Mark Collett
‘Karen’ is an Anti-White Slur
Fri, Jul 14, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“‘Karen’ is a racially charged slur used to describe women of European descent. Find out how the mainstream media is weaponizing this slur in order to shame and silence white women who are attacked by members of other ethnic groups.”
– KATANA]—Karen-is-an-Anti-White-Slur:3
Published on Fri, Jul 14, 2023
‘Karen’ is an Anti-White Slur
July 14, 2023
12 Dislikes
‘Karen’ is a racially charged slur used to describe women of European descent. Find out how the mainstream media is weaponizing this slur in order to shame and silence white women who are attacked by members of other ethnic groups.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(Words: 2,528 – 16:13 mins)
Sometimes a headline, or a story will catch my eye, and this particular story certainly did – and not just because of the headline itself, but also because of the sheer number of headlines that appeared in my news feed that were all about this one incident. In fact, despite this incident occurring in America, the British newspaper the Daily Mail ran no less than THREE headlines about the incident, and I keep calling it an incident, because it isn’t really anything more – we aren’t talking about an internationally news worthy story here – this incident was nothing more than a minor altercation that took place by a swimming pool in America.
Yet this incident blew up into an international news sensation, Garnering hundreds of articles, videos on social media and innumerable posts, comments and reactions.
So, let’s read the three Daily Mail headlines so you can understand both the tone of the articles and the venom with which they were laced;
HEADLINE ONE, and I quote:
“Bizarre moment White woman goes on deranged racist rant as she slams family for holding a ‘Mexican party by the pool’ before screaming at them to ‘go back to where you come from’ at Colorado apartment complex.”
End quote. Now, when have you ever seen the race of a criminal or terrorist in a Daily Mail headline? When migrants commit crimes, and even when those crimes are specifically anti-White in nature, the race of the perpetrator is never mentioned in the headline.
In fact, the Daily Mail, along with all other news outlets in the UK has created a long list of euphemisms with which they describe non-white criminals in an attempt to obscure the race of the perpetrator.
What’s more, the Daily Mail makes it clear where they stand on this issue with their very one-sided reporting which even goes as far as to call the White woman in question “deranged” – language that would never be used to describe someone from another ethnic group!
HEADLINE TWO, and I quote:
“‘Poolside Karen’ who went berserk at Latino family at Colorado condo is revealed to be art consultant and FENG SHUI expert who screamed: ‘You don’t even know what Hermès’.”
End quote. And here it is, the woman involved in this incident is called a ‘Karen’, the new anti-White term used to attack and demean any White woman who dares to stand up for herself against a migrant or group of migrants.
And note, I said “stand up for herself”, and we will come back to that shortly! Because the tone of this headline, and in fact all of the three headlines that I am discussing, paints this woman as the aggressor, as the angry White threat to the peaceful and innocent group of Latinos just trying to enjoy their time by the pool.
HEADLINE THREE, and I quote:
“‘Poolside Karen’ and mom-of-two who unleashed a racist tirade against a Latino family for ‘not knowing what Hermes is’ was declared BANKRUPT in 2019 – and had just $120 to her name.”
End quote. Again, the term “Karen” is used, along with the word racist, and then some information about her personal wealth – which is clearly part of the character assassination that ensued.
I don’t know what her personal banking history or financial situation has to do with this, but clearly the Daily Mail went to some lengths to humiliate this woman – finding out every scrap of personal information about her that they could.
So, after reading these three poisonous headlines, you may well believe that this woman had done something truly heinous, and all the outlets that covered the story had footage of this “heinous act”, so what better than to take a look and see what really happened, so here we go, …
Karen: Yeah, it’s true. Do you have a block? Two people? You have a [bleeped out] Mexican party in a pool! Trash! Oh yeah you want to, … You can’t do that you can’t just record me [goes to grab camera recording her].
Male: I’m so sorry.
Karen: Go back down to Denver! [words beeped out] I live here! I live here! Go wherever you came from! [words beeped out] Lower class [? swine]!
Oh, my God! It’s so dumb! And you’re wearing it on the pool! You idiot!
Karen: Yeah. You don’t even know what Hermes is!
Female: [with Hispanic accent] I have Hermes made sandals on.
Karen: [bleep] Oh, yeah! And these? Hold on. Wait. This is good!
Male: No, no, no, …
And that’s it! Three Daily Mail headlines – and hundreds more in other publications – over that… and that alone. No assault, no threats, not even a racial slur, she just said that it wasn’t a Mexican pool party, and that they, a group of people who you don’t even see, should go back to where they came from!
But there is one other notable thing that you can take from that video, which I will draw your attention to, just in case you hadn’t noticed…
The clip was presented without any context what-so-ever. The only thing shown in that short and highly edited clip is the lady in question looking rather exasperated. There’s no build up and there’s no footage of what came before, there’s nothing to show what wound her up and what led to her being so exasperated.
I estimate that up to 90 per cent of the footage was clipped out, thus painting her as a highly unreasonable and demented aggressor and giving no context what-so-ever about what led to her behaving in that manner.
Which basically let’s, you know, everything you need to know! This isn’t journalism, it’s not a balanced article, it isn’t fair and unbiased reporting; it’s a hit piece! And we will go into why it’s a hit piece and who the target is and what the media aim to achieve from all this a little bit later. But for now, let’s focus on the hit piece itself, because it’s particularly nasty.
These hit pieces contain no comment or rebuttal from the woman herself. And as stated earlier there is no context to the video or even an attempt to put forward both sides of the story.
But worse than all that, these hit pieces feature information about her children, her previous financial situation, including personal financial documents and details about her previous employers – one of whom subsequently felt the need to release a statement about her.
This is the kind of article written in order to ruin someone’s life and to inspire fear in others, fear that if they were to end up in such an altercation, they too may face the fury of the media and the life altering consequences that often follow.
So, what do I think happened? Well, I’m no Columbo, but looking at numerous comments on the articles and social media posts about this story, something becomes clear – this incident wasn’t all one sided.
Apparently, the lady in question was staying in a pretty expensive condo which had a private pool. She was hoping to enjoy some time at the pool in relative peace and quiet, when a large group of Latinos, who some have stated were not actually staying at the block in question, came to use the pool and ended up being rather noisy and boisterous – with a number of allegations that this group were playing loud music that was preventing others from enjoying their time by the pool.
After a while the tension began to rise and the woman in question asked the group to quieten down. And their response was to wind her up and be generally obnoxious, until she finally snapped! Which is what the world has seen in that very short clip.
Now, bear in mind that’s just a theory.
But one thing that points to this theory being correct is the short video you saw earlier. The video in question has been heavily cut – removing the entire build up to the incident shown. Now, if the supposed “victims” had been completely innocent and there had been no build up, no provocation and no fault on their part, then why was the video cut? Why was all the context removed?
Well, it’s pretty obvious! The context was removed because those who filmed and circulating this video did something to antagonise the women which led to the outburst that the world saw.
And worryingly, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, this is not the first time that the mainstream media has painted a lone White woman as an aggressive “racist Karen” for standing up for herself – this is part of a pattern.
Earlier this year Yahoo News ran with the following, and I quote:
“White woman caught on video trying to steal black youth’s bike in New York City. ‘Karen’ behaviour is being called out again. The latest incident involves a White woman who was caught on camera attempting to hijack a rentable Citi Bike from a young black man in New York City.”
“The woman appeared to be an employee of New York City Healths Hospitals based on the embroidered health system’s logo observed on her scrubs. In the nearly two-minute video, she tried her best to make a scene that painted the man as a threat to her well-being. ‘Help! Help me! Please, help me,’ screamed the woman to grab the attention of passersbys who would see her in perceived despair while surrounded by a group of black youth.”
End quote. Yeah! Because pregnant White women are known for assaulting gangs of black men and stealing their bikes!
In fact, let me be pretty bold here. I’m going to bet that this kind of incident has never happened, and it wasn’t what happened here. In fact, a few days later, after the alleged bike theft had been covered by hundreds of newspapers, websites and pundits on social media, it was of course revealed that the pregnant White woman had paid the for bike in question – in fact she published the receipt.
The reality was: The group of black youths had tried to steal her bike, she had cried out for help, and then the black youths realised that if they accused her of being a “racist White Karen” they would receive their get out of jail free card, the entirety of the mainstream media would be on their side, they would be immediately let off for trying to steal the bike, and she would be publicly destroyed and potentially lose her job. So of course that’s what they did. They shouted “Karen” as loud as they could and every media pundit believed their lies and then ran with those lies in numerous publications!
Now let’s get back to the incident that we’re discussing today, and specifically let’s get to why the media are doing this and who the target is.
The target of these media smear campaigns isn’t actually the women being wrongfully named and shamed, the target is White women in general. The term “Karen” is a racially charged slur used to describe a woman of European descent who is usually remonstrating with someone from another ethnic group.
Wikipedia describes a Karen as, and I quote:
“Karen is a pejorative term used as slang for a middle-class White woman who is perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class White women who ‘use their White and class privilege to demand their own way.’ Depictions include demanding to ‘speak to the manager’, being racist, or wearing a particular bob-cut hairstyle.”
End quote. So now we know who the target is, what’s the purpose and why are White women being targeted? Well, that’s simple, but also very nefarious: The term “Karen” is a racist term which will be used to silence any White woman who stands up for herself against someone from another ethnic group – even if the White woman in question is in fact the victim who is acting in self-defence.
A White woman screams out because she is being robbed by someone from another ethnic group:
“Oh! Won’t that Karen just shut up!”
A group of migrants is following a White woman down the street, she feels uncomfortable and ducks into a shop and speaks to store security. That’s Karen behaviour!:
“Can you please leave the store, you’re banned for life!”
A White woman refuses the advances of a non-white male and he begins to act in an aggressive manner and she starts screaming, well:
“That’s one Karen who has it coming!”
And you can see exactly where this is going.
The term “Karen” will be used by the media to silence and disarm White women, to make White women think twice before they act in self-defence, name a non-white criminal, or scream out when being attacked by someone of another race. Karen is the term that will be used to shame and silence any White woman who comes forward to report an anti-White crime. Because the media don’t want those crimes reported! The media don’t want those crime statistics being recorded! Because the media are anti-White!
But wait one moment! Or as they used to say, “Stop the press”! Because the Daily Mail has now written a fourth article on this incident! This article was written and published between the time I started scripting this video and the time I published it. So here goes. And I quote:
“EXCLUSIVE: Poolside Karen breaks her silence and claims SHE was the one attacked by wannabe Tik-Tokkers who clawed at her hair so violently their artificial nails broke off, then goaded her into rant and edited clips for views.”
End quote. And just as I predicted, there was provocation which was followed by creative editing.
But where as I predicted that there was just a bit of loud music and boisterous behaviour, it was actually far worse! The White woman who has been attacked and maligned by the entirety of the mainstream media for the best part of a week was actually the victim of a vicious physical assault by a group of migrants! Which explains exactly why she looked so exasperated!
But wait a second, because I hope you didn’t miss it. Despite the woman at the centre of this incident now coming forward and explaining she was actually the victim of an assault, the Daily Mail still refer to her as the “Poolside Karen”. How utterly sickening!
Imagine the uproar if a black woman was physically assaulted by a group of White people and the Daily Mail used a racial slur to describe that black woman in the banner headline of an article about the assault? And where’s their retraction? Where’s their apology? Well, don’t hold your breath!
Make no mistake, the truth doesn’t matter to these vile and hate filled political activists who pose as “journalists”. All that matters to them is advancing their anti-White agenda!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/21/2023 = 187)
Rear Admiral Dick Head
6 days ago
Karens are normal White women who stand up for themselves when abused by non-White criminals and degenerates. The whole concept of a Karen is based on the fact that non-Whites feel entitled to abuse White women and if they’re scolded for it, then they themselves have been wronged. Non-Whites in America are pure trash and the lugenpresse simply encourages them to abuse White women while defaming White women who stand up to it.
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6 days ago
No, they’re not. Karens are a fcking pain in the arse…and they are most definitely not on our side….never in a million years… These will be the people phoning the secret police to take you to the gulag for something you said about immigrants. Sadly women are hard-wired for social-conformity. Our enemies have hijacked this natural drive and are using it and will continue to use it as a means of persecuting what they would term ‘dissidents’….I’ve too much experience of women being the first to complain as soon as you say something non politically correct.. Every time it’s a woman who gets offended… and she starts bleating and the men fall in line… you can see it with the Antifa thing. That’s basically a gang of Karens with their domesticated beta males in tow….with a few Jewsh paedos thrown in of course.
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Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Spot on, Sir. Seems I’m not alone here in my consternationous comments.
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6 days ago
You’re not alone but some nat socs would ad hominem you as being such. Im surprised the incel slurs havent started in the comments yet, really, i am surprised.
Rear Admiral Dick Head
6 days ago
You need to stand by your women when they’re attacked for their race.
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6 days ago
But would they stand by you? Remember that woman in Germany? The one who phoned the police because a German man was verbally abusing an immigrant while he was killing people Yeah… I’ve seen enough of that kind of thing from women.
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6 days ago
Most of them would not. Most of white people today would not stand by you, no matter if they have dick or pussy. They rather stay silent, deaf and blind. And blame you of the clown world state of the west. Like good little brainwashed sheeple. Would you stand by me if i told negroes to go back in the jungle where they belong. No. You would want nothing to do with it. Why would that be your personal concern. Why should i care what some white woman karens think of dirty mexicans and stinky negroes or anybody/anything. Its not my concern.
6 days ago
Antifa arent white middle class and middle aged women. Most of antifa women are mentally ill 20 something year old perverted bbc sluts.
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6 days ago
Karens aren’t exclusively middle aged women…. But Antifa seems to be mostly Jews, Karens and their beta simps.
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6 days ago
Yet it always means a behaviour/stereotype of an middle class middle aged white woman. Who for example politely asks mutants to behave like humans. And the mutants always get very angry about a middle aged white woman telling them how to behave civilized. Karen is very exclusive term and everybody knows what it means exactly. And for younger white women they use different terms from the get go like white ass racist slut.
There are no middle class middle aged white women in antifa. At best in some office work, if even that. Its all young white/mixed mentally ill perverted people.
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6 days ago
You’re right… but the media perhaps are making this a racial slur…..I’m pretty sure the media didn’t invent the term Karen and it wasn’t intended to be a racial slur whenever it emerged from the cyber realm… but yeah, they will make it a racial slur. All the same, since society became feminised which really ramped up in the last 10 years and logic and reason no longer the drivers of advancement, but feelingz and subjective reality and ‘muh experience’ then everything has totally gone to shit. Frankly I blame women for driving all this shit…. I like the fact that there is a word to describe the whamens who have fcked up everything men built over the past thousand or more years.
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5 days ago
I tend to call white women who try to tear down european civilization/european family structure as commies, libtards, race traitors, enemies of the people etc. Whereas i call those people who complain for nothing, no matter the gender or race or age or social status, as not even worth mentioning/noticing. Better to leave them to wallow in their bitterness and emptiness. Nothing you do or say will make them feel otherwise.
6 days ago
Id take Karen over Shaniqua every day of the week
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4 days ago
See how that turns out for you lol
6 days ago
Yes, its an extra shield for non whites to target, abuse, slander and terrorize white women. And if they get a reaction or a defense for the abuse, slander and terror from white woman, they can go really violent on her. Because she racist and evil, we dindu nuffin. We never dindu nuffiin.
Peak Aussieman
6 days ago
I’d rather a Karen then a “Latifa” or a “Shaqueal”. Much rather.
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6 days ago
More likely to be unpersoned than murdered versus Karen.
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5 days ago
based nickname.
6 days ago
MSM doxing Whites and giving as much personal information as possible in true commie fashion.
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2 days ago
but we are the bad people..
Hail Europa
6 days ago
It’s worse that white conservatives use that term too to so so much.
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6 days ago
Yes, White anti-Whites seem to use the slur more than anyone else. Or at least just as much as black women use it. Especially online, you’ll see that slur tossed around constantly on Youtube comments, Reddit etc.
6 days ago
heard a young White lady at my job use that term. So cringe
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4 days ago
Might be worth trying to explain how it’s a weapon that might be used against her someday, if it’s safe/appropriate to do so of course
6 days ago
In Germany we have countless jokes about blonde women being stereotypical bimbos and stupid as a bag of rocks.. I’ve come to believe that this is another example of psychological warfare against our people.
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6 days ago
That’s disgusting people do that and goes against reality in every way. To put down blonde hair is to put down the White race, since it’s ONLY White people that can be natural blondes/blonds. And what’s more amazing is blondes/blonds comprise some of the most intelligent people on the planet, MENSA members, and tons of European inventors, philosophers, geniuses, and artists. The “dumb blonde” trope is highly insidious. I’m not saying every single natural blonde/blond is super intelligent, there are going to be dumb people out there of every hair colour, but the anti-blonde thing is just such an anti-White mentality. Those kind of stereotypes would never be allowed for any other race, and the worst part is so many Whites have bought into it. “I was having a blonde moment” etc.
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6 days ago
Blond hair is rare in native populations outside of Europe. It evolved INDEPENDENTLY in Melanesia, where Melanesians of some islands (along with some indigenous Australians) are one of a few groups NOT descended from Europeans who have blond hair.
Took me 5 minutes, but yea, the rest of your claim is on point. If you insist on making a point with hair, do it with red hair.
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5 days ago
he said blonde, not dirty sheep’s wool color or whatever that is.
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5 days ago
Wow, a white who is illiterate. Please dont breed.
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5 days ago
wow, an albino peasant who think’s he’s white. please don’t breed.
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5 days ago
tool late :smirk:
6 days ago
All too common with blonde jokes. They were really popular in 80s and 90s. Now that there are so few actually blonde women, as most blondes today are more than often just dyed hair mutants, you hardly hear blonde jokes anymore. Makes sense of course. And in 10-20 years no one even knows blonde jokes were a thing at some point. Because there are no actual blondes anymore but only few in some very remote villages.
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6 days ago
Polish jokes were popular then too… Poland is among the last of the based countries now. Almost like they knew the future.
3 days ago
Bullying blondes is way to cope for those who are envious of them.
2 days ago
Yes, the hatred and envy against our people is enormous!
6 days ago
Going forwards, imagine how white women will fare as native Britons reach minority status:
‘Those abused [white] girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.’ – Naz Shah, Pakistani MP of immigrant descent…
Brandon’s Bane
6 days ago
This woman looks great for 50.
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6 days ago
Yes indeed.
Mark Collett
6 days ago
And she’s had two kids! She has the genetics of a goddess!
6 days ago
50???? She’s stunning for a 50 y.o. And very brave too.
My Awesome Channel
5 days ago
50!?!?! No way.
6 days ago
I cringe Everytime I see a commenter on JewTube say “she’s a Karen” so annoying. I usually reply with “better than being a Shanequa”
Nicolas Donin
6 days ago
The Karen meme got popular in 2020, people don’t understand how memes are a psychological weapon often deployed by government agencies to influence mass populations
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Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Excellent input and info. Good man.
countenance blog the expat
6 days ago
“Karen” didn’t start out as an explicitly race-sex slur. It was meant to refer generically to pushy bossy schoolmarmy middle aged women. The whiteness of a Karen was implicit but not relevant. However, it has turned in a transformative sense into a race-sex slur.
That said, I see some have already gotten the fundamental point. The ruling class will love Karens when they get all Kareny in ruling class approved ways (“white racism,” Covid restrictions, etc.), but then hate Karens when they get Kareny on the ruling class’s non-white pets.
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6 days ago
Excellent analysis, very well put.
6 days ago
You claim a thing and thats the law. cool. Are you the original inventor of the karen slur then as wiki seems to completely disagree with you ? Obviously as wiki says karen slur = white middle class woman.
6 days ago
White women are the best. They are supreme.
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6 days ago
That’s why they’re the most resented – they’re the prettiest… and the non-whites know it.
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6 days ago
Again, not all white women are the prettiest. I just can’t let this shit go. You all sound like rapey Indians or Pakistanis or something looking for a lone drunk woman on a Friday night. A lot of them are too fat and too dumb. That’s just an honest fact. I suppose you end up with the fat ones because they can’t run away from you….sorry but don’t be cringe…be real.
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5 days ago
simps running to nationalism in hopes they get a free girlfriend and get laid. it is what it is.
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5 days ago
But who are the sheep who up vote him? It’s like he said the smartest thing in the world…. but he said probably the most unreal, cringiest and fakest thing… it’s like they don’t have any real experience with white women or something…maybe there’s a bit of a youth and inexperience factor at work here. I’ve got to keep it real…. We can’t fill ourselves with bullshit. There are attractive women of every race…. but you’re best probably sticking with your own in order to perpetuate our own ethnic identity. There are pretty black, nice Filipinos and nice Indian girls… but ultimately if you breed with them, your child is no longer white and that is a great loss for you and your heritage and the well being of the planet as a whole since it is white people who tend to be the best able to manage the world around us.
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4 days ago
Use your white brain and think about it. All what u said is true, there is more evidence supporting it than there is against it; iq scores, living standards across nations, education levels, inventions, lack thereof etc. Yet there are black men bedding white women, white men bedding black women, indians bedding whites, blacks bedding indians, asians bedding whites etc.
Something else is at work here, the major one is, in fact, forced integration but it cant just be based on nothing, there has to be a kernel of truth a lie is based around in order for it to be effective. That truth is the human instinct to breed. Theres nothing out there greater than this human instinct, it is from this instinct all jewish lies builds around and all noble lies get their power from. They just drape it in whatever rationalization the audience is likely to accept; nationalism, ethnocentrism, patriotism, liberalism, globohomo nonsense, anti white rhetoric it doesnt matter.
People instinctively want to be with their own kind but at the back of their minds, they want to at least get a taste of what its like on the other side, better or worse they dont seem to care. Slime me if u want, im just here pointing out what i’ve observed. Black nationalists do the same thing and most of them in that circle, tho well meaning, are usually sex starved men who cant get black women but at the same time are too intelligent to realize the race mixing thing is abominable so they get conflicted. I suspect the same thing happens in these white nat. circles with most men, not all but most.
I say all that to say this, IN GENERAL(not directed at you per se), to all nationalists; have sex FIRST then see if you actually have the temperament of a white nationalist. I say this because i came at this type of politics years ago (8 yrs ago) having not had sex or much interaction with women and subconsciously i was thinking this was a way to get girls without having to put in work. Call it projection i.d.c.
6 days ago
They’re not though. I can only assume you don’t know any white women and are some kind of ogling Indian or something. I’m from a white working class background. I know what white women are like. I have no simp illusions. There are many fine women…and a lot of not so fine women. Definitely not all white women are supreme. They are an embarrassment at times.
6 days ago
When the term Karen was just starting to become a thing, I remember blatant jewish women online (who were very upfront about being jewish) saying that “Karen” is a “delicious new trope” and that they were ecstatic about it being used for White women. Anyone using that slur and thinking it’s a good thing…congrats, it’s exactly what the jews wanted you to do. It most definitely wasn’t purposely orchestrated or anything, no, definitely not. And to men in the comments who seem to get off on using that word, good job weakening White people even more. Brave and heroic!
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6 days ago
A sizable amount of Karens are probably Jewish. This “I want to speak to your manager” mentality is quintessentially Jewish.
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6 days ago
It does seem that men, even some white men, get sexually off on getting to call white middle class women as racist and pathetic karens as they dare not to call any non white woman any names. As they would get humiliated and likely beaten to pulp. Even though non white women, especially the blacks and browns, are clearly more like wild beasts than women.
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6 days ago
Yes very good point, I agree! They wouldn’t dare say such things about non-White women. It’s a creepy and disturbing power play to dehumanize, and make themselves feel superior. I think it’s most especially because as a demographic, White women are among some of the most well-behaved/least violent or dangerous people (not including the crazy psycho leftist white women or degenerates of course), so society loves to see any White woman “put in her place” and for it to make the news. White women are victimized so much by non-Whites, and just targets of violence in general that they have to turn the narrative into making White women the perps.
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6 days ago
Lowest hanging fruit. Some openly criticize feminists but not jewish power for example. As while you might get few negative feedback for criticizing feminists, you could get actually jailed for criticizing jewish power. White women are as easy targets as white men. Its normalized to attack whites either verbally or physically/both. Only thing you need to justify it is to say they are racists in some way, maybe dressed wrongly or made wrong gestures or said something, and of course only whites can be racist. And masses will socially accept the attacks.
Karen is just an extra insurance for attacking defenseless white women, as they can get a bit more understanding from the masses given they are women and thus weaker and more vulnerable in general. Whereas you dont need any such extra insurance to attack white men or boys. As such there is no insurance term for attacking white men/boys and never will be. Its enough they are white men/boys and thus deserve to be taught a lesson(attacked).
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6 days ago
For sure, and you’re right about White men/boys, they get even less insurance than White women. All you have to do is look at the public’s reaction to Ethan Liming, and seeing all the endless hideous comments made about him/mocking him/victim-blaming him to see the true nature of non-Whites. The comments on his Instagram were stomach-turning and evil. The fact the media stalked this woman’s personal banking history and posted it to the world is psychotic at best. So now they’re saying if you don’t have money you’re scum? Is she White privileged or is she underprivileged? Hard to keep up with their rhetoric. The mere thought of this being done to a non-White isn’t even fathomable, it would literally never happen. If it were a White family filming a black mother in her bikini the White family would already be fired from their jobs, and a GoFundMe would be given to the black woman.
5 days ago
I don’t know why you would think they get off on it sexually…. That’s a bit childish to be honest. We’re straying from truth and heading to fantasy bullshit with comments like that…. try to stay real brother.
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5 days ago
Not exactly that, even though theres always the sexual aspect in male female dynamic. But finally they get to say to women(white middle class women only) how pathetic, useless and disgusting they are. And all condensed in one famous racial slur. And they will feel good about it, every time they get to say it. The more the better.
5 days ago
Just call jewesses jewesses; it’s worse than karenhood.
Native Albion
6 days ago
White women run HR departments that routinely discriminate against white men with glee. Sometimes I dont want to be a nationalist, because winning would also mean saving white women, whom I cant bring myself to care about anymore. Im aware this comment will be slimed to death, I dont care. I need to be honest.
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6 days ago
I hear what you’re saying, but i suspect your intrinsic ethno-centrism will override your totally valid revulsion at the treacherous behavior of many white women. You should also remind yourself that it isn’t just our women that succumb to their programming; the men do it more often than not too.
By Their Works
6 days ago
there are still good ones out there that probably feel as abandoned as you do. They need someone to be the strong White man and find them. Being depressed or resentful won’t save our people. You’re seeing these cravenly women in these places because that’s who gets hired and promoted. The good women won’t get hired or stay there long. They are marginalized in the shadows somewhere.
6 days ago
So what now? Are you going to go Asian?
Only white women can make beautiful, white babies. Remember that.
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Native Albion
6 days ago
I dont know what now, pray for collapse maybe. No I will not go Asian.
6 days ago
Don’t despair. They’re just going along with the power structure. Woman are the ultimate conformists so they’ll always take on the characteristics that the current power structure wants them to have. When we win, they’ll conform back.
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Native Albion
6 days ago
Yes I know all that and agree, that doesn’t take away the fact that they have no inate loyalty or honour. If its only power and status keeping them in line then why should I respect them? The day they “come back” why shouldnt I want to treat them harsher than Islam? If what goes around comes around then surely they have Karma coming their way?
King Tut
4 days ago
white women are just as easily socially engineered by the jews as the blacks
6 days ago
“Karens” are female liberal vacuous airheads who follow the latest ‘thing’ and love to preach to the unconverted from the lower orders, this term ‘Karen’ will be used by the MSM mob to turn it as they always do.
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6 days ago
Yeah, I totally agree with you. You see it clearly.
Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
6 days ago
Absolutely, Karens are real. They are obnoxious frustrated liberal women who side with the state to exert the power they lack in their private life and abuse people who don’t follow the rules of the state. Karens are despicable and deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. They are a low-level weapon of the anti-white establishment. The fact that the usual suspects have unjustly turned the term into a racial issue doesn’t mean that Karens aren’t real or that they should be respected or protected in any way, shape or form. Never forget what the Karens did during the pandemic mandates. Karens are scam and deserved to be exposed.
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Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Spot on. Glad you at least see it. Many Nats (always wanting to blame others instead of employing intellectual honesty and looking at the state of their own tribe before criticising others) simply do not.
Hard uncomfortable truth –but I won’t live a lie. Easily 50% of our own tribe (primarily those who still vote for the Regime) are at this point partisan collaborators who are dragging us all down with them into their private hell. That includes Karens.
I don’t mind being the outsider and not going along with ‘popular sentiment’. Instead of your slimes…
6 days ago
Razor sharp take and my exact take as well, they are golems, witting or willing, used against the group they come from, by the (((group))) that wishes to see us all destroyed. I posted a comment very similar to this and it got slimed. I have 0 sympathy for women, who’s mothers grandmothers and great grandmothers preached equality and were used as golems by jews like bernays to bring about shit like contraception, womens rights and all that shit WHICH ARE THE FOUNDATIONS of the shit that we are waist deep in today.
Some women who run to right wing/nationalists circles, not all, SOME, do so solely out of self preservation, that is to say not because its right but because they are running from the consequences of the policies they supported, tacitly or otherwise. Unfortunately these types are either hard to sniff out or when u do find them, no one cares because the men they’re around are so smitten by them, it just goes through one ear and out the next.
6 days ago
Black liberal women shouts you they will kill and rape your racist cracker ass and your whole family. White liberal women shouts you that you are acting indecently and in rude manner.
6 days ago
Plenty are just liberal women who are disagreeable and have not gotten the news that their leftist White women privilege weighs less than the feelings of some jogger. Under different circumstances they would gleefully shit on White men if there are any social incentives to do so. The Karen meme is good because it will over time make siding with the other side less attractive than it used to be. Very few women are intrinsically good, that goes for every race. Lifting White women up at the own expense is a mistake White men did for the last century and I think Mark is deceived by the quality of the women around himself leading him to false conclusions. When these Karens get fired they are also often revealed to have been working in typical SJW professions etc.
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6 days ago
You seem very certain that things will turn out well for us. Like in jewish hollywood movies. Little troubles but ultra happy ending and hero gets the girl and rides in the sunset. I hope i had your naive over the top optimism. I tend to think white race can be wiped/mixed out completely in future. And that there are forces trying to achieve that, and has been for a long time. It would certainly not be the first or last time species/sub species go extinct on this rock and thus never to exist again. I guess i would need massive dose in nihilism and apathy in order to not care and just chill.
6 days ago
I think Karens are just White women who, unaware they are now on the list of evil people, still act with the privilege of the recent past where all attacks on Whiteness only used to exclusively target White men. Brown people celebrate the trashing of Karens because they like to point their fingers at White people acting out in an effort to attack Whiteness while normalizing their brutish behavior, Jews and Asians do it to convince themselves they are higher-class and right-wingers interpret them as more positive than they actually are ignoring Karen-behavior mostly has been usually imposed on White men for decades (to our detriment, show me a functioning society which allows women to act disagreeable to their men).
The Karen meme is good because it ends the situation of only White men being under attack. Especially being a younger man who had to deal with constant betrayal for social points I have very little sympathy for those who always want to protect women from all sorts of hardship.
6 days ago
They are attacking our women with greater and greater frequency now. I think they have to in order to justifiy their own inequality. Do our women deserve it? Well, kind of, yes, a lot of them do. Regardless, we should defend them and teach them and regroup unto ourselves. Maybe it’s a positive thing.
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6 days ago
You are safe and confident to attack those not being able to properly defend themselves and those not being defended from attacks. This is why they feel so confident and happy attacking us. White women cannot defend themselves against non white man/men or groups of non white women. And nobody will help a white man defending himself against non whites. Even if its 10 non whites bashing together a lone white guy. This will all get worse and worse until we group and defend each other by whatever means necessary. Worse for white men/boys and white women/girls equally. Very bleak and disturbing future. I dont know what could realistically change that future.
The North Remembers…
6 days ago
She needs to do what Nick Sandman did to these anti-white media types and sue them for defamation, libel, and slander. There is a huge opportunity for lawyers working pro bono to make some serious money. Enough people do this, and win a judgment, at the very least the anti-white media will think twice. And at least these people who’ve had their lives ruined will get some compensation and possibly be set for life. Ultimately, I want the likes of CNN and other anti-white media outlets to go bankrupt. I especially want these Stasi’esque “reporters” to reap what they sow and feel the pain that they’ve put white people through. #bloodlibel
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By Their Works
6 days ago
yes. all these antiwhite propagandists need to be dealt with by any means an operator sees fit. Everyone needs to learn what happens when you $#%! with Whitey, no matter how few we become. Sick of these rats slinking by while they subvert our homes and prepare to murder, rape, and torture our people, as they have already done. Our righteous fury needs to be legendary worldwide.
6 days ago
i cannot stress how often this happens. Black criminal purposefully runs down a white woman and child with a car – nothing.
“racist karen” says the n word to someone who physicially punched and kicked her – 11 million views
on youtube and thousands of undesirables condemning her.
the second a white person doesnt accept their place at the bottom of food chain – the reversal happens and the minorities in question are justified to do literally anything
Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
May well be a racial slur, but it can’t be denied that those self-righteous prissy school ma’ams –who have far too much to say for themselves and are well outside of their station in being society’s policeman– are overwhelmingly White liberals –especially women.
If ever you’re taken to task by one of these upstarts for, say, smoking as they walk past you with that pathetic affected cough like your killing them, don’t say a word. Look them in the eye and laugh.
There is nothing more irritating than the holier-than-thou proselytiser.
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Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Had a feeling this would illicit some slimes. :sunglasses: Truth hurts. Look at who passionately enforced on behalf of the State the Covid diktats. I had more run-ins with my own tribe that I did non-Whites. They just loooove rules and being given a station beyond their capacity. “Govern me harder, daddy!” “Oh, please take my taxes and tell me what to do.”
Some Nats are not exempt from my characterisation, either. :scream:
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6 days ago
Truth hurts so much that you can’t handle slimes :'( . Since you haven’t figured it out yet, the “Karens” aren’t White liberal women. They’re the ones USING the slur against good White women. It’s damn hilarious you actually think White women pushing covid are Karens, when it’s the ANTI-VAX White women who are being called Karens. When it was good White women trying to call out the masks and lockdowns as Karens. In other words, you haven’t been paying any attention to which women are called Karens and which ones are the psychos attacking them. That same slur is also used on any White woman who calls out the influx of invaders and talks about how much their neighbourhoods are degrading. They’re immediately called a White-privileged Karen. Oh and here’s a thought…people don’t want your shitty cigarette smoke in their face.
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Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Thanks for your reeee! suppositions that hold zero basis in anything I said. Presumption is the mother of fuck-ups, right?
Thanks also for proving my point: “Some Nats are not exempt from my characterisation, either. :scream:”
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6 days ago
Awww the projection is strong in you. I guess being called out on your shit was too much for you to handle. Keep posting your pathetic shocked face emojis like a 13 year old girl since it’s all you can do. And keep attempting at insulting MY character. You’re going to fail every time. You see, unlike you, I know exactly who I am and what I have to offer. A literal turd on the internet isn’t going to shake my self-worth.
6 days ago
Dude, all white libtard women are Karens, either when it comes to covid or dismantling patriarchy. They are Karens!
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6 days ago
I know right…. I just don’t get it….. Karens are our worst enemy….well…second worst…. We need a name for them and perhaps they will stop acting like Karens and stop repeatedly stabbing people like us, who care about their safety and future, in the back.
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5 days ago
the way I see it, in white nationalist movement, just because someone is at least nominally for you, does not mean he or she is your friend. People attack Karens because they are white women and that means we should instantly jump to Karen’s defense? Heck but no. And also why KAren? Why not Susan, Alice, Glynnis?
6 days ago
You see things clearly…. But this is a second hand cold take which Mike Enoch has been going on about for ages…. So much of Mike Enoch’s stuff is bullshit though… I don’t even trust the guy. He says Masons are ok..(his family were masons too apparently) and the 2020 US election wasn’t stolen…etc etc.. So this take is a miss for me.
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6 days ago
Mike Enoch also has no problems with muslims in his movement. Fuck him.
6 days ago
Beer Hall Pooch
Exactly, very well put.
6 days ago
That may be true but in this instance it is not just cause for the spreading of slanderous lies against a woman that has been the victim of an assault. So please stop enabling the anti-white racist MSM.
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6 days ago
This lady was not a Karen, she was being abused and spoke out. That doesn’t mean that real Karens aren’t despicable antiwhite liberal losers. Real Karens deserve to be exposed for what they do. Never forget how they sided with the anti-white regime during the lockdowns. They are by default liberal anti-white monsters.
Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
Is it really necessary that I have to preface every comment I make with, “I agree with the video; ‘Karen’ is being utilised as an anti-White slur; and that she was right to do what she did”? This IS my position.
Too many people have jumped to conclusions that the first point I made is the antithesis of this position. Never presume. If in doubt, ask.
I mod for this channel and many others. Hardly likely, is it, that I’m “enabling the anti-white racist MSM”?
Thank you.
6 days ago
case in point;
women like these are the BIGGEST MOST POTENT golems of jewish hegemony.
6 days ago
Hey, at least I agree with you here. Then again, that fact might draw you some more slimes
6 days ago
Been a smoker for some time. In past. Fortunately didnt get lung or mouth cancer from it, it wore down my teeth though. Had to repair them for quite some time and spent quite a lot of dollars and endure unnecessary pain. Many others do however get cancer from it.
Is it Karen for me to say you shouldnt smoke because you might get cancer from it and also that its a very unhealthy and self destructing habit to have. And that you fund globohomo mega corps with your smoking habit purchaces. So basically totally idiotic habit. And that those who do not smoke and/or do want to smoke dont want to breathe the smoke passively either. If it does, then im a racist middle class Karen i guess. But if you think that, then you take honest life style advice or suggestion very personally. Maybe even to autistic measure.
5 days ago
The term is just more open bullying of White people and typically its other dumb Whites who use it the most
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Native Albion
4 days ago
Because there’s a truth to it, there exists a sizeable portion of uppity white women who just need to be told to stfu. Im sick of hearing their s**t.
5 days ago
Credit to No White Guilt for calling “Karen” an antiwhite meme, years ago, designed to keep White women from calling the cops on criminal nonwhites.
6 days ago
The term “quiet enjoyment” has implications in civil codes through the USA (it’s a de rigueur in most leases, for example). The point here is not that the Mexicans or whoever were rowdy; it’s rather that thematized “antihate” extrapolated from legal contexts has become an unavoidable issue in the daily lives of Whites worldwide. That, and the fact that blacks/browns/etc are well aware of the power they wield in the application and exercise of law due to their privileged skin color. And it’s nothing short of that. The cliché is that posession is 90% of the law. Well, maybe you could say that dispossession accounts for the remaining 10%, of which 9% concerns punitive measures taken to ensure your silence.
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6 days ago
Yes. Well said.
The Knave
6 days ago
I suppose this is why white women lack the courage to speak out against the inconveniences of the multi culti gay disco. They certainly hate to be branded with a negative label!
On another note, i’m trying my darndest to popularise the term “Shaniqua” for when a dindu female gets aggressively loud & emotional in public, i.e “shaniqua moment” any help is much appreciated :smirk:
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6 days ago
How about sheboon ?
6 days ago
Ask them if they can still hear the beeping smoke detector despite being so far from the apartment building.
6 days ago
Mark, I disagree. Karens are bunch of liberal anti-white white women, feminists who constantly screech about oppression. Sorry, but I would never side with them.
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6 days ago
Tell me, is anti whiteness a norm in the west today ?
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5 days ago
yes and Karens are part of it. If that’s what you wanted to know.
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5 days ago
98% of people in the west are part of it in some capacity. And i count to that the indifferent as inaction/passivity can be viewed as action in some cases. Yes, in general middle class middle aged white women are likely on board with diversity ideology for example. So are middle class middle aged white men. I think what Mark was trying to point out is that Karen slur is about targeting white people, middle class white women specifically. Thus we shouldnt go along with it. Do you think that makes sense ?
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4 days ago
no, I must disagree with Mark, because he may be right, these white women are certainly not the ones we should defend.
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4 days ago
You mean middle class white women. Who then should we defend, poor teenage white girls only ? But if a poor teenage white girl shows signs of karenism, then we shouldnt defend her obviously.
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4 days ago
we should defend no one who doesn’t deserve it. And I was not talking about middle class white white women. Anyone white woman that acts liek Karen is enemy is my book. Them could be lower class too
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4 days ago
Then you werent talking about Karens. Karen is a stereotype of a middle class white woman. So i dont know who exactly are you talking about. Do you know even yourself who you defend in a situation or do you first try to question them about their beliefs the same time as they are being attacked and after the interrogation you make the decision to defend or not ? I dont understand how that works.
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4 days ago
man, what are you asking me? Let’s be clear: Karen is not just middle class white woman. No. But it is perfectly obvious they are not our friends, and those that are not our friends, we don’t defend. I know who’ll defend, obviously based on their beleifs and actions. It’s no-brainer really.
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3 days ago
It is though. Thats exactly what it is. And you cannot possibly know before hand who is worth defending and who is not. Unless you posses supernatural psychic powers. All you know is what race/ethnicity and sex a person is. Because i dont think you posses supernatural powers.
6 days ago
You wanted liberation, equality and independence women. You get no sympathy from me, white, black, spanish, it doesnt matter. I dont care. All this goes away when women realize, admit and perpetuate the fact that its men who should be running the political, and economic aspects of society and if that were the case, jews would find it much harder to find golems to administrate their genocide. Till then, i dont care what the plight of women is and anyone who does is a sucker UNLESS its under the umbrella of them having little to no say in their own situation to begin with, ie a wife and child being murdered in their native home street and beaded by some feral immigrant.
This white woman with her coomsoomerism materialist mindset, put herself in that shitty situation wittingly or unwittingly. They wanted this but now they dont want the consequences of it. If it were white men running shit there would be NO SCENARIO where this would be the outcome. IT WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED. But..white woman…ya sold your man out, its as much your problem now as it is the white man’s…difference being the white man has the savvy to strategize against and navigate the political landscape in order to survive. Will you, white woman?
Slime if you want, or not. But that’s the rail nationalists will never touch in favor of keeping/attracting more women to their movement who join not because its the right thing to do but for their own self interest/when they are personally affected by their shit takes on politics and economics, when they see that they’ve antagonized their white men and now realize they have no one to protect them from testosterone fueled spics and blacks who will push in their cervix the first chance they get.
Just an average netizen
6 days ago
No, it’s a cope-term, a karen is any woman that is bold enough to flex her privilledges
6 days ago
Absolutely Karen is an antiwhite slur 100%.
6 days ago
I’ve never heard the term Karen used in a racial context. To me it means a busybody that likes to get in other people’s business and complain about what they are doing. These are the people with too much time on their hands that sit on the condo board and send you letters complaining about your garbage cans being visible from the street.
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6 days ago
This new usage is very recent. The people who own the media intentionally changed the meaning of the term during the pandemic using a minor incident between a female dog owner and a black man who threatened to harm her dog. Funnily enough, among the Karens there have always been a massive overrepresentation of precisely the women from the ethnicity of the people who own the media. They made a genius move by changing the meaning of something previously accepted as negative, they’re very good at that trick. First they tell you you’re a victim and use you as an ally to undermine the system (“capitalism”, “the bourgeoisie”, “the patriarchy” etc) then, after achieving their goal, they throw you under the bus as a new enemy group. They did that many times in the past. You’re not “the working class” anymore, you’re a “racist cis white man”, you’re not a “feminist” anymore, you are a “racist Karen” now. They will do the same with Asians, Hispanics, blacks, gays, etc once they don’t need them anymore for their subversion.
6 days ago
I doubt the claim that there are normal people who complain that someones garbage can is visible from the street. Only mentally ill/low iq people would do that as it makes no sense at all. You seem to confuse mentally ill/low iq people to middle class white women, as that is what karen means. It doesnt mean a crazy person complaining about visible garbage can but of certain type of behaviour, typical behaviour/standards of middle class white woman. I have never heard a normal middle class white woman telling anyone or sending anyone a letter that their garbage can is showing.
5 days ago
it never really did. It just happens they are women while being white.
My Awesome Channel
6 days ago
Heard about the show on D.Duke’s program and found all your stuff. Had to dig to find it but the thumbnail sure is nice once you do. Keep being awesome. Also, you have the patience of a saint in chatting with Dr.Duke. He likes to talk, God help him haha. Love yall.
6 days ago
Our women may indeed be under attack, but this particular “poolside Karen” absolutely needs to put some damm clothes on! Why is she dressed like a slut at a public pool with children around?
6 days ago
“Gammon” is another anti-White slur. If that word had been coined to demean any other group, using it would be a police matter.
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Native Albion
6 days ago
True, however we shouldn’t be fat. Its the hew some boomers get when they’ve let themselves go. Its their own fault
6 days ago
“Karen” is psychological warrior against White women.
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6 days ago
6 days ago
Haven’t seen(heard) the video yet. YES ! ! ! Karen IS indeed an anti-white slur. And praise be upon it! If there’s one group of whites that NEEDS to be blackpilled on non-white people it’s White Women. This is the sort of thing that can turn white women over to our side.
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6 days ago
That’s a good point, it does serve that one purpose like you said, to blackpill the good White women. It’s so dehumanizing and meant to shut down normal White women for speaking out against, literally any form of injustice, bad behaviour, or mistreatment. Like the women who are harassed by black men, or are treated horribly by customer service. The word Karen is never used for any other demographic, meaning it’s a gang-up-on mentality to use against White women. Meant to mock, belittle, and humiliate, so that it erases her voice completely.
6 days ago
Yeah…. but as a long suffering man dealing with women’s bullshit it’s nice to have a word for them…… Most of our problems come from the weakness of whamen…. we’re only in this mess because our whamens have turned on us and sold us out….The Karen thing also gives a name to the desperate need for social conformity which is a major enslaving factor for us as a people…. So maybe if we call them Karens they will stop being Karens and get on our side against our common enemies. An Austrian painter said “where the women go, the men follow”.
6 days ago
We all know the tribe hate white people and Christians, their main aim is to eradicate them just as they did in Russia in the early 1900s. They also write the history we all swallow.
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6 days ago
Which one is more important to you, christianity or white people ?
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6 days ago
Potent question, boom. Notify me when they answer, i wanna see it.,
6 days ago
Only a divisive person would think of that question, if we all followed Gods teaching it would be irrelevant. Unfortunately many people prefer the road of Satan’s selfish greed.
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6 days ago
Its not a divisive question. To a religious fundamentalist it is a tough question, as one has to put religion above everything else by default. Above their own people too if asked which is more important, your group or religion. But obviously if white people didnt exist, it would be worse for us white people, even if religions still existed. As existing as a group of humans is the most important and top priority thing, right ? So let me rephrase the question. Which is more important to you, religions/religion or existing as a distinct human group in this world ?
Country Bumpkin
5 days ago
Karens are those toxic bitches who start an argument in public behind a fake guise of morality. Covid Karens kick up a stink when I walk around without a mask. It’s not an anti-white term. It’s an anti middle aged bitch term.
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5 days ago
Thats the race blind cuckservative level of understanding.
On the flip side there are White middle aged women who are antiwhite. It can cut both ways, but our bias has to be in favor of our own. folk.
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Country Bumpkin
5 days ago
No, it’s a not being a victim level of understanding. Karens are loud mouth bitches of ANY sheepy viewpoint. It’s nothing to do with “racist” women. Start calling all the “anti-racist” Karens a Karen and make it about them instead.
5 days ago
Sorry, but that’s a retard take. And part of the problem itself. If you want to call someone a toxic bitch, why make it so racially specific? And I don’t really buy that you’ve had “Covid Karens” get on your case about masks, unless you’re referring to employees in establishments, nurses, etc., telling you that a mask is required for service. I live in a pretty “diverse” area in the south, and I’ve seen THAT kind of behavior come from men and women of various races… not just “middle aged White” gals. Not a single person of ANY race has just came up in public giving me any shit about my lack of a mask. And I don’t know anyone who has had that happen. So your statement just doesn’t gel.
Further, agreeing that there are “Karens” just reinforces and justifies the ANTIWHITE slur. It’s NOT simply “an anti middle aged bitch term”. Maybe you ought to have another look at this video. Watch it a few times.
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Country Bumpkin
5 days ago
You’re looking for offense like a lefty. Do better and set a good example. When bitches get called Karens without regard to their views
on race, that means they’re being called Karens for non-race related reasons. You seeking offense doesn’t change that fact. Yes it was employee workers but 1) Their tone is always much bitchier than men’s, and 2) I had zero men give me lip, it was from Karens every.single.time. I got it about 12 times during those two years. Always Karens. It’s usually feminists who hate men and want to pick a fight with one who isn’t obeying rules. One of the Karens was a Sikh woman in a corner shop who spoke perfect English with a perfect accent – she was a Karen too. The rest were white but it’s just a fact that Karening behavior seems to come mainly from middle-aged bitches of the white persuasion. Whites aren’t perfect, there are bad elements too. And God forbid you ignore a keep off the grass sign or they think you jumped the queue in front of them. Karens are senile and should be called out for being Karens until they are expunged from civilised society.
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5 days ago
Didn’t even bother reading your crap past the first sentence. F— off. Blocked.
Country Bumpkin
5 days ago
I bet you read every word @ JimB and have no retort.
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4 days ago
JimB is a total fcking disingenuous manlet beta, run when they’re met with confrontation just like karen bitch, Typical.
6 days ago
Get in line honkie, behinds the Muslims. And stop crying about it while ur there
6 days ago
the origin of karen was a jewish woman really putting the fellow white in fellow white
6 days ago
My mother’s actual name is Karen. And she’s such a lib that she thinks the Karen slur is funny. Even after I’ve explained to her that it’s a slur aimed only at White women. Her response? “Well, Jimmy, a lot of White women ARE Karens”. Some people…
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6 days ago
Damn, I’m sorry your mom has bought into it. I’ve heard the same thing about other women named Karen, a lot of them seem to have taken on this mindset. Maybe as some weird subconscious defence mechanism, thinking if they “laugh it off” people won’t use their name against them. The self-hate is strong. I’ve even seen Karen used against animals, where any video of a barking dog or angry pet etc is being called a Karen. Because they’re trying to push that “Karens” are aggressive, angry, and abusive to others.
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6 days ago
That’s kinda funny about animals being called Karens, I have to admit. But yes, my mother is a self-described liberal. I of course refer to them as shitlibs but I wouldn’t call HER that, at least to her face; she’s my mother after all. I’m 55 and still can’t bring myself to get too mouthy to my mother. But I did tell her, when she told me “I’m a liberal”, I said “Mom, you may as well have just said ‘I’m an idiot'”. She actually thought THAT was funny!
6 days ago
Why’d you delete this comment? (
) It was a good one! Even though you removed it I could still copy it from my notifications. That’s hilarious about your Dad! (If you want me to I’ll remove the imgur link to that comment. Don’t want to get you into it with Dad)
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6 days ago
Haha I felt a bit guilty I guess. I love my dad, but I also get really frustrated with how he is sometimes. But then I feel guilty for talking about him. Don’t worry you don’t have to delete it
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Canadian Daily News
6 days ago
great video
and reposted
6 days ago
Seems this article has attracted the attention of the very people we refered to, ‘the self righteous original Karens’ who hate anything that hasn’t been neutered and silenced.
3 days ago
I feel for this woman and I am disgusted, but not surprised, about the injustice done to her by the media hate campaign and the intentionally misleading TikTok clip by the use of lies, humiliation, doxxing and anti-white framing.
While she probably won’t read this comment, I want her to know that it’s absolutely understandable why she was upset and I’m proud of her for protecting herself. Sue the hell out of these f’cks. Something as traumatic as the physical assault itself and the following organized harassment by the media are hard to deal with. Please stay strong, you are not alone.
And remember, even the loudest and most vicious verbal attacks don’t have to tell the truth.
They use intimidation, guilt tripping, denial and other manipulative tactics to torment us into not standing up to these abusers. Never be manipulated into putting up with abuse against you, your loved ones or innocent people.
We must stand together and continue to defend ourselves against all attackers who are entitled by the anti-white system to discriminate against us and hush up their crimes.
5 days ago
I don’t think that originally it carried the anti White connotation, because other people who speak other languages, and have different names, also have names of their own to refer to a certain kind of woman, the middle aged entitled liberal who wants to speak to the manager, and this happens in countries where there is no diversity in comparison.
Inevitably, in places like the US and Britain, it has become a racial thing, but then, what doesn’t?
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5 days ago
What other people who speak different languages are you talking about, and specifically what names do they call them?
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5 days ago
I’m talking about European Peoples who speak many other languages, they have the same kind of women but the name “Karen” doesn’t exist in their nomenclature. The words they use are just street slang, they’re never in the headlines. Once in Spain I heard some people using the word “Charo”, which happens to be a woman’s name there, and it is used for those who always have something to complain about. I think that the name “Ginette” is used in some places in France, but only the locals know their own slang, it is difficult for non native speakers.
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5 days ago
Well, I’m positive that the term ‘Karen’ was antiwhite originally. It was popularized on black Twitter as a meme used to describe white women who “tattle on black kids’ lemonade stands” (as if that were a thing) or call the cops on a black due to feeling threatened.
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5 days ago
Then I stand corrected because I don’t know anything about twitter. It is very confusing that different people use it with different meaning, for example, some called women who insisted that you wore your mask “Karens”, while others called those who refused to wear it “Karens”, like that meme with the spidermen pointing at each other.
5 days ago
If you think that having your day by the pool ruined by Mariachi-blasting invaders is bad, imagine having your once-in-a-lifetime camping vacation at Yosemite ruined by said type invaders. Yes, this happened to me. You want to talk about culture clash?
Padge O
5 days ago
Thanks for pointng that out. I’ve been saying it from the start. It’s like other slurs, like ‘dumb blonde’.
6 days ago
Wife material.
6 days ago
Another question would be why the lady in question was being recorded at the time she lost her temper?
That raises questions in itself, particularly considering how she was dressed.
Beer Hall Pooch
6 days ago
reee’d this to me then blocked me. I re-post for posterity. Epic reeee replete with name calling. The authoritarian mindset is real; some can’t handle others’ opinions. Do pardon my freedom, won’t you.
“Awww the projection is strong in you. I guess being called out on your shit was too much for you to handle. Keep posting your pathetic shocked face emojis like a 13 year old girl since it’s all you can do. And keep attempting at insulting MY character. You’re going to fail every time. You see, unlike you, I know exactly who I am and what I have to offer. A literal turd on the internet isn’t going to shake my self-worth.”
I’ve Been in an Accident
6 days ago
She is beautiful.
Goði Lane
2 days ago
Karens are fighting for Western Civilization in a way that should be applauded. I Karens.
4 days ago
Anyone who’s lived around mexicans knows perfectly well how they take over public spaces. This woman was naive to think she would receive an ounce of consideration from them.
Not a knock against her of course. Appreciate you Mark.
4 days ago
Thanks, Jews!
Awake since 1997
6 days ago
MSM Fake News Media Racist Psyop —
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5 days ago
I get a blank page when following your link.
6 days ago
If they want to hear some racisms, they can come over to my backyard.
Canadian Daily News
6 days ago
Canadian Daily News
6 days ago
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Version 3: Wed, Jul 26, 2023 — Added comment with link to this transcript at Odysee video. Added Columbo pic.
Version 2: Tue, Jul 25, 2023 — Added images.
Version 1: Sat, Jul 22, 2023 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (187).