Slightly Offensive
Debate: is Diversity Our Strength?
Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou
Fri, Apr 5, 2024
[In this video American Elijah Schaffer hosts a heated debate between Joel Davis, a White Australian identitarian, and Drew Pavlou, a Greek-Australian liberal civnat on the topic, “Is Diversity Our Strength?”. It became obvious early on that Joel would come out as the clear winner with his arguments that diversity is being imposed on Whites societies to fragment and destroy them.
Published on Fri, Apr 5, 2024
1:57 / 3:47:25
DEBATE: Is DIVERSITY Our STRENGTH? | Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou
Slightly Offensive
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Streamed on: Apr 5, 10:45 pm EDT
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From butter chicken to soaring crime rates – how has diversity improved our Western nations? What even are Western nations? Does that mean white nations? Why isn’t diversity pushed in other non-white countries? What does diversity even mean? We explore the age old question, IS DIVERSITY OUR GREATEST STRENGTH here on a special debate – brought to you by Censored TV (support below)
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(Words: 45,301 – 3:47:25 mins)
Elijah Schaffer: From butter chicken to soaring crime rates, diversity has its ups and downs, and we’ve all lost a little weight and gained a little weight. So we know ups and downs are a part of life. But we are told in Western countries particularly, a question already arises when I say that, what do I mean by Western? Does Western mean a country based on ideology such as America is an idea, or does diversity mean White countries and the lessening and the browning of the countries? As Ben Shapiro famously said:
“I don’t give a damn about the browning of America!”
To ask this question and to jump into the great debate, master debaters here are with me today to talk directly to you about is diversity our strength? This is going to be no hold back conversation. We’re going to try to keep it civil in the beginning and in the end. They both have a pistol in their pocket with one bullet, which they can either use on each other or they can use on themselves, if things go poorly.
To the Australian government, I’m letting you know, that was a joke.
Anyway, I’d like to introduce my guests, but I’ll let them introduce themselves directly on the side arguing against diversity. We’ll go straight to Joel. So go ahead and introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, a little bit background on your ideology, how you would describe your political background, and maybe anything interesting, such as shows that you do or content that you create, that people can follow.
Joel Davis: Yes, so I’m a White identitarian. That’s how I describe my politics. And I’ve been a content creator for several years now. I’ve been banned from YouTube, but you can watch my streams on Rumble, as well as Odysee and Cozy TV. And you can find me on Twitter and Telegram. My handle on both platforms is Joel Davis X. It was kind of fortuitous that I put an X at the end of the name before Twitter became, I guess.
But, yeah, Joel Davis was already taken, so you can find me there.
Elijah Schaffer: Well, you seem very relaxed. You seem like you’re just kicking back, drinking a beer.
So I guess the nerves aren’t so high here. Some other guests arguing. I don’t want to put words in your mouth so you can describe what you’re arguing. Introduce yourself. Where are you coming from on this question, “Diversity is your strength”. By the way, this is not opening statements, so go ahead and tell us who you are.
Drew Pavlou: My name is Drew Pavlou. I believe in liberal democracy. I believe in liberalism. I think that Elijah and Joel think that I’m going to sit here and argue that, you know, we must have infinity migration and open borders for butter chicken and taco trucks on every corner. That is actually not what I’m arguing.
What I’m arguing against is the idea of a White ethno-state, and Joel’s idea that anybody who doesn’t fit his takfiri idea of pure iron, blood and stock should be deported en masse through violence.
So that’s what I’m arguing against.
So, look, I personally, I’m not the biggest fan of some of the woke far-Left stuff. I’m also a big opponent of the far-Right and also communism, because my idea, my ideology, my position is basically one in favour of liberalism.
And so I see both fascism, Nazism, and communism, all totalitarian ideologies, as basically the enemy of what I want to, the enemy of a good society. My idea of a good society is that human beings are judged as individuals based on their own character, merit, their own accomplishments. And people aren’t defined by their, you know, their colour or their skin or their blood, as Joel wants us to, wants us to go down. Joel wants us to go down that route.
So I’m a long term sort of, I guess, content creator, activist, etcetera. I’ve been condemned by the Chinese government over the years, faced a lot of arrests and bomb threats and death threats and stuff like that by the Chinese government because I went up against the communists. But I’ve also, as well, received quite a lot of the death threats and attacks from the Nazis and the fascists.
And so, look, I’m basically equal opportunity opponent against any totalitarian ideology, be they totalitarian, be they communism, nazism, fascism, et cetera.
We’re supporting liberalism, democracy, idea that human beings should be based on their own, should be judged on their own merit, character, their own accomplishments, rather than skin colour and race.
Elijah Schaffer: Hell, yeah!
All right. My name’s Elijah Schaeffer, and this is Nightly Offensive. Don’t forget that this show is directly brought to you by Censored TV. If you go to censored TV, it is a free speech website where we are fighting against censorship. We have people on all ends of the view, especially on critical issues like zionism. I mean, we disagree on those issues, even on race, what to do on these things. But we do have one thing together. All of our tech, our finances are on alt tech, on our own servers, which means we are cancel proof. We have backups for our backups!
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All right, let’s get right into this.
Before we do our opening statements, I want to always define terms, because sometimes I think that we have discussions and we think we’re talking about the same thing, but we simply are not.
So, when I bring up the word “diversity”, we’ll go straight to Joel here. What do you think that means? And we’re going to keep the context here in terms of Western civilisation, Western countries, the country we’re in today, Australia, the United States. That’s the context. Go ahead, Joel. What does diversity mean to you, define the term?
Joel Davis: Well, what diversity means, according to the common parlance, according to the definition that is adhered to by the people who rule us, diversity actually means more non-Whites, or more other types of minorities, maybe sexual minorities, like more homosexuals, more transgender people, or whatever. But generally speaking, it means more non-Whites. That’s how they use it.
But it’s kind of ridiculous, because to have diversity as a value, this implies two things. One, the term diversity means difference.
Basically, it means that we value difference, but at the same time, it’s paired with this notion of inclusion or this notion of equality.
And so it’s saying, on the one hand, that we value difference, but on the other hand, that we actually don’t value any differences differently, that all differences are equal.
And so, in this way, it actually is kind of against the principle of diversity. It’s saying:
“We don’t actually want to preserve any of these differences. We don’t value any of these differences. People should be seen as though these differences don’t exist and treated as though these differences don’t exist. And we shouldn’t try to do anything to preserve those differences. In fact, we should actively destroy those differences.”
So, actually, the way the diversity is employed by the establishment is against diversity. It’s saying, no, we don’t actually value diversity at all! Someone like me who says we should keep people separate so that we can maintain their differences, apparently, I’m an enemy of diversity, but actually, my ideology would actually preserve diversity, ironically. And this just kind of exposes the ridiculousness of the way this term is employed and the elevation of it as a value in our society.
So what it really means, it’s just a way of saying “less White people”. It’s saying if we have a movie where every character is black you’ll get these Leftists that will say:
“Wow! Look at all this diversity!”
Of course, it’s not diverse at all there. Everyone’s black! There’s no difference between them. What they really mean is that it’s non-Whites are there. And we see this deployed over and over again!
Now it’s held up as a value. Whenever we have diversity, inclusion, it’s always paired to the idea of deconstructing White supremacy.
This idea that in countries which are historically White, our country was founded by White nationalists. Every single founding father and the first 16 prime ministers of Australia, out of the 31 prime ministers we’ve ever had, they were all White nationalists. And they explicitly founded this place as a White nationalist state with something called the White Australia policy, which wasn’t abolished completely until the 1970s.
So for the majority of this country’s history as an independent state, it was a White nationalist country.
Now if we turn to some of these prime ministers, they would say things like:
“Well, we don’t necessarily hate other races. We don’t think necessarily we’re superior to Japanese people or Chinese people. We just want to keep them out of the country because we fear them taking over our country. They outnumber us. We exist in close proximity to them. If we allow a large portion of their populations to enter Australia, we could basically lose control of our country.”
So the idea of being against diversity was about preserving the Whiteman’s land, that we would maintain White values, that we would maintain a White way of life, that we would maintain control of our own affairs, our own self-determination. This is the idea of nationalism.
And the notion of diversity is being employed in all White countries to destroy the capacity for Whites to maintain control, maintain positions of power over the countries that we built and we founded.
So it’s always employed to basically elevate non-Whites into positions of power and elevate non-Whites into positions of prominent representation.
So again, they don’t actually value diversity. They want to undermine the diversity of our countries, or of the world, of the human race by basically dissolving White people into this soup, this racial and ethnic soup, where at some point in the future, White people will no longer exist.
Because if they keep filling our countries with non-Whites and they keep encouraging us to miscegenate and so on, eventually Whites will become a smaller and smaller faction. We’ll lose control over our own affairs. We’ll lose control over our own countries.
Imagine going to China and saying:
“This is a yellow supremacist country!”
Or going to Nigeria and saying:
“This is a black supremacist country!”
They’d just laugh at you, of course:
“It’s not diverse enough!”
Of course no one says that. No one complains about the lack of diversity anywhere other than in White spaces, White countries, White power structures created by White people to serve White people.
So what it really means, what diversity really means is White genocide, on a long enough timeline. You keep promoting enough diversity and inclusion, eventually there’s nowhere where Whites can maintain our difference. There’s nowhere where Whites can maintain our form of diversity, our difference from the rest of the human race.
And so it’s the annihilation of White difference and therefore of Whiteness.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, so going to that before, you don’t have to actually even rebuttal this, but I saw you were obviously making some sighs. You clearly don’t agree with that. So defining the term “diversity”, what does that mean to you? And feel free to add a rebuttal towards the end, if you want to, of what he said.
Drew Pavlou: So I’m not going to be arguing the strawman position that Joel wants me to argue. I’m not going to be basically giving the same monologue that, say, Kamala Harris would be making. I’m not going to say that diversity in and of itself is the most beautiful thing ever, and all White people need to bend the knee, etcetera. Like, I don’t agree with, like, the hardcore ultra Left wokeness sort of stuff, where because some people on the ultra Left, the communist Left, on the extremes, they do want to see the destruction of basically any Western country. I don’t support that.
So what I am arguing for is diversity in the sense that diversity has always existed. It is a fact of life. It is a feature of life. No two human beings are the same. No two human beings anywhere on earth are the same. You can have two people of the same Ayran racial stock as Joel would have it, and they will have differences. They will have different morality, they’ll have different intellectual attributes, they will have different personalities, they will have different likes, dislikes, interests.
And so diversity is a feature of existence. Diversity is a feature of, literally the universe. If you had to try and eradicate diversity, you would have a totally static universe where life is impossible. It’s like trying to eradicate the dialectic. It’s impossible!
And so all of humanity, all of existence, is characterized by diversity.
The fact that people have different views, different talents, different interests. And I like diversity in the sense that I like being able to have a different opinion, to, say Joel, or have a different way of living my life to another person. I don’t want anybody to be telling me how to live my life, what I should be doing. I don’t want people to be interfering with my loved ones, with my family. I want to be left alone, basically by the State.
I don’t believe in the types of to create the world that Joel wants, which would involve the mass deportation of millions of people and obviously, massive amounts of violence, including murder of millions of people. It would be total totalitarianism! The actual reason for even being a human being would be destroyed, because we would live in a world of total, nihilistic bloodshed and disaster and destruction.
And this is what happened in the middle of the 20th century, when people decided that they wanted to create these totally purified states, and they tried to eradicate other people based on their differences. And the result was mass destruction, bloodshed, disaster for all of humanity. I believe that while we are all different in different ways, I believe that while even no two people are the same, each person has the same moral worth.
I believe all human beings have the same moral worth as one another, regardless of their accomplishments, intelligence, regardless of their cultural background, regardless of anything. I believe that human life is important, because I am a Christian. I believe that human life is very sacred and very important.
And so I think nobody should be judged based on the colour of their skin, based on. Based on irreducible characteristics that they have no control over.
So, for example, Joel believes that I am some kind of racial mongrel, blah, blah, blah, because I am not pure Anglo-Celtic, Aryan heritage stock or whatever. And this is just a cope way of viewing the world. This is just an ideology of grievance and an ideology of resentment. It’s a cope for one’s own personal failings, failings to blame it on other people based on their own irreducible characteristics:
“I can’t get ahead in life. Oh it must be the jews! Or it must be the gays, or it must be transgender people!”
It’s a cope ideology.
People should focus on their own lives, their own families. I believe in liberalism, so I believe people should be free of government interference. People should be free of government tyranny. I don’t want the world that Joel wants to create, the world that Joel wants, which would necessitate massive ethnic cleansing, etcetera. You would need a totalitarian government, and this totalitarian government would control what people think, what people do, what people say. They would ban books, they’d ban movies, they’d ban music.
It would be basically, it’s almost like this ideology is like kind of like a White ethno-nationalist type of takfiri, ISIS style politics. I mean, it’s almost like White ISIS, this type of ideology controlling everything, trying to eradicate, try to purify everything. You ban dancing, you ban music, you ban people having fun. Everybody must be the same!
Joel Davis: I’m banning dancing and music now? Wow!
Drew Pavlou: Well, this is basically. No, but, but this is what it would, …
Joel Davis: This is your argument? [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: No, but this is, …
I’m still talking. It’s my, …
Joel Davis: Tell us what diversity is defined to you.
Drew Pavlou: Joel, this is still my opening.
Joel Davis: What did Elijah ask, …
Drew Pavlou: This is my opening statement.
Joel Davis: So tell me what diversity is.
Drew Pavlou: This is my opening statement. I’m saying that diversity is a feature of all human existence. All civilisation is characterized by diversity because no two human beings are the same. Every person has the same moral worth as an individual, as a human being. But no two individuals are the same. And no one should be judged or deported or persecuted based on their race, based on irreducible characteristics. And I’m saying, as part of your quest to establish this world of purification, and this is where I see it going down like almost ISIS style lines.
So you want to purify the world, eradicate all differences. You want to eradicate. You are trying to eradicate people who don’t fit your Ayran racial heritage stock worldview. You want to eradicate that from Australia. And to create that, you would necessarily have to create a totalitarian government that would control how people think, what people do and say. People would be persecuted. People would be whisked off the street, black bagged, disappeared! This is the type of world that you would have to create in order to purify Australia and create the ideal Australia of your dreams.
You’d have to create a totalitarian government. You’d have to destroy democracy. You’d have to destroy, … Even to me, all the things that are important about being a human being. All the things that are actually amazing about being a human being. The ability to express yourself freely. The ability to participate in culture, the ability to interact with other people. All this would have to be strictly modified and controlled and regimented in order to create your world.
This is why I strongly oppose it.
This is why I hate this ideology! Because to create the world that you want, it would require massive totalitarianism, massive infringements on freedoms, personal liberties. You would have to basically destroy everything that makes Australia, the country it is today, you’d have to absolutely destroy it. And there’d have to be mass advance involving millions of people at war.
Elijah Schaffer: Let me come in here because these are some pretty serious accusations, and I’m not even saying that you’re wrong because I’m going to take a very neutral position. And I want people to know that my goal is not to make either of the of the parties here seem right or wrong or to, you know, somehow assist Joel or Drew or anyone that’s here today.
What I want to do is I want to get down to the bottom of this. So, so I get this right real quickly before we throw to Joel. You know, Joel defined diversity. Could you clarify in just one sentence What diversity was?
Drew Pavlou: The way I see diversity. I think diversity is just a basic fact of human life, human existence, human civilisation, because no two individuals.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, all right.
All right, great.
So I guess that’s important then, because I think we’re talking about, like, you know, racial homogeny versus, you know, a non-racial homogenous society. But I do understand Joel. He’s saying three things, right? He called it White ISIS. He brought up totalitarianism, disappearing people. And this does happen in countries. There is religious extremism. There is ethno-nationalism.
Countries like Israel are like mono ethno-states, and they are bombing, you know, Gaza, and they don’t really care what’s going on there, whether you support them or not so is that what you’re arguing? Are you arguing for this sort of totalitarian, disappearing black bag society? Is he wrong? Or are you hiding something? Like, is this what’s behind, veiled behind something?
Joel Davis: Well, there’s a lot in what he said, so let me go through it piece by piece.
First of all, he defined diversity as “every human being is different”. This is an obvious and banal truth. The question, though, is why are we different? And this gets to the question of what is race? Because race is essentially a grouping of genetic similarity. So insofar as we are embodied in the world, that we have organic bodies that are coded by genetics, our differences are largely determined, not entirely, but largely determined by these genetic differences. I was born with a particular nature, and that is a nature that I inherited from my ancestors and so on.
So if you look at the genetic differences between human beings, the largest genetic differences between human beings pertain to neurophysiology. They pertain to the genes that code for literally how we think, how we feel, how we interpret the world, how we respond to the world, more so than skin colour. Skin colour is banal in comparison to the differences between human beings when it comes to how we think, feel, act, and so on, are really essential about what makes us human.
Now, these are the differences, therefore, that are most pronounced by race.
So the genetics being different across., … So I’m more similar genetically to every other White person on earth than every non-White person on earth. And every White person is more similar to every other White person than every non-White person on earth. That’s just a scientific fact! That means that the genes that code for how White people think and feel and interpret the world are more similar to one another than they are to any non-White person. Right?
So when we’re talking about the differences between people, we’re talking about largely genetically determined differences. Not entirely, but largely. And there’s a plethora of research on this. I don’t think Drew and I are going to end up having a discussion about neuroscience and evolutionary biology and so on.
I don’t think he’s really equipped for that discussion, frankly.
But also, I don’t think that really, really needs to discuss that it’s just a scientific fact. Drew can’t sit there and tell me that racial differences don’t genetically or biologically exist. And he can’t tell me that the differences between us aren’t largely determined by our nature. Right? If you’re a woman, you’re genetically predisposed to think and act differently because you have a feminine nature.
It’s the same if you’re black. That’s why black people have a particular style. Black people, they create particular kind of culture that non-black people couldn’t create. Just like White people create a particular kind of culture that non-White people couldn’t create, and Asians and so on.
That’s why we have different cultures. Right? We can just ostensibly see this in the world. Look at, like, black Americans, the kind of music they create, the way that they talk, the way they carry themselves, and just notice that it’s different. Why is it different? Right? There’s an obvious explanation for why it’s different.
Now, this is important because when you try to have a society, you want to build a society around a certain amount of consensus. Otherwise, you’re fighting with one another. Otherwise, you’re in a situation of battles between people with different mentalities and different views. And this creates conflict, and this ends up destroying and undermining the capability for your society to actually embody any values at all, or if it does, it becomes oppressive. One group oppresses the other and this produces a cycle of conflict, and this is bad for everyone.
So you want to have a society in which people are more similar, if possible, so that we can have a similar idea of the kind of way of life that we want to have. This was the idea behind Australia when it was created. It was created as a White ethno-state.
The first thing the Australian government ever did was introduce a Bill to the Parliament. The first thing that ever happened in Australian political history, Australia’s independent state, was a Bill before the Parliament to deport non-Whites from Australia and to institute an immigration policy that prevented non-Whites from immigrating here.
Those literally the first thing our country ever did. It was a liberal democracy, by the way. It embodied all of these values that Drew apparently defends. They didn’t black bag anyone. They weren’t this totalitarian, genocidal regime. They were simply trying to preserve a population that shared a culture and shared a way of life. And this produced an amazing country!
Australia became one of the most prosperous and wonderful places to live in the entire world. We built beautiful cities. We built a paradise on earth by comparison to the rest of the world. Australia is still, even despite the fact that it’s declined to a very large extent, is still a paradise compared to the vast majority of the world.
And it’s because of White people building it with our values. These liberal democratic values that Drew claims to believe in. They were created by White people, right? He believes in stuff that White people created that’s an expression of our culture, our civilisation, and it produced a free, open, incredible society where we could have scientific innovation, where we could have economic development and we could have peace.
And the reason why we could have all of these things was because of the people, right? Things don’t just happen magically. Things happen because people do things.
Now, why do people do things? Well, because it’s their nature to do things. Which then gets us back to a discussion of race and genetics.
So the point that I’m making is if you bring, I don’t believe in what’s called “magic dirt theory”. I don’t believe if you get a bunch of Sudanese people and you just move them into Australia, that they magically become Australian, right? They’ll all of a sudden become like Russell Coit [sp] or something. They’ll all become like standard Aussie. They won’t just adopt our values, adopt our way of life, and just start behaving like Australians. No! Because they’re not physically predisposed to do that. Right? They just simply don’t have that nature. They have the nature of being Sudanese.
And if you want to know what it’s like to have a country full of Sudanese people, look at Sudan! That’s what it’s like. It’s not great!
Elijah Schaffer: I want to clarify, because I want to give Drew here a chance to rebuttal this.
So you’re making an argument about the genetic predisposition towards our genes, which would be our race or our shared collective genetic background, does determine the way we think, we process and our demeanor, our behaviour. That collective behaviour, then defines a society, and that society defines our legacy.
And so that’s why there is a particular bent or type of bent around the world.
And I just want to know, are you saying that’s the main driving factor behind what makes a country great? Or as many people would say:
“Well, Africa is actually disadvantaged because of colonialism.”
There’s a lot of other factors people would bring up. I don’t need to list them all here. Before I go, …
Joel Davis: Africa’s disadvantaged because it’s full of Africans! Sub Saharan Africa. Before White people showed up, they hadn’t even invented the wheel yet! Right? So they can point the finger at the Whiteman, but they couldn’t even invent a fucking wheel until we showed up!
Okay, so whose fault is it for their lack of development? Whose fault is it for their, … Africa is far more prosperous today than it would be if we didn’t exist! If we had just left it alone, they’d still be walking around. Like, literally, they’d just be only walking around because they wouldn’t have any machinery. They wouldn’t have any other mode of transport other than walking around. That’s how backwards these people were!
So they should be getting down on their hands and knees and worshipping us for colonizing them, if anything. Now they’ve got electricity, they’ve got the capacity to not die of mass starvation. They’ve got all these incredible benefits of modern technology that they wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for us.
Elijah Schaffer: Drew, I mean, obviously you disagree. I just want to make sure that you hit on two notes there on make sure that whatever you’re going to say, that you address his point about race being, like, the leading factor, genetics and background to the overall culture, and say whatever else you want, but I’d love to know your opinion on that.
Drew Pavlou: I mean, it’s obvious that I strongly disagree with Joel’s characterisation that all Africans should worship White people.
I mean, I’m not going to go down these rabbit holes, though, because I’m going to try and keep this topic limited to Australia.
Now, while Joel states, you know, all human beings are defined by their race, and then race produces culture. I would like him to explain how there can be two people, two people of the same, say, White race, and yet one will believe in communism, and one will believe in fascism. One will believe in liberalism.
Now, I saw a guy on Twitter the other day. There was an Indian-English bloke, and he wraps himself in the St. George flag and he says:
“I love England. I completely identify as an English. As a member of the English country, I completely identify myself with the UK. This is my home. This is my country. I love the UK. This is what I support. I would die for the country.”
And a guy like Joel responds:
“This is not your country. Go home!”
Now, I don’t understand why it is that somebody who moves to a country like England or moves to a country like Australia or moves to a country like the United States, and they might be of a different ethnic background, but they strongly identify with the with their new home. They take part, they learn the language, they participate in the culture. They do everything they can to integrate and assimilate into the society and to uphold this new country. And uphold their country, this new home that they now living in. I don’t understand why they are enemies that should be deported and persecuted, etcetera.
Yet a kid who might have two, you know, beautiful Aryan stock parents, goes to university, decides that Australia is evil and should be abolished and burned down the country, etcetera. Why is that kid who’s completely of, you know, according to Joel “perfect race” should have the same mindset as the other super soldier and Aryan blah, blah, blah! Why is that guy. Why do we say:
“Well, he’s also Australian. The White kid is also Australian.”
Where he’s on the same side as Joel, but the guy wants to destroy Australia and wants to burn it to the ground.
However, an immigrant who comes to Australia, completely identifies with Australia. You know, they’re Australian for all intents and purposes. They wrap themselves around the flag. They love this country. They will do everything to promote it and protect it, doing everything to be part of this new society. Why they have to be deported and persecuted? Whereas there are these kids at the university, pure Aryan, super-soldier stock, and yet they hate Australia. They want to burn down Australia to the ground.
Now, this doesn’t make much sense to me because according to Joel, all people of the same race have the same genetic predispositions and all people of the same race must think the same, which doesn’t make sense because., …
Joel Davis: I didn’t say they think the same. I said they think more similarly.
Drew Pavlou: They think more similarly.
But I mean, it just doesn’t make sense to me because, I mean, look, I’m Greek-Cypriot. And Joel will try to say:
“Oh, well, you’re actually Turkish, you’re mongrel.”
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
But at the end of the day, most people when I’m walking on the street would just go:
“That guy’s White.”
And you know, when I remember when I was back at the university and I was protesting against the Chinese Communist Party, the Social Alternative guys used to go:
“That guy is a White nationalist. Drew is a White supremacist!”
Here’s a funny irony, right? They did it to troll me.
But Joel’s friends in the National Socialist Network, when I was getting expelled from the University of Queensland [UQ] because I was protesting against the Chinese Communist Party on campus, I was protesting the university’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party. And they knew that I was of the Left. They knew that I was not at all associated with their ideology, that I hated their ideology.
But they went out to UQ one day as an attention seeking thing. They went in the middle of the night with balaclavas on, held like a swastika flag, and were like:
“Yeah, we support Drew Pavlou! Australia for the Whiteman!”
Just to troll me, I guess.
And it’s obviously a great troll. And Thomas Sewell and them, they’re all laughing, etcetera, etcetera. But how is it that back then Drew’s White. Now? They go:
“Oh, Drew is a racial mongrel, blah, blah, blah. He’s Turkish, blah, blah, blah!”
All this stuff:
“He’s not pure Aryan stock. We’re going to deport him!”
Which is the type of unhinged, demented, mentally ill Twitter commentary that I get from his friends all the time.
So they’ve decided one day that Drew is White Aryan man, we’re going to defend him from the University of Queensland. The next day, Drew to be deported!
If I’m supposed to be White – most people in the street would probably say that I’m White. How come I have a different point of view to Joel? Why do I not believe in a total White ethno-state where people should be deported violently. If they refuse to be deported, why do I not believe in this sort of society?
And also, Joel, he goes:
“Oh, well, Australia was founded with the White Australia Policy.”
Yes, historically, this is true. And he goes:
“Well, we were still a liberal democracy back then. There were no black bags. There were no disappearances.”
Here is a fact of life, Joel. The morality of Australia changed over 124 years*. People decided, the vast majority of Australians, and they themselves, being White, decided that they didn’t want to support the White Australia Policy anymore. This gradually changed over time. And you’ll say it started in the seventies and it was a Labor thing by Gough Whitlam.
[* The White Australia Policy was in force until the mid 1960s]
In fact, Menzies and the Right-wing Liberal Party, actually, some argue, took the first steps towards dismantling the White Australia Policy. So Australia, obviously, the morality of the country changed over 124 years. And you can, I guess you’ll try and say:
“Well, all the jews secretly deceived everybody.”
Or whatever it is. But the morality of people changed over time.
But how do you explain this? Because aren’t all White people supposed to think similarly? Aren’t we supposed to all have this inherent tribalism? And aren’t we all supposed to be on the same side to preserve the Aryan racial stock? I mean, you guys have a lot of problems in making this argument because you like to say:
“Well, Australia was perfectly homogenous.”
But even when Australia had the White Australia Policy, there was still a great deal of sectarian tension between Irish-Australians and British-Australians. There was a great deal of sectarian tension, to the extent that people like Ned Kelly literally took up arms and Ned Kelly viewed himself as a kind of, like, Irish revolutionary against the Crown. And he wanted to establish like, a Republic, and he was killing officers of the Crown.
Now, how do you explain this? How do you explain this? The fact that, you know, Australia, aren’t all White people supposed to be thinking similarly?
You look at the troubles in Northern Ireland, a racially homogenous society, basically! And yet people were at each other’s throats and there was a civil war and people were blowing each other up and there was brutal racial, basically racial violence, basically brutal sectarian violence. How do you explain that in your ideology without just coping:
“Oh, well, the jews, unfortunately, like, corrupted their consciousness as the White race.”
Elijah Schaffer: I just want to clarify something for the American audience real fast, so you know why we’re arguing from an Australian perspective here before you tune out, because obviously America is the best country in the world and no one other country really matters! But I do want to say the reason why is because while America did have, of course, you know, anti-immigration policies, and it was in 1965 that we transferred and changed our White American policy. It wasn’t expressly defined as a “White policy”, it was definitely enforced as such. But Australia is a newer nation than the United States, so it’s a younger country, and they directly called it the White Australia Policy.
So it was an openly White nationalist country where the prime ministers were openly White nationalists. This is not a modern:
“Hey, I’m racist, but I don’t want anyone to know it.”
This was like:
“We want Australia to be White! Everyone’s in agreement, that’s supporting this policy and this is what we’re doing!”
So it’s a very important policy to discover, because we’re not talking about thousands and thousands of years of history like in Europe, or even 400 or 500 years when we go back to the colonies. This is a very, very new nation in its definition! And it also never had a revolution. So it technically is still a part of the Crown and it defines and represents a greater struggle in all of western Europe and the United States. And I want to talk a little bit about this.
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I want to cut YouTube. I don’t know why we’re still on YouTube Ryan, real fast. Cut YouTube real fast, because where we’re going to go with this conversation, we cannot talk about this on YouTube.
If you’re watching on YouTube. I don’t know. We didn’t know why we’re on YouTube. Sorry. Bye, guys. We’re cutting that off.
Drew Pavlou: I had a couple points just before., …
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah, go ahead.
Joel Davis: It’s actually my turn.
Drew Pavlou: Wait, wait, let me. Yeah, but let me cut to all your points.
Elijah Schaffer: Let me cut you two real fast.
Joel Davis: He yapped on for ages!
Elijah Schaffer: Are we good? Are we good?
Joel Davis: All right.
Elijah Schaffer: We’re good.
All right, go ahead. Go ahead, Joel. Go ahead. And then I want to take the conversation in a kind of interesting hearing your points now. There’s kind of a direction I want to go. So go ahead and rebuttal that, and then we’re going to take it in another direction.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
So, first of all, I kind of remember everything that he said.
One of the things that he brought up was how there was ethnic tensions between the Irish and the English or the British in general.
And obviously that’s true. And that just really [chuckling] only kind of exemplifies my point. Like, if you have ethnic tensions between the Irish and the English, and that was really destructive and caused all this tension, let’s just bring every ethnicity on the whole planet and stuff them into our country!
Drew Pavlou: But they’re now, …
Joel Davis: Shut the fuck up, man! I’m talking, …
Drew Pavlou: Irish-Australians are seen as White now.
Joel Davis: Shut up!
Now, what’s important to recognise here is that ethnic tensions are human, universal. Every country in the world came into existence on the basis of basically ethnic tensions. Nationalism is the most powerful ideology in the modern world. Drew is a big supporter of Ukraine!
Now, why are the Ukrainians fighting the Russians? They’re fighting the Russians because Ukrainians see themselves as a distinct ethnic group, and they don’t want to be dominated by a foreign government and an empire basically controlled by people who aren’t Ukrainian. They want Ukrainians to control the destiny of Ukrainians, which makes sense. And it’s the same reason that the Irish wanted the Irish to control the destiny of the Irish.
And it’s the same reason why White Australia was founded by White nationalists, many of whom were Irish, but that we kind of came together because in the 19th century we had all this ethnic tension. He mentioned Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly was back before Australia was federated. There was a lot of tension between the Irish and the English and the Scottish and so on.
But we overcame that tension because then a bunch of Chinese came in during the gold rush and we realised:
“Hey, wait a second! We’ve got more in common than we, than we previously thought.”
And so basically White nationalism was created through the unity of Irish and the English. The English working class and the Irish in Australia. And it became a dominant ideology to the point that the entire country was federated and controlled by White nationalists for the first half of our country’s history. And Australia was preserved as basically a 99% plus White country. Right? Until the 1970s. That’s just a fact! That’s how history played out. He can shake his head, but that’s literally what happened.
Drew Pavlou: It wasn’t 99% White because there always have been indigenous, …
Joel Davis: And there’s fuck all indigenous people!
Drew Pavlou: There always have been indigenous, …
Elijah Schaffer: Right? I think there was 280 thousand indigenous, …
Drew Pavlou: Even in your White Australia era, it was about 90, … It was obviously, it was still., …
Joel Davis: You don’t actually know what you’re talking about! You just say it was a, …
Drew Pavlou: It was 95%, …
Joel Davis: Even today, Aboriginals today, and a lot of people claim to be Aboriginals, but they look like me! So they’re barely Aboriginal, if at all! Because you get all these government benefits and so on, affirmative action and so on.
So the Aboriginal, if you look at the census, between the last census in 2016 and, 20021, somehow all of these new Aboriginals spontaneously entered into existence and the percentage went way up. Because people are claiming to be Aboriginal. They don’t do genetic testing to determine if you’re Aboriginal, by the way.
So a lot of people claim to be Aboriginal who aren’t. But even today, with all of these within incentive structure set up to get people to claim to be Aboriginal who aren’t Aboriginal, there’s still a very small percentage, like 2% of the population, right?
So if we go back in time, it wouldn’t be 5% Aboriginal. It wouldn’t be ten. Like, that doesn’t actually make any sense.
And if you look at the data, the old census data from the 1960s or the 1970s, you’ll see that everyone at home can go and Google it themselves.
But anyway, putting the Aboriginals were here already.
The point is that they didn’t allow any non-Whites to come in. And the Whites [Chinese] that immigrated in from places like China and so on were largely deported. A few small remnants of them remained.
Drew Pavlou: Whites from China?
Joel Davis: No, you know what I mean. People from China and so on, they were largely deported.
So the point is, is that Australia was founded as a White nationalist country. And what was the reason why it was founded as a White nationalist country? It was founded for the same reason that Ukraine wants to say Ukrainian, that the Irish resisted the British Empire because White Australians, we became., … There was an ethno-genesis. We moved here, we developed our own kind of independent culture. There was a large mixing between the Irish and English, interbreeding and so on.
Drew Pavlou: I thought that was bad?
Joel Davis: We developed our own culture, own kind of sense of ethnicity, and we wanted to determine our own lives. We wanted to have a society and a country, …
Drew Pavlou: Can you explain why interbreeding between Irish and English Australians is good?
Joel Davis: It’s just a fact!
Now, Irish English people are very closely related. They have a lot of common ancestors. They’re not different races. They are different ethnicities within the same race.
Now, you look at, like, for example, the Chinese people. The Chinese people are composed of all these different sub-ethnicities.
And if you look at the genetic modeling, the differences between the sub-ethnicities of the Chinese people are actually larger than between all Europeans.
So the similarity between, you know, English people and Germans and Swedes and Irish and so on, are very miniscule in genetic terms when referencing to other populations. But even still, …
Drew Pavlou: Very minimal but they could still go to to war with each other.
Joel Davis: Yeah, even though small differences are enough to create tensions.
So that shows when you try to mush a whole bunch of different groups into one space, it will always cause tension! We see tension everywhere in the world where there are multiracial societies. You’re a big opponent of Chinese influence, Chinese government influence in Australia.
Drew Pavlou: Chinese Communist Party. I’m not against Chinese-Australians.
Joel Davis: Yeah, okay. But if we didn’t have any Chinese people here, there wouldn’t be any influence from the Chinese Communist Party!
Drew Pavlou: No, that’s wrong!
Joel Davis: They wouldn’t have any mechanisms by which to establish influence in our country.
Drew Pavlou: Are there Chinese people in Latvia? Are there Chinese people in Lithuania? Very, very low percentages in Europe, for example. But the Chinese Communist Party is still able to interfere in and wage authoritarian, …
Joel Davis: They’re not able to infiltrate institutions and take over institutions like in Australia, where, for example, our universities are filled with Chinese people!
Drew Pavlou: There’s nothing wrong with people being Chinese in and of themselves. The problem is, …
Joel Davis: I’m not saying, I didn’t actually say that. I just said that if you have a large Chinese diaspora, it’s logical that will also give an ability for the Chinese government to influence Australian politics and Australian society even more.
Elijah Schaffer: I know what you’re saying, …
Joel Davis: With jews in America, Israel is able to have more influence over the United States than if there weren’t any jews in America.
Elijah Schaffer: But Joel, what I want to clarify, because I might be hearing a contradiction between you two here. I want to go to Drew real quickly.
Let me ask you this, because you’re talking about, you said maybe Australian doesn’t just mean White people, but you referenced the Chinese here as Chinese. Can you explain what you mean by that? What changes a Chinese person when they come to Australia? Is it when they come on a student visa that they are Chinese, but when they change to a residency, or a citizen, now they’re Australian? What changes a Chinese person from a Chinese to an Australian?
Drew Pavlou: It’s pretty simple. It’s about nationality. So, yes, for example, when it comes to my ethnicity, my family are Greek-Cypriots.
As far as I know, they’ve been Greek-Cypriots for hundreds of years. But my nationality is Australian. I went to Cyprus as a young kid. I felt like a foreigner there. Obviously, I’m still proud of aspects of the Greek-Cypriot heritage. I like Greek-Cypriot food. I sometimes watch the Greek national football team. I support them.
But for all intents and purposes, when I went to Cyprus as a kid, I was a foreigner, because I didn’t speak the language. My entire nationality is Australian. My entire being is Australian. All my friends are Australian.
To be honest, I don’t really think I’ve got any close friends necessarily who are Greek-Cypriots.
To be honest, every single one of my close friends is an Australian, or they might come from, they might not necessarily a White Australian.
For example, I’ve got many Hong Kong Australian friends, and we have so much in common, despite the fact that we are of different ethnicities, because what matters is really culture. What really what matters is what people believe in. What matters is ideology. What matters is what an individual person believes in. It’s not necessarily about their race. Why is it the case that I can go back to Greek Cyprus and I’ll feel like a foreigner there?
Joel Davis: But if you went back to Cyprus and, like, 80% of the population were Indians. Would you be happy with that? Like, well, they all have a Greek citizenship or Cyprus citizenship or whatever. It’s the same country, right?
Drew Pavlou: I mean, it’s what, I’m not, …
Joel Davis: You’re just as Cypriot as anyone else, right? Just as Greek as anyone else, right?
Drew Pavlou: It would be absurd!
Joel Davis: No one would actually think that!
Drew Pavlou: Joe, here’s the thing. I’m not arguing for mass ethnic replacement. That’s what, …
Joel Davis: That’s what happening!
Drew Pavlou: What do you think I’m saying?
Joel Davis: Australia went from being 90% White when I was a kid. Now it’s 70%, and it’s continuing to go in that direction. Because of the ideology that you’re promoting!
Drew Pavlou: What I’m saying is that diversity is a feature of all human existence. Diversity is a feature of all human civilisation. The morality of Australia changed over 124 years. You said that Australia was a liberal democracy when it was founded, despite being White nationalists and there was no disappearances and black bags. There were still massacres against indigenous Australians, Joel!
And you might say:
“Oh, based!”
No, that’s wrong! Massacres are wrong. They’re actually just immoral. It is immoral to massacre other humans beings! Because other human beings are human beings. Life is precious! Life is sacred.
Now you say:
“Oh, it wouldn’t necessarily have to be a totalitarian state if we were to just deport everyone.”
The difference is, Joel, over time, as the morality of Australia changed, and people in Australia, the White majority of Australia, actually said:
“We don’t want the White Australia Policy anymore*. We are a nation of immigrants, and we don’t value racism in the same way that Australia, the Australian White nationalists of 1901 did.”
People changed over time. Morality changed over time.
[* This is untrue. Australians were never asked about the change in policy in the mid 60s, it was imposed top-down.]
Joel Davis: Immigration has never been popular. Immigration restriction has always been popular in Australia.
Drew Pavlou: Ideology has changed over time. White Australia changed over time. The White Australia Policy changed over time.
Joel Davis: Yeah, people changed their views. But that’s because the media and the dominant, …
Drew Pavlou: Yeah, of course, because of the jews!
Joel Davis: Not just because of the jews.
Drew Pavlou: There is a dialectic. People can have different ideas and people and morality can evolve over time.
Joel Davis: If history went differently, if we didn’t become basically part of the American led international order as a consequence of the destruction of the British Empire at the conclusion of the Second World War, and the United States wasn’t in a position where it was perpetuating this kind of globalist, liberal, ideology., …
Drew Pavlou: I love [words unclear] based!
Joel Davis: Then we wouldn’t have magically just stopped being White nationalists.
What happened was we were integrated into a different power structure that propagandized us with the invention of the television and so on, with a completely different and an alien.
Drew Pavlou: It’s the jews. Yeah, of course.
Joel Davis: Well, it came largely from American influence. You could say jews. With their massive influence over America. It’s true, just a fact.
Drew Pavlou: I know that’s what you’re saying. Every single bad thing, I stubbed my toe. It’s the jews! That’s your worldview.
Joel Davis: But I mean, do you dispute the fact that jews are very prominent in American society? That there’s a lot of, …
Drew Pavlou: There are successful minority groups all across the world! Look at, look at, …
Joel Davis: No, look at jews in the United States.
Drew Pavlou: Look at Indians in East Africa. Look at, …
Joel Davis: Okay, but, …
Drew Pavlou: Chinese minority groups in Indonesia.
Joel Davis: Australia was under the influence of Indonesia. Australia was under the influence specifically of the United States., …
Drew Pavlou: I’m responding.
Joel Davis: No, but you., …
Drew Pavlou: Indonesia, I’m giving you example. There are minority groups all across the world, and they are successful. And because it’s often because they’re forced into commercial fields because of, …
Joel Davis: I know, the jews are successful. All I’m saying is that they’re influential because you brought them up. I’m saying, yeah, they’re influential in the United States.
Drew Pavlou: We know we’ve been propagandized into., …
Joel Davis: No, but it’s important!
Obviously the jews had a pretty intense experience in the Second World War. Everyone agrees on that, right?
Drew Pavlou: I thought that it was all good, or I thought it was didn’t happen, or, …
Joel Davis: We didn’t have to get into a debate about the Holocaust.
The point is, it doesn’t really matter.
Drew Pavlou: Too bad. [words unclear]
Joel Davis: It doesn’t actually matter. The specifics, the actual specifics. What matters is, …
Drew Pavlou: I think genociding people is wrong.
Joel Davis: But regardless of the specifics of the Holocaust, all I’m saying is that clearly the jews didn’t like what happened. Right? I’m sure you will agree with that.
Drew Pavlou: Well, genocide is bad.
Joel Davis: So now the jews, …
Drew Pavlou: Genocide is actually really evil.
Joel Davis: Are in prominent positions of power in the United States. And so jews, …
Drew Pavlou: [word unclear] and told people that genocide is bad, and Holocaust is bad! Wow!
Joel Davis: But you’re not actually following the course of my argument. You’re just saying genocide is bad. Like, that’s actually a response to what I’m saying, …
Drew Pavlou: But it is.
Joel Davis: Just shut up and listen to what I’m saying!
And then you mention could formulate an actual intelligent response to it, potentially. I don’t know, maybe you’re not capable of it.
But the point is, is that jews clearly were afraid, and they said this themselves, publicly. Never again! They’re very afraid of anything like National Socialism or any cause, …
Drew Pavlou: Because Nazism is bad and evil!
Joel Davis: Racial nationalism from being influential. And they set themselves up in positions of power in places like, particularly in the United States, which is a place where at that time, White people were in charge. White people ran the United States. America was run based upon racist principles.
Basically, the immigration policy was something analogous to the White Australia Policy.
Obviously, we had the White Australia Policy here, and there was immigration restriction into other European countries. These were all White countries. Everyone in positions of power was White! And we had a sense of racial identity. And the jews were like:
“Well, this is actually a big problem!”
Drew Pavlou: , … White Americans, they obviously, …
Elijah Schaffer: Hey! Hey! I’m gonna say, let’s not interrupt. Look, and it’s totally fair just for the cogent argument, we’ll just let Joel formulate. Because I think I’m not taking any diss at anyone. I think you are capable of having an intellectual response, and I want to make sure that you don’t come across short sighted.
All right, go ahead.
Joel Davis: If you just keep talking over me, then no one can, …
Actually, when I’m done, I’ll be quiet. I’ll let you speak because I want to hear what you have to say.
Now, when it comes to what I was saying, the jews had a vested interest in undermining White rule because they were afraid of White rule. They were afraid that if they’re excluded, if we have a White dominated society – and we see this with jewish community leaders in Australia as well. They openly have said this in the United States from groups like the ADL and the SPLC and so on. In Australia, jewish community groups, their leaders came out explicitly and involved themselves in politics explicitly to say:
“We can’t allow there to be an Anglo dominated or White dominated America or Australia or whatever, because that excludes us!”
They basically were complicit in promoting mass immigration.
Now, they weren’t the only factor. There were many other factors at play.
But the point is, is that Australia was under the influence of.
Drew Pavlou: ZOG!
Joel Davis: Yes, under the influence of the United States. It’s obvious that the United States has a massive influence over Australian politics. I don’t think anyone could possibly deny that!
Drew Pavlou: So the eternal jew hypnotized Australians into giving up!
Joel Davis: It’s not just hypnotizing. But the fact is, not just jews, they had a massive influence on, but the new paradigm that emerged with the United States during the Cold War was about trying to develop a global ideology that everyone in the world could buy into, because they’re going up against communism, right, which was another universalist global ideology.
And so they had to develop, in their view, an ideological format to sell the American model to the world, including non-White countries.
And they also explicitly said this.
Like, for example, the de-segregation process in the United States. The reasons given literally by the US Supreme Court in the Brown vs Board case was:
“Well, we don’t want to alienate Africans and turn them all to the Soviet Union, so we want to prove to the Africans how non-racist we are.”
And so on.
And the resistance by the population. There was a massive resistance to de-segregation. There was massive resistance, and still is, to mass immigration. It’s wildly unpopular in America, in Australia, and in Europe.
But you talk about how you’re an enemy of totalitarianism. The state and the powers that be, have completely subjugated any voices and any elements in the political system of Western countries who try to resist this. You will not get attacked more in the Western media, you will not undergo more persecution for your form of politics in any Western country than if you advocate for White interests. Right. There is literally no form of politics that is more controversial. [Drew makes a “crazy” gesture] You can make a weird kind of gesture, but it’s just a fact!
Drew Pavlou: Schizophrenia!
Joel Davis: It not schizophrenia.
Drew Pavlou: It’s just schizophrenia! I stubbed my toe, the jews are behind it.
Elijah Schaffer: Let’s let Drew respond to this. Okay, Drew, go ahead and respond, because he did say a lot, so go ahead and explain. Do you agree or disagree? Because after this, we’re going to switch to another question that’s going to continue, but go ahead and give your response here.
Drew Pavlou: I mean, I think it’s obviously very silly to be like:
“Oh, everything was ideologically perfect, and then, oh, no, the ZOG hypnotized the world.”
Like, basically just say what Ilhan Omar [sp] said:
“Israel hypnotized the world. May, Allah awaken the people.”
Like, it’s just a form of schizophrenia. Like, you know:
“I stubbed my toe, the jews are behind it!”
“There’s gay porn online, the jews are behind it!”
I mean, this is just your worldview. It’s just schizophrenia. It just a cope. Like, you just blame everything you don’t like the world. Everything you don’t like in the world is blamed on jews.
Joel Davis: I didn’t just blame jews, did I?
Drew Pavlou: It was a complex process.
Anyway, anyway, I mean, morality changes over time. There are now millions of people who are Australian, of different ethnic backgrounds, and they identify as Australian. And your solution, your final solution, is for all of them to be deported. And this can only be accomplished with massive violence and totalitarianism! And you go, oh, well, …
Joel Davis: I want White rule! I want White people to rule my own country.
Drew Pavlou: So you want to kill millions of people to, … How do you do that without killing millions of people? To get rid of anyone who is not racially pure in your eyes, how do you remove them?
Joel Davis: If we establish White rule and we ask them to leave and we make it kind of uncomfortable for them here, I think most of them will leave of their own volition. The reason why Indians and Chinese people move to Australia, …
Drew Pavlou: You use euphuisms But what we know you’re talking about Nuremberg Laws, …
Joel Davis: They just want access to our economic resources. They want access to our prosperity and opportunities and so on.
They’re here for self interested reasons!
Drew Pavlou: You want to put gold stars on people. You want to. You want to have massive, … You want to create a totalitarian society!
Joel Davis: , … It makes no sense.
Drew Pavlou: So what, you’re going to genetically test everybody and find out:
“Oh, this person is just White enough to stay, but this person’s not allowed in the ethno-state.”
And to do this it would require a totalitarian system that would involve massive violence. People, …
Joel Davis: You support Israel, right?
Drew Pavlou: No, actually, it’s a very complex situation, Joel. I believe in a two-state solution. I don’t believe in purging seven million jews, …
Joel Davis: So you believe that the Palestinians should have their own country and the jews should have their own country? Correct?
Drew Pavlou: I believe that the pathway to peace is a two-state solution.
Joel Davis: For them to have their own countries?
Drew Pavlou: Yes.
Joel Davis: That’s the path way to peace.
Drew Pavlou: Yes.
Joel Davis: And you can’t want them to have country.
Drew Pavlou: However. Let me, let me., …
Joel Davis: Everyone else can have their own country except me! I can’t have my own country.!
Drew Pavlou: Let me talk. Yes, a two-state solution. But I would not accept legal discriminations and segregation and all these types of institutionalised forms of repression.
Joel Davis: You don’t have to have that. If everyone has their own country, then they can’t be discriminated against. If all the Chinese go back to China., …
Drew Pavlou: But Joel, Chinese people, every single, every single society on earth has people of different backgrounds. There’s no single pure homogeneous society on earth apart from, like, North Korea or something like that.
Joel Davis: And that’s irrelevant if you have a country that’s like 90% dominated by one group and not bringing in massive amounts of foreign groups, …
Drew Pavlou: Let me talk. You want a mass resorting, not just even in Australia, but just hundreds of millions of people moved based on genetic testing. And if you’re just slightly not White enough, you get deported. And this would involve a race war involving hundreds of millions of people and the killing of millions and millions of people. The disaster of the 20th century was motivated by this reasoning.
And so you want to bring back another catastrophe like this! It is a catastrophe for human beings! A catastrophe for human civilisation.k It is a total disaster! Bloodshed, horror, nihilism, just slaughtering each other!
Joel Davis: So what you’re saying is that if all the White people in Europe came together and said:
To the Muslims:
“We’d really like it if you went home.”
You think the Muslims would say:
And they would say:
“We’re gonna go to war with you!”
Joel Davis: Isn’t that perfect evidence of why they shouldn’t fucking be there! And how they actually don’t belong there in the first place? They have no respect for the people who built Europe! The people whose ancestral homelands they occupy! You prove my point!
Drew Pavlou: There are Muslims who are completely Australian. There are Muslims who completely identify as Australians, and their only home is Australia. And simply because they have a different religion, you want to deport them! It’s morally wrong!
Joel Davis: You gave an example of this Indian guy the other day that was draped in the St. George’s flag and said:
“I love England, blah, blah. Blah.”
I clicked on his Twitter profile. He had an Indian flag emoji. He’s still very proud to be an Indian! Apparently he’s an Indian and he’s English at the same time. Somehow he hasn’t given up his old identity at all! But that’s the nature of these people. They say I’m Australian, but they aren’t just Australian.
Drew Pavlou: So if I go to the Panay Yuri festival, where there’s just Greek food and some Greek dances, that makes me not Australian? That’s actually fucking stupid! That’s just dumb, because you can have different cultures.
Joel Davis: It’s not the same thing. I don’t perceive the same hostility from Greeks. At least they’re Europeans and Christians.
There’s been some tensions, but it’s different than having what we have now, which is hundreds of thousands of Indians pouring into., … They’ve got 1.5 billion or whatever people in India. They can just constantly pump their people into so many places ten times over! I don’t want Australia to become an Indian country. I want to have a country where people like me have our own country. I want to have my own country!
Drew Pavlou: That is total hysteria.
Joel Davis: It’s not hysteria. They are pouring in. They are the largest non-White group in Australia. They’re the fastest growing ethnic group in Australia. They’re the largest portion of the immigrants of any particular group. And there’s millions and millions and millions of them that want to come here.
And as much as government allows them in, they’re going to keep coming, and they’re going to become more powerful. You’re going to have Indian community leaders. You’re going to have Indian Members of Parliament and so on.
Drew Pavlou: What a horrible, …
Joel Davis: Then you’re going to have people from another ethnic group with a different identity, a different interest than mine, a different religion, a different worldview, a different culture that now want to assert themselves over me! They’re going to rule me!
Drew Pavlou: Every one of my Indian-Australian friends identifies solely as an Australian.
Joel Davis: Well, I don’t care about your friend! I’m talking about in general.
Drew Pavlou: This is why your ideology is stupid, because every single Australian. I would hazard against that, almost every single Australian would have friends, would know somebody socially who is not, you know, pure Aryan, Anglo-Celtic heritage stock.
Joel Davis: What’s your point?
Drew Pavlou: Yeah, every single person in Australia has friends of different ethnicities.
Joel Davis: What’s your point?
Drew Pavlou: And so your ideology, that you’re going to just come in one day and just going to demand that 7, 8 million people leave because of their skin colour, despite the fact they only know Australia? They’re born in Australia. They only know Australia. Their entire being and existence is in Australia! Their entire social life is in Australia. All of them should be deported! All of them should be deported with threat of violence!
Joel Davis: And we’re now at the point where like, half of the population of Sydney wasn’t even fucking born in Australia!
Drew Pavlou: This has always been a case with Australia. We’ve always had, … Even if people were from England, even if people were from Europe, we’ve always had a situation where if they were, …
Joel Davis: They were coming from England. They were coming from the same stock as the people who were already here.
Drew Pavlou: A huge part of our country has always had family members that have been born overseas.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, let me ask you this.
So I want to ask some real practical questions here, which I think can really help us get to a good conclusion.
Let’s start with something intrinsically basic about diversity being our strength, giving you guys both a second to catch a breather as well. Okay, let’s not go to deportation.
Let’s start with the first step. Which would be limiting immigration. Here in Australia, back home in the United States, there is a general immigration problem, and people agree, including in the United Kingdom. Brexit was basically founded on leaving to get control of the immigration issue.
In a mass poll, I don’t know the exact political term in Australia, there was two polls done by the government to find out what the population wants on these things called “referendums”. If you’re not from Australia, which is a way that they vote, it’s a different system. There’s mandatory voting in Australia, so it’s a little bit different. When you put something to a vote, it requires everyone to cast their vote. So it is a bit more serious.
They did two polls to find out about limiting immigration, specifically to figure out what’s going on overall, not just from non-White countries, but to just shut this down. When they did both the polls, over 60%, from what I read in both the polls of Australians that were asked, were in strong favour, not in kind of, there was four categories. Strong favour of a halting or strongly limiting, close to halting immigration entirely!
On the flip side, Americans have a similar idea of shutting down the border entirely.
Now, when one nation, and when the Parliamentary parties, I think it was Senator Babbitt and Pauline Hanson and one other Senator, when they went to put it to a Senatorial vote to find out whether it would be put on a ballot so that people could vote to halt immigration, I think it was like 38 Senators. I might be wrong. I’m not Australian, voted against it.
Now, I’m not getting into the groups that lobbied them to vote against it, but I read an official statement from Senate here that:
“The situation is too complex for the people, for the democracy, for the people to vote on, immigration is too complex.”
Now, race aside, ethnicity aside, I just saw a stat that the massive population boom, which they blame for the main rise in the cost of living crisis and the housing crisis here, the population boom is predominantly led to immigrants coming in, and it supersedes now domestically born Australians or White Australians, meaning they’re at a statistical level of replacement, which is in most Western countries, excluding Eastern Europe. Let’s just say Western Europe and the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
So with that in place, when we’re talking about “Diversity is Our Strength”, at least 60% of Australians are saying:
“Okay, maybe diversity was our strength, but at the very least, at the level of diversity that we’re bringing in, it’s going to be our failure, and it’s hurting us!”
Now, I’ll go to Drew on that first, not deporting him!
So let’s just say, let’s take Joel’s idea aside. We’re not deporting any guy because he’s Indian. He loves Australia. Fuck it, he can stay! He’s here!
But in terms of stopping the new importation, stopping Indians from becoming the majority, and let’s just say, even me as an American, stopping all people from coming until this country can figure out what the fuck is going on and America can, you know, we can all figure out what’s going on in our countries. Would you support that? Or do you think that that’s too extreme?
Drew Pavlou: Listen, I don’t support open borders.
At the same time, there needs to be some level of immigration, like complete zero, I think that’s silly! It shouldn’t be based on race. It shouldn’t be based on race. Whether there’s a million people of pure Aryan heritage stock from, like, Germany who want to come into Australia tomorrow, or whether they come from all different parts of the world, I think the question is, do we have the housing stock to support that?
So I think it’s just a simple economic question.
Joel Davis: Benefit to bring Indians in?
Drew Pavlou: Don’t, … I’m still talking. It’s not about race. To me if somebody wants to make their home in Australia, they agree that they’re going to uphold the values of Australia’s democracy. They’re going to make Australia their primary identity. They’re going to integrate and assimilate into our society. They shouldn’t be blocked based on their race. That’s wrong! I don’t believe in race based immigration.
However, at the same time, I’m also not open borders. When you’ve got a housing crisis right now, obviously the current number, whether it’s 800,000 net migrants, you can’t do that when you’re only building 150,000 new homes a year. It’s just a simple economic question.
And I don’t care whether, like Joel, I don’t know. According to Joel’s view, as long as they’re all perfect Ayran stock from Germany, you could have 10 million open borders tomorrow. Obviously, that’s crazy because you can’t even house these people!
So to me, it’s just an economic question. Do we have enough homes to house people? At the moment, we don’t. We’re not building enough homes.
There’s obviously a cost of living crisis. The Reserve bank of Australia explained that population growth was feeding into inflation and was leading to the cost of living crisis.
Now, obviously, there’s been an explosion of population growth since Covid It’s at an unsustainable level. I still support immigration because I believe that people who want to make their home in Australia, they love Australia, they want to be part of this country, they agree that they’re going to integrate, they’re going to uphold the values of democracy, liberal democracy, etcetera. They should have the right to do so regardless of race, regardless of background.
But at the same time, I don’t believe in complete open borders when you don’t have enough housing. When we’re not building enough housing, obviously you can’t have 10 million people coming in a year, can’t have infinity migration when you’re not building enough housing.
And so yeah, at the moment, I don’t agree with the current 800,000 net migration thing. It’s unsustainable for Australia. And I don’t care whether those people were all coming from Britain and Germany and their pure Aryan racial heritage stock, according to Joel, or don’t care where they’re coming from.
Look, we just don’t have enough houses at the moment. We’re not building enough houses. It’s just a question of supply and demand. Do we have enough supply in Australia? No, we don’t. And obviously it increases demand.
When you have a massive population boom and you’re not building enough housing, that’s going to increase demand, and then therefore, house prices are going to go up. And that’s a horrible thing for people across the country, whether you’re an Indian-Australian or whether you’re a Greek-Australian, or whether you’re White Australian, whether you’re from British-Australia. If you’re a citizen and you have an interest, that you don’t want to have a situation where you’re never going to be able to afford a home.
And so I actually have., … This is the funny thing. My entire friendship group is, like, basically completely multiracial, but we’re all Australian. We all believe in Australia. We’re all committed to the basic fundamental values of Australian democracy. And probably most of my friends, despite being of all different backgrounds, I’ve got Indian-Australian friends who don’t believe in, you know, having a million people come to Australia because it’s just horrible for everyone!
Regardless of your racial background, regardless of, …
Elijah Schaffer: Why did you hyphenate that? And I want to clarify that.
Drew Pavlou: In a country like Australia, where morality has changed over time, there has become an idea, there’s a mainstream idea, widely held by people all across the country that, yes, your ethnic background might be Indian, your ethnic background might be Greek, your ethnic background might be Italian, but at the same, at the end of the day, if you subscribe to the values of our country, if you subscribe to the ideals of Australian democracy, if you agree that this is your home, this is your nation, you’re going to uphold the security of the country, you’re going to uphold the democratic values on which our society is based, then you can become an Australian through the process of naturalisation, through the process of legal immigration. That is an idea that is widely held by Australians all across the country.
Joel Davis: But the problem with this is that if you look at the data, for example, look at like, quote, unquote, “Chinese-Australians” and their views on if the Americans and the United States go to war over Taiwan, should Australia involve ourselves on the side of the United States? Chinese-Australians, the majority of them would be against that, whereas the majority of Australians in general would be for that.
And if you look at, like, The Voice to Parliament referendum on the so-called Aboriginal Voice to Parliament.
If you look at the suburbs that have high concentration of Indians, they voted Yes.
Drew Pavlou: Here’s where you’re wrong. Here’s where you’re wrong. The reason why The Voice failed was because of migrants in the outer suburbs. Hundred percent!
Joel Davis: It’s not true!
Drew Pavlou: I was talking to Labor Party operatives and they all said, the reason why The Voice failed, …
Joel Davis: You’re talking to a Labor Party operative. Wow!
Drew Pavlou: No, I’m telling you right now, like the Labor Party, their official understanding of why The Voice failed is because socially conservative migrant groups in the outer suburbs voted No.
Joel Davis: It’s nonsense! If you break it down, … You go back and watch my show around the time of the referendum, you can see very clearly the correlation.
Also, there was many polls done by, like, Left-wing, by Labor Party operatives on if you were born in Australia or you weren’t born in Australia, are you voting yes or no? And the Australian born people were like 70% no, 65, 70% no. And the non-Australian born people were like less than 50% no. That’s just a fact!
Drew Pavlou: If you look at Kos Samaras* polling, Kos Samaras says, and I know you guys hate, …
[* Kosmos Samaras (born 1970) is a Greek-Australian lobbyist, pollster, and former Victorian Labour strategist. He helped run Labour’s state election campaigns for 14 years before departing in 2019 to found RedBridge, a political consultancy firm, which has become influential in Victorian politics. Together with Simon Welsh, a Labor pollster, Samaras founded RedBridge in September 2019 after a year’s planning. The firm provided lobbying, political consultancy and polling services, and quickly became prominent in Melbourne – Damon Johnston, writing for The Australian in 2023, dubbed Samaras “one of the most influential political and corporate fixers in a city overloaded with ex-political types who think they are fixers”. By that time, RedBridge had registered 51 clients and ten former clients. Source-Wikipedia]
Joel Davis: I’m referencing his polling right now! Look up his polling.
Drew Pavlou: But Kos Samaras say is the lesson of The Voice was that The Voice campaign, …
Joel Davis: His mantra is:
“We need to bring Indians into Australia so they vote Labour!”
Drew Pavlou: Let me keep talking.
Joel Davis: No I’m not going to let you keep talking! I’m talking.
Drew Pavlou: Kos Samaras says, …
Joel Davis: Kos Samaras literally says:
“We need to bring Indians into Australia so they vote Labour!”
Drew Pavlou: The problem with The Voice was that conservative migrant communities voted against it.
Joel Davis: That’s what he said.
Drew Pavlou: Chinese-Australians and Indian-Australians. And I saw that with my own eyes! I knew so many Indian-Australians and Chinese-Australians who voted against The Voice because they don’t agree with it.
Joel Davis: We’re talking about the overall, we are not talking about your random friends, …
Drew Pavlou: Maybe a slight majority, but it may be a slight majority, but we’re not talking about, like, Assad level margins where, like, 99% of Indian-Australians voted for The Voice. That’s not even true., … Voted against The Voice.
Joel Davis: If you only had White voters in the United States every single state would be a Red state! Every state would vote Trump! It’s only the non-White vote, …
Drew Pavlou: We’re lucky that in Australia, we don’t have the same level of, …
Elijah Schaffer: All right! Here’s what I want to clarify, because we’re interrupting each other now, and it’s just not productive.
So what I’m trying to say is, this is, in America, we do this as well. We define people as Indian American, Greek American – not really – but we do like, you know, Asian American, African American. These are commonly understood. And my understanding is why? It’s because America was founded by Caucasian Protestants, and it was originally founded to cater to these people, which is what people think of when they think Americans. We know America is diverse. We know slavery happened. We know black people were brought here involuntarily, and we know why they were brought here.
So there is complex racial issues, which we all know. And Americans have accepted the fact that there will be complex issues between White and blacks. And we border, you know, Hispanic colonisation, where they integrated with the indigenous people.
And so we have this Mexican nationality. We fought wars with them. We obtained land. Right? We fought wars with Spain, yada, yada. So we understand there’s a level of diversity.
But what we’re seeing now in the United States is this sort of aggression to replace the White population, which they talk about it like Biden* said, our president said they will be a minority. And that’s actually, this is a quote:
“They will be a minority White people in this country. That’s actually a good thing!”
[* Joe Biden (in a speech, cira 2015): Not only our Muslim communities, but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities. And the wave still continues. It’s not gonna stop, nor should we want it to stop! As a matter of fact it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of, ….
So there’s a second thing in that black box. An unrelenting stream of immigration! Non-stop! Non-stop! Folks like me who were Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017, will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America! Absolute minority!
Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then, and on, will be White European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.]
So I think that’s where it’s, …
Joel Davis: And the more diverse America gets, the more the racial tensions increase. That’s funny! That was basically what I was saying. That’s my whole argument.
Drew Pavlou: I don’t believe in massive, …
Joel Davis: The more racial tensions will exist! You know when, you know how you can have no racial tensions? If everyone in the country is the same race, then there’s no racial tension!
Drew Pavlou: But, Joel, to do that, you would have to kill hundreds of millions of people! All across the world.
Joel Davis: No! They could just go home! They don’t have to be killed. They’ve got homes.
Drew Pavlou: No, no. Because if someone’s born in Australia, that’s their home. If all they know is Australia. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. I’d be a foreigner in Cyprus. This is my home. This is the only country I know this is the country I’m committed to this is the country that I would die for.
Joel Davis: This is my home! My family came here before it was federated! My ancestors built this fucking country! It’s my people’s country. It’s not these random Chinese guys that got off the boat last week!
Drew Pavlou: It’s not their country. Explain this to me.
Joel Davis: They’ve got their own country. It’s called China!
Drew Pavlou: Explain this, …
Joel Davis: 5,000 plus years old!
Drew Pavlou: Joel, explain this to me. You say it’s your home, your people only, but you would. You would say you’re not part of that because you’re Greek, Australian, and you believe in globo-homo, blah, blah, blah. But you would say that. Your friends say that. Your fans say that. Yes. Yes, yes. Why is it I would die for Australia? I would die for Australia if need be. And I put myself in situations where I actually have risked death.
Like, I was literally denounced by the Chinese Communist Party. Literally, their Chinese state apparatus denounced me individually! I would literally be prepared to die for Australia in a war if it had to come to that, to defend Australia. Because I believe in Australia. Australia is my home. This is my country. But according to your theory, Drew is not that. Drew is not pure Aryan heritage stock. And that’s what your fans say. And you say because Drew believes in liberalism and because he wouldn’t support Joel’s entire Nazi ideas, …
Joel Davis: I believe in what the founders of Australia., … Are you saying the founders of Australia were Nazis? Our founding fathers were Nazis? That’s how much you love Australia? You think our founding fathers were horrible Nazis! Right?
Drew Pavlou: Joel, obviously, White Australia pre-existed the nazis, …
Joel Davis: I believe in the values of people who built this country. My ancestors who built this country. I share their belief. And I want to honour them by preserving their project. But I don’t want my country to be reduced to an economic zone. What you say is it doesn’t matter where you’re from, what your culture is, what your religion is, as long as you just come here and work hard and want to adopt these vague Australian values, which aren’t Australian values! They are liberal internationalist values that were imposed upon us by adoption into the American led international order. They weren’t developed in Australia. White nationalism is an Australian value! That founded this fucking country!
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong.
Drew Pavlou: Wrong! Wrong! Wrong. Let me explain.
Elijah Schaffer: Real fast Drew, you’re creeping off camera. Can you move over there? There you go. Perfect!
Drew Pavlou: The creation of Australian democracy wasn’t the creation of these White nationalists.
Joel Davis: Yeah, it was! It literally was! Everyone was a White nationalist!
Drew Pavlou: No, But let me explain. Let me explain, …
Joel Davis: They didn’t let Aboriginals vote.
Drew Pavlou: The ideas that fed into the creation of Western civilisation, necessarily include Christian values that came from, … For example, you had St. Paul say:
“There is neither jew nor Greek, for your all one in Jesus Christ.”
Joel Davis: He also said:
“There’s neither man nor woman.”
He’s saying St. Paul supported transgenderism.?
Drew Pavlou: But, …
Joel Davis: No, you’re a fucking idiot! Who doesn’t even understand the Bible!
Drew Pavlou: Joel. This is fucking [word unclear]!
Joel Davis: He said there’s not a man nor woman in Christ!
Drew Pavlou: Joel, Christianity, …
Joel Davis: So therefore, you believe St. Paul was a transgender advocate!
Drew Pavlou: Shut the fuck up, cunt! Australian democracy, …
Joel Davis: You are an idiot! You don’t even know what you are talking about!
Drew Pavlou: Let me talk. Christianity is a universalist religion. It states that all human beings are equal in moral value regardless of their ethnic background. This is a fundamental, …
Joel Davis: Where does it say that?
Drew Pavlou: Jesus spoke this! What is the parable of the Good Samaritan, you fucking retarded cunt! What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
Joel Davis: The Samaritans descended from Abraham. You know that, right?
The parable of the good Samaritan is that there were these two different races that hated each other. Samaritans are Israelites,
Drew Pavlou: They were at each other.
Joel Davis: Do, you know, that?
Drew Pavlou: But Joel they were at each other throats. You don’t even know the Israelites do you?
Drew Pavlou: Have you ever read the Bible?
Joel Davis: You haven’t read the Bible You don’t know that, …
Drew Pavlou: Yes I have read the Bible. I’m a Greek Orthodox Christian. The parable of the Good Samaritan is that, the lesson of the story is there are two people of two different ethnic groups who hated each other. They were at war with each other, …
Joel Davis: They were both Israelites. They both descended from Abraham.
Drew Pavlou: But they hated each other. It’s a point against tribalism. That is the entire point of the good Samaritan parable that was taught by Jesus Christ. That is the point of the good Samaritan! These two groups were at each other’s throats. They were at war with one another for decades. I’m not sure the exact time span at which they were at war with one another, but the entire point of the good Samaritan is that the morally righteous thing was to go out and look after your brother, despite the fact that he’s of a different group that is at war with one of you, despite the fact that he’s of a different tribe, the fact that your peoples are supposed to hate each other.
Jesus said the morally righteous thing to do was to look out for the man by the side of the road who is sick and who has been descended upon by bandits and is in need of care.
What’s the parable of the good Samaritan? You think the parable of the good Samaritan is Jesus, he realised that the guy was ZOG, and so he kept on walking. Are you fucking retarded?
No! The parable of the good Samaritan is that he, despite the fact that they’re different tribes, that they hated each other, the two peoples were at each other’s throats. He went out and he cared for him, because they’re both human beings.
And at the end of the day, you’re supposed to love your brother, be your brother’s keeper, despite different ethnic background, despite tribalism. The entire point of Christianity is to dissolve tribalism.
And so you can go:
“Oh, Australia came into existence on January 1, 1901, when Federation came into existence.”
No, Australia was a long process. Obviously, there’s the indigenous heritage of Australia, but there’s also the Western heritage of Australia. And there is thousands of years of history that feed into Western civilisation, informed by those values in civilisation.
Joel Davis: Where did civilisation [come from]? A bunch of White people. It’s White civilisation, …
Drew Pavlou: No, no! Because, …
Joel Davis: I thought Western civilisation, … White people built.
Drew Pavlou: Jesus Christ was a Judean jew. And so Christianity, …
And this is why the Nazis hated Christianity, and this is why the Nazis were like:
“Oh, it’s all slave morality, blah, blah, blah. The jews invented Christianity!”
That’s what Hitler, your favourite guy, he hated Christianity. He said that the jews created Christianity to dissolve the master morality of the German people.
Joel Davis: Where did he say that?
Drew Pavlou: He did say that. He said that many times!
He also said that Islam would be a better religion for the German people. Hitler hated, Hitler hated Christianity at its core! He believed it was slave morality.
Drew Pavlou: And there are lots of fascists today. You know this, you’re friends with many fascists, …
Joel Davis: I think, you think Nietzsche and Hitler are the same person.
Drew Pavlou: You know that there are many fascists who despise Christianity and reject Christianity in favour of pagan influences.
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Drew Pavlou: There are many like that.
Because I know you try to say that you’re Trad-Cath, [Tranditional Catholic] blah, blah blah, despite the fact that the Pope has said that anti-semitism is wrong. And that racism is wrong. I know you try to say that there’s Trad-Cath, but there are other fascists and Nazis who’d go:
“Oh, Joel’s actually ZOG, because he says he’s Trad-Cath.”
Because you’re all at war with one another, at all times.
But the point is Western civilisation has many things feeding into it. One of the core things is Christianity and those moral values in favour of moral universalism, the idea that all human beings are created.
Joel Davis: How come we didn’t realise this until after the Second World War? How do we have Western civilisation for 3,000 years and we didn’t realise it’s a long 3,000 plus years that apparently we were supposed to be loving all people and letting all of these blacks and Indians, Asians into our society and treating them like they’re kin. No one thought that!
Drew Pavlou: Joel, our morality has changed over thousands of years. You go back to the Magna Carta. That was one of the things that, …
Joel Davis: You were appealing to Western civilisation. You’re appealing to the founding values of our civilisation.
Drew Pavlou: And I actually think liberalism upholds those core founding values, …
Elijah Schaffer: Right, I’m muting for a second.
All right, I’m muting both your mics. Here’s the deal.
Let me ask you this, though, which someone did ask. I do want to make sure that we were able to ask a few questions about Hitler. And I do want to make sure, but I want to ask first. I’ve been hearing a lot of the idea that morality changed, and I think that that is a true statement. Okay, but I want to know about the wording of that. We’ll go to Drew first. And I just want to, Joel will listen. Then we’ll go to Joel. Drew will listen.
I know we’re getting heated. But did morality change because people were enlightened and therefore discovered what was morally absolutely better or superior? Which is the way that we accept now. Or was morality changed like desegregation in the United States at gunpoint? Or as it is today, through censorship, monetary censorship, canceling people, etcetera? People would say differently.
So all I guess I could put that as, is canceling a good thing kind of way of expressing our changed morality that came naturally, or is our morality shaped now through outside institutions and resources to reflect what elites want? Therefore, we’re not naturally going the way that we would go if left to our own devices.
We’ll go to Drew first. That’s what I want to know. It’s changed. But why did it change? Was that natural and good? Or was it forced and engineered?
Drew Pavlou: Human beings are not tabula rasa. Human beings are not just blank slates upon which the elite and ZOG projects fantasies and projects ideology upon us. Human beings are capable of independent thought. Human beings are able to create new ideas over time. That is the nature of the dialectic over thousands of years.
And so the idea that, you know, the only reason that, you know, values changed over time to reject racism, reject, you know, tribalistic, sectarian violence, etcetera, the only reason that happened was because of like, you know, propaganda and, and things like this over time. That is just total silliness!
I mean, you actually can see the long term sources for liberal values going back thousands of years. When you look at, like, there is the argument of Tom Holland in the book Dominion, where he basically says that part of the problem with woke ideology today is that it’s basically Christianity, but it’s shorn of the redemption part.
So it’s basically, you believe that everyone’s born in original sin and yet there is no redemption because they reject Christianity. But he, and look, it’s a strong argument, but he also argues alongside that, that part of it is that liberalism was very much influenced over time by Christianity. Like those ideas that we have a moral duty to people despite our different ethnic backgrounds. We have a moral duty to people despite our different tribe, ethnic background, racial identity, etcetera.
The idea that because Christianity is a universalist moral religion, Christianity is universalist. And therefore it leads to, over time, over the course of hundreds of years, thousands of years, it deeply embeds these kinds of universalistic moral ideas in society.
And I think that is something very precious and special about the West, that these ideas, like Joel is right, that in some countries sectarianism and tribalism is absolutely at the forefront of everything at all times.
One of the things that is very special about the Western world is that we have tried to transcend past that. We’ve tried to move past that over hundreds of years, informed by thousands of years of moral development, through philosophy, through religion, we have evolved. We have seen an evolution in morality over time, over 2,000 years.
This is, in a way, diversity, right? Because to reject all that, you’d have to have a static universe where nothing changes over time, over thousands of years, nothing ever changes! Siloed off into our own different tribes. That is, it’s silliness! This is not how human beings work. This is not how humanity has ever existed, going back hundreds of thousands of years.
Joel Davis: You saying humanity has never been tribal?
Drew Pavlou: Human beings have an innate. Can I just, …
Elijah Schaffer: No, no, no, no. Just let me go to Joel.
Joel, I’m just going to throw that to you. Things have changed where nobody’s retarded enough to deny the fact that things are very different today in society. People think very differently than they did perhaps, in all of the history of modern and ancient civilisation.
Is this the natural enlightenment and recourse for those just joining the livestream of humans who have found a better way at life? Or is this a socially engineered, taking advantage of people who naturally go with the flow, implementing a system that goes against what our founding fathers and our nations or our ancestors desired for our continents and our Western countries? I’ll let you answer.
Joel Davis: You want me to start by addressing the question of is it good? Is this egalitarianism, is this idea of flattening out all differences and assessing and creating this universal moral framework where we assess everyone, we basically interpret all of humanity as our equal brother and sister, that should be afforded the exact same rights as us. I find this to be ridiculous! Because the very essence of being human is our capacity to love particular people. The weakest form of love would be “universal brotherhood of man” or something like this.
Because in order for it to be something that you project to all people, you would have to basically minimise it’s value. The more that you kind of focus your love on a particular target, object of your affection and your loyalty, the more valuable it becomes. This is why marriage and romantic love is so powerful. Because you say:
“I am going to just be with this person for the rest of my life.”
In contradistinction to:
“I’m going to be with this woman tonight and this woman tomorrow night, I love all women. All women are totally equal to me. I have no preference for this woman or that woman.”
Your friendship would be worth nothing, if you were to say that:
“Well, I’m hanging out with you today, but you’re just as important to me as some guy that I haven’t met before.”
That would be absurd!
The particular love that you have for your friends, your family, and you know, if you’re married or you’re with somebody, your children, these are the really potent things about the human experience.
Like if you go to Aristotle, his argument against the abolition of private property was that if all, property which is held in common is cared for the least, when you isolate property to the value of someone in particular, they have better stewardship.
So if we were to say that it doesn’t matter who your parents are, all children, they deserve a totally equal love from the community. And so you should love every child just as much, regardless of whether you’re their father or mother or not, then all the children would be basically neglected.
The only way in which to secure good stewardship over children is for their particular parents to love them more than any other child! This is radical inequality, that is what generates a good parent, good stewardship, and the same thing, as I said before, about a wife, or a husband.
So that is the essence of what it means to be human, is to have these particular affections.
Now, if I was to say:
“I love all people equally, I don’t care what race you are.”
What I’m doing is I’m depriving my people of my affection and my concerns. And White people have basically been mass psyopped, [psychologically manipulated] or convinced of this notion based upon, whatever has convinced them.
The point is that it’s a ridiculous notion that we should care less for our people. It’s like if it was to say:
“Oh, doesn’t matter if someone’s your family or not. You should love them equally.”
No! I love my brother and sister more than I love some random guy on the street. Otherwise, I’d be a terrible brother! That’s the essence of what it means to be human.
In the same way I’d be a terrible Australian if I was to care for an Indian as much as I care for someone who is also a real Australian, like me. That would be ridiculous!
And actually what that does is it will destroy who you are. If everyone in a family doesn’t love each other and cares for other people outside of the family just as much as the people inside the family, it destroys the family.
And the same thing happens to a nation. That’s what’s happening to my nation right now and every White nation on the planet. We don’t love each other enough because we have been convinced that there’s something pathological about that. And this is breaking down our chains of loyalty to one another, and it’s breaking down our identity, and it’s destroying our people and our culture!
I was in London a few years ago, and I was in East London in a place called West Ham. And I was walking down the street, and the street is just covered in kebab shops and brown people. You can’t see any White people almost anywhere. And I went into this pub, and the pub was full of all these White boomers, and they all had Cockney accents, and they were very nice, and we got chatting and so on, and they were telling me about their children and their grandchildren. Some of them were quite old. And all of their children had moved away. Many of them had actually moved here. Some had moved to other parts of Britain or other parts of Europe.
And I was thinking how sad it is that that particular Cockney identity of East London, the old White working class, it will no longer exist in a few generations because the old people will die out, and the young people have all been replaced by Pakistanis! By various other brown ethnicities and some blacks and so on.
And so now they no longer exist! That particular people, their culture, their way of speaking, their particular mentality, this has been eviscerated. This is a tragedy that is happening in various aspects of my race! Across our civilisation, entire communities are being utterly gutted and replaced and diluted!
And for me to not care about that and say:
“Well, what’s the difference? An Indian, or a black person? They’re just as Australian as me. They have the exact same value as me. I should care about them. The exact same, …”
That would be to deprive my people of genuine love, which is what’s necessary for them to be preserved. My ancestors for thousands of years, have fought. They have fought in wars, they have engaged in settler colonialism, going across the world to build a new country and so on, to pass that down to me, and I would be pissing in their face if I was to just allow it to be thrown away and not stand in opposition to what is happening to my people!
And not just because it would be one thing if it was just happening in Australia, but I could go back, and everyone said:
“Go back to England if you don’t like it!”
And I went back to England, and in England, everyone was English. And there was a way to perpetuate the culture of my ancestors there.
But the exact same thing, maybe even worse, is happening there! I have nowhere to go! Everywhere where my people were previously, the dominant culture, the dominant people, where we ruled our own countries and we maintained our traditions and our way of life, every single place where that is occurring in the entire world is being systematically attacked by this agenda! This anti-White agenda of forcing, quote, unquote, “diversity”, which means replacing them with foreign cultures and foreign peoples!
So I have nowhere to run. I am forced to fight! If they didn’t want me to become so “racist”, they didn’t want me to become so aggressive and hateful, they shouldn’t have taken away everywhere that I could run to. But that’s what they have done!
And so they’re forcing me to fight. I’ve got nowhere to go. And the same thing would happen to any ethnic group. You see with the Palestinians and the Israelis fighting over kilometers of dirt. You’re seeing the Ukrainians and the Russians massacring each other over kilometers of dirt. This is the universal human condition! That people are not willing to just throw away hard fought, self-determination. They establish their country, their way of life. Their people are in charge of a particular territory that has been hard won, always in some kind of war or battle.
And then their ancestors have invested blood, sweat and tears for hundreds and thousands of years, in some cases in that particular place to make it theirs. And they are not going to go down without a fight when that happens, when someone else wants to barge in and take over that space. Because the reality is that the world isn’t big enough for everyone. There’s a limited amount of space. Everyone can’t get everything that they want. This is a fucking totally utopian fantasy!
At some point you have to say:
“No, this is mine! No one else can have this! Is going to be the country that my people have!”
That is going to be the place where my way of life is perpetuated so that my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on have a country in which people like them, who share their identity are in charge! So that they of are safe. I don’t want my grandchildren and great grandchildren becoming a persecuted, potentially minority in the country their ancestors built. That is just simply not acceptable! And that is the destiny that if the current trajectory of things is allowed to continue, that’s their destiny!
I would be a shit grandparent or shit great grandparent if I allowed that to happen. And I love them more, even though they don’t exist yet. I love them more than I love these fucking random Indians coming in! Who have their own country, by the way, and who frankly, I don’t like them! I don’t like the way they smell, the way they look. I don’t like their culture, I don’t like how they talk. I don’t like their way of life. And I have the right not to like them! They might not like me too. I don’t care whether they like me or don’t like me.
I have the right not to like them! I don’t have to like everyone! I want to have a country in which people like me are in charge, where of my culture is maintained, where my way of life is maintained. And I want that to be passed down to my children. And I don’t care if I have to fight for it. And some people have to get hurt, if that’s what’s necessary, because that’s the essence of human beings.
Drew Pavlou: You are talking about killing millions of people.
Joel Davis: I don’t think we would in Australia, if, like, say, for example, I became dictator tomorrow, I think me becoming dictator and going:
“You best be fucking off!”
I think they would mostly leave. They would go:
“You know what? I don’t want to be here anymore!”
I don’t think we’d have to kill that many people, actually.
Drew Pavlou: You would have to kill so many people.
Joel Davis: Fine!
Drew Pavlou: Your ideology is nihilism and bloodshed.
Joel Davis: It’s not nihilist. Killing people is not nihilism if you’re defending your country, …
Drew Pavlou: You’re essentially White ISIS.
Joel Davis: No! What do you mean? Ukrainians? Are they terrorists?
Drew Pavlou: They’re all gonna be out. That’s your ideology.
Joel Davis: The Ukrainians defending their country, terrorists?
Are the Palestinians defending their country terrorists? No!
Drew Pavlou: Hamas are terrorists.
Joel Davis: Defending your country. You could call me a terrorist if you want to you. Defending your country from being taken away from you. I don’t care what you call me! That’s valid.
Drew Pavlou: Nothing’s being taken away.
Joel Davis: It is!
Drew Pavlou: Every single migrant I know in Australia, their entire aspiration is just to buy a house in the suburbs and just be left alone and just have a nice family. They just want to be left alone!
Joel Davis: They are buying houses in areas that should be my people’s areas!
Drew Pavlou: They want to assimilate. People want to become part of Australia.
Joel Davis: They can’t assimilate!
Drew Pavlou: They want to become part of the nation, raise kids, have a nice life. Every human being ultimately the exact same. They don’t want torture. They don’t want to be fucking persecuted by a government. They don’t want to be black bagged. They don’t want to be subject to sectarian ethnic violence. People just want to be left alone from tyranny and totalitarian government. No one wants that. How come.
Joel Davis: How come ethno-nationalism has made hundreds and hundreds of countries come into existence? People want to have their own countries!
Drew Pavlou: People want to have their own countries. Yes. And I’m not arguing, …
Joel Davis: So why can’t I have my own country?
Drew Pavlou: No one taking away Australia from you, Joel, because you are able to live. You can just live, but you’ve just got this [word unclear] ideology that if you can’t get ahead in Australia today, that it must be because of the jews or the woke, …
Joel Davis: It’s not about my capability to get ahead.
Drew Pavlou: It’s just an ideology of resentment, …
Joel Davis: It’s about my people’s capacity to control our own country.
Drew Pavlou: It’s an ideology of identity, grievance, ethnic grievance. And I’m against ethnic grievance politics, wherever it’s coming from.
Joel Davis: Why?
Drew Pavlou: So whether it’s White, …
Joel Davis: You saying youcan’t have grievances?
Drew Pavlou: I think it’s a bad thing! It’s a bad thing!
Joel Davis: Why?
Drew Pavlou: Because.
Joel Davis: Why is it bad?
Drew Pavlou: Look, Cyprus was destroyed by sectarian violence. All across the world, you can see so many examples of countries destroyed by sectarian violence! People who could just live side by side with each other in peace. And then psycho Takfiri, ISIS, White nationalists, …
Joel Davis: They can’t live side by side because someone has to be in charge, okay? Someone has to rule, okay?
Drew Pavlou: People came in and set people against the other group, and they kill! They kill each other!
Joel Davis: You don’t want your group to be the weaker group. You want to be the stronger group in your area. You want to have control of your life.
Drew Pavlou: Life does not have to be, …
Elijah Schaffer: I muted your mic. I muted your mics. All right. All right. Guys, guys. I muted your mics for a second. I muted your mics. Because I need to keep this. Okay, here’s what happened. I need to ask a question here, because I see where the disagreement is, and I see where you might be a point of contention.
It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about making your point thoroughly. And that’s the key thing about debates, because you’re never going to win people that you were never going to win! And you can only lose people, but you can convince people in the middle.
So to give a very clear argument here, you’re saying that, yeah, you can still live in Australia. I don’t think anyone’s arguing against that. There’s nothing against White people living. And your definition of living was, like you said:
“These people just want to come here and they just want to own a house. They just want to go to school.”
Which actually agrees with, I think, what Joel was saying, where he was like:
“Yeah, they want opportunity. They want resources, they want to take part in the prosperity.”
But what you’re defining then, as the country, is the ability to live and own a home and enjoy in the prosperity. But Joel seems to be defining it as it’s much deeper than just owning a home. Because you mean you could go to, I could go to Cyprus tomorrow, maybe I can’t. I don’t know the laws there. Buy a home and, like, …
Joel Davis: You literally couldn’t buy, …
Elijah Schaffer: Well, I’m American, but I’ll never be Australian, right? I’m an American. I’m married to an Australian.
Joel Davis: I think you could be an Australian.
Elijah Schaffer: Well, I really can’t, because I wasn’t born here and I’m too far back removed even from my English heritage, where, like, genuinely, I’m American. At the most, you could go back and say, maybe. Yeah, maybe I’m British.
So that’s British and German.
But at the same time, I don’t identify as British and German. I identify as American, because it was a country built on Protestantism. It was a country built by Anglos. But I know for a matter of fact that I am not German. And when I meet Germans, we’re very clearly distinct.
So I agree with you on that you would meet people from Cyprus. You’re very different than them. That’s very fine.
However, I think what we have here today is not a racism like Joel just knows a couple, you know, are they called Cretians still today? I don’t know. Not a couple people from Cyprus who he just hates because they’re different than him. There is a global movement that even the Left acknowledges, our president. So I’m not taking a biased perspective here. Our president acknowledges there is an actual shift in population demographics which is directly leading to a shift of power structure, which we are being told is good.
So because I want to get into Superchats, I want to get into Q&A, and I want to have some conclusion here and I want to get sort of a final statement. We’ll go to Drew, then we’ll go to Joel, because it’s a good order here.
The current trajectory that we’re on is, without a shadow of a doubt, leading to White people being a minority in Western countries and losing control of the power structure. I don’t care what your opinion is on that we can see that in the UK, when it comes to Wales, when it comes to the Mayor of London, the Prime Minister of England, when we see what’s happening in Ireland, these are Pakistanis, these are Indians, these are individuals. Whether that’s good or bad, I’m not going to even comment. But it is happening there and it’s going to continue to happen in the United States. You’re seeing Congress go down in its White density here, you’re seeing the same thing with minority leadership. You’re seeing ethnic grievances and policies.
So, with that being said, we are on that trajectory. Statistically, we cannot deny that’s where we’re headed. So is diversity our strength? Closing statement.
Regardless of what’s been in the past, whether there’s been maybe 10% Asian, whatever, in this country, in the United States, been 13% black, it’s still 13% black, by the way. But the Hispanic population has skyrocketed. The Asian populations have skyrocketed. There’s the black infiltration from, like, Haiti and stuff is skyrocketed. Not the American black. Something is changing. Something is shifting. Is this good for Western countries? And if it is, then please tell me why.
If you have any criticisms, I’m not assuming you fully agree with this. What could we do to make it our strength? That’s why I want to conclude on here.
If it’s not our strength, the current trajectory our nations are on, what do we need to change? Or what would we need to do, policy wise or effectively socially, to make diversity our strength?
And that’s why we’ll go to Joel after the same thing. If you disagree, what is it that we need to do? To what level of diversity should we have? It is a complicated question, but I’d like to get your final thoughts. Drew. Joel, please do not interrupt Drew. Drew, please don’t interrupt Joel. Go ahead.
Joel Davis: Okay.
Drew Pavlou: I don’t believe in a world that is defined by a zero sum racial struggle. I don’t believe in a world where people should be defined by their race, defined by their ethnicity, and if somebody is of a different race, they can’t live in the same street as me. I don’t believe in that world. I will judge people based on their character. I’ll judge them based on their individual attributes, their individual accomplishments. This is the world that I believe in. I believe in individualism and personal freedoms! That’s why I believe in liberalism.
So I believe that individuals should be judged based on their own individual attributes, their own accomplishments, their own personal personalities, their own character.
I identify as an Australian. I believe that I’m just as much Australian as Joel. Joel would disagree with that. Joel will say:
“Oh, well, I have Aryan heritage stock, blah, blah, blah.”
And his friends try to go:
“Oh, Drew’s actually secretly Lebanese or Turkish or whatever.”
I don’t believe my race comes into it. I’m an Australian. I would fight and die for Australia if Australia were ever to be invaded or if Australia was ever attacked, I would fight and die for Australia. I believe in Australia. This is my home. I believe in this as my homeland, my country. It doesn’t matter the race.
My friends they may be from Hong Kong. They may be from Tibet, they may be from all sorts of different areas on earth, but they believe in Australia. They believe in democracy. They believe in a life that I believe in as well, where individual people are judged based on their own personal attributes, their own personal characteristics. Where we don’t have totalitarianism, we don’t have mass racial violence. I don’t believe in mass racial violence. I know Joel will try and say. He’ll try and construct a, he’s already tried to construct a straw man of my position. So he’s already tried to say:
“Well, Drew is basically pushing an ideology where people aren’t allowed to love their own families more than just general humanity in particular.”
Of course, it’s human nature to love your own family more than the abstract idea of humanity itself.
Yet people fight and die for ideas all the time. And an idea that is important is that all human beings have a moral value, moral worth. They shouldn’t be just reduced down to their skin colour or their racial background, their ethnic background. I don’t care where somebody comes from, as long as they believe in Australia, as long as they too, would fight to defend Australia as a country. They believe in the same Australia that I do, which is Australia that’s founded on democracy, that all human beings in Australia have equal moral worth, and nobody should be subject to torture, persecution, government tyranny.
All human beings in Australia should be treated with equal moral value, equal moral worth, and all people should be free from tyranny, violence, discrimination, persecution! If people believe in that Australia along, then I will be happy to fight and die alongside them in that pursuit of that ideal of the nation.
I believe in Australia as a country. I believe in Australia as a nation. I just don’t believe that Australia should be defined based on race, because there are all sorts of Australians who do not come from a British-Australian background, and yet they’ve made so many immense cultural, scientific achievements in Australia, commercial achievements in Australia.
It’s completely wrong to say that Australia was only ever built up by British-Australians. That is completely wrong! There is a long, long history, and I actually think Australia’s history stretches all the way back tens of thousands of years. And incorporates indigenous Australians as well.
And I think it’s an amazing thing that Australia incorporates the oldest culture on earth basically.
There an ancient history there, and through this we have constructed a country that incorporates people from all ends of the world, and yet we should be united in one ideal, democracy, freedom, justice for all human beings everywhere. That’s what I believe. Nobody should be persecuted based on their racial identity. No one should be persecuted, bullied, tortured, killed based on their racial ethnicity.
That’s what Joel believes in. Joel believes that. He actually said in this debate, he said:
“If we have to kill people, he’s happy with that.”
He’s happy with that. He actually made a threat that he would kill non-White Australians at some point in it or other.
So I think this guy is actually a threat to Australia. I think he’s a threat to the country. He doesn’t believe in the things that I believe in. He wants to destroy the Australia that currently exists today. He wants to absolutely destroy! He wants it to burn in flames!
And so, in a way, he’s also kind of like the communist extremists who want to burn down Australia. Both these people are unsatisfied with their lots in life, and they are filled with resentment and grievance, and they just want to destroy everything that makes our society actually quite beautiful and nice. Obviously, Australia has so many different problems. We’ve got a housing crisis in Australia, et cetera.
But also, we are nevertheless one of the best countries on earth. People would die to live in Australia. All across the world, people would give their lives to try and come to Australia. It’s such a beautiful country. It is one of the best countries on earth! We have the rule of law. We have widespread prosperity. We have much less problems when it comes to racism and ethnic tension than, say, America has.
I mean, we have built a democratic society that is based on widespread prosperity, a society that isn’t built on zero sum racial competition. And Joel thinks it should be built on zero sum racial competition. And there are some people on the extremist Left who want to create their own type of indigenous ethno-state or whatever, who also believe in a world of zero sum ethnic competition. I believe that people shouldn’t be judged on their ethnic background. Shouldn’t be judged on their racial background.
If you believe in Australia, if you believe in Australian democracy, if you’re willing to fight for this country, then you’re Australian, and I’ll fight alongside you to create a better Australia for everybody who’s currently living here. That’s what I believe in. Joel believes in, … He will use euphemisms, but ultimately what he believes in is trying to expel millions of people who already live here, who have made Australia their home. And if they wouldn’t move, he’d kill them. That’s what Joel believes in. He’ll try and hide it behind euphemisms. He’ll try and present himself, …
Joel Davis: We don’t need to kill him, we could just put him in jail or something. Or. I mean, …
Drew Pavlou: Wow! Heck, so funny, man.!
Elijah Schaffer: So I just want to make sure before we go any further. Are you good, though? Are you done with your statement, …
Drew Pavlou: I’m almost done! I’m almost done.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, go ahead.
Drew Pavlou: But basically, I believe that one of the special things about the West is that we have thousands of years of Christian moral tradition and moral values where that have fed into contemporary liberal ideology and the idea that all human beings have an equal moral value and worth. I wouldn’t want to live in a country where we believe that all human beings should be defined based on their race and should be killed if they’re of a different tribe.
I don’t want to live in a country like that. Joel wants to live in a country like that. I don’t want to live in a country like that.
Like, that is a disgusting, nightmarish, hellish world, and I wouldn’t want to live in a society like that. I want to live in a society where people are judges, human beings as individuals.
Joel Davis: You’ve repeated yourself on that point, like, eight times!
Elijah Schaffer: All right, but let me make sure. Before Joel, before, … I understand that since this is his closing statement, before the Q and A, we have a bunch of Superchats. Are you good on that?
Drew Pavlou: So I reject the mass violence, torture, murder that Joel represents.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay. All right, Joel, we’re going to go to you.
Joel Davis: You don’t have to kill people to deport them. It’s possible to just force them to leave.
In fact, people get deported all the time from countries all over the world. They don’t just get shot in the head because they’re in the wrong country or something. So mass deportation is not the same thing as mass., … Like a rat, like, just killing everyone. It’s not the same thing at all!
But anyway, the essential idea of what a nation is, is the people of shared ancestry. The word nation comes from the Latin term “natio”, which is also the same root term, as we get the word “natal”, it means of shared birth.
So when he talks about our nation, he’s not actually talking about a nation. If you have a multiracial society, it’s no longer a nation! It’s a composite of nations. It’s not actually a nation anymore.
The Aboriginals who he referenced, their “grand old culture”, when we got here, they were literally raping their own children. They still do to a very large extent in Aboriginal communities. They got horrible rates of child rape, worse than any other demographic, but they were literally eating their own children as a form of birth control.
Some of the things they were doing was so disgusting and horrifying!
Drew Pavlou: It’s not true. It’s not true! That’s a lie!
Joel Davis: No, it’s documented. These are people with an average IQ, pure blood Aboriginals of 62!
Drew Pavlou: These are all disgusting lies!
Joel Davis: It’s time for you to silence yourself.
Now, this is not a people with whom we can share a civilisation. They are completely different, … They couldn’t be more different from us racially, culturally, and so on.
So I think they should be put in their own separate communities, largely. A lot of them do live in their own separate communities, and it should stay that way. I don’t want to live around them. They have the worst crime rate of any ethnic group in Australia by a country mile. They make black Americans look like law abiding citizens by comparison. No White Australian wants to live around them. And you talk to White Australians who live around them in, like, Alice Springs and so on.
They are completely aware of the issues with Aboriginals, and they do not enjoy it. They’re a massive problem, okay? They’re not compatible with White Western civilisation. [Drew said something – inaudible] That’s not what I said. I said they should be separate. I want to be separated from. I don’t want to live around them.
Now, now just shut up! This is my closing remarks. I allowed you to speak, so now you’re going to shut up and allow me to speak.
Now, the problem with Drew’s worldview is that he says:
“All humans are of equal worth.”
All right, so if all humans are of equal worth, then what does it mean to be an Australian? Because then what’s the difference between an Australian and someone who lives in another country? Aren’t all humans of equal worth? At that point, we have no point of determination. We just arbitrarily live in this geographical, political area, and they live in., … Why even have separate countries? Why not just amalgamate all the countries into One World Government at that point? What is even the point of maintaining separate countries?
He basically wants to eviscerate any independent identities or particular identities that those countries could possibly have. Because Australia is now being defined [as] we don’t have any particular ethnic or religious or racial identity. All we have are these vague, universalistic notions of liberal democracy. There’s plenty of liberal democracies all around the world. Pretty much every country in the world, with the exception of very few, try to at least pretend they’re a liberal democracy.
And so at that point, what’s the difference between here and anywhere else? There isn’t actually much of a difference, and this is why it’s the ideology perpetuated by globalists. People who want to integrate every country.
[Drew said something – inaudible]
Just please be quiet. They want to integrate every country in the world into a global culture, into a global power structure, and they’re succeeding in doing that to a very large degree. And a very key element of this agenda is breaking down anything particular about any national identity that composes this world of liberal democracies.
What this is, he’s pretending to be:
“Oh, I love Australia, I defend Australia!”
But he doesn’t actually love Australia. He loves liberal democracy, which is an ideology that has been pushed on Australia from without. It isn’t, at least in the way that it’s been interpreted in the post war international order, an ideology which says:
“It doesn’t matter if you’re Australian or not, everyone is of equal value.”
I think Australia should be built around the idea that Australians have more value than non-Australians. That’s really kind of the essence of having a country.
And the question becomes, what makes someone an Australian? If any random person can just be issued a document saying, you’re an Australian, and they just kind of show up. Maybe they got a university degree or something. And we say:
“Well, you can be an Australian. You can kind of speak English, I guess. And you’re going to sign off this piece of paper that says that you agree with our supposed values.”
Which, again, are these banal universalisms. You’re completely eviscerating the idea that Australia means anything at that point.
Now, Australia is just another liberal democracy, just like every other liberal democracy that has these exact same values. What’s the difference between being a German or an American, or a Canadian or someone from Thailand? It’s all the same. They’re all liberal democracies. [Drew said something – inaudible] Whatever. Like, you know what I mean, the constitutional monarchy, like us, … Whatever. It’s splitting hairs.
The point is that there are a lot of liberal democracies. Japan is apparently a liberal democracy. Korea. So many different supposed liberal democracies all over the world, right? What’s the they all have these supposed same values.
Therefore everyone is worth the same. It’s all interchangeable and it’s totally meaningless. You can have multiple different citizenships. You can be an Indian citizen and an Australian citizen and a Chinese citizen all at the same time. Who fucking cares? What does it all matter? This is the trivialisation of Australian identity.
And if we go to war, if we were to go to war with China, you think all the Chinese-Australians are going to be lining up to fight? Indian-Australians are going to want to go and die for Australia if they’re forced? No, they’re just going to go back. If they were forced to fight, they’d go back to India. There was a bunch of black people in Ukraine. They didn’t go sign up to go and fight the Russians. They fucked off as soon as the war happened! There’s videos of this.
The point is, the people who want to defend Ukraine are Ukrainians! People who actually feel Ukrainian, their ancestors are Ukrainian. [Drew said something – inaudible] I got some friends who fought for Ukraine as well. Hail Azov!
But the point is that the identity of people is not something that can be totally reduced to a universal, … [Drew said something – inaudible] Shut the fuck up! I’m speaking. This is my closing statement. And you can’t control yourself. You’ve got this lack of impulse control. Can you try and sit there in silence for like five minutes?
The majority of people they’re watching this to see what I have to say. Almost no one is watching, listening to what you have to say, quite frankly. So just shut the fuck up! [Drew said something – inaudible] Followers than you do? So seriously, come on! Okay, whatever. You got followers on Twitter.
The point is, is that if you trivialise identity down to these universal characteristics, you’re basically denying that that identity actually is anything. If it’s all reduced to these universal values, then all you’re adopting is the value of a universal humanitarianism. You’re saying Australia exists only insofar as it’s universal humanitarianism, which means Australia doesn’t differentiate itself from every other country because every other country is composed of humans with the same human rights and they should all have the same democratic rights and so on.
And so what you’re saying is that Australia doesn’t really meaningfully exist. It’s just this kind of arbitrary economic and administrative zone that’s geographically determined or something. I disagree! I’m actually of the founding stock of this country, the people who built this country. I don’t see Australia as that. I see Australia as something which I carry in my blood. This soil is mixed with the blood of my people. And that’s what generated this great prosperity. And the reason why everyone wants to come to Australia is because my people fucking built it!
And when we build countries, we build the best countries in the world! [Drew said something – inaudible] That’s not relevant to what I’m saying. But shut the fuck up! You keep saying:
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll shut up!”
And then you can’t just control yourself for 45 seconds.
We are talking about macro social events. Any one individual is kind of irrelevant in the face of Australia or humanity, or these large grandiose notions. It’s just ridiculous to say:
“Well, did you build your own country?”
No, I mean, that’s the whole point of why I’m a nationalist, is that no one individual can actually do anything. Some people can have significant lives, but ultimately anything truly great that humanity can accomplish, we accomplish as a group! We accomplish as a people who work together on large social projects. That’s how we generate culture, that’s how we generate economy, great institutions, and so on.
And so your group identity therefore, is really fucking important! Reducing everyone to individuals, when individuals, when isolated, are actually quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things, is an absurd worldview. Now this is your worldview.
Also this idea that we can, that all humans are of equal worth, it’s just absurd! Obviously, on any dimension of worth that we would want to, like, determine, is someone more attractive than someone else, is someone more intelligent than someone else, or someone more capable than someone else? Any dimension of actual tangible worth, everyone is of different worth! You know, everyone is different. You know, you said at the beginning, all human beings are different.
Therefore, if they’re all different, they’re all of different worth! They can’t be of the same worth and all be different at the same time.
And this gets back to what I said at the very beginning about the notion of diversity being preposterous. But on the one hand it claims, … [Drew said something – inaudible] Shut the fuck up! You can’t have a coherent notion, on the one hand, that claims to be in favour of difference, and on the other hand claims to be in favour of equality. These two things are actually opposites. The equalisation of things is the annihilation of their difference, equality and sameness of the same thing.
And so as a result of this if we try to apply this to our society at large, what we get is the annihilation of difference. What we get is the annihilation of what it means to be an Australian by trying to include everyone in the definition of being Australian. You could say it’s boring, but it’s just a fact! [Drew said something – inaudible] It’s not ethnic grievance. I’m making a philosophical point.
Can you actually refute what I’m saying? No, you can’t, because it’s a philosophical point. [Drew said something – inaudible] America became the most powerful country in the world when it was run by White people. It was White people that made America so powerful. And America is actually in decline, …
Drew Pavlou: It smashed Russia in Ukraine.
Joel Davis: Yeah, it could smash Russia, but Russia is also a multiracial society. The Soviet Union collapse, so on. It’s hardly like a modicum of racial purity or something. The United States became the most powerful country in the world because it was the place where the most fucking White people were in one country. That’s just a fact! That’s how it happened, and that’s why America is great. And if all the White people left America tomorrow and were replaced with Mexicans, … [Drew said something – inaudible] What has that got to do with anything?
Drew Pavlou: But you still like some non-White Americans, like, for example, Nick Fuentes and Kanye West. You like these people. So are they allowed to stay in the ethno-state if they’ve got based keck views or whatever it is?
Joel Davis: I think blacks should be separated from Whites. When it comes to Nick Fuentes, …
Drew Pavlou: What about if they’re based against ZOG. Like Kanye. You love Kanye.
So, I mean, how do you explain that?
Joel Davis: At the end of the day, I still wouldn’t want to share a society with Kanye or his people. I think Kanye should be, …
Elijah Schaffer: Hey. Hey. I know. So just finish your point. Take it in for a landing. And then we’re going to go to the Q & A. Because we could go many more rounds, but I want to keep it because I want to make it so I can see we.
Joel Davis: We can do some of these more random subjects in the Q & A.
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah. So Q and A, but go ahead.
Joel Davis: The closing point of what I want to make is that White people have a particular nature, a particular way of life that is natural to us. And if that is valuable, you have to say that that’s not valuable at all, that what White people can create, that what’s natural within White people, our way of our way of being, that this is something that is fundamentally not worth anything. That doesn’t deserve to be defended in any way, that White people have no right to defend our particular way of life, our race, from forces which are basically destroying it, which are basically taking away all of our countries from us, that are diluting all of our communities.
In which case, what you’re really saying is that you don’t value the White race. You don’t think that the White race has any value whatsoever, and it doesn’t matter if it exists or it doesn’t exist.
Well, I disagree. I am White. I want to continue existing. I want my race to continue existing, and I want it to flourish, actually.
So that’s the essence of my fucking politics! And that’s the essence of what it means to be an Australian, is to say that you actually want Australia, the concrete, historical people, the Australians, to flourish! If Australians are all replaced by non-Australians, then it’s no longer Australia. It’s now become just some arbitrary grouping of human beings.
So that’s basically your worldview. You claim to be pro-Australia, but no, this is what happens when you allow a bunch of non-members of your country into your country. They want to redefine your country to become inclusive of them.
And if you want to become inclusive of them, you have to change the meaning of what your country is. Destroy the identity that it previously had to make it inclusive of everyone else.
And now, all of a sudden, you no longer have an identity. Now you no longer have control of your country.
And so this is the inherent problem with diversity, is that you either have equality or difference. If you make everyone equal, you annihilate your difference. You destroy your capacity to maintain your difference from others.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, Joel, last sentence. We can go to Q and A because it’s very late in America, by the way, where the audience is watching.
Joel Davis: Yeah, no. We can go to Q & A.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, cool.
All right, so that’s where we’re at right now with this is Drew. And before we go to the Q and A, I just want to give you guys one more chance. Drew, a plug where people can follow you and find you. And then, Joel, please don’t give any points here.
Drew Pavlou: We’ll go to the Q and A.
Elijah Schaffer: And I want to remind people, as I read the Q and A, besides saying anything that could potentially be illegal or jeopardize, you know, the legal ability for us to, you know, be operating the show or hurt or harm anyone unnecessarily, I will try to read every Superchat, word for word.
And I always say in the beginning me reading, asking, and, you know, reading them out fully does not mean that I sponsor or agree with everything that’s said.
And so I want both the people here to know whether they’re for or against either of you or put in the pejorative, it is simply for the state of being accurate. If people sent in Superchats over $5, they will be read on screen.
So go ahead, Drew. How can people find you and follow you and support you if they agree with you or they want to challenge you? So go ahead.
Drew Pavlou: Oh, well, I suspect most of your audience wouldn’t be big fans of me, and so I’m not sure whether it’s wise to actually put out my Twitter handle.
Elijah Schaffer: You don’t have to.
Drew Pavlou: And but look, it’s just my name, Drew Pavlou, and people can go and harass me and troll me there if they want. I suppose they probably already are. Good for them. I don’t really care.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, go ahead, Joel.
Joel Davis: Yeah, as I said at the beginning, slash Joel Davis X or slash Joel Davis X, to find my Telegram. And you can find everything else from there. I’m banned from YouTube, but you can watch me on Rumble, …
Drew Pavlou: That is so sad.
Joel Davis: Odysee and other places. And yeah, I guess we’re gonna take a break now?
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah.
So before the Superchats, we’ll be right back with the Superchats and everything else. I don’t even know if we have. Do we have anything we can play for two minutes, Brian, or are we screwed on that? I’m just going to mute all the mics. So we’ll be back in two minutes. Go ahead and just go to the screen here with the thing. Mike’s muted.
We’ll be back in two and a half minutes. We’ll use the restroom, and we’ll do the Q and A, …
Elijah Schaffer: All right, we’re back. Sorry about that. I got my diversity hirer here. This is an Aboriginal [holding a statuette] with a didgeridoo. And I don’t remember. I think, Ben, someone got it first. I’m supposed to ship this to Alex Jones. He said he wants this. I’m not joking. I’m gonna drop it off at his house. I was thinking about doing that because just to go to their studio, I should, like, show up, like, shirtless with, like, war paint on and, like, a didgeridoo and just, like, play him a song. He would let me:
“Can I play you a song of our people? Woew, woow!”
All right, we’re gonna look at Superchats here. Sorry, guys. I’m like super, you know, out of it in life. It’s been a tough time.
Also, my son is sick right now, his first sickness.
So please pray for baby E because he’s struggling and he’s cute. He’s a little blonde haired, blue eyed little devil.
So please pray for him. Yeah, please pray for him:
“He’s replacing us!”
No. Alright, let’s get into Superchats. Like I said, I’ll read them all. Let’s talk.
Okay, so some of them are statements. Wisgod 123 said:
“I’m brown and side with Joel.”
So I’ll just throw that over to you. Let’s keep these really short. What do you think about the fact that someone who’s like brown sides with Joel’s ideology, his vision for Europe or for Australia?
Drew Pavlou: I actually know in real life, like Bengali-Australian guys who are like White nationalists and probably like Joel and like it’s kind of sad because they’re just, Joel obviously wants them dead or like out of the country. So and I don’t know, like, I think some of them think like:
“Oh man, if I’m just based enough, I’ll get to stay in the ethno-state!”
Joel Davis: This guy DMed me, he was called Sikh Groper or something and he was like:
“Hey man, you know what’s your advice? How can I help the movement?”
I was like:
“Move back.”
And he’s like:
“But India sucks!”
And I was like:
Elijah Schaffer: All right, next.
Next question. Noticer I Am said:
“Ask Drew what country has ever gotten better with like non-White diversity. And if you denounce the Talmud.”
Drew Pavlou: Denounce what, sorry?
Elijah Schaffer: The Talmud, I think it’s the holy book of the jews. Pretty sure.
Drew Pavlou: Denounce the Talmud?
Elijah Schaffer: I don’t know. I’m not writing these, brother!
Joel Davis: Aren’t you a Christian?
Drew Pavlou: What did you say?
Joel Davis: Aren’t you a Christian?
Drew Pavlou: Look, I’m a Christian, but I’m not going to go around insulting people of other faith.
Joel Davis: But the Talmud literally says that Jesus Christ is boiling in excrement in hell.
Drew Pavlou: Joel, I know you’ve got all these propaganda smears again.
Joel Davis: It’s in the Talmud!
Drew Pavlou: Look, look, Joel, Jesus Christ was a Christian. I don’t believe in just insulting Muslims and jews gratuitously.
Joel Davis: What are you telling me that I’m lying?
Drew Pavlou: Whatever, I’m not going to, …
Joel Davis: You can’t be a Christian and then also think, … The Talmud is egregious blasphemy against Christ!
Drew Pavlou: The Talmud includes, like, massive parts of the Old Testament.
So you’re just being fucking retarded!
Elijah Schaffer: So is the answer no?
Drew Pavlou: What was the other part of the question?
Elijah Schaffer: It was:
“What country’s gotten better with non-White diversity?”
Like, I guess, Western country?
Drew Pavlou: I think black American people have contributed massive amounts of culture to America.
Joel Davis: [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: No, it’s true. Fucking laugh all you want to Joel, but, like, you know, they have.
Joel Davis: They have. That’s the problem!
Drew Pavlou: Well, it’s. No, no, look, it’s. You can be as retarded as you want. Black Americans have contributed a massive amount to American culture. And American culture is, like, basically the most popular culture on the face of the planet right now. And, …
Joel Davis: And, yeah, that’s also the problem.
Drew Pavlou: And people like black American music and people like black American culture and it’s cool. I like black American music, too. I like black American culture as well.
Joel Davis: Of course you do.
Drew Pavlou: Yeah. Okay.
Elijah Schaffer: Can I ask you, as an American, this is, …
Drew Pavlou: Look, I grew up on Kanye West music.
Elijah Schaffer: Let me ask you this is me being. I’ll let, you know, if I’m being biased in the Q & A since the debate is over. Is there one place where blacks, the majority in America that, you know, that is better than an area that’s majority White? Because I literally, I’m gonna tell you. I’m not setting you up. Look, either. I don’t think there aren’t good blacks that, you know, add to some good culture. I’d say the majority of the culture they create is degenerate. But I’m asking you. But I know a lot of good black people, too. So I’m saying, like, overall, would you say black people made America better, or would you say make it worse?
Drew Pavlou: Black Americans are part of America! They always have been from the founding part of it.
Joel Davis: They’ve been part of it. But have they been a good part of it?
Drew Pavlou: Yes, they have been a good part of it.
Joel Davis: All the crime and the rape, …
Drew Pavlou: This is racist smears and, …
Joel Davis: No, it’s just objective statistics that they commit crimes at higher rates than Whites. It’s just in the FBI statistics.
Drew Pavlou: It’s just racist, disgusting smears against entire, …
Joel Davis: Quoting official statistics is racist?
Drew Pavlou: No, no.
Joel Davis: Do you just think the FBI racist?
Elijah Schaffer: You could just say “next”, by the way. Yeah, yeah.
Joel Davis: Because you don’t have a response.
Drew Pavlou: I’ll explain. I like African-American culture. I grew up listening to African-American, …
Joel Davis: Yeah, you love niggas! We get it. [clapping] Well done!
Drew Pavlou: You’re a retarded cunt!
Joel Davis: I’m retarded? Niggers are retarded. Have you seen these people? Have you seen the kind of music they create? Have you seen, like, the twerking?
Drew Pavlou: What have you accomplished in your life Joel? What have you accomplished? What have you actually done? What do you contribute? Nothing!
Joel Davis: What’s the point of, …
Drew Pavlou: You’re just a resentful guy who has just made, …
Joel Davis: So, if I don’t like something, that means:
“Oh, no, you’re just coping!”
Drew Pavlou: What have you accomplished in your life? I’ve accomplished so much more than you!
Joel Davis: I have to get down on my knees and worship niggers or something before, …
Drew Pavlou: I’ve given lectures at Oxford University. I’ve given lectures at Oxford University. What the fuck have you contributed to civilisation or anything? You’re just a retarded guy!
Joel Davis: Given a lecture?
Drew Pavlou: Miserable. Attacking people just based on their race. You have nothing to contribute about outside your own, …
Joel Davis: Well, I tried to engage you in philosophical discussion, which you’re incapable of doing because I clearly have a much [chuckling] higher IQ than you. You’re clearly far, you’ve read far less books than me. You’re a far less intelligent human being than I am. You couldn’t even provide any kind of philosophical response to what I was saying about difference and equality.
Drew Pavlou: You’re actually retarded! I don’t care!
Joel Davis: This is the Oxford scholar, Dave Pavlou:
“Um, you’re retarded!”
This is your argument. When you went to Oxford is that, is that the speech you gave? Like, people engage with the philosophy of Hitler’s greatest groyper?:
“I have the same opinions. Wow, I’m such a genius!”
You are a fucking idiot mate!
Drew Pavlou: Let me. So I have to philosophically engage with the opinions of Hitler groyper, rapist, 666! How fucking dumb!
[Schaffer is barely able to control himself from bursting out laughing at the exchanges between the two.]
Joel Davis: You’re here to show that I’m a moron, that I’m an idiot, that my views are so, …
Drew Pavlou: And you said that you’re killing, but you couldn’t even go throughout one hour of discussion without saying:
“I’m gonna kill millions of people!”
So good on your Joel.
Joel Davis: That’s what you said! I didn’t say I was gonna kill millions of people!
Drew Pavlou: You actually said:
“If we have to kill people, I’m happy with it.”
You said that.
Joel Davis: Yeah, war is necessary, that war is a part of human life. If you have to defend your country from an invasion, like if Australia was invaded by the Chinese tomorrow, we had to kill Chinese people. You wouldn’t, ..:
“Oh, you’re such a horrible person. Why would you kill Chinese people, they’ve got the same moral worth as you!”
Even if they’re invading our country:
“All people are equal!”
Haven’t you read the Bible Drew?
Drew Pavlou: This is the problem. This is the problem.
Joel Davis: You’re a retard! You’re genocidal maniac!
Drew Pavlou: Shut the fuck up, cunt!
Joel Davis: You want to kill all these innocent people just because they’re invading our country. [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: Shut the fuck up! There’s a difference between the People’s Liberation Army and just random Chinese civilians. You fucking idiot!
Elijah Schaffer: All right, next.
Next question. I think it’s about time we transition like we’re Caitlyn Jenner. Here we go. Ender Owner said:
“Absolutely absurd that he thinks that you can’t deport people without bloodshed. Shout out to NSN ENM. Shout out, Patriot Front. And last. When will you have Thomas Rousseau on the show, Mister Schaeffer?”
I’ll answer mine. He’s welcome to come on! Pretty much everyone’s welcome to come on the show, no matter if you’re far-Left, far-Right. I’ll probably talk to you. Unless it’s directly endangering my safety or the general safety of people.
By the way, I’d like to let you know, we invite a lot of Leftists on this. Why I want to give, even though I don’t consider, …
Joel Davis: Should go back to America. You should do a debate. Thomas Rousseau against somebody.
Elijah Schaffer: Somebody. Yeah, I will. No, I will.
Elijah Schaffer: It’d be fantastic! But I just will just move on to the next one. National Bolshevist ZOG says:
“Both Joel and Drew are liberals. Joel, a racist liberal, Drew, a Left liberal. Both of them support Ukraine. Ultimately, they both want to maintain Atlanticist hegemony. You guys are the same side.”
So what is? This is, someone trolling?
Drew Pavlou: No, I think it’s like a Dugan Eurasianist or some shit! It’s just dumb. Like, I don’t know. He just thinks that. I know. It just sounds like a Eurasianist Dugan guy, I think.
Elijah Schaffer: All right.
Joel Davis: It’s “Dugin”, by the way, or Dugin, if you would have, …
Drew Pavlou: Just like Joel Davises.
Elijah Schaffer: All right.
Joel Davis: No, it’s Joel Davis, because.
Drew Pavlou: Okay, mister, …
Joel Davis: It’s not “Jugen”. Du, all right?
Drew Pavlou: It’s okay Davvy.
Joel Davis: If you want to be respected as an intelligent scholar, Drew, you’re gonna have to start learning how to pronounce names correct.
Drew Pavlou: I’m going up against Hitler, rapist, groyper 666. You’re not an intelligent scholar, Joel.
Elijah Schaffer: Jowel Davi!
Joel Davis: I’m far more intelligent than you are.
Elijah Schaffer: Silence! Next question. [chuckling] All right. I Identify as Tax Exempt said:
“Funny people from different culture, …”
Why is this over here? Let me move this. Hold up. This is retarded! Like, why am I, why am I reading the, …
Drew Pavlou: This is the thing. Joel and me might be different cultures, but look how productive this conversation has been, …
Elijah Schaffer: It’s beautiful! I think this is actually, I just so you guys know, like, I’m not, I’m not even gonna get involved in the question, but, like, I’m not pretending to be, like, a moderator right now. I’m just reading questions. Like, I would host a stream setting. It’s funny.
Joel Davis: Because everyone’s enjoying watching me destroy you.
Elijah Schaffer: I just think this is funny.
Joel Davis: I think anyone is watching this is a Drew Pavlou fan. If any of them actually exist. I don’t think there are Drew fans.
Elijah Schaffer: No, there are Drew fans in the chat. There are Drew fans in the chat.
Joel Davis: There’s a couple of Drew fans in the chat.
Elijah Schaffer: No, I’m seeing them. Ones in the chat.
Joel Davis: Drew fans who are fucking retards!
Elijah Schaffer: Put 1 in the chat if you are a Drew fans. Two in the chat for Joel. For Jowel Davi!
Drew Pavlou: I know all these guys already support, like, Jowel Davi! And, …
Elijah Schaffer: No, and that’s why I did, …
But as someone who’s worked, but by the way, just, just so you know, as somebody who’s worked in media, predominantly the media, that even Joel would think would be like, jew media, right? Like ZOG media, right? I guess that’s what I’ve, …
Drew Pavlou: I love ZOG!
Elijah Schaffer: So that’s, there you go.
So what I’m saying is, I’ve worked in this my whole career, … Dude, I talk to people all the time, Right and Left, that I just don’t agree with and don’t care.
But one thing that, that’s why even you said publicly, you’re like:
“Oh, well, he’s kind of a fascist.”
What people do not realise and they come on the show is like, I really can just talk to anybody and be fine facilitating any conversation because I go into a stream, …
Joel Davis: It is nice that Drew is a public figure. That’s at least because in Australia, we don’t really have that many, like, politics, public figure types that are like, engage in discourse. There’s almost no one involved in Australian politics, not like in America, where there’s like a billion people that you could have to debate.
Elijah Schaffer: You have a list to come in, like, …
Joel Davis: At least Drew exists. You know, I’ve got someone to talk to, you know?
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah.
Drew Pavlou: By the way, I thought you wanted me deported and killed Joel. I thought that was the case, Mister Davi.
Joel Davis: Well, the thing is, if there’s Greeks that would be very supportive of Whites. You could be like:
“Hey, you can make some exceptions.”
Drew Pavlou: You’re not going to be able to debate any libtards after you get rid of them all!
Joel Davis: [word unclear] specifically, are obviously a subversive influence in the country. We came to power, we’d want to get rid of you, but it’s because of your subversive nature. So not because, if you were like a Golden Dawn supporter, you know, maybe we could get along.
Drew Pavlou: Fuck Golden Dawn! I’ve actually helped run legal cases against Golden Dawn.
Joel Davis: All right, so you’re a subversive in your own country as well!
Elijah Schaffer: But I do want to say thank you for saying that. I was nicer in person.
Drew Pavlou: Elijah is pretty nice in person.
Joel Davis: If we deport you to Greece, Greece would hrow you in jail, or something.
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah. Also, that’s what I was gonna say is I think those words get thrown around a lot. Like, meaning the professionalism. Like, it would come down to the fact that I’ve spent a lot of time working in, embedding in what people would consider to be extremism, both Left and Right-wing. I mean, to think about the fact that I actually sieged a federal building as Antifa, and Department of Homeland Security, broke my leg while I embedded with Antifa for weeks. I sieged the building with them! I’ve probably committed some federal crimes while I’ve been working with these people. Do you think the federal crime would be, what, being communist? No, I’m just kidding! It’s all a joke!
Joel Davis: But one day, one day it will be.
Drew Pavlou: You were in [word unclear] office, right?
Elijah Schaffer: Maybe. Who knows.
But I will say this. Perhaps, perhaps with these people. I do think it’s kind of funny, though, because when I was with them, I smoked cigarettes with these Antifa. I helped them make fucking hot dogs. I suggested we wash our clothes, you know, crazy things like that. I hung out with them, you know, and someone could say:
“Oh, he’s Antifa!”
Because I fucking. I bought beers, man!
Joel Davis: I would rather hang out with White Antifa.
Elijah Schaffer: And we hung out. We sipped beers together. It’s cool.
Joel Davis: Black groypers, to be honest.
Elijah Schaffer: Sieging a federal building is actually a lot of fun. Being a communist anarchist is a ton of fun! I experienced it, and I was like:
“This is kind of fun!”
Like, you know, there are lighting building is on fire and stuff, is like, kind of cool. Anyway, so people don’t know that about me, but I’ll move. I digress.
All right, Beamer boy 51.
And by the way, the joke about the crimes, it was a joke. I never committed crime. I’m a journalist. Fuck all you losers. Beamer boy, 51 said:
“Dave keeps talking about things., …”
Why does [chuckling] everyone keep saying Dave?
Drew Pavlou: Me? Dave?
Elijah Schaffer: Is your name, Drew?
Drew Pavlou: Davi. I thought Davi is the Dave guy.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, well, [chuckling] Dave.
Drew Pavlou: It’s easy to remember. It’s fucking one syllable. Drew.
Elijah Schaffer:
“Dave keeps talking about things on the individual level. The more important aspect is the society wide level. Different groups of people create different civilisations. White civilisations are the best.”
By the way. Drew, you should come down not for a debate. You should come down just to come on a normal livestream where it’s not a debate where we just talk about the daily news. Because it’s a lot more lighthearted and just like, shit talking, like, for fun so you don’t have to, like, wear a collar.
Drew Pavlou: Okay.
Elijah Schaffer: The next person. Salem Eight said:
“Samuel Flowerman in 1948, laid out a plan to brainwash Whites against racial in-group preference. They literally had a plan and followed it to the ’T’. Idiot Drew, …”
Is that true, Drew? Joel? I don’t know anything about who that is or what that means:
“Samuel Flowerman created a plan to brainwash Whites.”
Do you guys know about this, or is this first time you’re hearing about this? I’ve never heard of this.
Joel Davis: Well, obviously lots of people created this plan. It wasn’t just one individual. It benefits a lot of people for Whites to not act in our interests. Well, basically benefits everyone who isn’t White.
So there’s a lot of vested interests.
Drew Pavlou: If you’re struggling with schizophrenia, please go see a mental professional. Go see, …
Joel Davis: Oh, yes. You don’t have the opinions that the television and the major newspapers tell you to have. That means you’re mentally ill.
Drew Pavlou: If you think. Yeah, you, …
Joel Davis: This is Drew’s worldview.
Drew Pavlou: You actually have the capacity to defend, …
Joel Davis: Like, can you explain to me where human rights come from?
Drew Pavlou: Mister Julian Davi.
Joel Davis: Can actually defend from first principles any of shit you actually believe?
Drew Pavlou: Mister Julian Davi, …
Joel Davis: You haven’t read that many books, you probably watched a YouTube talking about a book before. We probably never actually read a book cover to cover, …
Drew Pavlou: Mister Julian Davi, …
Joel Davis: On political philosophy in your life!
Drew Pavlou: Mister Julian Devi. Listen, I think the world is much more complex than just one jewish guy inventing a plan to brainwash every White person.
And look, if you do have. I just say, man, if you have, …
Joel Davis: A straw man! You don’t know how to engage intellectually with any idea, seriously! I’m a fucking retard! Yeah, that’s literally you! That’s literally your entire debate.
Drew Pavlou: What is your ideas that all black people should be killed? Like, wow, I need to intellectually engage. It’s retarded!
Joel Davis: It’s not what I said.
Elijah Schaffer: H said a few of them could stay. I’m just kidding! No, he didn’t say anything about killing anyone. I’m sorry, I’m messing around.
Joel Davis: I said White people should be able to preserve our difference.
And if you don’t think that we should, whatever, I think that we should. I don’t care what you think! You’re gonna go about trying to ensure that we do.
Drew Pavlou: You can marry some groyper girl and keep your eye on heritage racial stock bloodline. It’s very precious that Joel Davi, Julian Davi’s bloodline is preserved because this guy’s accomplished so much. He’s such a great man of history. Fucking what have you ever fucking done? Ever? Like just some guy?
Joel Davis: Are we all just some guy, Drew?
Drew Pavlou: No, I’m a great man of history. I know I am.
Joel Davis: You’re a great man of history?
Drew Pavlou: I already know I am.
Joel Davis: Because you’re for the things that the establishment, the elite, what run the world believe. You’re such a radical, Drew! You’re going up against everyone who’s not in power on the side of everyone who is in power. Wow! What an incredible way of living your life. This is so important that you do this.
Drew Pavlou: Just have your miserable existence, Joel.
Joel Davis: That’s what great men of history do. Great men of history go:
“Hey, this idea that everyone already believes in and that the people who are in power believe in, I’m gonna also advocate for that idea!”
That’s what a great man of history does. Right?
Drew Pavlou: Well, Winston Churchill wasn’t a great man of history?
Joel Davis: That’s what greatness. Greatness is eternally the same. This is the way. This is your entire worldview. Everything must be the same. The perpetuation of mediocrity!
Drew Pavlou: Of a, …
Joel Davis: But everyone must be reduced to the lowest common denominator. We’re all equal, but no one can be greater than anyone else. No one can be different than, …
Drew Pavlou: If you’d been in the Special Forces, if you had climbed Mount Everest, if you’ve done things in your life, …
Joel Davis: This is your worldview, the egalitarian world, you want nothing to change. We’re at The End of History. Everyone’s the same. Everything that’s happened is fine.
Drew Pavlou: Mister Davi, Mister Davi, please! If you had climbed Mount Everest, had been with Special Forces dropped into war zone. What have you accomplished? Nothing!
Joel Davis: Hey, let’s take the most radical and controversial idea in our society. I’m gonna just go advocate for that, and ruin my life advocating for that. That’s what a great man of history actually does.
Drew Pavlou: Wow! You’re a great man of history for saying the n-word on Elijah Schaeffer’s stream!
Joel Davis: That’s what they actually do.
Drew Pavlou: The truth, the greatness that is that we’re all missing out on is, is some guy from Australia who, with a fucking takfiri* beard, saying the n-word on Elijah Schaefer’s fucking stream! Who cares? Who fucking cares?
[* Takfiri (Arabic: Lit. “excommunicational”) is an Arabic and Islamic term denoting a Muslim who excommunicates one of his/her coreligionists, i.e. Who accuses another Muslim of being an apostate. Source: Wikipedia]
Elijah Schaffer: All right, way. You know what? You can say the n-word. I don’t say it.
Joel Davis: Oh, you know, not as ballsy as me.
Elijah Schaffer: Yeah, I used to work for ZOG. That’s why I can’t.
Drew Pavlou: Wow!
Elijah Schaffer: I’m circumcised. So that’s why. I lost my foreskin. [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: Let me say. The real measure of testicular fortitude is whether you can say the n-word on, like, some random American guy’s stream. Who cares, man? What have you accomplished? You’ve done nothing, Joel!
Elijah Schaffer: I went from a nice guy to a random American guy? [chuckling]
Joel Davis: I’m being decomposed by this loser apparently. I’m such a loser.
Drew Pavlou: You are, though. What have you done? What have you fucking done with your life?
Joel Davis: I’ve destroyed you in an argument for one!
Drew Pavlou: No, you haven’t.
Joel Davis: That’s what I’ve done.
Drew Pavlou: So, I mean, well, you destroyed me by saying, ZOG, jews, and the n-word.
Joel Davis: What does that make you, Drew? That makes you filth at the bottom! [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: You know, 99% won’t agree with your schizophrenia.
Elijah Schaffer: All right, all right, all right, all right, all right! Moving on, moving on, moving on. Great decision discourse, guys. Great discourse. All right.
The Other Paul said, Q for Drew:
“As a Christian where does scripture or church tradition assert that a universal right for all residents in a country such that it’s immoral to deport foreign ethnics to ensure homogeneity?”
Drew Pavlou: I’ve never said that all deportation should be banned at all times. Obviously, if somebody has committed a crime, they should be deported. It’s different. He’s arguing that people who’ve never committed a crime, who’ve been born in Australia, should be deported based on their race. That’s wrong. And that is against Christian values, because Christian values., …
Joel Davis: Australia was built off deporting people based on race, by the way. That’s the first thing the Australian government ever did. That’s a fact!
Drew Pavlou: Mister Devi is not a Christian because he believes that people should be deported or tortured, …
Joel Davis: This is a Christian a White Christian nation. So we can deport all these Chinese people.
Drew Pavlou: Ayranism is not compatible with Christianity. That is why Hitler was a pagan. And he hated Christians.
Joel Davis: How come White Christians created a bunch of White ethno-states then?
For example, the country that you’re living in right now, it was an ethno-state created by White Christians.
The morality of all the founding fathers of our country. He thinks they were all fake Christians. He thinks they were all evil, genocidal maniacs. He hates them. He thinks they’re all horrible, horrible people, simply., … And that we should just rip up all of their legacy and completely change the values of our country, to what Sky News and the Americans want us to do, and the jews want us to do and so on! That’s what it really means to be an Australian.
Drew Pavlou: This is such cope. This is such cope.
Elijah Schaffer: All right!
Drew Pavlou: I’ve never advocated half the things that he’s put in my mouth here are just completely wrong. [loud cheering] That’s disgusting! I am straight. I’m straight. I know that Nick Fuentes, your friend, is a cat boy or something like that. But I am straight, so please don’t say things about my mouth.
Elijah Schaffer: Please.
Joel Davis: What the fuck?
Elijah Schaffer: That was homophobic.
Drew Pavlou: I’m not. I’m just saying.
Joel Davis: About putting words in someone’s mouth.
Drew Pavlou: It’s just the phrase you’re using is very weird. And I’m just saying.
Joel Davis: You literally said, don’t put words in my mouth.
Elijah Schaffer: We a guys, this show, we try to keep it very anti-homophobic. So let’s not be homophobic.
Drew Pavlou: I support LGBT Australians.
Elijah Schaffer: Very good.
Drew Pavlou: But look, Nick Fuentes. I know he’s a cat boy, and I know he’s your friend.
Please just put that to one side. We’re talking about multicultural. You don’t have to bring in these types of things into the discussion. Okay.
Joel Davis: You just brought it into the discussion.
Elijah Schaffer: Let’s just clarify. We’re not gonna be homophobic on the show.
Drew Pavlou: All right, all right.
Elijah Schaffer: Well, let’s not do it on the show. It’s very important that the show doesn’t do that.
Joel Davis: That’s also an ancient Australian value. No poofters!
Elijah Schaffer: All right.
Joel Davis: Drew wouldn’t understand that.
Drew Pavlou: I’m straight. I’ve got nothing wrong against people who are gay. I don’t think they should be killed like Julian wants in his fucking ISIS worldview. It’s psycho and scary.
Joel Davis: You realise that sodomy was illegal for the majority of Australia’s history.?
Drew Pavlou: Okay. If you want to have your ISIS throw gays off buildings, go to Iraq. Go move to Syria.
Joel Davis: The Australians, for the first time our nation’s existence, they were basically ISIS. They’re all horrible, horrible, …
Elijah Schaffer: Drew has clarified that he’s very pro-LGBTQ, and we’re not gonna be homophobic on the show. There you go.
Joel Davis: All right.
Elijah Schaffer: Next show, misto, …
Drew Pavlou: Oh, maybe you protest too much because you are friends with Nick Fuentes cat bou?
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, real fast, real fast. How do we get down here? Oh, Necker McMakin. I don’t know. It’s probably some racial slur:
“This retard makes the same argument that tranny’s make. If you identify as Australian, even if you’re Indian, you’re Australian.”
Do you think that’s a similarity?
Joel Davis: Drew is probably pro-tranny, as well, right? You don’t believe that in gender essentialism? Do you? That would be horrible, right? That would be against the Bible. No man or woman in Christ, right?
Drew Pavlou: I’m against people bullying and discriminating against transgender people and your use of, …
Joel Davis: But do you believe that a man who identifies as a woman is a woman? Do you think that?
Drew Pavlou: Listen, Joel. I’m a man. I have a penis. I identify as a man. What other people want to do with their own lives. I don’t understand some things that they’d want to do, but I’m against bullying. I’m against discrimination, but I don’t feel [words unclear] That’s all I want.
Joel Davis: Is gender a social construct, or is it a is it based in biology? I’m just curious.
Drew Pavlou: Personally, I hold to Christian views, but I also don’t think that anyone should ever be bullied, …
Joel Davis: What’s the Christian view in your interpretation?
Drew Pavlou: Look, I understand that the Christian view is a socially conservative view when it comes to gender and sexuality. I’m personally Christian, but I don’t want anyone to be bullied or discriminated against because of their sexuality.
Joel Davis: So you think God has commanded something, but you don’t think that society should implement what God has commanded?
Drew Pavlou: No, no, no. I’m against your sort of throwing gays off of buildings.
Joel Davis: No, no. I’m asking a question. God has commanded that homosexuality is immoral.
Elijah Schaffer: I’m gonna give you guys both the option when someone says next.
Drew Pavlou: Personally, I’m only attracted to women. For some Nazis., … You can’t say that for some people like Nick Fuentes. You can’t say that’s okay. I’m not gonna say that Nick Fuentes should be persecuted and thrown off a building. I don’t think that.
Joel Davis: That’s an Islamic thing. I’m talking about Christianity.
Drew Pavlou: Nick can be gay if he wants. That’s okay. We’ll go on to the next question.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, so, yes, we clarified, Drew is pro-LGBTQ. He is not homophobic. Yeah, Joel is homophobic!
Drew Pavlou: If he’s gay that’s okay.
Elijah Schaffer: All right.
Joel Davis: That’s what it says in the Bible, does it, Drew? So that you can use the Bible when it says we’ve got to be multi-racial, when the Bible says we can’t have gay marriage and we can’t have transgenderism, nothing. Fuck the Bible though! The Bible only applies when it suits your Democratic argument. You’re a fake Christian!
Drew Pavlou: Listen, Joel, listen.
Joel Davis: You’re a fake Christian. You just exposed yourself!
Drew Pavlou: Mister Julian Davi. Mister Julian. Shut the fuck up! Mister Julian Devi. I’m not personally going around and having gay sex. I’m not sure about you. I’m not sure about Nick Fuentes. If you guys want to do that’s okay. I’m not interested. I know that the National Socialist Network, …
Joel Davis: It’s the principle!
Drew Pavlou: I know that the National Socialist Network like to go to [word unclear]
Joel Davis: Drew can’t actually debate a point logically!
Elijah Schaffer: All right, I’ve muted mics. Mics are muted. Mics are muted. It’s fine. You can beef it out, but we gotta go to the next question.
All right, here we go.
Next question.
Next question. Everyone’s being unmuted in three, two, one. You’re back.
All right, next question:
“The Anatolian Greeks were replaced by the Ottoman Turks. Why can’t you see the same thing happening to White Europeans?”
It’s from Gregi Nasdaq. Is that what you’re seeing happening here? The same thing with the orthodox?
Drew Pavlou: Listen, I’m Turkish and I’m a Camelist [sp]. [chuckling]
Joel Davis: You look like you are.
Drew Pavlou: Thank you, Joel. Thank you, mister Julian Davi. Look, I’m actually technically Greek-Cypriot. I’m against ethnic cleansing. I’m not in favour of ethnic cleansing!
I don’t know if you got that.
Joel Davis: I’m being ethically cleansed, right now!
Drew Pavlou: You’re not being ethnically cleansed! You’re sitting here in a fucking studio. Nothing is happening to you!
Joel Davis: Chinese are pouring into my country! The Chinese are pouring in. Eventually I’m gonna become a minority in my own country!
Drew Pavlou: No one is ethnically cleansing you, Julian. No one’s ethnically cleansing you.
Elijah Schaffer: Would you guys fight? Fist fight.
Joel Davis: I’d love to box Drew, but I saw Drew on Twitter saying that he’s never trained in his life, so that would be very bad for Drew. It would last only a few seconds. So he should train. Drew, you should take a six month training camp, learn how to box, and we can do liberal versus Nazi match.
I’ll still beat the shit out of you, but at least you might be somewhat competitive. I don’t know. Maybe you can get one punch landed, but I’ll rearrange your face.
Elijah Schaffer: Right.
Drew Pavlou: You can’t speak intellectually, so you resort to these cavemen types.
Joel Davis: I could dominate you on all spectrums, drew.
Drew Pavlou: No that sounds really gay. Please, mister Julian, don’t talk about dominating me. I’m straight. Please!
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, we just need to clarify. No homophobia!
Drew Pavlou: I’m not homophobic. If you were talking about dominating me, I’m not interested. Thank you.
Joel Davis: Well, no, not sexually.
Drew Pavlou: Good! I don’t want that. Please!
Joel Davis: I’m into women.
Drew Pavlou: Actually, I know that Julian was once advocating that 14 year old girls should be married. And so it’s actually kind of like, you say, you’re into women, you’re into girls. It’s kind of, …
Elijah Schaffer: We have two rules on this show. Two rules in the show. Free discourse, no homophobia. Everyone knows that from the beginning of the show till now. Everybody will stop! Let’s continue on to the next show. I am a gay black lesbian myself.
Thank you very much for acknowledging me in the room. My pronouns, they change, so I’m not even gonna bring them up. If I was at CPAC, my pronouns are free and dumb! Okay.
Anyway, Risto Kilnov said:
“Mass migration and miscegenation is a recent phenomenon, largely due to globalism and international ideologies. These were never features when nations were devoutly Christian. For the last 1500 years.”
We’ll just leave it. It’s just a statement. Zoltano said:
“If fascism is antichrist, why did clerical fascist groups like the Iron Guard exist? Codreanu, the leader of the Iron Guard (if I pronounced that right) might even be considered for sainthood.”
What is it?
Joel Davis: Codreanu.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, thank you. I can’t pronounce. I can’t speak for shit!
Drew Pavlou: The Romanian Iron Guard, …
Elijah Schaffer: Well, it said:
“They’re considered for sainthood, despite his strong support for Nazism.”
I’m sorry for butchering that.
Drew Pavlou: The Romanian Iron Guard were a very disgusting, blasphemous organisation.
Elijah Schaffer: What about you Joel?
Joel Davis: But you think that gay marriage is okay, Drew?
Drew Pavlou: Listen, listen, Julian. I’m not personally going around and having gay sex. I’m not sure about you guys. I’m not sure about National Socialist Network. I know you guys go to the Grampians*, okay? There’s photos of you guys without shirts, … It’s okay if you guys what to do that in public.
[* Grampians-A mountain range, a National Park in Victoria, Australia.]
Elijah Schaffer: Hey, no homophobia!
If you want to be., … Come on, guys. I am an American. We love that shit! We export it to the whole world. Relax.
Drew Pavlou: Well, I support global-homo.
Elijah Schaffer: Okay, we’ve clarified. That’s great!
Drew Pavlou: And ZOG.
Elijah Schaffer: Good. I’m an American. That’s what our country is built upon. Our entire nation is precluded on those two ideologies. I’m not joking, it’s actually true.
All right, next one. That Guy 300 said:
“Cypriot Drew Pulu Medi, …”
Drew Pavlou: That’s not my name. That’s not my name!
Drew Pavlou: Pavlou, two syllables.
Elijah Schaffer: No, it’s. [chuckling] He said:
“Cypriot, …”
Joel Davis: You can’t pronounce anyone else’s name. You can’t complain when they pronounce your name incorrectly.
Elijah Schaffer: He said:
“Drew Pulu Medi. They haven’t made an argument for themselves.”
Ah and then he sig heiled Hitler. Okay, so, …
Drew Pavlou: Good on him.
Elijah Schaffer: All right. He’s That Guy 300.
Drew Pavlou: You should do one, Joel.
Joel Davis: Do what?
Drew Pavlou: A sig heil.
Joel Davis: So you support sig heiling?
Drew Pavlou: No, no, no. I just know that this thing.
Joel Davis: That’s why you’re so bad. You’re trying to make me look good.
Drew Pavlou: No, no.
Joel Davis: You’re a secret Nazi. That actually makes a lot of sense. You really do hate faggots, don’t you? You really do hate shit-skins! [chuckling]
Drew Pavlou: Shut the fuck up! I know that there’s been recent legislative changes in Queensland and all these different states that prohibit the sig heil. And I was just wondering if Joel, or Julian, as he’s sometimes known, could potentially demonstrate his testicular fortitude by defying the legislation of Queensland.
Elijah Schaffer: Isn’t it illegal to sig heil in, …
Drew Pavlou: Surely as an Aryan superman you wouldn’t, …
Elijah Schaffer: We’re actually, we’re in New South Wales right now.
Drew Pavlou: No, it’s illegal in New South Wales.
Joel Davis: It’s also a federal crime, so it doesn’t actually matter.
Drew Pavlou: I don’t know, you should see. Are you an Aryan Superman, will you do? Despite the laws of the country?
Joel Davis: No, I’m not gonna fucking go to jail! That would be insane! All right? Because I’m a law abiding citizen, Drew. Unlike these black immigrants, unlike these Sudanese that you love so much, stabbing elderly women to steal their Hyundai Getz in front of their granddaughters. I don’t do that kind of behaviour tricks because I’m a Whiteman. I obey the law.
Elijah Schaffer: That when I came here, and I agree. But the Hyundai Getz. We don’t even have a car that bad in the US. Maybe we consider that a Datsun.
But I will say this. I’m sorry if any of you guys pulled up in that, but my wife owned one of those, so there’s no shit talking when I got here. And I’ve never seen someone, you know, put basically a little bit of hardened jell-O and aluminium foil and turn it into a car. And it was like. It’s like if you put a motor into, like, a children’s wagon, that is the scariest thing you could ever drive. I don’t even know if you could survive hitting a pole!
Joel Davis: You know what’s scary, though, Elijah? A Sudanese group of youths stabbed an elderly White woman in front of a six year old daughter to steal her Hyundai Getz for a joyride. Stabbed to death.
And then the response of the Queensland government was:
“Oh, we don’t want this to cause any racism against the black community. We can’t blame them all for the actions of the few.”
[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]
Odysee Comments
(Comments (latest at top) as of Apr 15, 2024 = 731)
19 hours ago
2.20min. This guy (Drew) starting to get mad, argument over.
1 day ago
1 day ago
the “grievance politics” argument is as drew pavlou would say “retarded”. everyone has equal moral value according to drew pavlou, unless you disagree with absolute universalism. then you are just a loser. according to this logic blacks and browns are just losers blaming their failures on white people. youtube leftist arguments refute themselves they are not even logically consistent. instead of basing their identity on ancestry, race and culture the leftist bases their identity on opposition. 50 years ago it was opposition to the rich capitalist. today it is opposition to white people. critique of whites doesn’t need to be logically consistent in the leftists mind because whites are uniquely evil. its how they can believe non white minorities in america and western europe need to be given more power and “representation” in high paying and powerful government positions but minority whites in rhodesia and south africa need to be completely removed from power. the books that their entire ideology is based on have the same logical inconsitencies.
1 day ago
Foreigners do NOT call themselves Aussies unless there’s a threat of deportation. Even those who are born here don’t call themselves Aussies. Drew is a liar!
1 day ago
Have Indian neighbours and they go back to deliver their babies then come back. They have also asked me where are all the Aussies because they don’t see any. A Chinese group came here for a holiday and said they came here to see Aussies not Asians. They said they wouldn’t come back and wasted their money
1 day ago
this guy in the white shirt has just repeated “if you will die for australia and believe liberal democracy you are australian. anyone who just says “i will die for australia”. he hasn’t answered any question the moderator has asked.
1 day ago
If he is greek cypriot why does he look like Cenk Uygur? The legendary fat brown buffalo…..
1 day ago
It’s embarrassing that Drew wouldn’t engage with any part of Joel’s argument. You’d expect the person defending the status quo to have MORE logic, data, etc. behind their position than the dissident, but Drew showed us how empty his liberal ideology really is. Then you remember these empty-headed liberal clowns rule us
1 day ago
Yeah, of course Joel is 90% right, but when he started to lose his rag and throw the ‘N’ word around, I lost a lot of respect for him. In the UK, only the lowest of the low, the ‘Ubememesh’ use this word for black people. TBH, the whole debate started to go downhill from around the half-way mark: ‘You’re a retard’, ‘no you’re a retard…’ etc etc. I expect better from such well read people. Maybe a better moderator might have helped?
2 days ago
Joel is too arrogant, he doesn’t convince people on the fence because of this -all his arguments are good, but not brought good
2 days ago
The way Dave PooLoo pronounces Aryan is retarded
2 days ago
Wow that Drew guy is complete moron with a low IQ. He has no arguements up his sleeves, so he results to personal insults. Which is ironic because that’s usually a Liberal’s tactic once they’ve failed a debate. Joel absolutely graped this guy without touching him, hopefully Joel will be back, and he’ll debate someone more intelligent then this clown.
1 like
2 days ago
This wasn’t even close Joel big W
2 days ago
one does not “rebuttal” something, but instead one “rebuts” something
1 like
2 days ago
Drew appears to assert that diversity is defined as human nature, because all humans are different. As such, white Australia or white America is sufficiently diverse, since they are composed exclusively of different human beings. No need or migration, it seems, even under Drew’s definition. In fact, though, everyone is aware that he means increasing the differences in (presumably, only white) societies.
2 days ago
I wonder if Drew considers present day Anatolia to be Greek enough for his taste. We are all the same!
2 days ago
Imagine calling yourself a Christian, but then you’re supporting LGBTQ. Haha you’re a fake Christian, LGBTQ is a pedophile agenda.
1 like
3 days ago
Elijah is very funny of course Joel won
3 days ago
Great show lol
3 days ago
I’d be curious about how Drew feels about white south africans being thrown out of south Africa and remaining whites tortured in the name of not letting Africa become more white. never talked to a liberal that condemns that
3 days ago
another example of why you can’t debate any liberals (besides maybe classic liberal) in good faith. Dave right away screamed about strawman while, over the whole debate, kept putting his words in Joels mouth and kept saying Joel believes things he never said he believes. never was this more apparent than when Joel said “I want to live in a country where my people are in charge” and Dave said “OH SO YOU WANT TO KILL MILLIONS”.
3 days ago
Multiculturalism is the death of the host culture! Whites are 7% of the worlds population, keep importing the worlds majorities will end the white race! Its long term genocide!
3 days ago
Drew is so naive, it’s time to grow up and become n adult.. I actually understand where u are coming from but it’s because u have most likely been in a bubble of prosperity, u people should be forced to live in a poverty stricken area for 5 years before ur able to open ur mouth so u can have a true understanding of the real world…. Ur arguments are based in fiction of what lies u have been forced to ingest in ur liberal college… All humans group up and it’s a matter of what group leading makes the better civilization, also u would have 0 personal freedoms if people like Joel didn’t build ur society… The problem is his people built it so good n so safe that people like urself can put ur stupid unrealistic docterit papers in real society….. and then we crash and then Joel’s people build it back again centuries later after the nuclear waste subsides….. and then u destroy it again n so on…. Ur not evil ur ignorant n soft which gives u a big heart n a big mouth… great show it was so entertaining and scary at the same time….
3 days ago
It really bothers me that Drew can only go to killing everyone that’s not white that makes u automatically loose the argument, ur in a cult drew…. Not one time he said he wanted to hurt anyone… Also u say u would fight for Australia but ur in a war now and ur on the side of the elites n ur so smart u have no idea on what ur doing???
3 days ago
Nothing Joel said was a lie, we were programed to believe diversity is a strength, not one group would agree with that statement… America was founded on Christian values and has been held together because that, race plays a smaller role in America but also America highlights the good n bad differences between races.. U can spin things as much as u want but the truth is so very clear, u can make a 100 commercials with a white man hurting the poor innocent black family and it will still be a lie and we all know it deep in our guts
3 days ago
giga Chad crushed this whole thing while half slumped and still drinking lol
3 days ago
This was like I was watching Richard Spencer destroy Carl Benjamin again. I was waiting for Drew to say “have you even read Locke?”
3 days ago
this Drew guy is the epitome of talking a lot and saying very little.
3 days ago
Gradually I began to hate Greek Cypriots.
1 like
4 days ago
Shut the fuck up drew
4 days ago
Guy’s definitely follow Joel Davis on Rumble, he deserves more follower’s.
4 days ago
Diversity plus Proximity equals Boogaloo
4 days ago
joel won after 5 mins
4 days ago
What up with elijah mouth
4 days ago
the guy on the right has no argument on anything, is rude, keeps interrupting and insults personally the guy on the left. he played the clown
4 days ago
4 days ago
Pavlou is legit maggot infested carcass
4 days ago
have Handsome Truth on next!!!
4 days ago
America was an openly white nationalist nation as one of the first acts of Congress in 1790 with the Naturalization Act. it remained so in different configurations with things like the quota system until Jews like Emmanuel cellar changed things in 1965 against the will of the people
4 days ago
White people create the civilizations that people want to live in, they move in and wreck it and tell white people they are being waycis n sheeeit for saying “sorry, you aren’t mature enough to live here”
4 days ago
Yikes. Jorl wins.
4 days ago
The Q and A is fucking hilarious.
4 days ago
The Amish guy dominated the Puerto Rican the whole time.
4 days ago
What a braindead fat useless retarded oxygen burglar pavlou is Lowest of the low Send him to sudan to make it more ” diverse ”
4 days ago
People like Drew never have anything interesting to say.
5 days ago
the nonwhite mongrel invader is making the argument, oh well there’s to many nonwhite invaders already there, too late for your replacement white man! Don’t fight back or do anything about it! He’s telling us to accept our replacement. No thanks!
5 days ago
Everybody got baby bonus regardless of race. However Reffos and Abos bread for welfare and spent the $ on things that never benefitted their kids! They bought a new TV , boosted their population and continued to parasite. They grizzle about being disadvantaged and under UN rules they become a marginalised “protected species”. Why aren’t whites breeding more? Numerous reasons:- You breed what you can feed, Our industry was outsourced and if you want a loan you need a stable job. Hearing words like:- part time, contract and casual won’t get you a home loan easy. With the security of the jobs that existed prior to all this outsourcing we could grow our community bigger and have families. Just try competing with ca$hed up “Chindians” for things now! No more industry here ! Just :- box like homes and petrol stations going up! Who drove the bus? The cab? Who is in :- the deli, pizza parlour,Newsagent, post office? Chindia bought their way in! They got the lot! There is not enough water or infrustructure for them! Govt “splashed cash” at covid and need more $! It’s like holding a BBQ and buying meat that feeds 10 but 50 come! Doesn’t work!
5 days ago
I would disagree with some of the stuff that Joel claims but at least he has coherent points. Drew doesn’t even grasp the very basics of how to actually think. He just strings together baseless platitudes, never making any actual points while talking in circles. And if he’s not doing that, he’s throwing an emotional temper tantrum or lashing out with meaningless labels that his programing makes him believe are trump cards. It’s really pathetic, and so is he. He is a poster child for the brainwashed, emotionally manipulated and demoralized fools that make up our society. We can’t keep letting “them” control institutions and turning out more of these drones. numbers are important if we are to win.
1 like
5 days ago
Drew is a complete F@GG0T. In his opening statement he stated that he “didn’t want to argue for the straw man that Joel would like him to” but then he straw mans Joel repeatedly. Drew states that he isn’t like the far left who want to destroy countries, but then he sugar coats his liberal lies which bring about the end to every country that is infected with liberalism. This just from the first thirty minutes of the video, and already I want this mutt to be thrown into a prison camp stamping license plates for the rest of his life.
5 days ago
Joel W, White W, WW, WW world wide, WWWW SS, letsgo
5 days ago
hate Drew
5 days ago
Joel is so attractive, smart and well spoken. The other dude looks like a sodamite all done up..
5 days ago
The ‘what have you achieved argument’ is so spiteful. This statement exists to hamper White people while artificially elevating non Whites. Drew is such a system shill that he will mocks those being deliberately hampered by this regime and even says things right now are pretty good and should be maintained. Ethnic replacement, wealth inequality, rampant degeneracy and deaths of despair are seen by that system pig as a thing worth preserving and mocks those not thriving in this decayed civilisation.
5 days ago
Drew’s own arguments are inconsistent. He corrected himself by saying that it was only a joke that Joel, a White man should be deported for holding a non liberal worldview yet he does believe in deporting non White immigrants who don’t have liberal views
. The only difference therefore being their race. So he does actually differentiate between Australians on racial grounds.
1 like
5 days ago
if great people like joel, superior aryan stock are indeed so great. then why are such fine examples of humanity in decline??? don’t tell me its the j00. lol cause then you just prove DREW right lol j00 drew j00 drew
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5 days ago
W Joel W Hitler W Racism
5 days ago
What Drew is saying here is exactly what they told the USA when they implemented the Hart Celler Act in 1965. “Your demographic will not change.” IT WAS A LIE. IT CHANGED & NOT FOR THE BETTER. Drew is a lying scallywag.
1 like
5 days ago
Drew failed so badly that he tried to bait Joel into committing a crime. What a fat retard.
5 days ago
White shirt is such a retard, obvious in his first sentence lol
5 days ago
Arguing with an idiot is pointless. Joel nailed it..
1 like
5 days ago
Drew is a foot soldier of the jew. All the invaders are foot soldiers of the jew. This is why they all defend the jews so much.
5 days ago
Drew is a legitimate fucked incoherent retarded coward. Bloke is a fucking joke
5 days ago
“pure ahrian stock”
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2 days ago
He keeps saying that. Does he realise how cringe straw men are?
1 like
5 days ago
Drew wants to erase my inheritance because his genetics are undesirable. Your genetics, heritage, lineage, wealth and nation are something you inherit. Anyone wanting to erase that is a person with an undesirable inheritance.
5 days ago
“We don’t have enough houses for everybody but I still support immigration” what a fuckwitt
5 days ago
this queer needs to shut the fuck up about Nick Fuentes
5 days ago
nobody is judged by their race or skin color, thats just the easiest way to recognize people identified as having dangerous or unlikable behavior. and yes everyone wants to move to the west because they want all the perks of hard work and high morality without any effort, sacrifice and deferred gratification.
5 days ago
I wonder if the smugness and constantly arguing against things that no one said works on some people? *shit eating grin* “killing people is bad” constantly interrupts and argues like a female. confusing ethnicity and race. 2/10 the Greek was not equipped for this discussion.
5 days ago
It is very interesting, not really surprising, that Joel Davis offered some really deep arguments about the importance of identity, traditions, culture and religion, while Pavlou was just talking about his friends and how everyone should just embrace some really vague liberal “ideals” that are at their core rootless. This debate was extremely interesting, however I still find it sad because a lot of young people think like Pavlou. Very good job on Joel’s part.
1 like
5 days ago
so i can only speak for america, but he said whites changed their ideas. the national guard was used to force integration on the us against our will and we were a 90%+ white majority . we have to say diversity is our strength because stating the obvious is punished the same way speaking out about the vax is punished. so its ok for millions of foreigners to be shipped to the west but its immoral and somehow genocidal to send them back. whites are allowed to have our own country where we arent told existing is white supremacy and that its immoral for us to have kids. for the last 20 yrs every white woman has been shown with a black guy. they normalized a taboo the same way they did being gay, trans. and now they are normalizing minor attracted ppl and genital mutilation. this is an outright extermination of the white race
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5 days ago
it’s an outright attempt at extermination. That doesn’t mean they will succeed
5 days ago
would this guy force diversity on jews the way he wants to do to whites? no because it would be a genocide. its also genocide to force diversity on all white countrys.
5 days ago
[Show low scored comment]
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4 days ago
Um we’re Australian it’s how we communicate with each other. Yes even the fat cunt with the brain damage is technically an Aussie.
1 like
5 days ago
My fellow honkey has a very good point. He makes by far the most sense.
5 days ago
5 days ago
If only this was on TV.
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5 days ago
Elijah — while I do like the debates he hosts — needs to learn how to keep people on track. This Drew guy is scatterbrained, and he drones on about absolutely fvck all for way too long. Maybe add a timer or something.
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5 days ago
and he needed to defend Joel’s time. Drew had his time respected but had no respect for Joel’s time.
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2 days ago
Nord Vs Med debates in a sentence.
1 like
5 days ago
@26:43 “Africans disadvantaged because it’s full of Africans. Sub-Saharan Africans, when we showed up, hadn’t even invented the wheel yet.” Same here in the States. When the Spanish Conquistadors encountered Meso-Americans in the 1500’s, technologically they were thousands of years behind Europeans. So even if Europeans magically never discovered the New World, Indians to this day STILL wouldn’t have discovered the wheel 500+ years later. Neither would Sub-Saharan African nations, as they were all discovered living in mud huts still wearing loin cloth, and animal skins. Fat dudes snarky little facial expressions give away his ignorance, and show his Neo-Marxist ideological bias.
5 days ago
lol why… no homophobia?
5 days ago
I love being WHITE
5 days ago
That fat retard on the right starts off by labeling himself a liberal/libertarian then goes off on an opening rant basically agreeing with the tenets of Neo-Marxism and their irrational fear of White peoples uniting. Not to mention putting a whole bunch of words in Joel’s mouth. This guy is already brutally painful to listen to.
5 days ago
this wog just keeps strawmanning. there’s no argument on his side that doesn’t rely on emotion
5 days ago
Drew seldomly addresses what Joel says and just misses his whole point and says “genocide, murder blah blah blah”. I wish he would listen to Joel’s point and then address and rebut his point without screaming murder, genocide etc. No stats, facts or any basis for what Drew says, just his feelings.
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5 days ago
Exactly. Elijah asked Drew to counter Joel’s arguments and completely just says no I’m not going to do that, then goes off on a completely unrelated tangent about 20th century ideologies. This Drew guy is a typical Neo-Marxist whom uses nothing but logical fallacies, under the guise of behind a “liberal”.
6 days ago
Joel w
6 days ago
Joel Davis BASED
6 days ago
Skin matter does matter and we should judge! Because skin is your uniform and race is your nation and when there is a race war being Australian on paper won’t cut it ! You’ll team up with your own because that’ll be who you’ll trust.
6 days ago
Joel for the Win. Other dude is a smoothed brained fucktard. He’ll disappear into the abyss. Conversation is over at this point. Joel’s side is actually legit. Our backs are against the wall.
6 days ago
you know nothing of Hitler.
1 like
6 days ago
But Joel you have kill 6 gorillian people to have a country for white people.
6 days ago
you can not be and will never be Australian.
1 like
6 days ago
I am sorry but the guy is such a phag he could turn people racist
1 like
6 days ago
Race is real and it does matter! That Liberal Cypriot Australian thinks by being “Australian” on paper everything will be harmonious! Just wait till there is a race war! Skin will be your uniform and race will be your nation! The comments Joel made about Aboriginals is true! They are very different and lower down on the evolutionary ladder! They never faced the challenges people in cold countries faced! They worked not only to survive but to build structures for protection from evolved neighbours with advanced weapons. Aboriginals are just nomads with majority Indian dna and no need for anything other than Stone Age objects! The last Indige mob living traditionally they found was in the 60’s in the Tanami desert! The old man carried a spear back then But today Carry’s iPhone. Look at the vast distance between those objects! It’s not like you are going to get a Leonardo Da Vinci from them! He would have been the smartest a person could be with his multi- disciplined skills. What the Abo is is a humanoid that is closer in what it does to the smartest Animal, a Chimpanzee! The Abos are:- violent, impulsive,child like, corrupt, destructive, lazy, hot headed, smelly, irresponsible,unhygienic , entitled and disrespectful! They are a “protected species” the UN makes because they are 2% of population but repesent 27% of make inmates and 33% of females! The authorities give them a free pass! Nobody wants to live around them because of what I have said. The Jew and his media brainwash people by telling us we are all equal.
6 days ago
brown “people ” have no value . they are of no use to white people
1 like
6 days ago
Elijah is the best debate host. W Joel.
6 days ago
Indeed I did come just to hear Joel. Other dudes an idiot nobody.
6 days ago
Groypers not allowed in the ethnostate
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6 days ago
both men made valid points
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6 days ago
the fac that people are claiming davlou won this debate is insane.
1 like
6 days ago
Diversity is for fags.
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6 days ago
truest comment here
6 days ago
Pavlou looks like he’s about to cry.
1 like
6 days ago
This Arab seriously just needs to go back to his sand box.
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2 days ago
lol he said he’s Greek bro
1 like
6 days ago
everything in moderation. Too much of anything except God will take you somewhere you don’t want to go.
6 days ago
everything in moderation. Too much of anything except God will take you somewhere you don’t want to go.
6 days ago
everything in moderation. Too much of anything except God will take you somewhere you don’t want to go.
6 days ago
Joels a christcuck as well it’s over
6 days ago
Who in their right mind would say Drew is white? Lmao
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6 days ago
Ah of course Joel is anti America. I wonder if he’s a brics simp. America isn’t going anywhere the western world will remain while Russia and China keep worsening
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5 days ago
america is going down the toilet, if you disagree then its you who’s anti American.
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5 days ago
you’ve been brainwashed by the globohomo psyop. Why do you think all the alt media whores only talk about stupid manufactured cultural issues instead of real important political issues? Because they are fucking paid actor whores and ARE LYING TO YOU DUMB MAGA TARD
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4 days ago
I definately follow real politics but cultural issues are significant as well. Without white ppl america just another insignificant 3rd world country.
6 days ago
Always straw man city from the libs
6 days ago
these guys are so petty, they both interrupt each other then blame the other for interrupting their own points. might as well have been a network news debate.
1 like
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6 days ago
The alt media is just as controlled as the mainstream. They talk about being censored and suppressed but still get millions of views
1 like
6 days ago
This drew guy is clearly pressed
6 days ago
only whites are human
6 days ago
I can’t stand when people argue with outliers…”there are a lot of successful minority groups”. Oh ok, find me one group that gets visited by every significant politician or candidate, or one that has laws specifically written to protect them from even being criticized verbally other than the Jews.
6 days ago
get your nonwhite asses out! idc what the repercussions are for those mudfucks
1 like
6 days ago
Drew loves everyone except whites, every time a minority is mentioned he just goes off on a tangent how he’s got friends who are great people from said minorities. Absolute spineless sycophant.
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6 days ago
there is no such thing as a good nonwhite
1 like
6 days ago
if it ain’t white it ain’t right, all nons can gf themselves
6 days ago
W Joel
6 days ago
hilarious shit show
1 like
6 days ago
Noone would ever mistake you for a White, Buddy.
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5 days ago
Exactly. Maybe a Turk.
6 days ago
Joel needs to be debating less retarded libs.
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6 days ago
This was low hanging fruit for Joel, felt like he was punching down at a toddler.
6 days ago
Liberal democracy is only possible with a moral population and our morals are in the cellar.
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5 days ago
And the non Whites in America believe in welfare & are against guns
4 days ago
democracy is a sham. one people, one leader, we all know who to hold accountable that way and there’s no political nonsense games in decision making. it’s the only way out of communism both feasibly and historically.
3 days ago
in contrast to multiculturalism/multiracialism which only works on a smaller population ruled by an authoritarian i. e Singapore
1 like
6 days ago
Australia still has time out of all the Anglosphere to save itself. it’s too late for the rest of us
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5 days ago
no it’s not too late. Our People aren’t like the other races. We aren’t victims we thrive in adversity. Things have been too easy in the last 20 years and people have become weak and apathetic. Don’t become blackpilled
6 days ago
Drew’s outro was the ramblings of an utter spastic.
6 days ago
Joel is Australian and Drew is not Australian, don’t listen to Drew and carry on.
6 days ago
The moral grandstanding from Drew is a pathetic display.
6 days ago
Drew shaking his head as his worldview is destroyed in real time.
6 days ago
Drew is a supreme wanker what a complete nutter as diverias explained by races is not what he is waffling about. why can’t European countries keep their cultural beliefs and areas if the same is done to anyone elses country it’s called an invasion colonisation. Drew is a dufus.
6 days ago
Anyone that thinks that wanting less diversity means they want to mass murder people is just a complete retard. It’s their standard straw man argument to this topic and it makes absolutely no sense.
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6 days ago
well they can leave or face the consequences
2 days ago
He doesn’t think that. It’s a straw man.
6 days ago
explain diversity. joel: explains what he believes drew: Joel said…, Joel is….,
6 days ago
First thing we need to do is bring back dueling. Shills will not risk dying for the money. Honesty would come back quick.
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6 days ago
I would volunteer. Bare knuckle brawling first, not an extremist. You really feel strongly about your jew media imbibed views
? Prove it then. Because I’m willing to get hurt to save my people, are you willing to do the same for your individualistic money and clout? Would love to see it.
6 days ago
Lift hard and be self reliant boys. Hard times are a comin.
6 days ago
the Golden Dawn would be Ashamed of Drew
1 like
6 days ago
Thanks you are a real one
1 like
6 days ago
i am a black gay jewish trans, disables woman and i agree with joel davis and condemn drew for subversive behavior
6 days ago
The Nationalist says: Old White ladies are getting stabbed in the street by N-words. We have to put a stop to this! The liberal says: You need to watch your language. A lesson in priorities.
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5 days ago
Exactly, which is why he’s overprotective of the small hats. He’s a subversive
6 days ago
when did Greeks start counting as white? I didn’t vote on that. I must’ve missed a meeting.
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6 days ago
Oh I don’t know, when they invented white civilization?
6 days ago
6 days ago
Drew is such a low IQ globohomo. He’s proof that loud idiots can gain a platform. He argues from emotions; not facts.
6 days ago
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6 days ago
Knigga got smoked.
6 days ago
Drew is the ultimate enemy to the Australian people. The insufferable smugness with which he engages in anti-whitism and his devotion to being a rootless deracinated cosmopolitan is disgusting. Not an original thought inside that head, Joel wiped the floor with this creature.
6 days ago
“The vast majority of people’s morals changed”. What a bizarre claim, then as now the people were against it but had no actual say in what their treasonous government did.
1 like
6 days ago
Typical commie thinks the REAL flood of pajeets is cool for us aussies (Australians). FUCK Kalergi ‘diversity’.
6 days ago
Why is David such a gae goi boi?
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6 days ago
It’s the groyper network
6 days ago
Accuses Joel of strawmanning then dives into the strawman pool. What a great start….EDIT: This got so heated I could have boiled water on this debate.
6 days ago
Greek you say ? looks Jewy to me.
6 days ago
it’s 80% Jewish
6 days ago
10 million based Germans imported into Australia would SOLVE their Pajeet problem overnight!
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2 days ago
There aren’t 10 million based Germans on the planet.
1 like
6 days ago
Non-white thinks like every no-white that comes to Australia looking to economy exploit it and to rise up the rootless deracinated hierarchy.
1 like
6 days ago
Socialism and communism and globalism and Satanism and Feminism and multiculturalism and Islamism are all the same. Their spirit is a hatred of humanity. If you want harmony, you want capitalism with a conscience and foresight for a future. Everyone being free to do anything they want means everyone and no one has freedom. And you can be in a situation where you have both. You can take action, but you can’t justify it when judged. You keep crossing a line, hindering someone else, and because you do it to others they can do it to you. Harmony doesn’t happen because everyone has the same things. It happens because everyone has a part to play. Everyone has options other than simply letting themselves die. If you want prosperity for everyone, then your system should offer opportunities, not just restrict and impose on your freedom. Multiculturalism would mean communism. A government would impose laws that have values they uphold. While everyone else would be a subclass of person. So the 1% would rule the 99%. Arbitrary values, would mean no one really gets along, but would have to abide by what the government decides. So if you understand what I’m saying, if you see it the same way, then you have to agree with Joel about maintaining different cultures by separating them. He didn’t argue for murder or mass murder. That’s what Drew says is his opponent’s wish. Drew’s mind came up with mass murder and martyrdom. Joel suggested preservation. Do you see it?
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4 days ago
yes but National Socialism is not the same as Marxist socialism, and you should sig into it my friend. it’s the only answer to the commie hellscape we weve been slow walked into
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3 days ago
multiculturalism and “one race” delusions = tower of babel
3 days ago
you forgot Judaism
6 days ago
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3 days ago
begone mohammed
6 days ago
Joel cooked this dude.
6 days ago
the Orthodox saints pretty much unanimously understand and accept kinism.
6 days ago
Shit Stream Activate!!
1 like
6 days ago
If Drew wrote software, its conflicting statements would make it crash repeatedly with no hope of salvation. He says he would die for Australia. Joel says he would kill for Australia. In what scenario would either have to die or kill for their country? War? Or, does Drew wish to martyr himself? We’ve seen that happen already. I’m referring to that soldier who self immolated to protest the war in Gaza. If you’re willing to protect something, then you have to meet force with force. Drew is incapable of having a peaceful discussion. He’s primed for a fight. If peace is what he wants, he’s not able to bring that about. So Joel, even if his views
are self-serving and reprehensible offer a more coherent argument. Because he is talking about self-preservation. And everyone agrees with him there. Everyone!
1 like
6 days ago
Wow that was fun
1 like
6 days ago
Being accomplished… having money… have you noticed that those who are more successful in a society are those who are useful and don’t go against the “accepted” narrative? Geniuses are often on the fringe. They don’t just go along to get along because it goes against their understanding. A really smart and perceptive person won’t just consider their own wealth and wellbeing. Because they should understand that if for example they’re the only ones with the ability to buy food on their street, they will be targeted. They won’t have any right to all the food, except if money is the only justification for getting food. What a genius and aware person wants is harmony. To be a servant of Heaven and not a king or queen of hell. If you live in hell, you’re always watching your back in order to survive and hold onto your position. If you have integrity, and hold to values, you’re serving a higher purpose. Your view is larger than just yourself. Harmony… so if you’re a thief who steals from retailers, you’re acting without a moral code. You don’t think larger, that money only has value within a system. In a desert, forget about money. You’ll need water, shelter, a form of transportation, a means to get food… money outside of a financial system doesn’t get you anything. So thieves are disrupting a kind of economic eco system. Stores will be forced to close. And the economy will become like a desert. You can see that as a kind of hell. They’ll be rich with money in a desolate hell. It takes a little foresight to see what’s inevitable. Not genius necessarily. But as so many people are desperate, and focused on themselves alone, they don’t consider a larger world or their place in it. Consider the status quo. If you own something, but justify theft, then you can’t take a moral position against theft. You set an impossible standard. The saying is “there is no honor among thieves”. A dishonorable society, with no trust, will collapse. Because we rely on each other for peace.
6 days ago
this guy is not Orthodox, he’s only saying that bc he has a claim to being greek.
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4 days ago
His dad wanted him to go To That church.
6 days ago
Drew’s only way out of this humiliating defeat is to accept the boxing challenge.
6 days ago
omg all this fat fuck does is call Joel names and make zero points .. what a fucking bitch
6 days ago
2:17:00 maybe he misspoke but Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He was born into the Jewish faith. The Jews are the chosen people. They’re chosen to be burdened with more responsibility. As for the comments against non-Jews in the Talmud, I recommend watching “Apostate Prophet” on YouTube for more information about Islam, Christianity and Judaism. You have to be aware that Islam encourages lying to the non-believers as well as misinterpreting the Quran to justify its teachings. The Quran may as well be for the sake of worshiping Satan. Because it depicts Allah, the creator, as a slave master rather than a father to all people. Allah is also described as a trickster. A master manipulator. So do you understand what I mean? Their prophet Muhammad married a 6-year-old in his 50s, having consummated their marriage at her tender age of 9. They have suggestions in the Quran about having sex with under aged girls, not to make two holes one. It’s all horrendous, it incorporates codified laws which conflict with our Western laws. Obviously because we don’t share the same values. And those people, who want Jihad, demanded by the Quran and their god, don’t just have a problem with Jews. Any Muslim friends you might have are instructed by the Quran to tolerate your ways until their numbers overwhelm your people. At which point they will impose a tax on the un-believers, killing those who refuse to pay. Jizya tax. A good play on words would refer to Muhammad’s described habits in the Quran, often having his clothes covered with gizz. I’m not kidding, and what’s more there’s a description of his child bride cleaning his clothes, scratching off the semen. You can look it up yourself.
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6 days ago
jews practice pedophilia, jews are evil , jews gaslight Muslims in violence . jews are the problem.
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6 days ago
You’re retarded
1 like
6 days ago
Muslims don’t need Jews as an excuse to be violent. They’ll kill teachers, young girls, cartoonists, apostates. It’s just what they do. Islam is a death cult.
6 days ago
This was so good I’m watching it twice. W Joel. First saw him on nicks big Christmas stream but now I am a fan. Thanks joel
1 like
6 days ago
it’s called the greedy Samarian. the dude in white doesn’t shut up
6 days ago
Up the algo
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6 days ago
[Show low scored comment]
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6 days ago
Joel’s intellect is too much for me so I’ll put my fingers in my ears and screech la-la-la-la! Probably thinks he did well in his childish tantrum. Side note, I don’t reckon Drew understands the meaning of nihilism.
6 days ago
I hope we get to see more of Joel
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4 days ago
check out Thomas Sewell as well. he’s an Aussie from their sphere. Odyssee allows the content rumble censors like Holocaust denial.
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3 days ago
Thomas is… interesting.
3 days ago
Go watch his channel. It’s pretty good. Drier than this, though.
1 like
6 days ago
I’m so tired of Hollywood Jews telling me that the world needs more diversity. If I even have to explain the irony of that, it’s only evidence of how controlled the narrative is.
6 days ago
I love you white brother o/
6 days ago
I bELieve We cAn All get aLOnG anD we’re all just ThE sAmE
6 days ago
Joel won
6 days ago
Get the brown guy a rape kit.
1 week ago
The fucking retarded kid wants to bring up why two white people wouldn’t think similarly about a political topic and maybe it’s because they’ve been brainwashed to hate themselves in their country and their past. I like this Joel kid he knows what’s up. I hope you bring him back on for another episode E
1 week ago
Drew is either on drugs or just blissfully ignorant, he supports Ukraine, yet the migrants who immigrated to Ukraine were the first to bail once war was declared. That is the fkn issue, our countries will never be something they fight for.
1 week ago
Leftists are getting more and more retarded every year that passes
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5 days ago
Drew sounds like a basic bitch conservative tbh
1 like
1 week ago
Daniel Carver’s failed roast :
1 like
1 week ago
The “Greel Cypriot” guy is unhinged, sheesh. He can’t address anything Joel is saying.
1 week ago
Drew is wrong about everything. What a low iq moron
1 week ago
this is like watching the Ubermensch debate the Untermensch
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6 days ago
That’s exactly what it is…
1 week ago
The cope that statistics are racist is the lowest form of argument that exists
1 week ago
“many good muslims” you’re a shame to out faith you fucking Tuckish Bitch
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6 days ago
no such thing as a good Muslim
1 like
1 week ago
At 46:45 Joel ended him lmao
1 like
1 week ago
I’ve seen Joel on Twitter commenting,this is the first time I’ve seen him talk/debate, totally impressed, what a chad
1 week ago
“What have you done? What have you accomplished??” Ummmmm how about living law-abiding and peacefully, raising a family, etc?? Prob 99% live a generally meaningless life. That argument is pathetic.
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5 days ago
Greasy wog cunt reckons places like India are great places? so why would murder be necessary for the hoards of beggars to go back to their utopia’s? Because their countries are reflective of the people. Shit.
1 like
1 week ago
a no child policy for non-whites who were born in Australia would solve the problem without killing anyone
1 week ago
Condemned by the Chinese government lmao
1 week ago
drew cannot make a serious coherent point
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1 week ago
Van vcvuv7uv7cvchcbcbjvcucv7vhcc8cvv8v8uv8c7, cvhv
1 week ago
1 like
1 week ago
Retard says he wont argue Joel’s strawman. Goes on to build the biggest strawman in the history of debating…
1 week ago
Joel was calm and respectful the entire time. Drew was insulting and disrespectful, constantly interrupting and twisting Joel’s words. Drew is a clown.
1 week ago
white people are a minority world wide. we need more white leaders in black countries.
1 week ago
What the hell is pure iron stock?
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1 week ago
Aryan said with an Australian accent
1 week ago
I’d like to see the Bible verse that says you have a “duty to others” at your own peril. The thing with non whites around the world is that they suck at life when juxtaposed with the countries they control versus the white majority countries. By having feminine sympathy for how their countries suck, the feminine mindset is that they should all come to our nice homes and live as we do. The folly of that girly attitude is that regardless of where they reside, brown and black people suck at life and they remain impoverished, but in a better country? That’s a retarded mindset.
1 week ago
you would kill some people to get your way? but lots of people will die? you would kill millions? wow. this guy will kill tens of millions of people.
1 like
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6 days ago
which guy?
1 week ago
All that rotten jew does is smirk and giggle any time proof of their usury and evil is mentioned and presented. We get it, you’re smarmy and proud of being subverting mutts and we’re all too stupid to catch your demon race doing what it is you’ve done since Christ aired you out.
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5 days ago
And he said nothing when Joel brought up the stabbing
1 week ago
physiognomy check failed for the fake greek
1 week ago
Drew never had ground to stand on. Repeat sensationalist claiming to divert the argument or the need to make an actual point. I’ll be honest, let’s give the fool what it wants. It literally IS the Jews, and I’m tired of everyone pretending it isn’t.
1 week ago
At 35:40 well USA also had such a policy written in its founding documents such as only land owning free White Men are citizens.
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5 days ago
The Jewish have successfully made the whole world against them recently. There seems to be a longer trend in motion with their behavior. I am not saying all Jewish people are like this but the ones responsible for their current genocidal behavior are in charge.
1 week ago
Diversity has no benefits. SEND THEM BACK.
1 week ago
holy shit drew is retarded, joel absolutely cooked him
1 week ago
insufferable guy on the right
1 week ago
Diversity in liberal western culture is the absence of white men. Women are considered in DEI bullshit. A liberal would call a room full of blacks only “diverse.”
1 week ago
This guy drew is so retarded he cant let Joel finish talking without starting to filibuster his listening process. Embarassing fat gay retard L
1 week ago
Not only is Drew spouting nonsense, he repeats his nonsense over and over in the same sentence.
1 week ago
Joel is an incredible articulation and defense of being white.
1 week ago
Joel W Never heard of the other guy and he’s retarded
1 week ago
oh god that was painful. elijah and joel, get away from this charisma anchor, he is like a new version of cenk ugger
1 like
1 week ago
White people need to unite NOW. We don’t have much time left.
1 week ago
“Whiteness” is a trap. It is an antiwhite slur. White people don’t have “whiteness”. “Whiteness” sounds like something you need 2 weeks off work for and a prescription. Funny that ADL Mr Greenblatt always pushes “whiteness” but hates people saying “jewishness”.
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1 week ago
we are proud of who we are, whenever you remind them of what they are they hate it.
1 like
1 week ago
What is an orange? Joel: “It’s an orange piece of citrus fruit with a rine. Very fiberous.” Drew: “An orange is a fact of life. Period, done, end of definition.”
1 week ago
Facts v Hypotheticals
1 week ago
Race realism is undeniable
1 week ago
29:50 I think he’s referencing my tweet
1 week ago
Drew is the type of person to get mugged and have his girlfriend raped in the streets and then apologized to his attacker.
1 week ago
Does this retard not know that legal immigration exists and people with paperwork can come in legally and start a life and not move off of the systems that countries provide? His go to argument is, if you deport all the illegals, there will be only white people.What a racist thing to think there are people who come here legally Who follow the laws
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1 week ago
that’s not what Joel is saying arsehole.
1 like
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1 week ago
I’m not talking about Joel. Joel is right in the fact that people and countries like India and continents like Africa have not invented the wheel Until the white man showed up. Air conditioning, Electricity, Is modern farming, Is all white people
6 days ago
Don’t want legal non-whites either.
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5 days ago
Exactly all countries need to be 90% of the ethnic group founded by the country men
1 week ago
Who would like to see Drew come back on for another appearance?
1 week ago
If an island mass sprung out of the ocean in the middle of nowhere and it was claimed by whites, you would see all the shit skins rush there once it was established as a successful white society.
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1 week ago
For fucks sake, stop talking over the top of each other.
1 week ago
Hey Drew, come to Germany and see for yourself you selfish toy
1 week ago
Drew: “Hello, fellow white person.”
1 week ago
i am 32 minutes in…. fat white shirt guy rambling hard. white australian based guy with hate facts. this is going to be a long cook.
1 week ago
What a podcast!
1 week ago
Here for blair. Idek wtf drew is lul
1 week ago
no one has ever looked at that guy and thought he was White
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1 week ago
1:32:20 based af
1 week ago
all anecdotal arguments as well. This guy is terrible at debating. he’s not engaging with Joey’s actual arguments.
1 week ago
The halfbreed wouldn’t die for Australia he’d die for the Zio neoliberal globalist regime that rules over Australia that gifts him access to another people’s homeland. He’s literally fighting against actual Australians.
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1 week ago
Amen. Half breeds are disgusting dysgenic self hating trash. No loyalty to their White side ever.
6 days ago
Spot on. Drew is the enemy claiming to be the friend.
5 days ago
You noticed he didn’t say crap when Joel brought up that Sudanese guy stabbed a White grandma
1 week ago
As an Arab, my opinion is, Forced DIVERSITY is a Zionist propaganda. They hate white people.
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6 days ago
are you in a white country such as the United states?
1 week ago
I appreciated this debate. I’ll have to listen to the debate again but Joel’s argument is incapable of sufficiently explaining the intra-racial disparities, violence, and war that have historically taken place between that of the English, Irish and Scottish. If we largely think the same or are genetically oriented in such a way that tends to, or is more pronounced, to the preservation of our collective well-being then I find Joel’s view difficult to agree with given the overwhelming witness of history between groups with close genetic relationships.
1 like
1 week ago
this soy guy is insufferable. he just interrupted with non sequiturs and strawman points the entire time. he doesn’t seem very bright.
1 week ago
Drew is too retarded to argue for the liberal world view. Im not even liberal but i could have argued his world view better.
1 week ago
The mongrel is such a bundle of sticks.
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1 week ago
Huge bundle of sticks
1 week ago
Zionist apologists really need to come up with a coherent worldview. You can’t use bargain bin talking points about how nationalism is bad while supporting the ethnostate of Israel or a two state solution for Israel/Palestine. Either nationalism is fine and all groups of people should be able to support their own self determination (yes, even white people), or nationalism is not fine and the entire world (to include Israel) need work on becoming pluralistic, multiracial, multicultural liberal economic zones.
1 week ago
it’s absurd whites are the only people not allowed to advocate for themselves or a homeland for our people. we’ve recognized this a long while but it’s worth reiterating.
1 week ago
Drew is fucking retarded talking shit to Joel saying what have you done live my dude I don’t fucking care at least we’re not walking around in fairy tale land lying to ourselves about our differences
1 like
1 week ago
1 week ago
Drew: Immigrants won’t try and change your policies or culture Also Drew: Immigrants prevented the voice from being accepted
1 week ago
2:45:08 – watching Elijah right here not lose it after Joel says Drew is a secret Nazi is priceless.
1 week ago
This debate is a perfect example of feels vs reals. White shirt guy is just totally operating on emotions with his responses.
1 week ago
1:17:34 “I’m a Greek Orthodox Christian” and a liberal??? This guy is a retard.
1 week ago
White shirt thinks the holocaust happened, lol.
1 week ago
the virgin midwit vs high IQ chad
1 week ago
Massive Joel W
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1 week ago
Classic groyper notorious on X
6 days ago
Notice me classic groyp
1 like
1 week ago
W classicsgroyp
6 days ago
Latinx for white ethno states
1 week ago
This Dave guy is retarded he literally just mischaracterizes everything Joel says.
1 week ago
The straight dude won
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1 week ago
lol, that gave me a good laugh. so true too.
1 week ago
Haha you just know he’s “girlfriend” got wet as fuck when Joel said he would fuck him up. She would’ve loved that.
6 days ago
2 days ago
Bro I’m watching this debate drinking a glass of warmed bone broth. I was wondering if I’m the only one who does this as scrolling thru the comments. Wow I found my brother in broth!
1 week ago
According to the story in the Bible when God formed the nation of Israel and led them out of Egypt, He taught them a fundamental principle: from the beginning of human history, He pushed continents aside to separate the people according to their families, language, and land (as described in Genesis 10-11). This concept of division was ingrained in them as they journeyed away from Egypt, shaping their understanding of what a nation is and what they were meant to become. It was part of God’s plan to counteract the spread of evil initiated by fallen angels. God made man to destroy evil (Gen 3:15; 1 Jn 3:8). He made man male and female and brought them together to multiply His solution. He made nation to protect family. This divine design persisted throughout the Old Testament. Then the New Testament highlights its importance. 1 Cor 10:6 Now these things happened as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they also craved…11 Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. It’s not complicated; it’s very close to nature. Those that want to promote multiculturalism make a substance like clay to fight against i. Those that want to care for their families make a substance like iron. Dan 2:40-43 “Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. “In that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay. “As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle. “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another IN THE SEED OF MEN; but they will not adhere…
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1 week ago
At least the guy didn’t run away, thanks Elijah
1 like
1 week ago
its a common tactic from the left to call nationalists fascist and make references to Hitler and what happened to the Jews. A little revision of modern European history shows that millions of Jews fled Russia when the Bolsheviks took power in 1917. The vast majority of these fled to Western Europe and a large majority went to Germany. At this period in history Germany was a basket case due to the Treaty of Versailles that imposed massive economic penalties for war reparations from the First World War. The German people saw they were being invaded and many German institutions were infiltrated by the Jews who advocated for Jewish rights. The Jews formed their own enclaves and they discriminated against non-Jews as is their nature. The German people resented this and Hitler united the German people to fight back against the war reparations that was crippling there economy and their prosperity and the community sentiment that the Jews had ascended to control German institutions to benefit themselves. Hitler turned Germany around and the German people regained control of the institutions that had been usurped. Then the Jews were given the option to leave and many did. Hitler was named and appeared on the cover of Time magazine as the “person of the year” prior to the start of WWII. What happened to the Jews during WWII was diabolical absolutely but Nationalism in Germany happened because Germans wanted to be in control of their own country.
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1 week ago
not to mention those war reparations were bankrupting germany, and causing so much inflation their money was worthless… and all of this was being done by the rotheschild’s central banks. the same banks that ruined and bankrupted the british empire. it was the rotheschild’s also paying and backing churchill and encouraging him to deny germany an alliance and side with poland over the city of danzig, and getting the british to work with communist russia instead of germany. all because hitler kicked the rotheschild central bank out of germany.
1 like
1 week ago
Hitler promoted a “Positive Christianity”. Christianity has preserved our race, it United the the white European race against Arab invasion, and it ostracised the Jews out of white societies because Christianity warns us of a race of infiltrators who are constantly attempting to subvert our liberties that we have in Christ. True christianity declines the more multiculturalism increases.
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1 week ago
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1 week ago
Drew was utterly destroyed, he can’t answer any questions, he has no argument or worldview to offer, his entire viewpoint comes from his actual religion, which is secular modern liberalism, whether he calls himself a Christian, his universitarianism supersedes any of his faith in God and he blasphemes the Christian faith to warp it to being applicable to his secular religion. White people foolishly grant everyone on Earth the same grace and benefit of the doubt they’d grant an immediate family member, and Drew perfectly exemplifies this. What he doesn’t understand, or if he does and is ambivalent to it, is that the secular religion he serves was designed to eradicate the West. Granting grace to foreign peoples and assuming they’re playing the same game as you, and playing it in good faith, is fatal ignorance. The entire debate is Joel bringing up legitimate grievances and Drew pitching his secular religion like a used car salesman in response.
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1 week ago
well put. you should be writing articles about this stuff.
1 week ago
“So you’ll say… So you’ll say… So you’ll say…” “So what you’re saying is…So what you’re saying is…So what you’re saying is…” This is just a fat, brown, Kathy Newman.
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1 week ago
lol so on point.
1 week ago
This was highly entertaining. Thanks
1 week ago
Drew is a Greek cockhold…
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1 week ago
That thing is not a Greek. Cypriot at a stretch
6 days ago
He’s a turk larping as a Greek. he said Hassan was his brother
1 like
1 week ago
There is nothing better than an unapologetic white man who isn’t afraid to say the truth.
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6 days ago
About time somebody voiced what Joel did! I wonder if the mainstream tv would give a “no holds barred” debate like this? It’s be too divisive!
6 days ago
“Chindians” buy their way into Australia. They removed our industry and don’t are about Australians! They want to replace us with ca$hed up Chindians. There is not enough water, parking and infrustructure for “Chindia”. It is bad economics to flood our country with all this because in the long run it’ll create more issues! They subdivide blocks that housed 4 people once and now there is 15? The sewerage net work needs pipes of a larger diameter now to cope with extra traffic. There is no new infrustructure to accomodate them!
1 week ago
Drew has no original opinion about anything. Its clear he’s just another brain-dead cultist
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1 week ago
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1 week ago
seriously??? that is insane. just shows what a waste of money universities are now. just brainwashing centers creating useful idiots for the marxists.
6 days ago
and it checks out; gen z and late millenial academics and students are brain dead progressives without necessarily identifying as one
1 week ago
just fast forward through the parts where the chubby gay dude is talking. absolutely insufferable.
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1 week ago
agreed. insufferable is a perfect word for him.
1 week ago
Drew looks like the fat Skibidi belly bouncing guy.
1 week ago
1 week ago
Man, Drew’s personal attacks, anger and lack of a cohesive arguments make me side with Joel. Joel had better points and though I don’t agree with home 100%, he was at least logical.
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1 week ago
6 days ago
yeah in the US Drew would be a neoconservative
1 week ago
The diversity propaganda is so easily shredded when exposed to sunlight in front of honest and open minded people.
1 week ago
Drew is a fucking retard. An absolute libtard in every response he makes.
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4 days ago
I don’t agree with him but in this debate there was too much name calling and hysteria! This is an adult conversation not the bloody school yard!
1 week ago
DIVERSITY is a crime.
1 week ago
emo drew.
1 like
1 week ago
23:00 No debate can be had about this entire topic without agreeing that there are differences between the races.
1 week ago
2:20:50 – See this is why talking to people like Drew won’t work. You just have to convince enough other people to join you and then people like Drew will shut up willingly or with the force of the state but he will never change his mind because be BENEFITS from the anti-White system. It’s that simple.
1 week ago
I guess what Drew doesn’t understand and is naive of, is that there competing tribes. Yes we are infinitely different even compared to others in our own race, but that doesn’t mean we should all try and band together, the bond won’t be strong enough and the way of doing things will be watered down. The strongest tribe will take over and they will be of a particular race/look, because that’s how animals work.
1 week ago
2:19:40 – Based Joel. Exactly.
1 week ago
We already have lost control, unfortunately our pathological alturism will be the downfall of our nations.
1 week ago
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6 days ago
Why does Joel want to kill everyone?
1 week ago
Drew “everyone has the same value” Also drew “I’m gonna be great” Hmm. That seems like he’s assigning more value to his life than someone else’s. A great man compared to what? A lesser man.
1 week ago
joel W
1 week ago
absolutely amazing Elijer thankyou so much!
1 week ago
It’s definitely just a coincidence that half of biden’s cabinet is jewish and the guy he picked to be in charge of the border is jewish and his attorney general is jewish. And the 2 judges who are using lawfare against trump are jewish.
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1 week ago
it is crazy how obvious it all is once you let yourself see it for the first time.
6 days ago
Did you know the majority of Trump’s capaign funding is from jews? This is not something we can vote ourselves out of. Trump is as jewish as the next guy.
6 days ago
Trumps surrounded by Jews as well
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5 days ago
Kushner tells him what to do!
1 week ago
Total David rape
1 like
1 week ago
If you don’t favor your own, you’ll be replaced by those who do. That simple.
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6 days ago
simple as.
1 like
6 days ago
oh slash!
1 like
1 week ago
Drew ate so much shit here.
1 week ago
This tool dave is coping so hard.
1 like
1 week ago
wow, that liberal middle eastern guy that thinks he is australian is very effeminate, rude, and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. he puts words in the conservative guys mouth and then argues against that instead of what the real australian actually said, then just goes on to insult the guy over things he never said. he came across very weak, and petty, very much a bitter and ignorant person. how are we not dominating politics and culture when the people we are up against are so weak??? oh yeah, because they are willing to lie and cheat as much as possible to get their way and stay in power.
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1 week ago
Because they band together in their ignorance. It’s a massive Dunning-Kruger effect that allows them to believe they are morally superior. Feeling that way, they do not feel the need to truly look into evidence that contradicts their own point of view and as Drew has done constantly argue a ridiculous strawman that does not represent reality. Its exactly what Mark Twain said. “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience”. But on a massive scale due to social media and censorship
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1 week ago
THis is a follow up of the comment below: Thomas Sowell — ‘It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.’
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6 days ago
WELL SAIDDD!!!! He’s entire being is very unAustralian. He’s one of those snobs from the city that live on LGBTQ street, he doesn’t know anything about dealing with junkies on the train, smoking baccy cones out the Gatorade bong or going on a 3 day bender. God bless this nation
1 like
1 week ago
Didn’t Ghandi reject being ruled by people not of his race. The ultimate act of bigotry has been celebrated for decades. Proof that it’s only Anti-White.
1 week ago
Zog magically hypnotizes the world is just as believable as racial ethnostates magically and always genocide. Drew is a fucked up dude.
1 like
1 week ago
lol Drew stepped right into Elijer’s steaming pile of “we try to keep it very anti-homophobic” that was funny
1 week ago
Diversity is a code word for White genocide
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1 week ago
This is a bad look for us EOs This guy is retarded. Joel W
1 week ago
Brown retard can’t form a cogent argument. I cannot believe how much he repeated himself… over and over and over. White nations for White people, leave us alone.
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1 week ago
they are usually low i.q. like that.
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
i dont think Drew knows non white’s hate us and are murdering whites and rapeing every day
1 week ago
Joel might as well have done a debate with Angela Merkel. This Davis cuck literally thinks the whole world lives in peace and harmony. How fkn more out of touch can you be.
1 week ago
47:26 – this is when Drew proves that he is a 100% shill for jews. He goes on and on about how massacres are bad but he supports Israel in Gaza. 100% SHILL.
1 week ago
Joel W. Fat arab guy massive L. He lost on every point. I chuckled when he said he looks like a European. He looks like the fucking syrians in Sweden.
1 week ago
Joel destroyed this guy. Wasn’t even a fair match up to be honest.
1 week ago
This was a very memorable bickerfest.
1 like
1 week ago
Do you know what was really diverse? The slave industry because every nation throughout history have participated and facilitated. Who owned the ships?
1 like
1 week ago
Closing statements Why is diversity good? If it is how? mentally deficient homosexual in the white shirt’s answer: [hallucinates in schizophrenic non-answer noises for 3 minutes straight] what was that? hahah
1 like
1 week ago
Get in the oven, Drew.
1 week ago
The only reason you’ve given lectures at Oxford University is because you aren’t white and you promote an anti-European narrative you low IQ black worshipping retard.
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
When The Darkness Falls: The Racially Divided States Of America (2007 Documentary The Complete History of W.A.R. (White Aryan Resistance Atlantic Jihad: The Untold History Of White Slavery (2003 Documentary) Eye For An Eye: The Jewish Plan To Exterminate Six Million Germans (Documentary) George Lincoln Rockwell This Time The World! 1960’s full documentary! Do You Still Trust Your Anti-White Government And Media? Between Heaven And Hell – The True Story Of Whites In South Africa Documentary
1 like
1 week ago
W Joel
1 like
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
Rosanne Barr (a Jew) : Nobody died in the Holocaust
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
Joel Davis has fact’s to back what he say’s vs Drew Pavlou pulls straws out of his fat low IQ arse
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1 week ago
I almost had to stop watching because how fat this guy is.
1 week ago
his dishonesty and refusal to engage is so annoying, and he still got destroyed.
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
The Table of Contents (1/13) Use the links below to navigate the channels content quickly. Always refer back to this post. (Updated April 26, 2023) 1. Europa: The Last Battle ( 2. The Greatest Story Never Told ( 3. Hellstorm ( 4. In the Name of Zion ( 5. Communism By The Backdoor ( 6. The Secret Masonic Victory of World War II ( 7. The Last Days of the Big Lie ( 8. One Third of the Holocaust ( 9. Apotheosis of Evil ( 10. Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows DEATH Camps ( 11. David Cole in Auschwitz ( 12. Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth ( 13. Asha Logos ( 14. The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax ( 15. The Bolshevik Revolution ( 16. Hitler’s War? What the Historians Neglect to Mention ( 17. Treblinka Archaeology Hoax ( 18. On the Accusation Hitler Was Financed ( 19. Judea Declares War on Germany ( 20. Was Hitler A Rothschild Agent? ( 21. National Socialism Explained ( 22. The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth ( 23. On The Accusation Hitler Created Israel ( 24. Harvest of Despair ( 25. The Hitler We Loved and Why ( 26. Living in Hitler’s Germany – A Letter From Hans Schmidt ( 27. Hitler:
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1 week ago
Europa: The Last Battle Europa: The Last Battle Part 1 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 2 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 3 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 4 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 5 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 6 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 7 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 8 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 9 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 10 ( Europa: The Last Battle Part 11 ( Europa: The Last Battle [Full Documentary] ( ( Europa: The Last Battle Trailer 1 ( Europa: The Last Battle Trailer 2 ( Europa: The Last Battle description ( Europa: The Last Battle links, blu ray’s, flyers and bonus content ( Other recommended documentaries ( Europa: The Last Battle with subtitles in English, German, Dutch, Portuguese, French, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Italian. Europa: The Last Battle [English subtitles] (
Europa: The Last Battle [German subtitles] (
Europa: Die Letzte Schlacht [deutschen Untertiteln] (
Europa: The Last Battle [Dutch subtitles] (
Europa: De Laatste Slag [Nederlandse ondertitels] (
Europa: The Last Battle [Portuguese subtitles] (
Europa: A Última Batalha [le
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1 week ago
Drew is not Greek. Look at his ears compared to the center-line of his eyes, his nose and his forehead.
1 week ago
Geese think of how amazing Australia would be if it had never changed hands from the aboriginals. Look at these amazing relics clearly it wouldn’t be a 3rd world hellhole.
1 week ago
The idea of democracy only works (ie improves and supports the populace) in homogeneous like minded people with a small population. Small decentralized areas of governance is the only way a non-homogeneous society like America can survive.
1 like
1 week ago
Russia >>>> Jewkraine
Rumble Premium UserSupporter
1 week ago
Drew Pavlou is a fucking fagot and a nog lover
1 week ago
Drew was prob denounced by the CCP because he wants to push millions of low IQ shitskins into China as well.
1 week ago
whew that “shut the f up man” after the youtube cut was amazing
1 week ago
omg Drew is repeating himself over and over and over… this debate is over 3 1/2 hours, golly
1 week ago
Drew said many times he would fight if Australia was invaded, but it’s a lie! Australia is being invaded and he is fighting on the side of the invaders! it’s unbelievable!
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1 week ago
i don’t think it’s a lie and more of a naive or empty/ distorted statement masked mockery if anybody can claim to be australian then the CCP agents in australia identifying as such are his brothers and he will risk his life to defend them from white australians
1 week ago
bro Australians are a different breed, they got alot of guys like this.
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1 week ago
We look at the endless bullshit content about American women and feminist crap and it goes totally over our heads. We just fuck em not listen to em.
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1 week ago
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6 days ago
Based & also, true
5 days ago
4 days ago
1 week ago
wow Drew’s “opening statement” is nothing but word salad and unfounded accusations…
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1 week ago
But it was in suburban English so give him that. Probably 3rd generation Med Coon but still has an accent.
1 week ago
Drew needs to be deported tbh
1 week ago
Tell Drew PooPoo that Canada currently has the FASTEST CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS OF ANY COUNTRY IN HISTORY [outside of a major war]. Guess whos coming? Middle easterners, north africans, indians, chinese, south americans…
1 week ago
01:29:49 – 01:34:56 someone needs to clip this 5 minute section. Joel was absolutely cooking
1 week ago
The top definition for Tolerance is to “endure pain and/or hardship”. willingly letting another people cause you pain or hardship without retaliation is weakness and submission. the whole point of marxist political correctness is to change the definition of words to suit your opinion and goals to subvert christian culture in order to destabilize their country. the little hats use this tactic in all white christian countries to take advantage of our generous nature. we need to stand up for ourselves and fight back.
1 week ago
“blaming Jews because I’m having a tough go at things in my life” is not the fucking argument you absolute idiot. It’s the fact that they are destroying our nations!
1 week ago
47:50 – I highly doubt the Australians back then would have voted to import a bunch of Africans who rape and murder plus Chinese who out compete them in University and jobs.
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1 week ago
Drew couldn’t even control himself for 2 mins at a time. The brainwashing is deep.
1 week ago
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1 week ago
1 week ago
Aryan has an R in it, retard
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1 week ago
is that what he has trying to say the whole time? I kept hearing “iron stock”
1 week ago
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5 days ago
He talked over people and tantrumed with foul language!
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1 week ago
I’m a joel supremacist
1 week ago
The reason Drew is upset and screeching about murder and terrified of mass deportations is because he KNOWS he wont be allowed to stay. After a lifetime living in a White country, Drew fears being sent back to his homeland because, despite his drivel and ad homin attacks on Joel, he knows non White countries are inferior.
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1 week ago
More like the cunt knows he cannot acquire real estate in non white countries
1 week ago
Why cant non whites control themselves long enough to let others finish a sentence or argument?
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1 week ago
Because they can’t argue their point. But all liberals interrupt in this way in a debate.
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4 days ago
Because he is hotheaded and impulsive and lacks manners! He talked over people ,grew louder and made insults when things didn’t go his way.
4 hours ago
low impulse control – in their genetic makeup
1 week ago
1 week ago
It’s the hypocrisy that pisses me off. Whites mass immigration to poc countries is not allowed.
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1 week ago
I want White mass immigration everywhere. I want trillions of White people all over the world. I love White people.
1 week ago
So for israel there should be a two state solution, but in all European nations the answer is multiculturalism is bad because some brown piece of garbage who benefits from being our nations and not in a shitty 3rd world brown country when we have our way said so.
1 week ago
Joel obviously has never met a black person with southern hospitality
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1 week ago
poos and hospitality are oxymoronic
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1 week ago
But Ukrainians aren’t controlled by Ukrainians. It’s controlled by a Jew.
1 week ago
The Hyphenate globalist Australian… telling original stock Australian HOW Australia has changed… and how its going to be now etc. is just hilarious.
1 week ago
Talk about strawman. “Ur gon kill every1, you want to kill people” Joel said they need to leave. The “Cypriot” needs to go. No good
1 week ago
Joel dominated. The weltanschauung just can’t be one up’ed. It is superior.
1 week ago
Here we are again with an idiot claiming Christianity demands multiculturalism. F*** off. you can take care of your fellow Christian without destroying your people and nation. Help people where they are. You do not bring them, and their problems, into your home.
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1 week ago
Canadian parliament members SPEAK IN HINDI. Shit aint hysteria – you’re a moron.
1 week ago
If that guy thinks your country becoming Indian is ‘hysteria’ – COME TO CANADA. The Indians just installed a 4 storey high monkey god statue near Toronto. Entire small cities are Sikh. This guy is just dumb.
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1 week ago
Wtf a monkey god statue ?? Next thing you know they will be defecating in the streets
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1 week ago
We’ve already put warning signs on beaches because of “hindu soil enrichment”. The biggest problem is they have made the roads very dangerous. Look up Brampton on twitter. They get permits from a hindu driving school just by paying so they dont know how to drive and they operate long haul trucks. They cause a huge number of accidents. One took out a whole little league hockey team. We are NOT the same
1 like
4 days ago
Curries buy their way in and act like they own the joint! They are obsessed with discounts and will penny pinch Always! Getting paid from them is like getting blood from a stone!
1 week ago
‘They identify as Australian’ – lmaooo
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4 days ago
Anybody can be “Australian “on paper once you get citizenship,Pygmy,Eskimo etc. that passport won’t help You in a race war. Skin is your uniform, when all is said and done.
1 week ago
Drew is self-serving. He needs a diverse Australia so he will fit in better. Underneath everything he says is ‘but what about me? Will you deport me?’. That is his real motivation.
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1 week ago
Can anyone really be surprised that a man of mixed blood and origin will argue against anything truly intrinsic and that his values are and can only be analogous with perpetual bastardisation. Origin is destiny.
1 week ago
Funny how all he really gave a fuck about was he’s capabilities in buying real estate. Wogs gonna Wog.
1 week ago
1 week ago
Non white males love “diversity” because they can’t compete with us.
1 week ago
And he’s an NPC repeating globohomo Zionist talking points.
1 week ago
Easy Joel W. This other fat cuck sounds like a retard, im assuming he used to eat glue & crayons at a kid
1 week ago
Drew actually called it a cope to blame jews for changing the laws and the cultural attitude toward this change. It’s also a cope the crimes they hide in the MSM they own that would change our attitudes about this change then. I don’t expect this scumbag to accept he will be forcibly removed, but I do hope his removal will be made available to view online over and over again.
1 week ago
If western nations don’t have the right to maintain their ethnicity and not be colonized then colonizing isn’t wrong. Mexicans are angry about Americans moving to Mexico city and now there are avocado toast shops, yoga studios and menus in English. Are they wrong?
1 week ago
normal testosterone range these days are 350 – 750 so yea it’s is way down from what it use to be. mine was effected by something,
1 week ago
it’s interesting brown homosexuals that hold the banner of individualism only in white nations are forming political caucuses against the white individuals within their own nations. similar type of religious bigotry used by atheists against those that believe in god. their religion of no religion is the greatest religion. their “brown individualism” is the greatest authoritarianism
1 week ago
I really don’t like either of these guys. The more I listen to Joel, the more I think he is a pretty immoral person. And this Drew guy doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening.
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1 week ago
It’s a good thing nobody gives a fuck about your opinion. Go back to eating hot cheetos and watching porn. Fucking degenerate idiot.
1 week ago
Joel won hands down. He spoke cogently and logically. Drew’s idiotic ramblings were insufferable.
1 week ago
I wanted to hear more about how he would feel with millions of Indians moving to Greece.
1 week ago
joel is aquaman phenotype, but he’s got a bit of abrahamic, or at least a bit of afro in him, judging by his hair, nose and name. he’s also a catholic, which is going against anglican culture.
1 week ago
Total Anglo/Celtic victory
1 week ago
White people are simultaneously superior and always losing to Jews. That makes sense… White nationalists should be looking at Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China, Iran, etc. if they want to see what winning looks like. White nationalists have a victim complex that is pathetic.
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1 week ago
And what race are you mud?
1 week ago
Victim? We literally have no choice in the matter.
1 week ago
agree, we’ve been atomized to a level i don’t think we can ever recover from.
1 week ago
The pro-diversity guy just repeats every cliche he’s ever heard on tv & in school. He is the perfect example of an NPC. Not an original thought in his mind or an ounce of agency.
1 week ago
This guy is an absolute retard. This was reality vs reddit debate. The blacks and browns can have that soft clown.
1 week ago
turning this off 50 minutes in, the retard just keeps interrupting with “yeah genocide is bad” Elijah! cmon!
1 week ago
NO. white pride, world wide!
1 week ago
Elijah: Also Ukrainian women! yes. lmfao.
1 week ago
Dave repeats the same empty platitudes ad infinitum. All he does is state is is not a fag but supports fags and goes on an emotional personal experience rant instead of refuting any of his opponents points.
1 week ago
dang almost 4 hours
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1 week ago
prime example of “tiktok brain”
1 week ago
can’t this fool see that every country where diversity is enforced had gotten worse by every metric? how about we pick a country to do diversity, like the congo or Sudan, and let the rest of us be homogeneous and see what happens? you want diversity? go to the congo.
1 week ago
Joel understands Philia.
1 week ago
DAMN he went to the hard R real fast in the q&a
1 week ago
why does this guy think millions must die? he’s like that chud meme
1 week ago
why does this guy think millions must die? he’s like that chud meme.
1 week ago
“stop using disgusting language you retard” unironically said by the stupid wog
1 week ago
I have been to Auschwitz, I still have questions.
1 week ago
I’m an Greek American and I agree with Joel 100% but I also have no Turk blood in me tho
1 week ago
Christianity is not universal. race is upstream of religion. this should be debated. black nationalists agree btw
1 week ago
Many thanks! Joel Davis is awesome. One thing that’s not often brought up about the Chinese diaspora is their historical relationship within other Asian countries AND what lessons those examples have for Australia, America and Western nations beyond. Chinese enclaves throughout Asia, especially Southeast Asia, have preserved their status as a people apart (sound familiar?) for generations. The role of Chinese in the Vietnam War is a case study in itself. Resentment of Chinese is carried over in Vietnamese and (especially) Cambodian communities in the USA. This is 1st hand exposure. In the present climate, where demographic replacement/White genocide in America is being orchestrated by anti-White jews through the importation of Turd World savages, it’s understandable that the Chinese question is cast aside. After all, who has time? But this is a pressing issue for Australia.
1 week ago
Drew got raped badly.
1 week ago
low iq conversation
1 week ago
they are completely missing culture & beliefs of that culture
1 week ago
W Joel
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1 week ago
Hitler wasn’t Christian for sure. he was an occultist believed in satanic stuff and spells and magic and plenty of drugs.
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5 days ago
Just because you are occultist doesn’t mean you are Satanic. There is spiritualism and white witch craft.
1 week ago
He’s got that story backwards. The Samaritan was the helper not the the one in need of help.
1 week ago
he is Greek? Oh, except that his people are Turks. Your people effectively wiped out, or bred out out entire ethnic groups. yeah, let’s listen to this guy.
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1 week ago
A sore loser always wants others to suffer the same faith. Drew is a Mudd and he’s just trying to make the wold lose as well.
1 week ago
Not 1 of the 20 million “Illegals”that have come across under Biden’s reign & many millions that were already here, and yes I said 20 million maybe more ! are wrapping themselves in the American Flag, nor do they want to learn the language, learn our history, & certainly don’t give a shit about our culture. They are here for all the hard-working American taxpayer money’s and free shit, And they will set up little Ecuadors all around America speaking their language, honoring their culture & customs, While bathing in all the monies they stole from us
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1 week ago
Drew is constantly like “can you effing believe what this racist just said, can you believe he just said Jews own American politics” and we’re like “yes.” *chad meme face*
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1 week ago
“The pathway to peace is a two state solution” “So everyone can have their own country but I can’t have MY OWN country” so cooked
1 week ago
Drew got annihilated.
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6 days ago
Drew-n & quartered.
1 week ago
non White’s have contributed nothing to Australia, and they don’t have those liberal values they’re incompatible with Australians
1 week ago
You should never say “who cares” in a debate..
1 week ago
bought off leaders and the pure greed have led to this
1 week ago
America for the white man! (it’s too late now, so balkanization is the way: read The Balk, by Billy Roper. prepare accordingly)
1 week ago
Congratulations Elijah this was your best work.
1 week ago
Let me translate this for the non Aussies that saw this. Joel is a fully sick cunt that is smart as. Drew is a drop bear that didn’t have his Weetbix for breakfast. Basically fuck off Drew you goose.
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1 week ago
religion not just race causes issue once you figure out the race paper unfortunately. whites have killed themselves harshly due to that
1 week ago
well shit I could’ve swore I wasn’t racist… not, I just have beliefs that they need to be separate and respect each other, as long as they aren’t too stupid or trying to mikk us. then if so put them in their own new country we create for them and set up cameras, stream live, and let’s see what happens… live action TV. maybe drop some crude weapons to them to defend from animals and such
1 week ago
“I believe in Australia”. What the heck does that mean? What is Australia? An accent? Australia doesn’t have a philosophy of freedom. It also doesn’t have democracy as we’ve seen. If you’re a globalist and want equal opportunity for everyone to buy your home, and you’re against the status quo which you have a place in… then what would you be defending? Well, Joel would be willing to kill for his country. Just like Drew keeps repeating he’d be willing to die for his country. The difference is Joel would have a reason while Drew’s idea of what Australia is doesn’t offer much. For Drew, it’s just an economic zone. An economic zone that anyone can buy into. Their claim is money. What he doesn’t seem to understand is that more people means more competition for everything and higher prices. The war you’re fighting is an economic war and everyone is your enemy. For Joel, it’s a country. As for the idea of a possible invasion… it’s being invaded already. And no one is killing or dying to stop it.
1 week ago
Joel is the man.
1 week ago
diversity has never been a strength in the world till we began the American experiment and influx of immigration from poorer countries. it’s still not a smart idea how we did it of recent. import white countries as we had been, maybe a few of the real smart ones can come here but under a thumb of our control.
1 week ago
I’m for compulsory Rugby League conscription for all Australians aged 3 to 79. No exceptions.
1 week ago
Dave is arguing a woman’s universalist point of view. Liberal centrists have it easy as they stand for nothing.
1 week ago
>Genocide is bad >wants to genocide whites via mass migration fucking retard
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1 week ago
Not a retard, just a Jew who is good at being a Jew.
1 week ago
this argument is kinda retarded. none of yall will win with this argument of saying white only. it’s best to stay hidden until the final act is needed. the world population is only 7% white so facts neee to be sly….I agree with Joel but the whole white supremacy argument scares people because of the Jewish nazi stuff……we need to force the jews to be diverse and force them to marry non Jewish folk
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1 week ago
I heard nazi and forcing Jews whatever it is, Im in
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1 week ago
lmao basically. without mass milling. I believe America was set up to be a white country. import from smaller white countries and boosts the white populations to counter the other race populations. I don’t believe we need any other country with other races maybe in the 5% area but at the least 92% ….. we need a “white China” a place to bring white people and boost numbers. most will not like that idea so just do it in secret mostly . we have to act like the founders living in an occupied enemy land….nice funny
1 week ago
What have the Lebs, Sudanese contributed to Australia. Nothing but crime
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4 days ago
Nobody asked us if we wanted non whites here! Where was our referendum?
1 week ago
Within his opening statement he defeats himself. Yes diversity is property of all humanity down to the individual even within identifiable groups. So we can have diversity without being browned out of existence.
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1 week ago
1 week ago
Why is he shaking his head over facts
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1 week ago
I’m pro anti-Semitic and I’m inclusive to national socialist worker party members, also believe in a diverse white race I’m super progressive
1 week ago
How do you lose a debate and get punked out by some fetal alcohol syndrome amish pussy
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1 week ago
We prefer to be known as Bogans, I thank you.
1 week ago
Joel drinking german beer based
1 week ago
The guy for ‘diversity’ is making the best case against it when he interrupts and diagnoses people as schizophrenic.
1 week ago
joel self roasts endlessly during Q n A. stuff a dummy in he’s mouth please shut him up
1 week ago
Time out Everyone go to your tribes room . Diversity is our death. Goyil and vinigger don’t mix.
1 week ago
Great debate. Make Australia white again. You have my vote Joel.
1 week ago
Joel is wrong about Ukraine. Ukrainians are ethnically Russian and Ukraine was part of Russia and is the birthplace of Russia.
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1 week ago
The point is that the Ukrainians don’t see themselves as Russians.
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1 week ago
oh so ppl can just identify how they want now? England, Ireland,Wales, and Scotland all share common ancestors. if it’s their genetics that determine how the feel n act why have they waged warfare for centuries against each other? seems like its environmental n cultural more then genetics
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1 week ago
theyre okay though cuz fuck soviets go nazis.
1 week ago
diversity aka the melting pot is the only way forward to world peace. once we’re all mixed, all this bullshat will be just a distant memory! this is how you get rid of racism forever. change my mind?
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1 week ago
If you aren’t trolling kill yourself now….
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6 days ago
but im bz invading your country and smashing your women
1 week ago
we will just fight over science, religion money, land or resources it will never end. it’s just human nature and that’s ok
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6 days ago
nonsense, that’s white capitalist greedy selfish nature
1 week ago
Sure, try putting a bullet through it. That should change your mind.
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6 days ago
1 week ago
Holy shit this drew idiot seriously thinks if millions of Indians pour into Australia that’s ok as long as they claim they are ‘Australian’
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1 week ago
I can’t imagine saying I love Japanese culture, & if all white people moved to Japan, we would now be Japanese. That would be completely oblivious to what makes the culture what it is. It is a total lack of respect. Race matters. That doesn’t mean we can’t respect different races. It just means we must respect our differences, & not intrude where we do not belong. I would only ever be a guest in Japan. I respect that reality. The same has to be true for non-white people in the USA & the rest of the Western world. There is no such thing as a black Irishman.
4 days ago
Wait until there is a race war. Being “Australian” on paper counts for nothing! Your skin is your uniform and you’ll team up with your own! When all is said and done you’ll trust your own!
1 week ago
It is not just about economics. It is about identity. Yes, race matters. Culture changes the more you bring in different races. I do not want to live in Africa. That is why I don’t go to Africa. I do not want to be Mexican. That is why I don’t go south of the border. Respect for our differences & separation is totally missing in the guy in the white shirt. He has no respect. I don’t want to be forced to see my culture change to shit because he has a feeling about it. I already saw the area I grew up in become a ghetto black shithole a decade after we left. What changed were the people who live there. Whites left. Blacks moved in. Why does he not respect our need to have our own culture not diluted by a bunch of low IQ morons from Africa? We do not get along. Acknowledge that reality instead of being a dumbass & constantly making things worse through immigration.
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1 week ago
1 week ago
Well, he makes perfectly logical statements… then he keeps going and argues against his own position. He keeps referring to his ancestry. He then says he would die for Australia. Why should you die defending an economic zone? What is it about Australia that he would fight for? The thing about being adopted is, you can decide you love your adoptive parents, and tomorrow you can tell them they are illegitimate. When on the other hand you are linked by DNA, you can still betray your parents, you can even kill them… but you’re tied to them. There is no alternative. Your fate and theirs are intertwined. A country is its people. Cultural values are reflected in the laws and social norms. This leftist guy says he doesn’t feel at home anywhere else but in Australia. He doesn’t want to be a 2nd class citizens because of his ties to Greece. He’s not hearing his opponent. The other guy is saying that there are common attitudes and values between ethnicities which are not seen in other races. Same race = more in common. It is a problem if someone is a purist. If someone wants to check your DNA to decide whether you have a right to be in the country you’re native to. No one can really live in extremes. We have countries, with borders. Both of these people agree that open borders is disastrous. I’m about half way through this, the diversity and inclusion quotas haven’t been broached. It’s clearly an invasion. And the people invading have no love or loyalty to these lands. Ask them if they’d go to war for Australia. What would they be fighting for? To them, it’s a prosperous economic zone. Some immigration is fine. We’re being invaded. Why even call it immigration when it’s an invasion? In the USA, laws are being passed which allow home invaders to claim squatting rights if they occupy what is otherwise not lived in by the owner. Normally that’s theft. But today, that would be rights exclusive to invaders.
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1 week ago
i agree. it is okay to have limited immigration, and to have minorities in a country. but their populations need to be kept small enough that they will breed into the majority and become them over time. they should be strongly encouraged to integrate into said culture and religion, and not be allowed to form communities tying them to their the old countries and cultures they abandoned to come here. they must be spread out for their and our own good. borders should be guarded and patrolled by soldiers that will open fire on anyone not approaching at designated checkpoints. and laws in countries should be held up, crime should always be punished to the maximum.
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1 week ago
Drew keeps screaming joels name like he is getting raped
1 week ago
Back to the original statement… diversity means fewer of what’s typical and more of what isn’t. In a white country that means fewer white heterosexuals. And we see how white men are targeted. Women are told not to have kids. And women aren’t typically attracted to men who earn less money or can’t provide. Kids are being told they should have their sex altered which makes them infertile. I’ve seen for myself how whites in Canada are finding themselves in the streets more than ever. Put out of jobs, put out of their homes, kept from publicly funded services, and offered self-checkout as a solution. Whites aren’t represented on TV in their own countries. Invaders are privy to all kinds of benefits exclusive to their racial group. I don’t know if it would be better to have only white people. We would focus on the class struggle and hate our competitors or learn to live with them. The problem with foreign cultures is that their values aren’t our values. Take language for example. If they understand each other and speak your language, but you don’t understand them, once there are enough of them, you either adapt and speak their language or you won’t be able to compete. You were raised by standards, and now those standards don’t apply anymore because another country has taken over. You’re being pushed out, losing your inheritance. And you won’t belong anywhere else. So while minorities can both benefit our countries as well as bring in all kinds of problems, we can manage. But I want to live in a country where I have options. Where I’m not bullied myself for the color of my skin. Where I can speak a common language and not be excluded. Where I have representation. Diversity and inclusion, as a political movement, are pushing white people out of their societies. Many end up on the street. Because it’s getting extreme, an extreme response is justified. And the more time goes on, the more extreme the reaction will be. It’s just the pendulum swinging.
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1 week ago
There is hope afterall. More than 5 years ago I was more liberal and “tolerant” but the reality of clownworld changed that for me and surprisingly several of my other “liberal” friends. Now most of us have families and homesteads. If we can build a Pro White movement or way of life based on love of your own people it could only be a benefit.
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1 week ago
the question to joel should have been simply = are you racist and proud of it? are you a proud nazi? and just let him sperg out explaining himself for an hour of self destruction
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1 week ago
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6 days ago
that’s right i am jewish. this is not your country, this is my country. You are just paying rent!!!
1 week ago
This drew guy hasn’t had a single coherent rebuttal, his every response is just personal attack on Joel. I don’t understand how some people just immediately shut down and screech like a banshee when their mainstream opinions are challenged.
1 week ago
Aryan joel vs dirty turk
1 week ago
That’s king Bungaree next to Joel’s beer. He has made it
1 week ago
We have a right to have our own countries. White’s are the only ones expected to let non whites into our lands because these fucking Jews bombard us with these shit skins. I am tired of having “conversations” with people about this. If I had it my way I’d deport every last non white by law or with direct violence. Our children aren’t safe anymore and economically speaking these drains on society are killing the country. Stop tolerating them, this “experiment” is OVER!
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4 days ago
It’s all about rich people wanting cheap labour and the elite is encouraging polyglot race mixing because people are easier to Control when race no longer exists
1 week ago
if blacks should be separated from whites then whites should not have invaded and colonized black countries. Australia is the perfect example. joel and friends want to deport aboriginals to india, because they decided that’s where abo’s originate from. the world is not yours wytey, learn to co-exist or find yourself in decline forever. if its okay for whites in invade and conquer australia, then its okay for any other race to join in the fun as well. cope and seethe. train for your race war. you have already lost
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1 week ago
Shut up you fucking jew. You don’t know your history at all.
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1 week ago
people like you assume anyone who disagrees with you is Jewish. I am not. you just proved Drew’s point entirely. I stubbed my toe, its the jews fault lmao well played
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5 days ago
JeW$ are international Zionist’s w/o are masters of manipulation that pass their knowledge/ ways down. They don’t build!…theyparasite! They don’t really work but the get money from interest rates.
5 days ago
“Racist” is a term non whites use against whites to get what they want in last resort situations. I would say I am a “racial realist”. We are all territorial. We are all on different levels of evolution. We want prosperity for our own and we can’t do that if we have a “ polyglot” society. Non whites know “race is real and it matters” just white people have been conditioned by Jew$ to not buy that from their media domination. Plus big Business wants more markets to sell to and race gets in the way of progress. Big population brings strain on infrustructure and resources as well as environment. Nobody asked us if we wanted multiculturalism or “Big Australia”.
1 week ago
just because jews carried slaves on Jewish ships doesn’t mean the jew invaded and conquered. white men did that. the only time jews did it is Israel palestine
5 days ago
Jews are a reason why the White race is in decline . They control the media and set trends like inter racial dating and feminist movement. Whoever has monopoly on media has a monopoly on people and politicians as they need media to swing the vote their way during election time and any adversary in the campaign be made to be bad! The UN tells us to accept refugees into our lands who are too corrupt and dumb to not get that you mustn’t breed what you can’t feed! Nobody voted for this external bodies policies! Here we have Sorros helping out too! 15-20 yrs back the Aus govt gave Baby bonus to everybody . The Abos and reffos bread for welfare! One of nature’s ironies is that if you want a pretty flower it’ll only grow with:- sun, water, soil, fertiliser. But weeds just come and if you don’t kill them they kill your garden! They put fertiliser on the weeds of the country by giving baby bonus and extra rights and benefits to these “protected species “ Abos and reffos!
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5 days ago
why didn’t aryan white australians take advantage of baby bonus? it sounds like the white race is not in control of all its faculties. the j00 comes along exploiting all of whiteys flaws and there is nothing you can do about it apparently. they turned you gay trans drag and cucks, not to mention drug addicts. plus a great majority of pedos are whites. shh dont tell other white people that. they like to think OTHER races are into all that corruption. that they are pure! and sheeeitttt lol it also sounds like “ Abos and reffos! are a wiser race compared to whites. who knew the almighty superior white race was so fragile… i think its all just natural selection. survival of the fittest, feel free to tribe and train, what ever that means. other races have no need for such notions. they are just living their best lives. its easy to do that when you are not racist. get along with every and anyone, except racist nazis
5 days ago
maybe its just time for racist whites to go?! especially the nazi type. as for whites who are NOT racist, they don’t believe they are in decline.. only a subculture among the white community believe that. a minority, and this minority all have one thing in common, they are all racist. can’t wait till racism becomes illegal by law. like the nazi salute.. heil diversity
1 week ago
Nah. We can always deport them. Blacks CONSTANTLY beg white nations for aid. Never the other way around. I’m thinking we should deprive them of all of it & let them continue to be stupid apes on their own.
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6 days ago
or they can silently invade your country…. ohh wait, too late. hah cope and seethe! so when we getting a free ride on a boat cruise? when you deporting us? i always wanted to go on a boat cruise. you keep saying it but nothing is happening. im starting to think you racist whites just talk a lot of shit
5 days ago
How about starting a business, deporting non whites to our Antarctic colony to be put on excercise bikes and treadmills to create green energy going to batteries to assist the pensioners here with increased electricity bills?! Put a fertiliser factory next door for the busted ones?!
5 days ago
Heard of natural selection? Big fish eats little fish. Whites are more evolved than Abos. They couldn’t organise a root in a brothel with full of $50’s!
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5 days ago
natural selection finds the white race in decline… of course its someone else’s fault or so you people keep telling yourself, as you continue to decline. natural selection it would seem has already spoken. may the strongest genetics prevail. if whites were so superior, why are they losing? school of little fish outwit the big fish it seems
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4 days ago
Natural selection is defiled when Reffos ,Abos get “protected species Govt status”. Then cashed up Chindians that got Rich off the jobs we once had come here allowed to Colonise our lands!
1 week ago
Joel W
1 week ago
60 minutes doco on australian nazis we are one nazi cunt
1 week ago
I don’t have a problem with the liberal guy’s opening statement. He did say that we shouldn’t judge people based on their skin color, only how they behave. And what kind of behavior have we typically seen? Each group tends to behave in predictable ways wouldn’t you agree? Just because someone looks a certain way it doesn’t guarantee they’ll behave according to stereotypes. But, it’s still more likely isn’t it? I did once meet a black woman who spoke French and dressed very well, without putting on airs. She wasn’t a clown either. Just a well spoken, dignified but humble person. If most black people behaved the way she did I would love them very much. Instead, we get mostly clowns who respect nothing and call themselves royalty. Or thugs. How many times have random black people I don’t know threatened me? Plenty. Out of nowhere.
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1 week ago
Fuck off mutt
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1 week ago
I don’t think you understood me.
1 week ago
1 week ago
That guy is BROWN
1 week ago
If there are non-white communities then whites need their own communities. If this liberal guy is going to speak against “Nazis” and communists then he should start with BLM. Talk about racism! They had a white woman on her knees asking for forgiveness to black people. Or did we just forget that? And communism did what it has always done historically… those who pushed for it ripped everyone off. Thanks BLM!
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1 week ago
It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that everything explicitly White is deemed “White supreeemacist”. If Whites didn’t get hounded for the most mundane things MAYBE it might work. But obviously that isn’t the case world wide
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6 days ago
I completely agree with you. The further the proverbial pendulum swings in one direction the further it will go in the opposite direction when it comes around. I haven’t been allowed to work or go to school for over a decade as an “invalid”. I was told to my face by an employment agent of the Canadian government that as a white male I am not entitled to publicly funded employment programs. So here I am, at a new job, at a business that mostly employs women. A minimum wage job. Now, one of the supervisors happens to be a young black woman. She maintains a calm demeanor. She can tell you where anything is in the store. She doesn’t put on heirs, or call herself a queen or any of that nonsense that we typically hear. She’s one who’s been respectful towards me, and there’s absolutely no drama. This is the kind of person, regardless of race or sex that I appreciate very much. Because of the invasion of the West, I can’t afford to consider her as anything but a colleague at work. I have to worry about self preservation, and the possibility that racism will divide us. Segregate us by race. I can’t afford, even if I wanted to, to invest in anything but that. How sad is this world that so many women show little to no respect for men? I feel so disconnected and without much of a chance for a future. I’m pushing for it, but a person who is rare in value, I can’t even consider her a potential mate. Importing another race along with their inherited culture brings in good and bad. We have exaggerated crime in Canada with the Chinese invasion alone. We have many foreigners being made Canadian, given access to our inherited lands and culture. Even if they buy the land, pay taxes, their presence alone reduces the quality of life for everyone here. They compete with the native born population for housing, goods and services. Our healthcare was never free. It was paid for in advance through taxation. Now, it’s nearly impossible to get a competent doctor to treat us.
1 week ago
Nobody is judging based on skin. That has always been a false observation. For example, I hate the god damn Haitians. I don’t like stupid morons that cannot make a functional environment who are literal cannibals. They just happen to share the same skin tone, & we happen to notice that fact. I don’t like blacks. There is no reason for me to be forced to live among them. There are no benefits to that. None.
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1 week ago
I do, because it’s non White’s causing issues. Now go give your daughters hand to some goat fucker you pathetic excuse of a human being.
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1 week ago
I mean skin is not the point. It is the heritage, viewpoint, cultural norms & attitude that tend to go along with skin that we are actually in opposition to. The skin just makes those things easily identifiable. I do judge on skin, but it is because of those other things. That was my point.
1 week ago
i was going to say i think you missed the point on what he was saying.
1 week ago
Cast away the hate that darkens your heart
1 week ago
Why is Elijah being a bitch about homophobia?
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1 week ago
Everyone these days are cucks man. Homosexuals are fucking disgusting and so is this godamn Turk. Debating will not fix these issues, action will.
1 week ago
1 week ago
I thought drew was malaysian
1 like
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1 week ago
He’s a Turk. Much, much worse. Born kid fuckers like the Jews.
1 like
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1 week ago
I didn’t know this ! I thought pakistanis were worse
1 week ago
This is a great debate thanks Elijah
1 like
1 week ago
In case anyone is wondering, the reason Drew looks the way he does is that Cypriots are very different genetically to Greek Mainlanders and Europeans in general. They cluster much more towards the Middle East and “Greek” Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots are quite genetically similar.
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1 week ago
He is not Greek
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1 week ago
he looks like a middle eastern and persian mix or something.
1 week ago
Guy claims to be a Christian, but embraces the talmud? says everything you need to know.
1 week ago
Joel W as expected
1 week ago
Mensa vs. Minda
1 week ago
Anglo W
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6 days ago
Groyper christcuck fuck off you aren’t white
1 week ago
100% of the people who watch this debate will think Drew is an idiot and he argues like a retarded child.
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2 days ago
Trying to reason with him is like reasoning with a drunk in a bar about serious topics!
1 week ago
Drew is such an idiot.
1 week ago
yep. the reason why Latino cartels are in so many states(America) is because there are so many Latinos here.
1 week ago
Joel is very articulate and concise.
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1 week ago
Total aryan victory, light work for Joel.
1 week ago
These are not opening statements. Goes directly into opening statements. Typical liberal, can’t follow simple direction.
1 week ago
Small Hats will never stop trying to convince people like Drew that we are all interchangeable. get that through your heads.
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1 week ago
Exactly… And this retarded Turk is one of their tools to trick White’s into guilt so they will lay down and do nothing. There is not one law protecting White’s from “hate speech” or “hate crimes”. Jews set that up. Barbara Specture said the quiet part out loud many years ago. There is no conversation or debate to have anymore. It’s our lives or theirs. And I am not choosing them. They all need to leave, or what this Turk said will happen, only mass deportation and violence.
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1 week ago
and there are no countries where whites are the minorities where they are protected either. they took advantage of our christian nature before most people could realize what they were doing. the time to retaliate is now. get them out of power in our countries. DESTROY THEIR CENTRAL BANKS!!!!!
1 week ago
That Drew Pavlou is a complete retard, unable to form coherent counter-arguments and answers, constantly coming up with straw mans, etc.
1 week ago
Awesome debate. Glad I tuned in. Thanks.
1 week ago
Well, Lijah. That was a complete waste of time. Still love you, bro. Thanks?
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1 week ago
I’m sorry for spending over $1,000 to bring you entertainment
1 like
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1 week ago
Dirty subverting juden admitting to intentional destruction of the White nations through their globohomo dream. It is time to wake up and realize who your real enemy is and has always been for the last 2000+ years. They are genetically required to destroy and subvert their host countries. (jew) Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather Samuel Pisar (jew) was (jew) Robert Maxwell’s lawyer. Blinken is connected to (jew)Jeffrey Epstein by family. Weimerica conditions require Weimerica solutions. o/
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1 week ago
0113 damn dude
1 week ago
Why do the lefties always crap on, with so many ad homimems in their arguments, to prove their points?
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1 week ago
thats the programming, nothing but denial and insults. don’t engage in actual discussion, appeal to authority, and keep pretending it’s all a joke.
1 week ago
Diversity and division are related because diversity causes division as the end goal. Australia is being colonised by brown, yellow people and arabs. As their numbers challenge the white majority they will end up in the corridors of power and will change the institutions built by white Europeans. The reason why arabs, brown and yellow people immigrate here (Australia)is because the countries they are leaving are shit holes, there is no doubt of that otherwise they would not choose to come. The more of these people that come here, the more diluted the Western culture developed by white Europeans with Christian values becomes. The great myth of the benefit of multicuturalism is that it creates a mix of cultures. And it does, until the level reaches a point when the white Australian is the minority. When this happens the country will splinter into a mass of minorities who have conflicting values and beliefs and the result is the cohesion of the society in general will fail. This could mean different laws for different groups, censorship for fear of offending one group, different education systems, the list is endless…and where does the loyalty to Australia lie when there are conflicts and God forbid war. Who will the migrants fight for if Australia and the US for example were at war with India or China?
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1 week ago
in america it is even happening between different kinds of white people. i live in idaho and tons of californians have fled here over the last few years. it has caused property and good to skyrocket in price. lots of black, arab, and latino people have moved here and big surprise crime and murder have gone way up. many of the people fleeing here did not learn their lesson and are still voting democratic, pushing rainbow flag mafia on everyone, and trying to destabilize christian values. idaho is one of the most conservative, white, and christian states left in america and it is slowly being flipped politically and ruined socially. people that don’t want to integrate to where they move to have no right to be moving there. they will act in the ways that ruined their birthplace, and raise their kids to act that way too.
1 like
1 week ago
It’s something known as the Cowlard-Piven strategy, overwhelm a stable homogenous system to foster social chaos. The convenient solution is a communistic styled govt. that legislates away freedoms to artificially create a perceived “safety” because you created a non-stop shitshow of culturally incompatible ppl forced to live together.
1 like
4 days ago
That is all true ! The Jew$ want this “end game” ! If there is a polyglot then races are easy to control when all along they kept pure.
1 week ago
Mr. white shirt is fake and gay. He is a good example of why one CANNOT debate with Libtards. He just sits there making shit up and putting words in his opponent’s mouth. Nothing but inane chatter pours forth from his lips. And the worst thing about him is, he is just outright dishonest in both his statements and answers. And he rambles like a drunken jackass, all the while, thinking he is the most intelligent MF’er in the room. LOL, that would be true, only if he were alone in that room. If your town idiot enters the room, he loses that title. You can’t have an honest discussion with people like him.
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5 days ago
Trying to reason with Drew is like chatting to a drunk in a pub about a serious issue! All he could do is insult and talk over people!
1 week ago
Simple solution End all foreign aid, mass deports, and Israel class walls for all white nations
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4 days ago
I$rael will deport all Muslim filth to The west! That is the game plan!
1 week ago
It’s obvious multiculturalism & diversity DOES NOT. WORK.
1 week ago
America is more complex then mass imports to jerrymander the left into power in white countries
1 week ago
A Chinese person can never become an Australian (they can claim it, but realistically they’re not). For example if you wanted to live in China but you’re a foreigner, you can never become become a Chinese citizen, you’ll always just be a foreigner to them. This Drew guy is such an ignorant idiot.
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1 week ago
The antiwhites expect Whites to hand over what Whites built for our descendants, to other Races.
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6 days ago
We owe these people nothing! They owe us since we built and gave them everything!
1 week ago
This was relatively engaging to listen to. The native ozzie was trying to make clear and concise arguments but this other guy is strawmanning so much I wanna do an early life check. His entire counter was arguing things that weren’t said, as is tradition; it always comes down to ‘nazis bad’ like who tf is arguing in favor of nazis right now?? get a clue you actual being of lesser intelligence and infant-tier impulse control. People like him need to be vetted or deported. Send him to fucking Somalia.
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5 hours ago
the only reason why I haven’t thumbs up your comment is that there isn’t any reason to waste time vetting this nonwhite invader, send him to any shithole nonwhite country of choice right away.
1 week ago
Let me debate that liberal queer
1 week ago
Dave- never think always FEEL!
1 week ago
1 week ago
This is such a shit show
1 week ago
I muted the show to play throughout hours ago, 0022 you are still streaming, God bless E
1 week ago
I watch Joel Davis alot on Rumble, he’s very informative.
1 week ago
Lefties rarely seem to have any arguments and revert to getting angry and crying about “bigotry” or something. Very telling…
1 week ago
To sum it up id say hate facts and logic vs fantasy feels 200IQ vs 80 IQ
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4 days ago
Pavlou is complete vermin
1 like
1 week ago
Easy Joel W. Drew is not equipped to have this conversation and acts like a woman.
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1 week ago
he was very effeminate, and could not argue, only get overly emotional and make personal attacks. another pathetic liberal with no box to stand on.
1 week ago
pooloo was on the verge of tears while reputation slandering the entire time
6 days ago
Glad I’m not the only one that noticed. Bet his woman makes him sit when he takes a piss.
1 week ago
Show shut down an became unavailable on you tube shocker.
1 week ago
every race is racist GET OVER IT MUTTS Shocking i know…
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5 days ago
Japan just started mass immigration, it’s over Soon there will be no good place on earth I want to nuke it all
1 like
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4 days ago
It’ll change when reality hits them. If you told the Japanese people, “you will be a minority in 50 years, and life will become unaffordable to accommodate for foreigners”, they’d clearly say no. To them, “immigration” at this point means “a few doctors, engineers, and scientists.” Give them time; they’ll see the problem.
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4 days ago
It was like that once in the west, it was too late when people took notice and began to complain, they were then labeled racists and made to shut up Now both sides and all significant voices are pandering to “cultural enrichment” even the so called “alt right” Japan and South Korea are no different from the west, once the pajeets and pakistanis or nepalis and vietnamese and negroes established their grounds, they’re there to stay Hopefully the yakuza will value traditions more than the opportunity to make money
1 week ago
no more being enriched into the underworld to virtue signal IMO
1 week ago
Damn the dude in the white shirt got cooked
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1 week ago
he was incapable of debating without devolving into an emotional mess
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1 week ago
Seems like soy has infused into his brain like Destiny
6 days ago
Joel is right! He was bad at controlling his impulsive reactions! He rudely spoke over people instead of waiting for his turn for stating his responce.
1 week ago
charbroiled darker than a niggie
6 days ago
He has his head in te clouds for sure! He doesn’t believe race is real and it matters! He thinks a “polyglot” of mixed races will be a strength and once Everybody is Australian on paper that will be the thing that binds us as one! The elite want a polyglot because people are simple to control when race doesn’t exist.
1 week ago
great show
1 week ago
woke=zio subversion
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1 week ago
DEI and open borders = jewish weapon
1 week ago
liberal/progressive=useful idiot
1 week ago
It was always them & the influence their shekels bought. The West is drowing in a post-jewish mindset society.
1 week ago
How does morality change over time if you call yourself a Christian?
1 week ago
Russia is mass deporting Muslims its working fine there
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1 week ago
Russia is mass importing Muslims you fuckwit.
6 days ago
No they aren’t zigger moron. Russia is a multicultural melting-pot. Putin talks constantly about how ethnic nationalism is terrible and why the west is evil
1 week ago
Fake news!
1 week ago
no they aren’t stop lying
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1 week ago
NDTV (India) Al Jazeera (Qatar) Radio Free Europe (US State Department propaganda), Paris Institute of Political Sci, Yahoo, Moscow Times, and many others are reporting that Russia is infact conducting mass deportation of Muslims
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6 days ago
This is fake, Putin’s response to the attack: “And the most important condition for our common success – now only the head of the trade unions has said this quite vividly and emotionally – is the unity of the Russian multiethnic society. This is the main, basic condition for our success. And in this connection, of course, and judging by what the investigation is now yielding, we have every reason to believe that the main goal of those who ordered the bloody, terrible terrorist attack in Moscow was precisely to damage our unity. There are no other goals, and there are none, because Russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by Islamic fundamentalists. We have a country that demonstrates a unique example of inter-confessional harmony and unity, inter-religious unity, inter-ethnic unity. And in the external arena it behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack by Islamic fundamentalists. But the goal of undermining the unity of Russian society, especially in modern conditions, is certainly visible.”
1 week ago
Why did Putin turn into a Black Hebrew Israelite? I haven’t looked into his black Jesus vault reveal. I thought it confirmed he’s most definitely Jewish.
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1 week ago
This was painful. Schizophrenia??? That guy is a complete retard.
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4 days ago
Drew Pavlou ain’t a typical leftist, but the new breed of sodomite NATO-neoliberal true believer shills, which is the package of every terrible Zionist supremacy and anti-White positions.
1 week ago
Its DIE not DEI Divisive, Inequity and Exclusion…if you’re a straight white man. Systemic Racism all to help replace whitey by pricing him out of existance
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4 days ago
“Replacement / displacement”
1 week ago
NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS; Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here RIGHTING OF WRONGS SEEN English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S.S. Wise New Statement on Question After War
1 week ago
Drew is actually really good at obfuscating, damn. Everything he says is wrong, but he says it so confidently. Please Joel keep your cool and don’t swear. It matters for people watching who might not have an opinion on this issue. It makes you seem immature. The motion is IS DIVERSITY OUR STRENGTH but already they disagree on the definition (at least Drew is pretending to disagree with Joel’s definition so he doesn’t have to address it).
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1 week ago
at the end he is totally vindicated as it is shown the other guy literally has no impulse control and has to be muted to keep from interrupting. he puts words in his mouth and strawmans every argument of his.
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1 week ago
of course the liberal was weak, and wrong, but people on the right still need to stand by morals and social standards to set a good example. cussing never helps a point be made, he would only seem more confident and righteous if he wasn’t dropping to the liberals level and cussing back.
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1 week ago
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1 week ago
Dave says some of most nonsensical shit i heard since listening to destiny get schooled by Norman Finklestien
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1 week ago
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1 week ago
The title of the video was Joel Davis vs Dave Pavlou for a while. Lmao.
1 week ago
‘You Are the Future of Europe,’ Erdogan Tells Turks This dude is not greek he is a replacer Calling Turks the “future of Europe,” Turkey’s president on Friday implored his compatriots living on the Continent to have multiple children as an act of revenge against the West’s “injustices.”
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1 week ago
He just said the quiet part out loud. They want to invade, they want what we built. There is no way I could have been in the same room as this dude without beating the shit out of him. I have had enough conversation about what is obvious here. It’s not that I can’t articulate a conversation it’s just that I have already had this tired ass debate a thousand times. It doesn’t go anywhere, It’s just postponing what needs to happen. These people need to get the fuck out! I do not want my children having to live with this or them.
1 week ago
Is this Pavlou clown seriously accusing Joel of being a proponent of grey goo theory? Such a shame we’re reduced to bandying words around with simpletons like this.
1 week ago
Drew 50 minutes late
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1 week ago
and 50 IQA short for this debate
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1 week ago
lol, so true.
1 week ago
Diversity is retarded and gay.
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1 week ago
Very unconstitutional :
4 days ago
simple as
4 days ago
Diversity is wasted entropy and heat death of the universe. It’s very dangerous.
1 week ago
[Show low scored comment]
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1 week ago
Blacks would still be in tribes, killing each other over their territory. We gave them modern life, but they are still to dumb to really use it without constantly destroying it.
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1 week ago
OOF facts
6 days ago
1 week ago
You want to harm Whites of today for past conquest. You only have this psychotic standard for Whites because you are antiwhite.
1 week ago
Such marxist bullshit. What came before colonialism of Euro sailing ships? -Ghenghis Khan’s Asian Mongel Empire creeped halfway across the globe & Eastern Europe fought them off repeatedly & Mid East conquered by them. -The Arab/Afro Moors conquered into Europe of Spain/Portugal & ruled it for 500 yrs as well as Sicily. -Barbary coast trade enslaved Euro Christians funneling them into the Ottoman Empire 16-1800s. Where are dem reparations for that bruv??
6 days ago
By that response, i can already guess what you are XD Europe was never diverse, and any diversity was caused by conquest like with the Ottoman Empire even going back 50 years, practically no diversity existed in my lifetime, over the last 15 years, I have seen my country go from no blacks and some Arabs to a significant percentage being N you can’t blame any native for having a problem with their world changing against their will
1 week ago
Im sorry we built them roads, hospitals and school. I promise that will never happen again
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6 days ago
2 days ago
Congoids did migrate to “steal” land from Bushman in W. Africa and ZA, ultimately displacing some of the most primitive tribes, however, it is true that congoids were never competent to conquer basically anyone. The Arabs took the East African coast down to roughly Dar es-Salaam and across to the Sahel, and were likely able to obtain sufficient congoid slaves for their conquest-based economy to balance out the utility of further expansion into the jungle. Whites freed themselves from judeo-arab occupation in the West in the late 1400s sufficiently to establish new trade routes to Indian spices in a still refrigerator-free world, to compensate for the lost trade-routes due to mongoloid conquest-occupation of Europeans on the Eastern Mediterranean. The primary activity of Europeans in Africa, aside from limited settlements in ZA and ultimately Rhodesia, was to attempt to Christianize the congoid savages, and to make use of the natural resources the congoids had no interest or ability in making use of. Very unfortunately, jews and other usury-collaborators decided to bring congoids to the New World (found in the same “occupation-exchange” quest), from whence the international congoid, with few exceptions, has become the general stupid and violent pest in the service of the jew.
1 week ago
i have you playing on mute, i’ll watch tmrw, honestly this guy (dark hair white shirt) sounds like a “normie” that thinks everyone can adapt to every environment and assimilate to any country… poor fellow. E is like “Hell yeah” because he is a nice/honest guy and genuinely wants to hear it out from anyone sturdy enough to have open conversation- thankyou Elijer!
1 week ago
tickle juice
1 week ago
Will Drew show?
1 week ago
Hello bitch lasagna
1 week ago
Slightly Awesome
See Also
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Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 7: Tue, May 21, 2024 — 157/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 6: Fri, Apr 26, 2024 — 154/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 5: Thu, Apr 25, 2024 — 142/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 4: Mon, Apr 22, 2024 — 111/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 3: Sun, Apr 21, 2024 — 90/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 2: Fri, Apr 17, 2024 — 60/227 mins transcript complete.
Version 1: Wed, Apr 17, 2024 — Published post. 27/227 mins transcript complete. Includes Odysee comments (731).
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