[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“The British Board of Deputies – Britain’s most powerful Jewish organisation – have called for Patriotic Alternative to be banned because of two statements that I made on social media. Find out exactly what I said and why these statements have led to calls for a new clampdown on freedom of speech.”
Mark Collett
Jewish Leaders Want Us Banned!
Fri, May 26, 2023
Published on Fri, May 26, 2023
Jewish Leaders want us BANNED!
May 26, 2023
Mark Collett
The British Board of Deputies – Britain’s most powerful Jewish organisation – have called for Patriotic Alternative to be banned because of two statements that I made on social media. Find out exactly what I said and why these statements have led to calls for a new clampdown on freedom of speech.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(11:58 mins)
British Board of Deputies of British Jews Calling for PA to Be Banned
How Powerful is the British Board of Deputies?
The Board’s Demands to the Government Regarding Illegal Migrants
Long History of Supporting Migration and Opposing Anti-Migrant Groups
Jews Vastly over Represented in the Media and Silence Those That Mention This
British Board of Deputies Fears the Truth
Jewish Chronicle Article Pushing for Stronger Anti-Free Speech Laws
Our Greatest Weapon is the Truth.
British Board of Deputies of British Jews Calling for PA to Be Banned
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”
Now I know you’ve heard that before, and I know that I myself have used that quote many times over the last few years. But I think it’s a pretty important quote, despite who may, or may not have originally come up with it! And in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter who said it first – what matters, is that it is the truth!
And right now I am finding out just how true that quote is. I am in the firing the line! So much so, that an article in the Jewish Chronicle has revealed that the British Board of Deputies, Britain’s most powerful jewish organisation, are calling on the Government to ban Patriotic Alternative – the organisation that I founded.
How Powerful is the British Board of Deputies?
But exactly who are the British Board of Deputies, and how powerful are they?
Well, Wikipedia states, and I quote:
“The Board of Deputies of British jews, commonly referred to as the Board of Deputies, is the largest and second oldest jewish communal organisation in the United Kingdom, after only the Initiation Society which was founded in 1745. Established in 1760 by a group of Sephardic jews, the board presents itself as a forum for the views of most organisations within the British jewish community, liaising with the British government on that basis.
Notably, while Lord Rothschild was President of the Board of Deputies, the Balfour Declaration was addressed to him and eventually led to a jewish state in Palestine. It is affiliated to the World jewish Congress and the European jewish Congress. Its current president is Marie van der Zyl who, due to holding this position, also sits on the Executive Committee of the World jewish Congress.”
End quote.
Not only does every Prime Minister go directly to the British Board of Deputies – and yes, even Liz Truss, Britain’s shortest serving Prime Minister managed to bend the knee to them in her rather stunted 40-day reign – but they are also the body that ‘liaises’ directly with the British Government in order to relay to the government what the jewish community desires.
But the Board’s power doesn’t end there, their former president, Lord Rothschild was actually responsible for the founding of the state of Israel, as the Balfour Declaration was addressed directly to him on behalf of the British Government!
So, does the Board of Deputies have power? Yes, they do! Have they influenced world politics? Yes, they have! And do they hold power that is disproportionate to their numbers? Yes, they do!
Why Do They Want to Ban PA?
And now we have established how powerful they are, the next pressing question is what have I done to anger them so greatly that they want the organisation that I founded to be banned?
Now I started this video with a well-known quote, and that quote was all about learning who you are not allowed to criticise. So, you might be expecting me to reveal that I have issued some stinging criticism of the British Board of Deputies. And if you are expecting that, you will probably be disappointed. As I haven’t criticised them at all! I have simply made two factual statements which have, to put it politely, annoyed them.
The first of those statements is, and I quote:
“The British Board of Deputies supports mass immigration into Britain and opposes groups that call for immigration control. They oppose the idea of indigenous Britons remaining a majority in their ancestral homeland.”
End quote. This is not a criticism, but simply an example of me summing up the policies held by the British Board of Deputies. The Board have repeatedly called for tolerance and acceptance of migrants and have recently opposed the Government’s calls to send so-called “refugees” to Rwanda.
The Board’s Demands to the Government Regarding Illegal Migrants
And if you take some time to read over their own website, you will find the following list of demands that the Board have made to the British government in relation to the treatment of illegal migrants. This is what the Board has to say, and I quote:
“1. Allow asylum seekers the right to work.
2. Reunite refugee families.
3. Create a properly funded programme to resettle unaccompanied refugee children and young people in the UK.
4. Protect the Race Disparity Unit, which monitors the extent of racial inequality in Britain.
5. Provide funding for a permanent memorial to the victims of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
6. Make sure all political parties have clear and transparent procedures for dealing with all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, Islamophobia and anti-black racism.”
End quote.* Not only does the Board of Deputies support mass immigration into Britain, but they actually wish to force every political party in Britain to adopt procedures to support their drive for diversity!
[* See comment below “These demands decoded“]
Yet when I point these things out, they wish to silence me.
Long History of Supporting Migration and Opposing Anti-Migrant Groups
The Board have a long history of supporting migration into Britain and have a similar history of opposing anti-migrant groups. They have routinely been highly critical of nationalist groups and have openly supported policies that will eventually result in White Britons becoming a minority. And as such, I haven’t criticised them, I have merely told the truth about them.
Now let’s move on to the second statement that I made that has upset them. I am quoted as saying the following:
“Whilst jews constantly talk about White over-representation and demand ethnic quotas that always result in fewer Whites being employed, jews themselves are vastly over represented in the media and are quick to silence anyone who mentions this fact.”
Jews Vastly over Represented in the Media and Silence Those That Mention This
End quote. Again, none of this is a lie! Jews are over represented within the media in comparison to their numbers. And it is also clear that people are silenced for daring to speak about these things, and now, this powerful jewish group is calling for the government to silence me!
Now at this point I was going to cite a number of sources that backed up the things that I said in that second quote, but most people watching this video will already have seen lots of quotes and evidence that backs up the point I was making. I will however draw the viewer’s attention to a recent speech made by Joe Biden, the US President. The speech was covered by a website called the New York Mag, under the headline:
“Biden Praises jews, Goes Too Far, Accidentally Thrills Anti-Semites”
Biden’s Speech About Jews
New York Mag reports President Biden said the following about jews in America, and I quote:
“The jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you, and all of those who went before me and all of those who went before you, … You make up 11 percent of the seats in the United States, Congress. You make up one-third of all Nobel laureates, … I think you, as usual, underestimate the impact of jewish heritage. I really mean that. I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve had on the development of this nation.”
“‘The embrace of immigration’ is part of that, as is the involvement of jews in social justice movements.”
“‘You can’t talk about the Civil Rights Movement in this country without talking about jewish freedom riders and Jack Greenberg,’ he said, telling a story about seeing a group of jewish activists at a segregated movie theatre in Delaware. ‘You can’t talk about the women’s movement without talking about Betty Friedan.’”
“‘I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,’ he said. That’s why he spoke out on gay marriage ‘apparently a little ahead of time.’”
“‘It wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was ‘Will and Grace,’ it was the social media. Literally! That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes. That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would embrace and rapidly embrace gay marriage.’ Biden said. ‘Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense! And, I might add, it is all to the good.’”
End quote.
This is a frank admission, one that was meant as praise. However, Biden’s admission really does speak volumes, as it’s exactly what I have been saying for years.
But when I say it, I am banned from social media, lose bank accounts and I am threatened by powerful jews in Britain who wish to see the Government silence me completely!
British Board of Deputies Fears the Truth
What I am saying isn’t ‘criticism’, it’s simply the truth! And it seems that the British Board of Deputies fears this truth, it seems that they would rather that the British public didn’t know about the degree of power they wield, or the fact that jews are over represented in comparison to their numbers in Hollywood, the media, and that jews have played a pivotal role in shaping immigration policy in the Western world.
How curious! Why aren’t they proud of these things? Why don’t they want everyone to know about their achievements?
Now the article about me did raise one other point: And that was that apparently some people who replied to the comments I made did so angrily. And this is something that I absolutely do not endorse.
Jewish Chronicle Article Pushing for Stronger Anti-Free Speech Laws
The article written about me in the Jewish Chronicle was clearly an attempt to build support for more numerous and stronger anti-free speech laws and for more restrictions to be placed upon our fundamental rights to organise and articulate ourselves.
I haven’t told any lies! I haven’t defamed anyone! And I haven’t called for any form of violence – nor would I. I have exercised my right as a free Englishman to put forward my opinion, and really, I haven’t even done that. I haven’t even stated an ‘opinion’ sI have simply reported something in a short, truthful and accurate manner.
So, my plea to all those listening is clear: Please don’t give those who wish to silence us the ammunition they desire to call for groups to be banned or for truth tellers to be locked up! And that brings me to my most important point:
Our Greatest Weapon is the Truth.
Our greatest weapon is, quite simply, the truth!
The two comments have I made have caused such outrage and condemnation – not because they are lies, not because they threaten violence, not because they are wild accusations or conspiracy theories – but because the comments I made are true! And because more than anything, powerful people fear greater numbers of people knowing the truth.
Please help me to spread that truth – but do so in a lawful, polite, yet robust manner.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 5/26/2023 = 55)
Fred Dibnah’s Land Rover
12 hours ago
Tbh if they weren’t after you I would be worried. They fear most the peaceful, legal & respectful opposition as they can’t be easily derided.
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12 hours ago
12 hours ago
No mention of procedures for “dealing with all forms of anti-Whiteism” though!
Strange that.
Dissident Doctrine
11 hours ago
I want Jews banned. I guess we’re at an impasse.
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10 hours ago
10 hours ago
banned??? I guess I would settle for that but honestly I want justice for all they have done
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4 hours ago
not banned, but subjugated to control. like a court fools.
11 hours ago
In a functioning political system this conversation (and many others) would be allowed to take place, but the state wants to keep the public in the dark, paying taxes towards a dysfunctional system, and blindly voting for more of the same – and they claim to be legitimate! Keep up the great work Mark & PA. You are the real voice speaking for British people and the truth will out
9 hours ago
You’ve got them on the ropes, keep punching ‘em Mark
11 hours ago
Not only do they want us silenced, they want all Christians dead, as they have for thousands of years, Satan’s spawn will loose out in the End Times, as they all get consigned to hell.
Show reply
10 hours ago
The Jews have been infiltrating other people’s countries and deliberately ruining them from within for as far as I know, nearly two thousand years! So many people have documented their unpleasant behaviour: different people of different ethnicities, nationalities, languages, religions and cultures, in different places at different times!
They can’t keep getting away with this! Someone needs to put a stop to it!
11 hours ago
– middle finger to this. these people are not the government, it’s not theirs to meddle into governmental policies (then again…)
12 hours ago
Here are the six demands of the Board of Deputies which Mark quotes beginning at
(1) Allow asylum seekers the right to work.
(2) Reunite refugee families.
(3) Create a properly funded programme to resettle unaccompanied refugee children and young people in the UK.
(4) Protect the Race Disparity Unit, which monitors the extent of racial inequality in Britain.
(5) Provide funding for a permanent memorial to the victims of the transatlantic slave trade.
(6) Make sure all political parties have clear and transparent procedures for dealing with all forms of racism, including antisemitism, Islamophobia and anti-black racism.
These demands decoded:
(1) Let non-White replacement migrants have jobs.
(2) Let non-White replacement migrants serve as anchors for chain migration.
(3) Have the British government at taxpayer expense facilitate replacement migration of non-White migrant children and youths.
(4) Make sure the Race Disparity Unit is able to continue monitoring progress toward the replacement of indigenous Britons.
(5) Create a victimological propaganda center (modeled on “Holocaust remembrance” centers) to stoke resentment of non-White replacement migrants toward indigenous Britons, and implant White guilt in indigenous Britons, by implicitly or explicitly blaming all indigenous Britons, no matter when they were born, no matter how innocent, for the transatlantic slave trade while ignoring the major roles played by Jewish slave traders and slave owners as well as African leaders who captured the slaves and sold them to European, Sephardic and Ashkenazic slave traders.
(6) Require all political parties to actively support the replacement of indigenous Britons by non-White migrants by repressing all indigenous resistance to their replacement.
Plainly, by calling for the banning of Patriotic Alternative, the Board of Deputies is modeling the actions they want political parties to take per demand (6).
9 hours ago
It’s now antisemitic to notice things
Ron P
11 hours ago
‘If the Jew, with the help of his Marxian creed, conquers the nations of the world, his crown
will be the funeral wreath of the human race’
A. Painter
What a f-in mess we are in
12 hours ago
The board is against you, great change is coming. The tide is changing and they know the time is near.
They pushed degeneracy and wars now people are waking up 1 at a time.
14 hours ago
They can only bend over. Keep going on, Mark! If they want to silence you, that means something is cooking up.
11 hours ago
Very clear and concise. As in the introductions to Red Ice Flashback Friday ‘Truth is a far superior weapon than deceit’. Keeping their power secret to the public is what maintains their huge power.
12 hours ago
anti nwos , anti invasions
12 hours ago
aren t they proving that they are indeed behind the criminal destructives invasions ( and many other vicious activities )?
9 hours ago
Don’t be daft. Facts are for conspiracy theorists. Now stop having too much to think and go back to watching Ant n Dec and do as your told!
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Freshly Made Ghosts
7 hours ago
”There were no fact checkers until people started stating facts” somebody once said, similarly there were no conspiracy theorists until conspiracies started being prodded.
Matt Hammond
10 hours ago
Building a world takeover strategy based on compulsive lying probably won’t work out in the end.
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Freshly Made Ghosts
6 hours ago
The Chinese will have their way with them once whites are gone.
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5 hours ago
the chinese are extremely brutal and no nonsense. AND they have a high iq AND they have aggressive in group preference. dare i say, the chinese are the jews of asia.
11 hours ago
It is one reason why the Nobel prize has become overrated.
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Freshly Made Ghosts
6 hours ago
Tesla never won a Nobel prize, peculiar.
Freshly Made Ghosts
7 hours ago
”Gradually I began to hate them”.
7 hours ago
“Anti-black racism” does not roll off the tongue anywhere near as well as “negrophobia”.
Just sayin’.
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Freshly Made Ghosts
6 hours ago
Philosemitism remains an absurdity above everything else.
8 hours ago
The reign of the evil tribe will come to an end
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7 hours ago
One day.
5 hours ago
The “how” is what people cant seem to give details on. More hope, hope is poison, as there can be no despair without it.
11 hours ago
Mark quotes President-Select Joe Biden saying “I bet you 85% of those changes [in media cultural advocacy such as support for gay marriage], whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry.”
What Biden is Noticing is the multi-generational Jewish campaign for the “pro-tolerance” and “anti-racist” remolding of White American consciousness. Andrew Joyce made a major contribution toward understanding this campaign in his article ‘Modify the Standards of the In-Group’: On Jews and Mass Communications which appeared in the Summer 2019 edition of The Occidental Quarterly and online at
“Modify the standards of the in-group”: On Jews and Mass Communications
4 hours ago
110 now!
5 hours ago
Oy vey! The goyim are saying things we don’t like! Shut them down!
Name the Jesuits
11 hours ago
Rome sure does like sowing division amongst the cattle to keep them distracted.
5 hours ago
It seems that they are calling themselves out. With every such action, it seems they are proving you to have been right all along.
Surely it is up to the government to uphold the constitution, which allows for lawful assembly, protests of grievances and the like?
6 hours ago
Not saying your advice isnt noted mark but we and people like us will be locked up regardless, its just going to be later rather than sooner if the low iqs dont sperg out about antagonizing jews instead of what jews do. Jews themselves do not care about nuance when it is not advantageous to their rhetoric. Not saying i disagree with you, im making an observable claim.
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5 hours ago
I’m not so sure. Yes the traitorous politicians are trying to shut us down, and are passing as many laws as they possibly can in this regard, but as yet, the new laws have not been rigorously tested and challenged.
(Apparently Sven just wanted to get it over with so he decided not to challenge the verdict and I believe the sentence).
I believe many of us would be in a position to challenge such travesties of justice if they come after us too.
It’s not over ‘til it’s over.
7 hours ago
I saw a documentary noting that the Balfour Declaration was a cryptic receipt, giving in exchange for American Jews, via their control of the press, getting America involved in WW1 on Brittain’s behalf. Is that accurate?
7 hours ago
Why don’t they want to the world know about all their brilliant contributions (orchestrated) to immigration and diversity.
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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