Category Archives: Plutocracy

How Jewry Turned England into a Plutocratic State – Part 3

  [Image – click to enlarge] Cover of World-Service 12.6.1940 edition   PART 3     Contents   I. Introduction   II. Outline of the Three Stages of Jewry’s Rise to Power in England   III. Jewish Bribery and Corruption in Promoting the Naturalisation Bill … Continue reading

Posted in England, Europe, Germany, Jew World Order, Jews, Plutocracy, Race - Mixing, Revisionism, Rothschild, The "City of London", The International Jew | Leave a comment

How Jewry Turned England into a Plutocratic State – Part 2

  [Image – click to enlarge] Cover of World-Service 12.6.1940 edition   PART 2   Contents   I. Introduction II. Outline of the Three Stages of Jewry’s Rise to Power in England   III. Jewish Bribery and Corruption in Promoting the Naturalisation Bill … Continue reading

Posted in England, Europe, Germany, Jew World Order, Jews, Plutocracy, Race - Mixing, Revisionism, Rothschild, The "City of London", The International Jew | 5 Comments