David Kurten – Collective Punishment is a Talmudic Principle – with Mads Palsvig – Mar 27, 2024 – Transcript


David Kurten


Collective Punishment is a Talmudic Principle:


Discussion with Mads Palsvig


Wed, Mar 27, 2024


[David Kurten talks with Mads Palsvig, leader of the Prosperity Party in Denmark about the following, among other similar topics:

– jewish strategy of using claims of “anti-semitism” to further their power.
– jewish take-over every institution in America.
– 85% of the Biden administration is jewish
– the collective punishments of all Russians with their assets frozen
– in the Talmud a jew is worth 10,000 non-jews and a jew is entitled to 2,800 slaves
– Hollywood is full of Talmudic jews pumping out nonstop White guilt, social engineering of hate towards White people
– leading jewish scholars, writers, etc, talk about genociding not only Palestinians but also Whites
– only allowed to hear about harm to jews
– a Talmudian world order is based on hate, revenge, and racial supremacy
– hatred of Germans
– destruction of the West







Published on Wed, Mar 27, 2024




Collective punishment is a Talmudic principle: discussion with Mads Palsvig on the David Kurten Show
1 day ago
The David Kurten Show on TNT – Wed 27 March 2024 …
David Kurten
24.1K subscribers
Collective punishment is a Talmudic principle: discussion with Mads Palsvig on the David Kurten Show
Mar 28
The David Kurten Show on TNT – Wed 27 March 2024
Follow along using the transcript.
Show transcript
David Kurten
24.1K subscribers




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(Words: 2,716 – 16:59 mins)



David Kurten: Welcome back to the David Kurten Show here on Today’s News Talk, TNT. And it is fantastic to have back on the show Mads Palsvig, who is the leader of the Prosperity Party in Denmark. Mads, welcome back to the show.


Mads Palsvig: Thanks, David. Good to see you again.


David Kurten: Yeah, really good to see you again. Now I want to talk to you about some, you know, the general issues that you write about and speak about on X [formerly Twitter] and on social media, as well as leading the party in Denmark. And that relates to something that happened in the news in the UK yesterday. There was an incident at Manchester Airport where a couple of Israelis were stopped, you know, in a routine check. They were held for a couple of hours and then let into the country.


But there was a complete outpouring of the narrative that these people have been treated badly. They’ve been treated with “anti-semitism” because they come from Israel. But if someone came from Russia or Afghanistan and they were given the same treatment, no one would bat an eyelid.


And do you think that the narrative of anti-semitism is talked up more than you know, that actually there is anti-semitism in existence in the West?


Mads Palsvig: Oh, for sure, yeah. I mean, leading jewish scholars admit openly that it’s a tool they use to get sympathy. And they’re very successful in this. They managed to take over literally every institution in America. 85% of the Biden administration is jewish!


So they are very successful.


And you mentioned Russia. Now, my wife is Russian-jewish, so I’m of course knowledgeable about what’s going on there.


And if you talk about “anti-Russianism”, if such a word exists, most people are not aware that Russian people were collectively punished for Putin’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine by having all their assets frozen overnight. They didn’t even get 24 hours to transfer their money to Dubai or elsewhere. They just had all their assets frozen.


So you have collective punishments of all Russians. I cannot send a package to my mother-in-law. I cannot send money to my mother-in-law. I cannot travel directly to my mother-in-law. I have to spend 1,000 Euros to travel through Istanbul or Dubai to visit my mother-in-law, who is old, who is fragile, who is in hospital on and off. And this is collective punishment, but this is just Russians!


And then if you are reading the Talmud, then you would see that they write that a jew is worth 10,000 non-jewish! And a jew should have 2, 800 non-jewish slaves! These are not my words. These are written in the Talmud.




And I believe that some of the jews in Hollywood and some of the jews in the US administration are clearly Talmud followers, because the chutzpah to think that you are entitled to 85% of the good jobs. And that goes for not only the Biden administration, that goes for all the leading jobs on us universities, all the social engineering, the woke culture that is happening there, the anti-Christian and the hostility towards Christian people. Hollywood is also 85% Talmud followers. And it’s nonstop White guilt, social engineering, hate towards White people:


“Just open your borders. We need to get rid of the White people!”


And they literally, you can find so many examples of leading scholars, writers, politicians in the Knesset, talking openly about, you know, not only genociding the Amalek, they call the Palestinians, but actually all White people!


So I think it’s about time that all jewish people, all the good jewish people, and I know a lot of them, when you have a jewish wife, you get a lot of jewish friends. I love them! And I need more jewish people now to go out and say:


“Excuse me, maybe if we only 2% of them are America, maybe we shouldn’t have more than four to 5%, at most, of the leading post in the society?”


Because who’s talking about the diversity? It’s the jews who are talking about the diversity! It’s the jews who are using this tool of calling diversity by shaming and White guilt tripping the White people. Because we’re all behind the Holocaust! All of us! Not only some psychopathic Nazis, who wanted to loot jewish wealth, but all White people have to pay.


So you can have, … Well Americans don’t have free healthcare. If a jew is sick in America, they have free healthcare, even including organ transplantations.


So there is a rule for thee and the rule for the other people. And this is based on this philosophy of “collective punishment” that is inherent in the Talmud. This Amalek “kill all of them”. So if one Muslim commits a crime against a jew, then kill all of them! This is collective punishment. This is not Christian.


In Christianity, we have an eye for an eye, which means if someone is committing a crime, you can go for one person and only him. You cannot kill his wife and children! It’s not a Christian thing to do. And I would like to see a more Christian world order in the Christian societies, and a Muslim and a Hindu and a Buddhist in their societies, of course.


I’m not saying Christians should be running the whole show. I’m just saying in the Christian countries, I would like to see a Christian world order of love, of forgiveness, of all men are created equal, and never collective punishment, only the perpetrator.


And what we’re seeing is we’re having a Talmudian world order right now perpetrated by the 85% in the Biden administration, and that is hate! That is revenge! That is racial supremacy! That the only genocide we are allowed to hear about is crimes committed against jewish people.




The 50 to 100 million Russian, mainly Orthodox Christians that were murdered, we’re not allowed to talk about! Any other genocide it’s not important! Because there is a racial supremacy inherent in the Talmud!


And I would like to see all my jewish friends who might watch this and any other jewish person, who are lovely people, and I love jewish people. They’re bright, they’re fun to be with, they’re great people. But please, come on, now!


I mean, if you’re promoting diversity, then try to be a little bit diverse. Allow some Hindus, some Buddhists, and Muslims and Christians to be allowed to make some movies and run Wall Street, run the universities, get an occasional seat in the Congress and the Biden administration.


David Kurten: That is an absolutely extraordinary figure! 85% of the Biden administration being jewish. I didn’t know it was that high, being a Christian myself. And I say the majority of people in the United States, which obviously is the most powerful country in the West, would say they’re Christian.


But I think there is a very big blind spot here, because a lot of Christians would support jews because they think of themselves as living in a judeo-Christian culture, and think that Judaism is just, well, the Bible without the New Testament, it’s just the Old Testament.


And a lot of Christians have never even heard of the Talmud.


I mean, I myself, I’d never heard of the Talmud until three or four years ago. I wasn’t even aware of his existence. And I’ve now come to understand some of the things that are in it, and it’s absolutely horrific!


And it means that if you follow the Talmud, which was written in the first of the fourth century AD as a rejection of Christ, Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.


And a lot of jews are Christians. There are messianic jews who follow Christ, have gone that way, but there are some who follow the Talmud. And it’s a horrific book, isn’t it?


And I think everyone should be aware of what’s in there. And you’ve put that very well and succinctly how that book is now having an incredible influence over Christian nations.


Mads Palsvig: Yeah, I mean the reason that you and I probably were not aware of that until, in my case, also three, four years ago, is because there’s a death penalty for a jew to tell a non-jew about the Talmud. They know that it’s not good.


And in the Talmud, they also write that you are free to commit any crime against non-jewish people, even on the annual Purim*. To take part in the annual Purim. I just posted a video of how they have kids dress up as Arabs and jews.




And then in the Purim, the kids in the schools are play killing the Arabs. I’m not kidding! It’s happening. This is what they do. And on the Purim, they have to go in, if they take part in that. I’m not saying in all synagogues, not in all synagogues, but in certain synagogues they have, when they take part in the Purim, in the ritual, annual ritual, they have to promise to break all promises to non-jews in the following twelve months. And that’s totally fine! I mean, come on now! That’s enough!


And there are so many assimilated, or whether there are religious or non-religious jewish people out there. I think, you know, you had a good run. We all love you. We’re not going to collectively punish you, all of you, for what some evil jewish people have done of crimes. We are Christian people. We will only go for those who actually committed a crime. We’re not going to go after his wife or his kids. This is not a Christian thing to do.


And then I have another thing I would like to say is the Germans have now been punished for 80 years.


I mean, can you find an inch, an ounce of forgiveness in your heart? Isn’t this enough? Isn’t it enough now!


The latest gimmick they now have found out is that now they have to be ritualistically humiliated during the European football championship. And the German men are forced to play in pink! Come on!


David Kurten: No! I didn’t know that. That’s terrible, isn’t it?


Mads Palsvig: It is so in your face! We own you!


Come on, that’s not good. We are nice people. And the jews people are nice, but we are all nice people. We should get along.


And the thing is, the minute Germany get their freedom again, then Germany and Russia will find out that they could benefit each other with Russian energy, German ingenuity, and we would have freedom, democracy and prosperity beyond belief!


If only we are allowed to not be socially engineered into hating each other and fighting all these ridiculous wars that already cost at least half a million young men their lives in Ukraine. It’s horrible!


David Kurten: Yeah, well, it goes back a long way, doesn’t it? I think we’ve had the World Wars of the last century.


But I think the greatest tragedy, or tragedies, of the last century is that there was enmity created between England or Britain and Germany and Russia and Germany and America and Germany, and now America and Russia and Britain and Russia. And we have four great Christian nations here. If we all got along and helped each other and supported each other and worked for creating prosperity and building a Christian society in a Christian world, how incredible would the world be? But this continual enmity being stirred up, and I speak against it. You speak against it.




I mean, look at the Russophobia in all of the mainstream media all over the West because of what’s going on in Ukraine. And you just think that this is perpetuating the tragedy and perpetuating something that is desperately wrong here, when we should all stop fighting against each other and start being friends again.


Mads Palsvig: I totally agree. And if I can add, this fight against Russians, it’s again a sanction against human beings of flesh and blood with a beating heart. It’s against the Russian people.


And also all us non-Russians who have friends and family we love in Russia. It’s not against the corporations. 97% of all western corporations who were there in March 2022 are still there. You can buy everything there! I was there last year visiting my Russian family, and everything is there. And the standard of living is just going one way. The sanctions are not working. The Russian people are hardworking. They don’t understand this hate. They’re very serious people. They’re ready to fight. They don’t want to fight.


But if you want to fight, they will hit back! And I have no shadow of doubt. If there is a war, they will win it. And I try very hard to show a third way. So you have, like, you have one way. You are either pro-China and Russia or you’re pro-NATO.


But I would like to say there’s actually another way. That is, there are some people who are running both, who are trying to stir up the beans and get both sides to fight each other.


And I think it goes back a long way. If you read books by Golitsyn and Bezmanov, they suggest that it was actually engineered in the Soviet Union back in the sixties. All the social engineering in the West, the youth revolution, the feminism, the attack on Christianity, was all engineered in the atheistic communist Soviet Union back in the sixties. These are first hand witnesses who were present in the meetings who say that.


And you can see it might have happened by other means, but there were definitely a motive. And they tried to do it and they’ve succeeded in doing it.


So that’s the third way I’m trying to say is that someone is trying to infiltrate and destroy our Christian nations and they’re trying to make us fight with Russia and China.


David Kurten: Yeah, well, I mean, I absolutely agree with you because, you know, looking back in history, you know, just very briefly, there was this hideous revolution in 1917. The Royal Romanov family was executed by, you know, Bolsheviks, and most of the Bolsheviks were jewish, Talmudist jewish people. And then revolution didn’t happen and take off in the West, so cultural Marxism was developed. You know, that goes back from the sixties, and then it also goes back to the Frankfurt School in the 1920s as well.




And one of the people involved in the Comintern at the time was Willi Münzenberg, who is reported to have said:


“We will make Western civilisation stink! We will change and undermine all it’s values and make life impossible!”


So that’s really horrible! It’s quite satanic! You’ve got these people who actually genuinely wanted to do that.


But Mads, I totally agree with you on all of these things. I wish we could talk for much longer because we’ve just touched the surface on this issue. And, you know what you’re saying about feminism being created. I mean, this is a cultural Marxist ideology where women are seen to be oppressed and they need to “rise up and smash the Patriarchy”.


And then you have homophobia and trans-phobia where the LGBTs are created as a group, and then they need to rise up and smash hetero-normativity and undermine Christian values, and so on.


So this is going on in multiple different parts of society and we can see it.


But anyway, Mads, thank you so much for joining me on the show today, and I really wish you well and the best with your Prosperity Party in Denmark. I hope one day we can be in the places of power and we can turn things around and we can get things back to normal.


Mads Palsvig, thank you for joining me here on Today’s News Talk, TNT.






[* Purim: A Festival of Hate and an Insight into How Jewish Supremacists view Gentiles
March 14, 2014 at 12:10 am


Purim: A Festival of Hate and an Insight into How Jewish Supremacists view Gentiles


By David Duke. As the Jewish celebration of Purim starts on March 15, it is timely to ask what is Purim, why is it celebrated and what does it mean? The answers to these questions are shocking–and always covered up by the Jewish-Supremacist controlled mass media.


It is vital that non-Jews acquire a fundamental understanding of the unconscionable hatred engendered by this primitive Jewish celebration of atavistic hatred, murder and revenge against their enemies, a feast called “Purim”.


According to the Jewish religion, Purim means “Feast of Lots” which comes from the Jewish contention that Haman, who was the Prime Minister to the King of Persia, Xerxes (the Jews call him Ahasuerus), planned to kill all the Jews in the empire.


Xerxes’ wife was the Jewish Esther and she with the Jewish leader Mordechai interceded with the King, to have Haman executed and allow the Jews to exact revenge upon those they saw as their enemies.


There is no archeological or historical evidence for any of this other than the bloodthirsty writings in Esther and it’s admittedly Jewish version of the events. The book of Esther records that Haman along with all of his ten sons were hanged, and that 75,000 Persians were slaughtered by the Jews.


Interestingly enough, the Jews used Jewish influence (that of Esther) over a Gentile king to do their dirty work. In one instance, the book of Esther even frankly tells how the King was fooled into believing wrongly that Haman had cut down his beloved grove of trees.


Esther explains that Haman did not do this but the angels did it and appeared to the keepers of the trees as Haman.










Youtube Comments


(Comments as of 3/29/2024 = 76)

1 day ago
Excellent guest.

1 day ago
Hats off again to David for a great interview providing brave clarity on these issues

1 day ago
God bless you David for doing this and thank you.

1 day ago
Bang on.

13 hours ago
For years, I have questioned the statistical absurdity of Jews having a global monopoly on business, banking, and economics, which by extension means the world, but representing only 0.2% of the world’s 8 billion people.
Mr. Palsvig echoes this sentiment and articulates it excellently, aiming at problem root causes, so I look forward to hearing from him more.
Well done, David. I applaud your courage in tackling this sensitive topic.

1 reply

4 hours ago
a racket of blackmail, extortion and payoffs

1 day ago
Massive fan David – this guy is kicking ass 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

13 hours ago
Great job David and Mads!!

7 hours ago
my lovely wife is Russian.She is unable to transfer her Russian pension home to the UK.Something she worked hard for many years to receive.Collective punishment indeed.

22 hours ago
I met Mads at an Ian R Crane AV conference in 2018. We need more politicians like him.

1 day ago
Fantastic push of the overton window there david. I don’t really believe there is a political solution but if heritage run in my area i’ll give them a vote

1 reply

4 hours ago
you are wise to know the solution isnt political, its theological

8 hours ago
I hope you can turn things around too, David! I’d be proud to vote for you.

1 day ago
Good show.

5 hours ago
David knows how to touch on this subject without ever touching on it, it’s beyond words how impressive how he does it.

1 day ago (edited)
Well done david you keep blowing me away with your guests, im a deep researcher into jewish malfeasance glad youve got the cojones to go there may god be with you always.
EDIT:if anyone needs documentaries or sources ill be glad to help

David Kurten
1 reply

1 day ago
Thank you

4 hours ago (edited)
Absolutely fantastic interview, thank you!
People have been encouraged and conditioned to be horrified by the Qur’an and Muslims while the (much worse) Talmud is kept quiet and if you talk about how much more appalling it is you’re ‘anti-Semitic’ – all by design!

1 day ago (edited)
Kim Iversen very recently, now this. At long last. Europa the Last Battle and ‘The World Conquerors’, Louis Marschalko fills much else in. I’m glad you mentioned the Frankfurt School, David, which was in danger of being left out.

12 hours ago
Well said

1 day ago
There goes your YouTube channel, David. At least I’ve got the TNT app lol

4 hours ago
i have been informing people for years. was banned from facebook for it for 5 years. now its meainstream

3 replies

4 hours ago
You and me both!

4 hours ago
@astroterf. to the end, brother

4 hours ago

6 hours ago
Lebor Glas Clann is a good read David for an alternative history of ideologies & how they came about.

15 hours ago
Free health care?

1 day ago
What was he saying about free health care for Jews in America? I dont get it.

2 replies

13 hours ago
Apparently the US is paying for the health care in Israel and if they need to go abroad for treatment that’s paid for too. As for organ donation I believe they can accept organs but cannot donate organs themselves. I don’t know how true this is.

3 hours ago
wait til you find out about their mortgages/loan arrangement lol “heter iska” lol

1 day ago (edited)
I’m not sure that the accusation of anti-semitism is talked up, and I am not sure it is wrong either. If I was a Jew who follows the Talmud, then it follows that I would think differently. But I am not. So it seems to come down to this: Some groups, be they racial, national, religious, will put people of their group before people outside their group. And it seems that either Christians never did that, or it has been lost. Christ said anyone can be saved, so long as they follow him, so it is primarily a religious group. But if this group does not put its members before those outside the group, then there is nothing really to it, and its own destruction is inevitable. So how does it avoid being a weak group?

9 replies

1 day ago
A really good question. The nature of Christianity virtually prohibits exclusivity. It wasn’t always so, crusades, missionary work etc but we have evolved away from it while others haven’t.

1 day ago
@gillps5130 That’s it, exclusivity. It appears to be the anathema of modern Christian nations. But a group exists because there is condition that divides the whole into those inside and those outside the group. Without that condition there is no group, nothing to be within. That condition is critical, it must be studied, understood, and enforced.

1 day ago
@gillps5130 It’s more than just that though. Is it true that the Pope blessed weapons in WWI? Because Jesus being a peaceful man, objected to that. And it seems if the Pope did infact bless weapons/support WWI, then we can see a clear contradiction that had such consequences that I dare say it has greatly damaged Christian faith. But that begs the question of how do we overcome the violent people. You mention the crusades, a bloody period in Christain history and a rude contradiction. But nobody cared about that until now.

1 day ago
@gillps5130 The recent chemical attacker migrant was accepted into the Christian faith, yet had a Muslim funeral. This question of exclusivity is central.

23 hours ago
all ethnic groups have positive and negative ethnocentrism, each to varying degrees. Christianity is a religion, and it is universalist.

13 hours ago
I’ve tried to reply twice but each time they have been deleted.

13 hours ago
@gillps5130 you must write as if you are talking to an extremely politically correct person whom you do not want to upset

10 hours ago
@ayyleeuz4892 But it still has conditions before someone can be regarded a Christian. If there is no condition then it cannot categorise, and thus does not exist.

9 hours ago
@earthstick I don’t know what you’re referring to. you mentioned noticing in group cooperation between Jews. I explain that Christianity is a universalist religion, whereas Judaism has a “law of matrilineal descent” so only people whose mothers were Jews are Jews, and so their ethnocentrism is expressed quite apparently in the world.

10 hours ago
I’d be very careful that you actually understand the full history before giving energy to something that may end up causing a future mass horror – are you certain you’re pinning the tail on the donkey.
Bare in mind you may be seeing what someone wants you to see, so they can remain out of sight while another party takes the flack.

3 replies

4 hours ago
no, its called indepth study. everything said is correct. you just didnt get taught the history or theology by the controllers of the system

4 hours ago
@shrunkensimon rothschild isnt the beginning of this. the talmud is, and its teaching. i have hundreds of books which cover the topic at hand. stop coping

3 hours ago
@romeisfallingagain Do you understand world history? The last 2000 years are about Rome, not Judaism.


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This entry was posted in America, anti-Christian, anti-family, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Christainity, Christian - anti, Deception, Denmark, Family - Anti, Feminism, Germany, Globo-homo, Hollywood, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, Judeo-American State, Media - jewish domination, New World Order, Palestine, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Religion, Russia, Russian Revolution 1917, Satanists, Talmud, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Ukraine War 2022, Western Civilization, White genocide, Woke Agenda, WW II, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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