Morgoth’s Review – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Normie – Apr 24, 2024 – Transcript


Morgoth’s Review


How I Learned to Stop Worrying


and Love the Normie


Wed, Apr 24, 2024


[Morgoth reminisces on a bad acid trip in the 90s and the paranoia it induced and how with the internet, “paranoia” about various conspiracies is an ever common state, and where truth is elusive.



Published on Wed, Apr 24, 2024




0:42 / 37:48
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Normie
Morgoth’s Review
64.6K subscribers
Apr 24, 2024
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Thanks to Theberton for the intros and outros
/ @theberton3283
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Show transcript
Morgoth’s Review
64.6K subscribers




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(Words: 5,672 – 37:48 mins)



Well, hello again there, folks. So I decided to have a bit of a talk about some of the trends that I see on the Internet and some of the ways that we’re processing information and conspiracy theories and things like that.


And I think when people see the title of this video, they might assume that I’m saying, like, everybody just go back to sleep. Everybody take the blue pill. I’m not really talking about politics here, but more the sort of the culture and the mindset that people are adopting or being forced into because of the Internet.


I thought I would begin by telling a story to sort of set the scene, as it were, that in the mid nineties, when I was still a teenager, I used to take acid, North Townside, where I lived. And there was one time when I did it that I had a had what they would call a “bad trip”. And what it really amounted to was a sort of paranoid episode. It was purely psychological. It was purely mental, where you assume that everybody around you is in on some kind of plot against you. This is actually common. It’s a terrible thing to go through as well.


And what it kind of does is put you in a mood or put me in a mood. Like I say, this is a long time ago now, decades ago. But it puts you in a mode where you’re at the centre of a plot, or a conspiracy, and you find it very, very difficult to get to find a way out. It’s as if you’re trapped in a labyrinth, and whenever you think you found a way out, it is a sort of trap. Door opens, and you fall down to another layer of the maze.


Another kind of riddle presents itself to you.


And I thought that all of the people in the area where I lived and then sort of, by extension, that went on, was in a plot against me? I. And it began with my immediate friends, who I used to do acid with. And I kind of I kind of thought, well, they’ve done something to me here. And the evidence that I had for that was the fact that I was clearly and obviously having some kind of psychotic break. And it was that, well, because I’m having that, then they must have done something. And then because everybody else was acting as if nothing had happened, I then assumed that they must be in on it as well.


So what began to happen was that the framing, the scale of the plot just began to sort of expand exponentially. And I began to sit there and stew in me pot. It lasted for days, and I began to sit there and stew in me pot, thinking about everything that I had said to everybody over the previous few months in an attempt to kind of find somebody who was not in on it, if you were.


And eventually I went away for actually a good few weeks to sort my head out. It was a terrible thing to go through. But what was really so horrible about it was that you, when you’re trying to piece together all of the all of the bits of the puzzle, your rational mind is kicking in and coming to conclusions that, based on certain outcomes, like the fact that I seem to have gone bonkers, which were not actually true, or. And this is the worst part of it, the uncertainty that perhaps it was true, and then there’s the not knowing part of it. And so on the one hand, you want the truth of the matter, but on the other hand, which would be, was this a plot? Was I set up because I am having some kind of episode? So was this done on purpose? Because there was a lot of nasty things on a council state, North Townside in the nineties, I’ll tell you that.


But whatever the case, your mind tries to piece together pieces of the puzzle so that you can try and find your way out of a maze and you can try and get the truth of the matter. And it never really happened until a few years later. By that time, I kind of turned me back on all that crap. And I was sitting in a pub, and it was let slip on one drunken night in the pub that it was let slip that in actual fact, there was something funny went on. There was some mind games went on and some dirty little tricks that these people knew would set somebody away who was under the influence of that drug.


And so you get a kind of a bit of catharsis, but eventually you have to throw your hands up and you just say:


“Well, actually, I’m not really sure what the hell happened there. I’m just pleased I got through it.”


And I think about that more and more these days when I kind of come into contact with Internet culture, particularly the conspiracy side of it.


But the problem is where I think the Internet’s moving into a certain mode where almost everything is a conspiracy. And it just so happens that I was flicking around on YouTube the other day, and I came across an old documentary called Chariots of the Gods, which was in the early two thousands. You had these series on the television, on cable things, and it was all about ancient aliens, and it was all about the aliens who built the pyramids and what they were getting at was that this about the ancient world, there’s certain mysteries that we can’t really explain.


And it’s funny, because in the age of the Internet and so hyper conspiracies now, you never really hear about this very much anymore, yet you can actually go to Egypt or South America or Easter island, and you can actually find these things which are there, which people are not really sure how they were built. Like, how actually were the pyramids? Did we ever solve that mystery? How did they build them?


And what you find is that in the Chariots of the Gods was an older book by Daniken, I think he was called, a Swiss man. And he kind of put these pieces together and thought, well, if you have a look at all of the symbols and all of the engravings, if you have a look at those weird markings on the ground etched into the earth of South America, then all of this points to an actual advanced alien civilisation landing on the earth, telling these people how to do that. Primitive humans, ancient human cultures.


And then you can see all across various depictions of what seems to be aliens or astronauts, or this worship of the sky, or the expectation that this alien race is going to return from the sky and all of this kind of thing.


And you see that there’s something similar there. You can see that there’s something similar in the human mind, where in the case of late modernity, somebody writes a book and is like, well, there’s all these things we can’t really explain.


But if I go back and I look at it all in a certain way, my mind can start and piece the puzzle. The pieces of the puzzle can be slotted together and click into place. And the picture that I can form is one in which aliens arrived on the earth and taught humans how to build pyramids, or in South America with the the Incas and whatnot. All of these walls where you don’t need cement, and it’s all very, very specific and very, very geometrical. Geometrically brilliant!


And so, but then when you go back further again, you take a look at these cultures themselves, you can see that, well, they were in the same predicament. If you try and think of the world from the perspective of an Egyptian 5,000 years ago, what was it that they had close to hand? What was it that they had as a frame of reference? And it would be like things like the sky, the sun and the various gods that they had.


And so their minds were also trying to piece together all of these bits of the puzzle.


And I thought this was very strange because it was this was a more older and kind of half forgotten theory, which was on the Internet in the earlier days.


But you can see that pattern over and over again of, well, I have certain sort of fragments of information, and I’m going to try and slot it all together and come to a certain conclusion.


And I thought that was interesting. When you have a look at something that’s happened this week, when you get into the conspiracy, as it is now, as we process information is now, because outside of the Donald Trump trial in New York recently, somebody called Maxwell Azzarello set himself on fire outside of the courthouse where Trump was inside. And, like, this is becoming a recurring thing. You had the other one recently, which I wrote about on Substack, where he was about the Palestine thing. But this new one, he actually wrote a sort of manifesto of sorts, or at least a long essay on Substack about why he was going to do it, what his thinking was. And I’ll go through some of this here, because it’s actually quite eerie. And he said, this is him:


“And with all this, a sharp rise and apocalyptic messaging.”


So he’s talking about the general zeitgeist. He’s talking about the the age that we live in. And he says:


“Climate change will kill us all, Covid will kill us all, vaccines will kill us all, AI will kill us all, no matter the bubbles we ascribe to, we’re bombarded with existential crises with no solutions. We’ve seen a surge in apocalyptic film, literature and video games that tell us there is no way out of our poor circumstances, but total societal breakdown. Zombies tell us that the public is our enemy. If you go to the nearest convenience store, you can buy a can of water called liquid death.”


And he is right here. There is a sort of apocalyptic vibe in the ether, in the in the zeitgeist, to the culture that we have these days. I actually think the Internet’s got a lot to do with it.


But you can see here that he’s really absorbing social media messaging. He goes on and he says:


“This is our rotten force. For our entire lives, we have been flooded with media designed to slowly steer us into a world where the American dream was dead, where the public was fully divided against itself, where everybody believed we powerless to do anything about our worsening circumstances.”


“It is also they can organise an unprecedented apocalyptic rig, pull rug, pull on the entire populace as they pivot to fascism, which is perhaps best understood as kleptocracy at the barrel of a gun.”


And what he’s getting at here is that there’s a conspiracy afoot by the elites involving, like, according to him, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are actually good friends. All of the Clintons are in on it, all of the Hollywood stars are in on it, and especially the tech bro sort of crypto guys. And they’ve set up this huge Ponzi scheme with using crypto, and they’re going to sort of collapse it all and then use, rob the public and then use the chaos to bring in what he calls like a fascist state.


And you can see there’s kind of, now, one of the things about this that I thought was interesting is that this could kind of float down my timeline on Substack or on YouTube or whatever, any day of the week. And it’s not that far away from a lot of people that I follow a lot of sort of in my, the nodes of the network of the Internet, it’s not that far away, but they would not be saying it was a fascist coup because then they wouldn’t like that kind of language because it has ideological connotations and it makes him sound like a Leftist and this kind of thing.


But the point here is that he is then being exposed to all this information, and he too is piecing together all these little shards of information to try and create a picture of the world which makes sense, which is a coherent, well formalised, well thought out. He gets it. So that, yeah, he gets it. He understands the world as it is.


And the problem that I have with all of this in this kind of fracturing that we see of the Internet is that, well, everybody thinks this. So he would think that people in my node of the network were wrong. You know, the channels and the other sort of Internet pundits were adjacent to me. He would agree with them on some things, but he would, this Maxwell fella, he would say that:


“Well, they kind of get it, but they don’t.”


But at the same time, like, I’m looking at his manifesto, and so my audience, and I’m thinking:


“Well, he kind of gets it, but he doesn’t.”


But the problem is, for him, that will be a completely coherent world picture, whereas we’ve all got our own. And so how do you actually assert, which is the correct one? How do you actually assume everybody thinks they’re right? And what’s weird is that everybody will think everybody else is a normie, basically, because everybody’s got their own truth.


I’ll just go on a little bit more. He says:


“Why is Stanley Kubrick’s comedy about mutually assured destruction called Doctor Strangelove? Or How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb? Because he was a cocky secret fascist who was getting us to stop worrying and love the bomb. Why did he make A Clockwork Orange? So we’d rejoice at ultraviolence designed to desensitize us to the horrors of the world!”


Now, you see, once again, if you look at these Stanley Kubrick, he’s kind of coming at it from the perspective that Stanley Kubrick was in on the conspiracy with the elites.


But you can flip that, and you can say:


“Well, if you look at Stanley Kubrick’s work, he was actually telling us. He was actually telling us about the conspiracy.”


You can see that Clockwork Orange was there to tell us where all of this was going. You can say that Space Odysee was there, because yet another conspiracy within this conspiracy is that Stanley Kubrick actually directed the moon landings. And the Space Odysee was his way of telling us that, using the same fancy camera trickery and all of the rest of it.


So, from this fellow’s perspective, Stanley Kubrick is in on it. And here he’s citing the reasons why he’s come to that conclusion. But and he will believe that wholeheartedly, because here’s the thing. If you burn yourself alive, it kind of means you believe what you’re saying you believe.


But from another, slightly different perspective, you can argue that while Stanley Kubrick was kind of our guy, he was telling us. He was informing us to the nature of the elites. And, in fact, the final film, Eyes Wide Shut, is where people say, he died suddenly, didn’t he?


So people will say:


“Well, actually, he went too far on his final film, and he was bumped off.”


Is another conspiracy theory. Then you can even go into the AI film that he did. You know, so it just depends on where your perspective on all this is. And Maxwell goes on and he says:


“Why were the Manson family murders crawling with cover-ups and intelligence agents? Because our government wanted to make us fear for our lives and believe that hippies, deranged psychopaths, …”


I mean, I don’t know enough about all of that to really offer much commentary, but a lot of the hippies are deranged psychopaths. Again, you could interpret that in a different way as well.


I mean, the assumption there is that Charles Manson was actually a kind of, okay, dude, I wouldn’t go there. Why did Walt Disney produce a fraudulent documentary that told us lemmings follow each other off cliffs. So we would believe it. So it’s predictive programming that Walt Disney, who, again, people on the Right would assume was somebody wholesome, somebody decent, but whose business was hijacked and turned into this managerial behemoth to brainwash the world.


Why did the Beatles tell us to fear the tax man, to scoff at revolution, chase nonsense conspiracy theories, and that happiness is a warm gun? So we believe it.


Why did Easy Rider tell us that the hippie movement was dead? So we would believe it.


Why did Chinatown end with defeatism in the face of massive corruption? So we believe it.


Why did George Orwell tell us of a hellish future of totalitarian control that we are powerless to stop, so we would believe it? So George Orwell, that was not a warning about the future. That was also predictive programming in this framework.


Why did Wall Street tell us greed is good, so we believe it? Again, like Oliver Stone, he was a socialist.


So the standard interpretation of Wall Street would be that it’s a kind of socialist critique of neo-liberalism and Wall Street shenanigans in the 1880s, but here he’s sort of re engineered that so that it’s predictive programming as well.


Why did The Right Thing tell us we are all racially tribalised, so we will believe it? And I don’t think anybody needs to tell us that, I think.


But again, he’s got a bit of a Leftism peeping through here.


The point is, though, all of these things are up for interpretation.


And if you burn yourself alive, you’ve actually gone all in on it. And to refute all of these points point by point, you’re essentially challenging an entire mode of being. And if we can look at somebody like Maxwell Azarillo here and think:


“Well, he believed this, and he really went all the way, literally burned himself alive, for these beliefs.”


But we are looking at them slightly askance and thinking, but he’s kind of onto something.


But it’s also, like, bullshit! But that’s based on the assumption that we know better. But do we really know better than him? Do we have that kind of conviction?


Because at the end of the day, we reach a point where it’s impossible to assert truth.


And that’s what I think’s happening here. That’s what I think. To go back to the original point, when I was a kid and I had a bad trip on acid, it becomes almost impossible to assert, to kind of create a world picture which is coherent and makes sense, which isn’t this where you can actually find your way out of the labyrinth? Because it seems like we are all in one as well.


And then he says:


“Why did Simpson’s creator, Matt Groening make a comic strip called life in hell? So we would believe it.”


So he’s pointing to all of these aspects of pop culture, mainly in the late sort of the eighties and the nineties and so on the late 20th century, as ways to say this was all predictive programming, all leading up to the massive crash that’s coming in, which we will end up all being, well, owning nothing and be happy, basically, rather than this kind of incremental collapse, because the rulers are just incompetent, let’s say.


And on and on and on and on! When it comes to any popular media, if you ask yourself the question, why would secret doomsday cult kleptocrats want the public to consume this? You will find your answers. Remember the X Files as well, which was also like early to mid nineties, all the way through the nineties, really, where the tagline was, “the truth is out there”. And this is kind of what’s burning me out, because I see this is just an endemic part of the Internet.


And what’s interesting as well is that we now see as massive sort of push to censor everything by the establishment for myths and disinformation. And I do find it interesting that there’s a certain point there, because when, if your entire society, if your civilisation doesn’t have any sort of solid, coherent narrative to live by, how does it actually function? Where is truth? What is truth actually grounded in?


But I’ll come back to that in a moment. And he says:


“When we piece it all together, we understand the truth! We are in a totalitarian doomsday cult!”


And he goes on:


“Why on earth would our elites do this? There are many reasons, but the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable. And they knew it. Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually, so they never intended to sustain it. They knew all along that they would gobble up all the wealth they could and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia. We see again, like if you look at the climate change agenda and Agenda 2030 and the carbon reduction that, …”


So he is coming at this from the perspective that climate change is a real thing, but yet there’s other theories out there that will say:


“Well, that’s just all nonsense! It’s all just natural, it’s all nature. And it’s being used as a totalitarian, …”


Yep, here we are again, a totalitarian grab by the elites who are going to use climate lockdowns. They’re going to control what cars we can drive and your carbon footprint. And it’s all this sort of giant grift that they’re going to use to basically bring in what he is warning about here, but from a different angle.


So you have like a multitude of conspiracy theories competing against each other, where people will believe a part of this one, they will believe in the outcomes. The outcomes are always bad. The outcome is always that we’re going to be ruled over by totalitarian kind of managerial hell state. But how we get there and how they’re doing it is all completely different and undermines the kind of priors of each.


And John Carpenter, who’s got a great Substack, was going through this, this manifesto, if you want to call it that, and he had some very good thoughts on where we are and what is happening with this. It was a really great article. I’ll link it in the comments below. And he says:


“The inevitable result is that we have become ontologically fractured. Our collective picture of reality is a shattered mirror, a million different fragments in which we can’t even agree on basic facts. All of us are left trying to assemble something coherent out of this mess, and frequently cutting our fingers on the shards as we pick them up and try to fit them together. Now that generative AI deepfakes are in the picture, it only gets worse. Every digital image or video you see could be a fake.”


“The only way to know something happened is to see it with your own eyes. Everything else reverts to hearsay and rumour, as it has been for most of our species history.”


And this kind of brings us back to forming a picture based, as he would say, on these shattered shards of a mirror, trying to piece it all together, and so that it functions, so that we have a way to understand the world which is becoming what seems to be impossible. One of the interesting things about all of this is that we can’t. Nobody will make an appeal to an expert, because we all know the experts are corrupt and will just do whatever their pay masters tell them to do.


So we had example here in all of this is that the big thing that people are talking about at the moment, which I see everywhere, is this idea of chemtrails, and the problem is you have that it makes so much demands on your time so does all, as they. Here we go. That you have to call it cloud seeding. So does the technology exist? Yes, it seems to.


So that’s step one. Why are they doing it? What is it for? Why, for example, in countries like England or Ireland, which are where it rains all the time, why do they have to make it rain more? Well, this leads on to a second part where, well, the idea is they want to destroy the farmland so that they can buy it up on the cheap, and then they will be able to have complete control of the food supply. And this will further the agenda that we can end up in the totalitarian hellscape state again.


But in order to refute that, you have to then become an expert on., … You have to become a climatologist. You have to become an expert on how farms work, or the subsidies and compensation schemes which are offered to farmers. And who has the time for all of that?


And if you can’t trust the experts, then what do you do? Well, what you do is just try and cobble together whatever you find on the Internet.


And here’s the thing. It may be right in the same way that when I was a teenager, it actually turned out that people were trying to drive me mad. Often it is sinister, it often is the case, but maybe it isn’t.


And so we have this uncertainty. We then we begin from a position of uncertainty. We try to get to a truth. A lot of The Times, the people who are feeding us that truth have their own issues, their own agendas.


And so it’s, in a way, it is disinformation. I mean, it is. Nobody really knows for certain what’s going on, because how can one conspiracy be true, which then negates the rest? Like, where, where does all this go? Where another thing is, like, where do you spend your time? Do you spend the next two or three years of your life researching, like, clouds and cloud seeding technology and policies affecting farms? Or do you kind of say, well, and then at the end of it still end up no further forward, or, and think about everything that you lost in the meantime?


And so you can’t really refute it and you can’t really say that it isn’t true, and so you end up in kind of nowheresville. You end up, I don’t know, it seems unlikely. Like, do they have the technology? Yes. Okay, does that logically mean that there’s now a plot to destroy farmland by making it rain a lot? I find that kind of absurd, but I can’t explain it all either.


In the same way that I can’t actually explain, which is another thing a bit more pleasant, that why did the Simpsons cartoon make all of these predictions? Why did they? Why is it that Lisa Simpson ran for president and she wore the same suit as Kamala Harris? Or was it predictive programming when Homer went down in the submarine? Like, what imploded last year? Or how did they get it so right about Donald Trump going down the escalator when he announced he was going to be running for president?


Maybe this is all just fake. Maybe it’s a lucky guess. Maybe it’s because they produce so much content on that show that sometimes things just stick. But the alternative would be this sort of massive psyop that this is like all of history is being planned out.


And then they are kind of winking at us. And this term, which are actually also don’t really thinks a thing, “predictive programming”.


But at the end of the day, I don’t know. In the case of the Simpsons, maybe it’s just a lucky guess. Maybe they’re just looking at the zeitgeist and making these kind of predictions based on where things are going and general trends and what this kind of view from nowhere and everywhere at the same time does is exhaust people.


And I think it’s kind of interesting to get into the nitty-gritty of what’s happening here, because this is the Internet, which is doing this, and it seems to be getting worse. I mean, conspiracies have always been a thing on the Internet, but we’re reaching a point where you have to then begin to ask some assumptions about where you’re even beginning, and a disconnect, which is the real world.


And this is where I think I’ll probably start and wrap this up, because what the question that we’re trying to ask ourselves is, what are we actually grounded in? If we are grounded in, as the first principle, the world, which are with our family, our wives, our friends, children, walking the dog, and these most basic things. If that’s where you begin to use a fancy term like epistemologically, then you can add on and add on, and you can say:


“Well, I know this and I know this and I don’t know this.”


But I think what’s beginning to happen as we go really far into the Internet age is that the grounding of people is somewhere very distant and very far off, and then that becomes the main narrative. And what is actually real and around us in the real world becomes something distant.


And so the first port of call becomes the conspiratorial frame.


And then as a distant, distant second, it’s just the straightforward world around us. Which isn’t to say that any of this is true or untrue, but just as a grounding principle, we have to keep it real.


I mean, I know it’s a cliche to say it, but the problem is there’s a tendency to put all of those, as John Carpenter said, the fractured shards of the Mirror, to put it together and come up with something which may be real and which kind of makes sense, but at the same time, the person next to you and the person over there and the person over there, they’ve all done that as well, and they have all got their own truth.


And I think he really, we have to just start and look out of the window and begin from there. When you now see people just wandering out and burning themselves alive and people getting wrapped up, … I mean, one of the interesting things about this is that there’s certain people who I’ve spoken to, and they like to refer to the rabbit hole, or, and they say it proudly, then that, for example, I would be referred to as a normie from this perspective, because I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole.


I mean, I’ve always thought that I was pretty red pilled on certain issues. I’ve been around a bit, but no, that’s kind of just amateur night. The real rabbit hole is like believing in Satanism and all ancient aliens or all this.


And this kind of what it amounts to is a kind of liquefying of truth and certainty.


And so from their perspective, I’m a normie. Everybody’s a normie! Then everybody will become a normie relative to everybody else because everybody’s got their own truth.


Of course, everybody thinks they are like these proselytizing preachers delivering enlightenment to the masses, but then from another perspective, they are themselves just normies. So everybody’s a normie.


Whereas when you look out your window and the actual real normies who still form the bulk of society, all of a sudden, you know what they’re going to say:


“You know what their politics are.”


But fundamentally, it’s because they absorb all of these kind of talking points. I mean, it can be a disaster, like during the lockdowns, and they kind of sheepishly go along with everything.


But fundamentally, there’s something more grounded and real in that. Even if you think our opinions are cringe, the reason they’re cringe is because then kind of not really invested in that, and it’s because their grounding is in the real world and not off on a distant planet. They begin their assessment from what the BBC is telling them, what the newspaper is telling them.


But really, when it comes down to it, it’s just about being in the real world and being a normie. And I’ve actually begun to think that’s more healthy and more wholesome than being completely far, far down the rabbit hole. Because the problem with rabbit holes, if you’ve got a small dog that I have, is that they’re not actually fun places to be down. You often kind of find your way back out.


So thanks for listening, folks, and I’ll catch you later.










YouTube Comments


(Comments as of 4/24/2024 = 385)

Pinned by Morgoth’s Review

13 hours ago
Find everything I do here:
John Carter’s article mentioned.:

13 hours ago
Remember: just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.

3 replies

10 hours ago (edited)
Paranoia has to have some utility from an evolutionary standpoint

10 hours ago
“Paranoia” is just fedspeak for situational awareness.

7 hours ago
if they weren’t out to get me, I’d be out to get them

13 hours ago
I used to be a normie, then i took culturally enriched arrow to the knee

7 replies

13 hours ago
Bury my English heart at Wounded Knee

12 hours ago
Imagine if our Police had the effectiveness of the Guards from Oblivion

12 hours ago
​ @TechnaFox passes speech check
“You must have me confused with someone else”

12 hours ago (edited)
Better that than the tolerance vests they’re wont to use

10 hours ago
Underrated comment

9 hours ago
Sir! Do not redeem the arrow in the knee!

8 hours ago
The pyramids are 12k years old. At least

12 hours ago
This is why it’s important to have plenty of outdoor activities to keep you busy and away from the internet. It’s good to be in the know but being terminally online is dangerous.

7 replies

10 hours ago
Balance is vital.

10 hours ago
Definitely,it’s about balance.

9 hours ago
I’ve been awake to these topics since the summer of love 2020. My mental health has cratered since then but at the same time I feel extremely matured by reality. One day at a time. Can’t agree enough about the point of having outdoor hobbies or something physical like the gym or mma training. If you are a man you NEED to have some brothers to train with and talk with to keep healthy.

9 hours ago

8 hours ago
Terminal, even.

7 hours ago
Yes and socialise. Socialising is very good for the heart, which is entwined with your mind

6 hours ago
Took up kendo, it is fulfilling being off the net for four hours.

12 hours ago
Even most normies cant ecsape how terrible things are nowadays

11 replies

11 hours ago
No one is innocent. Everyone at this very late stage is either a coward, in denial, or a traitor.

10 hours ago

@kairo and the ones that resist are hit the hardest as they’re the nails getting hammered the most

10 hours ago
@14reasons58 Somebody has to be in the first wave, analogous to Omaha beach. People can’t intellectualize their way out of this.

10 hours ago
True but they compartmentalise the threat and don’t connect the dots.

10 hours ago
@kairos_fluent I don’t know what wave or what you’re referencing

10 hours ago
@14reasons58 D-Day, WW2.

8 hours ago
I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

7 hours ago
Which is why they’re being incited to turn on each other: either sick people or the elderly / “boomers”

6 hours ago
They keep complaining to me about it in parents’ groups.

4 hours ago
@kairos_fluent Ok cool story bro, now name the beach. I dare you.

2 hours ago
It’s too late and this is just the beginning.

9 hours ago (edited)
I keep my conspiracy theories very simple.
1. The great replacement is happening.
2. The JQ.
Anything else is above my pay grade.

3 replies

3 hours ago
Considering how many of those other ones tie into these two, thats all you really need.

2 hours ago
Smart man.

1 hour ago
3. Antichrist

12 hours ago
I think about your competency crisis article daily. It gets worse every minute.

1 reply

11 hours ago
If only I could share what I’ve seen in 15 years with regards to standards and public safety, its on the slide big time and we haven’t hit the bottom yet.

13 hours ago
Happy Saint George’s day 󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿️

11 hours ago
“Honey come quick, new Morgoth just dropped”

12 hours ago
“Keep safe. And always wear your armor.” (c) Beirand

11 hours ago
Question why is Morgoth so wise.
“In the 90s I did a lot of acid”

11 hours ago
“This guy’s schizo rant is also predictive programming, he was mk ultra’d into self-immolating.”

13 hours ago (edited)
I can tell you some of those bad trips are the ones where I learn the most.
You’ve never lived until you’ve truly believed you have died or went insane. But then when you come down, you are given a fresh start again and begin to appreciate everything you thought you had lost.

Morgoth’s Review
6 replies

13 hours ago
This is true.

11 hours ago
You call it a bad trip, but the Inuit on Greenland would call it shamanic initiation, and so would most traditional cultures. The death and resurrection of the ego or self which gives you a wisdom that people that are plugged in all the time will not possess. The antient Greeks would undergo a period of starvation in order to partake in the Eleusinian mysteries, until they are rekindled and drink the kykeon.
For the modern it’s all in your head, but for the pre-modern there was an understanding that this world was never fully seen by us even in waking, and so this ritual is a way to peek behind the veil of mundane reality.

11 hours ago
​ @kennethruskin2710 I’ve experienced what I figure must be “ego death” as well as bad trips, they are not synonymous.

11 hours ago
​ @kennethruskin2710 Not meaning to come across as dismissive btw, you’re not wrong. Just saying each can occur without the other.

8 hours ago
Bad trips are an urban legend. More so, a test of your metal.

4 hours ago
@kennethruskin2710 yes plenty of cultures have psychedelic rituals that involve terrifying mental challenges.
But generally the shamans are wise elders guiding you through the jungle of horrors, not some shithead teenagers trying to tip someone over the edge for kicks.

12 hours ago
Double post here. My far left aunt discovered the WEF a few years ago. She was shocked at what sje learned of those animals, but when she told me of this, she described the WEF as “far right”. This is obviously an insane conclusion to come to, but it struck me thst it was the attempt of a mind that is heavily invested in a certain world view to make sense of something that is nonsensical.

7 replies

9 hours ago
In some ways they are far right, if you think of the turbocharged Thatcherism/Reaganomics that their economic philosophy is founded on. Their ideology is basically Alinskyite hyper-Thatcherism.

8 hours ago
>far left aunt calls a successful far left organization as far right.

7 hours ago
@andreassewell7413 ?

7 hours ago
​ @Khayyam-vg9fw ngmi = not gonna make it

7 hours ago
I can totally see that happening

7 hours ago
I know what the abbreviation means, but you have failed to place it in any meaningful context that I can discern. Could you provide a gloss for the rest of what appears to me to be word salad in your previous comment?

4 hours ago
She’s affected by gnosticism, it’s her (pneumatic) vs the right (hylics).
Many such cases in our civilization unfortunately

12 hours ago
“There is no spoon…” Or, there is no true objective reality other than God.

2 replies

10 hours ago
I suspect you’re very right.

1 hour ago
It is the only coherent paradigm

11 hours ago
Hideo Kojima predicted this in 2001 with Metal Gear Solid 2.

4 replies

7 hours ago
The end of that game was acid trip in and of itself.

7 hours ago
“Morgoth, turn the game console off right now!”

2 hours ago
I need scissors! 61!

1 hour ago
Indeed. Watching those ending cutscenes now is pretty mind blowing. I remember playing in 2002 when i was 16 thinking wtf is going. Great game series.

12 hours ago
Paranoia is absolute awareness. Great video once again. Happy St George’s Day. 󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

12 hours ago
I saw three pheasants yesterday. The first was standing in the middle of a field, staring off into space. The other two were having a fight in a cemetery (about 10 metres away from me), surrounded by pigeons. It was a nice distraction from all the BS.

3 replies

9 hours ago
Were the pigeons placing bets?

9 hours ago (edited)
@redpillnibbler4423 It was a bit like watching a group of girls looking on in complete disgust at the boys having a brawl.

6 hours ago
nice one.
Seriously though I Iove nature.

12 hours ago
A good move is always to take an extended break from social media (especially X), and focus on the physical…litle, black, pixelated rectangles dominate far too much of our energies.

1 reply

12 hours ago
Agreed and it’s wisdom that I need heed more of.

13 hours ago
You’ve never lived if you’ve not skateboarded down country lanes at night as a teenager on mushrooms, only for the trees and hedgerows to turn into snakes, spiders and goblins out to get you.
Good times!

3 replies

13 hours ago
Sounds distinctly unpleasant

12 hours ago
@Pilkie101 If your mind is unpleasant.

10 hours ago
I don’t know if it’s bad that I don’t need mushrooms to feel and sense such things. I mean, my imagination on a bad day can be very intense, especially in the dark

11 hours ago
This is partly why I obstinately split all my wood by hand. It’s nice to be forced to do work outside in addition to passion projects, away from the internet. This one needs to be done, if I want to heat my home in the winter.

1 reply

11 hours ago
“Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice”
Henry Ford

13 hours ago
dark times ahead Morgoth…

Morgoth’s Review
4 replies

13 hours ago
Keep it grounded.

12 hours ago
We’re already in them.

12 hours ago
And great opportunities beyond that. The beginning feels like the end. Nothing worth having comes without suffering. Family is wealth. Onward! ️

10 hours ago
The closer you get to something the harder it is to see it

12 hours ago
Only a return to duty can end this existential angst and paranoia. And duty will only return with the reintroduction of the natural order. It’s a long slog ahead.

12 hours ago
I think this is the “re enchantment” you were on about Morgoth, now that you can’t trust anything, even your own eyes sometimes, means that legend and myth can reassert themselves as the real “truth”. Unfortunately this isn’t exactly how we’d like it to happen of course.

Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

12 hours ago
Yes! That’s a whole other video, but I agree.

44 minutes ago
Which video did he talk about this?

13 hours ago
Just in time for tea.
Hope you’re well, mate. All my best.

Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

13 hours ago
Great cheers.

7 hours ago
Get offline. Unplug yourself. Go outside and just go for a walk. No music, leave your phone at home. Just take the world in and live for a little bit. Once you start making that part of your routine, life becomes noticeably better.

13 hours ago
I spent the past year building friendships and networks, getting healthy and in the past few months, growing my veg. This is real life

2 replies

10 hours ago
Honest question but how have you built friendships ? Isolation seems so normal now, that everyone is so flaky and selfish with their time and that means nobody lets you get close to them.

3 hours ago
@kairos_fluent gotta agree with you on that one.

12 hours ago
Bout to take the dogs for a walk, just what I needed!

11 hours ago
I’m a simple man. I see a Morgoth video, I click and like.

12 hours ago
Happy St George’s Day Morgoth! 🇬🇧󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

13 hours ago
Morg monologue for the win.

10 hours ago
“The current guy in charge and the last/next(?) guy in charge are trying to over-through (coup) the power structure”. Makes sense. Imagine holding this sign as your last desperate hot take before self-immolation.

11 hours ago
I went down the south coast this weekend,the absolute state of them is mind blowing,
They can’t be saved, and I no longer want to save them.

4 replies

10 hours ago
For me, it’s their apathy which triggers my loathing.

10 hours ago
Most people are not saveable.The end.

8 hours ago
What do you mean by the state of them?

2 hours ago
​ @kairos_fluent Tolerance and apathy…

12 hours ago
I use to believe in the difference of Greymane and battle born. Until the summer of ‘Mara’ where orcs, lesser elves and reachmen looted and desecrated holy sites with regime support. Looking into it was the High elves orchestrating, any criticism and they would invoke the ‘night of tears’ as means to justify their actions

1 reply

5 hours ago
White-Gold Concordant and it’s Consequences

13 hours ago
Uh, a long one. My body is ready

12 hours ago
I wont lie. The channel invaders and why its happening is keeping me up at night.

3 replies

11 hours ago
Are there any protests by locals against what is happening ?

10 hours ago
@kairos_fluent nope. Mention it and you get a nervous look from them. The old people’s home down the road shut down last year. I told my friends and neighbours that it will pre prime Cerco property. Less than a year later, guess what happened.

7 hours ago
don’t be afraid just take practical steps to counter what you imagine might happen, everyones situation is different and the resources they have access to.

10 hours ago
We’re moving back to an almost Medieval situation when people were cognitively isolated and every peasant believed something different. The Inquisition revealed that peasants believed very strange things, such as a man who theorised that the Earth was made of cheese and giant worms lived beneath its surface.

2 replies

4 hours ago
Maybe he’s right…

1 hour ago
The world is made out of spiders and they’re crawling under your sheets as you slumber.

8 hours ago
“Nothing ails one such that it cannot be cured by a walk in the countryside” – Peter Hitchens

3 replies

5 hours ago
Hitchens also openly admits that he gave up and says there is nothing left to fight for. Perhaps Peter went too far the other way and took too many walks.

4 hours ago
@chrisandrews4927 Or there really is nothing left to fight for. I mean really, what is the victory? Can you even imagine it? What would it look like, and how could we get there? You can’t answer that, and nobody else can either. It’s over. Now, it’s time to prepare for the big collapse. To prepare for what comes next, so that you can be the inheritor of the ruins and not them.

52 minutes ago
​ @algorithmgeneratedanimegir1286 Spain & the moors

11 hours ago (edited)
Late-stage capitalism? Nay, late-stage secular rationalism. Humans as a rule were never supposed to have to put together with immense but very fractured sets of data on a daily basis.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Praise God

9 hours ago
As a teenager in the North East, I took acid, and one day I had a bad trip.
Yes, I went to Sunderland.

2 replies

4 hours ago
thats funny, opposite side of the world in a country ill never go to but i still get it 100%

3 hours ago
I once got pissed in Middlesborough.
I still haven’t recovered.

11 hours ago
That’s my go-to dude in Solitude! Thanks for showing him some love in the thumbnail.
Also iirc he’s a perfect of example of a normie… “leave me out of the politics, I don’t care, I make weapons for Empire because I’m here. Don’t care either way!”

12 hours ago (edited)
William Cooper and Karen Hudes did well understanding what is going on and died for it. The solution? William Cooper started CAJI a Citizen’s Agency for Joint Intelligence where information was checked and only that verified as true was then distributed to the public in the broadcast “Hour of the Time”.

8 hours ago
What I have realized is that these patterns of evil behavior aren’t coming from a group that explicitly communicates or plans their moves logically. It’s just something they do because they’re under the influence of a larger force that organizes them into the patterns we see. Whether it’s a skitzo turning his nightmares into movies or a mindless embodiment of the nightmare itself. You don’t need to play detective when you can detect that force or see it in their face

5 hours ago
So, whilst I agree with everything you’ve said, it becomes difficult to say “go outside and ground yourself” in a tangible reality when every time I step outside I’m hit with a seriously “culturally enriched” suburban wasteland replete with advertisements and foreign owned businesses,
I do often end up down some rabbit hole and I come back up for air over the course of a few months but when I do come back up for air I’m immediately reminded of the reasons why I began down a rabbit hole in the first place, there is no space where I live where one can detach and ground and ignore it all for 5 minutes

3 replies

5 hours ago

4 hours ago
@DormitionOrDominion NaTuRe yeah look how well that ended for Teddy. Nature isn’t an escape from it, they will still come for you.

4 hours ago
@algorithmgeneratedanimegir1286 they came for him because he killed people, not because he lived in nature

12 hours ago
God bless you, Morgoth. I truly appreciate your contributions.

12 hours ago (edited)
The fact that the ‘L’ in ‘learned’ in the title is not capitalised is making me have a bad trip.
Great video

Morgoth’s Review
3 replies

12 hours ago

12 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 Thank God. Now I can get back to enjoying the crippling existential anxiety

4 hours ago
​ @MorgothsReview1 so based

12 hours ago
I finish work in 20 minutes, and then I’m going to make a pot of tea, sit in my conservatory with the omniwhite cloudy sky for company and enjoy this.

12 hours ago
Rabbit holes can indeed be very unpleasant place to occupy.
In my younger years I sometimes allowed these concepts to get the best of me. The accompanying sense of futility lead me into escapism and a life of a sexual excess and general hedonism, which of course set me far back in many ways.
Thanks for this message. About to listen a second time!

Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

12 hours ago

9 hours ago
No one likes the boat being rocked.

8 hours ago
I’ve been watching Fall of Civilizations for a while now. One persistent theme that pops up over and over again is how regardless of civilization or peculiarities of governance, the elites in different civilizations often caused chaos not as part of an immaculate overall plan, but because they wasted their time, energy, and resources fighting one another for ever more power until they irreparably damaged their own societies’ stability.
That’s how I suspect it would look if we really got to look behind the curtain, as it were: rather than a unified cabal working out a centuries-long plan, you’d see people putting on a unified front in support of an ideology (liberalism/globalism) most of them don’t actually care about, one which they know most of the world no longer believes in, but they have invested all of their legitimacy into, and so can’t back out. Meanwhile, they have knives sharpened and ready to plunge into each others backs, only seeming unified because they now have outsiders and common people to provide a common threat. Hence the ever more draconian measures, grasps at greater control, and incoherency. It also accounts for why we see so much failure from these imbeciles: if Afghanistan and Ukraine suggests anything, its that our elites have now faced opponents they can’t just overwhelm, and because they’ve allowed themselves to become complacent and out of touch after two decades of global power, they can’t cope with the rise of nations that don’t answer to them and their system.
As for the migrant madness, I suspect this again comes from the culture of these maniacs: they have been in power over a global system for so long that they forgot how to look at normal people as agents with free will and agendas of their own as well as nations as entities with their own culture. As such, they thought they could forever flood their own countries with migrants for cheap labor and easy votes. It never occurred to them that said migrants might have their own agenda and would actualize it in politics once they had the numbers (see the rise of Islamic parties in nations like Sweden or the Aztlan movement in Mexico with its plans to use migration to retake the southwestern US).

13 hours ago
Always a good day when Morgoth uploads. My brain is pulsating already

1 reply

13 hours ago
I got something else pulsating when I see a Morg upload.

12 hours ago
Great points Morgoth – more and more concentration on Christ and bible reading brings me more and more peace

10 hours ago
I tend to agree with him. There’s too much of the hero worship for Trump.

8 hours ago
Ironically there’s a conspiracy about whether this chap did actually set himself on fire

11 hours ago
Luv me doon, luv me wo’hamma

1 reply

9 hours ago
My mental therapy these days is throwing rocks at mutants in Darktide as an Ogryn

11 hours ago (edited)
I’ve always hated the “you can’t argue against X because you aren’t an expert!” argument
I’m not a pilot either but if I see an airplane slam into a mountainside, I can pretty safely infer that something went wrong…
I guess that’s the whole point of the propaganda machine, though. Don’t trust your lying eyes, the experts say it’s fine.

2 replies

10 hours ago (edited)
True,I don’t understand fire but I know not to put my hand into it !
The use of the term ‘expert’ has become confused and twisted and used in a huge amount of propoganda.

4 hours ago
My trolling response to that during Covid would always be “well I have a politics degree and you don’t so my political opinions are inherently more valid than yours”. It would Drive them mad lol

11 hours ago
I know of a student mental health service which describes ‘the climate crisis’ as causing student mental health problems.
These people are….the future.

3 replies

9 hours ago
Toaster broke — Climate! 🫥

4 hours ago
They aren’t the future; they’re history…

3 hours ago
Relentless propaganda from a young age. As a topic it promotes all points from anxiety to nihilism.
Good money spinner too.

9 hours ago
No more binge-watching both Max Igan and Dollar Vigilante on Bitchute anymore then Morgoth!

10 hours ago
king in the norf with another banger for the lads
you do us proud morgoth

10 hours ago (edited)
Literally had a convo with some guy of a similar age at work about planets & strawberries yesterday…..seems everybody was up to it in the 90’s

5 hours ago
You are putting into words and sentences exactly what I have been mulling over the last few months. Thank you bro!

6 hours ago
The internet works on a feedback loop so you can find any truth you want.

12 hours ago
The Simpsons shot of Trump on the escalator is from around season 30 or something. It was produced after he began his campaign. The first instance of ‘President Trump’ in the Simpsons is also a reference to an existing campaign (he ran for office one year before that episode too).
So just for the Simpsons/Trump thing, there’s a good reason for it.

Morgoth’s Review
3 replies

12 hours ago
Not true I’m afraid.

12 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 That is for the first instance where Lisa is president and she references the tough budget from ‘president Trump’, made in the year 2000, which was directly after a failed campaign. The escalator thing is way, way into the ‘zombie simpsons’ years, after he was running or possibly even elected. I don’t even know if that’s from an episode or just a promotional short thing.

8 hours ago
didn’t look at the chronology of the episodes but this is what i thought right off the bat when i saw the “2000” as well. the reform party race, which got a lot of media attention at the time.
the top left looks like it could be a caricature of Lenora Branch, another Reform Party candidate (seems her Wiki image even has this same jewelry)

12 hours ago
Big Normie

11 hours ago (edited)
Long distance running. There’s something very real about physical exercise. I also leave the smartphone at home when I’m out and about, even when I’m at work. This global addiction is killing society, IMO.

5 hours ago
“Stew in my pot”, is a very useful phrase. Thank you.

9 hours ago
“Everyone’s got a face until they get punched in the plan.”
Tike Myson

9 hours ago
Excellent bit of rumination Morgoth. Thanks for all your effort.

13 hours ago
Me too, but they don’t make it easy.

11 hours ago
Interesting and different, as always, Morgoth. Thank you.

4 hours ago
I agree with so much of this. I used to be so caught up in this and that. So worried about things I couldn’t control. And it’s not to say forget these things, but you also can’t let them consume you to a point where you are no longer advancing yourself. If you aren’t advancing yourself somehow they are winning

1 hour ago
Why do they tell us the sun makes light? So we’d believe it.
Why do they tell us bears are dangerous? So we’d believe it.
Why do they tell us meth is bad for us? So we’d believe it.

9 hours ago
“If you’ve been modified, it’s an illusion and you’re in between. Don’t you be terrified, it’s just a lot of nothing so what can it mean?”
-Frank Zappa, “A Token of my Extreme”

11 hours ago
I’m going to have to listen to this one twice, Morgoth…

6 hours ago
The most terrifying acid trip was on the film dead mans shoes when the gang got a sheet of acid thrown into their pot of tea.

12 hours ago (edited)
Did a fair few “strawberries” on Pegswood pit heap in the late 80s. A few bad trips but mostly canny.

11 hours ago
Embrace the chaos! Chaos reigns…

6 hours ago
Like the 2-slit experiment, the perceiver creates the reality.
As you read this know that only you exist, it is all Your dream.
As ever, well done Morgs, always the voice of my people.

5 hours ago
Epic intro … absolutely love that music wow

9 hours ago
Very much appreciate your channel bro

11 hours ago
Brilliant as always Morgoth

12 hours ago
Normies can be frustrating, but any half functional society is going to be made up of normies. It’s why intentional communities come apart as everyone has this idea they’re too brilliant and important to do grunt work.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Normies occurring means something has gone terribly wrong.

5 hours ago
Really appreciate this
great breakdown

10 hours ago
Morgoth knows the steak doesn’t exist but it is juicy and delicious, so tempting!

8 hours ago
Not just the rainfall but the wind in the past month or two, and I remember strong winds around christmas which seems unusual, and as usual no snow at all down here in the south. The ‘sky lines’ as I have decided to call them seem to follow patterns that seem to relate to the weather, you’ll usually see them on a clear but hazy day where the sky isn’t the proper blue color, and some days I never see any, typically when theres a lot of cloud cover but the clouds are round and well formed rather than a continuous overcast blanket. I tried matching what I see to planes going by on Flight Tracker but so far its been hard to catch the ones producing the biggest effects. Its an interesting mystery.

4 hours ago
Being labeled a conspiracy theorist is used in the same way as being called racist. The moment they utter those liberal magic incantations you are now no different than the lowest common denominator. I do think the spell is losing it’s power though.

4 hours ago
You’re an unbelievably good storyteller.

5 hours ago
Already commented but something that happened at the weekend sprung to mind.
I was talking to a pal in the pub with my Mrs and he happened to mention Palestine/Israel, so me being pissed started going on about wooden doors in front of him and some others. My Mrs rolled her eyes turned around to me and said “I’m off to go and talk to so and so.”
Before she went I snarkily remarked how it was the truth and that people should know about it and she gave me this look that she’s never given be before, as if to say shut the fuck up now or I’m leaving you and said “Yeah, it might be fucking true but I’m sick of you going on about it every chance you get.”
It was like a veil had been lifted from my eyes or a lightbulb flickering to life. We do live in the gayest timeline but we can absolutely make our own existence even more miserable without the “elites”.
Whilst all those things may be true, it is possible to destroy oneself pursuing the truth.
The next day I cooked Sunday dinner and we went for a nice long walk, it was refreshing.

11 hours ago
This is so true!!

11 hours ago
This is the exact reason why religion is so important. God may or may not exist. But a book full of two thousand years of wisdom sure does. Reject schizo modernity. ️

2 hours ago
Another banger. Your essays always make me think!

9 hours ago
I disagree that an act of self termination is inherently a sign of true belief in what you are espousing. It CAN be, but in the case of these people burning themselves recently it seems to be more that they wanted an easy way out, that they don’t have something they believe in they want to fight for.
If you actively want to become a martyr, you may really be a coward.

1 reply

3 hours ago
It is far easier to die for a cause, than it is to live for one.

7 hours ago
I believe it’s considered more or less certain that the pyramids were built from the inside-out, so it was much easier to access higher elevations than it appears now from the outside.

5 hours ago
Another absolute banger from Morgoth.

11 hours ago
That guy was very tedious with “so we’d believe it”.

11 hours ago
Bold claim.

1 reply

8 hours ago

12 hours ago (edited)
It’s not easy, but we are to love them in spite of who they are. We are to love each one of them individually as precious family members. Even the dispicable ones, the weak and fearful, the shallow and selfish, the broken, and the bitter and the deranged. Loving lovable people is easy. It’s loving the unlovable among us that is truly difficult, but also truly effective. Love transforms people. It transforms conflicts and attitudes. Love transforms society to expect better things of us all.

7 hours ago
The revelation of the method

7 hours ago
I had that eerie feeling when hearing about this story from the LotusEaters, citing the burning man’s home made sign, saying “obviously, anyone who watches the news knows that Biden and Trump are in opposition to eachother.” I’m like Oh, Now we’re supposed to take The News on face value now?

11 hours ago
Jasus Morgoth! ….that was a bad feckin trip mate!

3 hours ago
God bless Aaron Bushnell, a man against the system

10 hours ago
I think the “cloud-seeding” they do in the Middle East is a bit different from what people refer to as “chemtrails”. But yes in both instances they’re using planes to tamper with the weather.

10 hours ago
It’s a small point but the Simpsons Trump president elevator came out after his announcement. Just look at the art style, There is no way that is 2000’s era Simpsons. They did mention that Trump was the previous president in the Lisa the president episode, but you didn’t see him.

3 hours ago
I often wish I never went down the rabbit hole to begin with. Even though I’m glad I did. I’m also not. But … yeh.

8 hours ago
I’ve known someone like that. He put himself out under a train. He had severe schizophrenia for decades. This isn’t a normal way of thinking. It sounds very much like schizophrenia.

12 hours ago
Don’t do drugs kids.

6 replies

12 hours ago
Except on weekends

12 hours ago
But the drugs I like aren’t drugs hehehe.

12 hours ago
That’s a joke btw, I don’t even drink.

12 hours ago
Three idiotic replies in a row…YouTube just be YouTubing.

11 hours ago
@Brooder85 lmao, alright then

9 hours ago
Just say no! — Grange Hill cast.

10 hours ago
I KNOW I’m right bc I have concluded that I have no clue what’s really going on.

12 hours ago
No Mr Reviews you can’t love them, they’ll see the Big Board!

1 hour ago
This self immolation dude had some interesting takes on films. We gotta keep an open mind and explore various interpretations. There’s definitely some kind of messaging in movies. For who and what for, I do not know.

11 hours ago
Please look into Jason Breshears’ (Archaix) research on our ancient past.

3 hours ago
A YouTuber named Don Jolly made an interesting video called ‘The Internet Makes You Stupid’. His basic thesis is that the nature of the internet itself will confirm every bias of the person using it to the point of madness, therefore the only way to maintain your sanity online is to believe that everything you’re seeing is simultaneously 100% true and 100% false.

1 hour ago (edited)
I get what you are saying. Though I am glad that my rabbit holes kept me from getting vaxxed. Its dark down here sometimes but I also enjoy the journey.

12 hours ago
Dr Strange Bloke

11 minutes ago
Love thyself

10 hours ago
Just enough time to cram this in before I watch the footy

7 hours ago
really good analysis.

7 hours ago
Wait a second, this is a morgoth video not a Skyrim let’s play.

40 minutes ago
Anyone remember the “Mandela Effect” that used to get talked about a lot online? As I recall, it led to claims that the misremembering of various random events by masses of people was somehow evidence of parallel universes, or that we were living in a simulation. Or am I misremembering?

10 hours ago
Has anyone been struck by the thought that the world of people is so incredibly stupid and illogical that it is in fact unreal, we are machines who think they have will, and that we can change things. I’ve studied non duality for a while, and it makes sense to me, and thousands of others.

6 hours ago
Different aerosols can either encourage or inhibit precipitation fwiw

8 hours ago
Another young man who killed himself because he wasn’t told about the newish mention.

43 seconds ago
Ooh God, a bad trip. Mine wasn’t fixed on people immediately around me but.. idk a broader sense. Such a right sick description and fuck acid

12 hours ago
Ah, the normie. One whom you can sell religion, snake oil, astrology, and democracy to, and if you can bundle it into one cable package, you’ll be able to sell it all for twice the price.

6 hours ago
Great video.

10 hours ago
As a convinced follower of Jesus of Nazareth, I’m interested in this concept of “ontological fracturing” because – having been compelled to “work out my own salvation in fear and trembling”, having been excluded from the usual company of ‘Christians’ for being an honest homosexual man (one who does not feel any need to apologise, let alone ‘repent’, for having shared over forty years with a gentle male atheist) – I have had to READ and READ about the ‘salvation history’ of the Jews. The consequence is that I have rarely felt so “ontologically firm” during my entire seventy-two years: and my proximity to my end has nothing to do with it. In AD70 the ‘first holocaust’ occurred; when Rome destroyed Jerusalem’s Second Temple, slaughtered its priests, and dispersed the Jews throughout its Empire. Only two forms of, what were to be forms of “belief in the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob”, survived. The first would, under the influence of the Pharisees, become Rabbinic Judaism. The second, under the influence of the Apostles and their fellow-witnesses, would become the form of Judaism which recognised Jesus of Nazareth as Israel’s Messiah: Christianity. But you are correct, MORGOTH, in detecting a sense of the ‘apocalyptic’ abroad in the World. Lying and dissembling are the common currencies of the day: whilst violence (often ‘indifferent’ violence) is our daily fare via the MSM. Covid, and its mRNA, non-vaccine, treatments was, possibly, the greatest example of lying, dissembling and (if the accounts of damage to human beings are true) violence done to human beings, in modern times. Yet, there is no accountability: and we are ‘diverted’ onto ‘Ant & Dec’, and similar vacuous flim-flam. Yet, as Karen Armstrong explains, “we are meaning-seeking creatures”. It is perfectly ‘normie’ for self-conscious, self-reflective, human beings to ask great questions about our existence. Though, I fail to see such processes at work in the average British politician!

9 hours ago
Was listening to your most recent milleniyule yesterday and definitely you are on point with all the material level observations as usual, particularly the sense that we are in some kind of unannounced crisis. I’m wondering what your zodiac sign is, seems like woes is a scorpio which makes a lot of sense now. I would recommend you and your friends take a holiday to a remote area during the period of the olympic games this year.

Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 nice, I guessed some kind of water because you seem to pick up on subtle things beneath the surface that not many people do. I saw 2 different dates for Woes’ year of birth but both put him as a Capricorn rising ( outward appearance or how we prefer to naturally convey ourselfs ), and either a Taurus or Sagittarius moon, thats the inner emotional side. A Sagittarius is a usually more optimistic adventurous type of person so i’m leaning towards Taurus which would be the 1984 birth date.

50 minutes ago
I dont get mad at short people unable to reach things on the top shelf.
I dont get mad at dumb people unable to grasp things in politics.

3 hours ago
The problem with rabbit holes is that their full of quivering prey animals that are into their own shit.
And rabbits too.

9 hours ago
It’s a trip being around people who don’t know your trippin. Just gotta play it cool. I took 6 hits at a dead show thinking I had gotten ripped off, but I hadn’t. Fun times. Was not the same person afterward.

5 hours ago
I’m nearly back to being a normie, completely oblivious, haven’t been near social media since the start of the year, have zero knowledge of the day to gay happenings that I used to feel compelled to follow, I have nearly achieved sweet “ignorance is bliss” dumbass-ness again, I liken it to that movement of circumcised men that are trying to restore their foreskins, I’m “unlearning” what I know for the sake of my sanity and I feel much better for it

1 reply

3 hours ago
Yes just go back to sleep and don’t do anything.

6 hours ago
Morgoth would really like to hear your opinion on the book sex and culture by J,D Unwin and hopefully you make a full video about this topic

10 hours ago
Simulation theory is the method used to remove the possibility of grounding altogether…

1 reply

3 hours ago
Simulation theory is creationism for nerds.

7 hours ago

11 hours ago (edited)
Hypernormalization works pretty good. At some point we need to find our own truth and stop searching and stick to it. Would be bliss to believe in a higher power and just pick one of those tested books like the Bible etc..

1 reply

10 hours ago
Normality is incredibly simple.The earth has everything people could ever need to live in peace and luxury.Only ignorance gets in the way.

8 hours ago (edited)
Surely these Simpson images are in reference to the Reform Party in 1999 and into 2000? Lenora Branch’s wiki image even has similar jewelry.

4 hours ago
If you know how to smell a rat, can avoid lots of rabbit holes.

1 hour ago
Not joking, I’m not sure if I’m even capable of hatred. I just love my people and country too much.

3 hours ago
I came across a basic bitch science channel which as a random aside described an “abandoned theoretical government project proposal” that sounded exactly like chemtrails designed to combat climate change, helping to reflect more sunlight. “It was never implemented though.” It was quite strange.
The issue is that it is hard to tell the difference between chemtrails and contrails, if the former even exists. I could believe it.

1 reply

55 minutes ago
Weather modification by the use of aircraft is a real thing that’s in use worldwide. Look into cloud seeding. For some reason it’s a taboo topic in the scientific community.

8 hours ago
This is an observation I made some time ago…one needs to look at epistemology, ontology, history, empiricism, religion, etc etc….to navigate what we’re being deluged with ….the point is one can only see what’s in front of them and make up one’s mind with the available information….that said information isn’t absolute…intuition and the emotion play a part too (Ian Mcgilchrist) …

1 reply

8 hours ago
NB….id actually wrote this comment prior to the completion of of the video and the point where Carter’s point is added….i couldn’t agree more….

13 hours ago
i wish i still was a normie. my life was better.

6 replies

13 hours ago
Do you really though? I wouldn’t want to be as lost as I was when I was a normie

13 hours ago
A bit like Cypher in the Matrix? I know the steak isn’t real but …….

12 hours ago (edited)
@roddymurray i wasn’t lost. i had a simple faith in God and was ignorant of a lot of the problems in the world. my life was sane then. listening to alex jones made me insane. sometimes i feel like he’s the archenemy of humanity. sometimes it feels like the conspiracy theory is the conspiracy.

12 hours ago
@awolgeordie9926 false dichotomy. i had a suspicion of the world because i was a christian. being a serious christian never allows you to buy into this world completely; but back then i didn’t worry about anything. i didn’t worry about the state of the world all the time. i was just sane and simple.

11 hours ago
You’d be fully boosted kid.

8 hours ago
I think about this often.. but always come to the same conclusion – if i’m not a normie anymore, that means it was never for me to be one in the first place. It was bound to happen. I would have came out of the matrix sooner or later.

3 hours ago
My orientation was first fully formed in my early 20s in the late 1990s. Then it was broken with the history of the 2010s which culminated in the fortification. How many times does a person’s orientation typically get broken in life? How many times under various civilizations in history?

8 hours ago
Morgoth – Have you heard about ‘The Great Taking’? David Webb is a big proponent of this view.

12 hours ago
I love normies, they make me realise how much I appreciate npcs.

10 hours ago
Just a heads up – the audio of this video is a bit low. (I just started listening and have turned up the volume to 100%)

7 hours ago
Socrates, I only know that I don’t know, how many years ago?

4 hours ago
The sort of jibing that goes down smooth with booze can drive one round the bend on shrooms or acid.

6 hours ago
Our current human condition is a prime example of dumb, under qualified people ,who believe in their own stupid self impotance to the extent that reason becomes impossible even in the face of great disaster.

8 hours ago (edited)
Where do You find these people? And why would anyone take them this seriously? Red pill overdose is a real thing. Always was. I’ve learned to ignore these tiresome types.
Balance is key to (almost) everything in life. And we should remember that. Thanks for the video.

10 hours ago
Morgoth i miss the morgcast!!!

5 hours ago
Ra built the pyramids. Read the book “the Ra Contact” if you want to know how and why.

12 hours ago
But is pool of talent so large, the viewpoints and concepts can be picked to suit, the machines need. Do we control the structures now, or is it being played out mechanically?

12 hours ago
My dad was a big daniken fan, Jesus was an astronaut and so on.. Still got the books on my bookshelf.

1 reply

10 hours ago
That reminds me I read one of his books once, didn’t know anything about him, just picked it up. Quite the character.

13 hours ago
can you do a movie review on Dr Strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb?

Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

13 hours ago
I don’t like it I’m afraid, the whacky humour grates on me.

13 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 That was a tendency of Peter Sellers. I want to like the guy, but…

3 hours ago
To steel man his points, you don’t have to believe that the original author is “with the regime” to believe that it is programming. It could be that they pick and choose what is allowed to become popular based on their plans.

9 hours ago
Emergent reality > woo

1 hour ago
Idk, I just hate trying to talk to people and have them obstinately not get it. like, all the pieces are there on basic stuff (general acceptance of woke tendencies in media) and they just deny it.

1 hour ago
From my understanding the reason you dont hear about the ancient alien stuff anymore is that its seen as racist

9 hours ago
Psychedelics, and psychoactive substances seem to have taken the place of actual introspection and self-discovery. I suspect conspiracy theories and conspiratorial thinking have taken the place of actual social criticism and analysis.

1 reply

7 hours ago
I’m not so sure….I think it’s because a lot of the folks who tried critical thinking and social analysis were just so perplexed at the madness that there was no way to account for it aside from delving into conspiracy theory.

4 hours ago
This Paranormies, Archaix etc stuff is fine as a stress relief, but I don’t take it too seriously, do I care about the pyramids and how they were built? No, not in this moment of crisis at least, should I take it for granted that everything is F and G? No, historically, certain people have been stopped several times, they are not the invincible masterminds they’d love to be, even now, as an example, their impatience and greed, is costing them the foot soldiers they manufactured, people in our “circle” confuse adaptability to situations to planning everything, hence the illusion of them being unstoppable

12 hours ago
Liquid Death is tasty water, ngl

7 hours ago
Its not as complex as it seems
Pretty simple actually

9 hours ago

11 hours ago
Yeah I could worry about so many things and whether or not they’ll kill me or the world but the time investment I would have to make to care about these. It’s not a good return on investment. I’m better off doing something productive and different instead of worrying if the sky is falling. I can’t hold it if it does

1 reply

10 hours ago
Information overload promotes paranoia.Balance is key.

12 hours ago
There is a channel on here called “ human neighbourhood “ program called non linear warfare . Let me know if you you find it as you’ll find it interesting

10 hours ago
What happened to the small dog in the rabbit hole?

13 hours ago
Light, medium or heavy?

4 hours ago
A conspiracy theorist is an individual whose path to truth is sanity to insanity.
A prophet is an individual whose path to truth is insanity to sanity.
Imagine thinking you are batshit crazy and everyone around you is sane to waking up one day to the realisation you’re the sane one surrounded by window lickers.

1 reply

3 hours ago
I realized I was surrounded by window lickers sometime in elementary school.

11 hours ago

1 hour ago
why are my comments getting yeeted. i posted a reply about how i went to the distributists banquet Saturday night. 2 min later the comment gone…

11 hours ago
Humans shouldn’t be expected to know everything about the world. It’s probably beyond our capabilities, let alone our sanity. This notion that we need to have a coherent worldview or ‘have all the answers’ seems symptomatic of the internet age to me; conspiracy theories have existed long before that (and some of them may have even been true—probably so), but their rise in popularity seems more indicative of people’s attempts to anchor themselves in a confusing, overwhelming tide of noisy information (the internet and social media) than any one person’s desire to ‘find the truth.’ It’s understandable, of course—when you’re foundering in a ‘post-truth’ world, you want to find something to grasp on to—but it’s probably misguided when taken too far.
This isn’t to say that truth is subjective, or that all conspiracy theories are complete bunk, or that you should intentionally remain ignorant. But as you said in the video, it’s a question of how much time you’re willing to invest in it. For years my holy grail was global warming skepticism, but after a while, I realized it would take so much time and effort to truly delve into it that I may as well become a full-fledged environmental scientist. I’m not a scientist and I don’t want to be. I decided there were other things in my life that were more important to focus on (family, friends, home life, etc). It’s good to try and stay informed so you don’t get blindsided to be sure, but you have to balance that with the real, offline world, which is ultimately more salutary for humans than staring at pixels all day.
Anyway, sorry for the essay, but this topic really resonated with me. Fantastic video, Morg.

2 replies

10 hours ago
The issue is the human being is under attack from evil forces that are leagues ahead when it comes to using psychology,advanced technology and control of systems,and most importantly esoteric cosmic ‘laws’.
Human beings don’t have the luxury of ignorance because we live in dangerous times.
This doesn’t mean knowing everything,just knowing enough of what’s important.

9 hours ago
​ @redpillnibbler4423 Right, you don’t want to be ignorant or blindsided by those malign forces, but you also have to evaluate what’s actually worth your time. It’s a tricky balancing act. There’s a crossover point where one’s online presence goes from ‘being informed as a means of self-defense’ to ‘wasting your time staring at a screen all day.’ Where that line is drawn can be hard to say, but it’s important to take breaks from the internet regardless—otherwise it’ll simply drive you mad.

12 hours ago
He couldn’t have done anything less helpful if he tried. Wrapping up genuine and provable concerns (the political class saying they will do something and then doing it) in a kook conspiracy jacket. The regime media couldn’t have asked for a better gift than this numpty.

12 hours ago
I think an aspect you missed is that the many camps are starting to coalesce e.g. nationalists, traditional conspiracy theorists, religious channels, spiritualists etc (and completely random normy nodes) are all starting to align along similar theories. But you’re right. we need to spend time off these damn phones and computers.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Also division is occurring in these ‘camps’. eg.flat earth theory.

5 hours ago
We live in the gayest timeline.

7 hours ago
love the normie? Hard pass

13 hours ago

1 reply

13 hours ago
16th but I haven’t been this early to something in a while. My dopamine is off the charts.

11 hours ago
Volume too low

Morgoth’s Review
6 replies

11 hours ago
It’s fine. You’re the only person who complains.

11 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 It’s my Chromebook. I can’t get the volume higher than max, but others could turn it down.

11 hours ago
@Karl_Burton You need new tech, complaining that my audio is too low because you have crap technology is not on tbh.

11 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 The worst bit is it was £600. Just a suggestion, I doubt I’m the only one. Never mind

11 hours ago
@Karl_Burton Well, to be honest I hate technology as well which is why I’m sensitive to things going wrong…or not.

10 hours ago
@MorgothsReview1 Oh my sound isn’t great, but fine on most of your videos. I was just trying to give a bit of feedback. Keep up the good work

12 hours ago
Trump watched the Simpsons and then made it happen.

1 reply

9 hours ago
Reverse social engineering!

11 hours ago
Sid is horrible.

9 hours ago
We’re all normies now


See Also


Morgoth’s Review – The Dover Crisis and the Great Serco Grift – Nov 2, 2022 – Transcript



Morgoth’s Review – The Morgcast 13 – Resist the Lobster Pot – Nov 22, 2021 — Transcript




Millennium Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 02 – Merry Holocaustmas — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — Discussing the Government’s Anti-Extremism Agency ”Prevent” With Based British — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — Hate-Reading The Guardian – Hirsch, Critical Theory & Nihilism, Jan 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — The Psychotic Left, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – Fishing For White Pills, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – Hope Not Hate and the State of Play, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT



Morgoth’s Review – A Conversation with Jacktion, Mar 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice TV – Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs and Pods – Morgoth’s Review – Oct 10, 2019 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Against The Controlled Warmongers of The Right – Jan 3, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Turbocharged Atomization – May 15, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Free Falling – Jun 1, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – ”Cracka” Is Anti-White Filth – Jun 29, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Edward Bernays – The Group and The Herd – Jul 1, 2020 — Transcript



Morgoth’s Review – Why The Conservative Party Conserves Nothing – Jul 16, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Telegraph vs The Guardian – Or How To Lose A Culture War – Jul 31, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – On Liberal Blindness To The Jewish Question – Aug 4, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Notes On Machiavelli – Aug 14, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Neo-Liberalism & the Ballad of Terry Bell – Sep 15, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Morgoth & Endeavour’s Classic Movies 1 – Lawrence of Arabia – Oct 10, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Systems of Control – China’s Social Credit vs Western Political Correctness – Oct 16, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Deep Breath Before the Plunge – Nov 3, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Twitterfication of Everything – Nov 17, 2020 — Transcript


Morgoth’s Review – My Image of 2020 – An Analysis – Dec 7, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – London’s New Year’s Firewoke Display – Jan 1, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Winter is Here – Jan 9, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Reading ”American Extremist” by Josh Neal – Feb 6, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Frozen North & Frozen Thinking – Feb 10, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Equation That Destroyed Our World – Feb 14, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Last of Us – Feb 24, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – How Piers Morgan Shapes the Discourse – Mar 3, 2021 — Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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