[James Delingpole talks with Josh (aka “Richard the Lionheart”), about his background in the military, his music, the dire effects of diversity, and his planned Covid protest march from the south coast of England (from where he can see the Isle of Wight) all the way up to Hadrian’s Wall. (Which he has since completed.)
The James Delingpole Channel
Feb 12, 2021
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Published on Feb 12, 2021
The James Delingpole Channel
41.2K subscribers
Proud, defiant Englishman Josh – @remedysounds on Twitter, @lionheartengland on Telegram – talks about his journey from Royal Marine commando to snowboarding musician to voice of the resistance against the Covid Nazis. Raise the White Dragon flag!
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Delingpole: Okay. Welcome to the Delingpod with me, James Delingpole. And I know I always say I’m excited about this week’s special guest. But I really am! I spotted this man on Twitter. And so did lots of you. Lots of you said to me:
“Oh my god! You’ve got to get this man on your podcast now!”
And normally I’m really slow about these things. But today I’ve got my act together. And I’ve got hold of Josh. Josh, welcome! Welcome to the Delingpod! Just what’s your Twitter handle? Where did you put out this brilliant video you made?
Josh: I actually didn’t put it up on Twitter. My Twitter account has been pretty inactive, I’d say, for a while. I used to be a musician and stuff, and I had the Twitter from years, and years back. But then I basically released a video through Telegram.
Delingpole: Oh yeah.
Josh: And I was using the Telegram App. And I think somebody just got hold of it and shared it throughout Twitter. I kind of lost faith in Twitter a few years ago. It just seems to be this kind of delusional biosphere of radical lefties that just don’t seem to come to terms with the reality of the world, you know. [chuckling] So I just, I don’t engage too often. But every now and again I’ve just poked my nose in, you know.
Delingpole: It’s quite interesting, because like one of the things I like about having you on the podcast is that you are, to all intents and purposes, a “civilian”, you know. Normally I get my guests from this coterie of vaguely prominent skeptics and dissidents of one kind, or another.
But you’re here representing real Britain! I think there are lots of people like you out there who are mightily pissed off with what’s happened to their country! And we’ll come to that at the moment. But even what you said about Twitter, so many people are going to be going:
“Yeah! Exactly!”
Because like you I tend to prefer Telegram now. I like the fact that it was invented by the Ruskis! It’s something I find that reassuring somehow [chuckling]. They seem to be less tainted than this whole corrupt, … Isn’t it bizarre that the Russians are now kind of almost less tainted than the whole corrupt Western, all the Western institutions have been have been compromised in some way.
And yeah, Telegram is good. Twitter I use it out of habit, really. It’s just I’ve got something. Like I don’t know, nearly 50,000. I mean, less now followers from there. And it’s kind of quite a useful vestigial communication tool. But yeah, I think we need to migrate elsewhere.
Anyway, so you put up this video on Telegram. And you must tell me about yourself! You say you were a musician. What? A kind of a rock musician?
Josh: No. I mean, I’ve had quite, you know, a few roles in society. I left school straight out of secondary school and ended up joining the military. I was in the military for about six years. And then after that I got a job naturally working in a gym doing circuit training and things like that.
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: And I’d always wanted to play an instrument. And at the time I was living in a place called Gosport* on the south coast. I don’t know if, you know, it?
[Gosport is a town in Hampshire on the south coast of the United Kingdom. At the 2011 Census, it’s population was 91, 544. It is situated on a peninsula on the Western side of Portsmouth Harbour, opposite the city of Portsmouth, to which it is linked by the Gosport Ferry. Source: Wikipedia].
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: But yeah, for lack of a better term it was a shit-hole! And I wanted to play the drums, because I played the drums when I was younger. And so my neighbors came around and said:
“If you play that drum kit anymore. I’m going to stab you!”
So basically I had to come up with something else. So I got a guitar — and you could play guitar with headphones on — and I started playing music and writing songs. And somebody said to me:
“I’ll give you 150 quid if you come and play at my pub on Friday night.”
And I was like:
“150 quid? Yes please!”
And I thought:
“Well if I could get three, or four of these then that would be great!”
And it just went from there really. And it kind of skyrocketed! I ended up getting signed. I have still now, publishing deals on various songs. One of my songs recently, an EDM track, got six million [!], … What do you call them? Listens, I suppose, on Spotify. Which is really quite an interesting thing. Because I wrote that song, because I don’t really like electronic dance music. I sort of wrote it as a sort of cliche. Like, this is how to write a crappy five-minute song. But we would call it a “hook line”. And end up coming this really popular sort of summer dance hit on Spotify, and there you go.
But anyway, yeah, so I was kind of doing the music for a bit. And then I started going over to France and playing my music in the French Alps. So I was snowboarding every day. I towed a caravan with me. And I had a little, well a little dog, I had a big dog called “Rudy”. And he came with me and we just slept in the caravan, snowboarded every day, and then played music in bars. And I just started chatting to people and getting lots of contacts, meeting great people. And I did that for about five, or so, years.
And then in the summers I was kind of using the money that I earned from doing that, to learn new skills. And I eventually just got myself into welding and fabricating, because I’ve always enjoyed making things with my hands. And I come from a long line of farriers actually, believe it, or not.
Delingpole: Really!
Josh: Yeah. And I always wanted to work with metal. And so I always wanted to work with metal. And so, yeah, I got into welding and fabrication. Walked into a workshop and basically said qu to the guy:
“I’m not after your money, or a job. I just want to learn this trade. And here’s some of my welding I’ve done so far.”
And he said:
“Well there’s a pile of scrap in the corner there. If you can produce a weld that I can sell, I’ll give you a job.”
And that’s how it went basically.
And I was working for him for quite a while. Then eventually the first lockdown happened and the work started to dry up. Because we were building parts for super yachts. I mainly worked with stainless steel as a TIG welder. And some of the contractors for super yachts they were working for had to shut down their factories, because people were testing positive. And they had like an A Team, and a B Team. If someone tested positive, … And basically it was just affecting this production line of the things that we were making. And, because I was the last one in the door I was sort of the first one out.
And so I had to go on this job hunt again. And then I found a new firm and I was doing all this site work on building sites. And that really opened my eyes, because I was going around to these houses. And they were just decimating woodland and just building just thousands of thousands of really poor matchbox houses everywhere! And I thought:
“Bloody hell! I’m contributing to this at the moment!”
And this is scaring me, because who are these houses for? Like what is this all for? I don’t like the quality. And I was on the building sites as well. And the large majority of people that work on building sites aren’t actually English! And what I was doing was building staircases. So more often than not we’d have to remove the temporary staircase that was there, and you’d put signs up saying:
“Don’t come down the staircase!”
But a lot of these people can’t even read the sign! So that’s when I kind of started to get into this place where I thought I could start speaking out about this sort of thing, because it’s got to be an element of health and safety and whatnot.
And yeah, I started my channel. I basically just used my YouTube channel that I’d had from the music before. I just started speaking about my own personal experiences. And I always said to myself:
“Look, I never want to advocate for, you know, any violence, or anything like that. But I just don’t want to live in this country were you can’t speak your mind. I just want to be able to speak my mind! And also stand up for my own people. I’m English! That’s my ethnicity! This is England. And I’m going to speak about that.”
So I’m not an aristocrat, or an intellectual, or anything. I’m just a welder. And I can only speak from that perspective.
Delingpole: Wow! There’s so much there to talk about! I mean, starting with your time in the Alps, living the dream! Snowboarding, and making music! I mean, how many of us, … That belongs to an age that we’ve almost lost, doesn’t it? That really, and until last year, this would have been the dream of every young man! I’m gonna grow my hair long and just spend some time out, boarding, … And oh god!
But you couldn’t do that now! I mean, you couldn’t even get on the airplane! Or not without going through this rigourous quarantine procedure.
And then can I just ask you briefly about “farrier”? Is it farriers who do put shoes on horses, or is that blacksmiths? So I always forget that.
Josh: The farriers works with horses specifically.
Delingpole: Yeah! You see I love that because, you know, I’m really into horses!
Josh: Yeah that’s great!
Delingpole: But the smell! The horrible smell of burnt hoof, when the horses are having their shoes replaced! Can you do horseshoes? Or is that not in your skill set?
Josh: I’ve never done it. But I imagine I probably could. It’s something I’d love to try! If there’s any blacksmiths listening in who want to give me a shot, I’d love to come and have a go and kind of rekindle that that part of my lineage.
Delingpole: I bet you’d be good! And also it might become necessary, because this new agrarian age that’s going to be imposed on us by the Great Reset, and stuff. Probably cars will be banned, and we’ll only have horses! Which actually, I wouldn’t mind that particular detail. So you could be in demand!
Josh: It’s funny, because, … I was going to say my great grandfather came to London specifically to put horses down, to cull the horses, because of the introduction of the automobile. So there was all these horses around. Nobody wanted to keep them. They didn’t have a purpose anymore. And my dad tells me stories about — who’s [grandfather] a little boy — sitting up on his car taking horses to the slaughter, you know, as a five-year-old boy, or whatever in East London.
Delingpole: There’s a bit of forgotten history! I mean, I knew that that in the run-up to the sort of development of the automobile, there was this great concern I think towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a great concern in metropolis across the world, of how they were going to cope with the massive increase in the amount of horseshit in the streets! Because it was a real issue at the time. And I think there were discussions about what government intervention can be adopted to deal with this problem.
But, of course, technology solved the issue the car came in instead. But the sad consequence of that was horses.
You look, by the way, like you could be, I’m sorry. I’m going to insult you here! You could be in Mumford and Sons almost [chuckling] which should be kind of appropriate to that kind of musician, sort of piky, rustic, horse [chuckling] thing going on! Anyway!
Josh: Yeah. I was gonna say, I definitely like the outdoor, as I’ve got older I now own a wax Chiles [sp]. I mean, you just cannot beat these clothes. And before the lockdown I would go into charity shops. And what’s great about them is old people really know how to dress practically. So if you want practical clothing, those are the places to go. And always pick up Chiles, nice jackets, hats, things like that. And as an Englishman, it’s our bread and butter isn’t it?
Delingpole: I’ve totally gone that way as well! Actually, I was just a brief foray into sartorial corner. I’ve now realized that the only kind of shirt, … I used to wear these kind of floral Paul Smith shirts and they look poncy!
Yeah, particularly middle-aged men [chuckling]! They’re lovely to look at! They’re lovely on the rack. But when you put them on you just look like a middle-aged ponce in a floral shirt! What a man needs beyond a certain age actually and probably you can start a new trend, …
My son looks brilliant in them! Much better than me. It’s this kind of pocket, it’s called “Pocket check”. It’s like a smaller version of Tattersall check. And it’s just like goes with everything! And I’m wearing this Bernard Weatherall kind of shooting, you know, sage-colored shooting top. I’m really happy in country wear. It’s just the best! I think it’s proper for an Englishman.
Josh: Absolutely! I think it’s a gentleman’s prerogative absolutely to look a bit sharp all the time! Or as my dad would you say:
“You know what son? There’s nothing wrong with looking a bit [snapping fingers]!”
And he would click his fingers.
Delingpole: Your dad’s absolutely right! So tell me. “Gosport”. That suggests to me that you might be have been in the one of the naval branches of the services. Were you a Marine? Or in the navy, or not?
Josh: Yes. I started off in the Royal Navy. I wanted to be in the Marines all the time. And I went into the careers office. And I can remember having this conversation, because I was supposed to stay behind after school in order to go to college. And I was so anti-school at the time! Like:
“I’m not staying behind after school!”
And I remember coming home. And my parents were like.:
“Well, what are you going to do then, if you’re not going to college?”
And I said:
“Ah I’ll just, I guess I’ll just join the army, or something.”
And they were like:
“Josh you don’t have the discipline for that! You can’t do that. You don’t realize what you’re doing!”
And I went into the careers office. I said:
“Right. What is the hardest one to get into!”
And they said:
“Well the Royal Marines Commando courses. The longest, hardest training in the world.”
So I was like:
“Right! Sign me up!”
But at the time I was boxing. I’ve always been a boxer, I love mixed martial arts and things like that. And I was weighing in, when I was 15, at literally, I think I was about 50 kilos. Which is nothing! And you have to be 64 kilos to join the Royal Marines, because of the training. So they said:
“What you can do is join the Navy. Get a bit of military bearing, and when you’re a bit older and heavier, then branch transfer across. Because the Marines are a branch within the Navy.”
And that’s what I ended up doing.
So I did a few years in the Royal Navy, sail around the world. I was on HMS York for a while. Did some Opt tours and got promoted. And then I got recommended for branch transfer to the Marines, and went off and did that. So all in all my service was about six years. And for me it was one of those things I really loved it! I didn’t regret it.
But I found it very difficult to sort of plan my life. You have to be in there 100%, or nothing. And it was a very difficult transition to come from the military, back into civvy street. And I think that’s why a lot of those guys end up homeless. And I’ve certainly been in some pretty dire situations in my life before, as well. Just purely, because it is such a difficult transition for people to make. But yeah, sorry.
Delingpole: How did you find the commando training? I mean, to get your green beret?
Josh: Well, it’s the hardest thing to do. It’s very, very difficult! It’s like I said, the longest, hardest training in the world. But I think it just gets to a point, after a while, where you there’s only one person that could kind of kick you off that course, or fail that course. And that’s yourself.
The whole thing is, I suppose, is a battle with your own self. I always do it like when I’m running now. And I think most people could relate to this in your life, where you tend to just have sort of binary thinking process. Where you have two voices in your head. One voice telling you should do something. And one voice telling you shouldn’t. And you have to, I suppose, to choose the Right voice to listen to, and keep pushing.
I run all the time. And a lot of my videos are filmed whilst I’m running, because I think it releases all these endorphins. It’s very, very good for thinking! It’s the same with walking, as well, if you’re not into running. Just being outdoors, fresh air, in the woodlands, running by the sea, or whatever it is you’ve got.
And I just find that what that does is it teaches you to listen to the right voice, and helps you to become more determined as a person. And overall it’s just really brilliant for your health. So, that’s why my videos are kind of focused around that.
Delingpole: I so totally agree with you about everything there! I do about 20 miles a week. I’m having a relapse of my Lyme disease at the moment. So I’ve knocked it on the head for a while. But I generally do about 20 miles a week. And walking I think is, … Running is great, endorphins and stuff. I don’t wear headphones. Do you? I quite like being left with my own own thoughts, rather than having it.
Josh: It depends. I do sometimes, yes. But sometimes no. I am of the camp that thinking that listening to music whilst running is a bit cheating. And if you’re out walking listening with headphones. And it’s a dreadful show.
Delingpole: That is wrong!
Josh: Nature provides, … Yeah! Nature provides the soundtrack for your walk and that it’s an insult to your very being to suggest otherwise. So yeah, running sometimes I do it if I’m going for a particularly arduous run, then I might have some music playing, or whatever. It’s a little bit of a cheat. But I also remind myself, …
Delingpole: Eye of the tiger!
Josh: [chuckling] No. Do, you know what? My music, it’s one of those things if you run quite a lot you get bored of the same playlist.
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: And I’ve gone through so much it’s quite an eclectic mix of music on my phone now. I actually have like a Mongolian throat singing on there! It’s like there’s all sorts on there to listen to. Yeah, well it’s really good sort of war music. So when you’re running it helps you to be quite enthusiastic and keep going. But it helps with the determination of the thing.
Delingpole: Okay. I’ll check out this Mongolian throat music next time I’m out for a run. But yeah, walking I agree!
I have the best conversations with people when I walk with them. I mean, if I were ever going to have a sort of business meeting with somebody, I’d want to take them for a five mile walk. And just it clears your head. And you can communicate in a way that you can’t sitting around a boardroom table, not that I would know what a boardroom table looks like particularly. But, you know what I mean, it’s great yeah.
And you made that video, of course, while you were running, which was great. I don’t know how you can get your breathing, right? Like where you can talk and run at the same time. Commando training?
Josh: No. Certainly not! It’s been such a long time now, since I’ve left. It would be unfair of me to credit any of my physical attributes to training that I did such a long time ago.
But it’s one of those things. I think if you run enough you get like a base level pace that you can run at. And sometimes I practice just running uphill and holding my breath for as long as I can. It’s very good to improve your VO2 Max and make your muscles more efficient at working without having, you know, as much oxygen as they would like. I think training in general is about taking your body outside of its comfort zone. Once you do that obviously it then tries to change to become better. And that’s the whole point.
So there’s always these little tricks you can do. And so the videos help me vent my frustrations of the world, but also they help me on a physical level by improving my VO2 Max, as well.
Delingpole: So. Before we move on to politics and the shit-show in which we find ourselves. When you were in the Marines did you do any tours of duty abroad?
Josh: I’ve done Optelic 11 before. I did some like operations like anti-piracy, and bits and bobs like that.
Delingpole: Somalia, like that?
Josh: Yeah. Yes bits and bobs like that. I was in Op Gina as well, which was like an evacuation of British citizens from, I don’t know if you remember, Israel and Lebanon, back in 2006.
Delingpole: Oh yeah.
Josh: There’s a bit of bits and bobs really. I was very lucky. But, because I was so into boxing I spent a bit of time on the boxing squad, doing that as well. So I don’t really know. I was much more into the sport than the kind of military side of it, I have to say.
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: And if you are a young person watching, or a person that’s always thought about joining the forces, and you play sport, it’s really the best place to be. Because it doesn’t matter if you join the RAF, or the Navy, Army, whatever it may be and they always have really good programs for people that are interested in sport. And if you’re a good rugby player, or football player, or whatever, even skiing, motorcycle, racing, whatever it is you may be they tend to have, you know, quite good programs for that.
I don’t know what’s it like now. And when I was in Theresa May was the Home Secretary, and kind of got to the point where she was making lots of people redundant. And they were having, there was lots of MOD cutbacks, basically.
Delingpole: Yeah!
Josh: So yeah, I think when I left it was a good time to get out.
Delingpole: I think you’re probably right. I mean, everything I’ve read recently suggests that the Armed Forces have been cut right to the bone! In fact, probably into the bone! You’re underpaid, …
Josh: Oh! Don’t get me started about it! It’s got this advert, I don’t know if you’ve seen it, where there’s this guy, this Muslim guy, who stops in the middle of a patrol to pray! And everyone’s just kind of like:
“Right we better stop.”
What we’re doing? It’s like what that doesn’t have a, … Like, you’re there to be a soldier! When you think about it objectively speaking, it’s very strange that a part of the training now, a huge element of that, is this diversity training. And I have to often ask myself:
“Why? If, This is something that should occur so naturally to people, why are we so heavily being, you know, trained to be more tolerant of each other?”
And “tolerant” is a word that I’ve grown to detest, as of late! Because it effectively just means:
“Put up with things that you wouldn’t normally put up with.”
That’s what “tolerance” really means.
Delingpole: Yup.
Josh: And I hate these politicians who sit there with a smirk on their face as they dilute and subvert our English culture, and call it “diversity”. And that is a positive thing. And they’d call people like me a “supremacist”! People called me a “supremacist” before! That’s simply not the case!
I think it’s a very supremacist idea to think that you could defeat a virus! And you could lift the entire globe out of world poverty! And then keep it forever that way! Those are totalitarian, supremacy ideas! Not what I’m saying! I just love my own people. And just, because I love my own people, doesn’t necessarily mean then I hate everybody else.
My ideology about peoples is that I think that everybody should have the right to their own homeland. And those people should determine the future of their own homeland.
If I go on holiday to India I would like to see Indian culture. If I go to New Zealand, you know, I want to see the Maori. And I want to see that. And when people come to England on holiday, I’d like then to see English culture. But if you went into London, or Birmingham, Luton, Rotherham, and Bradford, all these places now, it doesn’t look to me like England anymore. I think it’s a dreadful shame! Because we really are great people.
Delingpole: Yeah, it’s funny. I’ve heard myself saying that over the years. And it really oughtn’t to need stating. It ought to be so obvious! What’s not to like about countries having their own special identity? I mean, you’re right! I love going to India and seeing all that, the temples and the statues, you know, to Ganesh, or whatever, and the Sadduce.
Josh: Yeah, I agree! And what’s really frightening is why would you want to destroy that? So when you think about it, “diversity” kills diversity! That’s what it does! When you localize it in such a way that multiculturalism has, you’re basically forcing lots of different people all on top of one another with opposing ideologies, different ideologies, and basically creating these indoctrination programs, these diversity courses stuff, to try and teach people to get on with each other.
There is such a thing, which have a scientific basis, as “in-group preference”. I think people have in-group preference. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. That doesn’t mean we can’t live alongside each other as neighbours, you know, and work together. And it doesn’t mean that all these groups should be constantly fighting each other.
But I think what’s happened is like the United Nations Migration Compact, for example. When you look at that thing, it really does just suggest the fact that of like almost like a mongrelization of Europe!
And we’re told regularly that we don’t have a culture! That we aren’t really a people! And I hear this a lot. And I think especially, because I’ve chosen the White dragon, which is a flag of our ancestors. And people say:
“Oh what culture? What ancestors? You’re a bunch of mongrels! You’re this tribe. You’re that tribe! And blah, blah, blah!”
And I just find that bizarre that these, … And most of these people are White English people, by the way, who are saying these things!
Delingpole: Yes! Oh, it’s definitely university-educated, White, middle-class, people. Probably got jobs in working for the government in something like environmental consultancy, or sustainability, or diversity, or HR. It’s just some kind of department which is some sort of non-job. So they’re secure, because the public sector is safe.
And they can mouth all these platitudes that they’ve picked up at university, probably. And which they think makes them better better people. But I’d say that you’re more representative of where most of us actually are, outside the sort of the legacy media echo chamber where these views are banded about, as if they are representative. I don’t think they are! I think you are much more, … I mean, tell me about your, … How old are you, by the way?
Josh: I’m 31.
Delingpole: Thirty one, okay. So your circle of friends, … I mean, presumably you’ve got friends [chuckling]?
Josh: Not anymore! It’s interesting you should say that, because I’ve met lots of new friends since I became sort of politically active, or talking about my political opinions.
Delingpole: Yeah!
Josh: I think a lot of people are scared to do that. And when you do that in a public sphere, especially put your face on there, you attract a certain group of people. People that are quite like:
“Oh! Yeah, it’s really great!”
I mean, I’ve got a touch of people with people, who’ve got in touch with me, that are, … It’s quite heartbreaking stories. Like, for example, people at university who are like:
“Yeah, I’m quite proud Englishman. But I wouldn’t dare say that in front of my friends at school, because otherwise I’ll be ostracized.”
You know, during their studies. And this happens at universities. So universities, it was my impression of university was supposed to be a place for thinking, and debating, and discussing ideas. But it seems to me that now, after this long march through the institutions we’ve created this vacuum, or sorry, this kind of like this echo chamber, sorry. Where if you have the wrong ideas then you’re going to be ostracized!
And interestingly, my missus at the moment, she’s a nurse. But she’s retraining to be a paramedic. It’s interesting to go back to university at these current times.
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: We could talk a bit more in that in a second. But before she started the course, someone had got in touch with her about something she’d put on Instagram. Which was about migrants coming over in rubber dinghies. And my missus is not really that politically minded, or whatever.
She just thinks that people shouldn’t be coming into Britain illegally. But the university called her in for a formal meeting about this post that she’d done — before she’d even started the university course — and gave her an informal warning! Which is now permanently on her on her, …
Delingpole: No!
Josh: Yes! And I just think it is disgusting the way the establishment treats people! And this is the argument that they would use. They would demonize people. I’ve met doctors that aren’t actually allowed to practice anymore, because they’ve said, or done something on social media, which the establishment doesn’t agree with. It’s just very slightly outside of the Overton Window, perhaps. And it’s now affected them. This is why. We have now this Police State, with the thought police. So before the Coronavirus happened people getting knocks on doors, because they are saying things like:
“Trans-women aren’t women.”
On Twitter, you know. And actually being arrested and detained and interviewed, or whatever, for a few hours. Posey Parker is a good example of that. And I just find it’s bizarre. And this is why I’m doing this march, because I don’t want to live in a Police State anymore! They could create these rules around me, I don’t care! It’s not going to change! My rules exist in here. And my parents told me when I was a youngster. They said:
“You can do what you want in life, as long as you’re not hurting other people, then be free, and do what you feel is right, and be true to yourself.”
And I just look at the data that we have for Coronavirus at the moment, okay. And I look at my reality around me and I’ve made my own decision about it. And that’s why I’m marching, because I want everybody else to have those same feelings and strike out like that.
Delingpole: Yes! Well, let’s talk about your march. And let’s talk about the “White Dragon”. Was the White Dragon the flag of wessex, or where is it from?
Josh: Well basically it’s almost a folklorean symbol, because the legend has it there’s a red dragon under Wales, and a White dragon living under England. And they had this fight and the White dragon prevailed.
And if you look at the times of King Harold’s, for example, before 1066, the Welsh actually went and chopped off the head of their own king and gave it to Harold Godwinson, because they were so impressed by this guy. And that really unified our nation. And I don’t think that England would be what it is today had it not been for the Welsh longbowmen. So we needed these huge, powerful, burly men to fire these bows. These longbows are made of ancient yew. A bit of Rudyard Kipling:
“Yew that is old in churchyard-mould, He breedeth a mighty bow.”
And they dug up some of these old longbow archers, and their bone density was like 20% denser than anybody else’s at the time. All on one side [of their body]. And I believe that they were able to fire these arrows at a pace of, I think, 16 to 30 arrows a minute! Which even today’s best archers can’t imitate. They can’t do it. These were a special breed of people. And those longbows did us a lot of favors at Agincourt and things like that it’s a really interesting part of our history.
But the dragons come into it, the White Dragon was a flag of Harold. And a lot of our flags have derived from that. You see the three lions from Richard the first. Henry III, I believe, had the dragon. And interestingly now in more modern times it’s all about Saint George slaying the dragon!
But I actually think the dragon was an important part of our ethnic heritage, and where we come from, and where the English people come from. And that’s why I’ve chosen to fly it. As like I said in my video, it’s more of a “distress signal” to other Englishmen that something is awry. And it’s time for us to do something.
Delingpole: It totally is awry. And I think you’ve chosen a great symbol. So tell me about your plan. You’re going to walk from John o’Groats to [word unclear] is that right?
Josh: No. I’m going from the south coast of England so from somewhere I can see the Isle of Wight. And then I’m walking up to Hadrian’s Wall. I have my own personal reasons for choosing Hadrian’s Wall. But I wanted somewhere very, very far north, so I could walk almost the entirety of the country with that symbol. And then wave it when I got there. It’s a really long and arduous journey.
And I’m not going to actually announce when and where I’m doing it, or what route. I’m going to take. And I’ve got some close friends of mine that are busy, as we speak, helping me plan the route and things like that. The trouble is that this, my videos gained so much attention now, that I believe there will be a lot of people out there, including the State, and the police, and stuff, that will try and stop me from doing it. So I kind of, …
Delingpole: Yeah. But at the same time what about if we want to join you? I mean, surely a lot of us are going to be wanting to walk legs of the journey with you?
Josh: My worry there is that I would love it! I don’t want to do it alone, I’ll be honest with you. It’d be nice to have some company. It’s a long old way! But my worry would be that if people march with me — it’s 350 miles as the crow flies — it’s a long, long, march! And there’s only a certain group of people that probably would be up to that. And of those people what I would fear is that the police would just turn up, would be easily recognizable, and just start arresting people.
I believe our system works very much like an immune system. So basically every time something rises up in rebellion to that immune system, it creates antibodies, and then stamps that thing out.
So if we create a movement, even if there’s two, or three thousand people that want to do this march, the state will respond accordingly. It’d be much easier for one man to dart up his way, up the country, or for singular individuals to make their way to one place from different corners of this nation and all meet and do that. If you move as one body, then you run the risk of being met with another body, which has got more power than we do.
Delingpole: Well it’s certainly true that the police are becoming more, and more, we do live in a Police State, as you say. They’re becoming more, and more, draconian!
You saw that appalling footage, I’m sure, of police, Greater Manchester police beating up a Polish guy for the crime of opening his cafe. That shocked me! I’ve seen the, and I’ve heard of, anti-lockdown rallies being brutalized by the police! In a way that “Black Lives Matter” and Extinction Rebellion never were! Because they were pushing at an open door! Because the establishment is now “woke”. And they want to push the “woke” agenda.
But if you protest against arbitrary government power being used to kind of keep us all like serfs, then the government doesn’t like that. So I can see your concerns. But, I just wonder. You say you’re doing your thing. Are you going to make a video of it, or what?
Josh: Yeah. So I’m basically going to be taking, you know, like my [word unclear] with me and a sleeping bag, bivvie bag, roll mat, that kind of thing. And just basically dotting it as I go. And using wood blocks [?] and other things like that, for cover. And I will be documenting my journey.
And then I will release the footage and stuff after the fact. And so I have people that are helping me, they’re going to resupply me as I go, and things like that up the country. Surprisingly there’s more northerners that are willing to help me than southerners.
Delingpole: That doesn’t surprise me! It doesn’t surprise me!
Josh: Yeah.
Delingpole: I mean, …
Josh: Yeah, me neither.
Delingpole: Don’t you think this whole experience has been quite revealing? Not just of individuals. For example, I’m about the only conservative commentator left! I mean. If you want to describe me as a conservative. I’m not sure you would. But I mean, almost all of them have fled the field, and shit the bed on the subject of what’s happening! You know, not just in America, where they denied that the election was stolen. I mean, you know, despite the copious evidence.
But over here the fact that a kind of bad flu year has been turned into an excuse for totalitarian domination of a once free country, it’s extraordinary!
Josh: I was going to say, never let a good crisis go to waste. And the Tories have certainly done a good job of that, haven’t they?
Delingpole: They have! I mean, all those people, … You know, I used to, occasionally over the years, describe myself as a Tory, or as a conservative. And I think, they’re just a bunch of crooks! They’re only in it for [word unclear], it’s extraordinary!
Josh: I could talk for hours about how I how I loathe the Tories. But I could also talk for hours about how I loathe the Labour Party. What people need to understand is that we live in a political false dichotomy! The Left and Right is no longer relevant to modern times.
And the “Conservatives” conserve nothing! They conserve nothing! They don’t care about our culture, or preserving any of our landmarks, or our statues, and things like that. Otherwise they wouldn’t have let “Black Lives Matter” run rampant pulling them down.
Delingpole: Yes!
Josh: And they don’t care about our history, and our heritage, and our culture! They’re not teaching it in our schools. Lots of people have messaged me about the flag of the White Dragons. They didn’t know what it was. And it’s a Saxon flag! Like people from East Anglia don’t know what Anglians are, Angles, and Saxons, and Angles, and Jutes, and all this kind of stuff. They don’t know, because they’re not taught it, and there’s no onus on their own heritage.
Because I think the establishment is scared of Englishmen unifying under their ethnicity. That would be terrifying for them! Because once we did that we would understand exactly where we come from, what we’re capable of, and that would pose a big threat to their narratives to what they’re trying to achieve. And I honestly think that’s what’s happening.
This democracy that we live in, to me is more of a delusion, more of an illusion, of control! It’s an illusion, because our governments capitulate to the world banks! And then we have to beg our governments for the scraps afterwards!
You know, look at our banking system! The whole banking system is designed using a language that you’re not supposed to understand! But just look at it for what it is! Fractional reserve banking! Look at what that is and tell me that’s morally right, that it’s right! Look at what’s happened in the stock markets recently with the GameStop. It’s one rule for them and another rule for you!
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: And now is the time to stand up and say:
“No more! We’ll change it! We can reform it. We’ve done greater things!”
Where I live on the south coast of England there were teenage boys racing Spitfires with Merlin engines, 350 miles an hour up and down the channel for a laugh! Planes that were so good that this government mounted machine guns on them and used to fight the Germans! You name a 20 year old lad. Now that could come up with the idea like a Spitfire! Our culture has been completely ruined and subverted by these people! They are our enemies! It’s time for us to wake up and realize that!
Delingpole: Yeah. Well I totally agree with you! What. Do you think is going on? I mean, what, why, how do you explain the last 12 months?
Josh: Well, what a big question that is!
Delingpole: Sorry! I’m sorry!
Josh: It’s one of those things where it’s just so many moving parts to this machine. Lots of different things. It’s things like transfer of wealth. We’ve mentioned the word totalitarian, these draconian rules. This way of controlling people.
The biggest tool that’s been used is “fear”. And I’m starting to see that fear spill out onto the streets in the form of people doing this sort of thing, when they come near me. And people pushing themselves up against the fence, or when I’m out running. I’ve actually come across women who’ve pushed their prams with children in them, out into the road to get around me without really paying much attention to the traffic, because they’re more scared of getting close to someone who’s quite clearly healthy and running along the road, you know, and endanger their own child.
So what do I think is happening? Everything’s moving toward this technocracy, this automated system, this new Fourth Industrial Revolution. Like you look at Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum where he’s saying things like:
“The year is 2030 and you owe nothing! But don’t worry, because you’ll be happy.”
And I just wonder how he would feel if we all turned up at his house and took away all of his material possessions, and said:
“Well aren’t you happy? Aren’t you happy?”
These people are part of an elite clique, right? They’re part of an elitist group of people. And a lot of people that control this world we don’t even know their names. The people we know about are the ones that we’re supposed to know about. And I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I just look at the data for what it is.
But you can look at simple things, like I’m sure lots of people that are watching this might have seen that video where it’s all the different news anchors from around the world, reading the same story off of the same teleprompter, the same sheet, you know. And that to me proves in itself that there is a global narrative here.
There is, I think, what the Coronavirus is, is accelerationism for them. And it’s the boiling of the frog! And sooner, or later, that frog’s either going to hop out of the pad, do something, or is going to die. And we are that frog. And we’ve got to stop it! Step up and stop it!
Our rights are inalienable! Our freedoms and rights in this country are inalienable! It is our government’s responsibility to protect them! Not take them away from us! This is their responsibility. It’s the same with the police as you mentioned earlier. A lot of the police today they don’t even understand simple things like the appeals principle. They couldn’t understand the law.
And it got to the point you couldn’t even use common law anymore. Whatever you come up with, these people will legislate against it!
And look at some of these laws they’ve been passing under the table, under this distraction of Coronavirus. Creating laws where they can remove you from your house, remove biological matter from your body! You know, forcefully detain you without reason! I mean, that is crazy! What awful times we live in. And I’ve got family! And I worry about their future!
Delingpole: You’ve got a one-year-old is it?
Josh: Yeah.
Delingpole: Let me just change that light, because the light’s doing an annoying thing and people will get epileptic fits. Well they won’t, but they’ll be annoyed it.
Josh: No worries.
Delingpole: See when I’m really successful I’ll have a studio crew doing this kind of shit for me! Sorry you were saying:
“You’ve got a child on the way.”
Am I right in thinking you’ve got a toddler now?
Josh: Yes. We found out, yeah we found out a few weeks ago my missus is pregnant, again. And we’re really over the moon about that. Thank you. But yeah, there’s lots of people across the country that are probably in a similar boat to me where they’re thinking:
“Right! I don’t know what the future holds, and perhaps if I just wear this mask and do as I’m told, then maybe this will go away.”
But this is one of these situations where it all started about:
“Flattening the curve for two weeks. We’re just going to take the pressure off of the NHS.”
And this man stood up in front of this country, Boris Johnson, and said:
“We were going to lose loved ones! And we were going to be using ice rinks as emergency morgues!”
And all this stuff. And people just bought it up! And here we are a year later and the numbers are shockingly low! The mortality rate. So low that our establishment and the media have done their very best efforts to bolster the numbers, and to manipulate the figures, all to create fear!
But the fundamental question is, you cannot deny whatever side of the political spectrum you’re on, or whatever your thoughts are, that the media has been complicit in making this, of creating this, nation that is scared! And this nation of fear! Fear of each other, you know, our communities have been fractured, decimated, diluted! Everyone’s living in fear!
There’s only one useful tool that fear is a useful tool for one thing. And that is control! And that is exactly what they are implementing at the moment. A complete and utter, impenetrable, impregnable, system of control to automate your life! So that you could be happy! You know, it’s crazy!
Delingpole: I totally agree with your analysis. And I hope that, this is going to strike across, … There are lots of people out there like us. I mean, just talking to you I feel right at home. And I met some other people the other day in one of the great reopening groups. Have you joined any of those?
Josh: Yes. I’ve been in a couple, yeah.
Delingpole: And quite a lot of them have not had their brains ruined by university. I think I’m about the only person of my generation, my university generation, who’s emerged with his intellectual faculties, his critical faculties, intact! So many of them have just, … I think, I wonder actually, I’m sure this is what Bismarck would have thought of the purpose of education. Bismarck did after all sort of invent modern education. It’s designed to train the populace to becoming compliant citizens, isn’t it?
Josh: What’s interesting, I was gonna say what’s interesting about what you just said, is I actually get quite a few emails and correspondence with people, and the large majority of people that would feel comfortable in a conversation with the likes of myself and you, is they’re university-educated people.
They are people in positions of, like I don’t know, there’s doctors, train conductors, you know, pilots, all sorts of people. Like, I’ve had marine biologists get in touch with me, scientists. People who are truth seekers, you know.
And actually what I think the establishment has done very successfully is creating a subservient class of midwitary! It’s the midwits that are compliant! The very stupid people at the bottom get it! They can see it’s everywhere.
Delingpole: Yeah!
Josh: That’s why football hooligans are always labeled as “Nazis”, and far-right nutcases, because they can just see it. They don’t need to be intellectually, … What do you call it? Like, they don’t need to be like extremely clever to point out, like sometimes it takes an idiot to point out the obvious.
Delingpole: Can I just pause you there Josh? So we don’t lose that brilliant point you made. I’ve noticed this. That there has been a move by the government — and this predates Coronavirus — to rebrand people, sort of free thinking people who believe in England, who are proud of their culture, to rebrand them far Right in order to use the oppressive force of the state to crush them! To crush any nascent political movements! Kill them! Kill them at birth!
Tommy Robinson being a being a classic example. I mean, see how they singled him out for destruction, because they didn’t like what he represented. They didn’t like that impulse. And it’s not about racism, it’s about national pride. And they don’t like that!
Josh: Yeah, I think a lot of people nowadays are very scared of being called “racist”. And I, for one, am not one of these people, not any longer. I don’t care! I’m a race realist. I understand the things like “in-group preference” and stuff like that.
And, as I said, to you earlier in the podcast, just because I’m proud of who I am, and my ethnicity, doesn’t mean that I want conflict with other ethnicities and other racial groups on the planet.
But it seems to me, if you want to know about White “privilege”, look at the things that the black minority, ethnic people are allowed to do in this country, which White people are not! You see here’s the clever trick. Black and minority ethnic means anybody but White!
So when they say things like:
“We need more justice for black and minority ethnic people.”
What they actually mean is:
“We need more justice for people who aren’t White.”
And they’ve collectivized under this universal banner, but we are not allowed to. And, for example, if a person which we’ve seen during BLM marches down the street in what could only be described as a militia, shouting things like “black power”, I look at these things and think:
“Crikey! Imagine if I did that with my friends and shouted ‘White power’?”
There’s your privilege! So White privilege right there. There are things that BAME people can say in this country which you are not allowed to, and there’s your “privilege”!
Delingpole: I hate to say it Josh, but you could be one of the politicians of the future to lead us out of this mess. I mean, I think, I bet you don’t want to be a politician. But, …
Josh: I certainly hope not! If it boils down to me, it’ll be one of those positions where I’m like:
“How on earth has this come down to me trying to do it, I don’t know, what I’m doing! I’m not a politician!”
But then again, I think the competency of a lot of people in there, a lot of the MPs we have at the moment, I think, … Do you agree when you were younger, you used to just think you’d have these problems, and you should just think:
“Well there’ll be somebody ticking away in the background resolving this issue, or someone’s going to come up with an idea to get rid of this?”
And as you get older you just realize these people just aren’t out there! People aren’t actually trying to solve these issues. And it just keeps going further and further spiraling out of control.
Delingpole: My whole life, my whole journey in life has been a kind of “Father Christmas doesn’t exist” realization. That this system that you trusted, you thought:
“Well MPs, okay, … So you get the odd wrong one. But basically they’re there to serve serve their constituents, and serve the country, and the law! English common law it’s one of our it’s one of our greatest achievements. And they’re going to see justice! That’s their imperative! They’re not biased!”
And all these things have been shown to be a business! It’s there to create value. It’s for the consumer. It’s there, by providing better value than other companies, so they gain market share and they generate profits, and they generate value for shareholders! All this stuff is just not true! It’s all been taken away from us.
Josh: Absolutely and the onus is on the individual now in capitalism. And that’s the worrying thing. Because, if you become a powerful individual, either with capital through wealth, or influence, or whatever it may be, all you’re doing is reinforcing this idea of separatism between the classes. And I don’t think that that works.
And here’s the dangerous thing, if you lean more politically to the Right, and have more conservative values, to talk about ideas like collectivism and things like that, is a very dangerous thing to do, because you’re kind of verging on this communism and socialism, or building these communes and stuff like that. I’ve always been very interested in self-sufficiency as an individual, out in the woods as an outdoorsman, and also collectively in small groups.
And I think back to times in England where we used to live in these very small groups, like you would have like villages. Down the road from me is as an old Tudor village. And it’s really beautiful down there. There’s a war memorial. But they’ve got all these new buildings going up, and I walk down there sometimes. And I think everything I need to know about what’s wrong with this country is right here in this village for me to see.
I’m walking past the cottage right now that’s called “Blacksmiths Cottage”. So presumably, once upon a time, a blacksmith would have been able to afford to live there. And now it’s a three and a half million pound cottage! And I would never have the opportunity to live there. And I would think if that blacksmith back in the day he was probably the only blacksmith in that village.
And so he could charge a wage, right? If he charges people too much money they won’t use him, and he’ll go out of business, right? And if he didn’t, well everyone would think he was a prick, you know, and he’d have to live amongst a small group of people where in which everyone thought he was a prick. And so these kind of little village communities probably worked really well, because everybody knew each other, the crime rate was extremely low.
I mean, myself I grew up in the 90s. I was born in 89. I grew up in a council estate and everyone used to leave their front doors open. The parents used to natter in the front gardens and we play football on the field.
Now the field is a bloody car park! I don’t know anyone. They’re not council houses anymore, they’ve all been brought up, and they’re worth, well, like just under half a million pounds, I think. Something like that. For a council house that was built in the 40s, or 50s for very little. This is one of the biggest problems here.
I honestly don’t think that capitalism is the answer for us. There’s no control. It requires constant growth and that’s become part of a problem. We need to find a system to control it. And firstly, I think we need to defeat this cronyism that has infected it.
Delingpole: Yeah.
Josh: There’s a huge amount of cronyism. I know I don’t know what your politics are on economics. And I’m not an economist.
Delingpole: I think we need to distinguish between capitalism and crony capitalism. I mean, apart from anything else capitalism is actually, it’s a Marxist term. It’s loaded in itself.
I think what we need to talk about is free markets. I think free, genuinely free, markets are a good thing. Because as I suggested before, businesses compete against one another to provide the best value for the consumer. And that’s good for everyone. And failing companies go under, you know. It’s what Schumpeter called “creative destruction”.
So I don’t think free market capitalism is a problem. But we haven’t got free market capitalism. That’s the real problem. But anyway, we can talk about that on the other time.
Josh you’ve been absolutely brilliant! And you’re gonna strike a chord with so many people. So thank you! It’s great hearing somebody so articulate. There are all these people out there who don’t appear in the media, who yet really know what’s going on. And thank goodness for that.
If people want to support your, what are you calling it, your march?
Josh: The “March for Freedom”.
Delingpole: The “March for Freedom”. So I think you’ve set up a Crowdfunder, or something for it?
Josh: I mean, I have. That wasn’t my intention. But a close friend of mine had basically advised me otherwise. He said:
“Look. If people want to give you money, then you should let them. You obviously without work at the moment and there will be costs to doing this march. So if people do want to volunteer some of their money, then you should let them do that. Especially if you come into legal complications and ended up needing legal advice and things like that. It might be quite helpful.”
So I have set something up that people did want to donate. And they can find that on my Twitter. Which is at remedy sounds. Also my Telegram is Lionheart England. And you can find me on there.
I don’t know what you’re like for time. But I did prepare a short little speech that I would have liked to put on here. And if you’d allow me a couple of minutes.
Delingpole: Yes! Why not? You go for it Josh.
Josh: Excellent.
When you stop respecting your history and remembering your forebears, you cease to respect yourself. Remember that you have a debt of honor! If somebody died so that you could be free, or if somebody worked like a dog, or suffered like a slave, so that you could live in a civilized world, then you owe those men a debt of honor! You might never fully repay it, and neither with your children, but you could do nothing but good in trying!
And what could be more beautiful and noble than being the first wave of the movement, the first volunteers, that pave the way to victory?
So I say rebel! Rebel against being treated like robots, or chattel! Rebel against being just a number, or statistic! And rebel against starvation wages, the sale of our sovereignty, and the censorship of our protests! Your own personal rebellion is your duty and your right!
This country belongs to us, and nobody else! We’re not going to give it away, not for free, and not for any price!
And what about you sat at home now? Have you come out and stood shoulder to shoulder with your brothers and sisters yet? Are you with us. And if not, why not? Don’t deal with evil. Fight it everywhere you find it! They are monsters and they deserve it!
When you look at the statues and read the stories of the greatest men of our history who’ve made Britain so great, who did their part and more in her time of need, remember this: That you live in such a magnificent time where you are surrounded by enemies. So you cannot miss! All you have to do is strike out! It is our turn!
Britain is made up of great nations, great people, on great land! It has nothing to do with the state. We exist despite them not, because of them! Most men are living well below their energy, or potential. You have more to give. And there is more that you can achieve. So put more work into the movement!
Who is supposed to save Britain for you? No one is going to save Britain for you. If you are ever bored, you know, then that you are not in love.
A man in love will do anything! The subject of his love will occupy his mind in every unfilled moment. And he will constantly find new and creative ways to show this. Do you love Britain? Do you love your family? Do you love your people? Because I do!
Delingpole: That’s fantastic! I so agree with you! Well done. Nice one.
Josh: Thank you.
Delingpole: That’s really good. I’m glad you said that Josh. You struck a chord. Well, thank you for listening everyone. Do support Josh’s Crowdfunder. And remember, if you like my podcast to support me on Patreon, or Subscribestar. Thank you very much. And yeah, keep fighting the fight Josh! Thanks a lot.
Josh: Thank you James! Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Thanks everyone.
YouTube Comments
the woodlander
2 months ago
Josh is the embodiment of normal English men.
Hide 32 replies
Forbidden Recalls
2 months ago
Forbidden Recalls
2 months ago (edited)
@2066 Alarm
We have lost who we are and who our ancestors were.
It’s time to go back to the land, build, come together.
Forbidden Recalls
2 months ago
Mr Woodlander. I watched the stream
2 months ago
@2066 Alarm ask Joshua how long he served as a “royal marines commando” as he claims
He’s a liar who can’t get a girlfriend, that’s where all this hatred comes from.
Anglo – Saxon
2 months ago
@hadhad69 I’ve found the Jew lads.
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
@hadhad69 Jealousy is not becoming.
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@Forbidden Recalls nice work, sir
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@2066 Alarm thanking you muchly
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@hadhad69 Maybe you shouldn’t believe everything you read and should do your own research
2 months ago
@Jody Kay Jody it was you who said he was a RM commando on telegram. He never deployed with the marines in his life.
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@hadhad69 where and when did I say that?
2 months ago
@Jody Kay it was in the video description posting of this video, I now realise this was from this video channel.
The point remains, Joshua Ross Clark did not deploy as a royal marines commando, he is a liar.
Read more
2 months ago
@hadhad69 not deploy? Or not in the RM?
Pria 72
2 months ago
@hadhad69 you’re off you’re rocker get lost.
Jane B1
2 months ago
@2066 Alarm totally agree – do not play into their hands – we can rebuild and on our terms within the law – just create your local networks and support
Jo Murphy
2 months ago
And as such increasingly rare today!
Jo Murphy
2 months ago
@hadhad69 Your comment sounds pretty hateful actually.
Herr Onuseit
2 months ago
@hadhad69 And how exactly do you know that’s the case?
Jo Murphy
2 months ago
Really!! In what way!?
the woodlander
2 months ago
@Jo Murphy in so far that you have a normal family man, who life has been decimated not only by the demographic irradiation of his people, but then confounded by an illigitimate lockdown causing the loss of employment. And he’s angry… So are we… Therefore, the embodiment of an Englishman today.
Read more
Jo Murphy
2 months ago
@the woodlander I totally agree – not sure why you felt the need to explain this.
Donna Walser
2 months ago
I think normal English men just need rallying, they are still here.
Anglo – Saxon
2 months ago
@Herr Onuseit I’d imagine deployment records would only be available to somebody working within the state.
Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
@hadhad69 what are you saying? That he hasn’t served in the Royal Marines? Is he not an ex bootneck?
Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
@Anglo – Saxon well I’d like to know if he is what he says he is, an ex cabbage head
2 months ago
@Isaac Harkton yes. He’s a liar.
Millennial Power
2 months ago
He reminds me of Andy Warski. Are you sure It’s not him?
Jana Kiena
1 month ago
I love when he says “its the government’s job to protect our freedoms not take them away”.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Totally agree Woodlander brother, & really encouraging that a sort of mainstream Conservative (although recently redpilled) James was so on board, to be fare I was fooled by Boris, which like James has only woken me up more to the “REAL” powers that be! Go bless real patriots.
Read more
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Anglo – Saxon Thought the same mate, jealousy ay! I left him a tasty message anyway!
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago (edited)
@Jo Murphy Did you not Watch the bloody video, this guy is only 30 yo and has done more than most do in a life time, he’s got brains, good looks & bloody balls of steel ffs!!! JEEEEEZ
Jo Murphy
3 weeks ago
@Tom Thumb Calm down, you odd little man. I praised the bloke, go back and look at my original comment about Josh’s rarity.
Charles O’Leary
2 months ago
This is a man who I can relate to
The time has come for the English to reawaken
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Selling England By The Pound
2 months ago
This Josh guy seems absolutely based. Speaks absolute sense and should be a regular guest on your show James
North Banner
2 months ago
“Covid Commies” has a much better ring to it than “nazis”. Smashing that early life tab is your friend.
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Space Cowboy
Space Cowboy
2 months ago
Took me a while to get that one.
August Aimsley
2 months ago
“To find out those who cause trouble and strife, merely check the paragraph ‘early life’ ”
Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
North Banner
2 months ago
@Jody Kay What a wholesome bunch of people Patriotic Alternative are. Thanks for the tip
2 months ago
Notice how the programming on radio and features in TV shows detailing aunti-S3mit1c conduct in the past have gone into hyperdrive in the past few months? Too many catching on too quickly ~
2 months ago
2 months ago
Do you like Nazis? Just asking.
North Banner
2 months ago
@Strongbow Depends on what you mean by that, really.
2 months ago
@North Banner Depends on who is listening you mean?
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride Who TF is James Shand?
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
Richard The Lion Heart. AKA Josh. Example of a real man.
Hide 12 replies
2 months ago
What a man! That speech at the end. I’m crying.
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
@Leilarhymeswithsheila follow him on Youtube. Richardthelionheart. He is an amazing man that loves his people and hates no one. We should be able to say that.
2 months ago
Angelcyn CMB: Yes will do. I have seen him before, music and PA.
2 months ago
He’s a liar who steals the valour of real Royal Marines Commandos.
Ask him how long his commando career was and watch him squirm
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
@Leilarhymeswithsheila you are my family, PA
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
@hadhad69 ask him yourself. Josh is doing more than you are!!! Now bore off
Jody Kay
2 months ago
hobo heathen
2 months ago
@hadhad69 get back to playing with yourself while watching contra points, deviant.
Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride is he your mate? Or are you being sanctimonious trying to associate everyone with him? LOL Grow up.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Leilarhymeswithsheila I was the same, & not ashamed to admit that like Josh we have the spirit & blood of hundreds of generations of our descendents in us coursing through our veins, if not for us then let’s do it 4 them & our children! ♘🕇
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Angelcynn CMB Yes definitely recommend his channel, I watched him from the start, & followed his amazing Redpill journey, he’s such an inspiration, The Best of British!
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@hadhad69 Jealous Troll alert !!!!
Christina Richie
2 months ago
James get Computing Forever on in the future.
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s h
2 months ago (edited)
Dave Cullen is great. He’s been doing good work in countering the Covid narrative recently (hence the ban from YouTube!)
Christina Richie
2 months ago
@s h Sure is he is my countryman. I love listening to James and Josh about older England.
lewis est
2 months ago
I’ve been asking to get Dave Cullen on for ages now lol
Christina Richie
2 months ago
@lewis est Yes a few people have for awhile now. Thanks.
Talitha Kehoe
2 months ago
Absolutely he’s brilliant
Dave Keegan
2 months ago
James Cook
2 months ago
Cullen would be great. Also James Corbett.
Chris F
2 months ago
I can’t find James’ telegram…?
Forbidden Recalls
2 months ago (edited)
Let’s build what is good for us and destroy what will destroy us.
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Jane B1
2 months ago
@coldlessons avoid msm legacy media – and parliament – they are not good for us – we can still live within our law
Cannibal Holocaust
2 months ago
The bit about the “rows of matchbox houses” was sickening. All of the green land built on to make way for the hordes of parasites and freeloaders being shipped in so boomers can “sort the pension problem”. Of course they’ll never age. What is it all for ?
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David Rosenberg
2 months ago
A giant Ponzi scheme. Which is the most ( and vastly ) over represented group in billionaires?
2 months ago
@David Rosenberg jew?
2 months ago
Indeed. Such building should not be allowed
Otto Sump
2 months ago
Cannibal Holocaust Kalergi plan .
David Rosenberg
2 months ago
@Stee yeah but we never hear of their privilege
Jae Won
2 months ago
Country is being destroyed from within
2 months ago
Are you aware of patriotic alternative?
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Totally agree, also what’s with the name, was 1 sick movie lol?
Raymond Gunn
2 months ago
Here’s hoping Delingpole invites more dissident guests on. Time to move the Overton window more…
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Jody Kay
2 months ago (edited)
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Spoopy MoonCritter
2 months ago
Oh for sure… Delingpole did well platforming this man.
2 months ago
@Jody Kay Stay clear of anything to do with Mark Collett. He is a long term MI5 asset, and so is Jody Kay.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Laura Towler maybe?
Helen Myles
2 months ago
This is one extraordinary young man. Everything spot on. Thank you James for digging out these normal people who are still able to think and see the truth.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
2 months ago
Helen Myles, I’m not sure if Josh is just a normal guy. He is an incredibly talented musician as well, he’s really really good. The man is so talented and smart.
2 months ago
That speech. A lump appeared in my throat at exactly the same time it did in his! I’m glad both my grandfathers are dead and gone, they would be ashamed of the country they gave their best years for.
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Sadly agreed
Meat Face 156
2 months ago
Josh is a top man who speaks with passion and conviction about the country and people, our country and people.
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Blind Wulf Vlogs
Blind Wulf Vlogs
2 months ago
Well said my friend!
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
AbsoBloodyLutley brother
Tuatha Dé Danann
2 months ago
This man is 100% true.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
2 months ago
Hi Jody! Sending you best wishes.
Jana Kiena
1 month ago
@Jody Kay I’m an American, living in San Diego. I love UK….I love what this man is saying. Be proud to be British….be proud.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Jana Kiena Sending love & blessings to u & our American cousins, & that goes for our Aus, NZ, Can, SA & European family too 🕇
The End Of Everything
2 months ago
Inspiring! What a wonderful young man. Thank you for bringing him on as a guest.
Alex May
2 months ago
Josh is Leadership Material. Shines out from him.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
1 month ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride who is James Shand and why do you post his name under every comment?
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Totally agree, I’d follow him anywhere, a real leader of men
Jody Kay
2 months ago
Josh, you are a true inspiration. Thank you for all that you’re doing!
And a huge thank you to James Delingpole for allowing you a platform to speak and share.
Great work
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R.C.-L English Bullterrier
R.C.-L English Bullterrier
2 months ago (edited)
@Keyser Söze The country is full of libtards. I admire anyone who wakes up. Jody has heart. I watched a stream last week , she was with another musician and they were listening to a song that one had written with lyrics about our plight and Jody got emotional and you could see she didnt want to , she tried to fight it but, it was a natural reaction. It was so real and honest. It laid her beliefs bare and she tried not to show it , composed herself and carried on. I have liked her since then very much. That tiny glimpse told me all I need to know… a bit like this Josh, his speech was great!
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago (edited)
@R.C.-L English Bullterrier Absolutely,they wear their hearts on their sleeves, like a true patriot does!
2 months ago
I didn’t expect this cross-over. Josh is a good guy.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago (edited)
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Jody Kay You are a trooper @JodyKay lol x
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride James Shand James SHHMMAND
2 months ago
Never expected to see Josh on here.
He’s absolutely spot on on every count of course and one of the few voices out there telling the truth.
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Mighty Spider
Mighty Spider
2 months ago
Nice subtle dig at James there…
2 months ago
@Mighty Spider tbf for a relatively mainstream journalist James is very good, I can’t think of anyone who is remotely as honest as him or willing to listen to both sides of a story.
Sue Johnson
2 months ago
They’ve deleted his gofundme- how else can we donate to Josh’s march?
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General Zod
2 months ago
Ttheyve deleted his go find me? This establishment is a joke and is against the British people.
2 months ago
@General Zod go fund me has been anti British for a while.
Joe Denby
2 months ago
I demand a weekly chat with Josh just like with Laura
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2 months ago
That would be awesome.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
2 months ago
If more of our younger men and women were like Josh future generations would be in safe hands
2 months ago
I’ve never heard of Josh before, but he’s just gained a new fan.
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2 months ago
More than just one new fan.
Odds Ratio
2 months ago
Me too
2 months ago
If you like the cut of his jib then search the Web for “Patriotic Alternative” its the new community for you.
Britt Rubin
2 months ago
Josh crowd funder has been taken down ..sod the internet we need pen and paper and cash to support him ..
sven longshanks
2 months ago
You should interview Edward Dutton from the Jolly Heretic James
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It’s ok to be a nationalist
2 months ago
He has done a while ago, it got fairly spicy. Another one wouldn’t hurt though
2 months ago
He already has. I listened to it recently, but he did it a couple of years ago (Jan ’19): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtk3E-MQuMY .
Deacan Flynn
2 months ago
2 months ago
Nobody knew Ed Dutton and Michael Woodley before James Delingpole. He has you all beat.
2 months ago
He already interviewed Dutton and Woodley. It’s Delingpode who should go on Dutton’s show now.
2 months ago
@UNWASHED DAILY Stefan Molyneux interviewed Woodley years before Delingpole. He had also been on Al-Jazeera before.
Millennial Power
2 months ago
That’s Andy Warski.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Should get you or Dennis Wise on you absolute legends, listened about 100 of your Truth Willout shows which I highly recommend to everyone, which is on the GREAT Radio Albion. GOD BLESS SVEN🕇
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@UNWASHED DAILY Hello Nick, seen alot of the crew on here, what a great interview though!
2 months ago
Brilliant common sense guy who has the courage to speak the truth. Watch his Woe to You Cowards video too.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Jane – – –
2 months ago
When one of the first things that Josh said, “Twitter – A biosphere of Radical lefties” he had me, right there …
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Otto Sump
2 months ago
Jane – – – Thank F I’ve never been on there
Jane – – –
2 months ago
@Otto Sump
Yes, you’ve had a fortunate escape …
Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Jane – – –
2 months ago
@Jody Kay
Is Josh an official Patriotic Alternative member ? …
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@Jane – – – there are no official members as yet… just those that support. And Josh supports
2 months ago
You’ll like PA’s deputy, Laura Towler’s channel.
Nick Hill
2 months ago
@Jody Kay By a strange coincidence, I’m talking to somebody this evening from the West Midlands group of PA, with a view to getting involved.
I think the time is long overdue for people like us to make our voices heard more clearly. Our country is disappearing in front of our eyes.
Kudos to James and Josh for being so sane, honest and above all, human.
Read more
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – PA all the way
Jane – – –
2 months ago
@EnglishShieldwall 1997 ,
Hmm, lots of people have expressed their reservations about the PA organisations, Anti Semitism and some extreme forms of nationalism,.
I have personally witnessed Ethnic Nationalist supporter’s literally engage in bullying other YT content makers when they decline
to take up their offer / suggestion of joining the organisation. So …
Read more
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – If people think me wanting self determination for my people in our ancestral homeland is “Extreme nationalism” then they obviously don’t understand the concept of nationalism and it is in fact they who should be regarded as extreme and dangerous.
Jane – – –
2 months ago (edited)
@EnglishShieldwall 1997
I am absolutely in agreement with fighting and defending with all that I have, everything that I hold dear and love about my beautiful country.
I am prepared to lay down my life if necessary and called upon to the save our culture, history and to preserve our way of life. But some content
makers who are likeminded, good people, who I trust and seriously respect, question what PA are really about. …
Read more
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – I would recommend that you take a look yourself and make up your own mind.
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – This documentary is a good start #WeWereNeverAsked
Jane – – –
2 months ago (edited)
@EnglishShieldwall 1997
I always do. I do my own digging before I make a decision. My previous comments were information
that others had expressed, as the subject of the PA came up in my comment thread
Read more
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – sounds good Jane keep on digging.
Jane – – –
2 months ago
@EnglishShieldwall 1997
Trust, nothing will escape me ..
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Jane – – – good to hear.
Simon hadenough
2 months ago
just listened to the podcast, this guy really is one of your best guests!!
Im a fifty year old bloke who now has a thirty one year old hero. Absolutely fantastic chat,
this guy is totally on the ball.
Great one James.
Read more
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
What a beautiful comment!
I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Read more
Simon hadenough
2 months ago
@Jody Kay Thankyou, we have to stick together. I am a follower of PA, they are very brave for what they are doing, I do hope the electoral commission pull there finger put.
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride who’s James shand?
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Simon hadenough Fingers crossed, but with all the tyranny going on at the mo I wouldn’t hold my breath, so it’s all about community building for now, which is very important!
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@ForestDaydreams Don’t listen to this foolish jealous troll!
William Lavagna
2 months ago
Anti-White Marxists: “What’s your culture?!”
Me: Everything you’re seeking to destroy. Those books you’re burning and statues you’re tearing down.
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2 months ago
They only deny our culture when we want to celebrate it. When they want to destroy it, they know full well what it is.
John Lammi
2 months ago
As diversity increases, conflict and mistrust rise according to all social science that deals with this issue………
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Dave Thompson
2 months ago
Josh, a great role model and an inspiration
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
2 months ago
WOW !! What an absolute treasure this young man is James !……I want to hear more, more, more !
PLEASE interview him again.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Dave Gnidaer
2 months ago
Brilliant discussion. Josh is a top bloke
Neil Christie
2 months ago
Josh is a legend!
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s h
2 months ago
He really is. I’ve been subbed to his Telegram for a while now. I really enjoyed this.
2 months ago
. He explains very eloquently.
Arthur John Wilkins
2 months ago
Brilliant speech at the end of this pod, Josh. How can ANYONE not be moved by the power and truth of it ..?
General Zod
2 months ago
What a man, I would follow him to the ends of the earth. How can we help him on his crusade?
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
General Zod
2 months ago
@Jody Kay Thank you, I’ll take a look now
june smith
2 months ago
Listened to this earlier
James D and Josh
2 awesome “ GENTLEMEN “
# Lionheart
Read more
Evelyn Evans
2 months ago
What an amazing young man. I’m sure there’s a lot more like him – why aren’t their voices heard?
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Kermit TheFrog
2 months ago
Join PA.
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride what about him?
Millennial Power
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride Who is they?!
1 month ago
@Millennial Power you know who
Em M
2 months ago
Josh is brilliant so passionate and truthful about our plight.
jimmy fandago
2 months ago
Josh you are a true man of conviction and should never stand alone.Fight the good fight chap, behind you all the way.
Mr Kipling
2 months ago
Wonderful conversation, gentlemen. Its great to hear an Englishman speak his mind and echo what many of us are thinking. Good on you, Josh!
The McCarthy Plan
2 months ago
To me, Nationalism means that you love all nations of the world but love your nation the most. That’s the key to world peace. Well behaved foreign tourists and well behaved temporary foreign ESSENTIAL guestworkers should be welcomed everywhere. Love The McCarthy Plan for the sake of all people’s of the world.
Read more
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Dawn Browning
Dawn Browning
2 months ago
It was like that once upon a time. Maybe we were led into believing that but it was lovely when we all had mutual had respect for each other. Now it seems like we’re being pitted against one another.
A bit of multiculturalism is fine but too much obviously isn’t working.
Read more
2 months ago
You’d like Patriotic alternatives 10 step programme I think.
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
I don’t love any nation. But I wish the best for me and for others. I want Europe for the Europeans Asia for Asians etc. I do not wish what is done to us on anybody. I would not even wish it on the worst people on earth. Everyone deserves a homeland.
The McCarthy Plan
2 months ago
@Rev 6 12 17 the article, a biblical defence of Ethno Nationalism, from faithandheritage.com is a good read. Also, Buntings map and Israel on China’s new silk road, from the Times of Israel, will help you understand why western civilization needs to be collapsed.
Alpha Go
2 months ago
Josh has a great YT channel – Richard the Lionheart
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Michael James
2 months ago
It’s quite the crossover this podcast, eh, mate?
Rose White
2 months ago
I’ve just searched for his YT channel but can’t find it. Any tips?
I Agree
2 months ago
@Rose White https://youtu.be/ui8_PwjVNac here you go rose.
Rose White
2 months ago
@I Agree thank you!
Jan Margaret
2 months ago
What a fine example of an Englishman, he made me proud. I have subscribed to Josh’s channel.
2 months ago
Josh! I’m so pleased you did this! Delingpole is a dude! Awesome stuff!
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Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
Hey helley! Ch here. Best of greetings to you
20 Acre Life
2 months ago (edited)
Great guy. Literally about to buy a forge to learn some metalwork.
Edit- my great grandfather went to London to work in horse yards aged 12. Then he moved to Norfolk and ended up buying 1000 acres over the years and bred shire horses. My how times have changed.
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Bridget Gordon
Bridget Gordon
2 months ago
That is so interesting- what spectacular creatures those shire horses are! Our forefathers are so admirable in many ways & their stories should be told. I also think that Josh is such an interesting person & very ‘together’
2 months ago
Oh I love shire horses! They’re way bigger than you expect them to be
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
For the worse sadly!
Rose White
2 months ago
Out running on a wide pavement the other evening, two young girls turned their faces to the wall as we passed, then looked to their mother for approval.
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Brainwashed sheeple, very sad!
Charlie Kenwright
2 months ago
Josh could raise an army with speeches like that,good luck sir
2 months ago
Absolutely superb! As an English Veteran this was music to my ears! Josh, inspiring, thank you! Rise up England rise up against The Enemy Within, The Globalist British State!
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
Ex forces! Not a veteran, let’s talk like we’re English not yanks
2 months ago
@Isaac Harkton Not sure if your point?
2 months ago
@Isaac Harkton I note your Chanel has only existed for 4 week. Lot’s of channels appearing like that these days ……………..
Celtic Crusader
2 months ago
What a brilliant interview. Josh is an inspiration. Exactly the man we should all strive to be
Boilsme piss
2 months ago
That speech!Goosebumps and tears in my eyes.Thank you Josh
Stephen Eurosailor
2 months ago
It should be very apparent by now to everyone that the “new normal” that the mainstream media keeps yelping about is life just like it is now (or WORSE!). Unless we stand up to all of this tyranny, there is no going back!!!
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Joe Jay
2 months ago
Article in the daily Fail yesterday- “sage” scientist says ” we must wear masks forever! ”
how long will people take to wake !
Meat Face 156
2 months ago
@Joe Jay then it is your duty, our duty to take a stand..
Joe Jay
2 months ago
@Meat Face 156 indeed meat face man
Knickertwist Copperby
2 months ago
@Joe Jay It is mental illness! ‘They’ are definitely panicking.
Patrick Enright
2 months ago
Definitely one of the most articulate welders I’ve come across in my time! What a guy. Great podcast, thanks.
Cabin Fever
2 months ago (edited)
I absolutely love welding. It’s addictive. I was a decorator – lost my business to the new arrivals in London when the borders opened wide under New Labour. 300,000 UK tradesmen lost their futures and had to leave the trades from 2004 onwards, myself included.
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Bucko Haram
2 months ago
Same. Been welding for 20 years and had a stint in CAD/3D design midway through for a few years but went back to welding as office folk are a different breed.
Took my design aspirations home and bought some 3d printers for future projects.
Read more
Otto Sump
2 months ago
Cabin Fever Agree , I love welding to make my dodgy motorcycle projects .
2 months ago
Check out patriotic alternative. If they become a political party, one of their proposals is repatriation (ie economically incentivising these ppl to leave +deporting criminals).
Meaning those jobs might come back!
2 months ago
@Bucko Haram what are 3d printers actually like? As in, are they limited to plastic gadgets or can you build proper projects with them?
2 months ago
@ForestDaydreams I’m sure I’ve seen ones that print in metal.
Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
@sallyann they exist, you’ll be paying out over 10 grand for on though. Whereas you can get a resin printer for about a 20th of that
2 months ago
@Isaac Harkton Yeah I know they are expensive, I don’t need one, I was just replying to ForestDaydreams question
Bucko Haram
1 month ago
@ForestDaydreams you can print anything you want. I have an
Bucko Haram
1 month ago
@ForestDaydreams If you can use 3d software, it’s pretty easy. My biggest one prints anything within 300x300x400mm but you can obviously make the projects in separate parts.
Bucko Haram
1 month ago
There’s a few laws of physics you need to consider but really it’s something you work around.
2 months ago
The future looks brighter when I see a young person of Josh’s calibre. Even one man/woman with dedication and integrity, love of truth in their heart can win thousands over to their cause. This young man has a beautiful combination of courage and humility. (Why does the legend of King Arthur and his round table with his valiant knights come to my mind???)
Read more
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
2 months ago
@Ryan Wiggman – what sort of a comment is this?? I have no idea what you are talking about….!!
Are you on drugs or something?
John Leyden
2 months ago
Josh is just the tip of the ice berg I’m also a proud englishman that doesn’t mean I hate other people or want to do them any harm I just want a homeland with my people put first for a change
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Pedro Pedro58er
Pedro Pedro58er
2 months ago
Exactly “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
2 months ago
@Pedro Pedro58er 14
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@sallyann 14
2 months ago
Josh is an absolute legend, hero and a great friend
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2 months ago
He’s a liar who claims he was a RM commando
2 months ago
@hadhad69 Evidence?
Anglo – Saxon
2 months ago
@hadhad69 Oh, he must be one of those “fellow” commandos then. My fellow commandos, we must let the spetznaz infiltrate our ranks as reparations for the cold war. We will be resented for our leading role in your replacement but without this Commandos will not survive.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Anglo – Saxon Sounds familiar lol, Sweden?
s h
2 months ago
I really enjoyed this. Josh is great, thanks James.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
James Heyworth
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative
Lato the Leaf
2 months ago
Great leaders do not seek power,
They have it forced upon them.
Bloodandbraces Sir
2 months ago
Absolutely brilliant , together we can do this.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Indeed we can!
John Mattingley
2 months ago
This lad makes me hopeful for the future. Thanks, James and Josh.
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Unfortunately he’s a rarity these days, 1 of many reasons is young men are castrated in the marxist education system, to hate their white race, history & culture! So we as fathers, uncles, cousins grandfather’s friends etc have to educate one another! Good luck brother🕇 l
desmond knox
2 months ago
Its a paradox back in the day the trade union movement would have said no to new entrants into the labour force for obivious reasons, now they are in lockstep over the virus, and destroying the economy, …
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the conscious hour-
the conscious hour-
2 months ago (edited)
Look up Horus on Bitchute especially his discussion on the trade union movement in Britain
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@the conscious hour- Agreed, great redpill channel
Barn Door
2 months ago
Excellent guest James
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Lord London
2 months ago
This guy speaks common sense.
A true Englishman and patriot.
Hope for the future.
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James Heyworth
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative
Keyser Söze
2 months ago
@James Heyworth Patriotic Alternative won’t achieve anything they merely have 12 thousand supporters. That’s not enough to make any dent in UK politics. Also, optics lord, Collett is not a good leader.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Keyser Söze Maybe Josh could lead, Collette is great but his history will always be dredged up!
Jackson French II
2 months ago
Excellent show.
Josh is a top man.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Jackson French II
2 months ago (edited)
@Jody Kay Dead right Jody
Patriotic Alternative seem like an excellent bunch of people, and their website has some excellent stuff on there.
Cheers. Top lass.
Read more
2 months ago
That was brilliant…I’m off for a run.
2 months ago
Thank you, Mr. Delingpole! Great to see Josh here!
Flash 1664
2 months ago (edited)
Excellent chat, as a former bootneck I’d like to say what a credit Josh is to both country and the Corps.
If the likes of Johnson, Starmer, Hancock etc., qualify as politicians I’m pretty confident some of us good step up to the plate.
Read more
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Flash 1664
2 months ago
@Jody Kay Thanks, I’ll look it up. Something has to change, we cannot continue down this path.
Jody Kay
2 months ago
@Flash 1664 The community is so wholesome, with local hikes and activities, home schooling projects, homeless out reach programmes. Just wonderful what they’re doing. My only advice would be to ignore what the mainstream say about them
Flash 1664
2 months ago
@Jody Kay I stopped watching/listening to mainstream media last March when I realised what was going down. I’m originally from the UK, but have been living in Cape Town with my wife and daughter for the past 10 years. When the South African President began parroting the same phrases as that buffoon Johnson, I knew something was wrong. This whole CONvid narrative has been built on lies. It doesn’t take much research to see where this all stems from and once you’ve connected the dots (dropped the red pill) you cannot un-see what is going on. I’ll never watch the legacy media, or trust another government so long as I draw breath.
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Flash 1664
2 months ago
@Indigenous Advocate. I’m moving my family back to the UK soon, so I’ll most definitely join.
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
@Flash 1664 Totally agree, once you’ve awakened there’s no go back to sleep ever again, welcome brother
2 months ago
Josh, is such a great English man, wonderful interview James.
All Hands on Deck!
2 months ago
Josh and James, you speak for England
John Fused
2 months ago
Great discussion. But we need to remember nobody is coming to save us.
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Paul Williamson
2 months ago
What a guy i like him i don’t feel so lonley now. Raise the Dragon Banner!
Jane B1
2 months ago
i think i may be a nationalist after listening to Josh lol
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
That’s great news! 🕇
Ragnar Ironspear
2 months ago
Josh’s channel is awesome
Carol Bishop
2 months ago
What an amazing young man
2 months ago
Josh is a great guy. He’s had quite a lot of life experience for a man of 31. A brillant counter to the current culture that we live are in. Great podcast, James.
Keep up the fight everyone. This was inspiring.
Read more
2 months ago
Wonderful man. A hero in these times of anti-whiteism.
2 months ago
Josh would be a great as a chinwag guest.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Daughter of Albion
2 months ago
I love RtheL!
View 2 replies
2 months ago
God bless you Josh (and James for getting you on) There is a subtle difference between the White Dragon flag of the English and the Golden Wyvern of Wessex – Both are gaining popularity and you can get them (and badges, T-Shirts etc!) online. No one has paid me for this comment!
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Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Well here’s some shekels lol
hobo heathen
2 months ago
Josh is a good guy ,surprised to see him on one of my favourite podcasts
Patrick Chapman
2 months ago
Great speech at the end.. Morale booster indeed.
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James Heyworth
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative
Heather Shepley
2 months ago
Love the passionate outro!
2 months ago
Much better internet on this one James, good job!
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Sara Hall
2 months ago (edited)
Very passionate speech at the end. Well done Josh!
Max Bliss
2 months ago
Excellent, excellent discussion ! Well done Josh…must admit it would be awesome to see thousands of ex servicemen on your march and see how the cops would deal with that passion….?!
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Max Bliss
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride Sadly and frustratingly so recent history reveals, however a large contingent of ex service men may not be the compliant pushover they are used to…..?
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Hopefully on the next 1, as Josh said the next he might do with a group, & ex service men would be great, I’d love to be there, but need to get into great shape before hand, so will need to know a while before hand lol
Anastasia Vonbeaverhausen
2 months ago
A great guest. So refreshing to hear a level headed young man. And James, my fave posh bloke, talking fashion albeit, country fashion, show casing a fabulous, serge colour jumper
seriously, a great conversation Gentlemen xx
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride what about him?
2 months ago
Great interview we need more men like Josh.
Rose White
2 months ago
Brilliant! Thank you James and Josh.
Björn Strohm
2 months ago (edited)
Josh sounds like a GREAT Briton!
Alex May
2 months ago
Well done Josh ! You are a Hero and an obvious LEADER . Sure we are going to hear more of you.
Joe Lyndhurst
2 months ago
Chinwag with Laura????? Hello.
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lewis est
2 months ago
He can only go so far with Laura. He needs her to ‘wake up’ abit more lol
Christina Richie
2 months ago
Think Laura is very busy with her children etc.
Heather Shepley
2 months ago
Very relaxed and interesting interview.
2 months ago
The problem is that a massive glut of people only care about pay and pension, and those folk subcontract their personal cosmology to whatever the corporation tells them….. The battle front is increasingly between the corporate body and those free men working independently and in networks
2 months ago
Imagine Toby speaking to this chap. He’d be on the Acton blacklist.
keith carter
2 months ago
great stuff josh i wish you all the very best in life you made my heart fill with hope and joy keith from oz
black Thai
2 months ago
When can we expect a pod with you and Brian Gerrish, or is a wicked rumour?. Love your awakening James.
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Knickertwist Copperby
2 months ago
@black Thai That would be brilliant. Love the Gerrish!
2 months ago
A very good watch.
2 months ago
The Legacy media’s activism is a last ditch attempt at relevancy
James Andrew
2 months ago
English culture isn’t recognised because its so widely exported, for example Black Tie evening dress is from a post WW1 English tradition where black only dinner suits were specified as a mark of mourning. Both the Dinner suit and Wearing black as a sign of mourning aren’t recognised as the cultural phenomenon they are.
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
Often when people say ‘British’ it’s actually English, but when talking of British of different persuasion they refer to the Scottish, Welsh or Irish by their respective names. The English in modernity are largely a forgotten people, even a vast proportion of English have forgotten the English! Sad state of affairs
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2 months ago (edited)
He’s so right about loathing both Tory and Labour, I do too! I am a Northerner and agree with Josh, he’s spot on. Please have Josh on again.
jeff R
2 months ago
What an inspirational young guy Josh is!
It’s lifted my spirits no end to hear his messages. Particularly his brilliant, passionate & moving speech at the end!
We should all support him in his worthy endeavours!
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David Brown
2 months ago (edited)
Fantastic. Josh is a great bloke with the right amount of heart and humility. Anyone remotely inspired by this should go just the extra mile to make themselves heard, and the love and light felt from that will be so palpable and perpetual that it couldn’t possibly fail to spring them on to greater and better things, even if it’s just more belief in themselves and their fellow brothers and sisters. Don’t be discouraged.
Read more
2 months ago
Josh is an incredibly talented musician and seems to be on the way from regular man to a working class hero. I really hope he stays safe in his journey. Praying for him and his family. God bless him for his courage.
2 months ago
Make it a weekly date with Josh, his worldview deserves a wider audience. A James Laura Josh triumvirate….just imagine!
Rob Parker
2 months ago
What a lovely man. The emotion in Josh’s voice at the end really got to me.
2 months ago
Love Josh, found him via Laura Towler. Wonderful to hear a young man so passionate about his homeland. Bless you Josh.
EmilyJane Crews
2 months ago
You’ve found him! This has made my day! I’m going to get my silversmithing tools out, now, Josh, you’re an inspiration!
Lis Worcester
2 months ago
Yes! I will keep Josh and his family in my prayers as he speaks and lives the truth.
george balmer
2 months ago
5-10% can never be brainwashed
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Angus McAngus
2 months ago
5-10% is enough to stiffen the sinews of the rest. I reckon that in WW2 there was probably only about 10% of the population who were really up for a fight. That would have been about 5 million. Quite an army.
Pauluk James
2 months ago
Yep I would put at that percentage
Knickertwist Copperby
2 months ago
@Angus McAngus Is that all? Let’s hope we can rally the troops.
Angus McAngus
2 months ago
@Knickertwist Copperby it’s just a gut feeling. 10% of the UK population is 6.8 million. More than enough. The Bolsheviks ere a small minority in Russia.
No Chance
2 months ago
Excellent interview! Josh is a legend
nicholas gibbons
2 months ago
Josh is a star. He is an inspiration to us all . To hear how he as achieved so much by an open mind in his short life is what any young person could follow. Good luck on your adventure. The further North you go the friendlier they become. I should know i was born in Lancashire.
Homa Tawk
2 months ago
What a solid dude. Glad he’s on our side.
Edward McLaughlin
2 months ago
What an inspiring young man. A credit to his Mum and Dad. What has it come to when his plan to walk the length of the country has to brace itself for the hostility of the police. Best of luck to him.
Pria 72
2 months ago
Amazing stream , a grown up honest conversation. When all said and done I want to he surrounded by people like Josh. I am so very proud to be English and love my country try.
Double Oh 7
2 months ago
What an amazing conversation and absolute pleasure to listen to Josh and James, but especially Josh today! Wow, he is speaking my thoughts almost exactly!
David Slater
2 months ago
Really good interview. Please interview Mark collet or Laura towler of patriotic alternative in the near future. Keep up the good work James and Josh
joel fildes
2 months ago
I support this message.
marine drive
2 months ago
Listening to Josh certainly gives one heart. A young chap who can still articulate what it means to be English at a time when the culture of England is under such an almost overwhelming threat of destruction. Simply putting on a mask, obeying the rules, and hoping that everything will somehow work out, in the end, is a fool’s illusion. Tyranny can only be stopped by free-thinking men and women standing up and doing their duty to the country and for the good of all.
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Alex White
2 months ago
Josh is so inspirational! Thank you James I’m longing for a gathering of like-minded souls to plan constructive action instead of this defeating isolation. So much better and more positive than the one dimensional Laura on Chinwag.
Sir Prancelot
2 months ago
Diamond Geezer. Thanks for bringing him to my notice. .
Hairy Rick
2 months ago
Thank you James for having on such a wonderful and inspiring guest. We need more positive role models like Josh. I’m trying to de-brainwash my state educated children to be more like him. Josh will be a future leader.
Mark Scott
2 months ago
A great conversation between two English men.
I can tell you the English working class has had enough. The white Dragon is stirring.
John Lester
2 months ago
Brilliant again James,maybe the best guest yet!
shell Bell
1 month ago
Has anyone bothered to cut Josh’s final speech yet because It really needs to go viral? So proud of you Josh. ♥️
2 months ago
That speech gave me chills and brought a tear to my eye. Absolutely fantastic podcast and guest. Thanks James.
The Mycroft
2 months ago
You know what James, you really do have your finger on the pulse. Bravo!
2 months ago
Such a delightful guest. I wish him well in everything he does.
Yvonne Trewick
2 months ago
WowJosh is an amazing role model for the younger generation to get behind. Brilliant young men with families need to listen to him and stand up now.
Herr Onuseit
2 months ago
Top chat! I am German, have been living in Yorkshire for now 14 years and to be honest England is nicest in the areas with, well, a very small (or non-existing) proportion of people that have their origin in the former British colonies.
2 months ago
Spot on! Sentiments shared by so many, but so rarely expressed by the frightened sheeple, who were once known as the English.
Emperor Donaldus
2 months ago
Civic nationalism is still globalism. Britain belongs to NW Europeans. Rise up sons of Britain.
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Lawrence Gracie
Lawrence Gracie
2 months ago
This young man gives me hope! How can we get this type of energy to get back on our feet!
View reply
2 months ago (edited)
Check out patriotic alternative if anyone is interested in a community solution!
2 months ago
What a great guy Josh is his life so far is the epitome of freedom
2 months ago
I live in a middle class area (got extremely lucky in renting a place) and my Goodness Midwits describes so many people here.
2 months ago
Brought a tear to my eye at the end.
2 months ago
What an intelligent, insightful young man, brilliant interview thank you James
Christina Norridge
2 months ago
Thanks Josh, you have my support . Southampton
Anglo princess
2 months ago
Excellent stream guy’s ! It’s about time Englishmen stand up and speak from the heart with passion stand proud gentleman. We are with you .
Matthew Cooney
2 months ago
The best person for power is somebody who DOESN’T want it. He has my vote
Christine Taylor
2 months ago
Josh will be an inspiration to many. Great guest
Michael N.
2 months ago
Wow what an ending. Great man Josh
2 months ago
Thank you Josh and James a great talk just what I needed to keep me bolstered – go forth Josh with the battle banner.
2 months ago
You’ve found Richard the Lionheart. Been listening to him for months, really like him. What’s happened to Laura? I’m missing your Chinwags!
2 months ago
I had a workplace medical recently and was amazed how brainwashed the nurse was, she just repeated the usual buzzwords and had no answers to any of my questions,it got to a point where she didnt know what the RMNA vaccine [?] was and told me to get out……really worrying
Helen Lovell
2 months ago
Josh, your march and the way you explained it has lifted my soul. Thank you
Kelly Brown
2 months ago
Brilliant podcast. Josh gives me so much hope! Keep fighting the good fight, James
Edward Long
2 months ago
Excellent guest, good work James!
Mandalorian Jedi
2 months ago
I suspect there are a VERY large number of ‘Joshes’ up and down the country of all ages and sexes.
And that REALLY scares those that seek to corrupt this Sceptred Isle.
Good for you young man.
bobo 66
2 months ago
Such an enjoyable discussion!
Otto Sump
2 months ago
Great guest , josh is based
Mark Stevens
2 months ago
THANK YOU James, for having this insightful, intelligent, inspirational man on you’re show! More brave guests similar to him in the future, Please! There’s still time to WIN this fight !!
2 months ago
Amazing man! God bless him and what he’s doing.
2 months ago
Josh, so right, so right!
Nowt 2Cere
2 months ago
Well done James & Josh, great listening to you both
Belladonnas Art of Healing
2 months ago
Priminster Josh sounds great to me….what a beautiful Britain it would be.
James Robertson
2 months ago
From a scot .well done make the English proud. RULE BRITANNIA
2 months ago
Really interesting guy. Respect sir.
Meat Face 156
2 months ago
Rebel Rebel Rebel. Fight for your FREEDOM
It’s ok to be a nationalist
2 months ago
Great interview! One of the best ever share share share!
1 month ago
Rousing speech at the end. Legend. And excellent to have Delingpole giving exposure to guests like this
Lato the Leaf
2 months ago
Great interview!
Heather Hoole
2 months ago
Josh and James thank you. There is hope xx
Donna Walser
2 months ago (edited)
Thank goodness for young men like Josh, you are amazing. It’s people like you who make me proud to be English.
bonita walledge-buxcey
2 months ago (edited)
That was so refreshing absolute truth you have both passion and conviction Josh quaklities which seem to have been forgotten recently. Keep going. What a speech .
Tracy Katrina O’Brien
2 months ago
mark stanbridge
2 months ago
thank you james great guest did not want this podcast to end …would be great to have josh back on in the future
Linda Hunter
2 months ago
What a wonderful fellow
Meetra Surrik
2 months ago
That immune system analogy was fantastic! scarily true too!
I Agree
2 months ago
Amazing speech at the end there.
Ace Adonis
1 month ago
Kelamaty brought me here with his recommendation.
G’day from Australia.
Sir Snowy
2 months ago
Josh should be a MP, a real one that cares about the nation and union as a whole and greater good!! God bless you sir!
2 months ago
Josh is a quality guy, love what he has to say I’ve been watching him for a good few months now and couldn’t agree with him more .
Aphrodite Blighty
2 months ago
Fantastic interview. Loving the DP channel
Pete Logan
2 months ago (edited)
I was reading about the 3 cities, check them out. They are…The District of Columbia, The City of London and Vatican City.
All 3 are intimately linked.
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Anglo – Saxon
2 months ago
Have you read the Protocols of Zion yet?
2 months ago
What a guy.
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Jody Kay
2 months ago
Absolutely. I fully support Josh and I’m proud to call him a friend. If you want to meet and connect with like-minded people, you might want to go to the website for Patriotic Alternative.
It’s a growing community of strong and beautiful people like Josh.
Tony Norris
1 month ago
Oh my god I’ve got tears in my eyes. Also I’m a Hampshire boy
Rik M
2 months ago (edited)
What an interesting and inspirational fella. Great interview.
2 months ago
Thank goodness you’re back, wondered where you were
Ciccio Bello
2 months ago
Love Josh
chris Reidy
2 months ago
A great talk James josh is a Top lad all the best with the March
Fiona S Waters
2 months ago
A great broadcast. Well done Josh and James.
2 months ago (edited)
Well done Josh, your reflecting what most people think who have woken up about this misdirection. great speech at the end to….
Mark W
2 months ago
Spot on, good stuff
Angus McAngus
2 months ago (edited)
‘I’m really happy in country-wear’. So am I but my missus keeps calling me ‘Farmer Giles’.
You’re conservative, James. The ‘Conservative’ Party isn’t.
Josh is awake. He is the future.
Tea Party
2 months ago
Brilliant interview James. Thank you
Kerry Wills
2 months ago
Brilliant did not seem long enough
2 months ago
My new man crush. Go man!
Suze Burtenshaw
2 months ago
With young people like Josh, I KNOW Britain has a future. Not a poxy dumbed down, excuse for a future, the ‘new normal’, if you will, but a proper, copper-bottomed, solid, hope-filled future. May the road rise to meet you, Josh, in every sense.
And James, thanks for this most excellent podcast.
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Andrew Smith
2 months ago
Inspiring and impressive, thank you both.
TJ Johnson
2 months ago
Josh is great. I totally agree with everything he says. we need more of him. Good luck with your walk.
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James Heyworth
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative
Knock knock We want Enoch
2 months ago
What a pleasant chap!
Memory Palace
2 months ago
Top stuff, Gentlemen
2 months ago
Impressive guy. Idealism, duty, honour all wrapped in military discipline.
michael dooling
2 months ago
Top lad!
2 months ago
Oh James please open ur shutters I love seeing ur garden
Deborah Robertson
2 months ago
100% God bless you Josh. English men and women must now themselves again. My dear uncle Ron, 98 years young, fought through North Africa, and Monte Cassino, when he was 17. Two subsequent generations have been deracinated. This stops NOW.
Melda Sharif
2 months ago
What a great chat!
Wonder Why
1 month ago
Great video, thank you James. All the best to Josh. God bless you all.
Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
Well done Josh mate. Really got the blood coursing through my veins with that last oration. Well in, hope to join you soon.
Enough already
2 months ago
March on, Josh. There will be many with you in spirit. Lasting, positive change will take place not within, but outside the corridors of ‘power’ at real grass roots level with inspiring and truthful characters like Josh as exemplars of decent values unintimidated by the divide and conquer agenda which is tearing good people apart. Moved to tears by your rallying call.
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2 months ago
Well said and i too am proud to be an Englishman .. not a brit !
Ned Pamphilon
2 months ago
Thoroughly enjoyable & inspiring. Thank you.
Mark Carter
2 months ago (edited)
Stand my brothers and sisters…..Together we are strong and we will win back our country or die trying but at least we’ll be able to look god in the eye and say we did the right thing and feel no shame, we won’t need to hide in heaven.
Ste Millband
2 months ago
Great chat fellas …
1 month ago
Great interview. We need more people like Josh, and our nation might just have a future…!
Clive Richardson
2 months ago
A very switched on chap is Josh but rooted in England and I love that.
2 months ago
Great video, good luck Josh.
Rod Norman Drums
2 months ago
Great content, James.
2 months ago
Josh is a fantastic example of a decent young English man
William Oliver
2 months ago
Brilliant and sensible. None of this should be regarded as controversial or extreme. You should interview Keith Woods someday.
Alan Gilbert
2 months ago
Great interview, and good on young Josh. I too have a fascination of Anglo Saxon history and love these green and pleasant lands, we must stand against the tyranny of the woke wankers……
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2 months ago
Get involved with patriotic alternative!
2 months ago (edited)
JOIN “PATRIOTIC ALTERNATIVE” TODAY!!!!!!!!! Respect to Dellingpole for having the lion heart on.
Mia’s Thoughts
2 months ago
When is the event please, I’II walk too.
View reply
2 months ago
i was kicked off twitter recently for saying why aren’t many BAME people in NHS ads for the vaccine and i can’t see many BAME people being vaccinated . i’m glad i was kicked off because i was wasting far too much time on it but we need to keep telling the truth .
JT Smith 101
2 months ago
Federal Bureau of Investigation
2 months ago
this was very good.
frank johnlaland
2 months ago
Martin Jones
1 month ago
James Dellingpole is getting brave with his guests .Josh is a good looking young man and along with Jody Kay great optics
2 months ago
Great chat
2 months ago
The lucky ones are the 80 odd year olds who passed away a year ago, they’ve had a long life, had their freedoms and pensions and now they’re out of it. No way will people have the stomach for this for years to come.
Orson Cart
2 months ago
Michael James
2 months ago
“Bits and bobs…” Chad.
Dan W
2 months ago
What a credit to this country, well done Josh.
Simon TV
2 months ago
Lived in Gosport and you didn’t get a sailboat?
2 months ago
Josh never surrender
Person A
2 months ago
I love what you said about tolerance. It’s supposed to be something we all want now. When yes, it’s always been something that means you’re being pushed in a direction you don’t want to go but you haven’t the power to oppose it. You can definitely come and get some work experience with a brilliant artist blacksmith with us if you like. But no horses sadly.
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Unsubtle Major Dictator
2 months ago (edited)
The earliest usage of the white dragon as a symbol of the Anglo-Saxons is found in the Historia Brittonum. The relevant story takes place at Dinas Emrys when Vortigern
tries to build a castle there. Every night, unseen forces demolish the castle walls and foundations. Vortigern consults his advisers, who tell him to find a boy with no natural father, and to sacrifice him. Vortigern finds such a boy, but on hearing that he is to be put to death to solve the demolishing of the walls, the boy dismisses the knowledge of the advisors. The boy tells the king of the two dragons. Vortigern excavates the hill, freeing the dragons. They continue their fight and the red dragon finally defeats the white dragon. The boy tells Vortigern that the white dragon symbolises the Saxons and that the red dragon symbolises the people of Vortigern.
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Hilda Thogden
2 months ago
Brilliant guest, James! Great show, I could’ve have watched all night. What do you think about the group that this man supports, Patriotic Alternative, James? I think that they’re our only hope for a better England, what about you? Genuine question.
2 months ago
An intelligent young man, how did he slip through the net?
2 months ago
Hey James, check out The Hu (Mongloian Metal) They’re on here!
René PleinAir
2 months ago
Tom Thumb
3 weeks ago
Omg that was amazing, I’ve been a fan of Richard the Lionheart aka Josh basically since he first came on to the nationalist scene, but especially that speech at the end was from a true patriots heart, & am soo glad that a mainstream conservative (although recently redpilled from the sound of things) is so on board! Will be subscribing to James now god bless all true patriots, & Josh is a leader among men!
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Grasping Torment
2 months ago
2 months ago
Dear James could you please interview Alison McDowell she an american lady who describes herself as just a mother who is worried about the future the likes of Klaus Schwab are undercover of worldwide lockdown are putting in place this lady has done some outstanding research for many years that has exposed what is actually going on
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I dance for pennies
2 months ago
Politicians and academics who hate their own culture and ethnicity lead you to only one conclusion. The “plan” is to have the populous as one homogeneous blob with no specific identity. Doesn’t matter where you go, the people are pretty much the same.
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1 month ago
James’ talk with Ralph explains this phenomenally well
Jack Hwyte
2 months ago
You love to see it!
2 months ago (edited)
Great chat and really refreshing to know there are like minded people out there.
Is anyone else struggling to find him on Telegram?
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2 months ago
2 months ago
Great Britain, needs great Brits, and you two gentleman are the shining example, a solder doesn’t fight because he hates whats in front of him, but because he loves what’s behind him.
lilith stuff
2 months ago
With a name like Delingpole you must be a Frenchy, James! See Richard de la Pole…..:)
Galileo’s Tongue
2 months ago
Go on, Josh!
MAIDinCornwall Kernow
2 months ago
Well done Josh, we are with you
Stu Crossland
2 months ago
Try and interview Dr Sam Bailey and Dr Sherri Tenpenny.
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Rock Lover
2 months ago
also Rachel Elnaugh ex Dragons Den
Stu Crossland
2 months ago (edited)
@Rock Lover , I watched her country walk the other day. Nice one.
Ruthie ED
1 month ago
Well done josh, we need more young people like you to stand up for your future. I’m 64 I never thought I would see this happening in my life time. I never will ever copitulate to this Communist state. Good luck with the march. X
J W12
2 months ago
Thank goodness you are talking sense. Every place is unique, it’s not a replicated monopoly hotel. Why are the government trying to make every town and city the same? No one wants that! This government is trying to force everyone to do what they want!
Lauren Mccoy
1 month ago
Wonderful please can we help you with this movement . Iam a northern want to join this journey
Henrietta Cook
2 months ago
What a great chap
Anna Sperni-Clark
2 months ago
Josh, you’ve given me hope!
Craven Raven
2 months ago
Even IF the numbers and excess mortality is sky high – it still never would justify their actions against us.
Jan Margaret
2 months ago
James I think this is the best podcast you have done. Please have Josh on again.
Beer Hall Pooch
2 months ago
@The James Delingpole Channel is to be commended for speaking with Josh and facing the inevitable backlash soon to come from those ever-so “tolerant” liberals who with much hypocrisy and contradiction cannot practice what they preach.
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Jane B1
2 months ago
you learn to ignore them and the legacy msm media no need to worry about any of it – as long as you keep to English law and hurt no one – they matter not
2 months ago
Josh is still an unknown quantity
Mis Dangered
1 month ago
@Nulix Yeah. I hope he turns out to be okay but I fear there are a few inconsistencies there. Seems a nice guy though, but they seem to go to ground when their backstories come under scrutiny.
Jeff JeffreyM
2 months ago
What an astonishing young man.
John Lammi
2 months ago
As diversity increases, conflict and mistrust rise according to all social science that deals with this issue………
Damo James
2 months ago
7 minutes in and I have no idea where this is going
John Enoch Powell MBE
2 months ago
marianne donne
2 months ago
Share viral update ivor cummins 13th Feb 2021 powerful
team stig
2 months ago
what a great guy, wonderful interview
Dave Clarke
2 months ago
Top man, need more like him
R White
2 months ago
Thanks for bringing Josh to us.
Rambo Baggins
2 months ago
I would unironically support a great reset if it was about bringing back a mode of life where communities are self-reliant and sustainable with literal horse-power farming, local blacksmithing and carpentry for tools and equipment etc. Real work, real food, real community. Who wouldn’t want that if it were presented to them? The current system is killing us and the environment.
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Honest John
2 months ago
He’s great. Excellent music to
Philip Watkins
2 months ago (edited)
Bloody f**k! That speech at the end is almost Shakespearean.
Brian Leavy
2 months ago
Time for all truth seekers to adopt civil disobedience – oppositional defiance disorder and own the concept. (Brian and wife)
Adrian Besozzi
2 months ago
I’ve fallen in love…
Middie Wood
2 months ago
Inspiring! As a young Englishman who got through uni with his faculties intact, it’s encouraging to know there’s chaps like this waiting in the wings. The Lord protect and keep him!
Also James, every thought of chatting to Eric Metaxas? I think he needs encouragement and you need his spiritual direction
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Jane B1
2 months ago
James is a catholic and goes to church
Middie Wood
2 months ago
@Jane B1 ye but we could need a bit of Pentecostal pep
Philip Porter
2 months ago
Green beret, hey? Well done boy!
David Fisher
2 months ago
This young lad gives me hope.
Mia’s Thoughts
2 months ago
Very good. Hope people wake up to the reality.
Mark M
2 months ago
How do I support this guy, I can’t find information on him? What is his last name…..? Great pod James….
John ???
2 months ago (edited)
James good choice to interview richard/josh
Woden The Saxon
2 months ago
This guy is brilliant!
James Heyworth
2 months ago
Thanks James, I’ve listened to London Calling for quite some time now and I enjoy your views. Josh is a brilliant Englishman, well respected around the like minded right. Now you have dipped your toe in, take the plunge and submerge yourself in an alternative….
“Patriotic Alternative”. Try Laura Towler for a female angle. You have a new subscriber.
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2 months ago
Towler has been on his channel shilling her tea.
Philip Smale
2 months ago
Aphrodite Blighty
2 months ago
I cried at the end
proud Dutchman.
2 months ago (edited)
I’ve seen that advert. While the muslim guy takes off his boots, washes his hand and goes through the lengthy process just to pray to a fictional God in the sky, his comrades have to stop what they’re doing and pretend they’re friends and comrades to someone who really should not be in the military.
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Man of Kent
Man of Kent
1 month ago
Nor the country.
Stuart Nicholson
2 months ago
Just what the movement needs..
Miss Information
2 months ago
Clone him, I need one of these style men. They are man unicorns.
Kermit TheFrog
1 month ago
This must be the future of Britain.
Best guest so far.
Michael N.
2 months ago
Amazing to hear you speak Josh. Men like you is what the system fears the most. You are right the false dichotomy of Labour vrs Tory is so outdated.
Are there any other alternatives to these worth supporting?
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Edward Long
2 months ago
I’m quite impressed by a group called Patriotic Alternative, have a look into them!
Michael N.
2 months ago
@Edward Long thanks mate. Does that involve a lovely lady who had issue with some tea company a while back? She seemed very nice during that time.
Edward Long
2 months ago
@Michael N. Oh yes, Grandma Towler’s Tea, great company, good to see someone standing up to BLM and the woke agenda!
2 months ago
@Edward Long PA is not in the same category as Labour and Tory, they are political parties not fan clubs.
Edward Long
2 months ago
@Strongbow They are in their early days, and are currently in the process of applying to become a political party. But the work they do in cmmunity building is just as valuable in many ways!
Matt Coffey
2 months ago
I take issue with just one thing that Josh said or implied, that you don’t have to be intelligent to understand the difference between national pride and nationalism. He’s absolutely right that you don’t need to be intellectual but it increasingly requires an above average level of emotional intelligence to resist the inevitable establishment slurs of xenophobia and racism from the “mid-wits” (what a perfect way to sum these people up!) Thanks for putting Josh on our radars James, I really hope we see more and more of him and very soon.
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
And I suppose if you reject xenophobia you indulge in xenophillia? Well excuse people like myself and Josh if we seem to prefer the former to the latter. Our own over outsiders! Idiot!
Jane B1
2 months ago
how strange – lost several hundred likes in the last hour!
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paul chambers
paul chambers
2 months ago
Oy Vey!
Charlie Brown
2 months ago
Josh’s go fund me campaign has been removed.
We can’t have fine, upstanding English men being supported in any way can we?
I hope there will come a point where people like Josh, draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE!
His message is 100% right and no amount of censorship will ever alter that. It will just make it stronger
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2 months ago
On England Green And Pleasant Land Go Go Go Josh
Geoff Bubbs
2 months ago
I’m one of the idiots new from day one it was a load of bs ! Great conversation.
Lee Revell
2 months ago
Apparently Josh’s funding page has been taken down by the left wing. How else can we financially support Josh ?
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2 months ago
You look like Noel Edmunds in a floral shirt. End of.
2 months ago
Richard the Lionheart is an honest and decent man soon to be condemned by our craven police and politicians.
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Jane B1
2 months ago
we dont care about what they say anymore – learn to distance yourself
2 months ago
Cometh the hour , Cometh the man………..
2 months ago
Does Josh have a vid channel? Can’t find it.
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Charlie Kenwright
2 months ago
YouTube channel is “Richardthelionheart” good luck
2 months ago
@Charlie Kenwright thanks, found it.
J W12
2 months ago
And can someone explain why small shops are forced to close whereas big supermarkets are allowed to let as many as they can in. Does the virus pick size of shops to infect people?
1 month ago
keep the faith mate
Maccy_76 _
2 months ago
Good man, josh. Good man!
Martin Walker
2 months ago
Josh is a great guy.
Jab Police First
2 months ago
Great guest agreed with everything he said.
2 months ago
Josh and James check out our song about the situation…
No Real Men- Karby
– IPF89
2 months ago
What kind of individual is ashamed of his own culture, country and ethnicity? Josh is so in the right. And all those people who are terrified to walk near you on the pavement because of an exaggerated Chinese flu. Brainwashed! We’re with you, Josh.
Julian Heath
2 months ago
Fascinating discussion!
sandra Flanagan
2 months ago
Love this lad. He is speaking up for millions of UKs citizens. I am one of thousands of despondent Brits who moved out of UK because we didn’t like being in our own country. I’m not happy about myself for “escaping”. Some other country is never your home. I hope Josh can spearhead a movement in Britain that will succeed in ending the idea that Multiculturalism is fabulous. It is destructive for all people and their nations. People need to know who they share their neighbourhood with.
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2 months ago
He’s engaged with a group called patriotic alternative, they’re pushing for exactly what you mention!
Anita Maguire
2 months ago
Where did you go, I didn’t think there was anything left for white people to thrive ?
sandra Flanagan
2 months ago
@Anita Maguire ..Hi Anita. Ironic isn’t it,but a lot of people from Western Europe are moving to Eastern Europe. More “space” to breathe, fewer people, family traditions and travel on roads that are not grid locked. It’s fine here in Bulgaria if you are financially self sufficient or you have a business you can run from your lap top. A lot of the younger people here have to work in the West, as jobs are scarce and not very well paid. I don’t know how difficult it would be now to move into another European country since Brexit happened, but in my view, it would be worth investigating. If I was younger and starting over again, I would be thinking about Hungary. The politicians there seem to have a pair ! It’s a topsy turvy world we’re living in. Everyone should be part of a community that they feel they share with others and have a moral responsibility for making things work better for that community. Sadly,the community spirit in the UK has been destroyed. The “wokists” are delusional in thinking society can be stripped of its culture and heritage and its history. That’s why I said “Love this lad”. I sincerely hope that Josh can create a wave of like minded believers who will have the strength and ability to rid the UK of the absurdity of “ wokeness”. I apologise for going off at a tangent, but I’m frustrated and angry at our Western political insanity. I hope you find a path in life that brings you happiness
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Anita Maguire
2 months ago (edited)
@sandra Flanagan I don’t live in Europe, my whole extended family moved across a whole continent to find a small community as well. I also hope Josh and PA, Mark ect do really well, as the movement might spread. God bless you and your situation.
PS my nation is also destroyed, the highest immigration per capita in the western world. And zero chance of democratic change.
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2 months ago
Great interview. Take a look at Patriotic Alternative if you agree with Josh
2 months ago
Amazing guy
aye aye
2 months ago
a fine specimen
g c
2 months ago
Martin Jones
1 month ago (edited)
This is the Horus strategy coming true, Dellingpole isn’t that far away from the mainstream. He shared a studio with the repulsive Owen Jones
2 months ago
Gavin Boby looks fit in his floral shirts.
2 months ago
True role model
Elizabeth Clayton
1 day ago
Has telegram been taken over?
micky mouse
2 months ago
Oh James get Ice- Age Farmer as your guest in your channel
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
Support Patriotic Alternative #WeWereNeverAsked
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Keyser Söze
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative won’t achieve anything they merely have 12 thousand supporters. That’s not enough to make any dent in UK politics. Also, optics lord, Collett is not a good leader. Oh and there’s a big nonce problem within PA membership.
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Keyser Söze If you got a better alternative I’m all ears?
2 months ago
@EnglishShieldwall 1997 The For Britain Movement is looking for people to stand – Josh would do well for them.
EnglishShieldwall 1997
2 months ago
@Strongbow I don’t think he would because For Britain don’t offer any real solutions to the demographic problem.
Eddie J
2 months ago
Kudos to Josh, imagine that we now live in a country where the fascist jackboots of our so called police would jump on you for taking a long hike through the country with a few mates, shocking times that the blind cannnot or will not see.
2 months ago
Whoa! Based AND Red-pilled
2 months ago
God bless this geeza
Aphrodite Blighty
2 months ago
Cant find James Delingpole on Telegram?
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2 months ago
He’s on twitter
Wonder Why
1 month ago
Hi James, what’s Josh’s channel please? Thank you.
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Miss Information
4 weeks ago
Richard the Lionheart.
Paula O
2 months ago
Where have you been?
James Chambers
1 month ago
Stanley Johnson’s eugenics obsession and his Amazon authorship output: – ‘Life Without Birth’, ‘World Population: Turning The Tide’ , ‘World Population & the UN’. Boris was nurtured my this man, and must therefore, be cast in the same mould.
The worm that turned
2 months ago
Josh for King.
Kayla Reef
2 months ago
Big up England
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
Are you Jamaican ? ‘Big up’ ? Lol
Kayla Reef
1 month ago
@Isaac Harkton nope from Yorkshire
2 months ago
Isn’t it the white dragon for the Saxons and red dragon for the Celts?
Aaron good
2 months ago
A brilliant man!
Overton Window Pain
2 months ago
HOC = House of Second Hand Car Salesmen
HOL – House of Cronies
2 months ago
Is his yt
Damo James
2 months ago
What was the EDM song he released which has 6 million views?
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Andy Matts
Andy Matts
2 months ago
Top man
The Cute Club!
2 months ago
Get Morgoth’s Review on.
streaky bacon
2 months ago
Josh is a leader
Bucko Haram
2 months ago
Stainless TIG welders unite!
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mya name
2 months ago
Arc welders matter
Bucko Haram
2 months ago
@mya name Bloody proles!
mya name
2 months ago
@Bucko Haram
2 months ago
A good man.
Bentley Charles
2 months ago
The horse was culled by The First War.
Mark Roberts
2 months ago
I love this guy.
Tea Party
2 months ago
MW would be a good guest
2 months ago
Varelapete. Eichmannlagud. Delingpole reads theses guys on twitter …G…
2 months ago
Get Laura Towler or Mark Collet on.
Kermit TheFrog
2 months ago
Thank you for bringing light to the anti-White agenda.
Shirley Wilson
2 months ago
Josh for PM!
John Lammi
2 months ago
totally hot young fellow……
Lauren Mccoy
1 month ago
Josh you should go on Ritchie Allen radio show
tim webb
2 months ago
Josh is the man
Sacred Instrumentals
2 months ago
josh is good guy
burty basset
2 months ago
Josh is too good to be a politician. Can anyone navigate their way through that pit of snakes and slime and come out the other side unsoiled?… But then maybe it is the task of those who yet draw breath is to roll up their sleeves and wade into the mud regardless??
Wilco Charlie
2 months ago
The European Union Collective. Google it.
Have a PDF. Has a table. Very interesting.
Dylan Thomas
2 weeks ago
We had real diversity at one time. Our great country has been under attack for some years.
Eman Puedama
2 months ago
This guy reminds me a bit of the fitness YouTuber The Bioneer. It’s good that he’s a self-starter, especially if, as he says, it’s easy to get used to the military running your life. That would explain why so many ex military become homeless. I was never good at creating opportunities, and now of course, that’s not something that’s meant to be on the table at all. For all its faults, Thatcherism seems like a heavenly ideology compared to the Conservative Party now. It’s bizarre how many people fell for the ruse that they didn’t want to lock down because they cared more about money than people (blah blah). I think I’m quite good at spotting these tricks, but it doesn’t help me in day to day life because you might as well be talking Chinese as try to explain these things to most people.
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Anthony Taylor
2 months ago
Great speach
The Blame Shifter
2 months ago
Voting will not remove them.
Real Stevie B
2 months ago
Regular guest!
Rob o
2 months ago
Don’t disagree with one word josh says
2 months ago
Are we sure this is the real Josh…
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Angelcynn CMB
2 months ago
Yes this is the real Josh, there was a guy impersonating Josh on Twitter. Isn’t that cultural appropriation
Jane B1
2 months ago (edited)
I am all for building England back again. This could be done in every community, village, town. Currently our whole system in the west is corrupt including politics and the parliament. We should abide by law and live in a parallel way – within what is. Rekindle interest in the strength of English past with what we used to do – as Josh said – as simple as the local fetes and celebrations. Local business must be grown and supported. I would even go for an ‘orthodox English church; (not happy clappy). Home schooling or a community school with traditional teaching. etc etc. I am not for the political movements – they are all corrupt and will be corrupted with our current system. Community run groups need to run and grow its strength……………………………just my thoughts!
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2 months ago
Don’t let Tommy, Sargon and Jack Dawkins tell you everything will be fine if we get BLM to shut up and the Lutoners eating scones.
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2 months ago
Yeah caus that’s what they say isn’t it?
2 weeks ago
Fantastic People…..
2 months ago
When are we going to see Josh and the Angry Bootneck together?
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Mis Dangered
1 month ago
I doubt we will but it would be very interesting to see.
2 months ago
Support Patriotic Alternative!
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Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@H they are planning on it but they are being blocked so far let’s support them and hope for the best
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@H you think if pa became popular and got elected in several places mark would just say nah don’t wanna be pm let the Tories have it. We gotta start small and grow steady.
Jane B1
2 months ago
sorry – NO political party is free from corruption at the moment – the people need to create local networks and work from communities – i am no longer interested in the corrupt parliament and council set up
2 months ago
@Jane B1 PA is community building. It’s not a political party.
2 months ago
@H They will put up independent candidates if the electoral commission will not approve them. Ultimately as Brexit showed, you don’t need to win power to affect change, all you need to do is threaten the power of the mainstream parties enough to force them to change instead.
Our main goal over the next four years should be dissuading anyone from voting for the Tories.
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
@Jane B1 totally agree, electoral politics is useless. Utterly pointless, a waste of time
2 months ago
Donate to Mark Collett’s bank account and save England.
2 months ago
@Strongbow If someone wants to grift then they don’t espouse views that get them kicked off almost every platform.
2 months ago
@Nemophilist Tell Mark Collett that – he coined the phrase speaking about Tommy Robinson someone far more censored than he is.
2 months ago
@Strongbow That’s nice. There are far better reasons to avoid Tommy Robinson than that though.
Frank Butcher
2 months ago
The dragon represents the opposite side of you…..
Your power and anger…..
You must defeat your dragon…..
ello treacle another new account….. ha ha ha….
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The Mountain Hare
2 months ago
Future leader…
peter moore
2 months ago
it’s just as difficult to be evil as good, and capitalism is not ‘infinite growth’ but the entropy fight, which is the noble fight.
2 months ago (edited)
Josh supports patriotic alternative, you should all check them out. They have exactly the same values as josh. Love your own people. Diversity is distinct unique countries filled with distinct unique people. We should be separate and be peaceful neighbours.
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Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
2 months ago
MRNA…sorry….hee hee
Rock Lover
2 months ago
6uild 6ack 6etter 666
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Charlie Kenwright
2 months ago
Not with Biden,he’s a wrongen
2 months ago
James should get this guy on, George Gammon. A fitting name for a Delingpole guest.
Christina Richie
2 months ago
It’s stagflation Josh..
2 months ago
Lovely bloke – but needs to reconsider his walk strategy. Its very easy to pick off one man and very difficult to stop hundreds or thousands.
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Edward Long
2 months ago
On the other hand 1 person is harder to track down
Shazia Hobbs
2 months ago
Brilliant discussion.
pm m
1 month ago
England! Warriors from all walks, rally to this Knight’s cause! Brexit meaningless, if after escaping one technocratic quagmire (the EU) we end up subsisting in the fiefdom of Klaus “Bond Villain” Schwab and his UK government lackeys in the Great RE – SERF of our beloved people!
jane Griffiths
2 months ago
nope no horses due to methane gases but we will be able to use Shankses pony
Jay Will
2 months ago
2 months ago
EveryOne. Alt right or otherwise has their own particular part to play.
2 months ago
Grate discorse
William Oliver
2 months ago
Ian Campbell
2 months ago
What’s his surname
Man of Kent
1 month ago
I can’t link it, I think James has an auto-delete on posting links.
His name is “lionheartengland” on Telegram. I think that’s where he’ll be posting to avoid youtube censorship.
He’ll also be doing an update interview after the march with “PatrioticChris” on Telegram. He’s been on a very good interview with Chris recently which you can find by scrolling through Chris’ Telegram channel.
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Christina Richie
2 months ago
Missed you James
John ???
2 months ago
patriotic alternative for nationalists
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Keyser Söze
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative won’t achieve anything they merely have 12 thousand supporters. That’s not enough to make any dent in UK politics. Also, optics lord, Collett is not a good leader.
John ???
2 months ago
@Keyser Söze if they cant do it politically no one can, and regardless if they dont they are community building, whoose to say if pa gets shut down the local regional contacts developed cant just keep going
2 months ago
There is no alternative to patriotism
John ???
2 months ago
@Strongbow Nah mate its an party, called patriotic alternative , but i agree there is no alternative to nationalism
2 months ago
@John ??? Actually It is not a political party; it has been refused at least twice. Pushing PA is just wasting everyone’s time.
John ???
2 months ago (edited)
@Strongbow i didnt say it was a political party, however regardless if they dont succed politically they build communities ext and network, and please who else is there , the shills in the tommy camp, where anyone can be english, nothing will be achieved if you all do is moan, oh they will never get into number 10 so i just wont do anything productive , and moan online
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2 months ago
@John ??? To change the current political status quo elections will have to be won. That means enlisting the support of millions. You want to moan about ‘shills’ and Tommy and purity spirals then you are funneling yourself into a tiny ‘community’ that will change nothing, and be easily identifiable for arrest when things get even worse.
Show less
John ???
2 months ago (edited)
@Strongbow What else do you suggest?, What is the alternative to PA
2 months ago
@John ??? You discovered PA it’s, not beyond your capacity to find the real deal.
John ???
2 months ago (edited)
@Strongbow Yeah but what is the real deal, there is nothing other than pa?
Israeldiegorivera2 Genius2
2 months ago
No to mandatory or coerced vaccines.
Sign the no vaccine passport parliament petition.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Diversity is only allowed in majority (at the moment) white western countries, so you can still go to China, India, Africa etc., and still see those countries as they should be, overwhelmingly, majority ethnic populations, no so much now in the west. All by design.
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Spoopy MoonCritter
2 months ago
The left/right paradigm has dissolved. You are now either pro the totalitarian system or anti it.
2 months ago
Go into politics Josh…you’ll hose over the turds assembled in Westminster
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Isaac Harkton
2 months ago
Electoral politics is absolutely worthless
2 months ago
James is gonna get cancelled for this one. He’s one of those evil nationalists. Also, check out Patriotic Alternative.
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2 months ago
Avoid Patriotic Alternative while Mark Collett is involved – unless you want your details passing on to SIS.
2 months ago
Any chance that as a professional journalist you could sort your internet and microphone out and get rid of the building noise fogs and other goings on in the background ?
Martin Brown
2 months ago (edited)
That party is a joke – They’re Tories not conservatives (they used to be the same thing, but not any more).
Josh was good value here as well. Pretty much everything he said resonates with me.
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Man of Kent
1 month ago
I can’t link it, I think James has an auto-delete on posting links.
His name is “lionheartengland” on Telegram. I think that’s where he’ll be posting to avoid youtube censorship.
He’ll also be doing an update interview after the march with “PatrioticChris” on Telegram. He’s been on a very good interview with Chris recently which you can find by scrolling through Chris’ Telegram channel.
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Millennial Power
2 months ago
There’s no such thing as white or culture or religious control. We have been living in a atheistic hegemony for the past century. Behavior is the bottom line. Nothing else matters in white mans control.
2 months ago
Josh has to distance himself from Mark Collett, or all his efforts will be wasted.
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2 months ago
@Ryan Wiggman Explain your comment
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
2 months ago
@Rev 6 12 17 Google Mark Collett
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@Sophia Adlucem yeah true I haven’t used Google in years and I don’t plan on ever going back.
Keyser Söze
2 months ago
@Sophia Adlucem Patriotic Alternative won’t achieve anything they merely have 12 thousand supporters. That’s not enough to make any dent in UK politics. Also, optics lord, Collett is not a good leader. Plus they seem to have a big nonce problem within the membership.
2 months ago
@Rev 6 12 17 Watch PWR 1Apr20 (on Bitchute) and see Mr Collett say if there was one book he would preserve for the future white race it would be Mein Kampf. Google isn’t saying that, he is.
2 months ago
He seems like he wants his cake and eat it. His ‘I’m new to all this’ routine is starting to wear thin.
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@FiveLiver watched it live. pretty cringe of him to actually give ammo to our enemys because he enjoys being an edgy boy but nobody is without faults.
Richard Gribbin
2 months ago
Err, well, um, have to say, or add rather, to all the good stuff in this vlog, imo, but fractional reserve banking is what made the City the leading financial hub on the face of the planet. And crucially the City has never really had a genuinely serious financial disaster, unlike alas, America – whose 1st & 2nd Bank of the United States were abolished (early c.19th), and which was perhaps one of the key contributory factors to the Wall Street Crash 1929, and subsequent 08′ Crash (although things are no doubt more complex). I can talk at length about 1825 if interested.
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Edward Long
2 months ago
Very interesting. Surely fractional reserve banking is a problem though, as banks can lend out 90% of deposited money and charge interest on it, this essentially allows the banks to create money out of thin air and profit from lending it out. To add to this, imagine if the money lenders themselves didn’t have the best interests of the nation at heart, surely this wouldn’t be a beneficial system to the population at large? I certainly don’t consider myself left wing, but I do think modern banking poses a threat to our traditional nations!
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Richard Gribbin
2 months ago
@Edward Long You don’t exactly understand or do not wish to understand. The Bank of England is a uniquely English cultural institution, it is different to the U.S. Federal Reserve, which, among other things, is only just over 100 years old, whereas the Bank of England is well over 300 years old, and that counts.
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Edward Long
2 months ago
@Richard Gribbin I’d recommend you look into the ownership of central banks, have a look into Stephen Mitford Goodson and his book “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind”, really interesting!
2 months ago
Our culture is Christian, not English. Multiculture is political speak for -no specific culture!
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Eman Puedama
2 months ago
Our culture is only Christian in a very loose sense. I wasn’t brought up as a Christian so could never relate to it that much. I don’t think atheistic materialism is correct either, so was in a bit of a no-man’s-land, and like many others, found that Eastern philosophies made a lot of sense to me. Now, I see that Platonism is very similar, and that Christianity is very much grounded in Platonism. So, I think that if we want to take ourselves in a more spiritual direction, whilst being sincere, then re-exploring Western philosophy is the way to go.
I don’t believe there was such a distinction between spirituality and philosophy in the ancient world, and I think that’s the mindset we ought to get back to.
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2 months ago
@Eman Puedama well you’re wrong !
Eman Puedama
2 months ago
@R D
Well it makes sense to me, so naturally I disagree. Going by history, and also going by the endless debates I’ve heard, unless we rethink this all we’ll just carry on with the same repetitive ping-pong match between empiricism and Christian dogma. You can ignore history i.e. the Renaissance, or the Reformation, or the Enlightenment, or 19th century Biblical criticism, but it’ll just end up being repeated if you do, so it seems a bit pointless.
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2 months ago
@NoGuilt OnlyPride well then, English is finished.
2 months ago
@Eman Puedama you’re rambling monologue references many things which further shaped the Christian culture of the British isles and society. You clearly have no understanding of historical facts.
2 months ago (edited)
@NoGuilt OnlyPride present me wirh this evidence, you secularised citizen of the state !
Meat Face 156
2 months ago
Get back to paganism
2 months ago
@Meat Face 156 with a name like ‘meat face’ , I suspect you’re pagan !
Eman Puedama
2 months ago (edited)
@R D
I think I do at least, broadly understand the significance of these movements. If I got anything wrong, it was putting the Renaissance before the reformation. In our case, they were roughly in sync. Anyway, I know you can be a Christian and be influenced by all these things, but the fact remains that the reformation started the questioning process that led to the Empiricism and radical sceptism of Hume, and that pretty much logically implies the materialism and scientism of Dawkins. The Renaissance unearthed the esoteric and classical underpinnings of Christianity, and that was what prompted Giadorno Bruno to call for a return to the esoteric milieu from which Christianity emerged, arguing that it would unite Protestants and Catholics.
Nineteenth century Biblical criticism cast doubt on any claims that the myths and parables in the Bible were unique, and that in turn cast doubt on the idea that it was the uniquely authoritative word of God.
Yes, I know you can adapt orthodox Christianity to accommodate all of this, but it will be a strained effort, and I think that’s why Christianity is dying out. If we don’t like the meaninglessness and ennui of materialism, then I think we should follow Bruno’s advice, which seems quite reasonable to me – especially in light of the fact that a lot of evidence is emerging that Christian dogma resulted from a calculated attempt to literalise more obviously abstract ideas.
For example, Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenised and aristocratic Jew, stated that Logos was the first born Son of God – I hardly think the correlation with Christian theology requires stating. His brother was the Aligarch of Alexandria, and he had two nephews, Tiberius Julius Alexander, and Marcus Julius Alexander. The former was a commander under Titus, son if Vespasian, and put down a Jewish revolt in Alexandria and also helped end the Jewish war of 66 – 70 AD which resulted in the destruction of the temple. His brother Marcus, meanwhile, married Princess Berenice, the daughter of Aggripa I, the king of Judea, and grandson of Herod the great.
As far as I’m concerned, all this makes the Christ Conspiracy theories of people such as James Valliant, Joe Atwill and Ralph Ellis look very persuasive. Basically, sophisticated spiritual and philosophical ideas were literalised (or at least, partially so) in order to quell the threat of militant Judaism.
I don’t say those researchers are right in every respect, and where I’d most differ is that they seem to throw the baby out with the bathwater and assume that there’s no kernel of truth to it all. That’s kind of inevitable, I think, if we are to continue on with the completely unnecessary false dichotomy of Christian dogma Vs sceptism and dogmatic empiricism.
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2 months ago (edited)
@Eman Puedama im not reading your monologue. Its way over the top and you’re purposely subverting away from my original point that , England’s culture is Christianity.
If you’d been listening to what Josh had actually said , you may of noticed him mention some important historical figures and episodes. Richard the lion heart and also , the battle of Agincourt.
king Richard was a ,crusader king who fought in the Holy land against Muslims in the name of Jesus christ. That makes king Richard the Lionheart a Christian.
The battle of Agincourt wasn’t solely won thanks to the Longbow ( like josh alludes to ) it was won thanks to the driving ambition of a Christian thought process.
Don’t you know about the speech king henry the 5th made to his soldiers on the day of battle, St crispian day ?
Which ever way you argue it , Christianity is woven through the history and heritage of the British people. Your generation, the generation thats now below the age of 37, won’t understand this because you’ve grown up in a society thats purposely expunged Christianity from the institutions. You obviously know about the long march through the institutions, one of the things it did was to remove Christianity from society, it finally achieved this objective with Harriet Harmans 2010 equality act.
To state your not Christian is exactly what the big state want you to say !
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Meat Face 156
2 months ago
@R D pagan leaning so guilty. Though now’s not the Tim for semantics.
Al Ka
2 months ago
@Meat Face 156 not semantics. England was truly built by CATHOLICS. Europe was CATHOLIC. Western civilisation was CHRISTENDOM. Good luck restoring England and Europe without God.
Eman Puedama
2 months ago (edited)
@R D
I’m interested in this Christian thought process that you say won the battle of Agincourt. I’m not saying there’s nothing in that, it would just be nice an outline of how that worked. One obvious potential problem with the idea is that the French were Christian too, but leave that aside if you want. It’s obviously hard to tell when there’s nothing much to go on, but I wonder how many people who say they’re deeply Christian are trying to convince themselves. Anyway, it’s annoying when I have looked into these things from a lot of angles, only to see my sincere conclusions, which are quite hard-won and have brought some comfort to me, stereotyped and strawmanned. Still, as I said in my last rambling monologue, I don’t understand Middle Earth or Narnia, so it’s possible that there’s something about Christianity that appeals to the soul, but not to mine. The stereotyping and strawmanning is still irritating though, especially when you don’t make any strong arguments, or really any arguments at all.
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2 months ago (edited)
@Eman Puedama here we go again, rambling monologue no.3 now !
So many ridiculous points and you still havn’t broached my original comment which started this whole thread.
Ok, I see you have skirted my factually correct point about Richard the Lionheart being Christian and you’ve tried to snag me on the fact that both the French and English army’s, at Agincourt, believed in the same God. Well , so what if they did. They also both believed they could win the battle.
As it happened, God gave the day to the English.
Perhaps St crispian was so impressed with Henry’s speech ( which was rich in Christian reference) he told God to grant the English victory.
Maybe God wasn’t very happy with the French for killing the ,Genoese mercenary crossbowmen after leaving the battlefield when they saw the battle was all but lost.
In any case, your admission that the French was also Christian ,suggests that you have begun to accept Christianity is infact ,woven into the very fabric of western culture. Which ties into my original statement, so thankyou.
Your subtle suggestion that those who think they are Christian have to shout the loudest because they are not really very Christian is a very poor smear attempt.
And finally , I’m not arguing with you dear boy, I’m debating. Utopians argue !
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Anita Maguire
2 months ago
@R D In the 1970s in a secular government school, every school day began with the lords prayer and half an hour reading aloud from abridged children’s Bible.
I suspect we were the last generation taught this way.
Though a surprising number of people younger than 37, I know have educated themselves about Christianity. And, at least in my country baptisms are still popular.
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Anita Maguire
2 months ago
@Eman Puedama As a culture we are still running on the fumes of Christianity. Most atheists are still culturally Christian.
2 months ago (edited)
@Anita Maguire yes , i agree with you. The first school I attended from age 5 was a, Church or England school and was named ,St peters primary. It was heavily influenced with Christian teaching and tradition. We sang lovely hymns and prayed every morning. We celebrated many significant days throughout the calender year. Harvest festival, May day, Easter, Christmas, christingle. It did me a great service and to my mother , im eternally grateful for placing me at this school.
I also attended cubs and scouts which also leaned heavily on Christian culture. At both cubs and scouts , I actually swore in Gods name that I would do what is right.
They’ve since removed all reference to God to be more inclusive for those from different backgrounds !!!
Well that right there is sinister , multiculture doing is dastardly work.
Multiculture means , no specific culture. The rabid, utopian Marxists have taken away my Christian culture through subtle and little ways. Bit by bit and slowly over time.
This was my oath and I still stand by it today:
To do my duty to God , the Queen and my Country. To help other people at all times.
To obey the Scout Law.
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Anita Maguire
2 months ago
@R D I grew up in Australia, and it was not a church school, but in Australia in 1970, 99.5 percent of Australians were Christians, and neither the Lord’s Prayer or the Bible offended any denomination. In the last census we were at 52 percent. But a million people a year have been imported since then.
Another morning ritual at school (1975-1980) Was to swear to always Honour our God, our country, our flag and our queen, after which we would sing “God save the Queen ”
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Eman Puedama
2 months ago (edited)
@R D
I don’t think it’s that important that Richard the Lionheart was a staunch defender of the Christian faith. So was Vlad the Impaler for that matter, and from what I remember hearing somewhere, Richard the Lionheart was as culturally French as English. I doubt he could speak English, but perhaps you’ll prove me wrong.
Anyway, it sounds as if I got more exposure to Christianity than most kids today even if few people took it seriously. I did wish at times that I’d had more of it to give me more of a sense of identity, and also something to rebel against, so there’s grist to your mill.
On the whole though, I’m more philosophically inclined. There are four different yogas in Indian philosophy corresponding to preferences for devotion, work or ‘path’, thought, and I forget the other one.. perhaps ritual.
Anyway, I do think it’s largely a matter of horses for courses. If I’d had more ritual and devotion perhaps I’d understand it more, but I could never be very sincere about it now, while I do at least have some understanding of metaphysics.
As I say, if I’d heard more about the Platonic aspect of Christianity, I might have been interested in that. If he existed, i think Jesus was a Jewish militant, and the story got inverted for propaganda purposes. However, i do find the idea that Jesus was the perfect expression of Logos, the same way that a drawn square is an imperfect expression of the form of a square, quite interesting. And I can the understand the idea that Logos both is God and is with God, in the way our idea that our thoughts are both with us and part of us – so, that’s at least two parts of the trinity accounted for. I’ve read Catholic discussions about transubstantiation and Aristotle’s substances as well, but I couldn’t make any sense of it.
I think what it comes down to is that I can’t accept the basic idea that Jesus paid for our sins with his death, and as long as we believe we are saved. It seems inherently paradoxical – like saying you can have a gift, but only if you’re grateful. That would be paradoxical in itself because you’re generally grateful after receiving a gift, but they compound the contradiction by claiming it’s an unconditional gift, when it clearly isn’t. The idea is intriguing enough to make me think there’s something to it, but it also seems a bit forced.
Yes, I suppose it was a bit if a cheap shot to suggest you weren’t sincere. I was more genuinely wondering than insinuating though. But anyway, I believe you are. One thing I expect I could agree with you on is that I dislike it when Muslims proselytise in the basis that this is a secular country. In my case, it’s because I think Islam seems an annoyingly naive religion, and it was also born out of conflict and geopolitics.
I ought to close ramble number 4.. 5?.. there, but I wondered what you thought of the North European pagan elements that became incorporated into Christianity, do you think they’re part of what makes this a culturally Christian country? I went to Rosslyn Chapel last autumn, and the Green Man carvings around the walls suggests to me that they would be.
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Eman Puedama
2 months ago
@Anita Maguire
I think that’s largely true, but I also think that a lot of pre-Christian strands went into Christianity, and it’s hard to seperate it all out. Also, I don’t really like some cultural Christianity because bit seems quite token to me even if deeply felt. I heard that Richard Dawkins likes evensong or something like that, but as he’s a materialist I don’t see anything interesting about that. Of course, I know our thoughts and attitudes aren’t always exactly consistent, so it’s possible some of his are shaped by Christian metaphysics. I don’t find that kind of inconsistency very interesting either though.
I guess I’m a bit partisan in all this because, when talking about Big Questions, I like something to have something philosophical to get my teeth into and I’ve met a smug Christian who was as good as a materialist in his Scientism (even tho he contradicted himself) and claimed that Christianity was held back by philosophy – which I knew was absurd even then.
My brother has married a Christian, and when I tried to discuss intelligent design with her, she just laughed and said that there are some things we’re not supposed to know. All in all, Christians don’t seem to be very philosophical – at least not in this country. American Christians seem to be more so, and I hate to say it, but so do Muslims. Perhaps it’s not necessary for Christianity to be philosophical, I can see that argument. It’s just not interesting to me otherwise, and in the case if the first guy I mentioned, it seems much more pretentious to claim to be an intellectual Christian whilst poo-pooing metaphysics.
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2 months ago
@Eman Puedama
My Original statement :
Our culture is Christian, not English. Multiculture is political speak for -no specific culture!
I posted it because josh assumed his culture to be English. You have consistently chimed in with utter garbage because you have no answer to my statement.
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Anita Maguire
2 months ago
@Eman Puedama By the way you are correct Richard did not speak English. His succeeding brother, John of Magna Carta, was the first Norman king to speak English. I think you have been influenced by the opinions of a few Christians, rather than reading a good Bible translation (the twentieth century ones are watered down) because the actual Bible is full of philosophical questions.
Today many Christians conflate their faith with being “nice. ”
They overemphasize, love their neighbor, whilst ignoring that Jesus did not come in peace he came with a sword.
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Eman Puedama
2 months ago (edited)
@Anita Maguire
Well I haven’t read the Bible very thoroughly, but I’m familiar with a lot of its content and I know you could say that various parts such as The Book Of Job and various of Jesus’ parables “Consider the lilies of the field… ” etc. are quite philosophical. At the moment, I’d be most interested in the Gospel of John – “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God”, because I think that’s got to be one of the most obviously metaphysical and Platonic bits, and a clue to what the doctrine of the trinity is about.
Yes, I know he said “I come with a sword” and asked one of his disciples if they were armed and said “good”. He also threw the moneylenders out of the temple of course. But then, he hung around with tax-collecters too, and said “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”. His statement that his kingdom is “not of this world” doesn’t seem to fit with his more militant statements that suggested he was the kind of military Messiah a lot of Jews must have hoped for.
I know explanations have been offered for these apparent contradictions, but I think the most obvious explanation is that the Romans, along with their aristocrat Jewish allies such as Josephus, King Agrippa I, and the two brothers, Marcus and Tiberius Julius Alexander, flipped the idea of a militant Messiah on its head in order to defuse the threat of Jewish nationalism. They left contradictory elements in there because that added to the confusion and aided the PsyOp.
What’s interesting to me is that the esoteric spin they put on the Jesus story seems to owe a lot to the ideas of the Alexander brothers’ uncle, Philo of Alexandria, whose Jewish/Greek syncretism was sincere, and would not have approved. I agree that a lot of Christians, but not all, have a very woolly idea of their religion.
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Mis Dangered
1 month ago
England could be described as ‘culturally Christian’. You don’t necessarily need to be religious, but the better aspects of Christianity are good standards to have.
Mis Dangered
1 month ago
@Eman Puedama Interesting view point.
1 month ago
@Mis Dangered exactly.
Eman Puedama
1 month ago
@R D
So we should adopt token Christianity even if we hold unexamined materialist and empiricist philosophical assumptions, thinking them ‘scientific’, and we don’t care if the New Testament is historically accurate or not? That didn’t work in the past – It sort of did for a few decades, but it was like a dog treading water.
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Sara Porter
2 months ago
Self declared neo fascist Laura Tower is having a big O over this interview. She reckons it’s Patriotic Alternative “Bridge” into the mainstream.
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Jane B1
2 months ago
He is a real English person – try not to bring negative to him. People can make up their own minds. If you want to point out your opinion then do that without personal attack it is unnecessary.
Herr Onuseit
2 months ago
Laura sounds like an interesting woman! Where can I find out more about her?
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
If you are ok with what is happening to all people of European descend, if you are still pro massmigration and lockdown then sorry you are a horrendeously evil person. If the plight of 19k r aped children did not manage to melt your heart then I don’t know what is wrong with you.
Keyser Söze
2 months ago
Patriotic Alternative won’t achieve anything they merely have 12 thousand supporters. That’s not enough to make any dent in UK politics. Also, optics lord, Collett is not a good leader. Plus they seem to have a big nonce problem within the membership.
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@Keyser Söze did you delete your other comment because you could not think of a single thing you ever did to advance British nationalism even a teeny tiny one like stickering?
Keyser Söze
2 months ago
@Rev 6 12 17 Stickers will not save the world and I’ve not deleted anything.
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@Keyser Söze yet still avoid the question
Rev 6 12 17
2 months ago
@Keyser Söze soooo…..?
See Also:
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
good information..thank you