Red Ice TV
Scottish Police Investigate Red Ice’s Video
Criticizing FM Humza Yousaf’s Anti-White Comments
Wed, Jun 7, 2023
[Red Ice TV goes after anti-White Pakistani masquerading as a First Minister of Scotland, and gets investigated:
“When someone flings hateful comments about White people it’s apparently the person pointing out the racism that is the problem, at least according to the Scottish police who apparently are investigating our video. The First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf saw our video about him and he didn’t like it so his office issued a formal complaint to his government about the video and have also gotten the UN’s “Tech Against Terrorism” involved. They want our video taken down from BitChute, Twitter and Telegram.”
Published on Wed, Jun 7, 2023
Scottish Police Investigate Red Ice’s Video Criticizing FM Humza Yousaf’s Anti-White Comments
June 7, 2023
Red Ice TV
When someone flings hateful comments about White people it’s apparently the person pointing out the racism that is the problem, at least according to the Scottish police who apparently are investigating our video. The First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf saw our video about him and he didn’t like it so his office issued a formal complaint to his government about the video and have also gotten the UN’s “Tech Against Terrorism” involved. They want our video taken down from BitChute, Twitter and Telegram. Watch the video in question here:
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hate speech law
humza yousaf
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(14:45 mins)
Lana Lokteff: The Scottish government didn’t like my video exposing the new Pakistani First Minister of Scotland, where I exposed his blatant double standards and hatred of Scottish White people. He’s only in that position because of 71 Lefties in Parliament that voted for him.
This week, I was on the front page of the Scotsman! “Police Scotland launches investigation into racist abuse and threats aimed at Humza Yusaf”. And my video was at the centre of it. The Scottish police are investigating my content, trying to get it removed from BitChute, which is based in the UK, just one of the many places it’s available after receiving a complaint from Yusaf’s office! Yes, from his office! His office is upset about my two videos calling out his racial hatred of Whites and double standards, one that was viewed a million times on Twitter.
So then they got the Tech Against Terrorism, a UN organize involved to try and get my video blocked. Terrorism! They’re accusing me of terrorism for valid criticism of a man in the highest office of politics!
As First Minister, he was inciting hatred against Scottish people, White people, the majority of the country. He’s disgusted that in a European Scottish country that they make up the majority. He is a public authority in a government building, charging and targeting one race, inciting hate against them. This is the type of behaviour that leads to violence and genocide! The Scottish police should be investigating him for racial hate crimes, not investigating my videos or BitChute.
My truth telling video exposing Humza Yusaf’s own words is “terrorism”, according to him. He is in the highest office of government and yet he’s crying abuse and racism when people respond to and criticise his own words and actions. He wants people like me silenced and imprisoned. He’s the one pushing the tyrannical anti-free speech Hate Crime Bill in Scotland. He has made everything about race and his religion. And when you respond to it, you are the terrorist! He gave some sob story in Parliament about being a young kid and people seeing him differently. Check it out.
Humza Yousaf: I just wanted to share a personal anecdote to hopefully illustrate why I think the Hate Crime Bill is needed, not because my experience actually is unique. Actually, it’s the very opposite! They are the experiences of hundreds of thousands of our fellow Scots. As a young child, I wasn’t aware that the colour of my skin made me different to the majority of most Scots. That may seem unusual, but anybody who has, I think, young kids or young nephews or nieces, grandchildren, they’ll understand that innocence.
The first time I ever became aware of my race was in primary school. In primary two, in fact. It was my best friend. He’d be my best friend in primary one. He came up to me one day completely out of the blue. We hadn’t had a fight, we hadn’t had a disagreement of any sort. And he said in a very matter of fact voice:
“I can’t be your friend anymore!”
And I remember feeling quite stunned, as I say. It came completely out of the blue.
And of course, I asked him why, and he said to me, and I always remember it, he said:
“Because you’re a Paki.”
I had no idea what the word meant. I remember skulking around the playground, not really having a clue of what just happened.
And I went back home after school and I asked my mom:
“Am I a Paki?”
I remember my mom being quite visibly upset, and she explained to me how some people, very rude people, she said, sometimes make fun of us because of the colour of our skin. But I had done nothing wrong.
And from six years old to the very present day, some 30 years, not a day goes by presiding officer that I’m not conscious of the colour of my skin!
Lana Lokteff: You are different! You are making that clear every day. The solution is to go back to Pakistan where literally everyone is like you! In Pakistan, kids would do the exact same thing to a White kid. So because of this story, he wants “hate speech” inside the home to be prosecuted, because that’s where someone learnt to say “Paki”.
Humza Yousaf: I mentioned that because there’s some here who believe that if racism that is intentionally stirred up using threatening or abusive language takes place at home with a sibling, child, or grandchild present, or that they were the ones that that hatred maybe was even directed towards, that that should not be prosecuted.
My contention is that the impact is exactly the same, regardless of where hatred is intentionally stirred up or whoever is the target of that stirring up, whether that is at home or out with the home.
Lana Lokteff: Yeah, let’s hear what they say about White people at home. Again, there’s a country called “Pakistan”. Go there! No, it’s about pushing Islam in our face! They can’t even get along with their Indian Hindu brothers. Humza wants to do whatever damage he’d like without facing any criticism and hide behind the words “Islamophobia” and “racism”, much like the word “anti-semitic”. It’s a trick! I’m sure he wishes he could throw me in prison for seven years for my video.
In fact, he even sicks the cops on an SNP supporter, a supporter of his own party after they sent him an email calling him a “racist piece of shit” after constantly attacking White Scots.
Humza Yousaf: White! White! White! White! Headed by people who are White! White! White! Every chair of every public body, White! That is not good enough!
Lana Lokteff: The new hate crime legislation was described by SNP veteran Jim Sillars as:
“One of the most pernicious and dangerous pieces of legislation ever produced by any government in modern times and in any part of the United Kingdom.”
Are you surprised a Muslim who hates European people would be pushing this? I’m not.
The Scotsman article doesn’t post a link to my video so people can hear my words in their fullness.
But as usual they post a few half quotes and cite other dirty, corrupt Lefties like the SPLC as their source for why you can’t listen to me. She’s bad because these people said! So they don’t and can’t refute anything. They never do they just shout “Nazi! White supremacist!”, and then they conveniently omitted the part where Humza Yusaf is disgusted that Scotland is a White country!
Humza Yousaf: White! White! White! White! White people who are White White. White! White! That is not good enough!
Lana Lokteff: Humza claims he is suffering from racist abuse. Oh please! He is protected by the entire White Scottish establishment, sitting in the highest office and he’s whining about a few comments online stating the fact that he’s not a Scottish man. He may have a Scottish passport, but he is not a Scottish man! The police should be investigating him for inciting hate against the White majority in Scotland. How is he suffering? People have the right to respond to and criticise a man holding a powerful position in politics, especially after he charged an entire race of people.
If he is so disgusted by Scottish men, he should return to Pakistan. This is the logical conclusion. It’s all Pakistanis in government in Pakistan and no one ever, ever says “Pakistan is too brown”!
People have the right to call out his political duplicity, one standard for Pakistan and another for Scotland. So they accuse us of being “racist, abusive and inciting terrorism” for pointing out that he is of Muslim Pakistani background, questioning his interests. But it’s not hateful of him to charge all of Scotland and White countries for being too White, calling them all racist because they exist as a majority in the nation of their ancestors! Pakistan would never let a White man be in charge in their country.
You see, Yusuf is just upset that I’ve called him out. I’ve hit a nerve because I am right. He is not an oppressed minority.
Well, I think it’s hilarious that Humza responded to my video. But of course he turned it around like:
“Poor me! See, I am an oppressed abused minority!”
He called for swift action to remove my videos from BitChute since they are in the UK. Humza has the entire lying corporate media behind him, but shut down my videos because I am the threat! Yeah, because I actually tell the truth.
Where is the lie in my video though? Where is it? And where is the call for violence and terrorism? He is attacking the White race of Scotland as a public leader of millions, how is that not inciting hate? His kind of hate as a public authority is what leads to genocide. Humza claimed:
“As First Minister, I’m determined to use the office to help build the country where all of our citizens live a life free from hatred.”
Yeah, all the non-White citizens that is! Charging the entire country for being too White, is not a Scottish country where all citizens are free and protected from hate! The Scotsman article goes on and on to attack Red Ice, sourcing the same old tired anti-White Lefty sources.
Basically, we’ve been banned on the big platforms for truth telling and now they’re complaining that we still exist on alternative platforms and Twitter. So shut them down! Even whined about my blue check. [chuckling] It gets better! Martin McLaughlin. Yeah, (((Laughlin))). The lying journalist activist writes an entire piece defaming and attacking me, and he gets cool-headed, honest, to the point responses to his lies, and he cries:
“Nazis! And they’re attacking me!”
This is a classic example of crying out in pain as they strike you. He starts blocking everyone, including me, and I didn’t even tweet at him. Brave journalism, Martin!
And then his editor, Neil Macintosh, posted this lame article and tweet something about:
“Standing against Nazi descendants.”
Wow! That’s pathetic, Neil. You dish out the lies, stoke up the anti-White fires, but cry “Nazi” when a few people call it out.
In response to their Nazi post. I even saw another Lefty call out the SNP’s Nazi past.
So you have Conservatives calling these commies Nazis. And you have Lefties still untrusting because of the SNP’s Nazi ties 89 years ago! They just cry fascist and Nazi at each other all day long. It’s all they’ve got!
This Scotsman is hardly Scottish. Owned by a huge corporation since 2020, it has been owned by the National World Group. And the most hits they’ve had in a long time are from this story. [chuckling] Most of their tweets get 1300 or so views. Ours got over 100,000 views!
Yusaf is a practicing Muslim. Islam doesn’t belong in Europe, it’s not part of our native faith! And we have every reason to be skeptical, considering Islam’s past. And, by the way, do Islamic countries allow Christians and pagans? Yeah, exactly! Yusuf may say he’s progressive and he’s for Scotland, as many jews say that. And they’re Conservatives in their homeland, liberal in ours. It’s the art of subversion! The Art of War! And they play Global Europeans.
In Islam. They have something called “Taqiya”, where they can deny their religious belief or practice when they feel they are threatened. Taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act for a pious goal. A related term is “kitman”, the action of covering and in Shiaism they are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.
So the first minister can say:
“Yes, I support gay sex!”
Although Islam doesn’t, and he’s a practicing Muslim, as a means to an end.
In other words, he can lie to further an Islamic agenda.
By the way. He didn’t show up to the vote on gay marriage because of religious pressure from mosques. That day he conveniently had to be in Pakistan to try and bail out a “Scotsman”. Yeah, you’re looking at the Scotsman, from death over blasphemy charges. A Scotsman on Blasphemy charges in Pakistan! Look again, not a Scottish man.
This is where his priorities lie with Muslims and Pakistanis. He cared more about this one guy on death row in Pakistan than the Pakistani rape gangs in the UK. Well, check him out when he asked if he thinks gay sex is a sin, when he is put on the spot.
Interviewer (female): You say there that you don’t allow your personal faith to impact legislation. And you say very clearly there that you think that equal marriage is something that’s important and something that you fully back. The question was, do you believe that gay sex was a sin?
Humza Yousaf: No. If I can just be clear about that. I’ve been asked that question about 25 times and I’ve answered it the same way 25 times.
So I can’t change what’s in certain faiths, I can’t change what’s in scripture. What I can tell you is the approach that I will take, which is that I will not allow personal faith to be the basis of legislation.
Lana Lokteff: Yeah, right! He can’t separate being a Muslim from politics. It’s very intertwined. He’s also annoyed and agitated because he does think it’s a sin. According to Islam, it is. But he’s practicing Taqiya. He isn’t who he says he is, but he has said enough for us to know who he is. Not a friend to Europeans! And definitely not fighting for the best interest of Scottish people.
Scotland needs Braveheart, not more hostile foreigners and Pakistanis!
[Mel Gibson in Braveheart]:
“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom! Scotland!”
Henrik Palmgren: Thank you so much to our executive producers: Lothrop Stoddard, V Miller. Resin Revolt, Goodlucklap, Jake, Red-pill Rundown, Choccymilk, French47, Mark Smith. No1jeeves, President OBunga, Mongoose, William Fox, Angry White Soccer Mom, The 2nd Wanderer, Operation Werewolf, The Ride Never Ends, Francis Parker Yockey, Dylbob, Lastplacesimp, Joseph Hart, PurpleHaze and Jay P. Thank you, guys.
Producers: Also, Mr. Walker. 696Yuanson, Leroy Dumonde, Snarkpup, Eyesopen, Mr. Lemery, Uri Obadah Hakeswill, Single Action Army and Jorj Porj.
We’d love to have some new guys in there as well. And gals, for that matter. We’d love to get 20 more executive producers aboard. We’re going to set that as a new goal so we can continue to expand.
So thank you, guys. Please consider that if you want to do something extra for us and ensure that we can continue and hire more people and do more good stuff.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 6/7/2023 = 82)
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HyperChat min: 1
1 day ago
These aren’t TRUE SCOTSMEN, obviously.
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My brother-in-law weighs 600 pounds and hates white people
4 hours ago
ha, I see what you did there, and you are correct he will never be Scottish.
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Gabe Lakmann
4 hours ago
Yeah, that was pretty clever.
1 day ago
sick of all these “minorities”, which are larger in number in the world population than whites, constantly complain about being in a white country. move to one of the MANY countries where people are the same race & religion as you if you don’t like it.
white people should be just as racist as all these other races are toward whites. and Christian countries need to ban non-Christians/white from citizenship. wake up gentiles!
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In Scelus Speramus
18 hours ago
i don’t like christianity
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18 hours ago
Exactly. Xtianity is also another foreign import into the west.
Show reply
Per-Inge Eliasson
11 hours ago
Me neither. Christianity is like the light version of judaism.
1 day ago
Tell us again about White fragility you weak, pitiful, pathetic non-Whites who screech and stamp your feet the second you’re called out on your sh*t. Can dish it but can’t take it? Humza is a walking skidmark and so are the Scottish traitors siding with him.
Unelected Expert
1 day ago
I take it The Scotsman is to Scotland what The New York Times is to the US of A?
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22 hours ago
Father Padrigo
23 hours ago
Way to go, Lana. As the saying goes, you only get flak when you’re over the target.
Lampshade Denier
22 hours ago
Browns are only good at stealing what Whites create. They need to be deported out of our White countries!
1 day ago
Imagine being such a pathetic dirty Pakistani trash line that clown speaking in a Scottish accent as of he’s an actual Scot lol he thinks he’s a Scot
I’m back
22 hours ago
Scots need to find their inner William Wallace before the loose their country!
By Their Works
22 hours ago
Subversive non-Whites and race traitor whores are going to keep tightening the noose until all Whites are slaves and until we are bred/raped and murdered out if we continue to let them. The sooner we get active, the better chance we have to repel the scum, and rebuild the White world. They know that, and that’s why they are accelerating the lawfare and the invasions of all White nations. We need to stop buying into an image of ourselves created by our enemy and remember who we really are. The best warriors (and everything else) nature has ever made. Our inherent goodness is our Achilles heal. It is supposed to be reserved for ourselves. We don’t owe non-Whites anything at all. Taking back your own lands from invaders is not terrorism, no matter what some rat says.
Lady Bret Crain
1 day ago
this infuriates me it’s absolutely disgusting send all the foreigners and the Jews that let them in back… Leave Europe alone let it be European let Scotland be Scottish !!!
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In Scelus Speramus
18 hours ago
stop paying them interest and taxes
1 day ago
Telling the truth is a threat now? What does that say about hummus youza?
23 hours ago
I dont care at all whether pakis are brown, black, violet, green or white. The fact that pakis are pakis and do paki things is the point. And the reason i dont want any pakis in my country, not the skin color. Obviously the prime paki knows that, but tries to make it seem like native europeans are so utterly stupid and irrational that they simply dont like certain colors. So again, to him native europeans are not only a race that must be replaced and punished, but that they are on subhuman level.
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By Their Works
22 hours ago
Yes, every time these retarded liars try to use this false framing we need to make a point of it. This is why i prefer to say Negroids, as opposed to “black people”, as if they are just like us, but happen to be darker. Yeah right.
Show reply
13 hours ago
EXACTLY! WELL SAID! They are like poison dart frogs, in a way! You may be all for the frog, like the coloring etc…. and if you try to avoid it or contain it, you could be accused of discrimination, etc…. But they’re poisonous and can hurt you, and so you try to be careful. The same is true of skunks.
AND, for what it is worth, ironically, the only countries I EVER planned to maybe emigrate to if the “SHTF” were ones that were predominantly WHITE.I didn’t do that because I was racist, but simply because I would fit in better and knew I would have fewer problems with racism, etc…. It would be bad enough living down the garbage reputation some americans apparently worked so hard to get. Of course I would speak the local language and try to come close to the local accent. The UN and WEF destroyed my zeal to emigrate though. 8(
I’m here to radicalize
23 hours ago
Scotland is committing suicide by not removing these sand nogs from their country.
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Dick Head Jr.
15 hours ago
*being murdered.
18 hours ago
Go Lana. Expose the hateful crybaby for what he is!!!!
18 hours ago
I’m sick of these shitskins!!! They all gotta go!!! Fuck this paki POS!!!
22 hours ago
Fuck you Yousaf you clown racist if you don’t like white people piss off back home or at least to the place you think is home.
23 hours ago
Unreal. This is the supreme example of “being over the target.” O/
Dick Head Jr.
15 hours ago
Keep speaking truth to power, Lana.
Hello. Ye be fren or foe ?
21 hours ago
On a side note … this is good free advertising :fire_up:
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17 hours ago
Good point.
Lampshade Denier
22 hours ago
If Pakis didn’t resent being Pakis, why do they risk life and limb to live in White countries?
18 hours ago
Scottish cops are all literal Antifa pedophiles, their lives are forfeit.
20 hours ago
Paiki Orc!
20 hours ago
Smelly paki subhuman
19 hours ago
We need to Pack up these Aliens and Ship their Arses Back to THEIR NATIONS Where they should be !
20 hours ago
(Alt Link)
YOU ARE AMALEK 1-3 (2022)
Jews tend to lie about their race. It’s called ‘Crypto Judaism’ and is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith.
Practitioners are referred to as ‘Crypto Jews’ (Greek Kryptos meaning hidden)
Jews do subversion and social manipulation. That’s a fact. Japanese specialise in science and tech. Germans specialise in engineering. Jews specialise in subversion and social manipulation.
Georgia Guidestones, Denver Airport Murals, United Nations Mural, Jewish Melting Pot Plan AKA Kalergi Plan
Grey Templar
22 hours ago
Publics services should nt allow fuckn moron that cannot even speak properly …
He s a fuckn retard and you can feel the hate when he say the word white …
They should throw him out of office period .
Under The Radar
1 day ago
The world has spun out of control in every way possible. I hope there is a AI takeover that wipes them all out.
15 hours ago
What the fuck is going on in the West right now?
21 hours ago
the stabbing and rapping is looked down on in western societies, used to be
Matt Hammond
10 hours ago
That cheeky fucking bastard foreign parasite enemy combatant, whose people have raped, sexually enslaved and even murdered our underage white daughters in their thousands, better be prepared for the consequences of his actions when nationalists come to power. He will be very fucking lucky to get off with mere repatriation. And those fucking criminal traitor scum police that not only ignored, but actually covered up these awful, heart-breaking crimes are in deep fucking shit too. Trials await you cunts!!! Take your hate speech bollocks and cram it!!! Trials await!!!
Swedes Are White
10 hours ago
Send them all back
12 hours ago
I lived with a German family for a brief time and am still friends with the son. He told me back then that he and his (French) mother and sister lived in Spain for thee years and was made fun of for being a “nazi” (more like “nathi”) as a 9yo. It is a part of being a foreigner. Stay amongst your own or grow a thicker skin. Pakis do not need to be colonizing any part of Europe. They have a big enough country and can use birth control or move to israel if not.
14 hours ago
Insane that Scotland spends their money & time investigating y’all lol
Bigot Smalls
14 hours ago
what a lying sack of enemy shit. he never noticed his parents or siblings were brown and very different? fuck you. how the hell are Whites so naive?
17 hours ago
Facts cited, as in using anti-whites’ own words to point out their hypocrisy, are now called, “hate facts.”
Well, I LOVE hate facts and Mrs Palmgren is laying out clearly AND strongly. A beautiful white woman, mother, & wife.
Bravo Lana bravo, & t/y.
18 hours ago
We have to stop using words because action is the only way out now, the longer we take to accept that the worse it will get and before long it will be too late. Communists/Jews are taking action whilst we just keep using words, we are losing the culture war.
1 day ago
ALBA GU BRATH….indeed :flag_scotland:
9 hours ago
Red ice should thank the fake mainstream media for the free advertisements. Many Scots will now be supporting Red Ice TV. Humza is the least liked foreigner in Scotland.
11 hours ago
RedIce you are doing great job. He should be deported for his hate towards white civilization.
12 hours ago
Red Ice is over the target :thumbs_up:
Goycott carunka
14 hours ago
ooh nooo lol someone said bad things about my raysisums towards native Scotts
Apollonian Slumber
15 hours ago
Nice one Lana.
18 hours ago
Oh, believe me, far “worse” is said daily in pubs and housing schemes all over Scotland.
Scottish media live in a fantasy world, obsessed with celebrities and stupid shit like UFO’s & ghosts.
18 hours ago
we are quickly getting to the point where violence against these traitorous antiwhites, Jews and shitskins will be necessary. We will make them regret taking advantage of our kindness and abusing our people after we took pity on them and allowed them in to our country’s.
6 hours ago
Europeans needs to wake up right now
7 hours ago
Lana beefing with the Prime Minister of Scotland was not on my bingo card. I’m loving it.
Logos rising friends!
Christina the Astonishing
7 hours ago
Unintimidated!! :star_struck:
White Supreme Pizza with extra spices
8 hours ago
If Scotland is predominantly White how did this brown cunt get into this position?? Are there that many self hating Whites in Scotland??
9 hours ago
We love our racism in Scotland. (It’s pronounced reeecism by the way – reee reee reee)
GB News was even accused of reeecism for calling this creep Humza Useless. In effect, any criticism of him is racist, as any criticism of Nicola Sturgeon was misogyny.
Talmudvision Zogberg
10 hours ago
Evil looking ugly dirty Paki bastard, fuck off and die!
10 hours ago
He can’t even comb his hair or shave his disgusting beard when addressing the parliament…
It’s so clear that they hate anyone of European descent with a fiery passion.
13 hours ago
If whites were to dare to say that some arab countries should be white, you can bet those countries would scream racism, even though it seems some of them WERE white. But whites aren’t even supposed to have a home, according to them. And if whites are telling lies, etc…. WHAT DO THEY CARE? I mean we OBVIOUSLY don’t even have weapons, planes, cars, or ships. We are too feeble minded to get such things! They claim we don’t even have a CULTURE! I heard a black yesterday say that whites would have NOTHING if it weren’t for blacks.
It would be nice if we could see the racial makeup of everyone at a glance. I bet a lot of lies would suddenly STOP! It is amazing how many mexicans and other hispanics suddenly end up at a loss for words when they find out they have genes from the iberian peninsula! I guess they all figured that spanish was stolen from the countries THEY claim to love so much. And the iberian peninsula is in EUROPE!
21 hours ago
I bet that kid thanks his Parents now !
22 hours ago
Has Mr. Yusuf ever used the word “gora”? The pakis’ word denotes a white or fair-skinned person.
6 hours ago
Being Muslim and yes, brown, makes you out of place in a white, European country. In the same way a white European person would be out of place in a Muslim country. Your parents abandoning your country was thier first mistake.
10 hours ago
Quality polis
unorthodox normie
11 hours ago
I like the fact that his “office” is on the warpath about it, means he has most likely seen the videos lol
11 hours ago
I wonder…How much rehearsal…This Clown did…To a Scot ..for this public speech….Can We Hear This Speech in Paki ?
Hello. Ye be fren or foe ?
21 hours ago
Imprisoned ? He wants you dead …
3 hours ago
great clip, fuc all them antiwhite racist fucs.
4 hours ago
Good! More publicity!
6 hours ago
police are cunts dropped my support defund
Tune Soop
6 hours ago
Surely you have grounds to sue for slander, or something?
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
7 hours ago
those scenes from bravehart are terribly white :-):-):-)
18 hours ago
he has a lovely story, im sure its real in his imagination
4 hours ago
i see two people from yousafs office have this video too.
Talmudvision Zogberg
10 hours ago
McLaughlin is pronounced McLocklin Lana :laughing:
17 hours ago
He’s as Scottish as whiskey and haggis
In Scelus Speramus
18 hours ago
watch out humza’s one of those government-protected thugs
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
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Version 1: Sat, Jun 10, 2023 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (82).