Paul Weston: How to Destroy a Country — TRANSCRIPT


[In this 30 minute video, Paul Weston describes what the hard Left [organized jewry] has done to destroy Britain. Yet he doesn’t name the jew, the real cause, being only content to name their proxies that carry out the destruction. The solution to the problems that Weston describes is very plain. He needs to name the root cause behind our ongoing racial and social destruction: organized jewry — KATANA ]


[DISCLAIMER: This site has NO affiliation whatsoever with Paul Weston or his Liberty GB Party. I made this transcript because Weston’s view are useful for understanding what is going on despite the fact that he, for whatever reason, is unable to go the whole distance and name (((them))) — KATANA.]



Paul Weston: How to Destroy a Country



Published on Aug 2, 2015


In this speech to a meeting of Swinton Circle in London on 31 July 2015, Liberty GB leader Paul Weston exposes the Left’s relentless assault on British culture, identity and tradition.




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They are there to Destroy Western Civilization via the Family

Destroy the Community

Destroy the Middle Class

Destroy the Working Class as Well

Destroy the Nation State

Segregate the Generations

Promote Conformity

Destroy Competitiveness

Destroy Self-reliance

Destroy Democracy

Destroy Native Resistance

Use Selective History to Counter Native Resistance

Distracting the Population


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(29:18 )



Paul Weston:


How to Destroy a Country






So what Paul [the previous speaker] is saying about this real genuine threat that is coming from the Left today is absolutely right. It’s been going on for a long time. I’m going to open with a quote from a chap called, Charles Reich who was Marxist communist in the 1970s. And he said that:


There is a revolution coming and it will not be like the revolutions of the past. It will originate with the individual and with culture and it will change the political structure as it’s final act. It will not require violence to succeed and it cannot be successfully resisted by violence, this is the revolution of a new generation.


Now Charles Reich said that in the 1970s and we today are living pretty much in the end of their revolution. Their long march through the institutions. And it is all around us. We think we are going to the dogs, that this country is not what it was.


Well it isn’t. This country is going to the dogs. And it’s not only going to the dogs, it going to a literal end of Western civilization in Britain and all across Europe and now in America as well.


What was once immoral is now moral and what was once moral is now immoral. This is the whole inversion of morality. It what drove their revolution. And there is another guy, Georg Lukacs who was part of the Frankfurt School. I won’t bore you with the Frankfurt School, as I’m sure you all know about it. But Lukacs said, quote:


I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. The worldwide overturning of values can not take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.


And this again is what we are living through today. Herbert Marcuse, another one of these professors over in, I can’t remember which University, was asked, “Who was going to be the revolutionary people who would drive their revolution here, rather than the Soviet workers?” And he replied it will be the oppressed, the blacks, the homos, the feminist militants, even Che Guevara. This was before Islam reared its head. Islam is absolute manna from heaven for these people because this really seriously drives their revolution.


And the whole point of that, I’ll just dwell briefly on Frankfurt School, was the idea that it was going to destroy us through their, through making us think or believe in certain ways. And this includes the destructive criticism of Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, heredity, ethnocentrism and conservatism. And Critical Theory also goes out of its way to repeat the basic problems that they perceive to be the problem of the West, which is racism, sexism, Islamophobia, colonialism, nationalism, homophobia, fascism, xenophobia, imperialism, da da, da da! And they have successfully done it. And their point was to destroy our culture, to destroy our civilization. And they have done it in all sorts of little ways.


When Paul earlier talked about the trade unions — destroying industry was incredibly important to the communists because if our economic base disappears then we either disappear with it or with embrace communism. And you look at a country like Germany today that manufactures cars, now we used to manufacture cars, but the communist left got involved in the trade unions, people like Derek Hatton, and they managed to destroy completely our manufacturing base in terms of auto engineering. We used to be a world leader at it, but not anymore. That has gone. Jack Jones was the president of the TGWU in the 1970s. He’s actually on record as collaborating with Moscow, he was actually doing it, he was being debriefed by people from Moscow. These are the people who have destroyed our manufacturing, engineering base in this country. Now if you do that and you then become a white-collar industry country, a country of paper shufflers, you then can’t just destroy the industry you then have to destroy education. Because if you destroy education the paper shufflers aren’t qualified enough to continue all their little paper shuffling.




So they got into the schools and they destroyed our education system. This was incredibly important to them and we are now one of the most dumbed down countries in the world when it comes to our educational system. We used to be at the very top of it. So destroy industry, destroy education. Two most important things. Also destroy the family. Feminism was never about the war against men. Feminism was a war against the family, [applause] because the family is that one unit that stands between the state and freedom. The state doesn’t want families, they want little dismembered, fractured members of society that they control.


When Lenin was once asked what the real driving force of communism was, Lenin said in one word, it is about control. And when the state gets to control you, they don’t want a family. That just [goes] out of the window.


Germaine Greer was obviously a feminist, but also a communist. A lot of people don’t understand that. She said back in her Female Eunuch book, in the introduction [it] says:


Women’s liberation, if it abolishes the patriarchal family, will abolish a necessary structure of the authoritarian state, and once that withers away Marxism and communism will have come true, so let’s get on with it.

Feminism and communism is of the same political ideology.



They are there to Destroy Western Civilization via the Family



If you can destroy those things, there are [still] more things you need to get into. Destroy religion, not all religion obviously, protect some religions, but destroy Christianity. All great civilizations are built around religions and ours was no exception. We would never have become what we are today without our Christian heritage.


So it was incredibly important to, and morality comes with that, Moses and the ten commandments. “Thou shalt not, thou shalt not.” these are important, so getting rid of Christianity particularly is another thing that stands between the state and control of the people. If you have an oppressive totalitarian state you cannot have a religion that goes with it because their politics is what they want your new religion to be. So eradicate religion. If you eradicate religion the morality of that religion still lives on afterwards, so you then need to eradicate or destroy morality.


Moral relativism; there is no such thing as right or wrong or good or bad. This is all about destroying our moral standpoints. Without morality you are helpless in the face of evil. And if the Left, which I think is evil, can get rid of that, then it’s one more little step before gaining complete control over us.



Destroy the Community



The community starts with the family and then the village, the town and the city. And finally the nation-state. That again needs to be destroyed. So we see these huge buildings going up with impersonal faceless bureaucrats running the enormous schools and hospitals, housing situations. No more local people. They don’t want local people. They want it removed from the local people and given to the bureaucrats. And the bureaucrats are the state. And the state they want is a socialist, stroke, communist state.



Destroy the Middle Class



When communism ended in 1989 in Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel, the playwright who turned into their president, said that before they could rebuild the damage that communism had done, they first had to rebuild the middle class. Because the middle class are the backbone of any society. They pay their taxes, they educate their children at home, they do all these terrible things that the state does not want you to do. They want to be in control of your children. They want to be in control of every little fact of your life. So destroy the middle class, and they have done it with what they call the “classless society”. The “classless society” has nothing to do with a classless society.




It is class war aimed at bringing down the bourgeoisie, the middle class. They are not the bourgeoisie, they don’t have the bourgeoisie income. The class warfare directed by the Labour Party, as well, was to eradicate the middle classes and it has worked incredibly well. Even the Royal family has got strange estuary accents. Everyone is totally embarrassed about being middle class these days. And you look at the people on the BBC. Think how the BBC used to speak and think how they speak now. This is all to do with dragging down the middle class, dragging down to the lowest common denominator. And why stop at just destroying the middle class?



Destroy the Working Class as Well



You open the doors to the entire world who are, compared to us, extremely poor. What is going to happen is that it is going to drive down the wages of every single working man and woman in this country. And these people don’t have a proper voice, they can’t be heard. But they are being absolutely brutalized by Conservative, Labour, Liberal. All of the policies in action are designed to smear and traduce the working class because the working class failed them miserably 50 to 60 years ago when they didn’t rise up for their revolution. For the communist revolution.


We were too rich, the working class were too rich for that time. They were standing in line for a beer. They were not standing behind barbed wire queuing for toilet paper in Moscow. So we we’re no longer of any use to them. Which I’ll come back to later. So there’s an awful lot of destruction going on right now.



Destroy the Nation State



Peter Sutherland is the United Nations chief migration officer and he’s actually, he has no fear in saying this, he has come out and said:


We will utilize mass immigration and multiculturalism to destroy the nation states of Europe. Because unless we destroy them we cannot politically control them.


And this is exactly what they are doing. They want to divide England up into twelve regions. Why do they want to do that? Break away Scotland, break away Wales, divide us all up. It’s historically very simple, it’s called “divide and rule”. They are totalitarian, oligarchical people who want to effectively take away the sovereignty and nation-state of every European country for one reason only, that is for political control. And they are, all of the left that are doing it.



Segregate the Generations



You know if you go to Africa, old people are “wise”, old people are listened to. In this country if you are over a certain age, you are out of the equation, mate. You have reactionary ideas and viewpoints that have no place in modern, progressive, multicultural Britain, you have to be silenced. But they don’t silence them by doing anything drastic. They simply remove any ability that they could have to make an impression or to educate younger people. Which is why at the BBC nearly everybody is under the age of 35 or 40. There are no old people at the BBC anymore. They have been swept out, they are no longer wanted. They might start telling people all sorts of terrible opinions that might be listened to by people in the country, so they have to go. So segregate the generations.



Promote Conformity



Pretending that it’s in the guise of individualism. Have you ever seen a more conformist group of young people in the world than young English, British people, than today? You talk to them about any subject, multiculturalism, gay marriage, feminism, women’s rights, equality, diversity? They will all give you the same opinion. Yet they have all been told through their entire school career that you have to be “you“. That you have to be an “individual“. They are the most conformist group of individuals I have ever seen in my life. And this is obviously very important to do this to them, because you need to have “group think”, a herd mentality. And while you are at them, young people, make them vaguely anarchic, remove discipline from schools. Get rid of all the old traditions and taboos. Turn them into little “me!, me!, me!” generations that have no concept of duty, of patriotism, of morality, of sacrifice. Everything comes down to pleasure now.





Destroy Competitiveness



We used to have this is sort of, … going back to education, but we used to have a fantastic educational system and then they said it was “elitist“. It was elitist to try to drag people up to this level. We must actually drag everybody down to the same level. We must promote egalitarianism, not elitism. But if you do that you end up with the lowest common denominator and you end up with a pretty dumbed down young population that we have today. And meanwhile, you have got countries like China who believe absolutely in elitism, which is why they are on the up and we are not.



Destroy Self-reliance



A self-reliant people are not dependent on the state. Socialism, communism, requires as many people as possible to be reliant on the state. An astonishing statistic came up recently, that the majority of families in this country now take more from the state than they pay in! And of course they do this for a very simple reason. Nobody will bite the hand that economically feeds them. If you want to have control, if you want to have power over people, make them dependent on you. Take away their self-reliance. Make them kneel on bended knee in front of you for the liberal fripperies that they grant you for everyday life, just to survive.



Destroy Democracy



Now, I’m not going to bang on the European Union, but the European Union is not a democratic entity. I did not vote for Mr Juncker [Jean-Claude Juncker], I can’t vote him out, I never voted him in. Any laws they pass today, if I don’t like them, there is nothing I, you, we, can do about it. Postal votes, [were] introduced by a left-wing government in the full knowledge that they would be open to abuse. And of course they are open to abuse.


There was a report by The Independent, which has to make you laugh at this, considering what happened to him. He went down to Tower Hamlets in 2010 to find out why there were 150 people all Muslims, registered to vote in this one house. And when he knocked on the door one man answered. And he said, “May I come in and talk with these 150 people?” And so this intrepid, young, Independent journalist didn’t just have the door shut in his face, they came at him and gave him a good kicking. Which cheered me up no end! The postal votes are an absolute disgrace, they are taking away our democracy.


Baroness Warsi — in fact this is how bad it is — she came out in 2010 and said that the Conservatives did not win a majority because of Muslim voting fraud in various areas around the country. And then she went very quiet about it, because this is obviously one of those taboos we can’t talk about. The media reported it for a day, then there was some operation to shut the whole thing down, and we never heard about it again. But, everybody in this room knows that Muslim voting fraud is endemic in this country and it is eroding our democracy, even if you take away the fact that we are no longer a sovereign democratic nation because of the European Union. But, either way, we are losing our democracy.


Another, most important thing that they have done in order to traduce our civilization, our culture, our race, is to bring in mass immigration. And I go back to this thing that Paul wrote about, the idea that the native working class were never going to allow the revolution to happen. You know, when Andrew Neather said that we are opening the door to the world in order to rub the noses of the right in diversity, it wasn’t the right whose noses were rubbed in. I was every man, woman, native to this country, and they are doing it because they want to utilize these people as pawns in their revolution. They need to have social disharmony, social problems that they can then deal with and open up new organizations and new anti-racism things, and all this sort of stuff. It’s all being done deliberately and it’s being done to erode the national racial culture of this country. And then having done that, you don’t want all of these foreigners who are coming in who are happy. They are of no use to the Left if they are happy.




So they introduced multiculturalism which is of course apartheid. It’s division, it’s separateness and they encourage them all, [so] that they cannot get very good jobs, they can’t do this, they can’t do that, they don’t get very good education because the evil colonial oppressive white man is holding them back. So [they] get this idea into them, that they are somehow being oppressed. Which of course, the whole thing about communism works on them being oppressed. And one thing, to go back to education again, was when Ray Honeyford was hounded out of his school, three decades ago now. And all he wanted to do was to make sure that the Pakistani children at the school learnt their lessons in English, not Urdu. This apparently is a totally racist thing to do! We cannot have them assimilate because the Left doesn’t want them to assimilate. They are of no use to the Left when they are happy and assimilated and they might end up getting well paid jobs and voting Conservative. So this is something they don’t want to happen.


So when Ray Honeyford was hounded out of the school, one of the guys who was principally behind the sort of gang, mob mentality that got him out. And his name, I can’t remember, but he was a black Marxist who wrote a book called, “Black Power in Britain” and he actually said [audience member : It was Chris Mellard [sp], his name was Chris Mullard, and he actually wrote a lot of these books about Black Power in Britain. Blacks will leave school angry, embittered, dispossessed and they will take to the streets and riot. Riot with boots and petrol bombs. This is what this guy wanted. Now Chris Mullard is now Sir Chris Mullard. He was rewarded, he was given an OBE [it was actually a CBE] for this.


Ray Honeyford is a destroyed man. Ray Honeyford wanted them to assimilate. Mullard wanted potential revolutionary forms. Mullard won, Honeyford lost, we lost.



Destroy Native Resistance



We all know about that. If you talk about these things you are smeared as a racist, Islamaphobe, xenophobe. The idea, look, I’m no fan of Nick Griffin, but in 2006, when Nick Griffin said that they were Muslim gangs in our northern cities raping white girls, he was prosecuted for it. He was prosecuted for this. And these people, the policeman, the social services, the local councils, they knew it was going on, but they were equally happy to howl down Nick Griffin. As everybody else on the Left was. And then they brought in — they tried to get him in the first place on inciting racial hatred for daring to suggest, that some Muslims had been raping White girls — they wanted to prosecute him for this. But they couldn’t get him, because, as he quite rightly said, Islam is not a race. So in 2006 they brought in “inciting religious hatred” to make sure that nobody could possibly notice what was going on in our northern cities. Which is an absolute disgrace! Disgusting!



Use Selective History to Counter Native Resistance



Now, anybody that’s been, or knows of children who have been through schools in this country, over the last 20 to 30 years, know that in the history lessons they make this huge commitment to teaching them about Nazism. Because they know that when they leave school and they have been thoroughly immersed, they know that Nazism is evil. It has been drummed and drilled into them, over and over again. So that when they are being accused of being a Nazi, because, for example, they might say, “There’s an awful lot of Muslim gang rapists in Rotherham, don’t you know?” They get accused of being a Nazi. So they deny it. If that is what I am, then I’m not going to talk about what is going on in Rotherham, because I don’t want to be a Nazi, because I know that is a very bad thing.


And that is the only reason that schools are fixated on the whole Nazi thing, without ever mentioning the crimes of Stalin, or the crimes of Ho Chi Minh, or the crimes of Pol Pot, or the crimes of communism generally. Never! That was never, ever, mentioned.




Now, the final thing, on top of all of this, is to distract the population. X Factor, East Enders, soap operas. All of these things are designed to make sure that everybody gets their mind right about what they should be thinking about in terms of migration, immigration, multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality and gay marriage. That’s always there in the subliminal sub-plot, to make sure they know that. But it is also, it’s “bread and circuses” like it was in Roman times. Make sure people never have enough free time to actually think about things that are going on in this country.


All of us here tonight are thinkers. We have seen what is going on. We know what’s going on. We are trying to do something about it. But an awful lot of people out there are quite happy. They work hard, they go home, they sit down, they turn on the TV and that’s it. And then they go to sleep. And they repeat the process every day for the rest of their lives.



Distracting the Population



When they are doing all of these things that I have outlined to you, [it] is the final nail in their revolutionary drive. It is not in our coffin yet, because we are still here and we’re still fighting back and I hope that we are growing. And I also feel that with every year or every five years, certainly in terms of decades now, nobody in ten years time will be thinking the way they are thinking today, from the useful idiot, liberal left.


And I’m just going to close by saying the hard Left, who have been doing this, have deliberately done it. They know exactly what they’re doing. The Liberals who are following them are not evil people. They are not very well-informed people. Not very bright people, but they are not evil. The hard Left in this country, the communist Left is evil! The Liberals are facilitating what is going on and it is down to us, because we can never destroy the hard Left. The hard Left is in total control. All we can do is to try to persuade the Liberals that what they see today as right and wrong is upside down. The whole inversion of morality, the inversion of common sense, the inversion of decency, the inversion of right and wrong.


We need, every day, just to get little bits and pieces out there to make people change their opinions. Because we are not far Right! We are not extremists! We are not racists! We are not Islamophobic! We are none of these things. We are good, decent, humane people, who see a serious problem, driven by an evil clutch of people who, as Paul said quite rightly earlier on, in the last century killed 100 million people to get their political ideology cemented. And I believe they would do it again, given half the chance.


We have to defeat them, but we cannot defeat them unless we can persuade the useful idiot liberals. I’m not suggesting that in 10 years time or 20 years time we will not be able to defeat them because by then things may have moved on and it may be considerably more physical than it is today. But in that hopeful period between what is coming down the line and where we are today, our job today is to persuade with intelligence, decency, humanity and expose the evils of the left and expose the evils of the liberal left, even if they don’t understand that they are evil themselves.


And if you put all of this stuff together that I have been speaking about, we do not have a future. Our future is only going to be provided for, for our children and our grandchildren if everybody in this room and the people outside this room who believe the way that we do, continues what they are doing. Continues fighting. We have all got to continue. And that is pretty much my piece, said.


Thank you.

















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Paul Weston – How to Destroy a Country – Ver 3




Version History



Version 12: Jul 10, 2020 — Added Table of Contents with links. Updated YouTube stats.


Version 11: Sep 25, 2019 — Re-uploaded images and PDF for version.


Version 10: May 7, 2018 — Updated YouTube stats. Improved formatting.


Version 9: May 30, 2017 — Updated YouTube stats. Improved formatting.


Version 8: Oct 30, 2016 — Updated cover; edited intro; formatting improvements and typos. Updated PDF (ver 3) for download.


Version 7: Oct 29, 2016 — Edited my intro. Updated YouTube stats. Formatting improvements and typos.


Version 6: Apr 30, 2016 — Added YouTube stats. Formatting improvements. Left a comment at YouTube notifying viewers of this transcript.


Version 5: Feb 4, 2016 — Added DISCLAIMER notice to prevent any misunderstanding that I am in full support of Paul Weston and his Liberty GB Party.


Version 4: Aug 23, 2015 — Fixed spelling of some names. (With thanks to commenter John Morlar.)


Version 3: Aug 21, 2015 — Added another 5 minutes (now up to 20:05). Added final 10 minutes.

Added PDF of post and cover image.


Version 2: Aug 20, 2015 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Added another 5 minutes (now up to 15:15)


Version 1: Published post Aug 19, 2015


This entry was posted in America, Christainity, Communism, Critical Theory, Europe, Family - Anti, Feminism, Frankfurt School, Homosexuality, Jews, Jews - Naming, Multiculturalism, Negros, New World Order, Paul Weston, Plutocracy, Race - Mixing. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Paul Weston: How to Destroy a Country — TRANSCRIPT

  1. Some help with spelling:
    Che Guevara
    Derek Hatton
    Mr Yunker is Jean-Claude Juncker
    Baroness Warsi
    Andrew Neather
    Ray Honeyford

    Weston’s LibertyGB is a tiny, irrelevant party. He will always be on the margins, so he might as well name the jew. Tell the truth Paul!

    • katana17 says:

      Thank you John for that. I’ve updated the post accordingly.

      As for why he doesn’t name the jew I uncertain as to whether (a) he’s just clueless, or (b) he thinks its beneficial to his cause not to name them, or (c) he’s trying to cover for them.

      • Ryan says:

        Hello Katana,

        Paul speaks about his stance on Jews in a podcast he did with Majority Rights in December 2014:

        He recognises that there is a disproportional amount of Jews involved but believes it is more effective not to mention them. From memory I believe that part is in the 2nd half of the show. Even so the podcast is interesting in understanding his position when Liberty GB can at 1st appear like a Zio-friendly outlet.

        @John Molar

        I don’t think there is any harm in people taking different approaches. People’s views shift in small steps. It’s about influencing and informing people. There are hard wired emotional associations when mentioning Jews which cannot be broken no matter how much evidence is presented.

        Based on who Paul is aiming to bring on side and his own background he is probably going about it in the right way.

  2. katana17 says:

    Thanks Ryan for your helpful link and comment.

    I did listen to that podcast when it first came out and recall not being convinced by Weston’s deflection of the JQ. I’ll need to re-listen to it to comment with any detail.

    That said, wouldn’t you call him Zio friendly? He doesn’t denounce Israel and in fact panders to them.

    We need to name the enemy, organized jewry.

    People who don’t, are wittingly or unwittingly aiding and abetting the enemy that is out to destroy us.

    It’s as hard as that.

    • Ryan says:

      I think it’s important to have people taking differing positions. David Duke has his position and way of influencing people, Jared Taylor has his, Richard Spencer has his etc. I believe there is little marginal gain in someone endorsing the same position, especially when said position is the most vilified position in the Western world.

      People change their position in gradual steps and many come by it in a different way. I see him as a useful stepping stone between the convoluted EDL (anti-Islam but anti-racist) and more genuine Pro-White viewpoints.

      I also think his implicit position on Zionism is more to do with his personal strategy of focusing on islamic extremism, demonstrating it’s incompatibility with Western values etc. It’s questionable but sadly as the majority of right wing people are willingly Zio loving patrio-tards then to get anywhere he has to ‘sell out’ a bit. I expect he wants to deal with issues in it’s own way and not battling historical associations.

      I think his persona and background lends itself to the position he has taken. Privately educated in Southern England, an adventurous professional career including a deep sea diver in the North Sea, cargo plane pilot in Africa and real estate developer in the Prague. He can mingle and adhere himself to southern tories and UKIP’ers on the borders of the ‘mainstream’ right.

      The speech he gave at the Swinton club is basically the same type of speech you would expect at the London Forum just without reference to Jews here, Jews there, Jewish hypocrisy etc. In content there is not much different.

  3. katana17 says:

    Ryan on September 2, 2015 at 22:55

    “I think it’s important to have people taking differing positions.”
    From a practical point of view that can be important when you are still trying to figure things out. But once you have figured out who the real enemy is, it is wasteful of resources to continue to do so.

    “David Duke has his position and way of influencing people, Jared Taylor has his, Richard Spencer has his etc.”
    Duke names the enemy, organized jewry. Jared Taylor does his best to deflect attention away from the enemy and as such is suspect. Richard Spencer is a lightweight who also doesn’t like to name the enemy, as far as I’m aware.

    “I believe there is little marginal gain in someone endorsing the same position, especially when said position is the most vilified position in the Western world.”
    That position, exposing organized jewry as the cause of our destruction, is the most vilified because it is over the target. Because it is true. So naturally it is severely attacked.

    So contrary to being of “marginal gain”, it is the complete opposite. It is tremendously powerful to go from not knowing who the hell the enemy is, to knowing who is the enemy. Like having a blindfold removed.

    “People change their position in gradual steps and many come by it in a different way. I see him as a useful stepping stone between the convoluted EDL (anti-Islam but anti-racist) and more genuine Pro-White viewpoints.”
    People can change gradually or in big steps depending on how coherent the explanation is for making a small or major change in viewpoint.

    “I also think his implicit position on Zionism is more to do with his personal strategy of focusing on islamic extremism, demonstrating it’s incompatibility with Western values etc.”
    I listened to that interview with Majority Rights again (especially the last 10 minutes) and it is apparent, assuming he is being honest (which I think is likely the case), that he is not jew-wise at all. He suspects that Liberty GB couldn’t get a bank account because of Saudi influence on the banking system! He says that jews have a big influence over the media, yet he doesn’t connect those dots to see that they control the political system as a consequence. He trots out the simplistic argument that jews couldn’t be behind the Muslim invasion because Muslims are anti-Semitic! I mean, this is all basic jew 101 stuff.

    So how does he remain so clueless? He’s intelligent and involved in the politics of it all. Something is not adding up, here.

    “It’s questionable but sadly as the majority of right wing people are willingly Zio loving patrio-tards then to get anywhere he has to ‘sell out’ a bit.”
    See above. The majority of “right-wing” are zio-loving because the people they listen to don’t tell them the reality of jewish control over the system.

    “I expect he wants to deal with issues in it’s own way and not battling historical associations.”
    See above. Again he appears to be clueless and doesn’t battle WW II issues, for example, because he accepts the court historian point of view.

    “I think his persona and background lends itself to the position he has taken. Privately educated in Southern England, an adventurous professional career including a deep sea diver in the North Sea, cargo plane pilot in Africa and real estate developer in the Prague. He can mingle and adhere himself to southern tories and UKIP’ers on the borders of the ‘mainstream’ right.”
    So he should be a practical man who is willing to accept reality. That reality is jewish control over our societies is THE CAUSE behind the third world invasion of White countries.

    “The speech he gave at the Swinton club is basically the same type of speech you would expect at the London Forum just without reference to Jews here, Jews there, Jewish hypocrisy etc. In content there is not much different.”
    Not naming the enemy, organized jewry, for the third world invasion, etc., is like not declaring that the cause of malaria is the mosquito and being content to blame it on “bad air”, or something equally vague.

    I hope that Paul Weston is sincere and that his lack of jew awareness is simply a matter of him lacking knowledge on the subject. Perhaps jew to an aversion to delving into this matter because of being exposed throughout his life to poisonous jewish propaganda that makes him shudder at any anti-jew thoughts.

    I like what Paul Weston has to say, except that he leaves out the jewish elephant, crushing every White country in the world into racial oblivion, either because he is; ignorant, fearful, traitorous, or some blend of those.

    I recommend that he and others listen to or read the recent Alex Jones vs David Duke interview to get a better understanding of what’s going on.

    Thank you Ryan for the civil conversation.

    • Ryan says:

      Normal political debates use extremely few sources, debates are formed around language and presenting your enemy e.g. “Politician A supports this policy which shows they do not support these people” etc.

      If your going to be Jew-Wise in public and be prepared to face a hostile media and conditioned public you need to know your sources, organisations, names, past quotes, activities, dates etc as on every-point you make you are going to be challenged.

      Dr Duke can do this very well as his career for the last 20+ years is studying and writing on these people. He is an authority on them and can give around 100 examples during an argument fairly easily. If in a live interview/debate if he cannot remember a certain quote, name, group etc he can always make reference to his writings aka “see my book Jewish Supremacism where I document from Jews themselves that 95% of Russian communists were Jewish”.

      Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer have their own skills sets, decades of experience in their respective areas and have their own way of presenting themselves. Unlike Duke’s encyclopedia knowledge on Jewish activities Jared is unlikely to be well versed in this, his specialty is racial differences.

      Even then some would argue that too much focus on Jews is disengionous as it ignores the weakness in our societies’ behaviour (influenced by plutocratic/jewish media), alturism, misguided trust, short termism, having our moral values altered etc.

      If a person is attempting to be Jew-Wise in public but cannot reference quotes, past actions, names, organisations etc then what can happen is it falls into conjectures or accusations which they are not able to provide references to in the heat of the moment. If they cannot provide source/s to support their point as well as when replying to the other sides’ counter points then, in my opinion, we just fall into stereotypes which are pre-conditioned into the public.

      Even then the thought process of the human mind is heavily inclined to the emotional than logical even when well sourced. The main propaganda for Jews, the ‘Holocaust’, does not manifest itself by people logically accepting that over 1 million can die in gas chambers with inward opening wooden doors, ovens burning bodies multiple times above their maximum potential but the emotional propaganda propagated through media, education and unfortunately partly mainstream patriotardism.

      I support the ever expanding movement/community of those presenting a structured expose. We can probably agree that the scholarly approach of the Occidental Observer offers one of the best structures to educate people on the negative impact of organised Jewish activities in relation to European Nations current demographic predicament. Your listing of primary and secondary sources of Jewish activities and community projects to transcribe videos (so they do not become lost when Youtube deletes them 1-2 years after being uploaded) is important as well so don’t take my disagreement as being opposed to research on organised Jewish politics.

      In closing I think that if people are to be consistently Jew Wise in public they need to be able to present sufficient sources and discredit counter arguments, such as what Duke did.

  4. katana17 says:

    September 16, 2015 at 18:40 | ReplyRyan

    “Normal political debates use extremely few sources, debates are formed around language and presenting your enemy e.g. “Politician A supports this policy which shows they do not support these people” etc.

    If your going to be Jew-Wise in public and be prepared to face a hostile media and conditioned public you need to know your sources, organisations, names, past quotes, activities, dates etc as on every-point you make you are going to be challenged.”
    Ideally, yes.

    But practically speaking what you need is a passion for the cause, truth and a thick skin. The knowledge will come as you learn from experience.

    “Dr Duke can do this very well as his career for the last 20+ years is studying and writing on these people.”
    I think it’s been more like, nearly, 40 years.

    “He is an authority on them and can give around 100 examples during an argument fairly easily. If in a live interview/debate if he cannot remember a certain quote, name, group etc he can always make reference to his writings aka “see my book Jewish Supremacism where I document from Jews themselves that 95% of Russian communists were Jewish”.”
    True enough. But you only become an authority by starting to become an authority.

    “Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer have their own skills sets, decades of experience in their respective areas and have their own way of presenting themselves. Unlike Duke’s encyclopedia knowledge on Jewish activities Jared is unlikely to be well versed in this, his specialty is racial differences.”
    That’s the problem I have with Jared Taylor.

    Instead of talking about the root cause of why and who is destroying our countries he has chosen to focus on symptoms. If that was all he did, that would be kind of acceptable in terms of just doing his bit.

    Jared Taylor, though, dismisses the role of organized jewry in our destruction! He waves it off as not being that significant. He doesn’t want Duke at Amren conferences, although he welcomes jews. Ther’s something seriously wrong there.

    “Even then some would argue that too much focus on Jews is disengionous as it ignores the weakness in our societies’ behaviour (influenced by plutocratic/jewish media), alturism, misguided trust, short termism, having our moral values altered etc.”
    It is not disingenuous to NAME the ENEMY. It is disingenuous to say that you shouldn’t name the enemy at every opportunity. The jews have exploited all of our traits in order to harm us. Those traits in a jew-free society would not be a problem in themselves. An honest person is weak against dishonest persons.

    “If a person is attempting to be Jew-Wise in public but cannot reference quotes, past actions, names, organisations etc then what can happen is it falls into conjectures or accusations which they are not able to provide references to in the heat of the moment. If they cannot provide source/s to support their point as well as when replying to the other sides’ counter points then, in my opinion, we just fall into stereotypes which are pre-conditioned into the public.”
    This is all true, but like anything else you need to learn how to walk before you run. If your knowledge is limited then only deal with issues that you can handle. If you find yourself thrown in the deep end then you will quickly have to learn to swim or else.

    “Even then the thought process of the human mind is heavily inclined to the emotional than logical even when well sourced. The main propaganda for Jews, the ‘Holocaust’, does not manifest itself by people logically accepting that over 1 million can die in gas chambers with inward opening wooden doors, ovens burning bodies multiple times above their maximum potential but the emotional propaganda propagated through media, education and unfortunately partly mainstream patriotardism.”

    The “Holocaust” lie has been deeply programmed into peoples heads and may be the last domino to fall.

    Yet, we don’t need to convince everyone of everything all at once. Undoing life-times of lies can be fairly easy, in my experience, if the person is interested in knowing the truth. The emotional people are like sheep and will follow their shepherds, the thinkers in their world. That’s who we need to mostly talk to, the thinkers in any group. And they are at all levels and positions in society, although rarely where you would expect them to be.

    “I support the ever expanding movement/community of those presenting a structured expose. We can probably agree that the scholarly approach of the Occidental Observer offers one of the best structures to educate people on the negative impact of organised Jewish activities in relation to European Nations current demographic predicament.”
    I agree. The Occidental Observer (TOO) is a great resource for that type of person. All the sites that talk about the JQ are also valuable. They all have short-comings, yet all contribute to making people aware of how organised jewry is our enemy.

    “Your listing of primary and secondary sources of Jewish activities and community projects to transcribe videos (so they do not become lost when Youtube deletes them 1-2 years after being uploaded) is important as well so don’t take my disagreement as being opposed to research on organised Jewish politics.”
    Yes, we need to document everything in various formats, especially written.

    I take your comments, whether they agree or disagree with my position, as being made in good faith and I welcome further discussion at our leisure.

    “In closing I think that if people are to be consistently Jew Wise in public they need to be able to present sufficient sources and discredit counter arguments, such as what Duke did.”
    We can’t all be David Duke in terms of knowledge, and we don’t have to be.

    Bring up the JQ issue with people and from the responses learn more about it. As time goes by you will become better at it and at the same time be doing your bit in helping yourself, family, country and humanity. That’s what Duke did.

    Your comment reminds me of that saying, “Perfection is the enemy of the good”.

    Forget about knowing all the answers about the JQ. Dive into it and then you will become good at responding to any challenges.

    Thanks Ryan for your thoughtful comment.

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