[Freedom Convoy representative Tom Marazzo gives an update press conference in Ottawa on their anti-vaccine mandate trucker protest.
Freedom Convoy
Address to Canadians by Tom Marazzo
Feb 10, 2022
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Published on Feb 10, 2022
Freedom Convoy – Address To Canadians by Tom Marazzo Feb.10, 2022 | IrnieracingNews
Premiered 15 hours ago
Marcel Irnie
134K subscribers
Freedom Convoy – Organizer Tom Marazzo Speaks to the Nation. Feb. 10, 2022 #irnieracingNews #freedomconvoy #tommarazzo
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(20:23 mins)
Speaker (male): Thanks for joining us everyone. We’re just waiting for the live rooms to fill.
Tom Marazzo: Good evening. And thank you for attending from all around the world. All around Canada, all around Ontario, and all around Ottawa.
This week Justice MacLean presided over a matter before him in the court. Regarding to many of the activities of the protesters. And he reaffirmed, in his courtroom, that we have a constitutional right to be here. To do this protest.
We recognize there is a significant amount of pressure on city officials. Our issues are not with the City of Ottawa. Our issues are not with the city residents. Our issues are with the federal government, in particular the Liberal Party of Canada who have formed a government. That is who our issues are with.
We have a legal right to be here as Canadian citizens. We are exercising that legal right to do. So given the pressures to the city I have been working tirelessly, excuse me. I’ve been working very hard to work with the city officials to relieve some of the pressure on the city managers, the law enforcement, and the residents themselves.
We have shoveled snow, we have cleaned garbage. We have fed the homeless. We have helped out in medical emergencies. We have done everything within our power to support the people of Ottawa, and to find a way to get our message across, while still remaining relevant in putting pressure where pressure is due, on the federal government!
We have no interest in federal politics! We have one mission! And that is to end the mandates, and to stop this from happening again! We do not have any interest in meddling in internal political strife. We have no interest in meddling in the mechanisms of government.
We just want to end the Covid-19 vaccine passports, the masks, the mandates. We want the laws to be re-reaffirmed, okay?
We have worked tirelessly to communicate that goal. At some levels of government that doesn’t seem to be penetrating. It’s very frustrating. Two days ago I did an address very similar to this. And I begged! I begged, for somebody from the city of Ottawa to sit at a table with me at noon, two days ago. It’s now Wednesday night, and I’m doing another address like this. And I am doing everything in my power to work with the city of Ottawa, to relieve the pressure on them.
But it would appear that has not been very fruitful. It would appear that certain members of the Ottawa Council are trying to use this Freedom Convoy 2022, to further their own careers. And to continue to put pressure on law enforcement to escalate use of force! Not de-escalate it!
We are a peaceful protest. We want to go home, but we are here for as long as the Canadian public wants us to be here. And how do we know that they want us here? Because they send us money! They send us food! They send us fuel! They send us their love! They send us letters! They send us their stories! They want us to be here!
So we will be here for as long as the Canadian public wants us to be here. I invite the federal government to sit at a table and let’s find a way to resolve this.
I will not allow this to be derailed by insignificant politicians at this local level, who have aspirations of greatness. We are aware that there is a Process Center that has been set up in the city, with fingerprinting equipment, camera equipment. And it’s a facility meant to process arrested truckers. We are prepared for this. If we are arrested we will be taken into custody peacefully. We will not resist, okay?
We have a team of pro bono lawyers here in Ottawa, who have set up an entire clinic to help our drivers deal with all the nuisance tickets that we’re getting, all the ridiculous nickel and dime issues that we’ve been dealing with, in order to put pressure and annoyance onto the truckers.
For those of you who are at home and you feel that this is much more than what it really appears to be, it is not. We are here for one thing. And one thing only. And that is just to end the mandates.
I know that the PMO’s office has given instructions down to the city level to end this by Saturday. He does not want to end this through leadership, which is what people elected him to do. He doesn’t want to end this through dialogue! He wants to end this by his old playbook that he’s been using for the last two years, which is to talk about swastikas! Swastikas? Really?
That’s the tactic! That’s unacceptable! It’s irresponsible! It’s immoral! It’s unethical for a sitting Prime Minister to talk about people that have a legal right to exercise their Charter Rights to protest. But he continues down this road.
I will sit at a table with you Mr Prime Minister. I will talk to you. I will work out a deal with you that is amicable to everybody. I don’t do that on my own volition. I do that on behalf of the truckers.
I will sit down right now, any place, anytime, with you! Let’s solve this! Let’s get at a table!
People sent the Members of Parliament to Ottawa to represent, to lead. That’s what we expect from you.
That’s not what we’re getting! In exchange what we’re getting is the propensity to use tough talk, and angle yourself, position yourself, to a violent outcome! We are not going to give that we will not be tricked into that. That is never going to happen. We are a peaceful convoy.
It says this [sound breaks up] has been going on for two weeks [sound breakup] that they have gone through for the last two years. The way their lives have been destroyed, their incomes impacted, the jobs lost, the suicides, children that are six years old telling their families they want to die. That’s ridiculous!
Justice McClain has told you loud and clear. He has reaffirmed you, loud and clear. We have a right to be. Here a right to be heard, a right to protest. That is what we are here to do.
We are prepared to be arrested peacefully. We have legal representation already prepared. We know that the Canadian armed forces are doing their staff checks right now. We know other police forces, all across Ontario, are being asked to get involved. We also know that retired members of the military, active members of the military, retired members of all levels of law enforcement, active members of law enforcement, want no part of this. They think it’s morally wrong. It’s not what they signed up for!
This is ridiculous that this late in the game I have to be making statements to the government of Canada to get them to sit at a table. I do not anticipate in any way, that the Canadian forces would come here with aggressive vehicles, aggressive stance. So, I’d like to put any of the discussion, or rumor of that to rest, now.
I understand the Canadian armed forces. They will support law enforcement. And they know that they cannot be seen to be taking over from law enforcement. That is part of their mandate. They will not. I understand that. I understand that they’ll take on a supporting role. That’s fine. We are not afraid of members of the Canadian armed forces coming here. This is a peaceful protest. We have no fear here. We are prepared we’re highly motivated, because we can’t go home! We cannot go home! We cannot abandon our families! We cannot abandon our communities!
Everybody here in this convoy is here for their children! That’s why we’re here. And if you can’t understand that, I’m sorry. Get somebody in a room with me who does.
We are a peaceful protest. We want peace. We want the mandates to end! And last thing I will say, … We want this to never happen again! Ever!
So it’s not good enough just to say I’m gonna end the mandates, I’m gonna end masks. Every premier right now is feeling the winds shift in one direction, or another, and they’re ending the mandates, and people know that it’s a bait and switch. The only way this truly actually does matter is that if we stop doing this. And then we stop this. We set them the condition so this never happens to Canadians again! That’s when we’ll know that we can get back to just being the fun-loving Canadians, that we are known for around the world.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for all the support. Thank you for all the food, the fuel, the financial support, to the truckers. Thank you for the letters. Keep doing videos. Keep reaching out. Keep sending your love. Pray for us to be resolved. Pray for us to make good decisions.
Are there any questions? I’ll take those now.
Interviewer One (male): Just to ask a question for those who have the time to, and can travel, are you encouraging them to come to Ottawa, or are you not?
Tom Marazzo: It’s my belief that the police will move tonight, or sometime in the early morning, and start rounding up peaceful protesters. Should that happen, my concern truthfully, is that it escalates the situation on the ground making it more tense. Making it dangerous for everybody.
And I want to be clear about something. We start off every meeting that we have with a prayer. And in every single meeting we talk about safety, and responsibility. Not just the safety of the truckers, but the safety of the law enforcement cof the citizens of Ottawa, everybody who is here. We constantly ensure that we can be as safe as possible. And we’re trying to be responsible with every decision that we make.
Our beef is not with the city of Ottawa. It’s with the Federal government and their mandates.
Interviewer One (male): And just a follow-up to that. There’s been a lot of people saying a lot of different things. A lot of accusations made about this Freedom Convoy not supporting Democratic process, or trying to over-root government, and things like that. What is the Freedom Convoy’s opinion on that rhetoric?
Tom Marazzo: That’s a great question. And I’ve been getting a little bit of attacks on social media over that question. I understand the confusion. I understand that people would believe that there’s some sort of an agenda here to overthrow the government of Canada. And I can’t really comprehend where that level of thinking comes from. There’s never, ever, been a discussion that I’ve been a part of that I’ve been in a room where we talk about any internal political situations. We just happened to be here, during the vote of non-confidence where the Conservative Party replaced their leader. We just happen to be in town when that happened. We had nothing to do with it! We have no interest in that kind of politics!
We don’t care who the government is! But the Liberal Party of Canada forms the government. We will talk to them. They are the legitimate government of Canada. That’s who we would like to talk to. If that changes sometime in the future, then that new government is who we would like to talk to. We have no interest in the politics of Canada in that way! We just want to talk to the people that we should be talking to. And that is the Liberal Party of Canada. We want them to show some leadership pp.
Interviewer One (male): And a last question from me, and then we’ll open it up. But what would your advice be to people that support this movement, who have big followings online, who perhaps are not privy to the information that truckers are giving on the ground in Ottawa. What kind of message should they be focusing on getting out?
Tom Marazzo: This is peaceful, okay! There seems to be this idea, because of the dishonesty of mainstream media, they’ve been so disrespectful to Canadian viewers, who pay their salaries, and fund them. The mainstream media continues to go with the belief that:
“If it bleeds, it leads!”
And they cherry pick all of the worst possible things and use that as the brush to paint the entire convoy with.
We’re a convoy of peace! It’s a peaceful protest. That’s all we’re about.
We don’t want to talk to the mainstream media, because they’re not fair! They’re not balanced! They’re too busy making the news as opposed to reporting what’s truly going on here. They will have you think that this is an armed, you know, insurrection! Which is ridiculous! , you know what we have here? Bouncy castles! Bouncy castles and speeches, and singing “Oh Canada”! That’s what we have here we have a lot of love. And a lot of support! We don’t have violence!
So what I would say to people is, if there’s talk of violence, or misbehaving on the part of the truckers, that’s categorically false! And irresponsible to talk like that.
And I would invite you, if you don’t believe me, and, in fact, I was on the street the other day. And I met a couple on the street that said:
“We heard all this bad stuff about you guys. We just wanted to come down and see for ourselves.”
And they were shocked! They were shocked! That it was so peaceful, and full of love, okay.
It’s like Canada day here, every weekend! That’s what this is about. So that’s what I’d like to say to people that want to support and know what’s really going on pp.
Speaker (male): Thank you. Any more questions?
Interviewer Two (female): I have one, where they’re saying we are an occupation, at this point. What would you say to somebody that thinks we’re an occupation?
Tom Marazzo: Somebody who says that we’re an “occupation”, is not exercising their own ability to critically think. What they’re doing is they’re just parroting mainstream media talking points. They’re not actually doing their own thinking. They’re not actually reaching out and getting the true story of what’s here.
And if you believe this is an occupation, then I strongly suggest you get in a vehicle, on a plane, on a train, a boat, and you come to Ottawa. And you see for yourself if this is an occupation. Then you decide. But be honest, be fair.
And if you still believe that bouncy castles are an “occupation”, then I would say:
“Fair is fair. You did your research. You came here and you looked for yourself.”
Then you can go right ahead and post all you want on social media. Which is your right to do. So but until you come here and see for yourself, don’t parrot the mainstream media narrative! You’re being used, to forward an agenda of hate and fear!
Interviewer Two (female): Thank you.
Tom Marazzo: Any other questions?
Thank you everybody. Stay safe.
YouTube Comments
13,539 Comments (some of)
Clawn Tawn
13 hours ago
This guy is so calm, direct, polite and he keeps it simple. Go Canada.
Hide 143 replies
Sfer Tonoc
13 hours ago (edited)
Typical Stalinist war mongering method to call a reasonable person like this Nazi, but it is the bread and butter of the cocaine addicted mainstream: civil war.
Joe Shmoe
13 hours ago
The problem is that this talk will not be allowed on the television or any news outlet save youtube. That SOY BOY leader of yours will never meet with you or any other representative. They are assembling a small army that are loyal to the SOY BOY and will move in and destroy this movement. But it will be different in America, you can bet the house on that, the Demorats already are lifting mandates. Fuc Justin Turdo
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Nick Bedard
13 hours ago
He looks fatigued and desperate. It’s obvious that they don’t want to work with him. Instead of getting on your knees, stand up and turn the volume up. You’ve got another $10 million. Offer incentives to other Canadians to come down to Ottawa. Let’s go!
Crap Head
13 hours ago
Clawn Tawn…sorry but he keeps repeating the same words over and over again listen….He should have had a statement prepared but hasn’t..But we support from cuenca Spain for the truckers.
Ryan Whitley
13 hours ago
It will get nowhere, they need to hang all communist criminals in government, banking, education, and medical systems.
Laurisa Fine
13 hours ago
Magna Carta 1215: “No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against (sentenced), except by the lawful judgement of his peers (jury court) or by the law of the land (Supreme Constitutional Court, under OATH, so help me G-d). To no one shall we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.” Carry “Magna Carta 1215” banners… Right! Liberty! Standing!
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Dick Renklaf
12 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc Jesus, you need a Coke!
Dick Renklaf
12 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe And that shit knob you guys used to have in the house of white is still out there kicking shit in your face and then asking for money so he can buy more shit, yet you guys stand around pretending everything’s alright!
And you’re telling us how bad things are here. Rich!
Dick Renklaf
12 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley You mean, people you don’t like!? You’d make a good leader. HEIL!!!
Ryan Whitley
12 hours ago
@Dick Renklaf excellent , I would make a great leader. I would solve all this bovine excrement in about 90 days. Communism IS juud aism.
Nucky Gulliver
12 hours ago
Trudeau funds our mainstream news. We have to stop allowing them to pay our sell out media off
Ryan Whitley
12 hours ago
@Dick Renklaf Jeremiah 48:10. Cursed be he that doeth the work of Yahweh decietfully, and cursed be he that keeps back his sword from blood.
Communism = satanism = juuda ism
12 hours ago
That’s how we roll up here, peaceful and UNITED!
Ryan Whitley
11 hours ago
@Theresa peacefully rolling into communist slavery.
Ollie Foxx
11 hours ago
@Crap Head The media in many places ARE NOT playing their words or reporting what they say. It’s good you have heard the truckers previous comments but many have not.
Jesse Andersen
11 hours ago
He’s a hypocrite
Jesse Andersen
11 hours ago
If people still get sick , who cares
Jesse Andersen
11 hours ago
@Dick Renklaf your police are weak
11 hours ago (edited)
Tom has the freedom working people on his shoulders imagine the weight of the tyrants on him Everyone in the whole world need to support this otherwise the world will be controlled by the evil tyrants
Naz Gul
11 hours ago
I am emotional while listening to his talk – just so Canadian and GOOD people fighting for everyone!! Kind – rational- strong
11 hours ago
That should be a red flag. He’s calmly, directly, and politely trying to convince you to not care about what’s true. If you don’t believe this is part of a bigger plan they have for us, you’re fooling yourself.
Dwellin J
11 hours ago
You can tell he is not a polished political speaker, makes mistakes and stumbles, but I admire him all the more for it.
Indeed, “Go Canada”
Sigma Six
11 hours ago (edited)
@Joe Shmoe see a psychiatrist nut job
Mary craig
11 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe Not so sure about US. LOOK at Jan 6 men still sitting in jail without a trial. I pray for Canada and the US.
11 hours ago
I heard a rumor that they’re going to start trying to take the children. If they come after their kids all hell’s gonna break loose
Thank Me Later
11 hours ago (edited)
No! He gave away everything by saying they would do whatever the majority wants.
This is about MINORITY Rights.
Did he forget that it’s the minority dissenters who are always the ones who first need the protection from despots?
Ted Eitel
11 hours ago
Police need to enforce state law. Not leftist Political agendas. Elected officials can’t just make up Mandates and tell Police to enforce them. The people decide the law of the land not politicians.
Julieta De Leon
11 hours ago
Steven Hooser
10 hours ago (edited)
The left only has one playbook and it’s all about violently maneuvering to take what they want. They can’t comprehend peace, freedom and love, it’s not part of their vocabulary, their only desires are to kill, burn, steal, destroy, and hate. There is no talking with them, because they speak a different language. They are not rational, logical or fair minded. Prepare for the PM to use the police and military to forcibly manhandle and arrest the truckers.
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anna B
10 hours ago
This man will be on the history cards as a moder freedom and real universal human rights fighter. Thank you and may God watch over you and protect you from evil ( turdo and his gang)
10 hours ago
@Dwellin J But you clearly haven’t put much thought to the content of what he is saying.
NP Biggs
10 hours ago (edited)
Thinking people LOVE you people. All of you out there standing up for our basic rights. Lock down is a PRISON term, Quarantine is only ever used on the sick, NOT the healthy. Masks stop viruses about as well as SNOW FENCES stop MOSQUITOES. We are under House Arrest for NO Crimes committed while real criminals are running our country and apparently the rest of the world as well. BIG PHARMA does NOT want to cure anything. Neither they nor the current Governments care in the least about us as individuals. This is all about control. WWII was fought to DESTROY Fascism NOT allow it into office in Ottawa. To the inconvenienced Citizens of Ottawa, sorry for any inconvenience. This is NOT about you. Support ALL of our Truckers and Farmers as they are THE most important participants in ANY successful civilization. They are our Backbone and Consonance and are essential logistically. Send letters and emails to MPs and MPPS etc. If there are any Swastikas they are in Office NOT with the Protestors. If you want to see the difference between Peaceful Protest and Occupation. Look at WWII Europe, Czechoslovakia 1956 etc. then compare to Ottawa 2022, if you don’t see a difference, I suggest you get some real help.
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Tim k
10 hours ago
@Nick Bedard Freedom is the incentive. Anyone that needs “incentives” to show up for their own rights is not worth having.
10 hours ago
He’s perfect for this role. I know he’s not at all political but he’s make a great PM.
Katherine L
10 hours ago
@Nick Bedard why does anyone need an incentive to come and protest for their Freedom.
10 hours ago
I am a Trumper and protester of 1/6/2021 keep to watch. Let Canadians to be freedom. Their body, their choices
Nick Bedard
10 hours ago
@Tim k same reason why people need incentives to get an injection that they don’t really want. You want to win this thing? Let’s give it everything we’ve got. Remember in gangs of New York? At the beginning battle scene, the man wouldn’t go out and fight unless he was incentivesed. The days of asking kindly, sir, are over. We’ve asked, they refused. It’s time to take back what’s ours.
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The JUST US Files
10 hours ago
@Laurisa Fine The Canadian political system, now in its second century, can no longer be taken for granted. It is altogether possible, some would say probable, and some would say desirable, that major institutional change, not excluding the fragmentation of Canada, is on the immediate horizon. It is therefore an opportune time to reflect on the century-long interaction between government and society in Canada. I use the word “reflect” advisedly, for this type of interaction about which hard statements can be confidently made.
The impact of society on government is a common theme in the study of democratic polities. Less common is an approach which stresses the impact of government on the functioning of society. I have chosen the latter for the guiding theme of my remarks, because I am convinced that our approach to the study of Canadian politics pays inadequate attention to the capacity of government to make society responsive to its demands.
The Governments and Societies of Canadian Federalism,
Alan C. Cairns
Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique
Vol. 10, No. 4 (Dec., 1977), pp. 695-725 (31 pages)
Published By: Canadian Political Science Association
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The JUST US Files
10 hours ago
@Laurisa Fine Watch police behavior and consider that they call it being “held to a higher standard of conduct” when probable cause of crime dangerous to human life creates consent to interrupt another’s freedoms. People however are not held to that higher standard when making warrantless private arrests of their public trustees who must act as though the people themselves had acted. The constitution is a common law public trust meant to be an ordinance that when combined with a solemn oath and threat of penalty of death for treason helps to form a bond of trust.
It is a common law crime to extort people into committing suicide by choosing between their loss of livelihood versus their constructively consenting to being force injected by a bio-weapon. Having a reasonable articulable belief that crime occurred in your presence and in public places by public trustees creates consent to interrupt their freedoms. As I’ve proven, Government as we know it is a racketeering enterprise that’s in active rebellion against a legitimate law abiding government and is therefore definitively an insurrection by a body of men actually in league for the treasonous purpose of waging war against the people, who are the sovereign body-politic de jure and original source of law and the principal owners to the public trust Constitution. Also these racketeers are intentionally failing their express obligation of maintaining the Objects of Government, that’s high treason.
{Search “AATMAG PLA”} Speaking the truth does not make someone guilty of sedition. “If the rage of the malcontents be particularly leveled at the magistrates, or others vested with the public authority, and they proceed to a formal disobedience or acts of open violence, this is called sedition.” But [Note: By law, a judge is a state officer. The judge then acts not as a judge, but as a private individual (in his person). When a judge acts as a trespasser of the law, when a judge does not follow the law, the Judge loses subject-matter jurisdiction and the judges’ orders are not voidable, but VOID, and of no legal force or effect. Scheuer v. Rhodes, 416 U.S. 232, 94 S. Ct. 1683, 1687 (1974)]
“When the evil spreads, -when it infects the majority of the inhabitants of a city or province, and gains strength that even the sovereign is no longer obeyed, -it is usual more particularly to distinguish such a disorder by the name of insurrection.” The people however are the true authority and among them “no one is above the law”. And no one should submit to extortion by racketeers.
“All power is inherent in the people; all free governments are founded in their authority and instituted for their benefit; they have therefore an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it.” CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MAINE. Article I. Declaration of Rights. Section 2. “All the jurisdiction of the Superior Court spreads over the state and over all other courts of peculiar jurisdiction, to superintend them, and to keep them within their proper limits and bounds, to prevent their interfering with one another or their encroaching on the common-law courts. But hath no right to interfere in any causes or questions proper for the other courts to determine.” See [2 Root (Conn.) 454 (1796) at 456.]
“We [state courts] have jurisdiction, unless it has been expressly surrendered or taken away. Any person illegally detained, has a right to be discharged, and it is the duty of this court to restore him to his liberty. No act of congress, or of this state, has forbidden the exercise of this common law jurisdiction. It ought, therefore, to be applied.” [Military Law Review, The Military and the Courts, Vol. 108, Spring 1985; The Ferguson decision granted habeas relief to a civilian held by federal troops for suspected treasonable practices…] See In the Matter of Stacy, 10 Johns (N.Y.) 328 (1813)
One feature of German law that facilitated the Nazi’s evil schemes “was that German law, unlike the law of the United States and many other nations, lacked “higher law” (constitutional or ethical standards) that might be resorted to by judges to avoid the harsh effects of discriminatory laws adopted by the Nazi regime.” [http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/Alstoetter.htm]
Relying on any favorite attorney, judge or politician is short term and hit and miss. Search: “Canada Masonic” “China Masonic” “Russia Masonic” “America Masonic”, “Britain Masonic”, “France Masonic” [Appendix C. Ten Fundamental Rules. “3. If a Brother gets into trouble, great or small, and appeals to the Council for help, the members of the Council will first inquire whether he has, during the current year, subscribed to the Spring and Autumn Sacrificial ceremonies. If he has not the Society will not assist him, and moreover will not lightly pass over his omission.” http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/chinese-masonic-society.html
{Search “AATMAG PLA”} a private law that I wrote and published on 3/17/2021 that helps people “adopt” traitors who interfere with their private rights to investigate, as a public service and for self-defense, crimes like treason, murder, etc. You can get your free counseling at https://crow-conch-6sn4.squarespace.com/aatmag-pla-program?p for the documents. Start with the document entitled COUNSELING CHECKLIST AND LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. In this document you will find the case and legal citations that guided my conclusions.
“AATMAG PLA” was designed to help people preserve their rights legally using undisputed facts, evidence and conclusions. If you can prove me wrong, then you’ll be the first. Learn and enjoy, but don’t dismiss this because we all are ready for a great and wonderful change for the better. Also for the court transcripts see https://www.guitarsuspensionsolutions.com/report-on-barratry
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The Generalist
10 hours ago
The PM just walked out of parliament.
Oh Canada!
The True North strong and free.
God save the Queen.
The whole world is free from this nightmare!
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d ellingson
10 hours ago
@Crap Head ? Of course you repeat over and over to reaffirm it’s A Peaceful protest”. Because that’s what it is. If, when the police attack remember that.
Default Name
10 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley definition on communist? You should look it up.
d ellingson
9 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley That should have been done in 2008 just like the country of Ice Land did! The corrupt bankers, wall street types etc. spent time in prison.
Default Name
9 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe mandates are being lifted hear too…this whole protest is a waste of time…they are protesting the inevitable….it is like protesting that the sun will rise tomorrow…gueas what! The sun will rise tomorrow….smh…if it makes them feel good thinking they were the cause then let it be but all this was is a well timed following the sciencr protest
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d ellingson
9 hours ago
@Dick Renklaf ?
9 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc mnhmm….. “overthrow” comment came from Jasmeet Singh, has been recycled by the laundered news media since. God bless
d ellingson
9 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley he said criminals. So that means after a guilty verdict by a jury, understand.
9 hours ago
@Nick Bedard ik, pray for him and the truckers to be strengthened, he asked for prayers from us, it is a spiritual war.
Ephesians 6:12-13 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
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Colin C
9 hours ago
This guy is weak. Too much supplication and pleading. There is nothing Trudeau and his ilk want to talk about. Just keep the pressure on and the mandates will end.
Ryan Whitley
9 hours ago
@d ellingson a jury of communists? No thanks
Lynda S
9 hours ago
@Ted Eitel Government by CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED = LEGITIMATE govt
9 hours ago (edited)
Dylan MacDonald
9 hours ago
Unlike the man child prime minister, so full of hate. He doesn’t know anything besides being a little corrupt man child. He knows nothing about being a human being, all he knows is counting his trust fund kid money. He only cares about himself.
Retro Landscape
9 hours ago
A fantastic example of how to lead!!!! We must all follow!!!!
John Doe
9 hours ago
No no, the media says they are vile hateful, violent nazi’s
Gotta trust the MSM right…..
9 hours ago
Supplicating and wishy-washy
9 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe Stay strong Truckers the world is behind you 100%! We love you!
Nathan Wilhome
9 hours ago
There is a ‘talk over’ ~ creates 2 voices speaking at the same time! Difficult to actually hear what is being said! Hope you do not do this again.
Ryan Whitley
9 hours ago
@Steven Hooser ••• יהוה communism IS juuda ism
Nathan Wilhome
9 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc There is a 2nd voice ~ a talk over ~ makes it difficult to hear what is being said ~ please don’t do this again
Jud Simonson
9 hours ago
When you force someone to do something against their will, you are said to have strong-armed them. Now make that one word reversed and then add the study of the economy and go there. For the blog and interviews.
Ryan Whitley
9 hours ago
@d ellingson the only intelligent comment I’ve seen yet.
Helmut Edelhäußer
9 hours ago
Würde ja gerne kommen nur Lebe ich in Deutschland und hier ist es nicht viel besser.
Ryan Whitley
9 hours ago
Funny how the world started having all this trouble after epstein didn’t kill himself.
d ellingson
9 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley good then back to the old saying, then you can be carried by six.
Peter Dee
9 hours ago
More than 80% of us have been vaccinated, to do our part to achieve “normalcy”. Do your part, especially if you want the restrictions lifted. Americans have already identified your cause as a “fringe” organization within a minority group of protesters. This, coming from the country who has donated the majority of the $10M in GoFundMe. Go home, you’ve made your point.
Read more
9 hours ago
@Dwellin J I am sick of listening to lying political, (everything they say is a lie) I wish the people would take over all governments and get rid of the Governments for good. It is a beautiful thing to hear real people speak. They are smart and strong and don’t have to
“Act and try to make it appear so” God love the Truckers and Canada. Power to the people!
Thomas Beasley
9 hours ago (edited)
@Sfer Tonoc I never called him a Nazi, I support him and the movement wholeheartedly, it’s the unreasonable I would like to go to war with! I feel my Humanity slipping away piece by piece in this new “society”, I don’t want to be or be classified as soulless animal, I think the way things are going are grotesque and If there is to be no Justice or Truth, then with God as my witness there shall be no mercy! I wouldn’t even accept a bonafide surrender from them at this point.
Read more
9 hours ago
@Default Name , keep telling yourself that bud. “Following the science” to end mandates conveniently worked its way into the two-week period surrounding the historically unprecedented worldwide protests, didn’t it? I’m sure that will be the mainstream talking point though, no doubt. Whatever it takes to keep you sheep in line.
9 hours ago (edited)
@NP Biggs You know these Truckers could take over a Country and the men who drive these trucks are strong men in so many ways. The Government knows this that is why they are so scared, and I mean they are scared; you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. This is going to get real. I hope the good people are prepared everywhere to say NO MORE! and willing to do what has to be done. #1. MSM needs to be taken out!
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Ryan Whitley
9 hours ago
@d ellingson be better than slavery to the communist criminal gue and his fake money printing scam, charging taxpayers interest on fake money they conjured up out of the thin air.
8 hours ago
Stop worshiping the police they are domestic terrorists and the enemy
Thomas Beasley
8 hours ago (edited)
people don’t want calm politeness, we want Vengeance! Unlike the liars and the panderers we aren’t afraid to admit it because we know in our hearts that as bad as things have become, that no one who is in charge is going to escape being a Tyrant if they try to fix anything! It’s the Thanos Effect!
Default Name
8 hours ago
@REALITYobservationalist what are you even saying…if you have been actually even following this disaster of a pandemic you can see that certain countries are ahead of us when new waves came and a perfect example is the U.K…they were like a crystal ball for Canada…they were alway about 4-5 weeks ahead of us…they announced the start of removing mandate on January 19th….guess what….about 4 weeks after Canada is starting to remove mandates and restriction….anyone with even a sliver of common sense would see this…..the only thing this FC is doing is causing grief.and worst making this an EGO match which may cause a slight delay in easing and removing mandates…thanks FC.
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Dale Neuman
8 hours ago
One can be calm, direct, polite, keeping it simple, have no issues with the city of Ottawa, have a legal right to be there, yet still affecting others greatly and with selfishness. Your message has been sent. Go home.
Jacques D F
8 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc It is pretty stupid to give right a minority to impose its view on gouvernements. This is fascism. We have elected officials to make these decisions and it is not a trucker to decide on public health all over Canada, There is nothing to negotiate…
Thomas Beasley
8 hours ago
@Dale Neuman the message may have been sent but the defendants are dodging the subpoena sent by certified mail…
Dubblyew Jay
8 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe yep. In America we have firearms.
Dubblyew Jay
8 hours ago
@Laurisa Fine yep. Agree. We in Canada need a new Magna Carta and boot out the Leftie-Wingnuts.
Dubblyew Jay
8 hours ago
@Dick Renklaf nope. No more Coke. Coke is of the evil Left.
8 hours ago
@Default Name , again, keep telling yourself that bud.
8 hours ago
@Thomas Beasley Well thank you sir I’m glad I’m not the only one!!!!!!! The legacy media and majority of politicians have been openly committing treason for years and years now and people are talking about being polite and friendly when we should be setting up firing squads on live stream
8 hours ago
Thank you Truckers. This is a fight against mainstream media also
8 hours ago
Finaaaaally! I get to see this angry white suprematist homophobic terrorist that I’ve heard sooo much about.
8 hours ago
He is a righteous man – a man to God’s heart.
Thank Me Later
8 hours ago
@Nucky Gulliver “stop allowing them to pay our sell out media off”
It’s not a bribe, after all – it’s payroll
English Rose
8 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc Yes most of these ‘Leaders’ are cocaine swilling, geneder reversed, sexual deviants.
7 hours ago
How simple can anyone be we don’t want to be jabbed to death for 5he globalists!
English Rose
7 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley Until people come out with ptich forks and nooses and swing these bastards from the nearest lamp posts nothing will change.
7 hours ago
This guy sounds super uneducated lol and is very vague and non specific. He uses his own derived logic to support himself, it feels a little like hearing a flat Earther talk. Maybe comparing him to a flat Earther would be a compliment in this crowd so sorry if this is lost on you. Also “city Prime Minister” , come on guys.
Porta Bote Coastal Cruising
7 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc can’t agree with you more.
English Rose
7 hours ago
@Jacques D F Troll?
English Rose
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
@English Rose you are a bad ass patriot… thank you
7 hours ago
janice nakonechny
7 hours ago
you guys are gonna sit there for a long freakin time. Nothing will change that will risk the health and safety of Canadians. You are protesting for a dangerous thing. And there’s not enough of you to make a difference. TANTRUM CONVOY 2022. grow up, just like a screaming baby expecting everyone to do what it says. And you are risking the health of fellow Canadians who aren’t having a tantrum. You/ve taken away their freedom, safety, rights, to protest for YOUR rights? BABIES
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Trump was Better
6 hours ago
Keep. it. simple. stupid.
jane lewis
6 hours ago
Everyone needs to demand refund for gostealne heard they r keeping much of it
English Rose
6 hours ago
@MAXIMUS MINIMALIST Don’t know if you are being sarcastic. But these criminals are getting too much respect. Respect they don’t deserve. They use violence on the People when it suits them. So I say there is only one language they understand and that is not the language of respect.
cody proctor
6 hours ago
Wonderful man. Do not drink or eat anything they offer at your meeting.
Catlyn Murray
6 hours ago
YOUVE BEEN CONNED BY THE CONvoy give your head a shake ugh
K Clark
6 hours ago
janice nakonechny
6 hours ago
@jane lewis they are sending it back to the donors.
6 hours ago
@English Rose You’re probably commenting a lot so you don’t remember responding to one of my other comments because we are both calling for what needs to be done to these tyrants so I looked at your other comments and responded to that and although I’m an extremely sarcastic person I was totally serious you are a PATRIOT that understands there’s only one cure for tyranny.
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jane lewis
6 hours ago
@janice nakonechny I hope so. Just wanted to let all know if not received they want to keep it.
Johnny Bricks
6 hours ago
Does anybody know if this man has any aspirations to lead a party? Maybe run as an indipendent?
6 hours ago
@Peter Dee GOVERN ME HARDER DADDY GOVERN ME HARDER!!!! Too bad you were born 90 years too late you would have made such a great little Nazi.
janice nakonechny
6 hours ago
@jane lewis its a private business, truckers signed a contract with them, and they didn’t stick to what they said in that contract of how things would go. They wouldn’t be allowed to keep any money.
scott lackie
6 hours ago
@John Doe so why won’t he take questions?
jane lewis
5 hours ago
@janice nakonechny because everyone is so trustworthy. They can make them sue for breech of contract. I hope not
Peter Mondoux
5 hours ago
Lol He is the spokesman for terrorists trying persuade people
Ask him why they are now clogging up the 911 lines- Someone’s going to die or does he care?
5 hours ago
@Julieta De Leon sadly, and he’s an individual with his own agenda. This isn’t helping anyone.
scott lackie
5 hours ago
@Peter Mondoux they don’t care. They are more worried about themselves.
Luke Quigley
5 hours ago
@Nick Bedard GOOD IDEA, Get word out to far and wide that your traveling expenses will be covered if you come 10 mil will pay a lot of fuel n food n pay..
Jebus Christ
5 hours ago
@Anonymous jajmeet Singh is Justine in costume.
Wise Warrior’s Path
4 hours ago
unlike him, we want to get into the dynamics of politics… so much we want to take the 18 wheels up trudeau’s bum bum.
4 hours ago
Compare that to little brat soy boy Trudeau
4 hours ago
Can we organize a HONK for Canada day?
stephen reymond
4 hours ago
It’s easy to be calm and keep things simple when you are an idiot….
3 hours ago
@stephen reymond The liberal Ottawa city council lady herself said this was a well organized highly polished bunch of people. Seems your comment just comes from a place of hate…not intelligence.
Fred The Unicorn
3 hours ago
The majority of Canadians do not support what these people are doing. They have been breaking the criminal law to try and enforce their will on the majority. Who the hell are these people to have the mandates ended? No one elected them.
Nonie Summers
2 hours ago
God Bless You
Manfred K
2 hours ago
He’s full of it.
Manfred K
2 hours ago
@Sfer Tonoc I’m ready for you goofs.
Manfred K
2 hours ago
@Joe Shmoe America cares even less for its own people than Canada does. No healthcare. No maternity leave. They just don’t give a damn. Oh, worse Covid response in the developed world. All those deaths. Murica! And you want more of that, HERE? What’s wrong with you right-wing children?
Manfred K
2 hours ago
@Nick Bedard does the baby need a tissue?
Manfred K
2 hours ago
@Laurisa Fine what the hell does the Magna Carta have to do with anything, kid?
Fred The Unicorn
2 hours ago
@Jacques D F Exactly. Well said.
Fred The Unicorn
2 hours ago
@English Rose What the hell are you saying? Is this what the truckers are saying? The MSM is right then. Thanks for confirming.
James Corcoran
2 hours ago
Barb N
2 hours ago
@Ryan Whitley – Correction to you: The Vatican and THE JESUITS created communism. Research the social experiments that the Jesuits started in “Roman LATIN” South America (Paraguay, etc…) in the 1700’s.
Today, ALL nations are owned/controlled by the antichrist Roman papacy, the Jesuits and the entire hierarchy of the Roman (catholic) Empire. The Roman Empire IS COMMUNISM!!!
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Ryan Whitley
1 hour ago
@Barb N WRONG, the jew created the catholic temple of their father satan. The pope has a big jew star on his babylonian dagone (fish god of the babylonians and philistines). The 6 point star of rempham is displayed on the popes head as well as the ceiling of every catholic Babylonian temple of satan.
Paul Martin
1 hour ago
darnell pistachio
1 hour ago
THE EDMONTON JOURNAL (newspaper) HAS JUST RELEASED A SAD STORY AND BLAMES ALL OF YOU!!! Seven-eight-zero four-two-nine fifty-one-hundred. Call now to voice your disgust at the lying freemasons.
Sophie Mac
1 hour ago
@Jesse Andersen who are you ? A sheep?
Lucia P
1 hour ago
It’s already a party there! What more incentive do ppl need. I want to be there badly. Hold the line truckers ♥️♥️
Peter Alexis
1 hour ago (edited)
@Crap Head good he should be repeating these words of peace freedom and non violence, this needs to be engrained in every person involved in the movement because there will be resistance and hopefully these words resonate as the police come and tensions build. They cant afford to be provokers or retaliators.
Louise Young
1 hour ago
@Joe Shmoe It is not allowed because UNIFOR sponsors all our news on TV and that Justin Trudeau paid UNIFOR 6 hundred million dollars in the spring of 2019 to report fake news. Time the sheep woke up and realized the Truth. This is about The Great Reset and ushering in Communism.
By Me
51 minutes ago
Let’s Go Brenda
Bruce Mah
43 minutes ago
40 minutes ago
Bruce Mah
25 minutes ago
@Zachary you paid by Soros ..Boy?..get going …
Bob Kozalov
5 minutes ago
@John Doe The media never said that, the guy is lying about it.
VisitOxford Tours
4 hours ago
Thank you for defending you and everyone’s rights at this historic moment
Roxanne Dyer
3 hours ago
Thank you, saying prayers for everyone especially that these issues are peacefully and rightfully resolved. God bless you all.
John Mikel
4 hours ago
Freedom loving Canadians, and “fun loving” . This is better, more open than rhetorical Trudeau
Salomé Andrade
3 hours ago (edited)
Bless you all for setting an incredible example for the entire world! The peaceful and amazing people of Canada are becoming bigger than the concepts of freedom, love, unity and justice.
I am portuguese but I’ve been feeling pretty much canadian since this all started
Thank you for restore faith in humanity in the middle of the complete insanity that we are experiencing all around the world. It is amazing to feel that one is not alone and that for sure we are not crazy when we think that this has just gone too far.
It’s time for unity: vaccinated and unvaccinated together against this tyranny. We can not allow what’s happening with these disgraceful mandates and passports.
This is simply wrong, no matter the circumstances. It’s wrong.
Bless you and keep strong
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View 2 replies
Wick Field
2 hours ago
Truck driving: not an easy job
View 19 replies
15 hours ago
Everyone in Canada needs to go to where the truckers are and support them! Godspeed! Stay strong and don’t worry about the dirty tactics of the government. You are starting the movement! You are representing unheard voices all over the world — I’m an”angry Covid mom” from Russia, but live in NY now, and so happy you are doing this.
View 330 replies
2 hours ago (edited)
Thank you to all you beautiful, thoughtful, courageous, and well organized souls Thank you for being such amazing role models of civil responsibility I am Canadian, and I’m doing what I can to stand in solidarity with you
Ray Finkle
See Also
Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference – Irnieracingnews – Feb 7, 2022 — Transcript
UnHerd – Malcolm Turnbull – Don’t Count Trump Out – Jun 12, 2020 — Transcript
UnHerd – Scott Atlas – I’m Disgusted and Dismayed – Oct 20, 2020 — Transcript
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Version 1: Feb 13, 2022 — Published post. Transcript done. Includes YouTube comments (some).
Pingback: Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference – Irnieracingnews – Feb 7, 2022 — Transcript | katana17
Pingback: UnHerd – Ottawa Trucker – We’ll Stay Until Every Covid Mandate is Lifted – Feb 11, 2022 – Transcript | katana17