[Freedom Convoy representatives give a pre-emptive SOS press conference in Ottawa in anticipation of police action against their anti-vaccine mandate trucker protesters.
Freedom Convoy
Preemptive SOS Press Conference
Feb 7, 2022
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Published on Feb 7, 2022
Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022 | IrnieracingNews
Premiered 12 hours ago
Marcel Irnie
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(34:20 mins)
Tom Marazzo: All right. We’re just waiting for the room to fill up.
Good evening from around the world, around Ontario, and around Canada. Thanks for tuning in tonight.
The title of this broadcast for many of you logging in tonight may be called “A Preemptive SOS”.
As you may have seen on some other social media influencers out there have been a lot of rumors going around about a very increased police presence around the national capital region, commencing this week. Although we have confirmation they’re not here yet, to our knowledge, we believe given the number of different sources that have been telling us that there will be a very heightened, or increased, police presence in Ottawa, we believe it’s a credible enough issue that we wanted to do this broadcast.
And while it is not time for alarm, it is time to, if you want to support us, if you really want to help out, what I’d like you to do is start thinking about coming to Ottawa. I don’t want you to get in your car tonight. But I want you to start packing tonight.
But I want you to start preparing your families, or talking to your employers, and saying:
“Listen, I really feel that my place is in Ottawa this week.”
I can’t give you a timeline. And I can’t promise you that once you get here it will have been absolutely necessary.
But we have concerns. We have concerns that a large number of police will be here. And they are setting up a processing center out in Lansdowne. And we want to make sure that we’re prepared.
If this does happen, we will be absolutely peaceful! This will not be confrontational! We are cautiously optimistic that it that is not going to happen. But if it does, we are prepared, we are confident. And I don’t make that as a threat of any kind. I just say that we’re really not fazed by it.
If you look at what happened in Calgary today, what I would call an absolute disgraceful action by the Calgary police today. Which is something that’s typical, that we have seen throughout this pandemic from that particular police department.
But here in Ottawa we have our own set of problems. We’ve been told that one of the triggers, or indicators, where we know that they’re going to physically move against us and start arresting us, is when our media goes down. When all of our telecommunications devices do go down, when we go fully black, the next phase of this will be the Public Order Units will move on us and start kettling, okay.
If you think back to 2010 in the city of Toronto during the G8, G20 Summit. And you think back to the fiasco that transpired at that event, we really don’t want to see that happen again! Okay?
But from our perspective we do believe there is a real possibility that arrangements are being made to that effect.
We will not resist, we will not be violent, okay. This is a peaceful protest. But the more of us there are, the better it is for all of us.
So if this is, you know what’s that thing, what is that one point in history, that’s going to make you move off of your couch and come here and get involved? This is it! If there’s a media blackout of everybody that you’re connected to with this Freedom Convoy, that’s your trigger that something is up, and I would encourage you to make arrangements, and immediately start heading to Ottawa.
We have strength in numbers! We have a team of lawyers that are here to help. We’re not fazed by this. We’re not intimidated. We’re just forward thinking people, because we believe we’re going to be here for a long.
Now, some of you may be aware that there was an emergency meeting in the House of Commons this evening. And Justin Trudeau himself alluded to discussions about large number of RCMP officers that they’re engaging. We do not get the impression that they are working towards sitting down at a table. Which is what we asked for today!
We asked to sit at a table and find a peaceful solution to this. A responsible, balanced, safe, solution to this! And so far I’m really disappointed to hear there’s been no response from the city of Ottawa! Other than a cowardly tweet from the Mayor, passing the buck to the Prime Minister. Political theater!
I’m here with all these people behind me, and all of you viewing from home, expecting leadership from the people that we sent to this city.
When in Canada’s history has it ever been good for us as a nation when we have used force against a large population of our public? When? Never! Never!
Instead of talking, we have a room booked, 12 o’clock tomorrow. I’ll meet with Justin Trudeau myself. 12 o’clock tomorrow! And the other delegates of this convoy.
I’ll meet with them. I’m prepared, we are prepared, all of us! Our scientists are prepared. They’re dying to get in a room and talk to him!
And when I looked at his comments tonight, the Prime Minister of Canada’s comments, and forgive my frustration. But he seems to be a one-trick pony! We want actual, tangible, results! But to sit here and to insult Canadians consistently, every day!
He used the word “swastika”, against his own Canadian citizens! And his constant message is the only way out of this is through a vaccine. That nobody wants! Nobody wants this vaccine because they want to be protected from a virus! They’re getting inoculated against unemployment!
We’re here to talk. Let’s find a peaceful resolution to this. I want to go home! I want to go home! But I’m not going until I no longer needed here.
And based on all the support that we have from the people of Canada, I have an incredible amount of support, and a lot of people that seem to want me here. And I’m not going home until the job is done!
I am not calling for violence. I’m not expecting you to get into your vehicle, drive here and create problems, create crimes, okay. That’s not what we’re saying. Strength in numbers! We got sent here to send a message.
The message isn’t getting through! He’s not getting it! And I apologize if I’m bashing the guy, but honestly, from my assessment, he’s got a 22 caliber mind, in a 357 world! Okay?
Let’s get at the table, for god sakes! Enough hiding!
I’m willing, I’m willing to sit at a table with the Conservatives, and the NDP, and the Block, as a Coalition. I’ll sit with the Governor General. You put us at the table with somebody that actually cares about Canada!
And in a note on that, there’s no more Mr O’Toole, okay. And he talked about an election today, that Canada voted for vaccines. I’m sorry, there was no vaccine on any ballot that I saw, okay! Nobody in this movement voted for vaccines to be forcibly coerced into their bodies. That’s insanity!
So I’ll talk to any level of government that can actually get a decision done. Because I can see clearly, we can see clearly, the Liberals don’t want to talk to us. We want to talk to them, we will talk to them. They are the official government of Canada. But can you just come and meet us at a table? Please?
Okay. With that Bridget has a few things that she’d like to talk about.
Bridgette Belton: We have a doctor for truck drivers. And those that may not be able to get medical help. He is the providence healthcare. He is a GP that has lost his position due to Covid mandates. And his name is Jeremiah Hadwin. You can reach him at 1-888-815-1930, or www.providencehealthcenter.com. So for anybody that’s looking for a doctor, who is also like-minded.
Tom Marazzo: Does anybody have any questions?
Interviewer One (male): I have two for you.
Tom Marazzo: Okay
Interviewer One (male): Right now. First one. So what does it tell you when you request a negotiation, and the response essentially that comes, is rumors of increased police capacity.
Tom Marazzo: Well, that’s a great question, because if anybody tuned into the live feed that we had done this morning, we recognized the position that the chief of police for Ottawa is in. He has been put in an impossible situation! He cannot deliver. And I’ve said that this morning. He cannot deliver on what we want. He is being somehow used as a door stop, in not actually helping things progress in the Right direction.
This action is absolutely irresponsible on the part of the government. But to be clear, the police cannot solve this problem! They can solve this problem with force, right. They can solve this with force! But do they really want to go down in history as a police force that is going to have to now apologize to yet another group 10 years from now? Do they want that as their legacy in the nation’s capital?
So it’s frustrating! It’s very frustrating! They just can’t solve our problem.
We want the politicians! They were elected to solve these problems. That’s who we want to talk to
Interviewer One (male): So my second question is, what would you say to the RCMP and other police officers that we know are watching this.
Tom Marazzo: Yes
Interviewer One (male): What would you say to those particular officers? So there are guys that your children play hockey together. What would you say to those officers?
Tom Marazzo: What I would say to those officers is, you took an oath. And you’ve heard that. You’ve heard that repeatedly for the last two years. You’ve taken an oath. And I think the public in their discontent for the actions of police officers across the world, you know, have used that line enough. But maybe some police just need to keep hearing it again.
I would say to the police officers. And I made this offer to an outstanding Ottawa police officer today. I would say:
“If you’re not sure. If you’re on the fence. If you don’t know what side of history you’re on here, I have a team of world-class scientists in this room.”
And I made the offer. They will sit down quietly, privately, and talk to you. You’re getting an opportunity to have an audience with the premier scientists on these vaccine mandates. I’ll put any police officer in a room who’s just not sure with one of these world-class scientists and let them talk about these issues. Because at the very minimum I’m pretty sure that informed consent, if you coerce somebody, it’s still assault! Okay.
And this is what these issues are. So we’d like the police officers who we keep hearing about individual discretion on the street, we’d like to see them start exercising some discretion, that doesn’t support their mortgage! We want them to support the people they serve! That’s what we would like. That’s what I would like to say as a police officer.
And we have a lot of them within our members. We have a lot of police support, even active. We have a lot of police support out there. They just can’t say anything.
And I can tell you when we went to Coventry last night, there was no eye contact with the police officers there. They were embarrassed by what they were doing! They were embarrassed!
I know people. And what I saw was embarrassment. Bb there’s those asking on the live stream, if you guys would give your names and your involvement with the Freedom Convoy, with anyone who’s comfortable.
Female (next to Tom): Bridgette Belton, helped create this, I guess [chuckling].
Male (blue T-shirt): Chris Barber. I guess one of the organizers. Yeah.
Female (far right, second row back): Tamara Lich. One of the organizers.
Male (behind Tamara Lich): I’m Sean Tyson from DC. I’m a DC Road Captain. And one of the organizers, as well.
Male (next to Sean Tyson): Dr Roger Hopkinson. I’m a pathologist from Edmonton, Alberta.
Male (far right top row): Jeffrey Bovin. Running the Command Center for Communications to assist the needs of the truckers and people who are involved with convoy, out on the streets.
Male (next to Jeffrey Bovin): Tom Quiggin. I do protective intelligence for the truck drivers first. We’re also doing protective intelligence for paramedics and police. And we’re also doing protective intelligence for the citizens of Ottawa around us.
Female (middle row, next to Dr Roger Hopkinson): Dana Metcalf. Nationally recognized humanitarian. And we’re here for moral support for the men and women that are fighting for our freedoms.
Male (top row, next to Dr Roger Hopkinson): Dr Paul Alexander. [word unclear] peace Medicine specialist.
Female (middle row second from left): Miranda Gager. Road Captain from Lloyd Minister.
Male (top row, second far left): Dale Lance. Road Captain from Manitoba.
Male (middle row, far left): Ryan Hillitz from Prince Albert. Road Captain for Saskatchewan.
Male (top row, far left): Joe Jansen. Manitoba Road Captain
Interviewer Two (male): Thank you. Nn Tom can you speak to the issue that we’re getting calls from police officers apologizing for what’s happened last night.
Tom Marazzo: Yeah, without giving away too many too many details, we’ve worked extremely hard, myself included, with a couple of, … Honestly, like my relationships, my personal relationships, that I’ve developed through my short time here, with the Ottawa police officers has been extraordinary. And I know we’ve consistently encouraged all of the truckers and the Road Captains, and everybody on the team, to build a solid relationship with the Ottawa police, the OPP, and the RCMP. We’re keeping it professional obviously. We’re not compromising their integrity by feeding them and stuff like that.
But we have a really solid relationship with the police, when it’s appropriate for everybody.
Now we did get some calls yesterday. Some of the police officers we’ve been dealing with were pulled out of the city yesterday for a reason, you know, we weren’t made privy to. But they called to say:
“Look, we didn’t know about the raid last night, okay.”
And from what I had listened to, I believe the one particular officer he was sincere in what he was saying. And it was echoed by another officer to me personally. They were pulled out. They just said:
“Don’t ask why.”
Kind of shake their head. You know, everyone at the ground level, wants to go home. We just want to go home. And we want to be safe, we want to be responsible, okay. And that’s really what it is. It’s about building the relationships. This is community policing. It’s just on a gigantic scale.
So, it’s kind of like saying goodbye to some of your friends, I suppose, in a way
Interviewer Two (male): Just one thing. As a synopsis, could you guys, can one of you give us just a statement of what the Freedom Convoy stands for? Unified together.
Chris Barber: Unity.
Tom Marazzo: Yeah, I think “hope” is a good one. There is a lot of hope. Walking down the street with him (Chris) today was like I felt more like a bodyguard with a VIP! [chuckling]! Everybody was coming up to him on the street, locals, locals. By the way, it’s true we do have over 100 affidavits from the residents of Ottawa supporting the truckers. Telling stories about how they’ve never seen the streets so clean. How the shovels, … We bought 100 shovels. We bought salt. Okay. We’re shoveling sidewalks! Crime is down 90% in the city, according to one of the newspapers in Toronto. So, you know. Yeah, it’s noisy at times. Do you want to hear horns, or do you want to hear:
“Oh Canada.”
Every hour, on the hour? What would you guys prefer? Do you want to hear a resounding chorus about:
“Oh Canada.”
Come from nation’s capital, or horns?
Female (out of view): I like the horns! [everyone laughing]. I love the horns, but “oh Canada”? Nn any more questions from the floor, doctor?
Dr Paul Alexander: I just wanted to say something that’s very important that the Canadian people understand. Which is that, when you see [Dr] Hodkinson, or myself here, we don’t represent just a small portion of doctors and scientists in Canada. I have literally thousands of emails and telephone calls from doctors across Canada, and across the world, United States. Particularly Ontario and rest of Canada, telling me:
“Look! You guys, you Hodkinson, you [word unclear], you Alexander, you have been the brave ones in your career just once, but we stand behind you! We are fearful! We’re going to be targeted by the government, by our colleges! We’re going to lose our appointments and our income! So please, please don’t keep quiet! You wage the battle! You stand behind the truckers! You give them the science that they need. Because we know 100% of the science is behind the truckers! So you be our force on our trip today, for us!”
And I wanted to share that. Nn one of the viewers is asking about safety. People are concerned about safety. Can you speak about that?
Chris Barber: We’ve seen nothing but safety since we started this.
Bridgette Belton: I think the best thing is watching everybody hug each other. Which I know in Calgary is not a good thing to do. But we’re hugging each other! We’re not wearing masks! We’re smiling! This is the best thing I’ve seen in the last two years in Canada! I have never felt so much love!
Chris Barber: I had a couple Ottawa city residents come up to me today. And they said:
“They had to come out and see for themselves how bad it was, judging by what they’ve seen on the news.”
On the local news. What did they call it? The “legacy news media”. They came out here to see people hugging, and handshakes, and yeah, they were totally amazed, absolutely amazing! This is its totally different than what were we’ve been portrayed as.
Miranda Gager: A little 70 year old woman actually stopped me just this evening out on the street. And she was quite concerned, because she walks these streets all the time for exercise. And she was quite concerned, because she noticed a few of our trucks might be missing out on some of the roads. And she was quite concerned, because she said:
“Ottawa citizens everywhere, want us here. And they didn’t want to see us leaving.”
And she was concerned that we were leaving.
Interviewer Four (female): Is it concerning that City Councilors would use the word “insurrection”?
Tom Marazzo: Huh, … [everyone laughs] Okay, maybe that’s a hot button issue for me. But I gotta say! I gotta say, I’ve played that recording to several people, and the hysterics coming out, … Like the comments were so, as you can tell, I’m not usually at a loss for words. But I was stunned! I was stunned by the irresponsible language! The dramatization of absolute fiction! And it’s very clear to me that they’re pre-positioning the next moves that they want to make.
So they’re using very strong language to set up a legal framework, in my opinion, or a policing framework, to give themselves cover to be absolutely horrendous to us!
And so it was really the language chosen in that meeting was very specific! Very specific! She said the words, Diane Dean, said the words. The Chief repeated the words. This morning I repeated the words. So you’re getting three people saying the same set of words but, you know. One is to put on a lot of show to create themselves a legal framework. I said the words to highlight that that level of rhetoric, and irresponsibility, is just gonna get someone hurt.
She said those things about Canadians! I haven’t seen her on YouTube talking about ISIS like that! But she’s talking about Canadians like that! It was embarrassing! It was embarrassing!
And it hurts my heart to see that kind of language being spoken about Canadians that have the word “freedom” in their name. It’s embarrassing! It’s shameful!
Interviewer Three (male): We received a lot of comments on here. A video went out today that said 50% of Ottawa police officers have resigned today. Is there any validity to that?
Tom Marazzo: I believe that to be a rumor. I don’t believe that to be true. I walked around with a couple of Ottawa police officers today, and I saw lots of uniforms. So the number of uniforms that I saw today, if that was only half, they’ve got a huge budget! So, I don’t believe that’s true at all.
Interviewer Two (male): Someone’s asking here about the kneeling at Parliament Hill. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Miranda Gager: It was beautiful!
Dana Metcalf: How about our epic photo!
Interviewer Two (male): Yes.
Dana Metcalf: Yeah, it was a really wonderful and positive experience. We wanted to kind of help contradict the misconception that our numbers were small. And that we are standing together in unity. It was really quite an epic experience.
There was kids everywhere, you know, people got free hoodies. People saying “oh Canada”. They chanted freedom. My piece is morale, and to help you guys see the more humane picture of what’s happening here.
But I will tell you that I would strongly encourage people to contact the Municipality of Ottawa, to help us get some of the things that we need in order to keep the situation humane. Like porta-potties, and things like that. There’s a huge outcry for those things.
And they’re being leveraged. The basic essentials of life are being leveraged for police, for what they want to have happen. At the end of the day, we are all human beings. And we are all Canadians.
So if you guys could do your part and put some pressure on Ottawa City Police, to help us keep our families that are safe in these trucks, with the basic essentials of life. That’s what that photo was for.
It was to show unity and that we are human, and that we do have a presence here. And it’s an acceptable presence here! We didn’t storm Parliament. We took a kneel at Parliament to show that we are here. And we are at the mercy of our community, and our country, to help us get this done here in Ottawa.
Interviewer Two (male): Tamara, could you speak on some of the best ways to help people in Ottawa, both financially, and with support?
Tamara Lich: For the truckers, yes. We have an “Adopt a Trucker” program. That’s adopttrucker.ca. We’ve set up the “fngo” [?] which is an alternative Christian based platform as opposed to gofundme. We still have the e-transfer email set up. So also I know up at Parliament, I was up there today, there’s a great big jug that you can donate cash to. Right by the stage, if you want. And that money can get to them right away.
Bridgette Belton: And we’re working on a couple of NFTs. They’ll be coming out through parallel economy.com. And we’ll be looking for an auction house to auction off a few sweaters with the names of some of the organizers on those shirts. There will only be one of each size. That will be the only ones that will ever be done. So between five and six will only be ever released with all these signatures on them.
Interviewer Three (male): Someone’s asking, what’s the encryption on the hoodies? What does it mean?
Bridgette Belton: It’s “10-7”. It means “Out of Service”.
Interviewer Two (male): And what’s on the back?
Bridgette Belton: There we go. She’s got it, “Freedom Convoy 2022”.
Interviewer One (male): I’d like to ask another question. This seemed really to be a contest for hearts and minds. A lot of people, even in the Green Party, they have a large percentage of their members that support the truckers. Could you maybe workshop the idea for us of the rumors that we hear about, let’s say, the RCMP coming in their battle rattle. Can you talk about the hearts and minds, and a shift maybe, or what is that playing into their decision for increased force?
Tom Marazzo: I don’t really know from a tactical point of view that it makes over, you know, I’m not the on-scene commander developing that plan. However, I would say that the advice that we got was that they would shut down all telecommunications prior to starting the kettling. To start rounding us up. So we would lose all control of cell phones, or our ability to transmit it. And this is why we’re asking for people to start actually thinking about coming here.
I’m not saying to come here now. But if there’s a big giant, you’re noticing a severe lack of social media presence from all of the truckers. And there’s hundreds of cameras out here. There’s hundreds of live streamers every hour, on the hour. If there’s all of a sudden a complete blackout over Ottawa, you can take that to the bank that the police have started to kettle us.
Interviewer One (male): So can you explain what “kettle us” means?
Tom Marazzo: They’re basically going to march towards us in the column and start boxing us in. And then start affecting immediate arrests.
It’s something that we saw at the G8, G20 Summit in 2010. Really disappointing! We all know how that turned out. I mean, the lawsuits are still ongoing to this day, 12 years later. The police did not handle themselves really well.
In that particular case what they did is they kettled people into a corner, and then started actually gassing them, with tear gas. Where they had no escape route. Right.
I don’t believe they’re going to do that. I think they’ve learned their lesson, all across North America that’s probably a terrible thing to do. But, at the end of the day, that’s going to be a tactic that they use is to start basically boxing us in and start affecting arrests. And then take us off to some sort of processing center.
Interviewer Two (male): so just before everyone passes out of heat exhaustion [laughter]. Synopsis, Tom? And then we’ll close the line.
Miranda Gager: I just think it’s really important to clarify one thing for everybody. We are not “occupying” Ottawa. We are protesting peacefully in Ottawa! I want to make that very, very clear! We are not occupying! This is not our home. We want to go home! We are here protesting peacefully.
Tom Marazzo: Yeah. You want a synopsis? I want to sit at a table with, all of these people, and people that can make a decision. And I want our scientists to sit at tables with their scientists, and answer, improve the science that they keep telling us to follow! Okay.
Because from our perspective, or from my personal perspective, all I’m seeing is “Political Science”, not actual “Medical Science”. And I’m tired of seeing that!
I think the Canadian viewers, or the Canadian public are smart enough to know the difference between Political Science, and theater, and actual Medicine. But the mainstream media keeps censoring. They block purposely!
You know, it’s almost akin to something you would expect to see in North Korea, and China. The way they control the media around here. And I’m sorry if that upsets the mainstream media. But you’ve been disrespecting viewers for two years, straight. And I’m sure even long before!
It would be great if they started actually reporting the news, instead of creating it! Okay?
We have the scientists that want to sit down, publicly, and talk about these issues. We want to get the word out and tell the public. Let the public decide! Let the public hear both parties and let the public decide!
Don’t coerce them into getting a jab. Let them decide for themselves. From my limited understanding of the law and informed consent, but I always understood it to be a two-part formula, okay:
“I’ll give you my consent when you give me the information.”
And since these long-term safety studies are not yet complete, the clinical trials are not yet complete, how can you give me the information? How can you give me the information for me to take a decision, or to consent, when I don’t know the risks, and when you’re concealing the risk! I know they’re concealing the risk! They know they’re concealing the risks!
Let the public know. Let the public know what the risks are. And let them make a free choice, which is their constitutional charter of right to do.
So I want to get at a table.
Interviewer Three (male): Great. Well, thank you all for your time. We’ll close the live there.
Others: Thank you! Good job! Good job!
YouTube Comments
19,389 Comments (some of)
Different Places
10 hours ago
Now I’ve seen many protests about many different things over the years but this is by far the best organised group i have ever seen. Go Canada 🇨🇦🇬🇧❤️
Hide 57 replies
Devin McGroot
Devin McGroot
9 hours ago
i’ve seen dumb people protest many things. but this time, these are regular people who are genuinely pissed. and i am too. truck frudeau.
9 hours ago
Well said… from UK 🇬🇧
La Dolce Vita
9 hours ago
I know, it’s so amazing how well they’re handling it!
Johnny Guitar
9 hours ago (edited)
BC says —> …and tuck Fideldeau
mallarally 1
9 hours ago
If man doesn’t stand for something… they’ll fall for anything!!
From ireland, support FREEDOM CONVOY 120 percent 😍🇨🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦
Go Canadians. Never give in to tyranny
Katt Kelly
9 hours ago
Bloody amazing what you are doing !! True grit !! Love you xxx
тат мит
9 hours ago
seulement il y a une crainte que lorsqu’ils seront arrêtés … personne ne les défendra
ASA Hutchinson sucks Little dick
9 hours ago
@Devin McGroot hard to believe the organizers were started by a 60 year old Jewish man in a 20 year old college student these are the dangerous leaders of the other movement no brother they say it’s a racist movement yet the co-organizers Jewish and it’s compatron she’s in her twenties a college student what an unlikely pair
Read more
Brian Feeney
9 hours ago
And that doesn’t raise any questions? I was and still do support this because it’s for the only thing I 100% believe in but I’m gonna honest something doesn’t smell right and everything must be questioned
Stringy-bark creek
8 hours ago
If you guys haven’t noticed there hasn’t been any live feeds or posted video’s from tonight there where heaps last night the media black out is literally happening now
Readings by CARA
8 hours ago
FREEDOM 💚 is essential.
🇨🇦 💚 🇺🇸
Zamboanga man
8 hours ago
You mean go truckers
8 hours ago
It’s because they actually stand for something real. Not a created bunch of bullshit from the media. This is REAL shit
Brent Sanders
7 hours ago
What should I bring? Slip tank of fuel?
7 hours ago
@Brent Sanders if you can I’m sure that would help!!
7 hours ago
Past Care-ington
7 hours ago
“with glowing hearts”…❤❤❤❤❤❤ all of them
Veta Goss
7 hours ago
I am frighten by the CANADIAN government actions of late I want you to know i am praying for you all
JCarsa Harrold
7 hours ago
Agreed!!!❤️❤️❤️Wishing our northern neighbors great success!
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
@Devin McGroot Small minorty of only few % agree with you and the protesters, rest are telling YOU to go f off.
7 hours ago
@Stringy-bark creek I have…
Save The Jungle
7 hours ago (edited)
I work with truckers every day they are hardest working community. They represent every type of Canadian and from all over the world . We are one 🙏🏽
TheBrewmore 26
6 hours ago
They should be very very organized. They are Logistics specialist. Go Truckers!!♥️
Okie Doke
6 hours ago
YouTube censoring anything negative said about the government as soon as it’s posted
Kevin Doble
6 hours ago
Thanks you all so very much, i mean that. Indeed we are done with these people who are trying to destroy everything. No.
6 hours ago
Texas militia here, standing by.
Tey Palen
6 hours ago
They are not only hard working people they are very intelligent men with compassionate hearts.
6 hours ago
It’s because they are not BLM who are limited to saying yo yo yo
Freedom Inc
6 hours ago
Lol. Organized and announce that they will continue to do nothing except whst they are told to do because they fear sacrifice anything meaningful. Canadians should be disgraced by these cowards. Maybe armies can start winning wars by announcing that they will do nothing when attacked. Just throw up their hands and surrender. Cowards never win their freedom. Especially when they announce ahead of time that they will just put their wrist out to be cuffed so they can file nice and nestly into the cattle cars
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Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
Jolly Roge
6 hours ago
Tina Lafler
6 hours ago
Many Blessings to you all in Ottawa!! Keep fighting for Freedom. This govt wants nothing more than genocide! The current government and elites will go down in the biggest crime against humanity in history. It is up to the people to save our children and the elderly from these evils that will soon present itself as nothing more than evil amongst us! Stand Tall Ottawa! With love to All from here in Los Angeles ❤ Thank you Truckers!!
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Ken McElroy
5 hours ago
@Freedom Inc turn the other cheek is Biblical. If God is with you, wo to those who are against you.
Colly wobbles
5 hours ago
@Okie Doke
Yep, had my comment removed immediately because I asked why if the gruberment is so sure the science is on their side why won’t they debate.
5 hours ago
@Freedom Inc trust me, going on the offensive here will give the government full power to step in and end this protest. It’s members arrested and imprisoned. What they are doing is causing economic pressure by blocking us/canada trade routes. These guys are fighting a smart war. Plus, what will we fight with? Knives and hunting rifles against military-grade weaponry? Trust me, this is the best route.
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reccee boy 123
5 hours ago
@Brent Sanders fuel was arriving over night and being distributed
reccee boy 123
5 hours ago
@Cyberfunk so a recent troll how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history, did the stazi give you a cute armband as well.
Bane Will Rise
4 hours ago
This is why you fight against tyrannical governments. These protesters have been very peaceful and diplomatic. What do governments do when diplomacy fails? Governments start killing. Wake up people.
denise eldridge
4 hours ago
This is great…God Bless these truckers from the USA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.
NP Biggs
3 hours ago
Nobody has EVER brought Canadians together like Trudeau. Everyone hates him. They will never sit at a table and admit they have been lying and manipulating us with bogus science for an unrelated agenda of control and removal of any illusions of freedom we may have had. Face it. That is NEVER going to happen. I sincerely wish it were otherwise. Support ALL the truckers. we would not stand a chance of survival without their year round efforts to keep our shelves stocked. Them and the Farmers are THE Most important parts of out daily lives.
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John PAncap
3 hours ago
Lmfao@ best organized
Manfred K
3 hours ago
Too bad it is for such a stupid cause. Why aren’t they their for pharmacare? Higher minimum wages? Higher disability payments so people don’t have to live in poverty? No? Just Free-DUMB!? Because they selfishly don’t want to help in a pandemic. Selfish. That makes sense why they DO NOT think of others, but only of themselves.
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3 hours ago
Support the truckers watch them live daily on these channels…. Connor Desnoyers, MACHINES EVERYWHERE, VIVA FREi, Ottawalks
Kimberley Jane
3 hours ago
🎯🎯🎯 The people need to do their individual part.
Federal employees could stop using vax status to work, both from home and office, and by foot.
c parker
3 hours ago
@Cyberfunk I doubt it’s 1%. If the majority of Canadians were willingly lining up to get the jab, then there would be no need for a vaccine pass. There would no need to make Canadians choose between putting food on their tables because they’re going to lose their jobs. I know a small handful of friends, family, co-workers and neighbours that looked forward to lining up for the vaccine. Good for them, it’s called a choice! All the others were bullied into it because they wanted life to get back to normal, travel, go to sporting events. The ones that held out lost their jobs. You are obviously in favour of having to show a barcode everywhere you go for the rest of your life. A month ago I was pretty sure that the vaccine passport was here to stay with more added to it. 2024 and your 5 booster shots aren’t showing on your passport…no soup for you! Why does the government need 100% of Canadians to be vaccinated? They want 100% of Canadians to have the vaccine passport. Now due to this protest, I think there’s hope that they’ll have to drop the passport. Showing your “papers” to a 15 year old restaurant hostess so you can go into a restaurant and still spread covid, is something out of a Twilight Zone episode. People who think only the vaxxed are spreading it, must be living under a rock. It’s time people started taking their health into their own hands. You buy yourself a better mask that protects you against covid. You stay home. You get vaxxed and boosted up the wazoo if you want to. Ending the mandates doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do that. I shouldn’t be forced to get a booster shot every six months (and we know that would be coming) so you will feel safer!
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Jasmeet Singh Chahal
2 hours ago
Don’t forget the farmers protest in India. They stayed on the streets for a year before laws were over turned
Janice Paisley
2 hours ago
Police officers and law enforcement have also been forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs.
Kimberley Jane
2 hours ago
@Jasmeet Singh Chahal I have a feeling they were picked up last night. There have been no new videos from anyone today.
Jasmeet Singh Chahal
2 hours ago
@Kimberley Jane Maybe internet is cut off there..
Idaho Corrupt
1 hour ago
/./,,./ The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment. – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nulad ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. in Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the ” Law’ (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, and legal rights. Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly;
Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights././.
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Larry Trocha Horse Training
1 hour ago
I sincerely hope the truckers are successful. We all want and need you to win this battle. However, I feel sorry for what is about to happen to you. Physical force is coming, trucks impounded, people arrested and large fines imposed. You stand to lose so much. I doubt many outsiders understand your bravery and sacrifice. Good luck and God bless.
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Freedom Inc
1 hour ago
@Vaterix you all will never get it as long as there is an excuse to do nothing.
If someone was to break in your home. Rape your wife/daughter/sister/mother. I guess you would watch for fear of what that rapist could possibly do to you? Yea,you would just stand there.
These people have comitted no immoral acts. If a paid government agents violates their rights, and physically touches them. Just as the rapist. A costume doesn’t change whst they are .the onky people in history eho have ever truly been free had to be warriors. They stated they wanted peace then their kindness was taken as weakness.
This has become a world of cowards who value life more than freedom. You are a complete disgrace
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Freedom Inc
57 minutes ago
@Ken McElroy biblical. You mean the book which was originally translated from Hebrew to Greek. When those two languages have worrds that the other doesn’t. Meaning someone decide what words to put there. Then it was translated agsin. To English. And again words one language has the other doesn’t have a synonym. Then almost 700 years of time. With every new edition having to be 10%different than all the rest? Oh. And the original was written by man. That book.
I hate to be the one to tell you thing but God. The father of Jesus said “and eye for an eye”.
Cowards will never be free. You all are kinsmen. Tories. You love the boot on your throat because you value freedom to little and your life too much. As I said. This has become a world of cowards. Where a government unform will completely change ehat you do.
I guess if all the thugs that showed up were blm. They started stealing peoples stuff. Beating them. Cuffibg them. And hauling them off to whatever place they choose. You would tell them to turn the other cheek right?
Its a shame most Christians are counterfeit. You do realize that God gave you life. He gave you freedom. He gave you your rights. Then you adopt government as your new God. You out man’s law above God’s law. And bow to government because God’s gifts to you mean little. Sick
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41 minutes ago
there not protesting as much as they are making a legal case against the crime that is being committed.
Jerry Murray
20 minutes ago
Unless we the people take a stand against evil, evil will take its nasty agenda to its conclusion: https://youtu.be/mODTRvz7RL0?t=4
1 hour ago (edited)
We support you here in North Carolina! Y’all are TRUE PATRIOTS!
SilverFox 10
2 hours ago
Warning to all police officials. You are being watched and will be judged. Remember these people are here for you and your families also. We are tired of the fascist policies being pushed by our governments.
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Holly Rhode
Holly Rhode
2 hours ago
I am moved to the core of my being at what I just witnessed. How long we’ve all had to suffer in silence at the inhumanity on a level we never could have imagined. Thanks to your courage and your convictions in what is just, true and democratic, we are now seen and heard all over the world. I will share and shout this to the hilltops…bless you for showing the children what real heroes look like. With so much love and respect from Richmond, Virginia USA
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1 hour ago
The best well led protest ever! Behind you all the way 100% . You guys have the backbone needed to get this done. You and your group deserve the very best and the pm should meet with you and make the right decision. FREEDOM FOR CANADA AND THE USA!
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Jeanine Paquet
Jeanine Paquet
1 hour ago
Freedom for the world
David Rodriguez
15 minutes ago
Be careful for Antifa or agents provocateurs trying to start trouble. Record, report, and expose everything.
Bill H.
2 hours ago
This panel is wonderful! They define class, dignity and patriotism! 🇺🇲❤🇨🇦🙏
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Onosha Ugory
Onosha Ugory
1 hour ago
You forgot to mention integrity
dande tande
17 minutes ago
@Onosha Ugory true
David Rodriguez
13 minutes ago
Be careful for Antifa or agents provocateurs trying to start trouble. Record, report, and expose everything. Support each other and your good leaders. May God bless
7 minutes ago
@David Rodriguez Very true, the Jan 6 in the U.S when they sat outside the capitol. A undercover fed was the one who turned it into rioting in the capital.
Bosko Tanackovic
12 hours ago (edited)
Stay strong stay united and don’t back down !!!! Greetings from Serbia 🇷🇸
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11 hours ago
It’s hard for Canadians. If they are met with violence from the police they are likely to back down.
Warren Buffet
11 hours ago (edited)
Western leaders are no longer champions of freedom and peaceful coexistence. Vaxxed or not, everybody needs to come together to overthrow a tyrannical regime that unleashes violent police forces on peaceful protestors who are also essential workers. Prime minister Coward 19 does not believe in Canadian values and needs to be removed.
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Mark McFlounder
11 hours ago
Yeah! Blessings to Serbia! Greetings from crazy backwards moving progressive California (USA)
11 hours ago
@Warren Buffet
Have they EVER been?
Debbie Hellion and the Apocalypse
11 hours ago
@Triangle_Pants https://youtu.be/6kyyddZUT5k
eduardo Illingworth
10 hours ago
True heroes !!! ..you will be remembered as such. Greetings from Ecuador 🇪🇨
Ea Åkerman
10 hours ago
Yes ,from Sweden
10 hours ago
Ann Byrne
9 hours ago
Supporting from Ireland too 💚🇮🇪
Glenn LGG
8 hours ago
The people of Europe are firmly behind you. 🇧🇪
Stand your ground!
You will win. And you will set the domino pieces falling to help liberate the world!
Moon Bear
8 hours ago
@StraightUpTruth They are not trained soldiers, as it is, they have taken too much of the burden. Hope this spreads like wildfire.
Omoge BlogTV
7 hours ago
Araina Diaz
7 hours ago
Big brother wants everyone afraid and obedient, (then they tell you “praise our big brother minions”). Pray for supernatural wisdom and guidance.
lucky 748
7 hours ago
The only way to fight the Police is… To Get their names from every single one….Find Where they live…Where they shop…Eat out… And Make sure they never ever go invisible when not wearing uniform. Make sure everyone know who are the traitor in the neighborhood… Make them feel ashamed for what they are doing. And send a clear message that they are not welcome in anywhere where they go…until they drop it. Make a list, share it.
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7 hours ago
I love all this support from these countries. As alot of our ancestors are from them. Tribes always care about tribes. Its innate. The ancestors are calling I feel them.
E Short
7 hours ago
You are heroes, every one of you! This is a battle against pure evil! Stay strong and courageous! I will be praying for all of you!
6 hours ago
Sending thanks and gratitude to novak for standing tall against the criminals in Australia.
Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
hussar 63 – EU under Socialist Germany – hmm!!!
6 hours ago
@StraightUpTruth Not back down. They will NOT RESIST . that is something different.
6 hours ago
Time for the Americans to help our neighbors
5 hours ago
@lucky 748 you hit the nail on the head you are speaking truth brother you’re speaking unity have to be careful though have you seen what happened to every person that ever spoken unity
5 hours ago
@lucky 748 sounds like you have a personal vendetta against police in general. Well, that’s not what this is about!! This is about personal freedom from Government controlling our lives and it has become much bigger than just the police involvement!! The police can’t solve this. Only the Government ( your elected officials) can stop this insanity by removing all of the restrictive mandates, officially!!! Sometimes it’s better to just hold the line and be patient but still being out front and don’t bend!!! God Bless the Canadian Truckers for showing the way!! Hopefully, my USA Truckers won’t be too much longer in getting our protest movement going!!!🙏🇨🇦🇺🇲
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
@eduardo Illingworth CANADA
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
@Ea Åkerman CANADA
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
@Ann Byrne CANADA
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
@Arts and Wild Woods CANADA
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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Lily Markovic
5 hours ago
It’s hard to work with autistic person.
Squange Flagion
5 hours ago
Please undermine your government, Canada.
Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! Youtube is more fiction then facts folks!!
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Ray Markovich
23 minutes ago
Srbija do Tokija
Josh Dyer
1 hour ago
God bless every single one of of you, you’re all hero’s ✊🏻
gudrun clarke
46 minutes ago
This is absolutely amazing. Just imagine we had governments like these wonderful people here. We could all lead happy, peaceful and fullfilled lives. I am so glad that this is so intelligently and peacefully organised and that the Canadians support this. You are a beacon of light in these dark times. This has got to succeed. This is the beginning of a better world. Thank you Canada.
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Carrie Wahab
2 hours ago
We are near Toronto and so so so proud of you guys for persevering peacefully!!!!!!!! Praying for you daily!!!!!!!!
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David Rodriguez
13 minutes ago
Let them know to be careful for Antifa or agents provocateurs trying to start trouble. Record, report, and expose everything. Support each other and your good leaders. May God bless
karlos the vulture mischeski
1 minute ago
All you need to do is to go help these brave Canadians….
Cassandra Scott
1 hour ago
I’m a UK citizen whose spent the last 15 years waking folk up to what’s really going on but it’s come to something when YT now recommends Canadian Trucker updates! My heart goes out to you all; sacrificing so much to give us back our rights/freedoms; I applaud everything you say here…
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Diamond Lou
Diamond Lou
1 hour ago
Right !!! I was surprised to see it also.
Keep it up.
Spread the word.
Stand in the name of Jesus !!!!
And our GOD given freedom , and they will fall before us like grass in the wind …
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49 minutes ago
Glad there seems to be some of you with some sense over there. I’m a gamer and play with a lot of people from the UK. I’ve not heard a single one of them question any of this shit, or even talk about their government. They just willingly show up and get the shot, and ignore and don’t want to talk about anything bad that happens to people concerning it. I refuse to let it effect my friendship with them tho, as they are good people and even support my decision to remain unvaccinated.
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Jerry Murray
24 minutes ago
DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO BE REPEATED: https://youtu.be/Sf-jqpVP9rY?t=6
2 hours ago
This protest will go down in history as a proper and effective protest. Hell, it might even one day be taught about in history books! And all that these protesters need to do is remain strong and hold thier composer.
All the truckers and other protesters in this Freedom Convoy are truly inspirational people!
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Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
7 hours ago
This is the most awe inspiring group of freedom fighters I’ve ever seen. The logistical sophistication is superior. Phenomenal communication. So proud of you.
1 hour ago
Me and everyone I know stands with you!! Don’t give up, blackouts, or arrests. At the end of the day they cannot charge anyone, and will be released.
Darcy Graham
1 hour ago
You inspire me and Canadians so much. We are praying without ceasing, wish we could be there in Ottawa with you.
Dave Palmatier
2 hours ago
God Bless the Patriots that Rise up and stand for Freedom and what’s Right!!! My Prayers are with all of you. I lost my mom 2 weeks ago and I have no Doubt that she would be here today had she not Gotten the 2 Jabs she got. She was a Great Mom and wife and Grandmother and is Missed terribly. The News Media and Doctors terrified her into getting the Jabs. She was one of the bravest persons I Know. But she was lied to!!!!
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Elena Yermolowa
Elena Yermolowa
1 hour ago
We all sympathize with you. Your struggle will not go unnoticed
Zanlee Kain
21 minutes ago
Please keep sharing. I am sorry for your loss, but maybe some one in a similar situation, will now choose to be better informed before deciding on the shots.
Pablo Herman
1 hour ago
This is historic! Canada staging the strongest and most peaceful protest in my life time. God bless!
1 hour ago
I don’t think people realize just how incredibly important this is. If this works, it will spread all over the world and help to end tyranny. If it fails, it may be the final blow to a free world.
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34 minutes ago
30 minutes ago
@HAPPILY EVER AFTER ENTERPRISES yes, but my point is if it fails in Canada, the movement will die
Ofra Peters
29 minutes ago
It can not fail , we can’t allow it , it must grow more , I hope more and more people
Will join , they are standing
For all of us ! …
Victoria Omdahl
14 minutes ago
They will succeed. If they get knocked down they will get right up and continue forward. Failure is not an option as you mentioned. The free world must win.
13 seconds ago
That is why the DS cannot let this happen. Trust these murderers? Your living in a dream world
Canadian Drifter
10 hours ago
That was excellent! The more we hear from the truckers, the more Canadians and the world sees how honourable and intelligent this group is. This preemptive meeting was a great idea! Very smart!
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ALLisOn e
ALLisOn e
9 hours ago
Much love and support to all freedom loving Canadian and American truckers!! You all are global heroes.. loved and respected!! Another 5 million on GIVESENDGO after getting robbed of 10 mil speaks volumes to the fact that we are NOT THE MINORITY!! Anyone who says so is an indoctrinated parrot, an imbecile, and a liar!!
God Bless you all and keep you safe and warm. 🇺🇸 ♥️ 🇨🇦
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Soft Silk
9 hours ago
✊♥️ Humanity
Mike Willett
9 hours ago
@ALLisOn e . Good! I hope Go Fund Me goes out of business.
Любовь Николаевна Коломейцева
8 hours ago
Мы в восхищении от ВАС, СОЛИДАРНЫ с Вами! Вы даёте надежду на победу над коро….. Бесием. Вы, молодцы! С уважением из России!
Terry Rideout
7 hours ago
God bless u
7 hours ago
These are bunch of 🤡 that 95% of the population does not agree with. Nothing intelligent about anything they are doing, they should just go home and stop bothering people with their nonsense.
Crazyel Cross
7 hours ago
Leftardinitis is a serious illness….When American Freedom Convoy🇺🇸_ ?
Chill Zone
7 hours ago
@Cyberfunk calm down cupcake
7 hours ago
Project much?
Julia Ennis
6 hours ago
@Cyberfunk and you are in this 5% of the population does agree with you. Get lost troll !
6 hours ago
@ArdentWolf_42 “Analysis: Majority of Canadians disagree with ‘freedom convoy’ on vaccine mandates and lockdowns”
“Our findings indicate that a majority of Canadians support most of the measures that have been employed by federal and provincial governments aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19.”
“Canadian Trucking Alliance condemns trucker protests”
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Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
6 hours ago
@Cyberfunk where did you get that figure? From the corrupt lying mainsteam media or press? Wake up you are a sad sorry deluded individual who wants to live in a totalitarian society. Do you need them to wipe your butt too while they tell you where you can live, what you can eat and what they want to put in your body to make you “comply”.
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6 hours ago
@Cyberfunk obviously the Canadian Trucking Alliance does NOT REPRESENT the majority of Truckers and obviously not the majority of humanity.
Positive Me
6 hours ago
Much Love and sending positive vibes. Love you all!!!!
alek k
6 hours ago
@Cyberfunk that’s exactly how we feel about you. Sit down and be quiet, the adults are talking
6 hours ago
@Cyberfunk Let me ask you a simple question, would you like to have freedom or be a bootlicker?
5 hours ago (edited)
@rsue62 Obviously because an ignorant antivaxxer thinks so? 85% of the truckers are vaccinated so I’ll go with what they actually say, not with your imaginations.
“The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is a federation of provincial trucking associations, representing the trucking industry across Canada.”
And the rest of the population does not agree with you either:
“The arrival of the self-styled “freedom convoy” in Ottawa this week has dominated headlines, but do the demonstrators represent the views
of most Canadians? When it comes to their stark opposition to government-imposed restrictions and vaccine mandates, research shows the protesters clearly represent a minority view — no matter how vocal they are. Most Canadians support government measures to help control the spread of COVID-19, according to our ongoing public opinion study.”
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5 hours ago
@alek k Adults aren’t the ones parking their trucks in the middle of the street and honking their horns like childish fools.
5 hours ago
@Cyberfunk Source please? Surprised you are actually listening to or reading something not put our by government or their minions. Don’t worry as a loyal supporter you will be one of the last ones to be enslaved but be ensured they will come for you too. I hope they are paying you well to be a purveyor of the garbage you spew.
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5 hours ago
@Cyberfunk I should have noticed sooner your image is one that promoted AI. THAT SAYS IT ALL!
Crystal Regan
4 hours ago
Canada has true Patriots.. You all are Awesome ♥️🇨🇦
Natalie Hutchison
4 hours ago
They been doing this!
Crystal Regan
4 hours ago
@Arts and Wild Woods Amen🙏
Dave Ruckert
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk But the BLM and Antifa RIOTS that left cities on fire are fine?
Devon Lato
4 hours ago
Anyone else notice there hasnt been one, NOT ONE reported case of covid19 as a result of tens of thousands gathered at these protests across canada?
Larry Stephenson
4 hours ago
You got the governor on the run what a little wos
Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! Youtube is more fiction then facts folks!!
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nick benning
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk are you? Cyberfuc really
Wow you know what 95% people are thinking 🤔
Well I know what one person is thinking about you.
nick benning
4 hours ago
Until they wake up
nick benning
4 hours ago
@alek k 👍 Love this reaction
Peggy Ivey
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk They are right! You are behind on the damage the jab can cause. This is a peacfull protest. Black lives matter is under investigation in many states in the US because they have gotten millions upon millions and have not showed where the money went.
Peggy Ivey
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk The vaccine does not work against Omicron! Dummy
Peggy Ivey
4 hours ago
@rsue62 Humanity, lol once you succumb and agree to do what ever you’re government says, you have opened Pandoras box.
Peggy Ivey
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk Lock downs do not work. Here in the US California has been strict on their covid mandates and they have more cases than Texas which has no mask mandates. California is the most populated state and Texas is the second most populated state. That’s a fact Jack.
Chuck Hudlim
4 hours ago
@Cyberfunk Yeah they’re unbiased!
Char Kibbie
3 hours ago
Thank you. This was what we needed. Your request is reasonable. Your explanation of your purpose and roles clear. It is my hope, my expectation, that the decision-making leaders will sit with you and discuss ( listen, talk, and compromise) so Canada can move forward. Freedom for Canadians!
Thanks to all the supporters and the public service rendered during this peaceful protest that has been ignored by the mainstream media.
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kathy de
3 hours ago
@Cyberfunk you are projecting, aren’t you?
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
1 hour ago
@Crazyel Cross not true.
This is not a left vs right thing. The mandates and restrictions are happening all over the world regardless of the colour of the governments. There are leftists doing that, “rightists” doing that, leftists not doing that and rightists not doing that. But on the whole ALL governments are imposing some sort of sh*t
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Mark XII
1 hour ago
I’d love to see a televised forum between “their” scientists and mainstream scientists and medical experts. Would be very interesting to see.
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Damion Manuel
Damion Manuel
1 hour ago (edited)
You quoted the wrong word. If you’re trying to be insulting then the first instance of ‘scientists’ should be quoted. I guess you’ll claim you’re more educated than me though because you’re a lefty.
David Rodriguez
3 minutes ago
This will not happen because it would expose fiser, CiDC, FDAi, and NIHi.
Season With Love
8 hours ago
I started crying when you introduced yourselves. This is the first time I’ve been brought to tears. Thank you so much for what you are all doing for us. I know you want to go home and deserve to be home.
View 3 replies
Gigi Hoffman
Gigi Hoffman
1 hour ago
This is the most hope so many of us have had in 2 years. Stay safe. Support always. Save our children!!!!
Ken Gardner
1 hour ago
Solid people, solid panel. May the Lord continue to be with you!
Jessie Juxtapose
1 hour ago (edited)
5:14 This is point in history that free countries get to show who they are and what they really believe in, both the people and the governmental leadership. Thank you guys for standing strong, not giving up, and staying peaceful!
Diana Autrey
1 hour ago
Love what you are doing!!! The world is listening and the world is watching! Stay strong and do NOT back down! My prayers are with all of you for protection and strength.🙏🙏🙏
2 hours ago
Last night I watched a police officer say he had never heard of Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum. A person must be living in a bubble not to have heard about this and what their goals are and it’s all documented on their own website!
Hide 3 replies
57 minutes ago
We are a socially engineered society… it’s sad but true! We need to wake up but it’s going to prove very challenging!
bob gauvin
37 minutes ago
He’s probably lying.
Awakened Angel
25 minutes ago
Sadly many people do live in a bubble. It’s our job to keep spreading awareness to all. 🙏🏻
12 hours ago
How many people got the vaccine out of fear of not being able to support themselves and their families based on the mandates for working. I would call that under duress and if any lawyer could correct me if I am wrong or confirm if I am right it would be appreciated
Marcel Irnie
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A Simpkin
A Simpkin
12 hours ago
It is; but this wicked agenda is worldwide and redefined the terms
12 hours ago
So many people i talked too did it to save there job or finish school
A D.
12 hours ago
100% , coercion is not concent!
12 hours ago
They can rent BOOSTER TOWERS for cell service, get around the block ??
Shane Carew
12 hours ago
Well said
It’s a blessing being an American.
12 hours ago
You are 100% correct. Most people here in the USA took the vaccine due to fear of job loss. SMH
Hare Krsna
11 hours ago
Not me everyone has a choice
Reijo Silvennoinen
11 hours ago
@RMR Or in order to travel, go to restaurants, pubs, movies etc.
A. Woodworth
11 hours ago
I did –
lisa mcdonald
11 hours ago
How many people researched the three main vaccines and made a choice to take the one they felt best about?
Many reasons for doing it to include being in the high risk category for a severe or deadly bout with Covid!
Or having a loved one in that category.
What are reason for not choosing one of three vaccines two of which are very well supported by dataas within the margin of safety to take.
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A. Woodworth
11 hours ago
Five at Five. Everywhere five at five.
Lizard Slayer 🦖
11 hours ago
@Reijo Silvennoinen selfish reasons ??? 🤔…🍻
Mina VanderLeest
11 hours ago
@Hare Krsna Yeah to keep working your job or not. That’s not a FREE choice.
Pualani Casey
11 hours ago
I got the J&J to keep my job. I’m a single mom with 3 kids. I was under duress, coercion, and felt horrible. I broke down and cried while getting it. I don’t think the lady knew what to do. But, she still delivered my injection.
Damian Mensch
11 hours ago
@Pualani Casey Under duress. give me a break you absolute snowflake. Just say you’re scared of needles.
Nancy Gagnon
11 hours ago
Its horrible what our own government has done to us…shame ! God have mercy on their souls!
Anonymous Hippopotamus
11 hours ago
I haven’t been vaxed but the majority of people I know have out of fear.
11 hours ago
Coercion its illegal and a lot of people went through it
Daniel Chiang
11 hours ago
I see this Covid-19 pandemic as a legalized corruption and legalized genocide.
11 hours ago
I was told by a lawyer its 265-3 of the criminal code
Reijo Silvennoinen
11 hours ago
@Lizard Slayer 🦖 How about the freedom to travel and to do whatever according to our charter of rights and freedoms? Currently I cannot do much since I did not get the toxic jab. Why would I want to play Russian roulette at the request of our totalitarian overlords? I think I know how black America prior to the ’60’s, say, felt … or like the Jews and anyone else opposing the Nazis in pre-war Germany. They had very similar and even identical restrictions. How can that be in this so-called modern age? We are cavemen again. Have we progressed outside the cave yet? It does not appear to be so. Think about it. “You will own nothing and be happy” – Klaus Schwab Maybe Klaus is right? I have nothing but I am happy regardless. LOL … However I bet Klaus still has his castle and other worldly belongings! How can that be? Do you think he (or Trudeau or any of our other “faithful leaders”) will give up any of their worldly weath for the “greater good”? Let me guess: “no”.
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Tony Markey
11 hours ago
The question is, when this is clearly illegal worldwide, why are the law firms not all over it like a rash. Jeez, they chase enough ambulances, yet this disgusting deliberately manufactured farce????? Predominately silence. A silence that speaks volumes……..
Linda Parker
11 hours ago
Trudeau and Sloly are war criminals!!! The military should be hauling these corrupt scumbags away from power to save Canada’s democracy and bring back the freedom they deserve!!!!!!
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Mariea frieden
11 hours ago
@lisa mcdonald the CEO of Pfizer said the first two shots did little if anything. His words not mine.
Half Nelson
11 hours ago
I stand with the Canadian truckers.
Fred Flintstone
11 hours ago
I was forced to get it or lose my job. This was 5 months ago now. I am also pretty badly injured because of it and I have had tests done and they show I do have multiple injuries to my arm I was injected in. They won’t recognize that it’s from the you know what but I know 100% it’s from the you know what. Now I have to suffer in extreme pain, I can’t even go out and shovel the snow, lifting a full gallon of milk with that arm I can’t do, meanwhile my other arm is completely fine. It’s disgusting what the government is doing. Even though I am fully vaccinated right now, I strongly support this freedom protest. I see the Conservative party is starting to stand up for us, but every other party especially the liberals still won’t acknowledge this peaceful protest and won’t stop replying with every question asked of them about the inappropriate flags, and dancing, what was probably paid for by them to hire fake protestors to make us look bad. I literally can’t take this anymore. My mental and now even my physical health is suffering and I can’t go on like this anymore and yet the government calls me a white surpresistst, calls me a terrorist, calls me racist, calls me many other things and not just me but all of us. This is disgusting.
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Anthony Pettie
11 hours ago
I got vaccinated out of concern for the health and safety of my children. I figured if I got sick or heavens forbid died, I don’t even want to imagine what they would go through. It wasn’t duress, they even asked me a ton of questions before even allowing me to get one. They answered all my questions and even asked me if I had and concerns or if there was anything I was not sure of. My workplace also does not have forced vaccinations.
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Willi G
11 hours ago
@Hare Krsna so how do you feed your children? In Canada, if you refuse the jab, you are also exempt from any assistance from the government.
Lydia McLaughlin
11 hours ago
my brother and my nephew.
Marta Rogers
11 hours ago
@RMR they wouldn’t refund students who decided to put their education on hold, because they “chose” to not comply.
11 hours ago
@Pualani Casey That is heart breaking 💔 You did what you had to do as a mother, but we will never forgive those that did this to you and countless millions of others. They must pay!
11 hours ago
@Willi G This is a big point. Trudeau’s government changed the laws so that people laid off for refusing the jab could not collect unemployment insurance that they’ve paid into all their working lives. Scumbags, one and all…
Fred Flintstone
11 hours ago
@Pualani Casey I am sorry what happened to you. The same thing happened to me, I had to get it or lose my job. I cried during my first one and second one I was right pissed off. I knew my body was being violated without my concent. I now have multiple severe injuries with my arm what’s showing up on tests I got done and now I can’t even do simple tasks like shovel the snow, or lift a gallon of milk with that arm. It’s disgusting that we have to suffer and we get no compensation and yet we are still called names like terrorists for standing up for freedom.
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Fulguro Geek
11 hours ago
I did not want the vaccine but to be able to stay helthy and be able to the gym for my health im forced to take a vaccine. This pandemic is real, but is nowhere near as desastrous as they want us to think it is.
Tina Zech
11 hours ago
Prime Minister is a disgrace yet he supports BLM! 👿🤡
robert l
11 hours ago
@Damian Mensch This message brought to you by Pfizer.
Barrington Smith
11 hours ago
@Mina VanderLeest I call it BLACKMAIL
Maria \palmer
11 hours ago
@Anthony Pettie . If your children are healthy why the need to protect your children? Children are hardly affected by covid .
11 hours ago (edited)
@Damian Mensch you’re a disgrace to freedom…. you don’t deserve liberty.
You have no right, nor understanding… yours is coming… have fun
11 hours ago
Politicians use the police force taxpayers are paying, for themselves.
11 hours ago
💥it’s time for doctors to step up , everyone else is putting their livelihood on the line too.
💥it’s time for police to decide are they going to follow orders like the yatzis or gas their citizens
💥it’s time for any politicians/mayors to step up and make their voices heard.
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Primmakin Sofis
11 hours ago
@lisa mcdonald What are reason for not choosing one of three vaccines two of which are very well supported by dataas within the margin of safety to take.
Well-supported? Let me ask you a very simple question:
What is the five-year safety record of any of the COVID vaccines?
You can’t answer that question. NO ONE can. Why? Because that data does NOT exist. It CANNOT exist, because these vaccines have only been in widespread use for a year. And long-term data — i.e. multiple years — matters, as the sorry examples of Thalidomide and Vioxx make abundantly clear. It usually takes SEVEN to TWELVE YEARS for a vaccine to be fully approved and put into widespread use.
Perhaps you are willing to take a chance there are no long-term, e.g. three-year or five-year or seven-year, negative health effects that short-term trials can never reveal, but I’m not. Especially because I remember the all too numerous examples of pharmaceutical products that turn out to have unexpected deleterious long-term effects.
Then add to that, if you were harmed by a COVID vaccine, and even if you could prove that 100%, the manufacturers cannot be held legally liable. How much would you trust a product for which the creator cannot be held legally responsible in the case of harmful effects? You should be concerned about this.
All of the foregoing is just the beginning. It doesn’t touch upon the actual data showing that COVID was never the threat to the large majority of Canadians that it was made out to be, as the data made abundantly clear, even way back in March and April of 2020. I could cite numerous examples of said data, data which comes from THE GOVERNMENT ITSELF.
But I hope the answer I have given to your question will suffice for the moment.
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Primmakin Sofis
11 hours ago
@VLP Toronto police have largely been mayor John Tory’s hired goons for some time now. Seems to be the case in Calgary too.
Primmakin Sofis
11 hours ago
@Damian Mensch <—- probably thinks 50% of COVID cases end up hospitalized 14 David Bannerman 10 hours ago I got mine to lesson a possible killer virus for myself and to be socially responsible. That is what Canada used to he. #theselfishconvoy 2 Hillbilly Heart 10 hours ago (edited) @Anthony Pettie so you don’t know what’s in the jab, were not offered the ingredient list, and gave informed consent? No, you didn’t. You accepted a medical experiment willingly because you were somehow able to justify the risks. That’s your decision…but it wasn’t informed consent. I am not willing to do that. I have RSD and should my T cells or spike protein levels alter, my RSD will create an inflammatory response…probably hundreds of times worse than my RSD does on random days during flares. It WILL kill me. My doctor HAS to know the ingredients to safeguard my health due to this. They want 55-75 years before providing that. Hysterical…and quite illegal if they’re stating anyone gave informed consent. Even if you don’t feel affected by what I’ve just shared-many are. To safeguard one, we must safeguard all and make sure we truly have ALL the info. Without it there cannot be “informed consent” legal,y. Read more 22 Ray Capararo 10 hours ago I was one of those who got the jab (no jab no work) 4 Sissy Brooks 10 hours ago @Pualani Casey Sue the government. 5 c.j Johns 10 hours ago @It’s a blessing being an American. I would walk off the highest paying job before I would comply and one reason alone, I know that when you give in the demands start to come back to back and its never ending 18 Primmakin Sofis 10 hours ago @David Bannerman Question for you: how does COVID rank as a killer as compared to other causes of death in Canada in 2020? Do you know? That question can be easily answered by looking at Statistics Canada’s mortality data for 2020. You have done that, right? You have looked at the source data for yourself, right? You don’t just blindly trust whatever some talking head on the six o’clock news says, do you? And as to lowering the risk, you have looked at the data for yourself to quantify how much that risk was lowered, yes? Unfortunately, Canada is lackluster in this area in terms of data; Ontario used to be good but has slipped in recent weeks (although the small sample sizes mean the results are subject to fluctuations). Italy’s data is quite good; the age ranges are a little broad, but still useful, and the sample sizes are very large, meaning the results are more statistically meaningful. Have you ever looked at any of that data for yourself? It’s freely and publicly available online. Read more 22 Mark Bowden 10 hours ago If you pierce someone’s skin, that’s a wound, if you pierce someone’s skin intentionally that’s wounding with intent, and if they subsequently die that’s murder. The corporations are murdering us but they cannot be held accountable because they are above the law and do not shoulder liabilities personally. There has been a corporate coup d’etat within public office and within the public institutions, rendering them unfit for purpose and a threat to normal life. This is war, make no mistake. Never give up, Canada. We are with you. Sending support from the UK 🇬🇧 Read more 24 Streamylc 10 hours ago (edited) @David Bannerman lessen*… “Lessen a possible killer virus.”, you say? Have you done research on that as of late? Selfish? Is that YOUR thoughts? ❤ Or are you parroting something you read in a headline? Read more 19 raife t 10 hours ago I have not gotten the vax, nor will i get the vax. 22 Kevin Scromeda 10 hours ago Nope, 90% of the people who got the vaccine got it because VACCINES SAVE LIVES and we are in a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY and we care about our fellow citizens and don’t want to spread a deadly contagious virus. slowfinger2 10 hours ago @Tony Markey Because law is what protects criminal governments, who are mostly made up of lawyers. 8 Alex Tanguay 10 hours ago Countless people..I’ve been lucky I work from home so I didn’t need to give in to the jab 8 Любовь Николаевна Коломейцева 10 hours ago @Mariea frieden ну они экспериментируют на вас! 14 A MGTOW Monk 10 hours ago @lisa mcdonald did you ask the one question most forget. Search criminal history of Pfizer, moderna and j&j they couldn’t even get baby powder right. 23 c.j Johns 10 hours ago @Streamylc I second that 2 Alex Tanguay 10 hours ago @Anonymous Hippopotamus or for me people I know just didn’t want to wait out the vax passport to be lifted. It’s been challenging to only be limited to malls and barbershops lol 1 Douglas Carlson 10 hours ago (edited) @A Simpkin The world must know who Trudeau answers to – the World Economic Forum its lunatic founder. 16 Primmakin Sofis 10 hours ago @raife t Same here. I never get the annual flu vaccine, so why would I get a COVID vaccine? (I was also highly skeptical of the COVID narrative right from the start. I knew early on about Tedros of the WHO and his ties to Communist China; I knew early on how the cruise ship data did not jibe with those claiming a potential new Spanish Flu. The whole thing just didn’t add up. And when I started digging into the source data for myself, and quickly finding out that what that source data said was very different from what the news media and politicians and public health officials said the data said, I knew something was rotten in the state of Denmark, to borrow a Shakespearean phrase.) Read more 18 rolandrockstar mega 10 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda and you can get it and still spread it you genius. Hope you got your boosters!!! 17 c.j Johns 10 hours ago @David Bannerman because you were fooled and couldn’t dare think for yourself, hopefully you wont regret it, but if your willing to stand against the choices and freedom of others I promise you will regret that 16 Alex Tanguay 10 hours ago @Willi G you can’t get EI if your unvaxxed? 3 Primmakin Sofis 10 hours ago @Sissy Brooks In many cases, you can’t, because of sovereign immunity (i.e. the government absolving itself of any legal liability). 5 Charmain B 10 hours ago The majority of people I know only vaccinated so they can keep their jobs and travel. 3 David Lang 10 hours ago I had to get it so I didn’t lose my job Chicago Illinois 1 A MGTOW Monk 10 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda do you even know that in one square meter of air there are approximately 800 billion micro and nano particles ranging from mold spores bacteria and phages single cell organisms and viruses then multiply that by the size of this world. There is no escaping such things the only thing to do is live a full and healthy life but no one is guaranteed tomorrow. Fear will kill you faster than any viruses could. Read more 17 c.j Johns 10 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda your stupidity isn’t contagious is what helps me sleep at night 10 David Lang 10 hours ago I chose Moderna after a lot of research I didn’t want it at all though Jeff Pippins 10 hours ago I did. c.j Johns 10 hours ago @A MGTOW Monk your whipping a dead horse this person probably wears cloth over their mouth thinking its wise 4 Willi G 10 hours ago (edited) @Alex Tanguay yes, Carla Qualltrough, employment minister, reannounced this fact January 1st…nice way to rrring in the new year. We are living in a country where our government is ok if you and your children starve to death if you don’t agree to a still experimental vax. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Trudeau. 12 Streamylc 10 hours ago (edited) @Kevin Scromeda you have statistics you can share to support that? The support you thought you had is quickly disappearing. 9 Любовь Николаевна Коломейцева 10 hours ago @Fred Flintstone Пожалуйста, не отчаивайтесь. Всё НОРМАЛЬНЫЕ И ДОБРЫЕ Люди за ВАС!!! 7 Elle K 10 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda One thing I’ve clearly noticed from the day these truckers decided to protest is that people have a hard time staying on topic. It’s like they hear but refuse to listen and understand. This is not an anti-vaccine protest. This is an anti-mandates protest, meaning they are protesting the official order to do something (in this case receive vaccination) without which they face extreme consequences (i.e: lose their livelihood + the government’s financial support while they are out of a job for refusing to comply). Why should one loose the ability to provide food for their families over vaccination? This is where the coercion lies. They seek freedom of choice: if one willingly decides to vaccinate, great! If the one refuses, it is ok too. Instead there can be reasonable compromises: pcr testing, being an example. Again, why should a pregnant woman who is ready to go on maternity leave be forced to take the vaccine or lose her job? So far, these mandates are irrational and inhumane. The cost benefit analysis does not make any sense. People are dying from suicide and overdoses, children are experiencing speech delays, we saw a surge in feminicide at the beginning of this, businesses are losing everything, medical doctors are seeing a surge in still births, the nation is divided and adopting violent rhetoric, thanks to Justin Trudeau. It’s pat the time to rethink these mandates nation-wide! Read more 17 Kali99 10 hours ago I had been doing research on thencabal and NWO for years. I knew right away in Mach 2020 that something fishy was going on. I did not comply drom the start. Refused travelling minority report style. I had to quarantine 2 weeks with my mom who returned from Europe. It fet so 1984. The police could come and check on you anytime to see you were home. Most people I know who got vaxxed is because thye thought it would protect them. Or they thought it was a righteous things to do. Read more 6 Kevin Scromeda 9 hours ago @rolandrockstar mega I have had my booster. And 90+% of vaccinated people who do get it do not need to be hospitalized/overwhelm the health care system/die. I hope you don’t crash you truck and get turned away from a hospital or have to wait 8+ hours in an emergency room because it’s clogged with unvaccinated idiots. Read more Richard Beau Dangles 9 hours ago @Fulguro Geek , then just don’t go to that gym, you can work out somewhere else, hell you might not know but you don’t even have to pay a corporation to do so 4 rockjockchick 9 hours ago Definitely under duress. Text book definition. 6 rockjockchick 9 hours ago @lisa mcdonald what about all the other treatment options available? Why are they not being promoted when they have even better safety data and higher effectiveness? 3 out of israel including a nose spray A medical gum that blocks it 95% And others too? Read more 9 Doctor Drywall Original 9 hours ago Duress and extortion. 9 Anthony Pettie 8 hours ago @Hillbilly Heart You clearly are not well informed on the issue of vaccines in general as the ‘ingredients’ as you call them or Medical Contents as they are generally referred to are pretty common knowledge for the most part and physicians are happy to inform you of anything you are curious about. Sad to hear about your condition but vulnerability to extreme propaganda and doubt campaigns is a huge factor. mRNAs have been under development for over 30 years already. I’ve been vaccinated against dozens of diseases and am totally fine. I have dozens of family members who were vaccinated and they are totally 100% fine. It’s not just a matter of ‘Somehow’ Justifying it. Seeing hundreds of employees at my own workplace vaccinated and not dying is a pretty awesome motivator. Read more Anthony Pettie 8 hours ago @Maria \palmer As I explained. If I die, they are without a parent. It’s protecting them in more than one way. It’s an oversight of the narrowminded or those without foresight. I have a family member for instance with COPD. Anything I can do to prevent them from getting ill is also critical. puredjskaraoke 8 hours ago @David Bannerman you’ve been lied to and fooled. 4 Rebeccablackford7794 8 hours ago The very definition of being under duress! Absolutely 💯 5 Anthony Pettie 7 hours ago @Rebeccablackford7794 You literally have the choice to say no. It’s not Duress. It’s a matter of people being fooled into doubt. Don’t want it? Don’t get it. Plain and simple. 1 alan carre 7 hours ago @Anthony Pettie That’s the way it’s supposed to work. And that’s all the truckers are asking for. Informed consent. You know, a vaccine is supposed to be about health. Not power and control. Also, your medical history is supposed to be private. Which is why I deleted my vax pass. Nobody has the right to ask me about my health in order to go somewhere. Ever been asked if you have herpes in order to get into a bar? Because that’s the sort of thing coming next. Read more 9 Lizard Slayer 🦖 7 hours ago @Reijo Silvennoinen don’t get mad 😠 I’m on your side and the names you mentioned are being taken care of !!! 🍻👍 Lizard Slayer 🦖 7 hours ago @Linda Parker Trudeau is more than a war criminal !!! 🤔 Children 🤔 Clinton foundation 🤫 5 Lizard Slayer 🦖 7 hours ago @Barrington Smith I call it 🌚 JJ Jenneson 7 hours ago @tigereded Exactly it coersive abuse 5 Adam Ioppolo 6 hours ago @lisa mcdonald lol. Nobody wants it cause it isn’t a vaccine doesn’t do what they say it does and thei desperation to get it in everyone even kids should be your hint something is very wrong 8 Adam Ioppolo 6 hours ago @Damian Mensch yep needles with a substance that doesn’t do what they say it does and that’s a fact not conspiracy. So what’s in it that they are so desperate for everyone to have it in them. Guess you’ll find out the hard way. The govt and big pharma would never lie to us right? 9 Rebeccablackford7794 6 hours ago when your given the ultimatum of loosing your job or take a shot that is experimental? That’s being put under duress. Bottom line 10 Arts and Wild Woods 6 hours ago Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL 3 Rebeccablackford7794 6 hours ago @Anthony Pettie look up the definition… 1 melanin botswana 6 hours ago @Anthony Pettie your employers are good people wish other employers would not force their employees this vaccines 2 Katherine Richards 6 hours ago The young people will be the most harmed by the regression society has fallen so far to make a few richer 7 BruinsCeltsBosoxBills 6 hours ago You re a 100 percent correct!!!!! Then Tru-dope brags about “ how many Canadians are vaxxed like it s this big unified front. 5 Hugo 6 hours ago My wife got it just so we can still take the kids to their swimming lessons. Almost gave in to pressure but now I feel things will change. 1 Laitha Lewis 6 hours ago These are all “DEVIL” Leaders World Wide Work of to Destroy the Human population in this beautiful world…Hope & Pray this “HORRIBLE WORK” will come to an end soon..Let people living in this whole world peacefully. 1 Spikes Girl 6 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda sweetie you got jabed thinking you were protected and went out didn’t you? So this not being the case you probably spread the virus worse because you thought you couldn’t get it or give it. This shot does nothing but maybe decrease your symptoms. 8 Crabby R 6 hours ago @Damian Mensch A needle is just a device that most people have experienced in their life, perhaps its the contents that disturb them 8 alek k 6 hours ago @Primmakin Sofis awesome points. I will point out somwthing else that people tend to forget, that pfizer was made to pay out the largest bailout in world history not even a decade ago, to the tune of 1.6 billion dollars, for false marketing and advertising for their products. Yet now we trust them implicitly? J and J is being sued for producing carcinogenic baby powder, all while they own one of the only companies that produce the very expensive drug that treats the very rare leukemia caused by their baby powder. I’m supposed to tryst these companies without any long term trial data? Ya, no. Read more 10 Anthony Pettie 6 hours ago @Rebeccablackford7794 I did. The issue is, it doesn’t fit. Because you have the choice and I actually have gone to get a vaccine. I have seen the sheet and had them provide the information document. They do their best to inform you of everything. If you need to be handheld and told every drop of what is in it, you should be bitching about the Flu vaccines. Fun fact, they plan to make a blanket flu shot using an mRNA so that they won’t have to guess what strands will be out. Informed Consent is legal term and you sign the vaccine consent form for informed consent. If you don’t sign it, its not consent. If you read the line about if you have had adverse side effects from other vaccines, that is because it is basically identical to other vaccines with the only exception being they inject a messenger protein instead of an inert virus. Its actually really cool and interesting the things they have been doing with mRNA for the past 30 years before vaccines. Read more kubasniak 6 hours ago @Damian Mensch it’s duress from having no choice. Coercion is not consent. You really are that hard in the head? 5 C G 6 hours ago @Mariea frieden Most likely, the initial shots were just to get you used to complying. Just my humble opinion. 4 Anthony Pettie 6 hours ago @melanin botswana Courts have ruled though that employers can make it an employment requirement. I personally am pro choice on it and torn on the concept of jobs making them mandatory. Health care, military, or police? Sure. Most jobs its not really necessary. ERNEST MARTEL 6 hours ago FACT; former graduates of the World Economic Forums Global Leaders school; Justin Trudeau. Chrystia Freeland [Trudeau’s 2nd in command], Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair.. Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria, Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens, California Governor Gavin Newsom…the list goes on and on. And we’re accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists…that’s why they all repeat the same mantra of; ‘build back better’ and the ‘new normal’ …it’s because they’re all on the same page working together to implement the globalist WEF’s globalist ‘Great Reset’ Read more 10 Mercy Salvation 6 hours ago @lisa mcdonald In times past you would be correct. However, science has been hijacked by politics and the media is complicit, therefore making “research” nearly impossible. Further, the clinical trials are being conducted on the citizenry in real time. There hasn’t been enough time to conduct actual double blind studies. The world population was treated to a fear campaign first and the lies continue. But the authorities have got away with the power grabs in an unbelievable fashion. Common sense is sorely needed. Read more 6 Hillbilly Heart 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie I get your last name now 3 Mercy Salvation 5 hours ago @Damian Mensch There’s always a self righteous jackass in the crowd. You won the title. 6 Genchaos 9 5 hours ago @lisa mcdonald humans have never taken mRNA shots before in history. This is a human experiment with no long term data because you are the experiment. 12 Jetta.Silence 5 hours ago (edited) How many got the H1N1/sars jabs etc or any of the previous vaccines. How many get the flu shot. I thought this was about having a choice. Not saying one group of people are better than another for having the vaccine or not. Some have taken it believe it or not because they wanted to. Oh just to clarify this does not mean i stand by Trudeau because he has already proven through two scandals( WE organization scandal and not showing for the aboriginal peoples residential school gathering) that he is not fit to run a country. Funny not one person of colour here in this group. Read more 1 Lynn Payne 5 hours ago How many people put on seatbelts only because they are mandated? That is illegal restraint. I mean it’s a 99% chance you won’t get in a crash. Your a great driver and it should be your choice, not the governments . You truckers need to stand up for that. Also, why can’t you just go shop barefoot at the supermarket? How dare you be starved out for not putting on foot covering. Cut the soles out of a pair of trainers ad go in anyway. Freedom! Read more Justine Marie 5 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda vaccinated are just as likely to transmit the virus as unvaccinated. So, not only are you not protecting anybody, you were actually coerced into causing injury to yourself, with long-term effects as yet unknown. 11 Iceman 5 hours ago (edited) I lost my job December 31st due to these mandates. I would not comply to this dictatorship regime. I refuse to be a bootlicker..no thanks. My heart goes out to our Patriot Truckers and Canadians who are standing for freedom and sovereignty. In conclusion: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL 👊💥🇨🇦🇺🇲💥👊 Read more 8 starlooker 5 hours ago @It’s a blessing being an American. Here in Australia too. Myself included, I feel like I have poison inside me now! 4 alek k 5 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda again, your source data is compromised at best. Try looking at statistics canada or the cdc, and the data from europe. Also, prove that the vaccine makes the symptoms less severe. I challenge you to prove that, because logically, you can’t test the same person for a vaccinated AND an unvaccinated response to the virus. Just stop and think about it for a moment, let it sink in. Read more 7 alek k 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie an awesome motivator to advocate for the removal of rights from people you disagree with? An awesome motivator to watch governments set a precedent For how much control they have over our bodies? Are you pro life too, or do you support the right to choose? Do you support medical apartheid? Read more 3 Mercy Salvation 5 hours ago @David Bannerman You have NO idea of any long term side effects of a rushed shot (It isn’t an actual vaccine!). You trusted a political movement to take more power, not scientific proof. Most people are motivated by fear, you’re one of many, sadly. 5 alek k 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie and then what? No access to most businesses, activities, schools, food, healthcare, and you call this a choice? Are you really that stupid? That is literally the definition of coercion, which is legally force. Your ignorance is no excuse for advocating for the removal of others rights. 7 Justine Marie 5 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda the hospitals are filled with vaccinated as much as unvaccinated, so stuff it. 8 Justine Marie 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie “No jab; no job” is not giving someone a choice – it’s coercion, plain and simple. 5 Mercy Salvation 5 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda You have NO idea if the shots save lives or if the statistic you cited is factual. You are brainwashed and are parroting the power hungry authorities. Pathetic. 3 Lydia Sinclair 5 hours ago Our employer told us that if we didn’t get it we would be put as work from home part time staff. We would lose our benefits and if they could find a replacement that could work in the office full time they would not hold our position. We had to sign a declaration stating we either were or were not and if they found out we lied on our declaration we would be terminated. I work for one of the largest companies in Canada. I could not afford to lose my job as I live alone and pay for everything on my own and help out my son and his family. He lost his job very early in the plan dems iick! Read more 3 alek k 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie so we just ignore the complete lack of adequate medical trials and the active obfuscation of the safety data of what little trials they did do? Ignore the active suppression of VAERS data by physicians and politicians? You go ahead, but it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself most of all. Read more 4 Anthony Pettie 5 hours ago @alek k That whole comment is pretty loaded. I am 100% on freedom of choice if you are trying to imply the abortion debate which has already been passed by parliament. The medical apartheid comment is just load of crap. Its a concept that one person coined to argue their own narrative about issue such as the Vaccines claiming they are injections and not vaccines. This is not a medical document, its a language document trying to reword things in a way that is convoluted and creates a smokescreen to distract from the actual rights and laws as per all the Acts and Bills in place. Many of these have existed for a long time and well over 80% of Canadians have accepted this. Its only those who subscribe to far right trumpist/ppc propaganda and disinformation go follow this. Canada has always been a very socially advanced country and provides many civil liberties. Read more alek k 5 hours ago @Jetta.Silence are you really trying to bring race into the discussion? What place does it have? Or are you another troll. Amazing to me how suddenly race matters SOO much to people like you 2 alek k 5 hours ago @Lynn Payne it seems we have found another person who only opens their mouth to exchange feet. 2 Anthony Pettie 5 hours ago @ERNEST MARTEL Probably because you spout crazy conspiracy theories like that. Maybe you should stop listening to Facebook and actually look up the Global Leader Program. Yes Program, not school. Get your head out of Trump and Bernier’s asses long enough and you might see the inconsistencies in those theories. 0 actual substantiated proof. Only accusations. Read more DP Handkins 5 hours ago (edited) @lisa mcdonald if you get a virus and you’re vaccinated against that virus, it means the vaccine didn’t work. At first they were saying, these are break through cases. Now that they can’t hide the fact that the vaccinated are spreading the virus at a higher rate than non vaccinated. This vaccine went from, get the shot, it will save your loved ones life. To now, it won’t stop you from spreading the virus but, it will lessen your symptoms. So, based in that, if i dont care about my symptoms, why would you or anyone else care? But hey, keep telling everyone it’s safe and effective without having all the research, which would include the trial data, that they are dragging their feet on releasing. Yeah, safe and effective my ass! Read more 6 Mercy Salvation 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie You should speak to an actual inventor of the mRNA’s has to say, he would make mincemeat out of your UNPROVEN assertions. You’re just another know nothing, self righteous wind bag. 4 Truth Be Told 5 hours ago But they have prepared for that, they knew it so they made laws that said you can’t sue. Welcome to authoritarianism. 3 Justine Marie 5 hours ago @Anthony Pettie to say you agree with “my body; my choice” when it comes to abortion, but not when it comes to an injection which its long-term effects are unknown, is not only hypocritical, it’s the penultimate form of ignorance. I support individual freedom of choice. Period. And, oh BTW, I voted for Biden; voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016 primaries, so stop making this about “right vs. left” when it’s about “liberty vs. blind indoctrination.” Read more 5 Anthony Pettie 5 hours ago @Justine Marie Freedom of Choice is not Freedom from Consequence. It depends on the nature of the job and such. flightless butterfly 5 hours ago @Fred Flintstone My mother-in-law has experienced the exact same thing. Her jabbed arm hurts constantly and she has little movement. Still she planned to get her booster in the injured one so at least she still has the other to do chores. Can you believe it? I asked why she would even consider another? Fear of the omicron variant. Media must pay for what they have done to all of us. Read more 4 FrenchCanuck79 5 hours ago @Alex Tanguay I think if you refuse the jab they see it as voluntarily leaving your job. And that means no EI usually. Although it’s coercion, not real choice. But the laws have been rewritten for that. (That’s what I think but I may be wrong) Mike Veledian 5 hours ago 100% accurate Idid 5 hours ago @Hare Krsna yeah a choice between being able to eat or not. Not much of a choice… 1 Sam Williamson 5 hours ago @Damian Mensch no not the needle but what was in it that she was afraid of. 3 A S 5 hours ago @lisa mcdonald Here are some reasons: They have not been proven safe. There are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions being reported such as blood clots and other clotting disorders, myocarditis and pericarditis, autoimmune diseases, numerological diseases, etc. There have been no long term studies done on the vaccines, because there hasn’t been enough time. We have no idea how the people who took the vaccines will affect people 5 or 10 years down the line. They are not vaccines. They are a drug that stimulates your body to make the spike protein that is supposedly in COVID. It is exactly this spike protein that causes the damage to people. It also doesn’t work. You can still contract and spread COVID even if you’ve been “vaccinated”. And it’s a lie that the majority of severe cases or deaths are in those who haven’t been vaccinated. A lie. Why are people who haven’t taken the “vaccine” being punished for the fact that it doesn’t work? Read more 5 Anthony Pettie 4 hours ago @alek k You mean the alleged issues. They did less trials but larger trials to accelerate the process. Not cut corners. Unless you would rather see them do it how did in 1918 with Spanish flu. Medical science is more advanced than it was 100 years ago. Its much quicker to make a vaccine. As for safety data, issues only exist if you ignore all the data. Vaccines have existed for over 100 years and mRNA has been used in other areas of medicine and researched for over 30 years. Besides Canada literally allows you to be compensated for any serious vaccine side effects which currently there have been 6 claims and 0 passed as 4 were missing information and 2 were based on common side effects. Sure we had 1 vaccine death out of over 70 million doses. The misinformation campaign tells you not to trust anything but them so you only get 1/3 of the story. You get theirs but miss the official reports and those from a neutral party. Read more Mariea frieden 4 hours ago @C G and to make those bastards an absolute fortune. Phamily Pharms 4 hours ago You are correct and we will gather those involved . NUREMBERG 2.0 1 James Fehr 4 hours ago @Damian Mensch or perhaps it’s what’s in the needle… think a little. 1 Educate Yourself 4 hours ago Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! YouTube is more fiction then facts folks!! Read more 1 Loah 4 hours ago Blow up this comment guys!!!!!! 1 RC Jabroni yup 4 hours ago @Damian Mensch She popped out 3 kids doubt she scared of a needle. C’mon man 2 Наталья Филиппова 4 hours ago @Reijo Silvennoinen вы очень правильно сказали. 1 Kimberley Jane 4 hours ago @Pualani Casey Yes. Many people cried and felt coerced. This wasnt a choice. Now we have the convoy. It is our individual duty to refuse all use of vax pass, for work home and play. Help to hold the line. As with the police officers who support could all choose to just not show up to work!! Everyone needs guts now. Read more 2 Katalina S 4 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda your ignorance is showing 2 namtr0 4 hours ago @Marcie unlikely. If they black out like here in us it’s not by shutting down towers but by signal jammers and they would jam the boosters as well. Also know ant1fa accounts on Twitter are talking of disabling trucks and spreading information and cataloging all trucks information. It’s not just the police they need to be aware of. Read more 3 Brad Blowers 4 hours ago That’s the problem is so many did it out of fear! I lost my state job over this. I would not back down! I know it’s hard but imagine if all of us stood are ground. Where would we be now? Instead thousands gave in and had no back bone! It’s not to late though if you don’t agree with the mandates do something about it! Walk off all your jobs and tell them you will be back when they pull there heads out of there ass. That’s the only way we will gain ground Read more 3 andria blue 4 hours ago @lisa mcdonald im an “at risk” person with multiple organ dysfunction and I do NOT want a vaxx. I have had numerous negative atypical reactions to medications and some surgical procedures. I had ‘Rona and it was a sniffle with extreme tiredness, soreness and my sense of smell and taste were a bit OFF. Not gone just OFF. I’m alive and well. Ill take my chances with nature over chemicals. My organ dysfunction was caused by being over medicated. I asked ” is it normal for a 20 something yro to be on soooo many antibiotics in such a short time?” Ahhh ur fine, u just have bad luck, or hypochondria, or ugh ur a med seeking drug addict! Those assertions came after I had multiple boyts of illness and excruciating symptoms. I demanded an actual diagnosis and I was treated like I was crazy. That was 15 years ago. I wouldn’t trust the 💩 theyre pushing today. I take NO CHEMICALS not even additives in my food and I’m better off today in my 40’s than I was in my 20’s. Dont believe the hype about vaxx efficacy. Theres American Congressional hearings with Ron Johnson and Jim Jordan and they allow testimony from vaxx damaged individuals. Watch those and see how “safe & effective” these “meds” are. The fact that censorship and loss of licensing of med professionals for using different treatments is disturbing and criminal. Propaganda is criminal. We have all been affected by these wrong doings. Its time to kick the crazies to the curb and demand our free will be respected. Read more 4 Katalina S 4 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda Smh wow you’re completely brainwashed by msm propaganda. Go to a few hospitals and see for yourself. 2 andria blue 3 hours ago @Mariea frieden Pfizer has also paid THE MOST in criminal fines for BAD ILLEGAL practices yet theyre still working and profiting. That’s more allowances and freedom for citizens that haven’t poisoned their fellow citizen. 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie u r lucky and made that decision for urself. Ive seen video made by the wife of a man that had a sign on his chest saying “I do not want this but I will lose my job. I do this under extreme duress. I feel forced. Work or lose all I worked for to provide my family. He told the nurse giving the injection he didn’t want it. She shot him up bc he sat still. U had a “compassionate” propagandist. I know of a nurse that was jabbed, got really sick for 2 weeks, she had NO PROBLEM lying to recipients saying incidents of reaction are minimal and said its totally safe. Read more 3 andria blue 3 hours ago @Fulguro Geek u feel u have to, that is perception. Not reality. U have to agree to it sit still and take it. No one is tackling us to shove it in. Its still a choice. The options, stand up for urself and the consequences are exile from public life, or sit there and take it, u can participate in life as WE PERMIT U TO DO SO. REMEMBER WE LET U DO WHAT U DO. U NO LONGER THINK FOR URSELF. Self defense will get u sent to a gulag. Compliance gets u chronic illness or loss of self respect, but hey at least someone is saying ur stamped for approval…. until they say u need another jab to maintain approved status. Read more 2 kathy de 3 hours ago About half a year ago I question my friends and members of my group on meet up. Majority said they got vaxed either because “I wanted to do my part” (that’s what’s the media propaganda started with) or because” I wanted to keep my job” Nearly no one was telling me that they got vaxed “because vax will prevent me from getting the illness”. Read more 6 andria blue 3 hours ago @David Bannerman free will and self determination is selfish? Standing up for bodily autonomy and freedom of choice is selfish? Standing up for freedom to engage in travel, commerce andvhuman interaction with government oversight permitting and tracking citizens is SELFISH? Ur part of the problem NOT the solution. Bolshevicks are NOT socially responsible, cooperative or amicable to their fellow citizen. They upend the current order to bring about chaos which introduces a NEW ORDER. U believe in the “new” normal, the rest of us reject the imposition of tyrannical insanity. Read more 4 FalseMediaAssassin 3 hours ago Support the truckers watch them live daily on these channels…. Connor Desnoyers, MACHINES EVERYWHERE, VIVA FREi, Ottawalks 3 andria blue 3 hours ago @c.j Johns EXACTLY these people will never be fully vaxxed enuf to satiate those forcing us into these situations 3 Anthony Pettie 3 hours ago @andria blue Hey Andria. I appreciate you providing some actual information. These stories, the one with the old man sounds false but I will look it up to confirm as if you say no they are supposed to stop and not give it. My wife was asked several times up until she was injected if she was sure. They even gave her Pfizer as she was more comfortable with it rather than Moderna. The second story sounds plausible though rare. As the nurse said who provided my wife’s injection. “If you have side effects for more than 2 days please report that to the number on this sheet and see your doctor. Its important you drink lots of fluids at this time” 2 weeks is a rare situation as the employees I manage at my workplace are all vaccinated and the worst was out for 3 days from side effects. 2 were out for 2 weeks with covid 19. Read more Trump For Pres 3 hours ago @Damian Mensch snowflake huh!! Why are you so scared of healthy ppl who don’t need this garbage. You’re brainwashed that’s why. 2 andria blue 3 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda BOT or TROLL? 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @Alex Tanguay there’s alot of people working from home whose employment required the vaxx despite never going into the public workplace setting. 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @A MGTOW Monk YEP 100% ACCURATE MY FRIEND Anthony Pettie 3 hours ago @andria blue I have not found the old man story yet but I did find this in counter trying to find it. Joshua Garza had a chance to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in January but he passed it up, thinking he didn’t really need it. Now, the 43-year-old Texan is hoping to inspire others to get the shot after he became so ill following his COVID-19 diagnosis that he needed a rare double lung transplant to survive. If you look it up you can see the story. I have never seen ABC news. Not really on my radar. Read more Trump For Pres 3 hours ago @David Bannerman good for you, but why do you have to tell others what to do? 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @David Lang if u come to indiana as an escape make sure to leave the politics in Illinois. We don’t want our freedoms gone like urs in Illinois. We don’t require masks or passports to go to the movies, eat in a restaurant or shop. We like it that way. I saw ALOT of Illinois drivers enjoying our county fairs. They were double masked in their own vehicles and so were all passengers. The strong enforcement in some states has altered perception of free will for alot of people. There is no reward for those that complied the most with utter nonsense. We all lose if that mentality spreads like a mental virus. Freedom isn’t for some its for all. The individual must recognize that power is NOT someone else’s to permit or remove from u. Demand better from ur employers and ur state. If u flee from tyranny, leave that sissy beat down mentality behind u. We don’t want it here. Gary IN is ur neighbor and they’re already drinking the Kool-aid, passports or u can’t come into certain businesses. Gary hardly has businesses left, its suicide for their profits. Read more 1 kissingers goldfish 3 hours ago I got it because it saves lives But you do you Hillbilly Heart 3 hours ago @Jetta.Silence how do you know there isn’t one person of color represented here? Most don’t have pics. But look above…I gave my very rare disorder story above and was discounted based on WORD CHOICE. It’s sad when the storyline is so fucked people resort to personal attacks against people sharing valid medical concerns that both themselves and their physicians are trying to navigate while in a very tone deaf society. Read more andria blue 3 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda 🙄 I know a fully vaxxed family and 3 generations in 1household all got the rare breakthrough cases of the ‘Rona AFTER being vaxxed. Safe and effective? I had it i have chronic health andvirgan dysfunction and my illness was WAY less severe than theirs post-vaxx. I never received the fear shots. Read more 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie we had a festival in town with a vaxx booth set up. My husband approached the booth and asked for written information regarding the vaxx, surely there a slip of paper with the doses that indicate all warnings, potential side effects and ingredients like on a pack of cigarettes…. right???? Nope! They had no written info to offer. U go to the pharmacy and receive a bunch of info on side effects, allergic reactions possible drug or food interactions, special instructions, holiness for further questions and to report any problems. With THIS vaxx malarkey u get NOTHING!!!!! that is NOT informed consent Read more 2 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie they are protected if THEY receive the shot not if YOU receive the shot. Until this virus came about medicine was NEVER practiced or issued information like this, “Get vaxxed to protect someone else ” How the hell does that seem logical ESPECIALLY with all the reports of vaxxed public figures getting the ‘rona anyway? Read more 2 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie plain and simple And also accept you’ll be shunned by society according to leaders and you’re an unemployable leper undeserving of human interaction. Thats ur logic. Read more 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @alan carre exactly kim jones 3 hours ago @Pualani Casey I dug my heels in as well and like you I finally went in and I cried as I sat in the chair. I felt pressure to be a good citizen and protect the health care system and people in my community. I have such huge regrets now. I am angry as hell at the restrictions put on my fellow Canadians who have not gotten the vaccination they are being treated like second class citizens and that doesn’t work for me. The rules make no sense unvaccinated and vaccinated can eat at Tim Hortons but not together at a licensed establishment. Trudeau has to go. We need a general strike to show Ottawa we will not stand up for his dictatorship. Read more 5 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie Robert Malone is disturbed at how the Pfizer and Moderna vaxx mrna lipids are storing in ovaries in a high concentration that was completely unexpected as an outcome. Whats to happen to those females and their future children? We do not know bc it hasn’t been around long enuf. U r either a fool that wants to support ur own decisions or ur spewing propaganda. Which is it? Read more 3 andria blue 3 hours ago @starlooker i saw Avi Yemeni cover the Freedom Campers confronting the police. OH MY GOODNESS they nearly went Mussolini on those cops!!!! The crowd has had ENOUGH! I watched it 3 times. The police used their bodies to shield an elder woman in the center of the policeman being wrestled and detained and the crowd went BALLISTIC. It was scary but EPIC! I pray for u and ur countrymen and all feeling forced into awful situations. Read more 1 andria blue 3 hours ago @alek k some people have no spine and comply for perceived convenience 2 andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie drinking the kool-aid Say hello to Jim for us. Im sure you’ll see him on the other side andria blue 3 hours ago @Anthony Pettie yeah it totally makes sense to force workers thatcwete steeped in exposure for 2 yrs to NOW get the jab or lose ur job. Hero 1 day, zero 700+ days later. The lepers need to be exiled right? 2 andria blue 2 hours ago @Anthony Pettie alleged issues??? Watch the American Congressional hearings about vaxx damage victims and how the medical community tosses them aside as untouchables. 2 Anthony Pettie 2 hours ago @andria blue Sorry. Only cults like the PPC and Yellow Vests drink Pool Aid. andria blue 2 hours ago @Katalina S yeah line dancing staff making tik tok videos is a real challenge for our healers They need more time to practice synchronization of their BS 2 andria blue 2 hours ago @Anthony Pettie I never said old man. Never showed his face just his sign upon his chest and a soft quiet voice quivering and submitting to something they felt forced into. Its really sad. Its all perception. U feel as tho ur informed and u consented. Others feel forced. I feel like breaking away from the madness to assert MY WILL over MYSELF and I reject force or threat upon me simply bc it is wrong. The real crisis is totalitarianism, not a germ. Read more 3 Luis Alvarez 2 hours ago @Kevin Scromeda so why do we have vaccinated people with covid ?? The brainwashing propaganda has done a great job on your mind. Time to wake up 4 andria blue 2 hours ago @Anthony Pettie why don’t u watch Ron Johnson Covid-19 2nd Opinion REAL Dr’s offer testimonials as well as vaxxed damaged victims who were part of the TRAILS! The hotline for these folks to report problems and receive advice has been deactivated. Nothing hinky there tho right? 2 Anthony Pettie 2 hours ago @andria blue We will have to wait and see how that holds up in a court of law. Comparing Canada to Nazi Germany or the USSR (CCCP) is pretty put there. CERB was meant to help pat for a lot of issue for people who lost work due to Covid reasons. There has been a lot of aid out there for that. I feel sorry for those who feel forced. Read more 1 andria blue 2 hours ago @Anthony Pettie I don’t even know who they are I just know I don’t trust leaders forcing the world into a pigeon hole 2 K g 2 hours ago (edited) @Anthony Pettie You don’t know what mRNA does. you supposedly make more spike proteins – you know that’s the vector of the virus right? that’s why old people died more; because genetic factors allow for greater spike protein coding as you age. So now you have increased viral vectors – for HIV too (traverses membrane via spike protein). you code for more spike proteins – which are the virus vectors – and the vectors of HIV – you’re simultaneously not protected from infection (their words), while having less severe infections – the same as before the vaccine. But now you make more viral vectors. And mRNA can code for something else. ppl arn’t thinking, they don’t know anything about what they are advocating for. Read more 1 peter mandel 2 hours ago @David Bannerman Good for you. You have no right to force someone to to be vaccinated. Your company and or government doing it on your behalf still belongs to you. You have no right…….. 1 Jetta.Silence 2 hours ago @Hillbilly Heart in the room? Where in that room? K g 2 hours ago @A S Yes, no one talks about the spike protein is the virus vector – and we’re making more of it. Ollie Foxx 2 hours ago @Marcie Renting booster towers is a great idea but wouldn’t that require some very experienced and knowledgeable tech support? A S 2 hours ago @K g It’s the spike protein which causes most of the cell damage. Idaho Corrupt 1 hour ago …,./The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment. – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nulad ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. in Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the ” Law’ (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, and legal rights. Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly; Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights./..,./ Read more Neil Sheppard 1 hour ago I was told to get the shot or be suspended without pay Chris Adams 1 hour ago @A Simpkin The wicked agenda to save lives Doesn’t seem so wicked K g 1 hour ago (edited) @A S interferon response. idk if you’re arguing against or with me. spike protein causes cytokine cascade on endothelial cells – the protein itself is a vector for apoptosis (damage). which is why people die-drown in phlegm. what lacks in your comment is the new routes of damage from s-protein via being an s-protein factory (organ function, hematological response, oh- and biggest one nervous system response. They’ve had nervous system reactions with mRNA for years. In fact, all the VAERS reactions seem to have cognitive diminution in common. People are advocating for this and they can’t string enough words together in an argument what mRNA does. it’s got what plants crave People are empty vessels without knowledge in their heads Read more 1 Richard Gaines 1 hour ago @Damian Mensch Damian…….say I —— thou art possessed of a devil……..how crass, how classless of you. 1 Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Damian Mensch LOL! I’m vaccinated beyond vaxed. Had my titers drawn in 2018 and had to get almost every vax under the sun that year. I generally get my flu vax, but haven’t since COVID as we were required to wear a mask in the hospitals anyways. In the past, you’d have to wear a mask throughout flu season if you didn’t get your flu vaccine, so it essentially didn’t matter if you got it or not. I work as an emergency room nurse and have been around COVID 100’s+ times. What I didn’t want to experience, again, with my kids is homelessness. I never thought I’d be in a position to be homeless, but I was for about 7 months. What I was afraid of was being homeless again, without an income. The only job I’ve done since 1995 is healthcare and been in the ER since 1999. When I was unable to work as a nurse, I turned applications in to every place hiring, gas stations, restaurants, any entry level job and I was too educated and didn’t have recent experience in those jobs, even through medical care it a type of customer service. Non-the-less, nobody would hire me. So, despite the fact I’ve probably have had COVID, probably had immunity, the facility I work at and all of then in CA wouldn’t accept any exemptions for the vax. BTW, I broke my leg in the middle of no where mountains and waited the two days we had left to camp with my kids before I came home and went to the hospital. I’m no pussy. Read more 1 Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @SnazzyD Thank you!! WhatTheHell 1 hour ago Thankfully I’m retired. But would not support anyone or anything required for me do so. 1 Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Fred Flintstone I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m doing what I can to support the people who do not want to be vaxed. It was demoralizing and I don’t want others to feel the same way. ❤ Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Primmakin Sofis I’m sure! You can tell the people who are uninformed MSM followers who live the covidiot lifestyle. A S 1 hour ago @K g I am agreeing with you. Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Sissy Brooks I’ve thought about it! Especially refusing exemptions. Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Crabby R exactly. The needle is nothing, it’s about the substance. He’s too dumb to think of that…lol Pualani Casey 1 hour ago @Kimberley Jane I agree! It’s time for all of us to rise up and do whatever we can!! 1 Right Turn Clyde 1 hour ago Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo 1 K g 1 hour ago @A S i know Mariea frieden 1 hour ago @andria blue i’m aware of that Andria blue. It just shows you how the MSM are controlled, this should be headline news. There is not one word on Irish media about the truckers in Canada. 1 ERNEST MARTEL 1 hour ago @Anthony Pettie What is the real meaning of school? 1 : an organization that provides instruction. Therefore, the WEF has schooled [groomed] selected political individuals [like Trudeau/Chrystia Freeland/Boris Johnson/Jacinda Ardern/Emmanuel Macron] on its globalist ambitions and how to implement them. All of the figures I’ve mentioned have had their political careers promoted by the globalist interests behind the WEF. Read more 1 Kimberley Jane 1 hour ago @Pualani Casey Thank you. Please hurry and pass it on. The truckers gave us this opportunity. if they fail now, it not òn them, it’s on us. SuperNewf1 1 hour ago coercion through fear tactics. 1 Anthony Pettie 1 hour ago @K g You really need to just read the paper on mRNA. You clearly know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about. mRNA vaccines do not increase the risk of getting infected. Thats just basing it on the fact there are a higher number of vaccinated in the hospitals. In reality vaccinated Canadians make up over 80% of the population but only 65% and dropping of those hospitalized. If you know basic math of ratios you would realize that means far more unvaxxed ratio wise. ICUs are 82% unvaccinated. Ratios disagree with you. Additionally mRNA is simply providing the messenger protein, which is simply skipping a step where your body does not have to produce this itself using an inert virus or live infection. Try looking at more than that crackpot doomsday doctor from Belgium. That guy has spouted a lot of nonsense and uses complex terms to confuse and misdirect you. Read more Anthony Pettie 59 minutes ago @ERNEST MARTEL Pretty sure by that definition my wife is a teacher and my home a school because she provides me direction all the time. Unfortunately that strategy you pulled there is just a common misdirection technique to spread doubt without factual evidence. One thing I can say that has been proven is that there has been substantial support from the US Republican part and funding from anonymous sources as well as private citizens in the US to fund or support the Convoy which is a Canadian political protest. Tamara Lich was still a member of the Wexit party until 4 days into the protest in Ottawa. That means a Canadian politician was organizing a protest against the government funded by a foreign power. Which would be insurrection or treason under the law at the worst. A violation of the Canada Elections act at the least. Read more kimlavender185 kimlavender 3 minutes ago @Tony Markey Go to rumble and look for “Grand Jury – The court of public opinion” with the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich – a court case just started A. Woodworth 1 minute ago @lisa mcdonald There was only one type available. Regardless, information on difference was limited. However, if I had a choice I would have taken the Johnson and Johnson because it was devised on a model used by other established vaccines – regardless of reported efficacy. I ended up with Pfizer. Also learned much later about the need to asperate a needle before injection. That wasn’t done. “Armed” with this knowledge, I asked for aspiration before getting my annual flu shot and the pharmacist said he doesn’t and won’t do that – so I left without the shot. Who else is learning how much the medical world absolutely does not want us to become informed and involved in our own health care – contrary to their claims otherwise? Read more FM Property 1 hour ago Keep up the protest! Your brothers and sisters here in the USA would be shoulder to shoulder with you if they would let us across the border. We send love, financial support and prayer! 19 anthara1 1 hour ago Amazing movement, amazing ideals, amazing people! I wish the Portuguese people would be 1/10 informed and activists as you guys… Fighting without violence for what’s right, showing them why and stating the facts, that’s perfect! Wish I could be there or do something to help you. Greetings all the way from Portugal 🇵🇹 17 Toots Tree 1 hour ago We are all with you! The UK has dropped most covid measures so far and its disgusting what you, Australia, new Zealand and others are dealing with. Divide and conquer is what they need to do to us, turning vaxed against unvaxed, black against white, woman against man, Ottawa resident against truckers etc etc and it goes on. Its amazing to see perople unite and gives hope to those watching you Read more 17 SalettaRocks 1 hour ago In the LGBT+ community, as a trans woman, I have struggled to receive timely health care, I have been marginalized, the media has fabricated my story, the courts have discriminated against me, I have advocated for my rights against a tidal wave of ignorance. Yet, when I walked through the trucker protest about removing mandates showing my 🌈 symbols…I was welcomed. I saw no culture of hate, no violence. I believe we are all fighting against the same evil … ignorance and freedom. It’s the same issues .. autonomy over ones own body, to be heard, to not be segregated from society, to have a safe place to pee, to dance and socialize without fear, to have the ability to earn income, to have gov’t and lawmakers act on data and studies and to mostly be empathetic. Read more 80 Hide 6 replies None Here 1 hour ago I’m a driver here in the U.S.. I interact with different races, backgrounds & countries of origin on a daily basis. Get along well with everyone. Here’s where I base my impression on you. That is one of the most intelligent posts I’ve read in a long time. Excellent job on your points. 8 Jeanine Paquet 1 hour ago Trudeau could just talk to them, this is really happening. We could accept compromise maybe 3 None Here 26 minutes ago @Jeanine Paquet That’s how rational people do it. Negotiate in good faith. I’m sure you’ve noticed that most so called leaders have become drunk on power and thought they could dictate to free people. Obviously they have pushed too far. 2 Lota Mama 25 minutes ago Well said SalettaRocks! We stand together! 1 Alison Gale 9 minutes ago Yes!! In solidarity. 2 EriKaT 1 minute ago I’m sorry you have had to deal with being marginalized. I wish it was an isolated experience however I know it is not. I am horrified that you and your community have been used as a tool to propagate hate against the convoy!! You are correct! We are fighting the same fight! We are one ❤ Michele Jones 47 minutes ago Standing with y’all in solidarity!!! There are SO many I’ve talked to that feel the same!! Keep the faith!! Wish I could be there!! 9 TattooShop 12 hours ago I have never been more disgusted in my Government. This really is a war and losing will be the death blow to our freedoms, forever. We need to support this protest. 1K View 45 replies Hector Galarza Hector Galarza 1 hour ago My name is Hector, from Boston, Massachusetts. USA 🇺🇸 🇵🇷 / I love what you guys are doing, it takes a lot of courage to deal with the crap that they’re giving you. You. Keep protesting, I’ll be praying 🙏 for all of you guys. And will continue watching! #Freedomconvoy #GoTruckers 🚜🚛 Stay 💪 25 mayhaatube 1 hour ago I am moved to tears by the honour, the dignity, and the beautiful resolve of these souls. May God bless them individually and collectively and keep them firm in their courage and commitment to fighting for all our rights. 25 Harlekijn 2 hours ago (edited) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This is the second time in history the Canadians stand up for our Freedom!!! Love from Holland! 🇱🇺 85 Dieter Morgan 1 hour ago Endless love and respect for the organizers of the Freedom Convoy! You’ve inspired the world! 21 Amber Harley 2 hours ago Much love and support from Ohio!! You are on the right path! Most protests that changed the world were hated by the government and media! 19 MYTAINT ISSTANK 11 hours ago “I’m not going anywhere until I’m not needed anymore” RESPECT TO THIS GUY! 1K Hide 5 replies CiaoBella CiaoBella 10 hours ago What is his name? Ron something? I don’t know him since I don’t live there. 2 Bob Baker 10 hours ago But their point has been made. No government can cave to a rally. The object is to bring attention to the problem and to get it onto the lips of those who make the decisions. They have seen the rally , the concoy. And they understand the frustration. A tangible result to this is getting your way. But the regulations are bei g dropped all over the world anyways now. It will happen . Be patient. Be comfortable at home. Read more 5 ThoseArentPillows 10 hours ago @Bob Baker this isn’t just about COVID. It’s about the next time and the clear violations of Canada Charter. We need long term change to how our government is run. Ottawa city council is a disgrace…and will be remembered. 29 puredjskaraoke 9 hours ago @Bob Baker trudeau clearly has no plans of ever dropping the restrictions or mandates. In fact as the world opens up canada is heading in the opposite direction. He was clear when he said about the unvaccinated “do we tolerate them?” What direction he is headed. 17 Right Turn Clyde 1 hour ago Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo 2 another day aboveground wise old man 1 hour ago HOLD THE LINE, you are on the right side of right! Praying for you from Sacramento CA. Trucker you can make a difference! US trucker should follow suit at ports and borders the science is on your side. 18 Professor Rambo 8 hours ago (edited) “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authority is wrong” — Voltaire We and the world are watching. 564 Hide 5 replies TheAxe4ever TheAxe4ever 6 hours ago It’s time to stop “watching” and start DOING. We need to follow in the truckers footsteps. 8 islandonlinenews 5 hours ago (edited) “Don’t bring a gun to an information war” – Fritz Stammberger 2 J White 5 hours ago Thank you Freedom Convoy. 2 The Dude 5 hours ago What happened in Calgary? 1 Right Turn Clyde 1 hour ago Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo Tom Barrett 49 minutes ago Just loved this and I’m so proud of my fellow Canadians showing how to make a stand in a civil and respectful way. I’m with you and the light is beginning to shine again on this great country. ♥ 7 redfraggle77 1 hour ago You are so brave! Full support from Sherwood Forest 🌳 England 🏴 I sooo wish I could be with you! You are doing God’s work my friends! 18 Rhonda Hogan 2 hours ago They are doing exactly what God wants them to do. HOLDING THE LINE ! Amen!! We must keep that hedge of protection in 🙏 PRAYER! God’s got this! We lift you up to the Lord God Almighty!! It IS WELL! 14 Hide reply David Rodriguez 47 seconds ago Yes many have been praying and continue to pray for this movement Mary Pat Lynch 1 hour ago God Bless you all. What you are doing is rippling across the globe! 14 Hide reply Kenneth Epp Kenneth Epp 55 minutes ago Over 650,000 views already! Way to go Canada! Prime Minister Trudeau, if you actually want to salvage ANYTHING positive from the hole you are digging for yourself….SIT DOWN & TALK with these citizens. It is true that the world is watching, BUT IT IS EQUALLY TRUE THAT CANADA IS WATCHING AND THAT WE HAVE LONG MEMORIES. So it is coming to gut-check time and we will be watching to see if you have the same kind of courage as these amazing men and women who actually are doing a fantastic job of representing Canada, unlike most of those who have been elected to do so. Read more 1 Randy L73 32 minutes ago Damn proud of you all. This needs to happen here in the USA! You are fighting for the entire world! There has been something very dark happening globally! This virus was not my chance!! Stay strong. We will all have to choose a side! You will not be the only ones! 7 Anstria Greenwood 11 hours ago (edited) It IS going to happen, according to a friend in the Ottawa police, reinforcements from the OPP, RCMP and other forces are moving in and the cell service WILL be cut. So people, get down there and find another way than your phone to document this. These truckers are all that stand between hope and doom. Anyone who can come here and offer support please do. Read more 578 Hide 42 replies Margaret Brough Margaret Brough 11 hours ago Use video cameras, that what we used before Mobil’s, use your old fashion cameras anything to record what is happening. So very proud of the Truckers. 90 Reijo Silvennoinen 11 hours ago @Margaret Brough You can still use your phone to record videos and photos but will have to upload from elsewhere when you get cell coverage or via wifi/hard wired internet when possible away from the location. 77 Erika Lucht 11 hours ago 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 16 Deborah Hladecek 10 hours ago Video cameras and CB radios. Lan lines used by local businesses who stand in solidarity 39 Kelly Price 10 hours ago Where are they going to put the kids that are travelling in the convoy? 22 Jasper 10 hours ago You can still take videos without cell data. Just won’t be able to go live. Or upload till after. 31 Brega62 10 hours ago People who can be stealthy…not trying to make their channel important. 5 Ninagybhdx 10 hours ago Tiananmen Square….~> HongKong…… ~> Ottawa….~> ?
Time to stand up for freedom and democracy to get rid of Tyranny!
10 hours ago
They may try to confiscate all cell phones in their own “interest of public safety”, illegal as hell, but they have already been doing illegal moves. Confiscating food & water, because you want to give it to your friend who happens to be a trucker & saying if you disagree, they will arrest you. Yeah, old style cameras that can do video & they have no grounds to take that.
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Jesse Gene
10 hours ago
I’m an unwaxed NYer. Can’t get across the border but want to support from the NY side. Where is our NY convoy affiliate?! Where we meeting up on the US side?
Lacey Rose
10 hours ago
You can use cell phone cameras without wifi, but they will confiscate them when they arrest people. Gotta have a plan to hide or pass to others.
10 hours ago
Perhaps some technical person can rig up a proxy internet system?
9 hours ago
Elon Musk needs to send some Starlink dishes down there STAT!
9 hours ago
@Kelly Price ya. That’s going to be ugly.
9 hours ago
@Jesse Gene there is one planned for march 1. Going from CA to DC. It’ll take a few days. Facebook to down their page, but they put up another one so try looking for it. I just saw footage of the massive local protest you guys did there in new york! Yay!!!!
Look in my news lists if you didn’t hear about it. It seems like i always hear about a lot of them too late to join, but I’ll still help spread the word!
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Jesse Gene
8 hours ago
@rockjockchick I’m going up to the border now. No time to wait. I’m upstate in red NY. Most of us don’t tolerate any of this garbage.
7 hours ago
@HavokBWR Elon is not one of us. He just launched his new fleet of self-driving semis s few weeks ago!! Thats why he’s interested!
sis marin
6 hours ago
Bring your Kindles, Tablets and Laptops! Upload at local Wi-Fi spots.
J Colin
6 hours ago (edited)
I wonder if the truckers radios will work for communication
Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
Akira K
6 hours ago
They need a mesh network, but that’s really hard to pull off in Canada because things are so spread out. Starlink could be good in some areas, but if too many people try to get on at once, the signal will deteriorate.
Davina Gray
6 hours ago
@Jesse Gene
They are not meeting up on U.S side Bec MOST of the NYers are so dumb, brainless & compromised & would not sacrifice anything bec they are lazy & enjoy their comfort zone, & believe it or not they Still think Biden, Jen Psaki & Admin. are ALRIGHT. ( Sad 😢 to say)
Read more
6 hours ago
FACT; former graduates of the World Economic Forums Global Leaders school; Justin Trudeau. Chrystia Freeland [Trudeau’s 2nd in command], Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair.. Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria, Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens, California Governor Gavin Newsom…the list goes on and on. And we’re accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists…that’s why they all repeat the same mantra of; ‘build back better’ and the ‘new normal’ …it’s because they’re all on the same page working together to implement the globalist WEF’s globalist ‘Great Reset’
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ckvp 2012
5 hours ago
U can still record n post it once u have internet access
5 hours ago
Please spread this message anywhere you can. I’m sure they’re already aware but maybe they can get more prepared
J San
5 hours ago
@Kelly Price Cops will place them in “foster care” which is leftist-speak for turning them into diddle boxes and blood banks for the donor class who fund pinko campaigns.
5 hours ago
@Jesse Gene and yet NY has some of the toughest restrictions in the US. Are they only tightening up in NYC? I realize the city is vastly different from the rest of the state.
Akira K
5 hours ago
@ckvp 2012 Only if your recording equipment doesn’t get confiscated by the police.
Davina Gray
5 hours ago
I hear ya Brother 👊. YES, YES, Thanks 4 the info. GREAT.
ckvp 2012
5 hours ago
@Akira K everything they r doing is illegal…everyone should just bring all their kids to protest what r the police going to do arrest the children….everyone should call n bitch n complain to the mayor n ottawa police for doing what they r doing to the truckers
Radka&Zoran Jocov
5 hours ago (edited)
Et on ose critiquer la Chine pour les droits humains et Staline pour son regime opressif! Quelle démocratie-tragecomique!
web angel
4 hours ago
@Jasper yes but after will be too late.
web angel
4 hours ago
@sis marin they’re going to cut the internet.
4 hours ago
@L don’t be that guy who hates on Ford because he’s going to hurt your horse feed business. Progress is going to happen, doesn’t matter if you’re prepared for it or not.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
58 minutes ago
@HavokBWR I bet you think putting one of his chips in your head is progress!? Gtfo
36 minutes ago
@Deborah Hladecek 10-4 on the CB’s!
Soozie M
35 minutes ago
Use voice recorder as well.
Anstria Greenwood
30 minutes ago
@Soozie M Yes! Unfortunately the thugs cannot be visually identified but it’s certainly better than nothing
Lori Kriese
23 minutes ago
Get walkie talkies 😊😊😊
Find away to keep communication
Ken Hofer
13 minutes ago
@ERNEST MARTEL all those are a 30-06 away
Jesse Gene
11 minutes ago
@Michelle that’s NYC. State mask mandate that me n a small percentage ignore n no one does anything about it. Then again, no one would dare approach me because I don’t look like someone you should eff with.
David Rodriguez
9 seconds ago
@Reijo Silvennoinen Be careful for Antifa or agents provocateurs trying to start trouble. Record, report, and expose everything. Support each other and your good leaders. May God bless
1 hour ago
such an inspiring movement. I wish I could pack up from UK and be apart of this god bless you all ..
Matthew Bylett
1 hour ago
Sending Love From New Zealand Guys – You are inspring the entire planet right now! Kia Kaha (Stay Strong), we are with you in spirit. Praying you get the sit down meeting you are asking for – doesn’t seem like a big ask to me, the fact they are unwilling to do so tells me they do not have much faith in their own agenda
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Murray Morhart
Murray Morhart
4 minutes ago
You need to share this video in New Zealand ..over and over and over and over and over and over again
Ed J
2 hours ago
If only governments were this sensible. Thank you for the unfiltered truth!
View reply
Peter de Havilland
Peter de Havilland
1 hour ago
To my Convoy Brothers and Sisters. Thank you for doing for Canada what us city dwellers have failed to do. If I wasn’t recuperating from CoVid I would fly back from the UK and lend my support. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
1 hour ago
Keep up the freedom fight guys, much love and respect from the US seeing action by the people that this world desperately needs.
8 hours ago
I can’t begin to tell you how much what you are doing means to so many of us. I have felt like a second-class citizen in my own country for the better half of two years now. I have seen my 8-year-old and 12-year-old sons spiral into depression because of their lack of personal contact, their inability to see human faces and their overexposure to computer screens. I’ve seen my wife get vaccinated against her better judgement simply so our family can continue to have an income of some sort. I’ve seen her suffer from side effects from those injections ever since. But most importantly, I’ve seen our country descend into totalitarianism from the first moment this stupid virus ever supposedly reared its head. And so, from Canadians from across the country…and most importantly from individuals like myself who cannot protest on the level that you can because of health and other reasons: You are truly the first breath of hope we have seen in two years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Omoge BlogTV
7 hours ago
Alitero Gasolini
6 hours ago
Thank you my friend, you have endured a lot of upset’s.
These monsters divided us right from the start by making air-travel impossible for us who haven’t submitted to the juice, they knew there would be worldwide protests and stopping us from travelling reduces the impact, I for one would have flown to Canada to support the Truckers, I’m sure hundreds of thousands more would also.
I sincerely hope things improve for you and your family in the near future and that there is a positive outcome from this protest.
From England 🇬🇧👍🏼
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Delaney 12
3 hours ago (edited)
And the rest of us haven’t experienced this? Boo hoo buddy. 2nd class citizen? What is that exactly? What freedoms have you lost? I need to know cause frankly I don’t know. My life hasn’t changed at all, in fact, it’s actually gotten better. Not joking.
James Adams
3 hours ago
@Delaney 12 of course you wouldn’t understand this persons pain, your life has improved. But if you have the ability to be empathetic, you might understand why they feel the way they feel.
A group of people this large don’t get together for no reason. There is a huge amount of people who feel the same way as this person and want to stand up and speak out for the betterment of their families and livelihoods.
Not everyone has the privilege to say their life has improved since the pandemic. Maybe you should focus on how lucky you are instead of lashing out on someone you don’t agree with
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Brandon Leconte
3 hours ago
the worst atrocity is the lack of education our kids are receiving. When my son goes to school i can just picture him sitting there with a fuckin mask on. Just to learn. It is beyond me that they would put the children at risk. The mortality in children is .01% or some low dumb shit. Every time we go to an event Celtiocs/ etc. He has to be tested. I m just waiting for “my” own child to tell me he wants the vax because he is sick of the way he gets treated. That will be the end to me its like the state is just pitting your own son against you. Its fuckin disgusting.
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Darrell Beckford
2 hours ago
@Delaney 12 Maybe if you left your basement, put down the bag of Cheetos, and engaged with other people rather than post shitty comments on YouTube you’d understand what millions are feeling.
Maria Oman
2 hours ago
@Darrell Beckford 👊🎯🔥
M. B.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
@Delaney 12 thank you justin for coming out of hiding to comment on utoob
2 hours ago
Well said. My thoughts and prayers and love to all the protestors and fellow Canadians!!!
2 hours ago
God is with us…. God Bles your story.
2 hours ago
@Brandon Leconte And then they wonder why breathing problems are on the rise with our kids and grandkids. And depression and hopelessness….Unbelievable and heartbreaking!!!
Acacia Smith
2 hours ago
@Delaney 12 unvaxed are being banned from flying and driving across the border. Parents can’t go sit in at pretty much any activity their child wants to participate in without a jab, kids soon will that that taken away from them if they don’t have jabs. There is huge freedoms and small freedoms taken. Let’s them take these freedoms they will take more, and it’s harder to get them back once they are gone. There is push for no medical attention to unvaxxed individuals, and it’s been happening in places such as Australia, and we don’t want that to happen here.
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2 hours ago
@TC lol! I thought the same thing…
Alex palermo-simms
2 hours ago
@Delaney 12 go cry to Trudeau.
Oh wait….*he ran away*….
Kneel Bung
2 hours ago
Truckers need to stop delivering goods. Give Send Go and others should be paying truckers not to drive! Just like governments paid people to not work and riot!
2 hours ago (edited)
@Delaney 12 I know you’re a troll or a bot, so I hesitate in responding, however the lack of empathy you display, this want to cause division, to turn your back on your fellow human, is frightening. But…it’s not going to work anymore. But as you asked I tell you, I was forced to leave my job in the military after 25 years of serving my country and working as an essential worker during the majority of the “ pandemic” I also am trapped in this country and unable to leave to start a new life, where vaccines aren’t mandated. Being trapped in my country and loss of income do seem like major losses of freedom. I wonder how you suffered? And because you suffered, you don’t care of others do? I pity you. What a dark hole you must live in. But then you expect people to get vaccinated because it somehow affects you-because “science “ I would love to debate anyone on why this vax is required by anyone
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Yusa Rendina
2 hours ago
Only for fans over 18 years old https://Aishite.Tokyo/oliv13ra ❤🔥
mañas no se la
Megan: “Hotter”
Hopi: “Sweeter”
Joonie: “Cooler”
Yoongi: “Butter
Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
Dene: ”Muzdak”
Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
Aç köz arstan
Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.
Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾
Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente
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Ricky Murphy
2 hours ago
@Delaney 12 and the soul
pirate 78
2 hours ago
This is heartbreaking. Praying for all of you.
Idaho Corrupt
2 hours ago
//////The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment. – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nulad ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. in Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the ” Law’ (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, and legal rights. Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly;
Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights.///
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Anita Easterday
1 hour ago
@Delaney 12 you are exactly the reason they are there and doing this…you live in fantasy land if you can’t see the whole world has been protesting and ‘on fire’ for the last year..you don’t see reality or just not paying attention….
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Paul Thomas
1 hour ago
@Delaney 12 That’s because you’re a rich soulless psychopath. People have lost their jobs, their health, their children’s futures, their ability to travel to see family or visit their dying relatives! Get lost.
Christy Berkey
2 minutes ago
Jeffie Jeff’s Art
1 hour ago (edited)
Thank you truckers. Don’t give up. This has brought so much hope to us Canadians. The media lying everyday. The brainwashed people all around me. I feel I’m no longer alone. I want to be there so badly. Love from Vancouver BC.
Suzanne Burn
18 minutes ago
We are watching you closely truckers, 100 percent behind you, stand strong together in numbers. Love from 🇬🇧🇬🇧
1 hour ago
One lesson we can all learn if they block communications is that we’ve allowed too many important processes to fall into the hands of large, pro government corporations. This should highlight the need to return to using analog devices and radio wave communications.
Tamatha Mallette
1 hour ago
Hi guys it’s (Satiricsugar here)🤗 A very big show of love and respect to each and every one you. A special hello to Chris.B, Bridgett and Tamara❤️❤️❤️. Remember guys, it is not just Canada that are watching, the entire world has eyes on this! 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦 Long Live Freedom And Unity! ❤️
Aaron Senneker
2 hours ago
So proud of you men and woman!
12 hours ago
Stay strong brave free people. Love and respect from Russia! 🇨🇦🇷🇺
Hide 18 replies
Are Two Dee Too
Are Two Dee Too
12 hours ago
I see no signs of war here 😉
12 hours ago
Our hockey brothers 👍
11 hours ago
@D S -TLH yee remember 1972. I like Phil Espostito.
Dr . Lazarus
11 hours ago (edited)
Nato soldier here , I love Russia , your president threw out federal bankers and you still prospered . God bless you all 🇷🇺 💕🇩🇰 ( survival Russia on yt. Is my fellow country man )
Lizard Slayer 🦖
11 hours ago
@Сибирякъ I like both teams !!! Loved watching Valery Harlomov skate !!! What a series !!! Opened up the NHL quite a bit…💯🍻👍
Derek Simenac
11 hours ago
Thank you Russia, we need a leader who cares for his people like Putin does
Brian Hembrey
11 hours ago
Play The Chicken Dance if you can’t honk and dance. Dance like you may never be allowed to dance again! In honor of the brave Veterans !
Ольга Рудакова
11 hours ago
Привет, Сибиряк! Согласна, Канадцы герои, вскрывают этот гнойный нарыв! Поддержка всем Тракерам Мира из Самары, Россия!
Gunnar Lehnertz
11 hours ago
Respect, Russian Brother 🤝
glen irwin
11 hours ago
I think it’s the “HORNS”!!!
Stanislaw Supel
11 hours ago
Canada now its like Belarus. Police country…
The Physical Silver Fox
11 hours ago
In the 🇬🇧 we have the useless muppet Johnson, 🇨🇦 has Klaus Schwabs gimp Trudeau, 🇺🇸 has sleepy Joe and 🇷🇺 has Putin.
I think we all know who got the best deal.
Gerry Coral
11 hours ago
Mark McFlounder
11 hours ago (edited)
Blessings to R..ssia! Forgive us in the (U-s-A). We are the Neo-Soviet-Union with censorship & Pravda running the media
Forgive us
TJ Hendricks
11 hours ago
If they do succeed with their nwo agenda, what will they do with the police that they used to get them there? What benefits do the police see, in going against their own brothers and sisters, simply because they were told to? It’s mind boggling.
Badger MacLeod
10 hours ago
Russia isn’t the problem, it’s china.
They’re the real threat to global stability & peace.
3 hours ago
@Сибирякъ we all loved Vladislav Tretiak.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Medi Puff
52 minutes ago
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety.”
Benjamin Franklin
12 hours ago (edited)
I’m a Canadian living abroad and am so frustrated I can’t be there, but am fully supporting from afar in every way I can. Everyone needs to get down there and RECORD everything — be a witness, speak up, post content/videos/audio clips, EVERYTHING.
View 29 replies
Shawn Berland
Shawn Berland
37 minutes ago
This man should run for office. Thoughtful, sincere, passionate and most importantly, he listens. I had lost all hope in humanity, you’ve restored it. Thank you. …. Now only if we could get balanced,accurate reporting from the major news outlets instead of what fits their narrative.
1 hour ago
Well said everyone- this is history in the making, hold the line and stay peaceful- God Bless You All
1 hour ago
Much respect ✊🏻 We in the USA are behind you! At least us that are awake!!!
Marianne Baker
1 hour ago
Sending you love and appreciation for all of your well thought out, respectful and peaceful message. Blessings to all…
21 minutes ago
These folks really epitomize what Canadians are all about! Full of heart, courage, intelligence, compassion, bravery, truth and honesty ❤️
7 hours ago
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
Hide 121 replies
Crazyel Cross
7 hours ago
Leftardinitis is a serious illness….When American Freedom Convoy🇺🇸_ ?
Tammy S
7 hours ago
Man, this brought tears to my eyes.
Keep encouraging with more of G.K’s brilliance, please!
Mario Sauceda
7 hours ago
Professor yuval horari. Europeans killed themselves by the millions in both world wars
Michael Vallee
6 hours ago
@Mario Sauceda and i’m a vet of 27 years and ready to fight for my country against people that think they can over throw a goverment against the people who elected it .maybe next time you conservatives will win the election???
Sue Muller
6 hours ago
@Mario Sauceda Rothchilds funded both sides with that exact goal
Mario Sauceda
6 hours ago
@Sue Muller ya! I’ve read it suc.s but jumping in let’s not be Puppets
Only one life
6 hours ago
That is one ☝️ brilliant quote/meaning.
6 hours ago
Wow, epic quote.
6 hours ago
these arent soldiers, they are babies. NEVER COMPARE shitty people to real soldiers who gave their lives for this country. SHAME.
6 hours ago
For my father’s past
For my son’s future
I will fight
6 hours ago
The police will become outlaws if they do not join the right side.
6 hours ago
@Mario Sauceda yes, because they were both led
To believe each were evil. Lions led by donkeys.
Mailboxxy Stormrage
6 hours ago (edited)
(their child is behind them fyi) this is a battle for the children’s freedom and humanity itself. Btw, anyone still thinking votes matter are very confused or still asleep if you think any ‘votes’ matter when there are so much corruption in the voting process that don’t require a Voter ID. People can buy other people’s mail in ballots and vote accordingly to what corrupt political leader they want, immigrants that somehow gain citizen rights also contribute to the voting imbalance, it doesn’t stop there they’re also counting ‘dead people’s ballots. Stop thinking one side is voting for these corrupt politicians.
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Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
Ramblin Wreck
6 hours ago
@Michael Vallee = Who is overthrowing a country?
Lili Liu
6 hours ago
@Mailboxxy Stormrage vote does NOT matter; who count the vote matter…
The Last King Of Norway
6 hours ago
Brilliant.. and so true
Marjo Arel
6 hours ago
@Michael Vallee Vous serais m’on cher messieurs que vous vous trompé personne à élu ce gas là ce sont des grosses tête qui l’on placé à ce poste car ils savent pourcoi ils l’ont mis là. Et ça n’a pas été voté comme vous le pensé ça toujours été eux qui décide de m’être tel personnes touts est calculé et ci vous ne croyez pas ça ces que vous aite encore aveuglé par votre intellect.
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Lisa C
6 hours ago
Love this!
6 hours ago
FACT; former graduates of the World Economic Forums Global Leaders school; Justin Trudeau. Chrystia Freeland [Trudeau’s 2nd in command], Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair.. Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria, Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens, California Governor Gavin Newsom…the list goes on and on. And we’re accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists…that’s why they all repeat the same mantra of; ‘build back better’ and the ‘new normal’ …it’s because they’re all on the same page working together to implement the globalist WEF’s globalist ‘Great Reset’
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Jeanne D Osterwise
6 hours ago
Kevin Carmell
6 hours ago
The gentleman speaking… Listen closely to how he uses the word “believe”…. Take precautions with that… I know he means well with what he is saying… BUT… Please reconsider the USE of this word “believe”…. The Enemies of Humanity will NOT hesitate to use what he “believes” against him AND the rest of us Freedom Loving Peoples who support our HERO TRUCKERS & FARMERS !
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5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee Good luck with that pal …You are unbelievably outnumbered and you will lose…if you believe anything you better believe that. ..!!!
Kelly Young
5 hours ago
@Scott these people do more for their country in one day than any soldier has done
Jeff Jacobson
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee shame on your service traitor
Susie q
5 hours ago
These truckers are standing up for ALL of us. God bless them!!
Jeanne D Osterwise
5 hours ago
@Kevin Carmell right on the money thanks for sharing
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee Biden was`nt elected he was installed, and you democrats question elections every single time you loose. We question it once and you liberals go insane..
Jeff Jacobson
5 hours ago
@OLdGuY 3 % is all you need . So good luck to you and your 27 years
Timothy Dillon
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee This is not a right or left battle. This is about the rights of ALL Canadians including you. Are you ready to take the 11 injections Trudeau ordered for each Canadian? How many have you taken? How many more injections will you take from a test that does not protect from acquiring or sharing illness? What other rights are you happy to give up? Honest questions.
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5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee where were you during the BLM riots in 2019-2020?
5 hours ago
@Jeff Jacobson What are you talking about 27 years..I think you confused me with the other guy,,,
Steven L
5 hours ago (edited)
@IgotAIDSfromVOX Right! Just go look on YouTube. Look up BLM riots in Montreal, you see all the smash and grabs and damage to property. And media and liberal politicians praise them.
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee who is trying to overthrow a government?…must have been in the army, your reading comprehension is lacking
5 hours ago
@ERNEST MARTEL That is why the world is watching what happens in Canada. If JT caves, their whole house of cards collapses. Their whole world plan depends on Covid passports which leads to digital currency and social credit system.
PJ Predhomme
5 hours ago
@Mailboxxy Stormrage that same old song and dance has been played for as long as there have been voting – It so happens that after countless audits none of those things happened – but you are welcome to keep swearing it did – it can only hurt you in the long run . I’ve read where gravity is only a myth too – you are welcome to try to defy that too
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Mike Turek
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee what did u achieved for 27 years..nothing!! u run away n left the country’s in chaose n misery.. thoes wars has nothig to do v Canada.. so u not fighting for country u fighting for somebody else?? u know what I’m talking about… however u know l know everybody know that.. Trud… was not elected..he was selected.. special last election was nothig but joke..so go figured out.
Good luck.
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Kevin Carmell
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee MICHAEL VALLEE…. I dare you to tell us…. IN YOUR OWN WORDS…. what you believe ! 😃
Kimberly Moore
5 hours ago (edited)
@Scott That is idiotic. Soldiers are willing to give their lives, but don’t seek to. These people may be willing to die for their freedoms, but that doesn’t mean they are rushing to do so. They want to do this peacefully.
Catherine Mardling
5 hours ago
Very beautiful
5 hours ago
@Crazyel Cross first 2 weeks in March from Cali to DC. They are finishing preparing. Over 80,000 truckers already joined.
Should get interesting with the American convoy.
100% support #freedomconvoy2022
pure blood
5 hours ago
My girl is amarican and I’m Canadian I can’t go to amarica so she would come visit me . I got her pregnant before covid , she left before the borders closed to have my kid with her mother in the us because her mom is a nurse and she felt comfortable with her fam . Well I respected that and she left in 2019 I haven’t seen her since and have yet to meet my 2 year old daughter … she’s only 30 mins away from me across the Niagara river . Plz stop this covid bs so I can see my fam again !!❤️🙏🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
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Half Biked!
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee I’ll stand by you.
Fringe Reality
5 hours ago
Trudeau foundation has shares in Acuitas Therapeutics ! So they get a kickback on each jab citizen get.
It is racketeering.
5 hours ago
Awesome comment
Jerry Lee
5 hours ago
Government been attacking us all and I’m so sick of this shit ….phones go down we will fill that place
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee I too am a veteran, spent time in SE Asia in the mid 1960’s. I would never again put myself in harms way to defend the scum that occupy the US Capitol, they are intent on destroying this once great country. Today we are Toast, by 2050 or sooner we will be Burnt Toast..
5 hours ago
@Jerry Lee ALLEGEDLY they’ll take down the cell service/wifi near the area of the protests next time
5 hours ago
James Stephens
5 hours ago
@Ramblin Wreck It always the Jan 6th Red Flag Event instigated by Feds that the hyper-confused liberals always site. Even if it was a true insurrection, which it was not, liberals try to bunch all conservatives into this category and label us as insurrectionist. Which is just false narrative pushed by the elites to further division between Americans. The Globalist cannot employ their global system with a strong healthy America. As such, they intend to tear our country down, by any means necessary.
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5 hours ago
Cuck quote
J.D. Willeford
5 hours ago
@Scott They gave their lives for tyranny. SHAME.
5 hours ago
@Michael Vallee Are you ready to fight for Freedom against Tyranny or just the people who agree with you?
Kevin Carmell
5 hours ago
@ItsSimplyAless Really ? Is that so ?!
Kevin Carmell
5 hours ago (edited)
@James Stephens I DO NOT want to “believe” that this is so… BUT I KNOW… that is exactly what they are wishing for !
Educate Yourself
5 hours ago
Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! Youtube is more fiction then facts folks!!
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yvonne ollivier
5 hours ago
Thank you. In a nutshell!
5 hours ago
“If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?” George Carlin
L Jo
4 hours ago
@Michael Vallee I just hope there will be a ”next time”. Why would they ”allow” us to vote them out?
L Jo
4 hours ago
@Scott Yes, you should be full of shame, thinking you’re clever insulting good, honourable people and using our brave soldiers, past and present, as a shield to hide your insult.
d barna
4 hours ago
@Scott How ironic, you just did that, shame on you.
Kevin Carmell
4 hours ago
@sir_wack WOW ! Love George Carlin !
Devon Lato
4 hours ago
Anyone else notice there hasnt been one, NOT ONE reported case of covid19 as a result of tens of thousands gathered at these protests across canada?
Higher Realm Holistics
4 hours ago
Meanwhile..Biden Distributes Free Crack Pipes For Equity & to Help Stop the COVID19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxeCt1coxw8&t=6s
Kevin Carmell
4 hours ago (edited)
@Educate Yourself I agree with you to a certain extent…
But let’s be careful to NOT mistake the “menu”… for the DINNER !
4 hours ago
real problems don’t need vague quotes to inspire people to fight for them, nty i’m not a pawn. yall are funded by the russian government and it shows
Walter Dayrit
4 hours ago
You know, these people are not really soldiers.
4 hours ago
These idiots aren’t going to fight at all. This is a waste of time and resources
Walter Dayrit
4 hours ago
@Kelly Young Really? Some brave and noble soldiers gave up their lives for their country. What your said is rather insulting to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives. Think about it.
lucy lane
4 hours ago
@Susie q but all of us don’t want them to they are the minority and we live in a democracy
Zachery Silvaniuk
4 hours ago
Free us from tyrants that don’t give a fuck about workers
Kevin Carmell
4 hours ago
Anai Barangan
4 hours ago (edited)
True, that a lot of beautiful memories, especially from overseas, keep me think tanking. I hate going in the hurt locker, but sometimes it’s necessary. In my life, time definitely cures all, unless Zombies try to use anything from the hurt locker against me. Stupid blind, because basically the same kind of why that hurt locker exists. That’s why I’m stuck in the hurt locker. Hateful disgusting self absorbed creatures. A blockage placed by God to begin with, previously knowing how much are ZOMBIES, to prove how much nothing is impossible for me to become, with the help of God, removing the blockage. That’s why I said that Zombies have a Death wish. So much I represent illuminated on Earth.
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brad knight
4 hours ago
thanks for this.
Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
@Kevin Carmell Scrap vaccine mandates and education for the vaccines. Social media is more fiction than facts!!! Talk to a Doctor do your own reading!!!
4 hours ago
@Scott You sound like a collaborating apologist for this regime.Look into the real history of why those soldiers died.Those soldiers were basically killed by the same people that are running this scam reaction to a virus , they are the people these protesters are standing up to .The Canadian and other governments are just the puppets of these globalists.
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Crystal Regan
4 hours ago
@dabrupro.. Love Love that quote god bless you 💯♥️
Sarah Love
4 hours ago
You guys should use your audience to ensure all the main people on YouTube and socials etc get heaps of subscribers to get more coverage
NP Biggs
4 hours ago (edited)
Nobody has EVER brought Canadians together like Trudeau. Everyone hates him. They will never sit at a table and admit they have been lying and manipulating us with bogus science for an unrelated agenda of control and removal of any illusions of freedom we may have had. Face it. That is NEVER going to happen. I sincerely wish it were otherwise. Support ALL the truckers. we would not stand a chance of survival without their year round efforts to keep our shelves stocked. Them and the Farmers are THE Most important parts of out daily lives.
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Anders Topansson
4 hours ago
You know , the thumbs upp are for Chesterton, not for you. But thx anyway for reminding us .
Sarah Love
4 hours ago
@NP Biggs Look in America, the evil is being dismantled, 40 Democratics gone, big tech bleeding billions, CNN and other legacy falling everyday, blm being investigated, unity will be restored. Let them do their worst, the world is watching….
Russ Blake
4 hours ago
Pray for peace hope for peace and prepare for war.
If you take war off the table, you have already lost. To the side that WILL war against you.
Trusting in the honor of individual police officers to live up to their sworn oath. When they have proven time and time again to NOT BE HONORABLE MEN. but rather thugs of the state reminiscent of nazis. This just seems to be folly.
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Kelly Young
4 hours ago
@Walter Dayrit and where were they fighting when they gave their lives? fighting for a government that is trying to push a globalist agenda is not giving your life for your country, dying in iraq so that chevron could keep control of a oil pipeline is not giving your life for your country, its been a really long time since the military has actually defended their own country, i was in the marine corps, i do understand this first hand
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NP Biggs
3 hours ago
@Sarah Love Hopiing you are right.
Obi Juan
3 hours ago
The best vaccine in medical science history, truckers are dying of Covid instead of taking a simple vaccine, we have lots of shortages all across America and these crybabies don’t want to help out the people of our nations who depend on their services. These are horrible, selfish people.
KidJet Recon
3 hours ago
Patrick Farrell
3 hours ago
@Sue Muller sometimes you can take a conspiracy theory too far, I’m getting sick of people using the controlled opposition concept in relation to the truckers.
You are suffering from delusional paranoia syndrome.
Sarah Love
3 hours ago
@NP Biggs Im in Australia and can feel the vibe, we have convoys in and on the way to the capital as well. Canada has inspired the world. Get onto Liberal Hivemind channel, will cheer anyone up
Cynthia H
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Support the truckers watch them live daily on these channels…. Connor Desnoyers, MACHINES EVERYWHERE, VIVA FREi, Ottawalks
Grammamac Freedom love
3 hours ago
DO WHAT YOU OUGHT…NOT WHAT YOU MITE✊✊✊⚡️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 JF KENNEDY🌹❤️🇺🇸
Vern Pierce
3 hours ago
@ERNEST MARTEL <👍 The Truth!!been following it for yrs! They don’t even hide it anymore!! God said that the people would come under a great delusion!
Do you see it? ( to all those who don’t see) If not you’re probably under the delusion!
Robert Burgess
3 hours ago
Compare this to Joseph Smith in 1845 convincing a bunch of gullible people that he had spoken to a prophet of the lord who gave him gold tablets that became the Book of Mormon and they had to help him found the Mormon Church.
Stephen Wlodarczyk
3 hours ago
This is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The story is about the destruction of an unlawful, unjust, disgusting system. Lot and his family were given a chance to leave, they should not look back lest they turn to salt. We are the same. The destruction of this unlawful disgusting system is imminent and we are all like lots wife. We are so afraid of what is ahead that we hate to let go of what is behind. But the best thing about this movement is the peacefulness. these people will bring the new kingdom through peace.
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NP Biggs
3 hours ago
@Sarah Love We love you Sarah keep telling the truth. They hate that.
David Ainsworth
3 hours ago
Ya,it’s easier to make stupid comments,rather than stand up for something,and who says some of these Truckers aren’t veterans?
Cameron De Baets
3 hours ago
That’s right.
Rick Knight
3 hours ago
Canadian constitutional crisis exposure by Brian Peckford & Jordan Peterson https://youtu.be/EdhFuMDLBDM
Explains why Trudeau has gained so much power as prime minister. This needs to be addressed to stop this kind of extremist government policy, based on hype and emotional manipulation.
Read more
Manfred K
3 hours ago
There isn’t a single soldier in that room.
Bilbo Baggins
2 hours ago
@Walter Dayrit Neither were our fore father’s who stood against another tyrannical regime many years ago. 🇺🇸
Covy Vaccin
2 hours ago
There’s no soldiers in this story, just karines.
Soldiers project order, not chaos, they are the backbone of defense, not the spear of false attacks.
I’m a third generation CAF proud soldier, and I don’t see any brave soldiers here. So don’t mix your quotes, for tyrants
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Lyn Oxberry
2 hours ago
@Mailboxxy Stormrage Voting is a complete waste of time because it doesn’t matter who you vote for – the government still get in.
Don M
2 hours ago
@Scott buddy you are pathetic. How many genocides did Canada sit back and watch because they were ordered to. Disgusting, dishonorable and pathetic.
2 hours ago
@Michael Vallee Thank you for your service! But lets clarify, this convoy it’s not about over throwing the government because people don’t like the liberals. They are fighting for this right to choose what goes in our body and to not be discriminated against in our own country. Being told that you can’t buy groceries (Quebec) because you don’t want to be forced into have a medical procedure that has had known side effects. You were a soldier, fight for freedom!
Read more
Bryce Byerley
2 hours ago
@Michael Vallee <—–Joined Dec 19, 2021. Shill harder, Shill!
2 hours ago
To anyone in law enforcement:
There will come a time when, “I was just following orders.” will fall hollow.
Are you prepared?
Be of good conscience.
Read more
Yusa Rendina
2 hours ago
Only for fans over 18 years old https://Aishite.Tokyo/oliv13ra ❤🔥
mañas no se la
Megan: “Hotter”
Hopi: “Sweeter”
Joonie: “Cooler”
Yoongi: “Butter
Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
Dene: ”Muzdak”
Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
Aç köz arstan
Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.
Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾
Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente
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2 hours ago
Fun fact… Democracy in ascent Athens did not have any political leaders of any type…
If a citizen had an issue they would go to the parliament and presenting to another 500 randomly selected citizens that would vote to decide if his issue is going to be put up for vote to the public.
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Anita Easterday
2 hours ago
@Crazyel Cross I heard March 1st…twatter and fb keep banning them so Trump said they are welcome on Truth Social to organize it
Idaho Corrupt
2 hours ago
….The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment. – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nulad ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. in Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the ” Law’ (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, and legal rights. Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly;
Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights.
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Metal Force
2 hours ago
The zionists tricked us
2 hours ago
This administration is braking the Geneva Convention on human rights…
God Bless
1 hour ago
@Scott and sorry,.. the people that fought and died against the british?.. most were not soldiers. They, unlike the freedom hating filth of the left, are doing something for freedom. They are not cowards, like the left.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
1 hour ago
@Michael Vallee Spoiler alert battle buddy! In the end, conservatives and righteousness human beings will save our countries!!!
Just research some military history!
Sending arrows of ❤️
Jeff Conley
1 hour ago
@OLdGuY yeah he got mixed up. Easy to do on a long thread like this.
Jeff Conley
1 hour ago
@Christine first I heard of this 👍👍👍
Prof. Weed
1 hour ago
Ever had an original thought?
1 hour ago
@Lauren I totally agree with you.
Jeff Conley
1 hour ago
@James Stephens seems like it wouldn’t be possible but the more I see from the administration the more I believe that is they’re end game.
1 hour ago
@Vern Pierce The establishment have been dumbing down ordinary people for many decades…now the majority appear to have totally lost their critical thinking skills.
Nature M.
1 hour ago
Thank you, you are great heroes and I am with you – I send you support, love and blessings from Austria!! We are impressed by your brave, reflected and honest movement for freedom and unity and I am praying for your and for us all that we can re-build a life in freedom and unity on this planet!!! All the best to you! 🙏💞
Le Quyen
19 minutes ago (edited)
The world will learn how to peaceful demonstrate against Tyranny. Thank You for giving us the knowledge to fight back. Stay Strong and send a message to the government that we will NOT comply to tyrannical orders. We, the PEOPLE, have more power and control than the government. We are fighting a 3 front war, Government, Big Corporations, and our dear neighbors. Stay Strong and the rewards will be all worth it. We will punished the evil after all of this nonsense is behind us.
Read more
1 hour ago
Pray Patriots, Pray! 🙏🏼If you believe Pray, if you don’t Pray (you have nothing to lose) – Only the hand of God can protect the truckers and help them. God bless you all who stand for truth, justice and freedom. 💗🇨🇦🇨🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸
1 hour ago
Emmanuel F
1 hour ago
You guys are the best, continue fighting for our FREEDOM!
Donna Bennett
10 hours ago
Ssme dark strategy happened in D.C. during the 60″s. Media left at midnight. The police swarmed in arresting citizens to shut them up! We support you from USA. Go Canada 🇨🇦
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Remi Pelletier
Remi Pelletier
10 hours ago
Together UNITY FREEDOM 🗽☮️🙏
9 hours ago
Yeah but Washington burned to the ground if history serves me correct.
Harriette Macy
9 hours ago
Absolutely! 🇺🇸🙏🏽💜
Yusa Rendina
2 hours ago
Only for fans over 18 years old https://Aishite.Tokyo/oliv13ra ❤🔥
mañas no se la
Megan: “Hotter”
Hopi: “Sweeter”
Joonie: “Cooler”
Yoongi: “Butter
Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
Dene: ”Muzdak”
Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
Aç köz arstan
Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.
Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾
Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente
Read more
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Nicole Sibylla
1 hour ago
Either the covid vaccines work or they don’t.
Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that the covid vaccines have failed to curb transmission, and there are other EFFECTIVE strategies that do not rely SOLELY on Big Pharma’s sale products to promote public health.
Why has the KNOWN effectiveness of vitamin D and Zinc never been mentioned by the Corporate News, mouthpieces for Big Pharma?
The fact that the vax was NOT donated to poor countries shows that the actual goal was NOT to promote public health.
What’s the ethical, scientific, and logical justification to force the entire planet to receive a product made by habitually criminal companies who aren’t liable for injury or death, when the product doesn’t even stop transmission?
It was NEVER true that the covid19 virus was ever going away, vaccine or not.
What do the vaccinated and unvaccinated have in common? Neither will ever be immune from new strains of Covid. Eventually, EVERYONE is going to get it.
The agencies funded by Big Pharma and the politicians funded by Big Pharma are on the news networks funded by Big Pharma,
spewing information for why you should trust Big Pharma.
There is a minimal threshhold of cognitive ability required to recognize that the corporate media has been systematically lying to you 24/7 for the past 58+ years.
As for the mob of shamefully misinformed mammalian failures – who clearly don’t meet that minimum cognitive threshhold – but feel the pressing need to uncritically parrot what they’ve been told to think by the corrupt corporate media..
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~MLK
Hint: People with psychopathic authoritarian tendencies – those who advocate for censorship or unconstitutional mandates, for instance – should try to remain silent so they don’t reveal their sick, perverted, Seig Heil, jackbooted thoughts.
The corporate narrative will continue to tell those with their 15th booster to focus their HATE on your neighbor that has only had the 14th booster…
Feel free to share.
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Carol Martinez
1 hour ago
I think they just did the black out….no more live videos
Idaho Corrupt
1 hour ago
!!! The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the medical mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nuland ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. In Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the “Law” (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, freedom of speech and legal rights. Turning off cell phones in Canada, or Tweeter and Facebook in Europe in order Europe would not know the truth about the coming war in Europe or depriving East Ukrainians to speak their own Russian language – this is NOT the freedom of speech. That is why the East Ukraine want to separate from the West Ukraine and go under Russian protection (against Nazi).
Canadian LAW: Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly;
Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights.
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kos sher
47 minutes ago
love you guys. you’re all symbol of freedom and humanity, I’m in BC but ill try to drive up since i cant take public transportation due to vaccine.
Sara Thelwell
35 minutes ago
Sending so much love, positive vibes and support to the Canadian Truckers from the U.K. 💞❤️💕💖
Benny Jeffords
2 hours ago
Please dont give up the fight??!!
Stand strong and stand your ground !
Walter dos Santos
1 hour ago
100 % support to these heroes!!!
Banshee 333
2 hours ago
I am an American citizen, but half of my ancestry is French Canadian, and I am so touched and moved by what these brave people are doing right now. Don’t give up! Don’t back down! What you are doing is not only important for Canada and its people, but for the whole world. Thank you and God bless u all❤
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
10 hours ago
I’m terrified for all of our peace loving Canadians. I never thought our country would come to this. Praying for everyone. We need freedom. It seems like we are all dispensable. I can’t find any live feeds, so it worries me even more 🇨🇦🕊💕
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Humphrey Bumblecuck
10 hours ago
Viva Frei or Portland Andy
10 hours ago
It’s the middle of the night, that’s probably why no live feeds…….
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
10 hours ago
@Lookup2Wakeup there’s usually at least one or two people on patrol doing live feeds even late night. I hope you’re right though
Yvonne McCalla
9 hours ago
How has it come to this? That 20% of population holds a whole country hostage? Delusional. I heard the ‘speeches’ from “Dr’s” disgraceful dis information & propoganda. Toxic US trumpist politics is the virus that has infected Canada. I’ve read some of the live threads on podcasts. The insults misogyny & racism and anti semetism are juvenile and extreme. As well as disrespect for Native Canadians.
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9 hours ago
@Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow Here you go….
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla wow, what live feeds are you watching? You’re entitled to your opinion. Freedom of speech is important. God bless you. I’m entitled to my opinion too based on what I see.
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla No you havent, delusional shill. You rather have the government take the whole country hostage through lockdowns? Go take more jabbies, you clearly havent had enough yet.
Humphrey Bumblecuck
9 hours ago
@Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow wow you’re welcome Debbie!
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@Lookup2Wakeup thank you! 👍
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@avatarbouwen spread some love. That’s how the convoy is winning 💕
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@Humphrey Bumblecuck 🇨🇦🕊
Fay Fairley
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla You are speaking to the wrong people. That’s fine your still asleep! These Truckers are some of the finest people you will ever meet. When the truth comes out you will regret all that you think now.
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla what planet are you on? Or what psychotropics? You’ve had way too much CBC, CNN, MSNBC, you need to realise and wake up to the FACT that Canada AND the US have been held hostage for 2 years by lies from their governments, and this is nothing to do with Trump, or any kooky delusional paranoia you want to cook up, this is PEOPLE being stripped of their rights, their liberty, their livelihood and lives! Wake UP!
One day, very soon, you’ll wake up and realise you’ve become a DRONE, with not a pot to piss in, and even then you’ll probably STILL blame those trying to prevent that nightmare…..
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Humphrey Bumblecuck
9 hours ago
@Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow ♥️
Bob Kozalov
9 hours ago
@avatarbouwen What lockdowns? Where are lockdowns happening that are so bad right now? Restrictions have been going on and coming off with the covid waves just like in Europe these last 2 years. Restrictions have been lifting again in different places, according to the covid numbers in different places like Sask since January. A week ago Manitoba announced lifting some shortly, today some are being lifted again in Quebec. I would call it small inconveniences not at all taking away freedoms.
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9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla where are you getting info? One of the organizers has native blood, and other tribes people leaders have been demonstrating with the truckers.
As far as the science goes, there is plenty of data now that is proven that:
natural immunity works better than the shots (over 100 studies world wide. I could share 2 links with you instantly, but u tube would delete the comment),
The common cold protects better than the shots (yes there is a real study)
There are 6+ other treatments that are not getting news coverage, some developed in israel (including a nose spray), australia (treatment using a pineapple extract), and the usa (a medical gum that blocks 95% of covid), and more.
The scientist are now agreeing the ending of the pandemic is going to be endemic and it will be like the flu, so constant lockdowns are not really a viable option.
Etc etc etc. Not sure if you are just looking at old data or listening to propaganda, but many medical and scientific experts agree that the shots aren’t the only treatment option.
Heck even pf i z r s own data showed bad results. Go read that.
Anyway, I see that you are very angry and stuck so this reply is mainly for others reading.
There is hope and there are other tested, effective treatment options out there.
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9 hours ago
Like I was saying few days back…..they will shut down cell phones towers to silence people ..no more live stream – no more videos..no more evidence to the outside world. Your Trudeau is a tyrant – plan & simple!! Do you really want to live in your country when it’s going down like this?? we are facing the same thing here in the USA. Let’s pray for them tonight and hope your govt. isn’t stupid enough to go the hard way.
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9 hours ago
Bowlleux Mobile
9 hours ago
Ben Dover
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla Do you know JESUS? God Bless your little hart! Don’t Fear. You have been trained to be angry.
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@Bob Kozalov fortunately perhaps you didn’t miss any funerals, weddings, caring for elderly, watching your child graduate or the many other things that have been happening. If you didn’t notice, freedom of speech is deteriorating terribly too. Just try to go on CBC videos to comment….most of them you can’t. I’m glad you’ve some how dodged your life from being impacted though. Best wishes.
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9 hours ago
@Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow I agree and do so in real life, but on the internet its too easy for some people to just speak untruths with no justification other than their own ego’s trying to feel safe and good. It is disheartening to me.
9 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla 20% of population is a lot, and they have far larger percentage supporting behind the screens. I would like to know which news feed you’re talking about, because I have watched a lot in recent months and didn’t notice any pseudoscience, and no racism whatsoever. I think some of you people are seriously brainwashed by liberal ideology (and I say this as someone who identified as liberal until mandates). You can’t even think straight anymore or pay attention to people’s needs and feelings around you.
You literally are not capable to resonate beyond left vs. right
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9 hours ago
@Bob Kozalov Yes some places are lifting the lockdowns, though not yet where I live, because they are realising it is the flu. Small inconveniences? Bro depression is sky high, teens are killing themselves, suicide is at an all time high, the middle class and small independant bussinesses are fading away, people are put against eachother and it’s all based on fear for an invisible enemy. Countless “conspiricy theorists” have called every step of the way since the beginning and were proven right every single time. The mandates are being liften because the people are waking up to the mass psychosis, fear mongering and deceit and governments can’t justify the destruction for something that has always been present anymore.
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Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
9 hours ago
@avatarbouwen there’s so much disinformation that the only way the negative can be undone is by repeating positivity. Frigg, it’s hard to do on the daily, I hear ya. Repetition = recognition. That’s how we learn our ABC’s, how marketing is done and how the gov convinces people of their narrative. Wishing you the best. Let’s hope all of the love and unity being shown will get through to people who just haven’t seen it yet ✌️
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Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
8 hours ago
@viwatch thank you, I did check it out. I didn’t recognize where they were and it’s hard to tell if it is prerecorded. I’m not familiar with that channel. Social media usually has quite a few, but I haven’t found any on there yet. I appreciate the info 👍
8 hours ago
@Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow You are a great and honest person with a kind soul. I can tell from your words and your video’s. Much love and I wish you the best too <3
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
8 hours ago
@avatarbouwen very kind of you 💐 Thank you so much!
Edward Brost
8 hours ago
I am ashamed of our police forces and government. A disgrace to humanity.
Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
3 hours ago
@montanaboy3777 wishing you the best down south too. The kindness shown from our neighbours has been heartwarming 🇺🇸🕊💕
3 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla would you be referring to the 20% who are politicians holding the rest of the country hostage by requiring proof of vaccination to be employed, by chance 😉 😉
Screw your antihumanity qnd the antihumanity of the ruling class. Real people need to WORK and they need to not be poisoned by mandatory genetic reprogramming. If Trudeau really does represent you, that makes you the bad guy.
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Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
3 hours ago
@Edward Brost there are some good ones. We can’t put them all in the same box. Like all humanity, there is good and bad. It is extremely hard to see examples of the ones that are unjust. It’s so hard to believe that the could turn on their own, but then look at the division and damage our leader has created. Wishing you the best 🕊
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Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow
3 hours ago
@Arts and Wild Woods 🕊🙏
Eli Wallach
3 hours ago
@Yvonne McCalla send those drugs you’re on this way lol
Mark Neuman
2 hours ago
@Bob Kozalov Really good point Bob! So why is our PM so desperate to squash this protest? Why does the media and gov continue to demonize them? I hope you are right, but start asking the important questions. Why would gofundme cave to city police? The world is watching the outcome. This seems to be the litmus test.
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
1 hour ago
please stay strong! keep showing face to the public. PEACE and LOVE from CANADIANS.
7 hours ago
“We are getting inoculated from unemployment” he is 100% correct on that quote.
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Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
7 hours ago
The only reason I got it. I was coerced by my government.
stacy lynn
7 hours ago
Someone said that’s assault
rick pierce
7 hours ago
Time to cut off e.i employees wages as well as taxes for the traitors. The whole system is beyond corrupt.
Baylor Sailor
7 hours ago
That is why my sister got it. The military forced it through the ranks.
Lori Logan
7 hours ago
One must wonder why the hurry to inoculate all people with an experimental M r n a gene therapy and then punish the people who refuse.
6 hours ago
@Lori Logan this was known for about 20 years. But the word conspiracy theory has really made people ignore a lot of truth.
antonio Duval
6 hours ago
The best statement of all.
6 hours ago
Choose unemployment then, if nobody holds to what they know is right we are done anyway.
Farmall Doctor
6 hours ago
Yep! I got the poison shot because I was told that I would get my freedom back.
6 hours ago
thank god this isnt a zombie apocalypse
Liz Taylor
6 hours ago
@stacy lynn It is because the Law states you must give your uncoerced consent! These people do NOT want the Vax! But had to get it to travel, work or go into businesses or schools. BS!
Liz Taylor
6 hours ago
@Lori Logan Especially when other major countries have already dropped their mandates? I read that Justin has order an incredible amount of vax’s from big Pharma. Is he invested? Getting kick backs from them? Or someone else? Soros, Gates?
6 hours ago
Agreed! I used to be able to Proctor Exams at the University of Waterloo. Then they enacted their vaccine policy. Any Staff Member Full Time or Part Time is Required to be Fully Vaccinated before they can work On Campus. I regretfully told them I couldn’t do my job anymore and to contact me if their policy ever changed. Now I see so many job postings for UofW. I wonder how many Staff lost their jobs because a personal medical choice was not valid. 😕
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Lynn Payne
6 hours ago
@Baylor Sailor military can not refuse vaccines. The places in other nations they are asked to go require them. It’s part of the job description. If a job requires me to lift 75lbs and I can’t lift 20, I will be let go. That’s all this is.
5 hours ago (edited)
@Liz Taylor He makes profits from these injections. There’s an article regarding it. It’s been sometime I can not find it anymore have to deep dig for it.
5 hours ago
@Golden Retriever Many were coerced as well many just followed the herd. There’s safety in the herd. It’s all psychology human behavior. Many studies on it.
Patrick Boyle
5 hours ago
@Lori Logan hundred percent correct Lori, what is the true story behind it all,firemen and nurses who spent years saving lives getting fired because they don’t toe the line on getting a vaccine for a Corona type virus.i smell a rat too,to hell with the soulless organisations that dictate to hardworking humble ordinary people.governments driven by money,big pharma driven by money and behind them all the super banks with their swindling debt driven financial system in which the house wins 100 percent of the time not eighty or ninety
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
35 minutes ago
@Scott Yet….
betsy brooks
19 minutes ago
Thank you for what you are doing for health freedom! We are watching around the world. Praying for all of you and we appreciate you!!
Jesus is Lord
28 minutes ago
All of you are awesome! Love how you are handling this protest with such grace. God bless you all.
T loh sigurdson
40 minutes ago (edited)
The people fighting for us in Ottawa by far have the most integrity, bravery and valor I have ever seen in Canada. To label them as the Mainstream has, is in my opinion treasonous. For f sakes they’re sleeping in their trucks living in the freezing cold day in and day out, they’re doing this for everyone including the police and their children the politicians and their children. They need to realize this. It’s so frustrating. No matter what happens you guys are heroes.
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Andrea Leclair
46 minutes ago
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing for Canadians. We have a PM that is not willing to meet and negotiate and will use any tactic he can to end this peaceful, loving protest. He is showing what a self centred person he is and it is obvious to me that he cares nothing about Canadians. My prayers are with every single one of you.
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1 hour ago
Well done LADS AND LADIES. The spirit of SPIRIT BLESSES YOU ALL in spiritually ignited faith and Grace. I have been working day and night to battle this spiritual warfare and I am honored to serve Good along side my family of heaven in this generation. Love you all and AMEN.
The tabernacle NR
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Sean Strife
12 hours ago
“ they’re getting inoculated against unemployment“ that’s some powerful shit right there!🇨🇦
Hide 18 replies
12 hours ago
I have a business that employs 7 people here in Canada. I won’t be hiring terrorists like this that’s for sure.
11 hours ago (edited)
@Herefishyfishy Karma will find you.
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy india has declare trudeau has a traitor to Canadian citizen texas and florida are investigating go fund me and and criminal pm that exile himself! how long do you think he can rest exile before loosing his job since he is a minority government ?Trudeau recently praise the queen and there is no mandate there …
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robert l
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy please take your booster shot.
Then take the next round of Comming shots when mandated.
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy like they want to work fur you. Obviously you just want yes men
Silvia Wardsly
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy Your propaganda is not welcome here. Shame on you!
Silvia Wardsly
11 hours ago
@FunnyGaming I hadn’t heard of any of that. Thank you for sharing. That makes me really, really happy that justice is coming! God bless you!
SoulFor Sale
11 hours ago
They were given a choice.
Barrington Smith
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy what goes around comes around
Jose Reyes
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy Terrorists? Oh you mean the vaccinated right?
Just Judy
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy is Osama Bin Laden one of your seven?
11 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy so you a hater then? refuse to talk. think these people who disagree with you should be rounded up, and re-educated, and forced to tow the line before they make you money. Got it. Someone who wants to be heard, will not be heard by you. I hope you never have to find yourself in a situation where you want to be heard.
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Bach Tomin
11 hours ago
@ Herefishyfishy
Hope Trudeau deems you nonessential and closes you down. Starve quietly.
10 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy looks like you won’t be hiring 80% of the population then.
10 hours ago
I’m ashamed to admit that I got my vaccine to save my job.
10 hours ago
@Herefishyfishy Pretty soon you won’t be hiring anybody because you’ll go bankrupt. The great depression is on its way.
Badger MacLeod
10 hours ago
@stylac : Coersion is a powerful tool to use against people. It’s been done to me, I get it.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Kim Senior
1 hour ago
Bravo 👏 👏 👏 common sense at last! We’re with the Canadian truckers here in the U.K.!😊❤️😊
Alki Kaka
1 hour ago
I’ve donated 25$ and I intend to donate again, for anyone who can, please consider donating too. The entire world is watching and what happens in Canada will affect us all. Huge heaps of love from Sweden <3
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Heather Hall
Heather Hall
1 hour ago
Australia Here – Aussies are protesting for FREEDOM in Australia’s Capital Canberra Along side you guys!
Heather K
31 minutes ago
Thank you so much! Thousands are standing behind you and I am so proud of you all! Thank you for helping those with smaller voices! -USA
1 hour ago
I truly admire your bravery and stand for social justice.
Beat these evil mother’s and stand firm!!!!!
Respect and strength from the UK♥️♥️♥️👊👊👊
Helen’s Musings
2 hours ago
Proud to see our Canadian cousins standing up and being counted.
💖 🇬🇧 🏴
To the Canadian government, the world is watching.
Deborah Hladecek
11 hours ago
Love, respect and support from an American 🇺🇸 in Switzerland 🇨🇭. The world is watching you. ☮️ peaceful protest 🙏🏻❤️
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The_Touring Jedi
The_Touring Jedi
10 hours ago
Swiss Mainstream is not reporting about what is happening in Canada…I wonder why…
Deborah Hladecek
10 hours ago
@The_Touring Jedi I really only fully understand the Swiss news in English so it’s def MSM. But I’d be rude to say that Switzerland is the home of WEF, WHO and GAVI and a “neutral” country.
Yazmin Sanchez
9 hours ago
We are living a violation of our human rights here in Canada, please spread the word
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Eric Bernier
1 hour ago (edited)
Not so peaceful for the people that live there when you hear horn screaming 24/7… plus, it isn’t a manifestation but a siege since they’re staying there. A manifestation has a starting / ending time, they don’t. I would even add that what they’re doing is wrong since they blackmailed the State and the citizens by saying they will stay there until they have what they want with no regard, whatsoever, for the people that live there. They must be thinking that their personal liberty is more important than the one of the people that live there, how paradoxical. They really do be thinking that the State will discuss with people that hold other hostage in the name of individual liberty. They really do be thinking that a bunch of uneducated clown will override the science and the collective safety the State protect. These individual look like a bunch of uneducated degenerate, at best, for anyone that received a decent education and that possess common sense.
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Yazmin Sanchez
23 minutes ago
@Eric Bernier I guess these uneducated people transport the food on your table otherwise you would not have nothing to eat. Or I guess you would eat your education. These people are more valuable and needed that the over educated that have no idea how the food and other goods get to your door. Btw some of them are bilingual or polyglots since they are new Canadians coming from abroad
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Yazmin Sanchez
23 minutes ago
@Eric Bernier I guess these uneducated people transport the food on your table otherwise you would not have nothing to eat. Or I guess you would eat your education. These people are more valuable and needed that the over educated that have no idea how the food and other goods get to your door. Btw some of them are bilingual or polyglots since they are new Canadians coming from abroad
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Yazmin Sanchez
23 minutes ago
@Eric Bernier I guess these uneducated people transport the food on your table otherwise you would not have nothing to eat. Or I guess you would eat your education. These people are more valuable and needed that the over educated that have no idea how the food and other goods get to your door. Btw some of them are bilingual or polyglots since they are new Canadians coming from abroad
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Eric Bernier
17 minutes ago (edited)
@Yazmin Sanchez Them bringing us our food doesn’t mean they’re qualified enough, on an intellectual level, to understand the decision of the State or even worse… taking these kind of decisions? Can you tell me what are the necessary diplomas to be a trucker?
Let me get this straight : since they get us our food, because it is their job, they have to overthrown, on an ideological level, science itself? They have the right to decide, on a political, and socioeconomical level, what is the best for the collective safety? Is this what you’re telling me right now? You answer my initial complaint, about them blackmailing an entire population, with a blackmail yourself? By saying they bring me food so I gotta be careful about what Im saying? Are you a trucker as well? Because you sure sound like you have their level of education…
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Kam I
1 hour ago
HOLD THE LINE!!! We support you!! 🇨🇦❤️🔥🇨🇦
1 hour ago
Thank you to this fine group of amazing people for taking the lead.
Donald Erfert
2 hours ago
Keep strong Canada. You got this California’s respect keep up the good fight.
44 minutes ago
From what I can tell, Freedom Convoy is the epitome of class and peaceful protest. Sending prayers, and standing with you in Texas.
2 hours ago
If I shared your continent, I’d absolutely be there with you. May you have the strength to carry this through.
Greeting and best of wishes from across the pond.
Admin Shadow
4 hours ago
Before seeing this, I never thought a protest could be so peaceful and well-organized. It’s a shame that the government refuses to talk to them.
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4 hours ago (edited)
The jan 6th capital protest could have been the same but some people fell for a trap and others did try to stop people from going in but failed. More should have came and stopped anyone from going in. Cops did lead people into the building and no protesters killed anyone. I wont say that none caused property damage cause some actual protesters probubly did after getting riled up from the trap that was the actor instigators And some not all but some were confirmed antifa going in cause they had also taken selfies of them selves destroying other people’s property at riots.
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4 hours ago (edited)
There gunna use and looks like they have been using the same tactics n traps there in Canada.
jonny incognito
4 hours ago
Right ? So let’s all remember that when it’s time to vote again.
NP Biggs
4 hours ago (edited)
Nobody has EVER brought Canadians together like Trudeau. Everyone hates
him. They will never sit at a table and admit they have been lying and
manipulating us with bogus science for an unrelated agenda of control
and removal of any illusions of freedom we may have had. Face it. That
is NEVER going to happen. I sincerely wish it were otherwise. Support
ALL the truckers. we would not stand a chance of survival without
their year round efforts to keep our shelves stocked. Them and the
Farmers are THE Most important parts of out daily lives.
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Bradley Farrow
4 hours ago
@TheCamoWolf Confirmed antifa your a joke
Bradley Farrow
4 hours ago
@NP Biggs My cousin a trucker wouldn’t get vaccinated now he’s dead so you want to save truckers have them vaccinated so they in their travels they don’t kill others.
4 hours ago
@Bradley Farrow confirmed Antifa!
Pixel Fan
3 hours ago (edited)
@Bradley Farrow Do you know his VitD blood level at the time of his infection? This is a tr3atable disease. But early tr3atment is often times withheld.
Jerzyna ze Szczecina
3 hours ago (edited)
@Bradley Farrow 2 years and still talking nonsense. you dont see the big picture here. and sorry for your loss, very unfortunate.
3 hours ago
@TheCamoWolf At least this protest is based on a real issue. Whereas the Jan, 6th was just based on one man’s ego.
Trump For Pres
3 hours ago
@Bradley Farrow his choice not yours
Bradley Farrow
3 hours ago
@Jerzyna ze Szczecina No there is no big picture you’ve just been brainwashed
Bradley Farrow
3 hours ago
@Trump For Pres Since when has Republicans given in to choice lol
3 hours ago
@William some might have been there for just that but that isn’t what it was about. There is evidence the election was messed with big time decpite all the lies. I for one don’t like eaither president and I do agree Trump has a fat headed ego.
Robert Tucker
3 hours ago
No its criminal that the government refuses to talk to them.: but that said this is the way dictatorships work. Canada needs to make a choice freedom or tyranny.
Bradley Farrow
3 hours ago
@Robert Tucker If the government you elected don’t want to talk to you then elect a new government at the next election
Jerzyna ze Szczecina
2 hours ago
@Bradley Farrow i think it is the other way around Bradley. We have all the science plus evidence backing up ineffectiveness of C-19 vaccines and mandates. I dont follow how you are still arguing otherwise…
Bradley Farrow
2 hours ago
@Jerzyna ze Szczecina I guess that diagnosis is from the doctor that believes that spirits come in and impregnate you or maybe it’s the woman that tells you about the Jewish space lasers that start the fires in California
Bradley Farrow
2 hours ago
@Pixel Fan I don’t let politicians decide my medical needs
2 hours ago
@William Also I don’t think Trump being in the whitehouse would have made much of a difference. People do need to stop idolizing him.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Jerzyna ze Szczecina
1 hour ago (edited)
@Bradley Farrow what are you talking about?! you are truly nuts lol
It is just matter of time when all mandates will be lifted and forgotten. 🙂
Bradley Farrow
22 minutes ago
@Jerzyna ze Szczecina Yes and until then I will keep masked for the protection of others even though I’ve caught it twice and lived but then my lungs are scared I’ve became diabetic and an enlarged heart which they say it will correct it’s self but I have an 89 year old father and a 84 year old mother to be concerned about so I’ve had my 3 shots. My godson 31 years old caught it now he has ED which they are saying was caused by the virus I don’t understand the ignorance of not getting vaccinated when all of this can be made less severe
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Jerzyna ze Szczecina
4 minutes ago
@Bradley Farrow you need to understand this virus is and will be around forever and so far vaccines have not been proven to work. Maybe all your family problems are from vaccines…
its not about ignorance. We all had Covid and no issues. You may have underlying problems…i do not know.
do what is best for you but do not point flingers at others and do not expect others to take the jab.
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We The People
1 hour ago
May Lord be with you and protect you!
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Praying for you…
A supporter from USA California
12 hours ago
Truedeau wasnt happy to be the most hated person in Canada, hes going global! Stay strong.
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Lynn Cbouldry
Lynn Cbouldry
11 hours ago
So is this freedom convoy, it is global.
Linda Parker
11 hours ago
Trudeau and Sloly are war criminals!!! The military should be hauling these corrupt scumbags away from power to save Canada’s democracy and bring back the freedom they deserve!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
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11 hours ago
This was never about Trudeau, he is middle management at best, and he won’t be permitted to give ground by his masters.
Philip Tolson
11 hours ago
From UK it is obvious that you have tyrant at the helm of Canada, Bon chance in opposing your very own Stalin.
Jongwe Rachembera
11 hours ago
I’m from Zimbabwe and never liked him from the get go. His ideology is what has kept Zimbabwe under dictatorship and poverty….you don’t want that in Canada.
Stan Weaver
11 hours ago
Inoculated against unemployment,”
You are correct, that is one of the main reasons people are getting the jab.
The people that have forced this treatment on people not at risk , not willing, or previously infected, do not want to discuss the issue scientifically because there is so much evidence they have ignored the entire time.
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Reijo Silvennoinen
11 hours ago
I think he has reached the status of the most stupid PM in history quite a while ago already! He must be proud! 🙂
11 hours ago
Hopefully Americans will be saying Truck Frudeau at the Superbowl, unless they’re boycotting the NFL.
11 hours ago
💥it’s time for doctors to step up , everyone else is putting their livelihood on the line too.
💥it’s time for police to decide are they going to follow orders like the yatzis or gas their citizens
💥it’s time for any politicians/mayors to step up and make their voices heard.
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national interest
11 hours ago
Martin Roa
11 hours ago
@ghosty426 let’s go Brandeu!
jabooha Sun
11 hours ago
Wake up please. Neo liberals dont care about any kind of feelings.
11 hours ago
The Doctors were conquered back in the 1970s when David Rockersmeller interjected himself and bribed all the US Medical Schools and Training Hospitals with his Philanthropic gift giving. You can see the end game results with Fauci and his Wife, Christine Grady PhD both running Departments at the NIH. If you cross them, your University gets no $ funding or grant money for research. The AMA and CDC has the Corporate Owned Doctors well under control. If you go against their narratives, you lose your medical license. Doctors are no longer true Professionals as they once were, working for themselves. They all have business managers and Corporate paid Attorneys for medical malpractice cases.
It’s financial suicide for Doctors to speak out about the Covid-19 Plandemic or the eugenics based vaccines Remember, top eugenicists Bill Gates interjected himself into the vaccine industry and now vaccines are being pushed anytime you call a Doctor’s Office or call a pharmacy.
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Pink Rose
10 hours ago
@Iron He’s nothing more than a cowardly puppet.
Home Alone
10 hours ago
@Iron Ground was being given before the truckers started. All over the world restrictions were being lifted. Alberta and Saskatchewan are talking about starting to lift them this week.
What this trucker protest does is force them to take a losing position. It works toward finally hold our leadership responsible for the lives they’ve destroyed over these past 2 years.
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Different Places
10 hours ago
Like father like son imo. That Australian pm is dangerous too.
All these prime ministers and presidents have been put into power to bring in the nwo. They are all on the same agenda. This isn’t just a Canadian problem this is a worldwide problem.
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j r
10 hours ago
@Marcie people need to start writing to their local and provincial mp’s!
10 hours ago
@ghosty426 I hear ya but I’m calling BS.
It’s financial suicide for doctors? It’s financial suicide FOR EVERYONE STANDING UP.
I’ve lost my job and I’m trying to keep my house.
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10 hours ago
@j r how’s that worked out for the last year?
10 hours ago
It’s worth it. I’d rather live free as a homeless person than a single day rich and oppressed or knowing that I sold out my values. My life isn’t worth folding on my values.
10 hours ago
He said he wants to be a dictator, and he’s proving it.
Richard Stuart
9 hours ago
Trudeau is just a puppet, appointed to attract votes from the weak minded and easily led. His owners have pulled him off line while they organise sufficient brutality to take down the protesters.
9 hours ago
@Iron He’s as compromised as they come. When you get called traitor and people throw stones at you in the street it’s a pretty big clue. I hope he doesn’t flee or worse before we get to audit him.
There is no way the planners of this are getting away with it. They are losing sleep and doing one stupid thing after another around the world. Where’s the military? Getting read for tribunals, I hope.
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9 hours ago
@thegatesofsleep yes. Thank you.
Who are you without…. morals and the courage to stand up for others and yourself.
If that isn’t the top of your list, it’s money, and those who worship money will tread on EVERYONE to get it .
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Gigs Trail
9 hours ago
@Iron Very possibly true…
Doctor Drywall Original
9 hours ago
Hahaha best comment since al gore invented the intertubes
9 hours ago
I understand your position. But remember, these Doctors are brainwashed with 16 years in liberal run academia plus 4 more years of medical school and 2 more years of residency and then more schooling for specialized services like gynecology or otolaryngology and a fellowship as Surgeons.
They are not going to ruin all of that training and $ investment by getting blackballed from their profession.
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тат мит
9 hours ago
@Iron exactement
8 hours ago
@ghosty426 then they shouldn’t be doctors SIMPLE AS THAT.
doctors take a Hippocratic oath.
They out OF ALL PROFESSIONS have a moral duty to be trusted, that’s why they are held in high esteem.
And you saying they should shut up because of money is unethical and illegal if damages can be proven.
Your a pathetic coward to encourage those or anyone to shut up and take the money.
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Kevin Birch
8 hours ago
He’s finished
Where in Canada can he ever show his face in public again
Karamjeet Bedi
8 hours ago
Most hated? How did he win every single time he ran for Prime Minister then genius?
8 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi well…
He took a sh!t ton of money off major corporations, so they were seen to support him.
He threatened/bribed all online media sites and paid to have competition advertising limited to irrelevant voter populations.
I really don’t have time to explain politics to you, but if you take the time the tactics and companies they employ for marketing will probably shock you, good luck on that red pill journey 👍
Also I noticed you had written about being jobbed for polio,measles, ect and what’s the difference with this jab
Those jabs prevent you from catching those things and spreading those things, this jab however neither prevents you catching the coof and it doesn’t prevent you spreading the coof.
That’s the defence, I hope that helps 👍
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8 hours ago
@Iron YOUR WRONG….and here’s why ,he already has.
AKA his last “speach” …..
The narrative is now about “climate change that’s the big issue here Canadians ”
He won’t come out of hiding and drop all sh!t the next day but …
He is backing down, it’s going to be in steps to save face and not appear weak willed , the “science ” will change VERY shortly
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тат мит
7 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi Il n’a gagné que sur le papier.
bob pete
7 hours ago
@Iron Yes, most people don’t understand that he’s just a willing puppet (an evil one) but the string pullers are the same throughout the world.
Kevin Birch
7 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi
Wearing a red snot rag is a Boarding Pass to Canada
7 hours ago (edited)
You know you’re living on a screwed up continent when out of it’s three countries Mexico’s corrupt drug cartel paid president is more liked, and is more competent, than the leaders of the United States, and Canada.
It’s like Trudeau, and Biden are in a competition to see who can destroy their countries the fastest. In the states we have “LET’S GO BRANDON!”. What’s the Canadian equivalent when it comes to Trudeau?
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bob pete
7 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi Honestly, if you haven’t developed your critical thinking skills at this point in your life then there’s no point in trying to explain to you how the real world works. No offense.
7 hours ago
@Reijo Silvennoinen I don’t think he cares
7 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi Because of the left wing sheep in this country, or it was fixed. Sure as hell, I didn’t vote for the man child.
7 hours ago
@bob pete in regards to your reply to Bedi .
I think of him as Forrest gump, completely happy that the world is fair and just ,except for those that use bad phobic,ist, words ,that’s the only real issue in world these days.
The government it’s right, elections and fair .
Did you catch my reply to him above?
People like this just haven’t had that “red pill” moment in life yet.
He needs sympathy patience, there will be that one thing that will pull the thread and the ball will drop .
And that will only happen when he’s ready
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7 hours ago
@Kevin Birch not gunna tell ya what to type I’m a free speech absolutist.
But calling that guy a snot rag probably isn’t gunna help him have that red pill moment, the one we all had to get here.
Just saying
USA Mariner
7 hours ago
The illegitimate is not a Trudeau, he is the result of a adulteress affair between Fidel Castro and the lose woman that calls herself his mother.
Biddeh D
7 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi voting machines
Amandaa Smith
7 hours ago
Flora Fennell
7 hours ago
I think Trudeau lost when he ran away. Dr JP called him a teenager and an actor. It’s very accurate.
Kevin Birch
7 hours ago
@Marcie i understand and am apologetic but these immigrants who have a chance at a good safe life in Canada are not going to preach to me
I believe in multi culturism but fed up with the Liberals easing the way for SE Asians
How about a balanced choice with East European countries like Ukraine Lithuania Estonia Serbia Croatia
They are better suited for Canada than those Holier than Thou Sikhs
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Yod Iamyou
6 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi DOMINION VOTING MACHINES….ya think??
6 hours ago
@Kevin Birch lol I hear ya I’m in Australia and we are now west Africa/S.E. Asian.
The “woke propaganda” is here to now, it took awhile tho.
I’ve been sacked for not having the jab , so what’s going on in our commonwealth countries is very real for me, my state still has us locked out from the rest of the country.
I’ve been glued to the livestreams.
I would LOVE to move to Canada, but God dam that snow looks terrifying , ive never seen it IRL.
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6 hours ago
He’s not going to resign He learned dictatorship from China and he’s using on Canadians he must be removed
6 hours ago
@Different Places we need to won this fight otherwise we are all finished life won’t be worth living anymore
6 hours ago
@Marcie you are a coward just like trudeau people like you make them able to do evil to humanity
Katherine Richards
6 hours ago
@Marcie lots of doctors in America already got fired and lost their med licenses for saving lives and speaking of saving lives is outlawed in America
6 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi him and Biden put in power by the same criminals hijacked elections
6 hours ago (edited)
@victory thank you not sure what for but God bless you
Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
Chris G
6 hours ago
These losers are helping Trudeau gain support.
6 hours ago
@Katherine Richards so they are ethical doctors , is that what saying? they lost their jobs like hundreds of thousands of others due to this “political science ” BS
Mike Jones
6 hours ago (edited)
I can’t believe how he got elected they used to put gay people in the crazy houses.. now you all got a gay running your country 😳
Thomas Griffin
6 hours ago
Let him leave globally to the other side of the world!! How about Cuba!
Leah Archambault
6 hours ago
less than 25% of Canadians support the freedumb convoy. 25% of Canadians is certainly a LOT of people, but the majority are NOT with you.
Thomas Griffin
6 hours ago
@Leah Archambault amen!! Send the Tyrant down the road..
coleen gordon
6 hours ago
He finally realizes , he is a failure at every level.
Marc Jolin
6 hours ago
@j r i’ve done that so has mostly everyone I know.
6 hours ago
@ghosty426 finally some one said it 👆 thank you
Thomas Wilkinson
6 hours ago
Truedeau Plans On Making Canadians Slaves For The Next 400 Years!!
Funki Bloo
6 hours ago
@Iron – Klaus schwab and the nwo minions.
Donal Clarke
6 hours ago
Trudeau is finished! He just does not know it yet ) or may have a bolt hole already prepared?)
Pamela Vickers
6 hours ago
@Thomas Griffin , not exactly the other side of the world. Tropical island, would be more like a gifted vacation for him. Maybe you should think, N.Korea or China or Iran…
6 hours ago
@Leah Archambault because the other 75% watch the government funded cbc and think they are protesting “road conditions ”
Davina Gray
6 hours ago
@bob pete
👊👊👊 WORD UP MY Brother Bob Pete 👍 They don’t understand how the Real 🌎 World works.
Pamela Vickers
5 hours ago
@Thomas Griffin , might want to re-read her comment. She’s a communist Karen🙄
Katherine Richards
5 hours ago
@Marcie if you ever have a chance check out anything you might find America’s Frontline Doctors they were out there in the beginning with compassion and were immediately shut down by the tech rulers.
5 hours ago
@thegatesofsleep I second that. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. If the world wants to take me down, my soul will never be bound
5 hours ago
@Katherine Richards I am aware of this , I’m also aware that other countries doctors adopted different approaches.
I’m not disagreeing with the known censorship.
But saying nothing as a doctor makes you an accomplice.
We got to this point because of truckers ,not doctors who chose to sit down and take a pay check instead of standing up , if they grew some balls and spoke up with the others, we wouldn’t be this far down the sh!t hole
No sympathy from me when they put money first
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5 hours ago
Katherine Richards
5 hours ago
@Marcie agreed. As for me I can never trust any hospital ever after this. I trust my doctor but fear he is a dying breed. Back in 2020 I when I cut my head bad by falling of my horse without my helmet my doctor was appalled and visibly saddened when I told him I’d bleed to death on my couch before being isolated to die in room . The wound bled for 2 weeks before I would even go see him. I told him I knew it’s infected because my horses are sniffing my head . He got it fixed up giving me no further judgment.
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5 hours ago
I know many people who did not vote for Trudeau but are glad that he is not giving in to these people
5 hours ago
Squange Flagion
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
@Katherine Richards lol horses know, put some molasses on it .
Or purple horse cut spray on 🤣🤣
The number of cuts bites rope burns , broken legs, arms and bucked on my ass are too many
Those were all my risks, I chose to get back up, get back on and get back up every morning.
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5 hours ago
@StarScream89 giving in to the truckers that are protesting “road conditions ” according the cbc , that’s a shame we all deserve better roads
Kenneth Mcdonald
5 hours ago
He’s bidens brother!
krista mccarrell
5 hours ago
@Marcie truckers, nurses, fire fighters, ect have lost their job too. Its time to stand up because losing your job isn’t as bad as losing your freedom.
4 hours ago
@krista mccarrell 10000%
The job is a temporary loss, especially if these mandates are overturned.
Freedom is permanently lost when it’s gone
4 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi how did he win every election you ask?
He only got 31% of the votes, infact the conservatives got more votes then the libs. He squeaked in with a minority government, making him the “fringe”. You should learn how elections work before you start lecturing others about it.
Den Zil
4 hours ago
You spelled “coward” wrong
Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! Youtube is more fiction then facts folks!!
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Crystal Regan
4 hours ago
Biden is neck and neck with this jerk!
Tiara Godwin
4 hours ago
Yes these Canadian Truckers and Farmers are the HEROES & they’re leading the True Majority! 🇨🇦🏆❤️ UNITED STATES needs this same protest and we have to get out of our comfort zone 🎖️🙏🇺🇸 #Ottawa #Liberty #TruckersConvoy #ProFreedom #NoMandates
4 hours ago
He’s been a globalist since the start of his tenure. Sad but the man leading this country is in the pockets of the wolves in Davos.
NP Biggs
4 hours ago
Nobody has EVER brought Canadians together like Trudeau. Everyone hates him. They will never sit at a table and admit they have been lying and manipulating us with bogus science for an unrelated agenda of control and removal of any illusions of freedom we may have had. Face it. That is NEVER going to happen. I sincerely wish it were otherwise. Support ALL the truckers. we would not stand a chance of survival without their year round efforts to keep our shelves stocked. Them and the Farmers are THE Most important parts of out daily lives.
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Kimberley Jane
4 hours ago
🎯🎯🎯 To individually help the convoy. REFUSE THE USE OF VAX PASS FOR WORK HOME AND PLAY. If all federal employees and everyone did this today, we will be served.
4 hours ago
@Yod Iamyou Well, they told us that Dominion machines weren’t used in Canada at all??? Well, they had offices on Spadina Rd. in Toronto. And, those offices were emptied, in the middle of the night, shortly after they were mentioned in the US elections. Many of the computers were not even unplugged from the wall, they grabbed the units and ran off without the plugs. Looks just a “tad” guilty.
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Ann Marie
4 hours ago
Learn Quantum Grammar Syntax will get you out of courts and jail
David-Wynn Miller Quantum Grammar
4 hours ago
Go Truckers! You will continue to be harassed, misrepresented and provoked! Keep your cool and hold your course! It will take just one person pushed too far and “snapping” to fuel the propaganda machine to portray each and everyone as terrorists.
Rooting hard for you from south of the border!
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The Joker
4 hours ago
Be real people, violence is the only real solution against tyranical entities. It’s very Admiral that we have peacefully and diplomatically had our voices heard, but you can only deal with tyrants one way. The cops have plans, the tyrant Trudeau has plans. Their schemers, tyrant schemers trying control other humans. We will show these tyrants how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. Once we see the tyrants putting hands on free citizens. WE will take it from here. We will upset the established order by introducing anarchy and chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, it fair. Government has been living with peaceful compliance for too long, and this has made the government arrogant. They have forgotten that we the people are FREE. Break through the slave mindset and send the message to the tyrants! EVERYTHING BURNS!
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Kevin Carmell
4 hours ago
@Educate Yourself I agree with you to a certain extent…
BUT.. Let’s be careful NOT to mistake the “menu” for the DINNER !
Kevin Carmell
3 hours ago (edited)
Quote: ATTENTION: Beware of this character “Educate Yourself” with its repetitive mantra.. Always QUESTION everything !
Obi Juan
3 hours ago
The best vaccine in medical science history, truckers are dying of Covid instead of taking a simple vaccine, we have lots of shortages all across America and these crybabies don’t want to help out the people of our nations who depend on their services. These are horrible, selfish people.
Maryanne Chalifoux
3 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi corruption that’s how
Randy M
3 hours ago
@Linda Parker They are not war criminals.
Mary S St Louis
3 hours ago
Wow stay strong you all are in my prayers. My employer harassed verbally 4 times and they said you cant walk in govt doors wo an experiment but we can hire somewhere else. Dah you didnt support my decision. I felt my freedom was violated and some states have pushed control it makes me cry when they little kids are being treated like war criminals. We put parents who lock their kids up so why can govnt do something cruel like lock doors on the kids for no mask in name of safety. Wow they are cleaning the streets as they fed the homeless such a totally peaceful people.
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Randy M
3 hours ago
@Philip Tolson Is it evident Johnson isn’t too bright. His record with Covid is dismal.
Randy M
3 hours ago
@ghosty426 That would be rude. Oh right, Trump taught the Right well.
Jordan Betteridge
3 hours ago
90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.
Maryanne Chalifoux
3 hours ago
@Obi Juan lol it’s not the best vaccine lol it’s not effective after 6 months
Kevin R
3 hours ago
He should step down
3 hours ago
@Randy M
All is fair in Love and War. We are at war with the Globalists and their Eugenics New World Order.
Sheree Di Vittorio
3 hours ago
Manfred K
3 hours ago
I hate Trudeau, for very different reasons. I think these children are idiots, too, and I have no respect for them.
3 hours ago
He has an exact replica sitting in the White House!
3 hours ago
@Lynn Cbouldry Apparently yes yesterday first trucks arrived at Westminster London, Brussels has already farmers in and convoys from Italy France Netherlands are coming to support them, hell people are starting to understand they got r@ped by this governments and wait until they find out that all the money they paid for their pensions are already stolen and used in ponzi schemes …
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3 hours ago
Yes, the Illuminati Lucifarian Death-Cult have all their Useful Idiots in place now, including the so called Pope of the Catholic Church.
A. Rolls
3 hours ago
@Exodriver I don’t think there’s one cemented yet, but I like ‘Truck Castreau.’
3 hours ago
True. When other countries newscasts call his antics a “dictatorship”, it speaks volumes.
A. Rolls
3 hours ago
@Leah Archambault Where are you getting your stats from, fake news?
Matthew Tschetter
3 hours ago
The prime Minister is a disgrace to this country
Kathi F
3 hours ago (edited)
@Marcie if you give up, Canada will become communist. This is for the children and grandchildren. Soras recently said 2022 will be a historical year determining the future of the world. Klaus Schwadb has written books about it. This takeover has been planned for decades.
3 hours ago
Where’s the follow up with this???
Katherine Richards
3 hours ago
@Marcie oh he gave me this awesome sticky ointment called medihoney its over the counter too. He just shock his head when I said oh this would be good the horses. .and said if your horse had this wound it would’ve been treated better. Horse people he says, I answered you ride a Harley, nuff said
3 hours ago
@Karamjeet Bedi because ontario holds 122 votes(mostly liberal) and all of westren/northern canada has a total of 111 votes. That is 1 provence vs 7 and still being less. So once polls close in ontario the elections are efectivly over.
3 hours ago
The only cure for tyranny is death.
Malkeit Kaur
3 hours ago
JT is a selfie PM no leadership just scandals. He embrassed Canadians all the time.
Be Still
3 hours ago
@Leah Archambault history shows the majority have always been wrong. Dumbed down masses
3 hours ago
Yup!! 💛❤️🤍💛
Chamber Pot
2 hours ago
He’s a vile man and needs to be punished.
Get Jordan Peterson to speak to the crowd.
2 hours ago
You all forget what the police did to WATER PROTECTORS? GO TRUCKERS 1312 #FREEDOM
Killing free speech BLAH BLAH BLAH commies KICK THE CAN
Read more
2 hours ago
Turdeau has already lost and he knows it. He’s just throwing a temper tantrum like a typical child. These peaceful truckers are the real adults here.
2 hours ago
@Marcie It’ll be total suicide if you DON’T stand up. The gov’t will take everything away from you. Good grief. Wake up.
John Jobs
2 hours ago
Show solidarity by coughing on everyone in public places.
Peter Mead
2 hours ago
@Obi Juan the best vaccine in medical science history – how do you come to that conclusion?
2 hours ago
@Sheree Di Vittorio
The US Congress are exempt from the Fauci-Ouchi Clot shots too…and so are all thr illegal Aliens when they’re caught.
The eugenicists want this vaccine in certain segments of the population.
2 hours ago
James Glenn
2 hours ago
handsoffmygun MF
2 hours ago
I live in the US and have been speaking out on live chats against the Canadian government and them stealing the diesel fuel from the truckers and the gofundme money. Today I noticed the YT totally blocked me from commenting on live chats. The commie rats in the Canadian government are working with YT to silence my free speech in the US. I’m pretty sure this comment will be ghost banned too. Rumble or gettr is where you guys need to go, because YT is obviously working with the Canadian government against the protesters.
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Obi Juan
2 hours ago
@Maryanne Chalifoux The science is brilliant, and will change how vaccines are made for generations. No immunity for the rapidly multiplying Coronavirus is 100% even recovering from the virus itself is not protection from getting the virus again months later. But a series of vaccines will keep your antibody levels high enough to keep you out of the hospital or the grave by a factor of 10. That’s 10 times less likely to end out with life long issues from getting covid, or going to hospital for two or three weeks, or dying.
The vaccines are the only alternative, the rest IS just rolling the dice that you won’t get it, even a mild version can put you out of work. Meanwhile, people need food. What happens if most of these crybaby truckers get covid at the same time… will there be shoot outs in grocery stores… in the name of freedom… this is moronic on many levels. Its mass stupidity.
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2 hours ago
@Reijo Silvennoinen Justin Castro is an embarassment to all Canadians
Michelle Antao
2 hours ago
ccp – cuban castro politician.
Lancer Aultman
2 hours ago
@Reijo Silvennoinen aww 1
Alex palermo-simms
2 hours ago
@Jongwe Rachembera My family lived in Italy during qw2 and the reign of Mussolini. They said that Trudeau is using his tactics to get the public’s support. Truly disgusting.
2 hours ago
@handsoffmygun MF
The Canadian cops stealing the Fuel and Jerry Jugs are violating their Oaths of Office to be police officers.
2 hours ago
@James Glenn
Just Doing My Job excuse didn’t work on the Gallows.
2 hours ago
@handsoffmygun MF
Democrats are of the Lucifarian ilk.
Shirley Leeth
2 hours ago
@Lynn Cbouldry doesn’t rubdw4
Highway to Quail
2 hours ago
@j r I write mine daily recently. I have an alarm on my phone set as a reminder, as if I’d forget.
Lloyd Burton
2 hours ago
The world is watching
2 hours ago
@thegatesofsleep some people have families and children they have to think about. It’s not that easy
Lloyd Burton
2 hours ago
They are getting money promoting vaccines
Mike Morris
2 hours ago
Trudeau has finally achieved global banding “Shit” 💩
j w
2 hours ago
Trudeau was specifically named in the Nuremberg trial opening statements. He will be hated around the world (even more so) once the evidence is read out.
1 hour ago
@Lloyd Burton
Video all interactions with the police. They are provoking arrests. They are violating their own oaths of Office.
Remind them the “Just doing my Job” excuse did not work at Nuremberg when the original New World Order People went on trial. This Plandemic is being used by DAVOS and Bilderberg for the RESET
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Jeff Spider
1 hour ago
@jabooha Sun I’m sure this group is fully aware of that. They are simply expressing the effect from the liberals treachery – for the record.
handsoffmygun MF
1 hour ago
@ghosty426 I totally agree
Obi Juan
56 minutes ago
@Peter Mead I have followed the mRNA vaccine since 2018 when Moderna went public. mRNA will change how vaccines are made for generations, its right now being successfully tested on cancer cells.
If you don’t know the science then you can easily manipulated by the nonsense. 90% of the people in hospitals and graves due to covid are NOT VACCINATED. That is real.
Read more
51 minutes ago
Going Global!!!! He went Global years ago.
Ken Hofer
7 minutes ago
@E S he,ll be leaded up before that happens
1 hour ago
God Bless you! Keep strong and Vigilant! The movement is going worldwide! PEACEFUL PROTEST is what intelligent people do! Asking for their Government to make a change that is right for the people and what they want. Politicians are out of hand, they act like their position is about them, it’s NOT it’s about the people! I pray for change! I pray politicians realize that they are NOT above us! We all make mistakes and the right thing for them to do is apologize and move forward! That’s called integrity!
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Tiggy Katz
1 hour ago
Thank you for your efforts. I’d love to hear you sing Oh Canada a few times a day! In fact people from around the world would love to hear it too.
2 hours ago
LouAnn Sopata
1 hour ago
Sending love and prayers from the US for your success.❤️
Remi Vogel
2 hours ago
Thank you all for your effort and your peaceful approach to discuss these issues and trying to find a solution although the authorities are making no effort to go our way!
Donny D Demarco
12 hours ago (edited)
I don’t understand how the word “terrorist” gets thrown around towards these people. It’s absolute madness from the liberal government how they are handling this. We support you
Just occurred to me, if you were REAL terrorists, he would have paid you himself, I almost forgot about that ol scandal of his 😂
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Bowdean Mcnowski
12 hours ago
When goverment has to lie to push their agenda because its evil
Philip Crawford
11 hours ago
The only terrorists are in parliament.
11 hours ago (edited)
Cities were burned, business’s looted, people killed. In the states here. Never was the word “terrorist” used. A group of boomers go to the capital, start trying to get in, and wandering around the building. Suddenly they are terrorists. Its whichever narrative that allows them to be the victims.
Donny D Demarco
11 hours ago
@GENXFPV it’s scary because it feels like there is sinister motives within both of our governments at works
R Thomas
11 hours ago
Same thing in the US. Anyone who dares question the Left is called a “terrorist”
11 hours ago
These ppl are conspiracy believers, total nuts, now that I’ve seen them talk I’m disgusted. What loonies, they expected to be taken seriously ? ridiculous
Lord Solar
11 hours ago
Gaslighting and propaganda and more specifically subversion
11 hours ago
The word terrorist is the new racist! Enjoy the lies!
Ho lee Fuk
11 hours ago
they’re not liberals they’re marxist socialists.
Ed M
11 hours ago (edited)
Chinese Communists called the Hong Kong protestors “terrorists”, to justify their overreach into a self-ruled region.
D.C. politicos called the Jan. 6 protestors “terrorists”, to justify their last-minute/sustained Constitutional overreach in election laws/protocols.
Now WEF-puppets call the Canadian Convoy “terrorists”, to justify their Scamdemic “emergency” power overreach.
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Mad Headz
11 hours ago
@BOCtunes you’re what?
11 hours ago
@GENXFPV It’s about generating fear and hate. If you label your opposition as something that’s easy to hate, then hate is easier to control. Like said above, if you say anything anti-liberal in the US you are immediately labeled terrorist, racist, etc. It’s done on purpose so that they can create hate against you. And people with hate on their mind are easy to control, their minds close off and get focused on more hate, whatever keeps it fueled.
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Tim Graham
11 hours ago
@R Thomas Proud terrorist here. 😆
Cosmic Comet Tarot
11 hours ago
They are doing the same to us in the US, if you are patriotic suddenly you’re a terrorist. It’s deplorable but it shows that this was never about health.
Reijo Silvennoinen
11 hours ago
@R Thomas Yep, they are following the same tactics. We are just behind in Kanada.
Tim Graham
11 hours ago
Trudeau is projecting.
Reijo Silvennoinen
11 hours ago
@BOCtunes Get lost troll!
ILikebatSoup Returns
11 hours ago
Peaceful, not mostly peaceful but honestly peaceful, respectful demonstrations of calm people going against the agenda and simply wanting to be heard and their human rights is terror to liberals.
Holly Swanson
11 hours ago
We love you
Explore with Miss Sonia
11 hours ago
I can’t believe the gutless, bully who’s hiding is still alive??
Thomas W. Hardy
11 hours ago (edited)
Seditionist…. supporting foreign enemies – so yeah unknowing or knowing terrorist.
That Freedom FLAG is pollution in their heads.
Delta Echo Echo
11 hours ago
Bad news for all of you. This is not going to end well for any of you. There will be no negotiations with a group of people that have a Fuck Trudeau trailer outside the PMs door step.
D Hokanson
11 hours ago
We live in 🤡🌎, it’s no longer a joke or a meme, we have crossed a reality barrier.
Micheal Tull
11 hours ago
The word terrorists is their excuse to behave like SS TROOPS.
11 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo They’re talking total nonsense, I thought they were somewhat serious but this is a joke. You can’t have these loonies dictate 95% of the country their will. All you have to do is play this nonsense to the courts … quackery nutters
D Hokanson
11 hours ago
@BOCtunes You stand behind a coward and a liar and you don’t know squat. Lol
Micheal Tull
11 hours ago
@Philip Crawford Your wrong Congress and the White House has more than any country needs .
11 hours ago
I don’t mean this hatefully. But Canadians are naive to what’s going on. JT doesn’t care what happens to you guys. He’s got his orders and if he can’t keep control he’s gonna pay. Where do you think he was for 5days. Getting a pedicure.
Calypso McDonnell
11 hours ago
Don’t blame the liberals! I have lost two jobs within a year because of the shutdowns in California.
Barrington Smith
11 hours ago
@Donny D Demarco It’s not just a feeling ,it’s a fact
Calypso McDonnell
11 hours ago
@GENXFPV lol…Trump is a criminal
Barrington Smith
11 hours ago
@BOCtunes Who exactly are you referring to?
The Great Fomo
11 hours ago
Problem is why did people vote for a liberal government? Was it because of the promise of handouts like free healthcare?
Calypso McDonnell
11 hours ago
@R Thomas Don’t blame the left. Shutdowns do not work. The people up in Canada got more compensation than we did….I could not even get through to the EDD without the help of my state representative.
john yaceyko
11 hours ago
The pm has set up a very poor narrative. He has been hiding for days. But gathering information, I don’t think he will talk to the people. That he been elected to serve. He has quit talking about this meeting on January 27. He called in covid. Canada has no one to answer these good people? They have come from all over Canada to talk. But have not been given a chance? Shameful
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john doe
11 hours ago (edited)
You don’t know? Anyone who opposes the party is ’far-right’ which is used as a catch all pejorative for any dissent.
The only reason ’conservatives’ exist is because political radicals want to do something that would otherwise be unconstitutional / illegal.
(radicals in the political sense. Yes — revolutionary state socialists. There was this thing called the 20th century. You should look it up)
Conservatives exist in every country — they don’t have to have any shared political platform. If you disagree with whatever the new campaign you’re being fed is, you’re evil and ’far right’
They can’t be content the idea of having a stable functional government, with ultimate authority in the hands of individual citizens, in a free, civil society of consent and human rights. It’s a relentless march for power.
They need authority. They need rulers. They can’t be public servants. They can’t tolerate strictly enumerated government powers. They can’t tolerate the jury being the ultimate arbiter of the law. They crave an omnipotent God-state.
Public servants are hired to do a simple, defined job. They think merely having more votes for town dog catcher means they can do anything.
No matter how many votes you have, that doesn’t give you power over other human beings.
There’s one ideology, across countries, that has consistently endorsed an omnipotent state apparatus for over the past century, and its track record is clear.
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Hugo Shen
11 hours ago
to them it’s only terrorism if the pearl clutching elites feel uncomfortable not when the citizens are terrorized by violent mobs.
Douglas Carlson
11 hours ago
This is incredible and these people are incredible!
Fred The Unicorn
11 hours ago
They are torturing the residents by non stop honking and running of engines because they don’t like policies passed by elected representatives. If they want to change policies get people elected who want to have them changed.
Micheal Tull
11 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo Any form of government that attacks it’s own people is destin the fail and fail violently.
11 hours ago
We support freedom.
Fred The Unicorn
11 hours ago
The videos posted show the supporters of this gang yelling at police and interfering with legal arrests. Now they are fomenting insurrection.
11 hours ago
@The Great Fomo if you’re in the states and don’t know how the process here works in Canada, just know that the libs got 20-30% of the voices. Canada didn’t vote for Trudeau but the way the system works, he still got the most seat…
11 hours ago
What is so hard to understand about tyranny?
Daniel Banic
11 hours ago
@John556 Oh he will pay , the globalist will take away his wealth but even better if Traduea get knocked out of office , the white hats will scoop him up once hes out of the limelight and its off to Gitmo with the rest of them and he knows it.
George Parigian Jr.
11 hours ago
Let me explain it for you. Canadian political leaders are dishonest scoundrels who do not represent their citizens. They are leaders with no moral or ethical compass.
Daniel Banic
11 hours ago
@The Great Fomo No , the votes were rigged , did you know most of Domnion offices are in Canada.
Fred The Unicorn
11 hours ago
These people are anti democratic. You don’t negotiate with insurrectionists.
11 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn if you had gone to Ottawa, you’d know they don’t honk non stop, 24/7. The way elections work, the libs weren’t put in by a “majority of canadian” as they put it. They were voted in by a mere 20-30% of canadians that voted. The fact that Trudeau refuses to hear and talk with the 70-80% remaining is outrageous and an insult to the word “democracy”.
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Nebraska Nebraska
11 hours ago
@Ho lee Fuk Yes,and mass murders as well!!
Truman Davis
11 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo Bad news for you. Anyone who doesn’t think our current coward of a PM has earned this level of disrespect from the citizens of this country is part of the problem.
11 hours ago
The main stream media is complicit in falsely branding the people peacefully protesting as terrorists. I have heard so many LIES that do not vie with the live independant footage.
Micheal Tull
11 hours ago
@john yaceyko yes your Prime Minister does not Serve Canada , he serves the United Nations and people mean absolutely nothing to them .
Zazzy Z
11 hours ago
BOC tunes. Grow up! These people are calm and civil and rational. What would you prefer? BLM RIOTS BURNING THE CITY DOWN?
Zazzy Z
11 hours ago
Why not? He’s fucked all of them for two years!
11 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn LIAR. I saw you trolling several live feeds. Those truckers stop their horns are night so the locals can sleep. And there has been ZERO yelling at police. Provide footage – put up or SHUT UP.
Primmakin Sofis
11 hours ago
@UCaN1t48qxVnSgkBK8_M5dfw <— found the corporate “news” watcher
Michelle Ayres
11 hours ago
@John556 Why don’t you tell us what Trudeau has been ordered to do?
The Great Fomo
11 hours ago
@sosoldat Yeah I did read that, sounds like what they do in the US by gerrymandering so the popular vote doesn’t win.
Ela Patu
11 hours ago
Acestea sunt TOATE guvernele. Sunt dictatoriale pentru ca nimeni nu le-a deranjat ani de zile. Dacă oamenii ăștia nu ar mai lucra ei ce ar face?? Ar manca banii cu lingura?? Ticalosii de Trudeau sta ascuns! DE CE??? DE CE II E FRICĂ?? DACA SUNT CORECTI DE CE LE ESTE FRICĂ
11 hours ago
same way they call parents terrorst when they angrily confront school boards and teachers about the bigotry and perversion being pushed in classrooms
told youso55
11 hours ago
How can a liberal government be so anti-liberal.
Ho lee Fuk
10 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn no the torture is the tyrants enforcing masks on 5 year olds and us adults in the public square
10 hours ago
@Barrington Smith ??? this insurrection quackery mob
Italian Retreat
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes these are mothers and fathers, Canadian citizens against medical tyranny.
I read your post you’re a troll
Italian Retreat
10 hours ago
@Ho lee Fuk wow! That’s quite an around turn you did there? Explain?
Surely Fidel Turdo is the Marxist?
10 hours ago
@D Hokanson What coward ? I stand behind 95% of Canadians that are shaking their heads in disbelief that this quackery mob wants to be taken seriously.
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes Death to tyrants and to their enablers!
Italian Retreat
10 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo oh well thanks for your support
Barrington Smith
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes 🤣
Josh Harris
10 hours ago
The Nazis in power are lying. Simple.
Italian Retreat
10 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn troll
micheal mccann
10 hours ago
Liberals like to project their crimes onto others.
Italian Retreat
10 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn go back to China Fred
Bing Bang
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes love the truckers
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes The double booster is ready, bend over, this one is anally injected with a knob shaped needle!
10 hours ago
Try the words Terrorist State currently aiding Corporate Genocide?
D Hokanson
10 hours ago (edited)
@Delta Echo Echo Our PM calls everyone names and runs away, the trailer is the least they could have done. Maybe they should all wear black face at the negotiations, you know, to make Justin more comfortable.
Douglas Carlson
10 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn They have stopped honking at night.
Bernardo De La Torre
10 hours ago
@R Thomas ok… So this guys are the right???
D Hokanson
10 hours ago
@BOCtunes The coward of the cottage, the Marxist maniac, the run away kid. Lmao. 95% eh? That’s a nice made up number. Over 50% of this country is totally against these mandates and probably almost all the quackery your side produces. The whole world has considerable support for the truckers and doing it themselves now. You should probably analyze your biased info better.
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john yaceyko
10 hours ago
@Micheal Tull you are correct. He has been busy breaking Canada in 2 languages. He is still hiding moistely
But the people keep doing what they do. I thank you for responding.
10 hours ago
Happening in America, too. It’s what all dictators do, brand the people who won’t go along as the enemy of the worst caliber to garner support from the normies.
10 hours ago
For a real terrorist, a convicted felon, Trudeau would pay 10.5m instead.
Daniel Banic
10 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn Yes I agree with you on Traduea and his corrput people , they are treasonists bastards and everyone of them will go to jail and hang in Gitmo including all the paid trolls like you.
10 hours ago
Flatten the curve, racists, terrorists, fringe minority, climate change, vaccinations, the Great Reset, Build Back Better…you own nothing and be happy etc etc. — when is the Liberal government ever going to stop. Every day we are going backwards it seems for 6 years!
10 hours ago
Everyone needs to ask WHY has Denmark lifted all restrictions. WHY.
10 hours ago
The liberals want depopulation and the New World Order.
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@BOCtunes You are part of the problem 🤡🌎🤡🌎🤡🌎🤡🌎
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo And…
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@D Hokanson AMEN!
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@BOCtunes You are part of the problem 🤡🌎🤡🌎🤡🌎🌎
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@D Hokanson AMEN!
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn Cry Harder Commie 🤣🤣🤣
Fred The Unicorn
9 hours ago
@DakotaKid I support freedom from having traffic blocked by non elected people trying to coerce a government policy change. I support freedom from non stop horn honking driving the residents of downtown Ottawa crazy.
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@Truman Davis AMEN!
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@Ho lee Fuk #MunchausenByProxy
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@micheal mccann #ConfessionbyProjection
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@D Hokanson AMEN!
Turbo Last Name
9 hours ago
If you look up the word terrorism in the dictionary it word for word describes the mainstream media.
Salty Infidel
9 hours ago
@Fred The Unicorn Cry Harder Commie 🧂🚚🧂🚚🧂🚚
Some Guy
9 hours ago
@Ed M
That’s how communist government do things.
Thomas W. Hardy
9 hours ago
@R Thomas Probably true..,..
It Approaches
9 hours ago
Disagree or challenge your government as an individual, you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist. Disagree or challenge your government as a group, you’re terrorists. Government has ONE goal, self preservation, keeping the status quo going, aka assuring no change.
Ryan Whitley
8 hours ago
It’s because communism IS juuda ism ✡
Ryan Whitley
8 hours ago
@R Thomas communism IS juuda ism
Ryan Whitley
8 hours ago
@Ho lee Fuk your comments are the only intelligent remarks I’ve seen in this thread.
Ryan Whitley
8 hours ago
@Micheal Tull the communist gue is the terrorist, enjoy your communist slavery.
Dan Star
8 hours ago
Read the books. Corruption of language is key step. How can Liberal mean someone who wants big government???
Dan D
8 hours ago
@Delta Echo Echo Protesting work rules and confusing it with free dumb. Time for these people to find a job that is a better fit for their beliefs and skills.
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Julia Larson
43 minutes ago
Thank you Canadians for showing the USA 🇺🇸 how to protest peacefully! What a blessing it is to see these men and woman stand for Freedom in Canada 🇨🇦
35 minutes ago
HONKING in support of you all from Oregon! We’re praying for you guys!
frank north15
1 hour ago
I’m from New York and I’m working here in Manhattan and we are all with you and I’m trying to convince a couple of buddies to come up and spend the weekend in Ottawa please keep up the fight cuz it’s not just for Canadians it’s all across the world it’s global The powers that be are trying to destroy us
Rafat Shirinzadeh
51 minutes ago
Love and strength to my Canadian neighbors. So proud of you. Stay strong, stand your ground. As Churchill said at his Alma Mata 6 months before WWII. “Never, Never, Never, ever give into tyranny
William Bell
1 hour ago
How honored I am to witness your courage and devotion to liberty and each other. History will remember you all well. God bless you!
12 hours ago
All of my love and support from California (Kansas native). The world is watching and you all are setting an amazing example as to how to protest. This is incredible and I’ve been on the edge of my seat and watching live streams back to back the last 10 days.
View 20 replies
Gilles Trudel
Gilles Trudel
1 hour ago
God bless All of them, they are absolutely right.
35 minutes ago
Best of luck to all of the truckers participating in the protest! Y’all are winning this fight. Sending well wishes and good vibes from East Texas.
22 minutes ago
Stay strong for all of us, don’t back down. Im cheering you on from Oregon!
aryu sure
1 hour ago
What I see when I listen to these people is AUTHENTICITY!
Susan Cooper
2 hours ago
Praying for All of you !!! We Stand with You and Our Freedom !!! Stand STRONG !!!!
4 hours ago
“I want the police to exercise their discretion that doesn’t connect to their Mortgage, but the people they serve” Yo that line was FIRE
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Todd Drew
Todd Drew
3 hours ago
What a dummy
Adam Younis
3 hours ago
“Start reporting the news, instead of creating it.”
joshs lawyer
3 hours ago
The police are just there doing a job, so they can pay their mortgage. You act like they are something special man. The only thing they need to STOP doing is taking orders from the state, they already have a set of laws they can enforce, stop taking verbal commands.
Cole Cole
3 hours ago
@joshs lawyer Well in America there job is to do Excalty that. Ignore unlawful or unconstitutional orders. So if they are men at all and took the sane oath then if they must then the people come first or they are cowards.
3 hours ago
@joshs lawyer Most cops are mindless thugs that ONLY follow orders.
Just like the guards of the Nazi concentration camps.
After the war they were hung.
joshs lawyer
3 hours ago
@DX GI Yea I do not think “blue lives matter” or care about them. They do have a place in society to protect and enforce written law. They have families and want to go home.
Their biggest issue is dealing with black communities and how bad they are.
Read more
3 hours ago
@DX GI That is simply not true, I have several friends who are officers that have been stationed at these protests, trust me when I say that many of them do not want to be there and are torn between their careers and what they actually feel is right. What I found interesting is that many officers have come down with the “Blue flu” after being ordered to Ottawa, but that simply isn’t being reported.
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Joe Wright
3 hours ago
@Todd Drew troll
Manfred K
3 hours ago
Do you know the name of the ignoramus that said that? He needs a talking to.
3 hours ago
@Anthony I did not say all and I hope you are accurate.
That gives me more hope for a good outcome.
William Barger
2 hours ago
@Joe Wright Right.👍 He’s just another asshat that has to drop ignorrance and stink the place up…
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
1 hour ago
You are really fighting for all free people. The US is watching…we’re with you. Our government is doing the same thing. If the truckers don’t roll….the stores will be empty. Has the council thought of that? When the council says the city is under siege…were laughing. Good luck, and god speed for you all!
11 hours ago
Stay strong…we are so proud of you all. We are from Florence, Oregon.
Hide 3 replies
10 hours ago
My favorite place on the Oregon coast.
Terry Rideout
8 hours ago
Thank u 4 your SUPPORT
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
On Point
4 minutes ago
hard working intelligent, kind Canadians…these people represent the goodness in Canada. Prayers for you all.
Katja Richter
25 minutes ago
We are so proud of you!! It’ s so great, what you are doing for Canada, for the whole world. Thank you so much!!
GiGi knows best!
29 minutes ago
I am so grateful for all that you are doing. Although I would love to be there with you I cannot as I have Stage 4 breast cancer and some days are better than others. The medical science is like you said become a political science. I am 100% behind everyone of you standing up for all of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May our children and grandchildren not need to bear witness to anymore of this tyranny.
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Robin Kulakowski
1 hour ago
Every time I see the truckers…I am moved to tears & laughter of joy. To see such patriots have been awe inspiring. Such brave & steadfast people!!
AllSaints Academy
56 minutes ago
I am crying … this is so so good. Bless you all. You are loved you are prayed over . Canadians stand with and behind you. Thank you for caring and doing what all of us are not able to do.
Graham Pickett
8 hours ago
Good luck to you all. Stick to your guns. Our doctors & nurses at the NHS fought against the mandate and they have won. The UK government has done a U turn and backed down. Sending all my love from Surrey, United Kingdom and looking forward to visiting Edmonton AB in September 🇬🇧❤️🇨🇦
View 7 replies
Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
44 minutes ago
My heart is full of admiration for everybody is this movement. You have already won in so many ways for your demonstration of bravery. May you win in all ways.
Mike Thoresen
23 minutes ago
Thank you for all you’ve done. You all have taught us to stand for our freedom. If anything happens to you guys I’m coming to Ottawa. I’m an average person so I think there will be a large number of people there.
Black Watch
2 hours ago
I support you with all my heart! From Sweden!
moira mcloughlin
42 minutes ago
Thank you so much for what you’re doing.
I’m a senior citizen and have seen a lot in my life, but what this government is doing with these mandates it has caused a lot of separation between family and friends, more so than covid itself.
If I could physically get there I would be with you all, but know you are all in my thoughts and prayers, and I believe prayers are the most powerful weapon we all have.
God bless and stay safe 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🙏🎂💓
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Jonathan’s Hjørne
2 hours ago
You guys are awesome. Cheering you on from Norway.
11 hours ago
Great pre-emptive strategy stating in advance what could happen to the truckers and citizens using their right to demonstrate. HOLD THE LINE!!!
View 42 replies
4 minutes ago
Stay strong, we standing with you, and praying for you. Greetings from 🇬🇧
Katherine Mitchell
1 hour ago (edited)
Stand tall! Stay strong. With you from Ireland . 🇨🇦❤️🙏
Dean Graham
1 hour ago
Keep doing the amazing job you are doing ! You are showing how democracy works. It’s so sad our own Government won’t let democratic process take place. Cool heads prevail !! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Kim Le
40 minutes ago
It is time to show our support. Wait for us guys, we are coming!
Dee Puls
50 minutes ago
” Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” John Stuart Mill
Mark of the BEAST
6 hours ago
“What’s better:
To not be afraid, or to know you can handle being afraid?”
Your stronger than you think 💯
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Raiden TheKat
5 hours ago
Well, i would say they failed the “not being afraid part”
Instead of holding the line and keeping the fight strong, they broke and started throwing a temper tantrum. Its funny, no protests, no big problems. Untill a large group of individuals which are known to hold fringe views
bordering on conspiracies ( I.e, The working class right-wingers) were told to play ball. Now we have man-tears running all the down Ottawa. Lmfao
Freedoms fucking galore in this country and some damn morons are upset because they cant do what they want. BOO HOO
Read more
5 hours ago
@Raiden TheKat WRONG! People don’t want to be mandated what’s going into their bodies. Nice try though.
D Niger
5 hours ago
@Raiden TheKat Totally agree!
5 hours ago
Raiden TheKat
5 hours ago
@S O Look up Canadian rules regarding immunization in schools. You can be refused entry to a school for failure to have the proper immunization. So the government mandating what goes into your body is nowhere near a new concept.
No, it’s simply a bunch of ignorant cry babies being told what to do.
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Ima Clean
4 hours ago
@S O DAMB STRAIGHT 🎯‼️💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️
Mark of the BEAST
3 hours ago
When the people fear the government there’s tyranny!
When the government fears the people there’s freedom ✊🏽
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Bill Carter
1 hour ago
Thank you for standing up to these Liberal bullies! With you in spirit from B.C.!!
Sally Thomas
12 hours ago
Stick together. Don’t get separated. Prayers and blessings 🙌 for all of you, for The Lord’s solution. May the Lord’s Love and Wisdom guide every step. Stay the course. 🇨🇦🙏The world is watching, and me from Utah!
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Brian Hembrey
11 hours ago (edited)
If you can’t honk play The Chicken Dance in honor of our brave Veteran that called Skippy McDoolittle out. And dance, dance like you may never Dance again my glorious fellow Canucks . Someone make this go viral please.
11 hours ago
Supporting y’all from Texas, never back down, do not give in, do not c0mply. God speed
Alexandro MavromatiS
11 hours ago
Kakosi brate
9 hours ago
In Utah you can help by calling your legislators about the social credit score tied to your drivers license. For mow it’s “voluntary.” Just like the shots were.
Please do this. It is just as important as what the truckers are doing. Every bit helps. I promise.
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Eva ./.
31 minutes ago
Greetings and love from Germany 🇩🇪❤️.
Trust your gut feeling about what is going on and do what you feel guided to do…
People, do not just follow orders!
Read more
2 hours ago
Stay strong Canada 🇨🇦 much love from the UK 🇬🇧
Barbara Sunstrum
1 hour ago
Keep up the good work. Stay determined. God bless and protect you.
birdie numnums
1 hour ago
Thank you representatives of Canadians in support of Covid mandate freedom. Canada and the world is watching and in support of your cause. Thank you for standing up for us!!!
Janet MacDonald
58 minutes ago
Thank you so much everyone. So proud of your courage and truth to confront such a giant control on our country by our so called “democratic” government.
Mae mae
11 hours ago
If I was anywhere near I would come in a heartbeat. We fully support you here in the UK🇬🇧🇨🇦🚚🚛
View 10 replies
1 hour ago
Ihr dürft nicht aufhören, bevor ihr in allem gesiegt habt ! 💓👍
Jill Paull
1 hour ago
I am praying for a swift resolution. And I support you guys 100%
Kat MamaPNW
1 minute ago
Y’all Rock!! Level headed, well organized!! ❤️
17 minutes ago
You guys including pat King are national hero’s. Love you guys!! Keep it up! Makes me proud to be a Canadian ❤️
Earl Greystoke
2 hours ago
Respect & support for peaceful, freedom loving Canadians!
Alex Borcau
4 hours ago
What you are doing reaches far beyond Canada, and you have support from all over the world. You are standing up for freedom all over the world and I do not have the words to express the gratitude and support that I feel for this movement. Sending much moral support from Spain. The world is with you!
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Kasandra H
Kasandra H
3 hours ago
Thank you for your support. Stay strong free people. Love from the equator.
Cameron De Baets
3 hours ago
Beauty. Thank you.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Lesley-Anne Gauthier
1 hour ago
THANK YOU ALL!! FREEDOM is the only way out !! Sending love and peace from Northern Ontario. My kids also say FREEDOM for all BE safe 🙏❤
Angie Perry
1 hour ago
God bless you all for doing this. Enough is enough.
7 minutes ago
Inspirational! Thanks so much to all of you for your time and courage. History in the making folks!💖
christine boyd
25 minutes ago
Extremely proud of all of you! Freedom Fighters! We stand with you!
37 minutes ago
Wish I could get there! What you all are doing is the most important things going on right now in our world and the world is watching!
Dingo Dog
11 hours ago
Keep up the broadcast. Your telling everyone how they use their tactics so we understand. Stay safe, stay strong, the world supports you
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5 hours ago (edited)
Pretty soon they won’t be able to…the gvt is starting to turn off their cellphones
Deldari Be Happy
5 hours ago
Let’s support CANADA TRUCKERS 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Put Canada’s flag in your media/profile to join them !
We are not against vaxx.
If You want, do it ! you are free to get it .
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susan irek
5 hours ago
@missdeeva2266 true? If so this is big–we will help.. this is We The People. The world is watching
5 hours ago
they need someone with mobile satellite internet connection. here in uk they use the same tactics: cuting of network so no one can see what really happened
Reasonable Speculation
5 hours ago
Police are not your friend, they are the Militarized Mercenaries of the Govmnt.
Any resistance will be met with an Iron Fist… Police have no allegiance to the People.
They are paid by Govmnt, and their job is to control the People as directed by the Authorities.
The Police of Western Nations are no different then the Police controlled by the CCP in China.
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Liv Lorance
5 hours ago
@missdeeva2266 When America fought for independence there were no cell phones. There was a flag & as long as that flag was standing Patriots stood with it. Raise your flag Ottawa & know in every piece of your being that freedom Patriots of the world are watching & standing with you. Love & support from America❤✌
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NP Biggs
4 hours ago (edited)
Nobody has EVER brought Canadians together like Trudeau. Everyone hates
him. They will never sit at a table and admit they have been lying and
manipulating us with bogus science for an unrelated agenda of control
and removal of any illusions of freedom we may have had. Face it. That
is NEVER going to happen. I sincerely wish it were otherwise. Support
ALL the truckers. we would not stand a chance of survival without
their year round efforts to keep our shelves stocked. Them and the
Farmers are THE Most important parts of out daily lives.
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James Bishop
4 hours ago
@missdeeva2266 Basically, soviet tactics.
Wayne Masters
4 hours ago
@Deldari Be Happy Has no real name just a closet voyeur on YouthTube
Wayne Masters
4 hours ago
@susan irek scumslut closet voyeur on YouthTube….sick
Obi Juan
4 hours ago
The best vaccine in medical science history, truckers are dying of Covid instead of taking a simple vaccine, we have lots of shortages all across America and these crybabies don’t want to help out the people of our nations who depend on their services. These are horrible, selfish people.
Who Then
3 hours ago
@PremiumTom79 They did that on Jan 6th. Even with the hours of footage that the whole thing was a staged event by the feds and dems, there are some idiots with TDS who still either refuse to care, or are so dumb, they actually believe msm and the lying obiden regime. Neither is acceptable. What bafflles me, is why the conservative media aren’t going down there and reporting this 24/7 and demanding the gvt be held accountable for their lies, WHERE ARE THEY? COWARDS! GOOOO TRUCKERSSSSS
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kathy de
3 hours ago
@Reasonable Speculation That’s not true. They are paid from our taxes, but they are controlled by the government. MInd you, we choose the government it is fault of ours that we have Trudeau as our PM, that our conservative representatives are liberal-lite. This has to be changed. Too many people listened to the legacy media and did not think for themselves. Now it may change. Or it may not. But police are people like you and me
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Who Then
3 hours ago
@Reasonable Speculation Sadly, it has become obvious that that is the case.
Deldari Be Happy
3 hours ago
@Wayne Masters Sorry Wayne, I am a real person and my support is to freedom 🙏🏼 New Zealand 🇳🇿 also is fighting for their rights . NYC is fighting too.
3 hours ago
@Reasonable Speculation and that is why the thin blue line is getting razor thin!
ana maria de sena barcellares
3 hours ago
@Obi Juan ,are you joking?
3 hours ago
@PremiumTom79 Drones as well can fly in and out to service stremaing on a delay. Sat phones can also stream with the right software and equipment. I feel like Trudeau called in UN troops. They are swearing in foreign troops to do the raid if it happens.
3 hours ago
Got to keep it peaceful and show the people how it’s done in a peaceful protest.
3 hours ago
@ana maria de sena barcellares He must be because those scientists behind the truckers say otherwise and they are world reknowned.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
You all forget what the police did to WATER PROTECTORS? GO TRUCKERS 1312 #FREEDOM
Killing free speech BLAH BLAH BLAH commies KICK THE CAN
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2 hours ago
Robert Munson
2 hours ago
I’m part of the world and I do not condone ignorance or stupidity under the guise of freedom. Protecting your fellow human should be at the forefront of human society. But no the ignorance and entitlement of these people is going to get people killed. Keep up the ignorance fewer idiots like you will make this world a safer place to live.
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Obi Juan
2 hours ago
@ana maria de sena barcellares We have the most advance medical science vaccine in human history. Its literally the only thing that can keep people out of a hospital, or a grave yard. It’s required to keep truckers healthy, especially when there are food shortages. Yet, these crybabies don’t want to save themselves or their families and for WHAT? What is their complaint, freedom? That’s moronic at a new level of moronic.
Our nations depend on these people to keep food on the shelves, they need to be vaccinated, to reduce the risk of more shortages or shortages that cost people their lives. But nooooo, these crybabies are selfish, I hope they all end out in jail one day. EVERY ONE OF THEM IS RISKING THE LIVES OF ALL OF US. That is the reality.
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Obi Juan
2 hours ago
@Diana SUNSHINE Wulf What you said is all all nonsense…. WHERE’S THE FOOD. That’s the reality. We have the most advance medical science vaccine in human history. Its literally the only thing that can keep people out of a hospital, or a grave yard. It’s required to keep truckers healthy, especially when there are food shortages. Yet, these crybabies don’t want to save themselves or their families and for WHAT? What is their complaint, freedom? That’s moronic at a new level of moronic.
Our nations depend on these people to keep food on the shelves, they need to be vaccinated, to reduce the risk of more shortages or shortages that cost people their lives. But nooooo, these crybabies are selfish, I hope they all end out in jail one day. EVERY ONE OF THEM IS RISKING THE LIVES OF ALL OF US. That is the reality.
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Idaho Corrupt
2 hours ago (edited)
James Bishop. The freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies is the normal human rights. If somebody else is trying to suppress your body-then they are doing either physical torture, or the Tirrany against your body or medical experiment. The pressure to abuse your body with the either Physical abuse, or with vaccine or with mandate – is the illegal torture of your body against your wish. If you agree for mandate for yourself- this is not your torture but this is your own wish. This can call the freedom of choice. If you do not agree with medical mandate but IF somebody else is imposing the mandate. against your wish to your body – this means they are imposing the physical torture to your body, or medical experiment. – and this is not your freedom. Ukraine in 2014 had the same tactic – the N a t o snipers were on the roof shooting against unarmed people during the coup which the U.S. senators (McCain, Victoria Nulad ) made in Ukraine in 2014. The Crimea was scared of nazi and they ran away under Russian protection by peaceful referendum – this the freedom of choice. in Canada the Gov has snipers against peaceful protesters. Canadian Cops became thieves and robbers by stealing Peoples’ belongings, or gasoline, or money. Because Cops +Courts are protected by the ” Law’ (their Immunity) allows them to do any crimes. But Ordinary people had been deprived their freedom, their choice of their bodies, jobs, and legal rights. Section 2(c) – Freedom of peaceful assembly: Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of peaceful assembly;
Similar provisions may be found in the following Canadian laws and international instruments binding on Canada: section 1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights; article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and article 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
See also the following international, regional and comparative law instruments that are not binding on Canada but include Similar provisions: First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights; article 20(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; article 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and article 15 of the American Convention on Human Rights.
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Yusa Rendina
2 hours ago
Only for fans over 18 years old https://Aishite.Tokyo/oliv13ra ❤🔥
mañas no se la
Megan: “Hotter”
Hopi: “Sweeter”
Joonie: “Cooler”
Yoongi: “Butter
Asi con toy y sus mañas no se la lease que escriba bien mamon hay nomas pa ra reirse un rato y no estar triste y estresado.por la vida dura que se vive hoy .
Köz karaş: ”Taŋ kaldım”
Erinder: ”Sezimdüü”
Jılmayuu: ”Tattuuraak”
Dene: ”Muzdak”
Jizn, kak krasivaya melodiya, tolko pesni pereputalis.
Aç köz arstan
Bul ukmuştuuday ısık kün bolçu, jana arstan abdan açka bolgon.
Uyunan çıgıp, tigi jer-jerdi izdedi. Al kiçinekey koyondu gana taba algan. Al bir az oylonboy koyondu karmadı. ”Bul koyon menin kursagımdı toyguza albayt” dep oylodu arstan.
Arstan koyondu öltüröyün dep jatkanda, bir kiyik tigi tarapka çurkadı. Arstan aç köz bolup kaldı. Kiçine koyondu emes, çoŋ kiyikti jegen jakşı dep oylodu.#垃圾
Son unos de los mejores conciertos , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente
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2 hours ago
@Obi Juan wake up
Andrew Reynolds
1 hour ago
The whole world is watching trudeau and the police services. If any violence occurs against these peaceful truckers in their protests a fury, such has never been seen will occur. The narrative by trudeau is a lie, not even a half believable lie, he has degraded Canadian citizens and has treated them with utter contempt like all dictators do. Trudeau’s goose is already cooked he just doesn’t know it yet.
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1 hour ago
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Andrew Reynolds
1 hour ago
@mrkevrd are you OK. Are you off your medication ?. Hope you are better soon.
Garden Girl
1 hour ago
The world is watching trudae
1 hour ago
@missdeeva2266 had I did
1 hour ago (edited)
@Wayne Masters What are you doing???
1 hour ago
@Wayne Masters What in Gods name are you doing???
Andrew Reynolds
1 hour ago
@Obi Juan are you serious, ?? are you so far gone you cannot see what is going on in the real world, your handle suggests you don’t live in the real world. People like you are selfish, not the truckers in Canada, I bet you believe everything an authority like governments tell you. Do you still believe in santa clause as being a real person. Hmmm.
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Steve Thomas
1 hour ago (edited)
@Obi Juan I’m American and deliver twice a week to Canada. Not since they said I have to vax. Thats two 53 foot trailers of food a week your not getting just from one American trucker 8 trailers a month… dam that’s allot of food, tp, and meds your not getting.
Adam Szpak
1 hour ago
@Obi Juan Trolling👎
59 minutes ago
@ana maria de sena barcellares sadly hes not
Obi Juan
57 minutes ago
@Idaho Corrupt What a bunch of crybaby NONSENSE. Here is the reality.. 90% of the people hospitalized or dead due to covid are NOT VACCINATED. That the reality. Get vaccinated and stop whining about NONSENSE. You are keeping covid alive to kill more people, that is not freedom.
Lynda Valero
50 minutes ago
Yes, they need to be speaking out anywhere they are able and record. If this goes deadly wrong, there will be recordings for historical preservation. I do not want to sound like I want something to go deadly wrong. I do want to sound like someone who has been following the globalists for quite some time, and they are capable of doing the absolute worst. They are not just without conscience, they have chosen sides and are minions of evil…I do not know how to not expect the worst from them. Something like this has been brewing for a long time, maybe not yet, but calculated to happen.
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Obi Juan
50 minutes ago
@Steve Thomas 90% of those in the hospital or dead due to covid are NOT VACCINATED. Mutations happen in the people who are not vaccinated. How would you feel if YOU were the one that Covid was able to mutate into a more deadly virus and killed everyone you know? Mutations are random, and if you are vaccinated you could stop the next mutation other wise you are rolling the dice on the lives of many people. Forget your nonsense about freedom, that’s not even relevant in the face of death… you are risking the lives of everyone you know. FOR WHAT? To be the guy who kills everyone you know? How dumb is that?
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Luis Chacon
39 minutes ago
🇨🇦 Trudeau’s not gonna show up he’s nothing but a coward liberals are nothing but smoke and mirrors
Adam Szpak
15 minutes ago
@Lynda Valero 🎯🎯🎯⚓️❤️
Audrey R
1 hour ago
Love and respect from Michigan. Keep the faith and hold the line.
Stefan Hans Bauer
5 hours ago
The best press conference I have ever seen. Just translated the most important parts into German and spread it on the Internet. The world will follow you! Thank you, we now see a light at the end of the tunnel!
View 13 replies
Eva Machicado
Eva Machicado
50 minutes ago
Thank you for the broadcast and the excellent peaceful protest. The world is watching 🌎 and we are behind you all.
28 minutes ago
I love my country and our people! The way you guys have remained composed and civil through this whole ordeal is something the whole world could learn from. Thank you!
Candace Robertson
1 hour ago
Oh Canada we stand with you!!! Godspeed fellow Patriots!!! Shine your light!!! 🇺🇸🇨🇦
Peter Triest
1 hour ago
May God bless you all , prayers from Belgium 🙏❤️👍
Ludmila Gontcharova
2 hours ago (edited)
Thank you so so much, dear participants of this conference! You are our Hope! The Truth is on your side! A special thanks to your chairman!
Julie Kay
8 hours ago
I’m from the UK and I am so proud of these truckers …it takes guts to do what they have done and continue to do. There are many in support worldwide and I salute you truckers. You have our support and utmost respect through this extremely challenging time in our history. I will always remember this. Thank-you.
View 3 replies
Donna Urban
Donna Urban
30 minutes ago
Big Texas THANK YOU Canadian Truckers!! I hope your protest spreads to the USA!! We the people are sick and tired of these draconian lockdowns and mandates by elected officials!!!!
maryellen stephens
1 hour ago
We are so proud of you keep calm and strong 🙏❤️
Kim Le
44 minutes ago
We are coming to support you! Give us 48 hours and tell us if you need us to bring anything . Be strong guys!
Deborah Crudup
1 hour ago
God bless you all for your courage & dignity. Prayers for you from Dallas, TX.
robert peters
1 hour ago
We Stand with you My Brothers and Sisters. Big Love from London UK
5 hours ago
I’m so proud of these guys. This is going down in history as something that changed the power structure!
View 6 replies
Wim de Roos
Wim de Roos
14 minutes ago
Thank you all so much for the sacrifices you are all making on behalf of freedom loving Canadians, and maintaining a peaceful and professional demonstration in spite of the horrid media coverage.
Brandon Willson
47 minutes ago
Unreal to see so much support and confidence in every comment! Keep it positive and let’s make changes!
Jeanette . M.
27 minutes ago
I’m crying 😭😭😭🇨🇦 For Canada for you guys, thank you! I’ll be there with you soon!
Anita Beaudoin
16 minutes ago
Thank you for standing up for the freedom of all Canadians! Great work!
Peter Mowlah-Baksh
1 minute ago
My heart goes out to you guys. You have my full support.
Backintime Alwyn
8 hours ago
I’m amazed by your profound humanity, courage and intelligence. I will never forget this. You’re all I expect from humanity and the standards I hold all of us to. Thank you for existing and making yourselves known to the world. It means so much. We’re better than “that”.
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Calico Jack
Calico Jack
8 hours ago
I forgot about the awesome truck drivers have not had time to be brainwashed be the mainstream media liars.
Elizabeth Robb
7 hours ago
Absolutely agree my friend. Well said 👍
7 hours ago
We are way too many on THEIR planet. This is why everything is happening and whoever doesn’t want to see it after all, does deserve what is comming.
lee punko
7 hours ago
I am sick of the media calling Parliaments advisors medical health experts. No they are not because they are political ideologues first and foremost and have ignored the science from around the world. If they were true medical personnel they wouldn’t silence all the front line medical doctors who disagree and have scientific proof for those disagreements.
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yvonne ollivier
7 hours ago
@keeperofthereign People who are too innocent or too hypnotized by pervasive mind control “deserve” what is coming? Shame on you! Do you make exceptions for babies or the mentally impaired? So blind or so dumb they deserve it…you could not express the perspective of the globalist cabal, so into murder of “useless eaters”, more clearly.
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7 hours ago
@Calico Jack the Media It is always with the governments because they are given millionaire advertising contracts and in the countries where they are not paid they speak ill of their own governments
7 hours ago
@keeperofthereign With regards to people deserving what is coming because they can’t see it, that is exactly how some of the upper class see it. That’s how they rationalise the destruction of people who they deem unworthy. When someone won’t see and you can’t help them, don’t resent them but do forget about them. As sad as it is to say, you will only become tired and demoralised when fighting a lost cause.
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Laure Gauvrit
7 hours ago
Biddeh D
7 hours ago
@yvonne ollivier some are choosing out of cowardice and greed , they deserve what should be coming
7 hours ago (edited)
@fightinandirish I trying like a mad dog the last 2 years to alarm people. I lost all my friends and I am locked out of their society. And all what I had predicted came out to be true. People are idiots and cowards. I am not and I will pay the price for this.
victoria tran
7 hours ago
Very sad to see the communist regime to try control the whole world
6 hours ago
@keeperofthereign I’m very sorry to hear that keeper. We are all paying the price, though many won’t realise it. Keep your head held high. I’m trying to live by the mantra “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. As corny as it is, it’s my own act of rebellion. Never let em have your spirit. Take care.
6 hours ago
@victoria tran You know what is sad? That the right wing politicians forward the communist agenda, not the left.
machinist guy
5 hours ago
@keeperofthereign lol ok….
yvonne ollivier
5 hours ago
@Biddeh D That may well be, but it is not my place to condemn others’ for moral weakness or lack of integrity. In time, they will face themselves. I do know that many essentially decent people have been completely brainwashed. I feel sorry for them. At the same time, I have zero sympathy for fearful people who think it is fine to force other people to be injected in order to mitigate those fears. They need to be responsible for their own fears and lives, and to leave those who do not share their views
alone…or even listen to another view, if able. Honest, I have seen so many who simply are unable to process facts that contradict beliefs induced in them by a barrage of media lies and mind control techniques. It’s as if there is no entry into their minds .God alone can help those people. Or, if they really are rat bass tards, I’m sure the heavens know it and will deliver appropriate judgement in time. Meanwhile, both deluded ones and the actual thugs are giving good people a rare opportunity to show the world what freedom and courage really are. It’s a waste of time and energy to hate them. Better to use that energy to support what is good, the freedom fighters, the beautiful truckers of the Freedom Convoy and those who risk so much to speak truth.
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Backintime Alwyn
3 hours ago
@yvonne ollivier the only way forward of this is forgiveness. Still , it’s time to make new like minded friends. Let’s take it on a positive note, you get to know who people really are. you have the ones that called for leting the unvacinated people lose their job or die of covid if they got very sick , and the ones who fought those ideas. Forgiveness and new friends.
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Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Victory Meadow
14 minutes ago
I am a Michigander praying for you all!!! This is so well organized and run by good peace loving freedom loving people.
Kazmo Pilla
7 hours ago
I’m watching events unfold all the time here in the Netherlands. How you guys do over there is instrumental in the European convoy destined for Brussels on Feb 14th. The world is watching you and anyone who appreciates their freedom, bodily autonomy and civil liberties, and who is very concerned about the world that our children are going to be inheriting is supporting and rooting for you all 100%. You are our hope and we so appreciate and are grateful for all of your professionalism, organization and fortitude in how you are dealing with this ever-evolving situation. Peace be with you, you all rock!! xxx
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View 27 replies
1 hour ago
Thank you! Our admiration and love brave truckers ❤
Terry Brochu
1 hour ago
Prayers to all of you! You are very inspirational to us here in the US. Keep on keeping on.
Mike Beange
2 hours ago
You people have real guts to keep doing this! Thank you for fighting!
13 minutes ago
Salute to everyone who stands for freedom, thank you ❤️
Duality Reality
2 hours ago (edited)
We stan the Freedom Convoy! ❤️💕❤️
Mz Martin
11 hours ago
I am an American and am moved to tears from the worldwide support!!!
View 14 replies
Chanron Martine
Chanron Martine
19 minutes ago
MERCI Merci vous êtes des exemples pour le monde entier 🙏💫 des êtres emplis d’humanité et de bienveillance 🌟 je suis profondément touchée…. Je vous envoie de France tout mon soutien 🌠 🙏🌞
Iris Maria
22 minutes ago
I am in awe of what you are doing in Canada! You are heros! You are in my prayers – Greetings from Germany.
Liberty Lady
2 hours ago
History in the making
So proud of you all
View reply
Sherrie Foster
1 minute ago
Prayers for you all ❗️ Thank you for standing up ❗️
1 hour ago
Thank God for your courage! Keep fighting! Praying for you all!!
neo anderson
5 hours ago
we need more medical professionals coming forward and being honest telling the truth . Like this one nurse I know during the middle of the plandemic I asked him how he was holding up thinking he would exhausted based on what I seeing in the media and he said ” we had a couple of suspected cases but NOTHING confirmed” a couple cases that were not even confirmed
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View 5 replies
Samantha ❤️
1 hour ago
Please keep standing up for what is right! ❤️
Sherrie Barnes
1 hour ago
The world is watching and if anything goes dark and the Turdo’s gragoons start some funny business. The world will not let this crap happen, the prime master thinks he can do what ever he wants, Canadians are saying NO. Protesting peacefully against a power hungry regime is so very hard. Stand strong we the world is watching.
Bonnie Sholtz
2 hours ago
Thank you! Great information I hope everyone see this in the world. God Bless you and together we stand.
13 minutes ago
Simon & Stephanie Mocibob
17 minutes ago
This guy is here for this time, and this place! God bless you all
4 hours ago
If Canadians have to revolt, it means the system is broken and needs to be replaced! Stay strong! Greetings and moral support from Germany! 🇩🇪
View 29 replies
55 minutes ago
Latest news out of Ottawa is that several Liberal MPs (from Trudeau’s Party) are turning against him today. He is already in a minority coalition government. It will not be long before his party wants to replace him, or Police Department from some Cities refuse to enforce his rules. Thank you farmers and truckers for supporting our humanitarian rights in Canada !!!
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4 hours ago
Thank-you to some of the bravest people in the world. We hold you in our hearts right now. Watching you and loving you from Australia.
33 minutes ago
Thank you all so so much!!! We support you!!!! Hold the line!
Jody Phillips
33 minutes ago
Freedom, hope, peace, strength and safety be to all who are sacrificing for the good of all.
1 hour ago
God bless you guys! Full support!!!
Jeff Stevens
2 hours ago
Praying for you all. You are an inspiration and I ask that your parliament and the prime minister listen and come to an agreement that meets the needs of all Canadians. Your peaceful demonstration is commendable and honorable. Love and best wishes.
Chris Rinta
2 hours ago
Keep doing god’s work guys!!!! Your awesome and appreciated!
10 hours ago
History being written, guys. Love and prayers for all.
Keeping It Real
1 hour ago
Great Video Thanks To Everyone involved, That Was Great , & GOD BLESS YOU ALL
1 hour ago
Excellent. Keep up the GOOD work truckers and Canadians. Grateful YouTube has put this up.
D. S.
57 minutes ago
Deanna Hoffmann
1 hour ago
I am so very thankful for these of you who are standing for The Freedom Of All Canadians from government overreach!
1 hour ago
You guys are heroes!! Keep up the good fight for freedom!
Donna Zuk Adley
11 hours ago (edited)
I am a nurse, a US citizen, and mandated to take the vaccine for my job. I am now vaccine injured and not working because of my adverse reactions and have no income for over 4 months because of my vaccine injury. Thank all of you for this! I support you fully! (Btw, I am 2nd generation here in America, French Canadian from New Brunswick, Canada)
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Martine Eggeman
Martine Eggeman
11 hours ago (edited)
Dear Donna, I am so sorry for you. Please accept that I pray for you and your family. I will pray for your recovery, God bless you. Love from Montreal.
Olga Hurley
11 hours ago
So sorry to hear this; my thoughts are with you from Australia
10 hours ago
I too am a nurse and I am so so sorry.
gracey jewels
10 hours ago
Oh Donna, I’m so sorry. I am asking God to heal you right now and help you recover. Father God, please heal this Lady, In the Name of Jesus I ask.
10 hours ago
hope you make a full recovery, from a fellow N.B health care worker at the regional.
10 hours ago
Merci d’avoir partage ca, Donna. Bonne guerrison. Il fait que le monde sache la verite au sujet des vaccins. Ce sont des remedes mal etudies et on a aucune idee des effets a long terme.
Susan Huber
10 hours ago (edited)
I was vaccine injured years ago from travel vaccinations. I eventually developed MS and did lose my job. I struggled with many symptoms for many years but the body created by God is remarkable. I started healing and got better. I still have problems but I want to encourage you to not give up. I will pray for you. I do know how it feels and I empathize.
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adam cound
10 hours ago
Prayers for you Donna 🙏 ❤
Mckessa King
10 hours ago
We will fight for you in the Great White North.
10 hours ago
Donna, do some research on “Shilajit”, which apparently has properties that ejects a certain metal in the shot, and “Pine needle tea”, which has suramin that aids in the fight against certain chemicals in the shot 👍
David Aspinall
10 hours ago
Lower the border restrictions to entry to the US
10 hours ago
My friend told me her MS happened after the hepatitis vaccine. She was able to cure herself while she was at the point of ending on a wheelchair. Miracles do happen.
Ric vibes
10 hours ago
seems like about march that could go global .. & they’d blame cyber terrorism.. & fringe hackers etc..
10 hours ago
I’m so sorry…Speak up and don’t stop
10 hours ago (edited)
dear Donna can you let us know what happened to you
Joan Varholdt
10 hours ago
God Bless you. Sorry that happened 😔
Stand Tall Vets
10 hours ago
Sorry to hear that AGAIN. Had the truth been put out there last year, all these people with adverse reactions wouldn’t be suffering in so many ways this year!! Not to mention all the ones that didn’t live through it, and left families to suffer. To all of them the vaccine BS was a REAL biological weapon that ended their life, and nothing less than that.
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10 hours ago (edited)
. My fr iend is in h osp now after the boo ster aged around 65. He had a str oke and then co vid. Restless in the hosp..
My sister who had bo th the shots before may2020 di ed day before ysday sudd enly. Tw enty days ago fell sick and was dete cted with bone mar row blo od can cer and had twice blo od trans fusion ..Was hea lthy when I sp oke to her last year.. sud den de ath aged 71
My nep hew had both the sh ots aged less than 40 and tra veled more than 500 km quite rece ntly had 75% puemonitis and was hosp italized with severe infe ction testing positive.. 5days in hosp and was on remd esiver . Got dis charged but hea rd that he is very we ak and will ta ke some time to recup. Is a diab etic.
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Karen InHisGrace
10 hours ago
Hello Donna, I am so very sorry you are experiencing this injury. Heavenly Father, thank you for: Donna, for this day and for all Your blessings. Would you please put your hand on Donna and give her comfort and relief. Would you please heal her? Thank You! In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen
Tim Sheen
10 hours ago
Sorry sister they did this to you, I hope after this you are rightfully compensated.
Bob Baker
10 hours ago
I am fortunate and among the masses who do not have reactions. But a very good and dear friend developed some nasty side effects after his first dose and has had a year of pain and continues side effects. It is a real problem for so many . Now with an unstoppabley transmissible new omicron variant B2 and its low hospitalization rates along with infections in vaccinated – there has to be an end now. And i hope some compensation comes your way
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T. U
10 hours ago
10 hours ago
@G H Thank you for this information, I’m going to pass this info along. ✌❤
Jina Oneill
10 hours ago
Maybe some of these things may help heal you I hope they help please do your own research but this is what I have found apple pectin power detox must stay on once vaxed. wormwood and chicory root and NAC all heal as good as Ivermectin please check it out I also solved my lose of taste and smell which I also healed it took 2 months of sniffing and tasting essential oils herbs and spices but I got it back I call it the Gina Theroy I have a U tube channel Jina O’NEILL come join me on my journey of life blessings 🥰
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Tonnya Wanner
10 hours ago
Praying for you! We are two captured countries. There’s more of us. The U.S. 🇺🇸 is with you! I’m so sorry. I never wore the mask, never took jab, never got sick. I’m 62 _ smoke. Immunity.
Animal 1984
10 hours ago
9 hours ago
🙁 this is what people don’t understand, this vaccine was rushed!
Dianne Penny
9 hours ago
It’s too awful – and, of course, illegal to mandate an experimental jab. There is no emergency now, and no justification for the vax rollout. So sorry for your injury.
Animal 1984
9 hours ago
” Declaration of Arbroath : It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself. ”
Larry Sawler
9 hours ago
Lost my 15 year job over the mask.
9 hours ago
It’s interesting how the so called highly educated and so called highly compassionate are not helping you with the injury.
Doctor Drywall Original
9 hours ago
I am so sorry to hear that. You are a victim of crimes against humanity.
Doctor Drywall Original
9 hours ago
One of the reasons some people are more effected than others is when the injection accidentally goes into a vein instead of the muscle, it rushes to the brain and other places in high concentrations. Ever had a dentist shot that made you dizzy and did not freeze properly. Same reason.
David Aspinall
9 hours ago
@Kali99 What? Your friend recovered from MS?
Thet would be famous the world over.
9 hours ago (edited)
Stay strong, I have been avoiding the vaccine. Please share this video with your family and friends. Sending prayers
8 hours ago
@David Aspinall Unfortunately she is too low key about it. She is now an amazing healer herself. Her revovery is based on deep spiritual healing. It is not a path that just anybody would be willing to embark on. And it is one of those unique stories of miracle healings. This is her journey. It is not like she has discovered a cure that can benefit everybody. Most people are unaware of their own power of healing mind and body.
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Animal 1984
8 hours ago
Give me liberty , or give me death !
David Aspinall
8 hours ago
@Kali99 Then she would be an anonymous case study that the world would have heard about.
Just stop…I am getting embarrassed for you.
Terry Rideout
7 hours ago
God bless U 4 speaking up.I will pray 4 u.so sorry r what u went through
6 hours ago
@David Aspinall Get embarrassed for your own self (refraining from calling you names). Why the hell would I lie about such a thing? It is not my problem is she does not make her story public or wants to be a case study. People such as yourself make me understand why our society is so effed up. Now just ho trolling someone else and stop replying. No time for your BS.
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Voltron Doji
6 hours ago
@Kali99 was she fasting on alkaline water
Arts and Wild Woods
6 hours ago
Through the POWER of GOD, the battle freedom for all of humanity I PROCLAIM it VICTORIOUS in the name of Jesus Christ! DONE, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love sent to ALL
6 hours ago
@David Aspinall
I’ve gotten 3 flus this winter. I Normally don’t get them at all. I’m wondering why. It Could also be because lockdowns had me sit inside my home all day which is said to lower the immune system or the masks which are not really healthy for you. Either way, it’s suspicious since nothing else changed
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Mary OConnor
6 hours ago
Dear Donna, I am so sorry to hear of your injury. I am saying a prayer for you right now.
Lynn Payne
6 hours ago
Please go to a real Doctor who can help. I will tell you no metal is in the shot. Please.do not drink random tea or take supplements. If you are injured it could make things worse.
Mary McKinney
5 hours ago
Miss Donna, I don’t mean to rub salt in the wound. But this has to be known: Vax recipe is in this post.
When people give up their guns, the country turns into tyranny. Every country. Get your kids out of harms
way now. Only electron microscopes (TEM) can see viruses. Viruses go through your mask, like mosquitoes going through a chain link fence. That tells most came in contact with it and became immune to it. Jen Psaki’s shocking admission about the vax
Xi Jinping is calling the shots in the free countries. France has the
balls to kick ass. Cloward Piven Strategy. I hate to say it: it’s
going to take radical moves on our part. It’s always been up to us.
American Frontline Doctors pdf is in this reply. Still think this is
about the virus? This is a fascist/communist take over. And our
complacency will get us killed or enslaved. I’m MAGA and have case
after case of c-19 long before the dempanic. Why do you think joe is
going against the US Constitution? CHINA IS THE DEEPSTATE’S TROJAN
HORSE. This will be very long, but highly important. Soros
organizations are paying dirty DA’s to throw blm arrests out of court,
even for murder. Blaze did a piece on: how the left is criminalizing
opposition to American marxism. Lebron James took money from China for
China’s own interests. They want us to pay attention to a race war.
The dempanic was meant as an economic meltdown to wipe out small
businesses while China infiltrated large corporations, 2 aspect, the
injection. Trump was demonized for wanting to open up. And he knew the
hospitals were and still are inflating the numbers. You have a 99%
survival rate. It’s going to take all of us to get our freedom back.
When we gain knowledge, it’s a step back to freedom.India’s main
illness is TB, the flu could wipe them out. From hollywood to the
school system and even fauci and the cdc are on China’s payroll. The
CCP knows how to buy up influence. I love Trump and want him back, but
this is not a novel virus, it’s a novel virus to us. The Dems/Deep
State are in bed with the CCP. And Xi Jinping openly expressed that he
hates the US Constitution Because if this is a real pandemic we would
be wearing an n95 and hazmat suits. People aren’t even questioning why
they are getting 2 shots. The CEO’s of msm were taken to China and
wined and dined. That’s why they are training their audience for
communism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko3kXAm4xtc&list=PLUpt0Ez5VMn5-50GB0wQV6tMMOx7UuTU5&index=212
government psyop:
And the CCP loves joe. Warp Speed had no regulations on it. So the
dems/deep state sold us out to the CCP again. Pfizer has many shady
dealings with them. Pfizer signed a deal with China to open a research
and development facility in Wuhan in 2009.. And Johnson and Johnson is
in bed with them as well. It was 45% of the FDA’s backing comes from
China, but the money number keeps rising. .The CCP wants us locked up,
muzzled, tracked and defenseless. Part of 0bama/joe garage sale, the
customer was exclusively China-
Antifa is being paid to impersonate and kill Trump supporters and
impersonate the police. Some footage of the capitol breach-
5minutes 30seconds into the video to see who approved of these murders
It’s the CCP for everyone-
And Justin is happy to oblige
FACT: the masks we wear are virus collectors. They are now causing
dental/oral issues and the synthetic fibers are causing bronchial
issues. NO MASK, NOT EVEN AN N95 STOPS A VIRUS. The hospitals are a
business and a corrupt one as well. China got us to do it to
ourselves. Back up the videos it’s important and print the pdf. I have
to take a TB test for a work physical. TB kills 1.4 million people a
year. Zaire ebolavirus genus has an almost 100% kill rate, only a
handful of people survive. Hospitals are inflating the numbers. They
get 36,000 to 48,000 dollars to fight the virus, plus more..They say
no visitors to stop the spread. Bullsh!t, that translates to no
witnesses and no more malpractice suits. Many states are doing just
fine. If the hospital does the right thing, we have great treatments.
The ventilators can cause pneumonia and you can become dependent on
oxygen. The vaccine has a tracking device in it and enough antibodies
to drop a horse, with the use of fetal cell lines. A vax maker can
make use of the cell lines in research and development AND
manufacturing and production. if you take this vaccine, you become
China’s property. I showed my coworkers the pdf. They didn’t believe
the tracking in the vaccine. That was until our company sent out a
letter stating that they were working with the cdc in the process of
tracking a vaccinated person. A pfizer employee had already talked
about: polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene, on Rumble.
This was CCP approved before it came out:
One’s who took it are at the hospital, more than the one’s who didn’t
take it. American Frontline Doctors PDF:
Bevelyn Beatty, a great woman of GOD, was stabbed in DC-
If you know anything about Bevelyn Beatty, you would have to read
between the lines of a leftist paper. DC doctors immediately said to
her, you probably have the virus, and just stuck a tube in her. The
doctors gave her outrageous treatments for their claims of the virus.
It took her followers to raise hell to stop the madness. And youtube
just silenced her.
https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/290728 The hospital
could have killed her and then told the family that she died from the
virus. Because of her work, she was invited to the frontline doctors
summit meeting and posted the PDF Think about this: if this virus is
so deadly; why aren’t dumptrucks picking up dead homeless people all
day every day? They eat out of dumpsters, co-mingle with each other,
stay in homeless shelters and go into restaurants asking for food.
Their health is worse than many of ours. We have to get out and become
immune to it. Almost all of us will get a mild form, or nothing at
all, but this is to become immune to this.. But if you are worried
about it, you also have to be worried about TB and Ebola and the
regular flu. Look up this ingredient that these board certified
dermatologists are talking about, and carry it with you:
Whistleblowers are coming out. I’ve been getting a disinfectant spray
comparable to Lysol since 2018. That spray has always said, kills
covid. A clinitian told me that’s it’s obscene that they have to write
died by the virus on all the death certificates Imperial College
helped us to get locked up
A retired VA hospital administrator told me they’ve known this all
along. Biden said the unvaccinated are causing the pandemic. I saw
this a mile away. Complacency is off the table, unless you have a
death wish. The CCP is in charge and in bed with many. Stockpile, ACT,
PRAY and buy literature you find important in a hard copy. Try to get
to a state that follows the constitution or run for office or massive
uprising protests and start our own businesses. And our founding
fathers worked through yellow fever and smallpox to give us America If
you have trouble with the links, let me know
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richard falle
5 hours ago
Talk to stew peters. Tell your story to the world please.
Joanne Poulin
5 hours ago
I have an side effects that won’t go away, what reaction did you get, if I may ask.
Felicity J
5 hours ago
So sorry to hear of your injuries, it is about time the world stands up to the tyrants. Also to support the many people who’ve been injured from this mandate. My prayers are with you, God Bless.
Iris C
5 hours ago
I’m so sorry to hear 😞. Praying for you and everyone who’s been injured by the vaccine. Too many lives changed by this, it breaks my heart.
Barbara Simon
4 hours ago
My husband, a respiratory therapist, wasn’t just coerced he was jabbed without consent. Thank God, so far no permanent damage seems to have been done but he’s been sick ever since. Up until now his immune system worked amazingly well yet now he’s coughing and full of snot. Please pray for him. And yes we plan to sue.
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Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
Imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! Youtube is more fiction then facts folks!!
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Educate Yourself
4 hours ago
imagine if social media was around in 1939. Germany misinformation to divide us instead of unifying us to defeat Hitler. The allies would have lost! Misinformation on the vaccines is the same problem with folks. Information on social media is freedom of opinion but you should always talk to your doctor to get the facts, information and make a decision to get vaccinated or not! SOCIAL MEDIA is more fiction then facts folks!!
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kissingers goldfish
3 hours ago
Sure, Jan 😂
Jackie Hogue
3 hours ago
I’m so sorry I hope you recover. My son developed MS after the b ooster , was healthy before.
2 hours ago
@Educate Yourself I beg to differ. Legacy media is more fiction than fact.
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
1 hour ago
@Voltron Doji No. She told me that what motivated her was Bruno Groening’s teachings. She saw a documentary on him and started shifting her consciousness into a much more positive state of mind. I have never dove deep into the teachings but that was her catalyst. Many people have healed apparently following the teachings of this man. Her case is very unique. I am not saying that everybody will get cured like her. Just sharing her story.
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Damion Manuel
1 hour ago
Just wait Donna. Soon you’ll be able to sue the shit out of someone. It won’t improve your health, but at least you can punish your attacker.
Educate Yourself
1 hour ago
@L M Media can get sued for misinformation,, Social Media is a free for all for propoganda and misinformation.
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kristen read
1 hour ago
Very impressive group of people ~ Thank you! <3
Margo Green
1 hour ago
He’s too much of a coward to have a conversation! Stay safe out there you have a lot of support, thank you for standing up for all of us!
Kam I
1 hour ago
HOLD THE LINE!!! We support you!! 🇨🇦❤️🔥🇨🇦🚛🚚
Lori Kaye
1 hour ago
2 hours ago
Thanks to this whole group for standing up for us. We all admire you and respect you for keeping the message of peace and not violence. Trudeau come out of hiding! Do the job people elected you for. Please!
Stephanie Hastings
6 hours ago
These ladies and gentlemen have got it going on! Such a well-spoken and organized group. Prayers for all of you!
john oneill
1 hour ago
Much love from the UK 🇬🇧 we support what you’re doing. Keep up the good fight.
Alt Doom
11 hours ago
Go Canada ! Brave men and women fighting for our freedoms. Say No to coercion, tyranny, fraud, and manipulation.
hk ak
29 seconds ago
We support you from California! You are standing up for all people all over the world and not just Canada!!!!
1 hour ago
Sending love and strength 💪
zdenka vondra
2 hours ago
Stay safe, stay smart, you are true heroes, even when we cannot be there we are watching
Ofra Peters
43 minutes ago
Praying for all these great people , they are the best of
Humanity … stand strong ,
Support and love from
Washington 💜🕊💜
43 minutes ago
Thank you for putting this content out there and helping to give these fine people a voice. Truck Fudeau!! He is a coward!!!
Mystic Warrior
11 hours ago
Way of the peaceful warriors- stand strong-hold the line- support from around the world 💜💜💜
View 8 replies
Foxxy The Salt Minion
Foxxy The Salt Minion
1 hour ago
God Bless every single person involved in this fight for freedom!
Katie Pert
1 hour ago
Heroes. Big respect. Sending love from 🇬🇧 😘
2 hours ago
Stand strong Ladies and Gentlemen!!! You have support on MILLIONS….. the PM works for us!!!! Stand your ground for the people that cannot be there!!!
Jeanelle Rae
1 hour ago
Stay strong. You have so much support!
Margie K
52 minutes ago
You all are amazing! America supports you. Stand strong. We are praying for you.
J Speed
5 hours ago
Wish I could be in Ottawa with my family to support you guys. I’m almost moved to tears the passion these guys have for standing up for the rights of Canadians. Come on Trudeau, the people have spoken, drop the ego and let’s move past these mandates and overreach and move toward the future.
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Anja Greive
Anja Greive
1 hour ago
Keep on going, I follow you as a German in exil in Greece, due to the Covid Regulations in my country.. Way to go! STAY STRONG.. THE WORLD IS WATCHING! GO CANADA GO!
1 hour ago
Thank you guys for your efforts!!
59 minutes ago
Good for you all. Hope they meet with you and see how people really feel
Dark Magician
2 hours ago
You guys are true heros. 👍 i mean that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You guys are truly amazing people. 👏 thank you thank you thank you!
Bobby Craven
1 hour ago
Thank you to our brothers and sisters in Canada. From the USA!
Meher Heacock
7 hours ago (edited)
Imagine that we, the citizens of Canada, are “politely” and respectively asking for a conversation with our own government… how Canadian is that!!!
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Sarah Godsmark
Sarah Godsmark
2 hours ago
You guys are amazing, I’m going to holiday in Canada 🇨🇦 (when we are set free 👏🏼🇨🇦❤️❤️❤️)
william baikie
11 hours ago
As a vaccinated person, if the duress and fascism was as it is now, I would have refused to have gotten vaccinated. This tyranny must stop!
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꧁ ꧂
꧁ ꧂
11 hours ago
Talk to people you know about the issue, spread the word it’s the best thing you can do now!
Sissy Brooks
11 hours ago
Same here.
Different Places
11 hours ago
I respect that honesty William
Primmakin Sofis
10 hours ago
@꧁ ꧂ <— probably thinks 50% of COVID cases end up hospitalized
David Ivey
10 hours ago
I’m double vaxed, but it was my choice to get the vaccine. I’m 100% against the mandates and 100% with the truckers.
No one Ya know
10 hours ago
The willingness to step towards tyranny to impose a vaccine that does nothing to stop the spread of the virus tells you that the vaccine isnt everything they claim it to be.
Boran Theki
10 hours ago
@No one Ya know
Yes, the science is on the side of the truckers. TURDeau is spewing corrupt, technocratic pseudo science.
Magnum Ondeko
10 hours ago
It has been this way for a long long long time. JUST EVERYONE THOUGHT WE WERE CRAZY FOR SAYING IT. Thank you for waking up 🙂 much love.
Elkin Kain
10 hours ago
Yeah, that’s the thing. People will do what they deem best for their well-being. If you just start pushing them harder and harder, they’ll eventually start to shift their weight against you, rather than away from you. If you then continue pushing, they’re gonna start pushing back against you. That’s what politicians don’t seem to understand about most humans.
Read more
10 hours ago
@David Ivey I know you probably meant well and have your own reasons, but do you not think that you are partly responsible for this? This has all happened because people complied when they shouldn’t have, if you had all refused the jab and stood up like these guys this would have been over before it began.
10 hours ago
@enry898 I get what you are feeling..lots of us have been fighting along time . Trying to get people to understand has and still is frustrating to say the least . We have had alot of crap thrown at us .
At this point we have to let that go ,unite and stand together. If we don’t we won’t succeed.
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Football Fan GGMU
10 hours ago
How did you not see it was a scam?
Debra Frogner
10 hours ago
@David Ivey thank you for your support for freedom! As I truly support your right to go have the vaccine! Again it is personal choice! And that’s what they are trying to steal from you with fear tactics..its working on some, here in the U.S. also, BUT the vast majority says “HELL NO!”
Debra Frogner
10 hours ago (edited)
@enry898 that’s not entirely fair to ask that of him…he’s being honest! And that takes balls! Plus, people have a right to take the jab if they feel they want it, BUT people also have the right to say HELL NO I DON’T WANT THAT CRAP IN MY BODY! And that’s what the man is saying…he respects & supports those of us that refuse..he is NOT the problem for getting the vaccine..there are thousands standing with you right now in the cold also that have gotten it…they are NOT anti-vaccine…this is ANTI-MANDATE! We need to keep that very clear…the right to chose!
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william baikie
10 hours ago
@Football Fan GGMU unproductive criticism. Most people learn as a child that saying “I told you so” just causes anger and hostility.
Here is another one I might regret, “Buy crypto-currency”. But despite the extreme hype I haven’t bought any. We will see who was right.
10 hours ago
@smilie3232 true, but it’s hard, my kids are having their futures stolen from them and all it would have took was for people to think for themselves, to have done 5 mins of research. My problem is do you think they would be so forgiving of us? There are people on their side that would be happy for us to be shipped off to camps, it is getting hard to turn the other cheek.
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Salty Infidel
10 hours ago
@enry898 AMEN! 💕💕💕
Right Turn Clyde
1 hour ago
Our ‘liberal elites’ are just tyrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjXe2zdMXfo
Sherri Stallings
1 hour ago (edited)
I am so proud of my fellow world wide humans with common sense and bravery.
Remsky Eswar
17 seconds ago
Prayers for you, all, from the Philippines. May the power of the Holy Spirit surround you all and be with you all, in Jesus’s mighty name.
Diana Toews
1 hour ago
Thank thank you for standing for Truth and Freedom!!!!
PRH Future Tech
1 hour ago
Keep up your good work guys. respect from South Africa.
Alfred Lee
24 minutes ago
You guys are in my prayers❤️🇨🇦👍
Jenny D
4 hours ago
Y’all are bringing tears to my eyes for being so brave and peaceful to speak out against the mandates. So many around the world share this view. Thank you – love from Texas.
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Shari Guy
Shari Guy
1 hour ago
I am praying for all of you. Sing Oh Canada every hour. I heard the Lord say He is standing on guard for Canada in answer to the prayer of that National prayer! God Bless You as you stand on guard!
Melissa Zoll
1 hour ago
From the USA: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! Please stand strong!!!
Berticus Maximus
2 hours ago
Freedom is worth fighting for.
2 hours ago
Stay strong, stay United!…god bless you all!!
Nicole M
2 hours ago (edited)
Thanks for standing up for what is morally right….God Be with us
Nite Goat
9 hours ago
It warmed my heart, and almost brought a tear to my eye, to see that your movement shut down the Ambassador Bridge, yesterday. As a native and current Detroiter, who is also anti-mandate, I support you 100%. Thank you for your sacrifice and your action. You have inspired the world. Always remember, there are more freedom lovers than are those who wish to take our freedom away. If we all stop complying, this will end very quickly.
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Rodney Debolt
1 hour ago
Thank you all for working so hard to save our freedoms Your strength.
viviane van boeckel
24 minutes ago
Thank you from Germany for your bravery being there protesting for freedom for the whole world. Thank you so much.
Patty Esqueda
28 minutes ago
Stand strong ! We are praying for you. FromUSA
Jerri Bales
11 minutes ago
I am proud of these human beings speaking for the truth!!!
Margaret Rendon
2 hours ago
My prayers are with u all this man is speaking TRUTH 🙏 ❤
12 hours ago
My 8 and 5 year old are glued to the live streams every day thanking truckers for fighting for them..we here in Alberta stand with you! God speed and thank you for everything youre doing for us against this tyrant!
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jody moffat
jody moffat
56 minutes ago
If your “orders” are protecting the system instead of the citizenry….Do the right thing and STAND DOWN. Prayers and support from the US!
4 hours ago
Thank you for your commitment and bravery, standing up for freedom!
View 18 replies
8 minutes ago
Thoughts and prayers to all you brave souls … The once great USA needs the same …
Sky Writer
1 hour ago
Wow!! You all are awesome. My prayers are with you.
Bárbara Herda
34 seconds ago
Absolutely ADMIRABLE how ALL these Freedom Convoyers work together – a unified message said various ways, the doctors are there supporting/verifying this is the right thing to do, and actually cleaning streets and making them SAFER than before.
Hold the line truckers and Canada – no one goes home til ALL mandates lifted, including “vax/health passports”.
Read more
6 minutes ago (edited)
I love what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I support you but as an outsider looking in, it is difficult to hear the horns blaring And the trucks are emitting carbon into one area. I wish there was another way to do this. On the other hand I realize that protest is never meant to be a comfortable experience for bystanders and those you’re directing your voice to.
I respect what you’re doing and in no way do I see this as an occupation. I see it as urgent and necessary. I’m against vaccine mandates and passports bc if we don’t have a say in what goes into our body, we do not have bodily autonomy. Stick to this message and this movement will persist 🙏
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robb spencer
2 hours ago
I cannot thank these beautiful people enough. Please, please, hold our ground. I have been out twice and will be there every weekend until this is over. We must end these mandates. My son is vaccine injured. I fear for his life.
Merry Maya
11 hours ago
Inspirational & unifying! The hugs & beautiful people coming together with long overdue hugs & smiles!!
These people are well spoken & send a message of commitment, peace & making Ottawa a better place than they found it!! The live streams have been so filled with love!!
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E Pal
12 minutes ago
You will go down in history as a free people! Love and respect !❤️🇨🇦🇺🇸
The Luminary
2 hours ago
Excellent work! Keep up the good fight!!
net surfer
1 hour ago
I’m so proud of you men & woman standing up for freedom of all human beings. My prayers are with you & your families. 🙏 💜 🕊
Daniela Smale
42 minutes ago
So proud of you all!!!!!
Dr Mugs
49 minutes ago
My 3 yr old and I prayed for all you guys this morning as we sat down to read a book about trucks. Will keep doing so!!! Stand strong.
Cramor Cramor
11 hours ago
Thanks for giving Canadians, and people around the world, HOPE! 🇨🇦🌏
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22 minutes ago
I’m with you, your doing a good thing, the right thing! Hang in there!! 👍😅. From California
Jesse l
1 hour ago
Hold strong!!! Love and support from calgary!
Andrew McGee
1 minute ago
Sending my support from Georgia USA. LET FREEDOM RING!!!
Craig C
27 minutes ago
Watching and cheering from SW AZ USA. You are awesomeness in motion.
dande tande
19 minutes ago
I think this is the most organized and powerfull protest I’ve seen in my lifetime!! Integrity, peace , and love!! The gouverment is digging a bigger hole for himself fighting this guys,why? Because their cause is speaking more than their numbers
jason honeyman
11 hours ago
Well done folks, inspirational stuff, best wishes from Sauchie Scotland 🏴🇨🇦🏴🇨🇦
Betty Forman
1 hour ago
I wish I could be there to support you all but am not able too due to caring for my 95 year old Mom. I do pray for you all and will continue. Much love from Nova Scotia, Canada. Stay strong. and keep up the fight.
Gloria Stacy
10 hours ago
Sending love and prayers to all. Stay safe our friends.
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Steph Kochany
Steph Kochany
3 seconds ago
We are grateful for all you are doing to fight for all of us!!! Stay strong! We are behind you. We believe in you. We support you! Sending love and strength!
James Fehr
43 minutes ago
Peace be with you all. 🙏🏼
Michelle Jacobs
2 hours ago
Thank you for what you all are doing for we the people support you here in California and looking forward to the bikers around the world to rally with you and here in America. Call to arms people 👣🐝🎁
Jacqueline Baxter
1 hour ago
This man primarily speaking He is awesome! Yes please let the public know the truth God bless Canada 🇨🇦 🙏 much love
Dottie Kipp
1 hour ago
Thank you for what you’re doing for everybody all over the world, would love to share on Facebook but, But Facebook says I can’t share no more LOL🙃
Jarrod G
6 hours ago
This is soooo sad it has come to this…but amazing to finally see some backbone! FREEDOM CANADA 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
KARI Robertson
1 hour ago
Thank you for your strength Thank you for standing for true Canadians 👍🏼🦋🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🙏🏻
27 minutes ago
Thanks again Marcel for getting this out !!! HOLD FAST Canada !!!!!
Suzi Morton
1 hour ago
Stay strong friends. There is a world of support out here for you, watching and cheering you on. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Nicolas de Ruiter
32 seconds ago
Most excellent work! If only the politicians in Ottawa had as much integrity as the truckers in Ottawa.
It would be so good for dozens or hundreds more doctors and scientists joining the assembly – so that more people can see how much sense and science is supporting this movement.
This press conference — and you all are an inspiration
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Lex Libertine
1 hour ago
I love every one of you. Thank you for what you have done. (I am Canadian.)
ferra testarossa
10 hours ago
Proud as hell of you guys keeping it peaceful, it has to be hard under the circumstances
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the evy evy show
the evy evy show
2 hours ago
We are so grateful you are standing up for FREEDOM ❤ 💙 💜
Alex Furer
1 hour ago
The side you guys are on was the common “right side of history” not that long ago. And I believe it still is. It’s the minority in power and the media which are on the wrong side! Keep it up as long as possible! If this is not going to be resolved peacefully, it will be on them! Standing with you virtually from across the pond in Switzerland! Peace!
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Sterl Girl
33 minutes ago (edited)
YOU ALL ARE HEROES!!! The rare few to actually stand up to one of the many totalitarian governments around the world. We admire you all deeply from the U.S. in doing what our citizens don’t have the sense or the courage to do here. Blessings to you all! ✨
David Killian
1 hour ago
Go Canada!!!! Hopefully the USA wakes the hell up after seeing these brave souls stand up for freedom
Rob Hermanrude
54 minutes ago
Thanks to you all for your dedication and courage..
All lives matter
6 hours ago
“When the history books of the future are written, you my friends will be the righteous”
Steve Gardner, 08/02/2022
Good luck truckers freedom convoy, we are with you in spirit.✌️🇨🇦🏴🇬🇧❤️
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Margaret Stephens
Margaret Stephens
20 minutes ago
Here for you in Florida. Thank you truckers.
2 hours ago
As a recently retired Canadian who feels that I am being forced into the jab to be able to live my life or live in isolation or end it all together. I am 100% behind this movement. Let’s pull our heads out of the sand and get on with living in freedom rather than FEAR!
View 2 replies
See Also
Freedom Convoy – Address to Canadians by Tom Marazzo Feb 10, 2022 – Transcript
UnHerd – Malcolm Turnbull – Don’t Count Trump Out – Jun 12, 2020 — Transcript
UnHerd – Scott Atlas – I’m Disgusted and Dismayed – Oct 20, 2020 — Transcript
PDF Notes
* Total words in post = 61,257
* Total words in transcript = 4,905
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Version History
Version 4:
Version 3: Feb 13, 2022 — Added See Also link to Feb 10 press conference.
Version 2: Feb 11, 2022 — Added Tom’s full name.
Version 1: Feb 9, 2022 — Published post. Transcript done. Include YouTube comments (some).