excellent work Morgoth, even though it’s very depressing.
Morgoth’s Review
13 replies
Richard Madden
5 days ago
No I don’t believe there is any hope either. Many are still confident in voting lol but I agree with Nick Griffin and Ed Dutton in taking the view that voting and democracy (along with global capitalism) is the problem that caused this situation. I also think Ed’s view on the breakdown of Darwinian Selection (causing the rise of genetic mutants who are leftists) to be relevant too. Check him out here on YouTube or on Odysee.
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Fellow Æthelweard
5 days ago (edited)
To Be hopeless is mere victory to them my friend. Its never over until we are all dead casualties to them.
Dave Voce
5 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard yes the problem is that we think it’s all hopeless, whereas the reality is that it could be fixed tomorrow.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard In psychological warfare, demoralisation of the enemy is a key tactic.
Soozie Snake
4 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard Some days are darker than others. I just don’t know what we can do.
3 days ago
Same mate, I’m moving to Eastern Europe. Britain is so dead. The only places in the UK where I think have hope are Northern Ireland and wales
Defender of the North
3 days ago
@Dave Voce Only with violence.
Hugh Hull
3 days ago
We are run by who ?
Its not Vampires
Try a word beginning with J
Dave Voce
2 days ago
@Defender of the North only without violence
philip rufus
2 days ago
@Richard Madden Been looking for change since I was 18years old in 1971,my late fathers genreration were optomiistic for change also,they got a slump followed by another World War like my Grandparents got,at the age of 69 I gave up decades ago.
22 hours ago
@Hugh Hull jews
Mutant The Great
5 days ago
The landlords are 50% responsible for the damage to the country which will ensue afterwards. The love of money and the complete lack of shared values has led to this inevitability.
Morgoth’s Review
35 replies
The English Gardener
The English Gardener
5 days ago
So many of the landlords are foreigners themselves, so why would they care about the damage.
5 days ago
the fault lies with the voters, they spent the last 100 years voting for this horror show
landlords are unscrupulous and frankly I don’t blame them, they are however still deeply invested, so when the house of cards falls, so too will they (at least the dumb ones)
Richard Madden
5 days ago
That’s a stretch to be fair. Most immigrants (90% are legal) buy their own or rent socially from councils and housing associations.
Garlic Gorilla
5 days ago
Could an argument be made that the dinghy folk are here to replace those of the native population that will soon be dead due to the needle craft that most took?
Joe R
5 days ago
I’m starting to wonder if Mao might have been right about landlords…
Neil Saunders
5 days ago
@Garlic Gorilla Or they’re young enforcers for an imported militia.
4 days ago
All drawn of the ever decreasing revenue.
4 days ago
But making money is supposedly good, thus whoever makes more of it must be a better person. So why question it, it’s just good capitalism to make money. Maybe there should have been some stipulation on who, how, where, and why should have remained in place for money making. But for convenience of “getting along and being inviting” something was forgotten along the way. And why it was there in the first place.
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s h
4 days ago
Loads of videos on YT of landlord immigrants, in London, talking about how others should stop buying on London and should look at northern cities like Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle.
They’ve destroyed the housing market in London and now they’re destroying what little is left up north.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@pentagon56 I am not quite sure whether you are being heavily ironic here.
It is surely a hopelessly shallow society that believes that making money, tout court, is a good thing, indeed perhaps the main or best thing.
This kind of crass materialism is always far likelier to find support (among the populace – the elites seldom require much persuading) in rootless, decultured societies in which there is no shared history or culture, and in which the cash nexus is the only common denominator.
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4 days ago
@Joe R The biggest problem with the renting sector is that landlords don’t own the properties they rent, they are using rent to pay their many mortgages. This should frankly be a crime. If you do not own the property outright, you should not be allowed to rent it out. Sadly, the voting populace are tremendously low IQ and would champ at the bit to vote for the total and complete opposite, even after many are rendered homeless or borderline so.
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The fat Controller
4 days ago (edited)
Sorry mate, I don’t get what you mean. I’m a landlord, I’ve worked my arse off for 20 years and saved money to invest. I bought properties because I don’t trust pensions. How am I to blame for this mess in any way? I hate immigration. Long before we had ethnics, we had landlords.
Edit: I just finished watching the video. I get what the OP meant now. But most of us aren’t renting our properties to Serco. My properties are full of English working people. I had a Turk in once, had nothing but trouble from the guy. I’d never let a foreigner in my property again. These “deals” from Serco sound good, but I’d tell any landlord that it will all end in tears.
Show less
4 days ago
The legal immigration is the biggest issue which has increased after Brexit ironically
Defender of the North
4 days ago
@Richard Madden 90% legal? Your so naive.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@The fat Controller In that case, we need more like you, then, and fewer like them!
Richard Madden
4 days ago
@Defender of the North There around 600,000 legal immigrants coming in each year compared to around 50,000 illegal. I personally don’t want any but the main problem we have is the legal immigrants. Get rid of both sets I say!
4 days ago
We’ve had this problem in Ireland for years at this stage. One Chinese investor owns three houses on the road where my grandmother lives, and all of these houses are rented out to imported persons.
Defender of the North
4 days ago
@Richard Madden I understand. Thanks.
Shaun Patrick O’Jameson
4 days ago
@Garlic Gorilla there was no “needle craft”. You have been terrified out of your wits by terrified people you should stop believing.
Shaun Patrick O’Jameson
4 days ago
@pentagon56 this is not capitalism, it is government-directed spending.
Shaun Patrick O’Jameson
4 days ago
@pentagon56 theft is not capitalism. That’s not nuance, theft is the basis of a socialist system not a capitalist one. People who voted for a government powerful enough to steal from those “old money capitalists” you so despise and give it to “the poor” have given administrators the power to take your money and give it to themselves. Meanwhile, the old money capitalists would make money even if you had not empowered them to take your own, but they would do it by fair exchange instead of corruption.
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Shaun Patrick O’Jameson
4 days ago
@pentagon56 they are not perfect beings, which is why you should not immerse yourself in hatred and enable them to abuse you. You did this, I did not. You gave them the power they used, because you want someone to have that power, because you think only perfect beings will use it and it will only be used against people you hate and want to steal from. Stop doing that, stop enabling abusers. Earn your own money, do not try to empower people to steal on your behalf.
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2 days ago
@Richard Madden tell me about it. I’ve been waiting over 15 years for a place.
A Dude
1 day ago
This idea that a person making money is a good person. People who are well positioned in tbis society often sit in their particular niche for decades not experiencing insecurity and change, the very thing a that make people think and grow spiritually. This is a perhaps subtle and overlooked point when we think about ‘inequality’.
Oki Nakamura
1 day ago
Arguably all of this has its root in fractional reserve banking and the the financialisation of everything turning everyone in the debt slaves whilst incentivising the worst short term behaviour
5 days ago
Can we appreciate the irony of an Indian woman’s calling out an invasion of migrants to the UK?
20 replies
David Price
David Price
5 days ago
Yeah, especially when the number of illegals is absolutely dwarfed by the legal migration.
Baxter MacTavish
5 days ago
@David Price Legal immigration is the problem.
Unloved otto
5 days ago
@Baxter MacTavish both are the problem
Deadbeat Radio
5 days ago
Reminds me of that one character in camp of the saints.
spencer hardy
5 days ago
It’s a strategy they use to have a poc to voice the attitude of the Daily Mail comments.
They always do it when the boiler pressure gets visibly dangerous.
The “based immigrant” is a classic ploy.
5 days ago
BuT Sh3’s BRiTiZh…
Jonathan J.
4 days ago
@spencer hardy Exactly.
4 days ago
@Ballshippin the irony being that in her ancestral land of India, the people would never accept anyone white as an Indian.
4 days ago
Wish YT would simply provide us with a list of words we aren’t allowed to say so we don’t waste our time on comments which end up shadowed..
s h
4 days ago
@BeepBoopBaap indeed, they even kicked out the vast majority of Indian born Brits after independence.
4 days ago
@BeepBoopBaap It’s probably done by an AI. In that case, it’s hard to predict what it does one way or the other.
4 days ago
The legal immigration is now becoming overwhelming for many areas especially since Brexit ironically
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
Once we have appreciated the irony of it, we must acknowledge the cynicism and fraudulence.
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
@MORPHEUS Along with the coof.
4 days ago
@David Price 1 million passports sent out last year in Ireland as we were locked up. And now it’s racist to ask how many, soon to be ilegal.
Oliver Reno
5 days ago (edited)
“It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.”
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Morgoth’s Review
6 replies
Unloved otto
5 days ago (edited)
The English weren’t full of soy when Kipling wrote that
5 days ago
I pray that this rings true.
5 days ago
The will to power is in us, not them
No Fate But What We Make
5 days ago
Yep, it’s pretty simple. Why do they treat us with contempt? Because they share no genuine kinship with us (or at the very least they are controlled by people who don’t share kinship with us). Thus, they feel next to nothing when they abuse, exploit or even destroy us.
It’s like a person who wonders how a member their own family could treat them so terribly.
It’s simple.
Some people place no significance on the familial bond. These people have no problem abusing and exploiting people who do care about the familial bond. Family members who care about this bond thus become vulnerable to family members who don’t.
Nationalists care about our nation. But the people in charge of the nation don’t care about us. They despise us because we actually want the nation to be a nation. Just like a person who cares nothing for the familial bond will despise a person who wants a family to be a family.
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5 days ago
I’m just beginning to understand the way Kipling must have felt.
Kane O’Brien
1 day ago
@No Fate But What We Make Normans ruling class. Not English.
Gregory James
5 days ago (edited)
I visited a popular sea side resort on the south coast Friday night. Haven’t been there for a few years. Was stunned by the demographic changes. No exaggeration, half the town were young men of Middle Eastern or African background, the other half were young White British women wearing very short mini skirts. There were virtually no young WB boys or men. No surprise then that the family seaside resort witnessed it’s first ever gang rape of a young woman the following night. By supposedly four men of ME descent according to the victim’s description.
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6 replies
5 days ago
Yep as a young Englishman people my age have just left or aren’t really being born anymore.
Patrick Roberts
4 days ago
what town?
A J Brown
4 days ago
It’s Bournemouth isn’t it
4 days ago
@AtheJbaka We have No 30 year olds left in our country, all emigrated with advertising from our government that and them Not hiring Irish people anymore.
5 days ago
“It’s just business”. ~ every psychopath ever
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
Defender of the North
4 days ago
Oh and its absoloutly not ‘personal’ whatsover. Yeah right.
Evola’s Sunglasses
5 hours ago
“We lost European Civilisation but we did increase GDP figures”.
5 days ago
Some people can still ignore these facts. Nice one Morgorth. A great man you are
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
What enrages me so much is the somehow passive aggressive blandness of this emerging system, it´s hardly tangible, no edges, no “honest” authoritarianism which stares at you openly.
These coulourful infantile pictures stress me out in a weird way, we also have them here in Germany. It really is like a “machine” and the figures to hate a merely managers, non-responsible, but highly paid minions… O man…
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Morgoth’s Review
4 replies
Rozi Robson
Rozi Robson
3 days ago
Rambling Imbecile
5 days ago
I do electrical inspections on local authority houses and you see more and more that the tenant contact details are no longer Mr Smith or Mrs Brown, they’re not even Mr Mohammed or Mrs Begum any more. It’s just SERCO
Morgoth’s Review
Ian E
4 days ago
My ex could not get a house due to the shortage, she was offered a hotel in a Birmingham pit opposite a masjid.
(we have children together)
She went to view it, on arrival there was a black woman in the road screaming she’s going to stab someone, when she got in the hotel she had a to step over a body at the bottom of the stairs…
She obviously left abruptly, she got in her car only then for that woman (who was passed out before) to try to get in her car as she was driving off.
All while I see these new arrivals carrying huge bags of shopping, living in decent houses and everything paid for. This is beyond sick.
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1 reply
2 days ago
Literally sounds like Burgess’ 1985!
Jon Hunter
5 days ago
Worked up in Glasgow very recently. It was like Baghdad or Mogadishu. I used to live there, 20 years ago, and it is so depressing to see how it is just one massive shithole, full of shit people. The huge number of immigrants, who don’t care about their communities, just trash the gaff. I thought Peckham was bad.
14 replies
Defender of the North
4 days ago
My ancestral hometown is becoming the same. My history and existance are being erased, one migrant birth at a time.
rena rich
4 days ago
Would u feel better if they were whit3
rena rich
3 days ago
@Jon Hunter I actually agree with u. Just wasn’t sure if the issue was about race or actions. I hear they have weapons. Let’s hope not. No clue what to do
AK 464
2 days ago
@rena rich 50% better .Yes. they look out of place in northern countries . Like a foreign object .not pleasing to look at .
rena rich
2 days ago
@AK 464 yeah they can’t really help how they look but how they act. I’m concerned where these weapons will end up
AK 464
2 days ago
@rena rich what weapons ?
rena rich
2 days ago
@AK 464 heard they are bringing over weapons
Markus Maximus
23 hours ago
I stayed in Govanhill for about a year and half until I got robbed and my partner got sexually assaulted on a bus. This was almost 10 years ago now. Total shit hole. I now live in the middle of nowhere. If diversity is our strength why do areas just turn into one colour? Are we to just not have any home? Where does this end.
Jon Hunter
23 hours ago
@Markus Maximus Mate, I was staying in Govanhill, right by the Tramway art gallery, next to the Sikh Temple. Rough as. Lots of newish flats, all occupied by the brown team
22 hours ago
@rena rich race is a reality. our ethnic/racial identity cannot be assimilated to. An african or arab can not become scottish, english, irish, etc.
Olivia 1971
5 days ago
Landlords will be facing increasing mortgage costs with rising interest rates, another factor that will tempt many to hand over their properties, it’s a perfect shitstorm.
Morgoth’s Review
7 replies
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
BlackRock will be so happy. (The rest of us shall have nothing.)
4 days ago
The landlords are defacto being forced into this.
4 days ago
All planned
John Kelly
1 day ago
“You’ll own nothing” “You’ll rent everything”. Next they’ll try to buy our souls off us.
Rich M
1 day ago (edited)
@John Kelly They’ll just take it , when you fall behind with the rent. (read the terms and conditions)
Richard Crook
1 day ago
They know economic trouble is coming,, and if the property market dips the whole economy will fall down. I think they are looking at ways to enable landlords to buy up more property to stop this happening, and at the same time flooding the market with more people who need somewhere to live.
george caddow
5 days ago
Another great video Morgoth, the great replacement continues unabated, it needs to be resisted at all costs but many western nations are so demoralised and rife with apathy that I fear it will become an
0liver 0verson
5 days ago
Your content is pure quality Morgoth. And you’re living proof that ordinary decent people still exist in this country. I guess we can all watch the ship go down together.
Morgoth’s Review
Hexagram 33
4 days ago
Years ago I met an agricultural consultant working for the UN and he told me that the UK had no competitive advantage in agriculture and that eventually it would become a cutesy old-world tourist destination with little villages and patchwork countryside.
Unfortunately, it turns out that the plan is actually to turn the UK into an ugly housing estate.
Read more
Jay F
5 days ago
30% of all hotels in Ireland are full of them. Who owns most of these hotels? Take a guess.
Morgoth’s Review
10 replies
The Belting Balaclava
5 days ago
The Amish?
Jay F
5 days ago
@The Belting Balaclava Close, but way off.
5 days ago
Who nose?
The Belting Balaclava
5 days ago
@benbow7 walkie talkie raised Shut it down!
4 days ago
I live in NW England and picked up on a very interesting advert played on the radio today. A recruitment campaign attracting construction workers to Ireland, BEING BROADCAST IN ENGLAND!!?
Furthermore, it was officially sanctioned by the Irish Government.
So, they not only want the natives of each of these Islands kicked out of their homes, they want them jobless too. Rest assured Sir, they don’t want to recruit the native English, they’ve been training ‘the others’ in Construction trades in England for over 10 years now.
Read more
4 days ago
@BusterMove They are building beautiful homes over here for the third world, no Irish need apply.
Luke Bignell
3 days ago
Bent nose brigade
Thad tuiol
2 days ago
Red Sea pedestrians?
Papa Based
2 days ago
Does it rhyme with poo?
deep house
1 day ago
The Hutterites?
5 days ago
I just wish you all the best Morgoth, from the Netherlands. same shit here ofcourse but everything said, some day there will be a reckoning that HAS to be.
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
Jennifer signsoflife
5 days ago
Your work is always excellent, but this is stellar~ Thank YOU so much!
If anyone’s interested, Glenn Beck has had a big wake up call & realized a lot of the mistakes he’s made in the past. I never really liked him much, but he has done a lot of great videos on this topic, too. Although, as usual, Morgoth did a PERFECT job describing it.
Many Blessings to You All
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Morgoth’s Review
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
Thank you
Jennifer signsoflife
5 days ago
@Morgoth’s Review You’re very welcome
the woodlander
5 days ago
Once again it all leads back to money. I’m going to add that at the momentvit looks as if this is a deliberate act in order to transfer as much wealth as possible. The banks needed this, immigration means massive debt, with governments borrowing billions to pay for it, debt means massive amounts of money can be produced, and we can see where that money is going, always upward..
Morgoth’s Review
9 replies
James Jones
5 days ago
Hello woodlander. Get and make another video
the woodlander
5 days ago
@James Jones be out Thursday..
James Jones
4 days ago
@the woodlander I’ll look forward to it
Hovis Steve
4 days ago
The system is dead.
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago (edited)
The “money lenders” are always the real power.
Hieronymus Bosch
4 days ago
I would argue that it’s not money per se that is the problem. The problem is government who has the legal power to take our money and transfer it to the elite using asylum seekers as the pretext for doing so.
4 days ago
Have you seen the countries around the caucuses, they look like our countries 30 years ago, but with serious money.
4 days ago
Ive never been so depressed. It’s never ending.
3 replies
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago
Bulkanization coming.
Gandalf The Grey
4 days ago
Same man
Saints and Scholars
5 days ago
I used to work for Serco in your neck of the woods Morgoth. I could tell you a few tales about their policies. I know all about Sercos flooded Cuts.
Morgoth’s Review
Bio Unit Zone 3
5 days ago
Fun fact: Rupert Soames CEO of Serco, is the great grandson of Winston “we will fight them on the beaches” Churchill. Oh the irony.
4 replies
s h
4 days ago
His grandad threw away the empire and now he’s helping throw away our homeland.
4 days ago
Never in the field of human conflict did so many die to pay off one man’s gambling debts.
1 day ago
It’s all theatre. The history we’re presented with isn’t half the story. Pilgrim Society.
4 days ago
I’m seeing premonitions of this in my area. Was a quiet part of the country in the east where the population is 95% + white. Since the “pandemic” they’re building loads of (ugly neo-suburb) houses, expanding estates, schools, doing major road reworks etc. And all I can think is “Those aren’t going to english folks”. All while small, out of the way “homestead” like properties are driven up past the £400,000 mark. Guess they just want to do to us what they did to London and Birmingham… nowhere to run.
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More and row
4 days ago
This was very well done Morgoth. Thanks for the work you do.
Morgoth’s Review
Deadbeat Radio
5 days ago (edited)
Who knew “Camp of the Saints” would be a prophecy for Europe.
3 replies
Michaels uncle
Michaels uncle
4 days ago
Yep i did, as people i know
Trudeau’s Backbone
4 days ago
I did.
4 days ago
He did, he said that who wrote the book wasn’t him it was Devine.
Duke of Earl
4 days ago (edited)
Thanks for the blackpill bro. I was recently kicked out by my landlord on the pretext of renovation and sale. Now I’m left wondering. Thanks be to God I found somewhere else, out of the city. It’s not so enriched around here, which is obviously not a strength, but ah, we have to take what we can.
Love ya bro.
2 replies
Defender of the North
4 days ago
Go and find out. Got to back to that place, make a youtube video. Morgoth will be proved right. It happened next door to me.
Duke of Earl
4 days ago
@Defender of the North as it goes I’ll be over there this weekend. I’ll take a look see what’s happening
Harry Aarrestad
5 days ago (edited)
I feel like we’re a giant Cuckoo nest , but unlike the Cuckoo , we just get gobbled in the end
skadi warrior
5 days ago
Simon Web’s channel History Debunked has just released figures from the ONS re non-British born people in the UK. They’re just official figures so we can add more to them. Even so , the numbers are frightening. The office has announced a change in the way they count and present info and won’t be producing any more stats. Understandable given the numbers; they may be worried or, maybe they don’t care anymore.
16 replies
Richard Madden
5 days ago (edited)
What are the figures for non-White British people? National origin doesn’t really matter. It’s ethnic group that matters and they still collect those stats.
Fellow Æthelweard
5 days ago
Simon webb is not an ally for us. He is a typical traitor.
James Jones
5 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard why is that?
Andrew Netz
4 days ago
@James Jones Undoubtedly good knowledge of history and entertaining, but if you pay attention his takes never arrive at anything to boost our morale – quite the opposite actually. You may have noticed he never honestly tackles why we have arrived here. Seems a bit like misdirection.. Now, why is that? He wears a certain interesting necklace at times, said to be a gift from his wife. It tells of – let us say – loyalty, maybe even belonging to, a different people than Westernkind. Let’s leave it at that..
Read more
James Jones
4 days ago
@The Rave Music Archive ahh, I think he talks about a lot of interesting stuff.
John McDonald’
4 days ago
Nearly 7 Million New Registrations By Migrants With General Practitioners Since 2010. General practice in England alone provides over 300 million patient consultations each year. But what pressure does the uncontrolled, mass immigration that we have now put on the NHS?4
skadi warrior
4 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard He does have an avoidance strategy for certain groups but he does trawl through the stats on other issues. It’s all usefull knowledge if a bit depressing.
Defender of the North
4 days ago (edited)
@Andrew Netz You should see that t-shirt he’s been wearing in the past few days whilst telling us we are being erased from history. Some people just have no sense of irony do they?
3 days ago
@Richard Madden these figures are not yet out, at the end of the month we will have them
El Chud Campeador
3 days ago
@Fellow Æthelweard he’s done more to push in our direction than you ever did
Massive Hero
3 days ago
@Defender of the North They just look plain to me, can you explain please?
Massive Hero
3 days ago
@James Jones Simon Webb is not popular with people who want to blame everything on Jews.
Richard Madden
3 days ago
@mrgorbygorby Yes I think it’s the 28th. I looked yesterday. The only figures that matter really.
View From Thill
5 days ago
240,00 Newcomers into NW England in the last 7 years alone.
Read last week of a Tenant in Liverpool who was told his Rent was increasing by £250 a Month and so he faced the prospect of having to move out.
The Landlord is Jersey based and i wondered how they thought anyone could suddenly afford an increase like that- or is it a Fat coincidence?
Read more
Nicholas Littlefield
4 days ago
God bless you Brits across the pond. I’ve checked out here in America. Got my guns. Got my food stocked up and have made sure the people around me have the same. All this since I started watching you and others. Networking is more important than ever people. Not sure if this will make a difference but screw it. I don’t know what else to do except prepare for the worst at this point.
4 days ago
What a terrible situation. Gullible people are happily digging graves to themselves and others, and fast!
2 replies
5 days ago
“they’re thick, they don’t understand incentive structures”
Nah, they’re just dishonest and malicious.
4 days ago (edited)
It’s worse here in Sweden trust me… Only a captain Ahab can save us now. Altough I can feel that something of the sort is on the way
Hovis Steve
4 days ago
I remember when I did a very brief stint for Serco as a cleaner at a hospital in the South West. Evil company.
Rudolf von Goldenbaum
5 days ago
Great work, always love your longer videos. It’s important to focus on the interests behind this like the landlords/investors, explains the actions of the Tories quite well.
Morgoth’s Review
Saints and Scholars
5 days ago
Serco employ people through a company called Adecco. Scandalous carry on from top to bottom.
Richard Madden
5 days ago
Respect Morgoth, he’s a great man with great analysis.
Hope he’s not on PayPal or has deleted his account, can’t support that organisation.
Morgoth’s Review
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
I was banned from PayPal in the first wave back in 2017, not something I have to worry about now.
Richard Madden
5 days ago
@Morgoth’s Review Good you aren’t on it Morgoth. Many call out these type of firms that pursue anti-White policies but they continue to support them. I don’t doubt you would have cancelled PayPal by now. Keep making great vids sir
Morgoth’s Review
Miklos Forgolányi
5 days ago
I enjoyed this format of presentation very much. Well done, Morgoth.
Morgoth’s Review
Romy Armada
4 days ago
Definitely make more work like this, Morgoth. We can all listen to your voice anytime brother.
Brilliant work as always!
Canonette Ballard
4 days ago
I don’t have time to do proper research, but if anyone wants to see how local councils fit into this, then the asylum dispersal scheme and minutes of council meetings are interesting to read.
1 reply
Canonette Ballard
4 days ago
Councils get paid so much per asylum claimant. They are involved in the procurement process for suitable properties.
Unloved otto
5 days ago (edited)
I’m thinking the Dover thing was a rainbow op .
Great vid morgoth .
Finnian O’Driscoll
4 days ago
Stunning synopsis thank you, here in south west Ireland we see it also cheeping in, big one is with Ukraine the amount of private Corps about scouting for beds etc.
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
4 days ago
They knocked on my door last week, are you renting they asked! Bloody check.
Three Thrushes
5 days ago
The U.K. ceased to be a state run for its citizens in the 1980s.
For 40 years it has been run for the benefit of big business.
You think you are a citizen of a country. You are not.
You are a unit of production, to be taxed, to be penalised for parking in the wrong space, for speeding and so on, to be squeezed for council tax, energy, travel costs, petrol and so on.
I’m shocked that people still think they are ‘citizens’ when the evidence of the last 40 years shows that the mass of people in the U.K. are not even in the top 10 of government priorities.
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Morgoth’s Review
2 replies
5 days ago
It was a long time before that. Try 1656.
4 days ago
The parliament is a private corporation, and has a Owner. Who? Laird James Coutts.
5 days ago (edited)
Great video as always Morgoth, I always enjoy listening to a fellow working class Geordie giving the best informed and most accurate takes in the dissident right, even if the subject matter is piss boiling. I know its almost impossible not to feel saddened, disillusioned, frustrated and incredibly angry at what’s being done to our people and our homelands. However, like Morgoth I also can’t stress enough that a violent response like that fella was brought to, is not the answer. Our rulers are currently engaging in the latter stages of a decades long plan to completely collapse and reshape Western economies, societies, the ethnicity of our populace and the very way of life all of us have been brought up in. They use various manufactured crisises such as so called pandemics, supply chain breakdown, fuel shortages, war in Ukraine, climate change etc to point the masses away from what is really going on and why things are happening. They plan to control this collapse but as people lose their jobs, transportation, homes and their quality of life crumbles, there’s a good chance they may lose control and things will get worse than most can imagine. However things transpire, those of us in dissident right circles need to be there to tell the normies (not a fan of the word but you know what I mean) why everything they’ve known and loved is changing/being destroyed, why it’s happening and who is responsible. Sperging out and doing something that will get you jailed is not an option as there’s nothing you can do from a jail cell. Keep all that anger, frustration and sadness buried deep down as if things get as bad as some of us think it will, you may need all of those negative feelings to be the fuel to keep you and those you hold deer safe and well.
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Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
Open your Eyes
4 days ago
Brilliant as always mate.
I work in a care home, the other day management told me to bin all the unused masks. Thousands of them went in the bin. All paid for by you and me. Somebody made a lot of money off of all those unused masks.
12 replies
Ellie Green
4 days ago
Open your eyes
That’s fantastic news because it must mean that the Care Home management have been told that mask wearing is over and won’t be coming back.
It most likely means we’re safe from the threat of ever having our breathing restricted again.
Still coercion going on here in Ireland by staff at medical venues especially Specsavers.
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Ellie Green
4 days ago
@Open your Eyes
I’ve just woken up and saw your reply, I hadn’t thought of that and you’re right, that’s how it is here in Ireland too, lots of unnecessary contracts and jobs for their cronies.
Best wishes to you too and have a lovely day.
Open your Eyes
4 days ago
@Ellie Green
4 days ago
@Ellie Green didn’t wear one in specsavers as I told them that they must accept liability for me wearing one. They didn’t want to do that lol.
Ellie Green
4 days ago
You were lucky, well done.
Not sure if that would work for me because they’d know they could get out any responsibility, that’s the way things are here in Ireland.
We had lots of rights until around the time of the bank bail out in 2011, after that Government departments changed towards the public, even the Council Offices changed from being a freindly casual place and people were no longer allowed in to the housing department.
The establishment started to treat us with less respect and there was a lot more queues in banks.
Several people warning Savers to get out their money because of imminent collapse.
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4 days ago
@Ellie Green Have faith, the land of saints and scholars has been through worse. You are God’s family and he knows that. And as a famous charlatan once said ” you can’t propagand the Irish for long” Fraud oh I mean lol.
2 days ago
@Ellie Green “because it must mean that the Care Home management have been told that mask wearing is over and won’t be coming back.”
No, the mandate by NHS england is that we still have to wear mask.
I work in a care home and the mgt are still dictating this..
2 days ago
we still have to wear ours in our care home..
Ellie Green
2 days ago
I’m sorry that you’re still being coerced in to this, is it possible for you to tell them that you can’t cope with having your breathing restricted?
It’s outrageous that this useless practice is still being imposed on people.
2 days ago
@Ellie Green they don’t care. I had to complain to mgt and HR that the masks makes it much harder for me to understand what people are saying to me ( im sensory disabled and need to be able to read peoples faces when they speak). it was noted and thats it. I have to keep asking people to pull their mask to talk to me.
4 days ago
I was in London at the weekend, the street had an Islamic mosque, women dressed in coverings. Supermarkets from everywhere but England, walk into the local pub, it was literally a time jump back in England almost all white, and the local football ground same story.
2 replies
This Old Goat
This Old Goat
3 days ago
London isn’t an English city anymore.
5 days ago
Excellent content as always, Morgoth.
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
30 years ago, 40K people was an annual migration number. And they were checked.
7 replies
Woah Black Betty
5 days ago
Shame on the British who were old enough to stop the immigration act but did nothing
5 days ago
@Woah Black Betty and what are you doing to repeal it?
pads 1982
5 days ago
The British population has not changed since the the 1950s
5 days ago
@pads 1982 indeed we know what changes
Neil Saunders
4 days ago
And it was still far too many.
skadi warrior
4 days ago
@pads 1982 And that’s official. The government said so.
James Jones
5 days ago
I’d say, the best content creation YouTube
Morgoth’s Review
Chris W
5 days ago
40k per month and they are all single men. Take that number, add their wife and two kids they will be bringing over. That 40k becomes 160k real fast. And you know perfectly well each man they already let in will be allowed to bring their whole family soon enough.
2 replies
4 days ago
Average family members in Ireland 79 aren’t we lucky.
Defender of the North
3 days ago
The will bring ‘the family’ after getting some local girls up the duff first. They have ‘needs’ as well you know.
Simon Collins
5 days ago
I’m a property investor landlord based in the North West.
SERCO have approached me multiple times since 2014.
I’ve turned them down every time.
I know a few landlords who’ve gone with Serco, but most do not.
Morgoth’s Review
5 replies
4 days ago
Thank you.
Roy Wilkinson
4 days ago
Thank you.
3 days ago
Thank you, and bless you
2 days ago
Thank you. Standing by principles isn’t easy and can often go unnoticed and taken for granted.
Harry Johnson
1 day ago
Thank you Simon. You chose loyalty to your own people over treason.
Selling England By The Pound
5 days ago
Long time overdue we had some focus on Serco, and the very obvious backhanders & top-pocketers which must be going on.
Morgoth’s Review
6 replies
jhőn fráncísz
5 days ago
Bushwhacked Dos.
5 days ago
CEO of Serco, Rupert Soames, Grandson of Churchill.
Selling England By The Pound
5 days ago
@jhőn fráncísz alright pal, hope you’re doing well there, long time no speak
jhőn fráncísz
5 days ago
@Selling England By The Pound ye am gud man … how yu
Paul Atreides
5 days ago
Utterly corrupt company
Selling England By The Pound
5 days ago
@jhőn fráncísz gud stuff maite, all gud
4 days ago
Can’t beat a Morgoth freestyle
Morgoth’s Review
Dafydd Mozza
5 days ago
Morgoth is on fire!
Morgoth’s Review
Spy Bot
5 days ago
Nice one Morgs, excellent as always!
Morgoth’s Review
Judge Holden
22 hours ago
This is the best news coverage you’ve ever done
Batch 67
2 days ago
The children of indiginous people of this country, Our veterans, & needy should be cared for and housed first. Charity starts at home.
5 days ago (edited)
The Conservative Party Treasurer is Sir Ehud Sheleg. He who pays the piper.
1 reply
Joe G
Joe G
2 days ago
What an odd name…early life?
Lateral Twitler
5 days ago
My man Morgs here to please us. What a treat! And no, I’m not sarcastic.
Talk to you on BMAC in a few days. In the meantime: thanks for the upload.
Morgoth’s Review
Defender of the North
3 days ago (edited)
‘Mears’ is the company who is turning empty buildings in Yorkshire into exclusively migrant ‘processing’ centres. They have taken a local mill in my area and are in the process of turning it into ‘migrant housing’. They originally obtained it under the pretence of it being ‘renovated’ into modern flats for locals a few years ago.
All of a sudden, about a month ago, they announced it would ‘temporarily’ house ‘asylum seekers’. There was an outcry form local MP’s, who were not on the council, because the council is labour and comprises of mostly pakistani muslims and as is the mayor. They knew about it all along what it was going to be. There was no time to protest.
Now the local village hall is a ‘temporary’ mosque for them on Friday for morning prayers. They walk in droves to get there. I saw sudanese africans trying to buy beer at my local Aldi. Partying at my expense. At this rate, the local infant school will be islamified in a few short years.
Its destroyed our future. At least now I know why. Thank you Morgoth’s Review.
Read more
John Pineda
5 days ago (edited)
Mammon whispered to the hearts of man and they accepted his temptations. Selling out their own people for something not even physical.
4 days ago
Thanks Morgoth. I hope this video gets some decent traction.
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
Yeah it’s called One World Government were in it now. Indian PM unelected branch manager
Morgoth’s Review
Gemma M.
2 days ago
Thank you Morgoth, for seeing through this charade that’s been planned and going on for years. I’ve been listening to many conservative pundits and people at large who talk about this but have never really hit the nail on the head as you have. Cheers!
Gerald Thompson
4 days ago
Awesome Morgoth , but rather sad at the same time , ‘ It’s like we are just rearranging the Deckchairs’ on the titanic ! as the music plays , we get comfortable ? as there are no lifeboats & slowly watch the ship sink
5 days ago
Forty minutes? You spoil us. Hope you’re well, because our country is not.
Morgoth’s Review
4 days ago
Interesting analysis , no wonder there is reluctance to do anything about it , Thank you.
Edmond White
5 days ago
There comes a time when every man must spit on his hands, hoist the Jolly Roger and begin slitting throats—HL Mencken. (or something very close to that)
The Wondering Englishman
4 days ago
As always great analysis and fully agree
5 days ago
“I’m just gonna wing it” 40 minutes
Morgoth’s Review
Vaun Malone
5 days ago
It’s the death knell of the Ethnos!
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
jhőn fráncísz
5 days ago
Free Britney
4 days ago
This is one of the best videos I’ve watched in a long time.
5 days ago
3:45 Why are we kidding ourselves here? It’s not a problem at all. On the contrary – it’s all going precisely according to plan
3 replies
jhőn fráncísz
5 days ago
Defender of the North
4 days ago
Its why Sunak and Braverman are the most deplorable MPs to grace parliament.
Occideris Aethiopissa
5 days ago (edited)
Morgoth have you seen the Office of National Statistics (ONS) have ruled they will not release complete migration data in the census results, they made a twitter post on their official account.
Morgoth’s Review
3 replies
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
Yeah, I mention it briefly in this video but I was too busy with this to take a proper look.
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago
Saw a video on this by History Debunked.
Defender of the North
3 days ago (edited)
@Evola’s Sunglasses Well, everything Simon Webb says is completly kosher.
Oscar’s life
5 days ago
I thought suella braverman was great in playschool this is the first I’ve heard of her in about 30 years though
1 reply
harrier carrier
5 days ago
Brilliant yes I’m glad I’m not the only one to conflate her with Floella Benjamin, we had the LP of the songs, seems so long ago. We can never go back.
pads 1982
5 days ago
Imagine getting one of them next door
Mercury 721
1 day ago
Brilliant commentary as always Morgot, thank you mate. Speechless on the treachery and spinelessness of the Polits, and the trends are speeding up. No hope unless all main parties are cleared out and we have options to vote for the interests of our Civilization.
5 days ago
Tax increase coming on top of everything else…
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
5 days ago
Paying taxes to pay the rent to keep these migrants in a house that you have been priced out of
Colt Python
5 days ago
Another great video, Morgoth.
justin noutch
4 days ago
This deserves more views
Squat every day
20 hours ago
One note on the pandemic spending you mentioned Morgoth. I work in local government and I saw the covid grants come through and get spent. normally we are subject to banal and methodic spending restrictions. With Covid it all disappeared and anything and everything could get funded through direct appointment with no competitive bidding process. I’m sure it’s the same the further up the tree of government you go and it probably gets worse the more power is in play.
Read more
Sgt Steel
4 days ago (edited)
Morgoth, this was disappointing :\ We know that the tories are not any form of opposition. edit: the last time I checked the census website, they released a statement AND I QUOTE – “We are working on the best way to disseminate this information.”
5 days ago
One of the best channels on the GooTubes
Morgoth’s Review
United States of Post America
4 days ago
Very depressing story, wish more could be done.
1 day ago
Thank you for your work, despite how blackpilling it is. Its better to know.
4 days ago (edited)
Thanks for detailing this Morgoth. Good video to show normies who don’t think too deeply about this stuff
Ronin Hood
2 days ago
‘Modern history tv’ did a fantastic video recently, where I think a lot of like minded people, people like us might learn a little from our ancestors. It’s called ‘English men can’t be murdered in England’ there’s a lot of parallels. Well worth a watch.
5 days ago
40 minutes of morgoths review
Morgoth’s Review
Hieronymus Bosch
4 days ago
Asylum seekers have become a big and lucrative business. Reversing that once it is entrenched is going to be very hard.
1 reply
4 days ago
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust as our Lord Jesus Christ stated.
Laurie Braxton
5 days ago (edited)
Hi Morgoth,
I loved your TV wall Substack!
Will the DR begin talking about Frames and Solutions? It seems rather like a kind of fetish, dwelling on problems whilst positing no solutions.
On Higherside Chats podcast, a farmer in Cali was denied the ‘licence’ to sell his wine, so he took advantage of a business structure that operated in the private sector, called a Private Membership Association and opened a Rona- policy free grocery store called Renegade Ranch Provisions.
There are many ways to combat this craziness, and sometimes the darkest hour is before the dawn. We’d be unwise to surrender and give up now!
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Morgoth’s Review
4 replies
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
Thanks, to be fair I address the solutions somewhat in the video, my solutions are always a return to popular sovereignty and empowering people at the local level. I’ve done whole videos and streams and essays on it at this point.
harrier carrier
5 days ago (edited)
@Morgoth’s Review between the extreme polarities of theory (schizo model: sinister malevolent elite manipulation VS. autistic model: blind techno machine inevitability, which seems to be a split in the discourse currently) the idea of popular sovereignty seems the most incredulous.
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
@harrier carrier See my video ”What is to be done”
Considering Phlebas
3 days ago
Who says there are solutions?
Yes, there are things people can do to ameliorate certain problems and to improve smaller-scale and individual conditions, but the forces at play now are too large and have too much momentum behind them to admit of planned general solutions. The situation just has to get a lot worse before it gets better, and before anything new and viable can emerge on a large enough scale to replace or challenge liberal gl0balism at the macro level.
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L Jon
3 hours ago
Yes, it IS depressing, But we need to know. Thank you.
Rambling Imbecile
5 days ago
Serco will be in partnership with Mears to do the service and maintenance part of the contract. I’m not aware of Serco being in the construction business
1 reply
4 days ago
They are HUGE they have over a thousand different businesses, they are a Goliath. And we are David. Remember who you are.
1 day ago (edited)
Great vid and touched on many good points. And it’s an accurate account for anyone with eyes open.
Serco run jails and immigration centres. These are security run, obviously. But, if they have an empty cell, they don’t get paid for that cell, by the justice or immigration department. There is huge monetary incentives to fill them cells. All these houses, hotels, bnbs etc are just more cells. It’s also enabling them to set up more “secure” sites. They are establishing a foothold on all corners and will infiltrate many sectors of “services”. I’d like to add that all prisons run on the NOMIS system which is effectively a control mechanism for the “inmates”. You are all categorised with a level of standard prisoner Enhanced, Standard and Basic. You earn more privileges for being a “good boy”, and less if you are hard to control. Example, Two negatives on you notes in quick succession gets you demoted to Basic from Standard, which might mean you are not entitled to as many visits per week. I genuinely feel that these methods were used as test-beds for how to “control a population” with a view that there was always a bigger plan to control a larger population with an incentive based formula to gain ultimate power over the people. This is nothing short of a cuop d’etat by private entities. Everyone is bought. If you’re not wealthy now, you will be a slave to it unless there is a meaningful uprising. The transfers of wealth these last few years have been astronomical and every politician and their friends want a slice of it to secure their place in the elitist versus slave future. Just a thought
In prison, there is also a thing called equal population diversity. Where they will assess each wing for ethnicity and religion, and move inmates to different wings to balance these. A quota???
Sounds similar to what’s happening all around the world atm.
Mass migration under UN terms and agreements (policy).
Policy is replacing Law.
Judges, police, barristers, social workers, cabinet members, councillors, members of parliament…..,all the people that we think should be our protectors of justice, are all corrupted and cannot be relied upon.
They are all influenced by dollar signs and control and are refusing our most Basic Human Rights/Inalienable rights.
Royals….government….private sect(or)….are all the same.
It’s all show…..to give you the illusion of choice/democracy.
They want to defund/disgrace the actual police that still have the power to execute common law and replace them with private sector security that runs on policy.
With no-one to enforce common law, policy will replace the laws that currently supersede company decisions.
Serco are in an unknown territory where THEY can now choose where the immigrants go, purely by claiming that it completely random where they get volunteer landlords.
But they have a plan and won’t give in until they are brought to light and people start kicking up a proper stink.
Even then, if civil war ensued, they have a “back up plan”. The ngo UN will come to our rescue, here coincidentally, they don’t have to follow local law. They have their policies set in place for such an outcome.
This may be going a little to far for some, but we are fast becoming a security run prison.
Read more
5 days ago
I’m with you Morgoth % I will not disobey Susan’s TOS I refuse to say
all these “people”. Period
The Victorian Peanut
5 days ago
A Corporation’s Will is to be One of The Government’s Best Buddies. The Free Market Will Always have a short Life Span and it will get Conquered (Always every single time).
Trudeau’s Backbone
4 days ago
There was some bloke posting flyers in my local area looking to buy houses.
“Quick sale wanted” etc it said.
Not too much other info.
Makes sense now.
5 days ago
Morgoth, just to clarify a point you made, although property coming on to the market will be let by serco, landlords will not be able to evict current tenants, the government are banning the section 21 notice, which also means you’ll be stuck with these immigrant tenants even if you change your mind and want them out!
2 replies
4 days ago
Wasn’t there a case like this in Glasgow? I remember it on the news, people stopped it.
4 days ago
Not the natives. Just the new are protected.
Josh Sneed
1 day ago
Its not that they dont want to do anything about it, they are doing something about it and making it worse. On purpose.
4 days ago
so it turns out Serco is run by one of Winston Churchill’s grandsons. What do you all make of this? I feel like there’s a case of intergenerational resentment
Steve Sallis
4 days ago
The sad fact is that the people in power are not affected by this, in fact nobody is parliament is, they live in their own rich persons bubble. It’s almost as if they want to destroy this country, or at least the working class, as they seem to have contempt for them
1 reply
Friendly Neighbourhood Sunwheel
Friendly Neighbourhood Sunwheel
5 days ago
The horror show continues
Nick Porter
3 days ago
“I may go off on a rant from to time.” Yes.
gary c
5 days ago
Middle class
Tossers say it doesn’t affect me so I’m OK
3 replies
4 days ago
It affects everyone now.
Defender of the North
3 days ago (edited)
Thats what some of my mates are like. But no-ones escaping this. Its absoloute.
Rachel Wood
2 days ago
It’s hard to believe this is actually real. Crazy.
Peter Riley
1 day ago
80’s South London (that I saw) similar practices on a smaller scale – it started after Thatcher bought the vote with council house sales and gov needed a new business model for housing – as it grew as a system a certain type realised the rewards and made it a parasitic investment strategy
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago
Torys : “we increased GDP figures but lost European Civilisation”.
Baxter MacTavish
4 days ago
Its all so depressing. Why can our fellow countrymen not see this? Why do they follow along like sheep? What happened to the British spirit?
3 replies
Evola’s Sunglasses
4 days ago
Decades of Liberalism.
4 days ago
9 to 10 hours a day watching TV and being programmed to say what they see. My mother sounds so like BBC it’s scary, word for word.
3 days ago
It’s over mate. I don’t see any solution. We lost
Tolerant Fellow
5 days ago
Well that’s my jimmies rustled to high fucking heaven.
Morgoth’s Review
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
Nice to see you under one of my videos.
Muskerry Tram
5 days ago
Much the same racket going on here in Ireland. Recently asked if I’d be interested in the contract of gutting a large property, asap. Client is subdividing to house 30 refugees at €560/week on a 2 year contract. Told him I was too busy but it will get done by someone. Could have given him an earful but he just wouldn’t get it.
1 reply
4 days ago
I ran off 3 different NGOs out of my village just before covid, they went to the council and are now expanding the village to 3 times it’s size ( we have the population apparently) you couldn’t make it up. Have you seen the update to the children sex education yet? Horrific is the only word. Hate crime Bill written in Limerick university by a professor who is a member of the EU, UN, Irish council of refugees etc.. Mad cow.
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Ronin Hood
2 days ago
Deep down we all know what must be done, it’s been done throughout history, it’s the reason we are stood here. It’s just, no one wants to do it.
mikey bee
5 days ago
Only a couple of minutes in. Not the most profound statement but how do they manage it? They’re supposed to be destitute but can get from Afghanistan to Dover with naff all. I couldn’t make it to Wakefield.
1 reply
4 days ago
The EU funds them, they admitted it in one of their meetings. We work with the traffickers to make the transfer safe and effective and to save lives. You couldn’t make it up.
Sunny Side Up
2 days ago
We don’t live in a country, we live in an economic zone. An entire nation, it’s people, history, heritage, reduced to mere line items on a ledger to be bought and sold. We are some foreigners dividend payment…and we stood and cheered it on. What a time to alive ey
3 hours ago
Reminds me of the Highland Clearances.
Pure evil exposed.
22 hours ago
Good men plant trees, the shade of which they know they shall never sit in. Our leaders enact policies in the hope that they will be dead before the consequences of those policies are truly realised.
4 days ago
I wonder how long before they come after mortgaged properties by offering a similar deal to banks to take on some or all of their mortgage portfolio and do the same with that?
1 reply
4 days ago
They are trying that in Ireland as we speak.
Alfie Noakes
4 days ago
Gates is also in on the Climate grift, recently selling a £multi-billion computer to the met office for their so-called climate modelling
1 reply
Caz Realist
Caz Realist
5 days ago
I jumped the gun in my first reply , I’m on the nth east coast and we have had blokes in the area going round privately owned houses offering full market value and all fees paid if you sell your home to them , anyone else had a vist off blokes doing the same ?
1 reply
Miss Sussex
Miss Sussex
2 days ago
Well explained…thank you
Shark Ark Heart
4 days ago
Soul crushing. Angering!
5 days ago
Brilliant commentary Morgoth. Where else could we hear this level of incisiveness, honesty and truth about such matters? Certainly not on our legacy media that’s for sure. As a Welsh nationalist, I’m in total agreement with your assessment. For the record, I would like Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland too to become sovereign nations again and co-operate with each other. Let’s face it, the British State is a rotting husk by now and needs to be consigned to the history books. I’m also a small ‘c’ conservative by inclination, and I agree with you again that the Conservatives (big C) have no interest whatsoever in conserving anything. They are just a bloated corporate entity with no feel or no love for the people who they rule at all. This information about Serco and this £3 billion contract given to them in 2018 just shows how cynical and money-orientated everything is with the Tories by now. I wish our modern lefties could have just a smidgeon of the cynicism that so pervades the Tories, which could help them look beyond their pathetic virtue-signalling over this influx of people into these isles. They are being played, as we all are. Thank you again for your deep insight and amazing eloquence. You are a treasure for these 4 nations!
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Morgoth’s Review
Winter Rising
2 days ago
To find out who controls you, simply ask who you are not allowed to criticise
1 reply
NoThanks NoThanks
NoThanks NoThanks
1 day ago
Well, if this was a video game, then it would be possible to motivate those responsible for this kind of thing with violence, but this isn’t a video game, so there is nothing we can do about it.
3 days ago
This all goes on under the radar. Where’s the bbc panorama report? Or Adam Curtis? Nobody wants to touch it. They just hope Nobody notices. This is how you know we live in a media run state.
Healing Protection Creation
4 days ago
Andrew Leak (whose name resonates with porous borders) is reported as having “ranted about migrants in racist Facebook posts”.
This creates the conditions for further clamping down on those of us who disagree with the increased imposition of “migrants” on us.
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1 reply
Sarah Gill
Sarah Gill
3 days ago (edited)
The plot goes even deeper and way more s1n1ster!…Alison mcdowell explains her research into how digital control systems and token economics via social credits are not just for asylum seekers…this is wild stuff and i understand why people are not aware of this whole subject heavily under the radar but rolling out right now in real time…please try take a look at her valuable work
1 reply
hungowapower yes
hungowapower yes
3 hours ago
My landlord asked if she could amend our tenancy agreement, instead of being able to terminate at the end of our in 9 months she wanted to change it to a rolling 30 day contract meaning 30 days notice to evict.
Obviously we refused, perhaps this is why she wanted to change it?
3 days ago
I’m a private landlord of 2 modest properties that are mortgage free. A house and a flat. Even if they were empty there’s no way on God’s earth that I would approach an organisation like serco. I’ve got enough to live on quite comfortably (at the present) and my humanity towards others has always taken precedence over the quest for money. When you lose all of your rights, the rights to movement, freedom of speech, money becomes meaningless though the things that money can’t buy have always been more important to me. I’m afraid that we’re on the path to hell and as the saying goes that path is made with good intentions though I’ve never thought that the intentions were anything other than nefarious and ones if greed and control.
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2 replies
1 day ago
You are good man Paul.
1 day ago
@AS thanks for those kind words. I just couldn’t look myself in the mirror every morning if I treated others the way some people do.
Pqt Pat
4 days ago
Insanity. UK makes me feel lucky to be in the US lol and it’s bad here….
Golden Apple
4 days ago
Coupled with the fact that the construction industry are the biggest doners to the tory party its a closed loop.
Terminus Est
5 days ago
The individual was not a madman acting on his own behalf & not at all representing a group apparently? Unlike the many who have preceded him but were strangely of zero interest to the anti-terrorist services. As with each previous but often lethal act the security forces are on high alert for far-right activism.
Ug Ug Ug the 2nd.
4 days ago
Serco small print ‘YR THE MAN WHO SOLD US YR WORLD’
2 days ago
I have received marketing from people who sell buy-to-let properties that invaders will live in. The promoters say that landlords are guaranteed the rent, as it is paid by the government. They also say that these invaders are given the houses with all utility bills paid directly by the government. The invaders can use as much gas and electricity as they want: the government will pay for it. In other words, we can’t afford to heat our houses, but the government taxes us so that invaders can get unlimited gas and electricity. This goes on for several years, after which the invader has to claim normal benefits, housing benefit etc. At this point landlords have to evict the tenants, as they are so used to living the life of Reilly and won’t pay the rent. Absolutely amazing.
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Shakti Kali Kaloczi
2 days ago
Mary Haddock
1 day ago
I didn’t find it depressing, just enlightening. It seems the financial structure and priorities of the country need to change in order to allow other problems to be remedied.
4 days ago
When it starts to effect all the oblivious normies on a daily basis then maybe people will start asking questions but by then unfortunately I feel like it might be too late. Most cities full of crime and some no go zones.
The snp want a million into Scotland yet I can’t see a doctor, dentist or gp without jumping through major hoops.
It’s all about cheap labour for the elites. The majority don’t benefit from this at all.
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Irish brother
5 days ago
von Roretz
3 days ago
The reformation was a similar looting operation of ‘the commons’ – church property and its attendant social infrastructure by a nouveau Tudor Oligarchy headed by Thomas Cromwell.
Mark Turmel
5 days ago
”And The Snow Fell”
Squat every day
20 hours ago (edited)
Living in the south everyone is very much asleep to the Serco grift and immigration has yet to touch much of the south west.
The location they have chosen is abesloutely disgusting. Those parts of the country have been desolated by these governments it makes me sick to the core of my soul. Its obviously done because those places have lower property costs. I think the south is in similar situation to Ireland this hasn’t actually happened to us yet in the south west to the extent it’s happened in city centres, Midlands and the north. Looking at the Census results our time is limited this is going to spread to all of England it’s my greatest shame that we won’t act to protect our northern kin whilst the problem is limited to those areas.
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Squat every day
20 hours ago
There is a lot in the Bible that concerns the evils of debt money lenders and those that put money before man. Im not religious but it’s abesloutely spot on.
Our ancestors know it and we need to wake up to it.
Gavin Richards
5 days ago
Just like the folk on tv have bought, the sports stars, medical institutions etc everyone has a price it would seem
Tuesday F.A. Tuesday
2 days ago (edited)
If we can get to the Coronation date in May of ’23 with the Monarchy intact (of which I doubt), I would hope His Majesty would step in and do some serious damage. If he sits on the Throne and does nothing, the next election will come to pass and he’ll be out of a job.
1 reply
Refusenik Seán
2 days ago
Look into who owns serco Prince William is involved
britpack dog
4 days ago
What a terrible mess. Thanks Morgoth
Morgoth’s Review
Healing Protection Creation
4 days ago
Your local Councillor is likely a:
Common Purpose;
Or something similar or he or she wouldn’t be there in the Council.
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2 replies
Garry Wynne
Garry Wynne
1 day ago
CP most likely
Jon A
4 days ago
I love Morgoth’s content but what is the solution? I think it will be to put people off getting in the boat in the first place. We need to get the army to start building massive camps ringed with barbed wire with machinegun nests every few hundred yards – like WWII POW camps – and start putting asylum seekers in them. We should then make this very public with advertising campaigns in France telling people who think of making the crossing that they will not end up in a 5 star hotel but in one of these camps instead. And we need to stick to our guns and not give in when Leftie liberal types complain about the appalling conditions in the camps. We would even be helping France as all the Albanians, Afghans etc. would go to Germany instead of Calais if the British route was no longer appealing.
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2 replies
skadi warrior
4 days ago
The way things are going we are the ones who will need to be in camps surrounded by guards for our own protection.
4 days ago
Stop spouting crap, where will your ideas get you, I know Gaol or dead. Revoke your consent to be govern by your king and like magic no parliament. Then you have choices.
Wren Cobb
7 hours ago
Thanks Morgoth, shared.
2 days ago (edited)
The hideous design of the European court of human rights caused my j-dar to start pinging quite loudly, so I decided to look up who the architect was and unsurprisingly I was right about his ethnic origins.
sigh Every. Single. Time.
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A Dude
1 day ago
I am gone. Lost to the system. Yes, I am still alive. I obey the law. I see their power. I move around in tbis place. I do not speak. I watch and see and understand.
Luke Bignell
3 days ago
We all thought treason May was bad. Boris and the new regime makes her look like a Saint.
Hugh Jass
1 day ago
EU is a flag of convenience for those who denounce flags on principle.
Bob Syurunkul
5 days ago
Oh and remember. the euphemism, “public-private partnership” is really a reference to marriage of State and Corporate power and we know what Mussolini called that!
4 replies
3 days ago
2 days ago
What did Mussolini call that? Or where can I find that information?
Bob Syurunkul
2 days ago (edited)
@turdburglar123 Mussolini wrote a treatise on ‘fascism’ in which he stated, “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”
Rob M
1 day ago
A high proportion of landlords nowadays are non-British heritage and will have no compunction whatsoever about throwing British people, even families with little kids onto the streets.
1 day ago
Only just switched the video on and I think I can recognise the scene. Is that Arundel Castle in Sussex?
Craig Jovanovich
5 days ago
(I’m looping in America with this comment) Why don’t we require 2 – 3 years of mandatory military service from all undocumented migrants? Force them to deliver something of value and security to assure these people are not criminals, protect their new homes, and it will weed out the weak immediately? There is NO guarantee they will be allowed to stay either.
Morgoth’s Review
3 replies
Zagon Vox
Zagon Vox
5 days ago
But most won’t pass the IQ test
4 days ago
All fighting age male newcomers to go out to Ukraine front line.
Quick reverse the dinghies
4 days ago
@Zagon Vox Play nice.
4 days ago (edited)
Man this shit makes my head hurt. I get it the house is on fire. Does anyone have any ideas on how to put it out?… I cant keep listening to this doom and gloom without any solutions or ideas being offered up. It’s just pure depression fuel
1 reply
oh no
oh no
3 days ago
When I was at university a few years ago I came across PPP, not truly understanding the ramifications and endless avenues for corruption
casey white
4 days ago
These are all military/prime working age men. No child refugees or old people in fear of their lives.
No just cowardly men that should be fighting and building and fixing THEIR country. And their Muslims. Their entire way of life is to establish the Caliphate.
And I’m from California so I feel your pain.
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L Jon
4 hours ago
At the VERY LEAST these people should be told – ”Harm ONE hair of someone’s head, or smash ONE tiny bit of furniture or cause ONE bit of damage to any property” – then YOU ARE OUT. No appeal, no excuse – nothing. OUT. ”We know where you live”. And it’s NOT here.
We have spineless wimps in charge. But they’re getting too much money from this to care.
4 days ago
I agree with these sentiments but don’t get dazzled by big numbers if you are not used to them, they are not big for corporate numbers by any means. Maybe they can put up a month or two’s worth of migrants for a few years on this, these projects are saddled with leftoid grifters don’t forget. It’s contemptible but don’t firebomb your life away in despair, if this is all they’ve got rejoice! (Just don’t get complacent)
6 replies
Simon Collins
5 days ago
Morgoth, you’ve got some details wrong.
Serco offer landlords 5 yrs contracts and do the maintenance and cover voids, that’s attractive to landlords…….
1/Serco offer Less than market rate rents to landlords. Most landlords don’t want to work with Serco (that’s why they have to advertise looking for landlords).
2/ A landlords Buy To Let mortgage lenders will not allow a landlord to grant a five year tenancy agreement to Serco or anyone else.
5 years is too long, it comprises the lenders security on the loan.
If the landlord stopped paying the mortgage, a lender doesn’t want a tenant with a long term tenancy that they cannot evict and repossess in order to sell and recoup the outstanding loan.
Show less
2 replies
5 days ago
Thankyou for posting this info.
4 days ago
Funny that they signed the UN migration pact in 2018
2 replies
4 days ago
Don’t forget the marakitch deal also signed. Can’t spell mara whatever and don’t care.
Tuesday F.A. Tuesday
2 days ago (edited)
If I were His Majesty the King, I’d be looking into an estate in Canada to move to when either the Conservatives or Labour soon abolish the Monarchy.
5 days ago
9:15 excellent!
David Sassoon
2 days ago
The UK is not a registered charity and it’s absurd that the accommodation bill for these economic migrants
is almost £7 million a day and growing. There will be over 50,000 who have arrived here by the time Jan 1st
2023 comes. Next year it could be 70,000 because they will know they have to get here before the government
is forced into doing something, knowing once here their application time is glacial. The Labour party’s immigration
policy is that the UK exists to give the economic migrants around the world a better life, so expect to see
the doors to the UK opened so wide, that the hinges snap off if Labour get into power. Perhaps if Farage
returns to the political arena with the Reform party as rumoured, it may spook the conservatives into action.
Braverman showing up at Manston in a Chinook was ridiculous
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Big Shepps
4 days ago
people seem to blame the dinghy divers when they should be blaming the people that are causing this…..the government
1 reply
Jake the Kipper
Jake the Kipper
2 days ago
That’s what the government thinks of you. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Keep your mouth shut & pay your taxes. Reprehensible. Great video.
Rico S
5 days ago
Interesting video, thanks. I’m what people would describe as left wing (I’m not particularly hung up on it). I’m not a social media person, so I’m probably not a very up to date leftist. When you describe left wing people in this video, it’s not something I recognise in me (a little perhaps, I believe in rights for women and so on – without feeling the need to call myself a feminist). To me, it’s a bit like someone describing the Tories as on the right, which you’ve clearly demonstrated here isn’t the case. If we removed the parts of the video where you slagged off those lefty liberals, I could easily have listened to this video assuming it was a left wing (my left wing) take on the public private partnerships. There is a lot more, much more, that we have in common than not. We have a common enemy too. It appears that both right and left have been co-opted.
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4 replies
4 days ago
You are center, like most ( right wing) are really center. We want our country to resemble our country but Don’t hate anyone. We want progress but not destruction, we want women to have a choice between staying at home to have children and women who want a professional life, we want our women to have their own toilets and dressing room. We want our children to be proud of our history and not be second to African history. We want to be able to speak openly about anything with out loosing our jobs and most of all WE Want To Be Left Alone.
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Rico S
4 days ago
@B123 but I also want an end to our economic system because I don’t believe competitive economic growth works in perpetuity. I think the free market is a load of childish bollocks. I don’t want to be left alone, as it’s a fairly meaningless concept. I need other people for my existence. If someone else controls my access to basic human needs, I couldn’t give a shite whether they are state or corporate – both impinge on my freedom. I want to be part of a community that is directly responsible for the provision of most of its needs, together. I don’t want the abstract middle men of money, supermarkets, banks, state departments etc. I do believe in rules, say a constitution, but I think that should largely be dictated by nature (sustainability, actual sustainability not the Gates shite, resource limitations and so on). For me, everything should be about reducing the requirement for a third party to supply my community’s basic human needs, such as food, waste, basic health, water, shelter, travel, energy etc.
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4 days ago
@Rico S You are young that I can tell by your thoughts. When I was young the family took the parents when they got old or sick. The family home was the financial benefit as the person who took their parents would receive the home what ever the worth ( not millionaire’s lol) . The family would decide together and help when asked sometimes a roster if needed. Not only that but this is so important. The family member who took the parent would always have some unfinished business with the parent and I think it’s God’s way of giving us a last chance at forgiveness. It also gave the adult child closure… Community is King Not any ism’s. No government can replace that.
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Rico S
4 days ago
@B123 not young, no. I’m not sure how family decisions relate to my point, but I appreciate the sharing. It wasn’t unusual for parents to be looked after by children when I was young either, although it often wasn’t predicated on home transferral as council housing was still a thing. I agree with your last point, but government or corporation has replaced most communities in the UK for almost all our basic needs.
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Woah Black Betty
5 days ago
Greater Israel project anyone?
deep house
1 day ago
You’ve got to go to the root of the problem and it’s not migrants at border it’s the mindset of the average Brit bong of which I am but I live in North America
Try telling my boomer parents who is allowing this and who controls the government and that’s where the conversation stops on the issue
I told my mother I was interested in getting my PAL licence for a rifle and she asked me why
Well why do you think, you look at the uk and home invasions and then home invasions in the USA why would someone ask you why you were getting something to protect yourself and why would that be shocking
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Josue the Bigot
3 days ago
I believe it was Mussolini who described fascism as the marriage between state and corporate power.
Basil Fawlty
5 days ago
Urgh on a black pill overload lately
Lightning Strikes
5 days ago
It would be better if we had a Labour Govt-small c conservatives would then see that we’ve gone full socialist instead of being so complacent. They are too easily placated by Tory Etonian accents and a few MPs who grumble about the current border situation.
Bushwhacked Dos.
5 days ago
The fella the other day was a false flag in my opinion,
1 reply
4 days ago
Bingo, same in Germany a week ago. You couldn’t make it up.
suasan watson
4 days ago
Braverman talking yes, doing anything? No, of course not.
Alfie Noakes
4 days ago
war has to be the classic PPP
Oki Nakamura
1 day ago
Same business model flooded Sweden. Arguably modelled on the prison industrial complex in the US.
5 days ago
Does Pr. William own SERCO?
Healing Protection Creation
3 days ago
Thales Group is another entity deserving of scrutiny and who have been on my radar for years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thales_Group
ben scullion
4 days ago
Sunaks father in law is owner of
Infosys,, partner company of wef ,who is pushing digital id and credit scores , next thing on the agenda !
Bar Steward
5 days ago
spot on
Spaced Marine
5 days ago
You seem to have hit the nail on the head.What to do about it?
1 reply
4 days ago
Read my comments I’ve banged on about this for years.
Massive Hero
3 days ago
Yes, my piss is boiling.
Peak Aussieman
4 days ago
Well we don’t have nations anymore. And haven’t for a considerable number of decades. What we have now, is a series of economic zones.
1 reply
4 days ago
People are Nations, don’t let them change the language. We are Devine not human resources.
Sir Zorg
1 day ago
It makes it hard to put work into the economy, when you know that it will all be squandered pampering people who hate you.
Sygg Kvisling “Witchfinder” Nielsen
2 days ago
The curry beshatted Cliffs of Dover
William Hunt
4 days ago
same model for mental illness/ general social collapse, great vid
Healing Protection Creation
4 days ago
Taxation without representation.
That’s what we have.
Herr Onuseit
5 days ago
I am sure this is a great little video. But, at least at the moment, just cannot muster the strength to watch it. Too depressing of a topic.
1 reply
4 days ago
This is the greatest time in history. Good vs evil. Men V’s truth.
Hexagram 33
4 days ago
The European Court of Human Rights building is ugly because it is a quasi holo memorial.
Guy Fawkes
4 days ago
Suella Braverman..? May as well employ Floella Benjamin – Who, by the way is a Liberal Democrat life peer in the House of Lords, and has an OBE. She also won a special Lifetime Award from BAFTA. She’s president of Elizabeth R Commonwealth Broadcasting Fund too. And a governor of the National Film and Television School. She also got an honorary degree from Exeter University for “contributions to the life of the United Kingdom” – Who also knocked up a statue of her. She’s also been Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London, and was listed in the Top 100 of the most influential people in the UK. Oh – and she got a Honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Chester.
She’s also is vice-president of NCH Action for Children and Barnardo’s, is in the NSPCC’s Hall of Fame, was a cultural ambassador for the 2012 Summer Olympics and is chair of the Windrush Commemoration Committee.
A hell of a step-up from her “Play School”, eh..? A lesser bloke could maybe even imply there’s a certain type of privilege at play here. Not me though – I wouldn’t even contemplate such a thing….
Read more
1 reply
4 days ago
Love your brain.
4 days ago
When the back breaks the kingdom will fall.
5 days ago
my piss is boiling
Preon model
5 days ago
Where are the MP’s protecting their people??
Andrew Bullman
5 days ago
Kalergi plan?
Bucko Haram
4 days ago
There’s another word for binding state and the private sector.
1 reply
Healing Protection Creation
4 days ago
The “palingenetic ultranationalism” part is absent but we do have fascism is the sense of the fusing of big government and big business.
Mary Lamb
3 days ago
What ever happened to Emma West?
Stuart Robertson
3 days ago
Don’t comply with the eviction.
warren chambers
3 hours ago
Baxter MacTavish
5 days ago
Tories are dead to me.
4 replies
Rocque Francois
Rocque Francois
5 days ago
@Baxter MacTavish they seems to serve their donors more than their people. One of their bigest donors is the construction compagny so more people = more buildings = more money for them but misery for us.
Edmond White
5 days ago
See Coudenhove -Kalergi’s 1925 book Practical Idealism on the r@ce of the future
mark stokes
5 days ago
Yea, but brown is a vibrant color
3 days ago
This place is a nuuo petri dish
Leighton Watkins
4 days ago
This is way further down th3 road in USA in some states using ai…look into th3 work of @ girl called juliannne romanelllo …
1 reply
2 days ago
The last of us
4 days ago
The European court of foreigners rights. It doesn’t help any Europeans or protect their rights or their lives or their land.
Adrian Grant
5 days ago
“Public-private partnership.”
Formerly known as fascism.
Oscar’s life
5 days ago
The patrion and website url ruin the intros and you can’t even read them put them at the end
3 days ago
At least we’re not speaking German, lol
5 days ago
Morgoth’s Review
Ronnie Scopeline
2 days ago
Too bad the Germans never crossed the Channel in these numbers back in the day….
4 days ago
3 billion into the nhs would be a better idea maybe?
1 reply
4 days ago
Management out of the NHS and that alone will create billions.
Robert Lloyd
4 days ago
At 6m, what is the ‘r’ word that we’re not allowed to use?
1 reply
Silly Name
Silly Name
4 days ago
Bill Tooke
5 days ago
Hello Morgoth
Morgoth’s Review
22 hours ago
Help someone from Canada understand please, over here there is no shortage of land, is there a shortage of land over there? are there no wild places left? no sherwood forest for the natives to retreat too?
These videos are great. but we also need to start talking about what can be done.
3 replies
22 hours ago
Go and have a look at the map and see how many times England can fit into Canada.
19 hours ago
@marccas10 that’s not really what i am asking is it? is there no wild place left over there?
12 hours ago
@Maverick Oh sorry. Well yes there are. Outside the cities and towns but land prices are prohibitive and slso we have laws protecting the “green belt” so it isn’t really feasible to just decide to move to the countryside. The countryside is the preserve of the wealthy. Regards.
Flick Meatwood
4 days ago
I’m so already fucking done sharing my house with rats
4 days ago
This Video/Article with comments is Referenced Here:
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[ https://www.dropbox. com/s/1otogsh4qraath3/Multiverse%20Journal%20-%20Index%20Number%201700%20%2C%20November%202nd%2C%202022%2C%20Wednesday%20Morning%2C%20The%20Feast%20of%20All%20Souls.pdf]
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November 2nd, 2022, Index Number 1700:
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5 days ago
Common reason is Becaise We Let Them
4 days ago
ALL muds OUT, OUT, OUT!!!
Return of the Native
2 days ago
Nuremberg 2.0 asap
3 days ago
I’m blackpilled. I don’t see a future where Britain continues to be British, I just don’t. We will share Americas fate, I just don’t see any other route we can take. Many brits even want this
4 days ago
Yet 6oYim are unfortunately finished.
4 days ago
Nice black pill before bed
Mal Function
5 days ago
It’s klaus swab’s WTF policy, EF the nation and its people and take over.
3 days ago
People are missing the big picture……40.000 Is not going to be anywhere near the real figure…..they will get another 5 family members over each at least….so that is 400.000…do that for 10 years is 4 Million….add to that the kids they will certainly have over that Ten years….all to be payed for by the Tax payer…..the numbers are Mind boggling.
2 replies
Refusenik Seán
2 days ago
@Olivia 1971 and the sudden floods in India all part of the plan
4 days ago
3 days ago
Line go up: GDP increase > UK natives.
4 days ago (edited)
I don’t know how you got through this without mentioning civil war, are the natives really going to stand by and watch their fellow countrymen be evicted and replaced by immigrants in their own land, if so we don’t deserve to keep it.
12 replies
Hovis Steve
4 days ago
The post-war domestication process has been too successful.
Gandalf The Grey
4 days ago
After the ole Jabbawocky, I don’t think there will be many left.
4 days ago
@B123 What answer, if the people who are elected to represent us have a more lucrative offer from our enemies, and the democratic system will never be the answer, I fail to see what’s left?
4 days ago
@Bradfordian Remove consent to govern by the king. And no parliament, no parliament no government and all it intails. Then people are free…… How many will do that? They will love their servitude and fight to protect it.
4 days ago (edited)
@B123 Someone has to lead, otherwise you have anarchy, it’s about finding someone that can’t be bought by the regime, and genuinely wants to work for the betterment of the nation and it’s people, and always puts them first.
4 days ago
@Bradfordian They have prepared for that. Think.
4 days ago
@B123 Ok it’s back to no option civil war.
4 days ago
@Bradfordian Remember who you are. Defeat is not in your blood, think.
3 days ago
@B123 I will die on my feet before live on my knees.
3 days ago
@Bradfordian becaefull what you wish for
3 days ago (edited)
@B123 It’s not a wish, it’s an either or, I don’t want to be a martyr, but I prefer it to being a slave.
Dean Cushen
2 days ago
The immigrant-industrial complex.
Bjollnir Bjordsen
5 days ago (edited)
It’s funny, all the people who bandy about the term fascism, but the public private partnership is the definition of fascism by actual fascists of the 30s.
2 replies
christopher davis
christopher davis
5 days ago
The focus would have been different however.
5 days ago
2000 people have watched this video. If only 100 of us would commit to protesting and disrupting SERCO it would get people talking
2 replies
4 days ago
Sue them for Monopoly of immigrants, now that would be a Court case. Lol.
4 days ago
@B123 I was thinking more like protesting outside their head office in Hook. Or sitting in front of lorries like the eco-protestors do. Or maybe naming and shaming the collaborators who work or sublet for SERCO
Alan Freestone
3 days ago
Who is John Galt?
2 replies
1 day ago
How is going Galt going to fix this? All the libertarians hide in the mountains and “withhold their labour” while the economy carries on as normal and the demographics are changed beyond recognition?
The Bane of your existence.
4 days ago
I’m checking out, I can’t take anymore
1 reply
4 days ago
Once you have seen the light you can’t look into darkness. See you later, have a drink. Talk soon.
deep house
1 day ago
Camp of the Saints is happening right now. At what point do indigenous Brits wake up?
Refusenik Seán
2 days ago
The one thing no one is talking about is why is no one talking about these peoples carbon footprints? Why are the climate loonies not picketing this over the amount of carbon used to move these people? Just an observation
1 reply
Vagian Tuerous
Vagian Tuerous
4 days ago
Ain’t it awful?
Susan of Hull Humberside
5 days ago
Workington since the start of 2022 and now Whitehaven transformed. There is nowhere being spared alteration. Reports of rural Northumberland changing too, well north of the Newcastle conurbation…… let’s not say anything else.
3 replies
Rambling Imbecile
5 days ago
I was only working up in Whitehaven and Workington last year and I thought it was a bit run down but at least it was still English. Looks like the government have been busy since I last visited
Richard Madden
5 days ago
I researched my mother’s maternal ancestry and went back all the way to 1760 and my gggg and ggg grandparents were from and lived in Whitehaven, Parish of St Bees I think they were married in. I looked at pics of the town and it seemed quite nice to be fair.
skadi warrior
4 days ago
@Richard Madden Whitehaven, Maryport very important ports in the past. My own ancestors are from there. They relocated as shipping moved away Liverpool.
Pat Magroin
4 days ago (edited)
we, Europeans, shouldn’t even have to present any argument for opposing immigration. Particularly non-European. Don’t get me wrong there are many arguments to be made against – be it social, economic or even environmentally-wise, but we should just be able to say NO, without justification. We are Europe natives and we have the right to say who enters. The paradigm settled on pro-immigration as the default setting, when it should be the other way around.
Shit, on one fucking even knows how many people enters annually. these numbers are not discussed. even recently my country had a boost on citizenship request and the government instead of saying that new request needed to wait, they just added more resources in order to fasten the process. This boggles my mind, that the numbers of foreigners entering one’s country is not discussed publicly.
in my country, Portugal, it is also the corporate sector that often pressures the government for more workers, foreign workers that is. Of course our majority left leaning politicians are always so glad to comply.
Read more
1 reply
4 days ago
Same in Ireland
Chuck Horus
4 days ago (edited)
The jews will never stop until we make them!!!!!
4 days ago
Question is….. Would a Labour Government be the answer?
4 replies
Lateral Twitler
4 days ago
This whole mess basically came about under Labour and Blair’s New Public Managment 20 years ago.
3 days ago
Just a different coloured tie in the same suit.
4 days ago
My God, so we’re going to be kicked out of our own homes, small time landlords will be twisted and bent into this contract and house these animals in our homes because the government is going to use our tax money to buy this corption to house them. What the actual hell?
1 reply
4 days ago
Not only that, they will take the home you paid for and downsize you to a tiny home and give your home to the Invaders for sustainable development goals.
Leighton Watkins
4 days ago
Some of my comments are gone ?
Ticket 2 Ride
5 days ago
Out with the old, in with the new.
Downswing Player
5 days ago
Why can’t you do a happy video?
Morgoth’s Review
19 replies
Irish Rose
5 days ago
What’s there to be happy about?
Morgoth’s Review
Morgoth’s Review
5 days ago
These aren’t happy times.
Vermillion Cross
5 days ago
There’s nothing to be happy about
5 days ago (edited)
Its not his style. He is a crepuscolar man.
Also there are other channela for more energic videos.
Roddy Murray Films
5 days ago
It’s been out 5 minutes man, give it a chance
5 days ago
That idea never occurred to me, lmao.
5 days ago
Why can’t something happy happen to indigenous Britons?
Downswing Player
5 days ago
@Morgoth’s Review I’ll get you a Beano annual for Christmas.
Alfred the Great
5 days ago
As Spengler puts it: “Optimism is cowardice”.
Downswing Player
5 days ago
@- MR GLADIUS – Every time I see Tony Blair on the telly he’s always smiling. I hope he starts up a Youtube channel soon.
skadi warrior
5 days ago
@Downswing Player Like a crocodile you mean.
Unloved otto
5 days ago
Go and watch some puppy and kitten vids
Irish Rose
5 days ago
@Downswing Player the beano? Are you 9!?
Downswing Player
5 days ago
@Irish Rose Yes, I always hear 9-year-olds talking about the Beano.
Downswing Player
5 days ago
@Hayley Longster Thank you for your concern Hayley, I’ll look into that.
4 days ago
@Alfred the Great why optimism is cowardice?
Josef Talaoui
4 days ago
I hate the Tories
j6 uk
4 days ago
Ghetto UK
4 days ago
1 reply
See Also
Morgoth’s Review – The Morgcast 13 – Resist the Lobster Pot – Nov 22, 2021 — Transcript
Millennium Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — TRANSCRIPT
Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 02 – Merry Holocaustmas — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review — The Psychotic Left, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Fishing For White Pills, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Hope Not Hate and the State of Play, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – A Conversation with Jacktion, Mar 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT
Morgoth’s Review – Against The Controlled Warmongers of The Right – Jan 3, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Turbocharged Atomization – May 15, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Free Falling – Jun 1, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – ”Cracka” Is Anti-White Filth – Jun 29, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Edward Bernays – The Group and The Herd – Jul 1, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Why The Conservative Party Conserves Nothing – Jul 16, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – On Liberal Blindness To The Jewish Question – Aug 4, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Notes On Machiavelli – Aug 14, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Neo-Liberalism & the Ballad of Terry Bell – Sep 15, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Deep Breath Before the Plunge – Nov 3, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Twitterfication of Everything – Nov 17, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – My Image of 2020 – An Analysis – Dec 7, 2020 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – London’s New Year’s Firewoke Display – Jan 1, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Winter is Here – Jan 9, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – Reading ”American Extremist” by Josh Neal – Feb 6, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Frozen North & Frozen Thinking – Feb 10, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Equation That Destroyed Our World – Feb 14, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – The Last of Us – Feb 24, 2021 — Transcript
Morgoth’s Review – How Piers Morgan Shapes the Discourse – Mar 3, 2021 — Transcript
PDF Notes
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* Total images = 31
* Total A4 pages = xx
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Version History
Version 4:
Version 3:
Version 2: Nov 7, 2022 — Added image “The Six Headed Monster Scylla And The Whirlpool Charybdis – Homers Odyssey”. Added links. Updated YouTube comments (819).
Version 1: Nov 6, 2022 — Published post. Includes YouTube comments (219)
Pingback: Morgoth’s Review – The Creeping Darkness – Apr 15, 2023 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Endeavour – On Subversive Cultural Tropes – Speaking with Leather Apron Club – Jul 31, 2023 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Morgoth’s Review – Fly Like the Sky-King – A Tribute to Rich Russell – Aug 12, 2018 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Morgoth’s Review – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Normie – Apr 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17