[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“It’s that special time of the year again – that time when big retailers need your money more than ever, yet at the same time pour millions into advertising campaigns that belittle and attack White people. Find out which company made the most anti-White Christmas advert of 2022!”
Christmas Adverts 2022 – Africans Rule Medieval Europe
November 18th, 2022
Mark Collett
It’s that special time of the year again – that time when big retailers need your money more than ever, yet at the same time pour millions into advertising campaigns that belittle and attack white people. Find out which company made the most anti-white Christmas advert of 2022!
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BitCoin Cash: qpaaukrttfvq0j99gfl43hhs5q0tmhzfevkhp3r2c9
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My book, The Fall of Western Man is now available. It is available as a FREE eBook and also in hardback and paperback editions.
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Paperback Edition: http://amzn.eu/9LaS7HN
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
christmas adverts
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145.3 MB
(13:30 mins)
So here we are. It’s Christmas advert time again! And, you know what the normies on social media say?:
“It’s not Christmas until the John Lewis Christmas Advert is released.”
And, you know what? The big one is finally here! The John Lewis Lewis Christmas advert has landed. And as I sat down with my cup of tea, who am I kidding? It was a giant can of Red Bull.
But as I sat there with my Red Bull, I cast my mind back to last year’s John Lewis advert. The one where a white alien landed in a small British village to find and befriend a boy of African descent. As my cursor hovered over the play button on this year’s video, I wondered:
“Could it get any worse? What subtle, or not so subtle, message would be pushed upon us this year by John Lewis?”
And, you know what? The advert isn’t bad! I mean, there’s a smattering of diversity, but the core message is pretty heartwarming.
A white couple are preparing for Christmas and the man is learning to skateboard. He’s not very good at it and hurts himself quite a bit while practicing.
But what’s it all about? Why is this middle-aged man hanging around the skate park and injuring himself? I glanced down at the comments, and it was immediately apparent.
The man is learning to skateboard because he’s about to become a foster parent. The couple are adopting. And he is clearly trying to learn to do something that will bring him closer to his adopted child. It’s definitely heart-warming.
But then it hit me. We haven’t seen the adopted child yet! My mind raced. Surely there must be a punchline here. And the child, the White couple are adopting will be Somalian! It has to be!
But no! I was wrong. She is a young White girl who is carrying a skateboard. They look like a regular British family. And the man just wanted to make his foster child feel at home. He wanted to have something in common with her, so she felt welcome and comfortable when she moved in just before Christmas.
It’s actually a really nice story. And despite the smattering of diversity, I have to say I liked it. And even better, I liked the fact that it appears John Lewis has learned! Maybe the state of the economy has forced them to rethink their advertising policy?
So let’s move on. Let’s do Tesco next.
You must remember the previous Tesco adverts. They were always the worst of the worst! In fact, their adverts were so bad, they were the ones that got me started making these annual videos! Tesco have previously given us Muslims celebrating Christmas. Dysfunctional white families. Single old, sad White people. Single drunken White women. And of course, the perfect Christmas dinner for the multicultural family! In fact, they have done it all.
So what are they serving up this year? Well, here goes.
And, you know what? It’s not that bad. Sure, there’s the diversity in there, but the explicit anti-White messaging seems to have been erased. The whole advert is a cheesy dad joke, where the Christmas party is a political party that you vote for at Christmas.
And this fictitious party makes a series of pledges that people cheer for. OK, it’s a bit cringey, but have Tesco learnt their lesson too?
So far we’ve had two adverts and neither have been bad. Sure, there’s the diversity, but the anti-White messaging has so far disappeared.
Who’s next? Let’s do Asda. What have they cooked up?
It’s Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf, from the film Elf. It’s not new scenes, they just cleverly cut and edited small sections from the film and placed them into a setting within their supermarkets. They must have spent a ton on this! And to be fair, it’s actually put together pretty well.
Now, I can report that the diversity is dialed up. But again, the explicit anti-White messaging seems absent. Three adverts down and it all seems rather odd, like big retailers are learning something.
Okay, well, let’s do Morrison’s next. And this is again a welcome surprise. It’s basically Father Christmas. Sorry, “Farmer” Christmas. Riding a tractor and then going into a Morrisons and looking at products. And the diversity levels actually seem strangely low for the most part.
At the end, Farmer Christmas does join the obligatory mixed-race family for Christmas dinner. But the advert again lacks any real explicit anti-White messaging.
I wonder what’s going on. It’s almost like these companies are making less money and are now all of a sudden more bothered about appealing to their customer base, than they are about pushing the anti-White narrative. Gone are the homosexual couples!
Gone are the explicit anti-White messages! Gone are the shots juxtaposing the dysfunctional or lonely whites with the happy and prosperous mixed-race families! And despite the diversity, they don’t seem too bad.
I mean, some are pretty cheesy, but I suppose that’s to be expected. And for some of these companies, it’s the first time they haven’t had to turn the comments off under these adverts on YouTube.
So just Sainsbury’s left to go. And let’s see what they’ve served up.
Oh, dear! It seems like one company didn’t get the message from previous years. One company went all in and dialled up the anti-White messaging to produce what is one of the worst Christmas ads I’ve ever reviewed! So here we go.
And before we even start, the ratio on the advert is 1,800 likes to over 10,000 dislikes. And comments are already turned off! And by the way, it was over 11,000 dislikes when I wrote this, but the magic elves at YouTube seem to have made some of those dislikes disappear.
The advert takes place in a heavily diversified medieval European setting. And I think there’s more nonEuropean faces in this advert than in any of the others I’ve reviewed. Despite the fact that the advert is set in a period where seeing a non-White face in a European city would have been like finding a needle in a haystack.
This is a classic case of writing Europeans out of their own history. And in a world where cultural appropriation is a buzzword for the media and the establishment, this is cultural appropriation taken to the max! But don’t worry, that’s OK, as it’s White people who are on the receiving end.
This is a complete rewriting of history. It is diversity at a time where there was no such thing. But it gets worse!
In this European court, situated in what is clearly a Germanic castle, reminiscent of the stunning fairytale like new Schwarztein Castle, the monarch sits on the throne. And you guessed it, it’s a black female! A black Queen! And this bold, sassy, overweight, and loud black Queen, sorry, countess, bosses everyone around in her court.
Diversity in medieval Europe wasn’t enough for the producers of this advert. Medieval Europe had to be ruled over by migrants!
A line of chefs form in front of the countess, presenting dish after dish, until finally, the scrawny white beta male at the back of the line presents her with a Christmas pudding.
And she makes no secret of the fact that she hates it, going as far as to threaten this weak male with what is implied to be execution if he doesn’t produce something better for her.
So the power balance is clear. Black women are now the top of the pecking order in Europe! And the White male is the submissive beta, bossed about by his powerful African ruler!
The White male then does what any good White boy should do. He slinks back to the kitchen and slaves away for his African overlord.
Then, Christmas Day dawns and it is time for the feast.
And the White male steps forward gingerly and presents his new, improved, Taste The Difference Christmas Pudding! The guests and onlookers gasp and then fall silent. Everyone stares as the countess takes a bite of the pudding. And she loves it!
The beater breathes a sigh of relief and everyone cheers. The White male has managed to perform and gets to live another day in servitude to his black master!
Taste The Difference! The difference being it’s total anti-White garbage!
So the award for this year’s worst Christmas advert goes to Sainsbury’s. But as you can imagine, the press loved this advert. It was apparently hilarious! I mean, who are they kidding? Clearly not the 10,000 plus people who hit that dislike button.
Sainsbury’s head of campaigns, Laura Boothby stated, and I quote:
“Food plays a central role in any celebration. And we wanted to bring to life the imagination and innovation that goes into creating our Taste The Difference Christmas range. We also wanted the ad to provide some fun, and light-hearted Christmas cheer! And who better to do that than Alison Hammond? We focused on the Christmas pudding specifically because we know it’s divisive. People love it or they hate it! And that’s why we’ve created the Taste the Difference Caramelized Biscuit Pudding. Pudding lovers can still opt for the traditional dessert, but those who aren’t fans can try our innovative take on the Christmas classic instead.”
End quote. Yeah, Christmas pudding is so divisive!
But probably not as divisive as presenting a medieval European court full of diversity, ruled over by an African countess. In fact, I think even the stalest of Christmas puddings would struggle to get the kind of like to dislike ratio that this advert has.
Let’s just hope this is a particularly lean Christmas for Sainsbury’s, and that reduced earnings leads to some heavy cutbacks at the campaign’s department. Don’t shop at Sainsbury’s, folks. Take your money elsewhere!
Anyway, I’m off to make my own Christmas video.
In it, I will be dressing as an African tribal leader and forcing an indigenous African tribe to prepare me a variety of native dishes, whilst threatening to execute those who prepare something that is not to my taste. I bet the media will find it hilarious!
Only joking. If I made a video like that, it would be roundly condemned.
And I would probably end up being rudely awakened at 04:00 a.m. As my door flew off it’s hinges shortly before I was dragged off to spend Christmas in a jail cell!
Odysee Comments
(As of Nov 22, 2022)
3 days ago
theyre dialing down the anti white ads because the gates are fucking open.
3 days ago
You have to laugh. I worked in advertising and design for over 30 years both self employed and in agencies. The diversity quotient was being pushed from about 2005 onwards. As a Self employed GD, I did what I wanted and worked on and off with many asian clients in the medical and healthcare sector. not a problem. They weren’t interested in the ethnicity of the models used or stock photography sourced… as long as a couple of REAL asian medical professionals were included. Conversely, working in WHITE OWNED agencies however, where we were producing company corporate literature, especially companies tendering to councils and/or national bodies we were made very aware of ‘Common Purpose’ initiatives which stipulated passive aggressively that diversity should feature in such literature. I took it a step further and knocked up a visual for a client that included nothing BUT black and asian people…. we did laugh, but it never made it to the client. This is the globalist dream a mixed diverse human race with no real memories of who they are, who they were or indeed how they all intend to get along. Simply dressed cattle for the abattoir.
3 days ago
You guys have Africans, we’re getting Indians and Chinese. Who knew ethnic replacement was like picking a flavour ice cream?
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3 days ago
Why do pajeets and runaway slaves like the Commonwealth countries so much? We’re inundated with em in Canada, too.
Show 3 replies
3 days ago
Plenty of those in the UK also… or Canada, or the US, or Germany, or Austria, or Italy…
3 days ago
Fingers crossed we’ll get a White Christmas next year.
3 days ago
Redpilled and Redbulled
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3 days ago
Hey I thought I remembered your name. You have a great channel. Drives me bonkers this is one of those if I had more time, I would just start from the beginning and listen to them all. Appreciate your work.
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3 days ago
Thanks, always great to hear feedback. I’m reading some fiction at the moment, but next year I’ll be making book rundowns again.
3 days ago
LOL. I notice that Sainsbury’s was the only one to turn its YouTube comments off, too.
3 days ago
If they’re dialling back the anti-white messaging there’s without doubt a sinister and calculated reason for it
3 days ago
I did my duty and went to the Sainsbury’s YouTube channel to downvote the trash.
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3 days ago
I down-voted all of them.
3 days ago
It must break your heart to be unable to be served dinner by an African tribe. Just think of all that cow’s blood, human flesh and insects you’ll be missing, all expertly cooked over a cow dung fire!!! Merry Christmas indeed!
Good video and merry Christmas Mark and everyone at PA.
3 days ago
Why don’t we have a full narrative of the Holy Roman Empire like we do Rome? Why are the “dark ages” left so obscure? People don’t know their history, and (((they))) pull this shit: lots of diversity in Europe.
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3 days ago
A lot of things from the iron age have been recently discovered, and it was actually a renaissance of sorts for Europe. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the art and craftsmanship from the “dark ages” and it’s fuckin astounding. Still not really common knowledge, yet, but we’re learning more about how much we don’t know all the time. (((They))) can’t keep it from us forever.
3 days ago
No Jesus anywhere because those that create this think he’s in Hell, boiling in a vat of excrement for eternity.
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3 days ago
Yeah, I’m positive (((they))) gradually commercialized Christmas a lot more than Christians did.
3 days ago
You WILL have a very fckng miscegenated Christmas. By Order.
3 days ago
Still down-vote EVERY Christmas advertisement.
3 days ago
Thank goodness that I no longer watch tv and am not subjected to this dreadful advertising trash anymore. It’s acually quite interesting for me to see it for the first and last time here whilst being objectively and accurately critiqued by you.
3 days ago
I guess that at the eve of coming starvation, mass unemployment and people freezing and even the real possibility of ww3 in europe you cant always push extra hard on the anti white male brainwashing. I mean after all, if and when ww3 comes to visit, whos going to take the bullets and howitzer shells for us. Muslims ? Somalians ? Iraqis ? No. Its the white guys that will go and blow up for the greater good and all that. And when starvation and freezing comes, whos going to pay for it not hitting so hard. From whose wallet we will forcefully take and distribute it to the others. Yes. White guys wallets.
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3 days ago
3 days ago
Christmas – the most abused holiday of them all.
First come the desert deity cultists and subvert it, then capitalists cheapen it to death and now the globalists recycle the dead corpse.
3 days ago
I love when you do this review.
3 days ago
i really do look forward to the Christmas ad review thanks Mr Collett
3 days ago
If this was true, we would have ended up claiming the throne after about a week anyway. If you thought the Plantagenets were The Devil’s Brood, full of treachery and violent intent, black monarchs and nobles would have been like the orcs in the watchtower where Frodo is captured. After they all killed each other down to the last one, we’d just walk in and sit down. (But imagine the smell…..)
3 days ago
Lidl had a great one this year featuring TWO race-mixing couples in a 60 second ad. Also Very included a race-mixing narrative.
3 days ago
Wait a minute! Todays “middle aged men” used to be teenagers in the 1990s, the great heyday of Skateboarding. There should be a bunch of white dads out there these days, still feeling quite comfy on a skateboard.
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3 days ago
I can still do shove-its lol
3 days ago
Thanks for doing this Mark.
3 days ago
I wonder if those non-Anti-Whites are just too busy working, living their lives, much of this Anti-White mess they’re not exposed to so they end up supporting these businesses anyway, without realizing they are hated.
Then like my Mum especially, I had her awake on media manipulation, I had believed the JQ, then I find out Dad and her both have been vaxxed and parroting a media messaging justification for it. I already sent them links to the people with messed up side affects, CDC side effects lists, etc.
You know what they say about a TV in your home is a “Jason refuses to name” __ whispering in your ear :ok_hand:
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3 days ago
If you want to know who rules over you just ask who Jason says you must not criticise
3 days ago
That happens a lot. My dad never even suspected things were this bad, but he’s mostly red-pilled now. Not everyone has a lifestyle that includes the internet much, or at all, and they probably are unaware of tranny story time or all this kangz and kwaynes shit.
3 days ago
And we all know what the Sainsbury’s are don’t we!!! They never give up do they.
2 days ago
these companies don’t give a shit about profit, ‘go woke go broke’ has been proven to be a myth because these companies have easy access to cheap finance to keep them afloat. What they’re afraid of is egging on a starving population that’s semi-free and has easy access to the internet to look up the group that’s behind all this propaganda. When bellies are full, they can get away with pushing whatever agendas they want on the docile society and more bellies were full last year than they are this year, so I expect more of the antiwhite stuff to become subtle as the years pass and times become harder in the west just until they’re able to get their vaccine passports running, then they’ll go back to business as usual with running European culture into the ground again
2 days ago
It’s not Christmas until the Mark Collett Christmas adverts review is relased.
Show reply
3 days ago
Erasing the history of an ethnic group – how festive! Loving your take on the absolute state of tv ads.
3 days ago
We could potentially see the ad as a reflection of the totalitarian society we are currently living in, done over-the-top to highlight its absurdity. It doesn’t make the black woman look good, but like an evil fat bitch. I am not saying it is consciously that, but it doesn’t make blacks look good, thats for sure.
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3 days ago
Yes, i’m thinking those things too.
3 days ago
I agree, but the point they want to make is that she is our Kween and we are her lowly subjects.
2 days ago
I thought the John Lewis advert was pushing the stupid white man-child meme and at the end we can see a white woman (his wife) openly mocking him with a black man. It’s also a girl being adopted (who cares about boys, right?) and of course she’s challenging stereotypes and into skateboards.
2 days ago
Down-Vote them all here:
( How To Restore Dislikes on YouTube | Turn Dislike Count Back On –
The Beginner | John Lewis & Partners | Christmas ad 2022 –
Once Upon a Pud | Sainsbury’s | Christmas 2022 –
Have your Elf a Merry Christmas | Asda Christmas Advert 2022 –
The Christmas Party | Tesco 2022 –
Morrisons Farmer Christmas TV Advert 2022 –
Sports Direct Christmas Advert 2022 –
2022 Christmas advert | M&S FOOD –
Aldi Christmas Advert 2022 –
2 days ago
Mark, you need to learn that diversity itself is anti-White. And like most so called Nationalists, you seem to prefer diversity – White genocide – than a some gay couple that won’t procreate with people of different races. Most of them are bad yes, but nothing is worse than race mixing and racial diversity.
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2 days ago
I don’t think youve been following MC for long.
3 days ago
I see a Gov Troll has already earnt his traitor shilling.
3 days ago
Quality Mark
2 days ago
Each year I’m waiting for this video to drop around this time of year.
Believe it or not, but back when you were still on YouTube, algorithm recommended me one of your older christmas ads reviews and that’s how I discovered you. Oh the memories.
3 days ago
Sub-Saharan Africans never even ruled Africa.
3 days ago
Well done, thanks!
3 days ago
Once again, without fail, it’s Christmaaaaaaaaas! (Noddy Holder voice)
2 days ago
Everyone do their bit and ratio these maggots
3 days ago
Mark sounds so angry in this.
Show reply
3 days ago
Laughed out loud at the door flying off its hinges comment.
3 days ago
Having it rammed down your throat boils my wizz
3 days ago
how does that lack anti-white messaging?
That coal black boon on the right side is laughing at that statement.
2 days ago
Why are you laughing on your telegram about increased taxes on british people? you are supposed to be a leader not a two year old , go back to your gaming , you will never have a political party con merchant.
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2 days ago
Can you provide a link (evidence) for this?
3 hours ago
If you want to check how jewish your world is, just measure it by the quantity of advertising around you. Aryans wouldn’t lower themselves to suggest their business was better than any other. An Aryan business survives or fails based on it’s reputation for service and quality, not by cheap shots at the competition or crowing about it’s ‘value’.
15 hours ago
Video doens’t load for me for some reason …
1 day ago
This video won’t play for me for some reason. I’ll try another browser.
Show reply
2 days ago
A proper Christmas advert:
Barbour Christmas advert 2022 | One of a kind-ness:
Although “Mr Curry”?
3 days ago
Please do create that video and just skip to the inevitable conclusion Count Collett.
3 days ago
Mass shootings database (just to make a fu__ing point)
tony hayers Obergruppenführer katana • 5 hours ago
A detail that Mark overlooked is that the (((Sainsburys))) advert is narrated by QUEER JEW multimillionaire and alleged (((national treasure))) Stephen Fry, and that Sainsburys is jewish.
Sainsbury was the son of Mabel Miriam (née Van den Bergh) and John Benjamin Sainsbury.
His paternal grandparents, John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Staples, established a grocer’s at 173 Drury Lane in 1869 which became the British supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. His mother was from a Dutch Jewish family, the daughter of Jacob Van den Bergh.
He and his first wife, Doreen, with whom he married in 1925 had three sons:
John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover, later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover, KG
Simon David Davan Sainsbury
Timothy, later Sir Timothy Alan Davan Sainsbury
He later remarried in 1944 and had a daughter, Paulette
As he was divorced from his first wife, he spent little time with his sons John Davan, Simon and Timothy, and so they only got to know their father when they joined the family firm.[citation needed]
On 3 May 1962, he was the first of three members of the Sainsbury family to receive a life peerage. He took the title Baron Sainsbury, of Drury Lane in the Borough of Holborn.[3] As the first peerage using the family name, the territorial designation – referencing the location of the family’s first shop – did not form part of the title. When Alan’s son John became a peer in 1989, he took the title Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover to differentiate between them. In the same way when Alan’s nephew David was ennobled in 1997 he was made Baron Sainsbury of Turville.
Latin! or Tobacco and Boys is a play by Stephen Fry, written in 1979.
It is about life at the fictional Chartham Park Preparatory School For Boys, a prep school in England, and ends up in Morocco, via a homosexual relationship between a teacher and a 13-year-old student.
The title derives from Christopher Marlowe’s claim, reported by Richard Baines,
that “All they that love not Sportsball, Noggers and Faggots fools”.
Mark Collett – Christmas Adverts 2022 – Africans Rule Medieval Europe – Nov 18, 2022 – Transcript
[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“It’s that special time of the year again – that time when big retailers need your money more than ever, yet at the same time pour millions into advertising campaigns that belittle and attack White people. Find out which company made the most anti-White Christmas advert of 2022!”
Mark Collett
Christmas Adverts 2022
Africans Rule Medieval Europe
Nov 18, 2022
Click here for the video:
Odysee Description
Christmas Adverts 2022 – Africans Rule Medieval Europe
November 18th, 2022
Mark Collett
It’s that special time of the year again – that time when big retailers need your money more than ever, yet at the same time pour millions into advertising campaigns that belittle and attack white people. Find out which company made the most anti-white Christmas advert of 2022!
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
christmas adverts
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145.3 MB
(13:30 mins)
So here we are. It’s Christmas advert time again! And, you know what the normies on social media say?:
And, you know what? The big one is finally here! The John Lewis Lewis Christmas advert has landed. And as I sat down with my cup of tea, who am I kidding? It was a giant can of Red Bull.
But as I sat there with my Red Bull, I cast my mind back to last year’s John Lewis advert. The one where a white alien landed in a small British village to find and befriend a boy of African descent. As my cursor hovered over the play button on this year’s video, I wondered:
And, you know what? The advert isn’t bad! I mean, there’s a smattering of diversity, but the core message is pretty heartwarming.
A white couple are preparing for Christmas and the man is learning to skateboard. He’s not very good at it and hurts himself quite a bit while practicing.
But what’s it all about? Why is this middle-aged man hanging around the skate park and injuring himself? I glanced down at the comments, and it was immediately apparent.
The man is learning to skateboard because he’s about to become a foster parent. The couple are adopting. And he is clearly trying to learn to do something that will bring him closer to his adopted child. It’s definitely heart-warming.
But then it hit me. We haven’t seen the adopted child yet! My mind raced. Surely there must be a punchline here. And the child, the White couple are adopting will be Somalian! It has to be!
But no! I was wrong. She is a young White girl who is carrying a skateboard. They look like a regular British family. And the man just wanted to make his foster child feel at home. He wanted to have something in common with her, so she felt welcome and comfortable when she moved in just before Christmas.
It’s actually a really nice story. And despite the smattering of diversity, I have to say I liked it. And even better, I liked the fact that it appears John Lewis has learned! Maybe the state of the economy has forced them to rethink their advertising policy?
So let’s move on. Let’s do Tesco next.
You must remember the previous Tesco adverts. They were always the worst of the worst! In fact, their adverts were so bad, they were the ones that got me started making these annual videos! Tesco have previously given us Muslims celebrating Christmas. Dysfunctional white families. Single old, sad White people. Single drunken White women. And of course, the perfect Christmas dinner for the multicultural family! In fact, they have done it all.
So what are they serving up this year? Well, here goes.
And, you know what? It’s not that bad. Sure, there’s the diversity in there, but the explicit anti-White messaging seems to have been erased. The whole advert is a cheesy dad joke, where the Christmas party is a political party that you vote for at Christmas.
And this fictitious party makes a series of pledges that people cheer for. OK, it’s a bit cringey, but have Tesco learnt their lesson too?
So far we’ve had two adverts and neither have been bad. Sure, there’s the diversity, but the anti-White messaging has so far disappeared.
Who’s next? Let’s do Asda. What have they cooked up?
It’s Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf, from the film Elf. It’s not new scenes, they just cleverly cut and edited small sections from the film and placed them into a setting within their supermarkets. They must have spent a ton on this! And to be fair, it’s actually put together pretty well.
Now, I can report that the diversity is dialed up. But again, the explicit anti-White messaging seems absent. Three adverts down and it all seems rather odd, like big retailers are learning something.
Okay, well, let’s do Morrison’s next. And this is again a welcome surprise. It’s basically Father Christmas. Sorry, “Farmer” Christmas. Riding a tractor and then going into a Morrisons and looking at products. And the diversity levels actually seem strangely low for the most part.
At the end, Farmer Christmas does join the obligatory mixed-race family for Christmas dinner. But the advert again lacks any real explicit anti-White messaging.
I wonder what’s going on. It’s almost like these companies are making less money and are now all of a sudden more bothered about appealing to their customer base, than they are about pushing the anti-White narrative. Gone are the homosexual couples!
Gone are the explicit anti-White messages! Gone are the shots juxtaposing the dysfunctional or lonely whites with the happy and prosperous mixed-race families! And despite the diversity, they don’t seem too bad.
I mean, some are pretty cheesy, but I suppose that’s to be expected. And for some of these companies, it’s the first time they haven’t had to turn the comments off under these adverts on YouTube.
So just Sainsbury’s left to go. And let’s see what they’ve served up.
Oh, dear! It seems like one company didn’t get the message from previous years. One company went all in and dialled up the anti-White messaging to produce what is one of the worst Christmas ads I’ve ever reviewed! So here we go.
And before we even start, the ratio on the advert is 1,800 likes to over 10,000 dislikes. And comments are already turned off! And by the way, it was over 11,000 dislikes when I wrote this, but the magic elves at YouTube seem to have made some of those dislikes disappear.
The advert takes place in a heavily diversified medieval European setting. And I think there’s more nonEuropean faces in this advert than in any of the others I’ve reviewed. Despite the fact that the advert is set in a period where seeing a non-White face in a European city would have been like finding a needle in a haystack.
This is a classic case of writing Europeans out of their own history. And in a world where cultural appropriation is a buzzword for the media and the establishment, this is cultural appropriation taken to the max! But don’t worry, that’s OK, as it’s White people who are on the receiving end.
This is a complete rewriting of history. It is diversity at a time where there was no such thing. But it gets worse!
In this European court, situated in what is clearly a Germanic castle, reminiscent of the stunning fairytale like new Schwarztein Castle, the monarch sits on the throne. And you guessed it, it’s a black female! A black Queen! And this bold, sassy, overweight, and loud black Queen, sorry, countess, bosses everyone around in her court.
Diversity in medieval Europe wasn’t enough for the producers of this advert. Medieval Europe had to be ruled over by migrants!
A line of chefs form in front of the countess, presenting dish after dish, until finally, the scrawny white beta male at the back of the line presents her with a Christmas pudding.
And she makes no secret of the fact that she hates it, going as far as to threaten this weak male with what is implied to be execution if he doesn’t produce something better for her.
So the power balance is clear. Black women are now the top of the pecking order in Europe! And the White male is the submissive beta, bossed about by his powerful African ruler!
The White male then does what any good White boy should do. He slinks back to the kitchen and slaves away for his African overlord.
Then, Christmas Day dawns and it is time for the feast.
And the White male steps forward gingerly and presents his new, improved, Taste The Difference Christmas Pudding! The guests and onlookers gasp and then fall silent. Everyone stares as the countess takes a bite of the pudding. And she loves it!
The beater breathes a sigh of relief and everyone cheers. The White male has managed to perform and gets to live another day in servitude to his black master!
Taste The Difference! The difference being it’s total anti-White garbage!
So the award for this year’s worst Christmas advert goes to Sainsbury’s. But as you can imagine, the press loved this advert. It was apparently hilarious! I mean, who are they kidding? Clearly not the 10,000 plus people who hit that dislike button.
Sainsbury’s head of campaigns, Laura Boothby stated, and I quote:
End quote. Yeah, Christmas pudding is so divisive!
But probably not as divisive as presenting a medieval European court full of diversity, ruled over by an African countess. In fact, I think even the stalest of Christmas puddings would struggle to get the kind of like to dislike ratio that this advert has.
Let’s just hope this is a particularly lean Christmas for Sainsbury’s, and that reduced earnings leads to some heavy cutbacks at the campaign’s department. Don’t shop at Sainsbury’s, folks. Take your money elsewhere!
Anyway, I’m off to make my own Christmas video.
In it, I will be dressing as an African tribal leader and forcing an indigenous African tribe to prepare me a variety of native dishes, whilst threatening to execute those who prepare something that is not to my taste. I bet the media will find it hilarious!
Only joking. If I made a video like that, it would be roundly condemned.
And I would probably end up being rudely awakened at 04:00 a.m. As my door flew off it’s hinges shortly before I was dragged off to spend Christmas in a jail cell!
Odysee Comments
(As of Nov 22, 2022)
3 days ago
theyre dialing down the anti white ads because the gates are fucking open.
3 days ago
You have to laugh. I worked in advertising and design for over 30 years both self employed and in agencies. The diversity quotient was being pushed from about 2005 onwards. As a Self employed GD, I did what I wanted and worked on and off with many asian clients in the medical and healthcare sector. not a problem. They weren’t interested in the ethnicity of the models used or stock photography sourced… as long as a couple of REAL asian medical professionals were included. Conversely, working in WHITE OWNED agencies however, where we were producing company corporate literature, especially companies tendering to councils and/or national bodies we were made very aware of ‘Common Purpose’ initiatives which stipulated passive aggressively that diversity should feature in such literature. I took it a step further and knocked up a visual for a client that included nothing BUT black and asian people…. we did laugh, but it never made it to the client. This is the globalist dream a mixed diverse human race with no real memories of who they are, who they were or indeed how they all intend to get along. Simply dressed cattle for the abattoir.
3 days ago
You guys have Africans, we’re getting Indians and Chinese. Who knew ethnic replacement was like picking a flavour ice cream?
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3 days ago
Why do pajeets and runaway slaves like the Commonwealth countries so much? We’re inundated with em in Canada, too.
Show 3 replies
3 days ago
Plenty of those in the UK also… or Canada, or the US, or Germany, or Austria, or Italy…
3 days ago
Fingers crossed we’ll get a White Christmas next year.
3 days ago
Redpilled and Redbulled
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3 days ago
Hey I thought I remembered your name. You have a great channel. Drives me bonkers this is one of those if I had more time, I would just start from the beginning and listen to them all. Appreciate your work.
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3 days ago
Thanks, always great to hear feedback. I’m reading some fiction at the moment, but next year I’ll be making book rundowns again.
3 days ago
LOL. I notice that Sainsbury’s was the only one to turn its YouTube comments off, too.
3 days ago
If they’re dialling back the anti-white messaging there’s without doubt a sinister and calculated reason for it
3 days ago
I did my duty and went to the Sainsbury’s YouTube channel to downvote the trash.
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3 days ago
I down-voted all of them.
3 days ago
It must break your heart to be unable to be served dinner by an African tribe. Just think of all that cow’s blood, human flesh and insects you’ll be missing, all expertly cooked over a cow dung fire!!! Merry Christmas indeed!
Good video and merry Christmas Mark and everyone at PA.
3 days ago
Why don’t we have a full narrative of the Holy Roman Empire like we do Rome? Why are the “dark ages” left so obscure? People don’t know their history, and (((they))) pull this shit: lots of diversity in Europe.
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3 days ago
A lot of things from the iron age have been recently discovered, and it was actually a renaissance of sorts for Europe. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the art and craftsmanship from the “dark ages” and it’s fuckin astounding. Still not really common knowledge, yet, but we’re learning more about how much we don’t know all the time. (((They))) can’t keep it from us forever.
3 days ago
No Jesus anywhere because those that create this think he’s in Hell, boiling in a vat of excrement for eternity.
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3 days ago
Yeah, I’m positive (((they))) gradually commercialized Christmas a lot more than Christians did.
3 days ago
You WILL have a very fckng miscegenated Christmas. By Order.
3 days ago
Still down-vote EVERY Christmas advertisement.
3 days ago
Thank goodness that I no longer watch tv and am not subjected to this dreadful advertising trash anymore. It’s acually quite interesting for me to see it for the first and last time here whilst being objectively and accurately critiqued by you.
3 days ago
I guess that at the eve of coming starvation, mass unemployment and people freezing and even the real possibility of ww3 in europe you cant always push extra hard on the anti white male brainwashing. I mean after all, if and when ww3 comes to visit, whos going to take the bullets and howitzer shells for us. Muslims ? Somalians ? Iraqis ? No. Its the white guys that will go and blow up for the greater good and all that. And when starvation and freezing comes, whos going to pay for it not hitting so hard. From whose wallet we will forcefully take and distribute it to the others. Yes. White guys wallets.
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3 days ago
3 days ago
Christmas – the most abused holiday of them all.
First come the desert deity cultists and subvert it, then capitalists cheapen it to death and now the globalists recycle the dead corpse.
3 days ago
I love when you do this review.
3 days ago
i really do look forward to the Christmas ad review thanks Mr Collett
3 days ago
If this was true, we would have ended up claiming the throne after about a week anyway. If you thought the Plantagenets were The Devil’s Brood, full of treachery and violent intent, black monarchs and nobles would have been like the orcs in the watchtower where Frodo is captured. After they all killed each other down to the last one, we’d just walk in and sit down. (But imagine the smell…..)
3 days ago
Lidl had a great one this year featuring TWO race-mixing couples in a 60 second ad. Also Very included a race-mixing narrative.
3 days ago
Wait a minute! Todays “middle aged men” used to be teenagers in the 1990s, the great heyday of Skateboarding. There should be a bunch of white dads out there these days, still feeling quite comfy on a skateboard.
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3 days ago
I can still do shove-its lol
3 days ago
Thanks for doing this Mark.
3 days ago
I wonder if those non-Anti-Whites are just too busy working, living their lives, much of this Anti-White mess they’re not exposed to so they end up supporting these businesses anyway, without realizing they are hated.
Then like my Mum especially, I had her awake on media manipulation, I had believed the JQ, then I find out Dad and her both have been vaxxed and parroting a media messaging justification for it. I already sent them links to the people with messed up side affects, CDC side effects lists, etc.
You know what they say about a TV in your home is a “Jason refuses to name” __ whispering in your ear :ok_hand:
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3 days ago
If you want to know who rules over you just ask who Jason says you must not criticise
3 days ago
That happens a lot. My dad never even suspected things were this bad, but he’s mostly red-pilled now. Not everyone has a lifestyle that includes the internet much, or at all, and they probably are unaware of tranny story time or all this kangz and kwaynes shit.
3 days ago
And we all know what the Sainsbury’s are don’t we!!! They never give up do they.
2 days ago
these companies don’t give a shit about profit, ‘go woke go broke’ has been proven to be a myth because these companies have easy access to cheap finance to keep them afloat. What they’re afraid of is egging on a starving population that’s semi-free and has easy access to the internet to look up the group that’s behind all this propaganda. When bellies are full, they can get away with pushing whatever agendas they want on the docile society and more bellies were full last year than they are this year, so I expect more of the antiwhite stuff to become subtle as the years pass and times become harder in the west just until they’re able to get their vaccine passports running, then they’ll go back to business as usual with running European culture into the ground again
2 days ago
It’s not Christmas until the Mark Collett Christmas adverts review is relased.
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3 days ago
Erasing the history of an ethnic group – how festive! Loving your take on the absolute state of tv ads.
3 days ago
We could potentially see the ad as a reflection of the totalitarian society we are currently living in, done over-the-top to highlight its absurdity. It doesn’t make the black woman look good, but like an evil fat bitch. I am not saying it is consciously that, but it doesn’t make blacks look good, thats for sure.
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3 days ago
Yes, i’m thinking those things too.
3 days ago
I agree, but the point they want to make is that she is our Kween and we are her lowly subjects.
2 days ago
I thought the John Lewis advert was pushing the stupid white man-child meme and at the end we can see a white woman (his wife) openly mocking him with a black man. It’s also a girl being adopted (who cares about boys, right?) and of course she’s challenging stereotypes and into skateboards.
2 days ago
Down-Vote them all here:
( How To Restore Dislikes on YouTube | Turn Dislike Count Back On –
The Beginner | John Lewis & Partners | Christmas ad 2022 –
Once Upon a Pud | Sainsbury’s | Christmas 2022 –
Have your Elf a Merry Christmas | Asda Christmas Advert 2022 –
The Christmas Party | Tesco 2022 –
Morrisons Farmer Christmas TV Advert 2022 –
Sports Direct Christmas Advert 2022 –
2022 Christmas advert | M&S FOOD –
Aldi Christmas Advert 2022 –
2 days ago
Mark, you need to learn that diversity itself is anti-White. And like most so called Nationalists, you seem to prefer diversity – White genocide – than a some gay couple that won’t procreate with people of different races. Most of them are bad yes, but nothing is worse than race mixing and racial diversity.
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2 days ago
I don’t think youve been following MC for long.
3 days ago
I see a Gov Troll has already earnt his traitor shilling.
3 days ago
Quality Mark
2 days ago
Each year I’m waiting for this video to drop around this time of year.
Believe it or not, but back when you were still on YouTube, algorithm recommended me one of your older christmas ads reviews and that’s how I discovered you. Oh the memories.
3 days ago
Sub-Saharan Africans never even ruled Africa.
3 days ago
Well done, thanks!
3 days ago
Once again, without fail, it’s Christmaaaaaaaaas! (Noddy Holder voice)
2 days ago
Everyone do their bit and ratio these maggots
3 days ago
Mark sounds so angry in this.
Show reply
3 days ago
Laughed out loud at the door flying off its hinges comment.
3 days ago
Having it rammed down your throat boils my wizz
3 days ago
how does that lack anti-white messaging?
That coal black boon on the right side is laughing at that statement.
2 days ago
Why are you laughing on your telegram about increased taxes on british people? you are supposed to be a leader not a two year old , go back to your gaming , you will never have a political party con merchant.
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2 days ago
Can you provide a link (evidence) for this?
3 hours ago
If you want to check how jewish your world is, just measure it by the quantity of advertising around you. Aryans wouldn’t lower themselves to suggest their business was better than any other. An Aryan business survives or fails based on it’s reputation for service and quality, not by cheap shots at the competition or crowing about it’s ‘value’.
15 hours ago
Video doens’t load for me for some reason …
1 day ago
This video won’t play for me for some reason. I’ll try another browser.
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2 days ago
A proper Christmas advert:
Barbour Christmas advert 2022 | One of a kind-ness:
Although “Mr Curry”?
3 days ago
Please do create that video and just skip to the inevitable conclusion Count Collett.
3 days ago
Mass shootings database (just to make a fu__ing point)
The Current Thing Comment
tony hayers Obergruppenführer katana • 5 hours ago
A detail that Mark overlooked is that the (((Sainsburys))) advert is narrated by QUEER JEW multimillionaire and alleged (((national treasure))) Stephen Fry, and that Sainsburys is jewish.
Sainsbury was the son of Mabel Miriam (née Van den Bergh) and John Benjamin Sainsbury.
His paternal grandparents, John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Staples, established a grocer’s at 173 Drury Lane in 1869 which became the British supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. His mother was from a Dutch Jewish family, the daughter of Jacob Van den Bergh.
He and his first wife, Doreen, with whom he married in 1925 had three sons:
John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover, later Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover, KG
Simon David Davan Sainsbury
Timothy, later Sir Timothy Alan Davan Sainsbury
He later remarried in 1944 and had a daughter, Paulette
As he was divorced from his first wife, he spent little time with his sons John Davan, Simon and Timothy, and so they only got to know their father when they joined the family firm.[citation needed]
On 3 May 1962, he was the first of three members of the Sainsbury family to receive a life peerage. He took the title Baron Sainsbury, of Drury Lane in the Borough of Holborn.[3] As the first peerage using the family name, the territorial designation – referencing the location of the family’s first shop – did not form part of the title. When Alan’s son John became a peer in 1989, he took the title Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover to differentiate between them. In the same way when Alan’s nephew David was ennobled in 1997 he was made Baron Sainsbury of Turville.
Latin! or Tobacco and Boys is a play by Stephen Fry, written in 1979.
It is about life at the fictional Chartham Park Preparatory School For Boys, a prep school in England, and ends up in Morocco, via a homosexual relationship between a teacher and a 13-year-old student.
The title derives from Christopher Marlowe’s claim, reported by Richard Baines,
that “All they that love not Sportsball, Noggers and Faggots fools”.
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See Also
Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript
History Debunked – Is Multiculturalism Predominantly a Jewish Enterprise? – Feb 21, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
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Version 2: Nov 23, 2022 — Included Tony Hayers comment at The Current Thing. Added images.
Version 1: Nov 22, 2022 — Published post with full transcript (13 mins). Includes Odysee comments (70).