Mark Collett
Israel’s Plot to Send
2 Million Palestinians to Europe
Sat, Jan 6, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Israeli Government officials have been openly and enthusiastically talking about removing the vast majority of Palestinians from Gaza for good. But as Zionists further their ‘Greater Israel’ project, those displaced from the region head to Europe as Western leaders and ‘refugee charities’ lobby for Palestinians to be welcomed, a policy that will speed the ethnic replacement of white people.”
– KATANA]—Israel’s-Plot-to-Send-2-Million-Palestinians-to-Europe:7
Published on Sat, Jan 6, 2024
Israel’s Plot to Send 2 Million Palestinians to Europe
January 6, 2024
Mark Collett
Israeli Government officials have been openly and enthusiastically talking about removing the vast majority of Palestinians from Gaza for good. But as Zionists further their ‘Greater Israel’ project, those displaced from the region head to Europe as Western leaders and ‘refugee charities’ lobby for Palestinians to be welcomed, a policy that will speed the ethnic replacement of white people.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
tony blair
white genocide
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(Words: 1,748 – 11:34 mins)
Since October 7th of last year, Israel has carried out what can only be described as a campaign of genocide in Gaza. Israel’s relentless aerial bombardment and subsequent ground invasion has killed at least 21,507 people – and at least two thirds of those are women and children.
And the figures I have just given you will be out of date by the time you’re listening to this, they were reported on the 29th of December last year, so by now, it’s a safe bet that the death toll is even higher. [23,200 dead, and 58,416 people injured as of Jan 9, 2024]
What’s more, last December Relief Web reported that on average 115 Palestinian children were being killed per day, making this the deadliest conflict for children in current times.
These are quite sobering and upsetting figures – especially when you factor in that this is not “collateral damage” or merely a series of accidents. Israeli forces have repeatedly and deliberately targeted columns of civilians fleeing as well as refugee camps. And let’s not mince our words: Any other nation carrying out such actions would be indicted for war crimes.
As we woke up on Christmas morning, we were greeted with the news of another of these war crimes – Israel had taken the opportunity to bomb yet another refugee camp – this time killing 68 people, including seven children.
Yet despite Israel deliberately targeting women and children, despite the Israeli Airforce’s constant bombardment of civilian targets and of important infrastructure, Western leaders at best stand in compliant silence, and at worst cheer on this genocide in order to prove their slavish adherence to the zionist power structure that dominates the West.
But if calling for a ceasefire is off the table – and here in Britain doing just that can get a politician suspended or sacked – what could be the solution to the conflict in Gaza?
Well, the answer is simple: Israel wants the Palestinians out of Gaza – and they are using jewish run “refugee” charities and their Shabbos Goy politicians in the West to lobby for Palestinians to be brought to European countries.
And this isn’t some conspiracy theory dreamt up by those in tinfoil hats, nor is it an idea floated by fringe politicians in Israel who have no power or influence.
I read this from jewish News, and I quote:
“According to Channel 12, Tony Blair was in Israel last week where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz to discuss him possibly taking on the role as a mediator in efforts to bring Palestinians out of Gaza. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was quick to welcome the report, saying: ‘This is a morally just step to take, first and foremost for Gaza border residents, and for all of Israel.’”
End quote. It’s important to note that Tony Blair has strenuously denied these claims.
In fact the Tony Blair institute tweeted the following rebuttal, and I quote:
“The Channel 12 report in Israel linking Tony Blair to a discussion about a ‘role’ in the ‘voluntary resettlement of Gazans’ in Arab and other countries is a lie. The story was published without any contact with Tony Blair or his team. No such discussion has taken place. Nor would Tony Blair have such a discussion; the idea is wrong in principle. Gazans should be able to stay and live in Gaza.”
End quote. Now that’s a pretty strong and unequivocal denial. But to quote Otto Von Bismarck, “Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.” And maybe, just maybe, Blair is covering his tracks and not telling us the entire truth. I mean, it’s not like he has a record of lying about very important issues when doing Israel’s dirty work, such as the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
And the problem is, a denial like this is far less credible when at the same time it is issued the other party in the alleged discussion gives a glowing endorsement of the plan that is being denied.
You see, the same article in the jewish News went on to report that Israeli Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, had told Israeli Army Radio the following, and I quote:
“We want to encourage wilful emigration, and we need to find countries willing to take them in. We need to encourage immigration from there. If there were 100,000 to 200,000 Arabs in the Strip and not two million, the whole conversation about the day after [the war] would be completely different. They want to leave. They have been living in a ghetto for 75 years and are in need.”
End quote. Smotrich doesn’t elaborate on how Palestinians ended up living in a ghetto and who is keeping them there, but anyway, …
Smotrich is talking about between 100,000 and 200,000 Palestinians remaining in Gaza once Israel has finished with their current military actions. But wait a second, I hear you cry! Didn’t he say two million Palestinians were currently living in Gaza – well, that’s an underestimation, a more accurate figure is 2.2 million. This would mean that somewhere between 2 and 2.1 million Palestinians would need to be either them killed or displaced.
However, despite the IDF’s best efforts, killing over two million people is a big job, so the vast majority of Palestinians would likely be displaced rather than killed, meaning a huge humanitarian disaster that would need to be cleaned up by another nation, as sure as day follows night, Israel won’t be dealing the with the problem.
And neither will neighbouring Arab nations who are largely refusing to take Palestinian refugees in significant numbers.
So now you can now see more clearly why those in charge of the Israeli regime are so desperate to get Western leaders to assist them in their plan.
But it’s not just leading politicians that will be calling for the West to open its borders to Palestinians. As I mentioned earlier, refugee charities in the West will also be doing the same. Charities like The Refugee Council here in the UK, which is run by a man named (((Enver Solomon))), are already calling for the British government to take in Palestinians as quickly as possible.
The Refugee Council had the following to say about Palestinian refugees fleeing Gaza, and I quote:
“We urge the UK Government to be ready to take immediate steps to put in place emergency safe pathways for Israelis and Palestinians seeking refuge from the conflict in the Middle East.”
“The deepening crisis in Israel and Palestine has cost thousands of lives and is exacerbating an already desperate Palestinian refugee crisis in the region.”
“We call on the UK Government to lead the way in offering refuge to those caught up in the crisis by putting in place: medical evacuation for people in need of specialist care; an emergency family reunion scheme modelled on the approach introduced in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine; an emergency refugee protection visa; facilitated travel for UK nationals and those with the right to enter the UK; prioritise cases of Israelis and Palestinians already in the UK asylum system.”
“In setting out these proposals we reiterate our call for a fair and humane asylum system in the UK, with safe routes that provide refugees, no matter where they come from, with a means of seeking safety in the UK.”
“Those safe routes should include a bold and ambitious multi-year resettlement commitment, wider family reunion pathways, and the piloting of a refugee visa that allows people to travel safely in order to apply for asylum in the UK.”
End quote.
So here we have a case of leading Israeli politicians attempting to influence Western leaders, and at the same time Western leaders being pressured and lobbied by pro-refugee charities here in the West – all to the same end – opening our borders to another stream of refugees.
And from my point of view, this is all rather familiar.
Another conflict in the Middle East that the West are funding, another conflict that serves the interests of Israel alone and another conflict that displaces potentially millions of people, the majority of which will end up heading to Europe – and whilst all that is happening zionists lobby for both more funds for their war effort and for Europe to welcome the swamping masses of displaced people flooding out of the Middle East.
This is what America’s “greatest ally” and the nation all Western leaders bow to has planned for 2024. They are unashamedly both murdering as many Palestinians as possible whilst at the same time making most of Gaza completely uninhabitable. This will result in many dead, but will also lead to a situation where Palestinians not only have nowhere to live, but the complete destruction of the infrastructure and damage to the land will make it impossible for them to ever rebuild their homes and their lives, even if they could.
And that’s another important point; when the conflict does end, who will be in charge of rebuilding Gaza? Who will oversee the rebuilding? Which country will ensure that any rebuilding is done on their watch? Well – the answer to those question is quite obvious.
This seems like a blatant attempt by Israel and zionists all over the world to finally end what they see as the “problem” of Gaza. And that means removing the vast majority of Palestinians from the city, for good.
Not only is the war in Gaza a genocidal catastrophe in which Israeli forces have repeatedly targeted women and children, but now Israel is hoping to send up to two million Palestinians elsewhere – and by elsewhere, it seems Israel would be most happy for them to come to the West.
If the zionists get their way, they will not only be committing genocide against Palestinians living in Gaza, but they will also be speeding White genocide here in the West by sending potentially millions of Palestinians to European shores, pushing Western multicultural melting pots even closer to boiling point.
But isn’t that the perfect outcome for the zionists? The creation of a greater Israel which stands as an unchallenged ethno-state built by jews and for jews, whilst at the same European nations become more multicultural and White people are taken ever closer to the brink of being minorities in their ancestral homelands.
Those who claim that supporting Israel in the Middle East serves Western interests are either naïve fools or con men. Israel is not the West’s ally in the region, Israel is a nation that uses Western money and military power for its own ends before offloading all the problems it creates upon European nations.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 1/10/2024 = 46)
Earthling Carl 1
4 days ago
It feels like the flow of low IQ dangerous brown people into Europe will never end. Well at least not until this continent resembles where they came from, which won’t be long at this rate.
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4 days ago
Where they came from is under jewish occupation
something that the west has been under under for at least the same amount of time or longer
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3 days ago
Their intelligence is of secondary importance. The most important thing is they are non-white. If they were as intelligent as us, it would still be a genocide through replacement migration. It wouldn’t be more acceptable if they were high-IQ. They want our destruction and theft of everything we have, at the least that is the consequence of the behavior they engage in. They are the enemy, irrelevant of their IQ, based on their behavior.
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1 day ago
Indeed, i hate those kinds of “arguments.” The reason they shouldn’t be here has nothing to do with them being more violent, less intelligent, apelike or whatever. It all comes down to race, nothing else matters.
(and it’s probably different species if we’re honest about it… and no, being able to have offspring doesn’t make you the same species)
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Beer Hall Pooch
4 days ago(edited)
Excellent takes. Say what you will but Mark knows his Nationalism.
Folk from the following three tendencies (to whom I posed this same question months ago) now need to answer again, now those Nats standing with Palestine have been proved right:
“Will you be indifferent, aloof, ‘muh not our struggle, fk em they’re brown’.. once millions of displaced Palestinians are arriving on our shores? How is it not the Nationalist position to support tribes fighting for their lands and resisting ethnic cleansing?”
So, what now say these three groups…
1) Indifferent Nats who can’t see the bigger picture
2) Tommytard Israel lovers
3) Grug-Nats whose position takes them as far as basically being P@k1 bashers.
Hate to say we told you so but, err, we told you so.
Thus, 2 million super-charged displaced Muslims naturally wanting revenge now heading our way –in part the result of piss-poor takes; the absence of a robust opposition to Israel from the wider Movement and those tangentially aligned with it; and a failure of ideological consistency.
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Beer Hall Pooch
4 days ago
In Palestine, Zionist control is overt and brutal; here more devious, cunning machinations prevail. The result is the same: dispossession and weakening of the host nation. No nationalist standing under its banner should be carefree towards the plight of the Palestinians. The purge has already come for them and will eventually come for us, only with different methods. What is occurring in Palestine is occurring here: different tactics, different measures; same Tribe, same outcome.
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4 days ago
He’s an idiot and so are you. There’s no plan to move 2 million Palestinians to Europe.
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4 days ago
“There’s no plan to form a State of Israel in Palestine”
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1 day ago
6 gajillion were gassed in rollercoaster ovens!
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The Belting Balaclava
2 days ago
You overestimate the importance of Israel. Even if that country was nuked, mass migration to the West would not stop. It is a fault of our own elites (Jews and White traitors). Don’t get me wrong, I still agree with you on what’s important, but focusing on this conflict has become a distraction for many nationalists. Just look at the NJP’s recent failures. Striker ended up looking like a clown by suggesting we pool our resources with them. Just go to a pro-Palestinian protest and say you are NS, they’ll try to kick the shit out of you.
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4 days ago
Who could have seen this coming?
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
4 days ago
I did wonder about this months ago- now Gaza has become an uninhabitable wasteland- Where are all these displaced folk to go?; If you had a house in Gaza that had been destroyed would you BOTHER rebuilding it- knowing it will just be destroyed in another war in 5 or 10 years time. I have a ton of sympathy for the Palestinians- but I DONT want more muslims in Europe- the ones here already cause us enough trouble…
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4 days ago
The solution is simple. Drop a neutron bomb on in israel that kills all lives there but leaves everything else intact. Then after the dust settles, give it to the Gazans to move it and have it. Poetic justice.
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
4 days ago(edited)
A little too radical & hardline for me but leaving aside morality yes it would solve the issue- cant have 2 nations competing for one land & the Palestinians were there First- like the whites in Britain
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Avid Fan
4 days ago
BOOM! M.C. starts the New Year straight out of the gate
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4 days ago
Win/win situation for Jews. Ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Israel. Accelerate and augment the demographic destruction of White Europe and the wider West.
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
4 days ago
In 1903- the British Empire offered the Zionist congress in switzerland a THOUSAND miles of virtually uninhabited land in Uganda- but the Jews foolishly rejected it- saying its Palestine or nothing. Imagine IF they had taken that offer instead of trying to cram into an already over crowded land that already had an ancestral people… All the thousands of dead in conflict both jew & palestinian would still be alive if they had gone there. A neutral Britain in WW2 could have mediated to ship jews there & prevent some of the horror that occurred in Eastern Europe with regard to jew & Slav populations. Also the fact that the Ashkenazi IQ is higher than the African one- might have meant Uganda today resembled the 1st world more than the 3rd as it currently does…
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You can’t fix stupid…
4 days ago
THE KALERGI PLAN is now in overdrive……..
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3 days ago
In 10 years or less Germany will no longer be producing automobiles.
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Baron Brezzik
4 days ago
I predict that after Israel sends these Palestinians (who are definitely not a fan of jews) to the west,
the jews in those countries will complain about “the rise of anti-semitism” even more.
Also. What jews gonna do once the west is destroyed? Israel wouldn’t even exist without western support.
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4 days ago
the parasite are already eyeing their new host
when I drive through the elite jew neighborhoods outside of Boston I see it everywhere “mandarin immersion” nursery schools for jews
they are on ever block in Newton and Brookline
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Baron Brezzik
4 days ago
I’m not sure if their tricks gonna work on China. They are way more ethnocentric than the west, and China has its own plans for global dominance, but i wouldn’t be surprised. They did similar things before.
Like when they backstabbed the Visigoths by siding with the invading Moors. Things were great for them at first, but eventually the Moors had enough of their shenanigans, and exiled them.
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– 🗲 GamerMosleyMomentUK 🗲 –
4 days ago
Seems the conflict in Palestine is a lose-lose for Europe. Who ever wins, we’re going to be inundated with a militantly hostile migrant population which’ll find themselves sitting comfortably amidst our treacherous bourgeoisie.
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4 days ago(edited)
it’s lose win actually they will chase out the heebs but then who will chase out the mohamedeans
kinda like the situation in Australia with the cane toads
the jews are the beetle pests and the muslims are the cane toads
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The Belting Balaclava
2 days ago
Exactly. This is why we should stop focusing on this conflict and instead devote all political energy to fighting against immigration and making the case for repatriation.
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4 days ago
What so now we are finally going to get real refugees fleeing a genuine hellscape? Wow
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3 days ago
I think Ukrainians qualify. Also funded by us.
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4 days ago
Well said.
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4 days ago
we should lobby the Politicians not to assist the Israeli’s ethnic cleansing
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3 days ago
That would be antisemitic if not outright terrorism.
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3 days ago
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4 days ago(edited)
‘and suddenly I began to hate them’
21st century designated Austrian Satan according from the Jewnited State of the West
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3 days ago
The most frustrating thing is that they tell us exactly what they want to do (flood Europe with brown and Muslim immigrants) in advance of doing it. Over and over again for decades they have told us that’s what they want to do, and then they have done it. All documented.
Yet, the vast majority of normies and even the vast majority of “right wing” people will say it’s a conspiracy theory and call you anti-semitic and get angry at you for saying anything about “muh greatest ally”. How do you wake up people who are this in denial of basic reality?
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3 days ago
The US has defacto been merged with Mexico and Argentina but we peasants do not have freedom of motion. The new serfdoms have been established in response to the Axis of Resistance.
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4 days ago
Our greatest ‘ally’
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4 days ago
quite sobering and upsetting and FAKE figures.
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Dawn Browning
4 days ago
You’ve made quite a few videos. Which one gives us more precise figures?
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4 days ago
All figures made up by Hamas themselves. It’s clear where their interests lie.
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4 days ago(edited)
Jews, Christians and Moslems lived in the region for millenia.
The Zionist plan and the formation of Israel is a terrible mistake.
Perpetual lies will receive perpetual condemnation.
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3 days ago
we Zionists are perpetually winning!
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3 days ago
At What ? Self delusion ?
You need to read the Torah etc.
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4 days ago
Which figures?
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3 days ago
Maybe Germany can supply a few of their magic ovens?
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anti nwos , anti invasions
3 days ago(edited)
that s the lan of those sionsist to kill europeans and take th emiddle east so channel those invaders towards the area where sionissjews are in each euro countries ….if there is no way to prevent their arrival because of traitors who must also be flooded with what they import …. technic used in usa against the rotten libtards cities …
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See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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