George Galloway MP – Iran Gave One of the Greatest Military Displays in Recent History – Scott Ritter – Apr 14, 2024 – Transcript


George Galloway MP


Interview: Iran Gave One of the Greatest


Military Displays in Recent History: Scott Ritter


Sun, Apr 14, 2024


[In this video George Galloway MP talks with Scott Ritter about Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel in response to Israel’s recent missile attack on Iran’s Damascus embassy (killing 16).

Topics include:

The Iranian attack on Israel as establishing a policy of deterrence.
Iran wanted to show it can destroy Israeli targets if provoked; used slow drones first to give Israel a chance to evacuate bases; then used cruise missiles to define Israel’s air defense reactions.; used a layered ballistic missile attack to overwhelm Israeli defenses.
Attack showed Israel it cannot win a war with Iran.
Biden urged Israel not to retaliate, fearing wider conflagration.
Netanyahu may fall if he doesn’t respond, but risks serious escalation.
Israel may increase covert attacks on Iran through proxies, such as ISIS.
Iran wants to avoid distracting from Hamas’ gains against Israel.
King Abdullah of Jordan alone collaborated with Israel.
Short-term risk of escalation (WWIII) seems low if Ben Gurion airport stays open!



Published on Sun, Apr 14, 2024




0:18 / 19:51
INTERVIEW: Iran gave one of the greatest military displays in recent history: Scott Ritter
George Galloway MP
409K subscribers
266,725 views Apr 15, 2024 #ScottRitter #Iran #Israel
Iran has demonstrated that if you attack them the cost will be extraordinarily high, says Scott Ritter. In the case of Israel it could be terminally high
Follow MOATS on YouTube #ScottRitter #Iran #Israel #US





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(Words: 3,289 – 19:51 mins)



George Galloway: Scott Ritter, former Marine officer, former United Nations Weapons Inspector, a man who knows more about war than almost anybody else on the planet, certainly anybody else that’s active in public life trying to warn people of the very real dangers of the situation we are now in. I’m glad to say he’s with us now.


Scott, let’s talk, if we may, about, first of all, what happened before moving on to what might happen next? If you would, describe for us with your peerless experience what happened in the Iranian attack on Israel last night?


Scott Ritter: Well, simply put, what happened is that the Iranian government has established a publicly discernible policy on deterrence. They have let Israel know, and not just Israel. They have let the United States and every other nation within missile range know that there will be a heavy price to be paid if you attack Iranian soil. That Iran will not tolerate the kind of attack that took place on the first of April where Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus*.


[* On 1 April 2024, an Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing 16 people, including a senior Quds Force commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, and seven other IRGC officers. Two civilians were killed in the attack. The airstrike took place during a period of heightened tension between Israel and Iran, and amidst the Israel–Hamas war and the Israel–Hezbollah conflict. Source – Wikipedia]


And I believe Iran is also putting a marker on the table that says:


“Iran will no longer tolerate the kind of actions such as the assassination of nuclear scientists on its soil by Israel in the past. This will not be tolerated.”


In the future, if you choose to attack Iran, Iran will retaliate, and they will retaliate with the kind of force that cannot be interdicted and the kind of force that will destroy that which is seeking to destroy.


Now, the Iranians were very clever in creating this posture, in that all they had to do was show a proof of concept.


I think a lot of people were saying:


“Well, they didn’t destroy an airfield! They didn’t destroy an Israeli headquarters! They didn’t kill hundreds or thousands of Israelis.”


They weren’t intending to. They were simply letting the Israelis and the Americans know that we have the capacity to destroy an airfield. All the Israelis have to do is look at a map, look where the Iranian missiles hit, and understand that the Iranians hit that which they were aiming at. And there was nothing Israel could do to stop those missiles [note missiles, not drones] from reaching their target. And Israel is the most heavily defended airspace in the world, with the most sophisticated anti-missile technology deployed in depth, and they couldn’t stop the Iranian missiles.


So the signal to the United States, which lacks this comprehensive air defense umbrella over it’s installations in the Middle East, is there, too, but for the grace of God, go you, if you choose to attack us or facilitate an Israeli attack.




So this was, I call it, one of the greatest military demonstrations in modern history. Because by doing what they did, Iran not only put Israel into check, but believe it or not, they have created a foundation for peace and stability in the Middle East by eliminating from consideration options that Israel and the United States may have been considering down the road, such as a pre-emptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, or a punishing attack against the Iranian regime.


The United States and Israel are now on notice that if they attempt to do something like that, the price they will pay will be prohibitively high. In the case of Israel, it might be terminally high!


George Galloway: Help those of us who don’t know weapons and systems like you do Scott. I said earlier in my monologue that the very slow moving drones and then the cruise missiles that were launched, second rate, second grade ones, were to, as it were, draw the anti-missile fire to exhaust it. It’s very expensive, it’s in rather short supply. And then to, as a coup de grace, if you like, deliver the ballistic missiles, which cannot be, were not stopped, were not interdicted, were able to land on their target, the air base in the Negev. Have I got that right? And can you help further explain?


Scott Ritter: Certainly.


First of all, let’s just point out the reality that, and Iran started it’s attack by launching the slowest, loudest weapons in its arsenal, the Shahid drones. And they did that because they were sending a signal to Israel, the United States and everybody, were attacking Israel.


Now, if they were looking to carry out a lethal attack, why announce it 5 hours in advance? Why give Israel a chance to withdraw its high valued assets from bases that are vulnerable? Why give the United States, Great Britain and France chance to move resources up, ships, aeroplanes over Jordan to intercept these missiles? Iran was saying:


“Here we come, shoot us down!”


And they did. [chuckling] They came out and they shot the drones down.


Now, Iran launched tens of millions of dollars worth of drones. The United states and Israel spent billions of dollars shooting them down. This is a financial equation that’s unsustainable.


And that was one of the points that Iran was making, is:


“You can’t afford this kind of war.”


Then they sent in cruise missiles that combined with the drones, defined the initial phase of the air defense reaction. Not only the air defense, the aeroplanes, but once they penetrated the aeroplanes, the Iron Dome started engaging. And they brought in missiles at a higher level so that the Arrow systems and the Patriots started to engage. And they defined the radar, they defined how Israel is locking in on the targets.


And then they did three things. And this is where it gets iffy. I have to be honest, George, it’s very early and there’s incomplete information out there. But my understanding is that Iran used three types of ballistic missiles. One ballistic missile, it’s a very clever missile. It uses a warhead that separates and then fires, burst fires a bunch of decoys out there that appear to be specifically designed to absorb Iron Dome missiles.




So remember, the Iron Dome is tracking a target. You fire these decoy bursts. And so the Iron Dome says:


“Aha, we have now 25 targets.”


And they fire 25 interceptors.


Meanwhile, smaller warheads, manoeuvreable, burst through those interceptors and go down and hit the Israeli air defense systems. And that appears to be the case.


I was looking at some video where you see this taking place, the shotgun effect of these bomblets, the Iron Dome responding and then coming in, and they hit the air defense system.


So they’re showing the Israelis how we’re going to take you out.


The next thing that you see is they have these missiles coming in where you see the warhead separating from the missile body.


And then there’s a booster engine on the warhead that drives it down into the ground at high speed, blowing away any radar intercept, any ability to intercept, hitting the target. And what this does is it clears the space. They clear air defense.


The final thing are these heavy warheads that come off of the heavy missiles that hit the runways and blew the big craters in them. This was a three layered ballistic missile attack that was specifically designed by the Iranians to destroy Israeli air defense, to clear the way to take out air defense, and then to show that we can put the big warheads on the target anywhere in Israel we want to. And this was successful.


And the beauty of this is they didn’t use their best missiles. All three, with the exception. One of these missiles is rather new, but it’s not the hypersonic missile. Israel [Iran] didn’t use their hypersonic missile. And Israel [Iran] has lots of these missiles. This was just a single strike package. Iran has several strike packages just like this, held in reserve that they have for Dimona, that they have for the Kyria and Tel Aviv, that they have for other air bases. Iran can repeat this process all day long. And what they showed Israel is this is what we can do.


And I can guarantee you there’s people like me right now who wear uniform or intelligence officers doing the exact same analysis they’re doing, and they’re writing big critical reports up the chain of command saying:


“Stop all nonsense! We can’t win this war. It’s over, guys! Stop it! We have no defense here. If Iran wants to come in, we are powerless. This thing will escalate out of control. Make it stop now!”


Which is why Joe Biden was on the phone with the G7 to intervene with Israel. Why Joe Biden was on the phone with Netanyahu and why Netanyahu’s generals were telling him:


“Stand down! We can’t win this fight!”


This is a huge Iranian victory!




George Galloway: Yeah, we’ll come to that latter point in a minute. But do you agree with me that, as George W. Bush might put it, they’ve all “misunderestimated” Iran, all along?


Scott Ritter: Well, again, the military hasn’t.


I have to say that I’ve worked with Israeli intelligence, with their technical intelligence people, with the people who do the analysis and the assessments of missiles. These are smart people. And if I, sitting here thousands of miles away without any access to secret information, could have said, I knew most of this going in before this happened. I knew what Iranian capabilities were. I can guarantee you they knew exactly what this was.


But the problem is getting their voice heard by Israeli policymakers who are driven by emotion and by politics, domestic politics, etcetera. What this attack did is empower their voices, because now, whereas political leaders could say:


“Well, you’re just speculating. You don’t know. That’s just geeky intelligence stuff.”


Now they have the hard data, the photograph put on the table, the air defense guys saying:


“Boss, we gave it our best shot. There was nothing we could do to stop them.”


The Americans calling up saying:


“There’s nothing more we can do. We did everything. We can’t stop this!”


And now the Israeli politicians are waking up to the harsh reality that the fiction that they have been living under is not even close to reality. It was a fantasy! And there’s a real world out there, and it’s a dangerous world. And they’re going to have to change the way that they operate.


George Galloway: So let’s move on to what happens next. Scott, if you will. It said, and you’ve just said it, the media is saying it, I believe it, that Biden has sought to dissuade. In what words and at what price, who knows, but sought to “dissuade” an Israeli response to, to Iran’s response, for fear of this wider conflagration, for fear of serious, ten times more serious Iranian response to any Israeli response.


But the question is, can Netanyahu survive without responding?


Listening to Ben Gvir* and others already this evening, it seems to me that Netanyahu would fall from power were he to go along with what Biden seems to be asking him to do.


[* Itamar Ben-Gvir (born 6 May 1976) is an Israeli far-Right politician and lawyer who has served as the Minister of National Security since 2022. He is the leader of Otzma Yehudit. Under his leadership, the Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power), a party which espouses Kahanism and anti-Arabism, won six seats in the 2022 Israeli legislative election, and is represented in what has been called the most Right-wing and hardline government in Israel’s history. He has called for the expulsion of Arab citizens of Israel who are not loyal to Israel. Ben Gvir is “widely known for his openly racist, anti-Arab views and activities”. Source-Wikipedia]


Scott Ritter: There’s a couple things that I think we’re going to see. One, I think we’re going to see Israel ratcheting up the pressure on Hezbollah. And now we’re going to have to see the skills of Hassan Nasrallah and his ability to manage this escalation ladder, which he’s done so masterfully.




But more pressure is going to be put on Hezbollah by Israel, and Iran is going to be pressuring Nasrallah not to allow it to blow up, not to allow it to become the general war that Netanyahu so desperately needs.


Two, I think Netanyahu is going to call in the head of Mossad and sit Ben Gvir down with him and say:


“We’re going to double down on our covert war against Israel [Iran].”


You know, a lot of people have forgotten, but there was a huge demonstration last year that became a civil war. I talked to senior Iranian officials about it, and they said:


“This isn’t demonstrations. This is a hybrid war run by the CIA and Israeli Mossad designed to bring Iran down from within.”


And it was a big problem. It was a big fight. The Iranians won. They prevailed. But I would see Israel encouraging Baloch* nationalist movements to strike Iran and Zahedan. I would see them encouraging ISIS to strike inside Israel [Iran].


[* Baloch nationalism is an ideology that asserts that the Baloch people, an ethnic group native to Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, form a distinct nation. Baloch nationalism is mostly popular in southern and Eastern parts of Balochistan. The Baloch nationalist movement’s demands have ranged from greater cultural, economic and political rights, to political autonomy, to outright secession and the creation of an independent state of Balochistan. The movement is secular and heavily influenced by Leftist Marxist ideology, like it’s other counterparts in other parts of Pakistan.]


I would encourage them to see the Kurds striking, the Mujahedin-e Khalq striking.


All these external forces that the CIA, the British, and Israeli intelligence had been propping up for years. I think you’re going to see the Israelis saying:


“You need to double down on this stuff. We need to put the pressure on Iran because we can’t be seen as doing nothing. We have to be seen as doing something!”


And this, again, will test the limits of Iran’s deterrent policy. At what point in time will Iran expand it to say that hybrid attacks using a proxy qualifies as the same as a direct attack, and our deterrence will kick in as well.


We dodged a bullet, but we’re not out of the fire-fight yet. There’s going to be a lot of pressure put on down the road.


The good news is Iran doesn’t want to fight. They’re not cowards. They proved that they will fight if need be.


But Iran’s focus is on the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation. It’s on BRICS. It’s on normalisation of relations with Saudi Arabia. It’s on economic prosperity. And a war with Israel will disrupt all of this.


So the good news is there’s a lot of patience built into Iran’s foreign policy, a lot of flexibility. And that’s necessary at this point in time, because Iran has to understand that Israel has to do something for internal politics. And you either want a war or you don’t. If you don’t want a war, you’re going to have to grit your teeth and bear it, as Israel uses proxy forces to put pressure on Iran to punish Iran. Iran will have to absorb these attacks.


But the other good news is Israel is losing the bigger war. Remember, the other thing Iran doesn’t want to do is distract attention away from the fact that Hamas is winning! That Hamas has turned global opinion against Israel, that the world is now talking about a Palestinian state in ways that they had never done before. A larger war between Israel and Iran distracts people from that goal, and Iran doesn’t want that. Iran understands that the Axis of Resistance together with Hamas was in the process of strategically defeating Israel, and that’s the fight they want to fight.




So I think Iran will be willing to absorb blows from Israeli proxies in order to stay focused on the strategic victory that they’re handling and not fall victim to the kind of petty human narcissism that Israel falls victim to, where they say:


“We’ve been slighted, we have to do massive revenge!”


Iran has shown itself to be a very patient, very resilient, very mature nation state when it comes to this sort of activity.


George Galloway: Finally, Scott – and I’m grateful for your time as always – the English speaking king of Jordan, who, when he took the throne, literally, could not speak Arabic, and now speaks it with a rather splendid English accent. He was the only Arab leader, if we can call him an Arab, call him a leader, who collabourated with Israel and the United States last night. Even their much more important and longer standing allies declined the opportunity to do that.


Why did King Abdullah do that? Has he not placed himself in very severe difficulty now with his own population, which is overwhelmingly opposed to Israel, overwhelmingly in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. What on earth forced King Abdullah to do that?


Scott Ritter: I call him the “least Arab leader in the Arab world”. As you pointed out, his roots, his ideology, his mindset is very British. It’s not of the Arab street. He is so far removed from the reality of his people, and he is so dependent upon Israel. And I put Israel first, then the United States and Europe, for his continued viability as a leader.


His betrayal of the Palestinian cause is apparent to all. And now his betrayal of the Arab world and indeed the Muslim world is on display, likewise.


He knows he’s in a lot of trouble. The most dangerous thing in the world for the Hashemite king of Jordan is happening, and that is that the Palestinian people have a pathway to statehood. The Palestinian state is, is perhaps the greatest threat to this artificial entity called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, because he’s not a Jordanian. He is a saudi Arabian transplant.


And I believe that he may be the last Hashemite king of Jordan. That I don’t wish upon him the fate of the last Hashemite king of Iraq. But I do believe that it’s time for the King of Jordan to take his family and his retinue and fly off to London and live where he belongs, among the British people he so adores. Because he is reviled and hated amongst his own people and now amongst the entire Arab and Muslim world. He is a betrayer of the cause of the people of Palestine!


George Galloway: So World War Three or not, Scott? Can we sleep in our beds tonight with some confidence that the world will still be here when we wake up in the morning?




Scott Ritter: I’d say in the short term, as long as Ben Gurion Airport is open and flights are coming in and out, go to bed, sleep well. If Ben Gurion shuts down, then we need to start worrying about in what direction this is going, because the Iranians aren’t playing around anymore. And if Ben Gurion shuts down, it means the Israelis aren’t taking no as an answer from the United States. And this thing could go in any direction.


But for the moment, Ben Gurion’s open. People are flying in and out. I’d say you can sleep well tonight.


George Galloway: They’re more flying out than in! Thank you, Scott Ritter, as always, for your wisdom, your experience, and your eloquence.












Youtube Comments


(Comments as of 4/15/2024 = 2,792 (replies not shown)

5 hours ago
Why is the UK government fighting Iran, on behalf of Israel?

57 replies

5 hours ago
So Israel is no longer ‘Untouchable’ cause the Iranians have proven they are ‘touchable’

20 replies

4 hours ago
Thank you George for inviting Scott Ritter.

1 reply

3 hours ago
Thank you for calling out the traitor from Jordan, even history doesn’t redeem traitors

6 hours ago
We use our forces to protect Israeli civilians from this attack, but we don’t use them to protect convoys into Gaza to protect civilians there.

22 replies

5 hours ago
“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that, before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.” – Father John Sheehan

8 replies

3 hours ago
Money was and is still the reason for Israel’s existence…

4 hours ago
Free Free USA from AIPAC

4 replies

5 hours ago
They have to drop food to the Palestine people but can stop all the missiles to come into Israel.

26 replies

5 hours ago
US and Israel underestimated Iran, just like the US and NATO underestimated Russia.

32 replies

3 hours ago
America and Europe are complicit in Israel’s genocide. Iran has a right to defend itself.

2 replies

2 hours ago
I cant believe Sunak condemned Iran for retaliation Israxl. It is Israxl attacked Irans embassy first.

1 reply

6 hours ago (edited)
We’ve been looking for Scott everywhere on YouTube since yesterday

46 replies

5 hours ago
It cost the US $1 billion dollars to shoot down those drones. It cost Iran only $15 million to send those drones. (About $50k per drone). Who really won?

59 replies

2 hours ago
The best analysis of Iranian tactics I’ve seen. The MSM take is worthless. Thank you Mr. Ritter.

4 hours ago
Imagine without US, UK and France.

5 hours ago
So the RAF can stop Iranian missiles but not Israeli missiles targeted at UK citizens.

6 replies

6 hours ago
Always good to see Scott Ritter nailing the truth about Israel.

15 replies

2 hours ago
Some say, I stand with Israel. I say, I can’t stand Israel.

1 reply

1 hour ago (edited)
Thanks to both George and Scott for this program.Today as Iranian I am proud of my government to stand for peace and stability in the region.

5 hours ago
Big mistake to underestimate Iran. They are not some third world country.

14 replies

5 hours ago
I hope the right wing government in Israel 🇮🇱 understand
Iran now

4 replies

4 hours ago
Iran has the right to defend themselves 🇮🇷

2 replies

2 hours ago (edited)
That fireworls show cost well over a billion dollars just on the defense side. Even the endless US printing can not continue to afford that sort of mistress.

6 hours ago
Stop Netanyahu now, USA.

21 replies

6 hours ago
Has anyone else seen adverts saying the World should unite against Iran? Its sickening.
The Iranian people are human beings who want to be left alone. WTH is wrong with that

64 replies

4 hours ago
Respect for Iran! Shame on Arab leaders!

3 replies

4 hours ago
Fireworks over Israel with no victims: “it’s an extensive affair”, Gaza Wiped of the map, 40.000 Civilian casualties…”Who cares” !!! Appaling double standards.

5 hours ago
The only winners are the weapons manufacturers. STOP THIS MADNESS !!!!!

4 replies

6 hours ago
All that said, THEY WILL ATTACK, because this is what they have wanted all along ~

2 hours ago
Wow !!! Scott Ritter Bravo.
I’m truly Speechless at your Analysis of this Iranian attack on Israel.
Funny to find out that Iran 🇮🇷 fired Millions of Dollars worth of low value missiles, intercepted by Billions of Dollars worth of High Tech missiles, which are very expensive to produce.
And that Iran also fired Ballistic Missiles with warhead separating from the main body near Target and showering a multitude of Decoys, intercepted by High Tech missiles batteries.
Genius…… Simply Genius.

4 hours ago
Iran number one
Russia number one

3 replies

6 hours ago
The irony and shamelessness is that the pretender PM is fighting and defending the very callous country that only a few days ago killed 3 of his country’s citizens
Clearly this man’s loyaltys are elsewhere. He should be taken to task

5 replies

5 hours ago
Jordan is a traitor to the cause

3 replies

1 hour ago
Superb analysis!
Thank you Scott!

1 hour ago
Thank you mr. GALLOWAY for bringing Scott Ritter.

6 hours ago
Scott’s analysis and commentary throughout this latest round of mass murder and theft by Israel has been neutral and fair and mostly accurate. Few Americans are prepared to describe the true reality on the ground.
Thanks for sharing GG

1 reply

6 hours ago (edited)
George and Scott the two courageous and brave human beings who are telling and living the truth. God bless you gentlemen. The world needs more of you.

10 replies

4 hours ago
Ijraaels’s house of cards is falling.

2 replies

4 hours ago
What a Master Class analysis as usual with The Great Scott Ritter 🫡 Thank you George for the brilliant guests and insights Tremendous Respect and admiration from Morocco

5 hours ago
If I was Israeli, I would be grateful that
Iranians are not the the blood thirsty ones.
However, that would imply a level of humbleness.

2 replies

5 hours ago
Israel cant stop they have red cows now

10 replies

4 hours ago
I notice that Scott got the names of the two countries confused very often.

2 replies

2 hours ago
I guess this is what the US means when it talks about “asymmetric warfare”: opponent spends tens of millions, while we spend billions to counter the attack. Very smart way to transfer American taxpayer dollars to the pockets of weapons companies’ shareholders (who also happen to be members of Congress and the Dept of Defense).

6 hours ago
Iran was just warming up. Iran has the right to defend itself and it will defend itself.

6 hours ago
Iran has the right to defend itself!

12 replies

1 hour ago
America has the right to defend countries who give money to their politicians.

1 reply

2 hours ago
Wonderful interview. We must watch it.

6 hours ago
Absolutely incredible! Love listening to Scott!

5 hours ago (edited)
Never poke into a purring peaceful lion in the savannah. Iran has been there for at least 7000 years for a reason

8 replies

3 hours ago

4 hours ago
This is exactly the school and level of education/information that I subscribe to. Brilliant interview !!!

6 hours ago (edited)
Thank you Scott Ritter!!! And thank you Mr Galloway

6 hours ago

5 replies

47 minutes ago
Jesus is the prince of peace. That is why Israel rejects him.

5 hours ago
SATANyahu and IsraHELL

2 replies

6 hours ago
A little taste of reality is needed in the West.

2 hours ago
Scott Ritter is amazing because he is direct and honest about facts / situations without sugarcoating, exaggerating, or hiding anything. He does not shy away from the truth, even when it might be an uncomfortable or unpopular conversation.

4 hours ago
You nailed it Scott by telling the truth

1 reply

5 hours ago
Well done for supporting justice for the UN s51.

6 hours ago
Why can’t we have someone like George in our government here??

20 replies

1 hour ago
As an iranian, I can say Scott is well familiar with Iran and Iranian politics

3 hours ago
Collectively we must hold to account,all those responsible and complicit in these terrible crimes against humanity/Palestinians! Humanity has to pursue justice in this matter unrelentingly now and till the end! Peace out.

5 hours ago
I’m proud to be Iranian.

8 replies

4 hours ago
Thank you gentlemen! Great support.

3 hours ago
Listening to Scott always educates me. Thank you, George, for having Scott on to explain the actions happening. Always grateful to hear his explanations.

6 hours ago (edited)
Iran was just responding to the missile attack on its embassy in Damascus plus the death of General Sulaemani.

8 replies

5 hours ago
Bravo Iran, and this arsenal was all built under incredible sanctions.

2 replies

3 hours ago
Thank you
Great job! Congratulations to Iran!

2 hours ago
Thank you gentlemen love two of you

5 hours ago
Iran has a right to defend itself.

6 replies

6 hours ago
Free Palestine!

2 hours ago
Thank you George and Scott for trying to bring peace to the world.

1 hour ago
What a great analysis by Scott speaking the reality of Middle East geo politics. Thank you George for bringing him in.

6 hours ago
George Galloway and Scott Ritter Thank you Guys. Sounds like the Iranians have sent Shivers down the Israeli Backsides.

1 reply

6 hours ago
YouTube deleted three of my comments . so far . . . keep going mf’rs

6 replies

4 hours ago
True and fair answers by Mr Scott
Thank you for your time sharing your experience and knowledge. Mr Scott.

1 hour ago
Great analysis from like-minded Patriots.
Thank you.

6 hours ago
Thank you George for having Scott Ritter on your show!

3 replies

5 hours ago
Most western media lies lies lies can’t believe anything i like the chanel

2 replies

4 hours ago
Gee, who would have thought that continued massive assaults could exhaust defense. Always fighting the last war.

4 hours ago
Had Iran done this 6 months ago. We might have saved 35000 innocent people.

2 replies

5 hours ago (edited)
Israel is no longer untouchable Israel put themselves in this position…

5 replies

5 hours ago
Will the king of Jordan stop Israeli rocket and fighters jets when they fly over Jordan ?

1 reply

3 hours ago
Hard not to love and respect both these men…

4 hours ago
I’m sorry that was the weakest force I’ve ever seen.

5 hours ago
Iran said “here we come,” exhaust all of your interceptor missiles.

6 hours ago
Love George and Scott Ritter . Hard to find people who speak the truth and say what needs to be said . Thank you

1 hour ago
I AM breathing a sigh of relief……
Best wishes from Australia.

4 hours ago
The amount of crying Israeli’s in this comment section who cant handle the bitter truth is hilarious.

6 hours ago
Great analysis, Scott Ritter!
You don’t get this type of brilliant analysis from CNN, BBC news, Fox, and NBC!

7 replies

6 hours ago
Scott Ritter is a true example of a patriot!

3 replies

15 minutes ago (edited)
From France, thank you for the analysis of theses 2 honorable and well documented citizens.

4 hours ago

5 hours ago
Two honest and real people in the West, which we normally don’t see .

5 hours ago
I just pray let there be peace in Ukraine and in the Middle East

2 replies

30 minutes ago
Thanks George and Scott. Greetings from canada

1 hour ago
Iran was warming up outside football pitch

5 hours ago
As an Iranian I was concerned with Iran’s response, and thought it should be a brilliant operation instead of anything else.
Should have trusted the Iranian military more. They did not disappoint.

5 hours ago
Love Scott Ritter !

2 replies

1 hour ago
Thank you for your honesty! This planet spinning because we still have few honest people like you. Thank you God bless my friend

4 hours ago
OMG this is so exciting, listening to Scott. Iran is fantastic!!! Thank you Scott for explaining.

6 hours ago
Good of you Scott. Nice to hear the truth once in a while.

1 reply

5 hours ago
Bless you gents, 🇮🇷

3 hours ago
Thank you so much Professor Galloway and Mr. Scott Ritter for your bravery, honesty, humanity and knowledge. ️

2 hours ago
A Round Of Applause To You In Parliament For Creating This Script You Really Pulled It Out Of The Hat

6 hours ago
Love and respect to George and Scotty…what a great combination ️

6 hours ago
Thanks to the two most eloquent and greatest people we have!!

1 reply

4 hours ago
thank George thanks scott great host great guest

4 hours ago
Iran told every one what they were doing ahead , because if Iran wants to do real damage their attack would have been a surprise And caused a lot of damage .

1 reply

5 hours ago
After Iran show down, Israeli Iron Dome is officially now gonna be called Iron seive

4 replies

6 hours ago
If you want to make a stand and do something positive tonight for the world HIT THAT DAM LIKE BUTTON

3 hours ago
All their main missiles passed the air defence system. Israel is proud of downing drones and rockets iranians sent for distracting air defence system. Of course they didnt want to hit 200 points inside israel. They wanted to hit only 4 points and they accurately did it after David’s Sling got off loaded because of being busy with drones and rockets.

6 hours ago
It’s a whole new world and the United States ain’t running the show no more yippee ki-yay

4 replies

5 hours ago
Wall Street Journal reporting Israel is closing Ben Gurion Airport tonight

4 hours ago
Is this all political theater, since Iran told everyone, what they were planning to do?

3 hours ago
Iran has declared their intention was to cause maximum damage and destruction.

6 hours ago
According to Iranian official statements they not only hit the airbase responsible for the attack on the consulate in Syria, but they also took out the MOSSAD’s HQ. And if they penetrated the bunker underneath with that weapon? There may not be many sane voices as Scott thinks doing that analysis.

3 replies

5 hours ago
Thank you Scott Ritter. Thank you Mr george Galloway. Peace and love to all in the world that so desire it.

1 hour ago
Bless You BOth Sir George and Scott! D

50 seconds ago
Never underestimate those that overestimate themselves.

6 hours ago
What might happen doesn’t bare thinking about , because we have poor politicians in the west ,that are dragging us into war , apart from George and a few others .

6 hours ago
God Bless Iran

14 replies

28 minutes ago
Great information. Thank you.

24 seconds ago
Thank you, George for inviting Scott Ritter, the most fair and rational and biased military analyst. His words are comforting and assure us that USA and allies will no longer take other nations for granted.

5 hours ago
Thank You George for having Scott on the show

6 hours ago
Thank you George and Scott.

4 hours ago
Scottie is the realist military
analyst in this day age

2 replies

4 hours ago
They sent their cheapest drones with the name Gaza on them as the decoys

6 hours ago
Last remark cracked me up. “They’re more lying out than in”.

2 replies

6 hours ago
Fantastic analysis from Scott of the Iranian strategy

1 reply

2 hours ago
Great Scott Ritter as Usual. Scott Ritter not only an amazing political analist but slso the Last Moral Reserve in the US. Salutes from Chile

45 minutes ago
Excellent! analysis! Thank you, Scott and George!

2 hours ago
Scott & George..exceptional analogy! IMAGINE ️

6 hours ago
Great analysis by Scott and he is exactly correct in saying that Iran was showing intent and as he says they didn’t need to destroy anything.This was to show that if you want to play war games we are willing and able…Scott’s the best in the business.

2 replies

5 hours ago (edited)
Thanks Scott and George. Always a pleasure to listen to you.

2 hours ago
First time listener to your. Scott is very knowledgeable, and I watch him whenever he is guest on someone’s channel. Thanks for having him.

4 hours ago
Two great knowledgeable men talking to each other. Love from California to George Galloway and Scott Ritter.

5 hours ago
how clever of the iranians

2 replies

5 hours ago
Galloway and Ritter spit fire Two of the best in the truth-telling business.

4 hours ago
Thanks scott and George for telling the truth

1 reply

1 hour ago
Even Stand Up Comedians Will Be Bowing Down At This Precise Moment

6 hours ago (edited)
Scott can explain weapons like nobody’s business! Been waiting for you all night, Scott

6 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Scott is a great man. Thank you for making our lives easily. We were worry about our future. A man like Scott comes out and explain what is happening in the world is just a noble thing that is rare.
Imagine folks not even governments around the world want to explain to their citizens what happened so they can go and sleep well. That shows governments do not care about their taxpayers except the care about Zionism in Israel. Imagine, we did not have this decent human being called Scott, what would we do to know if we can sleep well or not. That shows how politicians are not in touch with reality.
God bless Scott. Great man in America. A greatest man that America can ever produce. His mom and his family should be very proud of him that has the capability to make our mental health to cope with this crazy politicians

6 hours ago
72 objectives, 2 bunkers, 1 billion dollars and deep injuring self esteem “ Iron dome”. Plus all the people with panic attacks… Is that right?

5 hours ago
Great show🇵🇸🇿🇦🇾🇪🇮🇷

2 hours ago
I love these two guys. Scott Ritter for keeping us well informed and helping us understand the war militarily and George Galloway for dedicating decades of his life speaking up for human rights and against occupation ️🇵🇸 I Thank you ️

4 hours ago
I agree very good points. Iran has right to defend itself. Israel genocidal government are falling apart.

5 hours ago
Thank you George, great Analysis Scott Ritter.

6 hours ago

3 hours ago (edited)
iran informed usa via turkey so they were prepared iran was testing the waters and achieved alot.
If it was a surprise attack we would have seen alot of casualties.

1 reply

2 hours ago
They are more flying out than in. Indeed they are, as Malbourne has already experienced.

5 hours ago
We love both George and Scott

1 hour ago
Two great journalists and experts love to listen to Mr Galloway and Mr Scott Ritter and learning from their knowledge and expertise.

5 hours ago
To make the review easier, Israel missed 30% of what arrived at it. For a relatively small area, this is a lot. It was only one wave.

6 hours ago
It is clear in some of the pictures how some of the missiles open up into a large number of smaller warheads when they enter the atmosphere and due to the heat caused by their high speed in the collision with the atmosphere, flames were formed around them.
Exactly as Scott points out.

4 hours ago
Thank you so much Mr. George Galloway for great analysis as always.

6 hours ago (edited)
250 drones cost $1000 million dollars,(one billion) in air defence, to try to shoot them down

4 replies

4 hours ago
God bless you Scott for your candid and expert opinion.

3 hours ago
Iran has come of age ….bravo!

6 hours ago
Important program tonight George and Scott,,,,,thanks

6 hours ago
Mr Ritter and Mr Galloway in 1 frame omg

4 hours ago
George always a great joy to listen to Scott Ritter on your programmes

4 hours ago
Wowwww, Scott Ritter is such of great man. His intellect is unmatched.

2 replies

5 hours ago
His comment on the fake king of Jordan was fabulous. Loved it

1 reply

6 hours ago
God bless Iran 🇮🇷

1 reply

5 hours ago (edited)
Netanyahu- get this man out!!

1 reply

4 hours ago
Great interview, thanks. Please bring Mr. Scott Ritter on more often.

4 hours ago
I have been looking for scott ritter on you tube, patreon,, his website, Rumble ect… NOW I CAN ACTUALLY GO TO SLEEP. THANK YOU SCOTT!!

1 reply

6 hours ago
Mr. G. Galloway,
I have been an admirer for the light of truth cast by you on many thousands of locked, ambiguous, public deceit brought upon the unbias members of public by the controlled media. A media I call the mesonaries of the upper society.
God bless you and your team and all of your families.
If I would be able to have the text of this program, I would then be able to add the Persian translation of it the attention of public at large who do not have the gift of English language.
Kind, respectful Regards

1 reply

6 hours ago
Great men.

3 hours ago
I believe Iran’s attack was measured but showed that they CLD do more. Commentators kept saying why the drones coming in so high?. …this was to gv Israel plenty opportunity to take done these drones.. but Iran forced Israel to spend a white load of resources /money!!!!!!

4 hours ago
George & Scott, you are great! Thank you.

6 hours ago
Great analysis

5 hours ago
“It’s not about money, it’s about sending a message. Everything burns” – Joker

4 hours ago
The satellite images before and after the impact of Navatim Air Base show that the targets were hit by missiles

3 hours ago
Thank you George for having Mr Scott Ritter on board….his extensive experience in matters both military and political are beyond reproach and his analysis and solutions are quite remarkable….the world needs to listen and comprehend the dire situation that could potentially unfold.

1 reply

5 hours ago
Great stuff from Scott Ritter!

5 hours ago
Sure they sent hundreds of missiles and drones and they didn’t really want them to hit. Makes a lot of sense.

2 replies

4 hours ago
That was an excellent analysis. Thank you!

1 reply

4 hours ago
Thank you Scott

6 hours ago
George. Quality.

1 reply

6 hours ago
Could the iron dome be depleted by using cheap dummy missiles without warheads, then followed up with live missiles with warheads to inflict real damage?

2 replies

4 hours ago
Zelensky is looking at the price tag of the strike to Isreal and weeping, $1 billion for defending against all those drones. That money he will never see.

1 reply

2 hours ago
A great interview from Scott. Thank you George.

5 hours ago
Thank you for getting Scott Ritter’s view

5 hours ago
That Sid Meiers Civilization moment when the alleged 3rd world country comes from behind and surpasses the superpowers..

2 replies

9 minutes ago
Wow, a very realistic and brief analysis explaining war and economy at the same time.

3 hours ago
Thanks for Mr Gallaoway and Mr Scott

5 hours ago
Iran 🇮🇷

1 reply

39 minutes ago
Love this Thank you so much.

1 hour ago
When galloway said the more flying out then in

3 hours ago
Always a great analysis from Scott Ritter. Thank you both for this very interesting dialogue.

6 hours ago
bless Iran

1 reply

6 hours ago
From day 1 Scot Ritter was always right about whats going on and predicting outcome off the wars respect. Thank you also mr George Galloway for your great hart and inviting Scott Ritter

1 reply

2 hours ago
Fascinating and very helpful Scott Ritter….excellent indeed.

6 hours ago
It cost israel over a billion dollars to shoot down the missiles.

31 minutes ago
Mr. Ritter well done thank you ️🇺🇸

5 hours ago
Scott Ritter is an absolute Legend
Never get tired of listening to him telling the truth

1 reply

5 hours ago
100% respect for these Two bold lions..

1 hour ago
Scott Ritter is a go-to man. Moreover, he does not mince words in describing the situation. The statement on King Abdullah of Jordon is the most amazing and accurate.

4 hours ago
Good interview!

5 hours ago
Abdullah has to go …. thank you Scott️️️

5 hours ago
I was waiting for the truth.

2 replies

1 hour ago
Always good to hear Scott’s analysis!

43 minutes ago
Thanks for supporting justice!

6 hours ago
LOL Jordanian king couldn’t speak Arabic when he took the throne

4 replies

5 hours ago
Exceptional commentary

3 hours ago
have to respect iran one of few country’s in the world under sanctions and isolation for decades,has the capacity and means to strike the aggressors back

41 minutes ago
Not only did the Iranian govt send a message, but so did the people. The Iranian people support their govt in terms of defense.

5 hours ago
Excellent analysis that you will never see on msm

5 hours ago
I love Scott Ritter analysis.

2 hours ago
Iran will analyze the response and uncover vulnerabilities. It is no longer guesswork. They have the data they need.

2 hours ago
This is very insightful, and He explained it’s very well Iran wanted to prove a point and show the world that they are not going to take the nonsense anymore.

6 hours ago (edited)
Take love from me and eid mubarak

5 hours ago
Why would they attack the Iranian embassy/consulate? This is so wrong

2 hours ago
Take Your Temperature George We want You In Shape For Parliament

1 hour ago
Scott and George! What better could I have for a morning positive boost!

6 hours ago
Journalistic heroes of our time

5 hours ago
Scott Ritter 100 percent right as always

2 replies

4 hours ago
I have watched those missiles many times. I tracked Iran’s missiles and Israel’s interceptors right before the interceptor hit Iran’s missile you will notice a burst of flame with high speed powering through and hit its target. I was surprised where that missile came from Because right before Iron Dome hit you see another missile, now I have answers to my questions. Thanks Scott

46 minutes ago
A great analysis. Thanks to Scott Ritter and George Galloway.

6 hours ago
Thanks Scott ,love your expertise.

6 hours ago
God Bless

1 reply

3 hours ago
Thanks Scott—for knowing how to pronounce Iran!!!!

3 hours ago
Great talk from both of you comrades 🇵🇸️🇿🇦

6 hours ago (edited)
All that said, they will retaliate in a BIG way. This is WHAT THEY WANT.
They ALWAYS get what they want. (For now.)

1 reply

6 hours ago
Iron Dome is Worthless at this point and time. ……… Overwhelmed Easiliy by Cheap Drones – Kicks Door Open for BIG SHLONGS

1 hour ago
Intelligent man Scott. You warned them and they didn’t listen.

4 hours ago
It was like a boxer that threw 99 punches and only one barely connected with no real damage. In the real world that is called a failure. Iran embarrassed itself.

5 hours ago
Excellent report.

5 hours ago (edited)
thery are more flying out than in.

3 hours ago
Both of you are free men!

1 hour ago
Iran also gave the U.S. a heads up that this was coming and where they were targeting. Iran was not intending on causing any loss of human life or catastrophic damage … yet.

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
GG good talk as ever.

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter is the most direct honest expert i have ever seen.. he is all about facts.. salut

4 hours ago (edited)
Salute to both of you for speaking the truth. Respect

6 hours ago
Amazing interview.

6 hours ago
Great Show

4 hours ago
That was mostly just Iran and Hezbollah firing dummies to test what the actual air defenses are. However, let’s remember israel has ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.

4 hours ago
The total amount for the drones was around 6 million dollars, and another around 5 million in missiles. On the flip side, they soaked up around 1.4 billion dollars worth of AD munitions. That’s what’s called a huge return on investment.

6 hours ago
Ti agree with everything SCOTT is delivering however c9nfused to commentary on King of Jordan.
Twice, I have heard him speak on behalf
Of the Palestinian people. And right after the 10/7 attack his beautiful wife
Pled mercy for the Palestinians.
Certainly last night display of support for
ISRAEL does confirm your assessment.

6 hours ago
table is turned

1 reply

2 hours ago
Hmmmm…sounds iffy !! The missiles over Jerusalem WERE INTERCEPTED ..BUT not over their airbase !!??? Really !

4 hours ago
8:25 He slipped here, he meant IRAN didn’t use the hypersonic missiles, not ISR

1 reply

6 hours ago
new palestinian state all of palestine and all of jordan???

5 hours ago
George wants freedom for everyone except his country of Scotland, quisling

1 reply

2 hours ago
A gentle and kind SELF DEFENCE from the part of Iran.

2 hours ago
Wow, I didn’t expect that Scott Ritter knows about the history of the Hashimites in Iraq and Jordan he’s as good as George in middleeast history!

5 hours ago (edited)
God Bless you both ️ And god bless Iran for defending it selfe and also having the right to do so.

1 reply

6 hours ago

26 minutes ago
It wasn’t an attack it’s a warning.

1 hour ago
Masters talk , Real talk .

6 hours ago
Great Knowledge

5 hours ago
Annual U.S. aid to Jordan has tripled in historical terms over the last 15 years. The United States has provided economic and
military aid to Jordan since 1951 and 1957, respectively. Total bilateral U.S. aid (overseen by the Departments of State and
Defense) to Jordan through FY2020 amounted to approximately $26.4 billion. The President’s FY2024 budget request
includes $1.45 billion for Jordan. On September 16, 2022, the United States and Jordan signed their fourth Memorandum of
Understanding governing U.S. foreign aid to Jordan. The seven-year agreement (FY2023-FY2029), subject to appropriations
of Congress, commits the Administration to seeking a total of $1.45 billion in annual economic and military aid for Jordan.

1 reply

1 hour ago
During Vietnam we had a Peace Movement. I respect Scott Ritter’s expertise but where are the peace activists like there were in the seventies?

4 hours ago
Great analysis from great scott.

5 hours ago
Good analysis

6 hours ago
I wish Scott and George the best and hopefully one day we will have more people like them

1 reply

4 hours ago
Thanks for inviting Scott

1 hour ago
Thank you George for very high level interview.

6 hours ago
Long Life To The Great Mr . Goerge and as always exceptional Mr. Scott… You are both what I can call “ The Hope “

4 hours ago
Iranians are very intelligent. The AI revolution we’re witnessing today was initiated by two PhD students at Tehran University. They authored the original paper that laid the foundation for the influential work, “Attention is All You Need.”

2 replies

4 hours ago

3 hours ago
Bravo Scott

4 hours ago
The Jews are not the same as those in Abrahams time

1 reply

5 hours ago
Long Live Iran

37 minutes ago (edited)
A flight to Israel from Thailand has just turned around to return to Suvarnabhumi airport Bangkok. It is 09:30 AM 15th April here according to local online news.

2 hours ago
Scott nailed it. Thanks for speaking the truth

4 hours ago
That is exactly the message Iran sent last night. Scott is one of the smartest military and knows what Iran has and not. He worked with UN weapon inspector and he recommended that Iraq didn’t have WMD but bush and Zionism carried out attack against Iraq because of Israel was afraid of Saddam.

3 hours ago
To the people of Iran, you glorious Persians. The whole world that still has sanity salutes you. May you all find the Peace and Solace every human being desires and may those that support racial superiority, bigotry, hypocrisy, and violence be forever condemned to the dustbin of history. You have demonstrated that the Zionist regime is not invulnerable, and the fear they project is no longer having any effect on their efforts to bully the masses into capitulation.

1 hour ago
Thank you, Scott Ritter, Thank you Hon. Goerge

3 minutes ago
Excellent analysis by Scott. I always learn so much. My take last night after the dust settled was that Iran showed The West/Israel that it was now part of the Balance of Power on the world stage right next to Russia and China and that this alliance has announced that it will no longer tolerate the US evil empire and its terrorist activity across the Planet:) That’s what I got:)

5 hours ago (edited)

5 hours ago
Shame on Jordan

3 hours ago
You touched on the wrong man on this occasion this is for life now

4 hours ago
Is this a joke?……Iran could have ended up a glass parking lot yesterday…….you guys are kidding.

5 hours ago
Dear Mr. Galloway,
I am writing to express my admiration for your work in exposing public deception and bringing clarity to complex issues. Your dedication to truth shines a light for many, especially in the face of what you aptly describe as a media controlled by elite interests.
I, along with countless others, deeply appreciate your efforts.
I would be honored to translate the text of your program into Persian, making it accessible to a wider audience who may not be fluent in English.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

1 reply

5 hours ago
Welcome all of you Iran 100% correct Love you May Allah bless you Inshallah

1 reply

4 hours ago
Love listening to Scott Ritter…says it as it is

4 hours ago

6 hours ago
This man is heading for the UK parliament.

4 hours ago
Could not stop laughing when George says English Speaking King of Jordan; Keep up your great work George. Respect for you, sir.

1 reply

4 hours ago
Scott knows very well that this was a Hollywood movie

3 hours ago
Waiting for Scott’s description of how great the Iranian military show took place!!!

6 hours ago
YouTube deleted my previous comment.

3 replies

5 hours ago
Really? It looked like Israel dealt with it just fine.

2 hours ago
A Greatest Memorable Interview K

3 hours ago
George makes me and made Scott smile too. Scott knocks it out of the park every time.

5 hours ago
When something crazy happens, you wanne know what scott’s thinking

1 reply

5 hours ago
Scott has full knowledge of the region

1 reply

2 hours ago
Never destabilise 🇮🇷

1 hour ago (edited)
Scott gave an eye roll when he heard the name king of Jordan, you know what that means? For the ones who don’t know he worked for Mosad for several years and he may still do.

5 hours ago (edited)
What is this guy talking about? Iran put on a fireworks show. 99 percent were shot down.

3 replies

4 hours ago
“Iran gave one of the greatest military displays in recent history” – the Iranian regime is a joke at this point

4 replies

3 hours ago
Thank you both

26 minutes ago
As you said, hasshimite Abdullah family is not from Saudi Arabia but from western Iraq supplanted in Jordan by the British

3 hours ago
At least someone has the courage to stand up against Israel

6 hours ago
This thread is a reservoir of knowledge, continuously replenished by the collective wisdom of its participants.

3 hours ago
Bravo George and Scott who speak sense. Both are lover of peaceful

2 minutes ago
Thanks, Mr. Galloway, for having Mr. Ritter on the vlog. Iranians have had nuclear weapons and a credible delivery system since 1998. The Israelis and the Americans must sober up; the Iranians can obliterate Israeli military installations. The world needs the people of the Jewish faith to live in peace, so do not destroy their peace, have some sanity, Mr. Biden and Mr. Netanyahu.

6 hours ago
I have read that Egypt collaborated with the Israelis against the Iranian missile attack.

2 replies

6 hours ago
My interpretation last night is the same as Scot. I just wish this could conclude sooner rather than later

4 hours ago
thank you George from occupied Palestine

4 hours ago
Great to hear from two great man, my salute to both of them.

5 hours ago
Ritter doesn’t have a clue !

5 hours ago
Free Palestine, blessings from Glasgow

1 hour ago
Great definition of King Abdul. Of Jordan sure he is. [” yes sir , sure sir , will do sir”, but not only him the entire Jordanian people *the majority Sharkas decent * they are like him ] there are few who are not Sharkas who opposed but they can be silence easily .

3 hours ago
LOL Scott Ritter should start doing stand up comedy, his analysis is hilarious!

5 hours ago
They failed miserably. Scott Ritter is just wrong.

5 hours ago
Israel definitely proved their strength and composure last night , embarrassing for Iran

3 replies

4 hours ago
Along with Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter ex weapons inspector clearly knows his stuff & and is very good at giving a clear & concise evaluation of what’s going on in the Ukraine and the escalating war in Israel

4 hours ago
Last 500 Yrs, how many countries in the World were attacked by Iran?

6 hours ago
Iran failed. The Israel defence system with the help of the US, UK, France and Jordan prevented any major incidents.

2 replies

6 hours ago
The majority of the Iranian people despise the malicious insidious Islamic regime that going to drag them into an unwanted war, the regime is weak internally, it wouldn’t take much to topple from within.

2 replies

2 hours ago
Thank you

22 minutes ago (edited)
The Late-Great Truth Telling Orating Comedian George Carlin Said It Very Well: . . . ” IT’S A BIG CLUB, . . . AND we AIN’T IN IT ” . . .
He Was So Prophetic, And Absolutely Correct . . . R.I.P. Absolut-O-Mundo Maestro Funny–Bone Comedian George Carlin . . .

18 minutes ago
Iran’s attack on israel did demonstrate one thing, it is not just america that protects israel but also arab states. Iran seems to have reached tel aviv directly despite not just the iron dome but also the ARAB DOME

39 minutes ago
Thank you Mr. Ritter for cutting through the bad hasbara so well as usual .

4 hours ago
The last remark from mister galloway was priceless

4 hours ago
Best men George and Scott god bless you guys

4 hours ago
United Nations Foundation Board Members: Kofi Annan, Emma Rothschild, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Kathy Calvin, Yuan Ming Where is the UN today?

3 hours ago
A very good analysis of the situation. We would never get these points of view from the CIA funded US media

4 hours ago
thank you for update gentlemen

3 hours ago
The bunker rat,is the biggest threat to the world right now tbf

1 hour ago
Scott Ritter has an interesting personal history, according to Wikipedia.

2 hours ago
As ever George gets the right people to talk about the current Middle Eastern events…..very very good this guy was …& he made a lot of sense…however the likes of Netanyahu is not one of these sensible people…..but I enjoyed this very very much George…& the Jordanian King needs to look over his shoulder as was discussed….he shouldn’t be ruling an Arab nation and will soon be moving on either voluntarily of otherwise….

3 hours ago
Very comprehensive and informative analysis… Thanks

4 hours ago
Mr George Galloway as always sharp and precise no hiding around the bush

1 hour ago
Exactly the point was to show proof of what a war would look like with Iran!

2 hours ago
Thank you guys.

1 hour ago
Now we see how well Irans defense systems work

4 hours ago
I agree it was a show of intent by Iranian response. They are to many sheep out there to get this understanding. They are a force to be reckoned with, Sadam fought them with American help and could not defeat them .

3 hours ago
“More flying out than in…”…..indeed….they are all crawling back to where they originally came from.

33 minutes ago
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon all helped to take down these drones along with their iron dome. So I think that’s pretty significant, they gave total airspace to Israel.

2 hours ago
‘Israel vows to strike iran” so no…. there is no de-escalation…

2 hours ago
The other part of the equation is how well can iran defend if attacked? Surely, israel has stockpiles of missiles too.

2 hours ago
Scott Ritter is a treasure for humanity.

1 hour ago

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter has presented a brilliant analysis of the Iranian

2 hours ago
God bless you scott Ritter for telling the truth

2 hours ago
Two of the greatest guys in the world. Love you guys.

3 hours ago
Keep the Truth Alive!!!

4 hours ago
God bless Israel

2 hours ago
Bravo Iran, thank you.

37 minutes ago
God bless u both

1 hour ago
God Bless Iran!

3 hours ago
Top Ranked Respect for Scott

13 minutes ago
Great Interview.

26 minutes ago
Very impressive explanation by Scott in regards of Iran n Israel attacks ect. Israel Gov’t must listen to Scott Ritter and save the existant of the Jewish people ect.

4 hours ago
If it wasn’t for Scott Ritter, I wouldn’t know what is happening in the Middle East.

3 hours ago
Good blessing of you both

4 hours ago
‌Sending love from Iran PEACE🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷

1 reply

3 hours ago
Brilliantly explained the conflict

4 hours ago
How nice of Iran to warn Israel

4 hours ago
Im absolutely with iran in this,
They are genius

1 hour ago
absolute great informative interview.

4 hours ago
Great analysis from GREAT SCOTT.

2 hours ago
Even Steve Wonder can see how ineffective the iranian military is. They got clapped and couldn’t clap back.

2 hours ago
George ,….will you share a flat with king of Jordan in near future?

3 hours ago
Iran never used the Fattah missile yet.

4 hours ago
Now it makes sense!

4 hours ago
You missed out Israel being able to attack Iran in that equation though. Sure Israel would have a hard time just defending but if they went on the attack aswell, Iran has no protection in comparison

1 reply

4 hours ago
Iran have come a long way since Stuxnet.

1 reply

4 hours ago
Saw what Scott mentions about the deflectors. Modern day WWII Tuskegee Airmen protecting the bombers, the main missiles.

3 hours ago
This is so wonderful and relevant analysis

3 hours ago
Holy Sh*t……considering you supposedly know jack theZ’s are out in full force. Well done guys….

27 minutes ago
If Israel were to retaliate, would Iran be able to stop 99% of their missiles, if not how much damage would there be?

4 hours ago
my heart is with Iran BUT..they are not just up against The Dirty Duo, they have to cope with the Saudis, who have pots of dough & no love for Teheran…& the Turks are gonna sit on the sidelines making money…

2 hours ago
Much Love

1 hour ago
TYT said Israel and its allies stopped 99% of the drones and mistakes. What is true? What was the damage?

4 hours ago
2 gentleman that not afraid to speak the truth

1 hour ago
I’m confused. The Iranian missiles actually made contact and hit Israel? I thought they were stopped by the iron dome that the US pays for?

3 hours ago
Israel needs other countries to help take down the drones. So it’s not iron dome no more

4 hours ago
Galloway’s last comment, more are flying out than in

4 hours ago
They are more flying out than in. Well said.

2 hours ago
Hats off as always.

2 hours ago
George Galloway, my full respect Sir, a rare kind of men.

4 hours ago
Wow, that’s another profoundly insightful analysis.

4 hours ago
These Muslim countries are showing a respect for life unprecedented in modern warfare.

1 reply

48 minutes ago
The good thing about this intelligence officer is he is speculating. But trust me the truth is yet unfold .

4 hours ago
America underestimates every country, while they are building, thats stupid.

33 minutes ago
Apparently SA is also betraying the Palestinians, according to a Palestinian who appeared with Nima Alkorshid.

2 hours ago
Scott knows his shit, he was on the ground in the past. Its a chess game moving forward….semper fi..

3 hours ago
Love these two guys, so clear and straightforward

1 hour ago
I’m telling ya he looks like Peter griffin

1 hour ago
Message should be clear…stand down!

21 minutes ago
If Iran launches missiles at Dimona, Dimona will launch at Iran and these will be particularly large nuclear warheads, so we all know that although Iran attacked, it knew that it would not cause significant damage that would lead to a serious war

2 hours ago
George Galloway and Scott Ritter, thank you.

3 hours ago
Iran proved they can reach out and touch the land!

1 reply

2 hours ago
Everyone In Parliament Will Be Looking At You different From Now On Hope You Get Better Soon

3 hours ago
Have always considered Israel like a spoilt child. Throwing its teddy out the cot if it doesn’t have it’s way.

3 hours ago
Israel spent 1 billion dollars.

1 reply

1 hour ago
Scott Ridder. Excellent Feel Fer the Players of the War .

2 hours ago
IRAN doesn’t want war…bcz wars are expensive and costly at human lives…

4 hours ago
No. Iran must not allow enemy proxy forces to fester inside Iran. There is no “absorbing” them.

3 hours ago
Israel for the first time paid the price for the misdeeds it carried out over the years .

3 hours ago
The beauty of this, is that Iran didn’t use their best Missiles. Who is this guy and whose side is he on?

1 hour ago (edited)
Guy seemed a little too excited at the Iranian strike.

3 hours ago
Nobody has said that Israel must stand down. Scott has not worked with any Israeli intelligence. Scott is 20 years behind in his analysis ability.

4 hours ago
Well, Scott, you are very observing in noticing what most couldn’t, including the ignorant western correspondents last night, such as SENIOR CNN’s

4 hours ago
Scott’s clever analysis on Iran wants to concentrate on economic growth rather than war.Iran smart policy.Wish certain South East Asia country politicians can learn something about this.

2 hours ago
Leave them to it, let them get on with it. Nothing to do with the UK.

4 hours ago
their attack got swatted out of the sky like flies.

3 hours ago
Uk forces cant stop rubber dinghies , likely they couldn’t stop a convoy of rubber ducks heading to the uk coast!!

35 minutes ago (edited)
“RESTRAIN” – Iran has resignified the word.
Many analysts advised Iran:
“For the sake of all of us, Iran should exercise restrain”.
Iran has shown those who use the word “restrain” that…
Iran is far from average thinking!

4 hours ago
Practical summary – it’s a bit safer not living in a major target city in France, UK or USA.

4 hours ago
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth well done gents it was absolutely pleasure to listen to your true words 🇮🇷️

1 reply

4 hours ago
Israel or netanyahu for that matter, is totally out of control. The prospect of spending time in jail for corruption, which hearing is pending, is nyahu’s worst nightmare.

2 hours ago
Great interview and very informative

3 hours ago
Bravo scott iam proud of you really

4 hours ago
Weapons Inspector Gadget

1 hour ago
Love is Love

3 hours ago
If they did, as scott said. What an extraordinary tactical move.

2 hours ago
Britain should use this money to stop the boats…right wing brits need to know that Israel isn’t their ally

1 hour ago
I can see the whole world is against Israeli genocidal actions.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Never saw Scott mis-speak so much in a single interview. Often said Israel when he meant Iran and Iran when he meant Israel.

4 hours ago
I will always have great respect for George Galloway. I met him in the 90s when I was a student and we had very similar political ideals and sense of humour. we chatted for some time. Like Corbyn he is a a true democrat, anti globalist, pro Brexit, anti woke, old school socialist. His performance at the US Senate is one of the most iconic moments in historical global political discourse. Yet, this video is not entirely honest and I sense George knows it. George speaks up for everyone but I worry that he has become inadvertently captured by Islam ideologists. This video does not sit well with the man who I believe George to be. Make no mistake, Israel’s military capability is significantly superior and George, Scott, Iran and Israel know this. Israel have been given the all clear by the US. Do not believe what Biden says on TV. A major strike by Israel is imminent. Israel are go.

1 reply

3 hours ago
Wow, that was interesting stuff. Scott has explained the Iranian Attack very well, now military experts understand Iran’s escalatory Potential – deterrence established without mass killings.

4 hours ago
Now let’s see how good Iranian air defense is—

1 hour ago
Thanks for such a clear explanation

16 minutes ago
Galloway and lots of people on here are sooo deluded

2 hours ago
Many Thanks!!

2 hours ago
If Scott Was right, Iran wants to focas on BRIC’s and Finances, isn’t it to get in a stronger position to attake America later from a stronger position.

3 hours ago
Scott is indeed highly regarded.

17 minutes ago
Iran is a pragmatic and strong and getting stronger as a nation. Do not fight Iran. Stop the bullying by USA and its vassal state.

2 hours ago
You’re the best Scott!

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
They are more flying out than in had me floored 🫶

1 minute ago
In the changed world riled and rattled by: ukraine intrigue- Palestine intrigue- climate change strongmanship intrigue, wars inflicted by corporate and party politics of influential countries becomes rogue. Its the contemplating masses which becomes the gentry

4 hours ago
The key question for me is whether Iran will let Israel live in peace with attacks from its proxies

2 hours ago
Respect Mr Ritter, Respect Mr Galloway!

4 hours ago
Sounds like that’s a bit of a stretch Ritter.

3 hours ago
Oops, US just blown its war budget for Israelis in just one night.

2 hours ago
Iranian made a big mistake to show their hands to Israelis .

1 hour ago

3 hours ago
Totally agree with Scott

1 hour ago
Watch your US dollars lose value because US dollars are being printed for a FOREIGN country’s defense. Let the bully defend itself. #Not with my tax dollars.

55 minutes ago
Maybe America will stop if some country will export War to their doorsteps. No? Jac

1 hour ago
You know Israel is struggling when they have to ask the Americans and Poms for help.

2 hours ago
George Dear This Is Your Own Medicine

3 hours ago
Great analysis from Scott Ritter! Thanks for the tip, Scott, will keep an eye on Ben Gurion Airport! Wonder how the Departures will cope! Now is the time to check the prediction of Zhirinovsky about all those Russian-Israelis!

13 minutes ago
Got it very informative to the point hats off

1 reply

2 hours ago
K gave one of the greatest military displays in recent history for all time Scott Ritter Confirms This

3 hours ago
Scott needs to check his facts

4 hours ago
Bro, Iran’s attack was a failure. Everything got intercepted.

3 replies

2 hours ago
We should need to respect humanity please

27 minutes ago
The Iran retaliation dug out the traitor jordan……

4 hours ago
There is just one obvious belligerent and they are desperate to hit out like a spoilt petulant child (but with hideous weapons- who the hell keeps giving them these)

1 hour ago
ISrael has attacked and attacked and attacked Iran in the past with no rebuttal. it’s so one sided.

4 hours ago (edited)
king Abedela,s mother, is English , and his wife, is a Palestinian.

4 hours ago
Iranian people dont want or need this, but Galloway wants it for them, .

2 hours ago
Quite overstated by Ritter.

1 hour ago
More flying out than in, So true.

2 hours ago
Have You Ever Visited Bolton George This Town Has Its Own Mule

3 hours ago
As usual, well said Scott Ritter. I like your analysis

4 hours ago
Hey Scott, you said you don’t want to run for president. Would you be interested in being secretary of state in the US? Perhaps you would be interested in being a consultant to the president? A girl can dream, right?

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Hi George always lovely to watch your vlogs and your guest as well, I’ve asked before and I’m asking again if you could let us know as a family from Birmingham we would like to vote for you in the coming election if at all possible

4 hours ago
A simple mere warning from Iran

2 hours ago
Time to respect respect humanity please

1 hour ago
What iran did no country in history of humanity never did attacking a country 2000 km away

3 hours ago
There was nothing Israel could do to stop the missiles? Remind me how many got through…

2 hours ago
No Freebies George Thought You Got Away With It Snap Your Wand Here We Go Again

1 hour ago
It Was Always Too Windy For Kites Were You Good At Them George

2 hours ago
free the west from Israel

4 hours ago
There are more flying out then in George Galloway nice one

1 hour ago
I read that Israel knocked 98% of those missiles and Drones out f the sky? And by the way,Ukraine is still fighting.

1 hour ago
Israel has made strategic mistakes from the beginning.

4 hours ago
Can someone please explain how this was a win and such a great show of force when they weren’t able to make any contact in isreal all shot down and no damage? What is he talking about

2 hours ago
thanks Scott

3 hours ago
Dear Dr. Mavis
– I have a red scaly rash that runs up my inner thighs from kneecaps to pelvis. Is there an ointment that you would recommend?

4 hours ago
Thats why scott is a weapon specialist … he said the things that i didn’t expect he knows but he does and he knows it well

1 reply

12 minutes ago
Scott goes a bit Turgidson describing the Iranian attack, but I’m not judging anybody.

3 hours ago
Are there videos or pictures showing the base hit by Iran?

4 hours ago

11 minutes ago
King Abdullah and Jordan in general are playing their exact role in middle east as a buffer area between Israel and other strong influential arab countries in last century Iraq , Syria and Saudi Arabia.
( Im not taking about the Jordanian people who are 70% Palestinian refugees BTW)

1 hour ago
I understand that Khomoeni is under a lot of pressure to respond and that, for other reasons, he is considered weak and possibly on his way out. Is any of this true?
All that put aside, Iran made a very measured retaliatory warning shot.

4 hours ago
Gorge and Scott two greatest person

4 hours ago
Good thing we left all that hardware in Afghanistan and gave Iran pallets of cash..we have uninvadvable coasts..get out of every single foreign nation and let’s just worry about us..Ron Paul would agree.

3 hours ago

1 hour ago
You Always Have Your Sights On The Tray’s

1 hour ago
Yes, Iran told where they gona hit.

4 hours ago
Bullys are cowards..

1 hour ago
Love and peace

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter for 2024 President ️

4 hours ago
This is nonsense. You honestly think that all parties didn’t know where and when those missiles were launched?

4 hours ago
Thank You

1 hour ago
Rise And Shine In The Morning K Live Now

3 hours ago (edited)
Netaniyahu’s Israel is an occupied land, their houses are owned by hooliganism, and they get dollar/pound/riyal/dirham automatically as donations. So they have nothing to lose, everything is granted. But Iran has built/earned everything with hard work. And that’s why they think a lot before attacking.

2 hours ago
October 7th? Murder, torture, rape bur.ning alive. Are you saying these acts were justified?

1 hour ago
Stop because we can’t win this war? We can’t afford to lose this or any war.

4 hours ago
Scott and George …… thanks to both of you for your analogy of the world we live in presently. It’s a shame what both countries you live in has become by leaders such as unelected rishi sunak and genocide Joe, not sure he was honestly elected either. All the best to both for your honesty and decency.

4 hours ago
I hope what Scott described is correct

1 hour ago
I am curious, how does Scott Ritter feels about Israel?

3 hours ago
Scott is really eloquent sometimes.

56 minutes ago
If you invest in the stock market as many times as Iran launched against Isreal but had as few hits as Iran had against Israel, will you be successful???

2 hours ago
But the missiles were all stopped, no?

1 hour ago
So, the US and Israel chicken out.

2 hours ago
Now K Is King Of Parliament How Easy Was That I Ask You George?

1 hour ago
Saw reports that only ten rockets hit Israel. Is this true?

3 hours ago (edited)
I would not call Ki…Ab as a king, I would rather call him a mice.

4 hours ago

5 minutes ago
Iran has a right to defend itself

4 hours ago
There are more flying out than in

4 hours ago
Thank you

4 hours ago
This is an eye opener

2 hours ago
Should I Applaud I Reserve The Right To Clap

2 hours ago
Wow, get 2 idiots in the same room. And they seem quite nice to each other cause that’s what you’re too are. Why don’t you guys move over there and see how well that does for you?

3 hours ago
Soon, there will be a Palestinian state …

3 hours ago
Im pro palestinian but im still missing something. 300 missiles and drones fired and only 7 hit and did very minimal damage.

4 hours ago
God bless the good people of Iran, Gaza and even the apparently few good people left in Israel. May peace and prosperity come to all soon.

2 hours ago
Great interview

4 hours ago
Uncle Ernie talking a load of balls as usual.

3 hours ago
While Demonstrating, they field tested their competence.

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter is awesome!

4 hours ago
A highly complex attack – staged from Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran – using drones of different types missiles of different types all of different speeds – and all merging on target area at around the same time for their purpose, using mostly older stock that has been upgraded and replaced over the last 2 years from data received from Ukr conflict.

1 hour ago
galloway as a turk your the man mate a true british a gentlemen

4 hours ago
The best two commentators I am now gonna enjoy listening to. Shut up everybody else! Bismils

44 minutes ago
WTG Iran . . .

4 hours ago
the iranians helped Israel get out of its isolation. the Palestinians paid with life and blood to get world attention. and iran with fireworks b.s set Israel free.

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter Decode This For George Galloway He Will Be Late For His Own Funeral

2 hours ago
The Iron Yarmulke will be exposed.

59 minutes ago
I Would Never Have Voted For You I Guess My Instincts Are Right

4 hours ago
Let us pray that G7 can finally calm down Netanyahu and the extreme right wingers in Israel so that the world can move towards peace: Palestinians, Israelis, the entire ME and the rest of the world. Please.

3 hours ago
The guest is loving this…. It’s very interesting though…

4 hours ago

2 hours ago
America get your Dog back on its leash…

1 hour ago
I Actually Preferred Clint Eastwood Hats

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Two heros George andRita

29 minutes ago
1 billion was spent USA and Israel defense

1 hour ago

2 hours ago
A Dua for the Queen of Jordan, Queen Raina I pray she is safe, well and alive, her conscience is sound, before she was silenced by them

4 hours ago
I might be wrong. Maybe I’m just reading something into this that was not intended, but this man seems extatically, orgasmically happy when he said the warheads separated and got through the iron dome thing and struck Israel.
Nah, I’m probably imagining things.

1 reply

45 minutes ago
Whois the Provocateur? All of U.S.

3 hours ago
Nah Isreal has been putting on a display since 7/10 Irans display does not compare

2 hours ago
The King of Jordan has a Palestinian wife and a country with no water (it all comes from Israel who, there for, have him over a barrel). In 1948 the Jordanian army was led by British officers, but failed to stop the Nekba, even when the RAF were ordered to shoot down IDF planes flying in allied Arab airspace.

4 hours ago
thank you

4 hours ago
Fantasic interview!

4 hours ago
George Galloway, you’d better be careful with whom you associate yourself, these people once they become powerful enough will certainly NOT thank you for supporting them

53 minutes ago
King of Jordan is a disgrace

4 hours ago
We will see Irans defence soon

2 hours ago
Whats the response

4 hours ago
attack? that was reconnaissance.

1 hour ago
Wondering if this is real or psyop

43 minutes ago
I feel sorry for UKRAINE now all the military hardware is heading to ISRAEL

4 hours ago
greatest display? c’mon if your impressed by irans attack then you have no clue or experience in what modern warefare is

1 hour ago (edited)
I don’t want to take any credit away from the Iranians but I bet the Russians helped a bit in designing this brilliant strike system.

56 minutes ago
Fishier than Seattle.

1 hour ago
I Don’t Know Which Direction To Go

4 hours ago
The Saudis and Jordanians came to the defence of Israel. How interesting.

3 hours ago
I used to respect Ritter. Iran’s display was one of ineffectiveness

2 hours ago
Scott prediction is great

2 hours ago
Great information.

3 hours ago
Stay on Air but accept who the Daddy is

2 minutes ago
more flying out then in

4 hours ago
They are moving to the Philippines. Israel’s 2nd biggest ally.

2 hours ago
Very depth analysis

4 hours ago
Abdullah would be welcome in the stables of buckingham Palace.

4 hours ago
Two of the gratests souls alive at this moment

3 replies

3 hours ago
thanks all of your prognosis never never existing

3 hours ago
Dig For Dig

3 hours ago
Mr Abdullah ~ Money can’t buy you love…but puppets, by the bushel.

1 hour ago
Well said about the Hypocrite Jordanian King

9 minutes ago
Let’s get this straight. Biden himself isn’t doing anything.
This isn’t Biden THINKING . Lol

1 hour ago
Back In The Days You Would Get Post Asking to Reproduce 10 Copies And Hand Them Out Or You Would Get Bad Luck Took Me Forever As a 7 Year Old Copying Word For Word To Avoid Any Bad Luck In My Life

4 hours ago
There are more flying out than in. lol

4 hours ago
What a load of crap.

3 hours ago
Or are you afraid it might return as a Boomerang

3 hours ago
Guest has no idea what he is talking about.

19 minutes ago
Scott must have Iranian citizenship

3 hours ago
True story way back on yahoo comment on Israel where threating to bomb Iran nuke site article, I made a comment and explain why bunker bomb can not dig into solid rock. And a guy who sounded as military guy ask me to explain more and where you got your info . Said here, the city tried widen a freeway next to housing that solid rock. They toke month going no where they brought in that concrete buster on the demolished crain and still got nowhere, city gave up.
I told him in physics all matter as a montian of rock act as one. Same as you pound a huge bolder with a hammer you can’t even chip it. The only way as miner do is drill holes and drop dynamite deep, see a explosion will take the easier way out so it’s a surface blast.
A few day after I read articles telling Israel that they can’t not destroy Iran nuke in that solid rock area will not work So they talk to the expert & I might have save a war back then LOL

2 hours ago
Clear that Ritter has an axe to grind with Israel

4 hours ago (edited)
it’s a good assessment of how it would look if there was a drawn out conflict. but i also think and i see an effort to freeze the efforts and start a better path forward between the two. it wouldnt be sunshine and rainbows but i believe it isn’t doom and gloom and the apocalypse anymore. i think this whole few centuries can pass with israel and iran being able to be part of the geography in the middle east. both cultures, governments, economic models will grow and change due to the very nature of change. its unavoidable. what the real stalemate is healing. how to forgive and forget the grief that both have suffered throughout their histories – with against and separately from each other.

3 hours ago
I Believe I’m out of your budget anyway George

3 hours ago
Technological Marvel Enhancement

4 hours ago
so why doesn’t Iran now force Israel to stop the onslaught against Gaza if that’s how much of an upper hand they have?

1 reply

4 hours ago
The best!

2 hours ago
How could you possibly know what the iranians intentions in this attack are .

1 reply

5 hours ago
It’s all very well, unfortunately for Iran in spite of their might they failed miserably. 99% of their missiles and drones were destroyed well before they reached Israel by not only Israel, other contributors were the USA, Jordan , Saudi Arabia, Britain France. Now Iran will experience the a true might which is the Israeli’s one.

2 hours ago
A great betrayal by the King of Jordan as expected.

9 minutes ago
Why does George Galloway hate Israel and Jewish people

4 hours ago

3 hours ago
Iran has a slightly more innovative army than Iraq had, they are not a significant threat. The US and allies could quite easily subdue Iran.

1 hour ago
some very good tech and planning, not saying that the Iranians are stupid, but this all seems to be a bit advanced for Iran.

3 hours ago
No, Scott, King Abdullah does not belong in Britain. He belongs with his own people in Saudi Arabia.

2 hours ago
you rock george

3 hours ago
last niTe as this old guy watched Iran and others attack Israel…. thankyou…in my 74 years i still don’t like Bullies…i imagined how a spark of hOpe was given to the Palestinians…. thankyou George and thanks for reminding me of my Scottish Grandma
… she had the accent alright peace 🇵🇸🇾🇪🇸🇴🇪🇹🇸🇸🇦🇫🇮🇶🇮🇷🇸🇾🇱🇾🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸…..

4 hours ago
What a hack response by Scott,

3 hours ago
On point scott

2 hours ago
Gloria a ti,señor, por todo / Viva Christo Rey

58 minutes ago
The Iranian response to Israel’s next move is not likely to be as optimal as Scott Ritter suggested here. It does not seem likely Israel will conform to restrictions requested by the US. Israel is not looking for multiple rounds of this tit for tat nonsense. We’re walking into a worse diplomatic failure today than what was seen prior to the Russian invasion. But this is not surprising. It’s the new normal.

1 hour ago
Israel needs this conflict to escalate as Iran now has them in “check”. They must make a move that will bring the US fully into the conflict and off the sideline. I suspect Israel will retaliate and escalate. It’s the only way the state survives…as Iranian tech will only get better at this point.

3 hours ago
Good interview

4 hours ago
Hard Cope: Iran humiliated itself

4 hours ago
Yeah we will see bout that real soon.

2 hours ago
Damn good analysis….especially if the Iranian ballistic missile spoofing capability is accurate.

1 hour ago
I wonder if Iran has hypersonic missiles.

1 reply

4 hours ago
But Israel shut down most of the missiles, not much landed on Israel.

36 minutes ago

3 hours ago
Hats off

3 hours ago
Iran gave one of the greatest military displays in recent history.
Scott Ritter

2 hours ago
Enjoy The Steak With Wine

3 hours ago
King abdumba is a stooge of the west and always has been

3 hours ago
Nothing is as it seems. Wheels within wheels.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Just One Favour Put A Word In To The Ladies In Parliament K Arrival Very Very Soon They Will Understand Easy

3 hours ago (edited)
So, WW III can be seen from Ben Gurion and I think, also Netan’s ego (insanity)

2 hours ago (edited)
you do not have to be a military specialist to understand the iranian missile/drone attack strategy, kind of like a high/low -fast/slow strategy. coupled with the financial cost. kind of like the United States use of the rivet joint attack aircraft penetration; sead/dead – no fly zone concept.

1 hour ago
Great analysis but don’t put Kurds in the same basket as US/Israel proxies. Kurds have been fighting for decades for self determination which is the right of every nation. They fought off ISIS/IS at a very high cost and driven them out of northern Syria.

3 hours ago
They didn’t hit anything scott.

1 hour ago
I’m no Intelligence Officer, but this is about the dumbest crap I ever heard. Sorry, but my BS detector alarm is ringing off the wall.

1 hour ago (edited)
It was pure theatre: Signalled days ahead, slow drones are sent over long distances… to be intercepted (mostly) at will. The immediate win for Iran is that their drones are relatively inexpensive, and that the Iron Dome and other anti-air defences are an order of magnitude more expensive. Expect that the bill will be sent to increasingly impoverished AMERICAN citizens who are not a part of the 1% who benefit from the MIC. Oil prices will go up. Iran wins. Russia wins. The real Iranian response will occur elsewhere, and with a lot less warning. Don’t relax.

3 hours ago
Why is Scott so anti Israel and pro Iran?.. Anyone else find that strange?

1 hour ago
No, like 90% of the stuff got intercepted. It was a good showing of Israel military.

4 hours ago
nothing like a good bedtime story for sweett dreams

4 hours ago
Meow Remember Big Brother George

3 hours ago
Iran has every right.

54 minutes ago
But their 300 drones and missiles did NO damage. So your claim of massive damage is completely false

3 hours ago
dont give money jew.. and you sleep good…simple

4 hours ago
New player has entered

2 hours ago
George and Scott 2 favourite men on u tube

1 hour ago
Scott Which Is Your Favourite Message

4 hours ago
Weren’t like 99% of the missiles thwarted by Israel? Where is his source that most of these missiles were successful?

4 hours ago
Israel better dont mess with Iran!!

3 hours ago
Respect for Iran.

4 hours ago
Behind that awesome hat is homeini tattoo

23 minutes ago
I love this 2 men

4 hours ago
? Nuclear parking lot in Iran?

3 hours ago
….and IRGC firing accuracy

56 minutes ago
You Could Kill A Dragon

2 hours ago
Hatsoff for iran

3 hours ago
eyval GG
eyval Scott

2 hours ago
Wow very exiting but come on no ww3 and tell Putin

1 hour ago
Bro this is dumb. Iran didn’t show anything other than their equipment got shot down. 99% of all of it.

3 hours ago
Oct 7th was a bad idea…

4 hours ago
Many true observations from Scott Ritter – But God does what he will. We are not alone in the universe

1 hour ago
They actually stopped all but 2 missiles. Iran are duds like their cheap bombs

1 hour ago
Bolton Is A Pub Town Come Down Sometime

2 hours ago
Simple Analysis For You George

3 hours ago
Great video

2 hours ago
What does the black hat stand for? I hope not for chabad.

3 hours ago
I cant believe north korea are the good guys

3 hours ago
Bravo Iran…

2 hours ago
Bibi scored an own goal . Lets not forget the poor people of Palestine amidst this debacle.

2 hours ago
You really have to scour the android zone to get proportional analysis.

4 hours ago
Genius Mr. Scott Ritter should be our President for 2024. My honour and respect to Me. Scott Ritter.

1 reply

35 minutes ago
More hype from mr ritter, as we have come to respect. Compared to Russian offensives, or lack thereof, in ucraine, this show of aggresdion might be impressive, but damage to one airbase and limited casualties of themselves do not merit mr ritters description.
I am reminded of the quote about a dog walking on it’s hind legs from Doctor Johnson, that “It was not that it was done well, but the surprise is that it was done at all”,. In relation to the Iran attack on israel, though I would add a rider, “….. and for that Iran deserves respect for even trying”.
It is already too late to expect a meaningful response from mr Putin even for the recent concert hall attack, which itself happened because of nordstream and the myriad other unrequited attacks on the Russian motherland. I won’t be holding my breath, but perhaps Iran’s courageous action might put a bit of backbone into mr Putin.

4 hours ago
Scott Ritter also former convicted sex offender that served jail time for predatory behaviour against young,very young teenage girls

3 hours ago
Jordan chose wrong….

2 hours ago
Israeli is the chosen one I thought. Is that true?

2 hours ago
Galloway Means The Gallows

2 hours ago
No More Blurting Out Too Soon Dear

28 minutes ago
what a joke of a presentation. Greatest display actually totally neutralized- that is some feat but not the attack itself

17 minutes ago

1 hour ago
and scott number 1 for me the best honest a true eagle

11 minutes ago
English speaking king of Jordan lmao

31 minutes ago
Drone flying lawn mowers

3 hours ago
George, U R D 1

3 hours ago

4 hours ago
99% interception.. this guy is high

1 hour ago
Either Duel Me Or Behave.

54 minutes ago

2 hours ago
the little clown king the most hated in the world

3 hours ago
Good comment Scot on jordan.

3 hours ago
i love both of you

2 hours ago
You Paid The Pakistani Faith Off

4 hours ago
True news.

2 hours ago
Is this guy really the most credible person to give lecture on such topic?

1 reply

2 hours ago
This guy is getting too excited about this.

3 hours ago
Mr George Galloway

1 hour ago
You Too Got A Shillings Worth

3 hours ago
Have You ever spun your hat on to the hook George

1 hour ago
I stand with Israel

35 minutes ago
Who is telling the truth?? There’s 2 different videos out there with 2 different story’s but no real evidence to back up either side of the story.!! Does anyone know the truth and have the evidence.??

2 hours ago
I wish Scott Ritter was right about Iranian capabilities, but unfortunately they have planned to take down Iran for over 40 years and they know exactly how to take them down, they are not worried in the slightest

1 reply

4 hours ago
Can’t believe watching this guy dribbling at the mouth with glee talking about war. What a lunatic

4 hours ago
Iran gave a blue print to Russia China N Korea also.

1 reply

3 hours ago
so we denounce military action when it’s done by one side, but when it’s done by the other side we laud over it? no, i’m sorry, but I’m thoroughly anti-war and you won’t find me commending any sort of ‘military display’ no matter how justified you might find it to be.

4 hours ago
United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Egypt. All predominantly Sunni Muslim nations. Iran: 90-95% Shia. Hamas has long been described as Sunni, but is a branch of the Muslim brotherhood, which has been active for a global Islamic state, and are allies of both Iran, Syria and Hizballah.

3 hours ago
What is the deal warmonger Ben Hodges???

2 hours ago
hmm. lot of countries have Quislings ”ellitiest”! …Jordan no exception!

4 hours ago
Why give isreal a break?

1 hour ago
Specsavers Will Be Buy 1 Get 10 Free Soon

47 minutes ago

2 hours ago
Systematic Live K Now This Is Too Easy

4 hours ago
This guy keeps confusing Iran with Israel

2 hours ago
But why would you pre expose your defense strategy to an aggressive opponent, with no damage? Knowing full well , the theater of war is never a guarantee. I think it is theater to appease Iranian populist. And feed the corporations.

1 reply

4 hours ago
What a pair traitors

2 replies

1 hour ago
King Abdullah is a coward.

3 hours ago
this guy sound more and more like hes lst it the more i hear from him. a great military display with drones come on now get real

3 hours ago
Jordan is a transplant of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia is a transplant of….?

2 replies

1 hour ago
This is purely delusional.

1 hour ago
your expert is not so smart. 99% were intercepted and those deemed not a threat based on trajectory were allowed to hit nothing.

1 hour ago
Are You Still Stood In Your Bedroom Window

1 hour ago
Things changed

4 hours ago
Flying like a hot potato…..

2 hours ago
Big notice my eye.

4 hours ago
Scott is paid by Iran 🇮🇷

3 hours ago

1 hour ago
Adios I’m Off To Spain

18 minutes ago
They hit nothing

2 hours ago
Ritter K Military Interview

3 hours ago
Does Scot Ritter ever get anything right.
No he doesn’t.

16 minutes ago
Show must go

4 hours ago

1 hour ago
Who is Iran?

4 hours ago
Natanayahu won’t believe it

3 hours ago
All hot air

3 hours ago

4 hours ago
Hes a traitor

4 hours ago

3 hours ago
Is he serious?

55 minutes ago
Romantic K Live Now

2 hours ago
So, Jordan betrayed Palestinians????

2 hours ago
What Did Your Mother Cook For You Back In The Day’s

4 hours ago
Does not Iran has thousands of missiles all kind of them

1 reply

4 hours ago
“Iran gave one of the greatest military displays in recent history”
Are you kidding, less than 1% of the missiles got through

4 hours ago
Scott is a kiddie diddler…

1 reply

4 hours ago
Mr. Ritter how is it that you can say this was a successful attack. Most of missiles were destroyed before they even got to Israel. This is what I would define as an embarrassment for Iran. Completely laughable. Where is the carnage ? There was very little. You underestimate as most experts do, what Israel has a history of doing, the impossible.

40 minutes ago
Scott Ritters predictions are about as reliable as an Islamic apologist’s Quranic interpretations

4 hours ago
Whose side are you on?…….lol

4 hours ago
8:27 did he say Israel : D

2 hours ago
Perhaps you can Go To Iran To Work Out All Of This

1 reply

3 hours ago (edited)
I’m sticking to the guidelines why you keep deleting my comments ?
I’m not self promoting
I’m not spamming
I being civil and respectful
Sticking to the subject

30 minutes ago
Isn’t that special……Iran wanna give Israel ……soft warning……..
( Footage seemed borrowed from Poppy’s War…..]

1 hour ago
Has anyone here read about the results of Iran’s attack? Go read about it, you may want to come back and edit your comments. Get real

53 minutes ago
This Guy Scott Ritter is a “comie”

52 minutes ago

3 hours ago
Only outbound flights

1 hour ago
Just In Your Message To Them Include K Too Is Waiting In Anticipation Advanced Technological Automated Generated Response System

3 hours ago
I don’t know where to stop with you George to take you serious or give you an OAP sympathy steak vote

4 hours ago
George you really are a sucker these days. This man is a total waffler.

2 hours ago
Don’t You Wish You Could Read My Messages Forever

32 seconds ago
Iran in August joined BRICS, Iran has powerful friends. This is a East v West!!

4 hours ago
just a display it was better to make a movie

3 hours ago
United Heaven Believers projects

1 hour ago
Or Were You A Bog Warmer

2 hours ago
your wishing upon stars

3 hours ago
Free papestine children

3 hours ago
Don’t bother pitting against the codes go with the flow George Galloway Scottish Whiskey with you K

1 hour ago
42 generations before king Abdullah – his great-great-grandfater 42 generations back was a man called Mohammed the prophet. Yes – THAT Mohammed.

4 hours ago
Lol poor George Bush hes just speaking Texan. Misunderestimate eh?

3 hours ago

35 minutes ago
Like old bible eye for a eye

4 hours ago
Iran is to be applauded for such a measured and telling response

4 hours ago

2 hours ago
Terminally High Demonstrated K I Have Other Favourite Channels See You Again

1 hour ago
Dear George Abdul is coming to Malibu California for summer vacation zelesky and ordeghan macron is coming but mbs is not coming he is busy with ghashghchi honorable Americans journalists dismembered bloody in turkey Saudi embassy unimaginable crimes against humanity yes sir they are coming and Abdul is not going Jordan 🇯🇴 meget received billions he tries to buy more homes here gentlemen.

31 minutes ago
The Hashemite kingdom going to Hash.

2 hours ago
You are confused son.

1 hour ago
Iranian rockets didn’t hit Israel.

1 hour ago
Jordan !!!!!!!!

50 minutes ago
I Deduce Your False Sense Of Belief Of Your Privilege Status

4 hours ago

1 hour ago
Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

24 minutes ago
8:15 Fuck Yeah.

2 hours ago

4 hours ago
This guy is laughable.

2 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
What’s up with that hat btw?

4 hours ago

1 hour ago
At Least I Have Made You Popular With The Women They Will Want To Know How You Feel

3 hours ago
Greatest Interview Subscribe K

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
since the october near every prediction of ritter was false – why bother with this guy
unless you know what he smokes – i want some

1 hour ago
I Don’t Want Anything From Anyone Neither Fame Nor Fortune I Just Want You To Know Before Running Your Mouths Know That I Exist.

1 hour ago (edited)
Free palistine!!!

4 hours ago

3 hours ago

4 hours ago
lol funny stuff from mr mouthpiece

3 hours ago
IDK…seemed lame to me

1 hour ago

2 hours ago
Seems to me that Scott is really cheering against Israel, and is underestimating the emotion going in that country right now. He is speculating and he might be right about what went on in this missile attack, but there could be many other variables and the chance that this goes away cuz (in his view)Iran stood up for themselves, is pretty much not realistic.

1 reply

4 hours ago
Israeli IDF don’t know
But Iranian IRGC knows them better than their mother
Ballistic missiles used last night was 3 different kinds
But the confusion in air defense systems was better than expected
Obviously human casualties was not Iranian objective

2 replies

2 hours ago
Hamaz is winning because the world is talking about it?

1 reply

2 hours ago
a huge Iranian victory, yeah right. I don’t see israelis crying Scott. Talk is cheap. Show me the money

4 hours ago
Run to the cross while there is still time no other name saves Jesus is the only name that can save you from your sins

1 hour ago
Why UK helps israel, UK is totally diff with israel, even the skin color is diff, religion also diff.

1 hour ago

3 hours ago
king abdulah so called people of Jordan 🇯🇴 please get rid of that this-believer for the good of you all.

2 hours ago
What Do You Have George And Stop Pondering

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
probably some of the worst commentaries are by Scott Ritter.

3 hours ago
Has this channel had its death sound? As if Iran can threaten the ziknsists it’s all a big film show

34 minutes ago
Scott for a smart man you sound really silly. Really silly.

2 hours ago

4 hours ago
Fake news

39 minutes ago
Only goombas listen to Galloway and Ritter. Everything they say is just stuff you could figure out on your own without getting hysterical about it. Waste of time to watch these videos

3 hours ago

4 hours ago
Finally conversation that I was looking for️thank you Mr.Galloway and Mr.Ritter

4 hours ago
Scott Reminds me of a guy that used heavy amounts of hallucinogens sitting at a table with a lightening crystal ball.

5 hours ago
This show is a joke like Iranians missiles

4 hours ago
Scott and George, you certainly know how popular you are among the people of the MENA area . For a long time, you persisted with your geopoltical vision over the Middle East vs Western consensus. Recent events have given you right. We are witnessing a historical moment for the future of this Region. Thanks for your stand, courage and contribution.

4 hours ago
You are very confused

1 hour ago

3 hours ago
Scott’s assessment is immature, boring and short on facts.

1 hour ago
Trump 2024

4 hours ago
Oy! Ritter is so bias and quite frankly apoplectic when it comes to Israel.

3 hours ago
Galloway and Ritter, insanity on screen. Seriously. “They hit what they were aiming at…” AIR?

3 hours ago
Thank you Mr.Galloway for such an insightful discussion.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Scott Ritter and George Gallaway together! How AWSOME! WOW!
You two should run for president!

4 hours ago
Respect to you both

10 minutes ago
As always vacuous analysis based on bigotry and misinformation……. Yawn, Zzzzz

3 hours ago
Thank you Mr scott

2 hours ago (edited)

2 hours ago
They’re more flying out,George you are great.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
How did Scott get to be so inteligent? He seems to know everything about everything!

3 hours ago
Mr Galloway should be the Prime Minister of British and Mr Ritter be the President of USA. Then the world can be peace.

5 hours ago
When George and Scott speak, American and Western leaders shiver in their pants. True legends.

4 hours ago
All things considered, I think Scott is a very good man and an expert at international relations, exposing deception by evil players.

4 hours ago
I agree on the financial aspect but Iran has invested heavily in missiles/drones (as any terrorist state would) and has neglected the development of a robust modern air defense as well as modern fighter aircraft. From my limited understanding, they have no chance of winning a war against Israel or any modern military.

3 hours ago
Those fireworks were pitiful

3 hours ago
George for PM

3 hours ago
Hmmm. Seems Ritter is currently the only person I’ve heard with the opinion that Iran was successful in demonstrating its military might and military strategy. Most others are opining about 99% of the missiles being interdicted. Me, I think Iran did the best they could but, could not hit anything.

3 hours ago (edited)
Two of my favorite men together! Can it get any better! Please Scott, run for president of the USA ! We have the future(God willing) prime minister of Britain,(George Galloway )! The world can only be better with you two. May God bless you both, and your families.

2 hours ago
Scott Ritter’s hatred of Israel has totally clouded his analysis. He’s lost.

2 hours ago
He is a cheerleader for Iran. Why is a former US marine supporting our enemies?

1 reply

4 hours ago
Is Scott Ritter an idiot? Seriously asking a question not throwing comments out would like some light shed on this

3 hours ago
England beat Iran 6-2 at the WC, is that not enough?

4 hours ago
Iran hasn’t demonstrated a damned thing. Scott Ritter is a clown.

4 hours ago
Simon Webb , “History Debunked” gives an interesting explanation of why Jordan and Saudi came to Israel’s aid.
Get out of your echo chamber , George and interview him.

3 hours ago
Sounds like to me that he loves Iran. Perhaps he’s a traitor

3 hours ago
lol you two are clowns

54 minutes ago
Let’s :Look At The Stats George Galloway Interview 20 Minutes Kessar Nabi Interview Eternal

4 hours ago
Two Hamas cheerleaders in one video! Haha –


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Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

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This entry was posted in America, Arabs, China, Gaza, George Galloway, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, ISIS, Israel, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Media - jewish domination, Mossad, Muslim, Neocons, Netanyahu, Public opinion - Manipulation, Saudia Arabia, Scott Ritter, Syria, Transcript, WW III, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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