Morgoth’s Review – The Creeping Darkness – Apr 15, 2023 – Transcript


Morgoth’s Review


The Creeping Darkness


Sat, Apr 15, 2023


[Morgoth muses gloomily on the lack of empathy in nature – using his dog’s recent behaviour – and increasingly in people indoctrinated by social media, especially the shit-lib Lefties and their tolerance of barbarism.



Published on Sat, Apr 15, 2023




0:00 / 29:48
The Creeping Darkness
Morgoth’s Review
57.2K subscribers
Apr 16, 2023
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Thanks to Theberton for the intros and outros
/ @theberton3283




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(29:48 mins)


[Intro music and imagery by Theberton.]




Well, hello again there, folks.


So the YouTube channel has been gathering a bit of dust recently, so something’s been on my mind and I thought I would do one of the good old fashioned ramble and monologues.


So I don’t really have a script or I’ve got a few bullet points. I’ve been really busy on the Substack because, as we’ll probably see as I get into my chat here, I just get sick and tired. Either you’ve got to do a scripted video on YouTube now, or you’re just constantly using clever little ways to get around saying what you mean and code words. And it just gets tiring and I just get sick and tired of it! And I feel much more ease and it feels much more of a stable platform on Substack for me.


I mean, in the end of the day, YouTube has a disincentive structure for content creators, and they seem to be ramping up the censorship again, there’s more things coming in.


But whatever, I mean, I’ve got tons of stuff up on Substack, the Morgcast, podcasts. If I go somewhere to have a chat with somebody, it goes on there. And then obviously, the vast majority of it is written essays and articles and things.


But today I felt like sort of blowing the dust off the YouTube channel and having a good old fashioned ramble.


But I should say this is going to get pretty dark. And if you’ve got a fondness, especially for squeaky things and little fluffy animals, you might get a little bit upset about this. Because I wanted to this is just sort of some stray thoughts that I’ve been having recently, which I’ve been having for a few years. But especially it was sort of encapsulated over the last week, the other day.


So I’ve got a terrier, a very active and tough little terrier. Cross between a Jack Russell and a Border Terrier, and I’d say throughout her lifetime, she’s getting on. She’s ten now, so she’s no longer as fast as what she once was. But she’s become very good at catching things, even though she’s lost that edge. She’s much more patient now, she doesn’t get carried away, she can control herself, and she stalks and runs things down in a more strategic way than what she did when she was younger. She would just chase them all over the place. And I’d say she’s killed like 200 creatures in her “career”, if you want to call it that.


I lost count last year when we went ratting after the harvest. For some reason, there was just rats all everywhere in the field, like I’ve never seen before. And she was killing like five or six a day and I just lost count of her kill count, if you like.


But last week, this is where it’s going to get a little bit dark. Last week, we out walking with the dog and I was about 200 yards ahead of her. She was in the brambles and I heard this horrible squealing. And I know by now that it’s a rabbit. She had a rabbit. But this time I’d never heard a rabbit squeal as much as this. It was really quite horrific! And it went on and on! It lasted for maybe the best part of a minute when the other times it would have maybe been 10 seconds to 15 seconds at the most. This just went on and on.


And I went back to see what was going on. It was a cacophony of screaming and squealing, and it was really unpleasant. And I went back to where I heard all of this noise going. You can hear the rustling and the crackling in the brambles.


And by the time I got there, the rabbit was well, it wasn’t quite dead, but it was on its way. I finished it off. But the whole set up that I saw was kind of odd. It was a strange thing to see because they were both, the dog and the rabbit completely tangled up in the brambles.




And normally that doesn’t happen. Normally a rabbit will just bowl through the brambles like it’s not even there. The dog will struggle, the dog gets tangled up in them and it’s more like it’s just powering its way through the brambles. It’s a bit of a mess, comes out covered in thorns. But I’ve seen a thousand rabbits just bowled straight through the brambles.


But for whatever reason, this one, what had happened was that it had got caught in the brambles and it couldn’t move, it couldn’t get away. But my dog couldn’t get at it very easily either because the brambles were so thick.


And so what I think had happened was that this rabbit had become entangled in the brambles and my dog had also become entangled in the brambles. And the rabbit panicked and did that thing where you hear people say, where the rabbit, it kind of shuts down and it has a kind of shock moment and that happened in the brambles and it ended up just squealing in terror while my dog gradually made its way toward it.


And it would have been kind of like a fly in a web or something like that. And it just had to sort of wait until the dog eventually fought its way through the brambles and got to it and killed it. And all this time that’s why it took so long.


And all of this time it was screaming in absolute terror! And this is all pretty grim stuff. We like to tell ourselves that in nature I mean, it’s all over very quickly. And that’s not actually the case. It isn’t always over very quickly at all.


And one of the reasons why it isn’t over very quickly, and I saw this with the dog. I took them both out. The dog had the rabbit between it’s teeth. And I took them out anyway onto the main field to see what the damage was and just try and sort the whole mess out. And the reaction of the dog was kind of just staring at the rabbit in curiosity. And the rabbit, by his time was dead.


And the key here is that the dog was just completely incapable of showing empathy. The rabbit was programmed to show panic. It feared, obviously, but then the other side of that was that the dog just had no empathy for the suffering of the rabbit whatsoever.


And this is why it seems so cold but not callous, because it isn’t also malicious. The dog is not really gloating so much, though I have seen, I wouldn’t call it gloating, but I have seen very sort of quite happy after killing something.


At any rate, the issue here is that empathy just didn’t exist. It just doesn’t exist in the natural world between animals, whatsoever. And it’s very dark to consider that it’s very dark to consider a world completely devoid of any kind of empathy or any kind of human feeling. And especially when you see and hear what that results in. This kind of terror in the face of something which can’t even process or care about your fear, about your angst, about the fact that you don’t want to die or be injured, or you can’t get out of this trap that you’re in. And it’s very dark! [chuckling].


But what really the rabbit was staring at there is this world without feeling, without caring, without empathy, and nothing!


It’s always amazed me that the rabbits, of all the kills that she’s made of the rabbits. Rabbits have got very powerful hind legs. And I’ve often thought, like when they’re cornered like that, I mean, that one was a bit tangled up. But when they are cornered like that, why don’t they kick her in the face as she’s about to sink a teeth in or something like that? Because it would give the dog pause for shock. But it’s just not in the rabbit to do that they don’t have “fight”, they have “flight”. And then that’s it.




And I couldn’t help but notice, I think, what caught me there was a little bell ringing in my mind when I was pondering over this really quite grim little bit of drama in the fields out walking me dog, that this complete lack of empathy is something I think is on the rise in our world among humans. And you see it all the time.


I mean, I’ve I’ve been writing things recently about whether something is malicious or incompetence, leaving aside the sort of the nefarious schemes of the elites and this kind of thing. Back down in terms of the daily news grind, in terms of what you see on social media, what the shit-libs are, what their mentality is. It is similarly, I think, something which is completely devoid of empathy, and it’s something that I’ve noticed more and more.


I mentioned before that I’ve noticed for a while, and it was mainly around the narratives around certain medical procedures, excess deaths. Just the fact that there was almost no interest in that, whatever the reason for it was. And it’s still going on, but it’s now just considered something which is old news:


“It’s five or six or ten new cycles away, so we’ll just ignore it. It doesn’t matter anymore, even though it’s still happening.”


I watch that Dr. John Campbell stuff sometimes, and he will point out that it’s not just statistics here. This is somebody dying in their homes. What’s unusual about it is that people are dropping dead in their homes, for whatever reason, and it’s happening more than what it used to. And there’s a person there. Often it’s young people there. But there doesn’t seem to be any interest in it for this suffering.


And a while ago on Twitter, for whatever reason, some kind of algorithmic thing, maybe, I don’t know what it was, but there was videos everywhere of, … And this is what I hate about YouTube. Let’s say there was videos swamping Twitter and social media, but especially Twitter of, let’s say, “urban youth” committing random acts of violence and murders on people of European descent. Hopefully I’ll get away with that on this rat bastard platform! And it was everywhere.


And I was thinking, I wonder how the Lefties are they seeing this? Because this is horrible! It was just this endless sort of circulation of these soft snuff videos.


When I was young, there was a video that did around called Faces of Death, which was like real life killings. And it was all very grainy. And now you see it in high definition on social media, like literally every day. And back then that was a shocking thing because outside of the movies, most people had never been exposed to something like that before. But now it just becomes the daily grind of social media consumption.


And so I was interested in all these videos were going around everywhere and I thought, I wonder what the shit-lib Lefty social media types are making of this. How are they spinning it? What’s their counter narrative to these urban youth, random acts of violence that we’re seeing everywhere?


So I watched there’s a YouTuber called Vaush, and I saw that he had something up about it and he was predictably saying:


“Well, this is just the far-Right that’s using this to spread hatred of the urban youth.”


And all of this kind of thing. Now he had Twitter open on his computer as he was speaking to camera, and there was a video that came out at that time where there was a White man sitting on a curb. And then one of them, the urban youth, came up from behind and executed him, just shot him, just shot him in the back of the head!


And this video came up when Vaush was doing his thing, and I knew the video because I had seen it and what he did, because he was going all the way through these things on the Twitter feed. And this video was just playing in the background. And then he just sort of casually turned away and went off on complaining about Elon Musk’s Twitter or whatever it was.




And I thought, there’s a man being executed on your computer screen, there. Not only does this run completely counter to your worldview, but even just in terms of the fact that this sort of indifference to a man being murdered in broad daylight, that’s the video that you’ve just turned away from to kind of go off on a tangent and moan about Elon Musk or whatever. This complete indifference to what is barbarism! It is just raw barbarism which is coming! The act itself was wholly and entirely malicious! Obviously, it was it was just a murder.


But then you get the indifference. You get the indifference to to what has just taken place, which I just find alien and and completely odd, that there’s no shock, there’s no interest in in the person who’s just been executed like that it’s just something to not even take any notice of and turn away from. And it’s possible that this is social media’s fault, that everybody’s become saturated in this.


But I think it’s something else. I think there’s something going wrong. And it’s interesting when we think of the general decline in standards and the rise of this toxic ideology which makes claims to a universalism.


Now, I’ve never claimed to have a sort of universal empathy. I am more empathetic to people, again, YouTube, that are like me, than I am to everybody in the world. I don’t have this communistic mindset where everybody in the world is of equal value. There are the people who are more closely related to me. I have more empathy for them than others. I find that to be perfectly normal and just the way things are in the world.


But the Left have done this thing where it doesn’t work like that at all. It’s like everybody has to there’s a kind of universal, there’s an assumption of a universal empathy which is untrue! It just isn’t the fact.


And you can see it in how they pick and choose who to worry about and who to cry over. And in this case, of course, the man being executed on the pavement, he didn’t warrant that. But in fact, the person doing it did.


But if I’m honest, I think these people, they don’t really have any empathy for any of these client groups, these protected groups, these minorities either, because it’s purely political. And so I think it’s just a matter of a political narrative being spun.


But if you remove that from the equation and you’ve also removed the viability of having this kind of universal empathy, then what are they left with? There’s just nothing there! It’s just a void. It’s just an abyss of nihilism, really.


So then they’re not capable of actually having normal human beings’ sensitivity to seeing things like that. It just doesn’t seem to exist.


So what we’re talking about really is a class of sociopaths. If they were to take some kind of test like you see in something like Blade Runner, where they’ve got a test if the person is human or not through an empathy test, because robots or replicants or whatever, they can’t do that, so they can get caught out. These people wouldn’t pass that test! They’d come across, they’d be categorised as robots!


Probably the ultimate example of this already memory holed in the news cycle would be the transsexual who stormed a school and started shooting people. Six people, three of them children, little children, two little girls and a boy and some adults. And the entire American establishment came out on the side of the killer! Literally, it was the killer, this lunatic, in a way, like a creation of the machine. The identity, the motivation, all of it was a purely political robot. Automaton. Which had been created by the academia, by the media, by the politics, by social media, by the entire power structure, had created what in effect was a Terminator that was going to go out there, blow a gasket, and then the system backed that person up.




But I think it was like the humanity of the thing, the the actual real person inside was gone. And what you had instead was nothing but like a sort of machine to carry the ideas and the hatred and the prejudices of the system itself. And it carried it out to the to the Nth degree, and then without empathy, without anything.


And then you had all of the fellow machines of the system fawning around this maniac. It was absolutely disgusting! And people straight away were thinking:


“This is wrong! This is dark! This is really, really dark! That this maniac can storm a school and then start killing people and they are the victim? And the families, the people they’re all just forgotten about!”


And I remember I watched the video of the police going in. It stuck with me, and I wanted to write an article about it. I just kind of put it to one side because I watched it again and again.


And what you had was, again, the cops were of European descent, and it was almost like an example of these men struggling against entropy, darkness and chaos, which was on the brink of overwhelming civilization.


And it was like the cop pulled up and there was a teacher standing outside of the school, and the teacher was giving a few directions. And then the cop that was in the south, so he had a sort of good old boy accent, and he was like:


“Okay, mam. Okay, mam.”


And he took whatever gun it was out of the back of the police car. And then all the other cops were waiting at the door and they went in. And when they went into the school, there was like three or four alarms ringing at the same time, but slightly overlapping each other.


Now, when I was at school, we had a bell, [chuckling] we had a very light, very soft, almost gentle bell, an alarm bell to tell you that it was dinner time, or to tell you that class was over, or to tell you that it was a fire. You had to go outside for a fire drill. It was just a bell.


And here in this school, in America, presumably because they’ve had to get used to school shootings by this point, for whatever reason. It seems to be a general trend in America, which is again, just rising entropy in my view, for whatever the reasons. People want to sort of give their own side a pass for it. I just see it as general decay into madness.


So you had all of these alarms like air-raid sirens going off in the school, which signified pure crisis! And let’s not forget, a school is supposed to be a place of safety.


And then they made their way through, very professional, they did a great job and they got to the target in the end. There was a brief shootout and then they just riddled the maniac killer full of bullets.


But I couldn’t help but get the impression that this will happen again, and then it’ll happen again, and then it’ll happen again.


And all of it speaks to this idea that these men, I don’t know how long they’re going to be able to cope with this. Because when we talk about the ideology, it tends to be in terms of an intellectual sense.


But I think this particular age that we’re living in is bringing in something else which is dark and which is a complete lack of human normal decency in any way. Although because what they’re doing is turning people into just abstractions, into sort of political talking points and narratives. They don’t actually exist in the real world.




And so what they do is view people with this, they view barbarism. And I’m talking about the shit-libs and this transsexual who did the killing. And it’s up to these cops who are on the front lines to deal with this rising chaos. Like the elves in Lord of the Rings, they’re fighting the long defeat. And I think that this kind of lack of empathy, this lack of normal human decency, is something which has slipped in with this mindset in which there is no universal empathy, there’s just politics. And the politics has hollowed out the human parts of it.


And in a way, we’ve seen this before. You’ve seen it across the world all of the time, where you used to used to ask yourself, I used to ask myself:


“How was it possible that people could be put in Gulags? How is it possible that when they made the canal from Leningrad to Moscow or whatever it was and they used human bodies as filler, as like, aggregate because they ran out of concrete and this kind of thing?”


And it’s because of this! It’s because the empathy is sort of erased by the political identity. And it has almost metaphysical aspects to it which are unbelievably dark!


And I was looking at the dog and the lack of feeling the lack of interest in the pain and the suffering of the rabbit. And I see it. I see it. People like that behaving in a similar way. And it’s kind of like we’re just entering into this era of this rising darkness, this rising chaos where so many people are just going to have this blank look on their face.


We talk about NPCs, which is to say that the NPCs are just these programmed automatons that speak. They’re just full of a few basic lines which have been given to them by other people. Which is true! Which is something else, which is like a meme which didn’t go away because something uncomfortable was revealed about the human condition by that meme.


And I think what we see now is that something else comes with it. And it’s that these hollow people, they don’t have feelings in a normal way. And I know we’ve said it for years:


“Oh the Left is evil, the shit-libs are NPCs, they’re evil!”


But there’s something else coming in with that which is positively psychotic and it’s spreading itself, like it’s tentacles. It’s like a sort of mind virus. People are calling it a mind virus.


And one of the aspects to it is that there’s a sort of psychotic, there’s something really awful about it where terrible things happen and they don’t care! They just look the other way. They won’t process it in their minds. These are the people who will man Gulags and firing squads and things like that.


And it’s like we’ve kind of been waiting for it to get this bad for some time. But it seems to be here now. It seems to be here. We seem to be in this age where barbarism gets a pass by these people and they’ve got the power.


So we have to be prepared for this and we have to cling on to being at least human, because these people appear to be losing that. There’s something not right happening to them.


But anyway, just some rather gloomy thoughts there, folks. I’ll catch you later. Take care out there.




[Outro music and imagery by Theberton.]












YouTube Comments


(Comments as of Sun, Apr 16, 2023 = 305)

Pinned by Morgoth’s Review

4 hours ago
Find all my content here:
2 replies

2 hours ago
I get no result from Shazam! Can you tell me what music that was?

2 hours ago
It’s a shame Substack don’t do bundles. It is too pricey to follow everyone interesting. I write too, but just give it all away for free. A few people read my stuff, but they won’t pay. One person on Substack is the same price as a whole newspaper.

4 hours ago
One of the biggest signs of this lack of empathy I noticed during 2020 riots. Anytime someone pointed out how someone would be ruined from their store being burned, you would just get this mass of people swarming to tell you they had insurance, so it didn’t matter. They were completely unable to put a face to any of the damage, even theoretically. They just didn’t care.
8 replies

3 hours ago
Also shows you that they have never actually had to make an insurance claim. In the vast majority of cases your claim will be denied.

2 hours ago
I remember a certain YouTuber saying that, scum.

1 hour ago
Never mind even supposing so, insurance companies are just shy of evil and will do everything they possibly can to weasel out of paying.

54 minutes ago
Interesting. One of Ray Dalio’s points on collapsing civilizations is that when the collapse happens you want to be in a country/town where people treat each other with respect or things can go south very quickly.

50 minutes ago
And what they didn’t say was probably what they really think in the back of their minds “well they are small level capitalist exploiters so they deserve it”

33 minutes ago
Insurance is like gas/petrol. When the price goes up, businesses simply adjust the price of EVERYTHING upward, and we all feel the pain to some degree. When dealing with virtuous narcissists on social media it’s important to explain how things affect them personally

4 hours ago
I guess another aspect is that you never have to self reflect if you are simply ‘anti racist’ etc
Your empathy is guaranteed. It’s locked in, a permanent feature and you don’t even need to think about it let alone make sure it exists, lol.
2 replies

4 hours ago
Yh, good point

40 minutes ago
Goes to show how having the moral high ground is such a strategic key feature for control, and as a double playing the victim and a trade mark on oppression makes the perfect smoke screen to avoid scrutiny….even if you commit the same crime a thousand times.

3 hours ago
Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.
– Aristotle
Morgoth’s Review
3 replies

3 hours ago
But are they symptoms of decrepitude or of poisoning…?

2 hours ago
Apathy is a Virtue according to a ‘Great’ thinker? They think it’s all over…. It’s ALL Academic… IT IS now.

1 hour ago

@gregorystafford1562 No, the implication the ‘Great’ thinker made was that IN A DYING SOCITY tolerance and apathy are the only remaining virtues, thus implying that a society only holding those things as virtues is a deeply sick one. Hence it’s clear he did not think of apathy as a virtue.

3 hours ago
Those cops that eradicated that evil are heroes, the alarms in the background freaked me out as well, it was very telling, the alarms are ringing every day now, only we can hear them, the populace around me do not seem to hear them.
There’s a storm coming, i can feel it.
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

1 hour ago
Well when it comes to car alarms or burglar alarms, they’re considered just a nuisance, no ones gonna investigate, just curse and turn up the telly.

3 hours ago
This makes me think about a lot of things, but the first thing that came to mind when you mentioned society becoming increasingly callous was the rise of Andrew Tate. He’s an unabashed narcissistic sociopath, and he’s a role model for millions of young men. The message is basically “Love is dead, you can’t trust anyone, all that matters is money, status, and sex.”
Of course, his advice is nothing new, women have been told that same message for years now. Compassion has indeed become increasingly rare in today’s postmodern hellscape. Really, all of the cardinal virtues are increasingly rare. I see courage as the primary virtue, from which all other virtues can grow. If you don’t have a spine, you cannot truly embody any other virtue. The West is suffering from an epidemic of cowardice and apathy.
Morgoth’s Review
3 replies

1 hour ago
I seriously love this comment

52 minutes ago
I would add…that these days courage includes knowing what not to fear.

4 hours ago (edited)
I preferred it when conspiracy theories were esoteric and inconsequential rather than in your face and happening today plus scheduled again for tomorrow
8 replies

3 hours ago
My mum used to talk about 911 conspiracy theories and the faked moon landing theories, i thought they were rubbish.
Nowadays its like your watching a play that is actively mocking the publics intelligence and phoning it in with every scene. Yet there sre still people in the crowd mocking you for being a “conspiracy theorist”.

3 hours ago
How long ago do you think this was, if ever? Give RP Oliver’s ‘Conspiracy or Degeneracy’ a listen, coming to you by way of the Internet all the way from 1966.

3 hours ago
they’re hardly conspiracies anymore, ie when everyone knows a secret it stops being a secret

2 hours ago
Based mum

2 hours ago

@finlaymcdiarmid5832 moon landing is a great one though. Musk can barely land a rocket back on planet earth today. But back then they magically landed and took of from the moon. Wild how blind the population are.

3 hours ago
I’ve heard that some prey animals scream when they know they’ve been caught just to warn others to run. I think that’s why it’s frightening to hear a scream.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
The rising apathy among the good, and the even higher rise in sociopathy among the ‘not-good’ will be the end of us if we don’t change our current trajectory.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

3 hours ago
Demotivation is their sharpest weapon.

2 hours ago
Protect you and yours. Form a network in your community.

3 hours ago
”Good is always getting better and bad is always getting worse, the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing. The whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder.” C.S Lewis
Morgoth’s Review

4 hours ago
Wonderful words. Every video is a delight to listen to and nourish the little grey cells
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Morgoth my man. Nothing on television tonight (not that I watch much anyway these days) could hold a candle to what you’ve just articulated here. You genuinely are a prophetic voice in the wilderness of our time. The ‘political abstraction of barbarism’ after the Nashville shooting being one of many stand-out lines here. We can all sense and feel this darkness all around us right now. Only light can dispel it and we need an army of light warriors to arise! With you as Commander In Chief! But seriously, thanks again for such a perceptive and multi-layered video. I always feel my brain has an upgrade after listening to you. Blessings from Wales.🙏🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
“Evil is the lack of thought.” – Hannah Arendt
As I grow older I realise how true this is.
Evil isn’t people sitting in darkened rooms twiddling their moustaches.
It’s people shrugging their shoulders as things fall to wrack and ruin around them.
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

3 hours ago
Reminds me of a clip I saw some time ago about the ringwraiths in The Lord of The Rings. They are formless, and only have their cloaks to hide their nothingness. They owe their entire existence completely to the ring. Totally inert, with no independence at all.

3 hours ago (edited)
I feel very blackpilled and demoralised most days, like I don’t want to be here. I know thats what they want but thats the reality. I try and find joy in simple things: nature, warm weather, eating well, but how evil the world is seems overwhelming.
5 replies

3 hours ago
I feel that too. I’m going to move somewhere remote in the outer Hebrides until this freak show blows over and Jesus returns

2 hours ago
The regime’s reaction to the trans shooter murdering those three adults and three kids really hit hard. The sight of Biden joking during his press conference (or whatever it’s called) to an audience of clapping, laughing seals was so repulsive and sinister that I’d rather not think too much about it.
But hey, Bud Light sales are apparently down and the woke critics hate Mario!
It’s difficult to avoid getting black-pilled. I hear ya.

1 hour ago
Stay strong my friend. We all understand what you’re going through. Once you see it you can’t unsee it and people like us have the burden of KNOWING what is happening because we were willing to take the dirction we see society going towards its logical conclusion. And then you have the grind of day to day life with fewer avenus of escapism. At this point the only things I feel I can do as I live in a very cosmopolitan rainbow flag mafia-friendly Canadian city is be at my best physically, mentally and spiritually and do my best to educate those around me. It’s hard, especially with my own mind being my worst enemy sometimes but viewing it through a spiritual lens has helped. I also had a very prophetic dream the other night about violence breaking out and dark times coming. Then I wake up and see this video which was crazy timing. Get ready lads, the fire of this hell world will make the men we need to build better days.

37 minutes ago
I to often feel the same, you are right about nature, nature seems to draw out some of the poison that is making us feel spiritually ill. Evil is enveloping the world of man but there still is good and I have a deep sense good will eventually prevail. Stay strong and open your mind to nature.

4 hours ago
This was perhaps my favorite Morgoth video, and I’ve seen a lot of ‘em. This one just hit different.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
That you give voice to our shared thoughts and observations makes every hour listening to and communing with your ‘captain’s log’ a sound investment. Cheers mate.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
Morgoth – I’m a big fan of yours – your stuff is always very good – but in this piece, you’ve outdone yourself – this is perfection…
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

3 hours ago
Thank you.

3 hours ago
The point about the lack of human empathy is true and has been a feature for a while. Think about ‘care in the community’ – how many people have been killed by loonies who would previously have been looked after properly? Real people’s lives ended and lives of loved ones ruined – doesn’t matter, they don’t matter, what matters is PROGRESS
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
I came off social media around 5 years ago but I remember status updates after a terrorist attack along the lines of ‘If I see any racist comments I’m deleting you from my friends list’. They were utterly abject towards their own people dying and more concerned about harsh language.

3 hours ago
Similar contemplations have troubled me for a while. There’s an odd inhumanity in the air. I’ve seen Vaush’s brushing off the sight/knowledge of something horrid in people I’ve known and there’s something chilling in it.
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3 hours ago
Its dark. There’s a real feeling of souless, dead behind the eyes rage in the general population.

1 hour ago
I definitely noticed this for the first time during the covid charade. Quite a few people immediately became enthusiastic about excluding or denouncing others to authority figures whenever they saw an excuse to do so, e.g. over mask wearing or vaccination status. I was incredibly disappointed to see how readily people slipped into that mode of enthusiastically throwing others under the bus, and the amazing thing being that they didn’t even get any benefit out of it – it was purely done for the pleasure of watching others suffer.
1 reply

50 minutes ago
If it’s any consolation, bear in mind the reply of the undoubtedly perceptive, if dubiously virtuous Oliver Cromwell to a man who sought to flatter him by remarking on the cheers of the crowd during the execution of one of his enemies:
“The people would be just as noisy if they were going to see me hanged.”

4 hours ago
You know its gonna be good when it starts with a boat
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4 hours ago
like Titanic

1 hour ago
​ @nickc3856 or The Wicker Man?

41 minutes ago
Ha ha great comment…and the folky music too!

38 minutes ago

@stephendalton5283 Yes, I love the soundtrack of the film as well.

3 hours ago
The Modern Lib’s reaction to the youff violence reminds me of the Eloi reacting to the periodic Morlock raids in The Time Machine. The neutralized pacified effeminate Eloi just calmly avert their eyes as their own get dragged off to be devoured by the hungry Morlocks.
Morgoth’s Review

29 minutes ago
“fighting the long defeat” is an on-point phrase for all this.
I can imagine this whole thing going on for another 200 years or so

2 hours ago
It’s good to remind us that we need to be careful not to lose our own humanity ourselves in these times.

4 hours ago
The school shooting sound track was closer to a level of Doom Eternal than a place of education
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3 hours ago
That was the feeling it evoked in me as well.

3 hours ago
I always skip past those videos after the first few seconds play, I get it and I’m already at the end of the “If only you knew how bad things really are” arc, I don’t need anymore scars on my soul.
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3 hours ago
I get what you mean, although I listened the whole way through as I enjoy Morgoths way of framing things.

2 hours ago

@gandalfthegrey960 Oh I always listen to the whole of Morgoths videos, I mean if some video on twitter of a gang of urban youth stomping some lone victim autoplays on my feed I skip past that.

3 hours ago
It’s all downhill from here beside the infrastructure we build for ourselves. Most people don’t function on the basis of reason, they don’t care about what is true or false. For them there is just the need to submit to social trend, since their identity is interwoven with it. They will find arguments to justify this, and if they don’t, they will make them up. In their mind not submitting means not existing.

3 hours ago
And these people often bill themselves as the compassionate ones.
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2 hours ago
Psychopaths often hide behind false empathy.

4 hours ago
“Good old fashioned rambling monologues” Nice !!!
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4 hours ago
Nice pic.

3 hours ago

@thesaxon2266 Same to you!

2 hours ago
Yes, lack of empathy is definitely a worrying trend forthcoming. This is much larger then a political issue, it’s an issue that pertains what it means to be human.

3 hours ago
Imagine Radio 4 ‘Thought For The Day’ with Morgoth. If only… 🙏🏻
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
I feel like I’m going mad every day trying to deal with the facts of the last 3 years that the vast majority of people are completely ambivalent about. I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming because nothing feels real anymore. Human beings suddenly became sterile robots and I find myself in a completey unrecognizable world.

2 hours ago
“They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes… Drums. Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark… We cannot get out… They are coming!”
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
We were once ruled by wolves who could handle a sheep with one bite. Now we are ruled by dysgenic dogs who must use trickery and malice to take down sheep
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1 hour ago
Its lions, then foxes, then desolation.

2 hours ago
I train at a Brazilian ju jitsu gym in inner London, you get some pretty tough people pro mama fighters etc most people are honourable, compassionate, friendly. As soon as you step outside, people just have this aura of aggression particularly women, even waiting in the queue to buy a snack at Waitrose you feel this surging pressure and anger from the other people behind you.
4 replies

2 hours ago
Toward you or in general?

2 hours ago
I do BJJ as well and have the exact same experience. So many honourable people I’ve met through my gym including some pretty redpilled folk.

1 hour ago
This is exactly what I am experiencing in West London. It ramped up during the plague years and now it’s almost like its in the air. The very air seems to be crackling with rage. It scares me. 🙁

38 minutes ago

@carolwolf9614 There must be other factors at play then because I’m not experiencing this in my northern English city.
Do you live in a very diverse area of West London, typically under 50% native?

2 hours ago (edited)
I had a similar feeling recently when my milk goat chewed off my daughter’s fingernail. The goat thought my daughter’s finger was food, and just grinded on it like it was a twig. I was enraged. I won’t say what I considered doing per yt algorithm. My wife reminded me that the goat didn’t know any better – it can’t feel sorry. I look at that goat differently now. Two empty, sideways eyes in front of a primitive soul, if any at all, who won’t hesitate to eat you at the slightest inclination, and who would be oblivious to any cries of pain. Very apt comparison to NPCs surrounding us today.
4 replies

2 hours ago
Yes. Animals are led by instinct and not logic. The goat was hungry…………

2 hours ago
Goats creep me out bro

1 hour ago
​ @begonedevil888 Baphomet

1 hour ago
​ @shrunkensimon and that weird thing they do when on heat, animals are subordinate to us for good reason. Not that we should abuse them or anything…

4 hours ago
For most YT videos, I watch or listen at 1.25x or 1.5x speed while going about my day. For Morgoth, I pour myself a nice Scoth, sit in my recliner, and listen at the given tempo. There are many insights to digest. No need to rush.
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3 hours ago

1 hour ago

2 hours ago (edited)
The monsters are all at the bottom of the abyss looking back at us. We must avoid falling in and becoming those same monsters.
Morgoth’s Review

1 hour ago
Talking about small game hunting always makes me think back to being a teenager, shooting varmints is so much fun. Practical marksmanship, bushmeat and great pest control

3 hours ago
People reduced to props in a play. If you’re the one writing the script then it’s less bad. But if you’re not, then god help you.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago (edited)
I have seen the same thing in people, especially youngsters, in recent years. The other week, in my area, there were two cases of young teenagers luring one teenager to a place where they get beaten to within an inch of their life by 15, yes 15, other teenagers. Iv’e dealt with youngsters placing rocks casually in front of driving cars without understanding the magnitude of what they are doing, and then we see the likes of the Taxiera leaking guy who seems to have little understanding of the gravity of what he was doing. It was all so casual. I have had the same feeling as you in that i see people with an inability to understand that real world actions have real and serious real world conseuqences.
When I confronted the teenagers placing the rock in front of the car, the kid just froze although he was malfunctioning as he seemed to not know what to do with a guy being very angry at him. It’s like he was in a mild terror. Very bizarre. I’ll not forget that face.
1 reply

21 minutes ago
I love terriers they are such a working man’s dog. My 2 year old Scottie has the killer instinct followed by rolling on top of whatever it’s just killed. It’s still got a way to go before catching up with the cat who is an absolute heartless butcher, a brilliant ratter and eater of living rabbits 🐇

1 hour ago
I hope Morg releases another ebook collection of his more recent essays. Would love to purchase that

3 hours ago
All we can do is get out the pop corn and watch the freak show unfold 🍿
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
On a lighter note, i really like the background photo of the woodland. A place away from all the madness.

4 hours ago
Perfect content for a gloomy Saturday Evening.
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3 hours ago
Great comment by the way Irish Paine, forgive me for writing your comment. That’s what started up my trail of thought.

2 hours ago
One thing that’s bothered me for quite some time is how when you look at history, you’ll see people can be very empathetic to members of their own tribe, nation, group, etc…but it was not a given this would be the case for people outside these groups.
One example that’s stuck with me was when Caesar was putting down the Gallic rebellion under Vercingetorix and besieging Alesia. Now do keep in mind, this was when Caesar had built his double walls to block in the city while also keeping enemy reinforcements out, so I’ll allow this was certainly an emergency. That said, at one point, Vercingetorix sent the women and children out, hoping Caesar would at least let them pass through so he and his army wouldn’t have to deal with so many mouths to feed and wouldn’t have to see their own loved ones starving to death in front of them…which is precisely why Caesar refused to let them go, and forced them to say in the siege zone to starve until Vercingetorix broke and let them in first.
That’s just one case. Look back at the history of empires and even tribal warfare the world over, and you’ll see innumerable cases where callousness and cruelty where visited on weaker or rebelling groups by the stronger ones.
What gets me is that now, a lot of this is unleashed from countryman to countryman, and I suspect its because in the west, we’ve grown so fat, safe, and complacent from the idea anyone could actually threaten us, that many have grown comfortable with withdrawing that empathy or care from one’s fellows based on ideology and political tribe. Throw in our becoming so divergent that now left and right see good where the other sees evil and vice versa, and what you have is something similar to France during the Albigensian crusade, the German states in the wars of religion, the witch trials in western Europe, or the anti-Kulak activities of the soviets: an organized ideological war waged on people based on divergent ideas and identifiers that make those with the heretical opinion valid targets for persecution.

3 hours ago
A small percentage of medical professionals in Ireland do deliberate harm to their patients and usually get away with it because Middle class professionals are all in a club together and won’t go against each other.
On top of this, the HSE system is set up in such a way that the harmed patient is at a disadvantage having signed a consent form with small print before the medical procedure.
Added to this is the problem that until a year or so, most people imagined that they wouldn’t do any harm to people.
I’ve had deliberate harm done to me by at least two of these people since 2019 and quite possibly a third.
Also threats of further harm by one of them and by another delivered by a GP.
On a separate note, eating the raw rabbit would be good for the dog because of the digestive enzymes in raw meat which some animals don’t have much of in their pancreas.

4 hours ago
Thank you Morgoth
Morgoth’s Review

1 hour ago
I sometimes wonder if there’s only a few million normal ppl in this world, the indifference, lack of curiosity, lack of empathy just contrasts so hard with what l find online in places like this one that l find it hard to relate to ppl in my real world life. Conversations are always bland and safe with topics like weather, sports. Anything controversial or remotely interesting spoken about is usually met with an emotional response or shut down, if not initially then eventually.

1 hour ago (edited)
It’s funny, your story at the start, I had a similar experience a few weeks ago. Only the dog wasn’t mine, and I never saw the owner, and the animal was a doe. The dog was mauling it in a stream. My wife shouted and the dog ran off, and I tried to save the deer from the stream, but it was too badly weakened, and the stream was too deep, cold and fast flowing for me to get in and drag it out. She died about 10 minutes later. Aside from the closeness to death which most of us are so protected from these days, the savage aspect of nature was also something it brought me to ponder upon.
On the point of the lack of empathy to your ideological enemies, all you need to do is look at any videos of Russians being killed in Ukraine. The same people who cry ‘#russiaisaterroriststate’ gleefully cheer on the brutality. The hypocrisy is palpable…

3 hours ago
What you call dark just seems like realism to me, Morgs. Nice video, as ever.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
When I called myself, ‘The End of Everything’, I hoped that it was somewhat ironic and maybe a little pomo. What is left of irony and post-modernism now, my friend?
Morgoth’s Review

4 hours ago
Is Vaush a human being? Asking for a friend.
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3 hours ago
Any unironic kommie is a stain of brain matter ony car’s tire.

2 hours ago
Obviously not

4 hours ago
Always nice to see some new material from you.
Hello from Canada
Morgoth’s Review

1 hour ago (edited)
An excellent ramble, Morgoth. Funnily enough my dog caught his first squirrel yesterday, while I was taking on the phone with T. Ps Thanks for taking that.thing down. Shit’s gettin real. This is Toenail Hairs btw

1 hour ago
I dont know if youve seen apocalypse now, but that movie is too relevant to the time we live in now. The best quote from that movie isnt the one about the grocery clerk errand boy, but the one about moral terror and true horror. If they are not your friends they are truly enemies…

3 hours ago
Cthulhu is moving. All we can do now is focus on what’s in front of us and go from there. Find a network irl if you can, even something informal. The total state will not stop until it has destroyed everything good.

20 minutes ago
If we were living in the worst possible time in history, how would we know it? I find myself asking that question more often.

1 hour ago
I had forgotten about Faces of Death. Those clips disturbed me to my very core at that time. I would guess they would come across as quite tame by todays standards.

4 hours ago
Morgoths Dog killed DOA
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46 minutes ago

1 hour ago
This was fantastic.

4 hours ago
More of an Eater Bunny than an Easter Bunny.

1 hour ago
I have to be honest: since the whole C episode it feels to me like most humans are ticking timebombs of some kind.
Many will implode (because of the V) but others will explode and I know I have to protect myself from what is unfolding all around all of us.

2 hours ago
We’re all capable of this. The narratives we buy into replace our capacities for empathy.

4 hours ago
Cheers from south Brazil, Morgoth
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4 hours ago
Oi Brasil, tudo bem?

2 hours ago (edited)
Morgoth delivering the Lords work
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
You’re right and it’s plain to see, apathy towards people beyond evil. As tou say simply abstractions, numbers on a screen.

2 hours ago
As always, a good listen.

4 hours ago
I’m surprised Lovecraft never wrote a story with this title.

1 hour ago
Great video Morgoth, thanks for sharing.

4 hours ago
Rabbits fight… Each other. Not their enemy
1 reply

2 hours ago
Interesting point….I very much see what you did there!

3 hours ago
it’s exhaustion and fatigue; when you expect better from your fellow countryman but he goes along with the crowd to take an experimental J from a J, something inside you dies, and the thing that dies is the respect you once had for them and the esteem in which you held them in, and it’s left me in a state of hopelessness as I wonder: if this is the best we can do / the best we’ve got, then it’s all downhill from here
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3 hours ago (edited)
For the first time in my life, I want to leave the UK. I love England but its not the same country anymore. I know, its the plan for all of the west but other countries seem better, and safer for the meantime to raise a family.

3 hours ago

@gandalfthegrey960 There’s similar talk in the Netherlands. Common countries mentioned among relative normies here are Denmark, Norway, and Hungary.

2 hours ago

@fransvandenheuvel7161 There’s similar talk everywhere, consider the Saffers who want to ‘escape’ back to the Netherlands; unless you can make it to Mars there is really no point: there is nowhere to run to – why ‘raise a family in the meantime’ when you know what your children will be subject to, and which you did not fight?

3 hours ago
Morgoth I was put on SSRIs at 18 in college and haven’t gotten off of them until 10 years later.
I’m able to actually feel emotions and connections to people again. I cry all the time like Jordan Peterson, especially in church. I feel a need to see and call my family members.
I spent 10 years barely feeling and isolating myself. 10 years I cut myself off from people who love me. I’m so angry that the majority of Americans are on these horribly addictive pills.
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3 hours ago
Get yourself a dog and a fishing rod friend.

2 hours ago
So glad you are off them. You could look up Christopher Walker on YouTube who has done a fantastic video on the truth of serotonin. It also explains a lot of what Morgoth touches on in this video, with how common these meds are.

2 hours ago

@Me yeah I had to take it into my own hands to ween off because no doctor would allow it, despite me only being on them for “general anxiety “. Getting off was difficult but so worth it.

35 minutes ago
Blimey Morgoth, be careful. You know they say owners are like their dogs!

2 hours ago
What I see out there at the moment is something like – every upcoming generation has to be guided and straightened out and given good role models, when I was in school the focus was on environmentalism for example and applying modern science to manage and help the natural world, many ethics concerns about new technology and consequences. Right now I feel like all that usual education has been replaced by ‘other things’ deemed more important, so I think we are seeing people leaving school now that are very different to previous generations, these youths are lost and misguided and don’t feel important, and people are not keeping their bad behaviour in check like they used to ( dysfunctional atomised society )

10 minutes ago
I could listen to intro song for hours. Is it a custom made song or is there a long version?

2 hours ago
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”……and that’s what happens today, “It’s nothing to do with me” attitude.

3 hours ago
Great ramble.
I listened to your chat on Osklii I think is the channel name, it was good.
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3 hours ago
Yes, Ozkii. Enjoyed that.

49 minutes ago
Morgoth’s observations reminds me of “Facebook and Instagram users in some countries will be allowed to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, after parent company Meta made a temporary change to its hate speech policy” (this effectively was also Meta policy when allowing overt prejudice/hate against people who questioned or spoke out against the lockdowns, jabs etc) So Meta’s hate speech policy is a variable, subjective, prejudiced and as partisan as they see fit, this has confirmed my suspicions of their nefarious agendas and they are no better than Goebbels in WW2 . The lack of intelligence and empathy by western governments and modern society is absolutely horrifying.

4 hours ago
Today just got better.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
There’re a lot of thing that make people become like this.
The News constantly talking about bad events, The illusion of current system, The violence between people , The hopelessness of the situation we are living in. When you experience these kind of things for a long period of time eventually it will hallow you out and society as a whole will become nihilist/pessimistic.
When everything keep getting worse and worse so why should I care? What’s the point of putting effort of being a good person if everything are going to hurt you back? That’s when a person become apathetic.
1 reply

4 hours ago
This is why I don’t get why so many people anthropomorphise dogs to the point they treat them like babies. They’re not, theyre deformed wolves that think humans are either in their pack or not. Nature is savage, red in tooth and claw – embrace it.
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3 hours ago
Yeah I have small Jack Russell mix, he’s usually quite calm, sleeps all the time, and one day I was outside there was a bird perched on a trash can and my dog out of nowhere jumped up about 4 feet snatched the bird in its mouth and let it drop to the floor killing it instantly. My dog walked off as if nothing had happened and went to lay down in the grass bask in the sun.

2 hours ago
Respect it.

1 hour ago
Actually Down’s Syndrome wolves.

4 hours ago
Quarter way through and I see an analogy about to be made.
1 reply

3 hours ago
Yup I saw where he was going and it saddened me

39 minutes ago
“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to passions and coarse pleasures in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete beastiality, and it all comes form lying continually to others and himself.
A man who lies to himself is often the first to take offense. it sometimes feels very good to take offense, doesn’t it? And surely he knows that no one has offended him, and that he himself has invented the offense and told lies just for the beauty of it, that he has exaggerated for the sake of effect, that he has picked up on a word and made a mountain out of a pea–he knows all of that, and still he is the first to take offense, he likes feeling offended, it gives him great pleasure, and thus he reaches the point of real hostility…”
Fyodor Dostoevsky – The Brothers Karamazov

2 hours ago
Remember these times, so you can tell your grandkids.

2 hours ago (edited)
There was a time when good was done for itself, before someone figured they could profit in goodness greater by committing small evils, before long those evils grew greater than the good and they forgot why they committed evils in the first place. We’ve lost ourselves in our own ethical systems and all that is left is the pure and primitive struggle for power. Chimps in the Senate.

1 hour ago
I remember around the time of Marine Le Pen running in the French presidential election in 2017 that the execrable Guardian had an article with “Stop The World France Wants To Get Off” as a mocking headline and I remarked at the time that the “liberal” mask had slipped to reveal “heartless globalism”.

2 hours ago
on empathy in the animal kingdom,
there has been instances of inter species adoption and even flocking in ressource abundant environments, which used to be the norm before industrialization.
this has been documented in part by Kropotkin

3 hours ago
A lot of people in the news are dying from a ‘sudden illness’
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
I do wonder whats going on in the minds of the average british person as they are now, at the moment I have to focus more on my own problems than think about the trajectory of the world though. I wonder how its going ‘up north’ and is the culture up there still distinct from the south, or has that difference been levelled somewhat by the rapid change.

1 hour ago
Whatever You Say,
Say Nothing”
“Religion’s never mentioned here”, of course.
“You know them by their eyes,” and hold your tongue.
“One side’s as bad as the other,” never worse.
Christ, it’s near time that some small leak was sprung
In the great dykes the Dutchman made
To dam the dangerous tide that followed Seamus.
Yet for all this art and sedentary trade
I am incapable. The famous
Northern reticence, the tight gag of place
And times: yes, yes. Of the “wee six” I sing
Where to be saved you only must save face
And whatever you say, you say nothing.
Smoke-signals are loud-mouthed compared with us:
Manoeuvrings to find out name and school,
Subtle discrimination by addresses
With hardly an exception to the rule
That Norman, Ken and Sidney signalled Prod
And Seamus (call me Sean) was sure-fire Pape.
O land of password, handgrip, wink and nod,
Of open minds as open as a trap,
Where tongues lie coiled, as under flames lie wicks,
Where half of us, as in a wooden horse
Were cabin’d and confined like wily Greeks,
Besieged within the siege, whispering morse.
-Seamus Heaney

4 hours ago
Nyarlathotep…. the crawling chaos…. I am the last…. I will tell the audient void….
Morgoth’s Review
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4 hours ago
Love that prose poem.

4 hours ago

@uchiwasama1 aye, my favourite lines of H.P.L. that.

4 hours ago (edited)
Turn the fish inside out, use your thumbs, wring the chickens, shred the bunnyballocks and Cancel Easter.

2 hours ago
It really makes you perceive the rainbow flag differently.
When I squint I can see the bloodstains ….

4 hours ago (edited)
Stream on odysee sir. You don’t have to watch your words there. Yet.
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4 hours ago
My MorgCasts already go on Odysee and Bitchute

2 hours ago
I think that people have always been this way to a degree, but we are entering a godless age and are increasingly isolated and distanced from one another. Everything is abstracted and society places the emphasis on self-gratification.
In a performative sense, the socialists are a reaction against this, they critique individual selfishness to an inhuman degree, even though they are largely responsible for propagating the very ways of thinking that exacerbate the selfish narcissism in the individual and attempt to remove him from feedback mechanisms that could keep his worst impulses in check.
I do wonder what proportion of these leftists are sociopaths, because their ideology only focuses on power dynamics, friend/enemy, and it sure does seem that the central nodes are entirely about removing the human element; everything is just a cynical power grab.
How many are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and how many are well-meaning people who have fallen for the deception and don’t realise the damage they are helping to advocate for.

2 hours ago
Barbarism isn’t new I suppose, I mean in the 70’s to early 90’s American cities were like a warzone. What’s different is the violence was at least motivated by something, specifically crack cocaine. This era of violence just seems to be violence for its own sake or desperation. It just feels more sinister. Not that the crack wars were justified or good, just that there was a tangible cause that can easily be identified.

1 hour ago
Vaush is a sociopath.
Morgoth’s Review

1 hour ago (edited)
I have wondered about the average shitlibs revulsion to that which is familiar and nearest to them genetically. I think it is individualism. The familiar and genetically connected reminds them that they are not unique, self-creating individuals. They have a source. They have limits. They can be categorized. Their motivating political passion is not empathy.

1 hour ago
What did you think Nietzsche was talking about when he said god is dead? When he asked who would wipe away the blood?

1 hour ago
Up until about the mid twentieth century, after school gun clubs existed in many American public schools. As far as I know, there was never a school shooting during all these years. What has changed since then?

32 minutes ago
Yeah, good stuff. Just a couple of things though:
‘There’s no empathy in ‘Nature” (or something to that effect).
I don’t agree there. I think there’s probably almost as much empathy in ‘Nature’ (which arguably doesn’t really exist btw, but that’s a different level), as there is in the ‘human world’. It’s just that it only usually ‘surfaces’ in us when our other needs have been met (Maslow’s hierarchy type of thing). Kinda like a ‘luxury’ –for most of us.
My other point is about rabbits… The one you spoke of might not have been/felt able to fight back (for whatever reasons), but I can assure you they can, & do… I’ve owned enough of them (& seen plenty footage) to know they can definitely respond violently.
Thanks for the thoughts anyway. Cheers

1 hour ago
The most human trait is inhumanity.

3 hours ago
Something that we will eventually have to acknowledge is the pivotal impact of Christianity on people’s assumptions re moral decency and compassion. You have a scripture reading every week telling congregants to be extremely nice and forgiving to each other. You have a Godman who willingly suffers and dies to save the souls of all humanity. This has been historically unique. Other religions may make some mention of the Golden Rule, or the importance of self-sacrifice for one’s group or ideals — but none of them structure their whole spiritual worldview around the principles of pity, Love, and forgiveness (not to mention objective and independent Truth). Islam is violently triumphalist, Judaism particularist/supremacist, Confucianism/Taoism/Buddhism/Hinduism relativistic, Paganism often brutal. We’re starting to see now what happens when you take away Christianity’s influence, and the moral scaffolding begins to collapse.
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3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Outstanding sir.
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
If the rabbit is not very nimble or aware, it likely has Mixxy, so its death is a blessing. I’d rather be mauled for a minute by a Terrier than slowly go blind, deaf, dumb then have my eyes explode and kill me.
As for lacking empathy, thats an NPC firmware issue, one can’t be a state-raised solipsist AND have concern for others, does not compute.

3 hours ago
Let’s talk about solutions for the sake of all nations of the world. Let me know when you are ready for that conversation. Happy Easter brother 🕊️❤️🙏☘️
2 replies

2 hours ago
There is only one solution, but even He said that things were going to get worse and worse until He returns. “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:12

2 hours ago

@lockwoodthexton7948 the solution is in The Lord’s holy name. Christ has risen. Hallelujah 🕊️❤️🙏☘️

4 hours ago
A grittier, darker Br’er Rabbit…

3 hours ago
It’s why the malthusian ‘elite’ will get their control system fully operational, order out of chaos fostered by the same people

57 minutes ago
No Darkness round me i am chilling i can activate within micro seconds and blitz whatever and whoever i am not scared of dying so there in the words your freedom from this also start living this way The Less You Want, The More You Have chill do throw the spanners into the works Ninja style but let it be said no one gets out of this game alive 🙂 peace all

59 minutes ago
Hey Morgoth (sorry don’t know your real name?) that ‘YT’ PC- ‘busker’ guy with the ‘Execution’ social media thread playing that showed low concern for the ‘street shooting’ has a ‘Brand’ that he maybe in Financial fear of being ‘ruined’ if he shows empathy for the ‘Brand’ of wrong un that is being removed by a ‘Non’ Capitalist…or that, playing Devils advocate, is presumably the ‘logic’ with this form of ‘Free’ enterprise & remember he is also ‘Ironically’ making over the Country of ‘Flee’ to Freedom ‘Brand’ that uses Domestic Violence through Shooting to cover any ‘Memory’ or ‘Feelings’ for Government Organised Conflicts not on his ‘Patch’. That is why Guns are never Censored’ in this ‘Plymouth’ Fathers flee to us, or your a ‘Dirty Red’ Nation Capitalism or bust ‘Invasive Species’?
Catholic countries in Europe are the earliest for of Communism in ‘Community’ format, whether this is liked or not & these mainland EU Nations are still a desirable ‘Visual’ Man-Made Communal visual spectacle Infrastructure wise?
Price tagging things probably turned ‘Bred’ Mutts (a ‘Humans best Friend’) over Generations being Parted from it’s ‘Broods’ into unfeeling evolutionary ‘Domesticated’ Sales ‘products’ they have become & all creatures are in love with the ‘Brood’ aside from a few ‘Species’. Example proves the rule extremist thinkers would use a creature that eats it’s own ‘progeny’ & Tar everything probably the same, if they where born from ‘Dysfunction’ as a way of Arguing points?….that guy in the video you mentioned seems like he was ‘raised’ to utilise that very ‘Extremist’ Logic?
Trending has become a Cop-out in Capital-Reward Lands just as it always was in a ‘Frankenstein’ Movie in base Group-think ‘Fear’ of a Black-sheep’ Townie way back in Pre-Biblical allegory stories – Sop’s Fables in encyclopedic Academic expansion now rested assured through ‘Universal’ Cred-IT.
Cheers, Greg.

3 hours ago
I had the misfortune of encountering the artwork of the psycho online through reddit, very disturbing given context and few of the top comments were try to defend the killer because according to these kind hearted folk she was the real victim of sexual assault scandal between the catholic school and the killer. i doubt this is true because her parents were major shitlibs, they disguise their opportunism as empathy
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

3 hours ago
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God…”
2 Timothy 3:1-4
1 reply

3 hours ago
In the huwhite soul, knows exactly what is going on here. There will be serious consequences for fighting back and we know that too. At one point in history we knew we had to stick together. We have been successfully divided not to mention the constant white guilt message. That me and mine reject by the way.
1 reply

1 hour ago
I thought your profile was a border terrier. My mother has a Parsons Russel/ Border Terrier and it’s an energetic dog..

2 hours ago
Morgoth – whilst agree with your overall bleak picture of the current & future human condition, I have to disagree with your statement that there’s no empathy in the animal kingdom..
YT is full of real life examples of animals of different species befriending each other & rescuing each other from danger & attack in the wild. It’s incredible & heartwarming to witness, & makes the human on human barbarianism even more depressing.
1 reply

1 hour ago
Empathy at its core is the instinct to nurture babies. All mammals have it because they require it to nurture their offspring. To varying degree and to varying capacity of complexity. In some cases empathy is specific to the female sex and the male counterpart have to be chased off, least he eats his own offspring. There are indeed even examples of species of predators even displaying empathy to other species. Even though It may not be the norm, it does happen. As well as healthy dogs certainly tend to be protective of human babies etc. But as I said. Empathy at its core is about protecting the young. I think what is so bleak and horrific about our modern society is that this most human and profound instinct is so warped and deformed from its original purpose. Theres nothing wrong with this profound instinct extending to more than our babies, because as I said, it even tends to do so with other less intelligent mammals, but today its so warped and messed up completely contrary to a natural hierarchy of needs and with no regards to moral decency, where’s little to no regard is taken to children (or the old.) Of your own kin, but endless empathy is extended to predatory aliens.

1 hour ago
Surely it was a ‘Healthy’ way of thinking not to take sides in the 1st Place thus critique towards ones own ‘Thinkers’ is essential. Everything has become ‘Sport’ as a Coup & a Cop out since IT took over.
Those Earth based jobs are not a ‘Desert’ tradition & this is how the ‘Desert’ spirit has become a Leisure ‘Centre’ for all with the 3 PC’s covering all bases…if your ‘Hip’ within the 3 going from ‘Abrahamic’ into ‘Academic’ & mixing these as ‘Politics’ backed by the ‘Pro-fit’ through ‘Prophet’ shield.
Sport? Keep politics out of ‘Art” more like. Earth is not a Game Station.

2 hours ago
Great video mate.

4 hours ago
Humanity is a lot more merciful than it was in the past. I would argue that, taking England in particular, it’s been getting more compassionate since it was founded. If we are becoming crueler again it’s a return to form after a respite of justice and mercy.
7 replies

3 hours ago
Are we??

3 hours ago

@gandalfthegrey960 Medieval people would torture cats to death for fun

3 hours ago

@Htebya I don’t really believe most of what we’re told about history.

3 hours ago

@gandalfthegrey960 Not very rational a way of thinking

2 hours ago

@Htebya Yes it is. Are you just conveniently forgetting what you’re being lied about as it’s happening? Or are you failing to extrapolate to historical events?

2 hours ago

@fransvandenheuvel7161 Automatically doubting the mainstream narrative is about as clever as Automatically believing it

1 hour ago
The love of many shall wax cold

2 hours ago
Empathy is not a universal and doesn’t exist in an egalitarian frame. It’s forged and maintained in an unequal hierarchy. Morgoth your dog has (some) empathy for you. If you came into trouble it would provide assistance and possibly mourn your passing because it identifies as a part of a hierarchy with you at the head. The Rabbit’s something alien/foreign and so is treated with aggression or pure curiosity by the dog.

1 hour ago
The greatest mistake we ever made was letting the field of psychology dictate that the brain is all we have, that we have 100% free will, and that there are no external invisible forces that can influence or prompt action.
Nature is brutal. You can see the programming in species, like the rabbit is programmed to be prey.. or the mouse to be seduced by the cat.
The issue we have is that the programming is not contained solely inside our skull or dna. There are entities, self contained mental thought forms, that exist to guide action of life forms, including killing prey – Rupert Sheldrake puts it down to morphic resonance, as an alternative explanation, for how complex behaviour can seemingly pass from one generation to the next.
Through our errant behaviour and ignorance we’ve broken through natural protective barriers/laws and invited certain entities into areas of our psychology where they don’t belong. In extreme cases you get possession e.g. Ted Bundy, Jimmy Saville, but the average person with little self awareness and mental strength can host many entities without any suspicion. These then prompt actions in order to feed off energy generated at the neural level.
These entities can also exist at the human scale e.g. dynasties, the church, etc, or form a synergy with others. Again, the church and history of behaviour of priests towards minors is a great example.
The only mistake the religions made was labelling these things as demons, but they lacked the insight or science to quantify the situation more accurately.

1 hour ago
Algorithm. The title of this is very apt, everyday it gets harder and harder not to take the blackpill. But i promised myself that i would not allow them to take my humanity from me.

4 hours ago
“Do the thing for the algoyrithim, gentile vermin” qouthe the Nosecrician

3 hours ago
Not “coming”, for many of us it has already arrived…

2 hours ago
Very interesting. Hello from Eire. ; )

19 minutes ago
what is the music used in the intro?

2 hours ago
You might want to look into the subject of Political Ponerology, as elucidated by Andrzej Łobaczewski.

3 hours ago
Does anyone know the name of the song in the intro?
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

3 hours ago
It was from a sea shanty album but neither me nor Theberton can track it down sadly. I’d love to know

3 hours ago
Morgoth’s Review

3 hours ago
See “that” kind of video of NZ’s great poetess on latest upload, WhangareiTim channel.

2 hours ago
On a lighter note Morgoth, have you watched Paul O ‘Grady’s death vid?
Morgoth’s Review
1 reply

1 hour ago
No, don’t know anything about it

4 hours ago
Algorithm 😊

3 hours ago
Tharn rabbit.

3 hours ago
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

4 hours ago
Have the rabbits stopped squealing, Clarice?

2 hours ago
Much like the killer of the MP David Amess. It was everyone else’s fault except the killer.
1 reply

2 hours ago
The response to that was so pathetic. They deliberately directed away from the killer and who he was to hurtful social media posts. Totally absurd.

42 minutes ago
What gets me the most about my journey of seeing g*re videos on the internet the last 15 years is that these south americans beat everything. Even the most hardline Islamic-State people would run screaming from their brutality.

1 hour ago
Better to become desensitized to it now. It’s only going to get worse in the future.

2 hours ago (edited)
Reminds me of Fahrenheit 451 when Clarisse is killed run over by a car. Everyone seems unbothered by it:
“”There was a girl next door,” he said, slowly. “She’s gone now, I think, dead. I can’t even remember her face. But she was different. How? How did she happen?”
Beatty smiled. “Here or there, that’s bound to occur. Clarisse McClellan? We’ve a record on her family. We’ve watched them carefully. Heredity and environment are funny things. You can’t rid
yourselves of all the odd ducks in just a few years. The home environment can undo a lot you try to do at school. That’s why we’ve lowered the kindergarten age year after year until now we’re almost snatching them from the cradle. We had some false alarms on the McClellans, when they lived in Chicago. Never found a book. Uncle had a mixed record; antisocial. The girl? She was a time b0 mb. The family had been feeding her subconscious, I’m sure, from what I saw of her school record. She didn’t want to know how a thing was done, but why. That can be embarrassing. You ask Why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl’s better off dead.”

4 hours ago
How do i prepare?…Advice please

4 hours ago
You’ve not been on since you Ireland trip
Morgoth’s Review
2 replies

4 hours ago
I did Classic Movies, Mad Max. But as I say, all my stuff is on Substack now

4 hours ago
Joined 👍🏻
Morgoth’s Review

2 hours ago
We support the current thing!
What about the last thing?

1 hour ago
When you don’t believe there is God….

2 hours ago
It is indeed dark and it’s because society has fallen away from God and the dark forces are very strong in the world. The bible warned of these times, Jesus told his followers to endure to the end of this age and not have their hearts turn cold. I was born and raised atheist, and without Christ in my life i’m not sure i could cope with the state of the world right now. Good news is when Christ returns for the next age all will be healed.
Revelation 21 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

1 hour ago
A lot of these video’s on YouTube about stoicism seem to encourage a lack of empathy and the increase of indifference, theres a insidious side to it to my ears, but it’s just a personal view and I could be wrong…

2 hours ago
this is why i’m not a fan of hunting.
i eat meat. but i don’t feel great about it.
1 reply

4 hours ago
Highly recommend everyone sub your Substack.
Best wishes and thank you for everything you do.
Morgoth’s Review

4 hours ago
í hav been baned from meny chanels . hugo talksz , saníty fore sweden , gematría effekt sportsz , soulpower75 , dívínetruth , andy the gaby cabby , trevur coult , jím davídson , for brítaín (anne maríe waters) , nobby from míssíon ímposíble and rosehannah all baned me
6 replies

4 hours ago
Butlerian Jihad against all comment bots

4 hours ago
​ @felizeumida4374 I think jhőn just is like this.

4 hours ago

@Vingul 👋🏾

4 hours ago
Want a medal?

4 hours ago

@cheds1 wunt tu get baned ?

3 hours ago
Let me guess, they told you how they were born in the darkness and molded by it.

29 minutes ago
If you had an oldschool German father, you would have known this by the age of 5.


See Also


Morgoth’s Review – The Dover Crisis and the Great Serco Grift – Nov 2, 2022 – Transcript



Morgoth’s Review – The Morgcast 13 – Resist the Lobster Pot – Nov 22, 2021 — Transcript




Millennium Woes with Morgoth on Brexit — TRANSCRIPT

Millennial Woes’ Millenniyule 2017 No. 66 – Morgoth — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 02 – Merry Holocaustmas — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — Discussing the Government’s Anti-Extremism Agency ”Prevent” With Based British — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — Hate-Reading The Guardian – Hirsch, Critical Theory & Nihilism, Jan 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review — The Psychotic Left, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – Fishing For White Pills, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – Hope Not Hate and the State of Play, Feb 2019 — TRANSCRIPT



Morgoth’s Review – A Conversation with Jacktion, Mar 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Morgoth’s Review – YouTube Hangout 01 – Skeptics and Cucks — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice TV – Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs and Pods – Morgoth’s Review – Oct 10, 2019 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Against The Controlled Warmongers of The Right – Jan 3, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Turbocharged Atomization – May 15, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Free Falling – Jun 1, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – ”Cracka” Is Anti-White Filth – Jun 29, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Edward Bernays – The Group and The Herd – Jul 1, 2020 — Transcript



Morgoth’s Review – Why The Conservative Party Conserves Nothing – Jul 16, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Telegraph vs The Guardian – Or How To Lose A Culture War – Jul 31, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – On Liberal Blindness To The Jewish Question – Aug 4, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Notes On Machiavelli – Aug 14, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Neo-Liberalism & the Ballad of Terry Bell – Sep 15, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Morgoth & Endeavour’s Classic Movies 1 – Lawrence of Arabia – Oct 10, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Systems of Control – China’s Social Credit vs Western Political Correctness – Oct 16, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Deep Breath Before the Plunge – Nov 3, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Twitterfication of Everything – Nov 17, 2020 — Transcript


Morgoth’s Review – My Image of 2020 – An Analysis – Dec 7, 2020 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – London’s New Year’s Firewoke Display – Jan 1, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Winter is Here – Jan 9, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – Reading ”American Extremist” by Josh Neal – Feb 6, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Frozen North & Frozen Thinking – Feb 10, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Equation That Destroyed Our World – Feb 14, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – The Last of Us – Feb 24, 2021 — Transcript

Morgoth’s Review – How Piers Morgan Shapes the Discourse – Mar 3, 2021 — Transcript



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